THE MORNING ST A It, . PUBLISHED DULY, Vrt. If DF.RIC ARI, Editor ana Propr. o in: to a, Uiwnon Bank Buildings, Front St. l!i year. Iu advance........... ...... ...,.,$74)0. iii tnouins, m auvauciv.... ...... ........... ou fiii'co monthvin advance.. ...... 00 s;;)o month, in advance 75 Vim Morhiho Star will be delivered In any part of the City at Firraftir Cjskts per week. .' MKTEOnOLOUlUAL BEtOUl). " ; I March 80, 'l87i .Time. Birm mom Wind. Weather eler- eler. s . s 'Ta7M. 20;ll 53 3 W Light'Clear, 3 1'. M. 3U:1'5 71 S Brisk Clear y P. M. SO: 01 6:3 3 BriakjFair Moan Temp, of daj, 63 dcg. Note. All barometric readings are reduced ID IMC sea-ievei uu vum urjiicm nui iruucil. KOBBKT SXT BOTH. Senj't Siarnal Service U. S. A. Weather Report. i ; War Department, MKNT, 1 Office of Chief Bignai umcer, Washington, March 304:35, P. , J . Dobabiliiies. .'... The low barometer over Eastern Kansas and Northern Missouri will probably move north eastward over the lower lakes as quite a se vere storm ; the area of ruin will extend eastward over the Middle States, tut as euow alousj the lower lake region, with increasing to brisk southerly to easterly winds during the nhjht, and. over Now, York by and on Sun day morning; increasing southerly winds aud cloudiness, with very probably threatening weather, will prvvail over the booth Atlantic and Gulf States; northwesterly winds and clearing weather are probable Jor the North west on Sunday, and gradually extend east ward over the upper lake region and the Ohio valley. . Dangerous winds are not anticipated for the Gulf and Atlantic coasts. .. - C!1UK1I IHUECTOItY. j f S UN dat, March 31. . St. James Chucli. Cokneu Third Ino Market Streets. Public Services at St. James' duriug Holy Week and Easter Tide. P. .titter, March 31..... ,-Morning Tracer 71 AM Litany, Con i . . , ,'. Urination 'and ..." i-VCoiu in union.. 11 AM i "-Ereniug Prayer 5 PM Ksler Monday. L.. ... -Morning Prayer 7- AM Aule-Coin'union 11 AM Evening Prayer 5 PM Easter Tuefrdoy.!.., ...-Morning Prayer I : aud Ante Coin- j muuion 74 AM Evening Piaycr 5 PM : St. Jouu'a Chnreh (Episcopal), Corner Red Cross and Third Sxreets. Sunday Sctiool at A. M. ' Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. .Evening Prayer at 7y4 o'clock. Ilrst Presbyterian Church, COUN'EU TUIRD AND ORAOE STREETS. IIjv. A. D. DiCReon. ; - Services at 11 A. M.t and at li P. M. Suuduy School exercises commence at i'. a. i - Leeluro Thursday eveulng at 7o'clock. Second Puessiterian Cuukcu. Services ut brooiilyd Hail, every Sunday at 10 A. M. First Baptist Ctaurcb, Corner Market and Fifth Streets, Uev. J. C. Hiden, Pastor. Sunday School at A. M. Services at 11 A. M. aud 7:30 P. M. ' Younj; Men's Prayer Meetlug Tuesday plght, at u'ciocr in room jaoove rastor's study. Weekly Prayer Meeting Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock. ' ; , Second Baptist Cbnrcti, CoiiNKit of Sixth and Church Streets. ICcv. J. E. King, Pastor, iuuday School t 9 A. M. .icrvices at 10 A. M. and 1 P. M. Pvayer Meetiug every Tuesday night at 1 oVloeK. St. Thomas' (Catholic) Cburcb, " s1lock Between Second and Third Sts. . Suuday. Mjruhu: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass win bu utiered up at, 7 o'clock. Solemn etr v:ces at 10, during which a discourse will bo delivereu. i CaieehUm Class at U o'clock. . Evcuh): A Catecheiieai iubtiuction will be iilveu to iue colored people at 4. o'clock in the OiScmeut of the Church. . Vs;)cr-) chautcd at 7 o'clock, during which Leutea Devotions will be held. Weekly Services. Ma?g at j)4 and 7 o'clock A. M , and at 6)4 A, .L, ait Hie Chapel of tne liters of Merej, 4tli street. , Every Friday evening during Lent, at 1 o'clock ''-stations of the Cross." Stabat Xlal er" by tne Cbildren. At all oerviees tne- Pews of St. Thomas' Ciuireii tiro cordially open to strangers. . Odiciatiug Clergy ineu : U. Rev. BiabopGib )jns, 1). D. ; Uev. MarKS. Urosa; Kev. James H Wuile. , ; Frout Htrcet M. 1?. Church, South, ' Ct.nNcu Walnut and Front Streets. Kev. Dr. Morau, Pisstor. services at 10 A. M., and P, M. Suuday School 3 P. M. Keguiur