J I .. ' ", la.M.MaaaWaWawaWaWawaaaWaWaaaaaawaMaaaaaaa : - i-1 vr'Ty v - ::r:r7Tr '.V.J , '-' i. : V- - .l '.'? 7 .v.V ;' ' ;-----. . ' i VV"-V - --; ; .""-Vi-V ' V-"V v- 'I , rates oi ad vegtisusu t ' , v V VVV 75 ' 1 : ' : - : : - . ii i , -i i i 1 -1 - " ' --WB-B""" gE" MOISTS IWG DTAU, ' PUBLISHED D.ilLY, tjf. If BKBNABD, Editor and Prop'jr. 0,fic, Dawson Bajait BuildlaffS, ITont 8C ..... in adTance. ... 7 00 0e yntKs In advance 8 60 iWXl in advance. ....2 00 LTmonth, inadranoe. . ontu, i . .yoL-.x-jro.-37.-.; wmiimGTOiT. nc: SATmmAv, t,ta v m w THE GUEEM 8 UOIIO CONVENTION. . L'f - :Whole ITo. Ii441 rai One Square one day, 1 1-? " : three days,.............,.. 1 0i ioor aaTB.....M.............. five days...... t 00 one weelw....... y Contract Advertisement taker t to ' portlonately low rates. - jMArrlages, Deaths, Religions, mneral ana vuLkuary nouces wiu De inserted at hail rates when paid for tn advance ; otherwise rsil rate a liiuauuuswi........ . - !:.;" .'ju a - Txxkb Cash on demand. - ;n J- jjXOUOEOCaCAC KECOItn. Titnr. 7 A- 2 r. 9 Y. M. M. M. Thcr- Barom mom. ind.' Weather" ctcr- eter, ' E0.09 57 N Brlek !CIear 80:07 09 NW Gent. Clear- ' 80:13 01 dV Gent Clear ANO TIlBIi O L 0 RIO US D AT. THE ACCEPTANCE OF TOE ; ': .. If EES." . Noaxi- Nr,oTemp. of day, 03 desr. ,, , . - v'nis barometric readiugs are reduced . h'ch-IcvcI and to 33 dejrroea Fahrenheit. i i,e Robkht-Sktboth, Serg't Sisrnal Service Ur 8. A.- BRILLIANT AND ENTHUSIASTIC land. Esq., of Halifax, Mat. W. M. Bobbins, of Rowan, HoriV A.7 T. Dividson, of Boocombe, F. H. Basbee, Esq., of Wake, General James Madison-Leach, of Davidson,' Hon.1 Thomas J. Jarvis. of Tyrrell, and Hon. R. F. Armfield, of fWHkes, ' They were without exception able and timely addresses on the Issues of the hoar. Mr. Conigiand' bold; 1 : BJL BOAD 3IEETIHO. I l . Speefsil Meetinc; or the "stoeliiiolders r the WllmlDsrton. Charlotte ssd BnttaerfJord Uallroad Company.., The Stockholders of the Wilmington; Char lotte and Rutherford Railroad Company con- SPEECHES. The FlKhtlna T'lm ot the Party Better ..' v! ' : . . itiaa Ever Before.' rspeclal Correspondence of the Morning Stair. -i . GRKBUaBOBof, N. C.,-!May 2d, 1873. I .. To-day ! ta-been another glorious, day in Tho lowest barometer over -.Lake Oolailo MfeeoBboro, and another glorloui epoch In D'-u .... t.b,.. tr lh linlr BndHnilth and I tha nlnptmia it.ni t -I .. . Li.. .j w-w, A.wvwn oi nuu DuiucB, uiuuuea over Weather Report. . ,: . , WAB ' DWA.BTMKll'P, UJilce of Chief Biznal OlScer, vVishinjrton, May 3 4:34 ,P? ,M. I. i .ntU HI V rauio wvn.iM wi. muil I ii tf bLl LfirUllUft II 1 M II 1 T V . la.nd..L ar nrobable for- the lower lakes to wn " - .nKr will nrp.vall terv irnnral. i. ht Clear wumv" r - - - j - . ,!t.rn, I ho lakes to the Gnjf and South and Tho psclous and 4 beautifully decorated Wleworm, was. crowded as on vesterdayl and. , upper lake region apd Xo tbepufp.valley, i inuillirent as ever -uiionary signals ar.e p,fdereOof ;BuffaIo' intelligent, as ever '"u . . 'jii.m'. i.. ., fold over. Rochesier uu v"s-. .1 " " 1 " mi o u . ii. Patrl ft f Rnnoa. - : ; " " v i We were shown, yesterday, a petrified bone, about 8 inehes ItOcircumference, being appar antly a portion of the backbone of some huge animal, which formerly roamed , the . w.lds of the cape Fear, but which has 'long since be come extinct. This relic of bveone davs was po sition that the; West rrf ned in 'P11 meet-ing at the City Hall at 10. found ImBedded in solid rock, ataplaceknown had not yet done bei1 duty; but tould and '"''v: ? t I as Rock Hill, on the banks of the ; northeast doubtless would la August, was ratified by motion or the President, Hon. R. T. Mc- branch of the Cape Fear, about sir miles above Mr Davidson; who. asserted she thoulcLW MrJ Aden, ofCaarlotte, was called to the Chair, : this city, where a party areengaged In quar- C. paid the Illustrious names o! Western nd Messrs.:y. T. Johnson, of Lincolnton, and rying and blasting rock for the use of the Bar statesmen Gilmer, MoreEead, Graham and ''! Alderman, of Wnmlogton, were appoint- ADd Riyer improvement. The bone was found others some very high compliments. Most ed Secretaries. ' :.' v . i-.: ?i about seven feet beneath' the surface of : tbe of the addresses had pretty turned allusions to I On further motion, Messrs. R. M. OateB, of t earth and about thirteen feet above the usual female power (numbers of Greensboro's Charlotte, and R.U"Bteele, of Rockingham, in run of.theriver.Near. the bone alluded' to beauty and chivalry " ' . ' . - C " ' I lA.JI t4a.. a. 1 aV . At - - were loudly appiauued. - - v , :riwiru) A n wa. av.yomnuu.w m veruj m - The Convention is oyer.: v It has been a mag- On motion, 3 the meeUng adjourned till.12 ,nWcentr occasions Such: a I large, Intelligent o'clock M., to allow the Committee time to and, efloed'Kllticai;gatherlog Ttheraineter.' -'Vjjr y 7 jfi.y. . -Was in No:riu;Carpiloa. 1 The enthusiasm1 has 'tliWockfc been boundless, e;fbanno fay J perfect; thte; t0 rder by tne Chairman. ".-.-Ii" worK spienoiaiy none, , ana as a consequenc, f anitPfe8Went asked and obtained leave to NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. :;: h';- Saddlery. - yLL KJKDS OTP SADDIJES, BLABliEsi And everything in the line oXaddlery Goods cheap for cash at I iSl! 3 Ji S. -TOPHAlf A CO.S, 4 ? , . Wilmington, N. C. i ' iebs-tfnao r !-! Wanted Immediately ! TWO TXJKPENTIirai)ISTIIXKR3 whocan make FAL.K Rosin. ;. Constant employment and WAQXS 8ATI8 were there, which I conjunction! with the Secretaries, were ap-: t was found another, of a different character,, J FACTORY to those who can fill the bill. Buppoteato be that of some large flah, proba- oiy a BharK. - " i ha lakes V ,mc Ailaotic coasts on Saturday, and extend " T '"-V;: Muldle Aii thedav: the urea.- '11" he: grand-old -legend of the Roman over Jiij inminish ' 01$t the Northwest; with Emperor, "In hoc signo VlnceV'Tgraced an AdTertlsements under head of ".Wants,' "For Sale or RqotIjo&I and;Found.', ' will positively, be charged , full rates unless paid for in advance. . ; ' r ,., i ' MARTTJ7 A HALLETT. i WiutiKGTOH, April 17-nactf 1 ' MISOETJiANEOUa-" 7! Z2 tf -A 7" ? The -President called the Convention before. -;We are bound to heat the, ene my' with the present impetus sustained. AlE llHEaia!.AT, Dudley A Ellh, Sign of the . Big 2 Boot CUeapcaHboote jUJi' jj??MUtt Jcl IlAsnAGAN Notice regarding .the spe cial uniting of the German Association called or last iilht.' ,7, oraer at iu o ciock. ine committee to wait h on Gov. Merrlmon 1 reported his acceptance, but t it MOUVILLH. -.. .1-,... . . . :; :4 ANOTLKEB MUBDEIt IN TtOBESON. pCompauy, together with his report to the Stockholders of the Company. .. , t r The Committee on. proxies reported v,4yy. ELEGABT BMTOM i I RECHtVED THIS MORNING.' 1 .- - Cwol and pleasant yesterday. Tl LAiT DAY for registering. - KtUter 1 Reglstejir. Register! II - k;; - couotrvatlres, to the- rescue "-Register .o(l voie. .11 J. A .ill A J I I . n t epcecues were ucicrrcu-uniu iub iicaet I i b3ib f"x T' could be com pleledy:TMr-was- effected by The Outlaw. Again on tho War Path elect) ng those truly representative gentlemen Cold-Blooded murder af 1 Col. Frank to tho hereinafter named positions of honor : Wiahart His Body 1st Found Riddled MaJ. Johiar qihesVrorcIravenleutenant. BaUa. 1- !h -r l' : s : n GpvernorMajr J.-W.-Dunham, of Wilson, B a letter received by .4 gentleman of this ColsJ Withtrs,:GUmer;and Allenleere slsoin city yesterday which Iras confirmed by pas- nomination .and. received handsome acknowl- I "u .n umiugwu WIiKoDtick Sails, " ' ' ' Cbedit Salts, i nhTa tst thPip fat thfni tnrrf.o. n 2 I Rutherford Railroad, vesterday afternoon, we I "J"" t " -.. .vv vw luwjHHtj, 1 ( ,- , 1 ; .. , .. r , : . , - i minor cm charlotte anci Ml.r Johns Wt Graham, of Orange ; was ' sad lnteillgence oi;the death of CoL ConTpany. in Convention ejected treasurer. iLis competitors were lwl rr ' -.8l w..wwwm wuui.jr, nuv woi, Whooping: cough and measles share: represented iupe proxy, making a, total of .12,741. ; ' - - : ? ? The ' wheat1 "crop ; of Mobrbl '' This being a majority otthe stock, the Chair Chatham, and Randolph counties, - was declared the meeting duly organized and ready never more protfilsin thairat tho present, i ........... i . j . . ... - ... - 1. 