1 the nonziTia, dtau, " PUBLISHED D ULY, vVJl. It BEItNATtI,r Editor and Propr. Orros, Dawson Bank Buildings, Front St. o-ie year.' in advance. ......... ..$7 00 sir months. In advance...... 8 60 ,e month. In advance.... 75 (Ml? UJVi - 7 . , - X EIXOIIOLOUICA JL IlKCOUD. April 12,' 187& '.'V .v.. v, Tber- v - . : ? ' ' Tittle. i.?r mom- -Wind.' . Weather' eu.r. eter . , 7 A. M. S0.33 60 3 E Light Fair . M. 30:33 ' 73 3 Fresh jFalr '; "i i M. 3D1 1 C6 i Fresh jFalr. s M...-n TVinn. of riav. OO dej?. ' ; ; . ote. AlUDaroaetrtc readings are reduced the sca-Ievel and to 8a deuces Fahrenheit. ROBEKT fiKIEOTH, Serjf't Sienal Service U. S. A. wentttcr Report. 1 WJLR UjPXRTMKNT, I Office of Chief 81 snal OiBcer, V , Washington, April 12 4:35 P. M. Tb3 lowest barometer will contloue moving northeabward with diminishinic pressure and ruin over New Eogland lb niKht, and followed oy m9iuk - --r "T J.ii I Hull; oriSK nu uiK uwMW wu ouri valley to the upper lakes and extend to tbetJrand Lodge of Vlnginia, was raised to be the appointment of an Executive Commtt Le lower lakes; Increasing southerly winds tbe Sublime Decree In 18U " . . j . J ,.v,''-.n" :-A'4- , re probable lor the East and Middle Atlantic l;B0Bie,l'rM .-.' teethe dalles of the old Committed termina- are nrob coutte, veriog to westerly ; clear and clearing weather win prevau very generany.on eaiur day from the upper lakes to ihe Uulf and S outh Atlantic coasts and the Western Middle Slate, and evtend eastward over New England durtuit Saturday. ? 1?j i C-tutlonary titftials continue- at Milwaukee, Cuieau, Grand ..Haven,. J)etroiT, '..Toledo, (jicvclaud, Buffalo, Rochester and OiWego. T3E3iaEl OI'37'Sr. .JK A UVfcKTlrtJiJl I5S1N.' " IHdlet & Ellis, Sign Of the Big Boot Cheap calf boots. ' McIluennt & Wkiout Medicines Chcml r a. L. Fkemont Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford railroad uotlcc. , t C'unnly Convention. . ; . f. 'I Le Demociats and Conservatives of New Iluuovcr county are requested to assemble at the Court' House in Wilmington, on Tuesday, April 23J (being the flrst wet of. Superior Court),'ut 7i o'clock P. ,MV f0r,.lhej?urp'ose of electing delegates to represent -the -county in the Slate Convention to be held at Greens- bjro ou the first day of , May nxt, and also in 1 this Congresf ional District Convention, to be held wbeu and where the .Executive Commit tee of the District shallappoint., y V- ; Ii is desired that every township in the ....... r knfl Vv A .Afi.eantAl ' 'JOSBPH A. EnGELHMRD, , Chm'.n County Executive Com. April 10th, 1872 tf-' ' - V'1 " ' .... i T' .' s- . For tbe penitentiary. .t ' ? .!,';; , lVt Jobo I. Gore, the youn wbl.e man recently convicted of horsestealing by) the, Superior Court of BrunswIcK, arrived ; here yesterday afternoon, in charge ot Depaty Sheriff King.' .. . leive for the Penitentiary this morplng, where he id to serve a term Of three years. liie Road to tbe Seasnore. The preliminary survey for the proposed road from this .city to -Wrights vllle Sound has b.-en completed.-. We learn tbat the friends of the: movement will have a meeting in this city during tbe early part of next week, when all tbe matters pertaining to the . enterprise will be fully. discnssea end such steps taken as may be, deemed practicable. Due not ce will be giTeu-of the lime and plaee of meeticg; ; 1 Hit ' . , ; , . j Acknowledgment. " y- ". - ; We are in. receipt of an invitation,- through our friends ' Manning Bros., of . the - Weldon Xeics, to tho "Grand May Festival" at Weldon, the occasion being tbe opening of. 