'B.Y &EIE GI1APH. ' .Tiin :.ioSSg star. woon nnrorrra. , "From Loulslausw a , J fvw " r t in i iLTa O Vaniarder his been released. Hbs Supreme Court decides that Hi ere la nothing In the Conatltutionprecludlug' pardoning power for contempt of cojirt. , ' . - ! Frora II avast. f.t f o.r ,,: , v JlAVA.HAMafCh977 Riots -ara reported ip.QuuIadajirs, canst a by forced letya of troops. , i A formidable pronuoclamento baa been la sued intht 8t.ate( M.ldalXo. ,7 . .! : Jealooalea are reported arhong the revola tlonary leaders. 4iH i - i. t It la stated thatGen.'Rocfca tenda false news of hi movements to the Government, . A rmoTal of the eea of Government to' VeraCcu la being discussed. The Govern Went there would, be la a batter position to receive i assistance from the Uoiwd States in case of necessity. Juarez If coufldenf1 ; -s : - - Front I'ennnylTanta. ' . .:.':.'.,' S - '' ; vf-jLADstxiiiA, March ..' One hundred enl fourteen medical students have praduated tl Je ersoa Ccilee, Iio cases or s ;vi have occurred at the navy yird alnee the 4th Inst. . . .' ' ; ;' Front Ueoiffla. . 7 V , v .. - Augusta. March 0. : Tha stonecnttera' strike on the U. 8. works at Colntnbia, S. U, still continues, as Superin tendent Shell demands ten hours work as per instructions from Washington, and refuses to re employ strikers. -,- Story: of an Inkstand, 3:Poat V' . , a ..- ,u:s-1 v - "Yes " I resumed," cold as deatb. Don't get up though- and "That inkstand ! Yes, it has a story. yoa are quit3 . right about Mr.' Benedict' character. II believe r i . . - . .i 1 j mar as well, tell it toyounowa, any oiuer theTe ;3 SOr-, thin n in namerv' .I5ut for time, I suppose, i ou o ngbt to fce caueaj ftU that tbQ ow WB3yins JoT loje the Great American History, Extractor or 1 very-interesting case ' . said - Mag uuuwuw uujjau h " " I turning deathly pale,. "Ua you Know the cie of jomance m abjthincf or anybody in J r;rr.nrnQf,nrpQ9nrftnfi n1Pn with'thfl RlirrMv V From New York. . new York. March 0. VMatamorai special Of 1 ho 7th lays armed bands, su uosed to be Oorteoas, crossed at Siotu Maria rauche, thirty Bve miles from htre, capturing residents la luiliatf two custom ju pceion, whom Ihey. held until a thousand head of catde had been stolen and crossed, 'when the prisoners were released, and the band returned to the Mexican fiid.., ; ; - :. Gomez Fontnsfttf has been .compelled to. evcu4e Axaa Ott1etc4 i n ' : The iRebelchtefS iDonata,;. Guernero land Martlne are qusrrrllng with Trevlna, Morsnjo and .others, t .... 'r , ' :V .Their commands have, separated, ' j Diaz has arrlvad on'the owheia frontier .aDd assumed coroman'l. -. t:isil,- Vi- i" '" Juarez hs 82,000,000 In the trrasuVy, which iosures bis probable success, as 'the rebeW have nothln.tt '- v ' "", f-C. . .-'.: -: - ; Fell Didz was fellled with clubs by a mob in the State of. jOaxaeftv - . Ttia prdersJrom) VVashlnirton forblddlnjr ' cle&rahoe to( horisvtareldk by rebels, causes ex -4 v. cltement amoiat the merchants and depression ameng the revolaUouUtrfas'ir stops the oast . a scranton special aaia-.tuo- public . scuoois . at II vd Park lielleville. and Petersburg are . closed on aceoaiit of the prevalence of blacly or spotted lever. .; ji,. i k .. "" 1 Steamers only can pass Hell Gate Ob account Of Ice. 1 he mers are stltrcovci ed with noal . log Ice, and navigation is dacgerous. ' "w Tors; March Evening. . i Cotton la lo moderate request, with tales of 1,515 bales Uplands 22K Orleans S3 crats. Floor Very dull sod heavy Common to Fair Extra-, tSO07(55; Good to Choice $7 700 to til Whmii la stronalv In favor of buyers. Corn closed lower at 69Ci,691 cents. Portia a triflj easier at $13 253$13 S0. Lard dull and unchanged. 'Naval Stores are quiet but firm. Groceries dull. . : Sales of cotton T!6-day for fatnre delivery 7,100 bales March 21 15 1623 1 10 cents; Anril 2222 cents: hUyZi 15 16(323 cents: Juoe2ak23jif cents; Auust22 cents; Bep I daintiest linen temberiir cents, v-Nu tinAm-hpr ... . PHttJLDSxniiA. March 9. ' ; Cotton Middling 23 cents. Market closed quiet. , ' : ; , -v Boston, Msrch t. Cotton Middlings 23 cents. Met receipts 105 bale: cross 833. 