' - t "' , , --.- i mi h.n.jmihihiu.biii.i. "WaaBPSawaa ' ' " -- ' - v. -- -; - T . - . ... - -v . . ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' publish: d m-.y, w; 4, "bimacs.. ... 4 . twodavB..-..,."" . 1 ri -three La.y0,.M,. , , . ICJ pawaon Bank Kcll f Ani r"'Vll.j .....laaaiaiai 2 to l . : ........... M......t.... W "Tca3Vtif.M.t P...f... t M Contrr t AdvcrtiseraeitJ fcakan at pre ...... in iii advance a W ad.T8.HC3 - Dn" y .";Ka advanca... "mouths. In adva wo.. ......... poiUoa&tely low rates. . . " irarrl?-3, Pertly Kei'Tlus. ronerju ana "oaiwiSTAfc will b silver. : ?t --y f J ftbe City at Ft t-: C .ts per , . 1 Obituary notices will, be . inserteoai , caai rjjw when wfid for In advance : otscrwlsefuil ratea ,wlUbaciiargetL(s ! i v , ' LAV - L iTC..) , i . .'il,-NV' U- Tix3S--(isnoaeemana.vn ft v ' '. Feb.;0, Z.2. ' , '-V. .'v : TberH Barom eter. mom eter. Wtalhcr 4i 43 40- N Frtsb fei!u , "A .VI. e. , 20; W N Fresh liala- N Freeh V MeanTmiu." of daj,'4l.dejr. ' vots. All barometric reading are reduced , ibe frew-Jevel and to S3 dejrreea FahrenhelU I i ROBBKl 8S I BOTH Soru't Sianal 8ervice U. S. A. . J ! l.-V i! W , DWiJtTMKNT, office or : Washington, Thrf barometer r.ii oa Saturday, ihrouiibout tba MiaslaalppI valley i threaten' Q1j wcaiu , t ,1 . Mfttaiiy cwuujr wMwuX,wijuw.,.ywu jLhefat with the Golf Stream; lortheaat ISda continue untll s Saturday A. M. on the viiddle Atlantic coaat, backing to' the north-- &&&& SSSSS inrt continue in easterh New Enzland.the IfSS St -f- '?8 " cautionary ligtrata' 'continue fdf the rest of Friday cveuiog at Norfolk, Cape. May, Boston, jfhrt'ueaiJlu Boom Vl'"1;;; ; of the NTilmingtom 1.1b rary Association Is o en dally durinar the Week from Vt A. II., to IP. Myfroui4'to6 P. Mrj" ancl "from to 10 p.m. - I.-.- if Tba rates of freight from thla city to New York, on the Lorlljird Line of Steamers will, e, ccu v. . v 0-.A.vM- tine, tar and pitch, 40.enta per barrel; pea- nut, 3 cents per bnahel. t . . . t3t W ADfEKTlsEniiSTS. :isi.NeB3HUia's Live Book 8tore, 89 Market kt.-Xew Goods Joat received, tl . -I OrzHA Uowfc-TMrd ulght or the Old Re- liable?. ! :,. . . . Dudley & Eixis, Sign' of the Big Boot Buy Women's Shoes Cheap.,- J . ! A. H. VAsBoKKBLkH-Turpenllo Stills for 'file..' .! n'4 v'-k ,i -''' Head new advertisements under the head of "Loit and Found." v '. : 5 . Bv.lnte. I -,)' ("- .'iVi'-' . , -4 . The "Old Reliable Company advertlae a grind Matinee this afternoon for the benefit 1 u( ladies and children. F'rce of admission to aoy part of the house only 25 ceats. Go and ssj them.1 . ..'' : The rair,:!r s "'? L We learn that there wae a good crowd In at tcodttnee upon the fair at Society Hall; given ' bei evening by the Children's Memorial Asso ciation, and thai'" very .'respectable amount wb rvai'KCU lur lire uuure uurevi iw. wmvu . . tf, - to be appropriate f;; Eaiawea-sMBeiiipeTed;-:.' -l.'': ;: " The Frkndijffttnpefance, Uief organ" of the J tempt rauce aoelety ot the same name, comes to uj KreatienUrgednd lmpi ovedlnsppea'r Dte. ItlV'an excellept lamily paper, and we wlbh it aboBlant'raecess, ;jfr W published at and lurnlsbed tasubscribers at $2 per arnum;.'-. i inv5.r. e.l i,r':;-.Al- ;7,.' '.. thicken ana Oyster C oqetteev , . Clvopaome.chlekens very fine, and add to it as lar'quantUy of oysters chopped .fine, with half a cup of bread crumbs hd tr; svasoa wuh salt,' pepper little sauce ; moistens wUh one beaten t-jtga; form lnta long, slender rolls, by the. terrify lug sound of twenty five orthlrty cenu per thousand feet on Bl lumber by them .Warren, HalifaXj and Northampton. - l.r ttiidfry ifrgocidTo a light; brown. 