PUBLISHED DHL pKBHARD.r :::: (Mwson Bank ail " joeyrt.a. In advance... ' 7.. nlOlUU!, t" V" . i urivanrf . in advance )"1U " . STAB Will fll rt Hi " Feb. 17, 18721 i, Tber- . Barom- mom. Wind. Weather etc1- eter: . .mil ; 29:6) t 47 SW Light .Cloudy 21.fri . I 43: NW Fresh. Cloudy 29.89 t NW Brisk CJondy i'iiue. 7 A. 9 P. M. M. M. r.....i rt dav:' 42 dec." ' j ' "r v' wa barometric readixTgs are reduced- ROBBKT SaiEOTn.- denr't: Signal Service U. 8. A. Weilhr Report. :,. ; ; War . Department, .t ' i.. IEMT, . , Office of Cbier Hlsrnal Ulncer. Wasbington, Feb. 174:35 P. (; IVobabUilie. . : v ; . - Tdc low barometer over Cape fiatteraa will robably move, .northeastward with thtf Gulf ?..a0j, and northeaft kinds' and cloudy wctlber con iDUe over th Middle Atlantic Br.tei: clear weather will probably continue In iho W u" ol,lsi "in 'kyb niuua , ctuuujr Vrtatbvc prevail la tin Uhlo valley, . Suniay P. 11.; clear, cold weatl weather con- kicaiiuK i. i7. i innfl with northerly wlhds In New England. DDgerou winds are noc anticipated for the Ailuti; ud 0nir coasts Saturday night. . ctiuncii v miiECTOK y. r . '..Susdat February 18. St. Jme; (Eplaeopal), . CoRNKR TniBD AITD MABKET, STIiKKTS. ; . " First Sunday In Lent.' -MortngPrayer at;ll A. M, r r EvchId Prayer at or. m. . Sunday School at S P. M. . : . St. John's Ctonreli (Epiaeopul), CouxeR Red Crobs aso Third Streets. First Sunday 4n Lent. Olebr-llou uf tae' lloly JEucharlst at 7) o'clock, A. M. : r.w!-. J'-u ;i i tSSnnd-y School at 9 A. M. -Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. V .. , -s Kveniug Prayer at 7 'clock. ;;;.f I Irnl lkrsbytorlaa Chnrcb,. . COILNKU TUIRD ASD OrXJIOB STBEKTa.', -Ruf. A. IT. DlckeonJ ' . iM wi: . ; Services at 11 A j M., and at 7f P. M. ; ' Suudny School exercises commence at Z4 11 .; .-. ;.- , -. - ' '. Lecture Thursday evening at 7Vclock. . Ssconu pBESBTTEaiAT CncBCiL-Servlces it Brooklyn Ball, every Sunday at 10 jA. M. First Baptist Cliara. ; ' J ; Coumxr Market jlwd Fnrrn St&eet . Rev. J. C. IlUen, Pastor. . ; : . ' Sunday School at 9i A. M. ; Service at II A. M. and 7:30 P.'M. . Yoang Men' Prayer Meeting Tuesday night tt7:3J o'clock la room above Pastor's study. Weekly Prayer Meeting Thursday night at T:30 o'clock, , .; , Second Baptist Church, : 1 Corner or Sixth ah d Cbcrch Streets Rev. J. E. King, Pastor. , : Sunday iSchool at V A. M. . : i s : ; Services at 10 A. M. and 7K P. M. Grayer Meeting every Tuesday night at St. Tliomaa (Catholic) Cbareh, Ox Dock Between Seoond and Third Sts . Sunday. ' . M iruin : The Holy Sacrifice- of the Mass will bo ottered op at 7 o'clock! and at. 10, at wuica there will be delivered a discourse. OiteuaUin for the children at 9)f o'clock. Evening ; A Catechetical lnsti nctlon will ba s'ue i lo iu colored people at 4 o'clock In the" bwameut of the Church. - "-" "... - Vesperd chanted at 7 o'clock, during which Lsaicu Dvutious will beheld. . Daily Services. Moruiag: Mass at 6X and 7 o'clock at St. Ta jujis' Caurcb; at CJ at the Chapel of the hters of Mercy on 4tu street. Evening : Daring Lent at)'clock at St. Tuouiis Church Stations of the Cross." "dtabat Mater by the Childen. - - - At all serviceable Pj wror St. Thomas' Church ard cordially open to visitors. " Omcatiog Clergymen ;'Bt. Rev. James Gib bons, I). D. ; Rev. Mark S. Gross : Rev. James B White. ; " . Front JStreet II. E. Chnrch, South,. Corner VVawiot , ad , Frost Streets. llev. DrMoran, Pastor. - Services "at 10)4 Al., and 7 P. M. Sunday School 3 P. M. . . ' Regular weekly Prayer Meeting Wednesday night al 7X o'clock. Ail are invited to attend. The pews iu thi church are all free. Gentle maniy ushers will be In waiting to . conduct . strangers to seats. A . .. Z:L , ' , Flrih Street ST. E. Church South, ; FirTU Between Chubch ajtd Nun Streets. Rev. A. A. Bosbammer, Pastor. Services at 11 A. M. and X P. M. 4, Sunday Schoof at 9 A. M. :i Class Mretiog at 3 P. M. ' Prayer Meeting on Tha sday night at 7 o'clock. . ,. ; .. ' - -r ";' St. Paul's vaa. Inlhersn Church,' Market Stuest, Cokker or Sixth. ,. Hcv. G. D. Uerubelm, Pastor. 