MOBNESTG" STAR. Jriday, December 29,. 1871: mrrP nrnniTLA TION OF THE MOUNT 1ST a uTARlS LARGER THAN THAT OF A.NY NORTH CAROLINA, ,y :,f , r , V tfacon Full of People Run Into by a Locomotive loans Woman 5 IlllleuJ and Several rersons injured TUeBteamer oaamrwiKv on ner waj hither lrom Aiaysvme, liy., being com pelled to seek a harbor at Moscow, owing to the heavy ice, yesterday transferred her Cincinnati passengers to wagons at that point for conveyance to the gity. One of the wagons, containing nine persons, most 0t whom were women, was- driven by' a man who had been drinking deeply, and who was in no way iit to be entrusted with such a cargoi l The i party reached the crossing of the Little Miami Railroad, near Litberbury's shipyard, in the twenfy fourth Ward, just as ?the 8 o'clock train nnneared in sight, whenthe drunken fool. heedless oi uiu jcuiuujuouca w uis lem fipri nassensers. attempted to drive across. The front wheels of the wagon had jbarely touched the tracs when tne engine struck it knocked it all to pieces, and scattered ' a- i 1 it.. . :i 'C . r r its occupants au aioog me iracK. cine or the women, a young lady named Bradley. the daugnter or a minister living ai Mays ville, was nung Decween iwo oi tne cars and dragged forty or fifty yards before the train could be stopped When, it did stop she was iouna a norriDiy mangiea corpse. Another of the -passengers, a lad .about fifteen years old, a. nephew of Mr. Alex ander Stevens, ot vv alnut llill, was thrown out of the wagon with such violence that his skuH was fractured and two of his limbs were broken. Strange to say, the other persons escaped "with few trifling tuts and bruises. One of the horses was killed; the other escaped. Three otjhe cars in the tram were thrown off the track by the accident, but with no "more serious consequence to tne passengers than a bad scare. The people wee all brought to the city on the train. mncmnati Commercial. A Dreadful Fate A Woman and Four Clalldren Frosen to Deatb. A letter in the St.; Paul Pioneer, from Mankato, Minnesota, relates the treezins to death or a woman ana ner tour" chil dreu in Noble county, that State, during the absence of the drunken- husband and father, who left them destitute during the recent dreadful cold weather, VThe letter says he left her out on the open prairie, in the dead of winter, r with 'scarce a stick of --.1 3 1 -Hi 1 s ' nil woou, auu num is stui more increuioie, while she was ' daily expecting confine ment. The day after be left came Uhe tearful storm of the 2nd, anrjL-cwhen that was expended the poor woman found her self without fuel. ' Sao? knew i thai she could scarcely expect her husband home for several days as jt tQok that time gen erally tor nim to recover, trom ms sprees, and the conviction came to her that her tamiiy would soon treeze to deatn unless succor could be had from-the , neighbors, the nearest or whom was three- miles dis tant. . So on Monday, this desperate wo man, at that time m so delicate a pondi tlon that she might be confined to her bed started out in the fierce cold tor-help. At least suchis the supposition f or the next day some of the neighbors found hef body, together with, that ot ; a new-born. babe. stark stiff in a snow bank,where she had fallen faint and peshedTHorrifiedv.they picked her up and carried her homeland here, horror upon horror, they found the tliree little ones also frozen to death. The drunken brute of a husband and father was hunted up, and friends fin- this city telegraphed for, who at once went up and saw the bodies decently interred. A Western LRdj's Accomplishments. The sort of women .developed