; .THE MORrXXNG OTAL, - PUBLISHED DAILY, WM. If BERNARD Editor and Iropr, Otrioa, Dawson Bank Buildings, Front St. One year,' In advance...? ........? 00 Sir months. In advance........ 8 50 Three months, In advance..... ........... 00 Onovnontu, la advance. .............. ...... 73 The Mobkino Stab will bo delivered In any part of the City at FirrxsH Ckkts per week. jUETEOUOLOUICAL, UECORU. ltaconv eterr. Ther-! Time. mom- Wind. ; Weather cter. 7 a. Jr. 2 P. M. 0 P. M. 30.28 0:03" ,61. 53 SW.L'Kht Cloudy SW UihklCloudy Calm Rata Mcun Terop. ofdaj, 12 ev.r . ' " , Horn. -All tmromvtrle reidiDK w reduced o tliP nca-levcrand to, S3 dei:reis Fahrenheit. r.ouJtttT Sat bot ff, Seru't Signal Service U; 8. A. Weatber Report."' ". ' ' W AK DEPAKTilKNT, i - ' OfHce of Chief Bipnal Ofilcer, Washington, April 34:85 p. U. J - IYobabilitie. " : Clear weather with -northerly winds will prevail very generally , North., acd Northwest uftbe Ohio valley aod over the Middle aDd New England States, with rising barometer, probably extend (Southward over the- lo ttriur of tbe Southern States; Cloudy weath er with rain will probably continue over tbe South Atlantic and Gulf States; Brh-k north crly winds are probable for the lower like re gion tonight. 'J' . - Dangerous winds aro nol anticipated. r iiio Healu Coom . Of the, WilmlXLKton JJUrary Association ii cpcn daily dnrin the week from 10 A. M. to 1 1 M , f toin 4 to 8 P.' M., u,na . iron 7H to 10 i-.AU -v. ?-:..'- . :.- ' ' " , I III II , I'ltorir-iuLK AiVariaJ.o. ' Wts cUl the uttentloa of the business men it Wilmington' to thb superior advantages jiereJ by . . , .- , : 1 ; - , THE WEEKLY STAB, ! ;o;ui advertising medtumu .. IC-has, without exception, the Largest Circulation of any pub-' iicdtioaiu WlJmlnjjton; and we can Batl&fyv any one that it baa no equal aa a medium of ..Mil litiloj.t.ion with th nnnnlA rf t h . tutu I dldUicu now trading with Wilmington.' t. . We bollolt a call from those who wish to j.Iaco their business promloently before the people of this section, confident that we can utfer lad uoo meats that cannot fall to please. .j;w AiVitrisiSa&x2Mrs. L)udl,kt & Eixis, Sign of the Big Boot ljditfs Moroco'Laced Oaiters.; ' ' ' ' . Cap Feab Bcldino Co. Lost Three Ac count Books. . T. D. MEAiss-SmUhtUl Steamboat Com- Mcsbon & Co By a Grape Vine Telegraph ClothiOg.'. ' -rr-...".. r ."! Fauiur'' Electric Ague Curb A' Medl cine that N ever Fails. ' -' J. W.'&chenck, Jb., A Co. General Com misfciou Merchants. ," $ . vf " T. D. Meares Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Co. No. i. f r ; F. W. KEitcnHBR Hay, Hoop Iron, Flour, Molasses, &c. . - . r . 1 - T. Dj ijEABES Steamer Wacaamair W. J. Putter, llaater.. y : ' ' V. J. Ci Stevessos 5,000 ruujds'N. C. Hog UoucdOrangea and Lemons. WllnilnKt4Ma Ji. C. f.lfe Inauraaee .. Compsny, j ' .. The Ualeigh SentUid ol Wednesday says : We understand that this reliable home la u ranee company are about to Increase their, capital stock o f 500,000;. and . will , soon ebUblUh a central agency la this clt." The fact that'Col. R. n. Cowan,, ot Wilmington, is the. President of the company is alone bufficleuttbglre it thecoufidence of the people throughout the entire ; State. .. CapC F. H. Oauieroo, the Secretary, Is at present in bur city. The Cap Vain is regarded as one of the best and roost succeesini insurance men oi me Soaih.' JTbe company are tery fortunate . in o'jtaluiug tire services of such a con?petent cfllccr. ' : . "" . ... ; ; .7 .' ' r For Settllnjc Coffee. C?"