CORNING STAR. ' "' Satiirday,- May i, 18T2. ' : - ii . -. j . r - nTnnrrr.ATIONOF TUB MORNING is Larger than that of any sTAk daily newspaper published TSRTII CAROLINA - , , pnllooo Acfnlonr An Accident. Donaldson, the most daring aeronaut ot oJcrn days, mado his second ascension, t Cbilicothe, April 27, 1872., .Tbe streets " rc crowded with spectators" from the that it carried, the balloon against the north -cod ot Landaihg'a drug store, on tho ..mrr of Second and Paint streets. Tho arouaut saw what ;was, coming and brac ing bimsclt to. meet the shock, throwing " bis feet which struck tho side of the house and turned him completely over bn bis trapeze bar. .The balloon in going up, a,)d before he could" recover bis balance, Iraacted bim over the chimney, knocking ;t at Uast halt off, and-bruising; and wounding "suchan ; extent that he ffil uuab'.e to . perform Jiis usual feat?. ThiQ however, was notithe most serious i,ftrt The bricks, in- laUine to the pave ment struck a man named Patnek Martia on the head, fracturing his skull and m- jjictin" serious wuuuua. aio wa -vamcu into Lansing's drug store and his wounds - 1 I I A . "a fr,. whir.h he wsa convened to dres4cu W I i J . I bis home. I learn mat tne-Burgeona ;na?p expressed the opinion that he cannot survive. He was a married man, middle, Irisb, and an employe at the gas w-orks. 1 he balloonist made but & short trip, r."1 g,JiS out 8,Sn, a wounds lro'ii the contact'with the, chimney be C()inii g m painful that he was compelled ' to' descend.- Cincinnati .Enquirer. : . i ' .... I.' (he lltftald Going; BmcIk on Grant T ''he Herald to day exhibUssuipiciptta syinotoms of desertiag Grant.L ln one-at rt outsiions whether ho is strong enou"-li to deleat ai popular iiioerai uei publican candidate in North Carolina and . Yir,Tinia, Willie, iu nuuiuci, vtu uavo tuts stroog bit ot sarcasm on : the' President's . takiDZ ways:" r i"r;;i; s TnB Grants MAKtNQ;IlAT while the Sun Shines. The President's iaml v is wise iu its- generation, pr . in. other words, has the good sense to take advan- ta-'e ot the tonunate anaeievatea position which the.head of: it occupies and , whj not ? A great deal of fuss has been made about the relatives qt General Grant being favored in the di3pen9atl orV 6f government patronage, but why should not the Presi dent, who receives a miserable pittance, himself; do what he jeasonably can to pro mote the welfare ot- bis relations ? The children of General Grant have been hon ored in Europe on account of their fatber an l the high position . be - holds. Other children ot" the. Presideut, 1 it is said, are going to Europe; shortly witb friends of th family." t r K,s .iTuni;'" Nothing could be finer than thatl "Friends of the family" is'goodJthoosh rather funereal. iV, Y. teprtut of Wed- The Norfolk, ryiniai has .bceA shown an interesting' relic in the shape of hick ory stick cut by Gen.T'Jacksoma ftrw daysj bifore the battle of 'N.ew Orleans,'; and presented by him td-'CpWlT :L.- .8hafifer, who commanded- a regiment of volunteers " ia Jackson's command, 'There; are' thir- teea knots on the stick,' and on each knot h cut a letter of Jackson's Dame-1 carved by "Old Hickory."; , :m.i r?.-: :.i ' - - i mi mm mm ;.'t i ate jv m AGENTS FOR IIOBTH CABOUHA." GUARANTEED PERFECTLY PURE AND OF THE HIGHEST-GRADE 1H! 7-tf . SOL BEARC W 11IJ1.IL1A l.r I12A.I.jU.B f ACl V T i ir tt.t 1 , 1 . Clollilnrr. fifw nnnrfs. Roots illlfl .Z ilToA ar. A t JA . Slioert, Hats, ottous, Ac. The Largest and Best Assorted, Stock In this Mate, and we are also ileter mined to have W LI BE UAL INDUCE XKT lOf! SOL. PiBEOi, Betall Benlersy In CLOTHING, pnT OOODB, BOOTS JSOd we respecif ally soltoit a call .or our patrons BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE." we defy competition in Quality or Prices. OUR ATOCK OF CJLOT1IISO .... . ... y - ' CllOICic ftUT.wr.TTnv f rttptcrtoSl GOODS IN TH$ ABOVE" tNE; 1 and v" ' and r pdun'paekag "At- i"M , ' n ju h. aiA ow wt-'-rvi - ;i: - i' ij j iaii , ' . ;b, X, runi - No. 7 Kortb Front tUtTX 1 ?