A,r"VO"VTT NJf-1 rP A T? "" Tnflv. Anril ft 1879' ! V 0 y.c4r . .: -U VU tub CTROULATTQN OF the MORNINO XtuKR DA IL Y NE WH PAPER PUBLISHED ' XKAWfvriKDVij; DmTrreSSAJ jy FORTH ffA R OLINA irTi f - ; Attempted Mnrder in a Church, ; Between 12 and 1 o'clock yesterday St. Patrick's Church, at the corner ot Third and Mill si reeta,; was the scene ot-adetd val times; whenUhe Crusaders Weni wopt to e'eavo Sloslem skulls one. moment and perform their orisong the next. f. St. PatcickV," asusual-at this time jof chc, was crowded witll a congregation of devout worshipers, wljo.had gone thither to murmur their prayers and seek, in the sricrcd edifice the copsblationsOrellgioB. Prominent '.among the throng was to- be !cen a young man named Thomas Quint), who. kneeling in the. main aisle, by his devout bppearaodc and close attention to j the book in his hand;seemeato be whoMy wrapt in religious reyery. r Suddenly,etart ing to hli feet, be wai Been to harry to the door. As be passed out, and while yet within the porch, he met an. old .man named Francis Stewart, more than eighty years ot age. who was .totteriqg into the church. . Just as he --was passing, the old man, Quinn raised bis hand, in which a knife. Wfes seen 'gleaming, and ''with1 a fierce stroke sUbocd him. Jn the face. ..A stream nf hlood SDirted from the wound.nd the old man sunk to the floor. Quinn then L turned -nnd-went-back to i'.' tbe.ehn'rcb.i where' he resumed bis devout posture, at the same time laying his bloody knire on the floor. While still Jn .this position Sergeant Callahan and OOLcer Kinney ar rested him and started with him to the Third street Police ptatioo.' ; . ,, ;. Mr. Stewart, the wounded : man, ' was brne to his home in the . neighborhood, wliero his wounds were dressed. They were fouod to consist "of a long gash com: mencing just above the eje: and running down the length of hit face and a cut in the neck touching but Jnrtnnately not sevt ring an artery. .He will probably re cover lrm the injurie?. Quinn is un doubtedly -insane. ' He has for two years pa?t been in the employ of the Globe Rol ling Mill Company,, and ,bas never been5 intemperate. ,' For a few days his actions have seemed strange to his fellow-laborers,' but at no time waa he thought to-be dan gerous, lie did not know the victim of I hU assault, and afterward claimed that it was made in .obedienoa Jto a higher pow.s er. At "the -Station: Housff last night he was t-niinsed -in heading ; bis piAjer. book and jiffcted to'khowDoihing ot tho cir- cumstances that had thrown him into a felon's cell. ill . probably. Ibe taken before' the Probate Judge;! bis morning on an inquest oC UwjVindMnaiCEauir'- erx April 4th. Mother DrKaunad South1 Carolina In Chalus-Tbe Old and ine Toons Arrested Famine threatened. NEWBERBY COTJRTHdUSE, S. C. , , i April 2, 1872. 12.J Editors Ditpatch; la a . time of pro found peace our community has been thrown into a state4 of confusion and alarm by military arrests under the,. al leged Kn-Klox' act. The work' 'began yesterday. 4 Up to, this time sixteen, arrests ii;vo been made in I this county., Ia the adj )ioing" county of Laurens" Some1 sixty h ive been arrested, including many old infirm men. - At this particular time the tflvct of the-e acts of the General Govern- season ha"4 just set in labor is uncertain we are burdened with onerous taxes. All branches of trade and Industry : must under such role stagnate. Ent-rgy will be paralyzed. The honest man who has been 1 &m wMnnArttA hka . Million rkP. tunes to help maintain . infancy and old Hire, to educate the vounsr. to meet the exorbitant demands of the State,' muat be mined. And for t what I. Merely. , to gratify malice, or worse, -if possible, to put gold in the pockets of.offieials, apd there by secure the electfon next fall. , .;;t'?. -jy trj Alpha Pi. ' Rich. DUpatch. . - -r V Jaloas aitV Mistake. A girl of sharp wits in Western city, discovered . recently that her lover wa9 abf)ut to take another girl to aball. She thereupon bribed his hackmanr to permit her to t.akajthe reins, ai j the proper uioiucnr.'nnd instead of driving the pair to the baM-nrbm,5, she took thim- 8cVefal miles out of toivnto a dense wood,? where she left thcin exposed to a pelting rain storm the-young Udy-in s a low-necked muslin lreM and ' kid sjipperi,'and her escort in, ull ptrty toggery and thin boots.' Tin-ir K'ituaiion wfl not. Comfortable;1.but Uny found fchelte in a neighboring farm uuus3 w litre mere uappeoeu to ue an oinnio. latin" miiiistef, and- the two, be- ingiv disposed ; I y. reason or mis rrusau nnturfs, were mairted, :The other young woman now sits" In sackckith' ' arid t8he8,i sad'y l)roo.lio'oter her misadventure:' Reported l)onbte9f order. O i yesUnlay information was received ia tb'19 city of a double murder, which was reported to have occurred neariGranitc ville, in.Edg'tlleld coon tj. South Carolina,1 . on .WedoescUy. '4'ccordiDgtp Jibe' intor- ination. oDtaiaed.two ,gentlemeD-jne naoiLd Noble, he other's name.net knoyrn. yreout huntiog'in'thd Woo"dijnear the town abovt?' mentioned: TTh'ev7veref t , , . - - .