'the New Eniry BouEe, Taesday evening, May 14th, 1871 . As the same day Is appointed lor tiie Third Annual Reunion : of the Roanoke and Tar River Agricultural Society, at Weldon, the occash n will doubtless be one of more than- ordinary Interest and enjoymenU Reqafaltlon for.Tieknor. Mr. FiVV. Rogers arrived here- yesterday with au ordtr from flk Excellency, '..Governor Caldwtll, i6suedon a. requisition from, the Governor of-V'lr;iula, : for- the: body: of G, Kidder alias F. G. K.'Tkknor,i charged with oblaiuing mouy uuder false pretences.' The prisoner. Under charge of Mrv Rogers, was to leave for Uithmond on the 10:40 train last r.lght. . in Outlaws. -:m ril. 'c' t '? ' We p blisbed an item frora iho ' EoUtonian in onr last to thcr'e'ffect that the. oullaws;bad not been seen since Benderson ieft and that uu-y uaa la .an probability left; tbe county, Since that wc have jit fTof the best authority. tbat Stfpbt-n Low rey, Andrew Strong and Tom. Lowrey were at r4Hos NkVepot. wben! the train passed ou,T.T)ajtday tnornipg.Jt swill therefore be seen that, whatever mar be their intentions in tho futare; the wiop Angels", bove not yet d p-rted from their old haafsif -I?:, Painful Accident. We regret to lero that Dotbln. an Interest Idj? little "son of John L: Bolmes.'Esq '"of this ciy, met with a severe' aecldent yesterday morning. "He Was climbing af Tence wberi 'jhi toot got bitched nd he UlUwhlch resotted In one of hi U-g being broken between tbe knee sociatlooAeld Thursday: nlVhf; applUatlooa for membefhlD' were prfWi.,i wm ih. kvn wintonLltf raryland tk PJaiiomatbean Asso- clatlops'the two cbmprislng 46 'membersi and . 'lonl P.VAninn Insv btbpa flr1mltf4 1't - . - -. v - . , a .v y. -T vivwaua uvr nviR.swuillKU. IjU lQCmwr 8"'P. ; ia addition tq the abpye, eleveCeUlzens "ppliedaod were admitted to membership ohl Thursday nlghtQ - Shipping Articles; Crew Lists. Manifests, l0tf lj V aliacetyron WiTharpiBdUe?: 7, urwmits.;':'- library dumuM' i '' Street rpanL..,..852.96 j At a n5eetogpf;tbVAiImlfigton:Library A. ; o-m e-. t 4 i Hmtai'and'Poo4.2;630 ) Tl. W Col. Wm. L, Smith, President of the Library Secretary of the Lighthouse Boards stating oan, and'pittiurKjU'SSa'W-'' : 'a French and German Chemicals, and a large Association, Id givljg' the Phin.lhean Asso- that Immediate steps will be , taken' to buoy v. 1 . VI i - A. hrjO7'83" 8g" 'Sioc nation notice of their reception, dellvered.k atthbhanel, wlileb,. the way, has been ;r;- .-.V,-.-y .-fflwi 0. - j.. j . .... .4,,t y ' very neat and aDDrorrate'.ddress ' - IV;' 'hrW f!rllJhlll Ph.nnrf: In eomollment Sc- :, allien weofleratlowrs ,-,: , Charter Parties; etc-V constantly on band and! Bar.';. The new channel' makpa betweea Ibe r " m we btaa .frlnUng and Pablishloar Boose. fs'' 't BBWBSb ""V ' "Jmdm TortBomter; - ' i v- - via U - Judge Cantwell not bavlog arrived," there was no session of .the City. Court yesterday The brtdie across the street rallwaVtrickl'0-r'u-8e PTaesday evening, AprH 16th; i . i-iu-A streefs - ehTiald '-be "repaired' Beveral horses hftVA vtt ,ntrtfl.rtnv,fl:vrenfW tn -tiM got attempting to cross i t." l ? .'fj-b '2 $ ilow'to boil potatoes Buy-potatoes. It you prefer Itydu can grow them, but the pro cess h longer and more expensive,' especially If you don't pay your grocer. Procure some thing to boil them. in. Boil them in it. ? - u vvtui u .rucie rom u oxAR oi a t- 1: - I few days since, in reference to the oldest living ri."uo wo AicumoDQ jjixpaicn says : : tr.