c ; f 1 .! MQRIsFING.' f STAR. B Y " TELE GRAPH. ?1 THEJIORNING-STAH'i NOON J- ,5 - - i c --. - From. Washington. , J ' ; " V vr -5- WasbikGtoiv Jan 1. ; ;"In tbo Untied State District " Court orderi were made for tbe payment oyer to Dr Cor nellus Boyle, I1..B. Tyler; and c the admlnis- tratrlx of C. S. Wailock, of this city, tbe pro- V-ceeds of.the eale of their' property here, made Under the Confiscation Act. - Under the ; Am- TneBtr Act they became entitled to whsttoerer tiiC uuuvu vtatcp uao uvuyva uuuf vuu vvssub- cation of .their estates, lets the costs, which 'yrere comparatively enormous, amounting. iu one of the cases t a fifteen thousand dollars.- ; i--These parties .left.. her and served In? the 'Confederate armies.. H. 1 B. Tyler had been ft Major of Marines In the Federal serrice. f ;-. Htt!Vn'"l"coiaRB88ioKAii.-- ':. Y. arpemer cobuuuco uw f" .'v,v7..-- the Senate to-dy. ' J '$ v The prolongation oi tua evaaiuu ui vuugis v is considered Inevitable. v - .; :.. -'i - ! I -r The West and Sown in tne iioose yesicraay - voted almost solidly for the sixteen cents onl- " fnrm t nn tobacco.' a compromise oi twen- .ty cent Js considered probable. " J ' : From H ew York. . . ' f . v--- "Nw Yokjc, June 1. IJJamcs Gordon Bennet unconscious and v tbe doctors are hopeless of his recovery. , ' ; ' , Lleutenant-Colouel St Clair, General Tra- vluo's Chief of Artilleryi arrived here yester day from Matamoras. - lie reports the .Revo lutionists enthusiastic in BQpport of Xrevlno,' -and that many of the States desire to see him ' President Instead of Juarez. ' The Colonel 'speaks in the strongest terms of the resources of tlie Revolutionists,' and declares that they are likely to gain strength. - - -The' Times says that Sumner's, speech la a collection of slanders against the President, , , .with literary .antiquarian , and fcbolastic,em-j.- belilbraents.- v ; ir , "... ' t . v; : - ; Th2,ri6u)w considers it one of the sreatcst he ever delivered. " A . u i : r- : Tbe World declares that his Indictment of ,; Orant recites nothing which tbe Democratic f tress baa not reiterated for months ; but coror ng from a man whose biography is the hlsto ,; ry Of the Republican party, it will carry 'con ' viction where Democratic voices would pass as '.'.'tbe wind. , . V) .' ;'! ':'''x?'; The Hun styles him the Amricao.Cffisar and "- calls his apeech, magnificent. '.j. - Tbe Herald says the speech, is a savage arraignmen t of tbe President, and that the bit terness wblcta evidently is provoked by a sense of personal provocation will weaken its force, and that in contains nothing new except the , , statement of SUntOn.that Qrant could not , -govern the country,.' . ' ' .. . . i . From rennsylTanla:.: - , . .-!.rf vi..! -TRkajotno, Jane X: The resolutions of the State Democratic ' Convention declare that the party is bound by il Vthe Constitution; Jackson's Farewell Addresa '..'and Jefferson's Inaugural Addreas- and urges the Democracy .to st pport the ticket and . ;ie nn the triumph of tbe cause. There is no allusion to any Presidential candidate. - o , "i. V ri-.-i' Memphis,' June 1. -j r' Geo. Clark, ballooolsV of Noyesr circus, fell fifty feet, and will probably die, x: : : ForeiKia ' Madbid, Juol. : ' Serrano's leniency to the Carllst chiefs has utterly disorganized the rebels,- who begin to suspect their leaders of treason.-' 1 ! .V : ' ' .' I Frem Ohio. ; ; '-V, " : ; . Clxvsxavs, JnneL H ' HoVev & Son's -city mills were "burned r.vilaat night, with.000 barrels of flour.r; Loss ' From 5ov Seotlaw ' I ' Halifax, June L ..j 1- ; The Schooner Velocipede, engaged in seal Jlshlpg, toundred on the 12th and was lost. i . $ k - f WxsHrNQTou. June 1. H0U3E. A bill to remove the political dis- Lliii.i... V A 1 n U Wn.th n Wulnhtl. ler county, H.Y., (a minor cadet in tbe Naval Academy at the breaking out of the war) was i A resolution was passed extending the sea-1 . sion to Tuesday evening next. - : , l." SENATE. The entire day waa consumed in political debato. LoKan made a general de fence Of the administration. V MISCELLAHBOUS. ' t . 