11 i 1. .11 for business, , , uus lue corn crop a uot uoiug bw.wcu.- . .i . . -mijJ . On mouou orMMWrighX ie" rort , The Radicals of. Fafettevilie VJC im. of the President was received. : V :: . j have nomioated' John: Reilly . lor. Mayor MITWBnw -.-n .'Mr. M.: Cronly offered the following resolu- and John r "Watsoh, NW. R." Clark, B. J,"l . . . T, '.ii .M,h .oAr',nn..inn: ... .nt.A . I UhderwOod' R." M. Orrell. Frank Willis- mayjwx. !- City Clothiers, oi- uuanono ana - rrrT"T"' TV-VV "1 ' -nr. a r m.;uj., -r a T 'jffcaotoed. That the fitockholders of the WU-, uu ww, . a. uunm.o OUu - a. . i.v; oiii .1. .a ar Rutherford Rllrbld Chesnu XTJfX i The Peotile'fl National iBank 0 M00 CASM. ' ' " ' uu ncccutr o um ' vi wo uci vi dbiu r- i t i , w . . - - - - - HakBawaaaB aa a&wVlamai a ft a TV IMA T n A I a W H'nVQrrOITI I I bTSj. n a a nnan WWW FT O TS T VKX n I ! U I l I 1 1 H M n . m IIINHkHM- r. B,..!,, E!? V.f .W.k..;d Dr. Woubi ol KandolDh. CoL Clark moved tha nem mtlnn I ne. - no eito me particulars ot.iois oiooay J Sn1 PTfon road to the Tennessee line, ttt- -r...,i.ji m -nT,. t-i irr 'mi. Z w u .uUKui .TOwuoa. or Attorney-1 t . "ll; . L- , George Brandt.and E. if. Moore. .Hon; 7 I -n. . ,.i,. ,T Riflrt fHnb were out drilling I Runirii hU i ..fpI.ii Tha nr.Uto.f - I seems that the outlaws sent a tnessare to CoL aa AU V v i y V - 1 f aa Was a W . " A SJ W VVUIVQI VI I' I t V ...initrht. ''. j I' Secretary of 8tate was between R.M.Fnrmanl Wishart in the early part of last week; en- resolution, fec: 1 , i . r t 1 I f thai r.ntahnror Imm k rt A rv m Qn v u Ik. Tbe river is. very low, iuiericriog ecriuuij i ww.i, u;w vi vus with navigation. -- A white female patfeot was sent. to the City llospltal yesterday. " Wserku. Itis eenerally reported and be lieved that the holders of the First Mortgage i rri a 4 ivJL. 1 1 lievea mat ma uuiuers o buo xirs jnunga mm wa ibwu., uu. iwr bwiub cauea ur uuivr i j.-.,. ftf thU fiornoratlon nronosetoiiiatitnte dcsvorlng to ' make an appointment to meet Sentinel: J r A. Womsckl of Chatham, Nick L. Williams, ef Yadklnr and was decided in favor ne declined to accede to their, request. ;. They legal proceedings for the purpose of foreclos- 11SfS?'0 of WOmack on third ballot.' Gen. C. Leven- Subsequently met tlm at Moss Neck and re- hg the 4nortgsgo and selling this, railroad, Its Bftlda,enei ul L.- a. :...,!,..L.,.-.ukm- k.., franchUe and equipment; and whereas, Justice thinandbH luviuiuuncii, H ucgicu AUUIkUr UTCr I ijuctisu mon, luiwuow mm uim,mmuu jthO StOCKaOlderS T. C. Fuller has been elected . President ! and W. D. Smith,' Esq!, Vice-Presidents -The latter will act as Cashier pro Urn. C . Keen tha Hair Unblemished. ! L am hemlock withered at the top,-' venerable Indian Chief,' pointing-to his Dieacninff iocks. . 'I'nousanaaoimen Tot sale by i;; ! : !.i!:'ij ?.:. I F, W.-KKRCHNaSR, . 'i may2-tf , . 27,28anda9J?orth Water 8t . . , i ', ' ; i LLj 1 ' JT. DF. 8CI1EHCK, Jr. CO., tit. General . Commission - Slerehanta and ;. Comnareaa Aarenta, ; i - The steamer Murctoson wui resume ner ate of Caldwell, Kickolson. of Iredell, and a certain bnilding there, which he granted, 0UI and thw eredttofs generally of the company, than the old Sagamore.ura like him, "with-1 - ffUmlntrton. N. C.,r IIIM lUiO V .WMW ..UW W 1 - 7 . " . " j Crawford of Rowan. There were seven 1 condition that he should meet Andrew Strong j demands due regard to the rights ;of said stockholders regular trips this weekX.y Now that Greeley; has . been . nominated, contestants ,.for': ; Superlntendentltoi . 'Public j alone, arid that BtepheaiLowrey should keep J and creditors ; therefore, be IV ' bite hats will W to ctdef. :l ft r ' I In$irucUoiiL'A..Tixir;Mesirs. ZD.. H..'tBllL of J"t a distance. -He;was Informed by Andrew - Resolved, That a ConrmHtee; .consisting' of ill' - - t. .... - ,. , f , ... I kl. ... .A.ItIvMsm rAlha. 