.1 ; i !: s I 1 i i1 i 1 - Mi .1 I ' - ' 1 1 i Si ,1 'if , .1 3 i ! ,'-1 "f .''"' . v. 51 Hi ! I It ' 4 ; fi I M i ' 1 1. a t - 'I,. .11 Friday, Juno 7, 1872. W" IMI. 23:. BEPu CLT .A 3R, ID, ' . -v , Editor nl frortctor. TEttMS OF SUBSCJiirTlON.: i Dally one yoar, In advance ....',.......$7 CO six moniug, m aavance a ou three months; in advance ' Otf oae montli. La advance 75 Weeily star, per year,. 2 00 efcly Star and Carolina Farmer, a to Dally star and Carolina Farmer,.... .' 8 00 - National Reform Ticket ! . - P O K P RE SIDE N TJZ', HORACE GREELEY, Of Now. York. ,V For Vice-President : -... b. guatz Bitowx, Of JHIssoorl. Conservative Nominations. ,. For Governor i ; AUGUST (JS :B. MERRIM ON, - of Buncombe. - -.! For Lieutenant-Governor: - JOHN HUGHES' ol Craven. For Secretary of State : JOHN A. WOMACK, of Chatham; . For Auditor: . COLLETT L E V,E NT II ORPE, of Caldwell. : For Public Treasurer': ' JOHN W. G RAH AMoJ Orange. . For Sup't. of Public Instruction : i NEHEUB- ME NDE N H A L L , , of "Guilford.;. ,.. V. ' -For Sup't.. of Public "Works: . J . II . 8 E P A R K, of W a k e . For Attorney-General : f . v 5 WILLIAM M. SHIPP, .oi Mecklenburg. FOU CO. GUESS. THIRD DISTRICT ALFKED M. WAD DELL, OF 2TKW HANOVER. THE GRANT IFT ENTEBPBtfeE. - The Custom House officers, Postmasters and Revenue -men, or their instructed agent9, nominated Grant at Philadelphia yesterday, as per printed' programme. . f The issue is now fairly joined. - " Greeley and Grant will be the only candidates in the field if our judgment is worth a cent; and Greeley wilt be the next President oi the United States if our judgment is worth half a cent. ?.'-V. F'" ' JAMES GORDON BENNETT. The great American journalist, Scotch bv accident of birth, French in general ' . I character, but American in theindomita- 1.1 U:U J U TT...7J I I uic cucrgj wmtu luuuo me xitraiu, au in-1 siiiubiuu auu uu vt ci m tuu iuu nit luiriv.i ndd vpara h rmnn the t nf all h f . 1 earth,; being gathered to his fathers at the ripe age oi seventy-sir. : i The history of the life of Gordon Ben- nett is the historv of an adventnrer of mnre - r man uruiuary uoiuocbs auu surewuness. Coming to this country a poor, friendless vouth. almost perishing lor his dailv T . ; --J, " . - : V bread -for some time after bia arrival, nrtanr!nn v hia AionnntiAn .itV ' ti I winuug u . uvmjmwu nitu . iuc i swittness of a shiwman ? to meet the exigencies ot support, lounding news- papers and sundering ties with in- compatible -and equally strong head ed journalists, ; starting the Herald as a bold venture without capital and doing his own 7 Office work unaided until he could get a fair start, pushing his' auda cious, novel bantling into popular : favor despite the just.prejudices of the moral and the cynicism of -ill-natured enemies . : v.iV v.T ' woo crucisea ior Birpna jeaipusy such was the wonderful Scotchman who -' 1 . revolutionized American journalism or ment and character were always ipordi' natea to tne newe, - Ana in tnis uespect hia innmal has ever. been the first, in the . ... i. . . j . - r . : ' . i ;- :, . As a journalist James Gordon Bennett, while not chief amonsr ; his peers in the A , f' . , . "r -. - -f "" "'r""" rr-":?r.r.j was nevertheless unapproachable on ; the omer siue, ana may De considered to have h..in H.A-fin .Mii.fiAn.i M;n.i.t.t1 v. jr cf iiuu, lie mad u