UORNING STAR. "1iday, April 20, 1672 li R T3 LARGER THAN THAT OF ANY ' rilKR DAILY NE WSPAPER PUBLISHED . ys sorTI! CAROLINA : Xlio XorIlTcoln Election CaaeV Tbe case ot the North Carolina Senator; chin wa3 then proceeded with. ; . V i CarDCQter again -addressed -"the Soate in a legal argument itvfavot of Mr. Vbbott's claim to- tli 8eatjl-- y rh nuestion was then taken onthfe .mcDdmeot oUMr. Carpente;vdeclarbg that 3ir. aow" auV .This was rejected, aa follows : Yeas Messrs. Ames, Chandler; Cragin, 0 Inert Howe, Nye,- CJaborn, Patterson, Pool and SawjerrlO.;ci " r?W.'7 Nays Messrs. Alcorn, - Bayard,- Blair, r Buckingham, Caldwell, Cameron, Casseriy, Ciaytou!C00Per Davis of Westi Yirginia, E jinunda, Fenton, Ferry , ot Connecticut, vt.rrv ol Michigan, Frelinghuysen, Goldtb fl w. tVvensoD, Stockton, Sumner, Thurmaoj TlD'OQ l rUmoUM, vitn-cia if csi, .wiuf .doma'DdWright-42 , i Messrs. Carpenter, Flanagan and ; Bice' vho would have voted In the Affirmative Wnre paired with Messrs. -SauUbury and Hamiltou, of Teias, and Norwood, whd would have voted in the negative. Tho Auestion then recurred ,on the original resolution reported by the majority ot thq Commit tee, on Privileges and , Elections; which was adopted whhout a division; Ii U as follows i ' ' - i ! Kcsolvd, Tnat Joseph C Abbott," not Laving received a majority, ot ; the votes cut by tha North Carolina Legislature 4n thu stco.id Tuesday in November,-18701 for the office of Senator. ' of the v United S'ates, is not entitled to ' A seat j In saidj Uiiited States Senate as such Senator. . , fen Millions of Flrhtlnt; Hen. : i A't the principal countries of. Europe; except Austria, "are - reorganizing thdiij army s)S'.enis. Germany is about , to, .in j crea e her available military force byiOQ, 000 men, and Russia, whose army, lnciudj injr irregular? hasr hitherto numbered 1,393,00 ! uasn on a warjootingerpects,! uader the new syatem, to" have a force ot 2,903,801) oieo at her disposal, rip t reckont ing ihe local troops and the militial The' new military orgiqiration ot France il not yet decided u pop, but it js, believed that its result will ba to increase her army to 1,103,009. Italy, wljo3e war establish I ipent hitherto amounted to 519,630 menj including reserves, proposes by the plan of reorganization wtiicti has been adopted by her government to raise a' force ot from 750.000 to ' 800,000 men. The Turkish' army, when on a war Tooting, has bithert consisted of 270,000 men. inclusive ot tb UIJ1113. Ill lUlllHtU iJ-V 19 UC IUUC4&C tu GOO.000: men. . Final lv... thai iuiHtar f.jrca of 'Rjgland at hoaie is to, Ui. raised undiT ilr. Card well's " scheme to 'about 300,003 nun. When' all. these JlaDs '; axe carried but the tot$ war establishment' oi the armies ot Europe will b3 'iocreas ed frond 6,16G,000:meh to . 'about 10,000,000; .-Is is t ) be understood that' th33 number of maa is no to be actually withdrawn from peaceful pursuits atoiiej iime.riThe plans1, proceeding more or less upon the, Prussian idea, ure to secure a military' training to a large part ol the . male population which may be promptly drawu upn in case of, war.. . " ' 1 " ' ; Einlsrnnti for Utah. s . t A party ot twenty-five "persons, "emi grants Irooi Virginia and North Carolina to the distant territory of - Utah, passed through the city yesterday. Conversalioq with these people while they were waiting at the depot ot the Louisville and Nash viile railroad, disloses some interesting facta and curious speculation as tp their opinions and purposes. One oi the tami lies uuiong these emigrant's consists ot a Mher, mother, and eight daughters, andt strange to saythe parents. of, this family express the opinion that it is their relig ious duty to seek home in ' the "matrimo nial El Dordo ot Brigham" Youngs They appear intelligent and very hopeful of ueir products in a territory, where man tl reguUtioni ara not very mach restrict- el. Another family in the party" Is a man, wite, and sweetheart, to the Matter of wbom he is to be married upon their arri-, val in Utah and strange to say, with the unqualified consent of the wife. Another family embraces a taan,.'wife, and three young chiidien going ;Vo Utah'becaase laud id clunjAo that country. ,Tyereap4 pears to l in this party of migrants . nore intelligence than 'could reasonably fe expected Irom such a , ibtrrce, bdtf there a little noin