K 4 MORNTNG STAR. BY TELEGRAPH. TUB MORnSg STAK : Monday's Telegrams Condensed. ' " . Intelligence from Washington announces that thus far about four hundred 'and nflj BritUb and twenty American claims Lave been fl.ed with the American and British Gommii eiun, which .will, early ibis week, adjourn, to ' meet in the latter part of June, or- before the explra'iiou of the three months allowed last March as ab extension of Ibe time within which claims may be tiled. In June the Com mlflon will merely receive claims, and then adjourn until September. . In Philadelphia, at a meeting: of Liberal Re N publicans, a committee of thirteen was ap pointed to make arrangements to attend the .Cincinnati Convention., Gen. Thomas sail be had labored to bulid up the Republican party, but now' be was free-to say that it was the moat corrupt party omthe face of the earth. Coi. McUlure said the English of the whole thing was giving the rebellion the dignity of a revolution. Five years aito there might have been necessity" for the exercise of military power, but not now. The speaker differed with Grant upon principle, it was a danger ous thing for the free iustitutions of the coun try when It bad to acQuleecj in the policy of Gjsn. Grant to carry elections by the force of the bayonet. To bis mind the South. has been more desolated since the war than before. In Ilarrisbarg a new trial has been. granted Dr. Bchoeppe, convicted of poisoning. ' -) , , From NewTork. J 4 X L KKW TORE. April The Rev. Father McUierny was consecrated at at. Patrick's cathedral to-day as coadjutor to the Bishop of Albany. The consecra tion was- conducted by , Archbishop Mc Closkey, - asbisted by Bishops Langhlin, of Brookly r and $4Con,. of Portland, ' Maine. The sermon '. was . preached by bishop Bailey, of Newark. r A large number of church dign.tarles, in the United Stat.es, were present. 1 ,: ' " - ' - - .'- ' '- . , Dr. John C Taylor, formerly proprietor of St. Charles hotel. New Orleans, died at Hbo ken on Satnrdsy night last." .-" ' Bodlaco, Brazilian Secretary ol Legation, is dead. Bonner's four year old colt made a quarter of a mile In thirty four seconds, half a mile in one minute nine and three quarter seconds, to road wagon, w th 05 pounds. From Illinois. : ' ' . Chicago, "April 23.. ;.-Two companies of Infantry have beeo order ed to re-occupy Fort Gibson, and capture or drive out the murderers and marauders in the Indian Territory. Gen. Pope ordered the abandonment,, but a terrible affray show 'the necessity of force, there. , . ' . From vrsshlngton. '.,r"- r , . I ' ! '. ' jWisaLHOTpiCAprn 22. ! . -' . . " ,, . 7, MwciiilAjsaocs. . ,, ", ' Secretary D. lano telegraphs the, ?President . from Maho4e,connrming the slaughter there. Bajs ttie evils arise from bad white, men,' who lullow the progress of the railroad.' ile urges an urganlzitlon of a District Court for the territory as the ouly meaus of quieting matters. . ) v k "-Ut -'. ".' S . '.,';. . vCOHQBBSSIONAX. - . r SENATE. The Seuate Is discussing' the de flcieucV'appropriatioa bill.. - - - ilOUdE Alter the usual call, the Postal Telegrapus Committee of House agreed, to abautlou the bill aud adopt tbalf the Senate. - From Sooth America. . - v' Rio Ja.nkiko, April 21- Tje Emperor, and Empress of Brazil have artlvrd. ; TbereWdS great rej uciog on the occasion. Guns were tired, the bells runif, the city decorated aodjllumlnated lor thaoe ". Forelan News. . . . ,. Lost dos, April 2'?. . , The London Xeiot predict the defeat of the Ministry aud iia dissolution, upon the bill relative to the Unlvercity of Dobiift, . - From Ohio. ' ' ' v . Columbus, April 231 R. D.