1 si ,noniQs x" " ' Jan. mL, i - -a f , ' Barom eter. S&37 ; 30:23" 30:81 t The roor win a. .j : : : ' i , i . :, -v. . .--'v -7s.,"-i", w-sxtf- ittisM-ta 4 . i Mivr...- ui 0V i' - J e Local i: t$, ;; Tetrrnry the lit. Weather: ;Tr.tHs. D3y ' : fachethj'.'r : '-j- -r" The f rrant Geaaler la nnlrf tn han ntat 3'. fresh Sfrcch L r r:c' D-n T.hs cJrriii now InNe'w'OflMM' . - . " C . 1 r..UUe will bo here pa tiio 1a ii baronjMrie readloare rednced. r Uaa tbimanU Jor roller VfeksUlce Nt"el rtdasaidejrw! Fahrenheit L4t a :: mA & 0: 3erVt Signal Seilce Jy. 8. ipXtoanla baths are good, for the cota I walber Report: ' ;.1 , - uaaen deaths.are uifice of Chief Steoil Officer; . fcequent Id thbrcommabltj;i;i?r1t. V.V.;t ; Washington, Jan. 31 4:85 M. ;Tll.,i'u!V . ! 4 ! v ? S fltMfc:oVi W I l101"' Club expect to give Bari-Awni.piiUto. recouniry east oi vua ixiiBBis-h inc Board or Conn rnnm;lrni rhii dsf over the enu Si Cloudy Gal coaV tv nrnmieolnnrrii p t ally cloudy veamer vua nsmjj umpera-1 .--""" r - ; r SStntbe Souih AthinStaUs -j Rose: -aml-dlarryjAVatkinrnen 0ryamlIolMrdered; '? r. V T- V?- ' KReniet,.ln .Norfelfe.f itaVMendaJ 1," etenloK exu'. .t . ;.T.boa i "kji-xcQV tore -"We- learn that . the Th6d'orft Thomas Troupe passed through thU city 1ast'-velo,T icolnz South." ttt'if i.a t fr.i ; the phrase Blobd"Wlll Tell.,'fe ) ". Yhey say f male com pbjltors get throrich tneir cppy.Tery i-apldly, beln anxious to get .he'Ust word. ,,f.';- ; ' I A qery for mothers Why is a ecreamlos LEGISLATIVE SULIIIARY; IVoodensed-fromthealel S 7, .'. , Alexis by eri'dcavoring to' puncp, him on, sbbjett of wmeVs-rights. A4 t r ?! Pr?yT earnes ano eloqaentyUQW leurina :4'BVf6nmlnc the f nn A'cele.hratetl clerfyman recently said that he had Xoprud toore xood In bad pewplo- and more bad la gbbd ped pie- than he tercx; .; peeled; u-?iB-jr xjfry'vi i-yip i "tThe old fashianed.Klmbal ring (wo ringi jet tnej severed Jand y ?t jnnlted Ing' re fu. f, wng ti ngw, a ne - iaea verj t't cujt 14?' V; aieu prppiU99S.r; ':i SEITArtE. Monday, Jaa 81. The Sene wki called to. order at .the tasual houryMr.rcsrdentN Wairr7in:'tbe I l-c .PMVATE. BnXB.f- H-'io .afr-i'y I The calendar of private. biihbeing' the special order was pfQceed,5vUb.X" ' fbelfyllowingLbilj andesolatxons pass led their second and third readings,' or were otherwise disposed of; . V 1 The Mil tb Tepeal an ' act to amend an . act to extend tbeT corporate :tfmif8.! of. tb town of Kinston. Laid on the table; -i ' X VThe bill; to incorporate theiTVilmington ;SinrCnal Company; ;. i V The bill to repeal secliojn private laws of 1866, relative to the tpwnof JKinifbn, was laid oa tbe-JtablciU ; p On motion of rBlr McClammy 'the bill providing foe cumulative suffrage for the city of; Wilmington was postponed till A,,-, O .Tirb:i.:fTPJ..JM, 30.; The 8enate,met at the-usual hour, Prcs- r ' fi McClammy, a : blil 'sttppiem'ental tp Ithe act tb incorporate the Dawson Bank. THE MARRIAGE BALL. i uuugnju Dieara j.irq-engine -company no. I. -'WJ - 'j-. ;.--:7',-r-r ?. -tt.-t .:.-! i We solicit a call from tnose who wishTo take place this evcnlnjr, at 7t o'clock. S. of this section, confldeat that we can layorrUnl.ftfpalelgh yesterday they shaoldgQitohanglnhemselves jnstfor the27tu section. r v u - i.,. SnWmeubalaAndt faVWle ? ' morning, on basics. connected with the Wil- t, W0Q)eQwbuld CBta- ' a amra- mr'Wt a. K wTaW. 'ill I -' ' " I OltllAr nait elvnll Imki'mi Via ntlim niitk tin. 1 At mPflnr1, -AUn. t k-TJ.i, - . , ..,.;.118r OF LETTERS i . I -""" fu.j.uU wwwci.nuu- PenelODQ Ann, anold maid.' hearmor lipr PROFITABLE AITEKTISIX(i. , X . t-- South -; ' ;. .