to donbtthattliey have been made thy victims" ot cunning and design na men seeking proselytes to. the, ttocn ."Milium iung ana nis louowf W'-Mstoille Union.1 -rr i . J . " . file Smithsonian Institute lias 'iust re: ceveda curiosity of :cTr.nbvdUyianct .fwue lor the national tnuseunn Ifis a uie trophy of a race of natives living jear th c headwaters of iheAmsLn river, . iuc ueau oi a captrve condensed by 7, "-uown process to a size not more fo three inches in alametefjthelOugiBal r i oi i ne teatures being preserved ,1CK'ks like .the. hfead 'of 86nUiffmvI jneee trophies are esteemed highly by the nivtB and they are difficujt: to obtain lZ De otber is kuown to been ght to this country. This one was a -Peir t? the lDstitu:e by Raymond d ,W; ' -cuaaor, through E. Ivumsey our Minister toi ftar. to Quito.- Washing- - liberals In IlieliBaoiid!-iL tf. .3 11 appears ars that the Liberals in4 Ribb! 'uooa re can naf f - w-tDat belonS t0 the XUrpdhU-j ....r'Vi From Whatmre iiMr-WR snni S eciZVthey WiU delegation W uble ll11 ?.onQP8ed cf the' molt respe'ctJ Publio! Ilable members of .Ihe latecRe4 V uuucan (now Oran n Zlrt boi,ed down the4 part onfee, Partis la.nLu.mbers to aa army , ot mere r usans of his Deraonul mhition mr evcr3s?nn, are iected to do any and Zoning thy can help to elect 'Grant? berrfii ? Afew daJ g some straw-4 rate of .! ownarden!aUhe 1,11 IiitcheoCK, jonoatua, .cwjt juugani, Slorrill of Vermont," Morton, MPrat'Raihf i R)b3rtsoo, Soiiarz, 8cott,i 8prague . t "-iriiMi - - - . . .. v - .. 'I! n.--Www-w-4. 1 11 ' : ; . i 1 . ' ' r-i ' . : -B ! v ana oiaterlal.r Be aura to ask XoW.t h : o i vAuciiuiuLUMnii uiil unxnuw f?T ftt?Vp then;lfc oesHalxf -ouT are kett&g' ' ''' tfl Tibial' frn "trTTf Tni".n arr ' ' Every Axo Varrahteer I CI i vf vItardwrar Depot. No Market 8t f AaUealm t ThroaKn6iift . tb State. m$Ml:MiWw$ Die Ap J Shnilcr'it Nnati TTntfYAi A? TnAir1 vrrUolaor nd 3)ck ft7er invented,, for; the t aVK M ' luu n locaa tne sasn wnen closed $ It holds at DlttiCa when nnnnnil 91 I r .tnn. 11 rinar or rattlintra of th uah.itri i rm v,. jet out M order or. wear out In a lifetime. 4ih it can be pat on In one minute and does neffe mar tbe window. . Uaviog tne patent rignt tor this ection, 1 am now offering tbe above sasn Holder and Loclt nholesai and reWL ? Working model on exhibition at our store .' ' .' v i v ; ! . ".N ATH'L J ACOBI'S, m v v U ardware Depot, No. 9 Market St. ! fob S-tT ' "'" iv; 1. 1... -- . i i. ; . " . ' ii - 1 v CIIFFORnjHOXJSE, SAMPLE HQOM ;" .i ia the city. . tTTUlCBE &UPEEIOE 8EQAJEa AND BOT. iVV TLKD LIQUOJiS canalwava be bad. in oonnectiOH witb that Superior Brand ol i MICHIGAN ! CHEWIHG: TOBACCO. Also, .. .O V- Varnished Eoonii8bypayt tyeeko? Montlx. ; oct uU Z f r; a. CLtrrpED, propri t FRESH FINE TEA S 4 . . - at AT ' i '" '-- ' -: apnlSI-tf 1 JAMES C. STEVENSON'S. ' BOHBT CAUSOf BP.T IT I . For Sisht 1 rrkfelesa U 1. l i I Bat the Diamond Speotacles win Preserve It. ax c TF ton Talne'y'our evesiishtuBe theso Perfect JL, Census, ground ir.om Miwate Crystal. Peb bles, melted together, and derive their name Diamond'? on-account of their Hardness and uriuiincy. They wiU last xaanv. searamth-i out change and' are. warranted superior toall otnera in use. Maautacturea py the epencev Optical Manufacturing CoM New "Vork. - t : cautioit. jxone uenmne unless stamoea with our trade mark. For sale by Responsible Agents throughout the Union. T. W . Bbowh. Jeweler .and Optician, Is role Agent for Wilx mington, N. C, Jrom whom they can only be obtainKl. No Pedlers employed , s - j ix.o x-eoaty jr u nea.. ...--.ii. WE are daily adding to our large stock o Groceries, In' store and to-, arrive : . " . 1,000 BBLS.rLOUE, .j w ' ----- ii ; 100,000 LLB5. DET . SALT MEATS, ,. 7 .: r i : : 20;000 BC"C : ; ":-A-i,..-:..v-! .- .: . : april lJOA wtO ' BlNFOfiD, CEO W A CO. , 1840. 1872. Perry .Day)o? Vegetable j T i" .- - . .' : ... aV.'V . - ! HAS BEEN TESTED IN EVERX4 VA- ;;RIETY OF CLIMATE, AND BY All-! : r MOST EVERY NATION KNOWN j r - 0 TO AMERICAN3.