f T in 1 1 '7 IvlORNING STAR. . K V. I.1 nil vWf MM: Tt ! ; ' '-l1'1 J,V TJIEMOMIiVG.STAR. riOOS IlfcPORTS. ;:. .,J.t ' From-.-Waahlnjion. - :.'? ' Washinqtow, Mrcb 5. - The proceedings of Congress to day are un- ' 'Important. " . ' " : : ' From California. , ,; . . v v :.:. : ;gAN Fhan6isoo, Mirch S. ' A large steamer, suppo&etl to be the Alaska, . r which is overdue from Fanama, is in the Oflng. : i ;u ; .The press of this State condemns the send - Ing of Gen. Howard to Interfere with General Brooks' operations against the Apachos. , . , From Omaha. . '. V. Omaha, March 5. - The road is still blocked between Cheyenne and iRawlinaVii r;f:;- '..,.-: , ."I , " From Kentucky. , 1 ' LoinsviLLB, March 5. , TbTe wife of ex-Governor Bramlettejs dead. , . tl! J-J. Paris, March 5. A prolonged session of the ministry last ' night resulted in the resignation of Ponyer " ' Quertler. II is note to Thiers explains that his testimony, which is favorable to i'Motte, Is before the court at Rouen. ; London, March 5. Anxiety is felt for the safety of the Inman steamship City of Washington, which left New Tork on the 17th of February. From Ohio. Clbvkland, March 5. , ine wational Association of Bite Ball Play ers COnVened tO-dar and elected Ponrnmn nt the Atlantic clnb. President, and N. E. Young.- i iHiuiuun, oecrciary, ine rates adopted are nearly the same as those of last year. ' vFrom Pennxylvanla. . .. . . Philadelphia, MarchV It Is et tl nated that a million dollars worth of goods were damaged by the Are In Jay no' a : building. The flames did not reach he lower stories.- The burning- of drcd and twenty feet above the pavement, was a magnificent spectacle. - The Chesnut street front escaped inundation. -From Hew Tork. . . . ' w Tork. March 5. Thegrsndjary for Jersey City have found fifty additional indictments against officials for frauds. ' Judge Sedgewick has enjoined the Geneva Watch Company from carrying en alleeed fraudulent traffic It is charged that they Im port worthles Swiss watches stsmped as If made in the United States. The weather la very cold this morning, the thermometer Indicating fire degs. below aerjo.' xue crooitnj &uara or Aldermen baa pissed an ordinance forbidding tbe collection of fare on atreet railways aud ferry boaU unless tbe patsaogers are provided with seats. HU XlUllV ItKPORTN. FROM WASUIXOTOX. , ' t'I , . I l, Washington, March 5.- ' Senator 8cott has agreed to accept Kelloge's amendment to the Pacifle railroad bill, cbang- m uw caaiera lermtnas from Marshall to Snreve-port, bat a big ilht over it in the Sen ate is autlcipated. There was a full cabinet meeting to-day. Mr. Voorbees declines the candidature for the Ohio Governorship. , The customs receipts were $3,000,000 more last mouth than tbe same month the preceding year. , ; - , Cvoflrmations Farro, as U. 8 Attorncv for GeprKia, and Wallace, as Marshal for South Carolina. k . The Iloase Committee on Territories have . concluded tbelr debate noon the Indian Ter ' ritorial government bill, and the bill will be submitted to tbe Uonee on tbe 261b Inst. i lie noose meets at il o'clock to morrow to receive tbe Japanese .Embassy.. ' An unknown schooner is reported sunk near Stone Horse Bhoal. " uThe,t?ecreU7 of lhe Treaeury has Instructed ... the collector of customs at Brownsville Tex not to clear anv more uoad far Cawnm. other points on tbe Rio Grand above Matamo- . rs, uuw ia me uanas orine revolotionjsts. . . CONGRESSIONAL. SEN ATE. -The bill eiiPridinir th'ni.tAn. ; for transmitting goods in bond to Pittsburg Tbe appropriation bill was