ORNIN rr STAR; Sngday, Ma - 11 187,2. Vo Southern Baptist Convention. . V , Raleigh, Jilay 9.! The Southern" Baptilt Convention met .,ir at 10 o'clock A. .M; The Presi unt Dr. Mell, ot Georgia is detained at .m(, bv sickness. The only one of the -.Presidents present vras Rev ' J; W. Tir Williams of the 1st Baptist Church of n.itimore, whoncalled the Convention to oicnc ot the other officers and -allu ded to- the death of Rdvs. J. Bf Taylor A. SI. roindextcr, ot Virginia, corres n(j-Dfr and assistant corresponding sec retaries of the lioara ot foreign Missions, concluding in eloquent terms, . After the U3ual prelimioariea of : organization had lucn gone through . with an election.4or president resulted in the choice of J. P. Bovce, of South; Carolina,' .. t The following Vice,, Presidents were ctectVd : Kev. J. L: M. Curry, ot Virginia ; X P AbtU; of. Georgia ; Ai P. Crane,-ot Maryland, and Prof. N. K. Davis, of Ken tucky. Messrs. E.; Calvin Williams, of Maryland, and T. 9. Romher, of Alabama, the present incumbents, were elected Bec rctaiUs. Iq the afternoon session reports from theBoards of Foreign Missions, Irom the Foreign, Domestic and Indian Missions and Sunday Schools were read and re ttrred to appropriate committees ; also the reports bt the Treasurer of the Convention. Tile report of the Board of Foreign Mis sioos is particularly interesting. Rev; J. V. Norton, of-Kentucky, was elected Treasurer of the Convention and Rev. N. Lon Auditor. G. W. Bushvhead, Chief of the Cherokee Indians of i this-State;-waa introduced to the Convention, and upon representing the destitute condition ot his people a collection - was taken up amounting to $39 85. Intelligence being received that Rev. Mr. Yearman, of Mis souri, who had been previously chosen, could not attend, Rev. J. W. M. Williams, of Baltimore, was chosen to--preach the introductory sermon to night. There are nt least 250 delegates present. Ptt. Index. '-' . . " -t Grctley Ka' mention In Soatli Caro- Una. Charleston, May 9. ; A Margs public meeting was, held .at Greenwood, in the upper, part ot the State. Monday night, to ratify the Cincinnati nominations. Whites and blacks united in the demonstration, and speakers of both colors eulogized Mr. Greeley as the origi dhI ahoiftionist and the friend of peace. Much enthusiasm . prevailed. - David, Owenp, colored, offered a resolution, which passfd, as follows: - ' - - Whereas Mr. Greeley, from-boyhood to old age, has been the- unrelenting champion ot emancipation, the bestow er ot civil, and religious liberty upon all mankind, and an impartial ' advocate ot justice without regard to race or color; thereiore be it rcsolvtd; that we heartily endorso the nominations of the Cincinnati Convention, and will do all that in us lies to sustain the platform adopted and in ex tending general amnesty." " 1 ' flittrorm of tbe Woman' SufiTrnge As xociaflon. v New York," May 9. I The platform of the' woman's r suffrage" party, presented to-day to the association ht Steiuway Hall, recognizes the equality -of all before the law and tho coostitu tional amendments.; demands universal 6utirazc aad amnesty ; thorough civil ser vice reform; the one-term principle, and the election of President, Vice-President l ami bena(6n by tbe whole people; the raising of taxes only for revenue; reform of the fiaaQcistystem by" making the government currency legal-tender lor all dubts, public and private " opposes land gran's to corporations ; uelievea . m mi nority represeutatioa and graduated tax aiion, in the reformation of criminals by education and humane legislation, and in the cultivation of peace with all nations, and the settlement of all international difficulties