f . - V: A- i - K IS I v.;;-. . 1 ,. MORNING STAR. Saturday; January 20,--1872. : - Editor ana Proprietor. . . THE CIRCULATION , OFiTHE MQR& INO STAR IS LARGER THAN THAT 0 ANT OTHER ZDAtL TNEWSTAPER, FUR HSUED IN NORTH CAROLINA. ' r- WIOXINUTON. AS HV COTTON JIAR ' i , ... . V .. . ...KET.V,,;-, . .... . ';.): "We are surprised that our North Caro- Una people who are and have been" sbipf plog their cotton to markets out of the State, should not see their true .interests! and make consignments to Wilmington. A comparison' with Norfolk, Petersburg and more Northern markets "wiir demotf- strate the superiority' of this place as" a cotton market, both as jto price and ex pensc. v Whilst the prices on most grades , have been better during the' season than the'qudtations in the Norfolk and Peters burg markets, our friends i on the W. & Yf. R. R, should also bear in mind that , the expense ot transportation to this po;nt is . much less than ' to ' tbpf Virginia cities. This is quite an item, and might be saved 7 to our' planters; 'at the same time they Would bo extending aid in the right direc tion, that is building up their own sea port, and thereby, enhancing the general prosperity of the State. ' 'Will not our. friends on the railroad " north of Godsboro make a note of this, for. use in the future when they have shjp-1 ments of , cotton to make I We assure them Wilmington is the best market ! m. TUE JAP EMBASSY. The- Japs have arrived." It is a big arrival. There are f five -'' ambassadors, twenty six attaches, sixteen secretaries and interpreters, sixteen servants and twenty three students bound. for. New. York. All agog for days has been 'Frisco, the Golden Gate; and the honorable guests have been feted and toadied and bored in the most approved: 'American! styled . Wonder what , thcise 'Asiatics think of! 'Americans ?'..'. This-Embassy comes to confer with the powers with Which-their government has treaties respecting - the revision of the .treaties. It is. composed ot 'persons of high rank, all of them ; occupying places ' in the cabinet of the Mikado. The Minis ter Plenipotentiary is Twakura, thePriine Minister ot Japan: , I1' ;" The opeoibff': of 'diplomatic relations with the two great nations of the OrjeutJ China and Japan, hitherto hermetically Sealed, is an important era. in history and marks a progression!! in those countries greater than any that jias taken place in a thousand jears. The-'opening up of : the rich mines and 'other J resources of Japan will be a great benefitj to themselves and foreigners. In a lew ears, doubtless, our I commerce with both of these nations will be extensive and proStableir ABNESTT. ; The United. States House of. Represen tatives has passed a bill granting Amnesty to all persons except hose who left Con gress or the army an i navy and entered the Confederate service. . The Morton . amendment, which passed the Senate a few week's since, . excludes Gov. Vance from his spat. But the House bill, if adopted, by the Senate, will no exclude our Senator as he wa3, not : a- member of Congre3sat the time ;of the secession of North Carolina, his term expiring on the fourth of March, whereas theState seceded on the 20th May. During this time we had- no. representation in Congress. If on conference the Senate should adhere to; the Morton amendment and no concession be agreed upon, Senator Vance will be ex : eluded and. it will devolve upon the Legislature to elect another Senator who can take his seat; but if, on the contrary, the Ilouse bill be adopted iy the Senate, then