resumed. - HOUdE The Judiciary Committee repert iedja eupplemenUry sppoitionment bill. It pro poses to allow an additional representative to each of the States, of New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Tennessee, Louisiana, Alabama and Florida, such additional representative to be elected from the State at large unless otherwise pro vided by tbe Legislature. The hill removing disabilities from twenty seven Georgians was passed. Other disability bills were massed and also passed. The Wli granting half of Terba Buena Island to the Pacific railroad for Its western terminus was considered. An amendment charging the company $50,000 a jear was proposed. Btnks , signified bis objection to the bill, as surren dering the most important defensive position in (he harbor. No was tsken on the bill. The appropriation bill was resumed. . ... . From New Tork. - r i: The thermometer Is thirty four degrees be iowzero. , - - Ogdensbubo, March 5. Te thermometer Is thirty-two degrees be low rero.- , -,u Trot; March 5. The thermometer Js fourteen degrees below zero. '-' From )Bf assaehnsetts. : v r ti,. 4U' . i' B8TO. Msrch 6; t - The thermometer is six degrees below rero. and a heavy Northwest gsle prevails. . ; iiuiu ucw iofk Ah' bo''e nejir nigbland light; 1 itiancuaiuu me weatuer was intensely cold. The crew, seven In nnm .ber, attempted to reach land bntonly.one v succeeded, and he was hill frozen. .. The th- : periauea. - , , ' CABI.E DISPATCHES. '' ; H is slated Ih'at Prince FrrfckCWlef.'of " . Fro,,6it wlo w recently here, ssid Germany v. would deeod Italy should Franee'attack her. .:. ir- : Frov oeoigia. ' r ' ' : Ail veasrU arrtvln. . . . . KuiiLiiriuK Dl V,V TiT? te0rriflceal from the northeast on v ' -.'ki. I? ,t,d t3allt0ts. , Tbe steamship Ton- B!!Sda,O8ifalU 6t0Te PHot bouse, carried . , . ,; flwy roih houses and strained the vessel and f - ..was lKive to eljtht. hours, llieateamsulj Orlea . tallost.aalU and hove , to tlx hours oa Cape ' ;" v ! Lryu "Z11 i epoke steadisulp Blackstone. , , : iom boston for Baltimore, Itr same condition! i. In the Sena lortal election In the 10tt district : yesterday, Stiles, Democrat, Was elected by a V arK majority over. Armstrong, who was an ; . independent candidate. " r ; ; V - ? From Slaryland t i ', frV 1 f' , UALTiMOB,' March 5. Rev. Mr. Gilmore, oiSIS Mrc Ctevelasd, March ft; l Cleveland ? !l"f ' i 1'roiiJ I'eu.isy Ivanla. ' ; j r Philadelphia.. March 5. . emau pox is on ooara me uauea states steamer Powbatten. , A camber of marines and sailors have been removed to the City i run rn - ' rr- . a - - Tlie tire la Jaynea.' building Is controlled."--" ff w M J . a . ' losiowcr uoorimig arencoea Wltu wtiir sad sheeted with ice' that farther damage Is Impossible. ' The granite front on Cueataut street Is not at all damaged; on Carter street i wo upper eiuries oj ids ironiltll. .., OOJIE8TIC MABHEIN. ' ;( ' r ' r " .NKVt YORK, March 5 -Noon. t ' . ' ' . Financial. Money firm-at 6a7 cenW Sterling Ex change long eight sbortllO. Gold steady Jat 110. " Government bonds strong. Stocks not quite so strong. are very Floor 'anil and declinlnrJ Wheat dait and 1. Pa.m untsf sinH atoaittr . PnrV arnsifir 1S 7KHS1S 00. Lord dnlllt OfcrfftQUT cents for Bteam. Cotton steadier, with sales of 1.597 bales Uplands 22 cents; Orleans 23 cents. Spirits Turpentine quiet bat weak at o ccuM. iuibiu uuu a l uvtucx uy lur strained.,. Freights doll. ! ; NswYonx, March 5 Evening: ' JfinanexaL" JXfnnnv A2.. 30 rnt nrfmlnmo hn.tnaaa juotee 7, 7K9 cent. ; Sterling Exchange j-M j ....... . 