4 . . . ...... i '' ' t Congressman Cox Is considered convales- .ce'nt." r :: t - '- - ' V'' '- ! 7 .. The Southern Claims Commission has ans-. - ' pended oral hearings till October. , i v Debt sUtement Decrease $4,250,000; in tbe Treasury, $91,000,000; currency, , '50,000. " ' - . .' coin til,? - ; From Fennsylranla. IV'',;'A"';V ;X- , Readiso, JunL;r V '7! The platform adopted by the - State Demo cratlc Convention U as follows I Ibkolvtd. That the Democratic cartv. while In lb future, as In tbe pact, firmly upholding h Vttiktltnriitn nf tha United Htitti ta ths foundation sad limitation of tbe poweraof the General Government and tbe safe shield of tbe liberties of Ihe people; demands for tbe citizen 'the largest freedom :conai8tent.,witu public order, and for every State the right of self-govrnment;-that to ophold ,the former; and protect the latter the, Democracy of Pennsyl vania can find ao better platform upon which to stand tban the great leading principles enun ciated Iii tbe Inaugural Address ot President Jefferson add the Farewell Address of the Im mortal Jackeoo, and upon ihee two great State papers we plant ourselves and euter the conteet of 18W, , , . : ' . Jitsofvc-i, -That abused as' the pnblic confi dence has. been by . pUK period t)f pfllcial mismanagement, waste and Iraud, this Cou veuilon iqvUva the co operation of all Citizens of tbe Commonwealth in the earnest effort which the great constituency it . represents is Vbout to LQttke to remove from" our Slate ad uiini&trattoa' every: taint r of political corrup tiou.., The interest pf evvry Peunsvlvanian is '"directly and vitally concerned in the eradlco- t v ' ; alVfui)Juat,uagtat and practicea k by which individual fortunta may be created at uublic cot, and the attempt to do this can be juade certainly successful by the uuioo of up rlxht and lair iniBded mU of all parties; .aud by sustaining candidates of uuqucsiiondabilt tiea and unsuotted UamtS I ' -.UJ - - Iiesolved. That the Convention appeals to the eople of Pennsylvania for the support of the . oeo i rnrnlMnta for GoTernor whom It bus placed nomination, Secause hia'electio'n will secure 'once a correction or-rxutl eg 1 wrongs ana Dtfrmanent future.prosperliy of the State asks for bis support because he has been horn I Wa lorpromo?;' luated. not to subserve tne views the interests of auy section Or.facliOD .meat the requirements 01 an urgen id on need ; because He tuny represents and, in hh' life and character, fairly illustrates the true'splrit and principles of popular goveu-.- meut ; because bv has ben aa earnest, sincere ' ': C and eCleleut opponent of the fraudulent prao - ' : tices aud falsir doctrine of the., party, that has he!d power through many long years of mis- fbf -at tfstaoda U wL.ij- Kfo to sd- d, for the benefit v reyrtsentatiou and ml'Tt'e ' ; " pledea ty the record cj L v. minuter' l.'.socev if elected. atku Onl V fop t VansAt . V nn inn be can be truted to tcc-ra a c-rclal, econom.' v r1 tn P0Mlble control of tne agents and o3ctaJ, and the (reaspry'of the Common wealth f beeansft he cai be"-relled 004.ta wlth sUnd uotounded and, nojust. demands' to th prejudice of publio riKhts,' to oppose wltbrvlir-' r the encroachment of powerful corporations,' and energetically resist .the erant, 4 segrega ted capital 'Of privileges which con Id, be nsed to injure; hamper and impede the efforts of In dividuals in the various enterprises and fields of labor wbleb (he State affords, and because his action in the past is proof that his oScial Influence will be nsed hereafter to prevent tbe mteebief of special legislation. And .to destroy the possibility, of procuring the enactment of any atatute by .the use of money or any other corrupt means;: r'.'