Mr. Vance will immediately be ad mitted to his seat, and so will Mn Rogers of the 4th district-in the House. ' ' ' ' , But why does Congress higgle over tb is amnesty business? tbat is made by it 1 "What can b3 hoped for from keeping out of the halls of the National Legislature ,a few hundreds of public men no more tral ' tors and no more dangerous than hundreds . of thousands of their fellow-citizens ? ! OUB HUSSIAN RELATIONS. :' . That there ever sbould have been warm7 friendship between Russia and the United States is somewhat remarkable" when we . 'conside jthe ;coptrwtvri -.the; character oN Tbe two governments and the difference In j their wsnonHwa 'nAl.'.J.a'.'. 1j - il.i .1 .! 1 . w jnuvicp, ilUU Ultll IIJlS friendship 1sf aeritirrieto ' -basis, an exaggerated -dirmatic ' sott of an"cction, may yet le proveu by"the w lu?nce ?f events no W transpiring. Rus- ' ' 8la'8 autocrat grows cold towards us; why' ? His representative,' CatiCcazy, gpokeT h . mind too rfrecly-whjcb dido please1 the . . taciturn, Administration. at Washingtob. The Minister was dismiised, to the disgust - of the Czar, and Mr." Grant makes a fling at him as-he-retires-.-lQ.tbe' meantime when the BuastaXMnce. Alexis visits the WWaceti , with a cooLrepepl V dent doe. not return the visit," vAnd now come. cooVtreaWeot! otir Minister at V8' 5 vTp Vcrily.theate. decree -aWat covy and - Yankee Doodle. - Tboie who have tear, to .hed, prepare to shed them now. 1 NATION AI, REPUBLICAN. CONVEN By appointment of the Executive Com tnittee chosen by the ChicagCJ" Convention 'sj-as-i 1 '.i of 1868 the next Presidential Convention, or rather the -caucus to nominate "Gtant, Kill meet in Ph'iradelphiaonlhe firstWeff - nraAniT in T.ina Pennsylvania-is Idoubtful hence litiioeame Thisl it is quite likely they mganie. inis, u is quue i.kcjjt iu jr Will do; IT':- .t. v ? ,v;:-;ffL-3-oj - r A T nliAfieti mnflffHminr the national Democracy can carry Penn- up any of the old hulks 6f the party, and them through the storm, the party ana its iortunes,wm una tne pottom of theses. " Oaly in brand-new - men on a that party "-coulcl . make " & fusion .with Liberal Republicans, and .? the combined movement ior too purincaiion ot tne pnu- lio service and the defeat of the corrupt tionlsta in nnnr it wnnW. h k w.f Mt ' Mi . XVV vj :,vum Fwuij take' place, we have not despaired of such a coalition. .That it will not consist in the formation out, but in Democratic organization a nucleus or base of operations.1 We areled to believe from the tenor of developments recently made. rWe think, however, that the party man- agement will be . put in new audi able hands, hands that , will "shape its policy ' ' , , - - -; . . - J wisely and fearlessly and with an: eye to success. Radicals hold their, nominating convention Superior Oourt sball be held at least twics rnUlroVdlfs'.ifih'e keystone State. ye;4o; continue uch tim'ef.in 1"ny-v . vv-.- scnoeo oy.' law; ripe . lienera Assembly nominating Hancock for one of the places shall; lay off said districts in due time, so onthe Presidential ticket' can defeat the that the said nine judges may, be chosen .ylTantfa of.eachjudidaltei under the authority of thii, Stale, or, bo i so probably, will; go , a majority , of the ; Strike out section thirteen of the fourth eligible to a seatHn either house;of the M Electoral Collese. . If the Democrats take article, which 'fixes the present iudicial h3eneral ' Asse strong' and popular platform can the ?rdl. Assembly. shallr prescribe a proper article to, be styled f'section 8," and to npmnPMtiV