-- " I A piece of icodUsh-ekio, the aize of a penny, wttshed thoroughly and dropped In the boil in l; coffee, will maae it perfectly clear, and re" qaires lees coffee and less boiling than when egg is used. A very Economical -way of set tling cotlee with eygf, ia to brown a pound at odcc; immedUlely upon taking. H from tbe oveu, break on the hot'coQeo one egg, . 6tir rapidly uutil every kernel becomes moistened with Hi u cijg ; tiie.he&t of the coffee.wlll soon tlry it, it ii reody for use. luvitailoM Accepted- ... ;;, s j " , f The Cape Ftar Steam iFire Engine . Cmpa uyNo. S .of the colored fire department of this city, have received an invitation TfO visit Ctiarleston u .the occasion of. tne Second AunujlTouruamenttOf the colored "Firemen's Unlou" of that place and to be' their guests' during their stay in the city. The tournament takes place on Monday, tiie 20ih of ) May, aod prizes will be awarded to the three most successlui companies. .The ".'Cape Fear" Com-paoy-,bave accepted the invitation," and ! of course will be expected to take .theirenglne aud hose reel lib tBeml I ' ' i'f " ' . mim " Kexarding fog horns," the Secretary of Treas ury states that Upon full consideration ho is of opinion that the intention of the Act or Con fess of 27Lh February, is to leave the selec tion of Inch IdUrumeols to masters or owners oisauiug viksels.. He therefore , revokes bis fvfiuua uiuer aesignaupgiihe Andersoir x Van Trump fog-horn as the standard 'Instru ment for'; use jn all water craft other , than Ittara vessels. ' ; . ,. -v. :,t' . The Baltimore iufr wiiaiictu cjteam- iipxtB.th ,: " "-a- : The Baltimore Sun. of , MoodayJ says : The iraae between Baltimore and .VVllmlnrton ' ' C, has Increased to such an extent as to in duce the proprietors ofThlsJlne of sleanahps to dispatch a steamer from each port regular- y twice a week. Hereafter f a steamer win leave Baltimore for Wilmington evert Wednea. day and Saturday. ' Thla is "a aratlfylnic evi- deuce of the increase of trade tetween tlitrtwo ports-. " t;,!: v.. !. 'r Shipping arUcles .for'sale it thi'offle'e of j 1 I I U 1 - - 1 - 1 ' . . I ... .. ., . , ,.. v . I . I I I 4 I . . I ,1 i . - : ! I X X : I . i lli 1 V. X " I . I " " : - g II 1 .. I I - II - , ......... , -1 i M II - - ... ,. . ::; I - t f . : . - ( L, i N' . . . i . . .' sv.-- n . OJ- -a- N Hc ii Al-.ll. Alo, Voi.'"2-iTb. it : wninuGTon. n.c.; Thursday, npnn. 4. 1079.- rhni nrt t air IjOTAI lit) (ft. ' ) April showers are noflr In'order 1; V;: ;f-The -delectable - A.- G. : Thornton,-Taf FaTettevlllc. jfft. i0 the eit. TeterdaV-r The Lydla Thompsou Troupe la to appear in Raleigh oa the 10th Inst. ' i - '- , . , ' ' Preaching at the First Baptist Church to- night (Thursday) at 8 o"oclock. I . v . -.-. . . ., . i . .. ... yt Will aooie one favor us with a oxipv of the election law, passed by the last Legisla ture? . " ".r?S, - . .Here is the alphabet : ',. John P. Brady gave me a black walnut box of quite email size.. vxvj "' : The regular monthly meeting of Wil mingtouS. F. E, Company , No. l5wlll take, place this evening, at 8 oclock; . - Messrs. G. Boney'& Son, of Dunlin Road shipped 1,300 ndoa;n eggs , during the month just closed. ' " ' ;1 During the month of March the yarioua' butchers or this city slaughtered 172 bee yea, S87 hogs, 13 calves and 1 sheep. ' The listing of city taxes is going on In the room at the City Hall formerly occupied by the Library Association. ; I"; . - v . . ; .!-! In accordance Vwlthvlhe -prediction dl ' Old ProbabIIItlee,n It'was ralulog in tfaese xoquiry is , rue as to 1 when the new amateur-dramatic - association: of thla- Hir T Intend to give th.lr first entertainment. We hope to bear from our young friends soon. - ' - The dwelling on Princess street, nearly opposite the Journal office, Is In process of demollUonflt being the Infentioa oO Mr. H. E. Evan?, of " this cliy.fto build three brick stores 6ri the premises- . ' , r t 't . -7 At the regular monthly meeting of the Mechanics' Building and Loan 'Association, held at the Commercial Exchange last night, 27 shares of stock were redeemed at 1120 per share. .