w.eekly Prayer Meeting Wednesday liiL'in at i '. a o'clock. Ail areiuvned to attend. . The pews in this churcfc are all free. Gentle manly uelicii will be in waitiut; to conduct atraugera loaeats' ' ' iilin filtctt 3J. E. Church South, I trxu Between Church and Nun 8treets. ;LV. A. a,', bosbaiiier, Pastor. tervkci ul 11 A. M. and at 7 P. M. Sunday School at V A. M. v I.i9i Mi eliiiii ul 3 P.' M. l iatr ilceiiu ou Tha.sday night at 7 "t. 1'aurs vau. Lutheran Church, Market Street, Corner of Sixth. Kev. O. D. Bernheim, Pastor. Easter Day Services. - ' uIUh service at 934 aud 10M A. M.. after wLicu uo coiuuiuuiou will be nominlslcred. Souday School-ata P.-11. Ueriuau service at 8 P. M, ' ' Seamen llethel, Dock Betweex Front and Water Streets, oerTices at 7 p. L, byliev. IL 1. Burr. HU Paul's plseopal Chnreb. COKNKR OKAKGB AND FOURTH STREBTS. Mornlug Piayer at ll oclocs, X!. M. . iveuiug Prayer at 7 oclock, P. M. at. Clara's (Colored plseopal) Church Corner Sixth and Mulberry Sts. Rev. C O. Brady, (colored.) Services at 11 o-iutr -A M ' The Bishop oftbeDlQCese..will officiate and administer the Riu of CouhrmatWn in lhe vfvuiug. cervices at a o'clock. -Seats lre and the public are invited.' Services Wednesday, 7 p. M Christian Chapel (Colored Methodist), w"rv" OKVENTH STREETS. . Sabbath School at 9 A. M. Services at Tl A. M., 3 P. M. and 8 P. M., o? Rev. Thomas Lumax. . Catechetical Lectures on Friday at 3J P. M. Foreign advertising may be done through ine Star Advertising Agency morer-economl- . 1 1 . . .... . . i . . cany man by negotiating direct with pub lishers. The laborOf " writing, and copying advertisements, expense of postage, stationery, Ac, may all be'saved'by contracting with this Agency.-"' ' ?t Lost. jvm uaic luoy ujri,uiug, aaveruse it in our new aepartment, wunder-headsof "Lost and ouna, at.nait .regular rates,4br ad veV- wsemenu not exceeding five lines. tf Vol; Z--IT0.-8. ; KW AUVKrHllfiilllK. riEiNSBiRQSRVUve Book 8tore, SO Market street. The Saviour's Instruction. ' Dudley & Eixis, Sign of the Big Boot The ExceHlor Gaiteiv t Bead the new advertisement of Hostettcr'a Stomach Bitters. ; : ' " i Daniel Klien Street Railway New Sched ule. .: . r-i. ' . ,.';i-,t. ;j. .-.... : J. VV. Schenck, J r. Attention, Merchants Quarterly tax under Schedub B. James Anderson Notice. . H: Burkuimrr; No. 6 Market St. Tobacco, snuff and fcears." , t . v . Ed. R. Brink, P. M New postoffice arrange ment O. U. Paksley & Co. For 6ale: Three prime dray hordes. 1 . F. VV. Kerchnkr Corn, oats and flour, nail, soap candies, mackerel. C. W. Oldham Regular meeting Concord Chapter No, 1. ; West & Harbiss Fresh goods. Change of Street Railway Schedule. - ' By reference to our advertising columns it will be seenjhat the schedule of the street railway has been changed tocorrespond with that made In the schedules of the Wilmington cVWeldon and )V11., Col. & Augnsta railroads. Col. Klein also notifies the public, in connec tion, with tho regular schedule, that he will run one car hereafter until 11 o'clock each night. This arrangement will result in great convenience to the public; and as the propri. etor of the Hue seems determined to spare no pal us or expense in his efforts to please, there should be a corresponding exhibition of ap preciation on the part of our citizens geaeral ly, which cannot be displayed to better advan tage than by lending Col. Klein every possible encouragement. By this means he will not only be enabled to carry out his present views but can gradually extend his facilities for ac commodating the public Tho street cars have become to be a grefft institution, and one which, now that we have become so accus tomed to them, It would be bard to dispense with. This being the case we hope to see .more disposition on the partof our citizens to encourage the proprietor in his efforts. In this connection we would state that Col., Klein is rapidly recovering from his long and severe illness and expects by the last of next week to give tie business the benefit of his personal supervision. . -. , " r Capture and Escape of a Thief. ; For