&&&7tjrzyi w U i$ ,t2 Begistrar, - ----- - ' - - - " - - - ' -J " : " . . i"'--!.CV -'"" THE f T, T.T-.--", Guaranteed o excel all others.both in shane AND ACCEPT NO OTIIElt tor you will then be; certain youT aregettlng f ; v tne pest for your money. .rt ?V C Every ;V Axeyvarranted i FoV sale 7holesaleland.BetaU, at i t . . V. Vi t NlTlTljrACpiil' J : Hardware Depot, So. tt-HarketT'Bt And Denlers Throsheiai tneStt. Newest Mi Bestlfiratollarie ! 1 - ffVIB most convenient -and durable -'Sash ; X Holder and Loos: ever Invented, for the HnlftA anil T-AAb- nna -4i-ama Ia V foxiowiRg reasons : 1st. It locks the sash when closed it hold's It at place when opened. ; 2d,lt stops all jar. ring or rattlings of the sash. 3d. It wiH not get out of order or wear out in a lifetime. 4th it cm be put on in one xu inula and does not marine winaow. iiavins the oatent rlsrht tor 5,a38fe9"o am V" onering the aboveBash oiaer ana j-ock w noxesaie anaretdii. Torklng model On exfclbltioaAt pur store , ' i N4TITI, JACOBPS. II ardware Depot, No. 9 Market St febft-tf - - Per 17 Day iSVUpgeta ble ft PME-KILXEE" IS TII1Z MOBT POPULAR MEDICINE V' EXTANT..- mBE PAIN-KILtETMa eauailv JL appltcabie and efflcucioua toyouu g or old. THE- PAIN-KILLER M " - 5: . . l; . v bth u Internal anfl External Remedy. milE PAIN-KILLER should be used at --, JL the first manifestation of Cold or Coogh. THE PAIN-KILLER-Dbn't faif - - -to keep it in the house rady for use. , - TMi PAIN-KILLER -. .v ", ' ,Is good for Sprains and.Brubes. Try It. TOR PAIN-KILLERV . . . , , . cures the Toothache (T t , ; - THE PAIN-KILLER X , 7 ! -Is a lavorito with all cla-nes. .mHF. PAIN-KILLER 0 h T) x .JL ""I cure unuDiains. : . THE PAIN'-KILLER M " Will care Cholera Morbss. i - - TIIE PAIN-KILLER Will cure Dyspepsia. . If.. mOE PAIN-KILLER : '! ... A,- X Is the Great Family Medicine of tho Ago. milE PAIN-KTLLER " ' ' X can be boaght of your Druggist or Grocerr THE PAIN-KILLER . . . . . WIU cure rainter's Colic, t - " I . - , - .. . ,. TOE P IN-KILLER Is good lor hcalds and Burns. I .. f;.Ui !' ...iTrV ' 'i '..': '.I'J' :- THE PAIN-KILLER ha3 the Verdict of tue People in its favor. . . , . j ,. j.? i i THE PAIK-KILLER: ' -r , Gives Universal Satisfaction. VnHE PAI-KILLER . ' 1 Bewareof mitatiohs and corirrsnvsiis. i THE PAIN-KILLER -, ,rr r . ia almostoertain curd for CHOLERA, and has, without doubt, been more successful in caring this terrible disease, than any other k an wn remedy, or even the most. Eminent or skillful Pnvsicians.- in luaia. Ainca, anu Cbina, . where this dreadful -disease, ;ia frer' more ok less prevalent, the PjUN-KILLEK is. i consiaereu, oy iuenaxives, as weu v pean residents in those . climates,1 A" S UBB THE. PAIN-KILL E R each Bottle is, - i-' wrapped with lull directions for its use. THE'.PAINILLER Is sold. by all Drug- . . i gists and Dealers In Family Medicines. PeS'Wfion' PBOPHIEIOBS, 1 3 ; rfBti Paul "StrejkJllonireali Canada, I . . . -A i. a.. 1 nkrroTiuJc ls.nereuy given:vn6 vj -uuura- lr.n 1: An At to nrovide for Limited PartBerehip1 1 Act oi me jjegioiiniiins vi 100 j-u, cuwu w and an Act t o amend the aaid Act, ratinea w existing letween,nem dbubi jiiwvioiuuo SJthe Act first above-mentloned.Vsald re: rrjj .nov 4. AnniinTiA -fnr flvn r..... wTn thnn. t.h -Bntvisions IKwev yuiiiot, , V ,Q7o " - j . TnAm -io la-w years, anu is ui"o uu'; and is to terminate January-lst, 187. The n.hiM nff hAhmiineM to be transacted is a ?AnIrfnm 1U - . vA. ind as nch has contributed to the 1 Capital Stockof the samethe sum of Seventy Jrive xnausanu iahio t,!.,, - r Uavlng been actually paid In by him 'In cash , JrZJL f..h inM tha eanital -stock' of the Original Limited Partnership, of which this is a renewal, am m . ifv.An.ond nniinra is represented by Goods and Merchandlsonowon hand, 'and. af jaol been ins paired in tne course i irnuo. ? .7 JAMES A. WILLARD. TGeneraL -.111 .