'ExiKrts to Great Britain VSni bales. Sales 800 bales." Stock 8.000 bales. Market dull. . v " K Chxrlkston, March 9. Cotton-MlddllngslilK cents. Net receipts 504 biles. Sales 100 bales. 8tock on hand 24,024 bales. The market closed quiet ... TBaltimokI, March i 9. Cotton Mlddllnw 22W(a23W cents; Net Wceipta 298 bales; gross 670. Exports coastwise 45 oaitt. sate uo nates. BtocK on nana 9,780 bales. Markerqletbnt steady, i v .'v. Nbw OKLKA.NS, March 9. ' Cotton MlddlinjE tH cents. Net receipts 2.823 bales: cross 8,220 bales. Exports to Bremen 1.5C3 bales : to Barcelona 448 bales. .Bale 5J.3DO bales. tock 207,784 bales. Mar- a-place where you happen to be, you are sure to scent it out.," ; . .; . 'Ot all days this is tbo most glorious one for a romance -the rain falling with (hat steady, monotonous . drip, drip drip; ;not a soul In the house but ourselves, and we to snugia this splesdid old library.'? Mag Hasting was indeed an lodefatlga bla roraanco hnnter. : Sbe was always looking for'sttuations where the romantic predominated. one would nave succeeded as a dramatist, without a nouot. &ne was est perceptible sneer added, j'a tnan must Be very strong to admitjsuch'a thing "about himself."? .y-; - "Oh,'V I answered, ,' it was a loDg time before we got at the facts in the "case; but one dav when I thought be couldn't last many hours he told me the' whole story.' uWhen you sat by him and thought he couldn't tat many hours he told yd u the whdt story I" repeated' Hag in a strange sort of a way. Did he die?" "No; he rallied again "1 answered qJmost apRarently as happy 83 mortal oould be onf oufc of breath at Mag's strange behavior.- tbo moriiinff in queslion. nestled in the decth of my scarlet lounge, perfectly cer tain that she looked picturesque in her dark green street suit, relieved by the eat 'linen: ; ' ' -"-V .: Come here; pet t" said si&e; and a bunch of white wool, with a blue rijibon tied at one end of it, marking, the spot wherein a dog's neck would be, trotted mysteriously towards her. ; Y.&at propelling power there could be in the shaggy thing was a wqndor I could never 4 get over; but somehow it managed to spring into Mag's arms, and theh'the 8Uence;iiasured me that my story was expected. . r ''.C: -j:t ine suirounuings were lavorauio iur tw u ; h t-T navc omt. h v. tut; .aujtia UVl V J vo . a.u. TVAWW aW ine room ueavnv tr..m" i-.;7s- "It seems that her loved with his whole heart and soul a very beautiful and much, sought after youoglady. She pretended to love.him. Herparentswere opposed to the match she proposed to defy lier parents. The next news he receives came in 1hc form of a letter. Irom her, telling him that she finds she does not care for him as she supposed and asking to be freed fro nl her engagement .v1 - ;'" : '. " j "He did receive such a letter, did he? Austin. Benedict did ' received -such a Ifctter?? and Mag arose from her. recumbent position, and stood before me, pale" as a corpse, Dut with the light 01 iorty aveog : MISCELLAKEQUS. t Ana to those Soldiers from 6ther Con '.l- federate States who were 1X111- V J .' ed or Bled In this Slote. . THE MONUMENT TO COST f 30,O0O. milE CbaNEIt STONE,' it Is proposed, shall 1 D3 lata as sooa as ine receipts win permit. 3,000 Prises, valued at (S 0,0C0) Five Hun dred Thousand Dollars.?-That amount, - ' - only, In Ticket?, to bo sold. t , . . : For cvorv Five Dollars subscribed there w ill be given a certificate of. Li o Membership to the Monumental Association. This certifi cate will entitle the owner thereof to an equal interest in the following property, to be dis tributed as snoh as the requisite number of Shares are sold, to wit: c- , - i: f First, nine Hundred and One Acres of Land In LincolnCounty, Georgia, on which are the well known ALi cruder Gold and Copper Mines, valued at.........................;. ..il&y00 And to Berenteen Hundred and Forty-Four Shares In One Hundred -Thousand sJDoliais Of United (states currency, to-wlc : 1 ,i Share of a'AO..,..... ...... .....io,OOD V. 2..VXX:... a,000 2. 