. . -l ... : ' : : . - " - -- '-an. ,.ummmm"v..ijj .' j. l. 1 '. 1 n :. -j..JaaiU'r. " er a square pa aiy n 0 ''' PUBLISHED -D .11 LY, g,.,, Winn.: - -- o55:::::::;-::::"::;;I ! si "ibntS in advance...-. a t 1bteZS, , in advance..... 0n6 tfiwaxAmwlllfcrvfi::!-. red In p- Jan. 15,. lb. Vcl. TJ-:T6. 08 7 A." J 2 P. M qP. m. riTher-l I Barom- m0m- Wind. . Veatlr r me. ter. i . i - . - i i liit-" -' i hi I - y.f . -: r - l . 1 . w uivui.wi luc v.UO . C CAT . iuTcr inn rial i J . 1 1 ... , iwwuv..0. i -t - v j . , wj rvsi I X4 l uenuo .CJiear t loera aann.tPlnnnf h. m. J will arrive In ft1 oitvtflwTH4 titu. I r rr - ."."wa-D"rV,, , I vuc i&uic: ranreu, vcoa vx.uajs o. . , : Oila;, n:: VE-te,if r" - V"J VVT ttrrfi 80;10 : 57J3WKepAU i l as to ma a & - a . a I. t n "-J , . - ' - ? I mm - . . . . . i . . '. - . r .- i . - "11 J m.UAL r n . fTI.. Of HHV. U . . ' . I - - - ..- . w I . I w ' 3 i i . w w - ' i' - ' Mean Aenrhrftmetrio readlos are reduced coldeatdaja of theeeasonV-' V t-'.f; v 'W V BiMikWsW ifiA 1 Ji V-Mra Frank. Vann. CareNeayanD; Roland R. was taken np and passed , its ItClevei and to S3 dCirreea- Fahrvnheit '-i WelMrii tht nnlt hn.-uC!- 1-i The anbacriber t thii .n!tiii tAb i-wi. wlUlir ili Trt,:! readings 7 f"v; ' ' ; 4 j . , . The"; colored free echoolton ; Campbell Z01 nW r I tonimei Wmiams, Mfss Annie Lnbrs,. care of the WestenrNrrtf: square opened yesterday with about8l ecbol ' w vr fcUf purpue.i organizing nni x o y imams. ; , r r; - f - ' up an passed Us lars. - - . ; . ; 7j ' ;.i 5,',mwwfi uia ucceaaarj auioaai 018105 i jrereons xaiuns ior leiiers m una .List will I On motion-of Mr. -rNextirt:! V-"e 19th Inst, is Gen. R. Tl Commiaaion 'ir5 1 ' - ":' - on weelc,,,.. .;.... .. 60 t t Ckmtract Advertisements taken it pro portlpnately low rates. '--.n ; v llarrlaes, Death b, ReJwlotiH, Funeral and Obituary notices will be Inserted at haOXratea when paid for in. advance j othenrtse f uU rates wlUbeen&nred.( TaxxsCaaliondepAnd.; Weatber Report. War Dbpaktmsnt, Ofllce of Cltier Biznai Officer, Washington, Jan. id 4:w r. in i' rearson. James Fatrick: Miss TtrarvTi Prlnf -l -ThAonsiderfttinn nf hvkni oKnUciK W 1nn that t.K Ttn.r4 ri r Misa Mlnti Peden. i - '-1 1 K-fna rcr.i. rxn.(T who have been comfnlMloni.dv't, nrnilrruL0?:46? S.QPPmPha5L?c.Uor; devo!vft the dntiea on the -Attninr nn. Dan nieaba.'bWn k.....: TlZl" ZJ:,:? " A"wPeF" Kooens,x; miss Kobert-j . ' : ' -""T-T." ; .-t uviui: unaii. uusiucis iuvuii tu nail mil nim na m armri in? n a i ton. i ;n nmn Kun nni ; .ii . ; i . . n nu us icauuicui f in Savannah. Oa " - ? -ct , ii..iViu.icicii , w i ? a Betv sayavai- e nnnf Ik. PH. I Will tmt B tn fbtl'P lr flW'THM,. MU 1 T" t.. v-.- . --rw.-fcrfi..H wm.u- i J,UC tttUitU, TtiM 11, UOIS O. Bun- o- a several ; J aid Division RTRtwaa-' taken 8?copdjeadinff. lirTsoD, the rules please aay-4?Advertised." : Will be sent to were suspended, and the bill put .pa its DeadLeJter Office. at Washington, D. Ci.'in thir1 reading; ' ' ; - -804ays,-if not called for.V U: . i , On motion of Mr.lWomack, the bill to 'yt; EDnR. BRINK, P.M. I "peal the act; incorporating -. the N. 0. WilmmgtpB,...a, Jan." 16, 1871. , -.; -K ;, - Jtienenci Association was : jtaKen up, and .. , i ;. . i piisseu us several reauings. , 1 .T! nTftT. A T TTTTT? RTTlVTRT A T V On motion of Mr. Rankin' the Senate Wilmiijgton Opera House ! Wednesday ; Afternooa ;and ; Erenlnfr, ' . Jan. 17, at 9 and 7 O'clock. TDK CROSS AKTi rtt a xmnnr i S " ;r;;SKKTSprNETV'TOBKi, ff .BURNING OP CHICAGO ! H has beefl snggeated that a " Society for the Return of Texas Emigrants'1 be formed in. having been subscribed for andpaid in.