- Jfthn n . . At the argent solicitation of a number j of J our city subscribers we shall republish, in. to-morrow's issue, "Seven Oad," the popular song. which was sung with so much ' applause by Mr, Sam Collins during the engagement In Wilmiogton of the Abbott Troupa."- ! 'r : r : ?i?-i-: The Cjimpalff n Opined A Radical Bow at'the Court tToas'e tt iff sat. ' A Meeting of ilie Republican delegsteV of the several Wards was held at tue Court Bouse last night for the purpose of appointing three 'delegates for the Township ; at large to the County Convention' r which meets to day. Denard Rumley, George. W, Price, Jr.,. and Owen Barney, were appointed. '! r , - . ,Th?.sesslon was an unusual stormy one and several personal collisions : occurred. ' The mosttxcltlng rencontre of the evening, how ever, took placejo the Court House passage after the meeting adjourned, between James Beaton, late member of the Legislature from this county, and Duncan Holmes, colored, who Is an aspirant for the Sheriffalty. Tbe word ,werirj forthj' to Jet . lhem Jght "it j out. alld it. . teJ wentr,?Ua earnest- n63 wbich woul baye seemed to indicate lhat one or i both would come but of tbe iiidht. rather the worse, for .wear. Friends of tbe parties finally ioterposed and they Were separated. The result of the fight wc did not ascertain, further than the fact Chat Holmes ascertain, further than the fact that Holmes cl-lmed to have lost some of bis superabund-" .nB.n;4-KK..,1n.f.mvI..,..l.Su ance, of fksh by a bite from his adversary. , The "fu" r i fight being concluded, Holmes drew . j front of the Court Hous.e, whete, surrounded by a number of his friends, he! proceeded to deliver himself in his ususl happy style, and If Cuss words" could have demolished "his late adversary, he would have been annihilated in I IBO, u i ay . uuiuaou.ri ao uay, 10 tne lionvenuon, wnicn meets ai the City Hall aV13 o'clock; the battle will probably be renewed.- per .!!. 4 if H't . Conservative ISeetlnfc in Brunswick. At a meeting of the Conservative citizens of Brunswick, held in Smitbville on Tuesday evening, April 9tb; the following proceedings ere bad : " " -: ' 5 ; .. h J,Tbe meeting was organized . by. callpg Col. J6hn D". Taylor to the chair; and tbe appoints ment of R, Galloway, Esq., as Secretary. 1 The chairman -nplalned - the object of the meeting in a few appropriate remarks,- when, On motion, the chair appointed the follow- a Ing as delegates, to the Greensboro tNomlna- At - it - j . viuk vonyeuiiop , - Smith vine Districts wonnvv. uaiioway and F. .W.-Potter, .v ..- . , Town Creek-T. C. Mcllhenny and 1. U. Sellars. iNorthwest D. C. Allen and Wesley Horn, Sballottc D.'Kr Burnett and Thomas Bick- man :. i; ' ; ' : : ' '-' Lockwood Folly F. M. Galloway and R. D. HewetU; " -fs n ' WaecarriiW Nathan Milllken and Scott MI1- likeo;': '': ;Q ',;. ! ! And the folio wing to the Congressional : , Smitbville W, ,G. Curtis and J. H. Doeher. Town Creek-T. Gr SeHars and .H.?M. Da- Northwest 3 R. Chinnla and D. C. Allen. -.Lockwood Folly W. R. SeTlars and .Alfred Browne'-1 "Jir;-;v :.:';! u. .-i ' 8ballotte-r-Samuellnk and Frabk Hughes, - Waccamaw Daniel1 Mc&eilhan 'and Lswis Rati it !...v "t ltfcVi- ttf- y-4, ' ; er. t, And tbe following to tbe Senatorial: - f .... I ,v tSoUbjUieffK,W, oodsideS; aoti: FraQklln 8 wain.--. ti Mtl 'i i .uu: W-'- ; . Town Crfiekt-W. Walters ahd A. T. Good loanJ-vUJii do-u-i y v:s 'i'. Northwest Jos. Green add Jl Woolirdi I -Lk'wbbd' X J I W. Davisin? A lil-j Si.