-. . ":-. " ' The poll tax for State and County purT poses collected In NewHanover last year amounted to only about $1,200, out of a voting populationbrfc,000. - Of this ' amount,' about 1900 went to the school fund. .' Attention is called tq the article from the Raleigh News, to be found in another part of this paper, ' In reference tor the College of Phytic ana and Surgeons. It will be seen tha,t the College (Is attracting attention and elicit ing favorable comment abroad.. , A Flylnsr JLeap A Sketeb from 1.1 fe on tne Cape tear. A day -or two since, while 1 the steamer TVaccamaw was engaged In towing the Rebecca Clyde np to this city, .a rather ramarkable Incident occurred. ' A light house boat, con taining six men, was attached to -i the stern of the Clyde for the purpose of being towed up, and when off against Big Island, a few miles below the city, a . U. 8, Mall boat, containing two men, came up alongside with the Inten tion of securing like assistance in reaching the city. Owing to the speed .with which the vessel was going, however, the line which was thrown was not caught by those, on .the Clyde anc the boat in consequence drifted astern of the vessel and in between ' her and the light house boat, when, by some sudden impelling force, unaccountable to all who witnessed tbe strange freak, the latter boat, with the six men on hert was jerked clear of thrwater and passsd entirely over the mall boat and alighted ou the other side; and, stranger still, while the light house' boat was making this flying leap, through space, one of ths two men in the other boat, thinking she would surely be sunk, made a sadden spring for life and landed safely in tbe boat attached to the Clyde, leaving hla companion to make tbe best of his way to the city by himself. Neither of the boats were injured by the cir cumstance, and tbe boat; that leaped so gin gerly over the olher actually shipped no water. We get these particulars from persons who were on the Waccamaw at the time . and say they witnessed- the remarkable incident related. . . j. : '-' : City Coart. ' ,i -i'J The following cases were disposed of yes terday morning: " i Thomas Kahnweiler; Charged with stealing Bibles from. Capt. E. P.r George, r. was foandi guilty and judgment rendered for the penalty and costs. Mayor sepectially recommended to remit on defendant's obtaining a guardian and undertaking' tolearn u trade, and giving secu rity lor his gqodJeibaTior ; otherwise the above penalty to be enforced as the law dl rects. . , . . .. , ,, -v-.' -. t John J. Bell, chargdd with receiving Bibles stolen frem E. PvGeorge, knowing them to be stolen. '' Judgment for the penalty and costs'. Mayor recommended, to remit on. the payment of costs. -.' - : .' '' .... 8tate .John J. Bell,' charged. Vith .pitty larceny, Judgmentsuspended on the pavment of costs. -' ' - " :"' Etate vs. Thomas JKahnweller, charged with petty' larceny. ' Judgment suspended on the payment of costs. ; ,: ; x : j . :- State v.W. Gordon, charged with assault and battery on Cass Mott with a pistol.' Defendant required to give bond in the sum of f 200 for his appearance at the next term of the 8ape rlor Court. ... - ; : ' . . .... .... : Xi more vonTicie io tarn now uaiw ,...i Four colored prisoners, - convicted at -the late term of the Superior Court in, Wayne counfy,. were brought to this lty yesterday