( r j. both fouod dead.'aftef -anAbsenbe of afdW hours, and it was thought they had been ., n uacam DT J3SSltS.CYnc uiiaerbrush. The report came sassitscoricealediQ the j r . s . . by letter aud no dttails Were stated." We givethe story asi gireap am pott?fA?AWte ClwonlcU. T' - . ,s - A resident ot, a Georgia town, attended a camp meetiog fecefitly.f The "first dav lie u ffoLrelifflontVrdn, the Stecond the nt-' ficiatiogrclrgymaj-5reached powerfully a 0 . routne text: "ii tny.rignt nana oitena thee cut'it off aod cast it irom thee.". The Dew convert waonlj tbo ready to make a sicritice for bis laithv -0a his, right loot; . were three immense cdrasrwhifih ached day and, ujgbfcati a deftly applied razor relieved bimrof thef unenciittg member at1btf?e.-liewas rouna half dead from loss of blood, antf if he re covera wi;i be a cripple for llfev,-.The text o qu,estioo is a danKerousODe.-In 1 867 a Loudon fanatic quoted lt.as.his reason for Laviflg gouged out one of hisVyfe,'-ftpd & 871 a crazv Ppnnavlvanian, Dleaded it as . Q excuse foi is(toily ia haYiog chopped off all his fingers." i blood which, itt, point of, dramatic ef- .lu,s "an" we nave no kct-ahd weird iiessinm-ht be placed along '"g t!At.ne was as sc enmft nf thfi nrrMirrPhcen of medim. In great JNapoleon was -The New York Star nava thi following GeneralRobert - E. Lee : V : V r The fame otLee, indeed, may have been exaggerated by some of his partisans as a vui. .wa ore at a loss lO conceive what sort of .a friend this can be who thus comes forward to denreciate him at a time .u.. j '.L i.::. . -r. wiicu uluiu ,ua? preciuaea an npiy. it fl: wv. " -i l 7 ' f - IUUIU"W'V w isottu yj-yittui, wuea jus resources were i utterly exhausted : buC notwithstanding hesitation in sav- I iperiorto lirant as to-the .Duke of Wellington, though .subdued by him, and that prsUrltyiwill -place him in the front raoK oi modern generals. The following are,tho planks ot a -plat Term recently adopted bv the Getman Iqi fpendent Republicarns ot San Erancisco i i- ti: ta t ' 1 T? I 5 . IXnitnA Dtataa (Oon.tn.k. I a. xjiciiiuij i uuutu uvanca ucuaiuis uj I the popular vote.? 2. One term principle tor Presidents.. 3; Keseryation ot the pub lic domain for actual , settlers. , 4.; Civil service reform.', . J5. New international pol icy. 6. The amelioration ot the condition ot the workers. 7. General amnesty. 8. Pledging candidates tinder path, . and if they perjure themselves send them tevthe penitentiary.,. 9. Againstinture subsidies. 10. AbolitioOL of. protection. tarj'ffsTV !, ' J,':T.i-'i. ,ii '' r", f j .v ' r Another TlrRlnia PotaoiilQe.CAa.' ; A deoatch from Harrisonbursf.' Va.. Slat -ummV to, the Alexandria (Ya.; QazOUf, says; V A coroner': inquest was held yesterday and to day on the body of Mrs. John Cameron; at Mt. Crawlord, in this county, and the rerdict of the jury was that the cause of her death was, poison given her through the instrumentality of her husband.' Cameron is now. under ar rest and will undergo an examination." . MISCELLANEOUS, THE JACOB I Guaranteed to excel all others, both In shape and material Be sure to ask for T H E; 7A CO BLAXE, r AND ACCEPT Tib OTHER. , for you will' then be certain you are getting ' i 'i' r ?ttw best for your money. . : ; Every y Axe Warrairited 1 . For iale Wholesale and Retaili at v ",;";.;,';, ' '...'rV,": NATU'LJACOBI'S, t.. i f At hardware Depot, No. 9 Market SL, And Dealer ThrouKhont 7 the ' State. Newest asi M- iMM tfllis Ae ! Shu tier's ash Holder al; t.ock. THE - most convenient - and durable Sash Holder and Lock ever Invented, for the following reasons : ' ' U .. 4 ' 1st, It locks the sash when closed ; It holds It at place when opened.- 2d. it stops all Jar ring or rattliniis of the aish. SJ. It will not' get out of order or wear out in a lifetime.' 4th it can be put on in one minute and does not mar the window. Uaving the patent right tor thljt-ection, 1 am now offering the above sash Holder and Lock holesaie and retail. Working model on exhibition at our store . ' NATH'L JACOBI'SI . Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market St. febS-tf . ' ';- 1810. 