f STAR. Friday,-December 1871. W" 0E3T. 31 !E& .A. IE& X), , v jEdito Md oprletr. ' THE CIRCULATION . OF T2Z2? JfOJZiV- INQSTAR Z8 LARGER THAN THAT 0 ANT OTHER DALLT NEWSTAPER PUB LISHED IN NORTH CAROLINA. " TJ3E LABOR MOVEMENT. Mr. Hoar's bill to appoint a commission tn invnatirraf o nnil ivnnrf nnrtn tfin tafn& f 1a w in Vhfa Wmntt infrnrinnoi nfrt Congress on the eye; of adjournment for . .:. . ne nouaays, ana waicn.we nope .win- uu i - JfWftwyiwW WQea; that body t re coijyenes TOWCm demanded Dy in? . importance ; in t the f80cial Jdf politicaT ; V.ArirtYYVir iViViifi."- ' - i; 'miooinn comnosed of practical men of en quirfngsminds who. are acquainted with !:tKJl.M& ihWyorkinmnen' and with tne 5 Drelnt relation existing between the . present relations . fftmg between. u - piit-ancriaDar,' ; wm ascertain wuac itl is that capital witholds' from labor thayabpr should ave ? make it satis-1 found last week by fiplLUtthfi s4lififi hnt to inMnoNamily.5in: Boston,, theiiaturalxightSiOf capital. Qrgan-rK 5UCUU1BWWU, suw commission poulf not fail iodd faithful wa.haTe, little iaith ihi Congress and . the President giving moral aid and encourage- j ment to further it in its wise and beneficent ends! - A corrupt Administration and a l wu, "-"r"1""" ; with monopolist rings and , combinations, afford, the least possible hope 'oiainelio- ? 1 t6 their own corrupt1 interests. Still we may be mistaken, and the Commission once appointed may make such revelations 1 'that tBr''cen-to-bV Will - be forced to take a yPWm9 J 4 . -j be reniemt membered that there was once -a I CommissiotprQrmhelarx)rprop tit- tt. k:h !,. 1,- j 1U 0 .uir missed at the clamor of some marnifMv-l turers whom his reports had offended. f It is to pOiliopea that tmdoe s influences of the same kind will not ,be exerted, or if exerted will be ineffectual to abolish this uommi$sion;i itsnouia ever oe 'appwit, ed. Such a Commission should be un- trammplprl anA in nn ilnntrprf a snrlrlpn I f - I . . 0. - termination being put to its life by caprice or by corrupt influences being brought to What are.the purposes of the creation of such a commission ? Labor reform as I ioor reiorm 113 a term has been worn so ,-and f? tLISVW1 " a3 "VrendeirPfiillips in this country and Alwr anil Tennis Blann in Rnmnmntir th awiof a an1 mart avI simara that I """.7, ""7 4777Burv"w thinking sober men are 1 apt to examine every new luea auu uovei urovemeui pro-' I fessing to emanate from the people, to see if it is genuine coin from the mint. All are not Israel that are of Israel neither is every glittering thing, gold, f The 'twork- inmln, like the women agitators, have chosen indiscreet men nay more, lunatics, dolts and "dead beats" to champion their , intarests.. No wonder these interests from year to year have been mismanaged. Wild 'sentimentalists . have ridden into notoriety on the so-called platform, of the aWrformlrs,fcwhileiie thing itself "for which Jhey .have so vociferously clamored has been covered up in a cloud j pt :pburephTase$ Jd . BQtmdl 4nd fiiury si gnif ying nothing. It ought to be " the work of those who hereafter claim; to-re- - ' present the interests of 'the laboring classes to set forth some definite' plan " of action, to specify, what it isjthat this working men ought to nave and the shortest way to obf tain that - particular thing. There lias been enough' demagogical gabble about " rights," emancipation," ; etc Let us uave a xair open