8erve -tig sticks qn. the floor snd sejits, Some sre inspected Any kpersorr'selling4)r 6hlppiig ' '. Thv'biU tQprohibit .thf sale ot intoxlca- sua psp'Ma garWsB with' celery tops or alajsata .s-t know where the laugh :JJg g dngUquorpVswamii Baptist Churchy parrley, aodBJlces of lemoai-.-.4 , comes in" and thaapplausejiould begin; Qpon conviction, pay one hundred dollars for Robeson "county,; was. rejected oftits sec- ' ---'T?-,T . spdilfthia state of .things continues we shall each, sad every offence ;onekhalt to thajisei of ond reading:"v MniCJ ? poe of a, dirtltn Ver and easiness csroHV,-' In :aVts.:afan'rae. Call at the Star Printing and Publishing .77 T" j;; ' "y Til j l- can ax -wWRjiuuiu na ru?"bni P;i;iiatl verywelt andls duly sppre(ated, by- the -Ki'-j; 7 - rTu. performers, bus due discretion' snoniavb ex- "fVf" w f ..,vw,. . v m.' ' ' V.i'i-i lM'i'Wi.'':iM , with thla set are hereby..repealed. if. v ;Nt stolen Aiileles Beeoyere. . ; Hi fclse4n tb matter as in efythinff elscj (. Sac. 3. fhlaAct shall h.a.lniorce from and n. watch ar kia was found: ye. terday onaheiperaon ot - wUf dS rfctVS "O TUIENTTNk ?. Willis, colored, who wa.arre.ted sndom- p0 SPIRITS OF TUKjNj;,, miti ..i a it in . . . a J r i . a w x. .' - - - - ' - mbmbmwwm i t Deiare jnsi;ce jWooaiora joasy, ,ai u-.ne as t,h isii-.tTfiiiwdTOireb ocUk. ! Aooth(r. colored mas. nanjo not re;' f Th0 foilowtog niines were accidental "ucrea, wno w.a o, coverea w.u. j; ;sm" jI", Greensboro -had ; aslefgh V th ewelry ooHlsperso wlcb frolic oh last Saturday.'4 - 4 tseaa.ue me,JrjoJUaUifs1Jing sa"' Kdgeeombe that have not appeared; the-gen tie- rruAii '-Ko riAriloo x.BlMtian:..'iIrJt..U Wtsrs, we learr, nNd , mei, not hatingar-ttj slgmfiedhecept- i --he ICG 111 -the pOTlde'lieaif . Ibe working infthT.V ' f:U:lS. ... ;v- :;!,ft rr-ifffUTf T T '.TO other namesomiueo are u.wwik, - the g-gg near -Winston I, ' -, .n -3 . AMihe r Robbery. ;I ,tn wv LvltrflernstdiiWllmlngtOK tl Edgecombe COnTltyTprodtljC . -nuw,abiut ball past o'clock,-as fo uim.sJ.X .C,' Winded WilmlngW oimmhundredthart6firm . j " ' " -1 t. . - .1.11 DTht irir tA ne incraaea amontrine associate 1 South Wafef strsetieWarUf sad Doi, he met a colored man with s large bun; nnder hi. arm; If was so-early ln'the even ' loK that hta suipklona wer not aronseJ, bn LfsrlpO s ? oi-K a iHt driller Vand. placing 1 f xtoe liee : , .K.int.u.efrooi.do diqK ' hear Rocky MounClJdombe i eMrv..-TW;intrpdnced sibiU, t.o,cpreveht Jny sebe discovered Ibat It wss ope,n- 'weatW. last nlghVhe attendance upon the t llerntlan?K frimd.n Ih sale. pf commercial manures. "xlivldu.niehad josVencoueredbadsomei- bethel, on the subject Of temperance, wa. ery 8eventy.two poundsT This gunnery is .Mj. .MurrAyabiU,t.oau tUi,,ic to d wltu Uematt;r He thereupon flattering tbttatgentlemaa sn evinced an in? iardtoibeat aad.'we say bhDy JorQrayV , election janklin-l .towHahipiampson -, 'H'd btsVtep.;iuiesrchof the man, bat the lerestin the ea'ae,he advocatedwhlch was W shttsf. V U ldwDi" "fie "then tetnraea s Jrery grng,Th , nTWinstori mitihUy P-&r&?-i0 ' -the services olIwVo three gent 4 mk .'ilaldoa4?theJ.vlda aiad of gfo ft'Cakaenleman lias inst?ucted nS JS "adet !&Di! Ihi 0r while be .eeared jbe aflsistas mbers of the force and dispatched. tched a me.E Mr.ll-e; llelde'V fbe 'senior Vmem- 't')L we- flr.MUpbtt-6i arrivaf 1 of "that rrir'af Vof that - J8Uas it wsafonad that qtfUe'' bnmber Was Vo't ;n1iiitfeVtmgi ? mcle ofralae: t a beenTpTmeX"awayiiid f rich snecdotebui Wh T ' r,lk.fB 4ur uj, wuiccr xiiaeo rcciicu uiau mkh iu uuetttuviai.ivu ye near ui ius uuiuiu wi. ivuuusb 9 n: Seon, however, be would nodqubt 'have the posltIons;he assumed. o? ;, I ; ; miles from town lasteek; in.V5hifh there achniorwsj vsa waia child burned to. deatb It wemf a beusihavebeei seWted1 lniie- stoVe. ,3 771 A PennsylvsnU paper, In speaking Of a negfoanLwhoitherHived in hej T'en 11 closed Tor the nlzhV-' V songstress; .aas : " She beats -cats on. high house or had charge of itwent spmewhare: -'L ' . &; ,ig.xiv-. 