-i tlttc VV? t .a 'it ; I con sin Jrnfth&5JnW 'JlnWrtfiinS; f -h amUUm aitattoftt-f lwtftee ca'-.w-ii,,,,,., .wwL. V4-'Wi,Vi k i.f.VW; iU-L. figIorhri'!Prm- adrentagee ;. j -The $1 We Uo (bsl j.ou W.CB JtbeT? fo.r.? AA V Mm M JTW WfcJ -n jr. aavertlstng SAedinini.' It has, without j 1 1 jj 1 Comjaerelal, . at this office. ; : -i. Aentlemianone dajr. waa, making away ted for hwth lrKe Padding ctose. by, whenhe was namic H eat on of thl mnnlT vn eominanicitlqn with tbl people ;of the. rural J r1 Tho vregnlar monthly meeting oI"Wlli vii .:--fi?xt I-i --a Jx.triii-iitix ir ,iifltricv aow tradtag wtt Wilmington, 1 mington 8team f ire Engine 'Company' No. 1, h 4i $eical. Paragraph" remarkaroa ; the. , K.W. -A U VEUr;EllKaT? Ur OF JLETTERS i-f"9 I" f 'r. ol Cape Fear, held In this clty.iMr H. D. the-CIt Post Office, February 2 fV ? (WA,bi o.an.!,UmirKt:i;!i,;r Wilson, ofGreensbo,.wau6anmo;u6lyeWt, ' W' ' Mr Allen "wportttd ' t& !rov sionlbut iumW t Elu Slin ftJ the Bisr 'Boot- Li Jic..." " v - - - AEobert Amao, ,W J Akens, G W ;Ander- Jur -a-uen supporcea me .provisiOB,DUt U(dlst A, jeixw, 'foi ine ig Boot- tdaesUinee.., --nj; . '80n; ; -.j . ' . proposed' to compromise by ? making a Bjo,y ;Bo6ta. ,lV:) . j WThe.bijubanntii tj -flSJ BaWee. Horace 6 separation for three yeari presumptive of Medicine. 1 . .v' ' 'amended and passed its several reading in.the Browne Mise-MatiWa iBryant, Robt Brown, ft . Mr- Graham,ofOrange,moved to amend lv v, nitrfntU t;- m House on Tuesdiv ", " ' :' :- ! D.Browo, R CI D Beam in, Mra 8arah E Bell, W m accordance whh Mr, Allen'a suggested T. D. MBiKB.Wllmlngtoa 8team 1m Fire Eo- For: the firstf time in, many ;m.0BtbA, the Wm Bell, Mlas MarBrown; 3, Mrs Zylpby j. ..Thirty eighth section read.. An amend f - v .whiles lead the .colored people -in the number g01 " S BQle ""B,e" :menf of the committee proposing that if F. VT. KEuCXKM.-KeWOr'ip Cabi' Mola of marriage licenses appljcd ioc la,hb county V 41 :i "M during January. C Father fjran.lall pare Sam'l Knrnev (Rana I Cither party shall become impotent" from Fear Brewery, Eddie ordal, Capt George L j-any cause.it shall be a sufficient cause for Uroweii, jetgeo cc (jnaries. Miss Mart n (j bad-1 divorce, was unanimously reiected. . spirit Casks, noiplK.n, c: .'Coriee and -iT 0 wlckMre MagKte ChadwleMlsa M CoUett, f ' Oa motion ot Mr, Graham ot Orange, ,!t; aa F.. V- t; Sr theac is to pintoct 1st July, 18 tip r t nriTni'fcat Replied SO bbla No-rC Dawson, colored, A Davis. , (i I The several sections having been adopt- ttET&mRiS4,JJust .eccUed 30 bble i0 OQr columns. : ,.U7; : . - i v Hi y i. K -( ECapt J J Ellis' Miss Margaret EbromY ed the billpassed its second reading 21 ml half bbla Choice Family Flour. . , ,y- ; . "-f . ; -v; a rw!;.::H.. FWm FreemanJ Samuel B Foy. ' ! to 20 " ' ' 1 ' o.a. PAUr & iJo-WooA! Wood!- There were XnlermenUn. Pane Forest G.ES Qarnes, Miss Clara Gibbs, A PGip-r: ThrScnato Vconcurred iuthe House Powder 1 r lias ArriTedLr . , .X 5 J HtjrCoarl.j li ... ' Tho foilovridg'easeat disposed of yester day morning: ifged Vcry uur.us ..-pw. .. A,,;ft r -;tnn. Mr, Rtua no0v.l amendments to the bill to authorize the weu numoer.1 were aauiw ana 4 cnuaren. n nafrU Blft-ck-ell Davld commissiohefs oi . Brunswick to : issue i.ui LBBk.es a iuiai, .i luiermeuis or i uoages, tssicKr tiiu, Miss j: anny Aiaynes, nia-. Donas. . . . x wara tiovren,! uowes, jujaw o, j w new- . yrha Senate concurred in the House month. .r ...-m i. v - let. Miss Mary Ann. Hunter, Mrs; Margaret ' 7 un ,nrZ The foil name ol Blind Tom,' the mnsl. Harrison. m .... . . . ; amendments to Jhe bill, to exchange, the J prodigy: U ,Thomaa: Griene Bethune.1 He J Miss Maria Johnson. 