by a congress i of nations. The Electoral Vote. - j Just now the pofi'ticians "arc figuring upon the electoral vote, both .as .jbcaring on the Preside'n tVal election aVd'onlue'atN tiD ot the forthcoming- Democratic Icon veniiun. . Tlje foliowi.Dg.is. the; jicvi,Jpc p utionraent on which such speculations are bated: . . .. . . ,:. s ', , . ,f Alabama 0, Arkansas 8," ' CaHfbrnia' 6, Counecticut 6, Deffwafe 3, Florida 3, Borgia i l, IllinpaJ Injduma 14, Iowa 11, Kansas 5, Kentucky 12, Louisiana 7, Maine 7. MatvlandTB. Massachusetts 13. If . . - z . . iicnigap 12.: MinBesota-SMissiswp ID1 O. iuuwun 10, JMorasica .Nevada i. iNew Hampshire 4, New Jersey 9, Kew" York 34, PenBSyivaDia28,JRkode:,Jslawlsiifiouth tarohna 7, Tennessee 11, Texas ,8 ' Ver mont 4, Virginiall, WestVlrginia 5, Wi'flr consia lOtdtal , JBW. ecessari - toai choice 179 1 ii ' a iu A Serlons Cactinr Affair. ' Last night a Yery icrro WrCTittrng aM? "u-urrea at tne tmandstftveshopof Capt. joud ii. Tilden, on Main street. Two of .jus employesyoung: men1 named respects tively William Boy and Joseph Brady; ea- gaged in a friendly ttfestl pr.wrestl, when .."uy inrew Hoy o-virn -This seems to have led to aVa'ngry sW tt feellog and tercatlc-whichresattwtdtaBrady's UeiDSf fceverelv Pnt - Tho.. nrrvnnrJa. o rn.Jn. I' UUUUJCa auctare.Baia-ta.DeoiA'vexy th- . y weu wctb cauea w attena : fnl ; T . .. , 7T . oraay was: taken tojri borne t 'Mr. i Case,',,, lower end dC Maift BtreelJKoy "" wn into custody. 'The youog onfea were On POOd tprma riH ntirolw frionVtlv P toibe time of the ocenrrence. Lynch HrV Virginian.- r-i ,7-.-T A GeerKla Sotion. ill' r "at, as td the Democratic Dolicv. had rv' we tne controlling oUts.CoQyentippiWhen calcd, we would sirnnlv fpltef&ia our nn- changed P"nciples,reaffirin those principles, nrtre u.Pn the -Btate'Comtaitteea 0 ''preserve bttruonyUetf '""intact; to bendall their.energies- to inn o tlan f enWcraii.congre8smett UL atate officer. Jinfc .daiiU dtfltrit th iur President t and . ,VirwPrPiH(nt. ,-hnt tty thstatmaflihetth patriot,' and ' . nt tbe i-chariaUrlii and esDoti-Mi27ro I MISOEII.AKEOUS: Pe r ryj Day I sf Vegeta b I e PAIN-KILLER' 19 IS THE MOST POPULA&MELICINE EXTANT. - I'"-. : rpaK PAIN-KILLER, fa equally "iiiijuie na emciiciousio yomigorola. THE PATjy-KILLER Is . both aa internal anJ External Remedy. FT1HE .PAIXILLl.l Ahon'd hA art X,.the flrst manifestation or cold or Cougb. milE PAINT.ITlT.T.ItT? Tw JL . to keep it In the house ready for use. rrtriE pAiir-KiLLXR i-l- I ood lor SpraiDs and Bruises. Try it. THE PAIN-KILLER ; ", ; cures the Tootuuche. THE.PAIN"-KII-IiKR 1 a lavorlte with all classes. rnnjn pain-kiuleu a . ; : X-MTlll cure ChUblains. TOE PAIN-KILLER " Will oure Cholera Morbas.' - " THE PAIN-KJLLEU ! ' -Will cure dyspepsia. , THE PAIN-KILLER ' , : Js the tiieat Family Meiicine of the Age. THE PAlN-KrLLER can be bought of youc Druggist or Grocer THE PAIN-KILLER ' -VTill cure-Painter's Colic, THE PAIN-KILLER . . Is Kood lor Scalds and Bums. - TUB PAIN-KILLER has the Verdict of tae People in its favor. THE PAIN-KILLER . v .Uiv es Universal satisfaction.. THE PAIN-KILLER- ' ' Beware oi imitations and coumtkrpkits. THE PAIN-KILLER ' Is almoot certain care for CHOLERA, and Lai. without doubt," been more successful in curing this terrible disease, than an v other known lemetty. or even the most minant Vr Skillful Physicians. Jn ladlHr Africa,' and Culna, where this dreaiiul disease is ever more or less prevalent, tlie PJLLN-JCIIJr.TCR A considered, by the natives; as well as JKuro- pean rosiaents jn ti.oee climates, AwSUU THE PAIN-KILLEXteach Kottle Is .wrapped with lultlirtctiona lor it3 U3C THE PAIN-KILLER Is sold by all Drug gists aou dealers in JTamny Medicines-.