MORNING. STAR. BY TEEEQBAPH. THE. MORNING STAR. '.WON BEPOnT.i rriiK CINCINNATI COWTEXTlOyT The iiesolntlons .Adopted Unanimous ly WIiatIey Advocated "". -" ' Balloting for their Candidate Adams and Greeley in the Asevndant. Cincinnati. Ms j 3. . Csssius M. Clay and Judge Mtthews ad dressed the Convention last nlgbt. A propo sition to nominate caused contusion, several desiring to speak, and the Convention disre garded the gavel. The Convention is divided, one party desiring: the platform and another the candidate to have precedence. Parliament arv tactics prevented, the transaction ot .busi ness and after vehement discussion an adjourn ment took place until 10 o'clock to day. Greeley's tariff platform, leaving the people to speak through their representatives regard ing that measure, predominates. . , ! : . . When v the ? Convention reassembled at 10 o'clock to day a resolution was passed that when the Convention balloted no formal nom inations should be made. r Til platform has been unanimously adopted amid great cheering. - The resolutions declare for the equality ol ail men before the law,, the union of the States and no reopening of ques tions settled by the 13th, 14th and 15th amend moots, the removal of disabilities incurred on accoont-of tie rebellion, general amnesty, lo cal self government, '-6 feQpreaiacy of the civil over military authority, respect for the writ of habeas corpus, a return to the methods of - peace to maintain, constitutional limitations of power, civil service reform, single term for Presidency, a system rot Federal taxation that shall not unnecessarily tuterfere with the In - daslry .of the people, and as there a re, lion est irreconciiiable differencs of opinion as to tbe merits respectively of toe systems of; protec- tion end free lradf-:tbat qeestion is i emitted to the people in Congressional districts f wild . eheeringj, the decision of Congress thereon t be wholly, free.' of. Executive . Interference or dictation; maintenance of the public credit against repudiation in every form, speedy re- turn to specie "payments, aecognition of the services and sacrifices of soldiers and sailor. - opposition to further grants of lands to rail roads or other corporations, and in ; foreign friendship demanding nothing not right and submitting to notbiog wrong. ' A voice: Three cheers' lor the seebnd Dec laration of Independence , . 7. There were great cries of "question," over whelming few ho tried to get'the floor to speak. The Chair put the question. The re port was adopted with loud and continued cheering. The Chair announced the vote unanimous. . , Next In order of business was announced by the Chair to be the nomination of a candidate for the, Presidency without the formal presen tation of candidates. - The roll of the States la as follows : . Result of the first ballot was, Adams 203, Trumbull 103, Davis TO),", Greeley 117, Brown 98, Carlln 62, Chase 2, Sumner L - . On the D ret ballot New fork gave Greeley 6G, Adams2; Massachusetts gave Adams 23, Trumbull 4;- Ohio gave Adams fy Illinois gave TrumbpH 31, Davis SM. - u-p -,- Before the rote was anneuneed Grata Brown, by unanimous, cousent, took the stand and thanked bis friends fort their support ; of him, bnt.wUhdrew bis name, and asked bis friends to support Horace Greeley. Great cheers, with many and persistent hisses. . i - ' The chair rose to announce the vote when a Missouri delegate rose to a question of privl . lege and asked to change his vote. Consider able contusion ensued. - ' - A .,; Various delegations asking to. . change their votes, and contention arising in some of them notably, Kentucky, as to what the changes mong themselves really were, Cassias M. Clay announced that the Kentucky delegation bad changed its vote. as follows: Five from Brown to Greeley, and one from Brown to Adams." T f C - D New J trsey changed some of her votes. T,he chair announced the result: Adams 203, Greeley 147,:Tfumbull. ,110, Brown 95, Davis 92Curln 62 sud Chase 2X, Whole number of votes east 614 ; necessary to a choice 308 no choice made. "w "' '' V " " Missoori ajsked'Jcavp to retire for consnUa tion. .'