. V v. v :-" " ;. .: 7-v.' .: 7," 7""-''U - ''.''7" 1 - 7v'-": " ' ' 7'- - -U.-'-".': r ,'.7' -7 77V y 7- ':7.v:'' , j- 7 v7;-.; V lgBMMMMMwassssa-ss-asaais-sa - ' " Tlllf IIOKNUfG QTAIS, t - PUBLISHED DjiLT, nwripi, Dawion Bank Buildings, Trout St. . ' ' " mmmmm ' ne year, In adrance ....$7 00 a.xmoatk8,lnalTaiio6.; I 60 Three montba. In ad vanoe.. a 00 Ono month, in advance i : 7S The MorwihoStar nrlll be delivered in any part of tne City at JfirrBjnr CaxTS per week. ME'l'EOUOLUUlOAL ItCCOUD. ;. May. 13, t872L : ; ' nuic.-- Bgon- mom- Wint;; Weather j. ' -i- 7 A.- M. 29.06 70 VV Freth Filf'--! , -K 1; " M. 29:91 ' A K Freh U 11a Id y i.' 69 3 Geolle Fair . i eiiu Tern p. of day, 71 der. - - V: SioTU. All barometric readings are reduced I - jlfcrt Sirnal tiervfce'U. 8, A. Wab- Dsfartmamt R-Depart itaMT. 1 -1 Slirnar omcer. V Office ol Chief Slirnar Waahlngton.-i May Falling barometer, southerly to easterly! winds and lncreaslofr cloadlaess tot" nesday from the Western Gulf tothe LakesV with tbreatenioj; weatherr and probably . arras of raio,lrom the .Missouri. Valley, to the-Upper Lakes. Wslng barometer. jjeheaUy'clear aid plcttsant'weather and westerly u to northerly winds, from Florida northeastward ' over the Mirtdle and New-Enjfland' States. the latter ehifUng to easterly anHv southerly over the lower lake region. An area of low barometer U apparently advancing eastward toward, the, tonhwest. 7 ' . ":r Danei ous winds are not anticipated, except poabibly, lor Lakes Superior and Michigan on lucKiay. ; :T ;'7Wi Jvi . w ti call the- attentiQa ol tlie bvsineee , men of wumiugtou to the superior advantages t iteieu by . - '. . : TUB WEKltLY STAR. ff ; h an advertising medium; It has,'1 without eiceptioa, the Largett Circulation of any j?nb licittionin Wilmington; and. we can satisfy uny one that it had no equal aa a medium of eommuniCAtion with the people of the rural aistricta now trading with Wilmington. We bolicit a call from those who wish to place their buainesa prominently before the people of this section; confident that we can oifcr Inducements that cannot fail to please. -I Tb Heading- Room .' . - ' "',. ' ot the Wilmingtxn"TLlbTary Association is oikui dally during the week frBkw8 A. AL. to i'. &L, lrom s to 7 P. M., ana from 8 to 10 F. M. . , .. , :.; .7:. ' - ' .UM AVYEltTltElHl!TS. Dudlet & Elms. Children's Calf Shoes. ' D. AuDERSos.-TSewing Machines. : , ; - 4 J as. C. STKVKnaox. Asparagus. .'7 ; j. M;WiS3. The City Marshalshlp. :. Dlatrlct Convention. TLe District Convention of the ratlc- CoDservative party, for the nomination of a candidate to represent the Third Congressional District, and for such other matters as may come before It, will be held In? the city of Wilmington on Wednesday, June Sin, 1S72, at 11 o'clock A; M.' ,r' ' :..?, The Executive-Committee will make ar r.uements to pass delegates for half fare on the Railroads and Steamboats. " Joseph A. Engeliiard, Chairman. Important So the Public. Isaac Macks, 11 Market St.' would respect' fully inform his patrons, that owing to a con Umplated change in business soon he will sell out his entire stock of uoods at -a very re duced rate. The ladies are especially invited to call and examine" the same.' See regular advertisement in an other column. tf. 4i( The Monpmept to the Confederate Dead Appeal .for Aid. ( . . i .