-f 'l.li s-J ' ' Mesolvedt -That In presenting the Hon.' J amies Tborapaon .for Judco o( the.upreme Court we have only, to invite the consideration of the people to the Integrity nd preeminent legal -attainments wnich bave characterteed the die charge, of bis Judicial duties during his fifteen years service upon the bench of the Bupreme Court. k :'-yr ' x Z':''' Z) Jiesolved. That in tbe persons of the candi dates represented for the pflJces; of Auditor, Conjtresaman at-Large tand delegates to the Conventions to amend the ..Constitution,, we have candidates eminently worthy of the con fidence and support of the people. Jiesolved, That the- grant ? by the . Radical Legislature of this State of numerous rharters creating such corporations as the South Im provement 'Company, Continental Improve, ment Company,' and others of a simil-r char acter, are tunjust to the interests of trade, is dangerous to the rights and liberties of the iraae, js anKerouBiu me rignis ana loerues of the p.ople, Bud as such meets with our nn- f-quanned condemnation. L.-.-. -. -' . u : . i . From Blew Tarix. .:- jnkw rditB:,-June 1; James Gordon Bennett died this afternoon, aged 77 veara. - The specie shipments' today amount to $2,- $50,000. ' -'H v-.-.--. '' . Bank StatementLoans increased $1,000, 000: specie increase $500,000: legal tenders increase $3,125,000; .deposits increase $3,500,-1 In the Methodist General Conference to day, E."0..' Haven was elected Secretary of the Church Educational Society. . ,' - The report of the ' Committee on the State of tbe Church, concerning 6luful amusements, (fee , was again taken op and Hoally adopted "by a vote 0(179 to 75. .: . L - . . The Committee on Temperance reported a series of resolutions declaring in favor of the, total legal prohibition of the sale of liquors; that dealers should be made responsible for tbe woea inflicted .'on communities; that tbe members - of : this Church should not rent property for liquor store, or in any way coun tenance the traffic. - : v :- ' -''t ; 7 Meetings of varnUhers, piano-makers and other striking trades .were held this morning. Onepiano brm conceded to the demands of thelc. employees and the workmen are confi dent that the strike will en t within a week. It Is reported that the strike will' extend to fbuadelphia and isaitimore uext week. - . From Virginia.' ' ." ' V.J ' -J" 1 ; r Richmokd, June 1. v Wa J. Hammond, of Hew Orleans. Presi dent,, jof-tbe International Typographical Union, which meets here on Monday, arrived jeeterday. Delegates are arriving on every train from all directions. The attendance will be large, and the arrangements for their enter taiument is quite extensive. The Union will. visit Petersburg of Thursday, and also sll E laces of Interest contigous to thai city and iebmood during their stay. - - . ..i , -. IVjL.-'.ki : ' - i .... ... : - From Jtlexlco. . i- . ..c : Matamoras,' June L' Trevino Is' concentratiner all his forces at Monterey, where he will mAe his last stand. Two armies, 5,000 each, are approaching from the East and West, which will capture or drive Trevino to the mountains, .--, 1,1;-, ; ; jFrvm Kenfaeby. - - : ! - v v : ,Vr I', ' jLouisyiuJs, Junel. it' The Shelby Pemale College, at Shslbyville, was destroyed by fire on Thursday night. Loss about $15,000. f "t cjABiiK DisfATcnes. x r I .'.Vxl. 1 , Bkbmej, JuneL. : ' Steamship Rbein sailed to-day with Jobann Stravss and his band and the Em neror Wil liam's cornet, quartette and Prussian band for ' tne Boston reace Jubilee. . ii'-l'-. nOMESTICMAKUETS. ! . . -nbw -York, June 1 Noon. Money easy at 4 cent, premium. Sterling Exchange long" 109; short 110$. Gold firm at 114. Governments are quiet but steady. Southern bonds are steady but dull:" Stocks vary awon.