' VundV arch 3, 1ST2. ' ' rrcULATiON of Til n 2.:o jtlmaSR TitA y rr T c . ' a ?:y 4f-"ylin ItLYXEWsrAi ::: : i :;;.: i cnlUC iX.AlAnA:T. 1 "' r iicrrri ana Olrvo, and took jnaoy fitra tttthi9. Aflvay t,T7rSaw, , Iglcw prisoners. :The " flffrhr of Htrrir?. U'c Im've' i.usr received tho following .i. nl.tsoJ a terrible and bloody affray 1 . ,u? i'irl nnnroehpn Tj'.t tn nnrl I n 1 i I l I I " v .w I U, 1 uu t,,u oi me Ju r u Sit trtr wiof v'trtnn 4 K em ia' 1 iO wu- ; TrV, V, 7 , : . I . n;),,n capiaiii wiwiu u 8iKjfc.guu.wuu foil from ms norso anu immeuiaieiy aiea. t I .1 Z 1' 1.1 J T J m, Mr. W. T. Llttrc a uepiww or uaptain l; hearins w tuc ctcurrenc, jusuca up r " .n:. ..j."..ij'. :i.. m...u: : t,'rek'J shot-gUO and a revolver, and call I I TV- 1nttAW for liia-tfnfcleV murderer.'': ' : - About , ID13 tnno wr. lweardon, with, ; P.i n in 1 .1 1 tl li a M liaH enmo rlim . flnoi ;.w Mi iv.iiuu I".""""", '.?--MV"i.ww- mu i ti- nH tA inhNm J 'I1 I ill a rvAfA rv I e up i , rr, ncfiirreu . wu.x-nunv iwuuuiwm cncampeu-OD tuc banks of the J eve .published.: The in tha killinf ot Cantain J. rlvtr Arnnra nrT nna i rcenturjea are katkere , , -r;.s. ; r.Tk:. I' .1 "TVv2r .i." Jc,i ""f . throw a atroBsr. ciar , L'tl'n(i w.r...A...Ai.Baiuuiu.,.Ai np. a scuerai ,roui was jn.-4-e9Uitf in wbich the Jnapiteu Word. J .1 nntain Little, an old and well lare numbers Afthn n.mt ninnnnri our terms, anrtafoll !lr 1 II v i"V vuvMlj u LIVVI 1 tl.IV" I i..,iwn " j j :r 4 v tivuuv . uii wwc aaeipaw, ra Atlanta, or st.jxfuis. Mo. j K ..:.na.l(li a man by tnenameot Tartt. lost. The river.abonnda to nn ii)rmUCT 1 " . , - - - - 1 ..pliiin u nound thrashing. ; The next extent with monstroua crocodiles a'ndpoisV r 7' :' uiwojjt.of; ,fI';'i;V oil.;, V,v " I'upt'iin I-Utle- roda in town, and wious serpents; iand the men aa they at-' : ' TKft 'S -iiwsW' :" r.vr exasperated -by the whipping which4 tempted to- swim across pwcre seized by $ .? ,J W , : M rr.9 . f kindfeeliogf, made his appearance at the S. P. Luit& Co. have efTectually cornered 'front door pt the: store -of :;;Mr;Jphn,Mlthr; market' in- old -whiskies. It iasaid Quanes, ana was immediately, urea upon that they have been planning' this move by Little withVv shot gun, ' bat without ment for months, and have at length sue- effect. Mr. Reardon returned th6 flrowilh I i2uo, and also .mhsed his mark.- AJter - fF'Ln w ofJIr' V r , . j ';. 1 - n..r,1 I IdIIOWCu, auu in a buuiuo wmcu, ensuea 1 iho latter was shot five tirnes with a pistol in t!( bands Of Little, dvinj a few minutes i uttervvanJ?. The nffair caused' great ex 1 h ' am - . I circment in the town, it being the most serious and sanguinary that had occurred I in tho county lor many years. ., jx posse oi. cltiznis startea in pursuit - oi me . mux- i iML-rs. and we. hear, that LntUo was ar tested and lodged in jail a Galnsville, to which p'ace he- had fledrLittle Is -from Texas, and, it is said, kUIed-lwo men. in that State. Heard,qri. i3 single mahrpm pitkens couniy, ana, an, accounig, .agree that lie displayeduhe r utmost , bravery.- ! MUtRegiHer -o. ;v j - m t i A yoauff Lady Blown rrom a llaitroftd iraiu nt Harlem Sh-e is Snjipo ed lo ue c aiany injureu. . r Vh(n the funeral train which lefVth'e .. . . - I ;t 12 ,elock vestwdav .beaiin- the re- . t y-i i i I mains oi l.c urana. JjOckwoou, stoppeu, as w the custoni, before, crossing the, bridge t Harlem, 'a :j0U0gU;lyLSiiOaOeen waiting near the bridge, was seen stepping ' i on board. She then attemptcd.to enter a 1 uai.imt, a muw.v iw 9 v"v'io car.nut waS uTOuie-io oo so, as uio ucjors were locko.K Noaeof -thetram7 hands- kin- ia sight, tho70ung' ady was- com- joun-iauy-as coui n tho platform, while ing the Harlem liver, rra hlAWinn liirinnolv pciku to remain an t!)c train was crossing o!f the train, which tainrng full sated was then rapidly at- tainrng. full i speed. Qoe of; the .bridge? ttaders saw the accidcnt,and, taking the unconscious lady m bis arm? carried her iototheJiotel near by. - A brakemarA-on the train, it appears? saw her falV and the tr,un a n.i::frpp. rnnnin a ahort I ""rr' o , " rents,- cam Up wn , intend i ng to join her ; i.i;her,jind mother at t lie linage ana.