-ti-r vtl.U x 4 :i Bhallotle J,! Hr Mints and J.W; Tbarp. 8 WaceamVw Lewls Butler and Zadock WUj The following gentlemen were then nomina ted forthe various positions named :L: t ! ;i .Bouse ot Jlepresentatives JW. Galloway. :o fifieriff-J..R, Swain, (" r-s i - - t 'Register of Deeds P: Tbarp. ' '5 Treasarer J.? LT WeScotU" - f . s. hWHllnn.w -';!i-fr -cj I WattatPH nn Ratnrdav' last that IheTPppal dent of the ChamBer of Commerce,! through lirlieoardomley, Collector 'of Customs, I . . . ' a 1-V AH A. I F stfl T rC tflVlfTfX IDR . 17CIH11 LliJClJIi StU UUUT VUarr I v. "",r tf-A" ' . : thenewcha Fear riUi" channel at tbe mohth ot tbe Cape W6 now learn that a letter was tntha lltAAITtrvlla works forth. MmnmMt of nRr River and J EastcrA aoaWesterA .hajanels, and. to vaald TOm?IZ9T' - Rooms CoNsBTAnr Exi Comshttm ) ... v3 .-...'v ClTT OV .WlLUINflTOM V WmtrNOTON, N. C' -April 13, 1872. ) . 4, The Conservative voters of the City 4 of .Wil rotostoo are hereby notiQed to assemble at the i7Z tydockv to nominate candidates for Al- dermen, to be voted jor nnaer the new. Act of the LegUlatare known as the Cumulative 8ufT 1 frage Act. Under this Act the property -bold-1 era and tax payers of Wilmiogton, the greater portion of whom have had: no representation on the Board of Aldermen fej man y years, will secure a very strong minority representation ; and w nrge on onr friends the importance of attend in it the tnum mpptlntr TnMilnv, pvpnlner ln order that lhere ma. be a full and fair ex B j a pre6gion of their judemenUn the eeleetion of candidatesi-" . . ; .r Another important daty of ibis meeting will ting with this call. 1 : 'iHf ; DONALD McRAE, Chairman. f.'i dy, with its, rich .language, moral tone and comic Incidents, was rendered satisfactorily to a good 6lzed audience at DeGIve's last night . "The portrayal of love, hate, grief, repen- tsnce, revenge, if faithfully done, develops the noblest talents of the artiste, and Miss D'Este Is excellent in the rendition of these feelings ; ic fact,' shel eaves no shade of emotion' un touched. The chacacterot Juliana was de plcted by her with faultless taste and with fidelity to nature.. F.-A. TannehiUas the Duke Aranra, J. G. Stuttz as Rolando, 8. Leigh as the Mock,Doke, and Mra. TannebUL as Volan- ta. showed a Just conception of tbe characters assigned them, and made good their concep tions." . , '.. . . ' - . -. - j An Act CUineeminic tne Taxation of I Banks.""- ' ."v ' . " I As a matter of Interest to many of oor readers we publish the iollo wing Act, passed ly the 'last-Leglstatu're, In reference to the taxation on Backa: . v. . -v 8ec. 1. The General Auernbly of North Caro' Una ao enact: That so muchiof any charter 01 ineor- -powtlon or other afcts passed by the Gen- ral Assembly at ih season, or heretofore, as provides tor any outer race or moae 01 inxa- tion ihn tht .fliil..d hv the nrovlsiona of an act entitled. - An Act to raise Revenue " and the ssme Is hereby repealed. Sic. 2. That this Act shall take effeet from Vhw ti,r.ft time, snd ratified this the 9th .day of February, A. D. 1872. TH03. J. JARVI3, . : - i( . Ppeakr of the House. e. j. wakrin, President 01 the Senate. OarChip Basket. c ' Inn debtedness a hotel bill.5 : v if , ' . Permanent headquarters tbe shoulders. Cash advances-Attentions to a rich wld- 0W. ... . s .. t oUo- - Men, like books, have at each end a blank leaf childhood and old age. i'i A Wisconsin lassie has collected a string of 899 buttons, no two alike. She Is notgolng to