MO RNING STAR BY TELEGRAPH. THE MORNING STAIt Banaay's Telegrams Cenaenaed. 1 J Fred Douglas, bis ion and Mr. Downing, negroes, left Washington to day for the Col vpred Convention ac New Orleans. i j uruiuiueui iiiihuis uuiuiviau wuw irt now Jn tit. Lonl, states that Senator Trumbull bas written to his Troinerm law, urv jayneiv In 8Drlo:fleld. III., and In tbe letter be fully com mits himself to tbo Liberal movement and ex- presses bis opinion that tbe nominee of tbe Cincinnati Convention will be next President. The annual conference 'of tbe Mormon Church, says a Palt Lake dispatch, began this morning. There was a great .ctewd present The speakers toe progress of tbe Mormon church, wnlcn could not be retarded by the combined, efforts of all existing powers. They said that avery President, Judge, officer ana priest wno naa oeen against tne juormons fell by'the chastening band of God. At Cincinnati tbe committee of srrsnge - Tnenta lor the two May conventions have sp r oulntrd a committee of nine, irretoectl ve .of politics, as a committee or reception for neie . 'gates and visitors. Half fare arrangements have been made with nearly all tbe lallroads. pi exposition nail. .. . - . , r 8t. Louis announoes that TOO delegates from that cl.y will attend tbe reunion of the Reform Macs Convention. ; . . i WOU2V KEPOUTh. From Pennsylvania. .1 8cb anton, April 8. W. W. Ketcbnm persists in the Republican , candidature for Pennsylvania. . ' From lllcblffrnn. . Dstuoit, April 8 Lake St. Clair is agalu open. . ' ' From Mew Torh. ' . . -4 v Nsvw Tokk, April 8. , Proceedings have been commencea against - the Tenth National Bank before the Fvderal Commissions Coirrt for locking up $750,000 worth of l'gal tenders to' affwet ttfu priceauf stocks. . . - It Is rrporttd that Gould has sold his Inter terest lo tbe Graud Opera House te MrsFisk ; Tne German InternatloualUts liave seeedfJ from the regular organization and formed a new federal council. Tuw proceedings yester day give sins of trouble brewing. Tbe lock up of money with which the Tenth National Bank is charged was caused by an at tempt of Henry N. Smith, Jay Gould and other1 , Wil street men to secure a fall in stocks.' These gentlemen being -on the bear side alto-' ' gather they withdrew from cuculation, with . out a moment's warning, about $4,750,000 lo legal teuders. In consequence of Jhe cloenees ol money thns induced there was great embar rasameut Saturday at the Corn Exchange. A telegram has been sent to Secretary Boutwell requesting him to rel.eve tbe money market by loaning a portion of the large reserve In tbe Treasury. i ' . It iaisaid that a number of the- Wall street operators will bearrested to day. ' From Mexico. ? Cut or Mexico, April 8. Tbo fate of tbe revolution In the States of Yucatan and Tabasco ki not yet decided.' Tbe Mexican steamer Tabasco has gone to Progresao to protect tbe American steamer The Mexican anthor'ties at Vera Cruz await the arrival of this steamer to convey troops to Matamoraa to attack the revolutionists iu the .rear. ; . From Waanlnston. - ' ' l. ', " WxshinqtOn, April 8. OONOKESSIONAI,. SENATE. -No business of Importance trans acted. . i - IT. illij t7 TT I. t IT- I L J j . nil iiuuoa--uai i in, ui imruuucca a Dili refunding to postmasters of the South stamps - and other property taken f ram them or de stroyed during tbe rebellion. Referred. Fillrtmsteriug over tbe civil rights bill fol lowed as usual. It finally came up on a square vote for a third reading, which may be regard ed as a test vote. Result yeas 100 ; nays 77. Amotion is now pending to table tbe bill,' ' but the expiration of the morning hour checked proceedings and tbe bill goes over to next - J '2- ' ". "1 - ' Londox, April 8. . The city of Antlocb. in Syria, bas bee, earth - quaked and half of it. totally 1 struyed, . I"if teeu hundred persons were killed. . The Ihti ot this morning ssys a rumor pre- . vaueo last nignttuai an important leiesram . bad been received at tbe Foreign Office? from . the government of the united , States. This , dispatch. It was reported, indicated that there . . r j i vr - w-t , w SB pruspcci. ui tuc uiuercuces uciwccu &og .land and America, growing ouVo( the claim , for consequential damages, being settled Jo a maoner soilefactory to both nations ,. UK ki;iort. JTBOU ' WASHINGTON. ' - V ' WASHiNOtDK, April 8. ,.'