1 1 . . , stocks of the State tor bonds With which The . Senate concurred ArnliM VprMl rhitopil wltli forcible tren-I " , -T- . Y - . , , t-. rr t xr, i - rl ' u t 1 , l.i: .,1 ...... ' j - 4-t,. n. ,i. 1011 'vt. ..i 71 -IX iAJl iviiiir, x xviuetj. i tum niutas ivac uuhjucu, yaqu .huwbu". .tv.V1. ff"ournm wumuus ,u f0wr,s 1 J ' LMrs II ALockey, SolLucas, Solomon Lu u Mr.Xchnian asked to ba! permitted to penally ana f eais. a L . v 1" rent oeing common, ueia nanus, oi pure negro ca; ' ' : ' i state the line of conduct certain Senators George ilUama, tfrgea. itA aranisennest blood. :u 'ST A 7' ills ?. Kr.i!"" ,f "u,i"uA WronHsed to tinnms in retrard to the nro ?l r. ' . i w i . ? ; .? i '. " - i t. ''7 i it t- i ii iivPr. n nn i lKt i v e us niuiiuier irk r laLiin. 1 1 i - r- " - - . - - c- oo tuf lireetf.I iudgflient (of tbejenaltJLand 1 pAin'Lrera-VoinV- uu on the Wilmlnffton. rtnS Merriek MlsaSela Murrlll care John Mua-S DOSed . election that tbev! Proposed to . t -v ...i h v. .- 1 inhariAtte'.and miitherford"ro&d im Tnesdar I eellMra neasant Moore, Kio si AMeL-ean,j protest against the election. (01?. Passengers' going up on the .Wilmington, 'erriog to the records in,t in. the office ofR. Martaarjr. By relerrlnj J. Joue?, EqM Secritary, we 'find that there fferc 9 intermnntsln Oakdale Cemetery during me monui oi January. rom aiseases wuica r staled asicJIoWs : Disease of the hear 1 Erjttpelds, 1 typhbid fever, 1; consumption, 1; pncun:duia,l4 lolckjaw, 1;-Still-born, 1; net 'Uted,2.. Of thWelone'was aged'T(5 yearj, one 61, one 5oaetO, 6c;iand lonrpf one year mm under.- . . - ,'.")!'- Hncipijr jDamply.7 iriharintte". and Rutherford "rhi& in f neav eellMra Pleasant Moore, Cql N ' A MeLean, protest against the i, T . . Mrs Fannie McKnight care Bam'l McKni2htw xrT Robbins of Rowan obiected saw Henry Berry Lowrey and two or three of Tho McKinnev. 8teohen Morton. 8 H Mor :r g3zl? "0...-iS 41A VrL- bis cang at Mosa Keck. ,Uur coumporary ox 1 ton, Mtsa iara wieaiy care air jviicuiei.;, y . . . V -------r - . T , 1 .1 ' .v vl -J N Dclanev Nixon. .r, . Uon being made, Mr. Lehman could not th Jnurnnl waa nmnnir the nnrnmr Who had a 1 i vw,ucJ " 4.uu' ... ' II ' . I the Journal ywi& among the number who bad a 'ook at the notorious desperadoes. P Henry Patrick, Mrs MaryEPearce, Wmil proceed. R Page. i - A, - v i 'jir.Tlemming put in nomination Gen. nMU T.'w HufTinan. care Tom Oainr.e. I r -r. -j 7 i 9t ... . r w i ni iv . KQnsnm i Hymeneal. - -; ;- It-Miss Fannie Robinson, James Ross; Johni " "rrv ' ""rv""- 1 . ? ,v ' a ;.. it.. , rti,. r I H,?r1r.b .ir T A K ltnirpr. Kohrt KallnJ xucic uuu" jju iuiiuci uuuiiuiuuus, J . ' - . , 1 a !)..!. auintttnir n.intol Rhuhan I Thp Trairtrnt n nnm ntrri Mnsara AIP.. the Register of Deeds we find the following 1 JIjgS Charity Stocking care Mr Stocking, Mra Clammy and Flythe to superintend the list of marriage licenses' issued Iff this connty I DlaoaSmitb,1 E J Swift, Mrs Scarbuary Simp cecf,on j, ' 1 . for the. month of Japuary:;.. ? YiTnSZ .The Senate proceeded td ballot. . TFAiYea.- Geo. 0. Myers and Maria T. Lacey, ard stilia. Mrs W A Steward. Uriah Sullivan. Every Conservative present ? voted for Benl. L. Grant and C. A. J. Hardlson, James T Thomas &Bullock, Elizabeth A' Turner, f Gen. Ransom, with Mr. Flythe (Kep.) of Hardy ad Eliza BradomHenry C. Ellis and raT"L iKEKEaM Tn Teddan F ISorthampton. A" otner oi tne cpuDii- w JT r, . tIw- y?.8.4 James Medlin care IMleddan. , j f cans nresent refused to vote. Air. McClammy from the committee ap pointed to superintend the election re ported as follows ; p wvr4 rr: r-- - . , i . . . : ' " . ... . I . .t-- T itt-i u T3 j itrmtAMAAM T--; I uuic uuiuuwt vt vvbca vast ww v m mwu werfefcastelrldld.acauaintances, the W. AVright, Henry outneriaoa and lizzie 1- i lions: the weilkSown cvmnasts. are with Nichols, W. F. Bell and Mary E. Moore, ; Au- Wllliam. d m Wescott Wm B Welfs. Mrs VII jority of the Senators present. ibis troupe 'The cowpany will, remain three gnstus Baker and . Epaellne, Wade: John U, I netta Williams, Whitman 'Wilson. j The report was received; . Li.-- '.SL I nfrann nit Hi-ttv R-Oa-ieaW .-Oeo. VT. Ya f., I Mrs Becnetta Yates. ij, i bizois. ' AQTorMBBUieuiJ ucrcti.cr ii mc i ". "T7'' 1- t . ... .... 