-ALBERTAi WALLAftD, J Part ? , . - VflLLIAM H. WILLARD . mhie5m .i tiiaV yt- fipeclalPattaeTii ajecoiid Ward. mnE POIXSILL BE OPEN in the Second f I ' rArw'iriBtT.tioTifrom 91 o'clock A. untHiP. M.;from4top M.t and onMon- day, .Wednesday ano rm, "i-r 4 to ccioc. ENJ iimr . ? o 3HAS. R. MALLETT, Sn. . Jourlial odpyt ; :. . - . - ' rTIHE LtOTjRS OF REGISTRATION in " X First War are from 7 to o o'clock, A. frwm ii to s ana e to 8 o'clock, p. m. J. JJ, AAJVJU, - . . .... J Br, W. EAGLES, 17 Southampton Row, xonaon, xng. covering thoroughly tne state ui jnaryiana, r- "." . "I nelaware. Virginia, West Virginia, . C&to- May 8DxW2m JJ1 g ollt Georgia Alabama, Mis- NEW ADyjiRTISEMENTS. Y.p TJ N;G 'M E N.C c 1? ' jtl Jli - 5 tf U A 1- v y - I Trained tOTasissfnlWtelinstoeixite; taught how to sret a Urine, make mosey, and become enteipri sing, nsef til citizens, at ast-1 man College. .-The oldest Practical Business Tialniajt ttehool. and the onlv .one Tiro id ins Bitoatlona iQr Graduates. Total expenses ior I-' prescribed-course, $100 to ti25. No vacations, - Wfiat Is tbls Grand Specific for dyspep sia 1 this babbling, sparkling, cooling, purify tag, regulating draught they call Tarbajtt's ErvKavKScmrr 8zirzKB ApsarasTt Well, It is simply the Cheraieal t'tnile of the Seltzer rrr"t A'r'j opnnjc v ararywnicu,-ior -luv years nas Deen Vn 0ButQac.ace)?ve v- v. ivy. - ....... . i X " SOLD T5T ALL' DRUGGISTS. : PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAINS 1 V ' $40, $30, $75 AND $100., GOOD, DCBABLE AND CUEAP Shipped Kendy for Use I J.' ir. CH APMir A QO ,: Madison Indiana. bend tor ciBoy iiAu.rva - i - EXTRAOBDINABY IMPBOYEMEUTS L ; ;.' : . , . . iw ' --- The MASorf A HAXtrv Oxgav Co.B respect fully announce the tutrodnction of improve ments ot mucn more than ordinary interest. xneseare' .ai ..-;.' -.n ..tu, u&ji ' REED ASD FIPEpABlNET ORGANS, beins: the only successful combination of Rsxt Pints with xeeda ever made: , , whioh can be instantly moved to toe right or left, cl anglng tb a pitchr or - transposing the key. For drawings and descriptions, see. Cir cular", . ; .- ' , HTKW AUTO KLEGAITT STTLBS 01;; " j DOUBLE REED CABINET ORGANS,"-' . at AUO. SlSi and S125 each. Considering Ca pacity, Elegance and Thorough Excellence of workmanship, wese are cnecmer man any ov ttkn Trlwiiin n u edgW BEST, and from extraordinary facili- ties for manufacture this Company can afford. and tiow undertake to sell at prices which ren der mem . ? UNQUESTIONABLY CHEAPEST- i Tour Octave Organs 50 each Five Octave Or gans tlOO, $123 and upwards. With three sets reeds tl 0 and upwards: , Forty styles, up to SlSOOeach. . " . N ew Illustrated Catalogue, and Testimonial Circular, with optniensof MOKE THAN -ONE THOUSAND MUSICIANS, sent free.; , -j i : t tr a rov a HAirjw ono'Air co- " " 154 Tremont St., Eostanw -59 Broadway, N-T, Cheap Tauns J :.; Tree ; Homes ! I ' VilHEIJNlOFTHE '. ; : 1 l.'l land gran't:'6f ' ;. ' v 12 ?, 0 0 0 , OP P f AC ll B S ' ' o t : IH THI ; . ? , r BEST1 TABKUra A1TD KtUKKAI. Z.AKDS IW AXXBIOA, 3000000 Acrer, in Nebraska, Q BE AT;P1AITE'T A LIEY, .( .!. '.'