some time past-thoMaster of Transpor tation at the Wilmington and Wei Jon Railroad has been mlssioz. goods from the warehouse, which Ave re stolen and carried away at night, and the thief or thieves continued to elude the vigilance of the parties interested. Finally the matter was placed in the hands of Consta ble J. C. Hill, who succeeded yesterday morn ing in arresting one Bill Campbell, colored, in whose possession ja portion of the articles stolen were found. The prisoner was deliver ed Into the hands of a magistrate, and the pre liminary examination-of Campbell was to have taken place yesterday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Constable Hill left the prisoner at the Magls- ratte's office and proceeded to bunt up and summon the necessary witnessess,b ut in the meantime, at Campbell's urgent solicitations, be was permitted to go homo for the purpose of getting his breakfast, one Richard Leake, colored, being deputised to accompany him and to become responsible for bis safety. The prisoner conducted .himself in a becoming manner until he reached th3 vicinity of his home, north ol the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, when be suddenly broke from. his guard, succeeded in reaching the kwamp and at lasi accounts bad not been recaptured. City Court. The following cases were disposed of yes terday morning':' v Elijah Walker, charged with cursing, &c was found not guilty and discharged at prose cutor's costs. Richard Litgen, charged with trespass, as sault and cursing Elijah Watkins, ws found guilty and judgment rendered for the penalty and costs. 'Mayor respectfully recommended to remit the fine on the paymost of costs. John Brown, charged with stealing one ham. the property of C. W. Oldham, was found guilty nd sentenced to pay the penalty and COStS.';" ''-."( 't State t. John Brown, ebfged with, petty larceny. Ordered that when the One and eosts in the previous case be paid, or worked out, defendant be required to give security la the sum of S200 for his appearance at the next term of the Superior Court. - Concert. concert will be given at the Opera House on Tuesday evening next In aid of the 'La dies' Benevolent Society." The performers selected for the occasion constitute the high est order of talent and sklllln the city, and al lovers of good music, whether it bevocal or instrumental, or both, may rest assured that their taster will be gratified to the fullest ex tent. But aside from this, the noble object to be subserved by this grand musical entertain ment to afford the Society means to aid the suffering poor of our city should be a suffl cient incentive to iusure a crowded house. Reserved seats for f 1, to be had at Heins bender's Live Book Store. See advertisement for particulars. Easter Sunday. ' This day Is celebrated as Easter Sunday and haar always been regarded as the very queen or the highest of all the Christian festivals; The mournlulseasQof Lent is past, the Saviour has been crucified and buried, and " now Is Christ risen Indeed," the "first fruits of them that slept. The name is derived from Eostre, a goddess to whom the 8axons and other an cient nations sacrificed . at about this season Paschal eggs, with colored shells, and toys In the shape of gigantic eggs, are still given -to children on this day among different nation. WTLHIHGTONi H; C.i SUHDAY. HABJCH 31. 1872. Local Dote. : - T'-i'' c: '- , . ' ! No news from Robeson. ' , To-morrowis All Fe-ol's Day. Look out I TheTe were nine police arrests during the week. "'I-' i- ' ' '';'.'"'