4h.ii i1lnutArt lift Greeu peas were retalUng" in Market yes terday at 50 cents a peck. . V-.' ; . The litaSeDator Abbott, with his carpet batr, arrived In this city yesterday. '' r ' Th ibo who fall to register before 9 o'clock tonight will lose Uaelr -vote In 'the -coming election. ' . ' " " lledton and other llepablican speakers held forth at "The O-ks," in the Fifth Ward, h t uitfht. ' ' . Uou. A. M. Waddell,oUr worthy repre eotative In Congress, is ona brlr f visit to his fjuiily iu this city. , v.-" . , We are requested U state that there will . be a meeting of the . Athletic Base Ball Club llii eveiilog, at 5 ociock. - f V; ; I Tbu New York Herald was at a heavy dis count oc our streets last, even ipg. Every one who could read wanted the Tribune. Former registrations will entitle no one to vote ou Monday. Every voter must regis- Mccklfn.barg, Jesse R,. McLean, of Harnett, L. B. Braosooof.Wake, Wi Carr, of Randolph N.f B. Cobb, of Ci?eland,. J. 8. Long, j, and T. B. Bailey, of Wake. Gen. Hill Col. McLean withdrew; and the name of Dr. Nereus Mendenhali; of Guilford, r being lntro- duced, he waa i elected. The 'question of is abllitlea arose on this election and was ably discussed by Messrs.-Conigiand, Vance, Fab. A. Busbee and others. No decision, as the banned parlies withdrew. Superintendent of Public Works was unanimously and worthily bestowed upon a Raleigh macblnest, J. H. Seapark, Esq. .. Judge. Merrlmon accepted the nomination in an able, earnest, forcible speech. He was proud of N. C, was proud of this nomination. He Would work and give his best efforts, as be had done, to the glotlous cause of the consti tutional liberties of the land.' Thegrtat issues of! the dayj the abuses of Federal power, the true theory of government, corruption of -the Radical party were each ablyJ and-eloquently neglected to use the means of pre servlnsr and beantlfylDg the hair which science had placed at their disposal. If Ltoh's Kxthxibos be fa.1iTin11v omnliArl nn.n ni twlna n. rloxr trt t.ViA Sti-nno- that lia and tha other ontlawa -were I mree BlocHT.noKier vvacr man uiicchjio;, ua nrjers ana tne scain, is is jub as unpossiDie strong mat ne and me otner onuaws weret . . h!tia lvih-trmnu VMth nhaii hs thnt t.h hmr ohanfd iamt. with.r. fAii nntnr "i a ml a a a a 1 . 1 1 1 I WnnAw a A It ! ai M W a ra vm Ah Aaw 9 KXiobu cb iuvauuffi 7 deva and Bunlit aria aad barren of green - ' A at . aV ti L I VaVaVa9 A. AAA 43 aUUWUlVWO K V LMA MUM 1A VUaVW ffVMlnr soma matifif actorT strraDsremcDt With I v, amva ,-h-i naai lhey wished to meet him (CoL Wishart) pri-1 tbe Bondholders or resisting, if deemed proper, j in a healthy and clean condition, but actually multiplies the filaments and imparts to them a lastre, flexibility and wavy beauty unattain able by any other mode of treatment, It does not, like the metallic and-sulphurous hair djes, dry np the natural moisture ot the scalp, but supplier nutriment to the roots of the hair and vigor to the fibers. ' - - rJK.SAGi'8 Cata&bh Rbkedt. $50 reward I at aaAst KaTW WwaaaMf wa4a M fa a at A waM I I S . ' ' -' 1 T B al.s a.' . all 9 9 1 K vaaSk a a. S Lav 1 Mya f a 4 aT 1 . i a..t . . . . . A . . i . .i . nwiiMfiA. ih. mr.raBi. rT uiu . iuosucu tvai.u u&kum , oi I uesirous 01 agreeing opoa p buiuo , niiu cuuusuwi urwuvu vi m uvni. . (l;...h. H ' I - . .. 5 . . . - ... I thi. .nrnflHtinn .n thft nrAii1aft either bv I raina, anouia Deomo I . . n . . 11TIII. Ihla A n . I. V. I n WW I MJ 19 WW. wm..m " " - I IMUJIAQ niQ mOTA fl C Bua I vi .euueuuer. ,vu uta uujeu. iu iicn, vately and freely, and'fully discuss the matter. Finally, a parting, Strong Intimated that they should send for him in a few i days . and . urged him, when, requested to meet them,- to obey tbesummons. ' Thursday morning Capt. ' Wishart received another message from the outlaws, stating that they had arranged for the proposed interview to take place that morning at a point about three quarters of a mile from Lebanon Church. In response to this request be left Shoe Heel Immediately, going as it afterwards, proved, Into the very Jaws of . death. Thursday evenlpg his body was found at the spot where the Interview was proposed 1 to take -place,' which, by the way, is near the point ; where Stephen Davis was killed. His .