- Perry Davis & Son, "... PROPRIETOBS, 138 High Street, Providence, R. L, , . S8 St. Paul Street, Montreal, Canada, - . , 17 Southampton Row, London, Eng. Ha3DJtW2m SOL. BEAR & BROS 1 8 MarketlStfeet, V I LM IK GTO N " K , - C . . v. '. ' ;, ,,, ' - 'WHOL.S3ALE DEALERS IN . Clot hfiiff, Dry Goods, fiopta and Shoes, lints; Motions, Ac. The Largest and Best Assorted Stock In this State, and we are' also determined to have t ...... , . "" ' THE CHEAPEST - r LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS TO ' " wnoLESALE ealers; SOL. BEAR & BROS., , 30 Market Street, " ,,- ' ::.'Jlefall Dealers In CI.OT1IISG, DkT GOODS, BOOTS, sad SHOES, II ATS, Ae.t Ac We respectfully solicit a call of our patrons BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. We defy competition, Jfl .Quaty.ojr Prices. OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING CANNOT BE EXCELLED,! apriI14-tf BOL. BEAB d; BBOSJL - 3- ':l-ji Tiie Distribution OF . : WILL positively take place on the first Wednesday in December next' (1872), at Should 'all the 'tic sets not he sold, the amount received will he distributed in the onnni-Mnnil nam In t tiA r!1rrn1n.rn hflMH . jl ,i y.'u- i .t R 1 7 -7 ' And 5 tnrfiieissrveiroenHjesr'Tfae tjortltm to be distributed will be appropriated , first to the Money Prizes; then to tne Rear jssxate, and lastly ta the Shares in cotton. ANALTSISOJC, JILB SCH1CMJC t'.OO.OCO 20 per oent. allowed -Agents. v-AjttuJoJ.H3u: State Areata.iit -60.00010 lorconungentex- im.nno4)nenCrzioeott RaaLEstate Prizes. h,00 - The lJU Prizes.in Currency, oooThe m Prize. In Cotton; . . . oo,ooo avi nnn timflti tn ba .devoted, to. ha uuuuiuenw . . - . The-orlee In currency will be substituted for any Real Estate Prue; jriOnixawii on a count oz injury to the property, or- zor oincr Agents west bf the4MlS9lfesrptop-T-4;helf' Baiesonios ioin or woremoer. -jsasi oz inai river on the 20th. or JCoKazaber.' .ciS o:v.fe Estate agents are required -to be present ei- T. A A "Cr IfiiT ATfXTB .General A&rents. w Augusta,- tia. rEW AJyETlSEMEKTS? ; : OP THE'- SOUTH ?I??2!r a Bccessful start In Business Life, taught how to get a living, make moneyed me,f nterP,8lD. citizens"at EasS 5tSSte0S1'ad!lieonly ono Providing BituatlOns lor Or&dnatpji. Tntoi Preecribed course. itOO to i!2i kSai. &Da nil IMWlKnl.M U n. V i amif 1 Pres't, Po'keepsie, N. On-the-Uudson. ? niTfa1!!,? najBpeciiae for dyspeiv - , 4"uu'1 '""J' CHI! XAERAST'8 iWJwft6111 tTOifa of the seltze? Spring AVater, which. or 100 years has been in all Europe6 Cathartic and Alterative SOU? BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PORTABLE SODA; FOUNTAINS $40, $30, $JS AJ5B $109.. GOOD, DURA1JIJG A!5D CHEAP! Bhlppea Ready for Use t . .. . MAsuFAcrrrmED bt . . J. W, CHAPMAN 4 CO.. Madison-. Indiana. JaEND rQR CIRCUXAB,-OL i . EXTRAORDINARY IMPROVEMENT CABIN ET ORGANS; The M ABO I & UiKlTS ()aAir nn. winwt. fully announce the Introduction of improve ments or much more than .ordinary interest. Tnese are -- REED AND PIPE CABINET ORGANS. being the only successful combination of Rbal Pipbs with eeda ever made; . DAY'S TRANSPOSING KET.BO A TtTi. which can be instantly moved tn t.hft To-hf rr left, changing tbe .piwsh, or transposing the key. For drawings and descriptions, see Cir cular. - 1TKW AKD SLBOABT BTTLES C - DOUBLE REED CABINET OROAKS.' at ftUO, l3Aand sl25 each. Conslderintr Ca pacity, legance and Thorough Kxcellence of WorkmansniD. theae Are chtmrurr than. . fore offered. - , . in Mason a liamim organs are acknowl edged BEST, and from extraordinary facili ties for manufacture this Company can afford, and noid undertake to sell at prices which ren. uer vnem r-. UN QUESTIONABLY CHEAPEST- Four Octave Organs S50 each : Five Octave Or gans tlOO. $125 and upwards. . With three sets reeds $10 and upwards. Jforty styles, up to $1600 eich.