"yjlE KICK ,' PUBLISHED D LI I- Y, nawaon Bank Cull .11.'; a':c . .r - in .ilr&nCO. ....... .......i '!itM in advance . ; i 4txffla' ?,C. in advance. . 2 u 4tx ffl0"1; ;;.hi- in advance. r(1IwiV" ina(iTance a e e 75 ? oi the "city at FirTBZsC i 3 p cr wee. YtEOROLOUIC'AL IlUCOnnT- March 2. IB72 Ther-I Barom eter. . 29:27 S 2V:63 21): 97 ( mom eter. Wind. Weather 7 A. M u P. M. 40 34 SO N Gentle Rain" NW Tirlab-'rMntiti NtfUgbtlCloudy - . ... . . ' t-nTB H barometric readings are reduced heM-lttel and tp S3 decrees. Fahrenheit. ivOBBHT &E1BOTH, -r .:rtr't Signal Service U. 8. A. Wentiier .Report. J WaK DePAKTMKNT, 1 i Hik e of Chief Signal Officer,; V v Washington, March 24:35 P. M.Jo. ProbabUitie. " : . .yv Tbo WT verv 'ow baromet over the New j rsey toail contloae moving northeast dur ing ihe uif?ht," with riswig. barometer over the SuitbAtUotl! and Middle States abd diminish north west and westerly winds and clearing wither: the f lllng- barometer over the New. r,giinCl anus iu-ui)ui uo succeeueu uu oun j.yby rlrinjf, with clearing weather and N. W tu westerly-winds,-the. latter diminishing In force ; falling barometer, rising temperature gnj winds backing rto south," with probably threatening weather, prevail over the. Western ,nd Gulf Slates during the night, and extend tutrd over th Eaatern Gulf States on tinn er; Increase! cloudiness and probably Ihristculni weather from" tho Ohio valley ouribward over the upper lake region; rising (untneter and northwest Win da extend cast turd over the Northwest during tbe nUht. Dinruus wiads are not anticipated for the gulf and Atlantic coast this evening. ,. THE i liUfitCII J IIUECTOIlVv , , Scndat, March 3. ... . .v i A . n l y C.iuN'K Third asd Market Stueets Third Sunday In Lent : MorLlui; Prayer at 11A. M. f . 'i Kvenin rruyer at d r. m. J tfuuduy School at 4" P. M. - ; , - 1 St. Johu'a Chnrch (Episcopal), t CviiisEit Red Cross akd Third Streets. Third Sunday In Lent. ; . Snudav School at A. M. Morning Prayer and the Celebration of the lt..l-fnulmrlit at. It 'l(Hlf Evening Prayer at t$i o'clock. -1 : -I Irst Presbyterian Ctinrch, CoitNKR TttlRD AND OrAJOB STREETS, llev. A. F. Dickeon. Services at Sunday School wciuro iuu Second PHE3BrtaRiAx Cnimcu.-ServIce8 it Brooklyn Hall, every Sunday at 10J A. ;SL tirat nsinttat cum-eii V. nrst Baptist Church, Couner Market asd Finn Streets, . Kcv. J. C. nidcu, Pastor. Sunday School at 9)4 A. M. - v .V. ferviceS at 11A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Voung Men's Prayer Meetlug Tuesday night it 7::!J o'clock In room'abovo Pastor's study. Weekly Prayer Meeting Thursdsy night at l.'iiO o'clock. Nccouil Baptist Church, Cokneh op Sixtii and Church Streets. Rev. J. E. King, Pastor.- : b! j. y ? iuaday School at 9 A. M. Service at 10 A. M."and 7 P. M. ' fray or Meeting every Tuesday. night at-74" o'clock. .r VC St. Thorn A-(l'Athllc) Church, on Dock Betwesx Second: axdThiri Sts 8unday. Muruiiu: Tbe Holy dacrldcd of the Mass Eveulug: A Catechetical instiuctlon will be KutSftf SXKh?1-14-Ct 10 Vesper chaated at 7 o'clock, during which LcLtiu Devotions will be held.'- Dally Services. Motuio:: : Mass at Qy4 and 7 o'clock at St. Tuoiru' ChurcbJ SV.0X at the Chapel Qf the cwier or Mercy on tu street. " veuiog i Durlog Lent at 7W o'clock at St. Tuoma' Cburcb -'stations of the Cross." "Sinbat Mater " bv tbe Children. . At all services tne Pews of St. TumaaV Cuurcli uro cordially open to visitors. - OffiiUliug Clergymen: Rt. ReV. James Gib bous, l). V.; KeVcMaras. uroas; tie v. dames B. . White,... y..;.jv. t : ; Frout fltreel 31. E- Chnrch, South, Corker. Walsvt ajid , Frost Streets. Kev. Dr, ifo'ran, Pastot." Services at 10 A. M., and 7 P. M. Sunday Bchool 3 F. Ml - Regular weekly Prayer Meeting Wednesday niut at 7i o'clock. AU arelQTHed to attend. Tliepttwa in this church are all ireouentie- munly uahers - will be in waiting to conduct itrangers to seats," ' y( , . . ' . Fifth Htrcef