.' . ...... , - -. j -: ,. . ' . Only one con viet tent to the Work. House during the past week.. ' . . Four patients sent to the City Hospital during the past week. w . Yesterday was another pleasant Spring day. j.:-: The birds have commenced their season of vocallstic efforts. ' - ' The operation of street sprinkling is ex pected to be commenced to-morrow.. John Brown aha$ John Mott was sent to the Work House yesterday. The soda fountains will be in operation in a few days, if the watm. weather continues. There will bea meeting of Concord Chap ter No. 1, to morrow (Monday) evening, ''for work in the M. E. M. degree. t Some of the finest New River . oysters of the season at Gilbert's saloon. Call to-morrow and try them. Printed lists on which to make out city taxables will be j furnished on application at the City Hall. .; ' The Clerk of the Market reports the arrival of 191 carts in the market during . the week just closed. The various! butchers of the city slaugh- teted S3 beeves, G2 hogs aud 3 calves during the past week. The Mount Airy Am, after a few month's suspension, again makes its appearance in onr sanctum. The listing of taxes for both city .and county commences on Monday. The former will be listed at the City Hall. v. i - . A correspondent of the Raleigh Era re commends G. Z. French, of this city, for Lieutenant Governor. " Excelsior V John Tcmpleton denies that little " May- the-Fay" Is the daughter of Mrs. Carpenter, of this State. . j We learn that the first number of the Miilt to be published at Rocky Mount by Mr. C. C. Stilley, will appear in a few days. DoCastro, the magician and ventriloquist, concluded his' engagement here last night. He goes hence to Fayettevllle. A gentleman from the rural districts got the pig at DeCastro's entertainment last night, and Master Louis Reich man the (30 iu green backs. . - ! . ;v The new warehouse at Lllesvllle, which Is being constructed for the Wilmington, Charlotte.and Rutherford Railroad, is nearly completed. - Tne annual election of vestrymen for St. James' Parish will be held in the vestry of the Church to-morrow, EasUr Monday, commenc ing at 12 o'clock. Mr. R. L. Rarriss, of the Front Street News Depot, has our. thanks' for copies of the N. Y. Ledger, Chimney Corner and Clipper for the current week. That's the place to get good reading, j Our "Commercial" has losthfs ."dorg." The animal is white, has a brown spot over bis right eye, has a stump tail and answers to tho name of 'Reb." Leave him at the Star office. . i Our friend J. Wesley Smith, of the Marl boro (3. C.) Time, was married on the 21st Inst., to Miss C. Maitland Joye, of Charleston. "A thing of beauty is (not always) a Joye for ever.'? i The attention of merchants Is called to the fact that their quarterly tax under sched ule B is due and payable to-morrow, April 1st, and must be paid during the week.. Do yon mind that, now! Mr. D. Bradford, Senior Editor of the Dispatch, the first number of which will appear in Charlotte on Tuesday next, has been id our city for a day or two past iu the iuterest of his, paper. . ' On Friday night next the L'Allegro Solree (Hub will give their last "hop" of the season at City Hall. We learn that a great many in vitations have been issued and a "high old time' is expected. It-is to be hoped that Mr. J. W. Spauld- Ing, now that he has retired from the manage ment of tho Opera House, will devOte his at tention to getting up a good bath house lor the benefit of our citizens during the heated term.. . We learn that the Republican "Harmony Club" has recommended Mr. Elijah Hewlett, of Ma8onboro township, for the office of Reg ister Deeds. If he receives the nomination, howmany disappointed aspirants will there be? i- - ' The County Commissioners, at their meeting on, Friday night, adopted the tax bill, and appointed a Committee to examine into the condition of the parishioners at the County JPoor House,Trtth instructions to report at the next meeting of the Board. 4 By an official document which ca me un der our observation yesterday; we find- that the tax of New York is $3 17 on the $100 val nation, for City, State and County, while here It aftrounts to $3 1S? on every $100 of taxable property. -!