- ., New Illustrated Catalogue, and Testimonial Circular, with oplniofes of MORE THAN ONE xuo U9AK i mu a ici ANSj sent free, i ; , j f MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO.. 154 Tremont st , Boston. 696 Broadway. N. Y. Cheap FaTms ! Free Homes ! ON THE LINE OP THE .UNION PACIFIC UAIIiUOAD. " , ; L LAND GRANT OP 1 2 i O OO, O O O A CRES . . . zar tbi - , , 'Y BEST WABXtSQ AID XISXRXL Z.A1TZ8 IK AMXKlCJL. 3,000,000 Acres in Nebraska, IS THH - GREAT PLATTE VALLET, .r the ; . , : :, ; Garden of the West. KOWFOB SALE! These lands are in the central portion of the United States, on the 41st degree of Worth Latitude, tne central line of the srreat Tem perate Zone of the American Continent, and tor grain growing and stock raising unsur passed by any in the United States. ,- utiKAf isk nr traujn, more lavoraoie terms given, and more convenient to- market than can be found elsewhere. tee Honpeais . for ;AcM Settlers. TB BBSr LCCATIOKS VOB COXOXIBS. Soldiers Entitled to a Homestead of 160 Acres. VSBB PASSES TO rUSOHASBBS OT LAHD. Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with new maps, published in iirngiisn, tierman, owo- dish and Danish, mailed free everywhere. Address . , . o F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner, U. P. R. R. Co;, Omahs, Neb. FANNING'S 'PATENT -KII-TTTING SKELETON COR&El1. ' - " -1 ; : . " Recohunendedhy " LBAPIBO PHY&ICIAKS I Should' be ' worn by all ladles who ; value 'health, and comiorj o.. recojaunendedforsozn-t , . mer wear - and warm ' i dapted to all Beasons oz tne year. ; - . i -For wule by all first i.i class dealers s . :i j VVORCXSTSa OKXBT CO., - Sole Manufacturers; Worcester, Mass. ;Chean; vA'dvertiBiiig.., Ad Verernents occunv ing oSrii rBOHOf pace wUl be Inserted zn 269 JdSWSPAPEBS,4n. eluding 23 DAUltSJ'laCM ,"' SOUTHERN STATES, i ft covering thoroughly4;he 8tates of Maryland, Delaware. Virginia, "West Virginia, N. Caro lina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mis. sissipi, Louisiana, .Arkansas, " Tennessee, Kentucky and MissourLV1- - One Month SI 4B pAiiVm. Hf ore Dallies, Larsrer Cir culation, Lower Rrtee. than any other List. Special rotes given Zor more or less space than oue Inch, ana for a longer period than one mrmr.n icnnfl.i v UToruuio uuuubuiuub uuwa foifanvaimTle.tate.YCopieBof Lists, Circu lars. Esliaiates. and full information, furnlah ed orTnpwScaon.' UE. t. HOWELL A CO.i revpaPr AaTeriZSinK aKenii, 4i EAEE HANCE for AGENTfr ArDtof Wdl par yow 1H Esreek-4 cash If you wuz engage wnn u at uj via. xi very- thin k turnished, and expenses-paid. Address F.'AvJCLLS OO:,' Chariette, mien. ZKING. JA3. A. KING. ZfKINC CON, r MANCTACTURERS ,OP, .1 -jy comm-nnlcatXoMTi6lIelteo! ana Jf money at work-fo xa than at anythius. Rnninftas Uffb t and permanent. Partio. tiiar rree. : i O. bTlNSONA CO- Fine Art Pub&iabrajPogtMe. T IT ir J n tie a t JttEDlCAL BOOK -of useful I viaii to au. Sent free - for: two manor- Address i. BoHArTa C.r.3to olnnatL Ohio."- '.'. J .. -.c IT n .JkIANttJCO-iN.f Tf.iA-UlCEi LV Bnrtr ! 