187S. P e rry , D avis' Vegeta b I e HAS BEEN . TESTED IN EVERY VA RIETY OF CLIMATE,'AND BY AL MOST EVERY NATION KNOWN t ' - ' TO AMERICANS. 1 rwS XI is almost-tne constant eumpui uD Lffitv and estimable friend of the mission ary and the traveler,, on sea and land, and no one should travel on our Lakea or .Rivers without it.'., v i-v 4 . . It has been before the. public over thirty years, and probably has a wider and better reputation than anypther proprieta y medkf cine of the present day.' At this period there are but few unacquainted with the merits of the Pain Alllez ) bat while some extol It as a liniment, they know but Jittie of its power In easing paiu wjj.cu wkcu ai.-i " others use ittntern ally with greateoccessbut' , ure equally . ignorant o . t its healing ; virtues when applied externally. We therefore with to say to all that It is equally successful whether used internally or. externally, and it , 11 I stands to-day nniivalied by all the great cata- i logne oi-famiry meaicinea, it a sumcmui. 1 evidence of its virtnes as a standard medicine, i to know that world and thai inA'Ntrctfrkttv s lion ion. It is a pnreir vegetable compOunq, ana perfectly faiaeveriliiniukillful hands, , .. . ! i : i . iH-'.'-C i Af er thirty years trial, is still receiving the- most unqualified testimonials to Its virtues f.nm rtfiAni nt. tiMf hicrhflat oharacter ana re- !sponabUity. Physicians of thefirfirTeapeet- L .,.f..''lJI a mnot Ar.irtoJ .rtrA. DUi. icuuuuwuu m mm m irow -- Mr Wationfor .tht extinctlQn, ofpan,.. It is no pntthe best remedy ever known for Bruises, jcuts, Barfis, itb.jbutforDysenteryotCh'olera, .V- r ivwni nninnialnt:iti8 a remedy i ui caaajr wva w w , , 7 J tjasnrpassed - for elflclency and '.rapidity of 1L0mA. lh"the great cities of India, and other I nuiuw. o . Knt Hmatea. 'It has bexkraie the Standard i : Mtetaefc all iuteh eomniatnts, aa weuas aa wen as for Dyspepsia, lAm CompiainTs, vand otherl kindred aisoi'aers.r I ! - . Canker, Asthma, and fiheumatio dimouities, bWnrbved by th6 most abundant and f - 7. k in.ln4l,1a KAnnncinK testiiuuujr conviricing testimony to be ax I ..Wholesale Aget8, : r. ' r. vTTOX v - .49? Soldlat retail hy aU Druggist and Qro ff t ft Gaar 8-i4W2m ,OOQ BUSHELS CORN, t .., . , .i'MO RBT.S. VTjniTB.:.rlt tAjnAlX t.'.d i j :v a r:r';n-n-:'.-400.BBM;EOB.?.t;J i -Sj? OJ .11? ''i'-..'.- ,lo .i;."f li' Li' J 4 i'-Xr . suUAii, vo Jtic, AtoiAai&a, j ao - 4 -;3. jJTpr saleby ci iio feb 14-DWtf , EDWARDS EiLL. AXE! , TIPW A nv dttot?m fntq ! 1wEXTRAOEDmABttliuTBUVEMENT3. ,cp mitTrjULSiipes. fff7 f The Maioi A Hiv uuifr'(! resoeeb- fully announce the introduction of lmorove- 5?.!'?" Pi much more than, ordinary interest. xiieiseare being the only successful combination of Rxal jripaswitm teas ever made; DAY'S transposing keyboard! wnicn can do instantly moved no taerignt or left, changing itie pitch, or transposing the kev. For drawings and descriptions, see Cir- I else. business llprht and permanent. Farttc cular. y- --- ' - - - ' i9 4 wN'-rlne-Art vwtrAWD xiaoAHSTTUC8 of i I Publishers, Portland. Me, . .... , DOUBLE HEED CABINET ORGANS, 1 t u0, $132 and $125 each. . Considering Ca pacity, x.ieguncA ana xnorougn Jzceuence or worsniansniptiieffe are cneaper man any oe- fore offered? me mh son tiatniiu organs are acKnowi edged BEST, alid from extraordinary faciii- and now undertake to sell at prices which ren. flAr'l hum rr - .. 'V--. I - . i . . . m ' - - " - UJNyUJSSXlUAliL.1 UUJSAr"EST Four Octave Organs $5&each Five Octave Or gang iluO. $125 and upwards. With three sets reeds $1 Ouud upwards. Jforty .styles, up to $150) ech ' ' New Illustrated Catalosm. and Testimonial Circular, with opinicna of MOKE THAN ONE xuuuaJLNU MUSICIANS, sent free. MASON A IIAMIJN ORGAN CO. 154 Tremont st , Boston. 693 Broadway, N. Y. - , r - " i i: Cheap Farms L Free c Homes ! ' "ON THE LINE OP THE 'r UXIOX PACIFIC il AlliiO AD. It LAND GBANT QF , i 12,000, OOO A CRES" IH THS ; - , BEST FABHIKO iBD LAJTD8 IS AVXB10A. 3.000.000 Acres in Nebraska, I " IK THB GBEAT PL&fTE VALLEY, ':' . ; - ' . the ' 1 ' ; Garden of the Vest, NOW FOB SALE! . These lands are in the central portion of the United States, on the 4lst degree of North Latitude, the central line of the great Tem perate Zone of the American Continent, and or grain growing and stock raising unsur passed by any in the United states. CHEAPEU iv PRICE, more favorable terms given, and more convenient to market than can be found elsewhere. . Free. Hofflesteais . ftp AcM : Settlers. , CTM BIST LOCJLTIOirS 'OK coLOHras. - Soldiers