- " IIow to Bake Ceffee. - Take any kind ot coffee pot or'd'sus pend a bag made of felt or heavy .flannel, so long that it reaches the bottom, bound on a wire fitting on top ; put in the fresh ground coffee and pour on f reel jTolled .water. . The Jtuie-filters through the bag, and may be used at once, needs no settling and retains all Its aroma. Do not boil it. , Prlntlnarlnb. :" We keep a fall stock of Robinson's News Ink oonstantlyion hand. - Winter :ink now ready for shipment. " ' , Shipping articles . for sale at the office of the Mosnnra Stab. f College of Physicians and burgeons, An Ingenious and skillful operation was performed at this Institution on yesterday, in presence of the; Fatuity, by Professor H. S. Norcom, M. D.,-of :this city, and one of the members. It was in the case of an indieent patient from Pitt county in this State, who, disabled by a gun shot wound in the head of the thigh bone, came hither for relief, after four years of painful suffering. ' The ball was deeply imbedded in the bone," which cosld oply be removed by exsection and " extraction. This la the first opeiation of in important character that has occurred there and we trust that it will be followed by many others, if they become nacessary; . . Our Chip Basket. Spring tyle young lady jumping over a Bate. Among other "sports of the rin" may be included weddings. I Borneo, it is said, are self-indulgent only in the matter of dress. - ' 21 I . . - A bachelor's face is often the worse lor wear a married means for wear and tear. i J "What's In a dress?" says a popular vrlter Sometimes a great deal and sometimes ai precious little. I Some people act as if their debts were lke coffee, and would settle themselves In time by standing. Advice to husbands settle as mnch mon ey upon your wife as you can, for her second husband, poor fellow I he may not have a six pence. , , j "Have. I not offered you every advan tage," Bald a doating father to his son. "Oh yies," replied the. youth, "but I could not think of taking advantage of my father." It was once remarked in the Hearing of a little girl of 13 that all things came by chance, and that the world, like a mushroom, sprang nip in a night. "I should like to know, sir," 6aid the child, "where the seed came from ?" - PLAIN WOttUs FOB T11K PEOPLE. i When broken down in health, strength and spirits, it is not necessary that we should ask a medical man whether an invigorant is necessary. Common sense tells os that it is. The only question to be decided is what the invigorant shall be. A standard tonic and restorative, which has been manv years be fore the public, and in which millions of the intelligent classes repose the fullest faith geems, in a case like this, to present the strongest claims to the confidence of the pru dent invalid. Hostetter s Stomach Bitters may be truly said to possess these high re commendations. Its triumphant progress during a period of twenty years, Its present popularity, and the uniform success which attends its use in indigestion, nervous debil ity, biliary complaints, fever, and ague, and all ailniQnts which depress the physical sys tem and enervate the mind, entitle it to the Kink of a standard national specific It Is re garded ia that light by the community at large, and hundreds of thousands of both sexes resort to it at this season as a preven tive of that numerous and harassing class of diseases, which take their rise from tho mias matic winds and vapors of spring. It is a stimulant, a tonic, an alterative and a mild aperient four essential restorative and pro tective elements of the materia medica united in a sing e agreeable preparation. jsvery ingredient is vegetable, of the fln?st quality, and ab olutelyipure. Hot tetter's Bit ters is better known, held in greater esteem, and commands a larger sale, t: an any other proprietary medicine manufactured in this country or imported from abroad. I maicn 31-eouiw sun WenFri j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STREET RAILWAY! N e w S c h e.d u I e ! ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, THE FOL lowing Schedule will be run on the Street Railway : f Cars will leave corner of Red Cross and Front streets, for Union Depot, at 2:40 A. M., 4allri to meet the Southern train, stopping at the various tioteis ana uoaraing uouees on the route leaving the Denot on the arrival of the Northern train. Will, leave corner lof FrOBt and Red -Cross streets at 5J50 A. M., tor Union Depot, in order to connect with the Northern bound train, making the usual stop pages at the hotels and boarding houses Leaving Union Depot on the arrival of the Southern train, la the-evening will leave corner of Front and Red Cross streets at 5:45 P. MM making the usuoal stoppages,- leaving Union Depot on the arrival of tho Northern train. . Will leave corner ol Red Cross and Front at D:G0 P. M., to meet the Southern Train. , RtotTLAa. Schidtjx. During the day the Cars will run from 6:33. A. until 8 P. M., al towing 15 minutes between each turnout ; and tor the lurthtr accommodation of the public, one car will be run until 11:20 P. M. each day. DANIEL KLEIN, mar 31-tf . Proprietor. NEXT WEDNESDAY ! WEDNESDAY NEXT! A LOOK OUT FOR WEDNESDAY ! COMING WEDNESDAY ! march 3l-tf For Sale, fTUIREE PRIME DEAY HORSES , ' NO BETTER IN THE CITY. i . 1 - - ... .. . 1 ' ' Apply to . ! ' - - -i-, " ' '- ' I march 31-tf O. G4PAR3LEY A Qp. V Fresh Goods. IflfS are constantly receiviair Fresh Goods YY In oar line. Our choice Goshen . Batter ana pari. Leaf Lard, in bulk and tierce,, can not be excelled. Sugar Curtd Hams, sresh Crackers of different kinds, various grades of Tea 4, sugars and (XnTee, ana all other articles usually kept in a first-class Grocery. C xnh30-U . WEST H ABBIS8. Wholo Ho. 1,412 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. H. BTJRKHIMER, y - wHoiYtraiTYB ana . ' "- R WT ATT, DllLVR I Tobacco, Sniiff ; AND P SEGAES. Slum or the Indian Chief, " marSl-tf . lVo. 6 Varket St. Merchants Attention ! "Y"oUE QUARTERLY TAX,nnder Schedule B, is due and payable on MONDAY, TDE 1st APBIL, and must be paid at my office during the week ending 6th of April, 1872. . J. W. SCHE1TCK, Jr., ' Sheriff. mar 3Ltf 1 he Saviour's Instruction. The manner in which the Saviour commu nicates instruction is suited to impart knowl edge to those who desire it. who seek lor it. as men seek for silver, and search for it as they do for hi laen treasures ; while those wno aespise it, ne leaves in ignorance, oarK ness, degredatlon ana death. . " The Hidden Life of the Soul, The Angel in the Cloud, The Words and Mind of Jesus, ' " The Devout Christian's Help, For sale at ". . HEINSBTCRQETt'S Live Book and Music store. march 31 tf Notice. T. HE Annual Election of Vestrymen for St. J ames' Parish, will be held in the Vestry room of the Church to morrow (Easter Monday), 1st April, from 12 to 2 o'clock, mar 3l-lt JAMES ANDERSON", Sec'y. The Excelsior Gaiter, C10METHING NEW, - CALL AND SEE IT ! DUDLEY & ELLIS, Sign of the Biz Boot. mar 31 -tf , P. O., WILMINOTOy, Bf. C, i March 31, 1M2. J From this date the mails will close as fol lows: Northern Morning Mail.........; 5 A.M. Northern Night MalL 8 P. M. Southern Mail 8 P. M mar 31-tf ED. R. BRINK. P. M. E.F. Coe's SUPER PHOSPHATE, OR BONE MANURE Only a few tons left irom last cargo. -For sale by - O. G. PARSLEY 4 CO. march 31-tf Corn, Oats and- Flour. gQQQ BUSHELS CORN, rj QQ(J BUSHELS OATS, 200 BBLS FIiOUIt' For sale by ' F. W. KERCHNER, mar 0-tf 27, 23 and 23 North Water St. Nails, Soap and Candles. 5QQ KEGS NAU.V JiiSO B0XES S0A? fcrjg boxescandLes, For sale 'by F. W. KERCHNER, mh31-tf 27, 28 and 2$ North Water St. Bob White Flour. PJQQ BBLS. BOB WHITE FLOUR, For sale by : . F.W. KKECIINER, mh 31-tf 27, 28 and 29 Nortb Water St. : : : Mackerel ! Mackerel ! ! 150 BBLS., HALF BBLS AND KITS MACKEREL. For sale bv F. W. KERCHNER, mh 31-tf 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. Concord Chapter. No. 1. rpEERE will be a meeting of Concord Chap ter No. 1, on Monday night, 1st Inst., for work in the M. E. M. Degree. ' C.W.OLDHAM, WiLMisGToir, March 31, 1 872-1 1 , Sec'y. '.'.' 