statement ana no more clap trap. The, intelligent! working men '-aemandhkiUli V ; ; Palmetto Leaves. iMSiimiiloku Qui gfFes; LA Spartanburg1 has ' a new Ke- publican paper called.the NeaBrd. . . For the ; -week ending Dec 23rd there were 20 deaths in Charleston. . k n irnpenetrableifog liagtpre vailed, ii .Charleston harbor -iors;3yerai dayfrpastjr causing the detention of vessels. . . In Charleston, on '.Tuesday."' a little colored girl was accidentally shot by her brother. Hef ' recovery "Js doubt ful . ' . . A , 1 5 . Sign shifting was thefuqln tboiumoia on Christmas mghtr- A promi- - - m- mr1 1 .' mm . j aw umt juiuiner.jouna"" cid and liquors"; 4 l -)jMDVL,Time:) that Jbe 'political -prisoners j ut ii,crv iJiacw-uL jjuginess. - r.-s oiuw iu uur jau are suojectea to the most riSnin-ical discipline, ; ;r . tS Jalllarion Bays :v On lastr4dij jhtJIr Henry Harper "was ; eeverely stabbed in four or Uve places. . He received1 his "wounds,;, in a general brawl we believe. TheJifficultvs took Kirby Township; about sixteen miles from The historipal four-and twenty' black birds wjach-were baked "In ,a pie have liQJntoOli'e 6hadebyine hundred chickena;,,which furnished the interior of a gipastry baked last week in , John' Chtirch. Ylt took ionr- strong - men fv cWhit 1x19 uivujMx juui iue nail. ' iv' ... '' i c. i.- -.4. .... -vT.,. -. STAB BEAMS. ' 'nr t tt.l-nflo .naay jxw,u years oia. , A Canton, 111., tobaccQnist has fallen into a German baronetcy. .t New tYork has live co-operative shoe factories, all flourishing. The. son will bo consumed in 4.4,380 years, a scientific rumor says, A' yonnff man ' ate 14 oyster stews at a donation party, at Red Bank,, ' - - , -.. ' A small space in an Indiana space m an inaiana J? dul devoted to ."Wisdom and I lrnth. , r - c -Porf?nfftn ,lms hpn elected a school committeman in Chelsea, j ' R m,ln Massachusetts. - with attentions from her aristocratic -friends in Baltimore.' . ! , fihiVAM ninrnhnntfl rfifnae to . I purchase fire-proof safes untiU they see h '" rr .M,rei Sto?k daughter .ot .-the mem weu roasiea in a Donnre. T.0IUliJ!y-Gen?rf.1 rkf m J ninety.third -year;' lryes near Clay sville, 1 Guernsey county, unio. ; J ; A. very nice gold ring -was iv a cook in a private t -vtwlt"" r ! j L::r2-jlliJUj-; ifci riUTAH- including three of HoQka w.onhi f 18,000, Miss Nllsson's Mad lover. 5 Mile. Christina Nilssonfs crazy clover, Charles Buscb, who was sent to 13 lack- well's Island, for presenting the fair prima donna with his unwelcome attentions, was rPlfiMpd from r.nsthdv on Thnrsdav. Mile. j Nilsson prosecuted him personally, nh ttiA I first offence, in the Essex Market Police Court. -llis aeience was that he jwas madlv in love with her. and could not - re sist making the attempt;, to teliher so. Yesterday Busch '"made an effort to renew his attentions. Slipping in the Claren don Hotel unnoticed, the poor musician on t& third-floor- BeforUlie mnn nia twhv m sn iih. innssnn s 'room could feain admission several waiters laid violent bands on.Buschv and liustled him down stairs and mta the street. Busch waIItpH i hlnclr nrhrn anrl fhpn return 1 p a -r w-. to , room 21; where Mile. Nilsson was 4"i 'TS'.V to remove him. but he made a violent re 1. sistance and tore their iackets into tatteH. A reinforcement .presently.: arrived, and uscu was .gmuu uu ' 7 7-, ,r CrTT4" " "w v mm T.fi inn rjvT nunffit t;nnn. . i t 11.