-, : The Ladies Memorial Association of Wil mington, N. C., having .completed the erec-' ticn ol a monument iurTp.the Confederate Dad," no -tmake, their last appeal for aid. Twelve hundred dollars is required to dis charge balance "3ue, on payment for same, which amount ihey felt justified in exceeding ! the funds on hand that they mihj. procure such a monument ti would be satisfactory to all, satisfied that same would ..be cheerfully made up by those who , desire ; to? honor 'the memory of the Confederate Dead. 1 i The reislDgjrf these ..funds t were deferred uutil completton of monument, believing that persons would- givemoW ' cheerfully' '4iad liberally knowing that the work was com pleted an. no farther etlT would be made. The pubiic Will .be sclJed1.ifor, subscripj lions. All who prefer forwarding or banking their offerings (o.MrSj t)r.J'hQm Trea3urer, Or any ctherWkmbe -ot the assotralron can do so. 8uttcrtpUo try will be cheerfully received and acknowl rtKritKfyf$j&&if&. W the association, to have all participate 1 in the erection;' of this' monument,-Wh!ehistd the dead -of 'the' Cqh-:J lederacv wherever thev ma v lia! " ' . ' i i. Sunday 8licb xcurslon to Wacea- iuaw Lake. There wilt be a Sunday School excursion to Waccamaw Lake BnWhitsvtileThursdsy May 16th';" ISTi.TindeV tVmanagemenTDrjtlie Front etreltMJ E.SuhaychooLPersdhs wishing to Vrjay a'dl Iu"thlsSray can 'obtain tickets of Messes. Parker Taylor aod C. B. Sehulken, at Mri Helasbsrger jBook -tJtore. ikkets 75 cents, round trip. Special arrange dent made with families by calling on agents. ihe train will leave Union Depot precisely .v. auo oifcefc vara wii u-o; jhib- ; "v" v yuiuu epQLior uajjravc. 6b Probable Patat Affray Between Wll, iinuiuir vjoiorea jnear at coiamoia. We learn from the; ColumhW vITrrfofr'that a difficulty occurred on iTiwffdyjtetweeu two colored men at the dvi?otof the.,' 0; and A. haUrpad, la that cityj In? whlchrene of ihem w8 8eriodsiy,lfdt':fafaIrylitahbetl. there wr several colored men in Thepartyt ill ralT. foad men, am) on.thelr way romlhls city to Georgia. The wounded' -manV In a, critical condiiion. .His assailant escaped, and had not - aarrcle4Mskaimota.,TheJlames of le parties are not lveu..'j rfli' orp JL rrlauac and Bk PaMr. ; :io?-f. i We can. farnisli printing -paper, in "small a.uantlties, say from two to ten reams, at reasonable prices for all strictly cash orders, we have on' hand thd folldwiniar' sixes' of newt viz : 22x31. 2ix38 knd:a4i5s. iAW Una' Book taper 24x38 and 25x39 ) and a good assortment Vl otaer papers and caxds, io I , , : tf 'Ife ' 7 . "7TY:T-V 7T7 7''P ';rZ'i'X i FtZV-:'cO::ji lit ;t rv ; rWi v, ; - - ; ;; ; . v bates of, adyebtisihg 1 . " v.- .1 I I -i f I fti : ;.I I L-: A: t i I - s 4 i I lil l X II J I I Lf . - . - it Vol. Z-ITo. 45. Loeoi Ooca. Thre were a large number of visitors; to OakdafeCemetery on Sunday, the new monn mentlrelngnhe principal attraction. ; --Tod. HC4ldwell,-RepublIcan candidate: forG ovcrnor, Is expected to tell bis friendsKin thl kt t- . s . . .... ' I um lilt hiihl fin irnnvi srinr tAittiA 1 Thursday, the 23rd InsU; a , i V .. " wwa LiVlUlW9 tVU 1 We were ahown some anan-hMn. dar. which were taken from th o.n f m 8amnel Yopp, W this city, ad art thVflrst of I v v iu 1 uouw nvHsvuf cu i o if o ara aware k -The only case before the Citv Con iMit ' mnrninn v ni I ra's diarged the pVytoUtVcS" m.UT., , --sv, -, r 'aJUi?uK cuis.; a fTi"" icaru LOf re. Was a lauiirA 1 n mabinrr nti I HCnecesary wmbir Mjgo' on the fishing 1 . . . -5. - "uuou Kiuyuua taay Uhtr.lP -wUIJUi Mnaequsnce tt post- poned? "'kX" k" C5-'Lv K.L-- i Capt., J, M. Wise announces himself In tootber eolamo.as a'-candldate for'tbt Doiition of City Marshal. See his, card, , la. which he gives the public a decUration'oi 'the principles which will govern . bis actions -should he be elected .-.?.r . ' Don't forget the grand exhibition to come off at the ,Oper nouae, Wednesday evenine. for the' bentflt of t!ie Sutiday Schools. It de- servers crowdedhouse, aside from the benevor J lent purpose to be subserved. Go and see iw I We had anotmsr good season of rain yes terday, which will be of. iaeUroat)le benefit to the garden s and gro w log -crops.