""old! It! - IBIS"3'. rrTl77,i.lQV Jnnnjirv 13. 1872 T CIRcbqiqFB MOR SJ& TAILYN12 ttrSPAPJ2Ii VUBLIS 1'UBL.milED Yn XORTB CAROLINA., a. y Hl" Tiiotton Sne Appears lu Coni-t 'itnnoll-WaItlnx. for thtohrer- gite3 following, preliminary, re- Xtial on Monday: " " --'4- ' . The 6ame lUtlecal with its half-staryed k0racE and' tunny looking -negro driver, A ihnt (ioraes each day to convey Mrs. "Whar Q too aid her daughter from the jail to the tourtlraoni and back,, again drew up bo 4 fore the front door-of-the prison-house ""this nkorning at 10 . o'clock. A monieht later the prisoner and her daughter came down the lront steps of. the jail, accom panied by Mias Rosa Wilson,'- entered the carriage, and a lew momenta alter were seated within the bar at the court-house, in rca ' of those three men who arc her de fenders in this struggle lor life. -I Mrs Wharton seemed much more de pressed than ever before since the trial be LD probably on account of the terrible bereavement that had come to one of, the twelve mcn.wba were to be her liberators or exec utioners." She appeared to watch every movement ot Mr. Beard, the juror vvho lost his wife6u Friday, as he sat bowed down with the weight ot his grief; ' her eyes would till with tears, and it was plainly visible that in the midst t:f her own sufferiogs sho was mindful of the mistortluBes of othersv ..TuOiSjTrne little knot of constant triends that have cvtr been by her side since the trial C?gan wore ' with Mrs. Wharton as usual, but-Miss Xellie and all of the little group seemed to shaje the feeling of depression that made Uer more sorrowful than before.- . The day was gloomy and the attendance by no means as large as on previous occa sions ; the ladies especially did not mani fest their usual interest in the trial. Some i new and very pretty laces were observable, however, and the masses', were in strong lorce outside the railings. Ooe idea very foicibly strikes the least cultivated and sensiblp niind upon entering the court room at Annapolis this morning includ ed. It is the ; appearance ot loneliness that surrounds the ; prisoner, Not that she has no ' friends, .v ior- sho baa many land is ; gaining more every day but that little melancholy .' group about, her io the Court -room is her whole world, and she cannnot now ;.go out from them, except in thought, to her many other friends,- and the great tbinkiog, reasoning masses that are fast becoming her trinds. She must' remain with - this little group, fcr howlong no one can tell and at times even this family is cut down,' ami only mother and daughter left to min gle their tears together, alone. It is, In deed, a, lonely situation, y ,r ; Public opinion is proverbially obstinate, ' and th i accumulated evidence of the past lew days is very slowly wearing-away the impresBions whichTwre'created by the case ot the State. .Tlie evidence fpi; thet defence is incre asing In strength ns dayafter day Is added to the number already consumed By the 'trial. The chemical testimony on the part of the State having been disposed of, and the non-existence of poison in the stomach of Ganeral Ketchum having been almost demonstrateci . by that very, able scientific expert, Dr. "Warren, their testi mony has been followed up by the expe rience of physicians of national reputation, whose conclusions j upon the symptoms presented to them have all tended - to es tablish the opinion expressed by Dr. War ren, that the General died ot tcerbro spi-. nai meningitis. All the other suspicious circumstances are rapidly disappearing be fore the sledge-hammer blows administer ed by the defence, and there is now little! room to doubt the result. Scjhnrs Personal Explanation. Vongresa. "reassembled to day with a 9lim attendance, j In the House the Speaker had frequently to appeal to all the members to vote