-proj ceed -wttbiheiU tb.Norilk;i-lUp. t-4 oViock jrtJcfday .MternooMlssT Rogers remiicea in a siuiexu. semi yonsciuusura, feara-beitt entertaineditUat t her; i dj nnes would. terminate Uf&lj.-2fao York Her ... ttlflyZSthr ' "liuoiri.iiow it is nisseir. Fat Contributor proftS33 to know how I hi , on iheir wivjtsrupto 1he platfornrand jptro--iluce the'nV to fne 8omdiot -tho' influential citiz r,s riisit! un and introduce .'them- s- his.,, The litoj-'rakes me warmlj. by I )w ' ' whfcro'i tho mjr, and L hear it stated' over ana aoove Loard ihiif fl'-T should ruina to that town I again t Le JtalJ .wbu'dn'c be Jarge enough to l o'd vVhC '.people. X'ttle 'boys on the street are respectful. But when I fail no- SSiSiSS HnUce Tiie aper-theture slips off Jipme; Hi -T) .per 4cwsn t reach ma-eitheriYualess it r.. , m h, fiW1rih' The it rii hes me under tne mtinjrio;., xue secretary hands me"the"sUpulated amount pass ahirrg.tbd wde whtlc on my way to the. hotel t i hear Uomc- little: boy shout .i . ..i . ..i. ''.l-mi iiuinuu V 'Jjrt voice , pi . Startling i nnu- " ne landlord surveys me wuu a look ot pf.yharl crxter-he tas:;heinl -all idiout it-nad J sneak, oGLtq. bed as soon . m poMib'e.-r -M" one. .attends xxw to be deint in the mornihu'to eexi "tn'corT, and J overhear. a rude Kl'w'ttirariother'; Od the' pittorm? as l- amibput to step into the w. 'If that fraud 't ver comes to this town again hVlI get' a lead put onhirri'.' " -;r";y-r. , ATt'hTiipt'eror Traiedfes. ' . i San Francisco, Feb. 29. . .. twenty tight Indians were.poqpedjo (lint I L -w m 1 J. ' .1 NearBaa Rafael a Mexican, a Lower Call- uta: ii noa tn t n rm - .ri ntra rr a acr. whh it ornian and two Spaniards were murdered b7 Indians, who were captured and shot, Old MlWiftn a oartvof Indians, having b?enlurnished with liquor by the wb,ites San Diego county, cot ifitoa figh," arid mvvs v aiwu iur; auu dv s v v ere killed.' The murderers were pursued into the mountains. ::-4 ;f" ?;-i:i 1 -pi . . u.j j:jC. i " I '"oi i seed Uiillers. Hcmnery ana i us r;uu uau wov prwuwcu uuuc mau a geem recently to j have income in- Xaeturers of Harris' Patent huiKireu varus . Devooa-" me ,.m orcesier t".a.:L. .iiT - i:u t-i7:,i, trine the best and cheapest fc ,,nf. ...A of .W xihon h iinfo-r. tCIW,Vu A" c1Ap1uu. "clfi -V- Plantation purposes.. Cotton 1. 1 ' it l l v ii ua j w waaa.w uw m a a v ... a.. Ik m ; r a - - i rv. -nw . . . tb - . . . " , , ..." - v, i ir., wuu ibu ' a uuiuicu .vuuitu u repairers luraisnea jwin au tan-.te young lady either fell or was blown vrV. ,fM-,M--iiifB aTnpn,Pv ninm teriala. Sawat Ribs. Pullfes, ii i i .iiiir n . i w 1. 1 1 . I ii I ill ( n i linn?' m ' i v u I. i ... n - . . i . i . . il. i a w. -. - - ' ..." " iLVLV.u' i- preuicis a rupture oei wcco fcue uom v r p,. Agenis?Namef pat 1 y'w: -" o u tj government ahotbe' Dominion it ; a better stitcs.m circular Ri!v. Dr. Htorpra nastor of the South lie- I . j j.- it -i L .. ...,.,., . ,,. , . . . . . .0..., - i unacrsianains is not ood artiveu at, ictrs i - . ;-- -- forraetl church, wb.oj.afl omciatea , at trie the CowardrceotEnelarid fotoncentrating Gre'ftt', Siilflrto mortuary rites Id.nis chuTCu a snort lime nrnvtAieltr .nnsl (rrm nria 1 1 1 c rt rr TVrav'l1 r.v.,.wuo.j,uw ... ... oreat Hritam. and urces, independence as eitnersexinvnmiDgionana tn ',ii.Jl- irjfti ihf fm nrol nnrtno-o Th I : . ... ' - r -. 