the nonrziziU' gtais, - . rUBLISIlED DAILY, ' VSU It OERNABD,.Edltor and Prop'r. tU ricTlw3on Bank Buildings, front St. Jut: year, la adranco.... J7 '00 . r :,i,iuihd. la advance. 4 KSl n,.n . mourns. In advance....."... ne month,' in advance... .. 75 r ik Moasufo Stab will be delivered in any virt of tne City at If irrajsw Chntb per week. ...... t w ttETJCOKOLOlilVAI. BECOKIV :' V ; April 0, ft72. : " I'tiue. . Eirm mom- .Wind. Weather ' " I , eter. ( " 'r Ta. M.l3&23 : 53 jCahn 'Cloudy 2 P. M. .50:21 60 E Gentle iKrlo 3 l M.J 30.07 57 S E r reshjCloudyJJ vii-ftn Tcmn. of dav. 58 de. . Note. All barometric readings are reduced '.o the bes-ievei auu wm urt.--o uuiv.iiuv,h. tiOBEKT OJKIUOTU, iersi't Slirnal Service U. 8. A.- , Weather Beport. 7ak Dbvaktment, i Office of Chief. 8isnal Officer, V Washiagton, April 6-4:35. P. M: ) . i Ttobabilitles. , ' ? : T. The lowest barometer will move northeast' wardly over lower Mlcbiaao as quite a severe storm, preceded by dimiolshlug pressure tlience to llio lakes and Atlantic coast; the area of rain will extend eastward over the Middle States and Southern New Euglaod by Sunday morning, and overjthe Northern New Rutland during Sunday ; increasing to brisk easterly winds are probable lor thu upper lake region to night, graaaaiiy Dacxing tu nuriu westerly, Increasing to brisk southeasterly for the lower lake r?Koo, gradually veering to southwesterly ; rising barometer, northwest erly winds and clearing weather will prevail throughout the Mississippi valley by Sunday tuorirlng and extend astward to Lake Mlcni jjio, IaUiaua, Teunessee, Kentucky snd Geor i-iii by Sunday evening. ' ;f ' ' .,-. Cautionary signals continue at Milwaukee, Chicago, G.and Haven, ( Detroit, Tdledo aud Sun DAT. April 7. St. James Charcb. Couneu Thjbd and" Market Streets. First Sunday aRer Easter." ' MorLlni; Prayer at 11 A. M., . - -Evening Prayer at 5 P. ; . , " : Sunday School at 4 P.-. M. . . St. Jobu's Cbarch (Episcopal) CoiiNKK Red Cross ,akd Tuird Streets. Sunday School uV'JJ A. M. .. , . Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. .: , Evening Prayer at 7K 9'clock. . - , , t ; Ilrst Presbyterian Cbarcb, ' Couseb Third and Obaage Streets. ltev. A. If. Dickson. , t Services at 11 A. M. and at 7P. M. Suuduy School exercises' couimence at 3 P. 11. :--': ' '-'-'..! .;'' . -j . Lecture Thursday evening at 7Xo'cl6ck. aacusD tKESBrrEBiAN CflCBCU. Services at Brooklyn Hall, every Sunday at 10f A. M. First Baptist Cburcb, ; COKNBB MABKET AND FlTU STBEETS, Kev. J. C. Hiden, Pastor. . Sunday School at 9g A. M. " Services at 11 A. M. aud 7:30 P. M. Young Meu's Prayer Meeting Tuesday .night ut 7:3J o'clock in room aoove Pastor's study. Weekly Prayer Meeting Thursday night at 7.30 o'clock. v-:V'. C 1 . . Second Baptist Cbarcb, Corner or Sixth and Church Streets. . Kev. J. E. King, Pastor. : . ; . . f Sunday School at y A. M." ' . ; j. 'Services at 10J A. M. and 7K P. M. Prayer Meeting every Tuesday night at 7 o'eloeK. ;;-! .. s "- St. TbomaV (Catbollc) Cbnrch, Os Dock Between Second and Third Sts. , . , .. Low Sunday. First communion will bo given to the child reu duriug the mass at 7 A. M. The sacrament of continuation will be ad iniuistertd at the 10 o'clock service, duilng winch the lit. Kev. Jas. Gibbons, D. u., will preach. A renewal o me oapusmai r romisea Sunday services. .; Mans at 7 and 10 . o'clock, duriog which servlce there wlirbej s discourse: JpJhUai for the children at 9X A. M.