Entitled to a Homestead of 160 Acres. EBK PAS8K3 TO PT7KOHABBB8 OF Z.A1TD. r Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, published In Engliah, German, 8 we dish and Danish, mailed ire everywhere. - Address . . o. F. DATiM, . Land Commissioner, U. P- R. K. Ca, , -. . Omaha, Neb. FANNIN G'S PATENT r KID-CITTINQ SKELETON CORSET. Recommended by iSAB JO 7HT81CIABS ! Should be worn by- all ladles who value health and comfort. Thev are particularly1 fecommended for sum mer wear and warm climates, although a--dapted to all seasons ef -t he jear. " -' For f ale by all first class dealers . .' ' : WOBCESTBK SKIKT CO., Sole Manufacturers, Worcester, Mass. THE' AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT r Is:THE:BT.- .. iavthe world. XSeantlfol thlte; Buffs, JJrabs, H'rench Grys, or any other color,- sola, mix ed read y for use." Any one can apply it with out the aid jof a pr sessional pamter. -It is handsomer, costs less and wears longer than any other paint. Sample cards, prices, and recommenas from owners of the- finest resi dences in the coanty, furnished free by the Avseill Chhkioal Paist Co., 32 Burling Slip, N. Y., orCleveland, Ohio. . - PORTABLE SODA. FOUNTAINS"" - J S40, SSO,75 AND $lOO. GOOD, DURABLE AND VllJSAr Z . V 'Shipped Beady .tSrVnei J ' ' '.fs ,M AKDT ACTtfBxb BT , .j'. n T -f f jr. W. CHAPMAN 4 CO , Madisoni Indiana. SEND FORCiRCULAB,4' REP BUST PBOOF OATS $2 a Bushel Orchard Grass $ J 80 a bushel, bend 3 cent uostage stamp and my complete Price Lists of aU kinds of Grass weeds, Field Seeds, Gar den fceeds, Flower and Tree Seeds, Agricul tural Implements, Machinery, Guanos, Chemi cals, Live Stock, Ac, will be forwarded you. These Priced Lists ccntainrmoch valuable in formation as to time and quantity to plant, 4C MaRK-W. JOHNSON,- beeasman, r. v. Box t A Atlanta, Ga. . .-. .. . . - - THE BROWH. XJOTTOK GliMPAHI, New jLtondon, Jonn. Manufacturers of the-"Brown Gin," Cotton Seed HNllerar, Hacbinery and Castings. Manu facturers of Harris Patent Rotary feteani en gine the best and cheapest ."team Engine for plantation, purposea. cotton-gin makers and repairers' I urulshed" with .ail kinds of ma terials.r SaWS,.Rlbs, milieu, Boxes, etc., ot any patterw, to order at short notice. Have had long iexperieBoe .ia- the Iwislness, and guarantee satisfaction in every- partlcalar. Order solicited. Address a above, v - , . . CjIJ x1j V i . . We desire to call the attention of Farmers and -.- ' - - - " , . " . , J Merchants to our ' . , , fl () R' N ' P X 4A!K T E R'B . .HV ;A -Vl, rx .-V. f.t... ..ri ! : They are One Of t ae in03t useiu j-ana eco nomical mpgs, ??AJ";;fa -:'Kii nynink to- thw hill can be L.; XIZZZM rife entire satisfaction to the purchaser. ;; ; . , s . f ! A ;PxUxi...,l-'-'"-'ir''-''''''r'"Y I .d.4a ritt f Art il Izer Attachment.......... SO iiitiB) - 7. Manufactured and scld-hy J. W. CABDWELLt CO., .! ;. m 2i'; tRIClllIOND, VA, l . ? t-Vrri if VP 'ei'shtnaka 4L&.Tfti5D?fi THE CHRISTIAN paper, full of had L mbnthlv. religious, family ii.ii vr indtKYaavi iji. b;x u w iuvuvvdi ut paper, iu. r-r- - ld i d JgSra. So sectananism, controversy, polV i,P3P9.?uL!fiS' 4 ds T" SB CBa W ww c B i fof,jet I uttu uhri8tia,8 copies mQJ:'M 19 t.tndaU Street, UPStOU, nxasa., ? - j j t f t r i - : ' 1?EEE TOrBObE AGENTS We Will send a. BAndsome ,Pff KfSSft charge? r A ifTPW KiuVm-to.i Philadelphia,-J-a.T-Atlanta, Ga!,orBt.Lonis,Mq. )t.Htrf ' ana an VA'"'r; r0,.!ninn ro.nJr.t air who 'contemplate jimimi(5.p'n'i'" -11 uw "T. . .J. .4 p. t. nana nn nnlnt witho.ar ofltmp. - kteetaria. , 1 1. 1 , BUUiiu ' ""'Tv--; .hose disclosures f " drvT It is the best -Befirngbokpublls Co., Cincinnati, O. reguhtti d to. suit the.(planterf distancess 20, impi8 COHmbutioiaJ.rLn prwjviwu.w... , UrAtfHntaJthe -rrr v4 nnirt t n..aA Planters, iwi icaini auu i - r : --' IJEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IXXaXENSE SUCCESS. AgenU Wanted, . male or female, in every ooaaty. in the United States and c&nadas. to sell our new mid; most nsetalPateal ; f rom one to six used in every iamuy. 