1 riv which vou can Tnak-from L . : rr- llJrlJ' the oniy courso open to .uanaaiaps,-? anur njonth. with but little uuMuauiJTfuuaS ia. jr uau uecu uu u agk-s the people to prepare for, SeParationf. nary business. Articles as visit E ifet. a'id Without 8DDrisin? bef pa- "V t . . -. cotton cferfA.-Aeood busbies it if, and tells at t)u; f'Aknow when ivc 'mae VsuCCfss fin lecturing with- t beit; r ;f of J ;"Tificrhitteyl 'bring next . iimburhl pap.will reactrmc, , JrB.yVp7JL a- 5 I lay. ?V3ilKn!! Guaranty o excel aUotLs, both In shape as4ciauon . presfdenf)h6?rovites in some toa material. Be sure to ask for ' r: ot tito neighbors and,-there is a soci4i time mj-aa?. TvAlrv rw In -T HF "P ia the parlor.! Or, U I am :at. the . hotel, &Y??X5J the b6ys call Vndtrd and invite me out to ...'ATO ACCXPTXO OTUn, r ,s Wt oyst rHJBllt to getaway gg from t hem some: lime J tt . get " t bel.-r- i -f i i ' - w Theie a-e peple tMu inp'ofl in themotr EVerY Ax Warranted I Crocodile ,r;ervln;r t'ao lnrioes t . . . vrnr.'.:" -. LA corn s pond en t of the New York Tims furnishes a graphic account ofHhe capture ft.. en -. . ' - - nf thpfjtj of 4 '.Fcrrhhdo, and tha utter defeat and put of. the reyo'utionists id Venezuela; commahdedby .Cfeni' Hcrrara.1 i no correspondent add9 :r r-- T, ,-r fr When the citr. bail been eahw-'wi.- (lf Urispo wa9 dispatched in pursuit of Gens. army was a rapid one, but Ciispo came up to the, main body on the Court h'day. He t!r.lfinnnafra ' Wti? ennmnrt "mnr intont nn 1 In w..w Vrfl w 1 WWW W tllU.t, lUkVtib I NMgmfrwiia augurtiser in a IW mm- inrl m a n "' KiS f ' n P.i aM in.. r..n I 7j 'it'" T"- -6 v. u uiu. uarnts. t Among mo lost wua uea. vuvo, ;wno ic was Uipugnt, wa9 ,v T T t . . . I urovvned. : ii, neirara ; army -was en- urcivucsiro vea. ;,';.. .,'"1"B"-?fl"ywuufc" - J -? ' ' I in T, ' A Corner lu Old Whlsy. ! . .' : , s V - " ' V ;;.v :M ' LOUISVILLE,' Feb. One of the createst whiskv transactiona i.'iL. L:. "... . . " - . T - mine nistory oi; inetraao was aeveiopeat-oBox jlcre to-day. It appears that the firm; off ncre to-aav. It nnnsnra ceeded in accomnlishiob 'their obieeti' V tfewcomb. Buchanan AVnoTrtin n, commission 'merchant for Sne & Haverbought up all the available stock:,off .. r . 0 . i ' whiskv in tha TTnprl Sho t-p i J Thip nnr- I chasses in JTew Yorfc city alohe amount to' it. 000.000 and tko ftorrreate amonrit will I reach; about $3,000, f rf"n t I embraces nearly all tle Valuable old whis-! ky. in the market,' and it1 will probably ellect Jthe prices injaU otber.gradesVp . ' , , m ;t- E,?Wf J?? Washington. -:"" ro v- - t - Aoiv. interviewer from, tho rNew ' York Herald visited Secretary Seward " at Au- buflT Wednesday, and elicited hiabpihiQn on the Washington treaty.- Mr;. Seward, according to the statement1 as given,. con- 8ider8 that a great omission exists in the r. o .1a5vU "p.ion r - a upon an, apDlooryh by Eogland for he iaeen's procianTavion ;bnt - that war with It'nnlnnrl Igim nncMKlA n (tint thn 1mn for the settlement of Alabama claimj has tint. o rri rnH - Tho H fl IThe, demand lor a sum moucy lor conseoeiitialdamagesjsjn ia his orlinion. bneath1 th d iff nit v of 0r - --. -7 ".7r v--4t. . -.