. . . . . . ' . ' ; ' ' ' -" " - - - - . - ' - - , - . '. , , , .w - ' ,'-- the mu::;;r;a-cTA PUBLISHED i) 1ILY, t x . tm-ic Dawson r -. : : - - vie yar n advaiica ........t7 o lix irKntfi9, m ftdT&nce r,r.o month, In advance. a (J- aloasiwo Star will ba -.leHvere 1 in my Mlot the City at tfirrsiis C-nts per v- n kt ikOiioLuuit'AL r.iiCo:: x. March 5 ISTi . . Uarom cter. h iTiier- V71nd.;jV i ime. ealher cter. I A. M. 40 40 40' NEL!ffht'ClJudv 80:S0 fELlxUt U iSnow SO:ijr jJWgcntleiCloudy M uu f i ac p. of t?ay 4(J" dejc .orK- Ail barometric reading are reduced u tiv sta-ltvehaiid t34 dree Falirenbeit. Koiieht Ski both,' iene't Slirual Service U. 8. A. ' Weather' Report. . i ' NT, rM. OUiee of Chief Signal Officer, vYuiiiKton, March 54:85 P, rtobabilitiea. TUe pressure recover Itself on Wed,oesday uvtr the New England and Middle States; with winterly aiid porlherly winds and generally clour but cold weather : partially cloudy but pleasant wtatbar on A'edneaday orertbeeoalb Atlac 8tiee with probably easterly winds; southerly winds continue orer,tbo western Gulf rftatcs. e&st3rly from .enhestee to Lake Superior and westward, with Ulng tempera lure, dlmluRblujC , pressure, ? and 'partially clouly and probably threatening weather. Dangerou winds are not anticipated for the (iulljtud Atlantic CdasU thla evening,- exeept the very brisk .northerly and WvBterly from New Jersey to Mtine, Whlcb will llmlnlsh In force during to-night and Wednesday. , THE iiciMsBKkGSR's Live Bookstore, 39 Market s!tieet-r-Try,the Organs, &c. r ' , , - Dcdlky & Euj9. Sign of the Big. Boot- Avoid Pneumonia, t V J. E. Lippitt b Co. Wilmington Ico IJouse No. 1 Ice. ., . !;. ;. ' . 'i ' ' See new advertisement under the caption ..For Sale or Rent."- : 1 .'-'is -.i- Charles A. Price. Notice Continuation of the Boot and Shoe Business. " Opera House. The: Abbott Pantomime Troupe. i : m - ' Mcssos St, Co First Instalment of Latest .Style Silk Hats, j ;. . : . : C. S. Ellis. Mechanic's Building and Loan Association Slst Monthly Meeting.- Thomas M. Smith. U. 8. Internal Reve nue Notice. rw.Mi.n DfillossKT & Co. Sugar House Syrup,' Bar rels and Hogsheads. ' t V-.; ' ' 7? ' ':t Oardenlna: for Lad ten.' . Make yout beds early In the morning Instead of lying thereon ; sew buttons on your hus- hiod'd shirts ; do not rokenp any gilevances; protect the yodng and tender brontlun of your I a truly ; plant a amile of good temper In your facv, and carefully root out all angry . feelings ; cultivate all womanly graces, and -expect a j;ood crop of happiness. .... - - v A nad Practice. ' Considerable complaint is made In relation to the pract ce of shooting birds Inside, the city limits. We have heard of two' or three instances where shot from guns, fired by - boja in pursuit of game have struck dwellings, and ol at least one whern they came In dangerous proximity to persons passing In : the, .vicinity. Tlic police were after some of the delinquents yesterday, and the boys wonld consult their interest bv icolnjr hereafter into the woods aftergame. :. : . .. City;CJorti; j Tbe following cases were disposed of yes terday morning j atmeoaT Jones, charged with quarreling, fighting and.