- . The centrai lowest barometer will probably t. . dnriojr he nSht moro l01 eastward, city. TSa in?reaae to-nljtht oq the middle AtlanUs P?..11? ontalde the bar yestej-dar, await, 2Tveerifl rapidly to westerly. wlo da on ln? cargoes , vVVv, .,. V-r' rioadv weather-Drevall by Tuesday " ' w.V.'lV'-': - - , J tt from Suth Carolina' to Maine, with ralu ; UJU ?.Bne a P.ry?a. 01 e,rV "an' . fioow no.ta and eaat of Virginia; brisk over to 8ampson county asBCd !U several tu besUmateur Borthww.1 W JJj!, , ,Ju't 2A f" J5 1 reaMDe8 ,Q lhe Senate on Satarday. " ; bqaurge Jfnerior to iCeotucky; partially cloudy and The Sope -in .1-.) !. Concert. . concert tnaid of St 'John's i Tirish SchobI will be given in the 8chool Room-next North of. St, JbhnvalCbnrcb:on"Thniid next, eomraeoclDg at' o'clock,' .Prof: Gra . A. series ofV splendid-Tableau Palatinga,' covering nearly 20,00; feet of rolling canvasa. Admission i 85 cents ; two tickets 60 cents : three and upwards 25 cents eacbt reserved seats-10. cents extra. :Matineen Chilaren 15 cents ; adults 25 cents. . M, . . s . , Jan ifra, Bank of New 01 a hover. O" srlor Court of New Hanover. I JaU IellTr9-. (eesqTrhrsihlte 32nd Debtors room nnjjerOUS Wiuus bio uut untinu una i iuou evcDiu , . n Tll annnal mee of the Wilmington N, XHB COMMISSION EES NAMED IN T II fJhn.'rtftr Tir tin nnmnaa r nrutntni. hnnV. Af- bin a??? the act amending the charter subscription to the capital stock of theBankof V the Nort5 Western N.s Cr-R iR. was New;Haaoyef hereby give notice that a p0et- sad capital stock lonmerclal Exchane , f 1 ne Dill to promote immigration and to head he, cnnot cure. That he ha treai ed charter, the necessary amount of stock hav inousanos or pases ana nan no eiaznu pre- In ,..,; mr tnr , wno nas I 1 'ne' S'fflitmiM'lSlilui. V Ion io thh dlj on Monday ntrt, the 8 i in euecLinp- iiieir rspmft nn . nnnnv mornintr sans 61 thVstockholders 'The names of the parties -are ;Hehjy! J,1 tt!ement: ot the public . J owjtuwaers .k--': i.k .ini-' ii.-rl l ponds beinff under consideration. - . I made a tharootb. nse of nia' hum "mxqr.-pn. tTnn:. . ric:"?on . u. Wfe lo.nr.nce. Com, r::r:Vvr moved fto, amend the bill ong and conclusive evidence; tbate po.: .1 i ,w r - - pany win oe pcia 10 tnts city ojwThorsday. the VvV -v",,.u- urJ4cu. "rsrjfi bv ftasopinliiny with frtl 1t;m sesses sure means or cunng iniiioaingom z.z. 1 1 - ofh . , i J' and ' W" CT5 'Robinson1 ;a7lfl4l W (T nrnv 1 DJ C,S wun COI. ; Little in : this disease The Catarrh Kennedy is sold by all ' PROFITABLE ADVB flSINO -5th Inst. ffecall the attention of the business men - The J' Brooklyn" Are company appeared .4 with robbery. They made thclc csh Speed woafdVoU for tho amend- cent8'- r. A Ho t.h nnerior advanUces onthealreetsvesterdav with their new nni. cape by cutting through the brick wall of the ment if Mr. Merrimon wonld inr.lndA in Prorress of the! Revolution.- naw 0I" -T t V rA.m nL.n.i . . I room la the Southern nd of the isil. removJ I the fironnsitinn 9(1 nnn nrMif?-wnoi light dawned upon the world .with the Intro- 'CLOCK; offered by THE WEEKLY STAR form, presenting a very fine appearance. They rooxa .ll the Southern end of the Jail, remoy-i the proposition $1,000 additional appro- ducuSnSf had thelr eniEloeana hose reel alone. Ing a .ufficlent pumber of ; brick , to ; make; a pnations. : 1 : 1 ago. Drast PX.A.MTATIOV Bittxss twelve veara untuo parganon. went oai restoration as an aavertlBlng'xnedium. It has, without -M,rA 1 hole Urge enough for them to pass r througbi r. Merrimon said heboid do so if he wefefS .