-. S07crniDt' ; ; .! : f Rcllgian and BatUoad Mindly, : . nnr 'nn n TTflnWftrHi i, i5mn. iatcd 6ubscriptions to-the amount of over Sinn OHO. for h a pw rhnrrh in - Kronk vn 1 $100 000 for hia new'church iu Brooklyn, KcwYorkj Jt is tolbof , iroDjln what h . th. flm ofTftberaflCie stvle. and Tl ROes by the name olTabertwcle style, and f, to 8at 2,500 persons., Amongt he 'sub- 8Crii(j0n3- are lound Ue! hanles or Wveral . - aann J it- annnnrttfrl w.r.k Christiana because there were no white Chrislians ia New. York." fV f . . ? r r A xaundian Tnrnsi at jniana. . A n nf . liar,.iK J.toa tUi TTon XT"'" ' :wZ7yi.rriM7;.Z' yamea nowc conaerans ipe poucy oi xog- tau vs vasvica iv wo- wYj', a wv ja i.rs army ano "navy around, the ; islands. p Mrs.AVoods,of Millerbnrg,Holmes coun ohicj,'. driting:ajatod business, with nf lhp i;nnor ?w - Shehaarecov- ered oyer thirty-six thousand -dollars rom dealers who have sold liquor to her hiis- and, and the" old man still sticks totlve aloonl'i:: ' V ' A MISOELLANEOTJB f r , ror 8a, wholesale and Retail, at cs 1. .1 V. v-aptit..tacoeis. j ; Hardware Depot, No. frUarket SL,' And Dealers Jnronxbanttlie Stato. ."' ' - -j v 1 Newest any est Iireslil W M ! suaiier's gnsli-Holder & TjOcU. , ,r or "-"'i f"Tzhi' ,t,r'.iTz! rpIJE niost convenient end durable ) ah ? jytjoUet andLock over invented, ifor-ihe oliowing reasons: w - , j r ttUng8 of the sash. 3d.It wlUnot getixutoIfrtdeirjDr.w " it. MAnhnnnton in one minute and does not "r the window. Having the patent right lor thU peotion, I am noiv Offering, the above tash Holder and J-OCK WTlOiesaio anu rn.iiJ.- . , Working model on exhibition at our store. . CUA via Hr' I tr. , TnL JACOBI'S, . I . ' " ' U ardware Depot, No. 9 Market St. febS-tf 1 K'-"- " - ' " ''" - TaieMihe mno onDomtnTll nTmns FOR RENT A ' A5' portion of the tract of land known aatne . 1 '.JORDAN PLANTATION, i i -, a .j , , About teo Ues from Little w, 8 p.. wen adapted to the -irrowtirvif? peanuts, ac and from- 8?,too to ioa,cM Turpentiiio. Tre ol W. kd';rv?:?, iiui I Tha .improvements consist t of a, DweUins containing ten rooms, and all necessary Out-j suvuvm . a. . ' wzizta. as. h A. aoseley, ?; 1 ' .ebfcDtttWlt WitaangtonVH.C.- - . THE .:' ' ; 1 1 ' ii i 1 ' mi I ' f k ? ,1 NEW ADyr.RTISEIEN TS. , AGENTS WANTED FOE THE ILLUSTRATE!) J nnic 1 y". n m 41 .. . rr- f2 J i A . i aV J t fS3 By Wm; SMITH, LLB,- , Anlhor of. Rmlth'n rima ni lc contains over S5i flue Scripture Illustra tions and 1,103 pagesvand 4is the .most cotn- pieuensive ana valuable uistorv or the Bible r labor and learning- of (1 in this one volume, to lisrht UDOn every page or Sena for circulars and see" description of the work. AddresN ACTIONAL PUBLISHING CO.; PhU- OHIfl flf i pnil t1,a WPST "v,r t"'u' ' t " M'.V . U V A, fcJ ( . nirtiiVoi made in 2tt dava-' Profit a en-to anffp.rpiro. ovv.,m larsAoweff iors. . . ' J ' , , . , ,4.froqJ.allraidCom.B9ponndfl to.ih-.hiinAi 1 lJ'i Pl .11 llf li'rl.- ! 1 . X - 1" .xv-if A..XiV x ,; Mii-i t UThegrcatiUust u;-st iiumuer. ,isouierarv-ireateau3uioit. - and city of the Union. 10 a week. tasUy re- Vne 6?le or ibiotraoramiy. irisn anu American Journal. 6pecitnencopu8ire. Forsale ?1K newf?eF.8.-rAc,?.CcJ $3p periear, ivUUrtBS Al. l. vJ AjCiA.li X cC vUj Jr. I : 6.074. Kew York. . 1 . ..:..;'. ;n - ' .'. J EXTRAOEDINARY IMPROVEMENTS CABINET ORGANS; fully announce the Introduction of Improve- ! fully announce Che introduction : of Improve- lLl't - aV9 ti prdinarx ntexest, ; reed And FiidABiNKT organs, WiDtboonjv.uecesafulcomhinationof RAt hcwk .uo uuirBucucKUiucuuiuuiatiuuvi AJtAb Pip witli 1 pari a emr rnnrlA .f- DAY'S transposing.-key-board, A. .lc. cn bo instantly moved to the right or PT r. rX nirlncr t h 4k TirAh -m ia Torvain r t n A I cuiar. s; KKW AID XXEQAHT STALES 0 DOUBLE REED CABINET ORGANS, - at .1140, $132 and $125 each. Considering Ca pacity, Elegance and Thorough Excellence of ra'! The Mason & Hamlin Oreans are acknowl edged BUST, and from extraordinary facili ties for manufacture this Company can afford, ana note unaeruute to sen at prices wnion ren- UNQUESTIONABLY CHEAPEST Four Octave Orzans 33 each : Five Octave Or gans I1C0, $123 and upwards. With three seta reeds si.