-. The severe thunder and lightning with which It was ac companied had; aTnaterIal tSect upon V.the' atmosphere. - The new. Florence Sewfn Mifhlni 'th i 71 " T , . ! TT . rm:- a f ao r ImMAw. An J M at a ar w. 1 u1 -wy, .in , wis issue oi ine I n wf BPW,?f anything we tVjr?? iW WJ!.05W.U8 cQne. t Sk A a I W a. a I . . ft f -. .a I baa what is known as the'reTerslbla 'noiseless ndlnIghValld 'examine a specimen at Mr. Anderson's Store, on Market street.; . . .j i,m -' 'v,;.f r : OaaUme-.Uur7.i.--.'i juini i vm-?". - . .. 1 I l - i . , V I The . following 'cbmDllment! from" , Mavor -..'-'. " ' -' . ' " I Aianin to Mr. t. c. servoss. City-Clerk and I Areasurer, is.snchsan onetaaipdhlW officers very.rarely : receive from thelri saoeriora. and should cefUlnlv rba considered . a valuable r..v-nir s th.t -.r,ti.ma . - j Matob's Officx, May 13th, 1872. . -v . . I That. ? ' rrn?tlq, -y 1Wurt DXABSra: In taking leave of the oositi aAilsmi'in taking leava of th n!Mrtni of Mayor, it gives me great pleasure to write I to you wuai x eaia to ine retiring Board 01 Aldermen, on Satordsynight. ' , After a most "Intimate acquaintance of over two years, occupying theameoffle-roomi cannot but express the satlslactlon with which jvw uavu ava ivi auwva juai uuu.t ao vivrn, KM1 Treasurer ot the city of Wilmington. .I have round you attentive, industrious, careful and honest. The confidence I have reposed In you duly qualiiied and appointed a Mayor to J less than you eafu,' and hold on to the differ has assisted very much in lightening the heavv I serve the citv for the ensulnar vear it now be-I . ,... labors of mv noaltion. and. 1 am tir-. ha inl spired. In the public mind, respect for, and laim in, me city create ,. i - Very respectfully, - ' - .. a ... - Sixas N. Martik, Mayor! . .-t '-7 ,i . iw. The Evening Post. The lbrt of this city ann'ohnces that with . its last issue the Semi. Weekly will be dlscontinu j u, uu kUBt wm us Dutwcuu iu b icw ubjo dj iMfwingtw. an auernoon aauy, ana tm - w, a weeaiy paper, ootu to oe puuiisne m the interest of the ReDnblican oartv. Mai. J. aw,;-. -tu k- r...t- wAUa. wD-.r.M MannwUtbeMatiaglng Emtor.P. Caa- adayBusiness Manager, and' the services of - - -f - - I Journali as ; Commercial1 Editor J have been a i been secured in theeame'capaclty on the new daily. MaJ. Mann . has .had much rexperience in ne newspaper -business and is. a writer oi ability. Mr. Canaday will no doubt do justice to the managing part, and as to Mr. Jopp! he Is loo well known in the community loreiittlrf anv notice at our handa.. Wa wih the ner daUy every pecu niary success. , 1 ?iJe j at fc BatehjOaue of Base Ball. r- "r 3 The gf and match game Mk he Athletic and Gate City .Base Ball ClttUW- hi. city will come off at the.,usual: place .4M- aiternocrn. commencing o cioc. wej . - - 1 rn - t learthUhhandsome flixi and Jft)l to be presented to the wining nine have not yet rived; but. thit ; the presentation will! place atefrisbirrjjerfl Book: B tore on .Thicl- day aitarnoonaLSjo'clock. It Is the determi nation of the members of the their VeVel best' oh' this x occis! gsms;wWnrtsbeva-vet)interes ComforUble seats will be provided for ladlrtJ'Aidrmenraingcr, , be present. . . Innn.ilAh'fnt t fnin frnni thA ttPTinl I'i- ln-Snnday?i"paper that the $65 25 collected by the Lady.j of the Memory Association; was more than sufficient to pay for It ithe monu- ... . . . .. ..... 1 iriifi jnenVc . AJearnaiocaiaai wis was iot a special and pressibg purpose; tudthat there Js about $1,000 yet et necessary to be raised." at: Books Openedi ... .... .... w. . j v westuea m anrass rw suw .yiuwu opened rat the First N atiousi uaniriDr tnerac - commodatioa 1 of persons who wish to sub- scribe toaha -Seashore, Railroad. We slMel i ' i --aa-a-aa i .Mfirr' i i -mat Tr-BVRH r wiava r j r . . . - r f : 1 . . a? . 1 flnvH TH memorial rand. . that In the' ahenW"if DTOPgni IP town anu lougeur u jtui The gentleman: who gateimi She informktlon n TIi. MTPrf Ute4v: :nl day.