to mJke a Quorum. One volte showed .ninety members to be absent.! The Senate opened with a sharp. crisp personal explanation from Mr. Schurz oq an editorial, which appeared; jo the; N. i. i imes a snore lime ago, cuargmg nim with inconsistency jfin his advocacy, ol civil service reform, and with making war upon the President.!, Schurz took up the charges made in the i article seriatim, and stiowed they were nearly all groundless, and most ol them baso; fabrications. lie pronoujneed the wbqle article a rare in stance pf cumulative, intrepid, and tshame Jess lying. The Senator from Missouri would pot have noticed the article had it not appeared iq the jcolmns of a journal which jclaims to be par excellence the wgan t the administration in New . York; He.beljeyed.it to be 'part of an ' organized systematic effort . t6, slander "and defame the 8enators who are supposed to disagree with tlie administration. .Mr. Schurz gave Notice that theattack8, even should they come as thick aslocnsts, -would not deter him from pursuing the path of duty which he has marked out lor bimsU. Schurs) has an idea tht, the article in question was inspired at the "White House, ?nd that the object of it wasttfbrrngibim ',repate-.FaM;,Jr; "think ii'."'"'-;'"'' J- A .J " . . VlT Br whf ,wlli Wwr llck ramp-banaes any Store. jo ' This morning a little son of Mr. John w on State street, met-; with an acci dent lvhirh chMiVi va .it 4 tbe fatOTC-' It seernHhe HtloT)oy went tjrj the pump atjthe mnrket, epace, jna vry f001,8n1y touched his tongue to 'J "on handle, to 'ascertain . we presume, hri 3c,old- Of course the result was only fearfully, but extremely' painful. ani rDg2e' btioery. wirm and moist, the ml- Dg a g?oq conductor of beat, - "I0l8tnrft nnA i i. . i 3d r w"hdrawo Jrom . the latterly the SSwf-U aud il ote ight.. The little bu Sei ,deavored lo withdraw his tongue to hf.1 not-" Several gentlemen ,went caS but U Required - the most ot t. Jf TndliDK to.loose the bbj'a organ iva nl. r0um theroh. Thej ejected sal upon the hanrllo on A fn Ktinfl ft Wk thevrihnd'."y' fie . minutes before kj 3?cccderttand .-then 'ra-.- piece'' of the nickl! " e:t?n2- aUout' the size vpf a Jed hfiM. siiu W been seared with a aa fkAoa: DurinS 4he time the boy ftg0Dv i ,g?ve yQt to his excruciating ar d, COD-ou3 screams.- Charged 7lttr Harder Committed Six - - x"y- teen Tears Aero. v. George Dawson was arrested yesterday, by Sergeant Jay, charged with having, in corinection wittr two other 'men? shot and killed a man by the nape of John Adam Weis, on the 8d of March, 1856.- iThear offlcertTdhn J: T of the eastern police district." The affair la which4 the alleged muraer iav involved occurred on Thames 6treet. iu a saloon v kent hv Wp! . ears fromJ;he evidencebefore the magis- ruio, mat iinree men i entered-Weis's sa loon, asked .lor and received drink?, and refused to pay for them. ' They leftthe. room white Weis was insisting on their paying,' and on his going to the door one of the party drew a revolver and shot him. The men immediately left the city, and had not been seen or heard iroin since un til yesterday, when Dawson', wjio'had only been in the city for a short . time, was rec ognized by officer Paff as the party ivbp fired the fatal shot. The - accused was committed to iail forthe action of thn gTand jury 'by Justice Cashmyer.JazZ. BTenlnfcltla Cared by a New and Sne. cessral Affent. m 5 Drl E.' N: Calhoun. phVsiciartno Fulton county jail, visited a negro fellow confined in the dungeon, who was suddenly stricken dbwnwith this painful malady, and re maining twenty-six hours severely con vulsed, at which time the doctor ad minis tered Wbacco enema, and continued it as necessity seemed ,ur indicate for three days, at which time he was entirely re lieved. ,His opinion is that it is the only reliable remedy-for