-Iostrnctiongivv eu to the colored people, in- the basement oi i the church, at 4 P. M. Vespers cuantea at o P. M. , - i Daily services. ? Morning mass at bf and 7 o'clock at St. Thomas' CUufcb, and t at the Chapel of the Slaters of Mercy on Fourth street. ' '' t Strangers are cordially in vitea to an services OUJci'ttiug clergymen Rt. Rev. James Gib b jup, D. D., Rev. Murk 8. Gross, Rev. James 11 i. ; i nunc. j - II -1 ". Front Street ill. El Cbarcb, Soutb. Corner Walnut- and ; FroT. Streets. Kev. Dr. Moran, Pastor, ' .x ' Services at 10f 'A. M., and 1 P M. . Stiuday School 3 P. M. - Kejjular weekly rrayer Meeting weancsaay uiui ut 1)4 o'clock. All are invited to attend. The pews iu'thia church are all free. Gentle manly udher will be in waiting to conduct elruugers to scuts. ' ' ; : Firib Street 31. E. Cbarcb Sontb, Iiftu Between Church and Nun Streets. 4. Kev. A. A. bosbamer, Pastor.' services at 11 A. M. and at 7f P-. M. ; Sunday School ut V A. M. . ti ; ; - , ' Class Meeting at 3 P M." '. ' Prayer Meeting on Tha sday night at 7l o'clock. ..- ' v '" I St. Paul's Evan. Lutheran Cburcb, Market Street, Cobneb of Sixth. Rev. G. D. Bernheim, Pastor. , ; "j Geruiao service at 10 A. M. - r. I j. Suuday School at 3 P. M.-r f'i''"- - inlibu service at 8 P. M. ' ' t i , . Seamen's Betbel. ! Dock Between Front and jWATEii STiiKETS Services at 7T. M. by Rev. U. B. Uurf. ; ) St. Paul's Episcopal cbnrcb. Corner Orange and Fourth Streets. Moruiug Prayer at 11 oclock, A. M. Evening Prayer at 7 oclock, P. M. St. Slark's (Colored Episcopal) Cbnrcb Corner Sixth and Mulberry Sts. " Rev. C. O. Brady, (colored.) , tv'i Services at 11 A. M. and 81. M. , Seuts tree aui tbe public are invited: ' Christian Chanel (Colored Methodist), Corner Church and Seventh Streets. ;; Sabbatb 8chcol atOA. M. I - - I J Services at 11 A. M.. P. M. and 8 P. M., bT.'" Vmi.i vuieeweucai.A.eciures oorriuaai. o . i. The Keadtuc Boom ' ''t uf the 1 W Umlngton Library' Association is open dully duilng the week from 10 A, M. to i V. at., iroin 4 to tt i. 1., ana irom 7J4 to id - PROFITABLE AbVEBHS ING i We call the attentloa,of the business men if Wilmington .to the unere'd by THE WEEKLY as an advertising medium. exception, the fjorgtsCVir Ucatlonln Wilmington any onethat it has no equal communication with the people . OC the rural districts now trading with Wilmington i . We solicit a call from those who wish to place their business prominently before the people of this section, confident that we can offer Inducements that cannot fall to please. -Du'rfog the past week the Varloui butcher's k: i.t k - of this city hive slaughtered 29 peeves, S3 )xo0i Voli X-Ho.14. THE ; , Dudlet S(.ixi9t jSlgn of the ;BIg . Boot Calf akin boots. ': Jab. MWisa. Meeting of Workingmer epublican Association; ; A V. ! - 1 v I I Republican Association ' Dtjntikg :& McQuioa Clothing and ; dry cood, at auction, v W. W. Yopp, R. S. Stonewall Lodge, No. 1, K. ol P.' . , ?-"';v--;.';';r-.'.'; -lU'. H. "BCKKHisnB Tobacco goods. , Monson & Co., City Clothiers Location of their clothlog; manufactory. , , ! F. W. Pottbr Three yonng Berkshire sows for. sale. . -C.m ' :! i..- ' u Fletcbbb Tillt Cititens - Market Re moval. . . I A. D. BaowN, Exchauge Corner Largest assortment of millinery and millinery goods. F. W. Kebchnbb Corn, flour,, sides aud Bboulders, whiskey, coffee, Ac : ... , .. . Read the ne.w advertisement or uosieuers Stomach Bitters. toCNTV COMJJISSIOXERS. - Extracts from tbe Prceedlns:s. I The Board met Friday night, when the fol lowing among other business was transacted : ' The Committee' on cost of Medicines and medical attention during the year 18X1 report a rnmlchad Irnm thfl rfipnrdl ff I ' ' I this Board, is ai follows : Hospital.?. .......... ..w . ; $693 00 Sessions of Board at Ptfor House,.aoU 00 f 443 00 , Poor House . . ........ .......... . . . . . . 'Jail. . Ill 0v 145 00 Postmortem and other medical bills... 