( J miscmxakxoot' t i'l' 1 The Natlocal Democratic Committee meets here about the 25th insL to adopt measures to secure an immediate ana tnorough reorganiza .lioo oi iuo xcuiuuriic yr.j iur iue xreaiaeu tlal CamDaigu. - The U. o. steamer Lackawana has been prr dered to Lioog Kong. . , J udge Luchrane, of Georgiapa.sed through cere tuuay enrome lor aw x uriu . The Supreme Court lo day decided in favo. of Judge D isher the Bradley casev Bradley wao expelled Iroro Judge rlaher's court at4U , close of tbe Surratk trial. some years ago. - Tbe committee having charge of the memo rial services In honor of ; Prof.' Morse, ;o be held la theHonse of Representatives Tuesday evening tne iotu inst., ueiu a uu meeting to ' dav and re do ted near completion all the "Ar rangements which wt 1 make the event of great interest. .Leading members of botf. houses of Comrress will deliver short addresses and Oil ver Wendell Holmes Will probably read a poem written expressly for the Occasion. Letters have been addressed to tne mayors Of cities requesting them to call public meetings the same night, and ft plan has been perfected" to bold similar: meeiirgs throughout tb'e world and communicate , with the meeting here . by. telegrspb. - It was resolved to extend, tte lot lowing luvitatiuna : "lo Ills Excellency, the uovernor lbe National Telegraph Monu ment Association have appointed you one of tne v ice xresiaents ou tne occasion of the me morlal service fn houor of Samuel F. Bi Morse, to be held in tbe House ot Representatives ou Tuesday evening; A primp, h. Telegraph your ecepkuutc, auu 11 jruu vauuoi oe p apuoiotmeut Of a proxy residing or here. Address A. 8. OolotnOD, CbHtriuan of vue vouimiHcv ut ariKUKCUicuw," it was . further agreed to invite the widow and family of tbe late Professor to' be preBeut'o'n the occa . sion and become tbe guests of the oatlon. Rev. Dr. Adams, pastor of the Professor, is invited to open tbe proceedings with prayer. Ad mis- ... sion U tbe building to be by card only. k l' CONORkSBtONAX.-' " " SENATE -T0-) brnJcing .the Missouri river at ttrownviue waa passeu. - - . Several. jrrraU iftlls fori property taken ddr lng tbe war were uassed.oeludlug, Mr. Mar- tha House Rnsselltof Tennessee, and J. MUtou Bast, ol Kentucky yo Uofsce Tyler, New Orleans, $40,UOW in full compensation for Work done al rb mootu of tbe ttlsolssippi, and the .bill paying Mrsr, John . Minor . Butts nearly 12.000 waa passed.! " i be bill against straw bids for mall contracts , The bill relieving citizens of London county, - ,va., iur cauie iaa:en was passed. The till relieving, PoweU & Dickinson,, cf - Knoxvllle, paving them '$84,000, was also Tbe bill for the relief of Joseph Begsr was posipo'ted.-' i.i ;? 2. j J.: ; r. . i--- " . v- MuUda.-j.The , reaoitt..tcUo:" the Committee on . Banking and Currency to In vestigate the charges against National Banks of a conspiracy to lock up the currency, with power to 'send 'for persons-and" papers, was passed. " ... , The appropriation bill was resnmed and dis cussed till adjournment. ; '. J r .r, ;' r. i . From New York. v :r1' ; . &-U ?Cyl ? i .YoRJUAprilS, - "In tbe-Supreme Court to-day ft motion was made to rn the case of 8amuel 8smnHs against Win. C. Bryant, of the.. Evening Jt for ilbej,intil the arrival of ijryant from juexi co. The motion was argued, but decision was reserved . A large eight hour meeting-was held here to-dajSTbe resolntions nay they want by Irgw latlon what could be obtained by revolu tionary .means,. Geofge Thompson and Henry Overton ware faUlrjbnrned last night at a droniwu cft;rosal in a tenement bouse u-Leonard street. ' Sixty-two writs of b.bea h corpus ere brought before the.Saprema Court this morn tnb in the eases of prisoners who tt Is allegad wfre illegally Jenteuced by the Court of 4e Wl alislons. 