0tesThere was io music or chesr tone In and'in her absence the IinnsecaughC. fire r- Aa Anvni ".'. 'lY-V V.l . f,.v;w:r.w.i'.i'Ji,i,w.iiHt,. A th nrnnnil with the child ti, .-. vBFr ; ctaims ;.jor tnai: town Lurnl Dots. i - - . . V . - ' . ; m mm MV t mc w MV - mr . r " dverlfiement of diamond reaitptn'- lost. i -cou o;n. Do.k.r, cnrru;: i oorpeopKoU-..tf ' ' ; - - -There was no aeaalonof the Citj Conrt yeaterday niornlt . .! f ... 8top mouse holes with pings hard eoap', and you! will do it effeetnallv ;' -in 'Ji -il--;.. : f ' I -.aucui .wpromoii mesMer apiritnons there after cverv hcaw rain, , I . . . -. . , . . - -7- t--- r t : ffrJ! Qm B? of "l6 : Hook, and , Ladder Company, tools the red balls upon the alarm of Ore yesterday mornlng.'.We did not learn who " eMceMro' r p- J?ie8 - .... . . .-' V. - .;. ' . -f ,17 P rX 1 -Sal 1&DurJ Aorth State Ujv.--The February nomoer of tLUvaluable gufde to $the tarmer la Tipon Our table. The.cnergy displayed by the proprietor in this compilation of useful J 5Z:,jSr!i rroiraue. innasalarge v.uMiMur .aa Krow.BE flavor aauy." Fire Tstrday Horning A. Narrow i Eaeape rront a Deatmetlve CTotiflaarrn tlan. v V. '".y'1-'- 1 . Yes'.erday morning-,- about 4 o'clock, fire was discovered la the store on the -corner of Market and South Water streets, occupied by Mr. B. Lehman as a clothing establishment. The fire was on toe insjde amoag the counters, flrsldlaC0Tered tne flame8 and. commenced nlnz water OQ lne flr wUh buckets, while policemen ave the 'alarm' by ringing the I market house belt.. The engines, and hook j and ladder truck were eoon at the "scene and I the building inside and ont was speedily de- Insred with Water and the fire rxtlfurntahed. Tbe vlodoVf frame, shelving, and counter on the side: next to . Water street were vbadly burned, while tbc ceiling overhead for the width Of about, four or five feet was burned to a shell and the joists badly damaged. Ie 1 fact the entire building wasdamaged to a more or I less extent by the fire and water together; The stock of gobdsogether with the fixtures, valued- by Mr. Lehman at 18.500, .were all more or less damaged by the two 'elements, but were Insured in the Londouand Liverpool and Globe, theElna and the Imperial Insur- ance Companies for $2JXX) each. But for the timely discovery of thellreand the exertions of the firemen and others, a destructive confla gration would no doubt have resulted 'i - The lots on the building, which is the prop j erty of Mr. H.:B, Eilera; through .the effect of the fire and water combined, is estimated at about 1400, besides which the books, papers, ... . r . , badly damaged. ' " VV, ,7 , offlM of bfflccr( ln'thetlMra story, was also somewhat damaged by: the .water. Indecerons Demonstrations. JMuch annoyance is experienced1 by the au diences at the Opera House, during the pro gress of a performance, by lioisy demonstra-tiona-on the art of bo vs and others, who seem totMnklta proper oeeaslon to make all- the ' ... T. 1 . Jl 1 . t. t 1 fms possible. It is exceedingly provoking to i a person who really enjoys a fine passage Iff a i iiniiicr liiiid ku. buuisuu auu fTUUi sa savis T2, lypmit- 1 pUai e publish these names. 