this disease, Atlanta ua.)t ymstitvtion. , .t t ... AnSOBLLuNEOUS. THE J AV C B I A X E ! Guaranteed to excel all others, both In shane ana material. Be sure 10 ask for - T H-E J A O O B T AXE: ' ANDAtCEMKOOTIIEB. for yon will then be certain you are getting .,. - - jn Deal ioryonr money. , Every Axe ; 7a r ra n ted ! ,. For sale Wholesale and Retail, at '.r""V r:i ;, Vnatu'l-'jacobi's, i''.'v : 'Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market St., And Dealers Tnronchoat tbe State. IX; j Hardware. " IX. a Cutlery,-. Iron, Steel, Nails, ' UUllOl .A, AClbVT Ot JTX UlULL 14 . , nltlon, Ac. A ..11 .X. We would respect folly call the at tention Of WaOLUAU BUTSBS tO OUT full and complete assortment, em bracltur all and every descrlmlon of Good In tbe Trade, and to tbe snperlor ad ai'tagea we can offer from caving the agency o several leading Factories In the Trade. Always on hand 8oie and Harness Leather, Ktp and Calf Sklna, ty Paints, Oils, ulass, bash, Doors and Blind, AC, Ac v . n Please call and examine, before purcuaiing, the stock at .vt.xr . j e t''- i v NATH'L JACOBI'S, V ' Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market 8t. ' sept g2-tf Molasses and Syrup. 650 HHDS. llcovadcrMblasses AND 1 is! H. SYRuT For sale very low by june21-tf WILLARD BROS. FlueTurpeuilue JLands for ale fZ. if f ACRES ON WATEREE RIVER," UiUUU lJ miles below Uambra, So, Ca. Steamboat running to Wilmington. Columbia A Auusta R (only 80 miles by River), 4,000 acres Pines, mostly finely timbered, all round trees, within 3 miles of good river , landing, with fine road ; 1 000 acres rich river bottom P'enry of floe oak .Timber mostly cleared, nne zor uoiion, uorn, aioca-raising, wiin resi dence, negro quartern. Price, onl $i,5.)0 cash, (60 days Riven on part)Hpr9uuo one-nair cash, oxlancelo li months, .if the offec be made soon. These lands must be sold, aud a great bargain will be given.-Titles perfect. Addret-8, at once, E. C, uu BY, JanS-aw Camden, S. C. : ... -i. i. -t ' ' - - - .. - f. i . The American Button Hole OVEK-SEAMIIf O SEWING MACHINE RANKS at the head of the list, as one of the -' pest' f amily- Sewing -Maoblnes in the Market it ia througWy constructed of the bf st material and han no rival as a light run ning machine.' I nave taken tbe-agency and keep them in a office, room at my residence, corner Third and Chesnat Streets. ; ; !j 1 Also, keep a full snppy or Silk, Cotton, Oil, Needles 'and : Attachments. Mrs. Newell will give instructlon ln the use of the Machine and Attachments there. dec 13-tf South Front street. iSiiiiilMnlliriSMe ! :; TTTIC. are now. receivm? direct' from the .rW. manufacturers a Cargo of the above just- st-.-ix rif - iy ceieDratea ienuizer, .x ... FRESH AND PURE, .WITH THE ANALYSIS "" TDKnirn rxr lfsirnv' i?a(3 . o di , f "'".'.VV-'""' "J -! ' This Is the third year we have sold the STAR; and, from actual knowledge of its good quali ties, we can unne8itatinly aud do strongly recommend It to be as rood as the BEST, &nd ma 1l lias been Used in all sections tributary to W iimington we cenddeutly i efer any one de slrous oc try intf it io bouio tuo j.u iucu ucigu borhood who has used it. ' - - -' '- the Prices are tbe Same as Last Year ' We have agents fn nearly every countv, and are prepared. to make Jibefftl arrangements with otners wishing to act in localities where we have no agent t, " & : ' -k - " " ; .. Pamphlets giving directions ;for tise, ' Ae., can do had on application to us. - ; ; , ' . ' :i VICK A ME BANE, JanlO-dlmwSm ' Wilmington, N. C.1 v Butter .Butter. i. i - ; AC TUBS THE VERY BEST, , . 4Q:t.- rr...-V-'-.- ; s A' TUBS tiOOD,V;, j ' '-. Forjsale low by , : "X r i'nir. . ' . .... ... , w : iUJLYEKTISEMENTS. 