sewthcmon. r: i - ; :: ' None of the'glris at the St. Louis Normal 8cho6r-wesj- waterfalls, and all wear dresses made of cailcp. v m An Indiana man has instituted proceed- I . . . A r K . :. ,s to Wrain .'his wife from Dattlne no a I tombstone over the grave of her firat husband. Tnereg ft new ground of divorce. . A Vmlllng countenance Is pleasant, but excess of laughter should be avoided, especial ly when it Is possible for any one to suppose himself derided by it ..' A Seedy and. unhappy looking man en tering a revival meeting in Mississippi, took a seat near tbe pulpit. The clergyman, noticing his forlorn appearance, stepped up to him and asked if be.was a 'Christian "No," said he, lam editdr of the village paper." ! Olive .Logan commenced one of her lectures recently with the remark, 'Whenever I see a pretty girl, I want to clasp herlnmy ii 4,e j, 'I'-f-ii Knntii v. ,...; i I arms.'? Sqdo :e," showed the boy. In: the gallery. -.For a moment Olive was nonplussed; bat recovering nerseiiposBes&ion, sue repiiea: Welf, boys, i aon't Diame yon.' ; ; IXJrtaM.jtj5;t; 7.s f-: v: -nryf.! and dlsDureemenis on, accuuot oi. vue city oi Wllminston, for the quarterendlog April lOdi, . . .ytr.i:.:4?i v'-f r. i T; 1873: : ,. . - , v , . t : ' Balance fromjast year,,......-..,.. $ 478 09 Merchants Lioense, . . $ 5,653 75 1 Dar .Rooms; iU. Real and Personal....... o,ii ia a,oio 79. Market Rents. .7: ...... .. 014 07 Dray and Dog lges.. . 240 00 Market Cleric Feea 293 35 Pound Fees...........v. 1W 5 Court Fine and penalties f400 50 Miscellaneous..., ....... 216 00, Pu Olic Buildi ngs ...... . f- Luana. and" Dibcounts.... 28,285 33 Balance duo "treasurer, . . " " . 3,7aJ14 8alaHeB;ft.Vi.-ti80.88ipj. - l.FireDepartroeotf .i.. 0 SSun'9..'!!l!FL 13 Prl8one..V;'..V.-- - a 1 Krlfl 111117. a f. a 4 ? - W W " c A Ligbtpepartmevtot..i..voi Ciy;Coar;., tj, oo ov, 5. .5 5 it LiJ.:' 'di'& -Vt -ki t 2J,236 i. If you. want Boarders,: advertise in our hew j department, under-headof to I our regular rates, L4or mtotwwuh not ex-1 i-..' r' - o. wqunredman qaent Bryant is still lmng, JZIzoLxtta. r'- "fivv; ?. 'L ' ; y; . but is as yet considered past recovery; r JlUUCUng btOCK Wanted. 9: A, ! ' j.ooo BUSfiELS cob, "I x Oldt Reliable. .'.Ll1 A )Wn ' nim'A1. W':' iT-Tn.i. J ' . 1.' ; .'1 1 ' .1. i -.-r- ..: . ' v luau uaiucu t . jj., u uucb.' " a r anitu 1 iva snares or stocjc or tne ---r- w..,. ... . The.AtlantaCV)nsriWtonofthe2dinst.says: Rosser was .arrested in' Greensboro VV w-:).-3s c ; r,':;rr-'' :.-. :, t 'I - 1 -i, ...,? ,,HaY SMEAL " Ae. Ae UTiKmcif JfiwnTob three-act came- onlFridaylast 'charged -with1 horse steal- WILMINGTON; BUILDING -ASSOCIATION. . . 1 "tT? r ' ' " 1 " ' 1 1 IISKPEtmHE. M v i r Cotton is worth 20 cents in rr:. ouaguuna jo. aver itser is z j : ? .- The Farmers- ot Guilford are-1 i wu? FiauuuS turu -j il. The ConserYatlVba nserTativeofXenoir ales of Cottoii shipped ! ) fkia enas'nii. ' meet at Kinston L 15,200 Bales from BatUeboro' this season; Frances E.' W. Harper, color: edJis lecturing in Qreenaboro. -, t j. V Mr Joseph iZK. Haye9,-faii estfmaule cttizea oi ranklm, is dead., ; V (-- Gen. S. F. Cary wilLilectnrefT.? V;a? PF.B0?T3J u on .Temperance in Kinston on lion day, the on St S a. v . . . . . - It is rumored that there will bsja baby show in connection -with the State -AgricultBralTairv : v .Jsx --' mg. y ; j - In Winston 'and Balera, two towns in tine, with a population -of 2,000, there is ;not a single; Jew. So says the Rev. Frank H. "Wood: of the Methodist Church, delivered a Temper ance lecture at the Court House in Wilson j.v. . ...... t. t The Ralqigh Sentinel under stands that .Ex Governqr. Holdea vAnd family 4will jre'tuxd jq that city some time during the next month;;, , ,:t; - t Several -A-, citizens of . Forsjth county left Tor California on last Monday. The Vieston etnllearns thatit Uthel intention of others to leave in the course -of WW .weeka,,."iS7,.