'V MOfiiNING ;v STAR; V if ;Tim.M0IlNINS.;8TAR.:. Sunday's tflezrnms Condensed. , . The New York JJeraldtAa anooaociog the ''" death of Mr." Bennett; eava: Fire years ago Mr. Bennett entirely withdrew from tbe active management of tbe Herald, and although feeble lu frame, bis general health had been- remark' ., ably cood. wbilo his fine Intellect remained unimpaired, and his Interest In events of the '. : day cootloued unabated up to the moment, of his fatal Illness. About lA 6'clock lastSatur . day afternoon, Mr. Bennett suffered a slight convulsive attack, accompanied bj epileptic . ,'avmptoin, bat' not lumcleotly marked or tlolent as to excite apprebenslou of Immediate : danger. , At 1 o'clock last Sunday morning the attack was repeated, with greater severity, -and from that time the end became evident, although tbe constant attendance -of Doctors ', .. Cvccarlnl,-Hammond aod Lusk ensured the exhaustion of all means within the reach of bumau. cflorti. to avert ther fatal result. On .' Tuesday last, at -the request of Mr.-Bnnett. ArchbiehopMcCloskey visited bia bedaideand ' administered to him the sacraments of the church. " Wherr the last hoar arrived, he sank , ' to sleep In death calmly and peacefully, and i 4 bis soul patsed away without a stroffgle. Mr. 7 Bennett was in the seveuty-seyenth year of his age. . v. - ' ;' A Washington telegram say Congress has ' agreed to prolong the session to Monday, June lUtb, with the understanding that no business 'is to be done during the Philadelphia Conven- lion. 4- ft ' ' ' The Treasury buys two million bonds each Wednesday, and stills two million in coin each Thursday, during: the mouth of June. ' ; OiY ''HEl'UnTS,. From Washington. i , Washington, June 3. MISCELLANEOUS. v Lite Spanish advicees' Indicate the release The President has vetoed the bill for the re lief of i Milton Best, Paducab, for house de stroyed, on tbe ground that it was an incident -of war and an intioite amount ot properly was destroyed in the same way. Tbe Presideut also asserts that the amount claimed exceeds ; the valuation, -1 '".' ; 1 " ; : - "J - ' - ; CONGRESSIONAL.' ' ' ': ' PENMATE The bill to allow privileges to tag and freight boats,: used exclusively, for tug and freight purposes upon the Mississippi and Us tributaries, was passed. , ' The privilege is limited to twelve mouths from the passage of the act. Such vessels are allowed to carry, one hundred and fifty in stead pt one hundred pounds steam. to which passenger vessels are restrained. "; Carpenter is engaged In enswering the tpeacil of Schurz.- ' . ' - HUySE This body took a recess this morn leg, the Conference Committee being out and not yet determined -upon tbe tobacco tax. It will probable be a nciform tax of twenty cent per pound. .' . , , ... From Florida. ' Est West, June 3. Late Havana correspondence states that the : Government has ' prohibited all journal from " publishing any other quotations than those of the Royal Board of Brokers., The President ,' of the Havana Railroad Company, la comma olcatlon to the Yose de Cuba, charges tbe brokers with giving fraudulent quotations in order to mislead the merchants and impose on the public The Governmena thus makes itself partially responsiblejfor tbe evil in refusing to allow tbe press to publish regular quotations. From Onto. j " ' ' Cincinnati, Jane 2. Late last evening Councilman 8c6tt, of Portsmouth, left that place accompanied i)y his. son and four or five others and went out boating, on tbe Ohio river, in a small steamer provided with a tubular boiler, which ex ploded, tearing the boat to pieces and wound ing nearly all on board. Scott's injuries are probably fatal; bia son bad bis leg broken. The clothiers here bave yielded , to tbe strikers and tbe. men will resume work to morrow. . , From Mexico. - Montebet, June 3. Revolutionary General Trevino, finding him self threatened, attempted to evacuate Monte- rey.