- ; V . i It is almost Ihe constant companion moid estimable friend .of the ' mission ary and, the traveler, on eea and land, and no one should travel bri' our' ".takes or' Elvers wuhoutlt. i' - 1 ) . n ...v. ....,.;' .. '-; t ilt haitoeeh before. the publtd over thirty "jrears, and, probably tas a er MllMiJ reputation tnan any omer prppneta y meu i cine of ihe present -dayi;- At tiila period tfiere are but few unacquainted With the' merits of ithfl Pain iUliex tut while some extol if: as: a lintnent, iheyjaiow but little brits powe 4n easing pain- whenkfi 'ihtenallr-,' while Others nie it internally with great fiaceess. ba when applied externally. Ij We therefore wfch whether used lnternaiiv. or extemaiiv. ana is stands tivday' uxiri vaUed bi alf the great cata- loguci oij-f anally medicines. It is sufficient estidentfe of Its virtues a a standard mediclneJ to know that it is now-used in all parts of the wqrld aaO.thatts saae is cistjajitlr lncreas-t ing.- -No curative kgenl ba hail sucb: ;wid4 spread aaie or giy en buco univeai .eai.ui.aci tton. It is a purely vegetable oonapound, and perfectly safe even in ukiilful . hanaa."! ; ArUr thirty years trlall, stlllrecgthe most unqukltfledr testimonials to -its .virtues, from persons of the'liighest eharacter and re- Bponslbillty Physiciani otthe flrsf .reapeet- ability recommend It as a most effectual pre paration for ihe ettlnctlcn of painiItls np otyjoe beairemeaj eyeriknownforBtuiaeai Cuts, Burns, Ac;, but for Dysentery dCholer ot any sort b 1ow4 cplaint, lt is'a remedy! nasurpassed; for; effldency1 and rapidity j of action i ' in tne great ciiaea ox muia.Tum uujcx ihot :climte "Itlbui become iiKe-fitandar Medicine for an auen complaints,-s weu ai for DyBpepsia-i liver (Cpmplalnjbfpthe: kindred disorders. For Cougha and.Cnlds Canker Astlinja,' andj .Wttj?!1' it haa hpn TiToved bv the mc' abundant and ' convincing testimony to- ,1)0 i an -invaiuable1 M ; i K I HOLESAUt AGENTS, f T : . 3r Bold atretall by all Druggists and Gro-j 1 "--B!Tr. X.-;-"" rIEWjAPyRyisEMETS OP?THE?i.SOCTa;:? TratneH fof'asnecessfislrtlnBnslneEsLife," taagbt how.ta get a Jiving, make money, and become enterprising, useiul citizens, at East man College. The oldfet Practical Busine-8 Tialnliis behoof an.a tbe only nne providing sitnatlouj lor Graduates, Total expenses tor prescribed course, $ 00 to 25. o vacations. Addref-sfor Catalogues of 3,000 in business, and lull particulars, H. O. EA9TMA.N, LL.DJ Frest, Po'keepsie, If. Y., On-the-Hudson. : a TVbat Is tbia Grand Speelfld foraj'spep- oiBj iun uuuuung, sparKiing, cooling, purify. Ine, rrgnlatlnsr draaght they call Taesiit's E(cavsc.awT 8ctzkk AraanTt Well, it is simply the Chemical foe t mile of the Seltzer Spring Water, whUshytor lie years has been counted the flnest Pathartlo and Alterative 6 "a" SOLD BY ALL DEUGGISTS. PORTABLE SOD A .FOUNTAINS ' '(, -40, $30, l6. :su GOOD; DURAlBLJS iND CIIEAP t 1 sf ? ' Shipped Beailx for Use I -'-fit - J. W. CHAPMAN A CO , Madison, Indiana. . 4 . 0- 1 SEND POE CIECU LAB.-6t - EXTEAOBDINABT IMPEOVEMENT3 j CABI NETOR CANS. ThATBv 'ITitnTw llama i' ' .Ann.-. i fully announce tbe lutroductinn of improve ments of much, more than ordinary interest. These are ' ' - ' ' EEED AND PIPE CABINET OEG ANS, i being the only successful combination of Ebal Piras with leeds ever mada ; ; i , .it - , DAY'S TEANSP03INli. KEY-BO A.ED, -which can be inatantlv moved to the rlarht or left, chauKing the pitch, or transposing the ke Jor dxa wings and descriptiona, see Cir cular. -----'---.-- ; : i . I. . U Aim KLXQA.KT STTtXS OT ,' ::.,,; I , DOUBLB RKfeD CABINET OKGANS. ' st HO, $132. and S125 each. Considering Ca- paoity, iLlegance and Thorough Kxceilence of Workmansulo. these are cheaper than ana be fore offered. -. ,iiw msoo uamiin urgana are acanowi. edged Bh:Tf and from extroeruinary faciii ties for manufacture this Couipa y can afford, and novo undertake to sell at prices which ren- aerihem. f.i o r . - : 1 - t UN QUESTIONABLY CHEAPEST ' , I , Four bctavri Organs t-ach : Five Octave Or- gans iloO, $125 and upwards. With three Bets reeds St 0 and UDwarda Portv stvles. ud to $i50oech.' - ' - ' :- a ew luustratea t atalogueand Testimonial r.ireular, with opinions of.AIOKK THAN O-NlS THOUSAND MOaiCIANS.-seritfree. ' 1 - MASON A HAMLIN ORGAN CO.. 1H Trempat s.t Cos tan. ; $9$ Broad way, N. Y. Cheapo "j? dims Y Tieo Homes ! ; ,; A .oTii e line of the : " --s- 'i Land GeaKt or a ?i v) , 01 n n ii . n n o. u 1 r 1? w s ' "i m.w . . ...... Ur TE9 ! J ivi -rfui - BEST TABHiaO A9D Hisislt tiJRDI IV AHKBtci. 