1 I'riiui. .'nrii. at lOl A M . Soudjy SvhoolatS P. M. , ' ' 4 Catechetical Lectures 00 Friday at '$A P. ainens Bethel, . Dock Bjutwees, Frotjip Water Streets, Services at ;7K P. M., by Rev. H.' B. Burr. " Christian Chapel (Colored KethodJat), Cokser Church jfnn Sevesth Streets. Sabbaib Sclicol at 9 A.'Mi" . - Services at It Ai.M., P."MV and 8 P. M., bf the Pastor, Re. Ellis Lavender. St. Paul's plsetpal church. COKNER OttAKQK AND FOUBTH STBXITS. ' MornlogPayer at 11 oclock. A.' AL"' k EvenlHg Prayer at 1 oclock, P. M. i. !Lrks (Colored Episcopal) Church Corner Uixth asd Mclbeby Sts; Rev. C. O. Brady, (colored.) " 1 ' This church will be open for divine service to day (Sunday, 4th tost.) ' Services at 11 o'clock A. M. and 7 r. M. . Wednesday,;? P.. M. . MfiW AUTEUTlftEntSUfXai. iUiMsuEKOEB's Live Book 8tore, 89 Market ttreet New lot of Piano Fortes, . r Dcdlbt & Eixis, Sign of the' Big Boot-i . A good Workman wantsd, . f f f Read Jhe new advertisement under head ofr "Four Millions of Invalids." , - : W. Oldham- Regular mtetlog Concord . Chapter .No. y X :lm , ... Mcssoit & Co. Overcoats, Garrlcks and Upes. .'jy.. fi- y .r. . r ' 0. & H." Mockingbird wanted. ' GkoRGE MYltWSl P!mntri ITlnn Vrtnnwr'i Ale, Coffees, Family Groceries, etc.; 0. A Newell The kind of Sewing Ma chine to buy. t - - . , . : . : .ifauBT Ehrbeck Howard Relief Fire En Rlue Company No. L ' r . T. W. Kerchser Whiskey, Brandy and . lobacco, Potatoes, Molasses and Flour, Oys ters and Brandy Peaches. . Weldon Rail roA Cotion PAB8"Y & C0--SIX Oiks Prolific jat?ec t ?ABW--inTolce Imported Segsrs t .?'.8. GAUWNotics. e J I '' " 1 ' , ' ' ' ' " ' i i " " '" " " i i inii.h linn kmi ti in i ii i hi i i ., . I,,,, . mi I, , , n i I in r-y h . -."n ' i;;?c?,TAar rsoa Washington. lh Cciacilttee 7 Hauiod. X2eprt . ' Ll -.1.. In Favor f t ISpccUl Dispatch to the Morning Star. 1 ' : -'. - Washisoton, D.. C. Feb. IT. , :The Commlttee on Elections and Privileges Y0 Zreed to a report la favbr of Ransom as J case. Ijai not. -The valentine jtradadaUndles year by year. No convicts sent tb the Work House last week.; ' . : -: ' ' - N6 session of the rnornlng:- City! Court yesterday Bsn bread Is a sure cure and Bueh. '- -A'.'- for d yip psla, ,, , - - ... .. tuorc wcrw on,X ' police arrest's during the past wetk.-," ' ' Regular meeting of Concord Chapter No. 1, to morrow evening, al 7 o'clock. . - The Clerk of the Market reports the arri val of 204 market carts during the past .week. ; The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Aldermen will be held to-morrow evening. There will be a game of base ball at, the corner of Sixth and Orange streets on Tues day, at 3 P. M. J , ; U George Myers advertises to-day a large stock of Flour, Oranges, Lemons, Ale, Coffee, Canned Fruits Ac, . J , j f, ' ; The i " Old Reliable' goes hence to At lanta, Gs., where we bespeak for the Company a successful season. s - ; v ' We learn that two new locomotives have been ordered for the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad. - During the week ending" yesterday the various botchers of this city" Slaughtered 38 beeves, 114 hogs and i sheep. -, . ; . ; ' The celebration of the anolversary of the Howard Relief Fire Engine Company 111 take "place on Tuesday7 See adTertisgment. "' An oyster, It Is said, contains as much nourishment as a slice of roast beef, .and this is the reason they are recommended for in valid. .! "-;'y:.y'; v y;::J Delegates to the agricultural ; meeting lo thla clty on Wednesday will be passed over the railroads lor one fare." 8ee advertisements In this issue, v.; -v c.-. !c- - - 'v A number of 'new advertisements, more or less Important, will be found on our 4th page, to' which we call the especial ' attention of our readers. . -' ., : ' ! , ' . .r .. Miss Laura Alexander,. a native of this State,, and. well known in this city amon play-goers. Is winning -golden opinions on the New Orleans stage. v - - - Thanks to Mr. R. L. Harris for copies of the New York Ledger and Chimney Corner. His stand on Front street is always weir supplied with choice reading. j - ' . v The Hook and Ladder Company have the credit of pnttlng the first stream on the fire yesterday motnlng, which was accomplished by the aid of buckets.