rtv fhnnA -fnr cnro- Tf 8yte 0VW for the judges of , the I read as follows: , "County officers, justices Democratici party hope for snccesaf Jf Superior .Courts." so that no iudee may of the neace. und nther nL ihn.A nffi- W We can add mustlp tbehemeiteShS!e an: ,thlttJ:thr;e ot tne plundering Grant party ia the bud. ourejy mere: is enough nonesty, enough patriotism in tno iana to prevent the re- 1 r, . - . as Grant. . ; , . . - - , Tint tiiA -nMnMi'Mn. s n But the Republicans, so-called, think Kot Ltt k; ivii:fi4: at by a big jollification in" the broad- .alia..:. , v u - " brinxcityW 1ui.unjf.u1 uruiueriy love.mey wii, in fluence tile result in Pennsylvania. May their expectations result as the caring of tsa ol ,;S-u - J . 5 v re?; Dca , BPPies ulcn aresaia to De pleasant to the, eye but bitter ashea in the jnouth.- " The best lai.d plans of men and mice gang oft agley." The Radical party may und its Waterloo in Pennsylvania. u. -....w Mr. Pendleton, tho'greatMeader , of the Ohio State Rights Democracy, places him- self on the broad and liberal platform of the "New Departure Mr Ppn(iutn ine xncw departure. Mr. Pendleton j . wuuivuwwu, I u v Li it meets. Will recognize thn nrrnmnHVa1 - - j . Q w W facts of the present' and appreciate the dangers of the future. Mr. Pendleton ex- tends a cordial invitation to those Repub licans opposed to Grant's administration. CONSTITUTIONAL AMEH D3IENTS. wea in tne TXense f Bnrsenta- ' tlvefl January 17, 1872. iir M nmj. . i ... .. ' . . I lv w, aaer me vonswution of JVortu Carolina: I - . Th nnvt A I ! t .1. r-i I in . r-: ir- xiri 1 1 1 ii u . i n iiri i ti r-k i na do enact, (three filths ot all the mem- A-YW&tu VWVU" I bers of each House concurring,) : That the Constitution of -this State be altered as follows, to-wit : " Amend section six. of the first: article, by striking out the first clause thereof, -down to and including the word "but;" this being tho clause relating to the, Btate oeDt. . : -; t j, . . ; , -. A m nn A cnof inn lr,r Af tl.. t, li 1 - I ,'.i v" fcrTW W1 uo urB.-nriicie, i by striking out the word "annuailv" and f . t . .. . j . i . IP. . . vucrwii l"e wora -r "oien-1 niany ; Deing in rele.re.nce: to the sessions nf t Via Hanaro I AbstVv1. I mvuvi utiuuij. . Amend section five ot the, second article, by striking out all that precedes the words nhe said Senate districts; and. by strik- ing out the phrase "as aforesaid 6r'T in said section ; the parts so stricken out havinjst l rererence to the State' census. Y. Add a new section to the accond. article to be styled 'section 80" and :toTe$d ! as iuuows ii -me memoers , ot tne lieneral Assembly shall each receive three hundred dollars as a compensation for their services --.... Buujeuv w ouch reguia- tions in regard to time of payment and re- duction for non-attendance as mav be me. sv.it ucu uv law t uni. inpv mav nnvo on i a.Wi4AM.I All . . 1 . . ..l .i' .. I uuuimuusi ttiiwwauce woen iney are caiiea lygc.uci m upcciat EeB.ion, and mileage t Bhall be ten Cents tier mi la fnr conh boo I BiOtu'U-u i-' -u -,; , , - Amcna section one ot tne third article by striking ourthe words "four vears where they, occur first in said section; and insertinff in lieu thereof thewnMa I ?2S .'fercnce,to:the ,te,m,' of executive omcers. Auxt a -Ai , .;-., ,, . -"Saperiatendent Strike out -thewords of Public-W6rk9,w whe'fever theV occur in re-Dedtin th PB?nna Tm n-Mrrs 8embly. Strike i - fl "--' Aa a saw v wuu aa aa v fourth S5?i n ' W0,-?t.W and..dJ,tl,eiP Code CommiEsioners .3, . ,f . a . . - r 1 ?iA0U5 P.;f? (ourth artlfcK oupme Court .hU connn of 1 vuuii hu in HPrrinn cnan i-Aan t ia 1.4 1 -a - ?Jt J1Cl1 P-ot the State shall be tees of therUhiveriitooT5lS mliu a ffnCoor,Lr the trial of peach, in whom; when chosdiv sbaU viedW w 3 v w.schence; Jsheriir. D ments, a Supreme- Coort Superior Cdurta. the nrivi ri,Tit,t0i:fia.f UJ -iw-tlUfehx tez ' Kaco?'