5 mm 1 8. L Frbmont,1 .President vri A. A. v , Lee (a re. I rrnnA nl nnil l 11lnlnar IntMitlv- to patch J s piece of but- every wori'asitfalls fromthe lips of Jhe speak-1 Tv4ipeetori ... .. ... - i minirtnn inr ! or ihifimmt anan oa manepx. i m 11 Dn.iiiA.p,'.DimiiAA:.iinHa , and, If liked, a er, to hW some one bur.t out in a W ha I according to , law, wboahall be enUUed to eol-aLlmb; Wiln! or" .two well- ha i Worse still when this act is accompanied "SX nlirf:: t- T,T ii ' an agent Ltq purchase "fiye.thi the Bethel in fnllfreiralia "i I - r 0 a i i a I a. a anaanMmAnt L 2 Of Jhf jecturp w.e.hw b'aiaroiraeatlment L einreaaed ! that of hearfi expressed : that of hearty commendation.1 It tmsm&Uttz. iplced with but instructive;' sr Mr thete'reech cf a lost Indlao,, .J?t?, A Her voice, va wo iuvui mwi9 uu,muuw v wv erw".-,;-:-n. s. , THE OPESA.1IOCSE ''S - i'k ' Ji- J ...ists ,:!' A yfery marked imprdveent as observable t 1lramao(farKreater'lUerary,ahd artlati merit than EadLytne, tone inconU parablv more eiavat -i. It.WOUldf be i faint" ralae tf- afflrm rrfth ..0,411, k-.L - - - - - 7- m J - ua aa w w a a I - v"; .. f " "uu"r wa oi .me second pertormanee. and it' Is sale ibltlon o( claims to public iavdr. j ' y. Leah, , 171 omken J.' con"slitnttd: lie HMjnn nfii Mi. . t. .i SS5 tvtritiiirBfr . ' fa;a n. -. ii Much of its celebrity, in eonnection- With the stageof the period: is due to the marVellops genius which Miss Bate man evinces ,1a its rwHtinnTt ii'." ,Kt.d-- 0f an actress, and it has proved a fataKordeai to ambUioopreenslona uptn mretb.n one occasion. - We are pleased toWd to Mlsa v foiv kuw WVWU.V1 as also, ff iiiv;u 19 JusLIT UaIO I hercarefntand appreciative assnmDtlon of! a Dartaoarduonand exaetln: 14 Hintt . Bvddpht evinced study andappreciation,' and . . ; i both ne and' Mr Tanfiahill, as ' Kathan, tbe apostate Jew, gave a well-sustaioed and, at times, , spirited performance. The : minjor characters were given jn a manner generally Its approbation. ! r t ttK To-night Faauhon. The Cricket, an admlraiie j play, will be presented, 'with the best' dJstU- button of charactera'of which the company; is capable Oiir Cliip Basket :- A Padaeah wedding reports a ' billowy ocean of foaming skirts.'' :, ... , I : ; -Out el the eleven' hundred lady authors jah'o have achieved distinction in America, 181 areof Southern birth. . -. ; .-F- A Pittsburgh girL deeply laments- the death of her dear annt, iaccurrlng as It has In the midst of the party season.''' " . - The woman-women claim that no instance otdefalcation by the women in the Treasury Department can be pointed out. - . - f . . . - : - ' j . George Elliott says : A woman dictates befQre marriage in order thai' she may have an appetite for submission afterward." 3 1 . School mist resfe " Johnny, I am ash amed 0f you wnen iwas your age icouia react as well as I do now I" Johnny--- Aw I butj you'd a different taycher to, wot we'em got I" ' ' I. Ii Q-7m -Y.- V ;v i ! Southvllle, Ala., recently, quotations wre low, except for widowers, who brooght.f 1,000 eacn. . Lawyers were anocaea aown at a ad. -i Hi inspection or TiMDEB and LUM An Aetta amend Ctoaoter -PlTate Laws,. Session ox.l8707ls t . ' j .,L Seotiox J. . The General Assembly jf Jforth yvuroMta eaoe, ibk unapier wi YK JAWS, llIU(U ASWUIBSI. -a fnnA. arit .tiAn ftJnr m m , - - - . a SUICUUVU 3i IVI4VWO Kliav vm v.va 4apwai aald act and lnaert ioatead the following ! Air limoer ana lamocr coming w uie pors ui rw p 4v-:r! mort!tiAni,rtaa ; . tenattv . tif fiftv dollars for , ar r ' . r .eye'J Wt 1 m co lectea ana appuea we 1 ttme a8 Ior yi01uon ,OIv pronioiuon agamsi kelling or shipping without ibspection. ?rr; 1 V ' V O' .T7 fT ; i a. S-fclca eignnincnc3tulCK.iWDiOKes county.U v4 ? 42 13 A if t,- rkTsetf ft'thetJoited States.,- . rp Wv'ov? W " W; i :'f w; r i U u :ni-.T5 tHWWffV fiincinaioi me Asyium ior me ieai, - -, m : - j . --t"tt "T-.. i oerot our merchants, saya tha Greensboro' of common lu'M tho display of the .bflittt.