-;- j v. . y y The man Berry, who was here some time since in the capacity of a Revenue detective, and got several of our business men in trouble, is said to be in Jail in FayettevlUe.' We are regret to learn of the death of Mr. Alex. R. Smith, formerly of this city, where he was well known as a member of the firm of Edwards & Smith. Mr. Smith died at Wacco, Texas. ' .. : - -I . :. An Exeltlaff Buna way. - One of the most exciting runaways of tha season took place yesterday morning. Ahorse belonging to Mr. Samuel Blossom, a very spirited nag, attached to a light wagon, be came frightened at something near 8 1 James' Church and dashed' down Market street to Hoggins' corner, where the wagon came in contact with the wheel of a country cart, tear ing two, of the wheels and one . of the shafts from the wagon and throwing the driver, Mr. Joseph Barnes, to the ground. The horse then became detached from the wagon, which was pretty badly demolished, and continued In his mad career down theldealk to the vicinity of Mr. Range's' grocery, where he took the middle' of the street ,snd was soqn after stopped. The reins, which Mr. Barnes held . . . . mm a m t I firmly to his haqas.partea just as me collision took place. His escape from serious injury, under the'clrcumstances, is considered almost mUsculous. ' , -. .. ,' Fahloat.iots. ; .'v . T. T 1 l- .111. . A ww ii .1 in . .nna K. va nrtm A In AiVJk ". U1U.IIU- .IMU, .w fashion again. y ' The impromptu gatnering'of friends known as 44 surprise " parties is ver much the style this season; . , r? jr'-. It Is said tbe more clumsy, awkward, and ungraceful a man Is; the warmer his heart and more sensitive his feelings, v - "A new style of locket is of pure crystal, se4 with gold,-with the name of the wearer In small gold letters on the outside. . The 44 French Curve " has taken the place, of the 44 Grecian Bend," and Is not considered much of an improvement on the old style." The latest French style Is for ladles to part (heir hair very muqh on one side, while the gentlemen still part theirs In the middle. .. It Is the fashion for ladles during Lent to wear a large chain of jet arouod the waist, which hangs at one side, and to; which is at tached a large jet cross. , ; , i . inssu0)O ' ' . ... Hon. B.'F,Cary. ' :. '" ; ' Tbeo. N. Rsmsay, Esq.; Editor of the Ban ner cf Temperance; announces to the Friends of Temperance, and the public generally, that be has made arrangements with Hon? 8. F. Cary to visit our State-, and spend about one month j in delivering lectures on the vital subject of Temperance..,- :--'X t-y' He will lecture at the following places : Raleigh, April 16; FayettevlUe, April 18 and 19; Raleigh again, April 20 ; Goldsboro ,' April 22; Newbern, April 23; Goldsboro' again, April 24 ; Greensboro, April 20; Sallebury, April 29; Charlotle, April SO ; . Oreeosboro', Marl. - ... ;;.v. ; ,.: 127. T7ILHIITGT0IT. IT. C. SmiDAY.-FEBRUARY-10a072. ! T7holo Ho; 1,371 I : ItOClTS ON COUNTT. s v ; ; : . y tleavy Bob aery in Lumber ton. ' ' Alarms of fire-are becoming frequent. Tes ' 8ome time between midnight apd dayjyrs- terdayj morning," about 5. o'clock; Ute risers terday' morning, certain parties, supposed to wr? atartled from their '.slumbers " by ,the be Lowrey and bis gang, procured a horse and a ray, ana proceeded to the store of Messrs. Pope fc McLeod, of Lumbertpn, broke open I, took out their safe and placed it on j the dray. . They then repaired to the office of I Sheriff s McMUlan,Orokc - it open and took possession of his safe, an d placed It also on the 'dray and made off with them. The net morning the robbery was discovered, when a posse started in pursuit of the . robbers; -They tracked the dray, and about one hundred and nfty yards from where the last stoppage was made Sheriff McMillan's safe was fonnd, with contents .'undisturbed it being suposed' that' the robbers found that thipy had raore"ttan they .. could , conveniently manage-; and . so drODDed one of the safes and proceeded with the other: t AhonVfanr mile fprnn TjtmhrVn l-.J- v ,.x. f oeen oroKen open ana, an, the money ll con tainedabout $23,000, mostly In silverand gold, belonging to Messrs. Pope & MeLeod, and various other persons who had deposited wlth them having been taken out.- .The books ; and papers were, undisturbed. The robbers also took about $1,000 worth of gopds from the store of Messrs. Pope & McLeod.; ine accounts oitne robbery are very , con-. fllctlngboth as to the amount, stolen and the party guilty of the theft, some reports being positive as to the connection of Lowrey and his gang with the robbery and others' assert ing that nothing f sufficiently definite -was known to establish the guilt of any particular party or parlies. At all events It was a bold and daring robbery, characteristic of ! the des peradoes who Invest our slater county. THE OPERA HOUSE. . . -,. .1 ,f ?,..".: -.