evening, heavily Ironed, for the purpose of be ing furnished quarters" ia .theCounty Work House. Their tames; the "crimes committed and the term of im'prisonment of - each, as we had It from the lips of the parues, arenas rot lows r Wm. Adams; assault Vand""batterjt";";2 months ; 0w en Stephens, larceny, 6 moBths ; enry Woods, larceny, 6 months ; - PJnkney Pricr, larceny, J2!: months. Th.ey are "all hearty, able-bodied men. They were locked up in tbe Guard House 'for the night and will be taken to their future quarters .this morn- - Tashlon shcsessful affection'. , t ?T.4'i :-'m, . ;.' . ;. -, ,-v ABvmer vsacerl. ; . . : ;. J. ; ; . Por readers should bear In mind that there will be a grand concert at the Opera 'House to-morrow evening,- for the benefit bf the First Baptist Sunday School, on which occasion ll'lle Di Frama will slog some of her beat aongsProf. Rueckert wl do fils teat 'on the violin and clarlonetie and Prot' Deuck! wlU preside at the piano. These well known art Is'ta will be assisted by he best amatenr talent of the cltyi' and altogether the cxramunlty may expect a rich muaical treat. For price bf admission and other partlcluars, see idver tieemcnt In another column. ' '"" ' ,Our.Cblp Baalcet. .1. i:" rr ' Manners are the shadows of virtue. A'good square meal a soda cracker. Dry, isn't it?' - w -'..v .:. : ; - .-r What even a teetotaller mast come to at last -hla bier- r'' r ; (.'"-' . -Alrl with a "ringlcg-Jaugh caused an alarm of fire the other day. .. She was a belle'.:V 4 ;-- T.oung X 'iii'aaSX mkrora In their lockets, thus carrying with them the re flection of the face thy joye best.'. . ; - v Sojaaetlmes BeecnVr gives us bright words. 'GodpardensUavs hefilke a mother, who kisses the offence into: everlas ting u forgetful- nesa." . . ; ' sininit... l-- A juvenile lieorglan v,was petitioning for . . DreQ previous to retiring,: wnen he was.- interrnpte by his younger brother, who whispered, ' rf Ask for cake, Johnny, ask for cake." -' ;. i' ' ; " .. -' A gentleman having written a letter; con- cludedlt as follows ; "Glfe everybod'sy love to everybody, so that nobody may be aggrieved bnypoay bfng forgotten by somebody.'' Io an old cemetery In St. Louis is a moss- covered tombstone on" which a single hsnd points heavenward, and beneath is the Inscrip tion, "Gone up." That was graven before the phrase became "slank." ' : ,r , " For Bale' or Bent. : 'If you have a hoase or farm for sale pr rent J advertise it In our iiew department, under head of For Sale or Rent" at half of our reg ular ratesv for. advertisements not exceeding five lines. ' ' ' - ; SPIRITS OF TUKPENTI1ID. iie 'eolorecf 'thechanics - of R0eigh are to organize ft Laborers' Union. -r . Raleigh haa V a . side of pork weighing 158 pounds. , j . Wakej issued 12 . marriage licenses daring Uarch. , ' - i ' 'beoldeldon'Hptei- will be reopenedand christened the ! New . Emry Hoase the 1st of May. - ' 'i w. Mr. Parker Overby, an old citizen of Raleigh, fell dead in his store on Tuesday evening. ; A-58berman' cangbt 15,000 herring at two hauls near -Newbern on Monday. v- . , ; ' . -.York Lattimoro and - Jerry Thompson were arrested and confined in jail at Rutherford ton, on Thursday of last week; charged with the murder of Samuel Martin. . . J : 4 .... . - . 1 : The ? Banbnry Reporter says: On Monday last a little boy three years 01a, son oiJtir. Dtepnen itierBon, near tnis place, fell into the fire, .when no one was in tbe house, and "was ' so badly burned that he died 09 Tuesday night, v. . v Tbe principal ' business of tbe Court yesterday,.says theNewbern Times was in the divorce line, there being two cases decided as follows : Cornelia Estes is. Chelsea L.vEstes ; and Nancy From ville""t Prompey Fromville.