-wife beating, twas- found guilty and JaJgment rendered for the penalty and costs. ft deadly weapon, on a different occasion. Judg ment for the penalty and costs. ;BIiia Jones, charged with quarreling, fighting, tc.; was found guilty and judgment rendered for tbe penalty and costs. ffll.; bar. A Itatb. Railrdadi. "Last week,' says the Charlotte Democrat , twelve car-loads of iron was received at this place for the Western Division of , the W. d. fc R. R.t and were speedily shipped to the terminus at Cberryvllle. .We hope the road wilt be completed, at an early day, to Shtlby and Rutherford ton, and that work will soon 'be commenced on tbe E istern . Division , from Charlotte , towards Wadesboro. A direct connection with Car- i lo'te will do Wlltologton more good than any otb?r s jhetae she has ever Invested In. T. IX. ' C. -Aclatlo Eleellon r Of3eera.v ".! z ".!"'' .. At a meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association,. held at tbe Seamen's Bethel last night, the following' 6f3cers were elected for me enduing lerm : , - r : - President Alex, flpront, ' . Vir r t ' r . n 'si TT ' J .. i -; OT. ir...l. . KMrtsponnwg eereiaTyx reuiuu vuuiiuiuk.. y Avw-Mary rresion summing., :reary-W ;lt; Kenan. V ng' gentlemen constitute Jthi ctors-: Geo. ChadbboriS J. ;.W. ; Recording Sectttaty ' Tbe' following Board of Directors-: Thompson fleoj Slosn lc?' Koblnson, C. W. Hawes, B.A. Hallett. : :it ? .-;r,r : 3 The next meeting of the' Association wlllbej held on tbe first Tuesday in next month, j ,'" e 3d ' ?.f j. rMiiieiiuisB-a aaentiiy. . . tne colored man, arrested, nere a; lew aays wnceenauspicion pioe.Dt-wiiiivis.cnarKea w.WMi.OTrMr,9i .iraT.. uingion, .Iil il . m a t.. Vir a. i l'tl u "x county, on the lpth, of February last, had an examination before, Jhst ce . Cantwell, yesterday; and we , leaw tpai tne result, tnougn not establishing his innocence, raises consider . hH doubtas to hiii being the party guilty of the'rourdfrl' "'it Uk further 'sUted thst Jlhe ' prisoner is confldeot pf his ability to prove ap alubi. , ;Zt u proper to mention that .when the nan was arrested he claimed ' that his name wssGrew-Hels'sald to answer the ilvscrfp- tirflic -vu ui tui moraerer, wunu'juiu, . out auii n ther It possibility .that he iaay ; be another TicUnit.'tif . 'mlsUken IdeaUty' i We learn ; .he clalma 'that-at' ifcVtlae -tha murder Place he was at work lor a " gentleman In Brunswick eouaty., ' The prisoner wu remand edtoJsU to await farther.develojmeaU. :J . j ..... i . . f i . f.L tu -4 -i a 1 f i:-n, AHhnti Pantomime Tronna adrertise I SUODOSed t Dejne cause. z ... . . - ...... I . ....... . I ... . . . a. ; .. i j . I i..n. thv ni nntn hm nn Man. 1 first seen In the root ana t ,ifv. . a --jr .- .v -i.K t n.nnmim It waa extinguished rne.aamo party, cnargwi wiiu uguiiuj; wim i unj, vuc xim mm,, m .u.vu- . w Vol. III-ITo. 141. oaipr.p articles for sale at the office of 1 the ' ;-f ton' t forget the auction sale of choice brandy and champagne In front of the Custom nouse'to day, at 13 M. T -j;r;'rV -j pf.-, T Hundreds of wild geese were s?ep passing over the Northtro portion of the city yester day morning, fljing Ip a Northeastern course. The iJlst monthly meeting of the Mecban Ics Building and Loan Association will take place? at. the Commercial Exchange this even I ng, at 8 o'clock. Messrs. J. E. L'ppltt & Co. advertise In I this issue that they are expecting a full supply of No. 1 Ice, wh'.ch will b a sold at a price not to exceed one cent per pound. . ':: - r f he weather was very threatenluir all dav yesterday 'aud both In the forenoon and after noon there was a light sprinkle of enow. As we ga to. press the heavens still wear a dark j All persons' desirous of purchasing pure French Brandy and choice Champagne should attend the sale of those articles (seized from the barque Hhea) at the Custom . House, : this day. at 13 o'clock, M., Cronly & Morris; Auc tioneers., j , - ' It The Charleston Courier says : Mlsa M, A. Bule has been appointed universal agent of the Confederate Monumental Society; aad It desirous of securing a . large number of life members. The heads-of the Society are Gen eral La 'ayetteMcLaw and his brother, A. H. McLaw. Miss Bule will he remembered as the