-- 0"1 Jusllcea- the totcferred.tpanrthorrBoara .otms. O BaCOlt BaCOIl j ' Chief Justice and two Associate Justices; Provided, That this shall not apply to the hu9tices during their present term of omce, nnlc3. by death, resignation or otherwise, the number ot Associate-Justices shall be luced to twb? Alter section twelve of the fourth "article 1 so A at said cfidd'shalT fead as followsr T X UO Dltklo ouail U6 UlYllicCI 41110 UlUO K i ' nuiuiB juugg begin: th4ir:fflpialr terrfl; at; the first generai election 0r jmembers of the Gen. eral Assemblv which shall rjccur After the I . a ' - - ., I nfifinaliATi s f tKia einlnn DrTk. Assembly may reduce or increase the num article by striking out all after the word omce,'!and inserting, in lieu of tbo part so stricken out, the following: "The Gen- I ride the same district twice in successio the same district twice in succession the." judges may also , exchange dis - tncts with each otheras may be provided! .Strikeout section fifteen of the fourth article, and insert in lieu1 thereof, the fol lowing: ine uenerai Assemoiy snail have nopower to deprive the judicial de- partment ot ! any power s or jurisdiction which rightfully pertains to it as a coordi- nate department; but the General Assem- I the other courts prescribed n this.Con ftitution or which may be established by proTide alsoja properjsystem ' of appeals and regulate by law when necessary the methods of proceediag, in the exercise of their powers, of ail the courts below the S,H"Li TOJ 4flft 'i; SL 773 oapreme Court, so far as the same ma bd done without conflict with other provisions of this Constitution." Strike out sections, sixteen, seventeen t a4 a a I ji . a9a'k - , . Amend section twenty-six of the fourth arci oy striKingout an mat part wmcH D "j 7- j . "t. ww "7, Lirrx. . j.TV ia 0 ; , - & "The judicial officers and the clerks of any - courts which - mT be established hi ?ny courts wnich may be established b; I Ian. aha I V. mm a. J J"' BUU " -uuu jr vote cu qualified electors; and for such -term ai each precinct, established i as is elsewhere f.rvfi(Je(l '.r jn this Constitution, AhaU e,ect two justices of the peace for such term as may be fixed bv law. whose 1 oris diction shall extend throughout thek rest V" counties. ; Je General Assembly -"!S"?n,? 1 51?; nw luoum v IUU UCttUV IU , 1UU UrCf cincts which' contain cities or towns, or in which other special reasons render U I nd. incorporated towns shall have the Juu,ciai powers oi justices or the peace. ' J, , secuon tuirty 01. tne lourth a5Tlcl oy "inamp out tne word " townf 8hiDs" and insertino-. in l'wi them fi,i i n vijlx ,.r icuuiyia, aisu iu iiieiasii Bcuieoce 01 ID esamo section, strike out the words "the commissioners of the county may appoint to such office for the unexpired term," and in hen thereof insert "an ap- puinimeui 10 nil sucn vacancy lor the un cutioner ; so I want to insult the civil vil expired. term Bhall be made as may be lain about it." L ! prescriBed by law." j " Amend sections one and seven ot thie fifth article, by striking out the words 11 inrnmiefiiAnan af k..a..1 a ? . where they occur in said sections, and in lieu thereof inserting the words "countv flnfhnrWioa nef oKlisVi a1 ,A .tl..J...V 1 r " m iuubuwuimw uy ... . ' Btri Ke out section four of the fi ft h Rrtirlft . a j ... -. . . .'lor thA ft tri i ' u v n it rrw 'Tn -vn t . v a a ub... viwiut Ml blUkniluu LIS UUT L11R nLI.r! 1 1 M 1 1 1. and interest. -.