- Harrison, Chairman ol the Republican State Committee, is dead. ? -. , ji . . , i ' A -x - i t " . i T . " f I ' 11 1 " . jilt NiaUT ItEPOUTi.v - FROM WASHINGTON. . V . WASBiiroTOir, Apiil 22. ; MISCBLLANaots. -? Tbe Court of Clalma to day decided cotton cases Involving; nearly one millioa dollars, ajiflltjt the 1 Government, which 1 had been withheld un er the provisions 'of Drake's ameudmsnt, which., the Supieme Court -decided unconstitutional. ; T(je cases decided . were chit fly from Savannah, and include the Eljee case. ' Other cases will follow. f Drake's amendment,. which ;haa been declared nncon- . stilutional, invalidated .r Presidential pardons.' . . Jlm. -V . t CONORESSIONAi. -C -; 1 I .i, , j r: SENATE. -The Senate is engaged Jn -the consideration -oi postal auairs to ntgnt.!-uA -- :Tbe struggl between free tea and.coffae and , the North Carolina .Senatorial contest, re , suited in Javyr ol.the contest, by a vote of to22.k sNd action. " ''. ' ' 1 Eamnbds i-nd Pomeroy indicated that they r would vote against 6eatluff Abbott.- HOUiE.?-A iarge pumber of bl'la5 were In- troquced.' .Tbe. ,tHiW jevenuA bill, WA3; read. Thcie proceedings row'ued but the ui.al nlli i;bd6teriiigpver ciTlfrtgntav.;;;y ):. : -; , A. conference commUteej report concerning straw bids was adopted. . . . , ? s -" j A bill was : Introduced repealing the lnr re quit log cigar makers to give bond.-'-- ,h V A couuur. statement regarding the Alabama claims was received from the President.; It is very lengthy, rTolite,--bat'nnn, in support of the consequeullal damage clause. , ! r & rtom -Mexico. - " ewl kl'i. T t ' Matamor April 23. ; The steamer Tabasco arrived otf,the mouth ol the Rio Jhcde,' from Vera Crprwith five , hundred men,, Thvre are no revolutionists wlthld InterveSing; diataoee. ; xr ; '--j 1 - ;,r.:. From Alniimair;..-' MoTOOMaBT, April AUer." long liUeatloa before; Judge Woods, of f be Untied Stabes Circuit Court at Mob"e,bv "W". 0." Drake aud other.,' to set aside tLcdt Xree of Judge Busteed declaring, the Alabama aud Chatauooga Railroad a bankrupt, it was decided' by Jade Woods lust tiirdj that j.the JboWrupi p oceaaiot(. were . In .regular lorMi aud httdvclined to iuterfere. The sale of the R Jd Cidio off at thl place' to day In pur sui.ce :, pi a ,vrlUmteut oy. the algue in 4bukTnptcyt Gov Liudey. bought the .road for the Oiaie, aud it gives much aatifactlon to th pemK ntfcVtUiounht -lUiU sre Lhe Bute romauyjoaa on account of, the load. ! 'rirom' Bbtti Carolina. tA.i In thfc U. S. District Court -lo-oay tue c.se of Jobu Kodgr,of Ualon Couuy,l..oiuted lor cou. piracy aud" murder,; was tten up. The ' Goverulneut' aoahdonted 'the murder 'charge. The trial foFdWsfjirwy1 begaaij finir ltue(it:S .iWere ualleQ byt tbes Governnieut who Its tided .tpelr;pariipaiioi l efeal m urdera;, -; '; ''fponwTittntiKVX?-Ztj: ;- Financial. ... : ' Money lirra a. t 1? cent. prem. 8terlfr Exetiiie-.toag 0S))i : short llOi V'jGover ment ronds are nriJ and quiet.,' Gold heii fy cent.". p.re'rn".8terlfng Govern vr at 1UU. stouk k'not .o-flrtu as at the veiling,- ' ;' -. .; wiUVIA i ..Jlomr,jiiet'..lSut firm, " ' Wheat Very rm, . '. - , Corn icrc ' but Arm, Pirfr quiet- mi $13 !$7$13 60: - Lard uncbsueed steam 9K 9 cent. Cotton Very doll Upends ZS ten ib. teuton verj uB-ut ,iuu 6o i ceuto; Orleans 21 ceo t; sales 269 ha lea. : Spirit Turpentine quiet snd tearly i-t 6863X cents. Kosin flrm,-at f3 oyW lor strained. Freights steady. . , . - , r ; . ..Nivr Toitz April 23 Evening. " , 7', ." -''finiinaal.- ..';'''-' "'' .f Money tlabt bnt closed active at 67 cent prem. Gold lll)lll Gbvernuieuu'clos ed steady.' Souiuern bonds firm few sales. r '- 'l' ' CbrtwierciaU " ". ' V .;; ;. " Cotton closed weak, with sale& of 1,050 bales Uolsnda 2Z, Orleans 24 Cents. Fionr quiet but Arm.,, Wnear 23 -cents' higher active milling demand Winter Red Western $1 T3 $1.80; Southern H 76. Crn is a shade Urmer. 