1U5 00 j' V i- '. - f ' -" k 894 00 ! Further time taken for consideration of the, matter before concluding upon best manner of supplying the desired aid. v i The Qpmmittee on Poor House having re ported that It is necessary. to furnish furthcj supplies to Poor House, after consideration Li ac.aa tn mnnlv iha" fnliowlnir articles. Li.. a.- KH.tM(. i .'...nekets. kalf 1 aa w a was - w wmww " ' -doien bowls, 6 pair andirons, 4 flat-irons, 2 dozen common; Iron spoons, 2 dozen knives and forks, 1 dozen tin cups, 1 bolt bed ticking, 50 yards to wiling; threads, buttons, needles, pins, &c; 1 dozen pair blankets, dozen pair shoes, 2 botts colored homespun, 2 bolts white homespun, 10 yards material for ' children's clothing, 8 barrels lime and copperas. It was ordered that tbe sum of one hundred dollars be paid to Commissioner A. R. Black for. amount of .expense of, building a new bridge on Riley's Creek. . . ' ! It was ordered .that the Township lists of ;taxes of 1669, 1870 or 1871 be permitted to be used by the different Township Trustees for the Dnmose of elvlne them information regarding the valuation of property and that the Trustees be held, responsible for tbe safe I return of same to the Clerk of this Board. . I I It was ordered that W. T. appointed Clerk of Holden Township, and Qat n0 be notifled by the Clerk of this Board to give bond and qualify. .. It was ordered that the Committee on re- lr5 t0 jaU be granted furthertlme to prepare :.f-. ' i, ineir repu uu bu.. uiS.u..uv w.. the third 6tory be stopped up. : It was ordered tbat Larklns & Sessoms be granted license to retail spirituous. liquors in the town of Llllington. 3 i It was ordered that the lunatic woman named Julia Bordeaux, complained ot by Mr. y. Williams, be sent to tb'e Poor House. It was ordered that Commissioner A. R. Black be autborlzed o examine Into the com plaint made against the former Clerk and Board of Trustees of Holly Township by Geo. Page and report to this Board at the next meet Ing. - , ' r; .' - : - Adjourned to meet Friday night, April 12th. City Court. ' ' : ''."! , , j The following' cases were disposed of yesr ,Ary Bryan, charged with stealing pork, the property of G. W. Herring, was rouna not gulltyand discharged at the cost of tbe prose- - cutor. V . - . . ' t Ab. W'igbV young, in years, but old in crime, charged with stealing books from Mr.; McAllister was found guilty and judgment ,..,.:;rf!l. fK. ,..iii. .noats.' . 1 j Alex Gray Alex Lord, charged with itealing judgmcfo nkt ' ' - . . -r-i ji iv iat cenyr,. Required to give security in the sum ol ........ . for nia annearance at ine nexw veiiu w the Superior uourt t fL The young man Chris. Hayatt, alluded to; The Bird yiovrn.'? ;i iv yesterday assaying been arrested lor , obtain - Ing money under the false pretense tbat it was for the widow and f orphan children of tbe late Monroe Gradyf-succeeded in , -glvlng bond in l thefsum of fIW for.nis appearance oeiorewu.- tice Woodford yesterdty. u lauea, now in mbfl h!a annearance abd up. to late tice Woodford yesterdty. Hs failed,' however, . nbtibeen heard " fromr We sbbs 1 - . .1. learu thattnere are a grcai wu uwiu v- tlms to hls irascality than at first imagined, : ' - - ' , ' r :v Western' Ballroad. 