-,0ut;:-sfv.J.. i.' , Vic President) JuUan.tooV,tbe chair, -W; Casey, from thtv District of .Columbia, of fered a resolatle kit tag avote to the Terri tories y.if i.'iti i.'ii.u u. u i tj McCJote witbdrewfCurtln's name and asked leave for the Jennsylvairiamelegatlott to with draw, whteiVw granted:1: ; - .. Proceedings, twere. suspended until the , re turn ol the absent'deTex'ailonsr ; V ' '' The second .ballot resulted : Adams 243, Greeley 239. Trumbull 143 Davis 81, Brown 2, Chase'" X, ' Subsequently -California -.changed her ve frajia teiey. : ; . rUttldtraxKnterorni Convention. TTITT CiKCrNiiA.TiMav 3. The Union and" BeTorm Convention has fully orga&teeAi,?Tb4ej;wiQt acBr.9tatesjlghtsv They wnt a man for President who can be a BokMertn Vrrr ntf?a t citizen in peatre- The moveioebtil. 4ruaDuu tor President ana a Southern man for Vice-President. . u it h - f -Tr Irish American Kerornl Leasne. i The irisDAmerieais Reform League is in ses sion here, slttlog wiln closed doors, it is said that the League opposes Adams and favors Greeley?, bona J t.U .-A .-yi-.t::r.Z .i. I. '. toi Ua& f'u;u :: ; . Lokdoit, May 8. The 2:u editorially hiBta tbt ritalght bst beneficial to th0 world were Jinglaiad to ab solve Canada from her allegiance. J-: - .,r,, n tr, iWashinoton. MsvS. Ilandtet and not jQCaves tstrodlaced the bill .giving 6yu,0u6,acres public land io Alabama for Dublic school tmrposeaji These lands are within AlabaroS, and the 1?iH Wves the State the disposal of hmlA? J : : ' L , : . -. Senator Lewlsstruck'STipmlsdr' Prepbrey In the face o art -altercation anoot the'iappoint meat of A special asscsaorfor Virginia. Pres brey said Leivle would fee sorry Rome day. ; A fight betweea the -Arkansas, -Senators, was prevented, ty an aorupt aajoumment oi aq ex ccutiVe session of the Senate yesterday.. . Tbd PfeBldent has approved the act entitled A r oAt aiinnTimuntarv tn tria tha InnrtrnA. m wv d v y y v v u.k i smv sw uvviv- cv BuppjemeuiarjL fcu iubjoio the Texas PacUlCvIJallroad. rating the Texas faclfic&ailroad. ri Nkw Orleans. II a v 31. f rr i. . ... . xuc.iiHwHMiipeuai irom oan Anto nio, Texas, which states that the Indians at tacked a wagevtraltrand burned nine men and one woman. One-woman escaped and brought vub news ly.jiw iaf. iitux .Yeept, WHO followed 4a64adi4is, was kined w y 1 V- Ci. . .1 JL -i. A A. MJL. Ail It THE CIKCIWNATI CONVENTION. - s;;,-;,;; Jfjamlnjeea, THE CON VEJiTIQN ADJOURNED 61NEPIE On the sixtl balQ( the Illinois jcbalrman an nounced that- that- eleganon' stood 27 for' Tnechar-.k4eclrexr be following result : Adams 324, Greeley 332, Trumbull 19, Davis 6, Cbasa32Jahd -Palmer 1. Before the vote was formallyranqouuced Minnessota changed nine from "T'nrm bull-to Greeley. Various 8tates change Iheir . voteay but the scene was, of such cd,nTuofli a'nd qolse thatlt,wa,s Impossible for - the reporters to heafe'apparfcntly GJreeley, was nOTninated: --McClure"changed the" yote o( mSSf-1!! -(or Greeley and 0 (or Davis, (Grtat cheer.)-' Indiana fchanged to fft'Joi Adams. A stampede of changes :o Greeley here occurred, bat the noise aci confusion rendered it impossible to bear details. Illinois changed solidly to Greeley,- except -one dele gate, who insisted, on voting. Tor, Trumbull. The chair finally announced - the -result : Whole vote cast, 714; necessary to a. choice, Ailam 187; Oreelev. 482. t . - The first ballot stood Adams 203, Greeley. 