&arged witfr the mtrrder v of .Miss lnenc5ecoiK Srnc Mgar riaiMoaike?t.Wised oii?Satu 4 .HWJsP -thWountyr BntiinfeiMBlriaiid - we ii . M?t?Ar v tight to Alderman. , . 7 f -bf . ..ndeistniWecolfesse4 bokilkil lnanotetp uspf,ypstefday'sdata .VA Wrong :;.-riL.Art v cAideian Brink, the Mavor k. f tha- lakafetrtw.vAfv other- i r- - ki annii whb aa mici atwvat . mwj w w mm w wa i learn lhaLaJki,wtll alaoTbekept for thateurvLnaya (rj0nov1ii wrJiao 5.utuK pose at. the office pf .Messrs, Co on Front street. Poatpoaemeat. 1 The Catholic Fair did not open last night as adverttoed Umrfsy V paper, In conaequence OI tne lnawuty Ol tae UMiico iwnnrw For Bale or Jtent. - ' ''"T N ' ' 4 If you have a house or farm for sale or rent, advertise' It In our new department, head of For Sale or Bent." at half of our reg -I' .u....: iir rW-IomIth & The quesuov arrangements In time, n ww ceruiniycom- Treasurer, and posjpoee any turner U4d-aUsdra mence at the City-Hall this (Tuesday) evening, elcctioa until, next, meeting,,, Lost i Ayes,ft awbtaMwireab Pierced wheW wohopeto see' 4 large attendance. niyTt; -: - "J- " - Vz . :lVJ;:"l I : V - "..". nlhenrtovedaaaS arnanaw imttf4tw-l-tr WKHlervr:fi mar rakes. ur auTerusements not cx.ctwu.fc :n er;; - . . live ImesV . " S ; J.JTheithreJ-.Uwyea ' ' 1 : -.,,......-, - .a :, ... 4' ' " -i 1 . I HATTl&Snn- Ttn WILLIIITGT01T, IT; C, TUESDAY, nAY;i4. 1872. "A OF A1LDEB9JK31.' v- ! 'v Tbe T3comiH8r and Oatfiroine Boarif- I u Addresa of Mayor Marti a and Mayor '!jfFweeo4lBs;s) "prttae Board, AX lo o'cjocir. A. M., the pSembere of the Jl t '3 ' - - I mn nnnrn ni a i nprm on mnr at ThA 1 n 11.11 1 w u a.aaf 9 bUO VLf AXftii." I No baainess appearlng'.tbe Board aajourned I " B, ' T' ' :.V i. . At 11 pclocke pew Board of Aldermen , - ' - - 1.- - . -.j , met and were called to orl by Mayor Martin c .iiaijvr.ajLarwii.iBn anuoiigced mat It bavins: been ceritifled to him that the f olio wiurnamed persons were dulyelected Aldermen to 'serve f the city of Wilmington for the' ensuing vear. ltt de frm d Prescribed by ,the ?t amended ehaitp.r. to wit? JtmM wiinn nV-l Kntn.r T3 a.. t t i tit tt 1 Thmibur, F.W; Kerchner;!. B. Graiiigerj John vj. ueyer, iv . Kadciiir and JK. K. Brina ; they- wera then requested come forward and take ini anfitMih. nn(r.i ih ; , Hou Edward I Can twelthen proceeded to 1 administer the oath, which was'.snbseribed to I by eacli menbe'r of the Board. The Mayor then put the question, "Have each of you taken and subscribed to the oath .fcach member an3weredr ". Yes," ' . ,t The Mayor then asked, M Is it the pleas nre of the Board that a Mayor be now Vpr 1 Pn't0 act! '?rvtne' ensuing yeardr, wlli I the; Board ol Aldermen receive the seal andJ enecis oi me city 7"--'-ij 1 -' - -" To whlcbsoBwer was made that they would now proceed, to appoint a Alaydru, :7 Qol. E. R,; rBriak; nominated James Wilson, Esq., and Capt. C.lB.' 'Grainger dominated F: WKerchneri Esq.lf The. roll was called when the Cleric annon nnpd thA vnt ii fnHnv v,:i -i-,..t 7.... . ... w . "V - :Own BurBey,.., Rnmley, . W. ; 1L, Thurber, r . 7 - T Joe. JL Sampson v Fotf F. WtlKerchner-R. S. Radcliff, L B. Grainger, James Wilson, John C. Heyer-4. - s For L B. Grainger (not in nomination) F. W. Kerchner. ; ; ; . There being no election on this ballot, a second ballot was had with the following tt' ... suit: - - e j ; s . . , t Stcond EdUot For-: James s Wilson E. K. I Stcond JSaCo. For-James s Wilson IV R, Tt. "r T T.r" tit rr mi -riu wwwourac, . uuiicjr, yy. u.. auup oer, job. j-. pampsou--o.::v . , . ur . . xverenner xv. ; o. -waacuu, a. d. Grainger, John C. Beyer 8. For L B. Grainger F. W. Kerchner U i- v I ILf v TUlaN ti tt a-'Anaad An YriA laaf talls I irom voiing. Mayor Martin then announced James Wijson; " choice of the Board aha"duly appointed to serve as Mayor for the ensuing year. Aldermen ,P, Rumley and John C. Meyer were requested to escort the gentleman to the unatr. ;'.;..f..'