lady who devoted herself so assiduously to the Lost Cause and its gallant followers." . A flock of wild pigeons were seen in the neighborhood of Hilton a few days ago, and one of them, having strayed from Its compan Ions and come Into the city was shot by one j of our sportsmen. From other sources we learn that there are numbers ot pigeons In the woods in the vicinity of the city. -I t . Opera House TeaHfflit. ! The celebrated Wm. Horace 'Llngard, Miss Alice Dunning (LiDgard and their splendid Company of Comedy, and;. Operatic - Artists,' comprlrlng eighteen performers, will open. to- night with the amusing comedy entitled ' A Day after the Wedding," followed by the fa mous Llngard Sketches, and closing with the beautiful three-act comedy of.1' David Gar- rack." . Those who wish to see the original Captain Jinks " In one of his popu'.ar enter- tainments, should not miss the opportunity of being present. The press everywhere is loud. in lis praise oi mis vimpany ana agree in pjo- . a -m noancing tnetr entertainments as urst-ciass.w every particular. I The Company was to appear in Raleigh last night., . ... . I . - , :, ' Tbeatrleal Notes. Nell Warner, the tragedian, with Miss Grace Rawlfnson, were to give readings in Charleston yesterday evening.;. . i ThA lAnottrA trnn-ne. which onen here this evening, play In Charleston on Friday and Saturday evenings. Mrs. Oites' Comic Opera Company are to oecupy the Opera House, in this city, on the 18th, 19th and 20th Insts. The troupe com mences a week's engagement in Charleston on Monday next. I DaCastro, the famous magician and .yen trlloqulst, will commence a week's engage ment at the Wilmington Opera, House on the 25th Inst.-. ,,?.?-; . . ! ( nf "Thn Ttnnrhh-.okB." Tlavlnir two nlshts. tm i.ftimunh' tnt nnncinded a snccessfni " 7. : . ... i . Henrj Berry to wrey. " "7 Gentlemen from Robeson county, who af rlveain this city yesterday, as well as those 4 BUU ?r;.nuTC..rr. , , . . , ,.v- Hamilton and Watkins, and a white man on the d-y before, place no .credit upon either ..- PnhPtV- arfl .naWctad. .l - n t ine rumui .u. curjr vi..j .... u k a.a ... - nnt. .;., in?T.nmhAr ivr hr th f 1IB.U ------- which reports prevailed In this city onSunday last. ' In fact, we learn from parties who ar- rived on tbetraio yesterday that he has been seen since the reporred killing or drowning took place: The daring outlaw, we "have ev - ery reason to fear, Is still in the land of the living and as bold and denant as ever. i ; . Tbelndestrucuweiagiaagreatconyeiuence to merchants, t answers tbe icomDineaj pur - pose of a direction label and , business card. n mo bjas' iuuuu6 u uu.u.ua House and supply yourselves. . tf .J I m umm a " I . D nnltnn. tn fd.A. fA AvnamDnflrfV (lift i oair. natr. ;. . , ! Upper sklrUdo not show much change in shape.VVTf tJV'i l' :, ) Polonaises are of medium Iength."and sim- pie shape. r- ; ! ' Gold and silver are very much used in owe- mentlng the hair." I There is no alteration in cloaks,' either in shape or ornament. 1 5 Rlflpk fieif -e-pfg make, a nrettv addition to the h tolleU. v.wektlea show broad striDes Of harmon ulDe or -ontrastlng colors. w - ti-ii.-W.ii aia of tortoUe shell lewelrT sre BFflt ? n ; - . - . meiangef of faille ..... ... - ' r V aua saiin wit MWemssu w.ri-. . .:ihkahd, without, sle much wortt maae of .yelTet, . cloth or cssn- The standard rurf of white mnslln, alter re- peste4 falitires. 'hasron the" esteenvi'of the raMw0rid . fashionable world. f,i 1 tsi i-.-. . ' . . . -v;-;,i Tor Sale pr Bent. r V y ,7 - :lt you have house or farm for sale or rent advertlae It In our new rdepartment,,'imderi head of ' For Sale or Rent," t half of our reg- uhrr rates, for; advertisement .not exceeding flvejlnes.