at the wesi is typinea in tue au oaoieiaay me w.nd is written advisedly -who thus re ports her teats lor a vear: " When our colony reached here there were few car P inters or mechanics of any 'sort to be iiad. Seeing they., weref ully0! employed, rather than wait for . them,; revive an ancient hankering tor tools, which I "used to indulge at my fathers work-bench when a girl. I lathed five rooms entirely and set the studding for three. . I rnade the doors and window casings,' plaining and jointing all myself, and hung! the tlocr?, beside setting the glass in the window-frames. Made the Dantrv shelve?, a table for the kitchen, and cupboard, be side painting all the wood-work, r-Did my "wn house-work, cut ancumade au my l ey's clothes, and made a harden, beside caring for ; a sick, neighbor.'! i Added to these accomplishments, the woman who speaks of them is a " perfect book-keeper, writing a hand like copy-plate, and turn ing out as fair a set. of books as. any man u New York ; tints miniatures and models in clay with delicate skill, if not with ab solute genius; her "house-keeping' and sewing are faultless,, and she can patch lour pairs oftrbwsers in an hour.. TAatis tlie kind of women the world is loth to lose. r- - t J Warmlag Railway car. The introduction of a" new method bi warming railway cars, on some of the t French and German lines, has been attend ed with gratifying success A 'prepara tion ot wood charcoal, nitrate of potash,' and starch is employed. At first the char coal was burnt jn perforated - boxes two feet long, lour and one half inches , wide, id two and three-fourtfis inches deep. was soon lound, bo weverj that this com bustion caused Violent headaches, and the charcoal was therefore put into close iron bxes, placed under the seats, a double ton being employed to prevent the seats ot the cars from becoming too hot. -The Ppared charcoal is packed in the boxes ln, pieces four inches long, , three inches ldet and two inches thick. - On the line etween Aix la-Obapelleand Berlin, eight Pieces oi charcoal were used tor heating a cmpartment. Thisquantityt efficiently Warmed the car during sixtceni hours, and Jl.the end of the journey, . the fuel was : U1 red hot. i This prepared charcoal costs thirty-two shillings per cwt., and 13 said to be much less than that required yany of t.h nrrHnarxr mothnrla Amrklntfftri. lnS ss than a penny an hour. , . , . , Oeatn by Hanging MoiiBisTowS, December 22, 1871. A man by the name :of'j Peoples wa "and hung dead to a tree near, his own aence this morning. Some suppose he was foully dealt with, whireothers think he committed BBicide, "No fcause is Boq for either the hanging " or suicide. vhmond Dispatch. -. . MISCELLANEOUS. J "AC 0 BI aA XiE! THE J. A GOBI AXE, AND ACCEPT NO OTHER. Every Axe Warranted ! x or saie w noiesale and Retail, at ; . . , NATH'Ii JACOBI'S, : . ' Hardware Depot,; No. 9 Market St., inrongiioiit the (State. Pi. '. Hardware. IX. t Agricultural Implements. 1 " . ' , nitlon. &c. tention of Whoisalb Btrrma toonr ini nil j . . . . . ency several leaaing Factories in the T: e. Aiwavs on na.nn Snto and Vtm.. ucatucr. A.m H.T1 cl I :air .virlna V "y11 0ils Glass, Sash, Doors and thttl1 xamIae before parhasing, ' - " NATH'L JACOBI'S1"' . 