-wounds were fopr in number one in the head,' two In the by mail, 60 cents. Address It. V. fierce, M. I the projected foreclosure ) and , sale. ; This committee shall be authorized, when prepared to report on the subject matter now committed to them, to call a meeting of the stockholders of this corporation, to be held in the city- of Wilmington, at any time between this date and the next regular annual meeting. All necessarv expenses incurred under the I in.nra.hin un. soi.i hv A-mrota r . . . i . i . . i. .11 ..m v t. i r .. z . . r m. . lOregOing rebUIUllUU dubu ud (aiu uj tu Treasurer of this Company, and the draft of tbe Chairman or the committee snaa dq his sufficient voucher therefor. Mr. D. McRae proposed the following as an amendment, which was adopted : : ,m . Resolved, That the Board of Directors be In structed and directed to protect tbe rights and interests of the stockholders of this company In the premises' by effecting,'. ' if practicable, some satisfactory arrangement or compromise with tne Bondholders or to resist if deemed proper.the projected foreclosure and; sale. J. The question thenrrecnrred .npon the origl nal resolution, as.k amended, and a stock yota Will give prompt and. Tjeraonal atteation to the sale or shirjneut ot . . KAYAL STORES, JTHinPSR STATES and all ,7 kinds of COUNTRY RBODUCE, Ac, Ac ; i Orders for sale of produce or purchase of Goods will be promptly attended to, and to the best advantage to our customers. ' , We are also receiving large consignments of AEE GRADES OF UQTJOBS, which we are prepared to sell at wholesale at , THE. LOWEST CASH PRICES. . D. aprttf W. aprs-tf. n ''A- Dnteber'a I l&rhtnlns; Fly.KUler Sweeps them off and clears the house speedily Try It Sold by aealers everyw here. f april 23eod2xnos Ta Th 6at ent -"' --'-4 j ; NUTRINA. , 1 r i NEWi AD VERTISEMEN TS. CHOICE Nr 0. HAMS,' t !:; : we are sealing C !;HKAP CA1.V : 1 i i ! m i 1 v ...... ,- . ' ... I UU ICOUtUHVUi awrk Muwv.wvA .w ter again.. Register to-day,; or you .nnot dlstpssediwitk a breadthof. learning, depth-of body and one In to called for, itwas rejected by the follow- ..1. ' : ..o'. wvr I . . .v.v I nainiiM It vnnld RRP.m that he anli the ont- r ; r a . icBDumux.uu,.i'WiuiCt4uw1),i. wiuiuw umi r- -v- -- 7V 7 a ing VOteta Yea83,y3 nays, TJ,17. r ; -The steamship JtoKr," which sailed for filled tne high measure of the occasion.' Car-1 ltn were In 1 close quarters, probably engaged B6ttotfi0ivikJ'the!,meet I 1 f ...a.aui itA. aa Art tha MASS MlilW . MM A a. I V . . , . . r, ' A ' . , . . I New York yesterday .moralg,;has been Uken petbaggery, tsteallng, plundering, robbery, wav, w.-p w--.Jt ..v.-- 1. tiU 4'o'fcl6ck.1rfJM.li. " ' ; t. ... Ti.t .j. .h... a fisA;w.AniA I ous fiends seised their advantage and made a I , ; ? j-LJLiill -s3 n ' ' .nd will run hereafter betaWe Neis York and arid every principle oT Jaw and justice, deapo- ultaneous .and , murderous , assauU upo ... . r . nil . . . . ...... J I 'IV.Im WaAMa. AM A alk 1 Warn I MAfl a tV A SI thS AWAnt some portlu CorinectlcotV;,;' X"'.!.'. :HUm nKirk ten inousana Cheap. LADIES'. GAITERS ! Cheap Children's SJh,9ies I a . ; ii - And i vrarrant 'thnm Ita' ! . Gnnd T k.' Y.c SUGAR CURED 'HAMS,' '? ! I Impenai lable Syrtip in jiars, " . . new buotr. f ;;!''iri. f! mays-tr DUDLEY A ELLIS, 8iirn oxtbe. Big Boot. eof :4 evejry trust df f. he people ous fiends seised advantage, and made S - ffacti M ;; 1 ; ::: Vitip'S"1 nclplsof.jaw and justice, despc-. simultaneous murderous, .ssauU,upo .a Medto.orde,the H i0 - -C - 'S "'" gF IrbraTeacblTa a Lueedt IYSIW fold aggravated, were all de- kas proved, too confiding antagonist. : ; . on. which was adopted : . k 70 - - v. y nobody waa authorized to advertise the same. . fj. i-.V.a --l.t -a.