72373 eents.. :Pirk is quiet and firmer. Lard active and steady. 5 Jdaval Stores Urui. Tallow active. ; Freights dull. I " , v ' ; Sales of cotton to-day for luiure aenvery 6,100 bales April 22X33 116 cents May 23g2331G cente; June cents; jniy 23K cents; September 23 cents; October 20 cente; November 19 ents; Deember 19 cents.;'- -.V- New Orleans, April 23. Cotton In good demand Middlings 22 cents Net " receipts 1458 bales; gross l,7ti0. Exports to Liverpool 3,805 bales; to Barcelona 854 bale; coastwise 2,tt8J 4)ales. 8a.es 3,350 bales. Stock i on band 105,000 bales' k ' - Boston. ADril 22. Cotton steady Middlings 23 cent. Net' receipts 49 bales; gross 2,112 bates. Exports to Great Britain 10 bales. - Sales 500 bales. 8tock on band 15,500 -bales i ' - . Norfolk, April 23. ;, Cotton Net receipts 1,032 bales. Exports coastwise 080 bales. Sales 2C0 bales. Stock on hand 2,603 -oales r ' Baltimore, April 23. Cotton Net "receipts 532 bales; gross 551 bales. Exports coastwise 21Q 8a-le635 bales Stock 11,528; bales. Marked dull and nominal. ; - ; ; - SAYA.MMAJZ, April 23. ' CottonMiddlings 23 cents. Net receipts 777 bales. .Exports coastwise 2,Uol oalefl. Sales 559 bales. Stock on hand 23,764 bales. Aiarset quiet ana.nrm. . ; . - , " ' Charlbstoit; April 23. Cotton Middlings 22(jg23J cents. Net receipts 299 bales. Exports coasiwise 574 bales. Sales. 100 bales. Stock, on hand 16,697 bales. Market quiet, . t . ...4 . . . : ; - FOBEIQ3i HAUIIETS. VJ . y Lc55rtow, April 23 Noon. " Consols $2. Tallow 553. , , , , V - . Frankfort. April 23 Noon. United Statea-flve-twenty securities of 1862, opcireu at voi. ; . , . , . - ; Paris, April 22 Noon. Paris Bourse Rentes 55, 45a. . ''-' - Liverpool, pril 23 Noon. : Cotton opened dull Uplands Wi Orleans 115fillMd.; sales 12.U00 bale: lor speculation .and export 8,001) bales. Bread- stutta quiet. ' ' . - " - ' .Liverpool, April 3 Evening. -. Cotton clce4 -dull Uplands lllld; uneaus 1 l(c?l io. M1SUELLANEOU6. First National Bank " .I' .: Ow WfiinwnTnv "1 . March 18flS72r t i f WHILE THE OFK1CE uF THIS BANK IS ' being rt-p-itrnd, the business will be transacted lb tne adjoining rooms, entrance on rrinc83 street. - - mrch 19 U : A. K. WALKER, Cashier. E. F. Coo's -SUPER PHOSPHATE, R BONE MA.NUK-Only afew tons left iroin.last cargo. 0 For Bale by , ;. k v" ,;' "!o! g. parsley a co. ,, march .Jl4f ..,v .r-. ,v(?, . i i i .i 1 1 .i . i, , i J. W. StllEACli, Jr. A CO., . Oeneral Commission flerchanta and . r." . commercial " Agenta, CORNER DOCK AMD WATER STREETS ... . : . -i VfUmlDKton, N. -C. W1U give prompt and personal attention te , ' .' ' the sale or shipment ot NAYAL STORES, JUNIPER STAVES and all kinds of COUNTRY RRODUOE, Ac.J Ac. Orders for sale of produce or purchase of Goods' will be promptly attended to, and to the best advantage to our customers. We are also receiving large consigmments of ALL GRADES OF LIQUORS, which we are prepared to sell at wholesale at ' THE -LOWEST CASH PRICES. . D. aprt-tf W, apr5-tf. r ; ; - PERUVIAN GUANO. v. -.... NO. 1 - i i '::5 0 To n v ' . GU AN APE. For sale by WILLIAMS A. MUECHISQN. ap -tf , CM; I fTtKA ARTS- CHINA And RTIlUE. f . EARTHENWARE in GREAT VARIfiTT ' - ana a .large otoca ox uuMAvnu.na. . t At r-iV. - .W. M. SIEYENSON'3, ..aprliJJOf. if; No, 7 North Front St. 3,000 "BUSHELS COBN, ; .V " 1 v -800 BBLS. FLOUR, , v ..... ',';;' - . v i; . ; .A:" " -.;' . - ' ; v 400 BBLS. POKE, , fj m', ,-:.Ut r'.iM'K i viJt ir' - . ..: . . . :.i-;v-; .:i-.-.;t 'I i 20 Hhds. BACON, .6UUAL, COFFEE, MOLASSES, F13U, 3tC ' , i t o. i . .ii ;" . -'U .''.ciiji-'jForsale by is .'-.::ir.ioi. r.