1 Atn ss. 1 rri o s i j j . uuu iuu BicHujr ivjrii$i.w&. . uuia au i at 110XailOV. Governments closed stronsr at 115; 62's 111. State bonds Inactive: Tennessee 6's old Issne CO; new issue 6W. Virginia 6's old 60; new issue 52 , Lou. lslana 6's old 58; new 50; levee 6' a 63; 8'a 75. Alabama 8's Wh 5's 60: Ueors-ia 6'a 7th T 84 Jforth Carolina 6's 8535J; new issue 19W. South Carolina 6's 5252; new issue SO. I commercial. Cotton qu!et sales :of 3,150 bales at 22 and23)f cents. Southern Flour unchanged. WbUkey in moderate demand at 00 cents. Wheat lower Amber Red Western 64(5570 cents. Corn New Western Mired, aflnnt 7lf3 71K cents. -Pork doll and lower Mess $13 25 (313 57. Lard dull and heavy kettle rend ered 99 cents. Snlrlfft Tnrnrntlna nnUtn1 weak at 83 cents. Rosin doll at $4 60 for sirainea. i Sales of cotton to-day for future delivery 13,500 bales March 23 8 16VS2a 5 10c.: April 2222 1515c.; May 23 5 16a23Kc.t June KJc; July 23c; August 23c. ; September Baltimoue, March 5. - Cottori Middlings 22& cents. Net receiDts 190 bales; gross ISO,- -Exports coastwise 70 bales; to Great Britain 278. 8alcj 390 bales. fciocK 10,107 bales. .Market very firm. , ' Norfolk. March S. Cotton Low Middling 2121 coats. Wet receipts 433 bales. .Exports coastwise S35 bales. Sales 150 bslcs. Stock 3.8S9 bales. ' ' . Savannah, March 5 Cotton Middling 21f cents. Net receipts 2S9 bales. Exports to tbe continent 4,501 bales. Sales 1.C00 bales. i; Stock 56,531 bales. Market firm, will fair demand,' but offerings are iigui. . Philadelphia. March 5. Cotton Middling 23 cents. Market closed nrm. j-"-. r . . 1 Boston. March 5. Cotton Middlings 23 centa. Met receipts in oaiei; gross do. sales 40J bales. Stock 7,ooo bales. Market a shade firmer. i Mobile, March 5. Cotton Mlddllntr 23 C0UU. Net roolnta 144 bales. Sales 500 bales. Stock on huifd 53,023 bales. The market closed with a fair uemand. " 1 - Charleston. March 5. Cotton Middlings 21 cents. Net receipts 776 bales. Sales SCO bates. Stock on hand Z3,tuv oaies. The market closed strong. fMTTTT U.r.h K Cotton Middling nominally 21X21 Kcts. aici, rcKcipiB Aj.uio Daies. AiarKei nrm. ' - 1 ' Galveston, March 5. Cotton Good Ordinary 19f20 cents. Net receipts 231 bales. Exports cowstwise 2.558 units., oaies a.ww bales, stock on hand 40, 008 tbales. Market steady, with fair demand. New ("in t.v Cotton Mddll .I.0US bales; , groas 2,150 bales. ExporU to Continent 1.540 bales. 7.1m h.i.. Stock 207.511 Ules. Market Is. trc-nV rOREIQS MAItnETS. w Consols for money 92593X: United States uwuuir-iriw 0 Ml XOUbO VW, i , ' Pabis, March 5-Noon. xrns course rentes 001. 63c . Cotton Uplands lld; Orleans lljd. Mar Bombay shipments, since last report To yes terdsy, 834.000 bales. , , 3 ' I' . . LATER. ' . .. Cotton stronger Unlnna 1 1 iitiv. ri. leans HKd. 8a I es 18,000 bales: for speculltion uuuWi U,WW UK ICS. . Breadstufis quiet. ' LoNDoif, March 5 Evening. Consols for money closed at 92K93. U. 8. bonds-5 20's 1872, 92. - 'A iwool, Msrch 5 Evening. Cotton UDlands 11 Wrai 1 vh. nriD.n. 1 11 Saes 23,000 bales; for speculation and export v,wv wain, iuar&cb strong. Manchester advices are more favorable and this causes activity. f COMMERC 1A.JL. WILMINGTON MARKET . ... . ,.v , STAR OFFICE, March 5. . 8PIRITS TURPENTINE.-N0 transactions reported. ; . ':Vc ; 'J , .' ROSIN.-8ales of 500 bbls, StrslneJ P. N. T. CRUDE TURPENTINE. No transactions reported. - " , ? TAR Sales of 343 bbls at $3 65 bbl. , COTTON No sales. i ARRIVED. Steamer A. P Hnrt i Rbinn.. -o. ... viUe, Worth & Worth." ! BJC"C' -Stinr Cnmberlsnil Phtii;. -f t. L H DeRossei ' Str J uniper, Thornton, Fayetteville,rWorth A Worth. . . i Schr 8 R Wbeeltr. C.ntt An TXrilmlnn-f r.i Vick & Mebane. ' ' :tJ?Th8ami,e, Jonei 8 wannsbdro, Edwards & Hall with 893. bushels peanuts, 3 bales cotton."