-x,'4'",,, f f .. . ( L. At a meetino" of the Ooneerva- tives of Duplin, held on the &ih inst., Col. Wm. A. Allen was recommended" lor Lieutenant Governor and Dr. CTT.V Mur- pbiy, of Sampson, lor Congress. !: 1 ,! " , ,r u"u 18 ;? i"wu'Blvu"B"'6U negro baby of. the female sex near Rocky Mount eight months old that weiahs forty eight , jfftighs forty nnhnds and ia lullv dplonpifwith lnll PT1?8 a Da I3 iui!j aeveiopea Wltn 1U11 8et ol teeth, &s. So says the Advance. ! Mr Jas. Pearce, agent ot the Baltimore & Ohio It. R, informs the Greensboro Pafrfog' that; over three hun drbclemigrants have gone West from that ptnt over that road since the first - oi January. ' 1 The Winston Sentinel says : WjnxA.; Clouse, Esq., of, Davie .county, presented us this week , a tobacco . leaf measuring 20 inches broad, and 84 inches ion?.. Davie - is one of, the best tobacco counties in the States. . j- The Battleboro !4i?t?ancd says : Wn i-sm-at in loom that W W Pncoan Esq.-, And Miss Bailie Jones - ot the Ring- wood section while tiding out a few dajs sicce were thrown from the bucrsrv bv the nojrse 'running away, and. ' badly bruised though not seriously injured; ::i The Greensboro Patriot ot Thursday says : ' Madison Lackey. Mar- I inaduke Swaio, . Dockey Fields, John JonesJ;, Alvey Underwood -and Dugan I IlMMnn wt aa a naornH r I- nnHlrvh Artii f t ,u iuUi; pu oufa'lharofM Tho Journal of l;Oommerce of Friday, speaking ot tbe UraDge titesby tery, says: This venerable ecclesiastical tody has just closed its 204th semi annual 8efision in our city. It met in ' the First Presby terian Church, on Wednesday evert lag aw oxiock, ana was openea wun a fsermon by Rev. W. B. Tibdall, df Ala mance. It was then constituted c with prayer, and Rev. E. H. .Harding,' ot Mil' ton, was chosen Moderator, and .Rev. j P. Hi Dalton, of Washington, and Rev. D. E; Jordan, ot Oxford; were Chosen temporary Clerks.' During its sessions : there were present 18 ministers, 10 ruling' elders,' ! aBU "naiaato xor tne miuis-. try,' to be examined lor. licensure: ' j Prof, Qf , d College. o and Prof. Mclver Superintendent ot Public Instrbol i tjttn ia North Carolina, IV ere present du- i npg the meetings. .;a J t : X-SMpplng rllclM lop sal, it tie office f : h- U" ?Aa" 8 t'TH Medicine liumoug r gutte lgw-rant ai.a treuulous, t S 4 Pa. Saoe's Citaksh KXmi.iV Is no. Patent gotten up. to , dupe the out is a perittt epe- cola in. the head. and kindred disease.. ; . r.- f,. A. lor tons Keeord. Twelve years ago a lew uiode-t lines in ai Mew York Journal in vited public' attention to b taew Vegetable Re-' storatlve, and solicited a trial of its merits as a ieincds.ior in tlgeation, bi lOiianets. fever aqa ague, debility, nervous di8ordis," rheu inati&in, aud all cam plaints running invigo raiing and reifuiating tieatunu . in tnis quiet, unpret-ntiouB way, FLXWTA-rioir sit Tsaa was introduced to the j' world. .It was a ttuocesit fiooi the. beginning., All that was claimed lOr it as a tonic, a corrective aud ant doto to Uiaiarious' ftiVvr, Wtts found ' to be stiict.y true. Wuhbi nve.v ears, the. annual 8-iiks