-1 . -i? -i- as I jLFuxiiigiuoieinpyrarjauseuueui uusuce Scott, ai reporter found Busch sitting in a side room. . He had an fotdpera pro- grainnie iu uis uauus, upon -wuica whs printed a .likeness pf Miss Kilssori. He was most intensely : studying" the pro- gramme. In answer to questions " of the gramme. n 23SS reporter, eon and that she loved him. " I saw her for the first time, he said,- in, t demy of Music, and fell ' deeply : the Aca- in lova with her then and there, and shall con . - - - - J ! O J Basch- has been sentenced to a lunatic asylum, medical testimony of his insanity uaviug uwu buuuuwu. ttt a. 1 au. a e are ft "..T 7' which must be held forever sacred by fivp.rv trtift man. will ne annronriAteiv "io- T rUi - says : ' ' ! On the 19th of Januarys the anniversary of the birthday, of General,. R,. E. , Lee, GeneralJnbal A. Early, we hre plased to learn, will deliver a Memorial - Address at Washington and Lee Uniyersity. No selection could have been more agreeable to pur people on.this occasion than that of General 'Early, and no man, in all the faithful host that followed Lee, could do better justice . to the subject ; General axiy was among uxsixnsuiBueu ' 1 . 11 A. JI.lt 1 J ?S-P in at, q iu w- of the Southern people.;; e bespeak for true men from far and near. oaJl sellyin his letter of acceptance: UI hope to meet as many of the boys at Lexington as can conviently get there, for I want to say a few words to them especially.":; Let us pass it round ; our people will be glad to see aslnany of the boys-as .can come.! Tne Tear's Dead. .i 1 , m .. 1 I Vi . v 6mu. u the ranks of -science, art," literature, and public life, who have passed away during the year that is how. bard,: on to its last days there are not a few; whose names recur; at this time.. Science has lost the inestimable serrices of Herschell, Hurchi son, Holbrook, Becquerel, ? Babbagc, and De Morgan ; the names of the Cary sisters, Vt?' t" imasa xo vwFaiAA. a0 u vA aa ua pvpuittr autnors wnom ine year nas xaaien; von xxcas auu xuigny uavu yippcueu irum ainpng the wUsts ; Fnm, Omer . Pasha ana ocnamyi are gone irom tne ranKa oi the treat leaaera ; i Scnbner. Bennev and 1 AkUMcik vusuiucts ug ucjjan,cLA ..aawua i caT and England r.Covode, EwiffS',' Val Iandigham, Slidell and Mason are among the distinguished Americans who have died ; and musical and dramatic "art mourns the loss of Auber, Mercadahte, Thalberg,.Sandersonyr Anschutz add Bel- sane. Onr Army in f lorlda. ' . Private letters inform ns that Jackson county, ; Florida, is' under, - martial c law. Cbl. Coker, 61 Mariahnaand Dr. Tennlle, of Greenwood, have been" arrested and es caped to Jacksonville, charged with viola tion of the enforcement, act. Numbers of negroes are appearing daily before the military authorities, swearing against prominent,, citizens. Federal troops are quartered in Marianna.(7te&w (Ga.) Bun. n ndiana Divorce 1& arltet. An Indiananolis nancr thti.4 ftntn.4 nn f hp divorce market: . "The brisk competition among the lawyers has brought down the price ui uivorces very low in this market. tWe quote common separation, $15; small alimony, $ 25; large alimony, $50 to $100. There are but few of the latter in the market. s general . business- good and in creasing.", i.i- ' -- . .. i. L Ahnnt 3 P. M.. vesterdav a Geo. Parker J"",, "NT t Haw that the front door If ad been broken open, appa rently bv burglars. He immediately in- frmpfl tho nolioA and detectives were sent to investigatethe case. ? On entering