3.000,009 Acres iu Nebraska, G B E A T P I A T T E V A r. I E Y. Garden of the West, ; NOW FOB SALE! . ' These landa are in tbe central portion of the United States, onr the 41st degree of North Latitude, the central line Oi the sweat Tern per ate Zone of the American Continent, and or grain growing and stock raising una or passed ty any in the United states. CHEAPER ta PE ICE, more favorable terms given, and more convenient to market than ean be found elsewhere. t; , . . : Fres rHemesteaflsfor- AcM ; SBttlors; f T3B BXdT Lf CATiOXS BOX COLOHTES. i Soldiers Entitled to a Homestead of 169 AQres. , EB VABSBS TO PUBOHASKBS OV tLBD. Send for the new Descrl ptire Pamphlet, with hew maps; published in English, German. Swe dish ani Danish, mailed iree everywhere; -;-Aapea-11 '":! -"' F AVIS, s i liana commissioner, u. r. iu k;cwv iut i.--v -j.ij -sv'l eul.i uuiOmalia, Neb., j FANNIif G'S ;PAIEST. . HIP-rATTUfG ' t7, SKELETON . COESET. . '-.L i .. . ; - Recommended by ! tXlD BQ . . PHY81CIABB ! . JShotuUl be worn by all ladles who valpe health ana comtort- They are particularly recommended for Ham mer wear ana -warm climates, although a. dapted to alt seasons of the j ear. . - . ! - For ale by all first Class dealers , V. WOBCESTB SHUT Co., . - '' Sole Manufacturers, 1 Worcester, ju.&sa.j : Clieapii Ady ertisiiig ' A vertiiemen 'tfl oonp n'g oitb ii caof pace will be tn-eit-d m 269 SEU Sl'AVEUS, in. cludlng-2 .AfilLltSrJto ,i ' . , , ' f-rv BOUTHERK: STATES; , r t overihg'thorougniy the. States bf Marylsmli Delaware, Yirginiar West' Virg inia, JK. .Card, lim, Soatn Carolina, Georgia,. Alabart a, Mis aiSslpfci Loalijlana, r Arkansas, Tennessee, litniucy.and.Miat)Ourl, : . tw i jjv a ( ' -O ne ;;font K'r 148 j BIorevFarii. Mere Dallies, Larxer Cir enlatloM Lwer Price, than an oherLiss SpeuitU TAtesgiVcn ivr more or less s, aca than oue inch, ana Tor a longer period than one morita y Equally -favorable quotations made ror tuylngie:bta .- - copies cf Lists,- Clrcu. lars, lCalimatesf and full information, furnish ed on application. GE-o. tM lsi.L CO., jwpaper AUvertHmjf Agents. 41 Park Uu-Wr, a w . ' ; . iBIEE CEtANiDiLfor AGEKTS iirnu. w will rav you 840 per week in ash lr-roa will engage with u at ojroa. E ery - thing mriiiabesf, and expnes paid. - Address F. ,A JfiCLS cxtiTieite, intcn.j ; i j j Z. XING.' r . a -- '.v J AS. -A. KING. 1. - W .7: i - - - - - ' : 2' a'z "K'l'N'.a S- P AT E;N.T,V- j i ary conuannlcations aoiieitea ,-. ana 'Vi - Fremptly. Attended To. ; A OEHTS tlVanUd.-Agents make more money at; work lor ua than. &t anything else. "jBnsinessHgbt and permanent. - Partic ulars free, r . iTLNSON Jb. UO .Tine Art PablishersJ'ortland, Ma. ff..S. PI AH O CO., N ?: PRICE, No Agents, circulars iree. m-nwi'w. MFniCAL'BOOK Of Useful It knowledge - to aLL Sent' free - for two . . . r-v T a -w -m . M rill. stampsj Aoatw wtw"'u," vv., v' . a nac&m .oCaaI Oaoii St I JSEWiAOViilHTISEilENTS. C U RE that CiO L; do not 6ufTer rouf Langs to become diseas ed by allowing a COLD to' beccme seated. Thousands have died Premature Deatbs-The Victims of Consumptionby neglecting a Coid '1 5 rrle-il' ir' Hall's r i BALSA HI fSS LTTIJ GS Will Cute Cougbs, bold and consumntion surer and quicker than any otheifremear'lt actsTike maicTrFor sate by ill Dru'jSsts and Medicine Dealers everywhere.' , S1,0 00 : IllEWARD : For any case of Blind, 'Bleeding, Itching or UJcrated Piles that Db Bile's PU.B Ebxbdt fails to cure. It is prepared expressly to cure the Piles, and nothing, else. Sold by all Drag." gists. Price, $1 00. . .-..f T I TRTTP roB 2. Swiss Magnetic Timb-Keefbb lllUll and Indicator. lnuispLsable to every v IU V. traveiei, trader, boy, laruer, and. lor 1 Itllj EVEitYBOuT in need of. a. reliable time-Keeper. Usual watch sie. Bteel woi ks gi&ttat cr atai, in neat OttOiDi. case, wabeaut an to denote correct time tor two vears. K'otftm ing like it. l,0i,0 bold-weekly. This valuable article, 1a neat case, wuioesent, prepaid, an j where, for t : 3 lor ft Try one. Circulars f free. Order only irom the Sole Agents?, F. upru Huawiw ent . 1 s.n . . . ' MISCELLANEOUS To Ibfi Coifeaef ate Dead of Georaia I And to tbose Soldiers from otber Con. federjAte fitateBwho were .Kill 'i ed or Died in this State, .-i,.? : THE MONUMENT TO' COST" $50,000. THE COBNEE STONE, it Is proposed, shall be laid as soon as the receipts will permit. 