'Aclloo was postponed till next elon of tbe Court Jf Appeal, on this matter Can BobsVquently there was 153 additional writs Issued returnable Wednesday. ' ' ' ' nr Jo-euh Woodhnll. husband of Victoria Woodtmll, Is dead. A coroner's jury Uluves- tigatinx the circumstances. From Florida.- ' ; .. Taixasassxb, April 8. ; - Gorernor Reed Issned a -proclamation, this morning, which Is attested by the -great seal r ih. Mt,t iaimtriM that the action of the Senate in adjourning without giving him trial operated aa his drscnarge ana acquis, irvui tbe charges preferred against him. The proclamation then recites that Samuel T. Day, regardless of the high and sacred rights of the people, and of his (Reed's) power aud authority, continues to .make removals from and appointments to oince, ana inerciore be lsssnes it wlltull purpose to protect- tbe public credit, preserve public property, and p event me coiiecuwu w ujijisbouo .uiu other purposed evils. : lie . then proceeds to proclaim bis antnoriiy-ana power ta iue performance of all chief executive duties in thiswise:; ; . , The acts ond doings of Samuel T. .Day, since tbe actings and doings of tbe. Assembly, Senate and High Courts of Impeachment are without authority of law, and I torbid him. and all persons acting under - aud by his authority, from exercising any official power or authority under peril of the law ; and I for bid all obedience to them and command lull obedience to tbe iawlul authority of tbe duly elected Chief Magistrate of the State." Reed, this attenooo, in accordance with the functions he claims; made several appoint ments to and removals from office. From SoutU Carolina. . . . . CHARlJltSTON, April 8.: The Ku Klnx trials will be resumed hem to morrow before the U. a, uourt, juoge,Bona preoldtng. , ' : . . J '.. T' ; i . A large number of prisoners and witnesses lo these cases have been' brought here from tbeioterior counties and remain in military custody.' . ' "; i'-7- ' - :: i' CABLE HIKFATt-nKK. Pout atj Prince, April 8. A Hsytien General while on bis wsy to prison "at Saint Marie took ref uge In the Amer ican Consul s home ana was protected oy tne Consul lor some time but was finally released. The matter .will be .settled by higher author lilts. : ' . ' Thirty men from Monte Chrlsto landed in a schooner at Cape Hnytlen and seised tbe arse nal and held It, 24 boure.but were finally driven to the woods. ' Several of the party were killed. ; ... , . . -. .. ; -' Font Oniarlo. -- Londox, Ont., April 8. Phmbe Campbell has baen convicted of the murder of her husband and aeutenced to" be hanged.;; ; , . ; S,. .". . ' i: OUMESntHABHKTX. " Naw YORK, AprA 8 Noon. Money tight at 116K V cent, per day. Sterling Exchange long sight 10V); short 110. Gold steady at 110. Government bonda dull but steady. Stock urm. " (XmmerciaL . Flour is quiet but firm. - Wheat Is qnlet but firm. Corn Is dnll and unchanged. Pork is mesa S13 12(113 Lard is quiet prime steam 8ic(39ceuts. cotton cull, witn sates oi 1.229 balea Uplands 2314 cents: Orleans 23K cents. Soirits TurDentiuO weak at 68W69 cents.' Rosin is quiet but firm at $3f3 VZlA forstrained. Freights dull. .. Nw Yoai, April 8 Evening. ; ' ' 'financial. , ' ": Money closed stringent at K3 V cent. comralrsioo. with a pressing demand all day. Sterling Exchange 10D10. ' Gold i llOK. Governments quiet ana uncnaogeo. Southerns bonds are steady.