00 per cent, guaranteea. For samples ana terms, inclose ten cents and address irr- -FERGUSON' c OLj ,h -.,645 Elver Street, Troy, N. Y, U o Piano Co., N. Y,-'lsi class" t29tf. c ft,0 A?enta. 5, Names of patrons In it States In Circular; V r ." - v ; AGENTS Wanted -& gent -m Vft" in hre imoney at work for na than n .niMn WADE BOYKIN A CO'S GREAT LIVER PILL Contains no Calcmel. hut May-Apple, or Pod ophillin, Instead wMcais now soainlvsaUy tised for ther Liver.' Tffdoctorcan Or will irive you a better prescriptlo a than Evervboav'a FilVTor Sick Headache, Constlpation,:Dvs pepsia, Jaundice, Fever, and all affection 8 the rebuit oi an inactive Liver, eugar-coatea and two dozen in a bottle. We warrant them, and will return the money to any one not satisfied. Druggists and merchants keep them. :.,!t jCUNIXURANCD. Supply of Bark Asiarcd, Prlo Bed need. ( BLISS, KEEN E A CO'S FLUID EXTRACT Cures Ca cer, tcrofmla, Syphilis, Catarrh, Ehematlsm, Nenralgia, Pulmonary Com plain is. Ulcers, fait, Kheum, skin Diseases, all niood Diseases. - la purely vegetable. Ihebeti known Blood Purifier. Sold by all Druggist "rrlce $ rper bottle. ' oerv the trade mark. Send Sot Circular. Office. 60 Cedar St., New York. S1,000 REWARD For any case of Blind,, Bleeding, Itching or Ulcerated Piles that T Bute's Pits Rbkbdt falls to cure. It is, prepared expressly to cure . the Piits. and nothing else. Sold by all Drag. gists.! Price, $100. uaar29-dw4went kMISQELT.ANEOUS. ' To tie Cdnfeierate Desct Georila And to those Soldiers from other Con federate States who w ere Kill : led or bled laJhii State. ..V THE MONUMENT TO COST $50,000. THE CORNER STONE, it is proposed, shall be laid as soon as the receipts wtfl permit. 2,000 Prl sea, valued at ($5 0,000) Five Hun drea Tnouand Dollars.- That amount, , . only, in Tickets, to be sold. V - -.. For every Five Dollars subscribed there will be given a certificate of Li e .Membership to the Monumental .Association. This-certifi cate will entitle the owner thereof to an equal interest in the loliowing property, to be dis tributed as soon as the requisite number of ehares are sold, to wit: -,! ' ""1." ' Firsu Nine Hundred ana One Acres of Land in Lincoln County, Georgia, on which are the well Shown Magruder Gold and Copper Mines. valued at .$i5y 00 - And to Seventeen Hundred and Forty-Four Shares In One Hundred Thousand Dollars of United estate 8 Currency, xo-wlt t ; ''' i share 'of i(.e,e..:..'..ii..'....;.C...tio,oo) 1 ' 0.UW.. I 7 . iJiOO.. 6,000 : i ,10 20 100 v200 4iO lOsO j 2,U00.;i..i.. 80,000 I i.O O 10.000 . 601) 10,000 10J, ...-. 10.000 6 1U.UUU 2o .................. . .... 10,000 10. ..i, 4 le.ww f V,-.-;( ,;i v.'v . .'-. y.i i ;ioo,ooo , From the First-class Eeal Estate Offered by well-known patriotic citizens, to the con Jed erate Monumental Association, the loliowing Piizes have been selected, ana added to the foregoing Shares: ; : - ' : - 1st BERZELIA:. This well-known Roaort, with tne ar2e Residence. S ore, etc and , a uio, nuu Fonr Hundred TAcres of Land, Immediately on theGeonrUi RaUroad. twenty ttUes 1 rom An- iriTHtt. -ir-avinff an annual yield, oi j-uteen Thousand Dollars. i .v. 'j j " - ' 2 The well known CITY HOTEL, fronting on Brod street. The building is ot Brick, three stories high, 134x70 lst. I alued. at .tJ6,000.- - . - 'I':.-.. 8d. THE SOLITUDE PLANTATION, in nmntir. Ai&bama. on tne unattanoo ehee Kiver, with elegant and commodious lm- "Drovementa, i The average rental, since ici, o-4th-That Large Brick Residence and Store on Northwest ; corner of Broad and Centre streeis,h known, as .the Phlnizy- or Bandry Hoube. k jUent T waThousana Dollars. s i " 5th TaQ Bogexs' Honse,on Greene street, a new and elegant Brick Residence, in most desirable portion, of that beautiful street Valued atfi,000. , -i '4 -.Afuii X. 6th. Flat Bash, with 120 Acres of Land, hall a mile from city limits-, the elegant Suburban Residence of AntoAne Pollain, Esq., in good order. Valued at $i,u00. .. -x ,. 7th: The 'Dealing House,, a large and com. in odious Residence,, with Tnirty City Lots cyx-iioteet. ttontmK on McKinne and Canes streets. Valued at ti(J,00y. eth. Stanton Reaidenee and OroharJ,onthe Georgia ttailroad. Valued at $ V0 . ALtO I share of One Hundred juales Cotton. . ... . . ... . . u f .4 .4 ;.' ' 1 '- " Jt hit awenty-Fivd4 . . , 91A hharesof One Hale each. ' The bales to average 400 pounds, and class Liverpool Middling., . ' --i ' Th valne-of the separate interest to which the hofchsr of each Certificate will be entitled, will be be determined ny tne wntmiaaionersv whn win annoiirxoe to tne nubile the manner. the time, and place of the distribution, 1 " -l , xhe loUo w liig genUemen have consented td ,At.'uM i.tmmitiaiaiierb. and will, either by a ommittee irom, tneir own ouuy ui jjy oikkhh Trustees appointed hy themselves, receive ami take proper cnarge ot vuo muuc iui .no Monument, as well as the Heal estate and the Mi a. enrr ncy- offered asmdncementa ror subscription, and; will determine e pon the plan for the Mosnment, thi-oeriptton there on, the sit iheietor, select an orator for the oooJojien, and regulate the, ceremonies to be observed whea the corner stoae is laid, viz.: Generals Lt-McLaws, . A.' . Wright," M. As C.tncad,CoL Wm. P.Crawford, kaj. Jos. B. .cumm lug, George Jackson, aisjor. Joseph lainhrjlD. W HenryMoore,W, E, llietfrlMf.