- Patrfce. ,0 .discontlni..' ihtM uumD ana me AHina at naieigny ls-soon 1 opqprrence in, -the report oft the; -confer-to, visit, his State. fu Hi - Si a-v.1 eoee committeewith theforegoieg amend- . . . -- . ' ... 1 .- lousand acres '1 of land near Wioston as soon as he as soon as he is as-1 I .mmJA jtf IIia as vl W AAmnlflf trtTl sured of .he .early. completion of he .rail road. It; is.ms .inienuon to seiue ai -colony oi vanaaians jwh wcttiucirgr. fThVrfifinahoro Patriot Bavsil In tf re mor? l&an gratified to be able to Uf ; -i i ' T V t:rt7; k Wkr';re8la Uon has been adopted by the greater num- tenrlprl M a anrt nf mntml! nrtwrinn LJr:3 :r 1 t one store transfering like snch -: i St-aUoi Thursday.says :. A small ifire iiear the Mansion House in Charlotte broke out yesterday; which ; was promptly extin guished. . Two- fire companies attended, one of them colored with a hand engine and the other with a steamer. ' For some reason a riot occurred during which sev eral men. were. Knocked down and pistols freely drawn No shot was fired. - Jodge Henry, who is holding a Special Term, promptly sent out "the Sheriff, who sup- messed the riote Wev have not? learned th5 cause of the disturbance. :- .-, Speaking, of Gape Hatteras Liffh the Newblrn rimiasavs: The fol a uvoviiuiivu ui a.uw Allow viUvi Al&uy on the highest tower in the United States, vix: iwieer, is pi mieresi, ana gives a i i. ist.4 , i i. i really is. it is reached by 269 steps up an iron spiral staircases within a brick tow er, supported by nine landings br platforms' of mar ble and iron. The lantern is 12 feet in diameter has 16 windows with three in each 89x27 and exactly like a Canary bird cage land is composed of "1,008 pieces of glass set in frames of brass and revolves around afixelight in side the lantern by means of clock work machinery. - The interior diameter of the lens is 72i inches, and the height is about 9 feet. The lamp or burner is the French mechanical . overflow lamp, having four concentric wicks, and burns nearly 2 gal onsotlard oil every ten lioursThis light sufficiently distinct to be recognized. . , LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY! fCondensed from the Ralelsh Sentinel. ; SENATE.- . - : : TnuasiAT, Feb. 8. The Senate met at j 3 P. M., Mr. Latham in the chair. j - ;Mr. Gilmer moved a 'reconsideration of the vote by which was passed on its third reading yesterday,- the bill to 'divide the State into eight Congressional districts. . It was desired to offer an amendment gcrysr ally acceptable to the members ot the As sembly from the' East. : The vote iwa3 reconsidered. MfT Latham (Mr. Gilmer in the chair) ff - . foUfiVinff amendment, which adopted, und the bill passed its third readiner 24 to 9i iy r I "Strike Warren. .Halifax, and North- ampton from the first -1 district,-.and Insert I Beaufort, Hyde vPitt and Pamlico; and from tho second. district i strike, tfeauiort. Hyde, Pitt and Pamlico, and-insert-War- rpn. Haiifa!x ana JNortnamDton.r : , The' amendment; leaves the ilstand.ad I districts as follows rjtte otner aisuicts re maining as.teportea yesteraayw.1 v?' f 'Us i m'i a l prn urn r iif ac .h iiimvii 9 u qiiotan:, jrerquimana, fy1;- uowap, . ? . . . . . g- . i rte7Uoru,,,;Xeriie, ;, jwhihu,. tisduiuiuu, I tiary , contract, ot, , tho Coleman brothers I- presented ' i .report whictuwas referred to i . . . . ... a - . . we commuiee puxrenai 3oaj!wonswivu i instructions to report by Dill or. otherwiae . Th rpnhrt nf coniererwie cotamitti op the Senatorial J)i&triets .was jreceif ed. . - jMrW9rth.moved to reconsider the vote py, which the Sen ate. refused to agree