-. fob 14-DAWtf. EDWARDS' A' HALl Apnlica ioii Will lie Made mo TUEN.CS. R. CO baPA NT for a re-Issue , X f CettJiioate Ko. ti ,for; to bhires ot suick in me baior von pin yyaaieuT January a:n.;i .-i5mi;.iiu -ttta: -v april 20-tf . HEIRS OFiR. G. RANKIN. : V H"?;.For ' Sale, rjjHREK prims dray horses-- - No BETTER IN THE CUT, Apply to march 81-tf Of.G. PARSLEY A CO. Barbershop. TOE TURNER "would respectfully Inform flf nis menas and tne public generally that he has thoroughly refitted his establishment in tne rear ot nr ttunge's saloon, and is now pr'pare,i,wi,P ineiwsi or worn men, to ac commodate nis customers in all the various nalr-cuttlng, shampooing, Ac, in the neatest manner and on as reasonable terms as any ViaVra f v 4 . i . Aa. v iif vnTnV M A r rr trp V JLiJlIiV U lUiJ STAR OFFICE, April 23. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Sales of 180 casks at 57 cents gHo for Southern packsges. ROSIN No sals reported. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Sales of 90 bbls at $2 90- for Hard, $4 15 for Yellow Dip and f5 65 for Virgin. - ; TAR. Sale of 11 bbls. at 3 50 bbU . COTTON 3 les of S3 bales as follows : l.at 20. It at 21i," 3 at 21K and 15 at 23 cents DT. ; ' ' : . . " IVLAHINK. ARRIVED- v',- ' 8chr Rav. Dennis. Jacksonville.' Edwards & Hall. " . ; - - Schr David. Hawkins. New River. Edwards & Hall. . - - - .:. - Brig Zavalla Williams, Vazie, Fall River, O G Parsley & Co. - . Bchr Lettie Wells, Watson, Kockport, O G Parsley & Co, with Ice to J E Lippltt & Co. -:-t- : rr -r.-PER RIVERSTKAMEK &c - Schr Ray d28 bbls rosin, 10 bales cotton. 223 bushels peanuts;-. ? ; V--.- ttcbr David ot bbls rosin, 7 00 spirits, atxo turpentine, 212 bushels pea nuts. . ; v .; UIST . OF VJESSE.S N In the Port of Wilmington, VAprll 2 2d, ' : - . ; .. ' . J872. -. - 4 STEAMSHIPS. t. Lucille, Smoote, dls, A D Cazaux. . . " : BARQUES. ; N S Bark Mvstie Tie. Cofflll Livertool. ldflf. William At. Mnrphtaon. . " Gr Wilbemimiene Maass,. dis, Willard Bros. Gr Mlotrva, Hubenbecker, d:s, Master. Ger Bark Herman,' Helmrich, New post, dis, Willard Bros. " - :J j L;-BRiG3.i:;,y- :v Brig Zavalla Williams, Vazie, die, O G Pars ley & Co.-: ' - - - 1 - ' SCHOONERS. Jos. Bliss: "Hatc'b. di4 O G Parsley fc Co. . Burdet Heart, Pierce.ldg. Williams & Mur- cbison. . Mary Riley, Riley, ldg, Phlla, ILarrUs & Howell. . ' - " " 1 G H Rawley, Harris, dis, J E Lippltt & Co. Belle Crowell, Nickerson, dls, master. Harry White, Hoffman, dis, E Kidder & Son 8chr Sarah Bruen, Melton, dis, Harriss & Howell. " t- ' r ' - ' 8chr H N Squires, Wixon, dis, G G Barker 8chr W Butman. Carver di. worth & Wort, Vessel to G G Barker & Co. - rr Schr ; Clara Merrick, tlaud, dis, Biniora, Cfow.&Co, .vlli,--.'n-.'-vJ-t.- Georgia, Orenf, dl,' Worth & Worths T J Tratton; Dame; dis, J E Llppitt & Co. John McAdam, Willard, dis. J Llppitt & Co. - ,t.i, .-..'.'. . Kate Walker. k die, Vick & Mebane. 'h barnuH Fish, Teel, dis, J JS Llppitt & CO. &co. . - ; : Sarn.nel Fisb, Teel, dis, J E Llppitt & Co. List bf TesseU Cleared for this Fort BORDEAUX Schr Lizzie Raymond, Hoiden, eld Feb S SAVANNAH. Br Bark "W Stephthson, Fullman, eld Dec 19 BOSTON. - Schr Henry Hopkins, ' ' cbr Cbas Sawyer, McParlance, Scbx S P Adama, lnbbutt, eld March 27 eld April 4 . eld April 7 j; ! cld March! k eld April 1 R0CK.PORT. Schr Guster Wilson, ochr Samuel JBish, . 