- .Trevino was attacked and badly defeated. Trevino escaped with a small guard to the mountains. The route Is now free hence to ' the Capital.1' A few dajs will be rt quired to risiore travel aud lelcgrapu. . from Ulssoarl. St. Louis, Jan 3. Primary Democratic elections to tbe Balti more Couvention show largely for Greeley.. - From Indiana. Tehee Haute, Jane 3. A ram, thunder and wind storm blew the roof of the Gazette office off, flooding it and causing other damage. C : 5 From fllaasacnasetfts. Boston, June 3. V. H. Wadleigb. Teller of the Merchant's National Bauk, has been arrested on charge of ; a fSi.ouu oeralcation. The Teller appears to bave tjoaxed tbe examiner by bringing bonds v lu parcel and bringing the same parctls twice. O fKOBI WASIIirSOTON. V Washington, June 3. ' . MISCELLANEOUS. ' Ex-Prrtident Andrew Johnson was befora the Military; Commission to-day. He looks well and says he knows nothing about the disappearance-of the J3uell records, i 1 No Amerkao citizens are now confined in Cauadiau prisons on account, of the Feulan raids. : .TbeiConference Committee have agreed to a twenty cent uniform tobacco tax and abol ished bonded warehouses with six months to remove stores now held. ' .' - ' Thei President to day, nominated to the Senate ;Edmund Johnson as Vice Consul to , Tain pfco, and Julias A. Sklltou, of Louisiana, Cousal-Geueral to Mexico. ,-- . . CONGRESSIONAL.- r SENATE Campbell, and Logan occupied the; clav in political speeches. : HOVSEThebill removing the disabilities of cerjain citizens Of Alabama passed. : ' Theibill gtautlug the right of way through 'public lands ta the St. Augustine & Jackson ville Railroad Company ;pused. : Keck inovud to sueptud rules and pass the Tu bilk pTidfeghat attorneys or claim' agents btfore Congress, or their deputies, shall file' affldrivila that neither they n'or others" have any v .Interest, direct or., indirect, in the . claims, or ny agreement tor compensation except such r.'j as they shall specify; and wbich.nll not ex ceed ten per cent, ol the amount of the claim. Peters said that the bill had been before tbe Judiciary Commit ee and bad received no lo favor; that it bad ; some, verv 6Mectiooable features and ought not to pass.. KrjJcted, 70 fcikii! dimat ruts. ' ... ;.v: :i t- j:V'lonio, Jane 5. Empress Eugenie visits cjpaia shortly; ' .r Cbsrls Lesler Devilst is iesa. . - !- ......UeDsUccher, Gerinau, traveler and author, , Is dead. . . . i,'."., ' A passenger train, I en route from Baste ,w j. Switzerland to Msyence Lease Darnstsdt.catne in r.colllslon -.wltb . another 'passenger traLo ' maicn was gome aoum, ana uiue persons were " . Tiiueu and a number injured. . .;- , . , , ; 5 iiaU r,L.- it, ' i r; BERLIN Jene 8. ,:' ' Geu. neldene'telo. thei oClcef who directed the bombardment' of Strausboarg ' daring the war oei w eeu u ermany and If raoce, is dead. from New Vwrki - A, . New. York, June 3. Io thejMethodlat General.' Conference the smmltteo on tbe State of ther Church report-4 Com ed that all differences between this : church and tbe Methodist church South, were barmo nlously settled and they proposed a commit tee to confer with tbe leaders of tbe church South, ta bring aboat fraternal- relations be tween the Cheches.! Several delegates spoke In favoroftbis project. : Tbe report wast unanimously adopted by rlslcg vote. . ' .' .' Phelps, Dodge A Co., merchants of this