1 il'. Saddlery. X LL KINDS OF SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, And everything in the line of Saddlery Goods cheat) rtr cash at p ' J. S. TOPHAM ft CO.8, No. 8 South Front street, febfr-tfnac , , . WUmlneton, N. C Tax Notice. - THE Board of Trustees for the Township of Wllmiagton will proceed, on 1st April, at the City Hall, in the city of Wilmington, Be tween the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 P. si., to list the taxable lands and assessment as directed by the First Section of an Act of the 17th of January, 1872, entitled an Act. to provide lor the collection of Taxes by the State, Ac .All persons and corporations within this Townsaip are required by law to give in their taxables, and attend at the above time and place, for the purpose specified, within 20 days, under the penalty. of AiOuBLE TAX, unless satisfactory encase therefor bejdven to the County Commissioners. . - ... ; By order of the Board, this 26th Mai eh, 1872. ,-;'. -; ;' 8. TvPOTTS, v-;w mar2'-nac5t "u Clerk. XIT EDDIHQ CABD8 AHD VISITING YY CARDS printed in the most elegan style, at WM. H. BERNARD'S Printing and Publishing House, r ; : BATES OF ADTKBTIIIHO I Onsan&reone da?4 .......... I 0 rtiMii I OV -:-- three days,......M............ S 0i rout' dft.:. - EC m i nTedjnrs.: 8 00 1V " - onewoekv.... t 80 r Contract AdTeTtiBemenU taken at pro . DOrtlonalalT low rates. llarrlagea. Deaths. Eelnriona. runeral and OWtnary notioea will be Inserted at half rates waen paia iot in advance ; otoerwue inu rates wiu be charged. .... . - TnxaC&sh on demand. 7, . MtSOBIXANEOPB. CONCERT, v TO BE GIVEN" BY'PERTORMERS OF THE highest skill in the city, in: aid oLtne LADIES' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. ON TUESDAY EVENING NEXT, 2nd APRIL, AT THE OPERA HOUSE. All lovers of good, music, and all persons desiring to aid In the Charity so osiential to the comfort of our numerous Poor, will, it is hoped, be Induced to encourage this timely ( effort to replenish' the nearly exhausted ' Treasury of the Society. Tickets may be had at each of the Look Stores, the Dru Stores and at several of the principal places of business on Frost and Market streets. ..- Price ol Single Tickets 75 cents each: Chll. dren 5) cents; Upper Gallery jjQ cents. Boatscan be secured at P. Helnsberger's Book and Muslo Store at 25 cents extra, march 28-5t ; 100 KITS Extra No. 2 Mackerel. which we are offering at the Low Price of. $150 per Kit. . 20 Welch Tubs No. 1 Cooking But ter at 15 cts. per pound. 150 BARRELS "EHPIUE,5' IT HAS NO EQUAL. QUA V A JELL Y, At . GEO, MYERS', mar l7-tt 11 and 13 8o. Front Street. Butter! Butter! FRESH SUPPLY OI5 THE CHOICEST GILT EDGE" Just received and for sale by maich 2G-tf . DxROSSET t CO. J. & E. SAMSON, 4 3 MABE!T 8XBEET, H: AVE JUST RECEIVED PART OF THEIR . SPRI.G STOCK, consisting of full line WHITE GOODS, SUCH AS YENOSE SATIN STRIPES, Dolly varden Piqnes, , VIENNA SATTEENS, Striped and Cbeched. VIC LAWNS, ORGANDIES, Swiss Halls, India Book, COREGAN STRIPES, &c, &c Also, a full line of Dress Goods, Silk Tourist Parasols, and all such Goods as are usually kept In a FIRST.CLASS DRY GOODS STORE, march 21-tf PTJRCELL HOUSE, J.R. DATIS, Proprielor. Feom THIS DATE, the rates for Trans ent Boarders are i 00, 3 00 or $2 50 per day, ac cording to location and rooms. Day Board ers, $8 00 per week. Janxl-tf Altavela Phosphate, JQQ TONS of TniS SUPERIOR FERTILIZER. For sale on most favorable terms for cash, on time, or in exchange for cotton on crop time. marS-lm WORTH A WORTH. Fertilizers. J3ERUVIAN GUANO, PHOSPHO PERUVIAN GUANO, SEA FOWL GUANO, Z ELL'S &UrER PHOSTHATE W. ft C. SUPER PHOSPHATE, WUITLOCK'3 VEGETATOB, All Standard Fertilizers and. Recommended for sale by ' mar 17-D4 W3w MURRAY ft CO. " THE CELEBRATED - . . . . y , ' "VICTOR"' KID CJjOVES ARE STILL SELLING AT ONE D O L L AJl A PAIR -x x AND W Aj R R A N T E D a: x. brow- ' Exchange Corner. march 3-tf Drugs and Hedicines. PAINTS AND OILS, GLASS and PUTTY, Varnishes, all kinds; Colors of Every Description; White Lead. . , , For sale low a mhSO-tf GREEN ft FLANKER'S. : : V . Barber Shop. JOE TURNER ..would respectfully Inform his friends and the public generally that he has taoroafirnly refitted, his establishment in the rear of Mr. Range's 8aloon. and is now prepared, with .the best of 'workmen, to ac commodate his customerain all the various branches of his business, such as shaving, hair-cutting, shampooing, Ac., in the neatest manner and on as reasonable terms as any shop in the city . oct7;tf

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