to thejeport 01 tne conference: committee i agreefjjto, r .Mr, Grahamv pi Orange, now. moved ,to lay on the. tablfc Jhe-motion to concue .in -he renortthe viconference committee. AdoDted.";.i - i.t -.s .tw.V . , , Jdrv lrogqen nioyea , tuat 7v ayne an a Duplin shall he allowedach one Seaator. Not agreed tcw, :'-i r,.;!i.v: ,j v,,f, I 5 . Mr. More1iead..tO:f amend as , follows: 13th district-r-Sampson one Senator ;14th. IBladean J Brunick one Senator; Jth; Wakaonf Senato? ;a2Qth Orange,. iPersoti Apdr. asweH fSnan jeiect.i two. eenworst Rockwgham land Wion. two Senates. a Adopted. On motion cn jQraham a, messa wag Bcnt to theHonse; announcing the rpm. :.t.n, I geyera blanks, aa to places of comparing - 'sional.istjicta,"-; and)then. thes bill a passed its final mwgim 'ex Mr,, Alurphy; introduced a gubsut the bill ta provide for eV special .elefttiqn iox. ran awn, iowjisaip, pampaon s couui jt jwhich passer) U' sejraK readings J n j otrsKo representatives; ; rrr est blrt 1 TbubsdAT, ' Feb; 8,T 1872. : t The'tHouse-'was called t6 Order at', the httsual honri asUb .x-f -- ty-r ' The unfinished bnsincsi being- tho bill from the' Senate in "relation td apportion- jnent in the Senate was taken up;-but gave -way to tho Senate billln relation to mar- ' stages' marriage' contracts, &c ;;! t.-: -; Mr. Ashe moved Jto strike : out the pro 4 The bill psssedits secoh3" reading, and was men msuo ine spccia uium ii P. M. to-niffht Vn.WKJ rr " UHi in xeierence to me propviuuuiucuk of thecState Senate.1- -;!- fc'i 'f Mr, Jordan moved to lay the bill on the ,table.-Not. adopted.'v;:v".l! . l&l " Pending thb discussion thef.';;- ; ' .-. ; . , r , - SPECELL, ORDER, , nnna rtnfl t Vi n mnArtinnman4 V.ill Vt . 1 ? A. 9 posed of.-fi-o V i -r Knk V-i ii" '' . Mr. Wilcox caUed, the previous ques tion, j Not sustained. . : . ., The motion to postpone did not prevail. , . The 'House, then concurred, in the re port .of Conference - Committee yeaa 45, nays 9rr-'.-r-:-.U ''" 4 -I'll , Mr. Loftin fwan-ihe Committee on Edu cation reported onthe following bills : ! C Bill creating the office of Assistant Su-. perintendent of Public Instruction. . .. . .('.Bill tb allow. school committees pay for their services. . - - i," .:5;. Bill to repeal sub. 3, sec. G of t school laws of 1869. - ; , .f . .- - v.Bill to protect property and revenues cf the University. '. , .: 3.; i; 4 V"" I Bill in relation to the appprtionment of the State Senate waa again taken up. ;vn; On nfbtion the bill was, laid on the tar ' A message was received irom tne Senate transmitting thejollowing, bills and reso lutions: r " :; .-, : Resolution to invite . immigration : to North Carolina. .. , V e . e. - ' ' Bill creating, trusts and estates., , - - Bill to protect oysters and- terrapins In the waters of Nofth Carolina. ! !n : Bill in. favor of certain sheriffs ; U , Bill to promote the.planting of oysters and clams in the waters of North Caro lina. ''.- . ', ; i - Bill to divide the State into eight con gressional districts... - ..n - On motion of Mrr Robinson the bill to divide North Carolina into eight congres- Biuuai uisiricts was pus upon lis Beconu reading and passed yeaa 53, najs 22. U nder a suspension of .the rules the bill passed its third reading yeas 56, nays 20. un motion of Mr. Lotfin the bill to pro tect the property and revenues ot the Uni versity was taken up. , Un motion pi Mr. Robinson the bill was referred to the Judiciary Committee." 