of this artio e amounted, to over One MiUiojof Bottle. A lewyt an mom and . the -urman. xuu Swelled to five millions The. an nual consumption ot. tne. uiticis.bas now reached tne almost incredible aggregate of aix xu-uobs or froiixxsj ana ior evtry oottie Svau a copy of the iu.vsiaaD Manioax Ah Usbed or 1jU (Kw, is given awy,' La"XhEat HEW Ai) v ERT1SEAIENTS. ; I" Ileitiicui ! E ABE RECEIvTK G OUR BPRIN aad .: i"r;i' ;.f t-Ji 5;' j Summer Supply of: i 4- 09 1 Choice Drugsv Seleet i? Medicines, 'flrigifsh ; 4- ; MoILHENNIT A, WRIGHT. r ;t ri .?ri f Druggists and Pnarmaelats, , ) mDgmg WILMINQTONi CHARTOTTF WILMINGTON j ; CHARLOTTE RUTHERFORD RAILROAD. i "I WnJawaTOiri N. CM April I2, 287i ; ? r 1,1 r 1 Tv. ..f?,.. V 1 rAHTED A rinnfraAtn 4y set nn TaIa. TTTAHTED A Contractor to set up Tele-1 j grapn roiee aiong the line of this Boad. A party of ten bands- can find employment to setting poies and trimming ont the line if . aprl3-2t - . Chief Engineer and Snp'U LOOK at onr C heap Pegged Boots i ;:: ' . LOOK at our Cheap Gaiters t - BRA.N NEW STOCK JUST OPENED. ; '! dudlet & ellis, i ap.l3 tf : ; 8ign of the Big Boot. Apply at this efflce. Tap lO-nac-lt . .:r;i,t8aadlery.f.-:;;.; A LL KIND3 OF SADDLES, HARNESS, " TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, And everything In the line of Saddlery Goods cneap lor tasn at . - . ; U-.t -r t ;L J. S. TOPHAM A Ca3, J ; No. 8 tsouth Kront bt lebS-tfnao . . v Wilmington, ."C.' 1 ' M INI iKI.I A l Hill N. - '. '- v . . . ... . Vr- ' ' WILMINGTON 0 P ERA 0 U S E . Return.!' Return ! r Return ! FOR OXE..WEElX:,0TIiY I II rA DAl!n ui All T-UA4-.A UIQ tteiiaDie 1 tieatre WILL COMMENCE A ONE WEEK' yB ENGAGEMENT AT .THE" OPERA HOUSE, X. On Monday Evening, April' 15, ' When, the beautiful S-Act Drama entitled ! . ' "" . . . ' . . :-.u-.--1 . , . . . i ... ..; H.O ITE T; M Or 0 j ,' wm be producel for the first time in this city, I V " . ' ' ....... ; .". , ! i with entire strength of the Company. A D MI S S Is O N J Dress Circle and Parquette. 75 cents Parqnette Circle .50 - Family Circle..,....., 50 .." Gallery....;.;... .25 , ... ... . f ; Music Store without extra charee- sale com jtteservea- eats secured at ueinsnergers miiv Surday m??Din8 at 9 oclock.; ; I ' . Canned Goods, Brandy Peaches 3ocase3 oysters, - - ISO Cases Fresh Peaches, 75 Cases Tomatoes and Corn,' ' 1 i aoo Case3 Branify Peaches, For sale by . .. . . . i. . T F. W. KERCHNKR.- V apijll-tf A' 27, 28 and 29 North Water 8t.4 Wilniingtbn, Char. & Jtuther- 4 TV ford Railroad Gov ' " Otpicb Chikv Firdnrxxs ahd Geh'x.! Efp't,; 'X,! SlTP'T, V ' 1187 j ' Wilmington, N. C, April lOtlr, To Timber' and Lumber lien X A NaaditIonaltraljforlijllti &ZlmX&?fmfLmViS N additional train for hauling timber will .oaa inia . weex ana butilnees Jus tifl.es it. Too mnchtlmfl ia last. 1n tnaflrnrtimnpr. aivrt I ln tbe future all lime lost above six bou s ln loading a train or (15) ntteen cars anffrtrucks (or 1u,U)j feet of timber.) will bo charge l; for Those Vho. Prefer 'to iav One 'dollar oer thousand feet aoove tarinT rate 4 for louding wuinaveineirtimDerioaaeaDy tnocouspauy, , All who prefer the loading to be done bv the Companywili please' notiiy, the Master of xranaporiaiion. - - - 1 ' ' ; ; : - -X- S..ll FREMONT, .' c ap l2-2t " Ebgineemnd Superintendent. T. 'CHILD 8, Agent, Stoves. Hollow-V are. Tin mI JTapau'd Ware, JLampav lanterns, Ierosn . ! . oyjii,c, ., . -':,u.''r j . Manufacturer of Tin ; vf are. Metal Roofing : 'a.;''.