- u ana unwaras. Tortv stvics. unto jncw liiustratoa i ataiogue.-ana Testimonial Circular, with opinions ot AibttE THAN ONE THOUSAND MUSICIANS, eent free. HT CVT lb TT T TW ADO I W ft 1.4 Tremont st Cost on. ; 696 Broadway, N. Y. TT EORUSTPBOOruATS 83 a Bnsisel; lVi orchard Grass liBOa bushel. Send 3 cert postage stamp and my eomplexe Price Lists of all kinds of Gross bceds. Field Seeds, Gar- uen reeaa, r lower ana xreo oeeaa, gricui- i tQrallmplcmeata,MachinerT, Guanos, Chemi- cals, Live Stock, Ac., will be iorwarded-you. den eeeds, nower ana Tree seeas, Agricui These Priced Lists ccntaln much valuable In formation as to time and quantity to plant, &c. .MaKKW. JOHNSON seedman, P. O --1 r. THE BEOWH COIM .6IN-C0HPAHY, THE' fi -A afamn r AewXondon, Conn., Brown Gln, Cotton castings, aianu- Rotary bteam En- team Engine tor .-Sin maters ana TJoxes, etc., of IP.6' "5e:: WJS iruarantlo satisfaction in every particalar. order solicited, i Address as above, - A GENTS Wanted A srents make more XX money at woric for us tnan . at anytnmg else. Uusiness lif nt ana wrmanenc. j ranic- nlars free. - G. BT1N80N CO., I! me Art Publishers, portiana, me. 1st class $:do. ronstit to Consnmers. And "good business for one or two persons oi a-IJOlUUIKtUWllSi 09 to ICO . per interference with ordW btaple as flour or is for aarents, sore. II vour wliolatline Is Riven, a much, larger urn can be made Club Circulars tree, giving complete list of articlee and eommwioas ai- lowea. JIohtos, i3BUrxos x.o ojj. r-me ot To A.U ver tiscr'a. All persons who contem plate maklngcontracts "with newspapers lor the insertion of Advertisements should send to C ecf. Pi !;RbvV6 1 1 : & J C for a Circular, or inclose 25 cents for their One llandred Pase .Pamphlet, containing Lists of 3,000 Newspaperaand estimates, show- ing the cost of advertlaiag. also many useful hints to advertisersand some account of the experiences-btmea' wha are known'ias Sue eeBafal . Advertisers. .ThU fLrm. are pro. prie tors O Who American Newspaper Adver tising a Tf.:rrrtT7TT7 z and are possessed of uncqaaled facilities eecuria g the inserlfon of advertisements in New'spapiersarid Periodicals at lowest rates; MERVOUSnlHVALID Hasnnrehasedfor the benefit of young men . l . . . W . . V, . . r.MftVin.a..d ' 1 Vi ' bility, Aara treatise supplying the means or BAlf nnrA Written bv one who cured himself. and sent free -on reoeiving a post-paid direct ed envelope. 1 : Adaress r js aiuaw iuhai mar 1-DA W4W Brooklyn N: Y. f pollak&sonv it ... . '...:;. a-. ' i'.J. MaUtlftlCtnrcrS. JmportCrS and - aiiitT.-a; US DEALERS. IN l iX-Xt J 4 U t - : . , v - ' " ' ; . Pipes;: Smotej's vArflcles .and Ciprs. ? WHOLESALE, 43 Maiden Lane, fft3fitatf9 it ttlt'i ' ! RETAIL. OHLI- - ' tcr Box 5S4C t JunefcS-tf - WholksaLh and n 'i' RetatXi Dba'lbb Ik ?;'VUfS.l.rT' I jr. TobaccOi . r? iV 1 Snuffoil AN D 01 ! HlfljJil .idee8.tf&Kfil .HoV'illarStt St. I W nt Piano fTo.. W . Y. rii.tinlnn'WlAPfifilinnmr!Ai1B ! I 1 utuiiiuv AaommMu- w and ITront at v:-U o ciocb:, leaving at i:v ana '''& !TfcrtOT:stir'r ' arriving at WilmUgton Garden at 7allow- V sTJOlIN STBEET, . . 7t 1. e 15 minutes between each turnout duriBg w;...,.,;, tngaaY Fare 10 cents, to or itom Union .s-sr a mi rr.Mi. lur uauiii &x j Laa.U.a aaj - .a-v; fc.1 a ivr uajl. wuua vutu & .s su&aav -j MISCELLANEOUS. " Turpentine Honxtnd Farmers, "V- ill : If- &-?ii$$4 - - - W r rt -3, ? x -1 iK -.1 A.:1fll!B S. rnUANKFUlTtOR Yonrt .PiST.T.inirni,. J. patronaffa and hODine to mdrit a con t mn. atloa f the same tho D resent year. I will still : S iSiXJiA BOLTED MEALr Jucn Reaper tnan yoa cau have it ground if . X w - - Thimiiv Flour and l'eari uominy on band all the tt mn. t3. ah hno inra