-.v. u Vn WlAhart ! His sndden and untimely , ..'."":..' ' Tha'Gerwan ABBOclaUon ia notaTtolitlcalone. : " 300 Bblg; Flonry all crndeS, " I -ft'. If ir-.i" 0 fit R.Vl:Vrfl!f VU'ii!M 7J!1 n.i j.;j;; LGerkins nd -Jkixed'jPickles'in: aaiedainyesi ..fro-! Villi nf' t.,;r - An tR ' e;is i 7fJ.uA . That (Via Preldnt nf tKl partlMltT be authorized to issue to tne county oi Anson - . - . a . ' a. t HaltvJ9jari;el, ou Monday night last rW lor Cincinnati, brought an expression or indignation rom the beinga'de?egkte froih MUs'isslppI to tbe Lib: COnveutlooi ..Popular degradation leads to i a t aw i . at vvr a s . - a t - t a at aoject slavery. e must uurj tuo war, ml CouveullOn;' I.' 7f ' tn 1U ,v to . '.?i-;' issues are dead Jet them rest, I propose not at ShoeHeel, where the - At a meeting or tue liming wn ypo-i dIgtorwihem, said the Judgl-Resratiori andther was engaged, in mercuanaiztog. grapuieai union wo..yestiiraay aiter- to purity is Abe remedy Jfor all that Radicalism ' 1 I ?V .V noou, Mr.. James V Jacks;jrto;(iu:be hts donaoo4fluat,clentmeri In office, hiveiosl ariymlng advertise it la oW ouraaf cfllLv. was t-leeled as a delegate .to tha . A . If you naveiost anytning, aayertise it in one . . . . - i ids jDOMiirvirouD reinoa iu j,uutkh u . . . j uiiu .nil r m . ' j .... . . . . nnii m-n-r i.n.iKr iiraui ui . u nuu Poor Wishart I His ' sudden and untimely death will be sincerely regretted by a- large kiMin nr- frtond In Rnbftaon T and adlolnlnor I oorflflpatpa of stock for the amount of her sub 'l.f . r-tiA : rt Mm u. BcrlDtions actually paid, and that, in the meet cuuntiea, -uu.w-- .'-r ,V " ln(ra of the Stockholders of this company here leaves a wUa and three children who. reside frer to be .held, the said" county shall be en- J-Oi'.;h; TTri.J I- TTi?A4a' YlAnv unfortunate husband I titled to representation in . proportion time to I jl AU IUg OLULI1 a.ULeU, U AAAUAJ. -JUttl .ft'jj " - -- ..f. .if GEO. MYERS', a ; . By order of Association.' , At GEO. MYERS, . . - I- . ,ji n'j.-i7: FS.-nftf"r) o ii april 21-tf 11 and 1 So. Front Street. Cmay flt, fK.,V, : . , Secretary. fTr ; - - - - ' - ' '" ' : ' the amount oi stoca so neio. . , . .-...;:,, ; ri Mn , M. . Cronly introduced, the folio wing resolutions,-which wereadopted: ' L" 'Whbbbas, ""It is every way-desirable' tht: thWcontrol of this road shall be kept In the hands' of the',8tockholders, andrthatyery A'FEW Bhares-of Stock bf WlLMIHGTOlf BTJ1LDIKG. A,0CIAT9r ANTED, rApplyatthiaofllcei afi ofi ap 2 nactf n i ....... ' .1 I I I ! ' I " '.'II : I' I .M I ' r i 1 1 t . a. ...... f. f . ria. -v -..-r - r T - - lakes pbee In Richmond In June -A mael&rv: The Jndire closed wltri I x . ... .Ta-nZ-: I .n rriiwT-T.jT ra, . I (Uamenfa Tint aTIeeamZ UTS UUCB. 11 I " -rr- - -. . ... ,v. . ..... - " unwarao access-- k ; V A',J' J-'i- W 'J1 House, AwTHK OfYRlTER or TO U ETH and UAR- , . SiagleirealW;BOceWlgingit 60 oeatsT ;$ april 6-lm ' THOMAS JlWKISSjj7j lV.- ..2 Mij M., lL:Hjtchklafiaf ; the .gTeTress j giving he watchword :y ' Excursionist, and ..agents for the , H4l Mi;t..B ..tl.,i i.. a A STTw f taa m.m..J HaTt ttiik-aaiW-Aiia4wa4 Ifia anmnTlman vK..B,,. vau.,.us yaru.-a..:.r4 yw , ,nu.c ..yua,u 'J i i .H In flrht!nrhot weather-Iced PUgei makiugamDuementsloragrandexcBreioaf I olhlsnom aVW n''S, u ... ... i i t ... k . . .. r .? y c p lemonade. t "180.000 n I iiiavn aiii mm a mm-... . . . . . . . A . 4 a ...j. a l iMnOTa nAiiT . rn v I r. film k . ......... I ..... ... miwio, vvFpiiiiiviniBiuuiBuu. vin.uuujui'wnuf-i.H-v. - . N, , . . . ,., 4. vii iiva, k. I interest xauing aue -men. t; ' vcro-""''V4' and mt-n ;-rrnP tAnrtnVhnvnl Onard m die- bnt Bmr snrrendersrjc b ' !-r iOld maids View, old;Jcheiors liKe iney Ta-iThat'a committee to consist pf three would a dog in oog-uays, mougu mcjr are uur from eacn county aiong.me une oi werusauo ;( I Off i riour, . Corn and Ilay. .T, .Buuthern June 15th tbe Northern States. - ' ' y , - C. W. Yates, tbtf lP.otoirpbaer; J6f the the reDort of the President and Directors thatli ! T'rk'R VnA TniTlTT,17iTriTf iK..? $300,000 ,will be required, to pay the, amount Vs r'; Tn.. .f . 