MJ2WlBfii'i 1872 : I'O LIT! CAL.-.tiv;M , -' . ! dopgresstilan ttantlall, of iVnnsjlvania, telegraphs that the renn?ylvania.Dcmo. cratic Convention will eeud Greeley dele gates to Bltitaore.: VT' .:';',r l. m - f Advices Irom well informed politicians ia lo "state"' that tho Democratic - Cob '; yentioQ ot that State, which will meet ori tha 11th or Jane next, will .positively. en . dorse the Cincinnati nominations and send -. Greelej deleiteo Baltimore. ; 1 '. Sevepte'eblRepablican'papeVa In Illinois C.'have unequivocally declar foriQrijel! - The ed i'ttir of 'llartlman's (N.clr.) Otip ir;clainia; the hpcor.'of first raising Greelej's name at the head of a newspaper for'the Preateniy In; July, 1871.- --.f Frank Blafr1oe9ii6t hesitate todenj tout he h(lanything to do with QreelejV ' nomination at Cincinnati, or that he was a party to aoyintriguewbereby that re sult was brought abuut.IlVsays it was Greeley's popularity, thai, nominated him, and that the same.wjll elect hi m. Colonel Thomas' J, Randolph, an 80-year old grandson of Thomas Jefferson,: favors , . Greet ey,7,;:Cr ' '" Misdirected Yankee. Ingenuity, j. A correspondent of the St. Loui3 Jiepub liean writes'.; ;,yi'"1 ;;-;! ... I suppose, if Mr. Snooks found a lead mine on his premises arid-pat'? up a ijmill, and began to grind oat small change- the satire force ol New: England justice inuld be brought to bear on hinir-he'd be prop.. erly hauled 6ver iar counterfeiting.; rJBut what should, be, done,un . the case, . I am about to ventilate! In kruiet, pretty road that adjoins "a populous ' town in Massa chusetts, I was jogging along In a rock, away,' when I heard tne whirring of a wa ter wheel, betokening the nearness of some mill. ; The road'had. been for '8ome dis tance covered with a milk "white deposit, and the ttones in' the neighborhood' had a chalky appearance. ; A! lew seconds -more and the dreary, cheerless whirr tot the distant wheel changed for Uhe clang ot machinery, and I stood in front of a large ' building, about which were piled heaps of these chalky stones. The air . was thick " with the Hying powder, and between the ponderous, crunching jaws oi the a mill- stones the big stones " wero disappearing with tremendous rapidity. And what do ' you .suppose these hard r industrious sons I Ol i UIIMU9 ncis OUIMUtU up A tfcUU powdering those big white stones fort ' It was not possible for me--a 7 Yankee," tised to guessing and to such sharp practice as making oats out of shoe pegato begin to imaging. don't expect jori , to ; but there, hid away in the nilla; and far away from the : demoralizing; ini York, w here. no vila't heatr es i o jured man's native innocence J with 'solemn Sabbath' beljs a stone's throw away, 'and " with ' fif- V teen evangelical teachers in as many taber . nacles with blessings askedjat each'meal, with family . prayers and much snuffliDg cant, two blamed old Yankee deacons run this mill night' a'nd day (sometimes), and ; turn out thousands ot barrels a week I of ' this vileJ'chawed-np plaster for the adul " teiation oT fiou-f tTtrJ -t" j " - y .it. ' : ' y .' t 1 Hr. Greet ejr- o n Wb i t e . an d , h';Lr:r,i. .School. K-i(J;.t-r Black During his recent address to the colored people bt.Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Mr. Gree ley gave them some advice on the school question."1 ',Ile said t -i -fl V : - If I were Vk black man, 1 should not ask for a separnte school, yet I should still eay il the rwbites -choose . to have separate schools I should not object to it. I should only ask that the schools for my. children , should be made as good, as efficient, as the BChQoJsprovidd or other men'a children.1 Thep, jf .the;' majoriry chose that the minority 'should to educated in ! 'separate ' Schools," I-would say, Gentlemen, be: it jas' you please; I have no choice in tho mat ter.".. AT gentleman, or lady never, discusses tha question, ; Was it proper to refuse me an invitation td my neighbor's party ? He or she accepta the -fact; and lets the reason take care of itself Precisely so with re gard to religious traternity or associations tor'malntenabce" ot ' diyine - worship. I would advise the colored race .never l td make A distiactionj' and never to refuse N one. If thd'whitei thoosle that the blacks shall not be members on equal terms of general congregat ionsl I wou id ' accept ex clusive congregations,: not as my choice, lot as the choice of the; ddminant race." 