'roii. f'iri'- t: M; At a meeting of ;the7stOckholaers: of Tilje, wiU Railroad.:heid"at FatetteTinThtfrs- ! ' day,, tbb folio wing Directors we re elected by n the stockholders : A. A. McKetban,E. J. of E, L,,Pemberton. KnlsjhtB Tempi a ri A J j U . r - t r The old mmhr of Wilmlnffton Comman- dary No.' 1, KnighU Tetnplar,"met bd Friday - i plght, at St Johu's Hall, and effected ,an jr- organlratloh, after which" an adjournmentas bad to Friday evenlng next, the 12th Instant, superior advantages Lliiy, JohnD. Wllliamsi Murdoch McKinnon which intensified the feeling of good humor eSfS;? T I Lit Hj -' H LULAUUIUVI S ' 1 1 W W V VSWa " w - , ' . : m Cfoi ; Al. the following were so- whicnprevaiieaamuuu mo ufu. cuiorea I - . : I i -ml r ril.v. BAA ;, . ' .uni. p,At Jan. R. Lee. gentleman" Irom the rural districU. who had r' Vv""r,,.r bWAflM 01 . l auu a. t . wvw, i " . . i . ....... v a Tim n i nnn i iirv " u vwuo -i - - - . T DOIDIBQ UT tu ww j 'l . . . ... i in ... .n .M niim arflT. eoniuiiufcvi "r.v- L euKxUonot anypub-' E.' L. Pembertoo,vwonn xveiuy uu . n. pbwvm ?v-p ' 7 I . , iTt 4 ?! J Ceait J. . Forsaleby , na wo can aausry wnvar,,.-,,: "V. ' n. -1 . "f" ? V. "1 ZT'II" a. i .. .nifif. ; v i .il i a . . . . - s . i . k i ici ii I r i si nnir i v sa duui uuv w ssw v uiwi ua aaao i r j.. . sw AM ' ava inn. van ani n. sn a sa ; ? . w t - WILinilGTOiT. IT. C, SUNDAY.-APRIL7. 1872. Local Dots. No nqws from Robeson. ' --1 i; Three . . - ' i.,'- ' ,. i patients sent to the City HosltaJ 1 i "I i - r ; last week. ii-i There were 12 police arrests daring the week' just cloaed, ' I T.U V- wtm'.i Green & Fl inners " Drug Store open to- day. .'.- - .; . "y - : " .- The Clerk of this Market reports the amval ol ly; carts in market aunng me past j week.', - ' : Brunswick Soperior Court meets at Smith - ville to morrow, His Honor, Judge Russell,' presiding." . , V . . . Rv. A. F. Dickson will preach a sermon to yonng men at the First Presbyterian Cho rcb this evening. Abram Wright and Alexander Gray aZio Alexander "Lord, both - colored, were sent to Ihe' Work House- yesterday. ; The members of Stonewall Lodge No. 1, xv. pi jr., uavc a ujcchuj; iu uiuuvn mguk i me transaction 01 important uusiucbb. '.' It Is said that the application of a good coating of gum arable every night on going o bed, will cure the worst corns in a few weeks.4 The Rev. Dr. M. Grler will fill the pulpit of the 1st PreebyTerlan' Church this morning. Messrs; Dadley&EIlli advertise that they are now selling the cheapest -calf skin boots, Atrnrt r1 n pcrtrpd Tfr nffir0d in this cltv. ' I i ...... .r j. flnlo 9rmr fY vlnta. nt tr tV Cnnntv I vu.j .w v..v. " r- I Work House during the week ending yester day, and one prisoner turned over to theSher -. iff for trial. ; " r w j ' Thanks to Mr; R. L. Harris, of the Front Street News Depot, for . copies of the N. T. Ledger Chimney Corner and Clipper for the current week. He keeps everything in the way of reading matter. ''"'' . ..." ; Calvin Oxendine will be taken to Smith- ville to-morrow. He is charged with complici ty In the murder of the late Bberiff King, of RobesoB, and other crimes. Marsden Bellamy, I E1-. appears for the defence. The Republican City oonvention meets at the City Hall to-morrow afternoon, at & o'clock, for the purpose of nominating can dldates for Aldermen. A lively time is ex- pected. . v . . A small colored child, living on Chesnut; between Third and jrourin streets, nao its arm i nearly cut off close to the elbow, yesterday, by an axe In tbe hands of another colored child. " - . The cutline was accidental. " i - ; -The Rev. Mr. Grler, who preaches in the First Presbyterian Church this morning, was fore the wsr, and is therefore no stranger to our citizens. The delegates elected in the First Ward on Friday sight to the Republican Convention which meets to morrow are as follows : Jacob wise.'W. H. Merrick,' Samuel Norton, Edgar Miller, W. IL Howe, Edward Ancrum, 8. T. Pott. G. P. Rourk, Robert Sweat. Arrest of an Alledged Forcer. A wh-te man by the name of : Yt G. Kidder aliatt. G. K. Tlcknor, was arrested . in this j city yesterday, by Officer Wilson, o f the police force, charged with forging a check for $75 on the Frcedman's