city, have caused the arrest of several other mer chants on the charge of conspiring with tbeir janitor to steal their private correspondence, thereby- causing them a serious loss In their business.: ' ' .: . - .Dr, L, B.'Irish and Mrs. Anderson were ar rested la Brooklyn on the strength of the re port of Prof. Dooemus that be found In the exhumed remains of Edward O. Anderson sufficient arsenic to cause bia death. The ar rested parties were aomc weeks ago charged by the father of the deceased with his murder by poison. They were committed for trial without bail.' v . - - - Tbe -Grand Lodge of Free Masons of this State meets here to-morrow. Delegates will be present from the Grand Lodges of England, Ireland, Scotland, Prussia, Germany, Hunga ry, Italy, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Otta wa, Ontario, and every State and territory in the United States. , DUlIENTIVMAUUei'S. , Nrw,1'okk, Jaco 3 Noon. ' "',!' ' y ' Financial. " Money easy at 5 $ cent, premium. Sterling Exchange long 109; short 1U). Gold strong at 114. Governments dull aud steady. Southern bonds are 6teady but dull. Stocks very steady. ; . V Commercial. Cotton firm, with sales of 366 bales Mid dlings 27 cents Flour doll and heavy. Wheat quiet but firm. Corn dull and declining. Pork quiet mess $13 15$13 20. NLard quiet 8teamy96 cents. Spirits Turpentine uuiet at 00 cents. Rosin quiet and steady . at 13 60 for strained. Freights firm. ' ; i ' - Nbw loan, June 3 Evening. , t ; : financial. . , :' Money 46 cent premium. Sterling Exchange 1U9109. Gold 114114. Governments sirongand haveivanced. State securities neglected. ; Ojrwnerctal. Cotton firm sales of 51)5 bales. Middlings 27) ceuts. Flour quiet and heavv Com muii to Fair Extra $7 50$10 25; Good to Choice $10 S03$13 00. Wniskey quiet at 91 cents. Wheat 13 cents lower Winter Red Western 9093 cents. Corn decidedly lower and large receipts 6467 cts. The advanced freights bave a depressing effect upon Bread stuffs. Rice quiet .at 8X9 cents. Pork 6teady. Lard unchanged. . Naval Stores quiet. Tallow dull at 99 9-16 cents. Freights firmer. . , - Sales of cotton Saturday for future delivery 10,508 bales June 2526 cents; July 26 2f5X cents; August 2520 cents; Septem ber 2323 cents; October 20K2l cents; November 20 cents; December 19f cents. Sales to day for future delivery 24,400 bales June 20 5 16 26 cents; July 20 27 cts; August 26X27 cents; September 2323 cents; October 21X1 cents; November 20 3-1620 5 1G cenu; December 1919X cts. . Mobile, June 3. Cotton Middlings 24 cents. Net receipts 164 bales. Sales ' 250 bales. Stock on hand 8.001 bales. Market firm. Memphis, Jaoe 3. . Cotton-Middlings 24K24 cents. Re ceipts 193 bales. Philadelphia, June 3. Cotton Middlings 27 cents. The market closed firm. New Orleans, June 3. Cotton Middlings 25 cents. Net receipts 608 bales; gross 1,403. Exports to Liverpool 2,726 bales ; coastwise 4,607 bales. Sates 700 bales. Stock on hand 45,457 bales. Market buoyant. Galveston, June 8. Cotton Good Ordinary 20 cents. Net re ceipts 13 bales. Exports coastwise 1,103 bahs. 8tock on hand 5.632 bales. Market nominal. Boston, Jane 8. Cotton Middlings 27 cents. Gross re ceipts 433 bales. Sales 0u0 bales. Stock on band 13,500 bales. Ma ket active. Norfolk, Jane 3. Cotton Low Middlings 24V cents. Net receipts 420 bales. Exports coastwise 253 bales. Balea 50 bales. - 8tock on hand 1.578 bales. Market firm. j Baltimore, Jane 3. Cotton Middlings 26 cents. Net receipts 8 bales ; gross 10 bales. Exports coastwise 72 Stock on band 8,281 bales, bales. Sales 525 bales Market strong, Charleston, June 3. Cotton Middlings 25 cents. Net receipts 298 bales. Exports