--'. ?- "". v.. . .!.. t . . '. , , . . . CLEARED. . r - : vf - Stmr A P Tl n-f otrn. tj. .... Worth T&WoPth"-yetsevuie, StmrCnmberlanrl Phil lln V..all..itll. L H DeRosset. Stmr Jnnlner. ThnrtArr vaAm nr-i u ifcWorth. jv",uu Schr F 8L ClalrTCil wnrda T'rolm1 Phii.j.i. phis, Hsrriss & Howell. ' Scbr Thoa O Smith. TJ-- rlss & Howell. , ,! ' BCElPiti. 1 c: PER RIVER STEAMERS. Stmr Hart. 1 hala ihpsMlnft o, a aaMaM oa bbls turpt,-124 do rosin. do tar," Worth & Worth, Blocker & Love, H B ElLers,, A Alder- 8tmr Juniper. -17 do 4rpt; S5 do tar, 414 do roaln, Worth & Worth, B'ocker & Love J E Bunting, A'AldormaH, 8 H Manning. . ,rr nberland -627 bbla rosin. 11 do tar,' 15,000 -shltniTes, FW Kerchuer, Blocker & Love,tSprunt & Hlnson, WiilardBros. L H DeRosset & Co, A Alderman. . . -! .w : r,,- V f, Wilmington 5fc' Weld 6 n Railroad - Mai-ch itTWJ,,1?IBro R w Kenrhner,f Hottendorl &H Sr.Rn.n v w R R. A, Oldbam, 8m th w8r ?i ! J D Wilder Thomas S.w WtW J Mey nor, W-P Canaday. 1 COASTWISE. Philadelphia- Schr F St Clafr Ed wards. 815,450 shingles. : Nw Vnnw Rtbr Thn O Rmtth f IIYHn - niper bolts, 2,400 bbla rosin, ; r, ZXarine Dlaavter. "l Caotaia Proctorrof the schooner Charles, TL' Hilier, from Aqnien, Uayti, loaded with Jog- vnnrf and hnnnrl fur Kau Vortr ho fnra mnnr). ed) reports that on Wednesday,' February 28th, whilu in tfttttiidn RRO -nrt InnHtndu 7S Wl' h .experienced a heavy northeast Yale, blew away uiDiusau, wuuu.iTH Beconu reeiea ana finer- waras oiew away balance ; reeled -mainsail, steered for nearest hort. whlrh viimii,. ton, and anchored Inside the bar in seven fatn i i . i i,t. i . . . . - i uia wivsr. wu i kui-uoubb oeanng nonn oy east, and lost starboard anchor and thirty five 'LIST OF VESSELS it In the Port of Wilmington, Ufarcb 2d, . ; 1872.' ; ; STEAMSDIPS. -yf xjuitvar, avsds. uiuimorc, uis, A U uazaux. Pioneer. Wakelr " Philadelnhin Wnnh Worth. ' ,. . . i . . ;; - BARQUES. . J -- German WiHv'.fe ltnimv ' nhrnrlnh Atr Europe, Willard Bros. , i ." . - ' German ?WillIata KJsker, Bormaicer,' Wff, Europe, Jas Anderson & Co. - i Brlir Altevela. Con Ina. ftt John J.rta dis,E Kidder & Son.. . , . . Br Viinogene, Hammond, Idg, Europe, Bar rlss &. Ho well. . t Br Maud. Thomas, d Is. Vick & Mebane. : Carrie Pnrinton. Li neon. Idir. HoTann J?. Kidder & Son. ' -; ' i Br Brlirl'amlfln. Ynnnir Pthmnn1 Vlck & Mebane... .. . , - SCHOONERS. 8 11 Wheeler. Connn Wilmington, Dei., Vick & Mebane. Samuel. Jones. 8winnbom TJaanli e. nail. W Wile's. Mar. New Vrvrfc W Tlnatnn Wil llama & Murchlsan. . . - ... Ben, Davis, New Yorkdis, Williams & Mur cbisou. Cbas Sawyer.' McFarland. New Tork. dl. master. ' : ; ' . Chas E Hillier. Proctor. Aanero. Hvtt wfo- ChaS W Holt. Hart. Rnstnn ta fl fi barker fc Co. ' ' , Scbr R S Graham. FCmith lrftr Phniir,vu Tavlor & Alatblas. Cheeaeman. Mir Pin - ' w a m M telnnia. Harrlaa Jb. I7nnr.ll . , S H Sharp, Webb, idg, Philadelphia, Harrlss AT Howell. 7 . ocnr raima, Kankln, dls, Barry Bros. -Emma DEndicott. Knrilntr nana n Joseuh BlVmOM. RnrAcro Th11.1nvi. W 8later. VVatu. T!ntnn 'i. n n p..t.. . 