the establishment a bundle of plunder was found, and the dead body ot aDurgiar oe fiide it upon the floor. Several robberies .had been perpetrated at thia foundry pre- viously, and the proprietor hadfarrangea the tnererer nassinff aions. one &iu? w buiidin v,The burglar in hniMnvmit.hnr(.i.r in searchins for pander hidreyidently come in contact with the strinj?. and received the Contents with the string, and received of the in left i0in. His .name is UWillimV TTpnlpv ftfcnoloriOUS thief. WOO had served terms in' the State 1.. J prison uuu I iL i v TTn liirul rrrltVlin O fpW Sowing: the NMda of Discord Down Soutb... ( black lecturer lias been addressing the colored people in Mobile, and accord- inff ,0 the 2Vi5ne of that city; stirring up their bad passions agathstthe whites. - It is alle ed &at thia jf ure an emissary. from the Radicals in the North " who. by inciting disturbances between the. whites I and negroes, hope to make politcal capital to redound i to -the': injury of .the colored race, and nrova dama?incr tc-the Eeuubli- ,. r. . 0 r can party. ; -There should ba some means of stoppiosr this ; practiceof . stirrinff up DiacKs jusc aoouc election --times. iia fruits are beinff 'seen in the recent Ku Klux raids in Arkansas and Texas, and have already attracted the attention of the local as well as 'national authorities. JV. T., Heralds" The Governor-Electof Georgia. j ... Hon James M. Smith, elected Gover nor of Georcria on Tuesday last without opposition to fill out the unexpired, term of K. B. Bullock, fugitive from justice, is a native of the State, of about middle age, a lawyer ' by . profession, and a lifetime Democrat. At the outbreak of the war t . . .- ho onnoaed secession, but UDOrt t clash of arms tu went with his State. .tlTli iVL J infantry until disabled atfhe head of his A . i k u . .w ""Y Coniederate Congress,. Jioiaing 111s . seat .u ' ihnnrJ.n nf si- ftnd has not appeared in politics un- til now. . At the time of his election he j-lin jvas-BpeaKer or tne iiousc ox lieprcsenta- S been returned to the Iieci3-1 latere at theelection of last winter, when Georgia was declared finally recon v - 8trUCteu. .. A Iiouls vllle Bape of the Lock. An affecting story xomes from Iuisyille a- ai. avii Ice ,1 a: ri LI) LIIR IUI1DW1Q7 ElicCL. : 1 WD . UcaULlIUl young ladies, of aristocratic appearance, were sUnding oa the corner of Broadway ina Fonrtli itroet bont 8 o'clock Friday a shopping expedition; the other waiting to see her; ott Tne car came, up and stopped for. the passenger, who'turned to her friend to give the usual goodbye kiss, when by some means her arms became entangled in the curls of her friend, and Justus she was tearing herself awlay down came V huge blonde wig, falling with its Auasa ui niii auu cuiuiug uuiici uiu diLUjJS at their feet, and revealing a head of short. dark hair, rolled Up in a little knot be- hind ttdf arrangedPto accommodate the i . & aeceptrve wig Another invention of 'a flying machine was exhibited by a Philadelphia mechanic at a late meeting of the Franklin Institute in that city. The main features of the air-ship are a cigar shaped float, made of oil silk, which is intended to be inflated TOilh hvnrnorpn crns Mcrhtfuna frmr nn tanh .... j & 1 --t,--- W . side, worked by an. ingenious machinery, which propel the craft through the air; an j '.V.vw' I gers, and -a steering apparatus whereby vu vM vt vAjcit"w4i u Maocu-1 tQ0 machine can be ffuided. in anv direc the machine can be cuided in anv direc- tion. .Thejfldathen inflated, will last for twenty-four , hours', and no ballast or rndder 03; "Th ,nortel Philadelphia journal, "works well, and it geema to hfi th moat fiftsihl nlan thn far advanced for navigating the air." Shooinar Away a Tinker. 