-nn. the XorcMaf CSretilotfon of any no-1 mihw, mcvm I temediatelv under this hole waa. a ehlrken f COUIQ. r , . . : ; io cure disease is to st'ensthen and anmr ,ojw! - T - .. t view Wrt rntftrtilnmonti in lMt .Iti? nn Ih. I " . ' r if. --ir...!-; . a ' : i . on, i 1 jjxci i iLuuii s amenamenir was tnen i .wiud) u w wmwo vucu i iu wcrvy uy fpipMPfl oi o' r - 7 depriving thm at the little strength they icicvicu, A III J, . ,. I hftVA. It annn h(ftm ATld Ant that, a a a mna -Ammnnicatidn with the people Of the rural ronsmouin, va.wtnis evening. . - D . . ' rK . . . , amendment oy Mr. Ulds to perfect of infusing vitality into the feeble system, nKilintoa ' ; " i ' ;. . J nraPe( to the ground. They then repaired the bm was accented hvW Oil miv regulating the secretions, curing indigestion dlatrleta now trading with Wilmington . wo colored men, naped respectively ! to near the rear of the premise, where, with AVk ?7u -S?f 1 an retorming a billonTbabit oi body, no me we solicit 4 call from ;those who wteh to NedJlllirand Alex. AlllaonV-were arres.ed - 3 .pother amenament. by tMr. Olds was diciraration then:known was at all .. f v.-.- HMtminanti hArAra T.nA J.. - t- ! i L.-Un., owucu wo i rpiefirefi- . i oompuTaDiti h in new resH)Tauve. .i since place weir - WwM-.r-v...y . d. crg wUa datlng on the street. tt of .his' section confident that Ve can L . . . r . . . ; 1 .....;ntf.nrnni.A.' neyewaccommTOaiea.wun longings m the a fierce doz on; the premises: f and there I saee-of the billa umAnM an a it a the tinaxn Ravoxxmok nr Mnnioai. Tma. Offer uuiT------2r--Tr:--ti.an I . .. k. .fci U.SOA-;iT " "- XHT.whicbwascQmnieBced.inlt60.is8tilHn ... --r-.l ----- "' -: .-w-,, -. - I - .n C tl - w.,' . .. 1 progress... Nothing .can stop H. foi it is found- AOVliJtTisiin asaiiaa.- - 1 The hill 4a tnmmnni ti... wni.i. n..v I animal and the. nriaoners all alontr i th l ALT. KODDins. of Davidsnn. chancrpd nia I ed on the Prin'clnle -nowuniTer'all v atfrnnw. ivi.i. ivhjiuuh a I - - I . . . . . rj " , ' - . V". 7 V. . . . Z from where thev first resphe vote to.tne nesrative to enab e him to move . is.1- i'iy-.::-. "f? iSr AH subscribers are requested to be present i either in person or by proxy. ' f f jaa W it v .OfflMgnEton NrC.life IbsCo , ; WILMINGTON, N. C, Jaw. 16th, 1872. THE Annnal Meeting of .the Stockholders, of tbe Wilmington Ndrth Carolkaa. LI e Insurance Company will be held in this citv on Thursday, the 25th Inst. . 'N S. D. T&LLACE, Jfl.ni8.td .Secretary. j MISCELlKEOIJS. BUY THE GENUINE UbissbergBR's Live Book Store, 39 Market of Vyilcalnzton, amended by striking oat "Wll- ronle tr it-Science fpr the Toung Heat. ; ; f iarda ; fiank';" ancV Iniieriinx Bank 'of the lne ground and where theys scaled the fenced f "'---' .' ' I Ol. 11 (. it I V.tlk.a Ik. 1.11a. n. ..a l ttl. H T V-. lOjr. Twenty Thousand 8e- j Bllo pucu 114 ejaverai reaaings in tne sen- I - '""j""" j y uuuvue nearn at retail v I ate on'Baturday. .--c.. I any noise during the Time the escape was in mluable antagt-nist ot all human ailments J. C. STEViSSON. gars in lots, low 5 a reconsideration. ; . . and exterlence has shown that Piun-ATio Mr. Battle introduced a billto incorno-i BrMaas is a. peerless invigorant as well as ... . . I thnhpnt nnsalnlo RAfsen&rd fl.ca.inat nnldAmlA rate me town oi uattieborq ; Keferred., the best possible safeguard against epidemic diseases. . .. , Gr.tEX & F.anner. Just Received, a large assortment ofjTrusses, etc. i' t- v: ' Dldlei '4 ELLI3 9 Weather, Ileavj Ransom Boot6. j J ' . 