'i ItvpatilieAJia, for. Greeley, j The Enquirer wants to know the strength ot Mr., Greehy among ; llepublicans. - We quote irom the Utica (N. Y.) Observer : "The Republican feeling in lavor of Greeley la not stronger;' but it is more ireely expressed,: in "the country than in iue ciry.i, 4; fom a vnunarea. sources ; we have learnjed during the Trnst three weeks that in theVillaJres and farming districts oi cen( r a l'New -York, scores of men Iwho liav been vBteady supporters ; of the" Re-1 publican Administration- heretofore men - who took no interest in .the Liberal move meni wDen it was inaugurated- are ;dow . open in their advocacy of; Greeley. VThese , citizens could not bv anr stretch - of the imagination. .be':convetted,,intOt j office- seekers'', or, "soreheads. TheY are the thoughtful, hard-working class, with no ' other ambition than 1q contribute "their hare towards , sustaining ahdi securing a K0od POTcrnmcnt."- . - r:: ; ' " ucrmans or New Tork in Favor . i i fjr. Wreolejr,; ' ' . A Western journal 'publishes the an ;;nouocemen$ from'New'York'that - the Ger , mansot this city are against Greeley. .That v- "an error, as results- will? show.;; There - ,e indeed; great exertions' made-7 in the iQterest'bf GranftytrirHlheGermkns gainkt jbrceley, butUiitherto without efr : - i itctf The German KeiiubliCAns are almost : unanimous JoGreelejr,; and 1 the German Democrats ;wish-th at the Baltimore ; Con- -, -.ouoii wouid vnommate binv All 5 the . 4 sins ot the Stoats Zeituvg and other . Ad Y 5lnitratiou journals will be of no 'avail ho -Germans arejorthe ; Philosopher v of f.i"tMr Jacobs IJrastaater7ahxld noa ressectcd citizen - and merchants fonolk, died suddenly of congestive chill . yeanesday ni-ht. Aiv.i aricultura Sund.iy,. Juno 2, ..Congress, ut ;vto raise tl .':'V:-Agricultur3 : rc .jeer o v : ? ' mii " . .i 'J V"C:1 ' :'-' J JAG O B I II E! pOOPEltV TOOLS, THE BEST QTTAUTY, I5Ilckmi(lJH, Tool, "' ' '. - -;:'.,.Jr r , : ... . .... .J r t , . iuacillD18t X0018, s '! v:.:tv ;1 Turpentme Tools, ; 'jb west': prices,-vV1; i ct Jacobi's Hardware Depot. Viiriilslies, dc.i at . Jacobi's. Doors Sashes and Blinds " v; ; : AT JACOBFS. THbTo and 1 Pocket Cutlery, ASSORTMENT "LAEGK AND , COMPLETE ; GUNS, PIST0"L8, . AMMUNITION, ! mayli-f ' " Q Blarket St. Perry Davis' Vegetable ljAKILLEE,, ' 13 THE MOST POPULAR MEDICINE ' - V'. EXTANT. fUHE PAIN-KILLER is eauallv' ' J ? JL applicable and efficacious toyoung or old. THE PAINKILLER is i V both an Internal and Extornal Kemody. ,.- . ' !. : ; , . - . . . ! mnE PAIN-KILLER shouM be used at' 1 JL the first manifestation of Cold or. Cough. THE PAIN-KILLER Don't fall " 1 " ,o keep H in the houQ ready fornae.- i f THE PAIN-KILLER , . I A Is good jor,Sprai&s and Bruises.. Try 1U THE PAIN-KILLER ? cures the Toothache. - . , . THE PAIN-KILLER li a lavoritewith all classes. . : : .-. THE PAIN-KILLER -Will cure ChUblains. . T H.E PAIN-KILLER ' - ' ? win cure Cholera Morbos. , THE PAIN-KILLER Will cure Dyspepsia. fTIHE PAIN-KILLER- JL Is the im Family MoMclnn of the Ag iB Pi r1;5 : ; . : , mHE JL can be bought of your Druggist or drocer THE PAIN-KILLER ' - Will cure Painter's Colic. .. THE. PAIN-KILLER Is good lor Scalds and Burns. TUK PAIN-KILLER has the ' Verdict of the People in its favor. THE PAIN-KILLER- J ' r Gives Universal Katiefdction. . mHE PAIN-KILLER' . 