coastwise 181 bales. Sales 100 bales. Stock on band 7,53 i bales. Market strong. - ' . Savannah, . Jane 3. Cotton Middlings 24(324! centsi ' Net .re ceipts 175 bales. Exports coastwise, 1,815 bales, tales 110 bales. Stock on hand 7.043 bales. Market firm, with moderate demand. ; ; Augusta, June 3. Cotton Middlings 24 cents. Net receipts 98 bales. Sales 149 bales. Market irregular. V FOBEI MAKHETft. London,' June 3 Noon. Consols for money 92K. U. S.' securities 5-20's of 1862, ex coupon, 90. - Frankfort, June 3 Noon, . JJnited States five-twenty securities of 1862, 96K. ..-J.v..:-: , . ". . Paris, June 3 Noon. Paris Bourse Rentes 55f: 87c. '; ' -. . .' ''..! v ' .Liverpool, June 3 Non. , Cotton opened quiet "and steady Uplands ll&llfd.; Orleans lld. - - ; - -a. '..-.. i V r LATER, i Cotton steady Sales 12,000 bales; for export and speculation 8,000 bales. ' ' n .Breadstuns quiet, tjornzos. iBru u. , ; .Liverpool,' June 8 Evening. -Market closed quiet and steady; Just 'Arrived : J, Q Q Q BBLS. Fltltau x J-vju iv, an graut-s; 5oo;,BBLs'slBDP 2QQ BBLS. POBK, 50 BOXES DRY SALT M KAT, 20,000 LBS. SMOKED SIDES, Ac, &C, Anil a full line of Groceries at Low Prices. Give us a trial ana we will guarantee .gatts-faction.- - . . ',-..5.. a-.-i.-itr.i .X ; 1 tnay SMAwtfi; BINFOftD, CHOW A CO.; " ; Fresh Nuts, - r ta LL varieties j oranges-and vLemonCj "iV j - Lemon and Ginger schnapps," 1 v- '' i ,4mmiM . uuvi 1 tuoMawau r Crackere. recelTed. . WftP.VIV ATI ft :" GU ARANTKE PBTSSrt, i ' Orange County Butter ".'tfe JPtut Ultra, At ;; " ... ; 43. C- STKYisN&UWy. Bed Bug: Poison, XTL)X JrAra.tt nor aujiu huoti, t j v - JC ' ; - Lyon's Insect Powder, Carbolic Soap, ILY PAFER (forKUllnfr Flies),' . , , ,.j Simmons: iivvr ifcCBUAwiwrj. 4- .if,: -i-. , r . . VAlnean's KemeUr. - " i 'r.j Y w ara and Tobacco, Paints, - r :l ' Oils, Kerosene, Glass, Ac. ' - v ' wnolosale and Retail Druggists, L V liJUIN G TO jNt HIAttKBT i v .-.' '-v - , - '- - STAR OFFICE, JUNE-3. a : SPIRITS T fJRPENTINE Sales of 25Q casks at 53 cents "gallon for Southern packages' Market quiet and has declined 1 cent. ROSIN Sales of 1150 bbls , at $3 80 for Strained, $3 90 for NoS,-$"i0y for t.ow No. 1, $3 25 for No. 1, 3 50$4 for Low Pale and, $1 75 for Extra Pale. - r CRUDE TURPENTINE. Sales of SCO bbls at $3 85 for Hard, $4 00 for Yellow DIpAhd $5 CO for Virgin '- -: ' ' ."' TAR. Sales of 63 bbls at $3 50 bbl. ; i COTTON No sales reported , . , - ' ARRIVED. Steamer Wave, Skinner, Fayettovllle, Williams & Marcbison. i; ;; ' CLEARED.;: - ;.:V ; Steamship Rebecca Clyde, -Child s, J Balti more, A D Cazaux. Stmr Wave, Skinner, .Fay etteville, Wil liams & Murchlson. i c'Eis RlVElTiTli.AMEh'VfeC Stmr Wave 197 bbls spts, 214 do rosin, 23 do turpt, Williams & Murchison, Edwards Hall.- ! " ' EXPORTS '. : ' , coastwise. . ' - , Baltimore Steamsbip R. Clyde l,C83btls rosin, 243 do spts, 303 do tar, 50 do pltcb, 5 do turpt, 54 bales cotton, 120 busbels peanuts, 23 pkgs rjcdse, 53.421 feet lumber. . , : - "V aw i i RECEIPTS Of Naval Stores and Cotton, Jane 3. PER WILMINGTON & WELDON R. R. Spirits Turpentine, casks Rosin, bbls. Crude Turpentine, bbls............ 86 301 253 71 2 R. 105 445 29 50 2 Tar, bbls.... Cotton, bales PER WIL.; COLUMBIA & AUGUSTA R Spirits Turpentine, casks... Rosin, bbls Crude Turpentine, bbls Tar, bbls.... Cotton, bales PER WIL., CI1ARLOTT1 & R. R. R. Spirits Turpentine, casks 95 1C9 Kosin, bbls....... Crude Turpentine, bbls Tar, bbls..... Cotton, bales..... ...... COSSlONEES Per SteamohiD Lucille, duo lo-day. Worth fc Worth, OHW Runee, Aaron fc Rbelnstein, Grant & Cowan, S Schulken, J IMetts, Moffitt &, Co, Murray & Co, J S Higbie, lieide