1 progress, which is supposed to have been be tween 4 and 5 o'clock. . Tho jailor savs he ; i SENATE. Satubdat. Jan. 13. Habit, if not necessity, make It a Hair Dres sins indispensable to many. Tne new vigo: A small room in the Brooklyn Market House, occupied bv Columbn. Mm broken open ontnrday night last andob- m examination of the premises; The Senate met at the ial'hourlPresi bedojmeat to the value of .ahoott 25r No " appearance dent Warren in the Chair; i, ? h-v.-r. ; clue to the robber. ' ofahyth ng wrong at that time. The wall , Mr. Troy from the : committee on penal Lost-Ao Infant's Circular Cloak Red 'Me w Io consequence of advance In price of 10 thr01izYx "wnIch l ped was the thlcknet, institutions, offered a resolution empower ino. lined with flannel." brcred withfuivf f Ar 1. W .n- a. .... xt of three bricks and the hole was almost on a inz tho .board of directors of the Pehiten- W. M. sUSso40,,Barrels Havana era' Convention, held in Philadelphia on the "wi . . i m.k t i .1. . . ... . i vi luuBo wno euierea uie room dv a iunnze. i owuvmawm w Mauu.uo uu msvuoi- i . nraoges, iarBe anaawe , T.y Cr ; JI:! rr?l? C?r which stood anst the wall in thlt partlcnl. actcrof tb work, material, &c, on that 'S PARirn Scnooi.-Concert in aid ---a ? graaes location Dow the connterfelter: was evi miag. which DrjAvex's Laboratory issues, is one o the most deliehtful we have ever used. It restores not on.y the color, but gloss and luxuriance to laaeq ana grey nair. uirm . . "They cure I" What cure-1. ATKR'S CHER I RY PECTORAL for a Congb. ATER'S FILLS for a purgative, and AYER'S 8ARSAPABII 1 STANDARD SCALES, More Tb an 250 Different Modifications. enrrs TAtso ton thh best ;..::!. .';3aAwxa.T 'St. John' of it. iu this market frem the present date. location. Douglas, the counterfeiter, was evi dently the leading spirit in the enterprise as NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . Bask or Naw Hanover: Opening of Books "TWe varo: informed ' that two or three the others are supposed to eave been incapable of Sabscriptian. . ,f -is-; , raptioo. Mr. Latham moved to amend by requir ing the investigation to be made by a joint special committee.' 6. D. Waixa.ce. Annual Meeting of Stock holders of W. view or goIdstoTexM, were Ienthedepot.l.hh;.n0h..lnM...thMrikhnitJ 'XI , I - r , T, I IHUCUUUIC1U WJ UiB&AUg Ab WAO UUbJT UA IUC 40 BBLS. AtARK HOB" BY FAIRABNKS fe CO., - : 253 BROADWAY, NEW YORiC FAIRBANKS, BROWN & C0.t i- , , 118 MILg STREET, BOSTON. N. C Life Insurance Company ? Surday nigh because, the agent did not Ia this connection we must ' record ourW Senato committee on penaHnstitutions.- H A V A N-A O R A JT- G E S ! 8e i I have the wherewithal tn ns.tr thn prn.n.oc nf I . : . . i. . " i- I r I v--. -I have the wherewithal to pay the expenses of I v' '"v.-i l unn.j , Sea new ad verusefnent under the v vvant.M-TT emlirniitiiliA kid AnMiwrf , I ..-.. - . .' i U r- i e r. -r i . u- t . ,. i allowed to occudv tne Debtor, room toiretberi I muuuuui jur. juuruuv, wo ruies Mr. w. ju. cxevenson. on rront street, nas l . : r- .. -i v . uv .!. iv v-uu6 ii.M ino Top upx r a tiQu SR. niDiiioo oi ln 8lore forty barrels of Havana oranges, large uniCiia Paintings. For Sale by leading Hardware Dealers. . sept 20-aw4m Tn Fr ent . , iBeaasqnaraa.B.uw ., 5 ' S in the market bv calllniron Extensive preparaUons are in prog the Masquerade Bail to be given by the L'Al- ' r - r V ligro Clab on Friday evening next. We learn lLat qnite a large number of epectstora .re ex- .A..t .. .t i . r n . L" i i I'tvitu iv uc jjrtsiou,- i ,croD .w no nave re l , i .. r. AdTertiaina; for tbe People. ": I the county ot Sampson from the 4th to the who are not i ran ffet the het ni ftihit the Mobhiho StaVs charges for short adverf readings Fnce, col alone voting in the wnoare not j) can get the best and freshest I ....... . .. ! n-mt Wa , Th , v. n . nrfm onrl Mr st-r,.r, I tisements.especiajiy lor tne accommoaaiion I MW6 v A .