- ' - ' j . Amend section six of the fifth article by inserting after the word "instrument," in said section, the words "or any other pep- sonal prooertv ." . i ' Insert the word "and" "before the world ."surveyor" in section one of the seventh article, and strike out the words "and five commissioners ' in said section: also adld'l iA 4-! IL. jn .mi n -w eu nctuuu me loiiowing: i ne ucu- eral'Assembly shall nrnviflwfnr ntiom t c w.w. w uuun ,y government ior tne seTerai counties ot the State." i - j A J i .. '.U .meuu suction two oi ine seventu arti- cle by " striking out the word ommis- sioners," and in lieu thereof inserting the words "county authorities established aud authorized bv law:' and in thA am c-U. tiou strike out the words "the register bf ueeus suau ue ex ojfieio cierK or tne board 01 commissioners." ' --- commissioners." - ; Y Strike out section three of the - seventh: article, and in lieu thereof Wrf lowiner:' "The conntv antHrif!p faki Hshed and authorized by law shall see turn, mc respecuve counties are aiTiaea into a suitable number of Bh Hiv Uion compact and convenient in shunA nno.' sinin. ann morireri nnt k- Hi.r. i.- kA. .1 . . . . . m -' I uanes,'wnicn may be altered when neces- Barj. ; aia sub divisions shall be bv thA.' nmA nf nrflnlnMa - rru tin Ibaviano cornoriti nnwo iTh.- Dip governments fare abolished,' The boundaries of the nrecinftta atii Ko ffa liamec as those;- which .heretofore1 defined the townahina nntil Tip fiholt Ka olf ooi i Strik, nd e'eTen of (tuj 7th article, which.relate to the toWDship.W,UP3-;. Z "11 . A?!mi,,f snail fitrile Pntisoction five of .the; ninth ar . . , . . t, . 'it " " - - a . - -m-w wiwi.taji , a ii nr 1 . ih mi nur ipg-e general ;mblvcSall 5 newraarV ane from time to time as mav necessary and expedient, for the main- tenanco and-iaanagement of - said Univer- uty." . Strike out : sections thirteen, fourteen J ;and fifteen of tho .ninth article,; relating to the University of North Carolina. Amend section ten of the eleventh article by striking out the words " at the charge of the State.. and In lieu "thereof.' insert the words 4 by the State , and those- who i uu uuv unu pucitjr uvel UUU UbUVc lac homestead and personal property r exemp- tion 'prescribed r in -this 'Constitution, or being tninors, whdsft parentsr'do cot' own property over and above the 6ame,fshall S be cared for at the charge of the ' State.1? "' Alter section-. seyeb of the fourteenth I article ,sp that said section shall read as follows ; "No person who snail hold; any office or place of trust or profit under. the I United Sfntfi. nr nnvdnntrfmnnt ihAMn( I " 7 -J nuumimWJK IUUWIi I ki. I . ... - 1 State or government, shall hold or exercise ing 'herein con ntained phall extend : to ofE Sffi cera in the militia Commissioners Commissioners for Special PurDOses.', - ce3 are established or chanered in anv wav 1 by the alteration of the Constitution, shall continue to exercise their functions until continue to exercise their function, until any provisions necessary; to be made by law in order -to give fun effect to the alter- ations, so far as relates to said officers, shall have been made.',' : ; ' j ' ', ; Re-number the sections in those articles from which any section has been stricken without the insertion; ,of; another in its stead; and give to any