00 oo ?ardware epot, No. 9 Maiket St. sept22-tf " - I Have on Hand , v A full LINE OF TADIES' GOODQ, L ATEST" STYLES, SUCtf Collars, Cuffs, Ilandkerchiefs, x v Corsets, Hoopskirts Bustles, r s , victoria Lawns, jaconet, u w ua, x oiiusuujc. anu aiun Musiins in striped i plaid andplaln-illair Platts, French Twists and Puffs- in imitation and ; real hair ; NECK-TIES ND' SOWS, And a splendid assortment of Millinery and MILLINERY GOODS! . XaU and examine my stock before purchas ing elsewhere., y ' i f ONE PRICE! TERMS CASH! A. D. BROWN. Exchange Cdmer. dec 20: tf J. F. Rueckert the Best Assortment of FIttST-CLASS EVER OFFERED IN THE CITY AT HIS ' WARE ROOMS, Nos. 57 & 59 Maekbt St., Masohio Hax.l, WILMINGTON, N. C. 11 The Best Pianos i.:Mannf2ctnre4: ARE THE FAMOUS WEBER PIANOS," . They are used and , pronounced superior to any and all others now made, by all the , LEADING MUSICIANS AND CONSER- j YATOniS OF MUSIC. : 1 The mualcal profession, and all amateur performers, are cordially invited to call at the i above i Piano' Warerooms and test 'the su periority of the-WEBER PI AN03.AEo, other First-Class Pianos of all styles and prices to suit purchasers, constantly on hand. '.No ex orbitant prices.' . MS9" All Piano9 War for Five Xears. -ft Pianos Toned, Repaired, Moved, &c. J choice selection of Sheet Musie on hand. "wiumroTOK, N. C. : J. F. RUECKERT, :deel7-tf 4- ri J ' TT STEAIIEE TO-DAY AHUXUfiJl '' of that celebrated , -t . MINCE MEAT, riannAii TrkhafATfl. Kalmnn. Peaches : - j rigs, Cream Salad, Nuts, Candles, And a -variety of other articles for Christmas. fdec22tf : J . '- WEST & HARRISS. Frebl Arrowroot, prepared" Barley, Bicarb. Soda, IJipSOm DaitS, JUlirate ju.agueaia, UHVe Uli, copperas, juug w wyu, . ; vJ::et(S., etc,vetc, etc., at , !dec27-tt ' 1 1 GREEK; FLANNEE'S. , North. Carolina House,; . 1 Corner Second ahd Princess Sts ' ' J. &U. HAR, 4 7s?rPrietor8' - rsampie itoom,; Wines, Liquors, Ales and Porter, Lager Beer Cigara and tobacco, of au kinds. a-n Y S T E R & I N S E A SON novWtf .' ' ' 0. TALBOTT. O. H. TAXBOTT A. TAXBOTT rjlALBOTT A SONS, - x (Successors to Talbotl & Bro.) . SHOCJIOE MACHINE WORKS, Cor. Cary & Seventeenth Sts., Richmond, Vx :j.::-;S".?-.;v'y. " ,. MAinrFAOTtyBBBS 0 . Portable & Stationary Steam Engines Circular Saw 'and Grist Mills, Hy- dranlle Presses, and all kind oi Tobacco fixtures, Wrought Iron Work, Brass axdlron Castings, Machinery of every description, Ac. Jan 26-SAFly - ' nATK rtilE AND TIIOUJJA.JK. jaer chants wishing ito advertise in any paper themselves -much unnecessary. troublo by calling on the subscriber. Rates, the very owest cnargea Dy tne ruDusners. fetl-tt Damon Bank Bnluinar,inoiits i j, u : i f .. -THE S t i ; ; . f 5 rA every uescnptlon Of 2S2 S?5SlJJo Ito. superior adt uum iruiu naving tne as Has MISOELLtANEOIJa M R B Bm 6 U LTON V AMEBICA'S GREATEST SIN tiEB. T???L the honor' to' an- 'ZT - - Jti.oiri.Tow Cohobkt? for , At 8 O'clock, on which MEOHARLESbMOULtON, m8'"oVss; and so long fixmi?oif.Z u5uw8 yocai powers ana exquisite culture, and after her recent MOST BRILLIANT TRIUMPHS artlsts t "6W"il 0iateu oytneiouowing teS,B-OOK0XrOWl'BR tl10 Worite barVhiflANTI' tne world-renowned xVin?ihilfl"tIaranee hereK and irii.7h4.J7 vIJ!',UL,l tne great and eminent P iff nliW8" to the SoutH), Mr. GEO. w. COLBY, Musical Director. SCALE OF PRICES t aiiSS!.. Priyate Boxea" V.V.V.?" pVjSTO5S&W Helnsberg. Thn.. r. r Thursday Mornlngr, at 9 O'clock. The "WehAr Clva Qii the "Moulton Tconcerts: - " "ao"tt" Orders for seals f mm TY1QTT K oQ K r"""V""5 jr mau ui: Leiearapn ana tnev will be carefuJly attended to. y C. A. CIIIZZOLA, 1 ;y .: Business Manager. " dee 27-5t PIAHOS! ORGANS! SO, 435 BROOMS STREET NEAR ' ' BROAD WA T, . T. C. M. Tremaine & Bro.j MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN PIANOFORTES. AND' AGENTS TOR THE Burde tt Combination Organ, CONTArNINQ Canealer ' & Bnriett's New IiasroTeieats. Greatest Success of the Age ! TVS?BZ?