7 --"" " , v vli Vw Uat of Teasels Clearea for this Port BORDEAUX Schr Lizzie Raymond, Holden, eld Feb 3 viauma, Liense, Cleared Jan 4th 8AVANNAH. Br Bark W 8tephenson, Follman, eld Dec 19 NEW YORK. Steamship Regulator, Freeman. i l t a m . . . Mm 9 CPd March 2 okcauisuiu xueiropoiis, uablner. Scbr U PairiL (iran. Cl'd March? eld Feb. 9 Cid Feb. 21 eld Feb 24 cl'd March 1 Schr Chas Sawyer, McFarland, 8cbr Ben. DavU. 8chr John, Williams," GR ANTON. Wilhelmina, Maco, - Cleared Jan 13 ; boston: S P Adams, Tabbntt, X eld Feb 24 Cl'tflarch2 ants a d koss, Wyman. : . ROCKPORT. 8chr Gnster Wilson, , cl'd March 1 h;Vl TT 1 T I t. I 11 rl H TI Ct Til 1 lin att .-vM, A1A1UDA AND STRAW GOODS, 18 7 S also White Goods, Embroideries, &c. ARSXSTItONG, CATOB at: Co., Importers, Manufacturers and Jobbers P0"!1' Trlmmlaiir, Seesi and qaabRlb. bong, Velvet Ribbon v, Week Ilei; Bonnet Silks, Satins, Velrets and Crape's, Flowers, Feathersi Ornaments, Frames, 4 a otraw Bonnets an.: Ladies and Children's Hats, trimmed and nntrimmed, Ako n comtxcTHQ WARxaooxs White Goods, Linens, Embroideries, "tacea, J TA - eits, sonars, eetts,-Handkerchiefs, Veil-i log. Head Nets, Ac., Ac ' Wos. 257 ana 2Si Baltimore Street, . T HALT1MOUE, Md. tj . These eroois are mannfactored by us or bought for Cash directly from the European and American Manufacturers, embracing all - w..., uiicuoiiDu ux wieij ana Orders flllad with imi. n.--. . P'vuijjtiicMuiUUW MONET CANNOT BUI III For Sight la Priceless 1 1 But the Diamond Spectacles will Preeerye It. TF you ralue your eyesight use these Perfect a. senses, grouo a from Minute Crystal Peb- j.co, uieiKu wgeinei, ana derive their name ! ni,oud on account of their Hardness and r " j ' "... aov wuijr yean wiin Pl,an,0, an .aro warranted auperlor toail wu.o u use. xuauuiautarea oy tne 1 spencer Optical Manufacturing Co New York. - CAlTTIOH.Nniia .7 IJannln. ..la witn pur trade mark. ForsalebyBesDonsfble Agents throughout the IJnion. T. W . Bbowk, Jeweler and optician, is hole Agent Jar Wxl- minfirton. N . 1 v. 1 mm w.m .v. i Obtain. No PtoSmnla.'wjr. feb 23odly Fr So, Wea . i o DAVID PI GOT T . WILMINOTO, N. C, . ... ... , - WU1 , effect Biles of .TOBACCO, CORN AND h OTHER PRODUCE on COMMISSION. f A. 49" Consignments solicited, oa whichi Tarn prepared to advance liberally, . mar 1-tf Ifo1 Peruyiaii; IGttaiio; Baugh's Rawbono 'Phosphates 1 AA TONS.OF EXCit AW - IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE For sale very low by ' 1 ' mar -lm " V iWOrth A WORTH. Altavelai Phosphates JQQ.TONS of THIS ' : - . - SUPERIOR FEETILIZEE., Fc sale on most favorable terms-.for eash. on :tlTe7 or in 'exchange for cotton on crop lime: , - ; ; , JIISCELLANEOUS. i:7ilminjton Opera Housp. TTlneaXa7fc,Thartada7, STareh 6 A 7." ! . . : -. , . ; - .... J fJCTIRT appearanca Vof the highly popnlar -XJ Comedian, Mtmio andr Vocalist, and great oiJginal Captain Jlnks,'f; w-; , , R . ' Wfc HORACE LlGARD, .H r :S - t ( " . ALICE DUNNINQ (LINGARD), and their superb"coxnpany of Comedy and i: . j . Opera Artlsta, 18 la number. ; , f Vtpfld.ayj March 6th, the amusing comedy, A DAY ATKRTUE WEDDING, followed by the famous LINGARD SKETCHES, including the late UuBKKT j& LEK, and terminating with th beautiful a act comedy, DAVID UAb RICK, with a magnincent cast. ENTIRE CHANGE OF BILL EACH EVEJl- -iV :V::J 1NG. , TiT x . ;. - ' Admission, 75 and 60 cents; Colored Gallery. 