'I y,..Tvif-?trT''- OnrChlaBailietr f iT iT- due. per adyancesn: 1st mortgage, bonds, v ' ..v " . . V 200 BhW vronr.vl) baa niJ'i? 1 lan. coupons, ana an auauionai amount 011 The Flrst-CIasS Iron Steamcri tua oh a,o jmsneisuoxn, i ' fr Wnmai1r Mtnrnad thank.' Li J! O Ii ; Gen. Leach tnade'-tae hsppiest speech of hlsT afraid pi the bite. v ? 'Ye are the children of the devil," was citv tht mnmin., t nn ih. innn.1 Hon. We wruiy great campaign, speecu an arjju v,c,n ... t.v.Ji..i. 'J..7. m.'..v.i kkJ. f-nient that ouzht id be "printed and scattered W t-rt nf a divine in the morning, arid in the vu,vu uuu cauiuiuua oi tue xtaiiuuai iuuht i i , -,. , ljr -v r ? ; - 7 to be held ?in t? tb'uis,1 broadcast- Over Sfoxa Carolina, ii was im afternoon M.V iir. :.f.aier; Iwlll Upeetb otthe dSyJA-"W vvm not now sketch w rent,. r j 1 r , v . f-fr-w- T-r av v ' 1 .ll. Wi w 1 . e-- 7 t a i 1 1 abseoWHhst'wbrt'on L imW 'flrM,W , La . . . . . a w.-... ..f . a-t Wai.a Ir Tint 4lWMnat Its WnvV ' 1 1 1 -" ' 1 ... 1 vi, 1 1 1 j nrr.- iiuii a.u oa cz 1x1 ajaa n ua aa v. . , . . 1 Rraphle Association, Mo., coiumeDcing be opeo during hi 1 liaud may be 'delivered; All Hnt0lttaamit . aAaaaiil.Ia. iliA kl D' v.. i;i - ... .. avuriHO 8K8ioii, - would be a meeting of the German Atsftclstldri: It M . M ivi:-.;- -ri. 'Wt oiKh! !-n re.: I.''4 liocal self government tbe common, keynote Salary of the Association, ia another g0mtatll 1 parties. The Force Bill column, notioaa the publie.tha (he aAvertl,e- Sum Civil Rights ruination Srere mlT0' J sUthingiy aenoaVcedV--' 1 ' P0UUca! 00!' noo. J. J. Datol2?rkXln, contrasted The C3 Fear Na. ,2 fiCieamMiaa lRWIm :tka Radical and this "Convention. Lleht and capauy; together wrth'theheVCbti ...1 . . . 11 1 Tr'.n.M .T.T.I T Tl7 .rf J I -T-3--T-.TT'7 ,T. t ..... ... :'.. i .' - - - wuicu hv been la ths habit of 1 ha ttogUbelr I yin apaecb was -an Uinioaa . inceadlary ap- . "ituur niontajy parades' otithe Apodal l.i Wal't'o partlzapfijr and.mallgnlt. , IWj 11.11 L. Ik. nk.lm.n a Ti. mo1lH J I whose duty .it sbaUj be to apen subscription. I , listfor;the puipose? afjraislngr means to-pay 7 ia off the. debtand. extend, the. roadfot which j . . t w. ri 04 m.fMir.hnni4t at fill tuey suaiii rcvciiy;..""1-" p:t.''T l a t- ( he said, 'Children, ;obey your pa- ; v0ffitne tfoffirf that said . committee 4 )Li:rrrTm- 25ia BALfcS.EBIMB lti.Y, v li U: :jt"A'aatAWT ! Uti II ' lay s-tx i vi " Z7, za ana a nona nwroi. TT7T7 -4- 4 -.4.':. shall report to the Directors as soon- as prao tlcabl.a' to -&uq -opit i:.tyu..'T-ii-t . yLlri . ALOKZO GAIIltlSOlf, Waster-, riJ. i .APpiICaUOri, Will A? sxassav-. 7 mo THS.N.CB. B. COMPAirr fofa w4atuar r 5 1 gA-. v. TKi. Mr two shares' of pretty girl died In ConnecUcutia i jjfew further, That if the company shall T W XLLleave r e must ry raoDts, bar been uotlfled by tb Msjfbr1 have funds to tarry on the work by subecrtb lhat same wlUipostWe jiWnU,' iDg.liberaiiyiPiisaeniinate information, flupr. lhe aunlelptl ileetlOn' tdifieV ff Jbtf thai port the press. :r--- KtJ' :o:v5siTit :jzi j I CoLtWaltsrSteelerlrssJ4loofullbl:dinner ' PBorivia.;:. - fir,-utterance ,Bot: did jntter some fine tne attention jof tho bnsineea men f . . - ' n'l "Zi V-i .iwttan ofwumington . to the 1? vantages. Resolution, were pass e a le sj offered by. , j'fj : v, 5jrJ 'otXlectdrt sua tie..MUon , ofdelegstesito THE wkmm 8TAttf National DemocraUc ConvenUon to. theKfec- sn adTertising anedlarii."It las,wlm'6rt utive Committee. Greensboro and the bfflcerS SXCanlA . . . . . .'