1 The Indianapolis News says : A lady in aipnn not a iqousana mu?siaway was considerably annoyed by hens, who pecked the loose plastering from the wall. So M.VTiM.i&, nutiu If aailklAiL UIOUE9. DUD mougnt sue heard her lowls pickmgaway as usual, and, dish cloth f in hand,: she hastened to open the door, and mvinsr her rag a warii&e uonnsn sne utcerea a tre mendous "Shoo !" Imagine her dismay at beholding, not the .hens,: but stranger, who, alter wiping I irom nis iace tne drops ot dishwater with wiiiuu ub uau vena . Bprmitiea, ' saia in a perfectly . calm voice, f WelL mum, : if you're got auy morespare rags. I should like to sell yon some tinware tor 'em." A good story is told of a man who Weni for the first time! to a bowling alley,! and u.-i L'ij:?Vi.- rJi1 nucent peril ot the the boy, "who.1, so far from having anything to do in V setting up ' the pins,was 'actively at work in an en deavor to avoid the ball of the "player, .without touching them. At lemrth the iellow, seems; the predicament the bov wasiu, yelled out, as he let drive another ball, Stand in amongst the pins, boy, if you aon t want to get hurt." DBYSALTBACON 7"' 1 " "y Sides and Shoulders. . 'J -Ti - ",'- ' . ' BOXES JnTSTORE,' - . tivr, ''r'M;'"."'-'. '"-- QQ BBLS. C. M. PORK,. . , For sale low by dec 28-tf DjbROSSET CO. 25 BBLS. APPLES JUST ARRIVED AND FOR SALE at REASONABLE FIGURES." Sweet Havana Oranges, Malagra Grapes and r Wrigut'a Ne Plus :;Ultr V-J MINCED MEAT-The Best In Market I deosstf JAS. C. STEVENSON. . ..... SPECIAL NOTICES. THE GREAT PICTOBIAI. ANNUAL, : -q- Hostetter's United States Almanac lot 1872, for distribution, gratis, throughout the United States, and all civilized countries of the West cm Hemisphere, is noV published and ready for delivery, in the English, German, French, Norwegian, Welsh, Swedish, Holland, Bohe mian and. Spanish languages, and all who ish to understand the true philosophy of health should road and ponder the valuable sugges tions it contains. ' In addition to an admirable medlcal cure of treatise on the causes; prevention and a great 'variety of diseases, ; it em braces a large amount 1 of Information inter esting to the mercnant, tne meonanip, iao miner, the farmer, the planter, andVprofes sional man j and the calculations have been made for such meridians, and lattltudes as are most suitable tor a correct and comprehensive Natioal Calbwdab. , The nature, uses,' and ' extraordinary sani tary: effects of Hostetter's 'Stomach Bitters the staple tonic and alterative of more than half the Christian world, are fully set forth in its pages, which are also interspersed with pictorial illustrations, valuable recipes for tn household ; and farm, humorous anecdotes, and other instructive and amusing reading matter, original and . selected; Among the Annuals to appear with the opening of the year, this will be one of the most useful, and may be had for the asking. The proprietors, Messrs. Hostetter & 8mitn, Pittsburg, Pa., on receiot of a two cent stamp. wiu forward a copy Dy mail to any person w. o cannot pro- cure one in nis neigaoorm The. Bitters J are sold in every city, town and village, and