00 20 000 1,0 0.. bi.. 13,000 V 303 10.000 10J.. ...................... 10.000 5 10.000 10. II.KW0T0W7 nTc 1TW a. CO r,i."'lee.22d1flS0. 1 ( . Passenger "Trains leave tr:. "- 'Jan20-lf 8. L. FfiEMONT. e1? Company irTfi ':.? 10 10 : 20 i . ior ' 203 . 40 - ioo: : v M , ; e of Schednu rTEB THIS DATE TTtv M Schedule.wlH be mn Tmnf01 A FTEB road on thh DAT ICT'PWTi'OQ mn ..vZir ! XttAU. (Daily. .it' , 10.0001 faye Wilmington (Union n.".. ...... ....... ......... 10,000 1 Arrive at Florence..... 8:50 l -1 Arrive at Jtinesville :13a i RealEstateoffered by tttiSo "it 9iUfens,io the con ted-1 ""iBtoa -r.n 1153 "AU DAILY (SuWi,T ' EXCEPTED.) M8USIAY . t ?i f. story leeuns, it is irue. a no room ueavuy , rtol?- fihe exclaimed. 4 It is a forserv waioscoated with dark wood, the i caiei i of f?om beginning to end!-Nell HarrisTyou books ot all tlnKS and of all varieties, tjie toofc tare of Austin Benedict i& Ms last long windows npmy arapecr wiin ecanes hoursf . nva brocade, - lined with exquisite lace; the . And DOw the proud head of Margaret thick, so t carpet vqf mottled, green, the Hastings was buried in my lap. ' i r. from IteuloeSj.,: LorrsviLLB, March 9. The shertff of Clark county, lnd has been sued foiX5.ovia tac jfeJerai court, qa the charge of not uslnic dne, diligence when tbo mob bung Squire Taylornegro, for complicity In the Park county murder, The complainant Is Taylor's "son. - , ' J - . .y J Governor ,Yarmotb, of Louisiana, passed . eastward losj..'ys;j,--'j.;,t;.: ' v. . From Pennsylvania.;; V.". t - .; .-. Plabxlphhua Mrch 9. . ' The merchants, of this city , jrave JohnW. Forney a eomptlfnentarv dlsner. vesterdavi at the Academyof Mnsic. president Grant was uu unutt. i . .-., . , . . From MJssoiuri. ;. , .- - 8t. Louis. March 9. " The action of the lower bonse of the Leels lature indicates the defeat ot the 18,000,000 railroad scheme. " CbSa, tli Barklf 04 a druhkard, shot himself and wile ut4iy yesterday, it- if ket Irregular. ; -I:-, " r . " . Norfolk." March 9. Cotton Low Middling 21 cents. Net receipts 655 bales. Exports coastwise : naies. Block 4t243 bales. The market closed quiet. : V0-J0..frU SAtiwiAun; MareVy, '. Cotton Mlddlinsr 2l9tf 1 cents. J Het re- ceipts-jD92 bales. Exports to continent 2,118 ales: coastwise 407 bales. - sales ew oaies. Stock 52.C93 bales. The. market Is firm with fair demand, offerlajg lbhl ,; r V n FOREIGN ttAUKETB. - - London. March 9 Noon. Consols tor monev 929. United States bonds -5Vfiu's pf S2&.t f : j , h ,r ', t i ii . T , k or- ... I. aits uuuibo-kcuo mu uiv. K Livxrpool. March 9 Noon. Cotton Uplanda HKOIW; Orieans lld. Market quleL 1 . : -LAX5R. Cotton quiet Uplanda HKQUd; Origan a HHd. oa es .io,ouo: bales; lor speculation ana export 3.0U0 bales. BreadstaCsdnl) Turkish lounzes. the quaint chairs, luxu xiously upholstered, the bronzes, on the manttl and in niches ana corners Dronzes that told old stories ot mythology, the engravings on iba'wall, the littlh gems in oil selected for their wonderful coloring an autumn scene, a burning ship, a group of German peasantf; the glowing fire of sea coaV and the polished hearth and len dcr all appealed to.the loveof the beau tiful" and the picturesque, while the cold, unceasing rain, 1 he bare, gaunt Jrees, the driDDiDg shrubbery, and the blanched grass drove the thoughts within for solace and amusement. - , : - ' - ' The inkstand thatMag Hastings referred to was a pretty affair - in ewiss - carving. It represented two little peasants carrying water, the bucket suspended trom a pnie resting in a hand ot each. Of course tbo From the Firet-clasa well-known patriotic ( erate Monumental At Pilzes have been selected, and added to the O y5. . . . n. t . n . 1 Ia.v. Wllm4-1A- with the Large ltesldence, Sore, etc., ana Arrive aw wrence ; ,?2F the Georirla itauroad. twenty mues from jl.Ui eruBta.- l'ay inar an annual yield of . Fifteen Thousand uouars. : , , 5, . - r: . 1 . T-mnr trrfnixr I AaV JKXpreSS Train Onlxr ni r,",,VW A.H Broad Btrefct..rThe outiaing is ot uncK, tr " 7 i4Uin WU1 run dT4T Leave-Columbia. 8:A.2 Arrive at Fl0Yenc4B.1V Bijopu i Arrive at Wilmineton.." 