Bfi H. Chiirch South; Firra Between Church akp Nus Streets. Rev. A. Ar IWUamer, Pastor' - . r. M W:?" J viu33 u . u. . .. l,raveirMeetiii!r on Thn sdav nkht at 7 o'clock. ,.." Jifi ' l- j 4 I St. Paul's Evan. Lutheran Church, , Market Street,- Corner ot Sixth. - Rev. Cf D. TJernlrelm, rstdr.i 'V Ueruau service at 10 A. Mr ' T ' " EngiiBh .erylec at T$ PrMrr ounday School at 3 AV.Al a. . t'ateclielical Lectures po Frid r. -i-n - -- TiLl ' rv.D'...ol!.rV'lrflMWWW . Couner Ciicrcu, a?d Sevejjth Streets. vaaa a ia v a a- a . m 11 a a ar an a a anaaauuaai i services at ii Ai ML SW PiM'and S P. At. bvtho PatfAr-win. Ijivnndft. , Rt. Paul's placopaa Chstreh. tOUSER ORASQK AND '.FOXTRTH STREETS.' Morolog Prayer' at ll ocl Jck, A bt?- j r r tveniug Prayer at 7K oclck, P. M.v -y:. JUrk'a (Colored EpUeopal) Church Coun e. Sixth Ako-MutBERRY Sts." Rev.C. O. Bradv.fcoloredl V.; lliU church wilt be oped for' divine service -ay qudayk 4th insh) , 7' " Wed .wrvieea at 11 o clock A. 31. aod 74 E. M. it Udles Benevolent Society. Aie absencfe bfthe Secretary makes it neces- ' ,ary-l :callJUcntion nyhlsTwiiy tq' the Vum ' ;T ei Dg aG,e'' P- K luo VWtlDK Committees 'will please meet - the oncer, at Mr. John Tas next ca"Ji St 4 O'clOCk P. M ' ' 1 i ' 3t s th of Cel. Crafarhlirs Wife. ' Vs And' in1 the Petersburg Index the an unccment o;ihe death of Mrs. MVry 1 M." Craijjhii wlfa 0'f Col; Wm r. Cralghlll, U 8. uK'Der, in charge of the wor ks r tor tbe inv Pfovimeot of Cape FeaV River and Ear,-which 5cqrrel ia Baltimore icn r'thSith of Febru- 11 A. M., and at 1V P. M. h ,n 1 raoa ,arsue aa. arreaseu jwieruaj, tvnoffraohleal 'amraneeof the 'Amu. and Who had relerred It to a BUO UomBWlwe oi lis exercises commence at S, on a capias issued by the Clerk of the Superior ' ' nn tn m . A ftn - ' t-hl- own body. ol; Which Ph;letus Sawyer, ,Sq , of NfkvTin n.rnt lXa'onoV - ? - vUItor to tha Teorjle of th section in which It On Frldav. the 23rd. we were introduced to Jjy ThV deceased lady - was" a' daughter of ITo. 139. Lucal Dots. Keep croup remedies si wsys on hand. Par best thoughts are in the morning. . It'is as easy to transplant flsh as potatoes. -7 Shad are not marketable earlier thafi three Tears, , r-'rr; y-: "..rm; The Berger Family-Swiss Bell Ringers performed at Salisbury last night. . . ' 1 There were 5 interments in the City Ceor-1 eterv dnrln? the month of Fehrnarv r H . ! . - ;L, rrir 1 w i-",-.ini,.c 7 were 1 Irs. Oates commences a three days' en-1 gagement at Augusta pa Thursdtfy next The Clerk of the Market reports the ar- rival of 03 market carts during thepastweek, ' There were 16 ool'ce arrests .dnrlmr tl, i'- Dast week and 2 contlcU ,.nt i the Wntk . " I jI0(lJie . - v . J ' I u0rrKuiruiOBimymeeungoiineuoara. o! voumy commissioners laKes place to-mor y. . . i . . . . . it ..vor I .'rr.M?- .... . ,.. , v j ( Th.ere were 47 police arrests during the past montn,.and v convicts sent to tbe County I Work House;-' "y-h ya. According to the report of the Clerk of the Market, there were 41 beeves, 78 hogs and ft goats slaughtered during the past week. We are glad to learn that Col. D. Klein, who uo$ been dangerously; 111 for a week or two past, was considered much better yester day. ' J ' -J p' ; ': Thanks la Mr. R. L. Harris for late papers, including tuetAimney vomer and H.,x. jugcr. e a.eep3 a lun auppiy oi cue leaaing papers apd periodicals at his stand, on Front Bireci. About COiarge vessels and 24 small onetr under CO tons burthen, arrived at this port du- I ring the past month, being the largest nam I Vr for any one menth during the last "twelve months., ' ' s ' ' I will be a sale of reaf estate foUity taxes to morrow, rovr, at.ld M. at thR mi Hall " I Delinquents should u!d "lake time by,.. the : fore' at the-CaptainU offiee" and lock" by calling Captain settling. .5av of the Superior Court i .. . - :,. . - - , . The Weather yesterday was as whimsical I l n A il.