-- .. I , . - - - - . ' ... .. . llcat target Circulation of any pub-1 were also complimented In .resoinmous nana' iu ni miurii '.mi.w. .mi HMtr. I nl m .ni.v1.. d.ai a mmtrm -r- r , ""t "z1 r . . -v""'t i someiy y Jr.u..,-jusoc,ajoi. vi.. ..I w iaM " ano eiu&l jas A iiaJium of I j o .mfltkln A M-t W. r M. iRobbios, the cbnseauence of being told thst her loverwas I .be unable to meet the interest on . Jts bonded dlans;TeclteslGreek poetry li utterly jgnorsnt ol ,thaV When awake. I fi. wa tnada oa the oart of the company 4 U nn..i.fl. i.aMArtiat weadlhi?ts. for a n tha fnreclosnre ofaald MortgazeUnqoiq : It 1UB - " l , - , knock . In. tho aaid company, dated January t ti Evaar WamwMDanr Xant8ATdaUXT. m booked to and from any Railway ' seaport in Great a rltaln, Irelana. j to.AAS.Aw A n 1 O.lnMla Retuming, will leaver Faytteville,.eyry day, and.Thursday at pclock r. 11 i n :6u motion ol Mr. Asbe, aivote -Of thanks! iReturningv will , leave rajettBjme.eTery ' .-"" w . . . I .nMi.7i1 W.Anaulav at 7 O'clock A. JL . " - . . . . . i . - r . . ir.; . a Qaa .(.riu w,ohntu.A.mj ii vhh..i...v w.. ,- , check for a large atnoun., wnicn l. oi-piayea was aecoraea -me . vnai. . I, ;ThoBoats of this Lintf have Just been over- tlemanto';pre8ent his daughter with a " . a a a a a ai.-i a '.. .v. .tk.n-MMtt hnt taken back hv th I iaJ,W manWr in which -thev bad udlficharced I nni.i ..AMflttiui. and are unsurpassed on IV hnectirofflcesi V'f thTattv lorao lnauiganiffr- w. , . --,-r;:; r-T - -l.ji drayage cnargeo SSR. T lUe UJCCUDK UJUU(UUOinc ;ljne to DO lOTWWUCU viiivujs" uiuuiwu. 7 . I'aJ ... iT.ua av . ' . . A Boston girl being asked ii she had not fc. molnthejc once bn engaged to. party by' thr aime i-on,; 'j..bnn." who was at tne time a xaarrara vi B - - . -r t -ir. v.--...- i There were several excursion parties tome T ta' WTf.l.T A tf S A CO auril 27-naclm Agents at. Agt&t. :ettole;;, . caoin rare xrom new x or a; to uiasgow. ut . erpool Londonderr) or QueexistowTi, CT3and ; $05. , Intermediate, Steerage, f 28. i DRATTS ISSUED FOR AKx AMOUNT. - ' -p.THniitlA1n(f frtifiBlii tVTarlllalri iaV Old. J Country can pure has e tickets at reduced rats. ; For former particulars apply to tbe Agents, '1 ' 4 . . UlLftDERSO , BUOTfiXKS. i MU7w-,t ,..... 7 Bowling Green, N; Y. " ' i ijiy Responsible AfeenU Varitedf- lnltowit:'' andcountiy.-Tia - ,;. -w Iap,U,DW5xn. It 'fM - 1 -a- aaaaaaaa awawawawawawawararawawawttawai awawawawawaaaw f a W t , . t -'. r T.-'- T V'O Lfi - student,' languidly replied, l .remember the sounds' y y' W7f rfjZSFSl TE?".:. drcumsunceperfect We Allean Belie j CaMOniiai .liUtter l i r.f; sbcntthe;naxne',v ., yi.Ai Archery aubvurmgsyi ii,5i)1nVfeWT)' I T'A? f. r Aybunftdy toid berlam WaWgaWa betwee-4l4wo;ter, elbs,.. DIRECT -TIA F ACIFIII llAILRO AD ij Xthev.iM dt Aiim, since that the doctors said gold was good for suiting iaftm of ,milAJlegro.14;9nepf4iihe lt tiias : .iiuico -rxtiii nilot .Jo o J. 4 QQQ BPLS.rLQURo jyj ..hd ir.u.t canker, and that 'shir Md the canker in her yona laeaciliit4 wWttho latterarrled 'CdrStia Hj ttie mosVa'egaOli 7,T ij "' A' lH coYtodr orJaei &r akin m sbwub r-1 i . :- ,'" r V- Wa-.-. v.V.tttfi mv.. K-m v. armraTft.i . ....... .... ... i: 4 iii:... t i . . i-t r . . . ri f . i r r m a a' aai ii a in w m a wn ..a. : V 1 I -4 I : ! i 1 r l'l Sk 'Ui-ll ,,'JI.V'.' u,llJ-ill.,i iMiii,',i.i.i i- i j. -nr.. .. i.aw wiw a'.a' . -i ;.. ... , mouth, and wanteda pair of handsome gold earrings t' vHer lather probably thpught , su& remedlea would cause a collapse in bis purse. K.artHtrotlon;, -ic.di icd sJif 5 !Dtr!tf3iriflJ j r vs, v y wvB It j ; Below we give theA total registration .Bp-. to date in the several Wards i ris r . . .ti iJ i. . W...I!f!' I a.la a.a Rant, munioaUon with tha twin! . Af. rTia.raral I ' 7, "' .TT . - r . v M . . v fc-n fh- aala a Ii . - . -r? :?.r "VWOUe. -'VOlorea. bwI thpse-who ' 'wieir busbAesa vmmilnentlv before tbo I :i.rKiu;u;.i.Ma4y.r. , - sra wito.mm ; w 1 ss' Wa1.aaa M-aAn.i.w: f ha au .r-'..! .'".iv , 1 1 or-noiii.izokTtoi" g?i ly-oio'vv'n . J - - j . aa wa a fia I 1 aw 0 A S1 - ' " . . .T?TVIA 0Tt bTVW AIW " av - aprn284t li and la Soutii Front St, april UWtf EI2irORIx CSQ7T COVo 1 - 1 a. Y if V i j ww vAAaaiv waMaavv Qiasa wvyavHWv? -5 I - - w - a v-, 1 -v af -v j f , -t a .v.s , r ' . x . ..v.. -, ... .. . '.-.-: : ' ; -1 - v. '.-" - -. ......., . - -. - . : ! .

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