&2&f unanimous. We challenge the World to equal it I Our new? seale medium-sized 7 AntavA PIANO FORTES are now ready, at low prices for cash. - -- The New York Jhdmetldenf of Sent, lfith . rtd of the BURDETT ORGAN : "it is by far the most perfect reed instru ment we have ever seen." -. - s The ClvriiUan Leader of Oct. 2d, says : , We had no idea that a reed instrument couia oe Drougnt to suen perfection." The press and public everywhere who have had an opport rcunit ity of listening to its beauti- iul strains, not only give it their unemalifled xains,n ai jproval, but unhesitatingly concede that it stands without a rival. The great Increase in the sale of our instru ments, has enabled us to reduce our prices for FIRST-CLASS PIANOS, from ten to twenty-live per cent, less than any other house (offering the same class Of instru ments) In the United States. While we act upon the maxim of "fluid sales and small profits," we make it, at the same time, a special object, to furnish our customers with intruments in no way inferior to tne ; Best in the Market. EVERY INSTRUMENT FULLY GUAR ANTEED OR SIX TEARS. Many families have had a desire to obtain a Piano, but could not afford to pay the dealers a pront of from siou to jim, neither do Ihey wish to purchase a cheap made instrument, that would cost more to keep in repair than it is worth, hence a large class of our music lov ing people nave Deen oDiigea to ao witnout. We can furnish' New Seven-Octava Piano Fortes from $275 to $950. Second-hand Pianos from $40 to 1250. New Cabinet Organs, $45 to $1,000. : r. V ..jf ' - ;. v, i .,i: - . PRICE LIST SENT TO ANY ADDRESS. ., . . .. ; . j : C. M. TREMAINE. .1 June 55 AFtf W. B. TREMAINE. XXX FAMILY FLOUR For Christmas ! IF "ALL HANDSr AND; THE. COOK" would be happy, buy "a bairel or bag of my FRESH GROUND FLOUR, and you wiU have a cake , you can eat ana a roil tnae tne uooje wm uut be ashamed of. ' ' WTiAat. Orita and Pearl Hominv. the admira tion of all: Bolted Meal from Railroad Corn, 60 s. to the bushel : Seed Oats, White. Table Peas, Corn, Mixed Cow Feed, c t r - ALL GOODS SOLD DRAYED FREE. , . "decl7 tf : ALEX. OLDHAM, Proprietor, ? At Low Prices I "nri .barrels city mess pork, UVll ,. q ' Boxes Dry Salted Side. Hhds Baoon JSiaes ana enouiaert 800 BBLS ;L0UB, ft fratie3 200 BA ' t tZt Bbls Refined Sugars, ' . , 150 Hhds Bbls Synp' - K A A BUSHELS CORN, " : 200 BALES IIAYi 50 TONS COTTON TIES, a v . iri7na vii .x. -- . Lu U i---? ? j . v inO Bbls. Distiller's Glue, y , j xons AUti jrejruYUM v ukuv, , C . n A Sacks Americajr ana 'Liverpool CTUUU .jsait, - ; - - . Korsaleby . ; dec 19. tf WILLIAMS St MUECHISON. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; CHICAGO mDDESTffffCTION. A full and complete-history of Chicogd, her S?oSLa P.16811 ; . future." With graphic scenes, incidents and full details of the dis- SiStl.?X,5CFpt0n and Jw- Sheahan, editors of the Chicaaro Tri-hun. wif h nvtxAiii pages, and 50 illustrations.' It is now ready AGENTS WANTED. oice,lMl,erPtor5p- Union Pablishing Co.,; Chicago, IMinois, or Philadelphia, Pa. , PLANT1PRS,AB.MEES AND GARDENEKS ' 8UBSCBIBB FOB ,",''. - The American Farmer Now combined with The Rural Register. and published monthly at No. 9 North Street, Baltimore, Md., by SAMijax Sands Se Sow. It ib uiuesc Agxicuuurai journal in America, andw was conducted orert 25 years by our oemur i jxew series Degins January 1st,. 1872, ?,1 year, in advance ; 5 copies, $5 ; 11 for $10. Send for Prospectus, Premium Lists, &c. TJNIVERSAIISH. W3?&S3S& Se&fftS: nal, published bv the New Tort statA arm. yention of Universalists, and containinsr the Sermons of ; Br. E. H. GHAP1N. Terms liL-RPS. year Address Publisher CHRIS-' TIAN LEADER, 1288 Broadway, JT. T. City. : t . 