-tnif nv.at.. nn kI 4 Vi m J.w Yin f 1 " i ;i nuaiiy, in tne auernoon, tne sun came outjn aU its splendor, much to the gratlflcatlon of v . . , ' , the public in general. y v: : :T I t3 a a - I - f!A; KwA itk ..nH htt. w- -r . r. - Wisconsin, was tne vnairmao. - f . . . who snralned hla blir to'e business, and will have charge of the meehan- sections of the country ; under these circum ii .V, U,. .to,p wMcb U tU. W. pit 6r ,b. The gentleman w and bruised bis shin adorns the middle of the sidewalk on Mulberry. between Four and Fifth streets a nlghtr or two since, thinks it un- TV we for it to remain stated by the early , completion pt tne vv liming- 5,!.01ant at least, of the Engineers' esti there any longer, as a stumbling block to pe- ton, Chariotteand Rutherford Railroad, which mates, whleh are for $150,000. ? : . iPBirian, r. Pses through Wadcsboro. o the retiring :The committee seemed to comprehend the heaviest storms of wind and rain, Friday night, that has been experienced for a lonir time.- (airly 'threatening - to lake buildings Irom their foundations and - rend them into frsg- menu. We-expect to hear of many disaster, at sea , , - : . . V 1 " ' . . .- '.' The Late Drawing. ; In a long editorial in the Charleston A'", explanatory 6f the late drawing of the South Carolina Land and Immigration Association, we find the following statement V ;". The whole number of tickets disposed of wss . . . ....... . . . . ............... Tbe nnmber of unsold tickets neld by id. A tanptatlnn gn thfl . dxr ' At thfl .UV AB. V. V.ww w WW mmwmj w . drawing was 121,533 , Total number of llckelsXX, 7. t.'.. . . 150.000 The proceeds of 28.467 tickets.' sold at 1 J- : to rere . u ..... .u v. . $142,835 Deduct expenses, already paid ........ 105,888 Cash balance, available " for prizes " . drawn and miscellaneous disburse- ' roents.,, $30,447 r.tinnlalBta fram Na.Cnla.lna. Captains complain of the lnsufflclency th the number and character of the spiling and . . a . . t m I ringbolts on the varioo. irh.rve. for properly act-uiius luwi. iw.Dw. i i.j , y r- .u ' .t.i.i:i..i...Jtn.it...:iAnA;.NL rwajr uiSu. u.iS.umwvi v-.v..-... i hrnkft'lAoM from -their fast enin 88. and the I broke lOose .from .? their yfasteDlng aname accident is attributed to the worthless ebarac- ... .u. wr wi luofpiux. w,.uivu i,y attached. Another evil that i should, bm reme I inhrriiohnnidvVtW.thU matter their v Na)wppe8lT-l"siiBlC. w - .7- .--r. lugs of the City court oi Augusta.- mere are lLr;. - t in.in.UMn Vtha -1lt"whrt ahrtnlrf take warning: iV- "'; f. ',--':vyuvw ? j r The Bute rs. Samuel Williams larceny from the bouse. Tbe defendant in this case is the boy who was caught while stealing a morning paper, from the. portico of a down town iresl deuce some time since. As Williams is quite boV, tVroTuto plead guilty to simple, larceny..: He ntenced to teni dsys imprisonment in a small should was sentenced to ten aaya- upurwoBiueimn .I., h. fhli will riMpr nther from ? w . " " a- r fv. 1 ' - - - a . - . : UttUIHUinP 1HB4IIBV VUCUVm w ...... j.. - . BotbI Havana. Attenlion is called to an Important change iOie scheme ;for the Grand Extraordinary Drawi0j5 0f the Rpyal Havatfi Lottery, to. take i .' l died, in tnis connection, 19 me stowing 01 c-i votes are needed no there lust now hruCh I "1""""J.5W"D U?" "Wli".wr. .r - g 1 t. jiin.Hi ' . . M . . M V - .-kAWi ' 'l h a . wnav i . . .. . . . . t i. a t-i - c r-y n i 4 T piece April 4tb.,The aggregate mountofgoid TflE WEEiLY 8TAB ' " l f k. Hutrihnt t. n,h.n.. but the scheme!: ; 1 ' ' J bai DCen so Arranged as to make 848 instead o a7flrlAa Thra ha aT been a aHht redUC- tion'niade In price ol tickets.' : The 8chee la now much more attractive, giving aoouf one prize to every thirty tlckeu, r 8ee advertise- me'nt. : : - - ; : ! 