1,:0P.1 kI took. care of him when he was ill," I replied. .s 1 - "V , "And he loved the woman he believed .to be false to the last ?y l IIe loved woman - )Ob, Nell! Nelll what shall I do? How csn I ever live, now that I know he died with that .Cruel impression of me ?" inter rupted poor Mag, giving me no opportuni ty? to explain .myself. . "You took care of him you made him -comfortable you kissed him when he was dying; and I loved and despised, I - c ,': It was about time for me to'insist upon being listened to, so I said: ' : 4'Stop a minute, Mag, darling. I did all I could lor Austin Benedict's comfort, and have kissed birr a great many times,-but not when he was dying, Mag, for he hasn't at Jlf0i c. jnxDERt v - Gen'i Sud'i. Yll. & Weldon Ra.Uoad ' Company, Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER THE 21st IKnu. PASSENGER TBA1NS will Station at :15 A. M. and bm w "J n l a.vj jv. ai. null nivj r i - vt . . - rcowujr iu a uauu ui catu. vi wuub i .a , i u, v, ..-. ,i;v. . r r v " . Viw t ' ea uiat ieat io-aay, ana ana " and the pole was the pen rack. It was ...tow ik. - .it m. 9 ..m i . i ... a J li Ma a m , vww nvi aa aaa a i cksivs poetic and waW .at fi" Charles, who had. entered softly with his as pretty a trifle for a .library tableas one latchHcy n . : ; . -; ... f H. would wishto see. , mwi,.; ?- irr6t-; t s-a s- - --i.u. if u a w ad aaMuu s a ckvu iu si is a . . WisaiaoTOK. March 9. . TbeVe was no session of Congress to-day. Boutwell la convalescent. .v ; The Japanese are to visit Mount Vernon. Tbe8euate Sub Committee. on Commerce, , composed of KcOo&sr. Cprhett and Ylckers, bavu finarry agreed upon a bill . First, allowing; malertalfdr'tbecaarnctlod of steamship by . eectioua or otberwlselio be entered do tr free. allowing a drawback. ; Second, 8blp supplies and coal to be. withdrawn, from - bond,! doty Tree. Third, American vessers registered in foreliro countries are allowed to register as American ve ssels within two years. Fourth, "tstewmsmpeei -mreln-etHia -ol-nt teas ttiea one thuusaud tonaxnay- bo parchased and be entitled to American re it liter. ."Fifth. Ia -case of war al( of sal chips "nJay, pe Osed to the 'marine service by the Government by porchase .orappolutmert . . : '". -r j."... '- ri'Tv .rCAB LJS DlHPATch KM . ;' '-' ) J:; . ;- - u -: Losdoti. March 9. The amount contHbot ei to Chicago through- oat itugiana was xica.uuu. ... . .w-'!';?? n. Paris, March 9." ; The Assembly Committee on the reoreanl .satlon of the arpjy tavo resolved, to disregard t lv ,nirrMtiAnit f OAs.lv' if intitttr a! Atfr. - The German Govej-nmeot has oftlciallv In formed the French Minister on Foreign Affairs of the pardon of all the Frenchmen in the Ger man fortresses, 'vvt'- A Home newspaper states "that Gaixpeppl xaazzin: is recruiuog in Ayroi ior an luvayon .The TribueaT lo the trial of parttea for blrn- inu church propeity durloir the reijrn of the v Commune sentenced one to deatb anj another - w iujpriBuoiueDb ior me. - . r , .Tejeerspbic communlcalloo has been estab'- lished between France and the Island ot Goada commekcial: v I LMItf G TON A IlILET. x ' 8TAB OFFICE, March 9. 8PIRITS TURPENTINE Sales of 9 casks st 78X cents gallon for Southern packages. Market quiet and has declined cent. ; ROSIN No siles reported. ,: : CRUDE TURrENTINE.-Small-sales at at W 00 for Hard sod $6 00 fox Yellow Dip and TAR Sales of 249 bbls at $2 75 V bbl. CuTTQN-Sales of 116 bales as follows: 10 at 19X, 12 t 20, 1 at 20 4 at 20, W at 21 and 28 at 21 cents. , CORN Sales of 1,500 bushels at 81 cents 9 The story is , a sad one, Mag,", said I. "Itvillgiyeypu tbe blues for therest of the 6&j.n .:.i:.:v. 1 1':;"' "So much the 1 better," she answeredj with a true dramatic love of the : horrible 8Q much the better. Yd like to be per, for Mag was so (till I didn't know but that she was dead. " "-- ' 'Here P said tbe dear fellow,' bounding forward. He stopped snddenly at the sight of the figure at my feet. . "In tbe'name of A little dash, of; imaginative .sorrow , is TOJV?irfU?JSil MA-RINK. needed to ielieve this