4 LIVERPOOL. Essex, Smith, ,; ent out. Feb 31 NEW. YORK. S. 8. Regulator, Freeman, eld, Schr. Willie Potter, Gaskill, March 19 - eld March 20 . eld March 22 .eld April 13 schr Kuius, Schr John, Williams, CUXUAVEN. - : Sabf Magdalena, Bumftgard, - ... eld March 21 NEWPORT. (Foreign.) Rafts, Skare, ; cld.March24 GUERNSEY (Foreign). i Homely, Le Dain, . ' ' eld April 3 - CONSIGNEES Yer Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Co., April 22 J S Topbarn & Co, J C Shields, 8 P lolar, Diamond O W, Dudley & Ellis,., Me bane & James, Aaron & Rbein6tein, J Lyon, JN Jacobl, S Levy, W cs W K K, J 1 Oocher, Weasell & Oldeobottle, JnoU ttolkar, Morris Bear. F A Suutte, G A Peck, C D Myers & Co, Worth & Worth, Vick & Mebane, J D Woodj, W H Turlington,' Hicks fc Perkins, Sprunt & Hinaon, Bass, Scott & Co, B F Mitchell & Son: DeRossetfc Co; Williams & Murchlson, J A Engelhard, W H Bernard, Willard Bros, J M Chasten, J W Hiusou, Greenwald & Co, J B Huggins, ueo Mjers.--ta wares a nan, ixuis, n.!, n. a -1 . L.1I.. ID n..L U U.. t f I An l ht-r J M H HnrfT rl.! n 5 H Smith, G Boney & Son, Cbas Soutberland, S EI Manning, W "A Jones, u w. uianam, w s Lane. V! .. ' Per Steamship Benefactor, due to-day 43as Llcht Co, A AMeKe tba n & Son, W A fiauas, J F Rueoaert, R Vanrplll. H T Caraoov J C Heyer, Adrian z voiiera, Aaron a Kueinstein, D Pigot, Sol Bear -& Bro, Hart & Bailey, H Haar, v Willard Bros; ,G Mjers, LoulaDaria &Co, Smith & Strauss, Vict A Mebane, J H McGarltT. assell v & Obenbutterr Dawson. Teel & Uennlng, Mebane & James, H Marcos, H Ohlandt. Jaa 1 Metis, .J U stereoson, O 11 Curtis, L Vollers, J 8 Johnson," G A Peck,' A A Hrtfleld, Parker &TaTlor, F.W Kerchuer, S fHarV .Williams & Murchlson. .W. Sutton, T Childs, J D Williams fe Co, H R Horan ifeAio, W C Tory, N N Cap, S Hitwdate, - J R Lilea, Rinaldi & Co,nP M Oohen Pope - ot MeLeod, B F Buden'A Co,"'; A vr"Steile;V"'Jt) Smlth'A Cos, L C Hubbard, C,R BafkeiSi Co, E Carson, W H Cuttini, Walsh 4S .UO, A -A Owlomon, J BrlnsO J Gee. O fi HaysC K MurcbUon. (J 8 MeCall, J J Barden. W Uox dk Son, Leak, Hnxnr C :n --J Kit UreiflT.' T HiUIMOn .He da Bro. Mnnson & Co?T H Wlinht Ztmuiermaa- & White, F Uuttberg, j.Jyona. a B Manning, Mcllbeuuy. & Wright, Jos , F, Metis. , W a Dart, E K Proctpr, Joo A PembertuDy.Cruch Morifas & Laester. Nwborg & Hollinsworia. Green, Walsh & Co,A J Cuius, tf C Bruden, J uiius Brown, a a ; uariratn, j urauam, 4 n . n . Tj if n ti.ii. n u. m. OUVQ. oruneuu.'U ax liai u, n ijf v iujen at, CO, Binfbrd, row ft Ob-, Gr !A 1 h o m so u , W W Cole, .W CTroy, W E Kill, G L Gibbons, J B HOtdtn.-U JT JopprSK, J IT 1 ML ADgOUD,'' VT M dteveuson, Ed ward & Hall, tiilss N Martin, & Flanner. Geo Mycr. E Fescbau, G & Frencft uuvu v aa y j V(VVa a W af & Hon: E Kidder; Dr 4 T ttcbonwaiij- N A"Co- Uen diaoiiSoaitU-A. UamuiQud, UUt llutmet A Co, , J K) ttenburg, Do Roesett & Co, Capt Koberts, W tiooduiau. JM. -imlks, 0 w ruitoa & Co, J Uaidis. Breedon L'u, i D MurChL eon, C d McCair, E Rs Proctor, 1 U B Short, K4 Mltcbel. U BLeHk, W Bogtn, Ur yy.UOurtia, HrrU& Bldckwetll,' HarrUs & Howell, UoV. i uetofir EvriU & Co, a A U or Dam, J brown', Evrritl & Ct. Cox & Swn.lRort, Kotxrts & .Co. M M Kaiz, J,& U ttampaon, Grant.j& Cowan. FerTteamabip Rebecca "Clyde, doe r from Bsliimore to dav AdHao & Vollers, Williams & MurchUon, J H McGarlly, Ereritt S!;Co, IS J Hinsdale, worth & Worth; li Marra. & Co, J A Euuelhard. Wtllard-Bros, WvMeares, H flaar G fiawerHsLitgeO- G -A Peck, W J:auiijng,TAD(Caxaux, V M BardwkkC D Myers 5 Jov EiprrtS a o Company, vesa GodfotOompauyf Vielf MSS'Mebane, Col W L DrRusat,BUbow uGlotous. J Metis,? D Pttcot, " t t.mr. t v v id ir l . r Yopp c" Wofftrs; N-3evbi: TH Wri Msicus. W:P Caoadiik'PeoDlb's'fl BlJo ' rights H mpDy li ft Myer,.N w atoDr, If llelosberger, ts L'Fre inbui, ;J no Dawson,; Murry.&'iJo.norib & Uf...lk' ft. A T' InH.'m. 