- 7 . COmmArvtal. Cotton dull and Irregular, . with sales -of 1.419 bales Uplands 23K. Orleans cents. Ftour la in light supply aud mod -rata demand Common to Fair Extra S7 60(a$ 10; Gool to Choic 18 lSatlO 75.. Wheat Is firmer WlntefRed Western II 7W3f I 73. Corn closed. heavy at cente; White Southern 7& 77.. Pork la a haae eaaier at 910 ww&i 10. Lard closed easier at SUdLvyi cenU. -epulis Turpentine weak, Rosin irui. Freighu are Bales or cotton to aay ior iniure delivery April 22023 15 16 cents; May 235 centa : June 23 cents; 'July 23 15-10 cent; August 6 ceuu h September 2 cenU; October 20 (fH'Mpi cents. : .j.yr. v. j; i, . i , . . . , - - i; o AY AM K AH, April Cotton Mlddlines 2S1T cents! '. N et receipts 024 bales Exports coatwise 1,343 bales.. Sales 850 bales, stock on hand S5.V04 bales. The market closed with a good demand. f Vr. ArtijroTA. Anrll 8 Cotton Middlings 2li cents. Net receipts 115 bales. Sa4ea 425 bales. The cJarket closed quiet but steads. . ' . v ' . . ; , . , BAj,TmoKjB, April 8. Cotton "Xiidfdfines 23 cents.T Net.'ieceiots 410 bales;' gross 71 Exports coastwise 95 Market dulL V.ii4 ivjn'nias 1 Cotton-rMIddllncs ets. Gross receipts 8,864 bales. Sates &UU bales. Stoch on hand 115.000 bales.' Market uiett Ai k i-i ux ,f :r,l ;i t .11 a NTOI:oiAprll( 8 r "Cottdfl-XoW . Middlings " cehlaT,- Net receipts 80s bales, JfixporU : coastwise , l,4t0 bal6. r Sales ,100 bates. . Stock 2;42S .bales Market quiet.- jtr) riI u: ,i': -st.;rc rTr;:?0! CottotiAMlddlUigs SWcents. The market present, the" ci0.ed oaiet. : J -' ' 1 -r sojourning- f?,e?K Y.:tu;'i'. , VII lAillO A VJt OyAIIWs CottonMiddlings 22 cents.- Net 'receipt 4 bales. 'Exports coastwise 576 bales. Sales 50 bales. Stock 00 hand-17,84 bales. Mar ket nominal. -" . ; 1 V n ,e lull: cvLoHDs.rAirilSN6on. : Consols for money 92f . United BtateaJ&onds w m.vm uua w r " " FBA.NKi'OBT.-'April 8 Noon. n Pr1 hye-t wjoty securities pf ,p2t LITBRPOOI Dril ft Knnn Cotton Uplands llKfailk-: Orlnn. nwi - . LTER. . ; Cotton Sales 10.COO bales: for exDort and apecuiauon 'a,wu oait-s. Market closed dull. - - n nVj-h v. a ' m. . Ureadstuffa Urm.' rrivlelone dull. ' cy tbe arrival OT vessels from America du ring the past two days over 41,000 bales of cot kuu uave oeen receives. ' ' LlTCKFOOI ADrll 8 Erenino. . Cotton dall Uplands 11K1; Orleana 11H. oorn'mr anipmeau aiuca last reoort to Anrl stii si fim hiiM - -0i . "" - - WILMINGTON' MARKET. STAR 0?FICE,April a t- 8PIRIT3 TOBPENTINE---Sales of l8"casksj at 63 cents $ gallon -or: Southirn; packages. Market quiet and has declined 1 cent. I f v RnsiN-Sales of 250.bWsat$3 50 .bbl. foT Strained-'' '?f'.:vr,.n ;" - CRUDE '-TURPENTINE.. No T -sales - re ported. .- - '.,-.w.v..:, bji' TAR Sales of 24bbls at $3 50- bbi. COTTOji. No sales reported: ' i - .-f'-,-.. :i? . ARRIVED, -k. :-;v"; " SteamshlpBolivlEvaos, Baltimore, A D uazunx. , ...r. -.-.,. -. -n ' Stmr Juniper, Smith, Fayettevllle, Worth & Worth. . i-, - " . . '.--v- Ger-Bark Minerva, ..Hubenbecker, ; Dublin',' Master. : " . - , -' '' ;cleared.;:V . Steamship Regulator, Freeman, New York, Barry Bros. , - Str Juniper, SmItfi, Fayettevllle, Worth & Worths I ?; .?-tjivn-.ii r Scfir Chas E Page, Grace, New.XorkHarrUs & HowelL ' " ' y- ' .; n" ! "" Scbr J8ttf, Van Gilder, Philadelphia, Har ries & Howell. "r KECJtlPXS. PER RIVER STEAMER? , fcc . ( Stmr Jt nlpef. S9bbJs rosin, -15 do spts, 5 da tarpt; orth "St Worth, T D Love & Co. I . EXJrORTS - I coastwise; New York. Steamship ' Regulator. S20 bbli lurpv599 do spts, l,73t do rosin, 214 do tar, 391 bales cotton, 43 do sheeting, 533 bush els peanuts, 89 bbla eoapstope, 7 Tpkgs mdee. SchrC E Page. 2j 780 bbls rosin, 170 do pts. . ' . ' ' rPrnipABELPnrA. Schr John S Lee 143,792 feet lumber 15,750 shlogles. ''..-' ': CONfiUtiKES Per Steamship Benefactor , due, to-dsy. F M Agostlnl, Aaron & Rkeinstdn, Adriau & Vol lers, Q O barker, T W Brown. HI Bnrkbimer, A D Brown, Sol Bear & Bro; Covington, Eve rett & Co, J Childs. CF Building Co, Dawson, reetd&uenning, vra Dart; rl A B Emanuel, Edwards & Hall. 8 L Fremont. Geo R French. Green & Flanoer, Greeowald &Co, P Heios- berger, J M Uardwlck,' Helde Broa, Hart & Bailey, J C Hever. G Hart. J B Ungi-lns. J & T Johnson, NJcobl, F Kerchner, J Ander eon tS Uo, c a ILing, IS K.ldder, J Lyons, Joe Mver8. ii, uavts & cq, Mitchell s Son. Jas 1 Melts, Murray & Co, II 11 Munon, C R Myer, G Myers, C D Myers & Co, Moffltt & Co. Mc- llbeuny & W right, 8 ti Manninir, J