3 V. i i Ui Wfc to AgentCirctoaxa tree, NEW ABVjLETISEMENTS. CUBE: that GOLD. Do not suffer your liun to become diseas ed by sHowing a COLD to become seated. Thousands have died Premature Deaths The victims of Consumption by neglecting a Cold br.AVm. Hall's B AI S A LI f SI L TJ H" GS Will Cure CooKhs, Cold and CouamsUon surer and quicker than any other remed r. Tt. acts like' magic Tor sale by all Drninrlsts and Medicine Dealers everywhere. - SljOOO REWARD Por any; case of Blind,. Bleeding,- Itching or Ulcerated Piles that Da Bora's Pzzai Rsxbdt fails to CnrB. Tt In nrannrorl a-m-MaalvtrkonvA v A. tJU J W Vrf IAA O the Piles, and nothing else. . Sold by all Drag, gists. Price, $100. ' . TRUE anlSdlciS?3 ,M!TetIC TncB-KBarka nVHS fIliP-810 ejejy T I M P ?l?.yeU.traaer boy larmer, and for 1 1L1D BVRittBODT in lieed of a reliable iiu&xeeppr. usual watch size, steel works, glass cr stai; in neat O KOIDK case, wabbaft sd to denote correct time for two roars, awa. ing like it. . 1,000 sold weekly! This valuable article, la seat case, will be sent, prepaid, any where, for i; s lor $. Try one. Circulars free. Order, only Irom the Sole Assents. P. KING A CO Brattleboro, Tfc mi Hiaviw ens i. MISOELLAKEOUS. TO THE PUBLIC An Appeal to the Hnmane. AN OrppOKTUNITT OFFERED TO BENEFIT THE AFFLICTED WITH GAIN TO THE BENEFACTOR. THE North Carolina Beneficial Association have generously offered to the College of Pnysicians and Surgeons of Wilmington, N. C, to'draw on the 18th oj June next, A Distribution of Prizes, The proceeds of which are to bo aTroronriated to the benefit of a . . ... CHARITY HOSPITAL Under the auspices of 6aid College. The in- duceme&ta to take tickets surpass any scheme yet presented to the public 'l he charitable purpose is beyond doubt, and the scheme pre- enis one prize in eigne oiaass, wcicn is zar more liberal than usual, while the character oz the respectable medical gentlemen con nected with the College is pledged for the lair and hones i payment oz every prize in the fol lowing scheme : SOHE ME. .lprizof )l, " 1 prize of prizes of ft prizes ot 5 prizes of - 47 prizes of 107 prizes of 192 prizes ot . t9Jipriaesof 000 00 In 600 0 250 0 . 104 00 60 00 . 20 00 .. 10 00 6 00 . ' 2 0J money, l,C0O 00 " ...... 6t0 00 600 00 " ..v... 600 00 4 250 00 . 940 00 M .. 1,070 00 , 96 100 k ...... 780 W 7J0 Prlaes,... ............... ...... 86,0O OO SI: THOUSAND TICKETS ONLY WILL BE SOLD AT $2 .00 EACH. manner of Drawing. Uds of baotr numbered to correBTiririd-with the number on the six thousand tickets, will be placed in tubes in a wheel, and seven hun dffid and fifty slips Of-paper, describing the several prizes, will "be- placed- in - another wheel. . Two boys, blindfolded, wlU draw sim ultaneously one ticket from each of the wheels,-ana the Owner of the ticket '"timber ed tQ.corre8pond with the namberoa .the slip of paper .first drawn, . will be entitled to the price named, on the slip of naper dra wn at the same, time by the other boy This w&l be-eotK tinned until the whole o; the seyen hundred and fifty prizes are drawn. The drawing will bwtJonQuctatrinput)lio unaer the supervision of a Committee xjf the tjolleae.' ' Tickets maV be faarf of1 Brockf ftWebb. and of their authorized Agents. A liberal dis couni;wrllJe ma?e to Agents. (.-ry. V CLIFF0ED HOUSE, . at ROOM, IN THE CITT. THE RE STJPESIOa SEGAH3 AND BOT- tULD JLQTJORSoan always be had. in oonnecuon w zxiajupioxirana yz CHEWIITQ-T0&ACC0. urnished Jleems, .by Dayj WeeX-6r Month. Groceries, Jn store and to arriveV - UOlu'y ti,4 t - j."i .'v-- V 100,000 jLLB3DttT; 8ALZ1 MJCAXd, . Is us 2d' usHiwcOBiS;; 1 f i ':.'l i;i vTTAT, MEAL, AC, AC, Ac . anril l9-awizj jjj-k wju-i Bafoer.Sliop;' TOS JTURNEfi i fwotdd fespectf-olly; infort vrmTMrravTwith-the best of workmen, to ao. commodate his customers In . all the .various: branches of his .buslnesB, such aa .shaving,' hair-cuttlngi Bhainpoolng, Ac; iu the 'neatest. T znanner sou wi m cbmnummo uuwa.w iniy. mm (nena9fmarin0yuuuy-s-nuiytiuH hA has tkorou-rhly refitted his, establishment MrB.uiure'a Saloon.' and la now1 j hop in ine city. act7:tf ; ; Baltimore Lock 'PpspitaL, J : -DR. JOUli&ONS Physician of this celebrated Institution, dis 2I!r1irbJ?nVltheS?eat Hospitals of Eu A Vo:,3glAn,dv Tmxoe and elsewhere. The certain, spedy; pleasant and effectual remedy in the world for all excesses or Abuses of the system. - , Weakness of the Pack or Limbs, Strictures. Affection of the Kidneys or Bladder, Involun tary Discharges, Impotency, General Debility, languor, ix) w alnltation of the Dimnpsn of Slrfat or Giddiness, Disease of the. Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels those terrible Disorders arising irom Solitary Habits of Youth anur and solitary practices more fatal to their vio tims than the song of the Syrens to the Ma riners of Ulysses, D lighting their most bril liant hopes or anticipations, rendering mar riage, Ac, impossible, destroying both body and Blind. . . YOUNG MEN . . Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands ol young men of -the most-r xhToeTwlsre" 1 Senate with the thunder, of eToVlnceTof niiiani watceato eostacy the living lyre, may call with full confidence v ?rr , mabriage;:' : ; t s ; ' Married versous. or Youne Me Ing marriage aware of Physical AV-eafcnesa. Los of JTocreativo Power (impotency), Ner vous Excitability, Palpitation, Organia eak ness, Nervous Debility, or any other Disauali fication. speedily relieved. . . . He who olacbs himself under the caranf TYr. J. may rellsiously confide in his honor as a eentlemanyand confidently rely upon his skill as a pnysician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately Cured and lull Vigor Restored. This distressing Affectien wnich renders life miserable and marriage impossible ia the penalty paid by. the victims of improper in- auigences: xoung persons are too apt to com mit excesses from not belong aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Mow, who that understands this subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those 1 ailing into improper hauits than by the psudentl Besides being deprived oz the pleasure of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive sympioms or both body and mind arise The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions weakened, Loss 01 Procreative Power, Ner vous IrrltaDiiity, Dyspepsia, Palpitation oi the 'Heart, indigestion, Constitutional De bility ani Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Con sumption, Decay and Death. A CURE SPEEDILY WARRANTED. Persons ruined in healthy by unlearned ore- tenders who keep them trifilug month alter month, taking poisonous and injurious com pounds, should apply immediately. . . ,v DR. JOHNSTON, . Member tf the Royal College of Surereons. London, Graduate of one ot the most eminent Colleges in the United states, and the best part of whose life has been spent1 in the hos pitals oz ixmaon, raris, zrniiaaeipnia ana eise wharc has effected some orthe most aston- i3lDUQK.curea that were ever known: many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarm ed at sudden sounds, bashfalness, with fre quent blushing, attended sometimes with de rangement of mind, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. ;; , Dr. J. addresses all those who have .Injured themselves by improper indulgence and soli tary habits, which rum both body and mind, untaxing them for either business, study, so ciety or marriage. ' ' . , . ; .i. .. These are some of the sad melancholy; ef fects produced by the earthly habits of youth, viz : W eaknees oz the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head. Dimness oz Siht, .Loss of Mus oular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Uys- pepsia, JMervous uritaDiuty, Derangement or tne Digestive j-unctions, uenerai DeDinty, Symptoms of Consumption, Ac. MJsiM TALLtY The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded. Lo.