Savings' Banlof, Richmond, yi. ma wim uwug iujiviib iivm jwmv, The forgery alluded to was committed nearly twelve months sgol ; At that time Mr. V. D. Macumber, now Cashier of tbe Freedman's Savings Bank of this city, was residing in Richmond, acting as Assistant Cashier of.the was familiar with the circumstances attending the forgery. Immediately after committing the crime Kidder fled the city and no clue could be obtained as to his whereabouts, Yesterday, however, Mr. Macumber got sight r th individual.. knew, him as' the enllty nartv and had him arrested. He then tele- graphed the facts to . Richmond and a reply M . " l . .l IL. ...Itnn.ii ha was reewveu r4-6 .v. held to await a requisition. ' I rTt . ....t. Va : tin travlinor -AD.o . pf . . , . i -r"- througU this part of the , Bute for some time past as an Agent fbr Wheeler .Wilson's Sew-, ing Machinesunder the name oLTicknor, bis -nrinciDal headauarters, aslwe Infer frOm.nis cards, which-he distributed very lavishly bel ing GoWsb Wihon,Tarboro, Enfield and HalltaX. " jS ' i . I . ti. i... KBokiAnpri In ids fliurd' RonRA foi i - - . : Bafe keeping hi; F ' i.' - ' : i hi i ,.-. :.;, . A'Tremcndoas Excitement. , Decidedly the .most .expltlng event . of .be week transpired at the foot Of Market street , jesteroay aiternouu. . mvi.. cltement was a matter-1 rifling in " itself, but had the eflect of. drawing 1 togetber a large crowd. and creating any, amount oi merriment, it was noinmg mw. . f parties to get a couple of . .bln-at! .u)e8on . ' . . .. ' .t ),.nn.nn.. .t.L parting them to the'West side of , the river iiiiHrii 1 uo anas r - w va w w nnranaalofe . ilntV: ' mcj us : .--: --,, every other means kaowa to " love or war," but to no purpose, finally; after consuming about an hour and a. half in the vain effort to .tieTin.'iPttlaefUtUe mules were proclaimed the conquerors and were taken away. In the I ml by miQSVOI IBB UKUCiuua miuui uyuutuueu. the obstinate' brutes an incident occurred river,- he suddenly1 got in the notion to go over in the flat then In the dock, and, forgetting that ndog was lied td the-;wheer of his cart, gave wblpto,nia animai,. ana W snouts oi I . - v - " it. a a f .a a ,A the spectators nrst caiiea nis aitenuou to tne fact,tbat hU dog was lojiowiug yie eyomwons of the wheel with the certain prospect of soon J becoming , a; defunct member or , the. great 'Marine Disaster. l r't- 'a i .. A dispatch, from Bos ton,, dtedycsterday,' states that the Bart WiUy and Emmy from this - - ;A;ft;fV;.v'.; : ffc - y V - port for vjneenstown, with a cargo of rosin, , Istrack on theGreat Rip,5 Nantucket, onThnrs: jay 'night; 'and bilged. -TheV steamer iaTuI 1 A. .Home went to hit assistance, and stripped off iher 6alls and rigging,' The crew were saved and landed at Nantucket. 'A small part of her cargo may be saved.' " -'z: To Test Coffee. If a teaspoon fal of . genuine ground coffee be thrown into a tumblerful of cold water, itwill float upon the surface of the water, while : the substances usually 'used, In adulterating cof-! lees will sink under the same circumstances. Tf i.ii ti. ininsitiH nrjfTpA la thrown nnnn coM wateP part ; lnk9 at otc ,atne ig tquite sure to be adulterated. Ladles Benovolent Society. f The officers and visitors of the Ladles' Be bovoleot Society, are requef ted to attend the usual monthly meeting of the society on mesaay auernoon, me ym insc, ai tne resi Jence of John A. Taylor,' at 4 o'clock. . 