.uiT. - x.in-'. ; -6Q retiring Mayor Martin spoke as follows To Vu EonordbU the Board of Aldermen and the Mavor of the Citv of Wilmington: Having -nmpa mv rtntv to tranafar to von thaae-l. re: ords and property Of the city.' . in retiring irom the mgn position to wnicn my fellow-citizens have twice elevated ine, I cannot frtrheai- to ernreaa mv thanka to them. I also thank those who have aerved.;upon the Board of Aldermen and .who have ao strongly m"WT?Z!?l -ftr-. to the officers and employees of the city, who - -- - Y - " . 7 '7 - itis afeellng of pride to know that our good city has prospered and ia dally owwic inl,r . r-. . . f . T weaitn ana "consequence.", ;we nave .great ms0fl to be thankful for exempUou from 41a - aster. ..Or4er, has pievaUed.;; Health and proa. -. I.- ir - . i A I. u t k .rfutmHAn nf the imin- vear. Inaugurated to-dav. I hooe for much eood. - Many of the members f the -new: Board , haveng: exoerlence In the man- SgementOi city anairs.. x can say, wun m my heart, God blesaand prosper the city jpf wu- I mra8Wn and its people. i.., 'fo which, the newly elected Mayor replied, I tKMnir the Board of Aldermen for the hoifdVl c&fered upon hint.' Mayor Wilson, thenicom- Alimented the administration of . the past two - iUA thk abilitv-and lntereslt'dlsphtyerin m& t,W : 5"! Pu a TlTC BHII E.J 1 M aa i w -p v - - .,-.- 4,4,.,r(, .4; t aa too po w xettrimr kwei -Itx-llayor Silas N- UB UbTT ww.w w. TM" 1 '?.(.-.- ttt inrn nn fipcunn nr fTitv'1 Was' Hbwed .(6 vote aV Aldrmn,Tau Sej then recorded "in (eieclioh iOa motion oi AJaarinan xsxiuieyiinMaTor was afthorixedta-appolnta Committee oj thrpa to receive appU(Uons.f or office. i . " i - a L.ajMa-a-.a -w aw -w - -mm w w . . .. -l .-k. . k -i - - - -.t . - 7 - iirr . ijiMnmVi .VJJivMearisonee becomea tjonvmced,' from long -ex- Aiuermau - ")0"uk" 5 o'clock Pi M J-Ositiayss o, nays o. 1 lu.min HnmiPT movea a lecesa ta --- rr-.-f.". .TJuiolf; i:rrT 1 o cioca ua Tcu-ft. i 'f)J AldVf man Brink movedras an amendment, i .... ... . . . . t .... . lOoloct.tnia- morniaBva-oai:.: ayes be i trthtaThle2VadtIce. f aJ 1 Afv .mCndmenr was offered by Alderman- axa ura uwt ' a f I I KUmiey S UUUUU, it n o ivat ajmv, uajou. . AldermauSampsbif then'nioVell ToY -eesa (iifiier' to theeffecl that'theBoard pre'4dTjnVigoratin i Wtnth election oiaAiiy ALaniuu ana a yuy rr.;. w--..olntieiJ that the lwral adxlcebd .. ... .:L vtoVpnN tn Trhpthftr thMavoiT ?P?5 in the resolution lttvof:.-'Amehdmentee ;TV1 J't.at rnthW!i H. BERNARD'S fsli re Homo Geo; Davisy Wm.- Wright, Esq., and" M.-London, Esq. -5 ? ; ,4 ' VThe'resoltition was then passed,' when ; the Board tok a recesiuntil 8 o'clock this (Toes. k.w.AIX' A m mm vu w cnui iif nr aim fMini a . - " 1 , - - We would call the-attention of the public to theXQTRQ STAU's cUKZeifor short adyer- tisements, especially for the accommodation1 of liie griflg demanitor the IpuWicaUon of -aw ijcv l0l "jo?Te1me,ltaP,"hta 55aracler.can -be reduced to five, lines s space. and the charge for them being but half our gST'J?? f't f2' . .This offers increased inducements, for ser- vants wantinP' T)lapeR for farrvlliea wlRhlrifno- farmers JATitfg; torse, or a; wy f " . " TDff:" -" " ;v:r ;,-; tr" tenants; and tenants wishing la'oris to ise .tfie Mobhiko Btab ss,a medium 'for comma. ?kicatisr h ttfe6pTral "but unkno wn ctxs-L tomera, jf'--''C"y'1'' '" - Uv 7?'to"'ekfePe can also make,. equal" avail of these''rates"for short advertisements, to invite Public attention to :any specialty Hn trade, or classes, is coastatitly increasing, and llluatrates Ofieof tbo-ways m which modern cmlizatlen la flavlDg time, labpvand mofley, lu carrying' Our Chip Basket, A sprjng sulmay! had, by "knocking a UUU UWWU .LUIS UlUUVU. 