-e,.- Mr. Stevenson. I .r . . . .. ... . J sonttft thnHonani ,ri b - tHunwncwuH. or wo -p.uu u. Adams introduced a bill lo incor- -Something less than three hundredLper- I,, xft advertementaoTth'li tOkin LJan iltlver Kauroaa son. called in yesterday to examine the offl- l1 tv. 1 V?Pany.? vaiAa: Large and Sweet. SEND. IN -YOUR ORDERS AND SECURE I'f1' THE BEST IN THE MARKET. cial Hat Of drawimr. ln the nharleston AesAern . " . . 7. ... . . ' vu auuhuu wi -aa. Awuwti,vi A4avu0vu, . t TT" " -- f---- j 1 anii thn iihOMTn Trtt thtfm nftitf ntir. Tkll frnf f " " h vwu vvua if m v aw w a - j , - i - Tw'' I lUo uuv a wa vuvtu arwau wta v w ccived tickets: of In vlUtlon to the regular " .Slt .cm? uu .UUH ouo WHO, was reaular rates when paid for Wrfctfw in advance wasTeconsidered: and the bill made the character can be reduced to five lints space, and the, charge for them being but half our the vote rejecting the immigration bill t J . a. , I IVaUlHft IPb0 " w wv v.y WW Si9 WVIAOAVSV SUV VAAt jJlWWW KUV series oi "hopVbntti.ve misplaced them can UVh wtt,BWU w8 BO naiTiQal wuo BaJ8 r This offers IncreasedMnincementaJ or .seri- special order for Monday next.." sctthera dopilcaUMby calline on the Secre- he never "tertained the slightest idea of rantTwantin enlaces. for famUIes wishing dct :h On motion of Mr.r Gilmer, a bill snp- vM1;-' :" V:,. 'L -J-- ""l1;" " wiwrj. . mestics, for Jarmera havlDg :i4or.Q or a cow, piementai to tne act to amcna tne cnarter a p.aoram..:..-v.";-.-':. ' - or an old wagon for sale, , landlord, wishing theJN. 'Wi.H, V- M.,; passed Ai-n.in. -a-.-...-. tenants. and tenant wlshinir landlords. tOnae , iwon8" bu-w wigrtwacu. akbvub.wu a vaiiVU IU IUC (UTEIUKUlCBt Ul I " . ' : 7 Jan 16-tf JW. M. STEVENSON,- . 1 Front street. Extension of tbe Street Kailwray. The work of laying thejjack bn the extension St. JoIiii'b Parish School.1 CONCERT IN AID OF THE.' ABOVE School will be given in-he school Room next north of St. John's Church on ' . E. FRANK CODE'S SupetlPtospliate Xime I WE- offer the above well known fertilizer this season on the following terms : . , r- ... r 5S per Ton, Cash 0: r . t $60 per Ton, city acceptance, payable 1st of November,' ; ;' ! ';' .i'-v. OR FOR ' 400 lbs. Cotton, nono under .low middling, t delivered at railroad depot in Wilmington by November 1st. t ..... ! ..;.. - vm ..-! -., . : . L ' O. PARSLEY CO lanH-tf i Agents for North Carolina. ... i t JI..A.UW.A U .AlL. ULLA .1111 III... 1 . u a . a 1 a a ; J .. . . . ..A W. W M . L . ' vri.- 1 tha Pannrama nt Th. ani Qh.nt.nnir I the morxcio qtar as a medium io r commu- . . v . .: ,7 . a iiursaav Xjvuu jus uuAt, tmudi v i ui r .v "iioi Kaiivav i rr.m in. iinrnir ill minin I wmw wuw. w. a ud uca .uu uuami ula. . . i. a mmIa AM.jn-nna i . j w m.m i . . - -. ... , v., v ... - . " - - I - . ' . : . " . I ... ... , . , 1 I u v Buuiiiuuua iiuuuio niiuiu inu i , i . - .. .. ii(R,niin .i..i. n h -iT..inn rt.nnt ,o-i "Streets of Ne Yoik" and Rnmlntr of nhi. I nicauag who meir several bus unknown cus- i Mtiu nv- V.... rnh PnmK. I ' - 'Munm yvra v. vuw vu.vu wjvv n I . j . " , I .. ' .-.r.--.. I UA41w9 w4 VUVa. a Jk vllj vuut.Uj WUULAW. commenced yesterday, and we are Informed bj Col. Klejo, the. lessee, tbat the work will cgo," which will be exhibited at tbe Opera House in this city on Wednesday afternoon turners. , , , :., , .