new section that - i embodied into th several" sections numbered consecutively. mMhaiir w hfthna ini? a few days in New York and whom Democratic ; politician. regard, with curious interest as a man thev mar xkf bn CU,?J1S lnJerest " a called on to support is, like the o'tner p for the Presidency,' residential candidate from his city, Mr. Pendleton, a member of f HeU a brothern-laV to tanl Joseph Hooker. Mr. Qroesbeck j has made few puWiJappanconeringTh tation be enjoys: and has spent very little me iu puuuc me; Duine-nas tneiacuity I v wo iuuawuu, nnu aaaingiomsreput tion every time he appears.2V: X' IvSr - . 5 vli rM Pty in the field with its Presidential ticket official. r. K X'lJ meets at Columbus, Ohio,' on the-22d of Februarv Abmit thfifcflm . .1 . - : , . , the national labor reformers met in the same place" anklhev p,3 dential ticket. The womanV i&hia Vn- 5en will wait to see what course the anti- Umnt Uinnkl.. ..a. 1.1 1 ' V . .J Mm. Partington Speaks Araiu. airs. Jfartington entered the office of tbe Trobate Judge (called " Civilian,") nvl fnr.ni,i tn w uZt FvA I jou me civil vurain i "Do veil "wish t.n insult me. madam?" said th .Tnff " Yes," replied the amiable old ladv J'my brother died detested, and left three infidel children, and! Tm to be their exe- SPECIAL NOTICES. I W r " o T7" t . . ' I rmfbrtflHi?8 "we I the Liver and I and 4 Tonlntr nn tha VawMno . . ' numeroas and rem tne -Narvrma Netam i. numeroas and remarkable cures of the worst i nww Bororaia. "ver com caused: rtTKSriteLby pnysici&nj, and recem. mended by our best citizens. uec i-usb w A Fly eat j , BATCIIELon'S IIAIB DTK. This superb Hair Dye is the be in the World rerrecuy Harmless, Sellable and Instant taneOUS. NO rllaAnnn1ntmo.f Va.j . Tints, or Unpleasant Odor. -f The genuine w A. Batchelor'a Hair n nminAA. TunT I inn.w. . . I -a--cju j. a spienaia iack or. Natural Brown, I Does not stain thA wu.v intioi iiue xxair i ien, oorc and Beautiful. The only Safe and .Perfect Dye. Sold, b7 all pranriats. Factors i i. j . . 56 ' V,-ury- w "reesjuew zora .t ... ! feb 7-eodiy-ent Tu Th Sat ' . : ', ' " U , SPECJAli , A:'- -' M . ' : lUarailtl2l0 llTotlCe.' T3 ' i' jli -a. "ts and Masters of Vesseliarenotifli iat if anV.'- i-L ' L . - . T T. r. "P811 Qaaraatine Station, It wlU subject' the vessel to the delay and. expense of beina carried' baet nd ifimn.in r ! - ""owliigly. toaflneoflMj. pilots I "111 satisfy themselves befor rvaatna. rt-i: I h W. Q. CURTIS, idep27-lm Qaarantine Physician. V Journal and Post copy Notice-. VRDERED THAT THE SWHUTM. o ...... .oxiaj . . v peaoii. onthotaiUnanentStiSti ,Sf ShextetnU. dement tthf Iw'fo? All persons Interested Ja the above oMer them 1 " ' ' - i xsysDeDsia. linenmatiBm. It to become a standard ramLw . t 7f or sale by 4une Sltf . and SIDES, i AGA1 REDUCED X D 6 it il b b i 1 -,r;: 0& ?- U Vi I m i ngton, N . c. - " Its established high reputation and low price make, it the cheapest fertT Kofer o any ono o, the numerous. piaotors U biva ,rie it, fr Ita mJ, "r ' i-V -:; -XOCAI, LEAK, SPENCER ft CO.:.... ....... .....i.i.iJ. U!: It T.TT.U!l ".. . .. : ' JVl. A. ...... ................ Ar ht!7ictt ' -. -., J. W. AT COCK..;.... w j hauls ' . - WOOteit a cnoorf - w.tf"J!?. CBr,?5.,,,,,r m. 'vr. jARvis....v.i.;;.;..;..;::....;.:::;; UPCnUECH & rD )DD. jan 12-D2mW"3mF4m-ent THE " STAR t;:;e::';-A" ::M: -:1 JOB PRINTING HOUSE, Book Bindery, .AND . Blank' Book Manufactory, BEBNAUI. Prop'lorj WILMINGTON, N. C. Tlie Only JQstablishment In Che State naTins all these faciii ties combined. IMPROVED MACHINERY- OF. k i jsr n s t THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF ,: ' TYPE, PAPERS, GAUDS AND INKS i SKILLED-'AVOR KM EN ' ta&Bf . " .Vf? - U,C,IT IN EVERY DEPARTMENT ! n. o t ;t 'h ?k LOWEST PR1 CES; BUT BICES AS Any: Other Estnblihmoni :- "v ', 3 rojt TnE .