-, "' pramatle. . - r . ; . The "Old Reliable" dramatic troupe con cluded a very successful ten days' engagement In Wilmington, last evening. ihe play, pro duced was a dramatization of the old Ledger romance of the Bidden Hand. "A very good house was present' and the parting perfor mance was attended by pleasfhg evidences of the kind relations established between the andlence and the company. r ' ,'. During the presence of this company in the city, we hAve not felt warranted to bestow very emphatic praise upon all Its members. Unmerited eulogy is always hurtful In such cases. Yet we have seen much to commend in Miss D'Este, whom we regard as an actress whose opportunities are tty no means equal to her merits. For Miss D'Este, and lor Mr. and Mrs.' Tannehlll we bespeak the favorable consideration of the press In cities South of us, which their decided merits invite. There, Is no company, travelling in the 8outh which undertakes so successfully so high an order of entertainments. " . UIU0WAT BOBBEBY. A Gentleman Halted Highwaymen and on the Boad by Bobbed of Ills Honey, Ac. j. -. Yesterday morning, about 5 John H. Harper whs resides o'clock, Mr. near 8cott's HU1, in this county, was suddenly halted on the road, while on his way to this city, by four men, either colored or white men dls gnised. One of the robbers seized the brldls of the horse, when Harper jumped out of his cart and approached him, s:eing which tbe villain drew a pistol. Mr. Harper; having no arms, was Immediately overpowered by his assailants, by whom he was robbed of $195 in money and some articles of value, hat, pocket knife. &c The parties then enterod the cart nd drove in the direction of the city. The robbery occurred on the Newbern road, about four miles from Wilmington. Take altogether, this is one of the most bold and daring rob beries' that has ever occurred In this vicinity, and it is to be hoped for the good name of our county, if for nothing more, tbe guilty parties may be speedily brought to justice. t . mm The Work House. . . We stated In our last that Mayor Martin, Chairman of tbe Board of County Commis sioners, in company with Dr. J. E. ,-Wlnants, had paid a visit of Inspection .to the County Work Hons?. We learn that the improvements suggested by the Grand Jury on their late visit, such as repairing, painting, prov.amg suitable stoves, cooking arrangements .etc., are being carried outran d the institution' will soon be in a proper condition. The bad weath- erhas delayed operations on the stockade. Superior Court. , This tribunal adjourned yesterday morning.' When tbe civil ddeket was taken up there were 890 cases for trial: Of this number 94 have been disposed of. leaving 296 for con sideration at tbe next term of tbe Court. The session was a very laborious one,, the Judge arid Bar having ' worked hard to clear , the . 3 1 . a . a. .... a m v v. . I V.1 a ; The next term of tbe Court will codvese on Monday, the 22ad of AprlL The civil docket,; me are imformed, will not be taken op until the eeeond week of the term. ' Tbe Street Hallway. ;'. ys ' We are glad to be able to andounce that the, street railwsy has been completed to the shed at Union Depot, so that; now passengers can step from tbe street car to the railroad cars or onderbe shed without the least .exposure to the weather The cars will be at the depot on all occasions, night or day, upon the arrival or departure of trains..-; , , '; ' f t - . ' . - - ; New Pilot BoatC"s'. ;;' -:'t-Xyy, q ; A new pilot boat,' registering about 25 tons, built by the Messrs Beerj and; furnished with all tbe modern improvements, was launchad yesterday, at . Bm.ithvllle, 1 and christened JRobert H. Covan. We leartihat she will be broneht to this city in a few Idays : to receive the finishing touches; ' " 'y- X' At Jio. 15. Market street, the stock ef Dry Goods wlHbe sold at auction, commenc ing Saturday evening, at 7t o'clock,- and will t.A nnnneddallv until 'tie entire stockia disposed of. st; FlrO Yesterday Morning. dread summons, but fortunately the Are was P01 tenons one.