7, n.i. ' t. it I : - . wnsPtTit. vnw. vrtn Tvantu -. - . - f, . .-a va Tnhii RmttKind Mno-criA M l 1'ersons caiung ior leucrs m vuib r.ui. - pmortninces on-waay BBaoaiuraayn.gnis. 7. . -ta win .'A- .Tb'rt anlal ArnVr. thR h'll to Pf.ahlisr. n 1..'. .i..t i t-i I' WinT. W. . M. '. riul no H..A. VaLK.er. )VH. uttaoo oa., noui w "f " " -. - 7 . Pa , Y 'tnnswiwratiuw t. t-.-- v7 o i. .- . t. ...-I -r..j r Am. "i w.vi rt n ' i hnsnitaH tor the insane near AVI minaton. - . - f . ; - Cromwell afad Winnie C. .Johnson. Solomon vvanwwr .vwwj "a"ow" r "7 : 7.1 "7" T r ... J ' Robbins and Lula A. Beach, Loula 8. Belden waaya, unoi caueuior. ; . rrladae mid too ok Paper. ! ' I and Isabel Williams. K.. J. Barclay and Katy j . . . ; , We,jcan .liiroish; printing paper in small CameronAB. WanetandiJ. C. Barr, M. G. qnanuues, si?y from iwo xo ien reame, at i rh9dwick and Louisa B. Holt.Henrr8.TavloTV ' . nable pr?M aM ,tirtetjy cish orders. : jlizftbth Kennedy, -themasHliamU SPIRITS . 0 A U AJTiJiri T1.N X, We learn just jas we g to press 'that j Margaret Ritenbark, Peter Jpbnson and Sosan j j q Underwood. t. ..n i V '.i-.-UcMrt? I Unnrv K P Pioltett and Tlnlfla Anderson.' J. " V Mrs Carrie Vires. ' uun, uu u : -:-A"-.M .T. ...n .:n Y't Robert L Baker, care' Capt Whaley ujiera iioase inis Tuiog vj me icuipmnu j r 7 Mrs Alice Williams, Miss Agnes Iwfa.ykVieWpwj, i said to-'haVe a and AncWalkcr.'p. RMfhlsoni anA't-ucy Wells, Miss Anna Whitney Mrs Williams. B Albert wll Ashe, the biU w as made special .orderfor Thursday at 1 1 At ... ..,. . . Vl On mstion' oi Mr. Robinson, bill for the relief of Express Companies, was taken up anu.passeu lis several (eaaings. -i jo .The chair announced that the time' set apart for ,the election, ot asU. B. Senator 1.1 J -'Li " J - " -.. ,v . , .7 . r -. . ... . uau arnveu. . . , MessrsJ Hargrove and "Withers were ap pointed toaairperintend the election; - Mr. naxgrov-decHned-eervin, saying that hojdDuhted the authority of this Gcn eral Assembly to. go into ibis election. Gov.; .Yance had pbt had an j office- to v re sign ; he only returned jiicreiieDtiais,c, .me cu air sax a iaai inegenuemansnouia have made bis objection when, the House concurred in tho Senate proposition td go ;Mr. Loftid'was appointed instead of Mr. ltargrovci: ''':'; : !rJ x. MrJobnsv of Rcwkinfehamr; nominated Gen, IL JVY". Ransom of Northampton.,; . , Mr. L'ottin, from the, Committee ot. Su perintendence, reported the- whole numbef votes cast in the House to be 86, ot which Gen. IL w Ransem; received 60. . .On motion ol Mr, Sparrow, the. bill in refereiiCir to-pilo'ts was taken up and-passed its several readings. " . - k - .. : ' By Mr. McNeill:' A bill to prevent-the sale of .liquors within one mile and. a half ot Uack Swamp Baptist Church, Robeson county; referred. ' ' : , - -A: bill has passed the House of Representatives making anew county of jramuco jfom parts of. uraven ... , tnc. iay xwyer seciion; ana iseaaiort. , I -vNEW ADYERTISEMEKTS,-: -- .. s. ... - . -m . . . . , .. .. . . . '' W '. . c.,. i xucro was U irog wqo uvea m a spring, : t He caught such a cold that ha could nothing." roor, uniorvnnare jtsatracman i; in. what a 8aariigntne must have been. And yet his misfortune was one that often befalls simrera. Many a once tuneful voice among those who oeiong xo me "genus nomo" is utterly spoiled by cold in the head, or on the Jungs, or both combined. For the above mentioned "croak er" we are not aware that any? remedy ; was ever devised ; but we rejoice to know that all human singers may keep their heads elear and their throats in tune by a timely use of Dr. Sage's uatarrbr Kemidy, and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Disco-very, both of. which: are sold by druggists. . v j ' " A Stable I natltntloB. Jnst at the period when ail stable-men were complaining that tb horso-ointuuents of the day were unstable remedies, the Mostaxo LmixtsT made lis emree in Missouri, without any flourish of trumpets, ana wiinm one year, Dceame tne laforue emDnwausa iai- ua-xwrnai al tempera and lnlurieaof hot ses and cattle 1 all he Western' and Southern States. From :.:V-r iiArx:j ;gahtiiz:izj:.U .CT 3Birracs3 day,'.....;,-,.,,,,;. ti 0 A f three daTs,i,,.i , CJ - " ' !' ' Lonr dj"..;.