5REET0 b OOKAGENTS. w- uamisume JTospecxnajjf our Loals, Mo. . V " ONE PAIIt , j Cab I e &c rew V:i r e . BOOTS AKTD SHOES ! : Are worth two pair of ordinary peggecLor tJi f machine sewed. ' i j , V V - 11ISTOUT OF T h e Creat F i res VJ? and the WEST, byRevIfE. J. i . t7a,J!,u1' "-t or Cblcagoui Only com in "tstory. 703 8vo pages; 60 engravings. v,vvvoucujr eum, jrnce sx ou. z,uuu agents mad In 2(1 .days. Profits . go to sufferers. AWENT8 tANrED: H. 8. GOODSPEED A CO., 37 Park kow, New York. , THE AMERICAN FARMER, Published at Baltimore, Md.f : .' , , Bx JSAMCEIi SANDS ; & SONi. ' ' - January Number Is now out, and will be sent to every Planter, Farmer and Gardener who will send his address and a stamp, t It is a live, practical paper, needed by every coun try family. Subscription ti 60 a year. In clubs at$l, with very liberal premiums. -j liltiGGS & BROTHER'S ' Catalope ; tCHower . ani YegelaMe Summer Flow crinfr Bnlbs. for 1872. Now ready. Consisting of over 130 pages, on rose-tinted paper, with upwards of 400 sepa ratH cyts, and Six Beautiful Colored Plate X Cver, a beautiful design, in colors. The richest Catalogue ever.'nablished. Send 25 cents for copy, not one-half the value of the co. ored plates, in the first order, amounting to not less than 1, the price or Catalogue, 25a, will be funded in seeds. New customers placed on the same footing with old. Free to old customers. Quality of teed s, size of pack ets, prices and premiums offered, make it to the advantage of all to purchase seeds of us. See Catalogue for extraordinary inducements. You will miss it if you do not see our Cata logue before ordering S eds, i Either of our two Chromos for 1872,: size 19 24 one a flower plate of tiulhous Plants, consisting of Lilies, &c The other of Annual, Biennial and Perennial Plants, guaranteed the . i Most Elegant Floral Cliromo ever issued in this country A superb parlor ornament ; .nulled, post-paid, on receipt of 75c.; also free, on conditions specified in Cata logue. Address ' 1 BBIGGS A BROTHER; Established 1S45J KOchester, New York. NEW SEEDS AND PLANTS Sent'byIail or Express. OUR SEED & PLANT CATALOGUES roU72, ,v Numbering 175 pages, andcontaining TWO COLORED PliATES, Each worth twice the cost of Catalogues, mailed to all applicants on receipt of 25 cents. 8eodsmena 38 Cortlandt Street. N. Y. ::-r:ja " THE BEST " Tiirbine WlieeL Manufactured by DIXONS 8c CO., j IRON-FOUNDERS, MILL-WRIGHTS !aND . MACHINISTS, j Snow Camp P. O., Alamance county, N. C. PROFITABLE BUSINESS. W ill be given one or two persons, of either oex. in v ilmihqtok and adjoiiring towns, by which they may realize from S300 to tl.OJo a year, with ut little interference with ordina ry occupation, in selling HOUSE II D AK iiti,s, oi real merit ana universal use. If the whole time is' devoted a much laraer sum may be realized Circulars free, giving complete list of articles and commissions al lowed. x. a. coiiK. a co., uoboken, n. j . GENTS Wanted A gents make more a money ausror a ior us inan at anyinmg elae. Business light and permanent. Fartlc ulars free. G. 8TLNSON & CO.. Fine Art Publishers, Portland, Me. CANCERS. TUJIOKS. TJLCEBS. Astonishing cures by Drs . Kline and Lind- ley, at the Philadelphia Cancer Institute, 931 Arch st, Philadelpbia, Pa. - At Branch Offices by Dr. Dal ton, 233 W. Fourth St., Cincinnati, O t by Dr. Ureene. Charlotte. N. C; by Drs. Healy A Benton, cor. of. Broad and Alabama, sis., Atlanta, ua.; ny rr. .nraxnDaii,z a. uran St., Memphis, Tenn. j WONDERFUL CAKCEK ANTIDOTES. No Knife. No Caustic Medicii.es. No Blood. Little Pain - JTor particulars, call on or ad dress either of the above. f f Agents profits per week. A Will V tJ 4 O J Throve it or lorfeit ISJQ. Now ar- I'lda.n.iunt'Ml .In-lv lRt.h nmnlM npnt free to all. Address W. H'. CHlbESTEU, 2?7 Broad way, New.TcorK. :n .: - " A "-tm-E PAIR ... t SILVER TIPPED; BOOTS AKD SHOES : Are . wortri - two . . pair without. i