. :u .iJHE . -J. ... :i-'L u:? Garden of the West, :. : -' MtrNK'MUl :- ""'i". These Ian d s are in the central portion of tb e United. States, on the 41st degree of North Latitude, the central line ot the great Tem perate Zone of the American Continent, and ior eraln erowinar and stock raising .nnsur- pasped by any in the United States. ... ... CHEAPEK ih PRICE, more favorable terms given, and more convenient to .market; than can b foond elsewhere. j i.o"jji -tLac Free -HGiesteEir c '. Tax nisT tocATiOHSoi coiris.'"3lf Soldiers Entitled to a Homestead pt 160 Acres. - ' H r ABflKS TO UU0HASkS 0 LA WD. tf i Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, published in English, German, Swe dish and Danish, mailed tree everywhere. Address- F.iDAVw, SKELETON coasET. 'Recomm end ed py' ' rXADtSO " rHTSICTAVS ! -Should be -worn -by all ladies who Value "health and comlort. Thev are particularly recommended for sum- mer wciu auu nuu r .climates, although a- oaptea to aii seasuus of the sear. For sale by all first- class dealers: WoscssTsa- Surt Ce. Sole Manufacturers -- Worcester, .Mass.. ! Cheap Advertising. Ad vertisetnenta occupr i n 55 " - wUl be inserted in e r nrAriin, cluding-23 IAlJUli:N, in , " " - ' - SOUTHERN STATES, ri Miftflonri. ytkVJUiaapA.j - lone Month for S 148; t-l ' ham Dallies. Larsrer C!ir- enlUonTlxwer price, than any other List. Snecial rates given iur v. ovw 1 tor an v single ataie.- wur y i."' , j 0 " " 1 1 in format ion fnrnlsh- lars, 2!io pi ?&ElSr I d on aoTJlication.- -y wi i -nt.. KAwananer. 1 K A.nnr AdVrrtUinff AKentS, I . . vnrk. yayBt Bow, e y jQ'- I " 11 " ' ' ' CHAI1CE for AUJSIi'JfB. 1 -T ... AMth no o.xW In O W AvAA A. A Vl V-AB AM V A J F exoenses paid. Address Charlotte, mien. J1 ; ' J AS. AT -KING. ; -. - ' . mm m mm -x ' O. . . T M - ' -'" " i MAlftTFACTURERS OF L z EfNG'B PATENT... j 5 U.iJ HI .CifV.". - Wrought Iron Bridges, 1 E3r Communication" Solicited and FinwiUy; Attended To.-a i I alaalnml. Louisiana ADUU1w, achaicoeco, TStoed.-.Aento; meAore r-v money at wur iui uj uuu. ifj Busmessllgbtper it", . iru. i 'A - . DllA OVA JO) . X All BEAT MEDICAL BOOK of usefui VERYSATTJR?AY, AT HELBY, N. the M.J IT- knowledge to Ml. Sent tree for U Jlsweps. -Address Dn. Bowatabts Co. Cilu piiwo cb if. 'T. PRICB, f) 1 Agfjita NEW ADyERTiaEMENTS. TJ E E that'-C O Lin notaturtr yonzxuasvto necome oiseafc fL by alio wing COM to beeWseated. Thousands have died Premature Deaths The Victims or CJonsumption tryneslecting h TTT Z3tj 7?.t I : : a Cold - i 'tJr'- '' UqII'i j IT1 riUllr! r JUU AliV ' ?-f -A CI i?-?T!TTr ttf.. T-;r8r,, , WiU Care CeiiKba, Cow and consumption surer and quicker than "any other remedy. 1 It acts likmagic Wot salf by all Druggists and Medicine Dealers everywhere. s- J S1,000 REWARD For any case of Blind, Bleeding, Itching or Ulcerated. Piles that Di Bur'a Pita Rxxsdy laua to. cure. r it is prepared expressly to cure the PilesV'and nothing else." Sold by all Drag- gists.' Price, $1 DO. ' r - ..;--f TRUE FOB 92. Swiss Magnetic Tikb-Kxspxb aouxnaiqator. lnaispensaDie, to every HiBlfi. KVBYBOUY in need o i reUoUe time-keener. Usual watch size.' steel works," k mt b-AmT- TTcno 1 va4-Ai aivn .lull 'nnrb. glass cr stal, in neat OttOlDJfl case, waebajiv xd to denote correct time for two years, .Vb incfUKext. l.otie .sola weesay. "Tnis vaiuame article, in seat case, will be sent, prepaid, any- wnere. ior si; ior ss. . xry -one. . circulars i free. Order only-trom the Sole AkentsrF. KING at COA BrattiebcroTTtirr- -r -. r- - apru zo-ojc ww ent., r, ' f ;; r j . .