1 .M.... f a. nAAm . p -'V Of the Wilmington Library Association is oiiv iinrinir tliA wa1t from 10 L IL to 1 P. from 4 to 0 P. M., and front 7H to id We mentioned the fact some time since that j Messrs. Adrian A Toilers were making exten- slve additions to their store on i the rcorner ol Pock and Front streets. These additions have r now been completed and. yesterday we went through them and examined the admlfabl e T lacllltles which have been arranged for the J carrying on of their extensive business. The bQl,diD2 including the store proper and the mJL or,CK warenouse runs i leet on pock ireev ana ooieet on irront stre?:. ; The second Uoor of the brick addition. In which the bulk of their troods are stored, is sustained bv two hesvy girders, heavily trussed and braced, and Is thoroughly bridged, reodeHnz It capable of 'Staining , any amount of weight. Un;erneatQ, hulldin?,- and bear the J l.Ka I- .it m - 4 ' m I CCBir" lb we.wua a , luung.ana lorce PnP.wuicn conveys me water to a cistern ' a. s ... . . - I on the roof with a capacity of 1,000 gallons. ! Attacued to tuis cistean is a hose leading -all I over the memiftPa- m' nremntlnn in Pfla fire. - - There are alao two aentlle. lradln n f - - 1 - r " vl - O I Mho rcofof the building.: All the windows are so guarded with Iron-bars, like a prison, thatl no ordinary burglar can enter. The tmildlngls I i80 supplied wlth onebfBatemab's'patcntEIe- Tators io conveying goods from oss)ory to lueri AV tuegooas, oi wmco tnerearean immense quantity, are systematically arranged, esch style and quality of goods in a row to Itself. . To give some idea of their stock we would mention that they have now on hand I about 1,800 barrels of flour, 00 barrels of liquors and wines and about 500 boxes orcases of fancy wines, liquors and cordials, with other oods ,Q propOTlion. The erection of . thig hfilldin?. with all Its modern Improvements, was under the ex- who deserves much credit for the manner in whichtbe work Is executed. Wile Arna The last issue of this papef contains the Valedictory ol Mr. D. McNelll,-formerly Edl- lor na rropneior, ne naving msposea oi tne a. i if .a. ' a. a r ' a w -- ai I .LBO" w BMell with the Vernal, of this city, and jc B. warrock. l he new proprietors 1 expect to make decided improvements in the Is located. : Mr. James, who will have control f frt,i.i u of the edltorUi department of the, paper, la too well known irf the cabacitv of a newspaper . B . ( 1 4 &- AWa. I uiHii, us flHwg wen : wMBwwiu wnu iuo i press of this city for several years past. Bar- flce it to say, he wOldo. Mr. Wat-rock is a prac- u. u iu bbj, . . tical printer, . with much experience ia the Mrjw, under its new management, a new ca reer ol 'prosperity, which will be greatly f.cUt I 'm i Tbe'llonte'aaltor.'' , 4 ;;:.;t. ' i The first nnmber of this new Candidate for of the Goldsboro' Meuevgr Managing Editor and Proprietor made Us appearance on our tablel.st nighl It is an eight page monthly. is of convenient size, . presents a.neattypo- ornhIL.al anrjearmnee. and is filled with matter interesting to the ; fraternity. Monitor will be enlarged by the addition of four pages as soon asjufflcient encouragement is received : - " T,; - rrv. ' , . lu warraut ,. . uo F...v.w. certainly deserves encouragement, and his I paper should be la the family of every Mason In the State. Subscription price, I a year. Cooking Heart. Beefsteak is best broiled on a gridiron over I live coals. When ready to turn, take upon theplatter, and take pff the juice of the. meat, J whkh rises upon the top, turn to the grid- iron, but do not cook too much. A great j deal of really alee beef is spoiled by being over- done. " When not convenient to use a gridiron, heat a spider very hot, put ia tne meat Qwun- i . - : . . 'i rvr-'y v ,'rr.. out urdj ana cook quicEiy;ao not, sait Bnui near,y or lullc "e"6- w fc miln f be Snamea. . , . . ""!r:rr we are giaato Da able to oeneve mat tue . . ... ; .