T7"OSKOO. This celebrated Medicine has I -t: attained a hlghreputation.'Tas a reliable rnmAdv for VnrltVinBT trie ii'ooa: itBStOTine eLinrftnd Kianeys to "a healthy action, I andTonlDg up' tne Nervous System. Its 1.1 ver Complaint, Kidney Disease, Eruptions of the Skin. Nervous? Prostration, Ac, has caused it to become a standard remedy, It is now prescrmea ny pnysicians, ana recom mended by our best citizens. r . , aec7-JU&waj!iy ent ; t , SPEClAli, , , Quarantine Notice. ILOTS and Masters of Vessels are notified that if any case of disease is carried past the Quarantine "Station, it will subject, the vessel to the delay and expense of being carried i - wi'l satisfy themselves before passingr Quar- UnUne. ; w. uj cuRtis, ; r Quarantine Physician. aec27-im ' Journal and Post copy j i BATCUELOU'8 II AID DTE. ' ' ; , This superb flaiBye is the best in the World Perfectly Harmless,' Reliable and 'Instant taneous. Nocfisappointment. No Rediculous Tints, or unpleasant Odor. The genuine W A. Batchelor's Hair Dye produces JMMKDT 1 ATELY a splendia Black or Natural Brown. Does not Stain the Skin, but leaves the Hair I Clean, Soft and Beautiful. -The only Safe and Pe-fect Dye- sold by au Druggists. Factory I 18 lsonn flfreet. maw y nrtr. , - " I , .. f eb 7-eodly-ent Tu Th Sat MISCELLANEOUS. Notice. FIRST CO-OPERATIVE .STOKE, of J WILMINGTON. Nov. 25th. 1371. feuBSCUIBEUS TO CAPITAL STOCK ABE notified that unless amount subscribed is pald m 20 da daie hereof, their interest will be disposed of as provided for In Chatter. By order Board of Directors. , ' JAMES DARBY, nov 2C-2taw30d Sun Wen . President. NEW. STOCK OP C 0 C O A IT UTS , . 1UU B.uPPv 0 vporto , UrangeiS, Confectioneries, Fruits, Crackers. vi aa ajuub; rtfdpr AtiIaq KTntfl'nMnM.. vannea ixooas, kc. oi all kindsr -T- rKZ ,7 m"" 7 .ir f Lemons. Candies, Codfish. 'Maci: ' TT-.-:- oll. ri Wii ' - i cicj, xxcAiiug, uitiuiuu, viieese, Butter, Flonr, :Toys, t Fire 1 "Works and everything else ! in onr line. ;, ' ; ' ' dec28-tf &EIDEBBOS. Nice Fresti BuckwHeat A. AND GOLDEN SYRTJP, FRESH BUTTER, CANNED TOMATOES, . , PEACHES AND CORN FRESH SALMON,1 LOBSTERS, SARDINES, and as good Flour as can be found iirthe city. And if you want GOOD BUTTER try . f FRENCH'S, -dec 8-tf v - Corner Market and Second Sts; ; J. W. 8CHENCK, JTr. & CO.,.. ; ueneral Conlmlsslon Merchanta ni Commercial Agents. '' ' CORNER DOCK AND ' WATER STREETS. : I Wilmington, N. C, Will give prompt and personal attention to - ympmeniioi. naval BxoiiJfis, juniper STAVES and all ; kinds of COUNTRY rrodttce. ar. Oiders for sale of produce or purchase of Goods wlllbepromptlyattendedto,andtothe best advantage to our customers.', dec 24-tf Wi4owsJ & Onto' Benefitlife Ins; Co. BEHOLD 1 SEE WHAT THE "RESERVE PLAN" HATH DONE ! s "Reserve Policy ! Oh ! what music: J' In this pregnant age is sweeping.. . Thro' the chambers Of thelieart How the Orphan fed and tausrht - What firm, fearless todepence " . -t T"o uncounted old men bpugnt -Inthis connection, we would say to married gentlemen that a more valuable Chmas present could pot be given tneir witVr anrt children than a Reserve Policyl toyooSmen on the eve of marriage. no&iWwS?bS smgieBles8edness.'we most inhfttToii 1 ?.tovestV.Repno i "V 0"O l VUDHnna: thMv lira rF inlYag f andVprTcariosupr? .... if m. Aaii oupernsor. . MISCELLANEOUS. Call and Buy a -Pair of ' .THOSE CELEBBATED 'VICTOIlV KID GLOVES frOn -0III118TMA S! Only One Dollar a Fair ! EVERY PAIB WARRANTED A; D. BROWN, Exchange Corner, dec20-tf "Sole Agent. Goal and Gash ! A.CH COMMANDS THE OTHER, and we - " ' - . , will In future sell COAL FOR CASH ONLY. '. ;&?:'4 y Our patrons w.111 please : bear this in mind. The prices are , j . v . . . 