- it originated la th closet of a dwejnng in the briek block on ; Second street between Market and Dock, the properly L ot Messrs. Hart & Bailey and occupied by Mr. SpertiieK ;The closet contained a; lot of bejidlng, mosquitq nettingj old clothing,' etc, and as a rat hole was found - leading into the closet It is believed that some of those mis chievous animals had carried matches through- the aperture and ignited them. The presence of fire In the room can be accounted for In no other, manner. -The engines and. -Hook and Ladder trdck were as nsual promptly on hand, but the fire: wssextlrignished ' without' their asslsUnce. rrv.' o yy...,-sy.. M1 BMke1, ''' " :"; " ;1 "1 Bleight6f hand-Refusing an offer. r A pledge of real love popping the . ques- tlon ' - -I:, ", jHapplness consists iu the ability to ap- predate. -:: t-'" r What fish Is most valued by a loving wife Her-rlng. , V-'"-'.'--"':- . ; v-X-:- Some papers; llke.A some people,.. are spoiped by n e w d resses . t - Most men give advice, by the bucket, bul take It by the grain. '.l I Why are " sweethearts usually called honey ?" Because they are be(e)lovedr Wlienls a. young lady not a young lady? When she !s a Bweet tart (sweetheart.) ' A Danbury poet named Button; has writ ten a poem. The first line reads : "I am sitting alone on sn Islet." Pretty good for J Button. - ' " J ; - .' A young lady at Fond du Lac was married without shoes or stockings on, the : other day, in accordance with an old whim that euch an act wonld bring good luck. . .. . r "f A most determined act. of self inflicted torture has recently caused-a considerable sensation In a fashionable quarter of town. A lady, young, loVely. and accomplished, with troops of friends, and all that makes life enjoyable at her command.: Was detected deliberately screwing up" her face. Nf; . Tbm, Address of Prof. Noble Toung;. We are Indebted to Dr. H. S. Norcom for a pamphlet copy of the " Address of ! ,' - - . .. J- .i . .. . Noble Young,' M. D , Professor of Principles and Practice of Medicine, General Pathology and Medical Ethics, in the Georgetown Medical College of Washington, D. C.; delivered on the occasion oi Javlng tbe corner stone of tbe building for the College of Physicians and Snr gebns of Wilmington, N. G., Dec th, 1871." 1 mmm WlImiuKtou. Charlotte A Bntberford Ballroad Betnrn Tlcftets. Persons attending the Agricultural Meeting at Wilmington on Wednesday, the 21st 'inst, will be passed and return for one fare. Agents will observe, and-sell return tickets, accord lcgly, to be endorsed by -the Secretary of the meeting, and to be good from the 20th to the 23d." 8. L. FREMoflrr, ! 2t r i Engineer and 8arerlntendent. Kunlelpal A flairs. i We have been placed In possession of a pamphlet containing the Annual R' ports the municipal officers of the City of Wilmlng ton for the fiscal year ending January 9tb 1873." From the Report of Mayor MaYtin we take the following: s .t . -1 By a recent Act of General Assembly, the City Is authorized to issue new Bonds to the amount of $200,000, for the purpose qt paying oil the present floating debt, and also to ex change a similar six per cent.' gold interest bearing bond for those issued fn 1869 and 1870. It is exoected that by tbe sale of about $100,, 000 of Bonds tbe whole of the present annoy ing unfunded debt may be cared for, . and tbe present high rate of Interest thereon avoided.', ; It is of utmost importance to the City credit," that the law be complied with, and a tax levied Jto provide by sinking fund for the prompt payment of tbe debt as . it becomes . due. In the tax levy of 1873 It should be commenced and contiwaed from year to year until every dollar of the City debt Is extinguished. ' in wuiy last a conciuaea a seiuemenc oi ue matter at issue with the Wilmington . Library Association, regarding the possession of the two North rooms in the City Hall, which they bad held lor several years. In the settlement OeJhts matter I paid to the Library Associa tion, Filteen Hundred Dollars in six per cent, gold interest bearing bonds of thl City. The rooms are now In possession of- the City ; the front orth room is occupied by tbe City Mar shal, and the rear room Is nsed by the Library Association, without rent. While I think the KMsession could have been obtained after a ong and expensive law suit, I deemed If for the interest of tbe City to end ; tbe matter without recourse to law. . . ' I ' It becomes necessary during the months of January and February to provide, by adequate taxation, for the support of the City Govern ment. In order that this may be done under standing I submit the . following estimate of J the amount required, viz: -r " l . , J -. ' ' . flj AAA I Ordinary expenses............. ,uw Extraordinary Expenses. . ............ 16,000 Interest, 45.000 ExDense. .:v..