5 lie ware ot ucitatiovs and countxrvkits. fTHE PAIN-KILLER . - JL -Is almost certain cure for CHOLERA, and has, without aouDt, been more s-iccessiui in curing this terrible Jllsease, than any other known remedy, or even the most Eminent or skuiitu rnysicians. x in xnoia, juriea, ana cnina, where this drea uul disease is ever more or less orevaient. the i rv-hr i i.i.kh is considered, 'by the natives, as wed as Euro pean residents in inose climates, A buuis THE PAIN-KILLER each Bottle Is . wrapped with tuU directions for its use. mHE PAIN-KILLER is sold by all Drug- JL, gists and Dealers In family Medicines. Perry Davis & Son, - V PltOPBIETOBS, j 138 High tstreet, Providence, B. L, S8 SU Paul Street Montreal, Canada, ' . -, 17 Southampton Row, London, Eng. f May s jwm SOL. BEAR & BROS., 18 Market Street, i ;i WILMINGTON, N. ; C, v. f Clothloff, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Huts, Motions, Ac. The Largest and Beat Assorted Stock In this . State, and we are also determine to have THE 1 0 2T APEBTJ ' ; .i ...1 'r !. .--j.-r.- . . ; . , .' LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS TO t:;-Ii.i::!:5viidLESALE dealers." ffnTr "RT?. AP' r&r PPOR f. . SO Market Street, i W I LMINGTO C, "Befall Dealers In CLOTHING, DUX GOODS, BOOTS und ; shoes, dats, Aci'c.v We respectfully solicit a caU of our patrons : , BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. ,We defy competition la Quality or Prices. : t '; OUH- STOCK OF CJLOTMIMG t tists CANNOT BE EXCELLED ! aprll 14-tf ::: bq-u hisak 3e jukos. HolaGes and Svrupr lJiLccovado IIolacGei - --and---'; - ; :JVW."'' -V ' ' 0. H. GYHU? t ' V For sale very low by il-ne-V-tt.". i fx.- The Best Hal r D ressihg: 'And l "- , Restoref 1 M, I XI O.N (9 S A Y ?Yowc prusslst liasIt; Advertisements oecnnrinfir ow rananfmAM will bo insert id in 269 KEWSPAPEBS, in, eluding 23 l LS, in ' ' . V r. '7 SO CTTHERM STATES, covering thoxougbly the States of .Maryland, Delaware, Virginia,. West .Virginia. N. Cro lmi, Soatn Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, MIS eissipr!, -" rxnlxtHna, Arkansas, - Tennessee. Kentucky and Miadouri, . ... : c One lVlphth for $140. f Hre Pi-rti Klori Dallies. Larrcr Clr- calatlen. Slower Price, than aut otberLigr-.-Special rites given far more or leas spaee than oue inah, and for a longer period than one tor any "ingle 8ta-e. 'oni8 of "Liats. Cimri. lars. Estimates, and full information, fnmkh. d on appIi-ation. E. P. ROWKI.L eo., fwnpaper Advertising Amenta. 41 Park Row, hew York. ' ' ' A CeitttirV Of Trlnmnhinnii ilnnmili'. liver disease, bowel febrile and nervous disorders, has immortal ized the Seltzer Spa, and these victories are now repeated throughout, this hemisphere by. XAXK1KTB JLTnXTJHOIBT Hltl.T7.KR 4lS&IrT' containing all the elements and producing all me uappy results oi tne ureat uerman spring. ' i'. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Cheap Farms ! Free Homes ! 1 ON THE LINE OF. THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD; r A Land grant or - . - - 12 , 0 0 0 , 0,0 OjlACt ItE S VB THS ; BEST TAaXIirO XJTD 3tHfKBXL talTDS IN AMERICA. i 3,000,000 Acres In Nebraska, GREAT Pt&ITE THE" CarderC of the West, ROW FOtt SALE! Uiii i; These lands are in the central nortlon of the United States.. on. the 41st degree of North , j . . 1 1 . ir m.l Latitude, the central line ot the srreat Tern- I -- rw . . , . . . . , . f. U,1" f ".'Vrlr passed by any in the United Mtares. 0 AitVJTi5- T?.11!?0" i luu.ouicut. i,vj xuaijLCb uub rf"T ; ; ' . '' Free HciEsteils.-.forAcM Ssltlers. TBX BUST LCOATIOKS TOB COLOHIS3. ; Soldiei-s En titled to a Homestead of 160 Acres. nuts passes to runcHABBxs or laud. Send for the new Descriptive Pamphlet, with new mat)?, nurdished in Enzlish. German. Swe dish and Danish, mailed free everywhere. , I v Land Commissioner, U. P, u. li. Co., -sr .: -k v-; ' Omahs, Neb. ' i r ? !rT.. i.'-- , - r FANNING'S PATENT KIDsrITTIIIG SKELETON CORSET: : - Recommended .by LXAIa ' 'PHTBICIAJIS ! Should be worn- by .-au laaiea ' wno value health and comlort They are particularly recommend ea for sum xner wear, and. warm climates, , although a- dapted to all seasons or the s ear. For eale by all 'first j class deal era - WOXCBSTBB SXXBT CO., Sole Manufacturers, ; ? Worcester, Mass. CO" R E ; that C O L B . Do not suffer your Lnogs to become diseas ed by allowing , a. G0 "LD; to become , seated. Thousands have died Premature Deaths The Victims of Consumption by neglecting a Cold - Dr. V'm- Hall's . m FnR t -rr-4To n BAiS AMIS2.LXIH.GS .Will Cure Congbs Cold and Consumption surer and quicker than any other remedr. It acts like magiO. For sale by aU Druggists and Medicine Dealers everywhere. PORTABLE ' BODA" FOUNTAINS , v fO, 930, 973: AJIJ 9100. i GOODi ' DCBABIX ASD . CHEAP 1 r BBippea esur ir ; 5 J. W.; CHAPMAN A CO., Madison, Ladlana. SEND FOR CIRCULAR.