- Divorces jwere granted to plaintiffs in both cases. . The Newbern Times ol Wed-! nesday says:. Mr. Lewis G. Taylor's house and contents on; the Neuse road, seven miles from Newbern, "was destroyed by fire yesterday. The house caught from a burning.tra8b pile in the yard. -Loss about $1,000. No insurance.'? ' A'i' Falkland (Pitt Co tinty) cor respondent of the Raleighf Newt sayf .: noted character in this, county ' known, as Free "Jim," an old issue free negro, stab-1 bed and Kiliea Dennis may, aiso coioreg, on the premises of Alfred May, Esq., near Farmville, a few days since. An old feud existed for some time past between the parties,' said to have been caused by Jim's being a Conservative voter. .. . He was bound over to the Saperior Court. Tbe lJ Rutherford ; Vindicator says : A murd erous assault was committed on Friday, the 22d ult., at a road working in tbe tipper part of this county; by a man named Smith on a son of Mr. M. Koone. There had been some misundersiariding and Smith broke - Koone's skull wit ha rock. Drs. Harris and Rector were called in, and on Sunday they trephined him, and it was hoped he would improve, but to tbe last accounts was hot able to speak. Smith tried to escape but -was arrested and brought to jaif. ' ; J j , ' .... ., - A Helanelioly Bresk-Oown-There are lively break-downs that make aa audience laagn, and there are sad and sorrowful break downs that make the klnd-hearred grieve. To when neglected, oor orten terminates in atrnnhv and death. A wholesome medicated stimulant is the one thing needed In cases of this description, and scleace and experience unite in pointing to Pulytatioh Bitters as tnetruespeclac. The fact tnat it combines the properties of an invigorant with tnose of a regulator and alteiatlverin exactly the pro portions necessary to produce a radical change ia tbe tone of the system, and the ac tion of the digestive and secretive organs, is an unanswerable argument in its favor as a general restorative, i v- t i . fc .- V '.' . M. D. - ". : Don't stand aRhastwith awe and fear, eyes wide open, hair on end and lingers tightly clinched, with the idea that these mysterious eymbols are cabalistic signs and represent some secret organization of masked demons, who carry terror and dismay with their mid- felght prowlings and disperse on tbe dawn of morning. Not Tney are only the Initials of Dr. fierce' Golden Meaicai Discovery, that pleasant medicine wnlch ns acquired a Na tional repatatioiutadr proven ao tdcacions in Congns, Colds, Bronchitis, Consoiaption and kindred diseases, t For these complaints it has no eqaaL Sold by all druggists, itu x 8 the latter class neiongs tne enervation or body and mind which is usually called M general debility." or nervous weakness," and wnich. -'NEW : ADVERTISEMENTS. .... FARRAR'S ELiKCTRIC A-N B f -A G U E C U R E . -"A ilipICINK THAT NSYER FAILS'! : A ure VTAURANTLD or the : -j ;; Money Ret nrned. ' : orrrca ov ' n Wilmington, j&. c., March soth, vAl. The North CatOIitia. Vi11Mno1 r.nm this cily, having fully satisfied themselves of the very grtat value of the medicines known as rarrars Ague Cure for the cure of chills and Fever and Farrar Electric lor the cure of Iibeumatiam, liptheria and other kindred complaints, - have purchased the exclusive right.4wim .certain, limitations) to u-aaufac-ture and vend them tn the Uni' ed 8ta es. These medicines can be obtained 01 the Drug Rists, 'who are instructed, in ad cases, to re f ana the money paid lor them if they fail to effect a cure. v, -. ' . ... , t in confirmation of thix views' they Enbjoln the folio wing