25 oenta t iteserred Seats. t. . ; i " h - J jOn sale Saturday morning at Helnsberber's , Wood!, Wood!, I 7 . . ., . . PRilCESEBIJCED! j pur juuau ; ou peroru. - sh, $1 10 ;to $1 15; per Load ; 4U per Uord; . i Sfeb8-tf O. G. PARSLEY- A CO. i, . , . . - ... juoBt, etrayea or.Btoien. - ' i. A SMALL BLACK NO HOBN MILCH COW. ,-tJth crop m left - ear lower half of UUWA1UL i' . t . any one returning her to mo will be amply compensated. i . . ,'. : marl-lw v 3 Da. J. F. S.ING vf STREET RAIIiWAY! No w Sched u le I ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, THE FOL- lowing Schedule will be run on the Street Railway : i t . Caxs wlllileavo corner of Red Cross and Front streets, fr Union Depot, at 8 A. at., dally, to meet the Southern train, stopping at tbe various Hotels and Boarding Houses on the route leaving tbe Deoot on the arrival of the Nonhern train. WiU 4eave corner of roj it ana Red Cross streets again at A. U ., uojmu, m oiuer to connect witntne Northern bound train, making the usual stop. IdAvinflT Union HAnnt. tA psw buo uutus tiun uoaruing nouaee T" . WMW VI fUV corner or Front and Red Cross streets at6P.- t7UULHr:i ii i iriii. sn w r l m m vun i v-i rv ui i iaama ft!La.J?52S Wi.?yw vsyv vu ui uxAviMui tne jnonnem train. . . f . Uurinar the da the cam win mr, ueaaie, commenemg at Wilmington Garden at 7 o'clock, arriving at cmner ot Red Cross and Front at 7:.0 o'clock. iea.vf n t. 7-9?o ni arrlvlntr At Wl.m rtirtitn llanlan t T.iQ .lln- li g IS minutes between each turnout during the aay. Fare 10 cents, to or irom Union Xtepou Otner charges same as formerly. - . . , ... liANlKL KLKiti, feb 2Q.tf . , , . . Proprietor. - In Store: 83 Boxes and Hhds 8m. Sides and! Shoulders. no . i. a. i - m atO BBLS. POUK-old and new, 1000 Bbls. Flour," 1,000 Bbls. Eating and Planting Patatoes, 1.S00 8PIRIT CASKS, l,koO BDLS HOOP IRON, a0 PAPERS BIVET3, 0O BBLS GLUE, 848 SACKS RIO COFFEE, 100 Sacks Java, Mocho and Lag. Cofleo, jo boxes candle 3, 190 Boxes Brandy Peaches, OO " Fresh . 231 nhds. Demarara and P. B. Sugar, 15 Bbls. Refined Sugar, SO Bbls Whiskey, 23 Bbls. and Half-Bbla. Gin and Brandy, Bbls. Kerosene Oil, 400 Bales Hay, """ ' j - 20 Cases Fresh Tomatoes, 10 Bbls. Pickles, 0 Cases Pint and Quart Pickles,' Ii3 Hhdj. and Bbls. Cuba Molasses, &c, Ac, For sale by .. -. ! J ' ' . : I F. W. KEECHNEB, mar 3-tf . - 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. Auction Sale of Town JLots. nx-unaouAljAUrcniKU, 1872, I wUl J seU at Auction Fifty () Lots at Argyle, in Robeson County, H. O, Where a Depot will w w icsn spring or summer by the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad Co., when every faculty will be of fered to freighters either way and to pass en gers. .- Argyle Is In the centre of an extensive oot ton and turpentine regioo the best in the State-and wm offer facilities for a flourish ing business which cannot be so well con trolled at any other point on the Kailroad in that part of Robeson . county. I Roads and ufmra are now oemg constructed WHICH WiU lead in a direct line to Fayetteville, on one side, and to Little Rock, Alfordsvi le, Ben. nettsTiile and other points In Marlboro and . . -...v.m wiuu OU1VU WIU make Argyle of easy access to the cotton farms and Bine reinn nn ft.hi aria i wad... . .. ' : . 'rne Lota nffot-Arl pt AntiM in u..i.. - " - m Mw rr m vuxuiiriOQ toe best Lots for business purposes and for reaidences. The country is perfectly healthy ana the locality settled by a respectable and thrifts etOf Urmpra. 7 f ' T r -Norraerratloaatsaie. aH lots" offerlBd will Fpr farther informal ion. apply to f aljea. Macrae, - Ararvle. W c. A. R. r. r.. Amtls, n. C. Jan. 81st, 1872-D, w A V ia en M e Have In Store, JtT EE! STEAMEE TO-DAY t ' Smokecf Sal mon, Beef Vcmgues,' Dried Beef," Pig Hams; Mackerel, Breakfast Str Ip3, Codfish, Gilt Cage Batter Cream Cheese' A c," slnd everything usually kept Ina first-lass Qrooery. - I ' ; . - j .: feb 25-tf i ; tWEST A HASRISS. f jf BARRELS CHOICE RED APPLES, 10 ?1-3 H.SHOREiMACKERELii f 5 20,000 CIaAB - Selling low aj . ll ii ,v L ,.W-?fTl' : C. STEVENSON'S, ft?; ' mar2-tf ' ' Market,' bet. Front and Second, if xz mix g t;o ivv ir. A LL APPLICATION FOR ENQAQEHENTS "T-il:r vv.