Bros. Williams' & Murchison, Geo Myers, Parker & Taylor, Cain & Paite, Odell & Co, W W Cole. Ueo hlali, J it teaman, renaer a uaumer, u A Hart, Ralmao Mfg Co, Hill, P, & MebaDe, J R MuKord, S Sheets, Q W Davis. C L Grafiin, H Branan, J Bell & Co, N Jacob!, 8outherland & Stegall, J McGarlty, Mebane & James, O A Pcacb, J L Wooeter, A D Cazaux, Zimmerman A White, Jno J Fowler, DeRosset & Co, S 11 Manning, J B Hoggins, T H 8mltb, J Cooleyr F Sanford, G W Bradham, W T Uanaford, i C Biakely, 11 T High, L Payson, Spencer Bcar borougb, E Smith, C Grabam, Rics & Rawky. McLeod & Co, U Ualfoore, R J McCastaH, S W Kerchncr, Haley & Co, W B Carson, Lovick & Lowman, Gregg & Son, Ferguson & Miller, G L Wan en & Co. Per Wllminston fc Weldon R. R.. Jane 3. Hart & Bailey, W H Turlington, Worth & W, J M Cbason, Edwards & Hall, Sprunt & Hin sod, Vick & Mebane, Bass, S A Co, Mitchell & Son, Williams & Marcbison, Mary Blunt. Bin ford, Crow & Co, E F Carson, Jobn C-Heyer, Adrian & Vollers, Green wald & Co, George H Kelley, Geo Myers, Moffitt & Co, J M Hender son, T H 8m. lb, J D Pigford, W Tate, Charles Soutberland, J O Bowden, J D Woody, A Oldham, G Boney & Son, Geo A Peck, Willard Bros, D Anderson. J S Ulebie, u u rrencn Son, Aaron & R, J F Bueckert, H Marcus, F W Kercboer. Per Wil.. Charlotte & R. R. R.. Jane 3. Moffitt & Co. SDrunt & 11 in son. Covinetoo, E & Co, Cole, Brooks & Co, Murray & Co, Vick & Mebane, r W K.ercbner, worm k vt A.uiy & Bros, J F Bishop, S Brown, Williams & , M, O G Parsley & Co, Willard Bros. ; ; . UST OF VESSELS In Port of WllinlOffton, Jnne S, 1S72. 8TEAMSI1IP3. Pioneer, Wakeley, die, Worth & Worth. ' ' : s BARQUES. Shanghai, Nab6cbntz, dls, Willard Bros. Br Williamine, Bessie, dis, master. Swod Phoenix, Stromberg, dis, Heide Bros. ' "' ' 4 " BRIGS. - ' . N. G. Brig Eicke, .Kassebobn, dis, Willard Bros. . ' Br. Brig Hardee, McDowell, dis, E Kidder & Son. , . " ,. Essex,- 8mith, dis, r. r ', Br Criteridn; Coant, dis, Williams & Mar cbison. i SCHOONERS. . John, Williams.' dls, Williamsl A Murchison. Llgbtof the Ea&t, Harper, dis, Harriss fc Howell.- . ' : V2 Sarah Brueo, Fisher, dl9, Harriss & Howell? Segulnn, Davis, dis, O G Parsley, 8r. Tarry Not, Timmons, dis, Harriss & Howell : Nellie Orcott, Williatns, dis, Harriss & Howell 8 V W Simmons, fWilliams, dis, - Harriss fc Howell. ' . Kate Wentworth, Me,ad, dis, E KUder & Son. v4 - " ' List or Vessels Cleared ror this Port. ' COASTWISE.1 .' ". '' ; ' . .. i, is . .-. - .... . new york.' ; ,. 8cbr John, Williams, eld May 25 Br Bark Dr C Tnpper, Chambers, eld May 25 . ,! FORTRESS MONROE." 7 ' : . Bark Deer, r - - ' cld May 10 foreign. - ' CUXUAVEN.: 8chr Magdalena, Bumgard, - v eld March 21 ,, GUERNSEY (Foreign). ; ; Homely, Le Dain, ' " " eld April 3 " - WEST HARTLEPOOL. t 1 v 1 Nor Bri? Meteor,' Hoist, f ; ; - eld; .v.'.i..-.',---Ji.-r':; -BRISTOL; i Br Bark Atnaton,' McDonald, ca t out May 4 t rt . , NEWCASTLE. -- ... ' Yaerge, .NorgaaYd, ent out May 3 ;TRUE ECONOMY W" -TJICONOMY'OF TIMET Economy of Labor ! rl Economy in its most practical form t to concentrate and practice ail these In one : B uy'Ypuf;.; CS roperies ! .K li T-r.- y-.. t Charles; I, 'My cr afc Co.1 "Aid set th6 best of ereTjthtasJ&i tie low est price from . --i , , - r , . f v -v -; CHAS. D.