-. a w ' "-.-aveaays,,..,..,...,,...,.- b C3 : v ' iC7" Contr? 't Advertisem entst taken, at tiro - portlonately low r&tea. . - -v.- v ,;:. XIArriages, beats v EeHglons,- Tuneral and Obituary notices will be inserted at half rates wnon paia ior in Advance otcerwise ruu rates . will bo charged: r - ' .. . , TxaxsCash on demand, '.tj ii. rni . 3 A CARD. THK-well known firm of N. A. Cohen ft Sont desirous of making room la their limited Storehouse for-an 'extensive Spring stock, have coneluded to sell olf the remainder of their Fall and Winter Qoodaaome at Cost and others at reduced rates. They advise all . their friends; custom era and the trade: sren erally, to examine tneir stect, at Ko. 29 Mar- feb i-naclwf "u7cfsi?K elsewhere. ;ji In the United State DlstrietCourt fbir the Cape Fear District or North Carolina: The undersigned hereby glvis notice' of hla1 appointment as Assignee in the ca-e of Solo mon Haas, of Wflmngton, Mew Hanover Co.. In the Qape Fear District of North Carolina! and who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on nta own petition by the Distrter. Court of said District. rrTrr-Vi.-TciMPIE, Aignee. . yrjywvpyt Jaat-iawaw-th ; 1 1 Drug?, Spikes xintl MeaiclncsI Aaroffroot, ; Nutmegs, Qmger;Mace.Tartarlo,. k Acid, Borax. Camphbrj Alcohol, Rhubarbi ' 1. ' i ; ; QrrS RoDt, Ucorice, e. 4e, Ae, ." , Korsaleat. . . r ; 7 . . WM.,., . ... ,:v " . i ' . ..- .f. J . wi- ' . ..1,1..)', 1 !mI . . fob Uf . H .j y GREEN, FLANNER'B. .'j ;: vKcw Crop Coba Jlolasses. A SUPERIOR' ABTlCLi '""r- ::V1 ' ' .1 i ' Tor sale lew br . ' -. w-iu .i-'l'vl IV1W.KERCnNER,"-i; 27, 28 and 29 North Water SL NOW LANDING,'" feb 1-tf BOX'S BOOTS 7 4 l7 rr.- ANOBTiB WOMAN.ia proving by its rapid sale the most popular Novelever written second supriy.i DBLE Ie the by MraAnn 9. btepiens. Her leader a eaunot get out of her influence ; she does not fatigue mem witn ine suDtie ties or metaniivtiAa ir mal dl9J. rthllrtannh v iha sWu .h . 4hiu tempera: and injurieapf hotses and cattle in ffcure a a IrvATri I j i i -.i . - . . - 1 vmyi that time to this, it has never had a rival in the estimation of accomplished- horsemen 5 nor is its household reputation, as a cure for rheumatism; neuralgia, sore nipple and caked breasts, tumors, mumps, sore throat, earache, too cache, bruises, burns, wounds and sprains a Whit behind its celebrity as a 'horse Lini ment. -The Mothers of America know its value, and apply it promptly to the external injuries: of ta "rising generation," and in lact there is not a city or township in the United States where the Mubtako Liniment is not regarded by both sexes and every clues as a blessing to the community. LTn Th Sat Take AVER'S SARSAPARII.T-A to purify tne Dtooa ana purge out tne namors, pimples boils and sores which are. merely emblems o tne rottenness witmn. 1 Eoct. Atkb's Labobatobt, that has done snch wonders for the sick, now issues a potent restorer for the beauty of mankind for the comeliness wbioh advancing age is so prone to diminish and destroy. His VIGOR mounts luxuriant locks on the bald and prey pates amonz ua, and thus lays us under obligations to Him, for the good looks as well as health of tne community.- . s , , r y . ; . : DIED. , COWAN. Suddenly, on . the atterncon of u eanesaay.