247; Brown 98, Trumbull 108, Curtln 72, Davis 92W, Chase 2 , Sumner 1. Gratz Brown then wttnarew in iavor oi ureeiey. . - Second ballot Adams 249. Trumbull 145. Greeley 233, Davis 81, Chase L; - Thl.d : ballot Adams 264, Greeley 258, Trumbull 146, Davis 44. i - ' ' Fourth ballot Adams 279. Greeley Trumbull 137, Davis 41. ' ' v1. - . ; Fifth ballot Adams oUo. Greeley 258. Trum bull 91, Davis 30, Chase 24. k , , ,r Sixth ballot See above, i i: - ; For Vice President Gratz rBrown was nom inate on the second baMot, the vote sunaitgr. Brown 435. Julian 175. Walker 75, upion o, Palmer -8. " " ' : ' . . ' The Convention their adipomea . ai. . , . ' " WashjhGTok, May - : vcdNQRjsAiir; ; ; . SENATE. Business nalnvportant s HOU3E. The Boose was-eniraged on the tariff and appropriation bills all day. Mi8CBttANSbus""" Iotense Interest .prevailed h'ete during to day, in reference to events at Cincinnati, and not only In Executive and Legislative circles but throughout the city. 'Inquiries were con stantly made as to the latest lnte'ligeuce from the Convention. The progress of the balloting seemed to add, If possible, to the excitement every where.tbe news spreading wlth-reniarka-blo rapidity. Those In the Executive Depart ment heard it about, the. same'time it was known in Congress. -' ... . .. . .. ; . The telegrams announcing the nomination of Greely as candidate for the' Presidency were received with surprise, s previous private telegrams foreshadowed a different result. The Republicans are not In sympathy with the Convention, expressing themselves as net alarmed at the selection 'while the Democrats said that their National Convention, to con vene on the Fourth of July, will define the policy of-the Democratic party. Ihe news ot the nomination interrupted for some time the proceedings of the House.mem- bers eathenns in front oi tne cpeafcer'a, desK j to hear the latest Intelligence. . ti There were similar exuibtlons In the Senate. while Mr. Casserly was speaking. That gen tleman, referring to the inattention to business, moved that an adjournment take place until the Cincinnati Convention was over. " The excitement subsided with the announce-1 ment of Grata Brown as the candidate for the 1 Vice Presidency. To-night gentlemen of all parties are discussing the efiect of the proceed ings of the Convention on the public mind. The UaDinet session was snort. The Cincinnati Convention . engrossed the attention of all the Departments of Govern ment. . " ' ' " ? From New York, i , JNbw Tobx. May 3. Bishop Ames presides over the Methodist Conference. A motion that only the clergy be placed on committees was lost after lone debate. VABLK DISFATCfljES. , Naflxs, May 3. A terrible hurricane has swent the foot and slopes uf Vesuvius, greatly damaging villages and the remaining crops. ihe eruption of Vesuvius haa now entirely ceased.' -: - " ' ; - Bombat, May 3. r Madras and vicinity has beeu visited bv a terrible cyclone, causing the loss of life and number or vessels. London, May 3. Advices received in this city bv mail from Spain state that the priests 'are endeavlng to make the insurrection in that country a relig ious war. The government has called upon the Inhabitants of Barcelona to deliver ud all arma they have in their possession. , , . v " Paris, May 3. ' A dispatch fromBavone confirms the rtnort that the Carllst leader. Rada. with his com. mand, fled into Franoe, bavins been closely pursued by Spanish government forces." ' . From Vlrslnla.: . ; : '' Richmond, May 3. : . The steamer Upton,-hence for New York. was burned loss fOO.000. .". T- The newspaper bulletins have, dnrintr all the afternoon, been surrounded with crowds eager for news from Cincinnati. The announcement of the nomination of Greeley and Brown gives very general satisfaction to Conservatives and Liberal Republicans, who think it Is theverv struuKc&b iicaet mat couia nave been pus in . . .1.-1 , J .. . . . nomination. .'.,... The State Journal, Administration paper. thinks Ureeley the most vulnerable man that the Liberals could have nominated. ; From FUrlda. Vi' -r f "2 . Taxxahassks, May 3. -The impeachment trial of Gov. Read has been commenced. , . DOMESTIO 1LLBHKTS. Z -li- v .'