-14'"" . . its are allowed twenty per cent. They required to pay-their own expen-es j TiekeuandCircmaaione.DewKrurnisn TnTT t .miasions will be deducted from labor required offered ssrvlocB i or more proumen.w-.--. ' " i A.a i a . & It eaCCwped t6 act with us. v ; , I Parties desiring to. contribute to tne -monument, and who do not WKh to. participate in wi... 1 1 riaiv ft orvpr.ta.1 rceiDt..Tlie money Will be turner over to tne Treasurer, ' and will be appiaprlated to the Monument1 without any deduction whatever. L. & AH.'McLAWS.Gen. Agts, j ,-'.!. t wa SMla r. O. Range, mointosn ctn ' , - ; ::Angtiata,Ga. I fatal Cartlbn Belt, Coleman House, N, Y Miss Mary Ann Bule7 Columbia. & C.; Hoja.,Jaa,. 1 t arv .L0.tV-nw?j.T, - . . i.- u . w- in iriTn woo,aihgton7Ga.;:K. JK-JaaitU, Esq., Tuscaloosa, aoa., iywius 6" mar d-8mos , r M: . . . w i M.aM'.r it ri l- Coatemplating kBuslness Life should attend THE URYANT, 8TKATTON A SADLER 1 For Circulars, and. Specimens of Penman- ahiD. enclose two stamps auu aaaress, j xxr it aini.KK.pnrw -- " ' No, fi and S N. Charles St, mar lOAAwiw ent r ,noi. BalUmore, Md. i iTMMi r C?val -Oil Ov-WSHate I- n'h- oniv absolutely eate mwi f ,jr only Jobbers at factory ratesrare ; TW?T A BROTHERS The only aosoiu. '-,rr' " r U& wast Baltimore St., Ba timore, Md. ' Xa4weaitiitt ivateof Virginia.) 1 Send ior cixcuii . jtamntsj ent : .ujmi.Si tTa. t- i mar itw TTTEDOIH CAMtDS All 0 W W CABDSi printeoirathe ? moat ? ielegaa Ie.aC? WM. H. BERNARD'S , Printing and Publishing House, MISOEIJLANEQIIS,;;; t. BaltinioTo Lock Hospital. ! DR. jonxsox, Physician of .this celebrated Institution, dis covered, when in the Great Hospitals of En rope, viz i-' England, France and elsewhere, the certain speedy.- pleasant and ' effectual, remedy in the world for all excesses or abuses . Weakness of the Vack 6r LimbS, Strictures Affection or me aianeys or uiaaaer, involun tary Dl0Cn&rge8,lm potency, General Debility, Nervousness, lyspepsla. Languor,-- Low Spirits, Confusion of iaeas. Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head,;. Throaty Nose Or Skin, Affections of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels thoso terrible Ldiorders arising irom Solitary Habits of Youth sbobbt and solitary practices more fatal to their vic tims than the song of the Syrens to the Ma riners of Ulysses, o lighting their most bril liant hopes or anticipations, rendering mar riage, Ac, impossible, destroying both Cody andmlntiL ; , , Especially, who have become the victlmi bf Bomary vice, ia areaaim auu uoou-vmiv habit which annually sweeps to an untimely pmvB thnasands Ot vonnir men Of the most exalted, talents and billliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening feeruttea with the thunder of eloonence. or waked to, eoitacy the living lyre, may call ' marriage;'5 :u . Married persons, or Youn g Men contemplat incr marriase. aware ot Fhyoical Weakness. Los of Jrocreative Power (impoteucyj, Ner vous Excitability, falpltation,o Kauio eak- ne8s, Nervoao DeDiuty, or any otneriaquau flcAtlon. sueedilv relieved. He who places nimaelt u nd.er the care of Dr. J. may religiously counJe in nis nonor as a genueman, and conndently rely upon his skill as a physician. ..: ' . .-K:m!- l- ", . U-M ORGANIC WEAKNESS i'f immediatelv Cured and lull Vltcor Restored ,. 'lhia uiutiesMiniE AJlectln wnich renders life miserable ana marriage impossible is tne penalty paid uy tne victims o( improper m muKiiRHH. Yonn oersona are tooauttocom nut excesses from not bel. je aware of the OreaaiUI conscquenoes iut uxay cuoua. - w. who tnat anderbtanus this subject wui pretend to ueny that the power, of procreation in lost sooner by tLose lulling iuto improper haults t.iuui hv th Drudenil . Besides bulng deprived ot the plea,ure ot healthy offspring, the most serious and uestructive syuiuiouus of Ma body atd mind ariae. The 8 y stem becomes iieranweo. tne Phvcical and Mental Functions weakened. Loss ui rooreatlvtt Power, Ner- voux IrriLaoiiitv. ' DvbDeDsia. Palpitation oi tn Heart, lndnresuou. , ConstltuiioiMd De bility ana, Wasting of the Frame, couh, Con sumption, Decay aud Death. ,- A CORE SPEEDILT, WARRANTED. ; Persons ruined in healthy by unlearned pre tenders who keep them trifling month alter month, taking poisonous auu injurious oom- pounas, snouia appiy iuiuieuiaiijr, : . " DR. JOHNSTON, : Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Graduate of one ot the most emineat Colleges in the United States, and the best part of whose life has" been bpent la the hos pitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else whirft. bad etleoted some of the most aaUm- isiung cures that were over known; many trnubied with rineinz in the. head and tars whA-n L..ip.n. irreat nervousness, beinxr alarm edat sodden eoundsj baaniainoes, with fre quent blushing, attended some times with ue- rangement oi uuua, were uuieu xiuxuvvuntcxjr. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. ' Dr. J. addresses all those who have Injured themselves by improper indulgence ana sou uir habits, w huh tuin bth body and mind. unnuing thetnior ftiher businebS, study, so- oiutu.nr rnu.rrlri.iTA. . These are souie"- of the sad melancholy ef fects produced bytheeartnly habltsoi youtn, viz : - W eakness oi- the Back ana Limbs, Pains mthA Htttidi Dimness OJ SiKhu x.oss of ilu ..! f vnHr. Palmtation oi tne Heart. Dys pepsia, Nervous iiritabiiiiy, Derangement of Krmf.inran nf CnfisumDLlon. &C. mtallY.-tuj leariul effects on the mind are mucn to be dread to. Lo-8 Ot Mem ory , Confusion oi ideas, Depression o Spirits, Rv.t b orubodlnes. Aveiaiou to" Society, belt Distrust, Love or solitude, Timidity, ao., are toinu of tne evilo produced. T no us an ds OI Dersons ot an asvs vaxi uuw i . , . .r v,Zi. fu..l)nii,i jnoge A Jr" neaitn, loam tueix vMit-u pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singu lar appearance auout iuo vujjsu aL4u symptoms of consumption. .. , . YOUNG MEN Who have inlured themselves by a certain practice, indulged in whenaione, a habit tre aaently learnea fyom eyil companions or at chool, tne effects ot whictt are nightly felt, even wnen asleep, and If not enred renders marriage impossible, and oestroys both mind and bouy, snould apply immediately. ! . What a pity that a young man,.thi hope of his country, the pride of his parents, suould oe snatuheu irom all prospects and enjoyment of liie py tne couscquehce "ot deviating -irom the path of nature, aad inaulgmg in a certain stCi et habit; buch persons must, beiore con- ;empiating ,iABBIAGi:;! zc': Reflect that a sound mintl andbody are' the must neoubsary requisites to promote connu bial happlues. Indeed, witnout these tue J jurney tnrough life becomes a weary pilgi im age, tue prospect houriy darkens lo the view, tue tuinu oeoomes shaaovred witu despair, aua miMii tvitn Dh uielaiicnol itllooliOtt tnat tne happineasol anotuer is flighted withuur Own A tiaETAlN DISEASE. ' When the misguided an i imprudent votary of pleasure huuo he nas imbiUed the seeds ot this painiol disease it too often happens that an al-tuneU sense of sham or dread or urs nvrv deters- him jioni applying: tat those wuo, irom:eucawul.anar reopeutayiiity, can, alone bet lend utm. n (aUs tuto tne iiavus or la-norant and .ueslgumg ' pi e tend e. a, .who, ; incapable ot curing, mch his. pecunuuy sulk ' stauve, keep nun trtumg muuvu wwa, uivuvot 1 w .antr 4.vLt sma,iebt lee cad be obtained,1 and in despair leave aim wlttt 'rumed hdaltit ; WO blKh OVBJ.M11S. gatlUig .UisappvuibUiciHi f-ux, ' . . 1 ... ....... 4, A ..... . by tue use t-i tuai- ueauijr 4vxovu, uyui tne COUStttUtlU-UU, Bj tuyiwuia , utu i nurnauisease wua" uw ihwiwjw.,.i.vu ai ulcerated aero uroat, diseased nose, noo- tumal paths in tne neaa ana iiuius, -uimness ol biKhu deaf nrss, -nodes on the bhin boaes umi M.1-U1M. oiotnes ou the bead, face and ex- irMuinioa. urotfteaamK witefritcauul rapidity. till at lust the palate .or the mouth or tue bones Ol thenoSe jail m, am vne victim oj. t h,a nwfnl Aurcase beoouies a horrid object ol n..miLiH.rii.tlaaitill'aeatn puts a period ta his dieadml suueriug, by seeding nim: to that 'uudiscoveied Country "iroiu wiiooe uyurue jm traveler returns. ' ' ' n thMiMtura Drv Johnston 'offers' the WstcerUtui,epeedyt,pieaajJttt and; effectual remedy in me won. r f jr.-i t OFFICE, 7 HOUTII FREDERICK ST K , B iXWaiOBE, MARYLAND, . i-, . . , . , . .l-U',XthkaikVvn'AVe"treet.a , 'iaeiah -tb ot Uura u uui-uv.i , .... . jw o letters received unless postpaid and containing astamp to be used ou tne rep;y. Persons writing suouiu buiie age, nun bouu portion' of advertisement- desoribintr'ymP i The Doctor's DIPLOMA hangs in Wa office, - . ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. tWa minvVhonaand cured at this-edtabll&b nnt. otthiit ihM- htst twenty vearsTantt - the nnmerottt) "important surglotl opt rations per focined by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the itep- reseutatives ui w nwa A . . . . .. . . a.a4 anfl notices oi.wnicn nave appeal e (b" -r-again before the pubiici besides his "landing as a man or honor and. resnsibaity.i a sumcient euaratee to iuo SKlN DISEASES SPEaDxLY CUBED. mar i-ly eat- 120,000 i FBESH BEAT BICE, -. FROM I HXltTQN.i RICE MILLS, ; i.ffa'aa2alw . Ji - k;- .:'t to i-.