MISCELLANEOUS. i1 f i v I Hay oil a CO A FULL LINE OF 4K 4 -i X"-AIIES. GOODS, LATEST STYLES, SUCH JU : . .A3 . Collars, Cnffa, Handkerchiefst Corsets, Hoops kirta, Bustles, .. - ..victoria Lawns, Jaconet, Swls&j Nainsook and MuUMuslinsm striped 'iv-piaia ana piain xiair A'latts, Tencn t '; ' : . - : - 5 Twists and uffaln imitation' ' f . V . -.i?; - and1 real hair: r JCJEOK-TIES ANP BOWSf t And a splendid assortment or Mimnery ana ... - - - - nrr- . J niLLUIERY GOODS! ..3 "r O . Call and examine my stock before purchas- Ing elsewhere.? Vi r a i rt t? dc20:tf i Exchange Corner. TJ I mriimci Solicited by MUNN "A CO'jfnb f Qlijll IU Ushers.; Scientiflo American, rf 87 Twenty-five years experience. ! H k PamDnlet8 containing Patent -Lavs, wit. full directions bow to obtain ratents. iree. : A' boon d yolnmeof 118 pages, contaming the NEW CENSUS by counties and all large cities, 140 Engravings of Mechanical Movements, Patent Laws and rules for obtaining Patents, iBtient?,freeot charge. Address National w., uuo., x a, auauia, ua t or fit M18CELL AKEOUS. i i V '. ' ACEliTS FOR liORTH CAROLIIDL GUARANTEED PERTECTLY PURE AND OF THE HIGHEST GRADE.1 y dec7-tf 63 FIRST;PRIZE MEDALS. AWARDED. Sontbern Plane manufAotory. MABXTfACTCTSXES Or " GRANJ,SQUARE 4aND UPRIGHT ' P I A W O; if O RT E S , ; Baltimore, Md. These Instruments have been before the Public for nearly Thirty Year ,and upon their excellence alone attained and unpurchased pre eminence, whlcn pronounces them uneaualed. DURA$ftlT?. WtJKKMANSHIP, AND A-All our Square Pianos have our New Im- S roved Overstrung Scale and ; the Agraffe table. u Li a j:.j::.:v yv. A3- W would call special attention to our late - Patented Improvements in UBAND PIANOS and SQUARE UKANDS, found In no other riano, which brings the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been attained. EVERY PIANO ULLYj WARRANTED FOR , FIVE YEARS. V 4Sr We arebvsnecialirranemAnt wnahlor! to furnish P aakoa oboajts anlllstODioB of the most celebrated makers. Wholesale and Retail, at Lowet Fa-etiorjr Prices. Iilustrat ed Catalogues am Trice Lists promptly furnished on application to WM. RNABK & CO., Baltimore, Md. Or;to P. HEINSBERGER, Sole Ag't, , ' '1 Wilmington, N. C. oct 14-eod' m Sat Tu Th . . - - CLEAR AKD HARMLESS AS WATER ! iNATTANS' CRYSTAL" DISCOVERY FOR THE HAIR. Arthur Nattant, Inventor and Proprietor, Washington, D. C. A PERFECTLY CLEAR PREPARATION in one bottle, as easily aDDlled as water. for restoring Gray Hair to its. natural color and youth ul appearance, to eradicate and prevent aanariur, ta promote the growth o the Hair and stop Its falling out. . It is kb- tikslt hasxlbss and perfectly free from any poisonous substance, and will therefor take the place of all the dirty and unpleasant prep arations now in use. N umrons testimonials have been sent us from i many of - our ' most prominent citizens. In everything irk 'which the articles now In use are ooeotionable, Crys tal Discovery is-perfect. It la warrantee to contain neither bngar of Lead, Sulphur or Ni trate or silver, it does not soil the clothes or scalp, is agreeably perfumed and makes one oi the best dressings ior the Hair in use. It restores the color of thei Hair "more periect and uniformly than any other preparation,' ana ai ways noes so mirom tnree to ten aays, virtually feeding the roots of the Hair with all the nourishing qualities necessary to its growth and healthy condition; it restores the ecayed and induces a new- growth of the Hair more positively taan anything else. The application of this wonderful discovery, also produces a pleasant and cooling effect on tbe scalp and gives .the Hair a pleasing appear ance ' . . . i . . . We call esnedal attention to the fart. tht. a. limited number of small trial bottles con be had by thoae wishing to try it. Yon will no tice that in pursuing this course our aim is to convince by the actual merits of the article. Foi sale in Wilmington by MolLHENNY A WRIGHT, Wholesale and Retail at Proprie prie tr tors' rates.: a. nov The ; Sumter c Hews, a Devoted' to Politics, . Agriculture, and gen eral information; J.'; ! :;.:T.,. An unswerving advocate of the South' an d its Just claims,! Ji& inptto lis: ; THE CONSTITUTION: MtTST. RE RESTORED integrity: jraacouarrBY to its honor - AND GLORY1; the RACE to its Prosperity and Rightful Pre-eminence A SPLENDID ADVERTISING MEDIUM. '' - j. Address - ;" -.