tl Nefl, A H Neff, Newman &r Good man, E Pcscbnu. W D Preston.D Ptgott. Parcell House. J A Park er, H W Robinson, G H W Ruuge, W Steven son, J C Stevenson, J H Samson, D A Smith, c k airange, x a sen u tte, K 1 borburn. J S Topbam, A H VanBokkelen, L M Waldron, W & Worth, Willard Bros, Wil Gas Co, W W RIt, J C Winder,.Ztmmerman & White, W C McMillan, j Morris, ti u Harae KCo. Love Kay, Clark & Currie, H C Rockwell, E A Cov : ingtoo, M. AJrwrord; Newberry & HoIIings worth, R J Tatem, Liles ft Littlf, A Stew art, A u Ynung, Green, Walsh & Co. Rlnaldi & Co, J C Easou, Singleton & Co, M Rountree, a uo, das Aiinsmore, J u wiuiams & Co, J a uaviB, u a inomasion, r vv inornton, w W Cole, W G Ball, W D Smith Co.. L Vollers, J W Dillon, J H Durham, Everett &Co, GW Cooper, H G Wltherspoon, C E Stubb, J T Solomon, J Ell Gregg & So 1, F I Moses. C M ourr, uaniei s Williams, , CM Brown, O S Hayes & Co, R J Tatum, W L Hammerford & Co, T J Neva, G A Norwood, H le, F B Gib son, F Martin, Chas Haigh, DJ Underwood. E L Pcniberton, R Mitchell, ii Mi G aire. J M C ark & Co, J D Murchison. A A Solman, C E Slubbs A Co. R Perry & 800, O S Hayes, E A Covinirton. J B Breden & Co. K L ittl. H T Harris. W.W Cole. J D Williams & Co, R L sieeie; J onus .crown, 11 Fryer, A J China, rope s Mcijeoa. , .,. Per Wilmington & Weld on Railroad. Anrll 8. Northrop & Camming, William & Mar cbisoo, uudiey Ot ; ifillis, Vlck & Mebane, S Blumeutball, Cohen & Son, Aaron fc R, Geo K Drench & Son, L Flanagan. CT Humphreys, Aieuaue oc dames, onn s Wj willard tSro, H Brunhild, Bass, S & Co,1 Sprunt & H, Harry Blount, 8 D Wallace-, Murpqyi H & Co, Tnos H Smith, F W Kerehner, MoffittA Co. W E uavis s co. Edwards & Hall, A Alderman. J 1( TT J n c .t . . . .. iu ucuuereuu. r xouuiaio. Scbr S P Adams at Vineyard Haven, lost part.oi oect ioaa of naval stores daring the passage irpm wummgion, N. u. - 4 Kotf ee to Mariners. Captain Walden, of steamer Glancus. savs : Masters of vessels passing Over Nantucket Shoals, should not place too much reliance in the lightships or buoja In that location, as lby iiave been much out of position ddrioir the past winter., Some of tbe buoys bavebeeif gone iot a-long time tno -Jfotlock "Kip and Shovehon lightship so often; cbaugw their po- auipuj mat mey are useless as ranges in . pass lng over tbe Sbpala. .Heavier anchors should s m . i . . . . m . we iumi8nea me jjignr. cvntp, jina more care exerciser bv the L;rht house Inpnertor in cause the several llghubips to maintain per- aDoii positions. v wing to cnanges. la lh cbanhela some additional . buoys. are needed ; they have been asked, for, but as yet no atten tion has been paid to tbe reauest. The utmost care should ; be exeelsed "In 1 maintaining the lightships and buoys In proper 'and permanent positions, ana we earnestly utjje the Llbt oouse inspectors to redouble .yrkilanceia the maintenance of these aids to navigation in this moBruangerous locality. ; 7 .ui riax In the Port of Wllirt lng too, April t . v . . , . . ... . ., ; -; 1' . ,1;.-. . Reeccl4giyde,-;,ghild8l- ldg Bait,' AD Ca f".i. i;jtf:it Aii! -hi; ! : . .: BARQUES.' nN& BarkrMysUe Tiy Cofflll, Uverpool, Me !Williamsifc.J4.archUon.-i:it-J"i i -j - j r3r Wllhemimlene Maawa'IsiYillayd gtoXi John PearceTownsend, dls,' Vf. Worths : A D ROSS. Wtmaii: 111. We lliriin. Harris ; SCHOONERS. ' 1 Lnola Mnrcii"leori,A Jones,!i ldgf' New York, ti iuhiub uo iuuicuieuu. - . Jos. BH88, HftUh, jjl Q G Parsley & Co jjuroevxiearTy, nerce. log, ew -jcork, Wil llama & Murchison. t. . , ', , ' - .', f t Annie . S. Gaskell, Gaskcll, ; dls, Harrisa A doweu. .;nf. -?..ji . A.JUiAt .yx ; Mary Riley, Riley, dis, Hmiss & Howell. r ti rta wiey,uarrig, qis, 4 - JL,lppltt & Co, peue v.roweu, aicjeeason, ais, master.. i ... iir.Wi ,.'d . kUS' List of IssseJa CleSrsd for thls Port Schr Lizzie Raymond Hc4denr!! ' ( ld Feb 3 v;.J.Ij4JBAVANNAH. - Br Bark W 8te6nenson, Fullman, cld Dec Id 8chr Tlsrry ,WbJltej Hppkina icldi March. 