'T" it 'iir..n.lr' UVuU HUH U. A 1 A JU V M Hennlne. Brnndhild & Bro..G O W Rung. J ! JJell & Co, J M Henderson, J slacks, J Bliug- ains,Tlev J B White, Wortb& Worth, w Bus- ton, J -Myers, Suntberland & Sfrae&u,ueKos ret & Co, C 8cholken, W fc W,R R, W, C fc R R R, W, C&ARB, and others. , - . C. , MISCELLANEOUS. . ! AT A. D. BROWII'S v rjlHB LABGEST AS330KTMKNT OP !MIL- j. lloery ani Millinery Goods In the city at - A. D. BROWN'S. ' rpHS largest assortment of Ribbons and jJL' ! flowers In the city at; A. D. BROWN'S. fjiflK handsomest assortment of PARASOLS i In the city at t,b ' . , A. D. CROWN'S. THE handsomest assotmcnt of WHITE ' ' :, - -A.sP. BROWN'S. , 1 ,') - 1 - fjlHJC largest assortment of C0RSET3 In tho t-:", ' ;. '; ::V..i'vry :m . , '; . 'f-pHE largest stock of KID GLOVES in the city as i ' :: A. D.BROWN'3. mHE lartrest assortment or LADIES' UN- i,.. DER-GARMENTS and HOOP SKIRTS In the city at AD. BROWN'S. inpiLE largest assortment of 1VADIES HAIR . FIXING 3 In the city at ' - '" '" - r. r: - a1 BROWN'3. ; rpHE best assortment of WHITE - TRIM H1NGS, HOSIERY and NOTIONS In the city at ; '-; , , --" -' ': ' '": " 1 ! ?.".... : . A. D. BBOWS'S. ONE PRICE I TERMS CASH I apr 7-tf Exchange Corner. Turpentine Men and Farmers, THANKFUL FOR YOUR PAST IdBERAL patronage and hoping to merit a continu ation of the same the present ear, 1 will still guarantee o furnish my customers with that EXTRA BOLTED ME AL ' from Railrald c orn, 50 pounds to the bushel, much cheaper than you can have it ground if the mills were at your door. That celebrated Kxtra Family flour and Parl Hominy on hand all the time. JKf All bass returned in good order will be ci edited at cost on the next MIL ALLGOOD8 SOLD DRAYKD FREEV feb tf ALEX. OLDHAM, Proprietor. - Fayetteyille Hotel. I rpHE UNDERSIGNED begs to Inform the 3 . citizens of Wilmington that- he has re- moved to the large and commodious buld - ing, on Hay Street, Fayetteville, N. o., known as the - ; - . . FAYETTEYILLE HOTEL. - The house la now being repaired and will be furnished throughout with new .furniture. Every effort wUl be made to Insure comfort to guests. . '' v.' ti. t : li.. . ' A. OVIRBAUGH, Proprietor, mh 22.1m -Late of Exchange HoteL 1 IT. A - -W 01016 1 GW U 00 US GREEIIWAID & CO., 33 North Water Street, liext door to Willard Bros., " v ; WHOLE SAL Jtf DE A L E R S IN L1QUOHS, WINES, BRANDIES, X O . . V; ... WHISKEYS, GINS, 4c : AND ALL KINDS OF F A N CTLIftUO R S .4 Which we will offer to the trade on ' the most - SEASON ABLE TERMS: as we are receiving large consignments of the ';,J: BEST QUODS IN TUB COUNTRY. . , -Fiease call before making your purchases. ' dec 21tf .'v - 11 v-' 1 ... .. . . - ' ..; 1. V". . BAVIB PIG0TT, I TOBACCONIST, -WILMIKGTOK, nTo. Awutt-U. -iij..- 4...U i -A. IS I to,-. CIIPTdEDrHOirSE, -n-'r.f'W";- AND 'OlftYf : Jf ' ,H W1!8.110 SEGAR ANTJ BOT JPwJJ&F0 'M9WOR8 can always be hadv in oonneetioa with that 8uperlor Brand of T CHEWI1TG TOBACCO. i;..a.U,Ujt iAiscVlri'iiiA r "fm?I?aed S0001 by;DayWeek or Month.' I u ' -"NUAli MBIlTINQ Or THE rtl wHLM.l'H W wber o Tour. S52?f-b? ''of-yMay inert, ,at 1 M. -.Ver jBOard Of .MedlOiU h.XMJTilnra . will lu .1..f .4 atthlameawr. r'?f;'r'" .".-.7:7 teecretirr Medical 6ocltV. : irv MeJicnl 8o1aV of btate -North Cajoilnsi. (Mi - - k 't 1 1 ! g etrr; i " - MIS PET J 1 A NEQ US. , Iiiniitcd PartnorQliii). NOTIoS i hereby irlyen that the n: 'er signed, In accordance with the provision of an Act otlhe JUegis atareof ld-6l.enUUeU "in At to provide for Limited Partnership" and an Act ib amend the said Act, ratine the 8th of February. 