-r -.v ... - - ' i wa vier Luc store or Jaessera. Cronlv a " .- -. should be kadressed to -.V 4Ci .W l: . irTr: 1 A A AAA W53, rTT" - '- ! : Morris.No. 4 North Water street. 1 ! lUUtUVv . 4 KfcWf'EV.PENNTPACKEB,-- :Vst4 411- - ' ' -f-ftni Jv. tLiVi'O; .m . See hat 3 Will IoI ElIIIRA : PEEIIIUII LAUD . SALE : For he Benefit of Ibe Cljy Hospital. , $387,000 in Prizes! ' ? L019 Prenians. :: shakes 93 each.: pattisok market:;.;.;.:'. I.::co,ooo Pattinson otel,. i ...... -. .-. , . ...... . ; 85 (00 i 4. vaiuauie jarm,. ............ .;...'...... 23 000 hl.kesidence in Filth Ward............... lajooo ixSV1-?1" "dJoin'gCorporation.' 15CC0 lCashPriieof.........,...,.............! 5 030 1 1 1 4 9 2 I 10 10 a ie 4,000 ....... O MA .1 : u Prixea of -$1,600 eachH.......C... ; 4'ooo ... :. ' ". 00 - .. .............. t'I,6jO , y ........... . ,1,500 xiix,a vi , noo Prizes of I .4 t0 each,.........?...-, g.ooo , 230. -.- ..2,fiOO j ' ,t2,2y0 150 s ;.,... 1,500 ;''!VM... 1,000 r.7a. 7,500 . 63 -. " . .. 4,960 H- " 8,000 it " : - it u 10 100 no 99 200 50 . t " - ...... , W" J Each Shareholder will receive by mail or following beautiful steel en si art ara t n. r Grant, Evangeline, M. M. (Brick) Pomeroy, or adaitlon. to a nnurn in 1 fin rHntrihntin. ' , .. : UBBTFOSR.Jni1 Smith lots V.. v yti - ... v u.ouiuuuvUt mung Ca, Y Israel O. fecudder, Kan , Jfil- , iiorseJ Clark, Eimira, N. X., Major WVB. Kath'bone, Depotitoby. Bank of Chemung, Etmira, '.- r i '.. "7. . . RTCFRRTCVmra . . --- 7 Hon. LiUCina Rohinnnn. lata the State of N. Y.7H5n:'j. t: bun;Hon. tien A. 8. Diven, Hon. JBoardman bmlth; Mi C., S Halght, George 0Huob. present Sheriff of Chemung Co., N. T., H. 8.' Stevens, of Kevere House, Chicago, 111., D. w. uillett, . !"w"w' ":"Jct.x-Bq.,wnnaiannattanjrire Ta?t&is?i I r.hainhflrii Nf M V Ti- u. i ; .t ' . Attorney at Yaw, J T Itwlll? DeontyU B Marshal. V. B'BachmaiTlttornoJ at Lkw. Klmira, Jacob Lowman,' Southport, O. H. ritch, Horeeheaus, bmith Hall. Bankers, Artist, Baltimore, M(., Jason P.'woSleve?: Van Etten, Chemung Co., Nl T., uVs Loan Commissioner, Jfl. M. Posey, U. S. Hotel, risburg, Pa., A. B. GaiatiajL Jntfea Wf j- Deschiptioji of Keal Estate.-The Pattln. three years go,8ituaFed ne block 'ZZnVihZ PostOfflce. KTmira. v v i-r,1 irol ,th? Jhr;"";." t!V . . - pattinson about i : v t ' - aAvuMiiK uii nin.i tLf.t, feet on Martnt. mrani . ' Iron ting on Halo, win -Street, beine 450 feet! the mot o nvenient and improved 8t le. JiS1.0 ".r-simated on the corner Stfi11 and Mai kfct streets, about seventy. oTS eit frin on ajdwto ana one hundred KimlL city of i "".r T fcuj- containing one ?andr?Sl acres; good iarm buildings. orchard I o- all in flue statu or enitivatiA A- k . ii.1,lXl.Wartlon Pennsylvania eQ aut 80 front ana 180 feet deep, I A nne re sidenoe with modern imnrn.an, n . . j - nuu, niioaiea on 7T . " " w icefc ironc, xuu xeet deen. One block from Post-Offlce uoep. In Aoftxs Lasd Adlolninir Cbrooration about one m.le irom roitfflce, wltfhouse and barn suitibla ior wo! ,,,T- FOTJU I1CNDBED CITT J.OTE. Usnncr or Dlstrioating the Property. There will ha Hnr.ii.o to S?i&f rf.gi8iere,' and Pous to the dis tribuUon, the duplicate nnmbers of altshares will be placed in an envelope and sealed, and on the uay of distributing the premiums, all tno sealed envelor- nn t o i i .