perfect enjovment. A. little shade throws out the good points of any thing, you know. Isn,t itso, pet?" and she pinched the little appendage dig nified by the name of tail till a sharp yelp came out of the soil white mass in her arms. "There, I told you so, pet; now you,ll know what true" repose is." ; : v - "I should scold you, ilag " said 1. "it it were the least use in the; world. Bat yon are incorri-rible. so l will co on. Time ..will give you shadow enough, .n uuuui, .,- . , . . . "When. I was in Venice " I com- One faint err from Ma cr. and she was a dead weight iq : Austin Benedict's arms. That was answer enough. . . Such' a day as that was 1 " Between swoon?, explanations and embraces my mind got to running, upon lunatic asylums; but the sun set clear and my reason remain ed unobscu red. There was a weddiDgthat same eveoigog in that same iibraryandin all the happiness I ever witnessed Charles' on three stories high, 134x70 feet, alned J6,000. : ' i' Sd. THE SOLITUDE PLANTATION," In t dec 20-tf Russell county, Alabama, on, the Unattahoo chee Hirer, with elegant and cODnmodioAa im provements. The average rental, since t4,. iiaa been over seven (f',ouoj xnooaana uoiiar 4th.--That Larsre Brick Residence and Store rm Northviut. cornAr of Itrmd nd Oentrn Btreeis, . known as the Phinlzy or liaudry j Omoa Chixv Ekguisr and Gsml fin House. Rent Two Thousand Dollars. '. - - I r . ' u cc? ah The Rogers' flouserbn Greene street, i - a,tnr0TOi N. Dec. 20th, 18. a new ana eieguni AsricK nesiaenee, in most eestrabie portion or that , Deauurui street. Valieaatfi8,uoo. ..,; ; 6th. Flat Bash, with 120 Acres of Ltnd, half s mile from city limits, the elegant Suburban Residence of Antolne i'oliain, Esq., m good. A,4 V.1n.I . .111 nAt 7th. The Dearine House, a lareo and com- knodious Residence, with Thirty City Lots 69xl0 feet, fronting on McKinne and Carnea streets, vaiuea at ie,wj.. ' th- Stanton Residence and Orchard, on the Georgia Railroad. Valued at 3,O0J. ' - ' r ALtO 1 Share of One Hundred Bales Cotton. - l Fifty.. : ..;. " 1 " Tweaty-Flve " " ' .": - 244 Shares of One Bale each. 1 1 ' The bales to average 40Q pounds, and class Llvernool Middling. The value or the separate Interest to which the holder of each Certificate will be entitled, will be be determined bv the Commissioners. who will announce 10 the public the manner, th time, and Dlace of the distribution. The following gentlemen have consented to act as Commissioners and will, either by a ommlttee from their own bodv or bvSDeolal Trustees appointed by themselTes, receive and take proper charge of the money for the Monument, as well as the Real instate and the U. 8. Curr ncy osared as inducements tor subscription, ana will determine upon the plan for the alanument, the Inscription there-, on, the site therefor, select an orator for the occasion, and regulate the ceremonies to be observed when the corner stoae is laid, via.: . uenerais A-.-AioLaws, a it. wngnt; m. a. Stovalk W. AL Gardner and Goode tirgan.Col. C tsnead, Cou Wm. P. Crawford, Maj: Jos. B. Cu naming, George T. Jaekson. Major "Joseph GanahL mal. L P, Girardey, Hon. it. II. May, Adam Johnston,' Jonathan 11: Miller, W. U. uoxKirion. J.lK isntt, uenry.Aioore,,i r. w, ui. Agents are allowed twenty per cent. They are required . to pay their own expenses ; Tickets and Circulars alone beiagforniahed to them. They will remit weekly the amounts FREIGHT TRAINS will leaye tri-w-rtw ..' J:15 A. M., and arrive at 1:40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAILS will leare It x mt. au, unu arrive at 11 A. Id. ON SUNDAYS, the 8:45 P. M. and iu 1 u train ONLY will be run. ; . JOHN F. DIVINE, , dec 20-tf . General Superintendent r BAWfflOSE 'AHD WM ST E AM SHIP LINE, ARRIVED. menced. ! r '. r ''" ' 1 In Venice V exclaimed Mag, sitting Slmr D MrcbUoa,GarrUoo,FsycUeville, bolt upright. and giving tbe little dump: -SJ'SiSS'd i.vm; "8 of poodle pinch that brongh out -. ... . ' ' ' " U U lieuosset. , ; ' ' , . 8c br Jessie 8 Clark, Hark, Baltimore, F W and mine thrown in I know 1 never saw - -M-. . . a 1 AB-a mm . -m ,&.