- ... ; sensioriai status oi worm caroima issoon to i u i,Kt t.. be Ransomed, and .the spurious Abbott xele- -ated to his carpet bag. In good time ! he -B " A - T v: " K s --V i. -.!.v i. would-be senator win nave an opportunity oi golng home toiew Hampshire to votC'Radl- Surprise Party. Brink, on Friday night, In which about lorty -KTama learn inat toe .latier "oancea ya uiguk, ii bpodl davliolif: and went home with the Airls in the morning.'' Pine Fwreat Centeteryj h J. EL 8ampaod, Secretary, reports 3 later- Pine rorett (colored) Cemetery for and 8 children. . Including the interments in A'A TONS OF SXba ' V-'Vj J. 1 . ..a.i.t'pii. riMA.'at-MA.v'tKfJ'K;AUII.-'''4'' .i-? vfif n.kiii 4 ti.. n.moi.H t i.t. ihU vaauaio uu m vv.v " '" " mtM tntal f 23 dAalh for the month in the l-i-w. . . : 1 1. , city OI .tviimingion. PROFITABLE AD VBttTWIWO. v We call the attention of the business men of WUmington toe superior advantages drcuHUUm ot any pub-, ,..7 ..nrn ,.a w .n .rfMafif U7 one that Ithaa&o equal a a medium i commnnioauon vim tne pwpw w mi fliatricts aqw trading with Wilmiagton. fry :r"rWe solkJlt a call frona those who wislrtq H people of th section, . ' - J m m 'a. a. aT a. '- " - offer inducements that I Ji ' Shipping articles , I (111 rhln Rlik.f A sharp tongue Is the only edged tool thst grows keener with use, V f Water reddens the rose, whiskey the nose. an4 tight boots the toes! , t When does a man feel girlish ft When he makes his maiden speech. . i ! A' corset . Is on exhibition aU Dubuque, lowawhlch has squeezed? three females to death, i ; - r V J . J r vny is a clergyman HKe a loeomotive ? because you are to look out for him when the bell rings. ; V, 1 : Wed sneaks the truth of himself.- unless he knows before-hand that thfr truth resounds to. his praise ? Practical Hopeful : " Will breakfast soon be jready, . mamma?1? Mamma; f'Tes,- tny oer." ,, nopeiw : weii papa, you migm j Tl- a - rr- i , l X a. a . eg Bwcjass upwo aave unwq --v A zsalo.us prohibitionist, on, being asked wny lie signed every pledge tnat was presented to him. irave as a reason that if he broke one. . . . : - - ' he would have the rest to fall back on. f ....... . . . i -r Conversation in a store Polte Clerk : "Can I show you anything else to-day Lu gubrious. Customer ; "No, I. reckon not. I lost two horses and mv wlfenast fall, and I feel putty poor. Good span of horses, jtoo.V My eon," said a good mother to a young hopeful, ? did you wish your teacher"a happy new year ?" " No, ma'am,'f responded the boy. " Well, why -not ?" ' Because," said the .youth, "she isn't happy unless she's whipping some of us boys, and I was afraid if I wished her happiness sht'd go for me." S.i RIVER AND BAtt , 1 MPBOVEMESTS. i I -, :i Wilmisgtoji, N. C, Maici 1, 1872. , Ta the President and Members tf tMCliairibcr of yomnieree: r':t, . . .y.-. ,,:U-i,V:t. J t - .': Gents : The Committee appointed by your Chamber to visit Washington City . in the in terest of Cape Fear River and Harbor Improve ments, consisting of Wm. L. DeRosset, Presi dent, and Henry Nutt, - member of tbe Chamber, with the Hon. 8laa N.Martin, May or of the city, and George French, Esq., left TO w met and weleomed bv our Reoresen- . . , r tts j i tive,A. w. waai. Jwq., " Wr Sjjto. J . O i"1-- AYe iound the general appropriation bill in the hands of the Committee on Commerce, t?ommtetS!n,i$c; with some appropriate i importaace of the work, session, by M. Waddell, remarks touching the ImnorttkMof the work 'and the nece&fitv lor an aDbroprialion. sufficient to complete the . n . rjpmmlttee replied, that retrenchment was uc sired by congress, wao naa aeierminsa, u Pible, npon reducing the amount of general appropriations, and upon which there was an rpcreased demand forelmllar works in other Whereupon a general discussion was had, ex- planatorj; ,ol f the works. Us character mpor- ..4 V. n nrnM-fnl . rpttratnt nnflpf vhlnh th lahomit forbiddlmr. aa it were, the allow- met of a irrea.er sum than was first deter- iBrthe best thevcouW for ns and to" increase th amount If possible.' !' acra represenUtlve Mr. Waddell, as also byyour former Senator. Gen. Abbott, and other gentle- n:V0 8 1 "T. Tr"" - .jhe entire North Carolina delegation in Congress, expressed, ano seemeo to leeiaaeep InUrestin the success of our work, as also mItfy members of otherStates whose acquaint- ance we made. '--i . ' Nothing but encouraging greetings, and :;:r;j.:rtVftr77hr7nnntrv.