-$i S1;000 KBWARD .. .. ' f ... . ... , -i - .r ... . " 1 For. any . case of Blind, Bleeding, Itching, or Uleerated Piles that Da BrjreS'Prt7 Rkxxdt falls to cure.; It is prepared expressly to cure tho Piles; and nothing else. Sold by all Drag hrist ce, $l 00. ; ; ; . '!'.".- !. .' 1 ' : : . GENTS Wanted Agents make more money at work for -as tnan at anything Ruslness lieDt anu permanent, .rartlc- ulars . free. u. Bxiaaua a cj., jnne uArt Publishers, Portland, Me. 4 O.S. PIASfO CO., . No Agents. jr. X. -PRICE, Circulars Iree. v nBEAT ' MEDIC A a. BOOK Of useful ' knowledge to alL Sent tree for two Htamos.' Aaaress us. uoiirumi x co.. Cin cinnati, OniO.- K" i ;t ' -",S:-f. t -:. hiscellajneous: Iii Store: 4 . t UQU BARBELS FLOUR ; SIS Bbls. PORK ; 63 Hhds. and Bbbls. Sugar ? ff-"- - ; 100 Bbls. CRACKERS, assorted ; 417 Boxes-Tobacco 00 Bags Coffee 1 43,000 LBS; ;WESTERN4BACON 1 I. 7a .fulJ.. lkh of.caSe uoods, '. f safe 105 by v;1: , - TO EE PUBLIC-' ... " ; i r j V T :H 5 Aii; appeal; "iojtlie ? jLIumaiie -V j S CS: AN.,, OPPOKTTJNITY j itj jf-' u, .i- BENEFIT THE AFFXJCTED TVITli OAIN TO THE BEN EPACTOB THE North' Carolina Baneflc lal Asso latloa have generously offered to the College of puysiciansuuut byreous or . WlluiLugion, X. tX, toUrawouthelStnoi Janenext., - 7 f t"'-"" "'"'' -'f'v'i. :i '! 1 i A JDistribut'on or Prizes;- l- The proceeds of which are to be appropriated 1 I Under the auspices of said Ctolleee. ' The ln- ducementa to lake tickets surpass any scheme y et presented to t he publio .1 he .caari table purpose is beyond uoubt, and the scheme pre sents one prize in eight blanks, which is iar more iibetai than usual,- while the character ot the respectable -medical gentlemen con nected with the college is piedgea tor the ialr and hones payment or every prize inthefol-. lowing cnein : t.-rs- s 0 HE M E.. wWjH.,r-.:"?i"'i:V: 1 prize of tl.CKO 0(j In money,. .....tl.COO 00 I prize of 600 '0 -- " ...... uOCO t urixesof X50 0J soooo: 5 prizes oi '5 orizes of- lOu-UO-.- 60 00 j 20 Ou 10 00 ( h 600 0O 2oU 00 940 00 47 prizes of 107- prizes of ..1,0?0 00 1S2 prizes ot . ; : 89J prizes of , , , 6 Wi 2 00 ..(.... ;atw .780 W ' ; 730 Prlsei,:;.. ,. 86,500 OQ SIX THOUSAND TICKETS ONLY WILL BE SOLD AT $2 OO'EACIL' Mann er;of JD rawi n g. Slins of Datr numbered to corresnond with the number on the six thousand tickets, will be placed In tubes in a w heel, and seven hun. drea and nity slips of paper,-describing the several prizes,: win oe piaceu in another wheel.. Two boy a, blindfolded, will draw sim ultaneously one ticket from . each . of the wheels, and the owner of the ticket number ed to correspond with the number oa the slip of paper first drawn, will be - entitled to the pi ize named on the slip of paper d rara at the same ume by tne otner boy. This vail be con tinue! until the whole Of the seven hundred imuoa naw ta wawe qi iae seven ooouroa ,.r,u ,Mni.n.ii ww u. V . I. rr M. ' a uin. jk w tu ? condutou in publio unaer the supervision OIi?i i W, of their" authorized" Agents. A- liberal dis i count will be made to Agents, k ,; x.f M 4 3lMX:il:'J:'jBTS'XB'jE:E T, XTAVE JUST RECEIVED PAETOIT THEIR A A SPRING STUCK, consisting of full line of WHITE , CQODS; -SUCH A3 YENOSE SATIN STRIPES, 4 Dolly vardeu Planes; 1- i TlEIf UT A S ATTJEEW S , " 8irlped svnl CHeeked . vici LAwHS; r:-' . .. " 7 1 OEQAN DIES, . y j - : ....... . 1 is u i India Book, COREGAN STRIPES, Ac,- Ac Also, a full line of Dress Goods. Silk Tourist parasols, ana au sncn uooas as ate . usually .xeptma...,r, ., lT r..r.;;,, . first-class DBT GOODS STORE," march 24-tf .:-c" The Distribution r -pt or - c Conleierateii MomealalSelioiiie TTTILL positively take place on the 11 aT47 ILL positively take place 'on the first at - Should all the tickets not be 'sold, f the amount Teceived will be distributed in the proportions named in the Circulars between THE MONUMENT. h S , And the necessary expenses. The portion to be distributed will bo appropriated, first to the Aloney .frizes; men to tne neat restate, ana lastly, to tne snares in cotton.