27 oenr. jM.Jsqolrtsj tVlxons;1Kt; acJd'arcui25 ocur Meury $iopifiosr ,?0 tA 4 ;.cM..AUreji,y i .iJ2t silbnihlCPtSRT: ul"i tt a. 8chrGnsterflspn;V' ci a Marcn 1 U. ii.J ...I . vf acid April 1 jessex. Smith, : - j r . cut out Feb St icnr, wiuie Potter,-Gasklll.-Hi cli March 3 J.... -.- -J - ... . . .... ISGELIiANEO IJSr Cn Flqur, &c.,S&c.f 15000 BUH?LS whitk cobn ? 8,000 Bushels MlxedVCorn, ' - V ': I, O Barrels Flour, all grades; T 150 Bags Coffee Elo, Laguyra and 100 Barrels Befined. Sugars, . j - 1 .15 Hhd?. Cemarara Sugar, , :; : ; -, - v i, : . . . . - ' .1 50 Huds. Cuba Molasses, new crop 25 IJb.3s. Sugar House Syrnp, 150 Barrels Sugar House Syrup," I f 50 Hh.d8 Smoked Sides and Shoulders 25 Boxes. SB. Middles, : " i : :. . .: -,. . :.- i 50 Poxes D.S. Sides, -' - ; . -; . S ? ;-' . .:: ' 20O Bbls C. H. Fork; : : , 150" Bbls. DlatUler'g Glue, ,., . 30 Tons Hoop Iron, , 1,000 Sacks Liverpool Salt, 100 Tons Pertlvlaa Guano, 5 SO Tons Guanape. M 10O Boxes Candles, SO Boxes Candy,' 1 100 Boxes Soap, SO Bcxea Potasn and Lye, 50' Bbls. Lemon and Sugar Crackers. i .For sale lowby ; C IZ WILLIAMS. & MURCHISON. apr6-tf AGENTS FOR HORTH CAROLINA. GUARANTEED PERFECTLY PURE AND OF THE HIGHEST GRADE. dec"7-tf .Wilmington, Char. & Kuther- ford Railroad Company. OFFICE ART and TREASURER, t WrxKiBorow. N C. Anrll 1st. 187. C rflHE STOCKHOLDERS of tbl9 COMPANY a are caiiea w meti in w umingcon on r ri day, he Rd day of M-tv next, tor tbe purpose of coasiderinar late ameixlments to the Char ter ot tbe Comrjanv. and other lm port ant easiness tnat may properly do Drougnt Deiore tne rae Ting. By order of the Board of Directors. - - j. T. ALL)KMAN, Sec'y. JtT'.Transfer books will be closed on the 3rd day or AprlL lap &eedtxn Tu Th Sat ON MARRIAGE. HAPPY BELIEF ior TOUNG MEN from the effect s of Errors and Abuses in early life. Manhood restored. Nervous debility cured. Impediments to Manlage removed. New mt 1 hod pf treatment. Mew and remarkable remedies. Books and Circular? sent free, In pe&ieu enyeiopes. auuress, -. ,HOWBD ASSOCIATION, ! No. 2 South Ninth street. ' decSl-3m ent , Philadelphia, Pa. 65 FIBST E&IZE MEDALS AW ABO ED, THE GEE AT ; Sontbern Piano 1 ' MANUFACTORY.' g - GKAND. 6QUABE AND; UPBIQHT ' v'T'A-fN o f a n :t;e"s , ; j B a 1 1 i m o re. r.l d . . 1 These Instruments bave been before the fuoiie iorneariy xmrty rear , and upon excellence alone attained and unyurchate their in JOJia, TOrjcJlWOB&AlANSHIpHAij u u ua tiLuii: x . All bur Square Pianos have bur New Im Srovea uverstrung. scale and the Agraffe reble. - -. , . -WjWe would call special attention to our laie jteniea improvements In UBAND PIAKOMfMia SafjARfS bUANOS. fouttd in nol other J'iano. which. brings the Piano neari-r penecuon man, nas yet Deen atLained jSVEBY PIANO. K ULL Y .W ABB AN TED FOB U-aij .fcili- .'JTVB YEARS.' -a ; t 'Jtihl We afe by1 gpeclaiarrantfement ena to furaish PAKLO&o&aAvs and Msloobob of the most celebrated makers, Wholesale and reuiUfHb Bjwbs raMisory' jrrieea. ; Hluatrated ' Catalogues and . Pxicef ipromptly furnished oa application tp . . 7 j 1 jWtt'EJJABR A CQBalUmore Md. ' Qr to P. HEINSBEBGEB, Sole Ag - ' j -L ...... .v. WUmmgton, N. C. 1 ! octlfeoda SatTuTh ; v- i ''...- ;Hotice.r!:;:tv-.'" HAVING 1d "mVr-nterest In the firm of 'Btocker & Love to Wm. J. L. ve, I retli e from the buaineMrsnd; taka this rwpjsinn ts thank ear friends lor the patronage hernto- oj Keuerousiy pstowed, ana to souclt-a wainuance I the same to the new firm. 45 ; ; ;;:.,-, s ,..:;;v,j.c.BLoyKEBi f t. rift?;-;, I ; COMMISSION : MERCHANTS, Cower of North WMex'fhd Chestnut Streets; 1 M t8 D2w W2m v WILMINGTON, N. C. M anu;f a c t or y FOB ODB J ' -i ,-GLOTFTfr ,1s located at jane ht w YorH are only at 9 Duane St., Nr T. Balelgh, n. C- and i Market JW WUmlngton, ST. & (a . ,11? ft , t . . . . r . . . , : . MUNSO"N 4 CO : 'i ! , ;Clt7Cl)thier, prll7-tf v MISCELLANEOUS TTIOIINGTON HOBTH CAKOLINA Injsurance Company; -j-,'- : .