- wTthTore feel irrestW encon raced that our visit was not in vain, and that the verv best will be done for us, that the circumstances of the case will permit. , ' Respectfully, j ' j " ' " ' ' ' " : r aew 'abtkbtisEIICmts.: ' ; ; 1 Heiksberqzr's Live Book' Stored S9 Market street abe works or ail known autnors, J Duplet & 'Lui't. 81' of h'BYg lBop?f. , , I - Read the advertisement ofllo Read the advertisement of Hoslelter'd Bitters heiaed . FeTioa,e Disorders." " ' Bokxio' & 'BRO.-lIavana . Royal Lottery : Grand extraordinary drawing. - t ;,.:v. i the gskeiv & Fiaskr Perrv Davls -Vecetubie ""S? . ry.uav vegeiaoie rain a.uier.;s tic 1 n.nxi vrnni ii'l . tiS'JS ii.i jo.'S.ii.'v&M' 4 Csoslt & MORRis--nty real estate for.sale l ncll0D-: ,1 f-' J in'.V'-fttt-fM l IcU i Worth & Worth-No. 1 Pernvlan Guano. i Altavela Phosphate "C " fi A. D. BRowa-Spring hatl and bonnets,- New Tork House. . V I JXAItaXED. nJt-i T KERB BOYEIS- At the residence of the; Feb. 8th. and Miss rannie,aaufnterot jno. i isoyain Pq.allof Sampson county, J. r TTfr 'lPftlTlvin r . F T' 5 trXtTt ' ; ... t t ; , IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE, For sale very low .V?f- mar 3.1m . , ... .. r , wuuxu wuaiia y. rVlCTORwrKID 'GlaOVES b tAV.r. V-TW ' - VVSTiJlJa '. . '' ' " ' ' mjfE DOLL ARA P AI R f t ' r . : r. J . ' ?'': '!! k-' 1 .J V ... cannotfautopieaae. ?-t.r.. fji;;, .vmi5-H!i " ... ........ .-r ir.ofJi'ir . - i -I.'r A ,Tl- ivLiiitvrj i , for tAle at the once o r vf'T.,. ; T77 . u'-1 NEW'ADVERTISEMENTS. .1 PBBIQllIC.PlSOBDEltS . -; : r The paroxysmal maladies which are' char aeteii zed by heat and cold, prevail extensively at this season, and It Is a curious fact that in many parts of the country where they are prevalent, other diseases, that bear no gen eral resemblance to feverand ague, or' remlt leut fever, assume a periodic- type Thus, in many sections infested with chills and fever, rheumatism, ; neuralgia, hysteria, diarrhoea Ac., sometimes became intermittent, thereby indicating thaifihey have been engendered by the same poisonous exhalatloas which pro duce the first named diseasb. y j V" . Ia all these matked case of ague tor such they are as well as ia the regular intermit' tents, the most safe and reliable remedy that can be administered is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Neither quinine nor arsenic are needed. Both are in the highest degree dan gerous, and are sure -to leave sad traces of their poisonous action in tne system, whether they arrest the paroxysms or not. In many 1 nstances all . the so-called , specifics of tbe regular? materia medica utterly fail to break up" intermittent and remittent dis orders. But the great vegetable Tonic never fails. The spasm of the minute blood-vessels which causes tbe chill, is the result of ner vous weakness, produced by the debilitating operation ! of ant unwholesome atmosphere. and tbe tone and vigor given to the nervous system by tbe Bitters, enable it to threw otT the disease. Tbe wiser policy, however, is to anticipate attacks of this nature, bvarousinsr an tne latent energies oi tne body at tne com mencement of tbe moist and chilly season. wun tnu incomparable antidote. toy pursu ing . tnis course, intermittents, remittent?. rheumatism, colie, biliousness, dyspepsia and pulmonary affections may always be prevent ed. f , y. - (mar 8-lw Sun Wed Fr , 'M. GRONDY, Auctioneer.; By Cronly A Morris. ; Mortgage Sale. JDr VIRTUE OF A MORTGAGE FROM A. is. Shepperson and wle, the Mechanic's Build ing and Loan Association will sell for Cash, uy jraoiio Auction ai. axenange vomer, on TIICRSDAT, MARCH 7th, 187a, the following described piece of Real' Estate, situated within, the limits of the City of Wil mington : Beginning at a point in the S. line ot Church street. 