the JHe w York Ileraldja personal Ulgau. UUI. t ucrsuuai Organ IDttt "Was tO rtflect every protean shade and light in its wuuuuviyi ouiiuu,. i(B uvisuuausin .was uy turns bitter, iflerce,cruei or wittyrf silly, aatca8tic;t-as-uchose4to';:make.U;-He - . . j . . - ii' i nBlv 1 r - patient, the public, like a prudent doctor, ins intuitions were tometimes as - wonaer . fill a his knowfrla-H of mm nnH thinnro , iui as nis Knowieugtt ox men ana' tniDgs. luiasniaKnowieugu oi men . iDiqgs. For maby years the ifera&T was regarded as a prophetr .If Bennett taid such and such a man "was going tote elected ordo leatea, tne people, received the prediction ,J .or thrcn J : L.-.... . .,..' "'tbrias nccn , .. torials occupying different stand-points . i i. rather, created it. : In a large measure he acuon 01 e aitimore convention, ail uu wu warm " . . , 1 " B - h Winn; v.Ci Kir.n , dorsement ot. the Cincinnati ticket;;,;- did create.it. - Uo at .least struck out a T u 6 A letter lrom Cassius M. Clay was new path and founded the lire newspaper. 1013 P0?,1011 tne counly win vote tne read, expressing regret at his with -Mr vnnnWTtti' AifnrJ.I fAn.rf Jt Greeley ticket.' I therefore urge those who attend, and speaking in the wi . like, they would a.ievelaiioa irom heaven. I battles at Fort Fisher, where he displayed ot a?e a8 hurned to death inayannah, j ; DJJlOlieU.- XUXlU UCO The protean character of the Herald has nis usual bravery. ; : . .: .i f . .-r - r- -r , f,"-i i, ' '-n-- ; ' ' ..... v.' ' senelamp. She was up, Until, alter -the . ; a k1 bees',-a no.". V vo' often:- been tthe subject of notice.. ,Fre- :- V-"'-'- t-n ' ' ' ' 1. - rest of the', family "had retifed; mafeng . - - . j - - ; r : - quently it has changed its positions two .' Several ladies ; of Fans, ;dis-. preparation" to, attend, a, Sunday school :. r- r he " Jf. have even appeared in the same issue. To be allthicgs to all men . and . to. have, no laith in any thing snor; setm to expect others to have faith in him,: appeared to be the chief rule ol Mr; Bennett's life." His 1 cynicism on most eubjecta was hardly dis guised at . all - In ; the course ot "a long newspaper career he had many things to embitter him, aDd his temper seems not to have been of the sweetest when he started life. But there was a reckless, dashy air about his articles and- those he inspired whiVh MiUMi.'thom f'.'n " oftcaaional . . ; " , , ,i ' , ...vupuvm r v ,T irayeu aim, ana maue iucw;ui tuu the great unwashed - world and the folks oi fasb'ioa e.ger. for .soniething '.new and piquant. vine ujoic FciSuuai iiiuo people, tne racier ; . me more oizarre,me "ntnvi U thnV th'ft Trr. . f . . . A 1 i. ' r . I' aU grew to be a , great sensational f news- fa . :s paper, me . King ot journaasnc :iouemia and in foreign .eyes the representative I American lournai. -. . For some' years the founder of this wo-deriul schoo. of jooroata; the ia.hcr and sustainer ot the jEferaJd, had little to do I wifh I ia mnnirfimnf rF hia iTnrinfr Turned of sixtv he exchanged the bufv Turned of sixty, he exchanged the busy uie or me newspaper otnee ior me quiei i and privacy of his residence and in this h philosophic immolation was long "civilly t ... . . ti. . aeaa." a generation na3 grown up, witn only a traditional knowledge of the great journalist, who was .ml, the Heroditua ot nis proiession. - James Gordon Bennett died as he lived almost ia solitude; i Living, he' scorned the men who ecorned him for his reckless and often immoral personalisms; and dying in the heart of the great world he was the same cold, - inflexible, incompre- h.n.ihi-.pif th.