50th YEAB. -3 f NEW, YORK OBSERVER. $3 per Aflnuni, including Tear Book for 172. SIDSET E. MORSE, JR. & CO., , 37 JParfc Bow, New Tor. -S A M P L E COPIE S -P R3 E . i wnnnja iiousEnotD magazine is flilUJJ U offered free durinar the comlnsr vear to every-subscriber of " Merry's Museum, the ouiouu bimh), romeroys uemocrax, etc., which. is an evidence o Jtsrorth and popu larity, c Horace Greely, James Parton, Theo- dore Tllton, Gail- Hamilton etc., write f orev ery number. In clubbing it offers three flrst- mass perioawais ior tne price of one of them. A variety - of premiums on - equally liberal terms. It is an original, first clasa magazine. v oiume .a. Degms wiin o an. 'CL. xnree speci- men copies free. 'Address S. S.., Off- burgh, N. Y. OVER ONE. HUNDRED PAUES, Printed in TJE,lm, on Bnph Tnrr Flowers, Plants tend Tegretables, with lesuripiions, ana --j j ... ; ; TWO COLOKED.PLATES. Directions and plans for making : Walks, Lawns, Gardens, Ac." 'The handsomest and best Flokal Gttidb in the World. All for Tra Cbhts, to those who think of buying Seeds. Not a quarter the cost. .200,000 sold of 1871. - Address, JAMES VICE, Rochester, N. Y. PETERS' MUSICAL MONTHLY The Dec. No., price 30c., has 19 pieces Vocal and Instr'l Piano Music, worth $4 in sheet foi m. We will mail two back Nos. for 60c., four for 90c, or Jan. to Dec. '71, lor $2 25, (regular price, $3.) Bound copies for 1871, gilt siaes and edges. $5. The Music is by Hays, Thomas, Kinkel, Gounod, etc. Address J. I PETERS, 599 Broadway, Jf Y. P. O. Box 5429. A compound of Cocoa-nut Oilytfc. Acknowl edged the best promoter of the growth and beauty 1 of the hair,, i JOS. SUBNET! CO., Boston, Mass. Sold by all druggists.. Beware of imitations. A GENTS Wanted. Agents make more XjL money at work for us than at anything else. Business light and permanent. Partic ulars ; free. G. STINSON & CO., Fine Art Publishers, Portland, Me. r d jnr A MONTH ! Horse furnished. " Ex- P4U penses paid. - H. B. SHAW, Alfred, Me. AVOID QUACKS. A victim of early in discretion, causing nervous debility, pre mature decay, etc, having tried in vain every aavertisea remeay, nas discovered a simple means of self-cure, which he will send to his fellow-sufferers. Address J. H. REEVES, 78 .Nassau st, JM. v - f "; , ;-: THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE Chronic and Sexnal Diseases. IK THIS THBATMKKT 07 A PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE. The cheapest book ever published contain ing nearly three hundred pages, and one hun dred and thirty fine plates and engravings of tne anatomy ox tne numan organs in a state of health and disase, with a treatise on early errors, its denlorable conseauences unon the mind and bod v. with the author's plan of treatment the only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by a report of cases treated. - A truthful adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage who en tertain doubts ot- tneir pxiysicai . conoiuon. Sent free of postage to any address on receipt of twenty-five cents in stamps or postal cur rency, "by addressing Db. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany,' N. Y. The author may be consulted nponr any of the diseases upon which his book treats, either personally or by mail, and medicines sent to any part of the world. r ; , , . ;-, , Lde,c8-DAWiw, - ; tj TT77- rz s " ' North- Carolina; Argus, WADESBOUO, TUl C. : 1 - riDELY circulated, llvelyr spicy, enter-j T T taming : a leaueyu puiiuu, w home circle. Unsurpassed as an . ADVERTISING MEDIUM. .' SUBSCRIPTION.... ..:.7........'