66 teet E. from its intersec tion with the K. line of sixth street,' and run ning thence 8, parallel with Sixth street, 89G feet to Castle street, thence E. with Castle St. 63 feet, thence N., parallel with Sixth street, 803 feet, te Church street, and thence with unurcn street 53 leet to tne Deginning, - being part ot r . , . r ... , -. : .i . . Lots 1, 2, 3. 4t 5 and 6, Block 92. C. 8. EL1I?, 8ec'y and Treas'r. mar S-eod and 7th Sun wed Jfr - 1 In Store : 83 Boxes and Hhds 8m. Sides and SboulderSf 200 BBLS. PORK old and new, . . . 1,aoo Bbls. Flour, ,;. . 't.-i.. .-. 1,000 Bbls: Eating and Planting PaUtoes, , . l.SOO SPIRIT CASKS, " 1,600 BDLS HOOP IRON, y - : ': 200 PAPERS RIVETS, - - r ' , 20O BBLS GLUE, . ':.. l.-:y .! t ' . j B48 SACKS RIO COFFEEj r'r'-' 100 Sacks Java, Mocho and Lag, Coflee, 230 BOXES CANDLE 3, , - 150 Boxes Brandy Peaches, , 50-"'k:.'v Fresh " ;r:..-b-'- 23 nhds. Demarara and P. R. Sugar, . 129 Bbls. Refined Sutrar. BO Bbls. Whisker. - ,. 15 Bbls. Kerosene OIL 400 Bales Hay, : V I j 20 Cases Fresh Tomatoes, 10 Bbls. Flekles, ; 50 Cases Pint and Quart Pickles, 123.Hhds. and Bbls. Cuba Molasses, Ac, Ac, r ' For sale by " ; i-: ' ' r?;-!' -,:y '-.r.y ; F. w.ikerchner; 'C mar S-tf , ; . 27, 23 and 29 North Water Stt For the Ladies ! J U S T EEC E I V E D A L L THE NEW STLES OP iirsn,.: SPAING HATS and BONNETS. Collars, Chffs, Handkerchiefs; :-jtc5 faiJtij-Jjr . f -, t. corsets; BoopskirVsustiej7''? :S :i ...... T v x victoria Lawns, Jaconet, Swiss, Nainsook and Mull Muallns--tn str iped -plaid and plalnV-Halr Piatt sv Trench i -; v " Twists an Pu-inlinitatlc4":J ' U-IZ vx;-;: to r.-v:: 4 . -.i i -jc Sfatc 4.1w.5nu:;alai?fyd 1Wj-- And a'splendid'.assGrtnftnt of .Millinery and: HI LL IN ERY GOODS! Call and exahtine my stock before) purchas- ine elsewhere' -M y. !:i'ny i-8.it Y.l.bii ' .v-'-nrri (tsH'ltio.v h r. ' .1 A. D. BROWN, iy.n ,-f - r- '- mar3-tf f 1 v: Exchantt Corner Grand Opening of II.Y. House,' - ' w i l ji i, jf g'tto's IV .J.iuiVsi,;! ! -.. .'Vfti 4. Sr UANSTE1IC A CO., late of Philadel phla. would respectlully call, the atten tion of the public in general to the fact that they, will open on r i ; ..-,. n - If OH DA X IfABCJ.Atb, an immense, large and. well-aolected stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. BOOTS and 8 HOES, f 'VALIdKS, ., Act, W HULKS ALE ' 'h-VAl'-iV S11'f AN1 RATAIAV-Hr''?-? which they offer, to sell at Phi'adelphia or Hew xora prices, irjease give u a cau ana examme our stoea: oeiore parcnaaing eise where. ; Yours Respectfully, . i ; K , marS-naclmDAW - 8. H A.NSTEIN A CO. Mtavela Phospliates . ... . . jFor sale on most favorable terms fbnf- cash. ion time, or in exchange for cotton on crop time VS.ti:''-iV' 1 mar3-lm - - - " WORTH A WORTHS EAri3 cr Anvunnmrrai ..,.. Cd e Scjufre one day,......J, ..... ....... l twodays,...M 1 3 -. three days,.... sft , " roar days......... 2 U. Cve day a...... ................ s CQ - caeweexv f 19 Contract Ad vertiseiaenta taken at pro portlonately low rate s. llaxrl&jrea. Deaths. CeMRious. Tuneral and Obituary notices will be Inserted at half rates , when iald for in advance otherwise full rates t wllibecharsrod.- TkmicBHCsjBh.OA deuiand. ? , NEW- ADVERTrSEMENTA Havana Royariottory. rt GEAHD 5 EITBAORDINART ' DB&WINQ; ir-TTo Take Plftec April '4, 187J' .1 T--s - , , . .... .' , '';',.; HIS DRAWIHQ will be cemposed of only j 2U.000 TlCKfcTS. The number of Tickets , will be from No. 1 to No. 20 030. ' - The amount to be distributed will be 750, 000 Dollar, divided into 618 PHIZES, in the following form i ' , - ji v . . . . t i , 1 Prize cf.,.:........;..i.,..,.......,;.33o,coo; ' 1 Prize of...... 60.000 ! 1 Prize of... ............. 26.UX) 1 rriZSOf..... 10,UtK) ' 1 Prize ot.il. ......... .............. 