-; MISCTTtj.aneous. ' OPEKA HOUSE. -; Over Land and Sea;: t Foar Kihf s Only, May 1, 2; 3 and, 4. Doors open at 7$, performance commenolng i i - : at 8 o'clocfPrll. - j Entire change of Programme every evening. FRANCE, ENGLAND, SCOTLAND ITALY, GEi&MAN X AND SWIIZEULAND,. Their Wonders, Beauties and Realities !' CHEFS D'CE UVRE OF THE ' GREATEST. SCULPTORS! " To be seen only once In a lifetime, without crossing over Land and Vea indeed." Kvery night, under direction of a Committee appointed.ty the audience, a grand Or Distribution of Presents, consisting . of handsome Chromos illustrative of the scenes of the evening on exhibition, after Monday, 29 th lost-, at tne Book. and. Aluslo otore of Mr. P. Heinsberger. " . r t , " ADMISSION : Single Tickets, 60 cts.; Chfli dren, 25 cts.; Coupons, Family or Continua tion, admitting six, t J 0 j Gallery, 25. . Tickets lor sale at the store of Mr. P.Helns berger, and at the door. Every purchaser of a ticket presented with one 'lombola check, (purchasers of coupons entitled to 6 checks.). ' Children's Matinee on' Saturday afternoon. by woois iscenu. ' May 4th, at 2 o'clock.. Single tickets 25 cents, ..' We visited this exhibition at the theatre last nijht, and pronounce it the -best that we ever saw, as well as the description given very instructive ! and entertaining! ; ' Tne famous painting and grand Christian Allegory 'called the ' Kocks oi Aees. eiven as aclosing niece. is alone worth ten times the price of admis sion. -' we advise all who can to visit- tnis ex hibition, as it is probably the last time that an opportunity will be given to witness the Uke again." Nexvbem Daily Times, April 13. -V 43- Remember that this is hot a Panorama. 5aprilSO-tf ,.;;.;a. . -. .-fv. OPER-HOUSEl O n e IT i g h t Only! . THE WORLD FAMED COMEDIAN, MR; J. mOSElNSMsSSSSSS IH TWO Of HIS . comedt: ' Monclay Evcuins:,.SIay Ctli, STERLING. COYNES 3 "ACT 1 COME DY 10.F EVERTpOD;ET Major Trellin?ton. DeBoota. .:T!.TTfL ?' J . " . ':a .Tf f - , To be followed by Owen's Specialty of w SOLON SHINGLE,. .. ....Mt: 0WEN3. ADMISSION, $1 00 Reserved Seats, U- 50 i Family Circle, sacenU GaueiTi.2? cent.. t sy sale of. Reserved Seats will . commence hTERRO-PHOSPHORATED ELIXIR BARK, tsx-4-X! A fine Tonio lorDeiijcate; oxomaens. MOTHER fcoB'rHEALlNG SYRUP. - Leta's PJjQspJiate Iron,i.CiQajk!ai Wl Iodoform and Iron Pills, Chlorod lybi a' number. oi popular proprietary reDMdes, DU1U ujr V- 'J MENN.RlflH Wholesale Druggists, M -n" ! i&txili B (LiPPitt PW tand,V U irj Jap 26-tf N. E. Cor. Front and Market ts. rs -... -i' ! f 1 .. .fin !' . I f in'lfa-ir all fl rTflTftO.V. at I - i - - - - - ' . . .. i ui ait; ii u ox nil the Musl.c Store oi P..Heihsberger- - iPlWthe use jofjtdeadij -f Vr l it--.s - n . ..... , -i r . )LiATTid disease to make i I L '" 'J" Jit'"! , Sncar, OsU aBdeal? 'OOiSS 1 dkI. -nom,r. -Rflnful Snimrfl MOO Bushela'bafe; ,oWBusnegsfe .0- For sale by FiiWBJIRCHNERVi ja may 2-tf ? 27, 28 and 29 North Water BtfO nT TT?"EnT3 Tl ,Tf A TTGT?. i ' AMD OHJil Q, A tTPT.U! T?r.fYlW' I2f TUB CITY. . i 1 .... t- "tl THERE SUPERIOR SEGARSiAlTD COT- YY TLED UQUORS can always be u&a,i oonnectioH with mat superior uranu oi mnmrna tobacco l- A1. -VJf LirmxhedRcxmis, by Daeeko M foot lS-tf y J. A. CLDTFOBP, ST m4AO . - - (A two Oho Year,...".'....---"-w"f2 ( Six Months, 1 t T-oTTiiuiPirRJlAB3roDUFlTE, deol6-tf Eds. and Proprietorj. , U JMISCELLANEOUS.;e a , ' - ' ' m- - ' i Baltimore Lock Hospital;' t tv: rJ-T' Physician of this celebrated Institution, dis overed, when in the Great Hospitals of. Kn- rope, tu r. -. rmgiana, jrrance ana euewnerey the certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy In the world for all excesses or abuses of the system. , .v -v Weakness of the Back orXlmbs. Strictures. Aiitcnuix oi jiauneys or xiauuer. involun tary uiscnarges, impotency, uenerai uebiirtv. Nervousness, ; Dyspepsia, Languor, ; Low