- WIXniITGTdlT.il. C.,: X7EDITE3DAY.. IIABCH 6. 1072. "The first number ot theltaTelah DaHuSeyu Is to hand' It will be remembered that." some week or two since, Messrs. Stone & TJwell, of the Roanoke JVcnrpurchase4 the Raleigh Car olinlqn, with the Intention of abahdohiniShefr . . . . . t rt i n ... " " publication aVWeldou ,andJembfrking In a' wider fleld of jQ.nalfcm at the capital of the State. In the publication, and editorial man' agement of tbclrnew paper, .they hay enlisted tome of the. best taJent In the State .Mr. Jor dan Stone is: named; as.the Manafciog Editor, Mr. Samhel ;T. AvnilamB' as Forltical Editor, Mr.? A. J. Burton, as Associate and News Edl- l9r,; and :Mn ECl Wdodsbn, formerly of the. Xarrcnl0D &i City Editor4 !stfon teani-lraly ; helng; gentlemen who are well known thrqnhout tbe. State as experienced newspaper men. ' it is useless to ssy tha.t.the Awill be a tirktiy COnservatlvc-Dambcratic journal, and as such we. wish its proprietors' much success. Subscription price, $7 a year. - Take.three pints of sifted flourj a pint aad a ' mHk, and a spoonful of lard ; stir into the flour three teaspoon fals of cream.tartar, dissolve one teaspoonful of soda In a crpof mllk,iand a little salt ; mix this' all well to gether, and beat very lightly with a ' wooden spoon; roll this .out rather; thin and cut Into cakes, or bake la two small pans, Serve hot, and split 'open and hutter.C ' Oar dtlpj BMhet Widows' weeds are not green ; - neither are widows, as a rule. ; A Harvard 'student tefihes flirtation to be "attention without Intention." .. a . . . . ... . . i . . : ... J' When a man: loves a woman he neve can dlslove her,? says a Bostontan. T " f . . .... . . a popular moa e oi reasoning man, ana woman patting their heads together..' '; To become the lion of the party it is not necessary to make a beast of one's self. . 1 . ,-. . . . t ' -i Adam was a very good, peaceable man till he got married. ' Then he raised Cain.' s - A , hundred , cents : will make .a dollar, bnt a million dollars won't make good sense. I A man : may . be said t be1 Vconvinced agalns this wili "when he; tears it up and makes a new one. : ' .. '- ' ' . , , Two Belgla'u "giants, exhibiting In Cincin nati, are said to be so long tuat . y taKes.two days to show them,,, . - - '; Good nature, like a bee, collects honey from every, herb., . Ill nature, like a spider, sucks poison from the sweetest flower. , v Thinking that any wedding , was better th ; M,M Cru a 17 ear, old la8sle of Illinoig tnarried a Mr; Wedding, aged 80.. r---' .'J ' i SPIRITS OF TITEPENTINE, Heavy enows aro-' reported throughout the State. tJ " Tonrnaments" seem to oe all the go, and ploughing is at a discount. A 11 on-political ionrnal wll bo published I in. Greensboro ottthe 13th of next month by Houston- &; Coble,' by the name of the Mower. The sno w of Friday night and Saturday last, i m Cbarlottethe JJem ocrat savs. was the deepest in that section since 1851 being an average depth ' of about 8 inches. The Charlotte Deinacmt learns that the building of Davidson College was . . . 7l Tl . ? S t mm. lound to be on nre iasi xxiaay muruiog about-11 o'clock. A T defective, flua was as the fire Was near a chimney. without much dam- age. dames1 Waters, a liiffhiv re- spected shoemaker of Henderson, has mys I. i. 