9 rr- A DEtroit4ady .at a sale of unclaimed ex press packages, got a pair of knuckles and a burglar's" jimmy." ! '- Miss Ida Greeleyi' whose" father Is, some what known as the author of a book on farm ing, was educated In a convent. Li The woman that maketh a good pudding in silence is better than one that maketh a tart reply.. .c.!&:;.,i r.The fashion i.Of -rthe ' ladies -Dreferrine . " . ' " buttons to hooks and eyes ;.hls thrown hall a million of capital tu Massachusetts .alone out I '. J - i ui. ciuiuy. . ; ,r . , ,: i . A fssUpnable 2 ewYorkdentist disgusted a'taUent recenUv . bv .telllnr him.he need not open nis month anywider,- as ne onia perform' the pending operation from the out-; 51 A man' In Missourf recently, Ty .mistake, ran away 'with his owhwlfe. She was dis guised in a lancy ball-room costume, and he didtiot recogaiziher for some-time. "The deuce" Is not in oath IV is the expression of disgust : which' escapes a card- player when, hoping for. the ace, he turns up one spot too many. T$ grow rich, earn money fairly, spend I RuCB. : 1DB nres iaes muBcier wis bccouu bci- ence. control, and the third brains. cpTTTTR HP TTT'RfPT!'WTTr"t' I OAftliO Vi f UAA AilllllX.. 1 Charlotte 13,iea8tinp: Off, HBW Irish potatoes. 7' ' 1 j ; I " Washington .has t W ibuildinp' I associations in successiui OTeraiiou, ; r, TIia OrftAnahnrA . Patriot, iawa iv ii.- Tn nn fa lonVin-. I KIIIMIIIIIII t -r -"rrje..:.. ; ioir-'jiJ2 v . - The Mes&enaer sava W'e hUAL .WT!!-WJS S F :- v. -v-a-- j - v The railroad BOW beinff - DUllt Lfrom. Jamesvilleto WashiDfftonwill pro- bably pe',cpjnpleted;byiext iTalL f; .! , .1 r-1 ' "'r. - non.: uoim tn jrresr? deht 01 the receijt QreensDoro-ConVeiltiqn, w a delegate to the Borathern Bapti8t!Cpn: 'tentietf.iii '7 77 --"! ...I j f 3T' X. .'JT. Curry, -said to ! haYe been the Dlesf mania th U.S. Con- fu.fUat body, preacaed it Raleigb;Qn Bun- dar77r7;w: ' h7'. :. . vi ,,,, Vt At Av I -K-nv .nnrtadArl thatMr: ArPnlleP Crane is 1 . 7 , . - . );.r. the tlest singer and finest lookingelegiter i'Jevin0a" neat; fipaxtldgecOmbe" , : - ' . - . George Graham, - Oolorecri ! wiats iuBti&tkm - 1: partts7veral.' I other negtotift are sus- 1 - .,. ,..,. ,, I TEU5xraA.Cj . TILE TltWACSttfT OF THTJTDJ f a nation as clear-headed as the Amer perlence and observation, that an arUolepos , sessea superior ex efice as a medicine, not i - t-t - - : : ? leas SQBtrum Tenders' "'la ' the nalrerse can ..Aw V.n.w I .i.' ,r.Tii Aa o al.w lM WHtwv'! ISSWiiX I liaCXOO xum'a noia upon uw; popaiav jbih. wvui eotd Water niatrlbea which the advertisers of fermented slope Mrltnout a parucie oi ait ho,", are so fond f, launching against aloo holio preparatidns. The public knows very welL'thafc'thia peerless renovant-ana tonlo 'h? f,iiprhd 'most wholesome does contain spirits, put. . aiao- aw.u t wuv w m w w mr - . . - . lb I !TJ ji vTi :ju; i : ".ul Jrii-- " 8?eJ L !iS?S!"p,?w: JTtH1 Sed2nios Tn Th' Sat ent " ' mating and PnhlUh1giXprig3 ; C1r1 .rrnro - I Wholo ITo. 4,449 The City lilarshalsl -hn RiiTlnAiHmi.-'.. . I'.lTc - " ' it n im v n mv Witt m t vi xn-un ur WILMINGTON: consideration as a candidate for the position ut uyjuturaau, rewgiiL2J.ng uie lewn Ul&t tha tax-payers of the city demand of those whom your votes shaitzoiotne with, omciai distlac tion . lfifc A eeropnloiia-regard "ircfrtt - ..uu -mm Kiiminun ln JU1 HUlVIra per- I ra4iln a.Wa ... - I vu...it vv wo uretwrriunn nr t. n Twm Hnri Z7 : 24vi KJl morality puui uo' iay-4 iTii mLrS.i. n.Dorainai positions i 8rl That thTX)lltlcal thnmTwjf tw nvstmi I f"..1??" shall elre lacev oa con- vSSESSSg, Tnole speci-iuuy yours. WI3E. 71.e j XatestT! Improvement i in rpHE NEW. FLORENCE iarthe moat tmiple "JL and perfect machine made, has the re- 5u, is noiseless aaaruna' ujy Sold on 110 Installments, .a H. rz, U ...,(' I.. ANTjERfiON. General A gent, 51 Market street, raayH-tf mimingion, n.v. Children's Calf Shoes; CiBlLDBEir.s'iPlSD1 SH9ES,'; 1. Justrom the Manufacturer, r - DUDLEY A ELLIS, .mayittf -. P