-s of Mem ory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression o Spirits, Evil Jioreboaings, Aversion to society, self- Distrust, Love oz Solitude, Timidity, &c, are borne oz tne eviia proaucea. .. . . Thousanaa oz persons oz ail ages can now Judge what is the cause of their declining neaith, 10a ing tneir vigor, Decomiug weaic, pale, nervous ana emaciate a, naving a singu lar appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of Consumption. '- , , YOUNG MEN Who have inlured themselves by a certain practice, indulged in when alone, a habit f re- d n A-n tin inarnAii rrnm nvi 1 nnmnflninnH bt. school, the effects of which are nightly felt, I even wnen asieep, ana 11 not eurea renaers marriage lmpossioie, ana aestroys ootn znina and body, should apply Immediately. - i; What a pity tnat a young man, tne nope or his country, the pride of his parents, snould be snatched from all prospects and enjoyment of liie by the consequence "of deviating irom the path of nature, and indulging in aoertaln seoret naDiu aucn persons must, oeiore. con templating -5f- Reflect that a sound mind and body are the motst necessary requisites to promote connu bial haDCiness. Indeed, wituout these the journey tnrough liie becomes a weary pilgrim age, trie prospecc nouriy aarsens 10 tne view, tne mina becomes shadowed with despair, ana tilled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another is blighted with our Own. 7" A CEBTAIN DISEASE. r When the misffuldedrand imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of A this painzui aisease, 16 wv wiwju nappens mat an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of dis covery deters -him1 from applying to those Who, irom ouucauoa auu respecmumiy, can alone befriend him.-- He falls into th hands of ignorant and designing pretenders,. who,: incapable ot oaring, uch his pecuniary sub-, stance, keep him trifling month after .month, or aaJgnga tae smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair leave him with ruined health to sigh ever his gall lug disappointment ; or, by the nse of that deadly poison,'-Mercury, cause the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease to make t heir appearance, such ai ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, noc turnal pains in the head- and limbs,- dimness of sight, deafness,, nodes on the shift hones. ana arms, uiotnesua wo ueau, .auo aou ex tremities, progressing witefrightfurrapldity, till at last-theoalaie of the onouth or the bones of the nose fall Jin,. and ihe Victim of -this awful disease becomes a horrid object ' of commuerauoa till aeatn puts a penoa to nis dreadful, suffering, by sending himtb'thar undiscovered conn cry. rjxon . wnosa bourne no traveler returns." , - . . . To such, therefore, Dr. Johnston offers 'the most certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy in the world, , :.n - , , Office, I' south FBEDEiiicit St. Left hand side going from Baltimore street, ar lew d ors zrom the corner, r au not to ot serve name and number. t -Mm" X o letters received unless postpaid and containing a stamp to be: used on the repiy. Persona writmx should state asc and send a portion ot adverUsement describing : - syffip- tOmS.. t'.i ifr. it The Doctors diploma hangs in his omcc. ";,rr; ENDORSEMENT OFvXHE PBESS .- r The many thousand cured, at this, establish mept within tne- lasi. twenty years, anaxne numerous impertant surgical operatii formed by Dr. J ohnsonVitnessed by the Rep-' reseatativeft'Of the Press, and many others, notices of whitflr have appeared again - an arain bctfiite he pob'lic bealdei his. standtng as a man oz honor and responsilbiUty.i.ar sufficient guarantee to the amictad. SKIN DISEASES SPEAD1LY, CUBED, mar lSVly ent ' . . ' - " " - Eice LBico ! - - ..... . ' i t : .