- f Storekeepers m also make equal . avail o i! land .t."-- ''f -l f . - i .... , . On motion of Air. McClammy, the Sen- Pro. Graban will preside at the Piano, j r DRY SiLT BACOJV . - Sides and Shoulders. BOXES: IN, STORE, i.iue tri'-i rKt r ,i: i. ...; ,.-! oe completed iq tureo day. A baggage car I ,,u evening, iue aoiu idsu, at oana u o'ciock i "wo ivnuvi i uisi.iotuKu.o, uuw ie um iU icgmu luvuuiuiaino oumago iu r will be assisted py tne oesi amawux laieni ua i nil rrTr. ;7. . "V" 'j a-.-:, has already been built; and placed on the P.M.---: ; ; public attention, to any specialty in. trade, or the city or Wilmington was iaia upon toe tneeivy. . ., -... r - .7,7 :r . ?' track, and jesterday'it Was kept busy in " 7 T ..... , . I 7 ehanRein their places, : w ,ar f table, a bill n 'h.85 , AdmlssioniW cents, three for $L n V. , , , r' V f. - : trausporting the necessafV macrkl from ithe Conn7 CotBrntloatonorn. Th, use of the daily newspaper, as the agent been introdttcedin the nse wMch ' bj 'n' oMWcldoneplttothesLneof opeUon,- fpr communlcaUon between P-ple. of aU prefme aggPff-g? v - p . - . This extenslo wur be;' a ' matterof :-grc.t 8lonerB .W h?W .W JB" MtUe classes; is constantly increasing, and Illustrate. . ; ' 1 1 V- -J vi;-vC0nrlv 5 cootenlenee trViho tveilninnblie' and will business was transacted, in consequenceof the one of the ways In which modern civilitaUpa i?jf-j!;,n.(iin Science for thY0TllAf Heat. sYUuy -Mi v-yl .i-.ifi . be duly appreciated py them. V lbseDW of lne Chairman, Hon. Silas N. 1. .avlng Unje. labor, fndnejr. gW r Tbe'nnflnfsbed: bttsiness Of 1 yestlrday, VV" tsVCOBABBOOT. , 4.500H ' i- . Martin, .who. had-saffered' a" severe family onthbnsinesotlife: .W" -t 1 : "the bill to'provide foflthe foriatibri ot flt T H -Wt- Vbfli -if -r Marl or Llmeatono Tor Pavemeiita. ; affliction. Dr. A. E. Wright was awarded the v? it fgf VTT railroad Companies and to" regulate the- XHB picAsnro whieh the reader, of! this Fot;saleV , '0;.'V..1:.'"-; vMarHoiuHliA.M.Hi.nnvitinn nnth--t :......;..;.MJ..W. J ?. . iLV U -tlCtxiX. .f Vt-, tti f - w work will derive f rem the pern sal of It will . ,jf jrKyryHcvlSsM, ofoar auihorjities to uae marl pr limestone in attendance to' thrpriaoners la the county JaU , iThemdestrnctibleTagii ageatCOnvenSqee third reading tH tM'ft f J ;n the laying of pavements;:; as evidenced in the for tb current year. "The Board "adjourned to 1 10 merchan&J'It answers rtheombmed .pir7P The5 bill 'providing for the' support of liit that Seventh streetfstQ; be pavedj;with .meet again on Monday evening nrtt,, the 23rd -pose of a direction label andbuslnes. eardL the insane Asylum was taKenup. 1 1 T bt substance' There is nothing more dnra- "mat..- . . '. Call at the Stas Printing" and Publishing I ' man marl or limestone for that purpose. L. i ' ' ll ' . ' ; ww--W-Wntw Wnnn.eWes. tf ' "P.P'V" "r..T: a lnstanccsf to substantiate this assertion can 1-c- - ' " '. . '.cIr vi. h 1. . ii T v ; The best place for the Wind is the sea a small extend Baft ffurabUltv lsnot its onlv t -' . ncomoendatlortl- The medical fraternity say '"J?1;0 Vd5 MCaIifi be -that of 4under8tandlngprlneiples: which will- be in'wue respects new- vo mep, Tyi -.xz Tyri and Which it'wlU ofleti reqolre careful atte r w JPlalltlllg XOtatOeS. tlonon their part fnlljr to eomprehehd, ;and of -ifl rfloH C.vi :i 'ccv nerceivlntf siibseent'nay by means Of these, ry ir BBLS EARLY ROSE POTATOES?, t t, ..:i.Mr.UTpnj ?xp.ainea i.. iu eiuu I ttrtnle. th import And slgnllleanoeof phe-i X iU I ;. ;t ,f I 1 coverea tne entire expenseto oe provmeu - : ooenrting. around them' which had Otitis bealtby.'inasmuch that it absorbs the the English Church. Kes and has lbe'vlle'e'ftoptt:rifyrirhateyer We seldom get Into trouble : by. ay log . v m for.ana amounted to fa per- annum :.iw Lki-.iitntaWaiArf ! ! ' ; " . t .iL".'