- r ; " DARR A OSTEEN. W.JL Baay aao, 4 gy r r Sumter S. C WtlminsrtOTt. N. c.t ' ' :Tau30tf Tne noiraiy ESTABLISHED OVER 20 YE AUS AGO THE MOST POPULAR JOURN'AXi IN THE ;1 , . .. PEE DEE SECTION, , .-. Circulates among the wealthy planters along the W., C A A. R. Rd. Alsoynas many. sub Bcrlbers along the line or. the W.,1 C. & R. R. R ' The;STJua."ofr Spbciai. iinnucxiaatTS to WnJcpeAnvBBTiSBBSL, r -;-. i ? - It Is conceded that no . paper ' in , Eamtern Carolina has a circulation, equal (to that'en eyed by the Mabioh Stab. " ,:lt'' '. : ; T E R'M S L I B S1LA L . . T- ; " Z McKRALL A STEDMAN, Editors, angSO-tf - - j Marion C. H..8.C. ; : ':".;-;r ; THE ' MOTAR--r;'' ' ': i: Steam V; Job Z Printlrigf - Honse THREE. 8 TEAM-PRESSES " " ' . . " - , '-J y t " ; :- j : - - 9y COMPETENT WORKMEN A .:'.'..! ...... -j .;:. .. .- :-.' ?:t,-''---'"'"''' ; - i; ':'THE8TMATEKIAL.ll--' : REASONABLE PRICES ' 5 i it ---i -FOB , 4 -: f Superior work 3 ? Civb Uc a Trial. jane 81-nactf . ' INSUKAJSrCE notices: Wilmington If orth Carolina Lira 11ISTOAITCE CO; C F F,I C :E Its i j j ; ' John Wilder' Atkinson. :;;'. .Prea'denti Job?'. Dawson. ... .'. . ..... jice PresidenL S. D. WaUaee.. ........ JSecuetary Dr.KU A." derson.. . .Medical Directqr. p H t SPECIAL 'FEATURES j .No restrictions oh travel or residence, new mode of monthly payments of premium; no extra charge upon tbe lives of femalesK.Poll cies Incontestibie. V 3 - ."'- 4' :" mayil-ti ? LIYERPOOL AND LOHM 'AND GLOBE liisumnce Company ! ASSETS-ALL LIABLE FOB FIRE LOSSES GOLD)',.'... $20,000,000 OO. . . - -' ,- ' i ASSETSlN U. S , OVER $3,000,000.00. DAILY CASH RECEIPTS UP- ' V ' ' " . WARDS OF.... (GOLD).... : 20,000 00 TN view of representations recently made JL certain Insurance and other journals,' we wish to remind the pubi c of a few facts that win enable them to estimate rightly these mis-statements ana tne ooviousiy interested motives .by whlcn they have been promoted, This Company is carrying on the business of Fie and Lite Insurance only. -. I The security for the due performance of all its contracts is : , - r. ; Assets amounting to $20,868,07) 01 and the fortunes of its numerous and wealthy Share holders, every dollar o their property teing liable for ail the losses ol the company. These assets are liable without any restric tion or limitation for all debts and. obliga tions, with the exception that the premiums 04 saw Lite Policies lesued from August, 13 0, are required by the law then passed by Par- 1 lament, to be kept separate f rem the Other funds, and to be liable only for such "Policies, with this excemion.( not exceed Uig40,0t0) the whole of the capital and accumulations of the Company are avail tbie to satisfy all claims that may arise under either Fire or Life Poli cies." ' ' - , - .j, , since the establishment of the Comnanv In 18 ., it has paid tor losses, $12,823,058 8u fD,- w.jiui koi ims amount navuig oeen paid in the Uniied States overt CO.tOj 10 to citizens of Worth Carolina since 858. - j Over Two and Three Quarter Million of Dol lars of our ' hlcafo lo-.es have already been paid in -full miihout any deduction for interest. Abe remainder. ot the. e loes are beina rap idly settled, and tbia Without auy diuiiuution ol tbe Company