-. . OFFICEES: Q ' BOBEBT H.; COWAN...... ..President. . JOHN W. ATKINSON.... ... vice rresiaem. F. H. CAMKHOV,. secretary. DB. E..A. AMDEBdUA... ....MedieUJ irectfr ;" ' rVtV-i DIBECTOBS-i . .ii' t J. W". Atkinon. General Insurance Agent. I. B. Uraingei, President of the Bank of New; uanover. ... -. ,- ' F, W. Kerehner, Grocer ana Commission, Merchant. 1 , . - , : C Ttr. Htnr1tYiA.'n'Af wrf arrit A StfinmAn. T. H McKoy, of W; A. Whitehead & Co., Favetteviue. , : ,ii -f. - B. H.-Co wan, President;' - , H. B. Eilers, Commission Merchant. A. A. WiUard. of Willard Brothers. W. A. Cnmming, of Northrop vr-Cumnilng. y.-G. W. William?, of Williams Murcniaon. r Eli Murray, of E. Murray & Co.-- if w u f A. ti. DeBosset, of DeBosset A Co. - .t Bobert Hennlng, of Dawson, Teer&'Hen- nine.", - .-v. - v-' Alex. Sprnnt, British Vice-Consul, pf Sprunt a iiinson. - . i . P.MarDhvJAttbrneVatLaw. J.D.. Williams, of J. D. Williams A Co., Fayettevllle. - - -. . "Jas. C. McBae, Att'y at Law, Fayette vine. I. B Bell), Merchant, Keriansvilie. , J. T. Pope, Merchant, Lumber ton. SPECIAX' FEATURES A n cl T A d t a 11 t a s e s 1st. NO restriction on Besidence or Travel. 2. No ettra charge on the lives ot Females 3. Po lctes Incontestable after Five Years. . 4. The B ttes of Interest on the Funds of the Company higher than those on the Funds of Companies located In .other States, thus in suring larger Dividends to Policy Holders. 6. The Directors and t-fflcera of the Com- wh are KNOWN to "toe men of INTEGBIiY andWOBTH. - - t - 6. The Company Is established on a eoUd and permanent basis, steps having betn taken 10 increase tne . - ' - - CAPITAL STOCK TO 9500,000. , 7. ALL THE FUNDS OP THE COMPANY ABE INVESTED IN THIS - STATE AND ClttCULATKD AMONG OUtt OWN PEOPLE. This fact shouli commend the Company, above all others,' to North Carolinians, it Is well known that hundreds of thousands of dollars in Life frenulums are annually sent North to anrli h Northern Capitalists, thus continually draining our people, of immense amounts which should be kept at home. On this grou- d the iriends of. this Company oon-. fldently appt-ai to every aen of the Old North State, and ask their suptptrt Ior uds w: :r .; u j ' HOME INSTITDTIOJ?, ' ? Which, while it offers substantially vail the advantages of Northern Companies, haips to buildup tlOMtfi lNTKUtblS. . AGENlSiWANTKt in every county In the State. JAMES D. BKOOttS, . General Supervising Agent, - ' - ' : Baleigh, N. C. ap,5-D&Wif . ;s : . ., A CARD. HAVING DISPOSED OF THE BUSINESS lately carried on by me to Messrs. Par ker A Taylor, they will continue the same in all its branches, an 1 1 bespeak or them the same liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon me.- - AprU 2-tf A. H. NEFF.-; New Firm. mAVING PURCHASED THE STOVE, TIN and t-heetlron business of A U. NEFF, we will continue the. same under -the firm name ol PARKE It & TAYLOLand hope-by strict attention to same to nxerit a share of public patronage. .- - -' - W. M. PARKER, April 2-tf , J. H. TAYLOR. - BTotice. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO ME, either by note or account, will please make im mediate payment to myself or Parker & Tav lor. wbo are authorised to receive and receipt for same. ,v ..... -c.j . . , AprU 2-tf , A. H. NEFF.: Fay etteville Hotel. THE UNDERSIGNED begs to inform the citizens of Wilmington that he has re moved to the large and commodious buld lng, on Hay Strett, Fayettevllle, N. C, known aathe. . :. ... - " - v; - FAYETTEVILLE HOTEL. Thehonsels aow being repaired "and "will be furnished .throughout with new. furniture. Every effort win be made to Insure comfort to guests. '.;.. ... ,,, . Z u A. OVER B A UGHr Proprietori -'"' mh22-lm ' y.a Late of Exchange HoteL U E. F. Coe'a v i i SUPER PHOSPHATE. fK BONE MANUBE-rOnly arfews tons, left O.: Q. PARSLEY Jb CO.- march 31-tf He Goods! 32 Nortli TTaterStr door to Willard Bros., j V. H O L E S A ;I E D E, A"L BBS y ,1 N ; 9UOR3,,WLNES, BRANDIES,- .vS : P ; iVj:i: i i ;YHlSKE'SGINS,:c.