- - ANALYSIS OF THE' 8CHEME. ' , $100,00020 per cent, allowed Agents. " wi.uou iu " state- .agents. "COJOO 10 L .; - lor.contlngent ex ,r t. ' -.ncnsea .- ..-..; 130,000 owners' price of 9 Real Estate Prizes. 100,000 The i,7M razes in currency. -. 20,000 The 44 Prizes in Cotton. J 'i.tjv suuu p runts to oe. oevoteu to me v ' . Monument. " ' - - i ' The orice in currency will be substituted for any Real Estate Prize, withdrawn on ao count ox injury to, tne property, or ior otner cause." ' - 'J-v '-s Agents west ot the aiiss' ssippi stop their sales on the lftth of November. East of that river on the 20ta of November. state Agents are reauirea- to be present ei ther in-Derson or bv legally appointed JAttor- neys at tne uistnoution. .... - . . General Agents, ' - ... ' Augusta, Os may 8-7 mos j .-"- j ,T, ; lMMoa iii Passsze-Rates. " AS CU O.BfLIB HTEA11EBB ,t 8 aix. Evsar Wkdhksdat axs Sat-okdat."- Passengers aookea to and from any Kail way Station or Seaport in Great uritain, Ireland, Norway. Sweden, Denmark. Germany, f ranoe, Holland, Belgium, ana tne unitea etates. c&btn fare from New York to London, Liv erpool, Glasgow ana uerrj ny wreanesasy-s Steamrs, 90.t By Saturoay's steamers 3 IXCCIXSIOJr TXCXCETSt 9120. "LateraeaSte;933r,Bte pay able in . currency. -; . .Parties sending for their friends In tha Old Conntrvean purchase tickets at lowest rates. For f urtner particulars appry 10 tne Agents, 1 i jLHiwiing-ureen x, ap ll.DWsm 1 : SUJITEIt WETTS, GUnTCIt, S. Cm .UahodJireeirly, Pitt a 0'n, Prop toj- JdiaCELIiAKEOTOvi: S3altiinoro?LbcE Hospital Pnvsician of this celebrated InstttnUon" dis- coveredv when in the Great Jiospitais'of EuJ the - certainu s p?edy pleasanr, and elfectnai remedy in the worm for ail excesses or abuses of the system.; y . ? . ' . -, - - .' ; W eakness pf the ftaclc or "Limbs, 8trietureai Aff-ction of the Kidneys or Bladder, involun tary Discharges, IxniHtiency, General Debility, Nervousness, . ' Oypepiia, .Lauguor,, , JLow Spirits, Confusiun oi lueas, V alpiiauon of the feeart. Timidity, Trembling, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness,' Disease of ihe Head, 'Throat. Nose or Skin Affections ot tho. Liver.- Lungs, Stomach or Bowels those terrible 1 disorders arising irom -solitary Habits of Youth sscmrr and solitary practices more iatal to their vic tims than ihn song of the ayreua VO th Ma riners of Ulysses, blighting, their moat bril liaut hopes or anti ipations, render in e mar. riage, ac, impossible, destroying both body anamlnd; . - . ' if,t , Especially, who have become' the vicumaof eoatary .vice, that oreadiul and destructive habit which annaally sweeps to an untimely grave thousands or young menu of he . most exalied talents and brilliant luteilevt, .who might other wise. hare entranced listening -senates witn tne tnunner- oi eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may. cai withfuu conndence. : - - - - -; cau Married persons, or Toung Men contemplat ing marriage, aware ot Physical Weakness, Los of jriooreative Power (im potency;,, xner- vous icitauiiivy, ratpiuttivra, ganio veaK ness. A ervoua Debility, or any other Diaauall fication, sieediiy relieved. . i., i lie who places uimselt under the care of .Dr. J. may religiously connae in nis uonor as a gentleman, ana vonnaenuy reiy upon nu skill as a pnyeician. , . ' V j.. : ORGANIC W EAKNESS Immediately Cured and lull Vlor Restored. ' Xhis oistressing Afiectio whtch" renders life miserable ana marriage impossible is tne penalty paid by the victims oi improper in- iulsenees. . .xouna persona are tooapt to com mit excesses lioua not bei e aware of the Ureaafui consequences that may ensue ' iow, who that understands this suotect wiu preiena to deny thut the power of procreation, is lost sooner by tuoso lMilmg iitto improper habits than by the prudent! Besides being deprived oi the pleasure oi healthy offspring, the most serious and Obstructive eymploins of both body, and mind arise. The system becomes derangeu,Tne r nysicai ana Meutai runcuuus weakeneu, Loss Procreatlve Power, Jsfer voua lrritaouity, Dyspepsia, Palpitation oi the Heart, indigesuoo, Constituuoual ie- biiitv ana Wastimc oi the Frame, lough. Con- sumpUMn, Decay and JUeaih. , . ; ;. ,. " ; v A CURE SPJ!DILX.. WARRANTED. : ; ? -Persons ruined in healthy by unlearned pre-' tenders wno keeD ihem urifiiug. month alter month, taking poisonous and injurious com pounds, shoula apply lmmeuiateiy. ft -.? Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Graduate of one oi the most eminent Colleges in the United States, and the bust part of whose Hie has been spent. in the hos pitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else- whare, has enectea some oi tne most aston laning cures that were ever known; many troublea witn ringing in tne neaa ana ears wheu asleep, ureal nervousness, being alarm ed at -sudden sounds, bashiuiness, with fre quent blushing, attenaea sometimes wnn ae--rangement oi mind, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. ;i f Dr. J. addresses all those who hare Injured themselves by improper Indulgence and soli tary habits, which ruin both body and mind. unfitting them lor either business, study j so ciety or marriage. ' . '--a--. - " Tnese are some oi tne saa meiancnoiy ei -fects produced by the eartnly habitsof youth. viz : W eakness OI tne isaca ana iimus, .rains in the Head. Diinnosd oj Sight, Loss of Mug. cular Power. PalDitation of the Heart. Dys pepsia, .nervous uriiaDiiity, derangement ui IUO ilgVOUTV - f UUUUVIMf UWViW VlAU.J , Symptoms of Consumption, &o. .. . . . . .; V in hiM ALLi . tdh leanni euecia on me mind are much to oe dreaded.'' Lo-s Of Mem orv. Confusion ot Ideas, Depression o Spirits, myu J-oreoouings, Aversiuu w oueiety, eeu- juistrusi, iove ui eouroae, xinuciity,. to. are Koinu of tne eviL. nroduced. Thousanas oil persons oi ail ages can now Judge what is. the cause of their declining neaitn. losing ineir vigor, oeconuug weaa. pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singu lar appearance auouc tne eyes,.oougn sua Symptoms oi consumption. TOUNG MEN Who have inlured themselves by a certain nraotice. inauhced in when alone, a habit fre- a uentlv learnea irom evil companions or at &chooL the effects of which, are nigntly felt. even wnen asleep, ana u not eurea renaers marriage lmpobsioie, ana uestroys oota nuna ana boa v. siiould aoulv immediately. ' " ; What a pity mat a young;man, ine nope oi his country, the priae of his parents, should be snatcheu from ail prospects and enjoyment of Hie by uie consequence of deviating irom the path oi nature, ana mauigrag m a certain seciet naoit. eucn persons must, oeioro con- tempiatlng.. iwwrt ! ) i .. , r. ....... v... . .. J Reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connu bial hdDtluesa." ' Indeed, witnont these the journey tnrough lite becomes a weary pilgrim age, tne prospect nouriy uaraens tu tne view, the mlna becomes shadowed with despair, ana filled with .he melancholy reflection that the happiness of anotner is flighted with our own. . f.'.ti. ..... a OU.RTAIN DiSJCASE. ;:.'; When the misguided an 1 imprudent votary of pleasure Unas he lias imbibed the seeds of this painf ul disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed sanse of shame or dread -of dis covery deters him irom applying to those wno, irom euucauon and respectability j can alone bei 1 lend him. He falls into the hands of ignorant and designing pretendeis, who, incapable ot curing, filch his pecuniary sub stance, Keep mm trilling uiunku alter uiuntn, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in desnair leave him with rained health to sigh over his galling disappointment ; or, DV tlie use OI mat xieoujy -u4wu, atercury, cause ; the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease to make . heir appearance, such ai ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, noc turnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones ana arms, Diotnes on tne - neau, xaco anu ex tremities, progressing wite frightful rapidity, till at; last vne paiate 01 tne moutn or tue bones of the nose Jail in, and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object ol commiseration till death puts a period to his dreadful suaerlng, by Bending -him to that Undiscovered country from whose -bourne no traveler returns. V ' ' : s ' - -10 such, therexore,Ar. jonnston oners tne most certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy in the world.;. . '.', .