-n';Va;,rntV'Pn-nMuJnniirtl.- TK,. Kin nMarl?fflb.r1.AflihTi fi.' I" ' M "''TvTor sale at , . '.. ? ffhlfV1 1 hSvMtl M aer a susbensionf the rule' : J h-t LJZtz': 'amn C' ' vAto JanlCtf .'. - .I JwijUvo&pk8W,: janll-tt For sale low.by ; , - EDWARDS A HALL. vBBesoattAaillinMn-F If -IMiKktiia'n,-12; landgrfartA 'Riferred. ?f'T t'" i '"bstance of an nnheidlhj naturelt may come ".too little," but oiten by saying " too much.? id,waBoSe,i?"0J ' Hmwn ' 51 Tbe biU to tb charter of the fceonuctwith the 2.rL ti . . - - .,.- . . i . i.. ... th. i tt. ou. Utf a ifH.n rnn LiTvrini nnivr inr iirMiniuiv . ""ne io general use for pavement, in. our city, sudden death of "nerever It may be deemed inexpedient toetn- herself perfectly J Bione or brick Tor that,pnrpose. , -The i: rand something ,V!f-f - - J t -fell .c 109 BblaJEarly Boae potatoef , Yi.leVii V loo Bbls Plnk-Eye Potatoes . 1UU AulS uooancn routtuca, aad Potatoes, To Keep Saiwsaae Frenti': When the meat 1. first rJrepared and season-1 thing to hop . it win not be necessary to stufflt In any- "BlllyJ ttlIir, but joit make it1 out In cakes of con- von are into 5 the Jam' again.!' Dlent eheo fry it (bet not very ; bard pr j plied the pet,: " you are wrong, ma ; wd)d PaN Urd, and pack it closely in l into me." " 'U "irn '-, ' ' V WN EatJirday.ainTOn an AuiaiUf;?A-Areuir --." --.A nw- jisr White t. aV. A want I I IB DDCr. UlUUUlii i.UV J M I - r- .7 . ' . t " I . .! .i-f . ' - ' . jr -I?'." uc. u. Bsa-elv.Mrs-.Winnle L ltooneJHarrkU.attbN. neitAiffl,;: sattl WitervSVpifVi ; .;i,k-A.: ; , ; "PeachBlow biliid in two weeks tberearter.:erl-B o I v oTh Serial aodmtboieWrtbf tr KBnnin. C-UaacAlaU ;.Ije lu -''rVB', nrriArk. JAmea-iMiCowan. CantaiaP wM,tPv't""'w ..--wr. Tr.r-.l -.twaiwv : -1 ' w rvnmwvD 1 to do. somethlngto love, and some- ciark.Chartotte,;F Hopkla.. care-Whitfield tncnta to the OUl to provide lortrwcou - iiri'iW1 "4 faii-tf! ' ;t7.Maadi9NormwaterSt. fnr .. . 1 nt.vtni.-. Mias Kade Beaalv. care Henry CalK 1 tlon OI taxes. t ' " , W,w,rarijj i,fi :;Mi3 I . a i ; , . i. n m wswsa j" ... ... j w""w - my w - - - . . . . . . . t .. w j ii r . i. i i : i i tM a uaton. aius joe ; uous-ias. Asaac T-hA niii rnanifME ana nav on toe eoim "imut t- .: .j -i.. -... thh ujtjalld. i '? said a fond mother to her son, "NO" re. the jam Is m i r . . . v- MA a -W ,. . T - at B ak - 1 . . V am. A.' a.ZAw D S A - .Devon. Jttiss. f Joe uougiaa. Asaact r : ThO'OlU to aaiust ana pay on to entire ift.it T Aiaaieis, wieariuu Aur. , ; : debt ot the Btate was iaia oir tne -taoie, ITHaimUl n innnmi a .-a -.1 ,si -o 1 .... a. F-Clln , f .. TB 13 OFFICE. D. X Gilbort, .1 Jars-hot '?. .nn It will rimiln . aa f-n.h .nA . f "."..i.' . -r 1 J . ...' . .'i.. n. VrtfT. . JLT -' '- - r" I deot 01 we waw w ; imu- w . iuo - huk, .- . -" ! "r7-, ! 4 - -,. . ! Pg" b& attorneys atlaw; in th5-oourts wbere I gTO JXailSOXa I n.... nh.nhln Wm A ni-wnfiT Albert Saw- 1 .lL. '. .. atorVa ntauii ftt rmfl ;Tpnd- I w -. Kravj. and it will .r-matn . rrah nA et ai wben first cookeCloTanylength of " de8lredr When needed for use it can be afmed or refrlcd In the same lard or gravy,' Ji pleasure. 