.V; Nw X OBK, May S -Noon. Money firm at 6(37 cent. prem. Sterling jLxcuange wng iu; snort uo. -Government bonds are dull but steady. Southerns steady but duLL 'Gold strong at 113. , Stocks easier. ; ' .. -r.. ; -; Flour dull and Unchanged:: Wheat quiet and unchanged. Corn is a cent better. Cotton doll, with sales o( 369 bales Uplands 23 cents; Orleans 24W cents. Pork steady. .Lara on let steam 9 Vf. cents, i Hnirlt TnrnentJnA dull at 57W cents. Rosin heavy at li 75 far siramea. , reignts. quiet. - i , ; , "f ..... . ' , t; Msnr xoMJLi May a Evening.. : IfinaneutL ' J ;.t: Money closed easV 67 V cL brem. Sterling Exchange 1091099. Gold lia113. Gov.- ernment bonds dulL Tennesssee. sixes cent iower.- . ii, . . .; - .;: Cotton closed d ulV with, sales of 764 bales at noon's -, quotations.. Flour, firmer com mon to fair extra T8f9-80rgoT)d "to choice 7 85$18 50. Whiskey steady. Wheat 12 cenU betters-winter ted western cenKf!! Corn la cents bettter at 7S76 cents. Rioo firm.' row firmer at I3 87(314. 'Lafd firmer at cents.- Naval stores dulL Sales of 'cotton to-day tor future 'delivery 6,350; baJes-rMay , 23K23 . 1 16 cents ; Jana xi io cents; j uiy sraicgz? 15-10 cents; August 23 cents i , September 23klcents; .! 'J-i. New Orlbaws,' Mays. ; jCOttott-A-MlddllngS 23g cents; Net receipts' ows naiee: eross r-XDorts TO Xdvernoo H59; BretDert 1,590; to Jth"er poInU 1,150 bale I oaics.. au.wu ; oaies etock on - Hand , 89.527 i pa;es. .juaret arm.', roi t;.: .. 1 i . , .cj"J v Norfolk.- JlviJ f Cotton Middling 22022 cts Net'iecefpts iK-oaies. Jfixpons coastwise it pales. Sales 1P0 bales. Stock on band 2,828. bales. Market i Bawimokb, May 3. t Cotton Middlings , 23&23f ceatv ;Ne leeeipts 168 bales; gross 198. exports- coast wise S05 bslesj to Great Britain, 83: ( bales. aaies iau bales. Stock on hand 10,6i8 bales. aiarKeb uuu ana lower. . tv ' " , . , , t .v i,. .....i... . .v , .' .' Ij- t3.' SAVANNAMsy 3, I r Cottpn-Mlddllngs 2222 cents:' Net re- ucipto juu4 Mues.-n,xports.eastwJso234 bales. oaies iite8i-Btock-on:bandli7,889 bales. juariusk Yry quiei, noiaers very firm, and quyera anu sellers apart. " r 5"l" i iLli. j FOBEIPM MAKHET8. , , ' Loirbb' Ma'y iNoon. ! consols lor money. . ie.--. u. S. securities -o-aj'B oi laoa, ex coupon, W. - I Breadstuff quiet ogur 27283. Tallow W3 oa. ' 1 '- "-f"-aris, May3 Noon, f Paris Bourse Rentes 54f. 50c !. Ihe SDecle In the Bank of Franoe linn In creased 8,000,000f. FBANKTORt, May 3 Noon. ' United 8tates flve-twentv securities of 1862. Anana1 fUi w. ' ; .9 i.-nri-R-prtot May 3 Noon,, . CttonVteady-Uplands 1IHK1; Orleans leans lld- Sales s of I0,00t:bas; for. the week 63,000 bales, for export 9,000, specula tion 8,000. ' Stock 844,000 bales, American 343.000. Receipts 116,t)00 bales, American IActwrSrt lolopo tales. Stoek.afloat 467,000 bales, American, 171,000. ,r: Uii-'t-l :,;::rLATER.:v-, .i.,,,v,;. '(Jotton closed quiet-Uplands llUKi; n,i.. iiirail&d. r Sales 10.000 bales: for r;rr;culaUOn 3.000 bales. 41 TI10 Bead ia Boom f . , r v " of the Wilmington. Library Association, is open dally during the week from 10 A. M. to 1 p. M., from 4'to 6 P.- M.,'-and from' 1 to 10 if.MlNGTON MARKET. ' ' STAR OFFICE,' May 3. ' SPIRITS TURPENTINE Sales of 225 casks at 50 cents $ gallon for Southern packages. ROSIN. Sales of 420' bbls at f4 for No.' 2, 15 or Low No. 1, $6 for Low Pale and $6 25 for Pale:-" ' i- 1 - - ,W CRUDE TURPENTINE. Sales of 120 bbls at $2 75 fof Hard, 4 0 for .Yellow Dip and 5 00 for Virgin. .! . i ' i "' . V - TAR-SalesirioO bbls at $3 65 bbl.. Market firm and haa advanced 10 cents. : COTTON. No sales reportcd. U V. .f ;ARRTVED.b.. . . , --J-:. !..: Steamer GovWortbL Worth. Fayettevllle. Worth fc Worth. - , CLEARED. Steamship Bolivar, Evans. New York, A DCaraux. - I .-,1.?-.