ceitiflcates. - : . . , .f JOliN aicRAE, Secretary. . '!wiLMIN GTON CSftTIXICATES :. ' ' We have sold over three hnndrtd bottles of the above preparations since January sth ; bad. only one pottle returned, it gies us pleasure to commndthtm to the p a biie.. . I , Wholesale Druggists, Wilmington, jf. C. We have sold Farrar's Ague Cure and Elec- trie only a short time, but from the increased demand we are convinced hey are meaicinea of great merit. They are warranted to cure or money refunded, which shows tho cond xltnce of tho Company, and we oheenullv re commend them. ."".' rr- MCILHENHT WRIGHT, .. Wno.esale Drugista. .Farrar's Electric and Ague Cure are now for sale in our store. 'Ihe conditions are no enre, no pay. No other medicines sold by ns offer huch inducements; are glad now our koutbern people can gee value received for their money. Try thei. , . . 1 AS. W, LIPP1TT, with ; JNU. U VOOTEtt. rr. I have tried Farrar's Agne Cure for chills and fevers. . One bottle eared me. ,, ;-, . A. D. BLACK. Using two bottles of Farrar's Electrio for Rheumatism, after having tested other reme dies, l hereoy certify that, in my case, it proved an effectual cure. ' - TtlOS. T. 8EEDERS, . -. i. . 'roreman Journal Office. v i J One annllefttion of Vki-rara Electric relieved tne of a severe headache. ,t JOSH, . T JAMES. : - MANUFAO-1URED IN WILMINGTON. . C AND SOLD BY ALL DltUQULSTS. f : April 4-law3mos Th. . , , : ; i jj. w; SCOENCK, Jr. A CO., General Commission Berenants and t CommerciAl Agents, .:.' 3 . ( CORNER DOCK AND WATER STREETS jr "Wilmington, V. C., ' ' ; Will give prompt and personal attention to j ,' the sale or shipment ot . 4 NATAL STORES,' JUNIPER STATES and all kinds of COUNTR1 BRODUCE, 4c, A i Orders for sale'of produce or .purchase of Goods will be promptly attended to, and to the best advantage to our customers. We are also receivin g large consignments of :: - AIX GBADES OF ii4uOBS, '' ' which, we are prepared to sell at wholesale at I '- THE LOWEST1 CASH PRICES:. . ; 'i;D.dee2ttf--WJanii Hoop Iron, Spirit Casks .ft: T;ls:;l and glue; - 2600 b.dls oop ion' 1500 SP1EIT caskSi 150 EBLS. GLUE. - r Forsaie Dy ; - "':. .u F. W. RERCHNE ' ap 4-tf 17, 28 and 29 North. Water t. Flour, Coffee & Sugars. l4300B-;" T l g HHDS. and Bbbls. P. R. and Refined AXJKJ sugars, For Bale by ' ' apr 4-tf 27, s and 29 North Water 8t. Holasses! "Holassesi I ; ....... -j. .. . . Oft HHDS. AND BBLS. SUGAR HOUSE jaQxj MOLASSES, r . f fTT Hhds, and BDls. CUBA 1IOLASSE3, sf For sale by - ---. r , ;j , if.W. KERCHNNER, apr 4-tf ; ;-2723 and 29 North Water bt t i t BfelHIHayl f Kf BALES HAY, AtlV ti iap : -e. . F. W. KERCI1NER. 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. . '-,..1:0.8 :T! JDETWEEN Ofloe of Cape fear. Building! Company and W., C and Rutherford Bailread depOtTTHEEB ACCOUNT COOES The finder will be paid for return to loser at office of. j c ' ' cap? fear building co, april 4-lt i -.'mZr- Princess Street Wilmington Steam Fire i ' Engine Co. , no."lf: REGULAR IMONTHLT MEETING AT 8 o'clock this evening. , . ,r- J-v-t -sr..-i.tv.-v;r..i) T. D. MEARES, " . april 4-lt-'v. i..;-. Recording fecy. ; THE STARnJ - Steam Job Printing Houso .; t- - ) c COMPETENT WORKMEN , v-: THE' BEST MATERIAL. i 1 t REASONABLE PRICES 1 1. FOX 5- , 0.1 t.-rr SUPERIOR WORK Clvo Oosh rirrial. 4 pr 4-nactf ::. ; ' - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.' ' . I BI A GE1PE-YINE mEBBAU ;.. JS are informed that our splendid stock ' TOX O T H J N gt; Will not ArriTO UnlYl To-Day, By Saturday, therefdrer we can supply all waiting customers, and others. '' 1 ; " munsoita co- ! apra-tf City Clothiers. OFFICE OF WlLMlDiWTOlf AKD ' i i t 6MITHV1LLK bTEAMBirAT CO.' l! Avail. 