-.i jf;V- OFEICE, 7 SOUTH FBEOEEICE ST., , , BaLTLMOIlE, MABYLAND, - Left hand side going from Baltimore street; a lew A ors irom the corner. Fail not to ob serve name and number. '' - ; v 43- n o letters receiyed unless postpaid and containing a stamp to be used on .the reply. Persona writing snouia state axe. ana send a portion of advertisement describing symp- The Doctor's uiriAJiiA nangs in nis ozace. ENDORSEMENT OF THIS PRESS.. The many thousand cured at this establish ment within the last twenty years, and the numerous important surgical operations per formed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed-by the kep- reaentatives 01 tne rress ana - many , outers. notices 01 which have appearea again ana asainiefore the public, besides his standing as a man "01 honor and responsibility,: is a sufficient guarantee to the attlictd. ? ; n z. iaar 12-ly ent .': ., ". 1 ,7 ' Carbolic Acid ::' AND CAEBOLATE OF LDIE mHK BEST DISINFECTANTS IN" "USE. J Becommended by Boa&os or Hxaltb; througnout tne country. . - - ,.- . Wholesale ana retail oy xne manuiacturera, R . t m vnni RniL 'lit A M A-mitmia rv : w mm wot, . .V.. V, JU, CarraT7ay & Clcapor.: f lULE IJNRJYATJ.ED ARTISTS ARE STILL '- A offerinK the best lndneTnATtti trk me it.i zens, and the public generally, for their pat- runagv at tne tr urceu 11 onse. j&ver-ytninrper-taming to the -orof ession is keptconstanUvon nano,ui oruer to give complete sausiaction to uie most iasuoious. - - oet S8-tf --- r .- - - ; v (Eatabllsnea in 1S20.1 THE CATlTiJZTt U)TIJX2tJLX Published -overy t Thnrsday, at $2,50 per an- 1II1I". . AU'PA J.(kbCU3 WCiWr-.y; v - . k-JOIST B2SIlAT7trrbprictcr; mSCELLANEOUS; Ana to those Soldiers frem. other Con federate States who Were XUU"- . ed .or pled; tn.thur State.' 1.. THE JtXOXCilliT tO COST 550,000. THE CORNER STONE, It Is proposed, shall -be laid as soon astherecelpu will permit. 2,000 Primes, valued at (iO,000) Five Hnn-' . dred Thousand Dollars : 1 hat amount, - only , in Tickets, to be sold. - For every r ive Dollars subscribed there will beglvena.-ertiflcate of LI e Membership to, the Monumental Association. This certlQ. caie will entitle the owner thereof to an equal interest inthetoliowing property, to be al- , trlbu ted as eon as the requisite-number of .bhares are sold, to wit: ., v ',.-: - - First. Nine Hundred and! One Acres of Land . in Lincoln- county .-Georgia, on wmch are the well known MagruderGokt and Copper nlues, " -valued at.w.' y 00 i" And to Seventeen Uandred and Forty. Four . hares la one Hundrea Thousand Dollais of $10,009 6,000 . k rwxi iMo- "Lwrj fwoo.;s...;.i.rf.,.tu-.'a),ooo" U 105, a3 "4V .1,0 0 40,000 ' W .MT W 10,000 ' loo - , ; lOdf....... 10.000 20o & ' 'i ft i.-;;;.w;,"... 10.000 4U0 100 10.; te tX 10,000 i4.." i- Ti 9s Hi JS.;i ?.! : $100,000 . From the Fire t-class Real Estate Offered bv well-known patriotic ciuitens, to the Con fed- monumental, Association, xne 10110 w in r Piizesiiave been, selected, ana added to the foregoing Shares:. " ' - . jv BtitiKLiA. This well-known Resort, with the Large Residence, 8 ore, eic and FoarHundieit Acres of Land.lmmudln.tMlvnn the Ueorgia'ttaiiroad, twenty miles irom Au gusta. I) in g an annual yield of Fifteen Thousand ixrtlars. ;"st t 2. The well known CITY HOTELS front! ne on BroHd street: The building in nt Kn three stories' high,- 134x70 . leeu Valued at . will a u - TMjnAA ixu. in , Ruseil county, Alabama, on ,the Cbattanoo-. uuco miw, wjiwu eiegantanacommooiousim. provemenis. xne average rental, since lt4, has been oyer Seven (.,Ouo) Thousand Dollar Z 4th. That Larse Brick ResideneW and on, 'North west oorner of . Broad and Centre streets, known as the Pninlzy or Baudry iiouse aent 1 wo ino usanu Dollars.'