-MYERS & COS, -Jane2lD4W. i-t t i7 Nortblfrontatreeti. Salt I Salt ! Salt ! U.0Q0 SACSS AMEBiCAand --- f IXi- .Ii :.JSHSOETiTiANEQUB. TIIE fcF" w "STAR" f Steam obi-PrintinfjHouse,; lit" THREE. STEAM-PRESSES t; rif COMPETENT "WORE MEN, THE BUST MATERIAL. - f r : REASONABLE PRICE3 hi roa 4 SUPERIOR WOiiE Give Us a Trial- EXCURSIONS SEASON WILMINGTON & WELDON, 1ViImlngton9oliimbla and Ail J I A U feusta : Kailrouds. T if;) s ' U. . PASSENGER DEP'T, J ' , 1 t .WilmikotOs, N. C, June i, 1872. COMMENCING Jnne 1st, 1872, tbe following named "Ronnd Trip Excursion Tickets " will be on sale at Union Depot Ticket Office. Wilmington ts r Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs. . ' Rockbridge Alum ? ; ; Bath Alum - Hot or Healing - Sweet or Sweet Chalybeate " - Coynera ' ' ' ' Alleghany " ",! . Montgomery White Sulphur " . , . I'ellow aulphur " . - Kittrells Hickory Tavern, N. C. , s - . i Morganton, N. C, Linoolnton, N. C. ; Cherry vllle, N. C, Asherille N. C. Marion, N. C, Old Fort, N. C. Toe le lan Hampton Boads, Ta., And a full line of Excursion Tickets to prom inent V - v .- .' ; Northern Watering Places BY VARIABLE and ATTR ACTIVE ROUTES. These tickets are good to return by Novem ber 1st, 1872. . : -- A. POPE, Gen. Ticket Ag't. Jnnel-3t - Bacon Lard Butter, CHEESE, &o. "" DRY Salted and Smoked Western Should era and Sides in JEIJxds. and Boxes. : sugar-cured Hams and Breakfast Strips. N. C. HOG-ROUND, City Mess Pork, Kump Pork, . Pure Lard in Tierces and Tubs, ; j L'; Choice Table gutter,' . ,: , Best Factory Cheese, In lots to suit. For sale py may-19-tf ADRIAN A VOLLKRS. Notice. THE County Commiasioners of the County of New Hanover will meet at the Court itonae in Wilmington tor three days, namely, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the 10th, 11th and 12th days of Jun", for the purpose of revising tbe lax lists of the county, aud will then hear and determine any complaints made in valuation.- All interested are request ed to attend to the matter. -J one l-6t SILAS N. MARTIN, Ch'mn. . License; fifotice .! "VTOTICE is hereby given that Sections S0g JlX Zl and 2 of an Act entitled an Act Ct raise Revenue, ratified the 2lth January, 1872, will bo rigidly emorced. j SK All persons having obtained license ta do business and not having registered the same are required to come forward and do so. The penalty is 20 in every case of failure or ne glect. W. J. BlVENS, Register, ;. . lune l-3t Per W. M. Habjeus, Deputy". ' -a.o Q -Notice. if . rrHE undersigned having qualified as Exec JL utrix of the last will ana testa n ent ot N. .T. Harriss," deceased, notifies all -persons in debted to .said estate to make immediate payment ; and all persons holding claims against said estate to present them, duly ku thenticated, on or before the 1st day of Jnne, 1873, to the undersigned, or to Maraden Bel lamy, Esq.; Attorney at Law, - Or this notice will be pleaded in bar or their recovery. MARY M. HARRISS, ? i- ; Executrix of N. T. Harriss, dee'd. mayv.7-wiwTn . .-... j 1. 1.- .Uu , .. to the State Senatorial Confention ITUiOM Brunswick and Bladen Counties will JC m.et at . . .... u s y BlacR Hock - Acadetiy, ; In Brunswick cbuiity on the tliird Saturday in Juae (l&th) lov tbe.-purpose Of selecting a candidate ior the senate. - ; s :' ' '- JNO. D. TATL02, may 29 V,s"': '! i ' " XJhairmsux. BarberShop. 7 . JOE TURNER, would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally' that he has thoroughly refitted his establishment in the rear of Mr. Runge's Saloon, and is now prepared, with the best of workmen,' to ac commodate his customers in all the various branches of his business, such - as shaving hair-cutting, shampooing, Ac, in the neatest manner ana on as- xetLMomouo txmxmm as any shon In t.h citv. r. ;v ! t- nr.7a ' Quarantine Hotice; ON and' after June 1st, 1872r tne following Quarantine Regulations will be enfoioed: - "All vessels fiiom ports south'of "Cape -Fear will stop for inspection at the Quarantine Sta tion; 5-M-'.'ti-i r : Allveesels having sickness onr board tm ar rival, or having had sickness on board during the passage, wUl stop for' inspection at the Quarantine Station. . . . . . . ; Vessels aot included as-above, may proceed to Wilmington without -detention. ; .'