4 . . For One Ton, 9 00 Delivered. For 1-2 Ton 450 dec 171 Ot WORTH Jk WORTH. Provisions ! j r f f f BBLS. CITY MESS , PORK. Full OUU weight. . X00 Boxes Dry ted sides Uhds. Bacon Sides and Shoulders, , For sale low by t dec 2-tf -. WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. t . . . t ' - ... ... H ave You Examined ... Tr -: THE-,- ' ' . ' ' EMBROIDERIES "AND .TRIM " MINGS AT , ' J . & H . SAMSON ' S I i. DIALBK8 IN- STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS r ...... i . , , of all descriptions, . Hosiery, Dress Goods, Blankets, - i - t cloaks, Shawls Rib'bons, Collars and a complete assortment of everything kept In our line. . , Citizens and strangers desiring the lat est styles at the lowest prices will do well to examine our stock. " ? J. & II. SAMSON, No. 43 Market street. decl7tf nr rip im nipHipoB ia WAiPTn wjujum auiw uuuuuuiMv aw ii uium i HATTANS' CRYSTAL DISCOVERY ; FOR THE HAIR. Arthur Natiam, Inventor and Proprietor ': Washington, D. C. A PEBPECTLY CLEAR PREPARATION ii. in one bottle, as easily applied as water, for restoring Gray Hair to its natural color and youthi ul appearance, to eradicate and prevent dandruff, to promote the growth of tne xtair ana stop its railing out. it is kh tlbilt HixxLiss and perfectly free from any poisonous substance, and will therefore take the place of all the dirty and unpleasant prep arations now In use. Numerous testimonials nave been sent us from -many of our most prominent citizens.: In everything In which the articles now in use are obj ectionable, Crys tal Discovery Is perfect. It ia warranted to contain neither Sugar of Lead, Sulphur or Ni trate of Silver, it does not soil the clothes or scalp, is agreeably perfumed and makes one of the best dressings for the Hair m use. it restores the color of the Hair "more perfect 1 &na uuuormiy inan any otner preparation," and always does so in from three to ten Ws. I virtually reeding the roots of the Hair with I l nourishing quaUtles necessary to its 1 Krowiaaaiuxieaiuiyconaiiion; ltrestorestne rowth and healt ecayed and induces a new errowth of the Hair more positively than anything else. Tna application oi mis wonaenui discovery also produces a pieasant ana cooling enect on the scalp and gives the Hair a pleasing appear ance. ' nr.jk.il .m.a.i a. .1. . i. ... j., a. - Umited number of small trial bottles canbe had by those wishing to try it. You will no- tice that in pursuing this course our aim is to convmoe Dy tne actual merits of the article. jf or saie in Wilmington by MoLLHENNY & WRIGHT, Wholesale and Retail at Proprie tors rates.' novS-tf Christmas FreBeilts ..... . - r v. XjLRE sometimes quite difficult to select and many dollars are very foolishly Invested in nonsense, but a nice and acceptable present to an industrious housewife would be a SEW ING MACHINE aU complete, ready foT doing up sewing in the best stjle which can be ob tained at 9 South Front street, or corner Third and Chesnut streets,'4 0 ; y . G.'