-$'.:. ieoS v WjUiAMBB08.e " i " r" 1 i - Planting Potatoea'J i(l A , iHit ii T3INK EYE, kJ'JA -1.-1 J-Early GoodricTi, S fcT i'H--f!X.- 1 -'! :- t:;.0I J'-JiKi ii-l ; I .. paeh. Bit Peach Blows,: g ,7; ; i r,-j 71 -JO lv U I'Xarly Bose," a .11 s r . 't-x'U--i-i ' '' '- 1 1n lots to suit. J'5ror-Bale.by: janU-tf ADRIAN fc VOLLERS, ; , WSURANOEOTIOEa 1- 8 2 '- f t I r ill 1 U I ; LI7ERP00L' AKD' LOKDOH AND GLOBE in Insiirance;: Company; ! rti.tt .! S.t siHti.Vi' i 4, ' i.. ASSETS Held lii the . . i .. ri. " " 1 United States by American Directors Now Amount to 83,640,44:9.62! ... i . TITOS. OR2E1IE, ........ North side Princess Bt between Water and Front streets, WUmlngt on, to whom all ap- plication for Agencies should be addressed. ' fcbWtf ' " ""!." ' ' ." ". ' . ,',' Np CaioM Hme brace , Zmvm OF BALEIGlf , N. C. ;! ,: R. H. BATTLE. ............ ...M...Presiden BEATON. G" ALES;... j.;....:. Secretary JNO. W. ATKINSON, Wilmington,' Agent.' T-. , .-.,: .-.'y "I ... ; , : 1 HIS reliable State Company pays its losses fairly and promptly. It is managed oy 'well known business men. Itscapltal and earn, ings are Invested in the Stafa, and tend toward building up and fostering the financial pros perity of North Carolina, . aug 1-tf INSURANCE ROOMS. No. 4, $. WATER STREET, ' 1J The loliowing leading Companies are repre sented : y . t t THE QUEEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, : of Liverpool and London. ANDES FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, I. . 1 , Of. Cincinnati. CONTINENTAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y, . . Of New York. HOME INSURANCE CO., of Richmond,; ,Va. MERCHANTS & MECHANICS, of Richmond, The Old, and Favorite Marine Company, ' THE MERCANTILE MUTUAL, ' ' : f ' r ; i;Jt - ' '-- Of NewYbrkt -Insurance at fair rates, in the above first- class Companies. ; " ' - JOHK'WILDER ATKINSON, dec 6-tf v 1 - General Agent. Piedmont & Arlington LIFE IKSTTBACE COMPANY, PRONOUNCEDby the"" Uiinwiirai." an Insurance Journal .of Philadelphia, to t n. mtv wi 'flH7 nt RnccAag.'uid a model of econ omy, caution and security," invites respectful comparison With, ' any first-class company in the countrv.-' - ' V ' ' Its record, past and present. Is glorious,' lis future hopeful, and the : management tako pride in presenting aoompany in a coaaiwm equal to any, superior to roany, and surpassed, by none. - ' Persons desiring Insurance. will please cal. on ',. W. M. STEVENSON. Agent, July 8-tf . K r ao Market St. - TTT- I N S UMHC E . Fine-jETkA, INS) ;JChV pt Hartford, in corporated iai. Assets Jan. 1st, 187,8,40o,t,03v "UNDU.EW RITEK'S' AGENCY, of New YorkT Assets Jan. 1st, 1872. $5,788,647. .. . ; , . , M ABINE-GBE AT WESTS BN" INS. COof s New York. Assets $,O00,0oO. . ' , Insures by Steamer and Sail to Northern ports at lowest rates, and Issue certificate pay able in goldoa shipments of CoUoa and Naval Stores to Great Bcitain and the Continent. . " AXrE.-r-World Mutual X.ife Insnranee Co., of r- New York. Aaetta KW,eoo. i v iSt. Louis Mutual Life insurance: company, of P. . v . Mibaourj.,. Assets i3,aoo,oou. T s All business pettalning to in,suranpe prompt ly attended to byVf7? V" i -"..-.r. ;' ""lh. t. ci dbrosset; I mh lO-tf ,,J; Water knd Cheannt ots. Fresli; Goods, :j.1 l.M- i ft I 1 1 ; ' i nTT-B ar oonsranUy receivlajf Fresh Goods' 1 W in our line. Our choice Go-heaBntter. anJ pu? liaf Lard, In bulk an d tteree. ea t not be" excelled. , Sugar Cured Hams, reeh 4 c?ackerTof different Tea ftugars andooffee, and other article ; i i fakxar's xpria ::,! 1 w : V-,: ..''.HlovVhu-.-'i J..v..:r cures bhxukatism; AD NKDRALQU . i i tio tti-ti! 1'5 "i -AT Jy i;' ;J' 11 o!lf M ": uv A Iry.iti Itocurano -pay. i 43T, JBor . sale , at ALL pBUQ STORES. -Tfia . mar'lT-tf , .4 ii ii , -Jr. cnEScir jir. ' coi, ; ; General CsmaaUiloa nerehaata sad -l;3l;.. COBNEB - DOCrADATEi STREETS Will give prompt avl prtomal.atteatlon to .eiRtheaaleornuiipmentor Klvju 3bSPb7E!i5TAYE3 aad all - : Orders for saie or proance ox.puxuww y Qoodf wmjbeprompiiyatteftde . best advantage to our customers. . :V1 ,.f. ii ;We are also reeeivinV large cxnigiimea I AIX GBADEf OF UQUOHS, -.'.- -whtoh we are prepared to sell at wboleaal at, t i ! v.- r Tnir lowest cash pbicesC i , D. aprs-tf Yf . aprt-tf. j r.; I' i If 5-! I 9 . i - ! i