--. ii..x...a irM 1 ... . - . ....- iwccum. sou juiirAUiua ucqcuivv. juag 1 (no commissions wiu oe aeuuotea irom didn't give me time to get to the inkstand, ???? - 1fi1vw. rM 0 . . .. . . . . , 1 1 . On account 01 the vorv trreftt labor reauired so you must imagine too nistory OI tuat. 1 of the General Agents, the offered services ot J. : . .. , .. 1 ' I one or more prominent gentlemen, well ana SPIRITS OF TURPENTINE. 2SSaS3.: f! I Partus rlotiiilnir tn annt.HVtnta tn t ha XTrwan Kerebner, with 11.600 bushels corn.' Bchr Francis Payne, Hvde county. Nor- lnrop cc gumming, wun l.ouu Dusbeis corn. ; r - CLEARED. ' Stmr. North ' 6tate. Green. Pavettellle Lll DeRosseL . .- -.-'' tttmr ,-D Murchi8on. Garrison. Favette-s wie, viuiamaz uurcnison. fichr cnas W Holt. Hart. Boston. J H Cfaad- bonrn dt Co. . .- . ' . jneoane, cargo oy wuiard Bros. -- -'- : .. -Try,. t ..i r vi-t PER RIVeTsTJMI 'V ' . -r oir jMono Dtaie os nois rosin, u ao sots. 18 do turpt. 2 do tar. 1 bale cotton. F W Kerchncr, L U DeRos&et. J M Woodr. A Al- oermao. ' - . - 8tmr Morchisdh 9 bales cotton. 4 b61s snts. 3 do tosli. 103 do Ur,20 tfo wine. 10 bales yarn, wimams s Mnrcmson, o U Parsley 4c j si Ua ii iiiwuie u Co, A Alderman. . tCPOKT8 COASTWISE. .3 r -Newbern is abont to organize aboardof tradewv'V'-.'i.V'.j- '"i J-"'V'V t Tarboro claims to have the youngest, preacher in the State. 1 The Sontbern Baptist Con vention meets In Raleigh May the 9th. t i A Eteamer -hasT comrnepced running between Kewbern and KinstVn.; f Tbo new; organ In tWlil E. Church at Newbern is ready ior service. :, A Masonic Lodsre was orfratf thing as the mention of a foreign and de- Ixed in Elizabe.nl City on Monday night ir.XLd month of m .t.lhere fi!?a' ol-?t " fS&W? Charles came to me one day" (Charles is ? '1' ' ' - ' : ? -'t i . my husband) "from a long tram p ; about - Tho name . otiH6n. George the Palazzo Loredon, the Ca'd' Oro you Howard has been suggested for Lieutenant know what' I mean the one built in the Governor.: " ' , ci i '.'- a: k?- aixteenth centuryfio the oriental sty and 1; If respondent of be Gold- Kstoredtby ileTagTioni the celebrated W3en siting from Onslow coun- itaE"impatiently, "I J,Tecqmmen?s,iion. lidgman, as Ilaven't I been there I I r ".v:"T -r 7 " T a most spiteful yelp. "When were you ever iaiVenice ?" - ; A.xX ' 1 W by, you know Mag, that I was abroad more than two years. In fact, .1 had just returned when you and I became acquaint ed," I replied, wondering a little at the un usual interest she appeared to take in the commencement ofmyjstory.y ; ' .. -: , - "un,i Knew tnat, soe repuea rvui i never beard too say aoytning aoouc Venice,w again -reclining and closing - htr eyes as-much ay to say.- w on. I am at sv loss to conceive- what made me so foolish as to disturb myself for so slight a Parties desiring to contribute to the Monti menu and who do not with to participate in the award, will receive a special receipt.' The money will be turne ' over to tue Treasurer, and will be appioprlated to the Monument without any aedaciion whatever. . ' L, A A. H. veLAff8,Oen. Ag ; ,V So 3 wld P. O. Range, Molntoabt4 ....-.- .- ,;a Augusta, ua. Mrs. Carlton Belt, Coleman House, N. Yl, Hies wary Jaxia uuie, .eiauoia. o. J. uon. was. ..M. bmythe, Augusta, Ua.; Major Jonn Dun woody, v ashington, Ga,; E, li. Mai tin, Esq., Tuscaloosa, Ala., Traveling- Agents. -mar 9-&moe "7, , , - :y-- Wilminglir Ice House, 5 i ice 1 Ice i;Ice 'iszvti r Composed of the First Clast SteaBuinpi BEBECCA CLYDE.. . .Capt. 1. C ChlMt X.TJCI1I.E... ...... 1 Capt. D, J, Price BOLITAB........ Capt. Wa. Eians "Will hereafter sail from Baltimore and W ;,i . mlngton . EVERY FIVE BATS. THE STEAMSHIP BEBECCA CLTDI Xvill sail from wharf f dot of Chesnut street, Tuesday morning, March 12th. 1 For Freight engagements apply to xmar 10-tf ( ; v , A. P. CAZAPX. PhiladelpHa and Bouftb 6 Ilail Steamship Iine. ; THE FAST AND FAVORITE BTa-affltf, 7 TV E are Kt PECTIITQ A ITTLL SUP? LY of 1 i Tvr SO lope. From New Tork.