-;. $145,000 8Inklng Fund .V. . . . A. . . ...... ... . . . . 10,000 ToUl required, .............. . $155,000 Tbi&amonnt imr ue realized by a tax of 1 cents uOon the dollar of valuation of 'real and personal property, and an increase oi irom ou to 100 ner cenAam on the License tax. By er new valuation of City real estate, we may ex. pect considerable addition to the present amount which reaches about $3,510,000. 1 am quite sure' the total value of real and personal property will not fall much short o( $5,000,000, All the Improvements show that oar City is progressing tbat prosperuyjpas : again oegun to flow towards us. Our merchants and trad- era have been peculiarly benefitted by . the In creased demand, and large prices paid for our special product, naval stores. We have the well deserved name of the great naval store market, a specialty which gives nsat all times a laree-trade -with the. whole world. - That, with the increasing demand, our trade will still more increase,- there can be no doub. ' I beg to call the particular attention ' of all our citizens to the great importance of the Im provement of the mouth of - the Cape Fear River, and the river itself now being worked, upon . -by ' the' Government of the United States, and ? lor which - two appropriations havebeen made. 8o far the work baa been eminently , successful. :,I feel that much, if not everything, connected with the future prosperity of our city depends upon the successful completion othe work.-1 have lost no opportunity to speak and write, and by every other means urge tonrard and chrtr on the able oQcera in charge. I cannot for bear in this place to accord great credit to tbe Chamber of .Commerce of our city for their efforts, and most particularly do I desire to express the thanks of the cly officials to Henry Nutt, Esq., tbe able unairman or the Special Committee appointed by the Chamber ot Com merce, for his valuable services, and the earn- e6t ; and unflagging zeai : wun wmcn ne nas worked in behalf of the wellare of the city in this matter. . . . ' I recommend that every effort be used to brlnz the matter before Congress during their present session, with the hope that ample ap-" propriatlon will bje made to comoiete the worK At the close of my report I desire to make vine . ,.. . ' ; - t v such recommendations as seem to me desira ble, after an experience of two years In the position of Chief .Magistrate of the city, or which will decrease the expenditures, or add to the comfort Of our people, viz : , .t i ; 1st. That the Ordinance regarding sidewalks ne enforced until every street m the city nas at least one good. walls upon it. That in all; the-principal streets the crossings belaid with substantial stone. That South and north wa ter streets from Dock street to Red Cross, and Nail street from Red Cross street to the Wil mington and Weldon Rail Road be paved, with suDstantiai stone or wooden pavement, ana. that the property be assessed - for the cost of the work. It is a reflection upon our city that these principal thoroaghiaresare in ' such dl lapiaatea condition. ; . : . , ..; - 3d. That the , police " force be fixed . at . tbe number not exceeding thirty. including, ofll- LCIB UUU U1CI1. 3d. That means be taken to lessen the cost I of maintenance of the indigent sick and pan ent sick and pan- pen. i r e r - -: . -a s '-' : ' t n .. 4th. That an Auditor be appointed to per form the duties usually appertaining to an of nee oi mat Kino, a nnd it is indispensable that some person shall be appointed to take charge of and properly audit and file all bills aod claims against the city. oi u. inat the amount allowed the dmerent fire companies be fixed at the actual expense incurred oy mem and no more. - 6th. That the City Hall building be' tbor onghjy. repaired, internally and externally. The cost will not exceed $3,500. The exterior coating Is rapidly falling, while some of the interior cornices and plastering are" danger ously loose. It is wrongthat so Important a building should be allowed to remain in bad repair. It is also of great importance that mere snouid oe a change in the guard room, At present the office of therTreasurer. also oc cupied by the Mayor, is rendered untenable by me cisagreeaoie odor arising from the Guard tipuse below, . It Js disagreeable, unhealthy and nnenduraoie. cw me, place should De pur chased for a guard bouse and police headquar ters at some central part of the city, or a suit able bulldlog-erected upon the City Hall lot for the purpose. . :. ; ? i;.: C Oder the changed circumstances of our people the City Hall la visited upon business by an classes or people, and the -public build ings shonld be made as agreeable . as possible) particularly mey snouid be Kept tree from dis agreable smel's, and the cries and curses of drunken and insane tiersons. which so fre quently now interrupt public business. I ask your serious and immediate consideration to this.'