'a i ;i , - ; j tenousiy uisappeareu auu it is isuuuuscu "UBS .uiuuiij J; " IL.k U I V A If Whan ne leit nome na uau m ms puB38luu ov I . - . g . from the Raleigh tienUnei: . Amoner the- names sup-gested as canaiaates ior uovcrnor uy ue various Conservative , paperatot the State, the ... the follow . J: m Xeach.': A-1 M.t Scales. E. J. Warren. H, W Guion, T. J. Jarvis and K. Battle, and for Lieut. Governor,", C. W. 1 McClammv oi New Havover,-J. L. Robin- son of Macori, Jesse J. : Yates of: HeTtioTd, i vv.au upnu auu .wco. uvymu Ol XiUgecomue. ; ; ' , . r , . , i-v-' ,r ;wi , k'l ; tr; . itrn wn of Steel -JkaW- 9mJS vt ivy w aav"''V' wa . wmw i 'hn nuWi9hed notlctr-in our ua pQt of tbej23r4 of January, of .the cure w Q,g wire ioicoDBumpuonj-wy tuo wmj ui kerosene oil,, has been so troubled with letters of inquiry as to thd manner ot its use that he requests us to make the state ment through- the commns or the UowjSj Mrs. Brown took 10 drops nightly on coing to bed, in three tablespoonfuls o water. The kerosene was a pure article such as is used for burning! 3 - 1 The Iate - B tor m Marine ' Disastera Beported Lose of I.lfe. : ; ! As we feared, there have been severa disasters on Chesapeake' Bay and 4 othfer . . . . Tir i : " a waters in mis vicinity, we uavereceiveu no definite intelligence from the Hatteras coast, bnt fear we will receive sad tidings from that quarter in a lew aays. fc we give below all the information we nave gather -d in relation to disasters in this vicinitv TJn Saturdav a boat from theUnited States steam rigate,Gaernere, at anchor oil for wrfctl- -.f.-mn lanil 'anrl i Jh c f(J the boat and wcrediilted 0-er 0 ni8 citv. ' In' . theu evenihEf they went : aboard , the -'receiving Vthip 1 New, 1 Hampsnire, Deinz aaauie vu rctu vu iuu own Ihtpri;;- ti .;Tbt steamer: Apine,'Wbicb 'plies! 1 twppn thia cltY and'EUzabeth CityJ N. C.',1 and the ioterjaediate landings, wentshore during the Storm on,afurday ;on ' Money; Pornt, on the Southeravhrancof i the pwWWVIM f.Vy ' " w cargo.beinga total loss. During ;the af-.l ternoon of the same day. CaDfc- Jones and the brew of the Alpine : w ere ) brought tor Capt. blade, of the Dismal Swamp Trans-1 The scHooner O. P. Beions dragged her anchors and struct on WillonahbT'fi Snlt wu iiiu wj gvit uu .uj vuo .josser jprua.j.ii ;beven 6loops,four schooners and a num ber of lighters dragged ashore in our har bor I on Saturday,. .The steamer I Croatan was? blown from the wharf at Atlantic City, and .drifted : ashore bn Pottsmouth flats at the foot of North street. -,Tiie: schooner t Cornelia. Captain5 E. L.' Harris, ol; Philadelphia;., went. ashore on the jbeach at the mouth J ot the ! Western . ?oU? ? the.E"zb,!,tvh R'er during the erale 1 ridav niaht. . Tho vpesftl with t.hrpi I Anchors ahead lies .in'two feett water (high wataeri. The deck load and 'eyerything movable on deck was lost. " The vessel is very little damaged and can begot off. No liyesjere lost.. -Capt.; Harris report thirty years. rf' n . On Sunday afternoon the tug Lane, Cap- ain Augustus .Minter, arrived here with uywmcu,4tvuyiu u tun. vault iuiunt reports that he left Baltimore on Friday with the barges Roanoke and A.! P. Hill, j oaded with lime, in tow. Oa Saturday rnArntn aKnr Pt rr rrr mTiiIa ? rrta Knw between New Point' and York jSpit, the gale was terrific, and the air so thick with mow that it was lmoossible" to see tbe length of the vessel ahead, and there was a very, heavy sea onl Finding it 'imoos- eibfe to continue with the barges in tow, I and being unable to make the harbor under I Wew Ppint, he ordered, that both barges De cast loose anxi anchored. . The tug was I then, run info Mob-Jack bay and anchored. in sea made a clean break over her, and all hands were set to work at tie pumps to prevent the tug frbm foundering. After the; gale had abated Capt. Minter returned to the place where he had left the barges. The Roanoke was found at anchor, with out heir masts and the decks ripped up, Tin!'