1 On motion of Mr. Johnston, of Bun combe, the rnles were suspended and the bill in relation to the stock of the State in the Western Division of the W. N. C. R. R. was taken up. Pending the discussion of the bill the Houic icdjourned to meet at' 7 pclock. Transformlns; tne Complexion. The transformations produced", by flAeix's Mag nolia Balk are quite as astonishing as any scene on the stage of a theatre. That famous beautifies transmutes a sallow, peeky looking complexion into on e in which tne lily and the rose vie for admiration, and imparts to' a dry, harsh akin, the softness of nerf ect loveliness. Tan and freckle s. -which country air and sun light are pretty sure to produce, In spite of parasols and sundowns, are .completely oblit erated by It, while it has' a perl ectly magical effect in banishing undue redness,- blotches and pimples from the skin. ; When the lady who has used It to remedy - her. complexions! defects looks in the mirror, she is equally as-- : tounaed ana graanea in tne improvements in ner appearance. ,.. very Diemian nas aisa peared : her neck, arms and bosom now rlva in -whiteness the sflowy collar which encircles her throat, her cheek mantles -with a peaclv like bloom, and she is ready to invoke a bless ing orrthe Inventoi of the a'rticle'whlch has wrought such a dellghtlul transformatldn'. ' If yod desrosy chekandV fair and freer from J Pimples;1 Blotches ; and Eruptions, purify yeur blooA by , taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. 1 T v Thbob is NO'ixccBB foT those whdtlrag their. weary aaa aisoraerea i oodles in rr urcom-. pany, when a few doses of AYSR'3 UARaA PARiLLA would cleanse their murky blood and restore their health and vigor. Tetauddy victims of bilious disease, have somor reerara any, when a few doses of AYRR'3 DARilA- for your neighbors it not for yourselves. , .." , we ihanld not saAr from a Conrti whioh a few doses of ACER'S CHEttRV PEC TORAL, will core. Time, comfort, health, are all Saved by K. . ' . t " 1 -NEW : AD7ERTISEMENTS. Wilmington ppera Housed 'J -Ti w' 1 ( .1 i'i a .-.. t i 1 At.Ltli -T i.-'iK ,t 17!rri RT.TtttT'srta T&Afi I Stf J SV- S v T 4 vi;J 'i-W-. JliT f-.j- J I 'iC ,.iV)i Sfi a iltonf aiat W '!;.' Li f . . . . f . I . ' " 1 1 r-k-T.V ; Satu rday Afternoon. Feb, lOtlt, mfa A 'GRAND MATINEE,' , ; , TEHi'.'JIfiHTS;.;!!!' ;i 'BAEi'EOOH I Doors opes at 1 o'clock j Peftrmance'2k.. j, n A o n i m -r -i .4 H E L E N ?D i-E S T E'V f. . , ,THB CpLEBR ATBD at AT; POLE. .BAXCE.' 1 Doors open at,C4 o'clock performance at 8. 3 it, 1? spBICH OF i ADMISSION J 7 ParquUe..-;..iV.;w;i V..rU.7$eents Parq.uetteCucle.......p.M..i4..iXei Dress Circle.. ........ f.,...p, ... 75 1 j Family Circlet i ...... i i ;.M ' Gallej...,..v..i.i.i;i..;."Ji..l5 Reserved seats foar sale- at P Helnsberger'a Book and AInaie Store without extra, eharee. Most be secured dnrinsr the day,- sale com mencing atonaay, jtmo,ouu tji. t zeoiv it . Buy Womenfl t Slioos iCtcity' J ; W'ARBANTED TO BE GOOD J V 1 id OVJ V'.3ii0-'iu DTJDLXT ELLIS, r c"A'ii filir fdt Afioit b'i-viiinct u-. feb lOtf . 8ignofthe Big Boot. .OraWyERTISEUENTS. TURPENTINE 8TllIiS OUR UaKKXUfEiTILL, witlx Worm.Cap and Arpi complete, now, In tlaacltyof m yilmlngton; 16th5aLtollna' " ONE TDRrKNTINB STILL. With. Worm, Cap f and Arm cotnplete, now In the city of ColumbiaBont Carolina. . t .' These ' Stills hare been In nee are now as good as new were constructed on moat ap- -proved plan for making Window Glass Rosin, and sold because tbe owner has more than he canNnso.-.--;-J-' . : . : -1 A. IL VABOKIUtLKNi s T' " Wilmington, Nx . febic-4t v.i ei Saddlery ALL iilNrjS Ot 8 ADDLES ILlitNESS, TEXTNKS, TRAVELING ' ' iSAGd ' And everything in the llwrof Saddlery Good's cheap tor cash at .'f ' . v f tr:t J" 8.TOPHAMtCa8, No, 8 South front street, Wilmington, N. C. -1 - MBW GO00S JDJST-RECEIVED ! AT THE Li V EtrB O OK B T O RE era, Rulers, Drawing Books, Drawing Cards, VMUng Cards, Playing Cards, JCngTlsh and wncu Auiei.