invested iunds In tbis coun try, now amounting to over xnree Miuion D liars. i It has evor been the practice of this Com pany to meet all claims with the utmost pos- aiDie promptness ana lioerauty, ana ta this practice may be fairly uttributed the -large success realized, and tbe hitch detrree of tat uc conscience wua wmca ii is nonorea. ALFRED PELL, tsQ., Resident Manager, New York, THOS. OR2E3XE, General Agent for North Carolina. Office In Murphy ttuilding." North friJe Princess. St., dec23-tf . , Wilmington, N. C. i j Maiine j . WE ARE PREPARED TO ISSUE OPEN Policies, and Certificates to - cover shipments .- i - 1 by Steamer and Sailing vessels to Northern porta AT LOWEST LIVING RATES in the UNDERWRITER'S AGENCY, of New Yoik, Security f 1,500,000, and in the GREAT WESTERN MARINE INSURANCE 1 COMPANY, of New York. Security, $3,000,000. j ): s, L. H.'&,T. a DxBOSSET, j nov24-tf - . General Insurance Agents. OF RALEIGH, W.VC. R. H. BATTLE . .......... Preslden SE ATON GALES. ..... , Secretary JNO. W. ATKINSON, Wilmington, Agent. JL HIS reliable State Company pays its losses fairly and promptly It is managed by wen known business men. Its capital and earn ings are Invested in the State, and tend toward building up and'fostering the financial pros peslty of North Carolina. . : ..-w; , aug 1-tl INSURANCE E0 0LIS. ; No. 5, N. EEONT STREET,' The 1 olio wing leading Companies are repre sented: i . . . THE QUEEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, - 1 " ' " Of Liverpool and London. ANDES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, :-...:..: j :" 'Vi . " Of CinclnnatL, CONTINFNTAL FIRE ; INSURANCE CO'Y, -. : Of New York; HOME INSURANCE CO., Of Richmond, Va. MERCHANTS A MECHANICS, of Richmond, 1- . , . ' , Asn " . : The Old, and Favorite Marine Company,!' THE MERCANTILE MUTUAL, v :l' . : . or New York. Insurance at fair rates in tne above firsts class Companies. . t' .'" '-' : ; : JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, doc (B-tf ' General Agent, P led mo nt AJngto n 1" 't LIFE INSTJRACE COMPANY, an e -prod gy econ omy, caution and security," invites respectful comparison with any first-class company In the country. ;w ; . j ; ' Its record, past and present, is glorious, its future hopeful, and the ' management take pride in presenting a Company in a condition equal to any, superior to many, and surpassed bynone.-' -.;-; .v';., "; - '-.-: '.: Persons desiring Insurance, will please call on ' ----- , ..- ' - :' ; Y W. Mf 95JBVENSON. Agent, I 1uly8-tf ' ' ;,,zr SOMarketSti ; NJBiW STOCK OF u - - - c 0 c 0 a nir ts i j A full supply oF Oporto . Oranges, Contectionene8j --Frnit8,;;i Orackere, h Canned Goods; &c. btkinds.j r Cider, Apples, ;Nnt8,:i0ranges" ;and Lemons, Candies. AJodnsbrMack ereli Herring,: Salmdn,: Cheesej ; . Butter, Flour, Toys,;FIre' "Works and everything else r :l "n; : in our line. . XRONOUNCED by the M Ukbbbwbitbb," Insurance Journal of Philadelphia, to a. nrod'flrv or auccesa. and a . model of dec28-tf UEIDE BBOS W1"' ma BUSINESS CARDS. 3 J.) 111: SilUBOn, . WHOueaxui Aim kxtaIx, dxaltes-w v Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, Notions Boots; Shoes, Hats, &cT , ; 43 SXnrlict Street. V- oct29-tf - ' .: f ;...". : .: ; job s,' r,rE, - b, b. witxiaxs. b. f, w. Lorsa. JOIIN : 8 : E : 0 0 . DRAXER3 KAaLSTORES, No. 4? Nortli .Water St., piiiladelpnlm. Liberal Advances made on Consignments'of Naval Stores and Southern Products. Refer' to 'Messrs. Harriss A Howell, Wil mington, N.C. i . . . , - - novlMy . TH0S.-C. LEWIS, ..v.".;..: DEALER 'lJ"f.':'-.'''" .' , : Ship Stores, Groceries, . Provi . slons, VI sli and FftU Uoc. - 4 NO. 5, SOUTH -WATER ST., 0ct22-tf ' WILMINGTON, N. CV i . , ' 'i A. K.YOLLR0 ADRIAN . & V O L L E R S . Cor. Front and. Dodc Sts. JV IL M I2f G, TO ir7 1 iT. .C . i. us it ' TTTIIOLES ALE GROCERS, IN ALL Its branches.