-- , -.'r steamer uov worm, worm, ayeueviiie, Worth & Worths. , . t.:, - .. . - , Scbr Clara Merrick, Hana, Mosquito Inlet, Binford, Crow &.Co. i j - RI V ER8TKAMK Ac ; vStmr Gov Worth 94 bbls s pts, 343 do rosin, S do tuYpt. to Worth ft Worth, J Anderson & Co, H B Eliers, A Alderman, TVUIard Bros, Sprunt & Hinson. ' ' ' i FXPOBT8 COASTWISE.' New Yohx Steamship Bolivar 1.T72 bbls rosin, 300 do 6pts, 70 bales cotton, 79 do sheet- ng, Z49 bushels peanuts, 56 pkgs mdse, 45 bbls soapstone. 1 ' . . , j -ss aSBw ' r - ' UST OF VESSELS ', In the Port of Wllmlnarton, May 2nd, - . 1872. ... ; . . . .. BARQUES. ; .' Gr Minerva. Hubenbecker. ldg. Europe, Vlck & Mebane. s ! '! Br M E Seed, ldg. Liverpool, Vlck & Mebane, ' - '-- :- ' i:' ' Ger Bark Herman. Helmrich. Newoost. ldg. Europe, wiuara cros. German Julius, . dls. j a Blossom z Evans, r .' ,.. Bt Eliza Avelina. Dpwley. dls, Williams & Mnrchlson. : . , , SCHOONERS. Clara Sawyer. Heath, lde. J H Chad bourn & Co. ; , . . Schr Abbie Bursley. Ames. Id sr. Boston. llarrlss & Howell. . . Manna Loa, Talbot, dls, E Kidder & Son. Let tie Wells. Watsou. ldg. Bath. OGPars ley & Co. .. . ;Jonn McAdam. Wlllard. Idr. Bath. OG Parsley & Co. ' - ; ' f 1 J - T J Tralton. Dame. ldg. Bostor. Worth & Worth. . " H N Squires. Wixon. Ids. -Boston. G Q 43arker&Co. k -.1 ' j - k Cist of Tessela Cleared for Snla Port. BOSTON. 8chr Chas Sawyer, McParlance, 8cbr8 P'Adams.Tabbutt, 6 eld April 4 Cld April 7 cl'd April 10 Si u cark Shangat, Kauscputa,' LIVERPOOL. Scbr Lizzie Raymond, Brown, dd Jan. 80 Essex, Smlih, eat out. Feb 31 CUXHAVEN. T; ' Schr Magdalena, Bumsgard, ; eld March 21 NEWPORT. Forelcn.) w , , - Norw. BarkRufus, 8kare,' - - eld March 24 u u ztaa axt x i r orcizn j. Homely, Lie Dain, eld April 3 PORTLAND. Hattle E Sampson, Davis, - cid April 20 eld April 12 . ROCKPORT. Brig Is ola, Snowman, CONSIUHEES s Per Wilmington A Weld on R. R., May 3.- 5 Bear & Bro, Aaron & R, J Macks, L Brown, Dudley & E, C A Price, O R French, Charles Litecen, Mclntyre & Co, M M Katz, O A Peck. AD Brown, Murphy, H fcCo, Worth & W, H Brunhild, Wlllard Bros, J C Winder, Johnson 6 B, J D Woody, Williams & M, J M Chasten, Bprunt &H, Bags, S & Co, Edwards & Bv P Merrltt, J R Smith, I W Gore, G Kelly, F E Lawn, Moffltt & Co, R C Johnson T D Love & Co, O Boney & Son, Thomas H Smith, J M Henderson. ' - MISCEErANEO UST WE OFFEB : 15.000 BTJSHELS WHITE COBN, i 1.500 BARRELS FLOW; all grades,1 (f BALES iSILSCTEb' HAY,- . m ej Hhds.rBmoked Sides and Shoulders, 100 a v 20 000 ic- R A' BARREL? FdRE, . 100 Barrels Reflned Sugar, ;."! ir'. 200 Bags Rio, Laguyra and. Java Coffee, i ; t. tr rx rr. . rrr r rr. g Barrels pIstillerGae -r jJ'N 200 1 r . ANDL'SS,' . 7 - . 200 -rl Ai:iuTiia3.A..T. 50 and SIIEETTNje . f :'.mm. mrJm -CT Z T 0T r :-i I fcmsJruTmnriind Guanas se Gumo; . J . JS-n' .Am a- A A X USA. f WW) , . . , i :Atl-OW.PRICES.::.....i... ...... iMl Off L . 'T1J : Cr-WILLIAZIS MURCHIS02T. "' ny -U ; l.r a .Lk li -w viX) 125 Barrel8 PSPI II - ; 'MISCELLANEOUS. 'V, S 2 To U Ccufeifirate Deal ; Georgia And to tlaoae Soldiers from otber Con federate States who vers Kill- : ed or Died' in tbis State TlHE CORNER STONE, it is proposed,' '.-shall ; be laid as soon as the receipts will permit. 2.000 PrleB,Talnod at5J0,000) Flvo Hun- area xauuimuu uytM.m, . " - .. only, la Tickets, to bo sold. ? TTrtT AVBTxr Five Dollars subscribed there will be given a certificate of Id e Membership to the Monumental Association. This. cerUa cate wiU enUtie the owner thereof to an equal Interest in the lollowinff property, to bo uis- rihiitil nnarw-tn a- thft rr.O aifilLB number OI First. W ine 11 andred ana Ono Acres of Land in Lincoln (Jountr. Geo re la. on wblch are the well Known Magxuaer uwaanawpper iu. co. valued at....... .....415.00 And t.n HAvntMi Hnndred and Foi tV-Four Shares in One Unndred ' Thousand 'Xoltais of United btates Currency, to-wit s , . 1 Share of ilo,030.......................$W.003 1 .6,000... 6,000 .MJU ......... ORAI 19 -10 ' 20 100 ;200 : 4uo 10:0 "000. 