- uwamerciai ljeiier, m ooisoap. Legal Cap, BUI and Ruled and tnrmlad Papers. I CHROMO? AND PIANOJi BPEC1A.LIT1ES : .. . . . AT : .-'"' . . ; u " v . ."II EINSBS&GBB'S febiotf i !;' 'Uve-fiook Stored Talriable Plantation Por, Sale by Auctioneers and Seal Estate Agents, Wil mington,N.C. ... V TTTJS offer for sale the undivided half inter T V .est in that valuable Traotof Land situ atedonwew River.. in Onslow county, five miles from Jaoksnnvllln-knnvn t ha Hnv. miles from Jacksonville, known as the ''Hug gins f arm," ooniaining under a hirrh state of ot the culture ol peanuts corn, and cotton, bal ance well timbered. with oak, hickory, pine, cypress and Junipe r x wo aooa' aweiunsrs. wiin otner Douaini gs on the place ) also a landing forvessels. The other half Interest is also for sale. Terms very low indeed; r: feb6-2wnae MISCELLANEOUS. MuUets! HuUets I! A-tlWBBL5ror CHQlC' . jt j v. . i -4 . k . . LARGE NEW RIVER MTLLKT3, . For sale low by uf r,;i :t.,yn':-. feb9-lw... . 7 , ,o, JP Sou.th Water St.- Marine Insurance?, ON. COTTON, NAVAL STORES and fEA NUTS, to New York, Boat on, Philadelphia f aad Baltimore a4oUowlng rates t t By Sail,.;.......:..........,:;.;...., lperoent. By Steamer, GREAT WESTERN MARINE1 INSURANCE f COMPiNYt of New Tork? r ! feb 0 it I 'sr rCf icienl Insurance Agents. Sweet Havana Oranges. Q.QQQ SWEEU-HAVANAORANBES, .1 a ryi t $2 30 PER HUNDRED,' m?-'For sale atlip, I.o :M lAKoj-h ni 1 sJ C STEVENSON'S, Jan 31-tf. Market, bet. Frpnad Second. HavMayftoyallottery. :') lii fl t lot Ji! t ordinary ,j. iMwids: ,T N THE , DRAWINGS takingi place as fol- ja. ; lows, the Number of Tickets ,w: February. 078 ....t r .. ., .91th. iWff 70--;-i.:..arch:..12th. IW I , ..,.,,) ,si,S8B jr .:4Ji:5- i ?;.2.6th.. . TheNnmber of .PRIZES ia,he abbv.e,jDraw inwllllW9itefou6winffTay: s I Prize of ii . . .' i 1 . . 1; i 6 .1 . iiri'. . . . . . I;aioo,ooo 1 Prize oc.4r.......Mt.wMf'.i.y4...4:;J&o.ooo l Prize or..::.;.............. . 25,000 1 Prize or. . r. 6x00 And-544 OTifafiia-PRrZEapTsnging from $300 til aijKYL " . ... 1 ., h,.r.v i iiai wu '.;. Those who' wish to try their luck and invest L in aa liOBiestjLOtterV. will do well1 to direct 1 themselves in time to .the headqnarters in L Newt Orleans, - or send- their, orders to Mr. MANUEL BORNIO, First Sab-Collector for t Who.willeash arises at the lowest rates. Price of . Tickets... In the above OrtnaWv ' I' Drawings (currency)-: Whole Tickets, SOO 00 & ii oaves, wiuubvfoy o vy ieaiuis, a-i 00. send for Circulars. . 1 LOJEiT Ann FOUHD. T .lST-"A TEE1 CHAIN. wUh- P O. box JLA key and brass7 watch key attached. A suitable leaaiO-Wlll beTpA14-lt left at thla j0?30.) etif ib ;i l!t niaija XeblClt - T ST Teiterday.ebrnary thV a SOLI JLi TAIRK. DIAalONDtBRJCASTPIN. 'The fiader will be suitaWy rewarded by leaving it at the Cnstora House r v febJO-iv fl VKR.Tl cl!VAtJTG. -xsTZArslfeTClon as BoAk.x:AAnAW . in a small establishment! 1 )Uut Taf..- 'ences given;, 'Apply to t. ;W7a. ll" !ifebe-2t:,i '.'. ,:u- 1 SYABOtloew M II ' Till I I B BLANK BOOKS of every descrlptton,1ls celianeous Books, Copy Books, Taney and Ut O Vila fit-A llAnAww T Wet Tm VJ-aII. tb . lows, taflfmiaDer 01 xicsrets ,W1U DO 24.000. fronNumberiito NmnberSaVXOl 4 1872.,... . Class O,0rdlnar?-"fvJannary..23d. nii.i.i..--tn877l it U;FebiTiary.8th. exportation in Havana, tnrougn tneir corres pondents, Messrs. BORNIO BROTHER,-. fTfr, t ! ' 77 Qrayier Str. New Orleans a OUvnEUAriae TwoSterr TTare- . JG bouse.in AndjeisonAlly. rPrleel .; Apply to- vrC. Tf. OLD1 . fsb Ww - Ko. 13 South Wl 1 pw. . Water 8t 4 IF - Mr - , k 1-1 , a-...'..' 1 f-'.'

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