-.'l-'- iril -.(:. BEST QUAMT1T OF W OR K - - V - ' . .. -. ' . I :Jr -1 PMIITING, BTJmhq AND HINDIS G i OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Executed Promptly aad Skilfully I SINCE ADDING we are- enablecl fillordbrs With '' MayBfiAFtf eL?c1"- " -.'.r!; -ii.-. -: TTaw RtAra I TTi I SKWW fTH Q?0a t - a - AprUTaterT Street, ; , door to SVillard iZros ; i Whole s"a l e d e ax er s iV ,, liquors, wines, brandies,' 1 ' v . - r'- t - l . -1 , ..-(-. r- . . . v l 3 v Wt '.,!' ,4 M flLioivcio, MUSS, Ci t.'".'' AlfD ALL KINDS br ? TyiU offfer to tho BEASONA R f.VmaTr J VeItgoodI SiSSf? ieo Tit r'IUff your purchases.. (Late 9f the Clarendon BiwdOyster Saloon ' TT TftS11 ? 0. 4 South Water atffeet, rT irr "V Wf .-awaU7: uau's, Sirtot Tj"1 00111111118 the. same business SESPf' by Prompt .personal attention to receiTe the patronage heretofore extended to low tor cash, withloi their toC" '-'IV U i b t W t G ' AGENTS i i .........'.. itfS . rs-"t -Si ;;.. IflesvDu" -g. Creek . j : . - ulitCreek ' J- ,, "r;.""V'" ...Kahunt. t'".?v Ijir Have You Examin ;1 - ., ; . ' THE ckljBEOIDERIES ANI) " " MINGS AT J. & H. SAMSON'S, Zl . , DIA1BE8 IH- STAPI.E AND FArv i V :-.v, i 00D8 or all descrlDtlona. Hosiery, Dress Goods, Blankets, " . :.: , ,4- ,. ;f - vioaw, snawla, Eibbona, Collar, and a complete assortment of everytlUng kept in our line. -T - Bbl oilers aesirtaff Uie lit, est styles at the lowest prices will a0 well to examine our stock. . - ' J. & H. SAilSON. No. 43 Market street dec!7tf J. TF: SCHESrCS, Jr. ft CO., General Commission Merchant! u : j Commercial Agents, CORNER DOCK AND Watfr nnw-.' ' J Wilmington, N. C. WiU give prompt and personal attention to the sale or shipment ot " ; NAVAL STORES, JUN1PEB STAvind all kinds' of COUNTRY EEUDUCE, 4c 4c, - Oiders for sale of produce or. purchjue of Goods wiljl be promptly attended to, and totu' best advantage to onr cnatomers. dec 24-tf Planting Potatoes! plNK EYE, .Early Goodrich, " ; .' Peach Blows, , Early Rose, Jackson White, In lots to suit. Tor sale by Jan li-tf . ADRIAN ft VOLLKBS. POLLAK & SON, Slannfactnrers, Importers and DEALERS IN - Pipes, SMert Articles ail WHOLESALE 43 Maiden Lane, RETAIL ONLY Genuine Sleerschanm Goods t( 27 JOHN STREET, 5. T. Jar Address, for Retail Circulars, 4c, W ter Box 5346. jnnegtf :-;r;ii-'.-,n.THE " CUFFOED BOUSE, V- AWD ONLY . - SAMPLE ROOM, IIS TUB .CITY. "YJfTHERE 6uPERI0rJsE0ARS AKJj W TLKi) liquors canalvftT,M. L oonnectlOH.with that Superior Brana w CHEX7HTG TOBACCO. Also, OCtlS-tf : J. A. CLDTFOBPjFl?!- Tiiipentiiie Axes. ''2 '-ii' .. E HAVE-NO VT ON HAKA ceivlng by every steamer, a large assoi of our celebrated John: Dawson ?' Tnrpentine and all Wds of Hardware and AFf !? orsaWat bur usual lowprices- The manon OK"' . ESTABLISHED pYK6"TB THE ;MOST POPULAR ' J OUB 15 f : :PKK DEE SECTION, Circulates among the wealthy P1"- jt the W., C. & A. R. Rd.- Alao, has scrlbers along the line of the W n Th Stab . offers SpbcU-1 WxuaveToir Anvawnaaaa, jrfet ;Iti is -conceded that no paper JJei Cajlinahas a.eIrcttktion;.equal oyedfby.the ILiBiow Stab.. , V:V TriB ac:s iiBfU, i MoKERALL A STEDJOj. aft. I w U: '?wS. IL BBBa-- v i r : .j"' "' it;'- - ' :7'.yt ft :, ,- .. '..Wilson' .... WTLLARD BROS. novKWm

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