2,000 Prixea, valued at (ftS 0,000) Five Hun- urwa .xnoawana ioiia.ra, unat amount, . ' . onlyin Tickets, to be sold. ; : j. j For every Five Dollars subscribed there'wili be given a certificate of Li e Membership- to the ALonumental! Association. .. This ceilifl cai e will entitle the owner thereoi to an equal interest in the ollowinu urouertv. u ba iit- tnbuted as 8on as thi iequisL.e numoer oi bhareaareaold, to wltr-; - - . Firot. xine Hundrkaau One Acres of Land in cincoln county, eoria, on which are the well kno wn Magruder Goiu and CooDer u ines. valued at... .it5 ,'O0 And to Seventeen Hundred aud Forty-Four Shares In One Hundred Thousand Doliais of United atatet Currency, to-wit : 1 Share of fLO, ........ .$10,00a 1 6,000 2 10 10- 20. -2,600..;.-...;;. 6,000 I MU,,..,. 'M.WO 1 1,0 Oi..; 10,000 . OUvl ... . "10J..;. ., 5 10,eoo 100 r 200 , 4t0 " 1U.0UU 10,000 10,000 lOJOQ i e-v4 25 Jm 10:0 10, ;.; .: ; 5 ?- J. ... !."' too.ooo : Froai tbe First-lass Real Estate-' offered by well-known patriotic citizens, to tke conted! erate Monumental.Asaoeiation, the lollowlng Piizes have been selected, ana added to the foregoing Shares r . - , 1 . 1st iSEitzCLA. This wen-Known Kesort, with the .Cargo Keslaenoe, s ore, tc., nd JTowt Hundred Acres of Landmmediateiy oni the Georgia uailroad, twenty miles irom au- guata. faying, an annual yield otrilteen Thoueand Dollars. ( ,.",, 2 Tho well known CITY IiOTEL, fronting on, liro id street. The building is otrick, three stories " high, 131x70 leet. alued at $AJ,O00. 1 .. .. ' - 3d. THE SOLITUDE PLANTATION, in Eusseii county, Alabama, on. the Cnattahoo chee iiiver, with elegant and commodious "im provementd. The average rental, since la4, has been over Seven(i,0uo) Thousand collar.. 4th. That Large Brick Eesidenc6 and Store on Northwest corner-of it road and Centre streeis, known as the Phinizy or liaudry; House. Jient T wo Thousand Dollars. .. , ' 6Lh-The Eogera House, on Greene 'street,' a new and elegant Brick Eesidence, in most desirable portion of that' beautiful street.' Valued at tittjOou. - ; 1 ;j 6th. Flat Bash, with 120 Acres of Land, nail' a mile from city liauta, the elegant Suburban Residence of Antoine Poilain, Esq., in. good order. Valued at ie,o(fl. . . 7tb. The Peariug House, a large, and . com modious Refcidenovwith Thirty City Lota: 69x2 i0 leet, xiontmg on McElnne and Carnes streets.1 Valued at $16,00 j. - ! - 8th. SCanton Residence "and OrcharJ.oathe' Georgia uauroaa-.'. yaiueq at 93,00 j, The bales to average 400 pounds, and class Liverpool Middling. 'ihe value of the separate interest to which the holder of each Certificate will be entitled, wid be be determined- by the Commissioners,! who will announce to the public the manner, the time, and place of the distribution. . TheJOllowlng gentlemen have consented to act as Commissioners, and will; either by a , ommlttee irom their own body or by Special Trustees appointed by themselves, receive and take proper charge of the money for the r Monumeut, as well as the Meal Jbbtate and the U. o. Curr ncy onerea as inuueementa ior subscription, and will determine -upon the. plan for the Monument, the Inscription there on, the site therefor, select an orator tor the occisien. and regulate the ceremonies to be observed when the corner stoae is laid, viz.: Generals L. AicLaws, AUK. Wright, M. A. Stovali, W At- Gardner and Goode urgan,Coi., C. c-ncad. Col. Win P. Crawford, Maj. Jos. B.j Hamming, George T. Jackson, Major Joseph: GauaJjl, aial 1. P. GirarUeyv Hon, it. H. May,: Adam Johnston, Jonathau M- Miller, W. H.I Gooirich, J. u. liutt, Henry Moore, at. W. K.. Cearihir. ; -s'ncr;'4 .z'.ukl 1 '' A.nu ara allawed twenty je.r cenkThey are require a to pay tneir own expenses ; Tlcketa andCtrculaiB alone being iurniahed to them. They Willi emit weekly the amounta fioin sales eceived, less their Commissions.; (No commission will " bededueted- from simple coatributions 1 ! . od account ol the very great labor required of the General Agents, the offered 8rvlceaoi one or more prominent gentlemen, well and favorably Known tnrougnout the South, will k.e accepted to act with ua. . -r Parties desiring to Xsontilbute to the Monu ment, and Who do not with to participate in the award, will' receive k special receipt. The, money will be turue i over to tue Treasurer, and will be appiepriated. to the Monumenv without any aeduction whatever. ,(-.t . - ? . iZ & A. H. MoLA Wd, Gen. Ag'ts, , No" S Gia P. O. ltange, Molntosh fctr ' i- c:,7.'i 8 ,J Augusta, Ga Mrs." Carlton TJeltj Colenian. House, N. Y. M iss Marv Ann'BUie. Columbia. S. C: Hoa. -JaaJ M. Smyther Augusta, Ga.; Major Joun Dun ,i woody, Washington, Ua.; E. 11. Max tin, Esq., H. BUEKIHIHEE. ix-iYi HoiBSAiiB ana DXALBl Tobacco Snuff asiJ -,i -'. AND; SE0AES. SigxTof tbe Indian Cblef, r :aprkW-tf Crockery in Packages, tTlE aTSETS, CHINA and STONE,r" T E AETHEN WARE in Q RE AT VARIETY ; and a large stock of CONTECTiON3. Pr-Wma ajl&o i Ahare ox ueo uunoxea iiaies cotton. i'VT, Fifty:-''i ' ill f ; h T wenty-Five ' 1 ' - - ! iri 244 shares of One Bala .each. 