.- ?- .- i ,- , . . 7th: That at least six cisterns of the capacity of 400 bbla each be built at points where no better means of obtaining water exist Several Important parts of our city are without means or obtaining - water in times : of ' fire. Should, any responsible company under take , to supply, . the city . with . water I- should prefer greatly that aid, be ex tended them, to building the cisterns. It Is to be hoped that our city will soon have tbe beniflt of an ample supply of water, the want of which is badly felt. 1 8th. That the City Assessors meet imme diately, and proceed to value all property which has been Improved or depreciated since the valuation of loby. 9th.. That a book be preparedly the City Surveyor, of every block and lot, with all sub divisions, similar to that made in 1857.' The amount of cost can easily be saved In; the labor or assessments, and constitute a most valuable book for reference. 1 It would be well to provide . by Ordinance, If It can be legally done, to ascertain all sales and changes of ownership of real estate which take place within the corporato limits of tbe city. Great difficulty is experienced by. every tration in .obtaining information new administration regarding city- affairs .- Every , change , of officers Is marked by mistakes and Inex perience;' it Is well, . therefore, that all the Information nosslble be recorded in the moat substantial manner. ,; j ; i j - ; . f - i., 10th. That the amendments to the 'charter of the city, together with all Laws, . Acts of General Assembly; and Ordinances, be'com pil ed and bound in proper manner. No action in this Importont matter has been taken since 1866... ? X-y.--. r v ;. . ; SPIEITSI OP; TURPENTINE. Jndgo Cloud will be sixty- eight years old oa the. 1st of April next. ; Greensboro has formed a" To bacco Association Col.'Sajm Hobson Pres ident.' . ' : ' x-: ' -i . Judge Toureree is spoken of as U. S. District Attorney for the New; Fed eral District proposed for this Stated . . , The infant son of John Smith, residing, four miles from Raleigh, was burned ti death on Thursday eyenlng -last. . ; :.-y - x ,- . . Rev. Samuel Pearce, of Char lotte, has been selected as State Lecturer for North Carolina in behalf of the Frinds of .Temperance and the cause which 'they are endeavoring to. advance. 7 NEW ADVRTISEMKLSTTS.. iXTTE HAVE JUST RECEIVED an invoice Of 1 IMPORTED and DOMESTIC SEQARS, c : consisting bt. Portugae, Esparo!a's, . : Figarro's, Repose, MeUaaoraa and a variety of other Brands, whi h we " . t ; WILL JJELL.VK BT LO W . .;vi . . -. i feh !8-tf ' WEST A HARRIS S. X. HE PUBLIC are hereby forbidden to hire or harbor in any way, shape or form, or to trust on my account, my wife, MARY 8. GAU9E, under the penalty of the law. . : feb 18-lt 'V . E.'e. GAU8E. UhQti Spwwit TfflrfiiiiR Shall T "Rn 9 a NSWEE from NeweU's Machine Depot jl blmuku. tne Des on au ainas ox gooas sjiown,oran . . 1 v V AMERICAN. BUTTON-HO e, ' whleb. makesTa , beautiful ' button-bole , and changes to a plain sewer, combining a But- ton-hole and Sewlng-Macblne In one. ' ' Those HOME SHUTTLES are decided! ahead of anything In tne lino of low prl mac.nmea oo ueamuoi worjc.; . . , A11 these Machines use a . Straight Needle anawue un acje otitcn. - .- CaU at Na s 8outlx Front St., and buy your I 0 1 63 2 Oi 2 K 8 CO ; fvo dayg,. ...... , " . . " l-:ree cays,. . , tonr cars,. . nveciy?, -t. -V7CL.k .............. .4.... 8 63 Con tract Advertiserscuta takes at pre portioaatcly low rate. .. v, .. It. mxmgca, .ML. i.nuwi uu Obituary notices will bo inserted at half rates . wnen paia lor in aavJiz.ce ; c i aexwise iuii iwwu TKiKa CjlH .oaaciaaaiL" y- ,;ra 'ADMTISEMEm;; - oncbird CImpteiV IToV l. . v. .......... . J',- --v.7' : XvHQULAJl MEICTlNa MONDAY ETEN- ixa NEXT; aV7 ovjlcek. fXh yU ' " l 'S WJixijroToir, N.'C Feb. IS, 1 872-1 1 V ecr. . ' ' I III ... n . ' The "Czar's" Hcadduart crs - . 