- Bo'stox Schr Chas W Holt 197.483 feet . US U Vili The following is tbe bank statement : Loans ; decrease, nearly $1,000,000; specie Increase. over u.uw; legai lenaers increase, oo,OUO; ucJuaiLe uecreaar wny a trtno. ' - :.: ' ' ' ' ' Marlne Bf saysters. . - - . k "' Nob folk, March 9. . 1 ne scaOQoer xrankiio baa arrived here from . Jac&sonvllle, lonng her sails on the trip. She reports two vessels ashore near Ilatteras. v i" '.'.'..: ! . ;'s FoBTttESS Mojntog. Marh 0 ' Brig Harriet from. Aquadella. reports fear- . m weamer on ine coast; sue wss 27 days north of Ua!tteras; passed on the 4tb. 70 mllea ' ', southeast of Capelicnry, a water logged ship with toLzzeumaat Standing ; aUo passed sooth er. wreck yesterday 20, miles eaat'ape! Henry. ; . FOREIGN. LrrmpooL-Br rosin, " know all about it. wasn't I born there I haven't I always lived there t didn't the Doge ot Venice christen me f didn't I draw my first breath on tbe LCB Vrhloh .wlllbe.sold on the -most reasonable terms-not to exceed :'A:::'-S-. '' ' -'; OSe'cENT -PER POtiND RETAIL ''i' "jS Depots will bo established for the ae- - '" - ' '-" . .- 11 - ..'iivt. .:... '" commodation of our patrons. .-.. ; .; . aft, ,-. - --. Bark Tarplan 3,429 bbls . ... - i?AVAKSAH. If arch O Capt. Black, of tbe schooner Abna flimras', f-om Nassau, reports lbt on the5 eth InsUat, O en in 1st. ol, ion. SO 20, 75 miles southeast c. -.ibee, iaw a 6L!p on Ore, wltb3 schooners :.. From Tlrglnla. ' - . ' ; , '. Wakkestom. March 0' In the Conference to-day the comtnittee of lr iniry sppoinvea to inquir latothe. rumors re -'J,lox the mlnlaterlal character of Rev. L. 1) nci n, -nea ioui, in. tneir jo-ment. .. .a to citcau xprcion of . onh;lan 01 ine raertis. or toe cause In sut mea r nre to Inculpate the accused, recommend tbt an lnT--tl'atiyo v rpaae ooder the direction of tl. , . l V-v ! C '7 o( the , J'ast Baltimore diHr. u The report waa adopted. Ao f 'tbenllcated report has been reeeWed "re, 'chfets forth that .the girl who made ts azainst Dr. Huston now denies alkztlons under bcr oath and -1 v.aa lastlatcl by ceruia par -hlcito scrtu-3 others. Vhe r. I! i 's former servant, ...rates Dr. Huston - a geutleraau and .' t "" ' Ls t-kca place la behalf t.'.iivic-the v;t cla thin Is evenlcz for Washing' 4 spirits, atd ttizo doubt I-I8T OPVESSELS,,.,;; In the OPort of TVUmlnztoa, nareb7tb. jrrifsmMiHipa. r-i i-h- SlftropblIs;COstner, dla, A DCaaaox lVClyde, Chllds, dls, A D Cazaux. X ' barques. .; German Wlllr &. Emmv Ehrenrelpn .AA- Europe, Wlllard Bros. ; , , vuerman William Kisker, Bormucer, dg, Europe,, Jas Anderson A Co. f '. f S-J- - r RIG3. .-. iv"-- r Br Wlnogene,' Hammond, lajfEurbpe; Har riss & Howell.1' - - -5- - - - . Be Maud, Thomasv Id?, layarpool, y Vlck & Carrie Porinton. Uncoo. Tax. Havana. E jwiaacr con. . i . . . - y i i-,m 1 Brig Altevela, Con ins, dls, E Kidder & Son. X BCIlOONERS. '( 8 A HofTratn, Hoffman, , dia, Harries & Howell. ' . - -SB Wheeler' Corson, Vlck & Mebane. 1 W WUe,, My, ldg. Boston, - Williams & Murchison. ' . . , 4 . Ben. Davls dls, Williams & Murchleon. Chas E Hllller. Proctor, wtg.nnaster. -Bchr R 8 Graham, 8mltb, Idg, Philadelphia, t Joseuh BflTmor. PnrArt AAv PhlUdplrshU sfrlss & Howell .. ' W BUter, Watts, Boston dis G G Barker A CO. , i; '-i,' " ", ":. John,- William, dls,' Wlllfains AMurcblsbn. waony uoimes, Bragg,, dls, rlarrlsa & , Jesse's Clark," Clark, dls, F ,W Kerebner. COiSHAJCE3 ?.r2-v, Mebane, F W Kerch-. r'rTT v.-l e H. Murray & p ilfliiwiclaf R 1 vvtli,v Aaron fe r, J Lyon, f H?J ? i a fii'ii' Geo r French, Wm Buttoo, J 8 ULgbltL Tho. U Bmlth, J Todd, W H Farrar, BranhUd & Co, Johnsoi & B. 1 ' i -Tbo store .of KoabHicks,;of weldon. was entered on, Thursday, night,- by .a negro man, and several hundred. Bridge ot Sighs ? and wasn't I one of M'lle. Pounds of bacon,' &c, taken. 'The thief Taglioni's pupils ? .06 ahead and tell me 1 has been arrested. ; v " 5 , what Charles said when be cams back from I :.,. fY . .Tnlin T. "Rrlrlfroi-a I m m T a-a a . - - ha. a " war v a address St present. ;r r n V v, 7-' I aacmhlA , ati fit T.nnl on h v fnnfth I had seen Margaret in many strange Ur,i, t nr.