.!- i . Pilots and Masters of vessels will, please take notice . ...... - 4-'. ; , , .o. , ?; ; U.L w . Q. ciTRtlS, ; " " Qnarantine Physician. may 23.2awtlNovTnr. tx .sf i -- The Oarolina Banner, EVERT SATURDATC AT , SHELBY, j C. WC. DURHAM, .---, . MnDUFFIE T, ; StrascaErTioa Uatbs : , One TTear,..i...i...---2 00 Rix Months, ;.;..;i...i....;.w..v 1 00 O ' DURHAM A McDLTFIE,'; ! r.;iel5-tflirf 7!-t . Eda. aud Proprtetor&r , miscellaneous; ATi-B.-BROWirS,;.. THE LARQEST ASS 30 UTil EN I- OF ; MIL ,v j llnery and Millinery Goods In tho city at i ' - - 'A..D; BROWNJSin i ' ' -. " - i i ,- .v- " . -, . . . - - - ., .J- ' rnHE largest assortments of Ribbons and Flowers In the city at'- - . -v 'v'i w'., j:;i- , A.'--:e.,v'-. '-.' v -.-.' j.i'; TIIE handsomest assortment of PARASOLS . intbe.caty at-1 V- v - : - :A. D. BItOWNS. mils handsomest assortment'- of WIllTE GOODS la the city at ; : ' A. D. BEOWNC: THE largest assortment of COilSETi in the . city at ' i , . THE largest :stock of XlD gLo VES In the tity at , A, D. BRQWN'3. rpiIB largest assortment; of LADIIS UHi - DEB-G AEMENT3 and HOOP SKIETS In. ' - the city at ' J - 1 i-; . ' THE largest assortment of LADIES' HAIR . . FIXINGS in tbe city at ; . s . .. - - j rHi A. D. BBOWJJ'iW THE best: assortment- of WHITE TRIM ...'W.''; .. ....'.ii--T. . , ; MlNaS,.H09IEEYX and NOTIONS In the . clty at ,'.' - " ' -;;.-r apr7-tf Exchange Oorrir. STUEET RAIL WA Y t ON AND AFTER THIS DATE, THE FOL IO wing Schedule will be run on the Street Railway : Cars will leave corner of Red Cross and Front streets, for Union Depot, at 2:40 A MV dally, to meet the Southern train, stopping at tbe various Hotels and Boarding Houses On the route leaving the Depot on the .arrival' of the Northern train. WiU leave corner of Front and Red Cross streets at 5 GO A.- M., for Union Depot, in order to connect with the Northern bound train, making the usual stop pages at the hotels and boarding houses leaving Union Donot on the arrival -of the Southern train. In the evening will leave corner of Front and Red Cross streets at 5:45 P M., making the nsunal stoppages, leaving Union Depot on the arrival of tho Northern train. r-' ",' ! v.? Will leave corner ol Red Cross and Front at 10:eo P. M., to meet the Southern Traim :ii Rbqttlab Sohedulu. During the day: the cars will run from 6:30 A. M. until 8 P. ; M., al lowing 15 minutes between each turnout ; and for the further accommodation of the public, one car will be run until 11:20 P. M. each day. DANIEL KLEIN, ' mar 31-tf . Proprietor. CHICAGO! One Hundred and Forty. i firms Tiave testified to the preservation of their Books, Papers and Valuables in the terrible t v- i ' C HI C A G O F I RE. HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION FIRE AND BURGLAR- PROOF SAFES Awarded tbe Prize Medals' at tbe .. World's Fair in London, i-y V ; r ' At tbe Exhibition v Unlverselle Parts, ant v j jf yi ;i:''v Tbe World's Fair in New Tork, In -ii. Also, winner of Ube waff'er of , Awarded at the Paris Exhibition to the BEST SAFE I1V THE WORLD Z HERRIKG'3 NE W PATENT , Champion Banker', Safes I " Patent high and low steel welded, combined with Patent Franklinite,- Proof against the blow bine, as' well as the drill. With Patent Hinged Tosgue and Grooved Door and Patent' l iiubber-pacitea iriange. trooi againstwedce nltro-glycerlne and gunpowder. ... . -t. .j -Manufactured onlv bv i" i IIEURING FAltKEL A , , BinERMAIT FARREL, HERR1NQ & CO., Philadelphia, HERRING & COfrChicagd. i JL- fli ? j HERRING. FARREL A SQESM A V. ,.1' r, (sp-ll-m a:hat Tu-entcf, fKev drleans.'if Eico l- Eice! ' j 2 FEESIL;UEAT 'RICE, " ISAM TTTT rfrw TiTnn irrt a w v-.