i. . v. credited at cost on the next hill. t GOODS SOLD DBAYKD FEES. ' feb 9 tf ALEX. "OLDHAM, Proprietor. mpire; Floiir, Uft PWN BKAKD, FRESH BY EVEBY j STEAMER. EVERY BARREL GUARt,. --p??1JJ,,lx,antl0 cqmplalsts. vr , ; . Wlutcr. Wheat Fresh' Gran nd ! i3o joxks oranes and lemons, L 1 " ,J i 4 j The only genuine in the market? tt r n m -w vA " m ... LAGUYRA COFFEE. jLargo and Complete Assortment of Family Groceries Always Fresfi! Cii.ed cailtoi, italte aM I Canned Vecelablcs, IfOR SALE LOW BY i -i, GEO, MYERS; ieii i:-tt 11 and IS So. Front Street.. Lime ! Lime ! J gQQ BELS. FRESH STONE LIME, . -Y - . ; JUST ARRIVED, Arid will bo landed on Monday. ; -j . ; feh 25-2 w WORTH A WORTH. n m . v . ; - H II K. i) K liTj M II IT S E A" w T ; " w .U J-l : : .;: J; R. DAlTIS;propric tor. - Jb ROM THIS DATE, the rates for Trate ent Boarders are $1 00, 3 00 or $1 50 per day, ac coi ding to locatloa and rooms. Day JBoard- eis, a CO per week. janHl-tf Plantijttg Potatoes ! rpINK EYE, jfc. ' Early Goodrich; v ! I .' ' j . Teach' Blows, ; . .;- ' -Early, Rose, Jackson Whfti ; In lots to suit. For salelby ""jSinll-tf V ADRIAN & VOLLEUS. . WobafWood! '. - rr r -f'V- ;-- PR2CES REBTJCEDJ dale and Blackjack, 1 2( to $lf 25 - i V .' : -, ;: . j- . j per Load';' $i G6 perCord. isti.110:to;-U -t ;''.- $1. 40 per., Ord. A . . I, feb2S-tf Ol G. PARSLEY A CO; TJ X n?Wirvl' Sollclted"'byp MtNN A ' CO.f; PmV rHlliH lu lishera Scientific American,. ST ParkttOWtN Y.-...T. il0;rt.'i.v'' aa - Twenty-nve years experience. . Pamphlets' containing Patent Laws, Wit' fnU directions ow.to obtain. Patents,, free. - j A. bound volume of 113 rjasres. contalninir the NEW CENSUS by counties andralflargeeitiesf 140 -Engravings of i Mechanical Movements JJ- 5 S'ah ' e d u l e .'. on : ON AND AFTERxTHIS DATE, JHErFOL lo wing Schedule wilt be ruh on the Street Hallway !rJj-viy.;v.'ioi cCars will leave 'comer of 'Red ejOt)ss and Front streets,:f r Union Depot, &t 3 ;A,; M. dally, to meet the Southern train, stopping at the various Hotels and 'Boarding" Ileuses-on. the route leaviu g the Deoot on . the arrival of the Northern train.' 'Will leaVe corner-of 1 Drv . a t n. I rmsa atimiltD Brtitth ttM AM. I for Union Utipot, ia order to connect witHtb Northern Douna.tram, making; tne usuaistop- l pages ar,- the hotels and boarding honsea lea? iss leaving: Union Depot on the;sxrival -of the Sonthern train, ... In the evening will leaye comer of Front and Red Cross streets at 6 r maRlner th ' usuff&i. stoppages,- leaving Union Deot on the xvap I train, r.v...-, i; t llunog wo uny urovaia nmiiui.iuouaui scneaoie, cmnmeiusiiis . uw utg wu utuueu at 7 otaocJc,' arriving corner oi.jiea vross J- ;.-t-- vfeb.2Q-tf vvi ii ".v i: :, .-4 Proprietor. , TN" STORE AND AFLOAT : BBLS'FLO0lJ 735' 1 O Q PT- bls pork; BOXES' BACON, riiT:l, !!: And a full line of Groceries. TlebJ74t - .. 'EDWAfiDS' ' ilALL. LostrS toedMst9len' I,, a. "SMALL j3LACKNaHORN MILCH COW: t Any oneVetnrabi her to me wiUbe; amply vuiuucusawua r , . .... v . . . .. i v marl-iw- " ' ua. ?i r. ainv.- i - it. err t-miW V ' r- SPECIAL FEATURES, " i V SOySEsSiii'l' -Ki !- No restrletlons on pvel or" residence, 6er un . a.... n w. 1 Ac viot i -.. a . . mr I'M ran r rt JOT I mailed o-n YftATVih, of S RRnt.H: -v. all I dee t-DAW8mo9entf.:ii.ii:" tjiiQu. mSTJBANOE TOTICm Wilmingtcn Ilorth; Carolina LIFE IITOTJEiHTCE. GO -7.; Bobt. H. CoTraiu'.V... . . .Trcsldent. John Wilder Atitlnsou ."....Vice fresldeiu Dr-E. JL Anderson........, Medical pirector,' mode of monthly paymonts or premium, no extra charge upon the lives of females t. Foil-, ciea tncontestible. Imay 14-ti t LlYEfiPOOL AND LONDON. AMD. GLOBE Insurance Company, ! ASSETS t , Held . in the United; Stales by i American Directors ,.wNoW'' AniQuni to ' . V : .. i ...i; js til '..i.ji k ,V S3,640,49v621 T1IOS. GKiEME, North side Princess at between .Water, and Front.streets,.. Wilmington, to whom all ap plications for Agencies should be'addressed. tbMtf ....... , . .:. ; .' 