-.,, tf; v ...r,,,E .;. . V 1 :';.'":' Si i-i CmmmrfaX " ':-1 ; Cotton firm, with sales of 213 bales. Flour dnlland drooping. Wheat quiet and" nomi nally unchanged Corn dull and. unchanged. Pork dull mess $13 25. Lard quiet ateara 99 cents. Spirits Turpentine dull at 60(3 61 cents. , Rosin qoietand steady at $3 65 $370 JorBtiained. ;rrelghs firmi;; ; "'.' ' 1 Nxw TOR3C,' J one 1 Evening..; " : JfinanetaL ZiZ: ' -' Money easy at 45 cent prem." Sterling Exchange unchanged. Gold 114X- ,- Govern ments generally advanced Vi. .Southern secu ritiesTennessee's ' heavy; North Carolina's qult; new South Carolina's very strong at Cotton firm Middlings 20 cents. Flour dull and -1020 cents lower. Wheat closed n ncbanged. Corn dull and a cent lower.' Pork steady. Lard, Naval Stores and Groceries are unchanged. Freights a shade firmer. J ; 8aleof cotton to-day for future delivery 1,430 bales June 25 11-IC25 15 16 cents; July 25 15 1626 cents; August 25 915$25J cts; September 2if23X cents; October 20 15 16 2l' cents; 'November 20 cents;' December V) 7 1619 cents. ' . Mobelk' June 1. . ' Cotton--Mtdaiinps; 24 'cents.4 Net receipts 125 bates, - Sales 100 bales.' 8tock'oa hand 7,837 bales. Market quiet.-"' .: r L:v.-'.i: i Memphis, X one L Co tton-Middlings ;24X24cents. Re ceipta 267bale8;l;",;..': i 1 . t , Philadelphia, June l.,t ,- Cotton Middling 26f ; cents The market KlUOCU UrUl.t.,!-,:,.,.,,,,;,;; . " B1.LTIMOKI, June. L Cotton Middlings 20 cents. Net receipts 27 ' bales t Exports coastwise 43 bales. Sales 14U oaies. - Dtoca on uana o.l Ddies. MarKet nuWt and flrm.-( " j --.:.-:;?;.: KJfTVj " J;' i BTOW, vjline Xi J "'Cotton Middlings W cents.' : Gross,jre oeiota 887 bales. Exports to -Great Britain 40 bales. Sales 400 bales. Stock on band 14.500 Savannah. June L j j - Cottori MlddtWs 262t cents.- 'Net re celoU S05 bales. Exports coustwlse, 707 bales. faks 5 baler. ' Stock on baqd 9,688 bales. ! Murket firm, but ho demand. ". , . t t-fii-X.v.izji t.ii"r ,2'Noktoxjkv June 1. f Cotton Low: UTddllbis ; 235 'cents.? iNet .. r r t 1 rceipov oaies. r,xpc Sales 60 bales. Stock receipts ou bales. Exports coatwise-ib bales. elpts 27. bales. 8alea-5ar balesi, Stock on fa5 tm : r. lNnonJaoeNootuI'- consols ,jor- money, vj, . u. s. securities 5-20'sjot. l8C3, ex coupopk$0 d----i -.8;.i fallow- i-ossian os. , Ai .y v&VWyiOi y pne.i-oonv' Cotton opened 4irm-Uplands lliO lld Vfieant UA, . . -T KT4--l 4LATE , . , . : - Cotton steady eaies vz,vw baiesj ror export aod speculation 8,U0 tales.1 t ' '' - ' Breadstufis quiet and aochauged, ' f ;C 1 1 VM IJVGTQJV MARKET. lSr: v:-:.BTAK OFFICE, JUNEl. I SPIRITS TURPENTINE Sales of 227 casks at "So cents gnon for Southern packages,' Market firm' snd nas declined 2 cents.t v ". "JiMSINaleof l,47lvbhlsyai 8D;'Tor Strained, $3 90 for No. 2, f 3 00 for Extra No 2, $3 VtX forLow NoZl, f3 ,50 for No. $3 62K for Extra No.'l, U 00f 4 25 for Low Pale and $4 50f 5 X) for Pale.,.: .. CRUDE TURPENTINlL-Sales of 863 bbls at $2 85 for Hard, $4 00 for Yellow Dip and $500 forlrgib "'" 'z.'x&rX'Z TAR. Sales of S3 tbla at $3 00 $ bbl. . Sj i COTTON N( sales reported.. ; ; ' .;" i. MlA:RIISriG. ARRIVED U it'-i; I. N.' G. Brig Eicke,- Kasspbohm Phlladel- ohia. Wlllard Bros. r" - - y. v Br Brig Hardee, IcDonell, Philadelphia, E Kidde? & on ?r7 J',Vi.' . 8teamship Pioneer, Wakeley, Philadelphia, Worth Worth. Stmr D Murchison, Garrison, Fayetteville, Williams & Murchison.' ' - - ' 8chr John,, illiams. New York, Williams & Murchison. ' . ? ; v'irv .CLEARED. f Rtamfttitn Rpfmlotnr Vrftfimftn. New York. Barry Bros. . . Stmr D MurcWson, Garrison, Fayette- yille. Williams A Murchison Schr Burdeti-Heart,' Pierce,. New ;York, Williams & .Murchison. w , j s RECEIPTS. Stmr Murchison 466 b'ols rosing 65 do tnr- i pentine, Williams & Murchison, J u woody, A Alderman, Smith & Strauss, J M Hender son, Love & Co, Chas Southerland, Edwards & Hall, T W Player, 8 Beaty. RECEIPTS Naval Store and Cotton, Jane ....... ,-.;(-' Of I. ; PER WILMINGTON & WELDON R..R. Spirits Turpentine, casks. .....;...., Rosi n, bbl s . . , .-. .i....; . . . . .' 0 26 Crude Turpentine, Dbis.i .Tar, bbls Cotton, bales 'V-' .. -: PER WIL., COLUMBIA cVAUGUSTA R. R! RDirlta Turoentine. casks. ........ S6 Rosin, bbls 377 Crude Turpentine, bbls............ 74 -mr, uuib. ........................ Cotton, bales 5 , -, PER WIL., CHARLOTTE & R. R. R. Soirlts TnrDentlne. casks.. V.V.V. S07 Rosin, bbls 1,11s Crude Turoentine. bbls.... 7 Tar, bbls. Cotton, bales. 1 . .. S trr c. v;lSXFOKTS - -; . : : : if ( y til t COASTWISE. ii )-- -m , l i - 1. 1 if 1 . ; t .' if : Nbw Yobk. Steamsbln Regulator 4,199 bbls rosin, 69 do spirits, 829 do turpentine. 43 bales cotton, 2,000 bushels peanuts, 100 bun dles sbobks. ' "" " "-'- -; - Sehr BurdVtt Heart 2,434 bbls rosin,' 134 bales cotton, 50 bbls roalo. 3 . ' v. :' ajuanawxssBSfin -.; : iS Per Wil.'" Charlotte & R:R. R.V June L Murray A Co, Covington. Everett & Co. Wil liams & Murchlfan, yiclc A Mebane.'Bpnint A. Hinson. Moffit A Co,. E Peschau, Lilly Bros, Jas Anderson A Co, P W Kerchner, O G Parsley A Co, Worth A Worth, : J M Hen derson. Wlllard Bros. - - - - - ; Per. Wilmington A Weldon R. R.," June 1. Williams A MurchisonV F,W"Kerchner. Vlck A Mebane; E Murray A Co, A Oldham, Moffitt A Co, Bass, Scott A Co, Wlllard Bros, J A En gelhard, W R W Co operatlTe Association. ; , List of the Principal Articles Export ed from tne Port orWilmington Dn rlns; tne Hontb of Hay, 1S72. COASTWISE. 'V " New Tork-TOl bales cotton,' 12.958 bbls spirits, 29,533 do rosin. 477 do, turpentine, 35 do tar, 100 do pitch, 176-bales sheeting, 2,599 bushels peanuts, 8 bundles-sbooka. Baltimore 95 bales cotton, 1,810 bbls spirits, 8,601 do rrosin, 2 do turpentine, 566 do tar, 210 do pitch, 23 bales sheeting, 881 bushels peanuts, 124,210 feet lumber. Pbtiaaeipaia au& Dales cotton, 104 ddis spirits; 2,755 do rosin, 29 do turpentine, 826 do tar, 250 do pitch, 1,145 bushels peanuts, 56,0C0 feet lumber, 502.575 shingles. Boston-Sd bales -cotton,. 26, bbls - Spirits, S69 do rosin, 4,115 do tsr, 800 do pitch, 218,981 feet lumber. s - .. . ; . . . . ' Bath-476,306 feet lumber. : ' Georgetown, D. C 230,228 feet lumber. ; Richmond,. Me. 10 bbls pitch,-192,490 feet lumber. - Kennebunkport 109,815 feet lumber . "" Fail River 116.000 feet lumberi : ' - Providence 123,000 feet lumber. 1 TOTAL 1,257 j bales cotton, . 4,958 bbls spirits, 41,258 do rosin, 508 do turpentine, 5,042 do tar, 1,060 do pitch, 199 bales eheetiner. 4,625 bushels peanuta, 1,661,020 feet lumber, 502,575 shingles, 800 bundles shooks. . . -i,: i. . : ; FOREIGN. ' . , . : ; ? Liverpool 1,072 bbla spirits, 493 do roslnr4 ' Corky or Falmouth lor uraera 3.7o7jbbis spirits, 7,917 do rosin. ... V v vi ' 4 London 2,650 bbls spirits. li tUreetOsk, Scotland 200 bbls spirits, 158 do rosin, 2,809 do tar. t, Amsterdam 1,552 bbls spirits; 10 do rosin. . Cork for Orders 2,414 bbls spirits 1,449 do rosin. '-(''..TU.!:;:.-.-: -:. ; . Cardenas 186,770 feet lumber. ? '- i' k Nassau 4 bbls tar, 10 do pitch, 29,689 feet lumber, 69,70Q bbingles.:' .; - - --. Jamaica 70,064 feet 'lumber, .250,000 feet timber.,;,.'' "rr-LU ; r. TOTAL 10,645 bbls spirits, 10,027 do rosin, 2,813 do taP, 10 do pitch, 236,413 feet lumber, 319,709 ah ingles; y. : GRAND :TOTAL3-i,257 bales i coiton, 15,- oua Obis spirits, ot.zso do rosin, ouo do turpen tine, 7,853 do tar, 1,070 do pilch, 199 bales sbeeting.'4 625 bushels pe4nutsri.897.433 ieet l lumber, 822,25 shingles, 800, bundles shooks. in r.i . . v List or T-essela Clearea Tor iliisPort. COAHiwiSE;" z;,i-,. Schf John, Williams, cU May 25 - ! i FORTRESS MONROE.- " ' BarkDeef. " eld May ia FOREIGN, trtw f:-.'r'Tiirnk'vi?.r ::i ' ; ' Schr MagdalenarBumsgard. - eld March 21 ruar AmazonfticioBaiu .Bo ouunay 4 - Naardy-ejt out May 3?ho. CaroliiiiOaiiiier, V.;. i-. r r f.-iTiis ..a1 iJX4snan: -4 w 1 BVERX ,S ATlTRDATi AT SHELBY. .N.' C WcC,DURHAM. - :1 ,;.: Jratcwwcs R one TeaV,..i.;.......... Tt Y VrUTnrvf-H II. J. ilCiJlJJf iriiii ATSt-?A i .: - 2 00 j . . .. ... .......... 1 w i-f ' DURHAM & UcDUrriE,- Rds. and rroprietors, deol5-Wv .rjVVft-'.