-jan. sist,m ner totn year, airs. Sally T. Cowan, widow of the late Cobert IL Cowan. Gentle, affectionate, conscientious achr is tlan woman in heart and life mourned not by her children only, but, as few are mourn ed, by all who knew her. fche has gone to the presence or the God and Saviour whom for many years she has humbly served and nor shipped. . 1. . . it . I BO rs MOOTS L - Warranted (p be Good! N: 1 : ;" ".'dudlet;-ELLIS,'' ' ' V" ' febl-tf'.;- ' BlgnloftheBlirBooti A "KOBLEWO'fllAN'a;: BY, . , M RS. A NS S . STEP U E K S , and she leaves the whole affair, la ihe hands ; of her readers, feeling quite secure of a fa or auiei yeiaict in iayor or, A 00le Woman." Try it, you win jnot be disappointed. , r ; 3 For sale at f.,. feb 1-tf ,K - -1 HEINSBEEG ER'S ' " S: T Live Book Store. BMelds ; e Wash, . MAirpFAOTUBja)' BY '.Y h . Mas. SUE W. CSH WELL, Wilmington, if! C. ONE of the most effective remedies for INFLAMED, SORE AND WEAK ETE8. ' ever offered to the public. ' For sale by all Druggists In the city. . Prlco 25 cents per bottle. GREEK & FLANNER, Wholesale Agents, dec 14-naclaw Th . 47 Market street. 1 Havana Eoyal lottery.. L ORDINARY' DRAWINGS. IN THE DRAWINGS taking placo as fol. lows, the Number; of Tickets will bo 21.000, from Number 1 to Number 24.01 0. Tickets, to Store.'.' ' Uli 7a Unn ft-. .1 Ik fAllAwfttfV f VStt nT M 41 raner 21x3.Sand23a3Di and a eooil assortment aiargaixs x,. iuu, u . -u tt-"i- of other papers ind c-arda.1 V " ' tf , Celiatt Debose, Park Family; Swiss-Bell was put upon its passage. Air. uias opposea ine uiii. Mr. Linney moved to amend by provid ing for a similar Institution at Statesyille: I 'TlT7 MniAtaiTn aHvnrfii thl hill H r Mr; Skinnef moyed'the previous r-'qaes-' ti6n.f Not agreed to. I : l' :v'l" I 'Mr; McUlammy moved to. recommit tb do, mmuci 11.11 Bi&cr ouu .:. . i. . 'Tir-tJlJ. : s -w... j . . aw lork.yeftierd-y.couoa was.wwoy, p andEllza.UewesV Raidal Jordan gine vonnye to graiju mas- TTp". T;: 'IthjaH queradebAlloathe l2thirfst trf ( . .TsdaSOTO.., kadaaod 23 :forf;t)rhrana;-in; Savannah mid- MarPfl , Goodly WBllr and Sylvester Walker, PortVrSix 7, marriage Ucense i House called to order at;iO oVlockiU j dling firm ce'nw'ria Baltimore' the johB g6oSf ''Ud iTjaias J'liaken iAlei. were issued in Halifax county last moptbt On mo.ors.Mft tBegaajth bill-ltQ tdeaeyYss bfU.fd,! h1ei opwarc. hles ofMIddlins at TuererW 63 Ules of cotton sold inthfc : JeovS e?u; - - .1 . . v . SamueV Woou andMargarett Rtfdlck;NMJi (Wadcftbor) taarket forthe.-jreek endwg, ; aw for to-iporrow- at It AM. vUvW. inU?erp061the market closed excited, with, noom.rand Rachel A. Evans. Jas. H.'Wil- MondavrJan. 20tb,at prices ranging from. !' t Th "hill trt nrnmnte imminrfttirjn antl r W 'il llami andsgie ,Waters,vvThomaifRead tto 80enta;fM,f "Xt.ii.l .tXAllA. I-IiiailJ. Marenaaetferi Alek-fetewari- audi Maggie An 44 Eastern Star n-Ohabter, was taken up.; s ; a - c art-... ' 'Z v - Gaaae David'McClammf and- Adeline Joaes;- eombrisinff Ta eoodJv.numberi.ot Master i Martin moved to lay the bill on the j;i;fifA,i Nathan Wlllia, abd Rachel Wright JUch'ard Masons'- ol Raleigh ' , with . their, wives, table.;, vV. . ' j "M; . . n.n,a .ml Nano FAnni .Tipnh wondi and awinedemand iorthe bublicatlon of V" '"r."" ""Vfui r.- . -T . 1 adopted. ;i -d-si ; Pi'lut X - notices litch,- ,Wa,a V!To: Let rf "9 JST m V1': i?? "1 "1 Mr. Wilcox moved .to :iathe motion "ForSaW etc Most adTertisementsof fbhv I".0"? ien. oocrtauu .u u;u alter mnraering a coioreu icuow Prisoufr t sider oa U)Q .tabiO.. parried, n. t. i racterWJ lint BO Kbertrotbers and Caroline aonerman. by the name of Dick 'Walkerte prevent Mr..McN:eill. presented !a petition from ltta ' f " f:"! ,? ' Total, 25. Total wbltVanY colored. 5 ,; ,x his exposing thcxa..: Bo says the "N; member8 ot Back Swamp Church, Robe- sop caunty,in,Tegardtoe sale ot liquor - ""HO Vi , - . ,1 u ' ' " ' , v . r rf J WM7w- - , : . 4V I H at eera 1 M r .InGPrkTl UflV llVinCF.rfl.nnn ln.lUae UC1UUW1UUUU. ..