1 ., X --i ,": . . s dopticg tbla simple and certain plan, all toe "P01 oflh te.male --"'CSinat n ckNthP- own t.nrlr nr hnof tUSt WOmeU-nSTO . : a v v a wavu - vwaa wa itw a eb Green, Chaplain ,Wm A Greene Alberta they act as clerks, passed its second ;read- -f 'Tha bill to-consolidate the scho6l laws in- Hofferi Nelson Hanks. Miss AnoleHlehsmithi 1 flt.tion was made the special orcUr for i - a . a WIT - I " - , . . . M . . . family will be left with scarcely money en- H Mis. Annie -Hayes, ;Mri E Huden, G P 1 . . . V In. n. Tl a. TTIta t TyV. A Ha1! I II btfgh to buy decent-mourning. She to Id t? g, THrt?Mit3r2 and to provide tor a system ot-pnblic be worto to-oay an i Aw,wvjwv. - - i The Governor I . . a . W V flTW - a. I . . .... . . . ..... t of Wybmiisppoted to ffiiJl 12 bock.;. .- ,, .nfTrtgeacerT ionllowe, Miss A Montrpss, vcare W, I--v . .--Ji ; u...; it.mii nn ! 4 ' i , j I - TTnTTflTT OH 'REPRESENTATIVES: - t i - ; t.'i n.ae lsier.-- -. . - r-,- - . ---- GUARANTEED .TO BE TJTE ! BEST IK - -.i-MARKETALL. 8IZES :r ; i Jan 16-tX,. . ,t 4 f Bijgn of tho Big Boot. - HAS removed to No. 4 soutn water street, next door below Jidwards A Ball's, where he will continue the same business, and hopes, by prompt personal attention, to receive the patronage heretofore extended to him. He also has two . good Billiard Table for sale or rent, which can be purchased very low tor ci h, with all their fixtures. - . ' nOV JU-6UA . , , T' " ' ,. . 1 ' IT'S' t'B E C E i-t-k s-'ur--v-!.i 2 J9tfendent of the market 'for! fresh ' cointeat ff.fe'! 'jp, ?PPlTofireeh sausaWnr snd1 .nch W -CTounz men and maldens.sak.Bome one, Richard Jones, Mrs OcTidnn. r. -L... - . " . .. . !' I ' . . J' . . i a Attn jenKins, re PWWA.rfJ..V.-.- 1-1 - ! win not h liboiw tn fnrn-ot it ni k msitft ncn a snow on noininirnow a-unjo i T . ,,. ,-. . -,. 1 I OI e. 'ect It afterwards, fortbe pr'lnclpleand the V it Isalmost impossible to be .ure .who has Knit Bin t' .. . r r I ... L. . . . . . v . will both commend themselves to the I something or anything. ent and confidence of .11 that give, it ai result Judgm trial. .!!' - TI. ;r "r" " " . -.i For Sale or Bent. - :t- if von have a houe or farm for sale or rent - A New York belle told a anUor 'for' hrTadvertlie'it in our new department;; under head of " For Bale or Kent,". at nauoz our reg ular rates: for advertisements not exceeding lannlil'...... i.f.' if . .t Saturdat, Jan. 13. The House was ' calledsto order, at 10 tv ' ' - ; ' . i - KThoi IT Kenti Mis. Dorkls Ing' ti- p. On motion 9f Mr Jones, rot . Caldweii vrn XfAnreL- Mr. Annie Moore.Mlss the resolntion m rearard to the lease 01 tne Catharine MeralDraam,M K. 0. R' R.; waff taken Tip and made Ibe J MerrltV Tho. W Mlafu., Walter 8 , Moore, Wm M coney, v.a- aw. K Nixon. '' ' - ; t ' -v n.-iai A)Asin all At Green t& Flanner's, vA-'larg 'aasbrtment "of Trusse., all kinds ; ft: WAN TO. t. iv Mn.M TutIazU .RAIKO.. .U.(;-' n.nrlAiMa Afl - Jk.i MUAV,1 f"i . fi t jan'litf -nefi UL The Mill, mnt ! lanre trac bS? verTconTrnient to jgJg 5wWr7yj.H.6rWB.WU Jana-lm i .5 . Ii IGAC3V rAlffTED. A partner to travel ln the- )W DuSAueoS, WllU WUOUU) w flu mm- . l but use. her fee in place ot. nands , : . -'.IT . I nn hAHdl i v w.iifiMiiia tr nr. i f. ni. i . ..-., . . - n i rr. . t - or nmri.i wani.n m- at- . r ,f antborize the-comimssionen ox, ioespii ... -;;.. - . -..fcrj-lo-Wl tjVTs-ir.iJ 1 J; qobxeb bs; xsnraJPro. . V i eek If cvpt 4ii uusr iu bia oir., , 8oaud BO dldn't make a. similar ' ? ii . , . . . -- '. If ' 1 ! . i..f. t S l u'. . flye )Incs, ! 7s.-ir' -jn A t- ;' " J 1 r ..

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