13at TnE ;. y;-l: .. i . " OJTr CLOTHING" STORE or MWSON CO., OTercoars, Garricksr and Capes t ARE SEIXIXO AT . ft. NEW,, YORK- COST! Call at 3S slarhet Street. .febU-tf nocking BixtiWaiited. TXT ANTED TO PURCHASE; a Fine Mock-! t" - ' -X ' ;''': ; 1 lug Bird, for which a liberal price will bo paid ..;'.?; .-. v-.'t .rt t ; Address; 1 ; "G A H,M; -. . feb 18 It Box 130 P.O. T y' ' NOTICE, - V'::"'Vr-' ; Howard Kellcf Firo ' ncliio Company K6;"i; i - ' 1 MKMBEttS of HOWARD It; F. K. Co. No. 1 are hereby ordered to be at the Engine muuoovu a UGoua ( u vtuvk A. AL. , in IIU1 nnlform for Pai-auo and Celebration oi the Annlvt rsary of the Company. ;. ... ay oracr or tne f oreman, - , HENRY EITRBECK, 4 ifeb 18-2t ;;'. --Vi j , r---:fv8ecretaiy. . i aJtvAAVA jr , .v, yLL KINDS ; OF, SADDLES, HARNESS, tbunks, traveling; BAGS, . ; And everything In the line of Saddlery Goods cheap lor casht , , , yy ,. ,t ... ;( J. 8. TOPHAM A CO.S, 5 No. 8 Soutb Front street ' feb e-tfnac I . : v v . Wilmington, N. a '. Bank of New Hanover CAPITAL, 81S0,000. v. l h. B. Gkaxebxb'.'.;'. T. . . . . 1 . ....V.Pre'sldent CUTXnxAV.V.'.Yl6e' President B. D. Wallace. . . . . .Cashier Isaac Bates..,..........,...,..,;.;.. v.. .Teller THIS BANK is now onen for the transaction ,.t; of business, i . , : .Exchange for sale at par on New York. Balti more, o., o.. Aieposits received. eiis jkx change In sums to suit on Great Britain, Ire land, Germany, France, Ac. ; ' , . GJVE3 ALL THE ADVANTAGES OF A SAV INGS BANK, by Issuing certificates of deposit Deanng interest, ana payaoie alter fli teeu days notice. ; . . , . ; ; -.DIRECTORS: 'Xl': '"IV - r i! n i iM t t ii ,irfiii. li II. UllUUKUt X tt. JUU1VU13UU IUI 11 UUKIUI A MurcMson), Q. R. French (of (J. R. French a on), j. to., bteamamot wrignta B tea man), H. Voliers (of AdrlanA Vollers), J.W. Hlnson (oi sprant a uinson;, ias. A.Lair, or wades boro. 1 . : , - . ' feb 17-nacDAWtf f Valuable Plantation Tor Sale by I t, ... , j . - -r- v , , :.r,, . ., .t.r , r J BU.TIXG fc McQUIGO, Auctioneers and Real Estate Agents. rWil . .'; ''-yr mlnglon,N.C. ".-,' -I .,- TTTE offer for sale the undivided half Inter .. TV est In that valuable Tract of Lan situ. atedonNew Jllver. in Onslow county.' five miles from Jacksonville, known as tbe ''Hug gins x arm," containing v,tw acroa s,uu acres under a biah state of culture, well adapted; to the culture ot peanuts, corn and 'cotton, bal ance well timbered with oak, hickory, pine, cypress andjuniper. Two Rood dwellings, with other buildings on the place also a landing for vessels. The other half Interest is also for 'sale. f Terms very low, Indeed, I feb 6-2wnao MESOET A NEOUS, Commissioner's Sale. C RON LY & MOITBIS, A ueUoneers. a r- PURSUANT TO'an order of tao Superior Court of New Hanover, the undersigned, as Commissioner, wlU expose for sale at pnb- lie auction on , , WEDNESDAY, MARCH ISth, 1871, : ' Xn . ' y: s::,y', , :i T Jl -i:';' ; At Exchange Coineri at 11 o'clock A. M., , Thai House 3t tot 55x130 Feet, -. .-. .,- : .:,.:-'".y 'l Beginning at the intersection of Castle aad 8ixth streets, and running tbenee. la a south wardly direction one hundred and thlity feet, thence a west ward ly coarse orr parallel with Castle street fifty feet, thence in a northward ly direction one hundred and thirty feet to Castle street, thence with Castle street west . wardly fifty-five leet to the beginning. ;--V v;-.v . ' - . . ' M. CRONLY, , , . . ; .. Commissioner. feb 4-law4w AMarl J . , .v-..: , S UKTEB MEWS, SUMTEIX, . C, PUB lisnea weeirry, larr te osten, rropvor WAU.U. JSKBNA&D, AgenW . ..TITll M V. eptss-l-tf a unjagton, a . MyGRONLY)'Auctiimeay ; pi ; ; BCronly ; z ribrrlsy QN THURSDAY, d inst., at 10 o'clock A. , V. " M., we will sell at Exchange Corner, withoua.re3erver -: y. -: :. . - X -'.-. House, Containing Four Booms, 'v situated On Third between Queen and Woos . ter streets. Size of Lot 66x165 feet. Water,Ac, ; ,apo the.prem4ses. Also, i;;, ; y:,.y . ;. xy . House Containing Pour Rooms, c ; - , j ". .. ,t . . . - . - situated on Fifth between Qaeen and Weoster . c' streets. Size of Lwtv 60 feet on Finis, running . aiohg Queen 66feet. Kitchen, water, &o., upon ; the premises. Terms ca&h. . fe6-At-A,ll, 18, 22 . , y. . ft :--y KJ A ll TO. 7"- , "TT7AnTEX-A house for a snail f-mlJy VL orrocas.;Appiyatt;ui sZzq.:, , .:,: z7yi y yysji:? r. in mi -m .I'X )X y - 7- y

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