-iL -.i iiT,- J io offers litcrteaeed ' iDduc6mcnts'rbr tefrV I pnt in frTlncr oanot "other rJl" bottomed "ii A '1117 7 ZirL:Arl t n m'htinn nf Mr: Jnrdkn the bill i sub-. k t. . v -j-rj i ; .i. a t Trviii" rniiMiintm .1 11 in- innix."u icu vcslci u a v s w waw t - ' r .. PW wanting fplacee ion families wUhlns do- veml bne.hall .P.wot f tfir and- 9?? cup of .Q the 33d yearof his aip, j He, yas a sol- mitting the question of license?! or no svi ira t am r.. a m - . a . - t r.j- a a. ..H . r m Ay i - wmm. -am ii aMMtAM mai an i m . on the -:, .w larioers naTing a nore, urnow, butter;:Wben bouinsr aaa two cuBiwi , flier in the war Ot 1812. ana a peaceame license;-. wuo ,TUHav, wu orn old wazon for" sale, .landlord wishiner I oir-hi. af fonr fhinntes. and rut I vrvl oitpn . v.! in the several counties Of the State .nd faS-Abinlia0o-usd in a decp-'dish'tcodf ; when eold additive ,t . TrHagsK6ro 'Herald tavl-b01 r0J!S ion I K bQt ftknw5 rtcat nnUl n." W be.seep, Allow one ta- . , gix mto ..from here, lelLdead Totion'of' MrJAshev the bULto Rtr. J '; r7 ,! .P?.onfttf r. . ea('7r, c, tt? - " J one nightj last t week., j;ie aeceasea "siiYide for. the economical completion , -'":iieeper tan. also, make equal avall of butter pans, about four Inches apart, to p( ra- jast recovering from an attacK oi pnen- penitentiary rwas raics for short adTerUsements: to Invite vent running 4 together,' m"a very hot oven, monia which baa- been 'Very severe, dui nroYides ior the , j-uc auenijoa'lojjipylsp clalty. ipUrade, or about fifteen minutes, c When baked; make an waitliotlght.to. be out oi an ganger. Bteh(ent whp's ' ny thanKe la their Dlacea. - V . v. . nnenlns In the aide of each cake, about two - A-;AlnrPjfl ''marrbv the" natao I of the Board of Tit . i i. m . h '.ft T' i v ' j ). 1 k . : . - - , pro of the taken i- up. (Tho i. bill appointment of a Super- hall, under the supervision Directors, co on and com- ine nse of the daily newspaper, as the ageo- Inches in lengthen which pot three teaspoon- . iflck JetliieaL-raged ;bpot 0, was. plete the work with the necessary 'aJnUea ' ,or cqmottAlcatten: between people" of al tfals'bf cream. To make the cream, to one drbwnedrlnthe Roanokenver; near i Wek lapor. and that pf the con Ll"a" -,is coasuntly Increasing, and illustrates I pint of boiling water add two eggs, one enp of jon, on i, wf la which modern . civilization I white sugar, one- ... . 8 V6?6. labor, and money. In carrying together : when cool n "e busing, of lifeC, 4 r J : f , ti y I icmonThis quah NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wilmington Steam Fire 'Engiiie: JEQCLAR MONTELT MEETING To-night, . - . T. T). ME ARES. Jtt., ; : Iftbl-lt.iii.i . ! i . ' Secretary. . ! Spirit Casks ll op Iron, cVc, 1,500 SPIRIT CASKS, f " 150 PACKAGES RIVETS, , : : For sale by" t'l''ii Bfebl-tf ' 7, 28 and 29 North Water St. Coffee and Salt. 600 Sacks Rio; Java and Lagnyra Coffee;' 2,0 00 Sack3 American Salt, 7, . . , if 2J30O Sacks Liverpool Salt, w It For sale by i feb 1-tf '27. 28 and WNorth Walter 8t.V Hay and Peayiiies. ABA BALES PRIME HAT. t , i BA.U&riliA.HKX VlJNJi.9 150 .11 febi-tf : ;,, For sale by. F..W, KERCHNKR, , ,n ";S7, 28. and SaNorth Water StJ ViJ? 30 Justf Eeceived : ' . ' ! BBLS. and HALF TJBLS.' ... . .-..c1-. .' t - . j. ...... rjHblCE FAMILX, FLOUR, And a large assortment ot ! GREEN AND BLACKTEAfdr sale by lebl-tf ill weSta HARRIS s. 1 . ... . . I ' ;Wooct!-Wood I .- 7KUi BLACKJACK-AND SPL1X.ASH, M. .. . " . . ,;it .... . i or sale by feb 1-tf i - y .l.i'.-iil O. GjPARSLEY A CO. I ir.Mj. - iv , the canaizinffsor a 1 tue iuesars. wjiewaa w ' i jjauuuwj, j. , :fhi Mlinnni.hnipnt ofV their j rlffhtA Under au cup oi iiour, weu oeaten- boat. f & companion ( vauio u i i -- --7: ; - r 1 , flavor, with extract, of the same late,- reacning tne euuro ; mrr'L 'U-V-r-ir- tlty makes twenty-cakes.. I benumbed. So we learn irom tnew. - auw wuvu. ueya . ; :F6wderlHaisrM r i H l i -ax E AGLE D0CKING POWDEBr JCull supply just reeeived and fo sale by.j a i febl-tf r'WW' "T PARSLT CO' (C 24.1X0. 