-' LIST OP VESSEL8 V -rM In Port of Wllmtnffton, i Jnno 1, 1872. PiOneerT' Wakeley, dls,' Worth & Worth; LRebecca Clyds, Chilis, 4i3r A XlCazaux A-BARQUES.-t-s, Y Shanghai, Nan;clmtz,"di3, 4WUlard Bros Br Williamine. Bessie, dis. master; a Vt. 1 O fc V. At . ' TTHt4A' T . V in Hrtr T?.it A-'Rnftfip.'hrkhn ia WHlard 1 Bros.'.' ':::'""V-' i. --v ..? Bp. Brig Hardee,- McDowell, dis,, E - Kidder : Essex, Smith, dis, , ? Br CrUerrpn; Conut, ds, jyilllams & Mur chison.- a, . . . '-. . . - . . ' y, Y -'f ; SCHOONERS. : S. h: r . . C John, Williams, ois, Williams fc Murchison; Lfght of the v East, Harper, dis, flarriss & Howell.' ' , , ,. .' s :.N : '' - 8rah Bruen, Fisher; dls,s Harrlss Howell. . Seguinn. t Davis, dla. O G PareleT. Sr. - ' Tarry lot,,Timmons, dis. H&rriss & Howell Nellie Orcott. " Williams, "dis, Harriss" & Howell. -fl V W' Simmons, Williams, dis Harrtss & Howell. ' 1 r...?- ..ju:t- . Kate Wentworth; Meadt -dis, -ErKkder &. Son. ; - A J .-3 t i, ' j MIBCFJiTi A NEQUa. THE "STARn iJStOATYt T'h"vPr?'nf :iHo4'1TftTii' vYV.rrr? "T- THREE STEAM-PRESSES ; COMPETENOT WORKMEN, THE BEST MATERIAL. "VP-- REASONABLE PRICES rov SUPERIOR WORK Give Us aiTrial. apr4-nactf EXCURSION SEASON OF 1S7S. ., t1' ! ii vl -i fit; WILMINGTON A. WELDON,"- i Wilmington, Colombia and An- &nsta Railroads. - v t" ' PASSENGER DEP'T, J -r- H,WiLweTOjr, N. Ck, June l, 1872. COMMENCING June 1st. 1872, the following named " Round Trip Excursion Tickets will be on eale at Union Depot Ticket Office. Wilmington ta - - -" : - - - .? r-r, . reenbrier White Sulphur Springs. ' -Rockbridge Alum , . Bath Alum ' " " ..xiKji Hot or Healing . , ,M Rwat. at Rwoftt f!hft1vnAHti 4 ' ' ?' 'Covner's i Alleghany - 1 - : . Montgomery White Sulphur ' Vllnw fiiilnhni- . , . Kittreiis r r-r, : '.' t Hickory Tavern, N. C. ."" . . ' , Morgan ton, N. C, Ilnoolnton, N.'C. ,r.-: - - Cherryville, N. C, A she villa N.C. Marion, N. CM Old Fort, N. C. ,.To de 1'EaUt Hampton BoadSi Tan ' And a full line of Excursion Tickets to prom inent ' ' Northern Watering Places BY VARIABLE and ATTRACTIVE ROUTES. These tickets are good to return by Novem ,ber 1st, 1872. - .. i - . , . A. POPE, Gen. Ticket AfiTt.. junelt Pq I. : T rA i r jttiif ! DUG OH ; liUl U, . bwT f : i CHEESE, ifecV "TRY 8alted and 8moked Western Should- I U era and Bides in Hhds. and Boxes - ougarKiared Bams and Breakfast Strips. . k. c. hog-kound; City Mess PorkRump Pork; r Pnre Lard in Tierces and Tubs, ; ; - r Choice Table Butter, ; Best actory Cheese, In lots to suit. nnyl9.tf " For sale by - ADRIAN VOLtRES. Notice. THE County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover wilt meet at the Court House in Wilmington tor three days, namely, on Mondav. Tuesday and Wednesday, the 10th, Hth and 12th days of Jun, for the purpose of revising tne tax lists or tne county,, ua win then : hear and determine anv complaints made in valuation. All interested are request ed to attend to the matter. i jane l-6t - - BILA8 N. MARTIN, Ch'mn. License Notice. "VfOTICE is hereby given that Sections 80, jtl $1 and pt an Act entitled an Act to raise Revenue, ratiued tne zitn January, xsa, will be rigidly eniorced.' - All persons having obtained license to do business ana not having registered tne same are required to come forward and do so. The oenaltv is S20 in every, case of failure or ne glect - W. J. Bl VEN S, ltegister, - lane l-3t ' Per W. Jtt. Habsis, Deputy. Three Heads 6fCattei TaNR COW AND CALF, AND ONE THREE 4J ME COW AND CALF, ' '1 .Tnf cbw is red, little white streak on back steer, pointed wnite iace. Calf, nearly .white-with little red on the sides of neck. -... j . , ... . f S - .,4 i MAUKrs wallow fork on left ear, upper bit n right ear. Heifer Calf. . ; ,' . --r?