20,000 1,0 0.. .......... ............ li,000 500 ....................... 10.UW 100...... . 10,000 oi... 10,000 25 10,000 10. 10,000 " . j . -. . - ..I. .. ,. Y . $100,000 Vmvn tbo First-clais Real Estate offered ty vell.lrnown uatrlotio ciuzens, vo the Confeo-- Arate Monumental Association, the loUowin i'lizes nave been selected, anu added to the foregoing 'Shares - ' . with the .Laree Residence, S ore," etcu and Four Hundred Acres of Land, immediately on the Ueorgia Kailroad, twenty miles irom Au- Kusta. .raying an annual- yieiu. vi jcuivw Thousand .Dollars. . j . 2. The well known CITY HOTEL, fronting on i UicOad . street. The building: is or Urick, threw stories high, 11x70 .jet t. Valued,, at Sd. THE . SOLITUDE - PLANTATION, In Bufcseil coanly, Alabama, on the Cnattahoo chee iflvor, with elegant and commodious inx movement d. The average rental. Bince ltK4,' nas been oyer !4even ($7,0ou) Thooaanduollarjt. . 4th. That Large Brick Residence and Store on .Northwest cornet of llroad and Centre streets, known as 'the Pnlnlzy or liaudry House. Kent two xnousana iouar.' ; b. - 5th The Rbxers House,' on Greene4 street; a new and elegant Brick Residence, in most rfosirabie portion or tnat neautuui sireet. Valued at itf,0ou,'. . -v K- , .v iia " cth-Flat B ush, with 120 Acres of Land, half a milofrom city limits, the elegant Suburban Residence of An tolne follain, Esa.i in eboU Vul no1 at I K I ill . . f ... .... 7th. The Deariusc House,; a larare and ooi modioua Residence, with Thirty City Lots 69x210 feet, nonting on .McKinne and Oarnes streets. Valued at il ,00 J. 8th. Stanton Residence and Orchard, on the Georgia Uallroad.? Valued at $5,ooj. ALSO 1 Share of One Hundred Bales Cotton. 1 . Fifty . : . " 1 K Twenty-Five 1 - ' 244 shares of One bale each. . . . The bales to average 400 pounds, and, class Liverpool Middling. .. . . - . . ' '. Ihe value of the separate Interest to wMcfh the holder of each Certificate will be entitled, will be bo determined by the Commissioners, who wiU announce to the public the manner, The following gentlemen hare consented to act as Commissioners, ana will, either by a committee from their own body or by Special Trustees appointed by themselves, receive and take proper charge of the money for the Monument, as well as the Real Estate and the U. B. Currency offered as Inducements lor subscription, and will determine upon the plan for the Monument, the inscription there on, the site therefor, select an orator for the occasion, and regulate the ceremonies to be observed when tne corner stone is laid, viz Generals L. McLaws, A. li. Wright, M. A. Stovalt, W. M. Gardner and Goode itrgan, Col. C. bncad, CoL Wm. P. Crawford, Mat. Jos. B. Cumming, George T. Jackson, Major Joseph Uanahi, oial. i. tr. uiraraey, ion. u. it. may, Adam johastoo, Jonathan Jl. Miller. W. 11. Goodrich, J. u. Rutt, Henry Moore, i- r. W. E. jjeanng. . . 2 . .i . Agents are allowed twenty per cent. They are required to pay their own expenses ; Tickets and Circulars alone being furnished to them. They will remit weekly the amounts from sales received, less their Commissions. (Mo Commissions will be deducted from aimnle contributions ) On account of the very great labor required 4 ox tne uenerai Agents, tne onerea services oi one or more prominent gentlemen, well and favorably known througnout the South, will ie accented to act with us." i Parties desiring to contribute to the; Monu ment, and who do not wish to. participate in the award, will receive a special receipt. The money will be turneu over to the Treasurer, and will be appropriated to. the 'Monument without any deduction whatever, . , ,. . , , '" I A A. H. MoLAWS, Gen. Ag'ta,". v . Ho. & Gld P. O. Range, Molntoah ttn , " ' ,u;.! , t .j Augusta, Ga. Mrs. Carlton Belt, Coleman House, N. YnMias Mary Ann Buie, Columbia, S. ' C; Hon. Jas. M. Smythe, Augusta, Ua.; Major John Dun- woody, Washington, Ga.; E. li. Mai tin, Eiq Tuscaloosa, Ala., Traveling Agents, t - -martMfflos . , i at a.; d, Bown'S, rjjHE LARGEST ASSSOETM ENT OF MIL- unery and MlUInery Goods in the city , at j - . v. . JXJBROWITS of Ribbons and ): fTIHE largest assortment Flowers in the city at r A D. BROWN'S t -A- f T r-. i mHE handsomest assortment of PARASOLS -7" in thVcity'iV x f;'i?v'7" !? J --t;ii 1 ' A. D.BROWNS. 