-; iuv',":.: AND ALL, KINDS OF , 5 AN CYpL, Kt UORSV Which we wiiroffer to the trade on the most ' ..MEASONAJiLE.TMIiMS, i Please call before making your purchases. :i Butter, LrjButtpii A muSH SUPPLY OF THE CHOICEST THE " '.ClILT EDGE . : Just received ahoTfor sale by ' L- Barber JIiop- L : . - f '- - .irhJH'ftA Jhi5aI?REtt ooW respectfully inform Ms Mends aud the pnblio generaUv that 5f thtr2?ffnlyorenttd -sKesrlblhlniiS5t in the tear of Air Range's Saloon and iTnnw Pa-reNh the best of wo?2n!e to 2cl commodate his cnatomera in aU the various branches of his business, such as shTvln hair-cutting, shampooingAoTSi the manner and on aa S,'-5. "eare" GENERAL SUPTS OCTlOE 7ilminfjton; Columbia & 'i: "."y (jiista ; II. -It, I Company, WrudwoTOK, N. C., March 9th, l87l CIaaiagGj)f Scliedule. A HE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL Go Into effect at S:25A. M. Sunday, 81 st lnat . i Z '-; DAY EXPRESS TRA,IN (Dally.) Leave Wilmlngton.i....M....'. A Arrive at. jriorenea....... ... q.TVt' Arrive-at CplumblJ.......... ijj'U.J lirave ioiainma,MtssMaaimi,tMA 1mi ar Ajxivo at Fiorenoe.. A Arrive 5 at WUitiAiin .....lC:S p 5 NIGHT EXPRESS TBAIN D AILY ( STJND V t V EXCEPTED.- 11 Leave WUmington..;....;......... Arrive at Florence. - 1:43 a' V OA lit D ' V Wt U Ul UiOtt i C. WINDEE, t Gen'l 8un't. marso-if Wil.i&AVeldon Railroad OFFICE OP GEM'L. jBUPEBLN TENDENT, 1 WiiraroTow, N. C March fcth, 1871. 1 ; : Clige of Scliedule. ON AND AfTEB THE Slat IN8TAST PASSENGEB TRAINS will leave ffi Depot at 6 A, M. and 10:40 P. M., and arr Z at 3;10 A. M. and 6d5 P. M. ' . FBEIGHTTBAINS will leave tri-weekly at 7:15 A, M., and arrive at 1:40 P. M. . EXPRESS FREIG HT TRAIN S wfli leave at 2 P, M., and arrive at.ll A. M. y ON SUNDAYS, the 10:40 P. M. and 8:10 A. U tralnsf ONLY will be' run.' ' - r;;." . :-r-:.; -or; ' v; .,.: .? JOHN. F, DIVINE, . mar SEMf , ! j j r General Superintendent. TTriLMIWGTON, CHAR.; and R. B. R. CO. f f -. WixJCuroToar, N. C., Dec 2d, 1871. tq-j a ?-i i-. :!:4;i.ftnouis.;i-- ' 'Passenger Trains leave Wilmington dally i Sundays excepted) at 7 A M. ' Leave head ot toad at 6 A M.; arrive at Wilmington at jjo P. M.; Arrive at Head of Road at 4-so p. m. ' - !J;;;I8.L FREMONT, Jan 20-tf .. .;, .j. .... ?.-: ti uen18npt BAlTfflOE'!iHD WILMSTON ' ST E A W S H I R L I N E , i ; ' i .....j ' . Composed of the First Class Ste&mshipi BEBECCACLTDK....Capt. I. C. Child! IiUCILtJS........ ......Cp.'D J. pries BOUTAB....;..V.J;...Cpt; iVm. Evans . , , - Will hereafter sail from Baltimore) and Wil- :-.;. 'rv5 7--':?ndngton;:'-" V KVERYFIVEDAYS. ' -TUB" STEAMSfllP BOtlTAB WUI sail from wharf foot of Chesnut stroet Thursday momlng, April 11th. . ' r Tor Freight engagements apply to . aprU r-tl A D CAZAU1. Philadelphia i a n d Southern - - Hail Steamship line. THE" EAST ? AND FAVORITB 8TEAMSHIP Captain JOIIIf TVAILELEY, WILL RUN THE FOLLOWING 8CHID tde between Philadelphia and Wilmlng ton, N. C. t - -N i . .; Leave WUmlngton, .. Leave Phlladelphis, Wednesdav. Fob. 7 Wednesday, Feb. U Thursday, Friday, t Saturday, vt . '8unuay,- ThnradRir. m 29 March W 81 28 . MayM as Jans 10 Aug. J March 8 oat.iEraayt 6nday, April 6 V.i u. 21 MaT.6 . tl June 2 Monday; Tuesday, - t r Wednesday, Thursday, - u tU J" I. -; . -4 I rr . jt T aneaaay. . , . j niy- s f?Y T ursday, ;i 18 jriiaay, An?, t U Tor lelght, apply to a-' j'iir,ft :..: r ivT WORTH A "WORTH, 'Agents, ! A? . uS,l v . t-WUnilntontN.C?)f , -Wi L. JAMES, General Agent: ltd SoutU Third Street Philadelphia, HAVE JUST RECEIVED PART OF TBEIB aPRIf&a STOCK, oouslsting of fuU line sucd; as4",. ' ' : TENOSE SATIN RTRTPR8. ; DolIjTarden Piques, t - ''j k.';(.',amia ana tniexca . .i : j . npn ivnTlCR. r;I ! Ji''i.HnlgIfIlS India Rook, COREGAN STRIPES c & Also, a full line of press Good , Silk Tourist rmrtutma, ana ail sucn uoooa as are usuau H FIUT.CXAJSDUT QOOOS STORE, march tt-tf -.. J.-K.i iO 4-iriM hx:-v . Bccou ! Jdacon ! i n n n h n: lr shoulders ; ... iroxsieby"f--iJtmetMfr 3-' M ahon in tha it" . f?u,-f-"y 9i- oct7.-U WILLARD BROS. '

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