1872, bare renewed and Con tinned Oe Limited Partnership heretofore existing between them under the previsions ot the Act fit st above-mentioned. -Kald re newed partnership Is to continue for five years, and is to date from January 1-t, 18.2, an t 1 to terminate January 1st,- 8 7. Th nature of the business to be transacted is a General Wholesale and Commission Business in the City of Wilmington. James A-. Willard and Albert A. Willard, of the City ot Wil. ara tho IJnn(rftl PftTttiArs. rinrl r thn UJlUtl F1 1 a wuv w 1 w " v stileof Wiilarl Brothers. WUliam H. Wlh larO, OI tne tliy ui nueigu,- w mo opcvui Partner, and as such has contributed to the Capital Stock of the tame the sum of seventy Fiv e Thousand Dol ars ($75,010), the said sum having been actaally paid In by him In cash In good fai h into the capital stock of the Original Limited Partnership, of which this is n renewal, and the said sum of Seventy-live Thousand Dollars is represented by Goods and Merchandise now on hand, and has not been Impaired in the course of trade. ; , j JAMES A. W1L.LAKD, I General r.: ; ALCEttT A. WILLARD, $ Partners L i . - Yf ILLIAM H. WILLARD,'' mlil6-2m ' " , : Special Partner. ; , ' ' ' " ". ; ; - Medicines ! Cheinicals ! -yyE ARE BECEIVISG OUR SPRING and cummer suppiy 01 Choice Drags" Select Medicines, ' English French and German Chemicals, and a large assortment of Fancy -and Toilette Goods, which we offer atlowracsv s ' ";. MoILHENNY A WRIGHT,' , 4 ' t'.'V'Ui ' J Druggists and Pharmacists, j ; (Lipltt's Old-Stana,) J l ; p lS tf K. E. Cor. Front and Market 8ts. W E are dally adding to our large stock of Groceries, In store and to arrive : , 1,000 BCLS. FLOUR, I lOOjOOO LLB3. DRY SALT MEATS, 20,000 - HAY, MEAL, AC., april 13-dftwtfl - BINFQRD, CROW CO. A M CU O B L I W E STE1HEBS Sail Etmt, Wkottisday ato Sat udat. Passengers booked t- and from any hallway Station or beaport in, Great Britain, lrelanu, Norway,&wed n.Denmaik, Germany, ranee, hoiianu, iseigium, ana me unuea Biaies, A LOWJCbT CURRENCY BATES. - Cabin fare from New York to Glasgow, Liv erpool, London derr nrQueenstown S7Sand xniermeoiate, 33. eteerge, , J DRAFTS DSUED FOR. ANY AMOUNT, " Parties sending for their friends In the Old Country can purcnas tickets at re tucea ratea ifor further pajticulird apply to, tue Aitents, I 'r '-v-i 7 Bowling Green, N. Y. Responsible--Agents wanted In town and country.-e. :Xi ? ; s; ap 11 D& Wsm A CARD. TTAVING DISPOSED OF THE BUSINESS n lately carried on oy ncf to Messrs. Pari iter s tayior. tney will continue the same in all -its branches, an 1 1 bespeak or them the same literal patronage heretofore bestowed upon me. April SMI -. , : j, .A.H.NEFF. New Firm., , ; HAVING PURCHASED THE STOVEj TIN and-heetlronbuainK88of a. 11. NEFlT, we will continue the same uncier the firm name ol PAUKEtt A TAYI.OL, and hope by strict attention to same to merit a share of public patronage. : . - - C W. M. EARKEB, 'AprUU - : J. H. TAYLOR, Notice; A H PERSONS INDEBTED TO ME, either 1 h7 no" or account, will please make lin mediate mvment to-mvself or Pm ker a. Tm lor, who are authorized to receive and receipt April 2-tf -A. H. NEFF. w HOCKINGHAM. 99 THE ABOVE GOODS 4x4 WIDE M ANU factured by the 'llreat Falls Hinuliatn rui wimpany u i&ocsingnam, M. U., aj e . a mi r. nTTn m ml t - w . . . - T . - a8U X J BrOWll SbMtillS, Ml. ta thl. . Country. ,- .; " As Agents of the Company we keep a sup pi y cuusituiuy on naaa, nanasomeiy put up in Bales of l,i Oj Yards each," - . - " .. ' . i FOR SALE AT FACTORY PRICES. ; 47 Orders are respecifhliy solicited. -Cr "''' ;'" i DbBOSSET.A CO. " march 20-dtf nacilaw-We Sat Wlm ' ' v Union Boarding House; ON THE CORNER of FOURTH and HAR NETT 8TUEETr, five minut.s 'walk to union or wnariotte repots. - -1 - Single Meafs, to cents j Lodgings,' 60 ceats. &uu f per uiuuuu ior regular Daaraers.'; i april Wm i rr! u? j. THOMAS JENKINS, ACEI1TS FOR IIOllTHCAIiOLIIIA. GTJARANTERD PERI.CTLT.PURB AND OF THbVhIGHES!!' GBADir. ' V dec 7-tf - -;- iKf; --.; Drosr IledlclD.es ! ARGLING OIL, SOOTHING SYRUFHad way'alReUef, Prepare1 Barley, .HeLrnbold & Buchu, Sozodont, Paints and OUs, Olasa anl -uuy.att y. 