1 J' ,3TATci ,'iiaiIT;JOa rjlHE handsomest assortment of WHITE j GOODS la the dty at ' u ' ' t ! " ' I ..- iiil .I .. ea ii. A...Df! BROWN'S. 0 iiJi rriHE largest J stockiof Klb . GLOVES in the rpHE largest, assortment o; TS and the city at' -v rati lilw vr ,9at.. T 1 v-t "X. i npHBJar, gest assortment of LADIESHAIR. FIXINGS in the city at 1 THE best assortment of WHITE TRIM- , i mi; nosiEEt . aid kof Ms in'the jjtpr7-tf Exchange Corner. 4, Uu idli'jlo G;t;i.iUunbtuJ Lotic0 fllHE. BOOKS OF REGISTRATION, will be, A,.open in-the; rourtir W.ard irom'snnrtse trf ouocew-unursaay, ana from sunrise-to 3 o'clock P. Mi on Friday and Saturday." ; f STACY Taw AMRINGE,Udv . I - t; Wm. MoLaDRIV, .4--, . M - . EDDIKQ GAUDS AND mima T gards -printed in the most eleganl w au xx na,xiT abX'd v .. w rPrintang and Publishing House, J jnSOELLANEO US. C HI O A GO ! "One Hundred and Forty firms hate testified 5 s to the preservation of their Boolci, Papers i'ijt and Valuables in the terrible" C! H i G O P IRE IIEKEISG'S PATENT CHAMPION FIEE-AHD 'BHRSLIR PROOF- SAFES Awarded the Prlis Medals tne TTofld'a Fair In Indon ; . - , At ttio Exntbltlon. TJniyeraelle Paris, and . , ; ;- v r""? ,- Tne World's Fair In New Yorh. 1-1 ! In j 'Awarded at the Paris Exhibition to the BEST SAFE IS THE WORLD X HERRING'S NE W.PATENT , -? J ChampIritljanker8, Safes X Patent hl&& and low steel welded, combined with Patent Jfrirnklinite. Proof against the blow pipe, as well as the drilL With Patent Hinged Tongue and Grooved Door and Patent jtuDoer-jracaea f lange, jrrooi against weages nitro-giycenne ana gunpowaer. t Manufactured only by. HERBING, FARBEL Ss SIIEB3IAN, -,- 251 ft 252 Broadway, cor. Murray St., N. Y. FARREL, HERRING A CO., Philadelphia.' 1 HERRING & CO., Chicago. ; HEURING, FARREL &. SHERMAN, . . ; 5 ap ll-3m Th Sat Tu-ent: ... . NewOrleans. In Store : 435 BARRELS FLOUR ; ai3 Bbls. PORK ; , 1.' C3 Hhds. and Bbbl3. Sugar ; ! 100 Bbls. CRACKERS, assorted ' ' 47 Boxes Tobacco ; 60 Bags Coffee ; , 48,000 LBS. WESTERN BACON 1 t , A FULL LIXK OF CASE GOODS, For sale low by I may 2-DAWtf EDWARDS A HAxiL. THE World's " Peace Jubilee TS TH JL Grea Ee20,03i S ; THE' BOOK to' tb 1usedVar 'tie coming eat Festival. It la now In ,the lands of .030 sinirera who are to comnoae th cnoir. The, .music Vaa carei nil v ' selected . bv the Musla. Committee, and the book will .be a popular and useful TjoolCfbr use in 'all MUSI CAL. SOO STIES, and sbould be in tne, hands or all in the audience at the coliseum. - ,lt -is" the very best kind of Libretto. " , ' 175 Octavo Pagttal ; r-:;'jPHcetr75 6euU: 7.H 1 ' Mir nri iH;wxvj:t.;i Exquisite Sonr and Chorus. TiljJ BEAUTIFUL DAYS THAT, ARB. PAST. " .i j . .is ,;-i i. . SowarA; ifik . The Hour oFSinging. By I O. EMEKjSON and W. S. TILDEN. Has .been aaopted Jrteiptly: ol7examliia tion, by1" large numberof teeracT for which its hap ppy arrangement of .Theory jsxercises, ana 1 , 2, 8 and 4 part Bongs,- ad mi.' raoly adapt it. Capital Song for Xoung Singers. - v MAxmii xjtn tm But Bun. JTacUeion. SO. . The above Books and ongs gent, post-paid, Cm FMAnt. nf rotoH ni-lna OUveipllJopd:Cd.,fC,rj.Dit:cb.; I Boston. New York. SpHHand' SiMni'ei 4. tl G',':'?O--"0'--:."D.":S-':.':! ,- it ' .... - .t J ."T. -rs-' ... i ! v ; 1inr -rfcb o' -r at jTffiMwmiwrswiniiniiiniiiuissssaijn'tiii)iwiiHiiMinHi'ii"W . . ; :. . 