-MAM nAf nnL hensible self the world could-not under- stand and himselt could not believe in, ,h?i i,.''.ri. ; 5t;n.i.m i K0 , p . uiwu oicuw iuc mrtiiu at iuo aiuwt w i warmer, nature. He is thalast of his style oflournallsts who' possess- anv marked ... . - ..... individuality, and we shall probably never I again possess such an astute and Buccess- fnl nenrannnor man rnmhinmn nnfh I a m - it w aw arf wlaa u tuii a I 0K;i;f;00 t n v.;i, :,i:,; and errors of more ignoble minds. And rprtainlv nnn Tampa flnrrlnn lPnnAH. ia I J , . , . ..... I enough for -a century. The genial- author of "Charles O'Mal" ley" is dead. Charles lever was a popu lar favorite because he appreciated the popular love of fun and rollicking good nature. , He wrote lor the human side of the million. He reaped his reward even in his life-time, for his works had a large run. , "Charles O'Malley" gave him a place at once with - that claisa of the world's humorists, not by" the "tide of , Dickens it is true, for ho lacked the pathos and in sight and delicacy of that great master, 1 but a conspicuous place which time wiln . v.-! a T Ml vuutusmc 10 uim. iicver win not uve in i iiiettti Y uiBLory as a great .-noveilai, IOf I .r.oh i,t. ! nm..f An'. : t . I would not have.the temerity to claim lor him. His will be fame of the nleasant firpa!lp innir rn WorM.ir .rm-; 1 nirtlfnW.lw;.a- ...nB;0i .u.wiHu witn ricn sentiment and touches ot humor, alwavs talkative and Witt v and- smart, sketchy '!rkcWcrOSsin.w. frh dflihV vir. ,i --;- 7 ;" orous, nearly brilliant, nearly first-class .J i II' L '.L. l'lf .1 . . ' nu vei luuiog snort oi iuo utss writers in his school. The popular Irish-; writer is no morel O'Malley'a creator is now with the silent dead, and a world of friends weep! OIC OF TIIE PEOPLE. Iloneat Old Horace Greeley. ! Editor Morning " Star :-I am a close .i . . observer, especially in local politics, and u MA r... w M M M4.AMM Utt" uuB uuj. BuUU& Democrats exnress themselves since the 0incin-kti Conrentionrihat Greeley ia the L , , T ' ' J I rV o rr t f rta 4-i rr ua nnT Aa tAoa a! . 4li a ""toi ,coail410 v fcUO I candidate lor President to . abandon - all such ldes, as it would - be madness and I suiciue 10 ourselves ana toiai aestructioo 1 fV' rtllf 'rartv i' OnH morn urn -nn "m nomll .1 ncrat nn filpf.t him. nt whir-h T mh nnt duo a shadow of hope; it would only be a life I of four years ior the"Democfatic party to live : then our political death would be tlcertaini and forever, font would concen- t trate ana consoiiaate ail the elements aud power of the Republican party, and then I vtcio umu no w! uvl. iuo . iruiu ue weu insuueu juto tue. minus oi me rasn i Baltimore Convention ,mtets, and let all J the Southern Si atts go en masse for the en- I au'uicJk .us wwwuuau vuuicuiiuu. w Jt , oi, , i -.-:.'