-, ; . ;-, moods, but never felt .Jjer to bo eo incors. - ".i:-,, rierible as unori this occasion. - However 1 1 series 01 vxjncecia win oe resumed ithoot appeariDg to rechsrk it. ffiyen by the M4E. Sabhathl School in i mh iecdiw. WFr Bim), I i 0 a! . , i.-n.u ... ., .1 11 n . I,'.' HOET CAKJIO T - B DI I T 1 ; 7 'Tpr BlsMiM WfeUsi I I ,;irS But the Diamond Spectacles will Preserve It. his tramp about the Ca'd'Oro. But never Edgecombe; hag 1 invited to ad mind the architecture. I'm not building the-N4lloBi Agricultural Conventi youreyes'ightnse these'Perfeci ground irom Minute Urvstal Per. r . - . . . . . rF : - TF you value L; Lenses, t . . Dies, mettea togetaer,ana aenve their name " Diamond" on account or their Hardness and jjruuaocy. iney win last many years with- am shan aw-m an1 w- m . a . 'Cbarles came in abd; said. hastily. Washington, on the 12th, 13lh, and 15th f V in Vaet" m an Nell. tellPedro to cet no a nice lunch 1 insts., lor the purpose of raising funds to I Optical Manuflicturing coew York. .,-, - Just as quick at he can; I have brought assist in rebuilding their churchy v.t clkall NAfi(ma) IiSm -a-maS k a.ik .1a ml u.u, Mr. Bonitz, editor of the Goldsbororifgs- mington, c from whom they can only be us.;: I have taken a sUance fancy to ; tbe - .recemlr had occasion to-Csend a 3a02 ieuow, ana snouitt nice to nave him if nere - .:r..4 ffj--s..!--i,k tu upqa ill certain-1 xr.- . - -7 j?t-is-j r D. Grimsley, a prominent radicals f Greene county, to meet him in vtrginis.-ftrims'ey accepted the invitation, : and at the time jset for the m pearance at behold I the valianfTGrimsley was ition est inventus, and so continued to.. tRe end of .the chapter.rr -'T'-ift'vl MiaOT J . A NEQTJa. we couldake care ot him. He will certain ly die if somebody don't take an interest in him.' So I hurried around, and after a little time Pedro and I " ; ' 'i - 'Oh, never mind about the lunch V in terrupted Mag: again, without opening her eyes, and with a little tremolo in her voice which I could not. finderstand. "Proceed with the man I ..Animals', always' interest me more thablfood - 'You would not call"' Austin Benedict an animal If you could see him once,n I replied a llitle indignant, and was abont to add that I didn't wish Charles mixed up with species either, .when over went the lapdog on to the lounge, and Mag saidy. irritably: t4I. believe that . animal . thinks' ."I have nothing to"do but to make mi lap into bed fux hii convenience.' pGovorr, Bell, AustW Benedict V yAusttdJ' Benedict isj a good nsme Til bet jaay new, solitaite'regainst three cents that his character was aa utonv as his cognomen.. A man; called Austin A.8h,r$lvl0 to $1-15 "per lLoad : Benedict would do wtv-vt be considered to -" " ' " " - be right jf by so doing it killed him and everybody he was acquainted with. I wish 1 you would rinrj.for some wine, Nell, I am FULLrihIHE ;tx. ii't oeeting Mr: Bmade his ap- Imp Q 1 1 Q dl and; D dm fai 1 C the Specified place, bario.and '-V rf;:'" 4f t -GIGRSOS Kpea and ToT)accdo, : mod!:X7oodl PRECIS ! 9. an.d.?lMaelc, $r'20 to $1 25 per.Loa4; $4 60perCord.?f' By r - ? : - ex - if- PIUOTT. : 'JO BJgu of the rMcJnatlnjr- IndUn cGlrl.-S mar 7-tf . ; 04 40 per Cord. febss-tf O. G. PARSLEY CO. AT COST: FOR ANOTHER-" WEES' TO XA.KB HOOM FOR ' - Great Bargains I The Store Is Crowded Dally. PIONEEBV ,'''.!. wavvw nriirri.lT k vpia-tn iivua. .-.-- ' TX7iLL BTTN THE FOLLOWWfi l"gT W nibetwwn Philadelpnla Wednesdat.i - Feb. 7i '-Mb. w . . A- xnursaay, H Friday, . Batnrday, ' Bunuay,. Tu sday, -W dnesday, ; T i nrsday, ' j M March 8 Ml 3 AprU 6 May ..... ,o-.- 19 June ? X8 Joly s . , iS 2 16 Wednesday Thursday! iatnraay, Sanday, it M Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursdy u u ' reb.1 jaiyw Si ! . rer might; apply to ; Third Street, Philadelphia 1 ITomliiieforlleri t-THE A SO. 1 BTAau t -tjJ' j' - ' -r n . TT -RT R O P Tmtl sali from KwrTWg W g W March tnd, and usall from ( 0a ihursday; March 7th. ; ulyto : Tor rreight "Wf : fnr 1-tf ' . Salt 1 tf nA8ACJ JJLsUUU For sale by , dec 7-tf It - OULDli Paeon ! Bacon i'nA'AAA UJ3. ?' JLUUUUUrir Forsale-by junstl-tf 0 ?