5' tf r Also, winner or ne wajjer of I ' ilWSiSSsijTlHBl BEST ASSORTMENT-12T THE! CITY; - " " ? t'lJ1,f " tla: SiaclA i Tit fl .It I -r136aiet'Set;:; . j $1 Z-ziri v&Zfy ... . f,!l inu1, ,!J3 iri'i r a t. - i'.iiaAA ; DToideTics,: Juaco Points, landiiat thousaruSf artudejo ,; a J';5c;nmeroitdiD3entiofi;o i im ers at thil&wpripr ' " ;' 7 j april a-lm' ty7 "JU jlaxkei sir' j ; . , OI X .. W. KEECHNER, may ttf rr, S3 aid 29 North Water BUa WILMINGT.ON, CHAELOTTE . AND 'r- -r'- ' . -ilUTIIERFORD RAILROAD. OmcB Cnisr Esaprcm axs Gkkl Sur't., ) WitimraTOJr, N. Cn April 10, 872. - Change of Schedule. -rjNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, the trains on -tX this Road will run as follows ': - PASSENGER TRAIN. I eave Wilmington daily at..;.....;, 7-ro A r Arrive at Abbottsburg..... ......... ,10 09 ' . .-' Lumberton. ...ll2i " ' Laurinbtirgh...... ':WP " I x RocktBguam.......M 3 03 r,tM- M Lilonville. 4n . L are Lilesrille at.:........ 6-i5 a t ArrtrAat RwVln.h.m A. AS . 1 . - -. v.vf uiuriauurga..,, g 45 ti "Lumberton..,. ,...1107 I- P. M. t ' tf . " . ' " - ' e . ............. oau i j On and after May 1st a daily Freieht twn will leave Wilmington at 7:15 LKaffiarrrS at 0 P. M - besides one ortwo UmSr trTilS No Train will leave en Sundays. - I ' apaj-tf "; S. L. FREMONT, Chi it Engineer and Sup't. GENERAL SUP-TS OFFICK - Wilmington, Columbia & Ar, , i guata K. -R. Company. 1 :aW"Toir,-N. C., March mti. I 71 e Of Schedule; 3f ' I 1HR FOLLOWING SCHEDtTT.TC wtt.t. GO into effect at 35 a! IL, Sunday, 81st Inst.: j r DAY: EXPRESS RAIN, (Dally.) , Leave Wilmington 8 25 a m Arrive at Florence , JijJ am Arrive at Cdembia:............: 1-55 p'u Leave Columbia.......... ,-,ium A. M Arrive at Florence...,., 4 I6P m Arrive at Wilmington............. '.-..lira p! m NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUNDAY i i:: EXCEPTED.) ;; ' y XeaVe Wilmmgton..,.i...,ii......;... :o p. m Arrive atFlorenee 1:43 . m Arrive at Columbia...... 6:45 a. m Leave Columbia..... .; 6:S0P.M Arrive at Florenoe... ...4....hk4 P. m Arriye at Wilmington.... 620 a. M JNO. C; WINDER, '- :;:n Gen'inp't. 1 mar sO-tf Vil. & VVeldbh Railroad Company,: f ha til Clm of MMnlt ON r AND .'AFTER THE SIst fKHVJVftT, PASSENGER TRAINS will leave Union Depot at 65 A. M. and 10:40 P. M. and arrive at iklO A. M. and 6d5 P. M. 4 t - . FREIGHT TRAINS, will leave tri-weeily at 7:lfi A. M., and arrive at 1:40 P. M. ' . 1 v .; , j ' EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS will leave at 2 P. 1L, and arrive at 11 A. M. ; is trains ONLY will be run. . - : - V . . rf--'; i.-.r .-' - mar 29-tf r ; . General Superintendent. 1 BAITIHOBE AND , WttHIRGTOH STEAMSHIP LINE, V j Composed of the First Class steamships BjEfiCCAlcXTOE.,.Capt. 1. C CliUd CIly..v.:.T..'.Capt. D, J. Price I Will hereafter sail fropi .Baltimore and Wil- til? i'"' -v I ; r s 14 u iih i.i UiJmlngtoa3 i 'Qti :. .EyERYFiyB. DAYS.. .. - THE STEAJnISIUP. BOLITAB Will sail from wharf foot of Chcsnut street i f I . . :a Saturday morning," May 4tkr - '- - - v For Freight enraromeiits apply to ' ... .xnayS-tf A. D. CAZAUX. 0 .Yi ,10 Fhiladelphia and Southern nateamsHiLlne. 3IHK FAST AND FAVORITE STBLaMBHlT li ti f i,lMW; Captala JP4Xg JCTAgBI.KT, 1RTJNcriIE' TDIiIiOTTTWa RCtf ED ule between Philadelnhin .ni wiimini- ton, N. C. I..-- A ; , . - I - tWSOneaaay, , Feb.7 Wednesdav. Feb. H .Friday, ,ltaihf8 SAturday . Sunuay, .21 2Thraday, , oaiuruay, March l .. SL April M Mayli 11 2C aanaay, i9(llft9il. .June 2 Monday, ! June 10 IMesdaV. .f-fV 25 Wednesday. 5r j"y22 Thursday t , . Aug. 3 tiU'.t. Y,'.xl.,n 22 TttsaayTO wianesaay. . Jaly 2 T . nrsday, - jg ID For Freight, apply to - eolT"!! v-vt"..T-n t ft - tt-'-- . v . . -WORTH WORTH, Agents, - . O 1 1 II o X . i Wilmtofton N. C. hW.fIiHXAJimnGeiral fAsrehti l soutn L 8treet,P2illaderphia. lan 27-u li ROM THIS PATE; ie rates for Trans ent Bijardersarll COjtxor.tM per day, ac oordlng to location and rooxns. Pay Bo11" V' S WrxjaTcwi$fcMarcn 29Ui,'l..; TbirC 4- 1i

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