Spirits, Coniasion or ideas, Parpltation oi ibe Heart, Tiroldity, Trembling, Dimness of Sight br Giddiness, 'Disease of the Head,-Throat, Nose orJSkin, Affections of the Liver,-Lungs, Stomach or -Boweis tnoee tern Die uisoraers arising irom solitary llabitsof Youth sbcsst and solitary practices more fatal to their Vie tims than the song of the Syrens to the Ma riners of Ulysses,b lighting their inoab brU liant hbpes or anticipations; rendering mar. riage, Ac, impossible, destroying both body and mind., : . -J :', Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands ot young men of the most exalted talents and. brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the. living lyre, may call Wltn iuu connucuue. .. . . . t. . 1 ; .V -. - ;i MARRIAGE.; 1' ; I Married persons, or Toung Men contemplat ing marriage, aware of Physical Weakness,' Lois of Jrocreative Power (Lmnotenevi. n er- voua. Excitability, Palpitation, Dreanio v eak- neas, .Nervous Debility, or any other Disq.uali- ncauon. SDeeauv reuevea. J; miy religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely Upon his skill as a physician. ;v. - . - - 'ORGANIC WEAKNESS " j, I Immediately Cured and fall. Vigor Restored. This distressing- Affection which renders I lif a miserable and marriaee imnossible is the penalty paid by ther victims of improper in rtnicnftuH.. lounif nersons are tooaottocom- mit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. ' Now. who that understands inis subject wm priuu to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those lulling Into improper haoits than by the prudent! Besides being deprived oi the pleaiure ot healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symploma" of .both body and mind arise. The Bystem becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions weakened,- Loss oi Procreative Power; Ner vous Irritability,. Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart. Indigestion,. Constitutional De bility anJ. Wasting of the Frame, cough, Con sumptivin, Decay and Death. . ,....,. j r, - A CURB SPEEDILY WARRANTED.,., ; Tpraona ruined, in healthy hv unlearned pre tenders who keep them trifling . month . after month, taking poisonous and injurious com pounds, should apply immediately. : in. ; .. ! ;u -DR. JOHNSTON, v.- .: Member of tho' Royal College of Surgeons, London; Graduate of one of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, audi the best part uf whose life has been spent in the hos pitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else? whare, has effected some of the most aston ishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarm ed at Budden sounds, baahfalness, with fre quent blushing, attended sometimes with de rangement of mind, were cured Immediately, ; " TAKE. PARTICULAR NOTICE, j . ; vDr. J. addresses all those who have injured themselves by improper indulgence and soli tary habits, which ruin both body and. mind, unfitting them ior either business, study, so ciety or marriage; - . . . These are some oi tne au iuci.uiiujr feats produced by the earthly - nap-its o youin, i viz : Weakness of the Baefc ana xamDS, grains r in the Head, tiimness oi Bignt, juubb ui oular iPower, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous jurivability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption; &c. ' ' i -mentally. Ther fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded. Lcar of Mem ory, Confusion of. Ideas, Depression oj Spirits, EvA Forebodings, Aversion to' Society, self Distrust, Love oi solitude, Timidity, ao are borne of the evil produced. - ! L 'j, Thousands of persons of all ages ean now judge5 what is the cause of their declining health, losing meir vigw uwuuug -nrcoi pale, nervous anu emacukbtsu, uu6 bxubu lkr annearance about the eyes, cough and sympwins oi vuixsiLuiptxvi. . , -- '.