!.' A -P TTill'tirooAt t nnnH a - T'lu j. i' "V.. . j j' or4was carried outVto ' seal' Cant. Minter auu il. u leareu iiiab biie enuer luuuuereu i wi v 1 ' i I r-a i thinks that the baree was lost with all on board. She had. a crew of three men two' white and one colored. The names of fthe white men .are : W.n.' Pleasants, of x-oxismouiu ana, joun ,aromieyr oi urri- tuck. The colored man is from this city, anu is nameu rvoueii oooes, . . Capt. Croker, of tbe Roanoke, took the precaution' to" batten down the hatches of bis barge, ana urged Uapt. r'Jeasant to uo the same thing, but tbe latter failed to do 6o ; 'Had he -taken, this precaution,- his barge would have', ridden out: the' gale. The barges and the fug are owned by Uol. 'W L. Oswald, and were destined for some point on the Albemarle and Chesapeake I canal Tf the barce A P Hill is lost tho I canai. n tne oarge a. jr. niuis iost, iuo i 1093 wm amounii iu to.uuv. j I 'As the oale waa tram the liortheast. it 13 P0S8lbIe that if the .ebb tide was not tOO 1 n .. - I - I strong the Hill may have drifted ashore u t i fwe are Informed by a gentleman vho left" Suffolk- yesterday morning that two vessels'at anchor in the"Nansemond river were driven ashore in Ihe gale on Satur dy morning, and now lie hard and dry at least sixty feet above ordinary high water mark; . - T i J IWe "await with' anxiety further details from the coast.-rAwwA; Journal. ' sjlTEW" AD YERT1BEMENTS. . Wilmington Ice House, ;.sj ;ioeivicei:Ic3e,! "We are EXPECTING A FULL, SUPPLY o NO.- 1 I C E , which will be sold on the most; reasonable,! terms not to exceed ; j .' f .' j ONE 'CENT PER POUND RETAIL. Depots will be established for the ac-. commodatlcn of our patrons. J. E. LIPPlTT & CO. b 6eod2w Wed Fr Sun TJ. S INTEBNAI. REYFKTJE. Asa'T Assxssoa'a Orviox, 2d Dir..' 3d Disr I -- - Wilmington, N. C, March 5th, 18721 ' "VTOTICE Is hereby given to all persons In J3I the conhties of -New Hanover, Bi-uns- j wick, Bladen, Columbus and Eooeson, Bub-ect to Income Tax under the Revenue laws of the ; United States, and to all persona desiring to carry on any business or occupation after May 1.11872. for the dolus or carryinir on. of -which the . United States have imposed a Special Tax1, that the time for making applications Ifor license, br return of lneome, has arrived ; and that au parties wno nave not compuea with the requirements of law on. or before ar.- !. itai win T nmAnntMi. i ' M f Allarplications or returns to be made either in writine or nersonallv to me.- i 1 ? f THOS. M. SMITH, jnh$-St Office No. 10 S. Front stioet. Syrup ! t SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP. 4 sal no ' ! I'M. 300 Barrels, ' 1 .a 25 HHDS., -XXo jarriye and for salenjy - j ... ,j max 6-31. i . . TIlfL!aRT A. no. ft Wario8ibixMvMelode utner jnnsicai miiiruineuw, .. Xii Y E B O O K SjT Q R EV fwjr OU are not to be disappointed. . The most I'll eminent of aU Pianists and Organists have conceded the palm, of VICTORY . to the Pianos and Organs ef tbe make represented hvthA 't - -'L1TJK JiUUA DlUtt!. N They are warranted, and the purchaser may cemes tbe owner ot. he win nave one ot tnei tnoet perfect ahd complete instruments, as to Tone. Durability and JTinlsh, in the world. . i; None' bnt the very best 'Standard Pianos xnars-tf ' Live Book Store - ; ; i r - : t I. f OTW, ADVERTISE ALENT3; ' r s "' ' " ' ' OPTPA UOIIflf? . Monday and Tuesday ETcnlntr, . Jrl-Viaa!"!- r3"-" a ; T H E ii B B, 0' TJT : r PANTOMIME TROITPEs From Hsk's Grand Opera" House, New Yorlr, ""n Coime'Tricic rantomime, ei ' ,iv r f ; ? k. . THREE HUNCHBACKS ! 