-. m. J . ( ti f X i '1 jt- For sale by ee-tf - urwTIiTiAJLD BBOS. . , JlantingrPotatQeiSJ .ijiai-irtJK'.v Early Goodrich, PeacH Blows,:; w - :-... Early BoseT . " -'t.. ,3 ii "4i l"i'ii.iirt Jackson White, Inldts W sult. For saleKbjr .'itiX... . anl4-tf' ADRIAN ft YQLL2S3, jieivuuauesi, . jr a papain, Spirits, Confusion or Ideas. P Heart. Timidity. Tremblinr. Ail .. :-. i ; r.Zis Lr it.4i ', wyj Ui.ii -j jj. u i".i ' INSimANOE NOTTCEa 1 8 7 2! iMMfLm-wm-m- globe Lisiirance "Company ! ASSETS ITeld In tlio United Sliitcs by Americaa: Directory Now Amount to 83,040,449.62! North side Princess b$. between Water and Front streets, Wilmington; to whom all ap plications for Agencies should be addressed. -fybie-tf , . , . . ; , , tj . . HOlil Carolia:Hoie fcireice Company OF BALEIQU, N. C. B. H. BATTLE .....-........Preslden SEATON GALES......... .....Secretary JNO. W ATKINSON, Wilmington, Agent. HIS reliable State Company pays its losses fairly and promptly. It is managed by well known business men. Its capital and earn ings are invested in the State, and tend toward, building up and fostering the financial pros perity of North Carolina. - - - aug 1-tl Piedmont Arlington LIFE INSUBACE COMPANY, PBONOTJNCED by the UirBBKWRrria," an Insurance Journal of Philadelphia, to be "a prod' gy of success, and a model of econ-, omy, caution and security," invites respectful comparison with any first-class company. In. the country. , Its record, past and present, is glorious, 4 future honeful. and the management iake nopezuz, ana tne oride in presenting a Comnanv in a condition equal to any, superior to many, and surpassed by none. ,.-.t . ' Persons desiring Insurance, will please call on ' yj W. M. STEVENSON, Agent, 1uly&-tf SO Market St. I it s tj r a;;n c e . FIRF-!aETNAINS.' Co ol Hartford, in corporated 1819. Assets Jan. 1st, 1872, $8,400,603. UNDEBW BITER'S AGENCY, of New York. Assets Jan. 1st, 1872, $3,786,547. 31 ARUfE. GREAT. WESTERN INS. CO., Of . , j, New York Assejte t8,O0O,O0O. . . Insures by Steamer and Sail to Northern ports at lowest rates, and Issues Certificates "pay able in gold on shipment s of Cotton and Naval Stores to Great Britain and the'Centlnent. LXFEi-World Mutual' Life Insuraride Co., of New York. Assets $500,000. ' St. Louis Mutual Lift Insurance Company, of . Missouri. Assets $500,000. . . All business pertaining to insurance prompt ly, attended to by . , , - ; :. . : :s ' & ; r; L. H. 4 T. C DsBOSSET, , ! .mhlO-tf t : ,N- Water and ChesnutSts. , MISOETiliANEOTJS. J. P. BTJECEERTy j s1 ! MASONIC HAIilii Xosi 57 and 50 Market Street, . X.A AA IT V O and 0: OB. GAITS t OP THE ' BEST a J .:r 1 i OH 0 : 1 . I Leading Factories tn the United States PJANOSof ALL STYLES and PBICES to suit' i purchaaers conanuyhandand for sale ! All. inducements usually held out by Northern Manufacturers can only be had In the State at the above placet - " ' GEO. TOODS dk CO.'S F-AltLOn A1D THEY ABE . PRE-EMINENT ; FOB , THEIB CHARMING P OLO 8TOPS. - VTA-PI X UXjLWS Anu X x JTlPllSll. k i! IN FACT THBT BUlft-" . ' f,:) PASS ANY ORGAN -A ...-. - Herrtofora knownorintrqdaoed . In this city." : i.i m Call, Hear aad' See Thema 1- -jJp Ail Instrrtmehts Warranted fijr 'rive ' YAars. PIANOS TCNE1V ANP BEPjLElXj A choice selection feei.MnslAon hiina -X and fox sale-, ; ,iri- i,o mm htJtM.'w.iw I mario-tf A-iXiVXJ S..T.C .... t ' fw . . . tl 1., opiiT wffip or t - J (. to - - r: - ! I; -J. H 4 4V I 'de iti : ' ,l e ttJ lojwilwl.siiat iwjailbt.'S'B!.'? 1 iTZT'fti tu fcjasi viidi fcc-laa '

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