iSlsmoftheBUrBoot. ASjparagus ! Aspaxagiis ! KC BTJNCHES, 4wl I . perfectly fresh, , iL For sale by J AS. C. 8TEVENSUN. ktna-14-tf ' Express Steamboat Xine FOR FAYETTE VIIiLE. r 1 i Th Firsl-Class Iron Steamer, ; D ; : M r U-i JBL - 0 ill. I S; 0?N- ' AI.OKZO GARRISON, Master, , xaiLi leave ror jrayettevme every wea- 2 nesday and Saturday at 8 o'clock P. M. Returning, will, leave Fay ettevllla every A'uesaay ana raaay at 7 o'cioc-: a. jo. 1 , rrrr r f; aMMM-aM , '- -r . Tlie First-CIass Iron Steamer vv jli. . v. -aj- - t-f; :-- . , WM. SKINElt, Master, ' L 1 leave lor" Favetteville every Mon- ; ; aay ana xnursaay at a oxiocb: x. m. Returning, will leave. Favetteville every Batoraay ana w eanesaay ac v o'cioca: a. jn. f The Boats of this Line have justbeen over- nauiea ana reuttea, ana are unsurpassea -on the Klver tor. speed, comfort or safety. No drayage charged on goods consigned to this Line to be forwarded tnrougn vviimlngton. WILLIAMS & MTJltOHlSO(t Ag'tS. r D. WILLIAMS A CO., . I ; . aprll 27-naclm . Agents at Fayettevllle.- Bunding Stock Waittefl " FEW Shares of Stock of WtLMlNQDON rj. ........ r,ti . .tU"-f '--- RrtrT.tjTVo ARanoT a mow vr Awnm. Apply at this office. , ap,23-nactf. Saddlery fcO ii i. J A LL KINDS OF SADDLES;' HARNESS, op '?' '.:. fir? :",' -!ffn ; " I everything In the line of Saddlery G?odfl afi'for casn at ; r-.o .lo.'s . ai ;;.! , XUUflAO, J.JWV AULAU UAUl Aher cheap i J. S. TOPHAM & Ca'S, - No. 8 South Front St., , . 4 i ... Wtlmingtan, N. O. ' i lebS-tfnao f Wanted Immeditaely ! TWO TURPENTINE . DISTLLLERS whocan make PALE Rosin; .. ' v,..e Constant employment and WAGES SATIS FACTORY to those who can'afi thef bm. . f ; c , , . HAJSTIN HALLETT!! WmciasTOir; April 17-nactf m::t ; j , t )-fUJ i Tliei)triliuti6n f r t( (Mttte'jfflmMselieiiie.' . II TILL tKaitivelyi take Place om the first tdvelvt take place om the first esday in December next Q872L at jangusta, ua,-j ?iit ia envxx'r.wpn Should all .the tickets not bo, sold,! : the amount . received will be distributed in the proportions named In the- Circulars between Ji AXJKr JJAtjrXl JOU.XUX1 A i -riootIl ha ?- ii c r?t 'i-l r.r l'-f ih ?";!-;Jtrs ! And the necessary expenses. The portloi be distributed will be . aptrrotrlated flrs the Money Prizes:. then to the Real Estate, r ANALYSIS dF THE SCHEME.. 'iolv ioo,ouo 'M per cent, aiiowea Agents. 0 ! c: j.e6a-JS uortyixi(.-q Mi) estate-Agents. , oo,uou m . ,.;.;v, , lorconuAgenp e-x- penses. -' -" ' 130,000 owners' price of 9 Real Estate .'lOO.OOJ-.TnS 1,744 Prlies In Currency. uuo-rne-z4f rnzes in uotton. m eoi.- 150,000 - sM,000 profits tbV. deybted to the . ,.,..v. v aionumeni.i !-;''" i 0 The price In' currency, wfll.be. substituteci tn anv-Rflal Katate Pr&e; withdrawn on ao- L coont-olirijury to the property, ox xor other t w;tnolsslssrbtifsMtf their sales On. the lfitu of November. East o that: river on the oth of Nqve-Bber. j r. ' State Agents are requirea to do present ei ther In perso-wr by legally appointed Attor- jeysat the. Dlstnoupon. r. t - 1 i v to.Tt.-I.-i iJ j.-. Qenerai Agents. may o-vmos , r -. 'y. r . - r ..p - loci 4 J" ; p it , l. H jb j . J? a J u . f .SAtt EVKXT WxOTOlAT;Ajn S AiruicpATv . ' . Passengers booked to and from any Railway Station or Seaport In Great, isritaln,- IreLand, Norway, Sweden, DenmarkvGermany, France, lollandi Belgium, and the United States, v :- s a2ALpivlE9T,CTREir Cabin fare from New York to Glasgow,' Liv erpool, Londonderr or Queens town, 7 a sad . AfJtAXXB lSUJCX-VJt AAI JUXU.UXtA. - Parties sending for their friends in the Old Country can purehase tickets at reduoed rates. Foxfi oruier; oaci) - Reapxjnsfble Ageats W-nled in town v i aa ih.ua vt m particulars appiy 10 tne kgen.ts. C28 Square one day, 1 0 : - two aava,.,.,... ....,.... 1 w ";r j tlirea.day,........ ........ sot nredays,.......,............. 8 00 nil . . 