..2 50 a year. Advbmisiho Ratks 1 square, 3 mos., $5 00; 6 months, 8 00 1 12 months, $12 00. -i, . : . D. MoNEILL, Ed. and Prop'r;, .1 ;- y - Wadesboro, N. C, In Store, and to Arrive, Bacon, Sides & Shoulders,. , c ; ; Sugar. Cured Haras, . i Dry baited Meats, rorK Flour-Coffee, Sugar, Syrup, Candy, XSUtier, .viieese, iiaru, x uiatue, Apples, Onions, &c, fec, For sale low for cash. Just rcivdl k A NEW LOT FLOUR, and MACKEREL, In Bbls, H bbls and Kits. At low rates.' : . Li . L.E.' JOHNSON, - dec 7 tf Worth & Worth's new building. Tlie Ilarion Star, ESTABLISHED OVER 20 YEARS AGO THE MOST POPULAR JOURNAL IN THE PEE DEE SECTION, " J Circulates among the wealthy planters along the W C. & A. R. Rd. Also, has many sub scribers along the line of the W., C. & R. R. R ' ; The Stab offers Special IsnuoxmcirTS to WtLJCIJrSTOH Advbbttskrs., It is conceded that no paper, in Eastern Carolina has a circulation equal to that en- dyed by the Mabiok Stab. ' ' : ; : T BliMS.H.B EbAV.' " ,;; 5 MoKERALL A SJCEDMANj.Editors, - y "aug30-tf, Marion C. H S. c XITEDDING CARDS AND VISITING W CARDS printed in the most elegan Btykat WM. H. BEBJJARD'S Printing and PnWisinngProiiae." mSXJBANOR NOTICES. Wilmingtdn Worth Carolina LIFE HTSttRAITCE CO; - .j . o f f i u"s i '; J ohn Wilder Atkinson, ............ . .President. John Dawson...... ............Vice-President. S. D. Wallace... ...... ...Secretary Dr. E. A. Anderson.... ......Medical Director. SPECIAX. FEATURES: No restrictions on travel or residence, new mode of monthly payments of premium, no exfra charge upon the lives of, females Poli cies lncontestible. ' - may 14-tf . IMEPOOL AND LONDOH AHD GLOBE Tti nil rii ti r a 2 ifTK Tin n tr I 3 rVri-J ASSETS-AXL LIABLE FOR FERE i. I.OSSESlOU,....$20,000,000 00. ASSETS IN U. S., OYER $3,000,000.00. , DAILY CASH RECEIPTS UP- ' .-; Mn- . ' WARDS QF....(GOLD).... 20,000 00 TN view of representations recently made in JL certain Insurance and other journals, we wish to remind the public of a few facts that wui ename tnem to estimate rignuy taese misstatements and the obviously interested motives by which they have been prompted. This Company is on the business of Fire and Lite Insurance only. The security for the due performance of all its contracts is m. . -t-t . ai- Assets amounting to $20,868,C7J Oi and the fortunes of its numerous and wealthy Share holders, every dollar of their property being ua oie ior. aii tne losses oi -tne company. These assets are liable without any restric tion or limitation for all debts and obliga tions, witn tne exception tnat tne premiums on HEwLile Policies issued from August. 1370, are required by the law then passed: by Par liament, to oe sept separate irom tne otner funds, and to be liable only for such Policies, with this exception, (not exceeding 140.000) the whole of the capital and accumulations of the Company are available to satisfy all claims that may arise under either Fire or Life Poll Since the establishment of the Company in 1836, it has paid for losses, $12,328,058 80 $11, 537,101 98 of this amount having been paid in the United States over $1G0,C04 CO to citizens of North Carolina since 1868. . , Over Two and Three Quarter Million of Dol lars ot our Chicago losses nave aireaay Deen vaidin full vktfwut any deduction? for interest. Xhe remainder of the&e losses art being rap- iaiy settled, ana tnis witnout any - aiminution of the Company's invested funds in this coun try, now amounting to oyer Three, Million . It has ever been the practice of this Hxm- pany to meet ail claims with the utmost pos sible promptness and liberality, and to this practice mar be fairlv attributed the larse success