-V fdone to oruer., , . ..,.. otl Tniril SreeV opposite City :Hall. J Vaprilll-lw 5,000 Pounds I: OBAHGE9 ASD EXSIOHS,' V .i .! I HI. hibffil-:ii vr.AThvi : '-W J. C STEVENSON S, apr-ti 1 Market; bet. Front and Second; t CitUenft'Harltet Itexaoval. ." THE 'ttTIieENS' MARKET, Vormerl'y, lo eated on Mai ketsc oet. htw boen amoved W the corner ot eeoouaana rincess ' btreets, aCloinluir the Carolina Mouse. Fresh miuu of all sands always on hand; and wul be de- u verea any w nere in we city. , ; . . ... - - - Eirora ana uhlkens. (load or altvA. VoAf 'Thanu. Alao Roast Piir, when desired, 't ...... xxAIEa OF ADTESTISISat wOdays,...................-'l s- ? three days................ l a .. . ukjD...4..(..... ......... s tw " II Ml. vjwilp- M COntnet IdvArfiMiTnanf. Van nrn ' portlonately low rates. " - 7,?? I in vce ; otherwise full rates .uuvviuuiniu. - -L- - - . .... . twbwii cash Csx demand,' v.. vi' v: MlBCELLAHEOaB- -'" . . v.v slV DAYID PIG0TT, TOBACCONIST 0 VX;- fi 5-. - WILMINGTON. Apbil 2-tf LW JE are daily adding to onr large stock of Groceries, instore and to arrive : . l,00o B BL8.TLOTJB, 1 100,000 LLBS. DRY SALT MEATS, apriiiW4wtfl . BiNroari, CRbw A CO. Ilolasses and Syra 650 HHDS. - Huscovado Holasses AND . S. H. SYRTJE .X For sale very low by V-. .. ' --:) i .. nne21-tf WILLARD RRO8. AT A. D. BROWH'S, THE LARGEST ASSS0RTMENT OF MIL- . linery and Millinery Goods in the city at - -A. D. UUOWN'S. rjpHB largest assortment ! of . Ribbons iriowers m the city at;';"; w:x v A. D. BROWN'S. T HE handsomest assortment of PARASOLS in the city at A. D. BROWN'S. rpHE handsomest assortment of WHITE GOODS the city at ";- ' ' , v ? A. D. BROWN'S. rpHE largest assortment of CQESET4 igf. the rit.v ox '..-', .i-- . . .- i. . . . i A. D. BROWN'S. "I : ' THE largest stock ;of KID GLOVES in the ' . . . . i i i : ', j: i , i . . I eity at ;1; -., . A, D. BROWN '3. THE largest" 'assortment of LADIES UN UKK-UAKJUKKid ana uuur aitiii ia in the city at A. D. BROWN'3. rpHE largest assortment of LADIES' HAIR FIXIJfGS in the city at .' -:: ' ; ,A. D. BROWN'3. THE best assortment o( WHITE TRIM ..; i ... ; ., fr. ..T- . MINGS, HOSIERY and NOTIONS in the city at , A. D. BBOWA'S. , r ONE PRICE TERMS 1 CASH! apr7-tf . n - Exchange Corner. A CARD. HAVING DISPOSED OF THE . BUSINESS latelv carried on bv tne to Mssrs.' Par ser 4 Taylor they will continue the same ln anus orancnes. an 1 1 Despeaa:- or mem ine same liberal patronage ; here toiore. bestowed upon me. . . t ... April 2-tf -'I'- Ai H, NEFF. if HAVING PURCH A BED THE 8T0 VE,' TIN ahd t-heet Iron business of A. II. in K KIT, we will ooatinae the same- under thertlrm, nameot FAtthKtlA TA iX)i aud hope by strict attention to same to merit a share of public patronage, , ,,f pAhKfCS. 1, April 2-tf: ci m a ;i ..v."' J. HvTATJ-OR. . - ,.VJ t: ?.TTXI U MUU. a uo ,i. J TLTj PERSONS INDEBTED TO ME, either Jl ty note or account, will please make 1m UHsdlate payment to myself or Pai ker A lay lor, who are authorized to receive and receipt for same. V, " w '-' . --April a-tf ; A. Hi NEFF. . .' . - ...TII -..Tl . SUPERPHOSPHATE, OR BONE MANURE Only a fair tons left irom last cargo. r For sale by - . O. Q. PARSLEX 4 CO. march Sl-tf 4- Eoa Heninff I :i EooHoiriiiff ! ! A FEW HALF BARBELS OI Extra Family,, .IloO ; XTcrrlnff, DAILY EXPECTED. A2TDOR SALE BT .IS 1 - . . .. ultf ,'.1 bo-perfectly.straight. ' apxU 13-M -' " DxRQSSET A CO. 1J i"i jf.-J ttf ap 13 tf N. E. Cor. Froat and Market Bts. aprU7-lW . FiabXCOEli TJLLLET, j

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