1 n 1 M Contract Ad-varttaAmfrntM t&Vrni a.t rrro Portionately low rates. Obituary notices ' Zteliglons; Fnnaral and be inserted at half rates whenjpald for la advance j otherwise full rates Ssg Txxxs Cash on demand. Caltfonua j and Orange Butter, a ENGLISH MILK, w v VIUM&CBUUU JuvuauuB . r-y-i -t - " " a mSMMHW- KtUIWKIlV ES S . jm.. t mu3 QUINCES, ' PEACHES AKD J?EA3iS A.T :$6 00 PER i t ' maylitt H and IS So. front Street. UAVSi LI&0, OPERA HOUSE, : )v '.i"i!.f "ii.) . .. 1 SUNDAY SCHOOL BENEFIT. -: '5 f)Gmt ' Stertojtioor Eilllifln , OF sfeeiaes' in- En gfaad," 1 France, Scotland, sentlng many of the most celebrated Palaces. Cathedrals, Monuments. Works of Art, and other objects of interest in the Old World, the whole forming an entirely novel and most in structive entertainment, which has received ma uiguest euoomiuma rrom the clergy and press throughout the country. One half the proceeds, wiu rbe ; donated 1 to the Sunday n Ticket may be bad Of the Officers of the Sunday Schools and at P. lleinsberger's Book Store.. .Ad mission s') cents i Rirnria.ir Rhol scholars and' children, under 12 years, half prlce.71-! ( Tr i M Doors open at VA Q'clock exhibition com mences at Mi may ; ' 1, BEAUTIFUL - STRIPE -ALPACCA OO ATS, WHITE! MARS. VESTS. ii.-t.'j iT t.:i 3i..:il? M,'a ; . 1 Business .:i Suits, f . t t - 9 S GLOyESTlES. AND HOSIERY, . At ijovscO iMXTNSON' CO&,' may 12-tf . City Clothiers. t ST, THOMAS' T 1 CATHOLIC "FAIR. 'I 1: fTlHE- LADIES of St' Thomas' Church wIU X hold a Fair this week in the City Hall, in behalf of the Sisters of Mercy of this city. The Fair will open on Monday night. 18th of May, and will be continued on the following Tueaday.Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights, i The citizens of Wilmington, and es pecially the many who experienced, in sick ness, and In the pest days of Yellow Fever, their seir-sacrinclug care, are earnestly in vited. may l&8t i?. BUNTING, Auctioneer . .tiah IlbiJ'j --r. f.-"f --lii v-i --.- v---, t By BUNTnya fc mcquigo. A T Exchange Corner, on, Wednesday, May 15th. 1872, at 11 o'clock, A. MM we will of erfortflale. oao : aioip-in U si. u ' - i . i5 Hi lirffi&X Acres, of Xaid, About two miles Soutbof Wilmington, on the river.. One crop ef Turpentine Boxes on the place, and half of it suitable' for Truck Farm Ing.' Terms at sale. - , . may lWt If 4 i I u r Sundries. . ; REAMS STRAW PAPER, r t4 Ci Ci fX Manilla bags, -YWCSES SARDINICS, ! t- CRATES TOILET SOA For sale oy. ,.,,. v.' ; ' 7" ' J-7-' i-r.-W. KERCHNER, may 12-tf ( ; F 7. 28 and 39 North. Water St. JPIfJ MICOF,THE r German Association. A PIO NIO of the German AisoclaUon will ' TmhnM at t.hA Wllratncrtrkn OirdAn. rtn Wednesday v next, May 15th. The members are res pecu any invitea. , . . . j " i By order bf Association. 'f"1J,,,A i .isrjii .J:j?.jif I niCDCHULLN, may lt-2t eatax- Committee. VFdJ r K TONS onadnoh Hoop Ironr,- AO 1 Tons lHxllnch Hoop Iron, For sale by i F. W. KERCHNER, V m4y l4f'ii ) -TiXSandrtS North Water bt. Wanted; rnwo GOOD LAUNDRESSES,, and ONE .fcHJiPp I915K Xw preferred).. Apply at once to tf r -r. T"n.-T.?i.-' rrd r mayl2.tr rnroeu tionae. I mi ' f M LO. ii II rrr Ayr ifHf P0T9 3cfI . .cloy . oHiCll jWHhanftBbblsSugasii oJ tml 100 Bbh cRi; ;ioil j5vft O7r"ioi23 oill l-ndl rCT?c?i .f-:i , . 4S.00O XJifr .WJTRNBAC09 ) ''i h'-JL ivviaP iiim 6iAfifi? goods, , , mayJDAWtf' X0WARDS HAUL EVERY .'SATURDAY; -AT 'SIIEI1BYIN. C. W-C;DIJRHAJl; CKlir. HoDTJTFIE bill htuitr.-tna&mxmn& One Year,..M...y.i;v.;.;vkH-..tt 00 Six Mccts,;-..-.....V................M... 1 00 t) Oil f Xiat TJRHAlfr MobUFFIE, qeq xp-tr f , y r ; . . r - Jca a"1 A-ropnetora. I jtakllabwliMlsM.)7 -, . ! .! - 4-maa,'ai.5.-i----'...v, . Published every Thursday at $360 per an- ,iv f4 v-tAn'e'i .f'.'il .;'3c--a;;.i'''j , num. Aoyertialog rates liberal. :cf-f W. EL Bs-takT), Agent, .ina. Jaau-tf 4 1 Ii 3 I -a 1J 4 AISTtA