1 Tnnfl riniit1iiin Unmn TtnnnnKA flMnWMTW ; Jt 111 LLl UttlUlUia uUllUj MiClUJuj UUlUyuUh OF HALEIQ1I, N. C. ; . . 1. ... j. . ...... i. -4 - R. H. BATTLE..; .Presides SEATON GALES Secretary JNO. W. ATKINSON, Wilmington, Agent. JL HIS reliable State' Company pays its losses fairly and promptly. It is managed by weU known business men. Its .capital and earn lns arelnyested In the State, and tend toward building upand fostering the financial pros perity of North Carolina. ' ( ' aug 1-tf -r-t U ! .?... : . h'i r . -INSURANCE ROOIIS. No. 4, K.VWATEE STREET, . The i oliowing leading Companies are repre- .THE QUEEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, -s'1 - ---v i Of Liverpool and London; ANDES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY,- : m. ;.hf;,; f j ; ''.7 jof Cilioinhatl.H continental' Ifire LNsoRAarcii : cor, HOME INSURANCE . CO .Of Rlrhmond, Va. . Mai-vi4AJa 10 . JUt,oujajivpi 91 luenmonu - The Old, and Favorlto Marine Conipanyi"' THE MERCANTILE MUTUALrf 1 Insurance at fair rates- la the above first- 1 J 1 11HW IUIJL 4taeo Ml r;3 4 r ,?- vr wenerajgen. Piedmont & Arlington 7 ' r PRfiNOTJNQEB'by the CrjnsxKwxrrBB," aa Insurance Journal of Philadelphia, to toe "apfod'gy of success, and a model of econ omy, oaution.and jBecuriy," invites respectful comparison witn any. nrst-ciass company in the country 1 - -r -1 " u v.- i !J i c v iy Its record, past and present, is glorious, Its future ' hopeful, and ihe "-management ' take piKio-an presenuns a iXHspany in.acmtiuon equalrto.aF.upertojma, j, . V, t. ,.. - 'Persons deairihg-Insurancei will please can i Ur W At. STEVENSON, Agent. uly tf C d O ?" iT''lf J . 30 Market b 0N COTTONNAYAL'-STOKES and PEA NUTS to Kew York. Bo it on. Philadelphia and B.alUmore, at following rates : ; -, x j oicauiviii ... ..r IN . hllRlT WESTERN MARINE INSURANCE I j- COMPANY, of New York. .6, ASS BIT'S,.. .i ;'i . . . : i i i . .vi . ,OO0,000. feb 9-tf '''A-t-TSen'l Insurance Agents. ; J. WvSCBECK, Jr. JO., General Commission Merchants and :-' commeremal'-AcntaH CORNER DOCK AND WATER STREETS r..-CTt ii.i iVJi,-i'lK('J I . Wilmington, N. C." Will give prompt and persOnaL attention to . the sale or shipment oi V NATAL-STORES, JUN1PER"STAYES and all f f. kinds of COUNTRY RRODXJCI Ac., Ac j Orders for sale xf produce, or .purchase( of Goods will bo promptly '4nd"iwdw tha. best advantage to our customers. . dec 24-tf -BUSINESS OAllDS. - I. - -t . ' 7. ? , WHOLBSXIJI XXT3 SLSTXL. DXXLK&8 W . . '.: Staple 6PG2cy -;Dry g Goods; hN6tion;Boots, SLoHats, fcc oct29-tf joair s. in.; b. b.vixliaxs. b. y. w. Lorra. DEALERS IN NAVAL , STORES Ho. X Nortb Water St. Philadelphia. Liberal Advances made on Consignments of Naval Stores and Southern Products. ' ' . i Refer to' Messrs Harrtss & Howell, Wil mingtcn, N. C. : . nov 12-ly T TH0S. C; LEWIS, - -... , -V .: DEALER to -,..,;' .:J; v r- Ship; storesi, Groceries, ProTl i , s6ns,X7sh and Fish K6e. s 7, ; 5 .NO. 6, SOUTHiWATia ST - vi.ii ,OCt23-tf . :;.;.. -WILMINGTON. N, C : ' 7 - . , - - . ..... . , ... '- H. VOLrftS A D R I A N v&y.pU L E R 3: .''-Cor. Ftoat niul ji'ocli ;: yilOLESALE ; UUOCXKH, IN ALL j its branches, "i i 'i.-ri.''-''.-,:i 't- COUNTRY MERCHANTS will do" we bj calling on us and examining our Stock. noviflu8-tr-. ;!r-,. ;,r " .1 ' MOFFITT. d5 CO., , GENERA I .OMmsSION UTeretaanli ' v if . KORTh. WATER STREET, , v ' ivi !;-.v:h.