- t;, . . .T ' ' y . , YOUNG MElt - -, ; tl'; ,vl L Who 'have Injured themselves by a certain practice, indulged in when alone, a habit fre quently learned from evil companions or at school, the effects of which .are, nightly felt, Dimn whn sifr:" and if not cured renders What a pity tnaii a yuuus uuuit ui-wiw v pnnTitrv- the nrixia of his parents, should be: snatched from allprospects and enjoym'ent t-itth-thaconseauence of deviating irom the path of nature;' and indulging in a certain St'CieTi nault. OUUU Jicisuus uiuo vaym i ; irwiU y ;1IARBIAGE, 3 .j ill iti RaflAct'that a sound mind and -body arc the most necessary requisites to promote connox most necessary requisites to promow conmw h..i hnr.ineasi -Indeed. witnout these" the irnTiAv i-nroushliio becomes a weary p: aire, the orospect jaouxiy wueus.iu mo , the minci Tbecomes shadowed with despair, ana Mii.ri .with . ha itia uncnoiT TcnecuDU imi iue of another ii blighted with our own. i A CERTAIN DISEASE. r Wiffl the misguided ahtf imprudent votary of pleasure find he has irnJtAbeel the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that ajTiil-timedsenBof shame .or dread of dis covery . deters Mm irom- applying to those who. from euucatlon and respectability, can alone bef tiend him. He falls Into the hands Ar innrant, and designing pretender a, who, Ancapabie ot curing, hich his pecuniarysub atance. keep him trifling month after "month, or as long as the amauesB lee can do ootamea, onrt in xitinair leave him with ruined hearth disappointment ;.orj r. pplson, Mercury, ssmDtoma of this heir appearance, such ulcerated sore' throat, diseased nose, noc- urnai nains ih tho head and limb, dimness n Airrhr. riAAfnesai i nodes ' os' the- snin oones P . . - km. ho. An 'tha ;hMd. fun Atiri-AS a wite friskUul rapidity. till at last the1 palate pjf the. mouth or tho bones of the noso U IQ and.he victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of prtmmiseraUon till death puts, a period to bis wai. teadlul:sufieriog, Dy senuing uiu ,w vuij - i?eTVWnlh! tblreDr.Io - . , m.- a him In That- teaaiui iuawms, uji. vf'ZZZ'l Trh thTeiora.Dr. Johnston offers -the jnbst certain, speedy, pleasant and effectaall ITRHIIV I IS LiAAD V W A AM .1 JvlV. i- . w - - Tl T.TIM OHX 2lAUXJLAJSit, , ',.. , ? 'TTt-f-l T Tl . ., -io 4 i v a. ...IS i ? LeR hand ae s)tolom:Batt&ort3 ycretofore'known cr introduced' to Udscftyl'f: ? feWtoxirom!the' OOTneT.-;-Tii-BCtita'Ol)l inM.'- i iTr .Kl number. ,-?f f rf ! .nil .? ,.,ljjptesvs! and Xfconf L, v.i.. :!? i "jar Jo letters iwwyea u.uioo jpyv" 1 1 Aii jMtrnmimii nrarraBM3u xus bentaihing a stanm to b6 used on th f ePy.l tt attds TTJJTnD AND REPARED.nB PtorfaonBwrrtnig sn6uld state age, and , sfehd a .A1 V jrprnwii.w& jm . :n 1vttn trfSheeU MUSlCOn hand SSrSifau siwuflu ooJcaloVj. ' ENDORSEMENT OF (THB PRESS.". 'v f 'rf'-Wavtiidnaflia eUred at Ibis festabUshr mentwithihthe lasttwenty'yearsand the nomeroms.imjrtant8wrg5i" """"1" mvmowi'hv Dii JohJiaonwltnessadnvxh sew lufliclent guarantee to the Uctrtf;-;T,s wa v. 91v out; ...... 1 to "Rider Bice! l'i g't'ir s?-,.,;.,;1..y. tFiQ TON BICE M1LX3 ' WILLA&D BROS'.1 elec9-tf -9' ( .iI0iftWo4 ,v': , a !ei-Jt Ui3n-i l'"s5-s..8- f jac3fflbn1l7nftei InlotstOSuiU ForsaleEbyi j- ADRIAN A TOLLEBa tmBTJRAOE:NOTIOEafl 1. : 8 77 r2i ! II7EBF00L 1HD LONDON' AND QLQBE Insnrauce Company, I . . ASSETS V si.' Held in the United States by . V American. Birectoro r-I) ; Si-'- inn:' Tfow Amoniit to J .1 I V if--. fi - O 43 'yl'Ta I l 6 ftO ! O O O ti: U rh Cf f O d ;7T 7 ";.T7:e r . TUOS. OUiEME, North side; Princess St., between Water and , Front streets, Wilmington, to whom all ap plications for AgehclesVhould be addressed. : '-ftiblU-tr' '"'-i?; --it -'1 ! forth CaToM Hons I.TOC8 Coapy- t ' .,-4 :j -' OF BAXJKIGI1Y Jf . ct i C .1 1 f I s. R. H. BATTLE ..................Presiden BEATON GALES ......'