-- Anv.oodv flndine and deliveringthe same. wiu oe rewarded py appiymg w 120.000 LBS. FRESH BEAT ;RICE, FROM HILTON RICE MILLS," For sale by . V WXLLaRD BROS. rhic VrrRKR wonld eVDtfulry, inform I hia frinnrt. ji.nl the nubile eenerallv that he Has thoroughly renttea mp esutuiiaameni i .v,x. wQ nf ifr Unno-fi'? iloon. and la now Breriared. with the best ci workmen,; to ac AM HUM AsUA M-kr -- C! commodate his customers in all tho various branches of his business, such bs shaving, hair-cuttin", sliampooin?, &c, in the neateet xaanner and on aa xeasouAiia tenaa aa any shop in the city - - ' ... - 7 ' oct 7Af m - a - jrxuii: laegiist asssobtmknt or, mxl- TMff.vT nP mit- ?X ilnery aid HilUaery Goods In the city at fpHB largest assor tmeaUof Bibtxms and . 4" lowers In the city at V x.ff v D. BROWN'S. I v:'v r-.".:' v'kjt .- -i v - ' - r- THE handsomest assortment Of PARASOLS it,j.v'....' JriifV-'.'t-? ?;:--f-i .in cecity at WN-sLf milE handsomest assortment of WHITE . GOODS in the city at : . : : -A. D. BROWN rptlE largest assortmeat of C)li3ET5 Hi the vr.ri-t i, j,-. 'Tf'Vifr.AL'v- '-"f - AV DBtOWJi'S.; : . - . - ji city at THE largest stock f ULIDj QLOVES In the ,-- - city at rpHE largest -DER-GARMBNT3 and HOOP SKIRTS in tlie city at npHE largest assortment of LADIES' HAIR FIXIJJG3 In the citV at '- I -;7A, D. BROWN 3.' - rrUE-bcst aasdrtmetftrof WHITE TRIM- Things, nosiERt and notions in the 1 ONJSTHJCSC TEIiUrS CASH! . . " . .... V . apr 7-tf Exchange Corner, STREET KAI Li WAY: ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, THB'FOXoJ lowinsr Schedule will be run on the Street 1 J lowing Schedule will be run on the Street Railway : - ,. -. -vr - : : ' Cars will leave corner of Bed Cross-and tbe various Hotels and Boarding Houses on the route leaving the; Depot on the arrival or tne Jiortnern train. -win leave corner oi Front and Bed Cross streets at 5 50 A; M., for Union Depot, in order to connect with tne Northern bound train, makinsr the usual stop pages at. the hotels and boarding houses leaving Union Depot on the arrival of the Southern train. In the evening will leave corner of Front and Red Cross streets at 5:45 P. M., making the -nsual stoppages, leaving Union Depot on the arrival of tho Northern, Will leave corner of . Red Cross and Front at 10:80 P. M., to meet the Southern Train, j Reouias Schxdulb. During ' the . day ' the cars will run from 6:30 A. M. until 8 P. M., al lowing 15 minutes between each turnout t. and for the further accommodation of the public, one car will be run until 11:30 P. M. ftach day. - DANIEL KLEIN,, , mar 81-tf - ; . Proprietor. MONET CASK OI B V X For Slebt in Priceless ! I But tho Diamond Spectacles will Preseryer It. TP you value your eyesight use these Perfect a ienses, grouna rrom simuie urysiai x-eo bles, melted together, and derive their name "Diamond" on account of their Hardness and Brilliancy. They will last many years rwith out change, and are warranted superior to all others in use. Manufactured by the 8pencer Optical Manufacturing Co., New York i "; " Catjtioh. None Genuine unless stamped with our trade mark. For Bale by Responsible, Asrents throuahout the Union, T Vl . Bsowv. Jeweler and Optician, is Bole Agent Jor Wil mington; N.C, from whom they can only be obtained. No Pedlera employed. -?i r-x, iv.-t feb3-eodly FrSuWedv 'v;V;f i Turpentine Men and Farmers; 4 fTUIANEFTJXi FOR TOUR PAST LIBERAL I jl. parronage ana noping to merit a continu ation of the same the present 5 ear. 1 will still guarantee to iurnlsh, my customers with that from Railr&id Corn. SO Txranda to tha bushel. much cheaper than you can have it ground if tne mills were at your aoor. - . h v Tnat ceieorated isxtra 'ramilv nour and Pearl Hominy on hand all the time. ' v " . 'JtW All bags returned in good order will be eredited at cost on the next bill. , t i ALL GOODS SOLD D BAY ED FREE.. -. feb 9-tf y ALKX. OLDHAM, Proprietor. 1000 BBLS FRESH rLoua11 grades Cn BBLS. SIRUP. V V 1 uuir-'O ' ar-s v'5- t-r - K BOXES' DRY SALT MEATi,tl V UM OA AAA LBS. SMOKED SIDES, Ac, Ac And a full line of Groceries at Low Prices. Giro us a. trial and, we will guarantee eatla faction.