-, YVUminrton, N. C,f. Wlll srive prompt persortav attention to the sjo or shipment of Cottot. Naval 8tores, uenerax jfroauoe, etc., etc, Ai.to recelyuir -and for ward in ar Broods. - Orders solicited and vromnti (iiiiw?. sept2-l-tl ' ' . A - , .. -. . TOWARDS. I"'r :; B. V. HA1X. Edwards HjtilWp Bperi; -M r Coiiiissioni ilerrails -i DEAL IN ALL KINDS OF t ; i -1 1 y - C O UNT RY PROD UCeC' And keep constantly, on hand a. full line ol . ;-1 Groeeriees at lowest cash prices. , . 5 Wilmington, February li-D&Wtl .; S. N0BTHB0P - W. II. NOSTHKOP Nortlirpp &: Cimming, COJUIISSION MERCIIAKTS ' And Proprietors of. the Wilmington Steam Saw Hills, Wilmington, X, e. ' ' CARGOES of Yellow Pine Lumber for any -y market furnished; (" . - . - Special attention sriven to the rnrchaaa . or sale of Com and Peanuts, u ?" , oct4-ly,;i,.. AXSZ. J0H580, - S. B. BISDSXT. JOHNSON & JJIRDSE Y Commission Ilercliants. . Will give prompt and: personal attention to the. sale or shipment of Cotton and Naval Stores.- .. ..'-:' . . ' : , ....... WiLMmaToir, N. C, Sept.' 7th, 18a-tf r t B. F. MITCHELL & SON, ; i COMMISSION MEUCHANTS, - Ajrb nsAtaas nr -'.-'.-r;.. "''t CJJIAIS, FLOTJll, II AT1; and also ; 1 Fresn Ground .. Ileal, Fcacl. Uominy and Grits, Bos. 9, and 10 No. Waiter . . Stret, fflUnlnicton,. XT. C, Proprietors of the Merchaats's Flouring Mills. , A . H v '.N-E 'iF F -', ' - Masutaottbbx ahd Dallxx IK '-. HOUSE 1UBSISUISU GOODS, No'. 19 Front Street;Wilmligton( JftCJ- Guns, ; '.Stotes.' TAnternsV Pumps, ' Kerosene : Oil, Tin and Sheet Iron, Ware. ", ' ROOFING DONE at SHORT NOTICE."' : : Agkst roB Faiebajtbt's Soaxxs. " dec 13tf ' , on marriage; ' HAPPY RELIEF for YOUNG MEN from the effects of Errors and Abuses In early life. Manhood restored. Nervous debility cured. Impediments , to -Marriage removed. New method of -treatment. New and remarkable' remedies. JJooks and Circulars sent lree, in . sealed envelopes. Address. - t . . v. .jiWABD ASSOCTAXION, 5 , -i., v - -. . ,NOi tSoath Ninth street. k d.ee 2tai ent . ,: t . . Philadelphia, Pa. , s.ooo Jbushels .cpRN,';:.VJ ..;;- " : 4-'f stio' ebls. flour, i-2 . 4 i 00 BBLS. PORK, i . t ; 5r:-;' '';'., . ; . . 20 Hhds. bacon, t uj AR, COFFEE, M0LAJ8SEsrlSH Ae. . Forsaleby .'v. .;;,' feb'il-DAWtf ' EDWARDS, HALL. Havana Royal Lottery. ..... V :!0RMCTAKY; BfeAWlNGS.1, 4-".' -it ', J ''-.i "1.1 TH TIJE DRAWINGS- taking place as tol JL lows ws, the Number of Tickets wiU be 24,ooa, Number 1 to Number M.W.0 . - r. from . ...... ,v'voi7 .v.uc. jr ..... hi uuax J . MU u , " r..'.;.February.8tb ' t ' 87 ."4-: ....March... 12th. ...... . ;:vl,V'ir'V' w.,April....2Cth, .'.-..i.'r ,S32 f "..' r... May... ...7th. it " cp-j I" 884" r i - -h . ; . ; jane.-; . .8th. " 885 .;. ...;,. a;th. The Number of PRIZES in the above Draw ings win.be Sisfmvthe fOlldWmg" way i Prise 6f.:4:.-.:.'.i;..... .......100,000 1 Prize of... fio.ooa l Prise or.;..., ( ?5,ooo iprueof...;...!;........ S-SS" , 1 Prize of.......... oyw And 544 OTHjCR PRIZES, ranging from $300 Those who wish to try their rack and invest in an honest Lottery, will do well to direct themselves tin. time to tha headquarters in New Orleans, or send their orders to Mr. MANUEL BORNIO, First 8ub-CoUector for Exportation in Havana, through their corres pondents, Messrs. BORNIO A BROTHER, - v -: 77 GravlerSt New Orleans, J i Who win cash prizes at the lowest rates. . . " Price of Tickets in the - above . Ordinary Drawing (currency) Whole Tickets, $30 00; Halves, $15 Oil ; Quarters, 18 00 j .Tenths, $3 50. Send for Circulars. Jon21-2m ent ' "i. Ai j- ',:; . :' I :ndlaci3C3 andGvrup. 650i S. S r ' Uiiscoyado Ilolcccca .:'i-.AlTD ;;; ; ' S; Hi GYHTJP fat sale rery low try.'-'vis ijunea-tf s.M w a -WILLARD Bfi03. t 1 1 I V. i r ' 1 A. -i; if 4 . ...

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