..... ..Secretary- ! JNO. W. ATKINSON," Umlngt.Agent. t. i . ,: I Tr .' ' - . " , ... . , ,. .- : '. ' ." HIS reliable State Company pays Its losses fairly and promptly. . It Is managed, by well known business men. Its capital, and earn lngs are invested in the State, and tend toward i building up and fostering the ffnanclal pros perity of North Carolina. Y'ina ttaug J-tf , Trcrn -niTOTro A rif nntfD AWV JUXJC JM 0 w iwivij VMtt , r PRONOUNCED by the UrbwBcwxrmJ an f - ihsurance Journal of Philadelphia, io be "aprod'gyof success, and a model of eoon. omy, caution and security' invites respectful comparison with any flrstrolass company la the country. . -t - : . r- Its record, past and present, Is glorious, its : future hopeful, and the management take pride in presenting a Company in a condition ' equal to any, superior to many, and surpassed by none. .j - -j r,.. i s' .!.. ,i.s;: ... . Persons desiring Insurance, will please call On" - - !- ia v i . W. M. STEVENSON, Agent, . fuIyS-tf .il - i .;u.'ih.m Market St.; INS TJ R A, It. G E, . " riREJTNA1 irfs.tjrJrot 'aaftfordi 'ln-; corpora tea isi. ABsets w an. ,i8.ti lBftsiwua, . tTNDERW RITER'S AGENCY", of few York. , . KAssets Jan. 1st, 1872, 13,786,647. ,' , ; ,' ; : , . ,i ibTARIinB GREAT WESTERN IKS. CO Of 0i ,4 ( New York.' Assets $6,000,000. . . ynl Insures by Steamer and Sail tbNorthern ports ( at lowest rates, and issues Certdfioates pay ' able in gold on shipmerua of Cotton and N aval i Stores to Great Britain and the Continent. l V : jLItfJE-Woria Mutual Life Insuranoe Co, of t- -v t , a . a. aca YkkA ... jj I'uls Mutual Life Muum Company, of I D1 4"-tr a " I f ,( . iuioovua ,qaamig fXyVwww, .. All business pertaining to insurance prompts i DttsnHl)(1 trr I'uiP: At A oA i i'tt.'": i: DHRdssET. ; N.. Water and -ChesnutSti - i i i. . a. u.w v. vbuvbimii mhie-tf.t- Ji. MASONIC HALE, i 7 lii: i I. iii, i M j J iii iUiji Ui" : .1 'lit Kos.i 57 and 51 Slarket Street, ' ' 'i a fttrv i f 1 111 il V 0 O Hfl ATT R .join l a p-T.r.pnjfii .' j Mr a f JI , 0P tjie ' BEST7 -n 9 li ' ' ii j jvm -tii a iib. tiivmi tu,..-ki till Leading Factories In the United Stages. L PIANOS of ALL STYLE A4 PRICES to suit .purchasers constantly on hand and for sale, , - - ... ' ' . Att radnoeinehbSi titnally held out by Northern Manufacturers can umrr. be: had in. r w the State at the. ulallj . ETYt1iB5ttftAJrrt I . - . ... . w , tue state at uu aotiv putpew aoa5Wiii';i' - AND t a , TESTBT OCQAV bTI " " , THEy UBB -PREBrMTNENT FOR THEIR. I :flunUK11 Ml LA ( KI lllir M 'SaS-"M U K K m I I'l w 1 iiiiS-ND- PUE1TT -OFTONV ELK- :i-'iv.. a-tc OANT DESIGN ANDFAWISII. :i:: ,f : I,. ikFAC!TmTH c IN FACT jTHE X' 8UU-1 f. Z r.:)i III 1 hAJJZA fTT " -Tf TT" T J-TT, IT-- siid for sale. t:uitM-i-i!--'-- s." -''"'i f 'mar KM - 7 j' r,;: : '.' ' -i'-.-iLl-..! j-h r .' fi ' -'.flfllt'I Sfllt4 Half ! - :ftuI.TX"a.I IT:- " , I . . 1 1 .400.7,. tuaj LijWJLLARD BROS,, j TTAVE JU8T RECEIVED PART OT THEIR XL SPRING STOCK, -consisting of full line Of .XUllK3'.0 Vl S' in t.l't 1 1 if- ! . :Ai ru it. r? -tin in rn J fcuil s I 1 4 j lonyriiPdeix Piques, . ' .: aw m . 1 . , -. 61 IndU- Boos? COREQAN ;flTKIPES, Jtc b. ; Also: a mil line ox tress uoouv bus a obxiss t ' parasols, and all such Goods as axe usually ,; kept in a i march Jt-tf - - v J ; r - 4 -Mi i1 vs-

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