1 1 wui the rlginalea.t.rand CHARLES' AB- . unTi cinwn JERRY COHAN", the Irish Vocalist" and Dan- W1" ppr,wgouiw wiuu .TALBKTED PANTOMIME COMPANI i lISitSt 11 heinsberuek'S book store j. Family tBooxs, openatK o'clock. Bglnsfia 8 Ip j r r . JfST ALMEKT ;k ,0?:' Latest Styles Silk Hats ARE JtEARLY ALL SOLD. Another lot expected last of week . . . - , . MUNSON a CO., mar6-tf 'rr city clothiers. -r- TiTpn'hnTllP,fl 'RllllflinO' & ilWCIliUllC S iJlUlUlllg 06 rriHB . sist -monthly meeting win be JL held at the Commercial Exchange' this evening, at 74 0'cioK. . ; . ueaemntion or biocx bi s d ciock. -Dues wm be received during theday at Dud- ley ; isms snoe store, . . , - . c. a. ellis. mare-lt . , Secretary And Treasurer AVOI'D PNE UyM O NI A BY BUYING A PAIR OF, Thick Soled Boots, Thick, Soled Gaiters or Thick Soled Shoes. . DUDLEY & ELLIS, Sif?n of the "Big Boot. mar 6 tf Notice. rpHE undersigned, havin? been appointed X by the late Alfred L. Price in his last will totmAr,t. thA R-ro-ntor thereof, and be- ing therein duly authorised ana empowerea, will continue, as sucn execoxor, 10 carry on -TV- . .M o V. a a . A fr. . dnRtMbvhIa testator, at the old stand on South, side of Market street, one door Westof the corner of .Front CHARLES A." PRICE. tah6-lt Executor of A. L. Price. Havana Royal Lottery. GRAND : EITRAQRDINARY DROTft To Take Place April 4, 1872: v HIS DRAWING will be composed of only 20,000 TICKETS. The number of Tickets wm De.irom no. 1 to no. w,uw. The amount to be distributed will be 750, 00O Dollars, divided into 648 PBtZES, in the following form : . . 1 Prize of...... ..3K),f0a 1 Prize of. 60,000 1 Prize of.... 25,(J00 1 Prize of 10,wio 1 Prlzeof.. 5,000 60 Prizes of $t,000 each.................. 60,oco 69 Prizes of $500...................;.,.k 234,500 9 Approximation s of $2,010 each to the 9 remaining Nos. of the denary of - tho isoi drawine tho $3.r,ot0. ...... . 13,6:0 9 Approximations of each to the 9 ' remaining Nos. of the denary of ' the No. arawino: the 150.000........ -4.500 y Approximations or aiui eacn 10 tne LPDI No. preceding and No. following - the No; draw log the t25,00. ....... 2 Approximations of $300 each to the No. preceding and No. following the No. draw mg the $10,0! 0.. ...... 2 Approximations of $5'J0 each to the No. preceding ana No. following ' the No. drawing the 5.00.V r 1,000 1,000 1,000 648 PRIZES .........4.... $750,000 . -.- - . - -. - ".. f ' Psiobs or Ticxets tir This Dbawtkg : ' ' 4 Whole Ticket:, r..!.; .. A .V.;.$ a CO Currency. Half Ticket................... S0d , Quarter Ticket. 17 40,, ., 1 One-Tenth Ticket.......:...... 7 op .' r No orders fllledfdr less than One-Tenth Ticket i'; ' Address all orders to " ' ' 1 : , t t. BOUN IO ft BROTHER, j . j . . 77 Gravler 8t . New Orlean. La. -jfiode? I -Stoney uraer. Remit In Registered , Letter or Post-Offlce Official copy of Drawing sent te every ticket holder. ..' . . .: feb 28-naclm . -- - j Grand Opening of H; Y. House, 15 MARKET ST.4tu: W I Lit I V6T ON , N . - C . Q . HAXSTEIN A CO.", late of Philadelt 13 tion phia, would respectfully call the atten tion of the publio in general to the fact that they will open on .-'; MONDAY, KABCII 4lli, r j an immense, large and well-selected stock7 of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. BOOTS and SHOES, ; 1 HATS, MILLINERY GOODS; TttCNKS, VALISES, 4cM AC, WHOLESALE i-n . .. ;;v.,AND,RKTAlL,;;-hA . iu, which' tbey offer to sell at PhUadelDhla' of New York prices. Please give u a call and examine ;Our ssocje Deiore puxcnasmg else wnere. . xonraitespecunuy. ' ui , naarS-naclwWlm 8. H ANSTE1N A CO. ,17aintedtdE6i TRALLY LOCATED, 'with for S Rooms.! " .Viiti',. i:-vl .i " f ,ji' i Apply at the. i'.-.-: ixc .... t -'mar 8nac3t ,. ( f STAR, OFFICE, , Saddlery i.