'l :; r - j -jr r -7 - rr a i . ' jToTpt; VIZ jSCfilJEOlJS Baltimore -Lock Hospital; Physician of this celebrated Institution, dis covered, when in tbe Great .Hospitals of Eu rope, via : - England, Prance and elsewhere, the certain, sptedy, pleasant and effectual remedy in the world for all excesses' or abuses of the system. - -- -.1. , Weakness of the Pack or Limbs, Strictures, Affection of the Kidneys or Bladder, Involun tary Discharges, lmpotency, General Debility, Nervousness, ,J Dyspepsia, - Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion-01 Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling, Dimness of 8ight or . Giddiness,, Disease of the Head, Throat. Nose or Skin, Affections of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowehvthose terrible iisorders arising from Solitary Habits of Toutb bobst and Bolitarv oracticed more fatal to their vie. lims than the song of the Syrens, to .the Ma nners of Ulysses biignting tneir most bril liant hopes or antl ipatiOns, rendering war. riage, ac, impossible, destroying, both body and mind. . " . v . ;.. . ' : YOUNG. MEN"---, f ; 1 Especially, who have become the' "victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadiul and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands ot young men of ihe most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunder? of eloquence, or waked t.ecstacy . the living lyre, may call with full conttdence. .j;;. j : j. Ju. AEEIAG E. . i Married persons, or Young Men contemplat ing marriage, aware of Physical Weakness. JLk9S of rroureative Power (im potency), .Ner vous Excitability, ralpitation. Oi eauic arIt. nesa, .Nervouu Debility, or any other Disquau. ncation, speedUy relieved. He who places himselt under the care of Dr. J, may rtliglously conflde in his honor as a gentleman, and tonfidently rely upon his skill aa a physician.., , !,5)..v , r..-, . -.J (- " OEGANIC WEAKNE3S , 'V ! Immediately Cured and luU Vigor Restored. This distressing Attectien which renders Hfe miserable ana marriage impossible is the enalt paid by. the victims oi improper in diligences, 'i oung persons are too apt to com mat -excesses from not bel ie, aware of .the ureaaiui consequences that may eusue Stjwl who uiatndvrtkuua this subject wni pretend . to deny th.t the power of procreation is lost sooner oy ttoso riming Lvto ixuprvper hailta than by the prudent! besides oini deprived L ox the pleasure ot healthy offspring, the most serious and utsuuctive- sympioms ox Dutn body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Functioaa .weakened, Losa-oi Pi ocreative Power; Ner vous Irrltaouity, Dyspepsia, Palpitation o the Heart." Indigestion, constitutional - De bility an i Wasting of the Frame, couh,. Con sumption, Decay aud lieaih. A CUEE SPEEDILY W ABU ANTED. Persons ruined in healthy by unlearned pre tenders wno keep ihetu uifliug, inunih alter month, taking poisonous auu injarious coin pounds, suouia apply iiiimeulateuy . v. iE, JOHNaTON;1; , ,?rJ Member of tha Eoyai College of burgeons,1 London, Graduate ot xxam or tne xuost eminenti Colleges iu tne Cuited btatea, and tho tx-st pjxi ot whose lit has beenpenv m ,the hosJ pitals of Loudon, Paris, Phiuuir Iphla and else whare, hat eneuted some oi the most aston isuiug cures that were over known; tttuy troubled with rmglnj in' the head -and 'ears when asleep, gieat nervouaneas, being alarm tiU at sudden sounds, baabitunesa, with fre quent blushing, attended sometimes Vila ue rangement ox uund, were cured immedlateiy.' ;l :. . TAKE PAR X1C UliAR1 .NXltC.1 j ' Dr. J. addresses an those who have' injured themselvt s by improper indulgence and sou-' tar habits, whlvh min both uudy and uund, unfitting them ior either business, stuu, so ciety or marriage. '" '" These are some of t he sad melancholy el--fects produced by theeartuly habits of youth viz: Weakness oi'tneBat:k ana Limbs, fuins in the head. Dimness o; Sixhu i-oss of Mus- ;-ulari Power, Palpitation ox tne Heart, uys- pepsia, Nervous uritabiiity, Derangement or tne Digestive ifuncLlons, General Debility, Symptoms or Consumption, &o, AijjjaTALcY. Tho. learfui effects on the mind are mucn to be dreaded. Lo.