-aI "NEWELL, 'Agent. dec 21-tf No. 9 South Front street.' IM B V3T ClT.OTfi I ' I J ATT7 14nnf1aT -" w w v w w WB W fl . GEEEin7ilID Cs- CO. a xi unit tvaier ntrAAf,. iiATf door to Willard Bros., WHOLES A'L E DE A L E R S IN LIQUORS, WINES, BRANDIES, , ; AND -ALL KINDS OF : v 1 ' .FANCY LIQUORS WMch we Will offer to the trade on the most REASONABLE TERMS, as we are receiving large consignments of the Vl BEST GOODS IN THE COUNTRY. i. Please call before making your purchases. ' -dec 2Ltf - . THIS MORNING STAR BOOK BIND. OERY- is complete in all its appointments, anAJ? in charge of one of the most skillful workmen ih the State. Ail kinds of Binding - may23-2Dtf - ' v J ttUU. u jcpeaitiousiy. ! OKMAERIAGE. APPY RELIEF forYOUNG MEN from the . cxieoLs oi jcirrors ana Abuses in earlv life. nOOa. restored. Nprvnna rfahtllti nrtTa.A 1 T i . ' -jr uiuouiujuui . w ; Ai-amaze . removed. New ir " -A treanent. iNew ana remarkable e, in , ' - HOWARD ASSOCIATION, - j, ' A7 ' : No. 2 South Ninth street," dec 24-Sm ent , Philadelphia, Pa, Cash NoticeHTT Notwithstanding Notice ko , , : COAL AND WOOD would be sold 'for CASH oniv v - j t: - , . have many orders sent in without th6 aoney From this date we will posits. . ' i ... 4tiIlQl order for COAL OR WOOD untilpaid for .decl7-tf- o. a ta no DAVID PIGOTT TOBACCONIST, , 1 ' : WILM1N0T0K, Dbcembbe 2-tf t r THE CLIPF0ED HOUSE, AND ONLY ISAMPLE ROOM Ilf THE CITY. ' XTTHERE SUPERIOR SEGAES ANn r. W TLED LIQUORS canalwavaha ?J0?' connecUon with that SuXrioTKSa Sfd' ; : MICHIGAN CHEWIHG TOBACCO . AlSO, . ( ' Furnished Rooms, by Day, Week or Month, "oct ie-tf J. a. curroRD, pr0p'r HinorTiQTin Snlinnl " MEBA2STEVILLE, N. C. A CLSSIndS 43- Spring Session opens February 9th. " Col. WM. BINGHAM, dec 27-lm 7 SnperiatenJent W. C. DURHAM. ' H. J. MoDUFIE. The Carolina Banner, EVERY SATURDAY, AT SHELBY, N. C. .. . StrBSCBiraoK Ratks: One Year,.. , 03 Six Months 1 no . . Durham ft Mcduffie, dec lG-tf : Eds. and Proprietors. H . BURKHIMER .. Wholbsalb and wt? ' Rbtail Deaikb Ih Tobacco, Snuff AND SIsrn of f be Indian Chief, decS-tf " No. 6 Market St. . D. J. Gilbert, (Late of the Clarendon Bar and Oyster Saloon ) HAS removed to No. 4 South Water street next door below Edwards & Hall's, where he will continue the same business, and hopes, by prompt 'personal attention1, to receive the patronage heretofore extended to mm. . ne aiso nas two gooa isuuaru xamca for sale or rent, which can be purchased very tow for easn. wit ith all their fixtures. nov 10-Sm Butter, and Cheese. TRIME FACTORY CHEESE, ' NEW YORK STATE BUTTER and - 3 CHOICE WESTERN BUTTER, ; ' , : . . ... - ; For sale by . ' octis-tf : ; v ADRIAN ft VOLLEES. Bice ! Bice! lifill-IJlliJ i.nL- krrsh beat RICE, j.VVWW A,B3. JTltliSll ucaj. ' FROM HILTON - RIClJ . MILLS, ' For sale by ' ' ' ; , dec9-tf .. .,. WILLARD BROS. POIaLAK & SON. Manufacturers, Importers and . . i V t -7 DEALERS IN ' Piles, ! SEOier's" Articles' aifl ' Cips. !VIIOIJSSAl7, 48 Maiden Jane, ....... a - RETAIL ONLY " Genulno Meerschaum Goods at , , 27 JOHN STREET, N. Y. 5 Jl Address, for Retail Circulars, Ac, Let" ter BOX 5846. . ' " ' juno22-tf r Salt !; Salt ! : Salt ! 1 1 A A A SACKS AMERICAN and LIVERPOOL SALT, For sale by dec 7-tf WILLARD BK0S. Oermania Saloon. T7IIRST-CLASS BAR ROOM, AND FIRST- uutUJO uaVIAAlW An " Streets.. , :, :' : A lull supply, of the Choicest Winea, Li quors, Cigars and Groceries kept constantly on hand, and satisfaction guaranteed. - dec 10dm . H. BREMER, Proprietor. . i ii.. i ft i i i " ' . 1 Ilolacses and Svriip. 60 HHDS. ' IIliDCOvadb Ilolasses t- f -AND :fl. H.-0YEuT;l CO. For sale very low bg June 21-tf WILLARD BROS.