- r 'if .VY-7 may 2t-dwtn BiNroKu. tROW co s t at e ' s e i a t o r I a K C o b y fintian in Brunswick county, n the third Saturday in June (ltth) for tbo purpose of Selecting a canaiaats t?r tixe Senate. - - - ' - ---.-' ; - - v - i " JlO. D.' TAYLOR, V-"-may 23 : . -; - , Chairman. - 1 ' - JL Xf, JJlyj -ct I - r - .7 .ii l, I . ' i: : ! ,Wii.hioto, 2T.C ifarch &th; 1871. assortment" of LADIES' TJ2f. ' r-- . ' 'A.;t. BROWK'SJ Tfc" ' V.,, , N e w S c h erd I ti ! . I ii '! u I'm ii ' u : nit-., t. ; - I mi aii uus niv auu uuucuiyUjauei will 1 . . . - i ' F. i EL, XOAD LINE77 Ana xiuiucriora , ixallroad ' ; WiuiraaTpar, X. C? April 10,! 87xn j " Chango of.Gchedule. TTNTIL FURTIIEE NOTICE, ih train, LJ Vpis Itoad will run as follows t - PA69ENGKB TJiAIN. ' on J eave vv limtngi on uauy at. 7W vvrrtvo ;-w""u".M'..t.. 4:15 V U aveLilesvllla at:. ..,.;.i.;.. B;16Y'. ArrtY at Wilmingrton ii.w.... gt S-f1, "'"A. JH, 8 'JO P V rnrougn woueia to. unariotte only io iJ Staging only t53 miles-Roads good in suimir -u on and after May 1st a dally Freight . t2?" will lenve Wilmington at 7J5 A. M-aBd.ri11 at 8:30 P. besides one ortwo timber ti areqxiirrd for the.onrrent bnslness. m' AT Ha Train will leave n Rundays. v i "f" 8 L. FKKMONtV :ap 8tf j Chlf Engineer and Sup't.' WifIlV7eldbh Railroad if. Company,' Change of Scheduled ON AND AFTER THE 81st iXSTAVr ! M W PASSENGER TRAINS will leav w,A epot at :8 Ar M. and 10:40 p. M- and irri. FREIdlHT TRAINS will JeaTO triweekl at 7:15 A; M.r and arrive -at 1:40 P. M. - . u , - EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAliiS will leave at 2 P. Ml, and arrive at 11 A.. M.' : ON 8UNDATS, the 10:40 P, M. and :10 A, W trains ONLY will be run - '. 1 ' J - JOHN F. 41TINE, 1 . v.; General Superintendent .imar 29-tf i jfWiWWm f"i5 W A i irTT U : ll'.lljv- 1 I r .f r-A,ri ':. j r - ij h H Tl IT A TIT ROnPnillO r: : UlllsC .UA m . ;--v ; . . . " ' Vif inTinwArsirTimW wni :--tt.j i'zfrrJJ T2 . . v v into enect at 835 A m., Sunday, 81st iustt . Leave WUmington...V.. 8:251. h Arrive at Florence....i.., ........ tt:l3 A.s Arrive at Columbia 1:25 P. M Leave Columbia.. ...'..k.;.......... .11:40 am Arrive at Florence..,....;.....:..'.. 4d6 P. II Arrive at Wilmington-. ......... -..;.l(i:25 P. M N1GHT,EXPRBS8 TKALN DAILY SUNDAYS -t - EXCEPTED.) ,. .-: s , . Leave Wilmington... .......i.w... 8:30 P. a Arrive atFlorenee.. ....... 1:43 A. II Arrive at columDia-. ...... 6:45 A. a Leave ' Columbia. 6:80 P, M Arrive at Florence:;.... ...... ,.,....;llrf)4 P. M . Arrive at WRniington. ....... 620 A. V JNO.rC. WINDEE, . imar80-tf rr:-rZZf-rf ?A i rGen'l 8up'u' . 8TEAM6HH.' . -' BALTQIOBE ABD' TOIKGION . ;8XJe'a; ri 0i .xM i LINE, Ctomposodof thevJirst Class Steamsnipti CEUECCA CX.TDE....Capt. D. C. ChUds BOIAB..V;V.,:f.;UCn Evni t ' '7- r; i4.::i Will hereafter sail from Baltimore' and WD -if. ..i-.v" ?ij.,Vji:rtftfIilXlIii, VA Oy.:;.--.. t mm mw mmm Hm . a 9Jra , ' "'y, - --- ; r -: Jv; IIIB STEAHS1IIP BOtlTAB . : Will sail ron wharf, foot of Chesnut itteet Saturday morning, May 4th.'--.'-.....'. - Tor Freight engagements apply to , 7, 5 may 'itit 'fct -fftViJA Pii iladelpMa i ) a n d f Soxitlieni Jnaii Stcain Line;. THE'lFAST AND FAVORITE STEaHSHtf .'..viP.xq k ci e n't r CnptsaalioiJJlTwAtt XITtLL ' RDIJ THE rOLLOWING8CHj; Wnie between Philadelphia and WihaU Wednesday, jreb.' 7i Wednesday, 'jj Thursday. , f 42 Aiiursaay, Friday, v, 'March 8 Saturday, :-. v3 .. . . v At11 ft Saturday, rri't '- Hay1 Monday,, ; ; . n2 J ; l " May 6 June 2 -Tutsday, 18 w tranesaay, ; v aiy s T ursday, . ., 18, Thursday! - 1 .riiday, - Aug - V: i; , WnTlTTT ATTOuTIIi Age-CTr W. iL., JAMES, General jLgent, tf $ PURCSLIf 1 J. II. DAVIS, I'ropHeW'; --'-i . - . . - ' ri daft Roardera are t4 po, 3 -Pft.wc-.t8 60 wr . ootding to location and rooms w. , - CIS, 7 W fA v y, v m - I, - alt! -rid AND . .1 : matins andhW l orrlCI OF GElfl.-JSTJPERINTttVnirv! . r-i , . J. : ifL tir t f 1 'HOW' I - -- - . !! ' I - ' - I ; - f