1 : . Theatrical Notes. The. Templeton, Troupe at last accounts were at Annapolis, Md. : ' j ! . The Abbott Pantomime Troupe closed an engagement at Reading, Pa,., last, evening. Horace Llngard closes his season on the b5th:ol Mav- I i'o ;V W'-S -i V ;,'-1L-':J tnorrow.evenlDg-ji.i'xi t " on..rtl--i1l at Sk -T.onU iW- lag the past week. ; - 5 - Tbe Chapman Sisters at last accounts Allice Dunning Llngard' s impersonation of Frou Frou is highly spoken of by the New Orleans papers. r lj i ' s ''"" : j l The Koigbts of Pythias ol Richmond tendered a complimentary benefit to Sol. Smith RusselL . : ,'. 4t. -si Kr j I - Tbe Savannah admirers of Lydia Thomp- eoa presented berwith a mammoth bale of cotton, which was ac'tually brought on the Stage the last night of her appeai'ance . fi M'lle brestorio Dl Fratoa,' the Belgian Songstress, who has been in this city for some time past, announces in the N. T. Clipper that she wilt accept engagements after to-morrow. ". '' "'' ' . : 0ar cblp Basket. A bad eisnoQe tbat cracks" in the wind. . ; t v V ' ;' ,.; ' Ui ' i 81ippery trick sending prettily .worked, -1 l., comiortaoie Biippers i a biujjio jivuMcuiau. - j Mgnr extravagant young ladies pay $35 . nd . e n of a nftT cent calico. -"Oior thousand tongues" said the lad when he crawledinto a molasses barrel. 1 - The debt of Tnature' should never be paid if it can't be collected wltbout an " execu- tion.'';;;::'"' - V A Jewish contributor says he can see but ! little difference between an agreeable dish and adie(h)agreeable. ' 1 .... y Why are the measles like fresh mackerel f Because they run in schools, and have to be taught before they can be had. 11 of llbert , l8 eternal vigilance The Ar la1:n of anrins exercises a depres- 8m lnflnenC6 0 toe vital powers.' The stronfreat reel ,uus. uevitaiiiiii weak are prostrated by it. Everybody is more or less debilitated at this seasoa, and . the ieeble instlnCUvely seek the help of medlcme. Unfortunately, the ''remedy" resorted to sometimes, aggravates the mischief. Raw Thj princlp.e needg 8UCCOr and support, a relILforclng preparation that will tone tnd ronaej whlle it regulates and purines the gygtemi is the medicine that nture demands. All the medicinal elements required for Buch emergencies are' combined- In;, Hoatetter's i Stomach Bitters, the purest and most tfflca- clous vegetable eUxir that the world has ever i I JED O TV II i.b 13 IllilM. Dlluiuiuu.) m ,. unequaUed appeUzer, an absolute g-cclllc jQj diseased dig'estien, a wondeifnl I . . .. ... " nervme, a moderate catnartic, a remeuy iui; yyer compiamt9 and periodic levers, a cure for constipation, : a specific for rhetfmatlsm.'of; esarntial use In all aUments to which the fBeblereexare8nbJect,andasageneraihose- Htetterj !1. i. i. inf... Ad with RA.rma- of local Li...... Anm mniiAmnfid. lianora .and: i nnniei arui. wiuuu kiswj " speculate on human life recommend' as pan a- j cieas lor every lU that flsh is heii te. JJe waro of the charlatans ana ineir poisotu, , , ? , tapril7-eodlw sun Wen Frl - ";- ' . : 4 f NEW' VERT1SEMENTS. ; StOHeWall Lodge, NO. JLf' 7 V' - ',T '''in ' , r 'v. ,:.Lr ,'i;;,..r '.V-;T-. -Vt v-fcii'tftTmiTcjr 'ton are hereby notl r fled that on to-morrow night (8th . l V.MAJnA:,a Af lH nAFt.BTlAA Will lA hronght before the Lodge ; also, work :l . th. RannirMlMi'ref. A. full attend- . . . unmia dedlred J t-ft. t nirnrrtftTof thW.C W. W. YOPP, R. S. i April 7-lt: Auction .1ST J By BUNTING & McQTJIGd, j :ACTl6icEERS iOTGEJSTTa. nl ! N TUESDAx, AprU Mh, halpast iloxlocr. A. jo., we wui seu at our bmw j Sotions.' Dealer Will Please Notice. I i h SALE pojutxit is A&stAAa abii. ap7-2t; Worldngmen'o - Itepublicxia Association. I !-- fpmber I Wfcy nail, on. Monday evenmr, at 8octock. - WholoITo. 1,418 hSSJSSf; NEW ADYERTTSEMENTS. 'AT ?A Tl : ... .o -. - . -,.).;. - , AT D. BEOWll'S,- mHK LARGEST ASS30BTMENX OF MIL- I linery ani Millinery Goods In the city at - i :i- - J ; - A. D. BROWN'S. :'-.