realised, and the high degree of pub lic connaenoe witn wmcn it is nonorea. ALFRED PELL, Es4. t - Resident Manager, New York. M s v,-- j - General Agent for North Carolina. Office in "Murphy Building," North side Princess fit., between Water and Front streets. dec 23-tf - . ; Wilmington, N. C. Harine Insurance. , WE ARE PREPARED TO ISSUE OPEN Polfcies, and Certificates to cover shipments by Steamer and Sailing vessols to Northern ports AT LOWEST LIVING RATES in the UNDERWRITER'S AGENCY, of New York, Seeuftty $2,500,000, and in the GREAT WESTERN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, of NewYqrkl ;: . . - Security, $3,000,000. 1m H. & T. (TdkEOSSET, nov 24-tf , General Insurance Agents.. Nortli Carolina Home lute' Comiany , OF RALEIGH, N. C." R. H. BATTLE1...................Presiden SEATON GALES.... .............. ...Secretary ; - JNO. W. ATKINSON, Wilmington, Agent. m .i I " X HIS reliable State Company pays its losses fairly and promptly, i It is managed by well known business men.' t capital and earn ings are invested in the State, and tend toward building up and fostering th financial pros perlty of North Carolina, u , r ; u. aug 1-tl ' INSURMICE EOOnS. - t No. 5, N. FJPNT STREET, I . -,- . . . . . , . - ' , The lollowing leading Companies are repre sented : - , .. , t THE QUEEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, '. ' Of Liverpool and London. ANDESTFIRE INSURANCE, CQMPANY, ; ' : ';" ' Of. CincinnaU.X CONTINENTAL , FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y, ' . .' Ot New York. HOME INSURANCE CO., of Richmond, Va. MERCHANTS & MECHANICS, Of Richmond, ' i , AHD . : The Old, and Favorite Marine Company,. ; THE MERCANTILE MUTUAL; of New York: Insurance at fair rates, in the ' above first class Companies. - - 7QHN tWLLDERjATKINSON, . dec6-tf 'fi :- General Agent. Piedmont & Arlington jje INSTJEAOR COIIPANY; "ORONGUNCED by the tr Uirpsa waiTBjt, an XT-Insurance Journal of. Philadelphia, to be " a prod' gy of success, and a model of econ omy, caution and security," invites respectful comparison with any first-class company in the country. , ; . i- - Its record, past ahd present, is glorious, its future honeful. and the-management take pride in presenting a Company in a condition equal to any, superior to many, and surpassed by none. Persons desiring Insurance, will please Jcall on . W. M. STEVENSON, Agent, . . SO Market St.: lulyfctf Very . Eich, mmi tkm jE useful . ARE - . ; , The Christmas PrcccntG .41 .4 f 1 ' X JNO. D, LOVE'S BOOK STORE. deca-4t BUSINESS CARDS. J. & U. OI1U.ISVU, . WHOIaAXB AHD MtTAJX JBiXKttaIH Staple & Taney Dry Goods, ". Kotions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c. 43 IZarlcct Street. .OCf23ltf- "jr? 40HH S. LKB. "' WILLIAMS.- B. JT. W. LOPM. JOHN S LE : ' &T CO., iiaiuiUHO XXI V OH U1V1VUU, No. 47 Nortb Water St., PbUadelpHta. Liberal Advances made on Consignments of Nayai stores and Southern Products. Refer to Messrs. nan-ins a trnwAii. Wil mington, N. C. r fnovl2-ly TH03. C. LET7I0. DEALER IN 't Ship Stores, Oroecricd, ProTl . 8ions,.FJBli and iTlsil Roe. . t ' .r , iNO 6, SOUTH ' WATER ST.i7 . 1 Oct 22-tf , 4- - Vs- WlLMllfQTOKV . C. A. AnsiAxr. X.TOLX.S&H adr iAn &VOLLC n a Oor. Front and Docb Eta., 'TTTTIOIXgAIJX GROCERS, IN A EI Its branches. - . nm I WTOv MLtVTtrrn A isms tvt 'a. calling on ns and examlnlog our Stock. hovl9-8-tr - r.i MOFFITT A CO. GENERAE COMMISSION SleretaanU , NORTH WATER STREET, -k !:'.'. : Wilmington, N. c. Will give prompt personal attention to the sale , or shipment of Cotton. Naval Stores, General Produce, etc, etc Also to receiving and forwarding goods. A3" Orders solicited and promptly filled sept33-4-tl Mu - ' ., - , - ,' - 1 ' ; J. J. XDWABP8, ! Vf -Li . 