1st. 1871. ; A T R meeting of tbo Board'or Directors thl8 a eBdard?cU?rdof -j-" CT vi iaare, pa.yu.uie on and after "the 1st day olJ nne m transportation. T - Tickets wUI be made transferable. : n ;.;.fi; T. .D. HE ARES. s.-i... .. . . - . secretary. ,aprU4-lt Steamer : Waccamaw, ft -W. J. POTTEB, Master,' "TTTIEL leave the wharf foot of Dock street IT on Monday, Apru 8Mi, at 8 o'clock, and m uesoay, Apru tn, at s o'ciock, to carry pas sengers who desire to attend Court at bmitiv ville. ;;.-;.':..-,.. :v-3. ...... . Jtetnrn trips during the week will be ar- rangerxo puit-tne csnvemenoe or lawyers . : . Fare each way, at 00. : X. 1). MEARES, - ap4.lt General Agent. 5,000 Pounds , N. O. "H O G R Q.UJ D; ORANGES AWP I.EJIOKS, . j '. - ' ' - V''.'' ' ' I ... ; J. C. STEVENSON'S, ; apr4-tf '"Market, bet. Front and 8eoond. Ladies' Morocco yACED BOOT3, j " : : For every day wear, - ' : " Warranted to Last. DUDLEY a KLLiS. For sale by ap4 S-tf : Sign of the Rig Boot. Shields', Eye. Wash, , . C" -: MAJruraOTTraBD by . -. Mas. 8UE W. CASH WELL, Wilmington, N.C NE of the most effective remedies for V-r 1MLAU1SD, AND WEAK EYES, ever offered to the public jTor sale by all Druggists In the city. Price GREEN A FLANNER,Wholesale Agents, ' . dec 14-nacUw Th 47 Market street. v Saddlery, v JjLL KINDS OF SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, j And everything in the line of Saddlery Goods cheap lor cash at - J. S. TOP HAM & CO.S, ; " i No. 8 Sonth Front street, ' feb 6-tfhac Wilmingtoa, N, C ' MISCELLANEOUS.. H. BURKHIMER. Wholbsaxs and RSTAIL DBALKB lit J.r - jjt.-ia . SEGARS. ; i f Siirn of the Indian Cnief, r ; ; marSl-tf - So. g MarfceS St. j : the celebrated ' VICTOR" KID GLOVES ARE STILL SELLING AT ONE D OLL AfVL A PAIR AND ; FT R R A N ' T E J)J , march 3 tf . Exchange Coraer.; ; Butter! Butter !; A FRESH. SUPPLY OF THE CHOICEST ; . r.; .t ; ;. . -. -G ILT EDQE " r Just received and for Sale by ' maich 26-tf ( DaBOBSET dr CO. For Sale rjTHREE PRIME DRAY HOBSESr- ... ... ,. . ; ; NO BETTER IN THE CUT. march Jl-tf . .1 O. G. PARSLEY COr Jledicines ! He(iioiiie I Ve are receiting per STEAMER : Rad way's SarsaparillH Rad way's Relief and ; ! PUls, Simmona Liver Regulator, Hollo way's, Flemming'a.and Bardotte's , ' Worm Confections, Tefmifuges. Ac. Ac.,; Ac. and Lavander Waters,' Genuine Lubln's Ex tractor ftVT cl, sold byi j V J; . : v; v f -' 1 ' ; .:., McILHENN.Y 4 WRIGHT. , . Druggists and Pharmacists, . : .: ,mar284f ; ' ' ' , ' -Lippitt's Corner. I n 3 - ITotice. i - rriHE partnership heretofore existing . be ' JL-tweenth onderslgoed, under the -name oiRnmp. A Meyer, was diolv d by mutual consent On the 28tn day of March, 172. '.- John saeyer wl 1 continue tbe busines?. and is alone authorized to receive payment of any debts due to and will settle all debts and lia- JHUties due Dy said nxm,. - - - -f - C W. B. RUM P marcliJMt JOHN MEYER. 'ir -rfi' i niSTT'", i ' 3 Tobacco, r' i "iV. i i ivioriMf.- II. .: , AliD HATES OF AD YKSJISIBG . SI 0 ...... A OW four days... ....,., 2 66 live davs..... SOO " : one.weeav..M. S 80 Contract Ad-rertiMin en ta iiWm atnro portionately low rates. ?. ;r v Marriajrea. Death. itAiKHona. rimmi Obituary notices wul be Inserted at half rates ZJrtFir Ior ia advance i otherwise full rates wlllbeeharged. .;. ..,-.rr. v..j.- XTsxxs uaaa on demanjL. ? AUCTION SALES. (pjActwner. By C'RONLT A BOSSIS, " COMMISSIONER'S SALE, ' Account and Risk of Former ' .' . J Parchaer. . , SATURDAY, APRIL 6tb, 1872. ft': m fcTTT Olt vrtn rrr . VY attwt .