6.0C0 60 Prizes of (1,000 each 6o,oco . 169 Prizes Of $C03....... 84,590 1 9 Approximations of 2,oi0eachtothe , -,c, . .' remaining Nos. of the donary of the fo. drawing the f3.0,ut0....;.. ; I3,0!O 9 Approximations of $ kx each to the 9 ' " . remaining Nos. of the denary of . ' the No. drawing the 150,000........ f.ftOO 3 Approximations of $10J each to the" - -No. preceding and No.- following, ; the No; drawiogtne 125,03 . .. 1,000 . x Appro' nations oi fauueaon to tae ' ' r No. v feeding and No. following , v the i.o. .1 rawing the $10,0(0........ -1,000 x Arprox mauons oi ao.u eacn to tne : -j. -i, no. preceding and No. followlnar the No. drawing the 5,00.. 1,000 618 .PRIZES i ...1750,000 - ! . Paicss or Tickstih This Drawiho : ; - Whole Ticket............. .;...$55 00 Currency. Half Ticket.... j...... 8 00 i S; ., Quarter Ticket 17 CO one-Tenth Ticket.,.. .....v.... 7 00 .,, No orders filled for less Chan One-Ten thTlcket 4 '.. Address ail orders to 1 ' ? BOKNIO A BROTHER, -: 77 Gravler St ," New Orleans, La. Remit In Registered Letter or Post-Offlce Money Order. - ' . . . - , . - Official copy of Drawing sent te every tloket holder. . , v,i y. -y,.-i ieb 8-nacvlra . THEY ARE HERE ! . r i ' - - - . 1- J . -M i J t . Those Fashionbale ' Silk Hats. THE LATEST N.T. STYLE, CLOTHING, Fnruishlnsr Woods, New Style. Ties, fcW. ; yj7 v MUNSON'4' CC, , Clothing, Ac., 53 Market St. mar 8-tf FINE FRENCH OALF BKINS AND HEAVX SOLE' LEATHER. DUDLEY A ELX1S, ri y: : .Sign of the Big Boot. mar 3 tf -1 1 ' Saddlefv , : .-r rrft A LL RINDS OF SADDLES, ' HARNESS, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, And everything in the lino of Saddlery Goods cheap lor cash at . s -''j J.S.TOPflAMACO.8;'' ' j . No. SSouAb. Front street, feb 6-tfnac, y; Wilmington, N, C. rjXUE WOBE.S OF ALL KNOWN AUTHORS, . upon, au supjects, are to ce round at ikf a. . , ., 1 THE. LIVE BOOK STOlrtC. EDITION CHARLES DICKEN'S I ..MB?Z."-, WORKS COMPLETE. t. fTOHN JASPEIl'3 SECRET, sequel to " : EDWIN DROOD," y With eighteen illustrated Engravings, i ii .7 r r - For sale at UEINSBERGER'S y , Live Book Store. marlrtf. atjotion sales; Commissioner's Sale. , CSOSlt " MOBBIS Auctioneers IIURSUANT TO an order of the 'Superior Court of New Hanover, the undersigned, as Commissioner,- will expose for sale at pnb- 1 auction, on 4 WEESDAY;BrARCHl3TH,lS72, " yt rt r. . - . . .-. - . 1 ..... - . ... IT 'At Exchange Coi ner, at 11 o'olock A. MM That House Hot 55x130 Feel, Beginning at the latersection of Castle and Sixth streets, and running thence ia a south- thence a westwardly course or parallel with Castle street fifty feet, thence in a northward ly direction one huadred and' thirty- feet to Castle street, thence with Castle street west WArdly fiftytlve teet to tho beginning, y . w muij msv.iiww wuqmwuteii im tumv itch M CRONLT, 1 n Comnjlasionerv: ! ,, t !v . , feb Mawlw AMarl3 Choices Brandj ljipcriorl Cham y ' ' i! : i . ; CJtOKLT, ' AnUaer. r fy V '. By CRONLt A MORRIS. . ' : dN Wednesdays March', 1872, at 12 oVsioolc M.,we will Bell in front 01 tbe Custom Moose, by order ot the Collector of the Port, ' IS Cases Choice Cognac Brandy, .1 ............ T . - . '. . . '.' ' y' . 9" Cases Superior Champagne.- seized from German Bark "Rhea, frem Bor deaox. JTrance. r.'w:-n.v'.i .xoart. FOR :GALE OR REMT "; , .... .. ,f " ' . TIIOB 8 ALE CIRCULAR SAW HILL, ia E - good order. Inquire of; r ieb tHm ; JT. W. KESCHNERv . ii.VAMTC. -a XITAifTKO A Small Bouse to rent from W about April lu , Address Jf. D. P- Lock Box 89, or call at office of Geo. U. Barker A Co., 9 south: Water street r y , ,: : , feb xd-tf AKTEDAnV1 perso' Jwith' a : HtUo ready capital can invest it so as to doable the amount tbe first' six months." For full particulars, adurcBs H,; at this oGccy y i j j mar . - mar 2-lw I ) Hi ' il- i 4 i t .Ti,' 5 i 'i 1 f : I. t tf l'uutrclistf,:;;:;,.,; wExthangeiCoraerf T.urnJrr ; : ':''V:;,;;. '.stvv ri.- X -