- For sale bv . ' ; 4 . : .i.'t e w S d h e cl u I e ! ...-.-..-:' V i 7.:. 1 ' . IBii)iiiiiiiiiiiiinnimnFiiiii jh.i. iiiiitiiiiiiiiniiiiDiiiDini'Miimw " ' ' . lljiii!!!!!!,::- vV'iii,: , Antl Ovrcca C; W U.HISQ TON, N. C, April Vi 1 1 n e;6f Scierlulp nrrrNTiL further notice U this Road will run as lollop o I cave Wilmlngt ondaily at. Arrive at UlolVme..;;;'"'' '0A.v L ave Lilesville at, ,.. ; ! 4:1 .J' Airiveat Wilmington ...."'"""".rA.S' Through Uckets to . Charlotte ni8:30 p i Staging only 55 miles JSS? SSj?? 0 oSl Un and after May 1st a daily Frei,l.mni6r. n?at7:l5ln' will leave WUm at 8:S0 P.: MM besides on a V.V-. iV" and&rriv" as required for the current businSa 1 Uai V" N? Traijiwui leave on sX?, Vil.j.&;Veldori:Raii OFFICE OF OEN'LvsUPEMNTEN-OiEK,, WlXKIKQTOir March 2th. 1871 :(angCqf ; Schedule, ON. AND i AFTER, THE aist Iwst a PASSENGER TRAINS will leafe A' Depot at 65 Ai il. and 10:40 P. M. m? . l0B at 3:10 A. M. and 6d5 P. M. ft "l1 FREIGHT TRAINS wlll leavo tri-weeklv ., 7:15 A -M.V and arrive at 1:40 P. M. ... ; .: EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIUS will leavB ON SUNDAYS, the 10:40 P. M. ana Mo a m trains ONLY'-wUl be'runV fi' ' - . JOHN F. DIVINE mar gf ".f General SnpenntndUt GENERAL' gLTPVTS; OFFlcF Wilmington,: Columbiar& An WiLMisrsTON, N. C., March 29th, 17, '.-5 .'Changelofi Schedule. H E FOLLQ WBf Gj C?EDUL.E. .WILL GO Into efleetat ?:23 A M., Sunday, 31 at Inst: DAY EXPRESS TEAEST,' (Daily.) Leave Wilmington.. ;.V..iw. 8:25 a. it Arrive at Florence..... ...... :3a.m Arrive at Columbia........,.;.. 1:25 p.n Leave Columbia. .H:40 a. m Arrive at Florence..,. 4:16P.M Arrive at Wilmington i ,lti:25 p. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUNDAY8 w , v v. -EXCEPTED.) 7. : Leave WHmington..;.;.;.,.....;. 630 p, .Arrive atFlorenee..... 1:43 A. 11 Arrive at Columbia..;.............. 6:40 A. H Leave . Columbia, M, ..i 6:20 P. m Arrive at Florence..... ......li Ai p, m Arrive at Wilmington.i.. 620 A.M : . " '' ;. . s;' y . JNC UWINDEB, r mar80-tt . , ...l.v fe ' . J .nl ;Genl Sup't. STEAMSHIP-. LINES. i v fin BALTIMORE AND . WIL1UNGT0N STErnBHIRIIINE, Composed of the First Class Stcamsliipt; , REBECCA CLYDE. ;,.Capt. If. C. Childi XIJClEEEirlcipii nil. Prica BOLIVARwt..,..,.;..iCap. Win. Evaai Will hereafter Ball front- Baltimore andwn- Ui EVERY FIVE DAYS. . ; TILE STEAMSIIIP BOL1TAB Wm saUfrom wharf foot Of Chesnnt street Saturday xaorning, May 4th. . . For Freight engagement! apply to Philadelphia a n d - Southern Mail Steamshjyne.j; THE .-FAST A1AVPEITE BTElMBHIf , v i Cpf ain:JOH JT TTAKELET, ILL" RUN ' THE FOLLOWING8C1IW- ule between Philadeluhia and Wilmlnj- Leave WUmingtoiw-i--Leave PhlladelphMj Wednesday. - Feb. 7 Wednesday, Thursday, -i:Ji Friday v., , March - 8 Saturday; ' "M " " V3 j- r -li iHATrll 6 Thursday, H M Karon M - M SI ' jmy w isaturaay, . r ounaay, . - s unaaytfv M 411 Juay - Monday( Tuesday, Tuesday, vi. 18 wtanesaay, jaiy 3 x ttrsdayY"- 18)Thnrsday, weanes ... . ' k . - auk. - j. qt Frtlght, Apply to i dRTri'ft WORTHrAgentt, ' V;m te Tt:; Wilmington, . wWiAMEsT'enrliC) Third Street, Philadelphia, wj- HOTELS. -&C. ..u,-, li. JttAYIS, Proprietor lvROMTItI3 DATE,' the rate foTrani e A- ' ' , ' -A. . aa rA va rtRYi Boarders are t 00, 00 or t fip'pef . cord in ir trt l rtftation and! rooms. D7 j er8, 4809 ber week. . 8" UaasTEASrCOjrEES i ..t.vi;'t ' cat. june 2-U DAW 1

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