- " ' ' ,; - ' . , rpHB largest assortment of Ribbons and Flowers In tbe city at . , i . :: .. c . . " -. - . A. D. BROWN'S. - .... w - "'.'...;,- . i . rrHE handsomest assortment of FARASdLS . In tbe city at "!iir-' " ' , A. D, BROWNS. rjIHE bandsomest assortment of WHITE GOODS In the city at J : r ' " ; A. D. BROWN'S. r - .. . . . . .-, i -. . ...... . . . rpaK largest assortment of C0E.SET3 In tbe city at A. D. BROWN'S. ryiHE largest stockXofRID GLOVES In tbe .4. : '-r rs.J . :-i -1 ' A:T; BROWN'S, i rpHE .largest assortment of LADIES' UN-DER-G ARMEN TS- and HOOP SKIRTS In ' tbe city at A. D. BROWN'3. ' - 'f " ' :. ITIHE largest assortment of LADIES' HAIR FIXISG3'lntbecityat' ; . ; ' . ." ; A, D. BROWN'S. . . - ,. . , - . . . ,..-.!.; i ' r- -,-"-' -...i - mHRbest assortment of WHITE TRIM MINGS, HOSIERY and NOTIONS' In tbe cityat -": ' -; , A. D. BBOVS'S. , ONE PRICE! TERMS QASRl ( apr7-tf i j. -Robesonlan copy. Exchange Corner. IN STORE, i2,oo6B3CEK'8,0Miw -j 2 QQ BBL. FLOUR, 200 Barrels v- : 'iri 5T BOXES T: S. VO SHOULDERS, ' - - fTVHHDS. SMOKED SIDES and QJ SHOULDERS, 1 ' ' P7 CT BBLS. WHISKEY and BRAN i ; O 1Y, 25 Bdls Kerosene Oil, . Ijsrn SACKS COFFEE, 153 Hbds. OOl and Bbls. Sugars, ' ,- QQQ SPIRIT CASKS, 2.3C0 Bundles - esrf BBLS. GLUE. 100 Tierces, BBLS. GLUE. '100 1 Kegs and Tubs Lard, 6Trr BOXES CANDLES, 250 boxes JUU Oysters, . T f-f CASES FRESH PEACHES, XJv. ,200 Cases Brandy Peaches, , 150 BOXES and BLS. " CRACK- KS. 260 Hhds. and Bbls. S. H. Jlolasses, ' : 150 MOLA.8SE3, CO Tierces and Barrels Rice, Ac, Ac, Ac, For sale by F. W. KERCHNER, ap 7-tf 27. 23 and 29 North Water St. XT -' Tt TT T? TT TT T TiT'E R . r. WHOLESAiJi and Retail Dxalbb I Tobacco, rSnuff 5"" ' 'AND " ! SEGARS. SIrn of the Indian Chief, , No. 6 yjarhet St. al) The H a n u fact o r y FOR OUR CLOTHING Is located at 60 Dnano St., Nw .Torh. . ' , - . , . 1 . f . 1 . Our connections In the. C.'othing business are only at 69 Daane St., N.r.Balelgh, N. C. 1 and t6 Market St.. Wllmlneton. N. C. -' . L .t; i . r 'l ' r ' ' MtJNSON & CO;,7;!, ' aprQ7-tf , ' . . City Clothiers. .Three Tt ft :. i . . f ' . I ' I i . ! t r TOUNG BERKSHIRE, SO W9 borough bred wUlseU cheap; $20 per he forWoand35fOr6neVwlUweighl25,li0a 18iJba. ormore. . 1 o-x Vy head ICO and "TW POTTER, Agent, ! s At Wilmington, N. C. april 7-lt Citizens' AlarkctHemoTalJ nhnE CITIZENS' MARKET, .formerly lo- uTtha corner of seooad d Process 1 btets, adjoining the Carolina House. .Fresh meats of all krnds always on hand, and will, be de livered anywhere la the city. i apritof ,if"-:::;rLtETqHERTiLtETi We Have Found k j t 1 1 . f .1 V 1 A ND ARE NOW 8 ELLIN d. THE CHEAP JJL EST'. i'. ; 1 " i SKIN ' BOOTS,1".- w lM Pegged, ever offered la' this 'city. our BtocK. vi' . . . , AiUDLET ELLIS, ,. ... j n-in Sign of the Big Boot. ; Saddlery. . i ' T; '2 iS 1-1 li.: a - A. i A 1 LL KINDS OT ' SADDLES," HARNESS, TRUNKS,, TRAVELING,; BAGS, ri a And everything in the line of Saddlery Goods cheap tor casA as n u I' ll 'J ' ? vj ,f J,5.TOPHAMi;O.S, .J. 1.-. i c-i . J 5 no. 8 South Front street, ' feb 6-tfnao Asvv .Wilmington, N. a BATES OF ADTXKTISIWCI I . On Square one day, ........ i.. $1 0 " " two days,.... 160 " 'three days,....... rour aays,... x five days,... .............. -8 00 one week....... .............. 8 60 I- Contract Advertisements taken at pro portionately low rates. - Marriages. Death .tns. Belirions, Funeral and will be Inserted at half rates UDttnary notices wjienpald for tn advance ; otherwise full rates Xsxks Cash on demand, ' . .. . , MISCELLANEOUS. For Sale, rTHBEE PRIM3C DttAT HORSES . NO BETTER IN THE CUT. 