-s ot Meoi ory, Confusion or Ideas, Depression o Spirits, Evil i?oreTodiugs, Aversion-to Society, aeit Distrust, Love ox iolitude, Timidity, ac, are toiuv of the evilo produced. , . Tnousands of persons of all ages can now judge what is the cause oi their declining ntaitb, losing tneir vigor,' becoming weak, J tale, nervous and emacatod having a sicgu ar appearance about the eyes, cough aud symptoms of Consumption. - ,N . WhO have. injured themselves by a. certain practice, indulged in when alone, a habit lre- quently learned irom evil companions or at school, tue effects of which are nigntly felt, even wnen asleep, and if not eured renders marriage impossible, and uestroys both mind ,ant bouysiioulti apply immediately, ' - -. ' ; w hat a pity tnat a young man, tne nope oi his country, the pride ot his parents, suould be snatcheu from all prospects and enjoymlit of liie by the consequence of deviating irom the path of nature, and indulging in a certain seciet habit, fcuch persons must, beiore con tempiating w . , -. . : MAEEIAGE, " " i-4 - Eeflect that a sound mind and body are the most necussary requiaitua to promote connu bial habriuess. indeed, witnout these the journey tnrougn liie becomes a weary pilgrim. age, tue prospect nouriy uarKens to tne view, tne miuu becomes shauo wed with despair, ana filled with he meinnchol xtllection that the' happiness of anotner u c lighted with our own. A CH.ETAIN DISEASE." When ihe misguided an imprudent" votary rOf pleasure ttiias- he ba imbibed the-seeUsof this pain lux aisease, ii voo oiuu nappena iiut an lil-timea souse of shame or dread ot dis covery deters him irom applying to those .wno, jrOin education and respextaoility,'can alone oei.ienu ua iaiis uiiu iua nanus or ignorant and ueslguuig pieienue.s, who, incapable ot curing, nxc-h" his pecuniaiy sub stance, keep him trifiing month alter luontn, or as long atae smalisYiee 'Cao be obtaxues, aud in despair leave niin with ruined health UbiehoveliiKallliigill)sappointment; or, by tne use -of that deadly poison, Mercury,: cause the constitutional eymptoma.-oi tnis horrid disease to make heir appearance, such al ulcerated-ore throat, diseased .nose noc turnal pains in the head and limbs, aiinness of sight, ueains, nodes On, the shin- bones and arms, biothes on the head, face and ex tremities, progressing wltefrigkUul rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or tne bohes pi thb nuie'jaJl in,! and( the 4tietim ot this a wliil disease becomes a norrid object ol commiseration till deatu puts a period to his dreaaxUl Autteriag by'-sending him to that undiscovered country "irom whose bourne no traveler returns." ' ".. VOocn, therefore, Dr. Johnston offers the most certain, speedy,' pleasant and effectaal remedy in the world. 7V.! c-rs-.l OFFICE, 7, tyi)U'jVUoFBEDEKICK ST., . : S . ' Bl LT1MOHE, MARTLAND, Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a lew d or irom tho corner. all not to' pb- -. SO letters received unless postpaid and. containing a stamp to be ued on- tne repy. Persona writmg suould state age; and send a portion of advertisement describing symp toms. 1 - -- ---- The Doctor's DIPLOMA hanga in his office. t rENDOE3EMST GF TUE PEE3S. ' The many thousand cured at this estaollsh- ment withm the last twenty years, ana tne numerous important surKicJl operations per formed by Dr. Jounson, witnessed by Uie Uep- resentauves or tne frees una many-otners,. i.otkes ef-rwhich have -appeared again and again befvie the public, besides ilia standing ay a man ox hon..r.and responsib Jity, IS" a gumeient guarantee to the aniieted- . ... bKi N LIS oLASlWi SPJfi iDixY CUEED. ; : mar wy cui i Si J is I Eice ! Rice ! 120jOQO LBS; FEESH. BEAT BICE,; FROM HILTON BICE MILLS, r For sale py ,,7.y.i -,.y Planting Potatoes? UNK EYE. v .:.-'r) Zi'- fEady Goodrten, w i Peach Blows,! 1 I it v . Jackson White, In lots to suit, For salejby v J&nlttf " ADEJAjr TOLLSSS. ? . IKSUBAUOE NOTJICEa . L17EBP00L AND WM AND GLOBE rlnsiiraiice Company ! yjm.ii $:-3.n-iW'X 1c J.. 7: It.j f1. if f. 4'. i;'?1t,- 2:j..I?