- -r . ' Q)UNTRY MERCHANTS wiU do, well by calling on us and examining onr Stock. novl9-48-tf - ; - V MOFFITT;CO. ; - GENERAL COMMISSION XlerelMnU , NORTH WATER STREET, '; Wilmington, W..C, Will give prompt personal attention to the saio or shipment or cotton. 1 k aval stores, General Produce, etc., etc Also to receiving and , forwarding goods. 1 49 Orders solicited and promptly filled, septSS-l-U v; ,,,...,...,... J. 9. BDWA&ns. ! b. . axix. Edwards a Hall, Grocers J aii; , Comissioa . Merchants. DEAL IN ALL KINDS OF .. . ..... w COUNTRY PRODUCE, And keep constantly on hand a full line oi urocerices at lowest cash prices. ' Wilmington, January 4, 1&70. ti S. NoBnraor.v . w. n. No&th&op . - i . - W. ' A. CuHsrira. Northrop & Cumming, COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Proprietors of tb WllmlnKton Steam Saw IIllls, TOllmlrgton, N, C. CARGOES of Yellow Pine Lumber for any market furnished. Special attention sriven to thA nnwhaaii or sale of Corn and Peanuts. oct4-iy - im joajrsoir, ja. , ; s. a. buldsbt. JOHNSON & BIRDSEY, I Commission Merchants. Will give prompt and personal attention to the, sale or shipment of Cotton and Naval Stores. t ' ' WiLMiyoToyj N; C , 8ept. 7th, lSltf B.,F. MITCHELL & SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, " A.1TD DBAMCBS IN 'j,. GRAIN, FLOUR, II AT, and also Fresh Ground Heal, Fearl Ilomlny and Grits, Nos. O and 10 No. Water A .'Stret, Wilmington,1 N. C, Proprietors of the Merebants's Flouring Mills, nov 3-tf ... - A . H . N E F F , MxstnrAOTVBKa aso Dbalsb IK ' BOUSE FURNISHING . GOODS, No. 19 Front Street, Wilmington, N.C. Guns, Stoves, Lanterns, Pumps, Kerosene ' J V Oil, Tin and 8heetIron Ware.- ROOFING DONE at SHORT NOTICE.- , AexKr ob Faibbaxk's Soaxbs. ; ; decl3tf Wilmington & Seaside Hallway CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, the follow ing schedule will be run on this railway : Commencing at 6 A. M., -at Wilmington Gar den, corner of Rankin and . Eleventh street, and arrive at corner of Front and Red Cross street at 6:-22J A. (J. Returning, leave corner ef Red Cross and Front street at 6:22V, and arrive at Wilmington Garden at 6:45, and will continue to run at the same rate darln the day, allowing 18 minutes between each tarn out. Under this arrangement a car will pass anv given point every 15 minutes, each way. The cars will be run regularly from 6 A. M. un1110P.M. ; ..... v ' v V SUNDAY SCHEDULE 1 On Sundays the cars will be run from 9 A, M. until 11 A, M., and from 12 M until 10 P. M.w Any complaints as to neglect, carelessness 1 or improper conduct on the part of any o the employees of the railway should be made to me either in person or through thePostofflce. nov 8-tf DANIEL KLEIN. f Carra way;; & Cleap or. ffiOE UNRIVALLED ARTISTS ARE 8TILL JL. onerxng tne nest inducements to our citi zens, and the public generally, for their pat ronage at the PurcellHouse. Everything per taining to the profession Is keptconstantly on band, In order to give complete satisfaction to the most fastidious.- ";' ' , . .'"; ; Savahraiv:XCa ' JL HIS WELL-KNOWN and.POPULAR HO TEL will be re-opened for the reception of travelers and day boarders on the 15th of ,0c-; tober, last. The Proprietor promises to sua tain the enviable reputation the House has enjoyed in the past, and Jeave nothing undone that can contribute to the pleasure and ' com fort of nCUestsV 'i.uiVi ;r: 6et20-tf 7 J. R. DAVIS. Call and Buy a Pair of THOSE; CELEBRATED r VICTOR'? -ijciiy J GLO VES Qnly Ono Dollar a Pair ! EVERY PAIR WARRANTED . . ' ;' A. D- BROWN Exchange Corner, i deC20-tl 'i ' v Solo Agent. " Bacon ! Bacon I 100.000 Mi ?n0ULD1CBa - v For tale by June 21rtf WILLAED BEOS. V 1 r-3 1 a. .1 r - ,i 1 A'. 3 4 i 11 deoSS-tf DxROSSET ft CO. lUOMVU VU AVWAtVW ww ded 2-D WSmos ent