1872.... ..Class 876 Ordinary.... ..January.. 23d. ...... ' UM .OIU. " ...... 878 " S. 2tth. ;...,... 879 .....March... 12th.. ...... .881 . . ...... ..th. ....... 883 " . May .7th, ....... 883 .. 23d. IIIMtUUUD.iaia.OLlll 885 " , ...... '.. iiSth. The Number of PRIZES in the above Draw ings will bo W9 in, the following way : l l Prize of aioo.ooo v 1 Prize of.. , ;.... so.ooa 1 Prize of., ; . . 25,000 ' 1 Prize of. ... lo.ooo 1 Prize of.... :.. 0,(00 And mi OTiidiTTRlZES, ranging from 300 to (1,000. v - , Those who wish to try therr luck and invest man honest Lottery, will do well to direct themselves in time to the headquarters in ' new vr jeans, or sena .tneir oraers to jur. MANUEL BOB NIO, First Sub-Collector for Exportation In Havana through their oorres pondents, Messrs. BORNIO Jk BROTHER, 1 ' 77 uravier.se, ew Orleans, Who win cash prizes at the lowest rates. ' ".' Price of Tickets in the above Ordinary . Drawings (currency) : Whole Tickets, t3O00t Halves, $15 0j; Quarters, $8 00 1 Tenths, 13 M..; 1VI XA&WUAAAO. r 1 I ' . Jan21.2m ent -i- ' ;i : '!' : Anction Sale of Town JLota , ON WEDNESDAY. L&ioilUhrU7i, I will sell at Anction riftv (50) Lots at Arevle. in Robeson OOUBtyf NJ awhere & Dnorwlii be located the present Spring or Summer by the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Kauroaa co., wnen every racuity will, be or-, , fered to freighters either way and to passen. gers. t.-i.' -'. ... tVi :!fi;'r'i ! ; . i v.- . m - Argyie is in tne centre or an extensive cot ton' and- turpentine retlow the beak in the state ana win oner xacuities for a nourish ing business which -cannot' be so' well con trolled at any other point oa the Railroad in , , that part - of w Robeson county. Roads and ' uriages are now Deing conatructea wnicnwui , lead In a direct line to Fayette ville. on one side, and to Little Rock.'Alfordsvi'le. Ben- nettsvuie ana otner points m jaaxxooro ana Marlon eounties; south Carolinay-which will make Argyleof easy across to the cotton farms , and pine regions on either side of tho Rail ; road . -: v-'.-t -. ; Tne Lots offered at Auction wm comprise -the best Lots for. business purposes, and for residences. The country is perfectly healthy ' and the locality settled by a respectable and f . thfitty tet of farmers. ' No reservation at sale, all lots offered will . ; be sold. " ..' 7 - . . ; i For farther infoxmatlon. apply to f' ' f . i i . Arrvl-:W..J. ajR:n 1 7 X i: I Asotlx, N.C Jan. Slst, 1872-D, W A FU ent Sweet Havana Oranges. V AA A SWEET HAVANA ORANGES, ' , VI)VVV M BO TirrirrfiVT I A For sale aV-"-- - -!'V-:'- ;-'-- - 7'--":li7fji a8TEVENSON,S, U "' 'V 1 Jan tUit t Market; bet. Front and Second. ' LOPT A HP FOUfJD. OST On the streets, yesterday, a small Xj coral hand holding a gold sword. The -finder-will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at this office.. :. . v (JanJMt , r, -vahtg; ,TTT ANTED An Experienced Sawyer' ftnr ,, YV Circular SawmUL ' i The Mill, Timber ' : -and Team for tale or rent ; large tract of tin ber very convenient to the milL Addraas owner, jf ft 8rnxeaB,WUmlngton K.C, ; Ja jan 8im . .-. m 4 ill !.! ;:ft::.!!"7 rT UV :'.ff!; V7 feslii 7 11! .7 7 4 'if , : tf V7i I I)' III i 1 53 i; 5 . 4 1 '1 .4 , ...... ' ; ,f . ,,(. ' ;.., .... , .. .. - - -, ' -r - ' "... ; . , : "x. ' ' " . ' "'''.'' ' ' ' ' X ..... - . ;;-.-"i-:7 . ' -.'' - . ' -V : '' ''V: , ..-.. ; - '-,777-. 7 i ..T: - v!--.'. V' ."'.- ' - ' 1"- ' , .- ,;'5'v-; 7 '' '" :v'7 :: .:-X-? - .. 77:'r 7. ":, - V . ., j.,.; ' '. - - 1 - '..'.. . 1 - ; - , ' . ' - ' . i ii i ' ' 7. 1 '" ' t.'

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