-' -: - -6th The Rogers' House, on Ureena trAt. a new and elegant Brick Kesldenee,-in most desirable portion of that-beautiful street. Val ied at $10,000. ; : - ,f . 6th. Flat Bush, with 120 Aores of Land, halt a mile from city limits, the elegant Suburban' Re&idenue of Antoine Poilalm Kaa.. in muwi order, j Valued at $1,000.,,- V 7th. The Deariiig House, a large and 00m. modlous liekldence, with Thirty City Lota 69x2 10 feet, fronting on M cKlnne and Carnes streets, valued at $16,000. . . - tith. Stanton Residence and Orchard, on the Georgia Ualiroad. Valued at $3,00, ALfcO 1 Share of One Hundred Bales Cotton! I ! I : .- . itV9 i .... ... 14 '"'"' ' .- Twentv-Five . . 9H f-yia.ro a rf ivna Italu o.nli . ' The bales to average 400 pounds, and class Liverpool Middling. , . - " ' xuo wuo ui iiuti sepuraie interest to wnicn the holder of each Certificate will be entitled, will be be determined by the Commissioners, who will announoe to the pubilo the manner, tho time, and place of the distribution. The following gentlemen have consented to act as Commissioners, and will, either by a 1 ommittee .from. their own body or by Speolal Trustees "appointed by them&elres, receive and take proper charge of the monev for th f Monument, as well as the Real Kstate and the u. o. ciurr- ncy onerea sa maucements lor subscription, and will determine upon the plan for the Monument, the inscription there on, the site therefor, select an orator for the occasion, and regulate the ceremonies to be observed when the corner-stooe is laid, viz.: Generals L. McLaws, A. K. Wright, M. A. 8tovali, W. M. Gardner and Goode itrgan. Col. C. fcnead, CoL. Wm. P. Crawford, HaJ. Jos. B. CummiDg, George T. Jackson, Major Joseph GanahL mat. L P. Glrardey, Hon. k. H. May, Adam Johaston," Jonathan M. Miller, W. U. Goodrich, y'.D, Butt, Henry Moore, Lr. W. E. Bearing. ' - - Agents are allowed twenty 'per cent.' They are required to pay their, own expenses 1 Tickets and Circulars alone being furnished to them. They will remit weekly the amounts from Sales 1 ecelved, lesa .their Commissions. (No Commissions wiU x be deducted from simple .contributions ) ;". - ., . on account of the very great labor required of the General Agents, the offered services ot One or more prominent gentlemen, well and favorably known throughout the South,; will ue accepted to act with us. - - . - - Parties desiring to contribute to the Monu ment, and who do not wish to participate in the award, will receive a special receipt. The money will be turner over to the Treasurer, and will be appropriated to the" Monument without any deduction whatever. ' " - L. A A. H. MoL A W8, Gen. Asrts. V 2. at.i No. S Old P, O. Range, Mcintosh 6t, ' '7.:.:J ;.;':, .- . Augusta, Ga. Mrs. Carlton Belt, Coleman "House, N. Y., Miss Mary Ann Bute, Columbia, S.VC. Hon. Jas. M. Smythe. Augusta. Ga.: Major John Dun. woody Washington, Ga.: E. B. Max tin, Esq., Tuscaloosa, Ala., Traveling Agents, v , mar 9-6mos AGO ITS FOR IIOBTfl CAROUIIA. i -itlSr- 'is tttxtti ;Vif.?; t-.i f-'rr .'-Ta-.- '' GUABANTEED PERFECTLY PUBS AND OF v HE HEGRADi ; ) j. it. schench, Jr. co., Genersvl Comission Herchant Commercial 'Agents, CORKER ; DOCK AND 1 WATER STREETS ... $- WU1 give prompt and ' personal attention to -: j tne Bala ox shipment of NAYAL STORES, JTJK1PXR STATES ana Sil kinds Of COUNTRY RRODUCE, AeMC ' t. 1 Orders tor sals of produce or purchase of Goods wlllbe promptly attehded toand to tha hest sdvantage to ottr enstomers. ; WeawaWreceiv of -f-TAlX GttADEs'off EIQIJOII3, : which, we are prepared to sell at wholesale at THE LOWEJST CASH PBJCCES. ; mrm - aa o . - - I The bestnow made," 1 euperior to any fa ic - - nee of tone, touch. iLai.-n and durability. . toidatrctry Prices crAj b-rPrcf. J. I". Rrxcx. rsT, 1 :'-Or":n fale ' ' ' ..3 Hall, - t'r.-;v-AOT , ; ... V. r , n ,. juniieu Dtates currency, to-wit j i share of iw,o.,u;i4:..i:J..Vi.;. ...... o,wu.;. .......... 1 "Vi ' "SJ-fc-V . jr :n . .i r.4 .... L of & CuLm. 2ccr VTTT.T. 4 T '-i T- -J s""tU-l-tX' ...ir. .... . .... rf -cay 2-PAWtf . - liuaiu;4 C UA..U y ... . a v-t. ' fi ' . -t i.!3 0t. 1 ."A a v. iM.v...j;w'.n, li -. r