'Apply to ", march 31-tf O. Q. PARSLEY A CO. MONE Y C A WHOT BUT IT ! For Sbrbt in Priceless II, But the Diamond Spectacles will Preserve It. TF tou value yonr eyesirbt use tbese Perfect 1 Lenses, ground from Minute Crystal Peb bles, melted togetbei, and derivn their name Diamond" on account of their Hardness and BrillUney. . 1 hey will last many years with out change, and are warranted superior to all otner in use. j&anuiacrorea oy ine spencer upucai Manufactu-lng (Jo new i ora. Cautiov. None lien nine unless stamped with our t rade mark. For sale by Besponsible Aeents throushout the TTnion. 5v W . Baowv. Jeweler and optician. Is ole Agent for Wil- X'koVeXrplo ; feb 23odly Fr Su Wea - ' " 'zZT' . . , ' ' ' ' h oi sale ana lor Kent. ' A DESIRABLE nOUSF, In ft good locality, JJL wth good well and cistern water on the premises, can be rented. ; , - - , , . ..m The FURNIT0BF, -which is very desirable and nearly new, willrbe disposed of at private sale at a bargain. Apply at tbe Stab office. aprilS-3t .... . Union Boarding House, ON THE CORNER of FOPRTH and TrAR NETT STREETS, five mlnutts walk to Union or Charlotte Depots. Single Meals, CO cents ; Lodgings, 0 ceuts, and $25 per month for regular boarders, april 6-lm t THOMAS JENKINS. 5000 Pounds K. 0. H O G R O V D ; ' ORANGES AUD LEKONS, - at J. C. STEVENSON'S, Market, bet. Front and Second, apr-tf Capital Paid In, $150,000; . : Antborlaed Capital, $1,000,000. ; SAVINGS BANK. The BANK OF NEW HANOVER Offers all the advantages of a 1 : -- SAYINGS BANK, by issuing to depositors certificates of deposit payable after 15 days notice and bearlag IN T K B E S T From Date1 of Depoalt to Date of Payment. ' L B. GRAINGER, Preaiaerit- STEPHEN D. WALLACE, Cashier. . april 5-awtf Sun ' 3,000 BUSHELS CORN, .r 800. BBLS. FLOUR, '. ' 400 BBLS. PORK, , : 20 Hhds. BACON, SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, FISH, Ac, ; ' Fbrsaleby ' feb l-DAWtf EDWARDS A HALL. SPRINGS AT HOHE ! IVlinerai Waters 1 1 CJARA1 O btt Wat era. ARATOQA WATER, on draught and in battles, on ice j vicny ana Kizsengen Also, Wilbor's Cod Liver Oil, Hors ford'a A eld Phosphates, Atwood's Quinine Tonic, Fer-, rated Bark, Camphor, Castor Oil, and a large Jot . of Enelish and American Soaps and41 Toilette Goods, sold by . . . . I .. . ' t : MclLHENNT & WRIGHT, ; Wholesale Druggists and Chemists, ' -i : (Ldppltt's Old tanJ,) ap 5tf ' ' N. E.' Cor. Frot and Market 8ts.' ". "ROCiaNGIIAM , S'H E E T I N GS 1 9t THE ABOVE GOODS 4x4 WIDE MANU facturd by the u Urat Falls Mtn ufct u rmg Company' of Rockingham, N., C, aie unsurtabsed -in quality ; Vfrt - ' AND FINISH By any Brown Sheetings Made In Shis 7!i;.;i Con a try ' . As Agents of the Company we keep a sup ply constantly on hand, handsomely put np in Bales of LCO'J xards each. FOR 8 ALE AT, FACT"BT JP It ICES. Orders are respectfully solicited, t.i ji - - ' DxEOSSET CO.. march 20tf.nac2Uw-We 8at-Wlml 1" Jiist from Steaiiier, T71LOUR, -CIDER, APPLES, TURNIPS, i unions, iiCiuuui xcttus, lumwci, ri.,'' 1 '. ;i r Cheese,' Candy, Prite-Candy, Paper Bags, Ao.,Ao. IN', STOKE, IjJ, '..'.:: i.i ..! .,V ' " . , : ,- Snuff and Tobacco, Wood and Willow Were, ; Candles, Matches, Canned .ir.'t Vi-r. . . Goods, Pickles and Preserves, ) STATIONERIES, A-e. , mar28-tf , . : I TfEIDftTBROS. P. O., WILUINOTONtir.O March 81, lt72. ( - From this date the xnaUs wlU close as toU lOWSrrs;..1' ." f -':--! i-M,U.i. -t: Oiil Northern Mommg "Mall, A-M. - Northern Night MaiL.... 8 P- M. Southern MalLU..;...........v...8 P. K mar 8U - " "" ED. B,' BRINK, PM. Onion Qetts ! TrTKRRlta If EDICAL 'XT-t-.' t GOLUAN DISCOVERTi" "7 , ? . : uaraea rjeeax PAINTS, OILS, DYES,' GLA83 AND PUTTT, i Al TTUOWALIi Afll liCl Ali ' aptU'etf!;."" A : "Market Street. V I I" 1 Hi; , P I Jft and 4 calves. when aa electiouvoi offlcers jersUiakeplaceH frltt:i T-:' tMfs.:; !f 'I' 'tJ