-.y-X -'J I: Al?? OFSADpiSBARNESS, ; i A TRUNKS. :x TRAVELING BAGS, And everything In the line of Saddlery Goods cheapiorcaahatT 3i'Lii!i Hi--- 1 1 fM -Hoi x JS,Ti)PiTAM Jt'COLS,' if5X. ' : No. 8 South'Front street, feb 6tmae Wilmington. N. C. 4 - xxAxxia o? AiTiii.ij:ii:at Cpa8(iuArecivday,............,.. ti 0 V twodavs,...,,; , in , V. . v-r'V - three days,...M.,, t Ot " -foar days,...;.......,,.. t t Cr.3 8(jnAre Cue. day, . .ii. ;...iiiCTediT,....i...; t CO J ocA WilCr ........... f 19 y Coivtr&ct Adrertlseznentf taken at vro TXJrtlonately lo-w rates. 1 ' Xlarrlacres. Deaths. XlelUlotiaY rnnerml and Obituary nolicea will be inserted at half rate ween paia ior in aarance ; ctaerwiM rau xaiea wlUrciiarEred. . xwaig" caca on aenixna. ; CRONLY, Auctioneer. .-..fa- Byj,Cronljr: Br VIRTUE OP A' MORTQAGB VrOM A. is. Shepperson and wife, the Mechanic's Build lntr ana Loan.Aaaoelatlon will sell for Cash. by Public Auction at Axchange Corner, on , TIICRSDAT, 3XARC1X Tib, 1878, the following described pleoa of Beat Estate, situated within the limits ot the City of Wit mln arton t Beginning at a point In tbe 8. lino ot Church street. ASieetE. from its intersec tion with the K. line of bixth street, and run ning thence 8. parallel with Birth street, 896 feet to Castle street, thence E. with Castle fit. M feet, thencsN., parallel with Sixth strtet, 896 feet, te Church street; and thence with Church street w leet to me peguuung, vow Lots 1, 2. 34, 5 and 6 Block 92. . .. . . . ' . .. . . tr. ' ! 4 C. 8. ELLIS. 8eoV and Trea9'r. max 8-eod and 7th Sun Wed J AUCTION SAIE OF Choice J'randy 1 j, Superior . Oham 'T':, " ' pagne! it. CRONLY. Anct louecr. f 'I By CRONLY 4 MOBRIS. J ON Wednesday, March ,:187i, at Wo'olock M., we will sell in front of the Custom House, by order ot the Collector of the Port, 13 bases Choice Cognao Brandy, . ' ; 7 Cases Superior Champagne, deaux, France.. -4; . mar$-ts A STILE 80AP, m ; " Powd: Sage, . 4 ; . - Block: and Red Pepper, juustara seea, . . Mutmegs, V:. , , , .,, ..-tipji Canary Bl.d Seed, . . . ? Bird Food, Ac , Ac, lor sale low. at , . GREEN A PLANNER'S. . mh 5-tf Broke. I U3T ARRIVED FROM KENTUCKY, AND :..:.!. , . . for sale -; 75' HEAD OF NO. 1 LARGE ' BROHE arr win from 15 to 16U hands high, and 4 to 8 years old. Suitable for turpentine and timber bus iness. , - SOUTHERLAND & STEAGALL. mhS-lw. i '" In Store and Afloat. ALL KINDS OF PRIZE CANDIES TURNIPS 300 B0XES CHEESE 5 " ' 200 BLS PLANT1N? POTATOES 1 Coxes Oranges and Lemons t J ' "'Ba8B Cocoannta -' ' Q K Bbls. Flour ; ! ; " 2 g iSbla. Cder ; Bbls. Apples. Bbls. White Navy Beans t , . In Btore and for sale by i-.'febSS-lf -r.'.' f HEIDE BROS. Lime I t 1 900 BBL3, FfiE3H STONE LIME, 3 : ' JUST: ARRIVED, And will be landed on Monday. v feb25-2w WORTH A WORTH. Rice ! Rice ! j 120,000 LBS. FRESH BEAT, RICE, FROM HILTON RICE' MILLS, For sale by dee9-tf : WILLARD BROS. , THE ORIGINAL . - . . t. . Genuine Durham Smoking T O B A' 0 0 0 1 ' . ARE ' AGENTS FOR THE ! B I ackwe I in an iifacto ry, -.."i 'v , ; - '"r . ';' r-'-1 AND' SELL HERE' AT;')1S i J 0 T 0 R'Y 'P R I G E S ! - f ; " V A full supply of all weights on hand. ,feb25-tf DaROSSET Jb CO. THE CELEBRATED '1 - . 'yifcTOR" KID GLOVES j ' AES STILL SELLING AT . . (tS E 0 O I4 1 A II ii PAIR AND1' ..TT A rRR A TJE D ! . . A. IK BROW .march' 3. tf 'i Exchange Corner. FOri OALE OR flEf-T, T7Htt RENT The Tract Of Land between JD the Newbern road and old. plank, toad, east of . Green's Mill Pend. - -' . . . .. Apply to ..Mas. E,A. NIXON, mh e-zt ' Chestnut, bet 3rd and 4ih 8ts. TTIOU SALE CIECCLAR 8 AW, MILL, In leb 23-lm . JV W. KERCHNER. lTTANTEDAAny persoa with f. f Yk ready capital can invest it so as a little anltal caninvestit so as to don hi a the amount the first six months. For full particulars, aduress M H," at this oSee. mars-iw . . A: in it n s 4 1 -j , -I' V v'.l 1 1 Ti 1 I i 1 11 1 I. ?! ' ! 3 i A