- - n. . JL Court of New Hanover County, the under signed will expose for sale, at Public Auction, On Saturday; April Ctlij 1872, at Exchange Comer) at 11 o'clock A, M., for and on account tf former purchaser,' he Hav ing failed to comply with the Terms of Sale, HOUSE AKD LOT-59x1S6 Feet, Beginning at the intersectfon ' of Castle and bxith greets, and rnnning thence In a bouth wardly . lrectionlio feet, thence in a west wardiy coorsa or parallel. with Castle 8treet w icet, tntn-e in a northwardly direction 130 eet to Castle, street, thence east wardiy U foet to the beginning. " - v., . , - T E.RSI B CASH., M. CRONLT, v " Commissioner. apr 3-ts M1SOELLANEODS. Garden Seed I Garden Seed ! A-jroTHKa strrrLV 'or Beet, Radish, Melon, Cucumber, Squash, Cab- ' ' bage and Spring Turnip Seed. r PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND PUTTY, at april 2-tf GREEN ft FLANNER'S. 1Q0 KITS :' t Extra lio. 2 Mackerel, .. V-) ir.,i. vi. 1 .:. which we are offering at the Low . Price of $1 50 per Kit. h20 Welch; Tubs No.' 1 CookiDg But- ter at 15 cts. per pound. 150r BARRELS EMPIRE," ; IT HaS' KO EQUAL. . . : ' :G U A VA - JE L L Y , . 1 - At . " ",' t GEO, MYERS', . . " ; mar 17-tf . 11 and 13 So. Front Street. J. & H. SAMSON, 4 3 MAR KTiBE E T, HATE JUST RECEIVED PART OF TI1EIR SPRIG STOCK, ooneisting of full line Of v.-y. - i-i. ... ' - - ? VHITE cbobs, . . SUCH AS . , , YENOSE SATIN STRIPES, '; V;i oily Tardea Piqnes: -" TIENIfA SATTEENS, '.'.- Striped and Checked ; ',-""'" . TIC LAWKS, : V , . ; . ORGANDIES, ' . ii'f-'? ,r: 7-SwlaaMnlIs, India Book, COREGAN. STRIPES,' Ac, Ac. - Also, a full line of Dress Goods, "Silk Tourist Parasols, and all such Goods as are usually kept in a-; )?',..' . ...'-. FIRST-CLASS DRY GOODS STOBE, 1 march 24-tf . . Havana Royal Lotteiy. ir 1 i ; ORDINARY DRAW1NG8. IN THE DRAWINGS taking place as fol. lows, the N umber of Tickets will be 24,000, from Number- lto-Namber 24,ut0. - 1872... ...Class 876 Ordinary January.. ( seoruary am. 878... 879 ' M ' i i 14 . ......March.. . lzth. u' It' M ' It . . . 881 882 i ...... April. ...aotli. May 7th. --....;23d. 883 , 884 88&-V ." ......June sth. .-; , , .The Number of PRIZES in the above Draw ings will bo W9 In, the following way i prize of.:..:...:...:......;i......$ico,ooo 1 Prize of.....; M .000 1 Prize or. , 25,000 ltfxizeof. 10,000 lPrizeof : -6.(00 And 644 OTHjR PRIZES, ranging from 309 to $1,000. " - Those who wish to try tbelr luck and Invest in an honest Lottery will do- well to direct themselves m time to the headquarters in New Orleans, or send their orders, to Mr. MANUELBORNIO, First Sub-Collector . for Exportation in Havana, throngh their corres pondents, Messrs. BORN IO BROTHER, . -;-7T Gravier St.", New Orleans, Who will cash, prjzes at the lowest rates. Price of Tickets 1 1n the" above ' Ordinary Drawings (currency) : Whole Tickets, $30 00; Halves, $15 Ou; Quarters. $8 00; Tenths, $3 60. Send for Circulars. : - -. ' ' Jan 2l-2m ent v - ' PURCELL HOUSE; J.-n.DAVJS, Proprietor. I Jb ROM THIS PATE, the rates for Traifs ent Boarders are $4 00, $3 00 or $3 60 per day, ao cording to location and rooms.' Day Board ers, $8. 00 per week. ! . : v ' jak 2Ltf ...... - ... - OJS MAKKlAWlfl. SAPPY RELIEF fof YOUNG MEN from the' effects of Errors and Abuses in early life, hood restored. Nervous debility cured. Impediments , to Marriage , removed.'" -New method of treatment. New and. remarkable remedies. Books and Circulars sent free, in Bdueu UTUUie auuieds) - -i.. . ... mm . TT-v . CATf A Tft . h ' 5 -I i dec 24-jtnl ent Philadelphia. Pa." WAfJTO, XTTANTED TO RENT A FIRST-CLASS Piano, in good orders - , ; . i Address, ; . 1 1 I LL, aprll2t . Tost 02109 ox21S, IS. tii.-A. - t. ..f':;:4:'

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