-;;.. -. :..f ..thivj- i.ic c ' :ul '-j t-f6i"' hO'lA 1 1 ' nf.rf rr jT''i--: r ::?;' r7Y' .7'-ri kit lit" .; ir-. -ri j, . ju? .f J -1. -ji.. ;- ,r 1 -' fei ,.1 - . ' - I'- ;?w'vitf.i, It h-'i s.ji i t -j,-, "' assets -' Held'-in the United Slates by American Directors -.1: aov Amonui to vv - . K .jA.-' iif..-7' v"7ji "'-.'; S 3, C 4 0,44 9. 62! c7m7 : North side Princess et , between Water and Front streets, Wilmington, to whom all ap plications for Agencies should be addressed. feb 16 tf 7 : -'r ( ; ; ; -. :. ; v ; ; . . ; V , ... Hortt Carolina Home mm ' ":. , ' V.' " .,';'. '.,,. "" '" c OFJBAl,EIQlI,:iri O. EY EL BATTLE.i;..;;;;.;...;..l.Preaiden . ' - BEATON GALES. ; . . ; . . . a. . ; . i . . Secretary :i '-...-: h h'i:r A y.'--:- .r-.A JNO. W. ATKINSON, WiimmfftOnT AgenU- X?HIS reliable State Company pays its losses fairly and promptly. rTt Is managed by well known business men. "'Its capital and earn, ings are Invested la tbe State, and tend toward building np and fostering the financial . pros perity of North Carolina. ' t ; aug 1-tf The 1 olio wing leading Companies are repre- THE QUEEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPAN T, ,: . ' ; Of Liverpool and London. ANDES FIRE INSUBANCE COMPANY, . C7-i-iio '.i'-.i':, a: I . ; Of ClneinnatL CONTINENTAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y, '"".,-".?; '::' . VV ,.r ' - ' . Of. , New York. HOME INSUBANCE CO., of Eirhmond, 7Va. MERCHANTS ft MECHANICS, Of Richmond, . 'y ABD . .",7-wi- The Old, and Favorite Marine Company, t THE"MEBCANTILE MUTUAL, . ' ' Ia5 3 -j v'V v Of New .York. Insurance, at fair rates in the above first, class Companies. - . -. :., .- : , . - -r 5 . 1 t u JOIIN WILDER ATKINSON, decS-tf - ; 4 7 ; General Agent.1 P ied mont & A r 1 1 ngtoh ' LITE lisUK ACE C PBONOUNCED by the Uybbbwbitbb-1' an Insurance Jounial of Philadelphia, to he "a prod'gy 01 success, and a model of econ omy, caution and security,'? invites respectful comparison with any nratclass company in ' the country. . , j t'.-ijvfB :- J- Its record, past and present; is glorious. ' Its future hopeful, and the management take pride in presenting a Company in a condition equal to any, superior to many, and surpassed by none. ? 1 itJ ; j.; t? ?. Persons desiring Insurance, will please ,cal 1 On. j .- 1., v: - a ,t " - i .... 1, tinnrrmnv iMni , luiy g-tr -, -; SO Market St. IN.SU.R AN CJJ . i i.riRltTNA 'INS. JBtX ot Hartfbra, In corporated 1819. Assets-J an, lfit, 487i, $8,4U,t03. UNDEBW EITER'8 AGENCY Of New York. AsseU Jan.lst.4f73. 3,786,W7,n j.v; , fMS MAKINE.-GR-Ei AT WEST EN1 INS. C0o Of . New York. Assets jjBOOCO. Insures by Steamer and Sail to Northern ports at lowest rates, and -issues Certificates pay able In gold on shipments of Uottoa and h aval Stores to Great ivritain and the Centin9nW LIF- World Mutual Life Insurance' Co, of NewYockJ A88tU.$4W,000. ct L: a St. Louis Mutual Life Insurance company, of Mibsouri.f Assets $5,600,000. All businr as pertaining to insurance prompt ly attended to by n. , :,-uy i. ; Ii.r h. TVCiDBBOSSET, C mh 10-tf -1 k. Water and Chesnut eta, J. E.'ETTEOKEliJ, - .44. i- It hi MASOMO'HAl.1.,: IVos 57 ond 59 Jf arket Strt, PIANOS n T3 n-A no i. Leadlttir Factories In the United States. PIANOS of ALL STYLES, and FEICES to suit ' purcnasers, constantly ojnandand for sale. All inducements usually held out by Northern Manufacturers ean- only, be had in the Mate at the above place. -? GEO. WOODS Jfc CO.'S PABLO It AD - vO ii-i VESTKT ORGANS 1 Sv.-o ? TBEY,! ARB' PEE-EMINKNT FOB TflEIE 0. CHARMING -OLO STOPS, BEAUTY ' - AND PUBITY OF TONE. . KLE- ... t. i GANT DKiIGN AND FINISH. ; , -1. IN FACT THEY SUE- . H ...7P . PASS ANY ORGAN Heretofore known or introduced In this city. 7 r- Call Hear and See Tbem V ' " Alt Instruments Warranted for Five Years. 1 PIANOS TUNED AND BEPAABED.-Ct ' A choice selection of Sheet Music on nana and for sale. ; ' ' ' . '7 . Z WnirxHOTO,N.'c.;i J.'F. BUECKEBT, :-mar ntf - .. ,' . . , i ' Salt! Salt! Gait! U.000 iJ-CXS AMERICAN and ' '.LIYEllPOOt. BALT. was For sale ty ' - - ;- - ; deo7-tf - THLLaBS C20V 1 sr - 1' i lt It , , ; v i . - v, k .. 1.;' - 1 ' -- ft!'.! f fi .'!? e- i r . , 1 'JM- til 1 "I .3 ' -' ? - i - ! t i i 1 - r no .anrH20.tiCi.lir ceri peaerallya mar J.p4W3i No. 7 North Front St. . . - - .n' -

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