'If- : april ''0-tf GRKEN FT, ANVBF S. ) J 'Antrnv " i --.S,T, -V. yien,'XrToptor TTii, UU JilsKNARD, Agent s I' . ill - ' ' -J' 7l. j tepP3-l-tf UATTi IlOAX)vLLbfES. GENERAL CUPTB OFFICE, TZilTnintcn, Colninbia & An ' fjusta ' K. H. Company,- ,1 Wn.KijrGTOirt N. C. Harcb. mhrt87l. Cfianso of Ochedulei jL"nK FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL Qo nto effect at 8-25 A, M., Sunday, sist Inst.: DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Dally.) Leave Wilmington. 8 25 a m Arrive at Florence......... j:iST"S ArTive at Colombia l:f5P 2 Leave Columbia.. iM) a ) Arrive at Florence... 4 1 p 2 Arrive at Wilmington it;23 p J NIGHT" EXPRESS TRAIN D ALLY (SUNDAT8 Leave Wilmington..........,....;... :jP Arrive at Florence.. lus a Arrive at ColnmbUu...M... rj Leave Columbia........... ......... t.sn p Arrive at Florence....... liw p' Z Arrive at Wllniington.....;.... 630 a. S JNO. C. WINDER, ' V ; Gen'l.Sup't. xnax 2o-tf V i I. A 7cl d on R a 1 1 road ..-'Compan OmCE OF GEN'L. SUPERINTENDENT 1 WrtKrjreTOT, N. C March 23th, 1871. Chaiis of Scliedule. W AND AFTER THE Slst HVHtiht Vf PASSENGER TRAINS will leave Union Depot at 65 A. M. and 10:4a F. M., and arrive at .:10 A.M. and aas P.M. ' FREIGHT TRAINS wlU leave trl-weekly at 7:15 A. M., and arrive at 1:40 P. U. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIJtS will leave at 2 P. Mm and arrive at 11 A. M. - ON -SUNDAYS, the io:40 P. M. and 8:10 A. M . trains QKLt wHl be run, . JOHN F. DIVINE, t General Superintendent. mar 29-1. TTTILMINGTON, CHAR and R. R. R. CO. f Y- - Wi-MuroTOH, N. C, Dec 22d, 187L Fassenger Trains leave Wilmington daily i Sundays excepted) at 7 A M. - Leave head ot toad at 6 A. M.; arrive at Wilmington at 8:30 P. M.; Arrive at Head of Koffd at 4 J& P. M. Jan 20-tf . Genu Sup't. BALTHIOEE AND T71L1HHGT0H ST E A T.l GH I P LINE, ''". f'-V.. Composed of the First Class Steamstnpe t ' ..v ' - - REBECCA CtTlE....Capt W. C. Childs i.17CILXE......... ......Capt. D, J. Price BOLITAIt.... ....... ...Capt. Wm. Evans Will hereafter sail from Baltimore and Wil- .. ; . . .': . ' ' j"-" mington ;. m . KYERT FIVE DAYS. ' THIS STE AMSfllP' BOLIVAR JTill sail from wharf foot 6rchesnut stroct Monday morning, April 22d. ' For Freight engagements apply to. , f aprtl f Ml . :: ad. CAZAUX. Philadelphia a ri d Southern .Uail Steamship Line. v ; :.v.!.:.. . r. - ? . ; THE FAST AND FAVORITE STEAMSHIP AipuriBu, f Captmla JOHN 'WAEELET, !TTTTIili iUN ' THE FOLLOWING 8CHED f V ale between Philadelphia and Wifmlng ton,N.C.t i . i i a . Leave Wilmington, Leave Philadelphia. " pu iif.fmay, Thursday. Ji'eh, 71 Wednesdav. feb. 14 4 Thursday, Saturday, . Sunday, M , I ';- ) .!...'. v . . m-v;i-'- Monday, ' " Tuesday.' - Wednosday. Thursday, , ' -' If" 29 March 1 M 81 April 1 28 Mayli 28 June 10 m 25 ; July io "25 Aug. 8 22 .If arch 8 "".-April 6 8unuari rj V;.i t. . gi May 6 10 v k ;:,y. 1 June '2 Tn sday, a . ; ?. , 18 W dnesday, : Jaly.8 T ursday js Jiiday, . rAng4 s -:! .1 Tot Freight, apply to' I .1 su,uA i .WOBTHtl WORTH, Agents, n 0v.;- -Wilmington, tf.C. L; JAMES, General Agent,' 190 South Third Street, Phlladelpbia , . Ian 27-tf ; V JH. IISON, 4 3 11 A U K E TS fiBE E T, XTAvtf JUST1 RECEIVE D PART OT THElB XX' SPRING STOCK, consisting ot full line WHITE GOODS, l rrt; Bolfy varden Piqaes, : t r - I ;1 , ?j ' VIESITA SATTEENS, striped and cnecKea vTIC lAWSSt ' DTI fJ AN DIES, ...... Bl.Mnlll IndlA Doot; fcOREG AN7 iBTRlPES, ac Ac. Alsdj' a full line of Dress GoodaJ Silk Tourist .ParasdiSrfiaad aU sach'ooods as are uuuy tepuin. a, . j , , , , K ri'ir.r.xlcijiss dhVgoods store, -i . j,. ... . i -.; .... - t- xuaruaz-ii - .. . , . . . Bacon Sjiacon !; inft'Oflfl LDS, SHOULDERS r avvtyuv , iandSUJlSi, - wj --Yin . t ttj, , - 11 UBIBIKHU 4unea-f vliJtTfllXABD BK03. 1- 4 - '