-. t k n' numbers will beVracia in " Vhlnd bS thoroajihly mixed, then a number drawn out. and the person boJding -the oorrespondlnfr' number will have the first premium mention e1 the above list of premiums, and so on until the premiums are distributed. Notice will be published immediately after the dis tribution takes place, in the principal papers In the country which have friven publication, and all persons holding numbers for premiums will be notified by mail. Distribution of pre miums takes place at Elmlra, N. Y- May 1st. 1S7A or as soon as shares are Sold. f All remittances may be sent in drafts or 1. O. Orders or Greenbacks. All communi cations addressed to TV R PiTTTBBftV Busi'83 Manager and Cor. Secy, Elmlra, N. Y. - Shares can be nrocnrAd nt tho cnni nr. flee, Kimlr, K. Y.;at the principal Hotels in fE 2OT!?Jzl7 "PV! aU the lare cities in the iVfTIfrul Agents wanted. w v-- vw vdiaji JUST ARRIVED: 90 nnn S' ky salt sides, 10,000 Smoked Sides . and Shoulders. ; 500 BblS Seed Potat09 , Corn Meal, Ap., ljOOO Bushe8 Prim White Corn, .. , . Sugar, Molasses, Ac, At low figures. feb lMAwtf B1NF0ED, CEOW A CO. DAVID PIGOTT, TOBACCOHisfc "WILMINGTON; PX0S3Q3 tf TIRGJUIA BACON, HAIIS, . 'SIDES -.AND iSHOULDBSS'i A VERY. SUPERIOR L.OX i DRY SALTED SIDES, j-fr "Iff DRY ; SALTED SHOULDERS.' 9.- I n o i n; i a Jv - .! 'j.i ! Tr B5 KEOS-VEHT IJrR IJORKVSYEUP, STAECHi CANNED tJOODS fee 25-tf i DaROSSET CO. ;lMwahco. T g HE undersiraed -hsA ;mAvx t vV:.V' 1' ''r'j r a. f .... . .. . '"nrtA li , A',r T tJan20.tf L. t&im . , ' - : ; Dec t :e of Scii, : A ntt mis b.T- v,me, 'DAT EXPRPo H iorence." Z'' Wilrn " A NIGHT EZPEESS TB Z&tt Leave Wilmington. Arrive at. m ArriVe at Columbia B' Leave Cninmhi . to Columbia. p esa Tral iU rSdtS : dee ktf ' JNo- C. wiKD company, Otmob Chot Ehqikb and Gist 8wy Wmrnreipw, N.C, Dec .1871. . .Change of Schedule. Station at 8:40 A. M. and 630 P. m. k1 iffln A. M., and arrive at 1:40 P, M EXPRESS FREIGHT TRATna .1,, 2 P. VI. r,rt . wu' ieTHu 1 YO i( ii A. JH. ON SUNDAYS, the 5r P. w .i .... . . tln nwrr-mu.. wiii oe run. JOHN F. DIV1HB, General Superintendent dec 20-tf BALTIHOBE MD Willi STEAMSHIP LINE Composed of the First Class steaaimpl REBECCA CLTOE. . . .Capt. . C. ChUdi LUCILLE.. .....Capt. D, J. Prke BOL1TAR Wm. Etsbi Will hereafter sail from Baltimore and TO mington EVERY FIVE DAYS. TOE STEAMSHIP BOLITAl Will sail from wharf foot of Chcsnnt itroet, Friday morning, March 8th. For Freight engagements apply to mar 6-tl A. D. CAIAU1 FMladelpMa and Soutlien lf.il PI 1. V!... THX FAST AND FAV0KITK iTlLHSRV PIOXEEB, Captain JOHN WAKELIT, fTTILL RUN THE FOLLOWEJC I WM W nlA batwAfin pwiadelnnia and Wilmmr a. wo, r. v. : i V. 1872. Leave Wilmington, Wednesd.v. rb. 7 r.. Phllide Thursday. T ' it Tnursaayi Fridav. . t. March 8 Satarasyt sandsy, . a AprflU MlfB july ; Saturday, AprU 6 "81 May 6 19 -June i 18 July. 8 " 18 Aug t 16 80 LSunaayli;fr 7 II II 1 - WondftT. - Ta sday, , W dnesdav. Tuesdayi WAdnesasji Thursdsyi Fitday,,; , AQC ... For Freight, apply to r ' , , v ' ' v' - A, 11 Hw v v e mi v fa ssi r - nn )js Third Street. Philadelpbla. WL ,H6x7 Lino for ITewtfli11 THE 'A NO. 1 STEAMBBff 7 ) Road al 6 A. M. t litllf i. i fc, ai.j Arrive 1 V V - J11CL11U K33 at fi-ift i mT.j . leave ' liU - a 4 .. " 'W111 " from New YorkfwtjUJ ii . .V AtarchJna, and sail from For Freight engagements Wf w t Lujrr Bros,, 28 South St., Ag'ts m mvr 1-tf : ... Gait!-Salt! Salt! RACES AMEWCA n4 iinnn AU' ..j1' Forlaleby;t 0 Uacbn ! Bacon!; . .... V ? -' 7'' , , A4 AUiua9f Avatf , JUMaW, ;. m .... i .

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