8. F. HXLL. : EdwardG & HalU Grocers M s tomissioa; Ilercliaiits. 'V ' ' 'DEAlltf ALL KINDS OF 1 1 . COUNTJir PRODUCE , And ! keep constantly on hand a full line ot !'!t.i.- urocenees at lowest cash prices. Wilmington, January 4 8TO,'v'j',i,;.jr. ' tf S. -NOBTHBOT.' a.,:i', W;.. NOSTHSOF Wi - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Proprietors of the Wilmington Steam Saw Mills, lFiImlaetonN, C. I "CARGOES of Yellow Pine Lumber for any f W market furnished- t 49" Special attention sriven to the nnrahoju o sale of Corn and Peanuts. a oct 4-iy ' ALSX. JOHBTSOHr, OB. V ' S. B. BtRPSXT. JOHXSOUT & BIRPSE Y, Commission MercAants, ' Will give prompt and personal attention to the sale or shipment of Cotton' and Naval Stores. . WiiamroToy, N:C., Sept. 7th, 1871-tf i B. F. MITCHELL & SOK, COMMISSION JJJRCSULNTB, t 7-ABP PBALMS IH GRAIN, FLOUR, HAY, and also Fresb Ground Meal.vFearl nemfnv and Grits, Nos. 9 and10 No. Water - Stret, Wilmington, N. , Proprietors of the. Merehaats's Flouring Mills. A . H . N E F F , MAircFACfrtrEER akdDxaleb IK HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, No. 19 Front Street, Wilmington, N.C. Guns, VStotes Lanterns, Pumps,' Kerosene Oil, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. S- ROOFING DONE at SHORT NOTICE.- . j. Agsht ok-Faibbahk's Soausn deolS-tf ! m , '- -" 1 . , Wilmington & Seaside Itailway CHANGE OP SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER THIS BATE, the foUow in schedule will be run on this ra.ii Commencing at 6 A. M., at Wilmington Gar den, corner of Rankin and Eleventh street, and arrive at corner pf Front and Red Cross Street at 6:22l A. M. Return in sr. leave corn r f Red Cross and Front street at 6.-2214, and arrive at Wilmington Garden at 6:45, and will . continue to run at the same rate. during the day. allowing 15 minutes between Mh nm out, ) Under this arrangement a oar will past uy ifivou yomv every xo eacn way. The cars will be run regularly from 8 A. M. until JPPiMoii ;u3s ! , u. ruj in i u SUNDAY SCHEDULE ft-ass On Sundavs the cars will be run from fl a M. until It A. M., and from 12 Mt untl 10 P. M. - juniwiuptamtsBs w negjecc, carelessness or improper conduct on the part of any of the cuipiuyetsB ui uie railway snouia do inaae to me either in person or throu&rh the Poatofflaa. T tff. i nov3-tf " DANIEL KLEIN. Carraudy Clcapor. THE UNRIVALLED ARTISTS ARE 8TILL offering the best Inducements to our citl. t tne ugl band, in order to L-& comnlete satisfaction tr the most fastidious, .(ii.t-5 -t t Q GEE VE Hi : ROTS QH9 - rGavanhah, Co.; 7 HIS. WELL-KNOWN and : POPULAR HO TEL will be re-opened for the reception of travelers and day boarders on the 15th of Oe- : ... tober, Inst. The Proprietor promise to sus tain the enviable reputation the House has enj oyed in the past, and leave nothing undone that can contribute to the plaasure and "coin- fort of his guests, f..-. j ,', oct2otf ': ' - J j. eTdayis' WE HAVE BEHOVED OUR WHOLES 1 LB " Liquor Establishment and Manufactory of Cigars to i . I7o. S, Granite How, Formerly occupied by D. A. Smith, as a Tur nlture Store, where we will be pleased to re ceive a call from our old friends and custo mers, as weU as the. public generally;"'"!, . .V i We receive nev consignments of Fine 14 qnors every aay, wjucji we nil seu cheap. deWm rjurssanxma vo. inn n n n lbs. shoulders. and SIDES, WILLARI) BE03 For sale by June 21'tf sens, and the public generally, for their pat ronage at the Pureell House.- Evervtbinr per taining to the orofesslon la kentconstantlvmi