--'." - . . - Lieutenant Henry O. Porter, son of the I o.mmoaore iidVia'.rorter,!.wiio aiea I " " AAiiis, J uaillLUOrc CUUDIV. JJXU.. at the country residence, ot Admiral Porter, on be,B2d - c'"" leuienani or.tue united xncitta wuu luat vessel was .,tni. hv 1h. ... m- - was sunk by the Alabama, cmmanUed by Capt.'Semmes, and stood by bis guns until tbesbip wentUowu. Assoonaahe rtgaioed r'-nfAL- . r, - T W- uruu to -active-duty in hannaT Commodore Gordoo: in - the two IM,11 nave ?me out in Pvmg I been led tp do so by the lot ot fortune. a j -nu"'uv vniv picnin ine next aav..ann wiien lu tuo wi 1 as can h npiAtfi. ? . i'ainictto iiC-ivcs. The : State Democratic Con- veotion meets ia Columbia on the 11th 1DSt. - a t0mnomnn nn?. IT . zation in Aiken is in a most fl.iunsbin condition.-- . , - v . . . A meeting oi.tne creaitors oi the Greenville and" Columbia Railroad will be held in Columbia on the 10th inst. f S.Thftrft w(w.'ft MfnlnfSQ rlpftt.lui I in Phrii?fifnn tifii,fh.'.v 0Wfl!w Trm 1 t. nf.whir.hu worMf ri fnnrpri 'ml V -i - - ' 5 rr - m ' I .fuo.wiumuus vtwtt ut .iuw uay aujs., au uggmvuicu case ui w reported r. yesterday, the S$?$, man, v nil nor (rifi. of nwn r.ninr. a I resident on Arsenal Hill JJunng the time AL .-12 1 ... J.A1.U 1. A. 1 Z t I iue neuu was unuenaKing iuia , uruiaiuy, the mother of the girl came tp: her rescue, thTownbvhim' " jtnrown by,Him..r . . , Tk(Ji,mn. 77,0 sa :Trtm fKf a iri r c,..;r.rQ .h?fo ,n"iMa nisroverfta anouc two weeKS aero, vidzid the edge of Santee River Swamrj, Claren isthe body was much decomposed and the bands wow PatPn awau ho vnltnrps . Thprfi WPTft ti,m no papers about the dead man which W0QC jn his identification. . . iutii, . . ., - a-.u; . A .thriving town in Illinois rejoices in the name of Tail-Holt. ., A lady has; beet, appointed liquor Agent, at j-aitoo,iewxiampsuire. There were nineteen deaths in Richmond for the week ending June 1st. TllO lirfit eclipSO Ot the moon onrecord was observed by the Chaldeans at DJloni ' 1 ' f A girl smitten with sm'all-pox Manisto, 111., was turned out doors by , ' ' . .. ; . 1 U""g liio gieai lioou- ill Grasshopper, Kansas, a lew days since, a wnoie iaQiiIy was swept away and drown- ed. - f 4 .' I -A rnnno mjin l.v thn nam'ftnt 1 j o "J George 1. James committed suicide in WUS I -worioiK on i ue XT I. i" 1 1 m - . .I, rm - XZ .1 L I Aiutiuia. x ucouajr .uUUv,uB uiiuow r , . . i ' a ' t ' ' t ' ' ' " j ' I A number ot prominent busi- Qul j to become a candidate for nomina- firm tn r!niSfTrt.oo hv thp TinnBPrvntivpa nf . q.w-j w . the Richmond (Ya.) district. . . , '' t Among the delegates present at tne interuauonai lypograpnicai union . - -v ' m . . w in Richmond is a Mormon from Deseret who has two wives at home. He is quite good looking, and is a gentleman of pleas ing manners. GREELEY AND BROWN YORK. IN NEW Immense Ratification Meeting Coop er Inatitate Crowded Speeches and Letters Av Restored Country , De manded. ' The masa meeting in "NTpw York on ine mass, meeting iq .new i one, on -Monday evening, to ratuy tne.incinnau nnminulinn 't.o 1 mmi.Anb rfnthnriwi. nmner intitiifn wn. rn.wdpd Rnd out.' .., .. . , - 7 siue meetings were organized, lien. John v-,v-,v'4-" '-ciuv.u nuw auaiuw wwkiug. pianorm were many cusuuguisnea nimnprnto nrl l?pnnhlifflnQ anrl tho liar 0f yiCe Presidents embraced men of both parties. - Speeches were delivered by Gen. Coch BJ1 1 "i'v"" AlexanaerMcuiore, on'eongyivama, utn; Kilpatrick, Robert A. Kosevelt and others, cndoising in the -Warmest terms the Cin- cinnal1 PlaMOm ana tne nomination oi Greeley and Brown as the candidates, oi the Liberal uartv. as calculated to bring I 1 ' i il 4"- I. . . about a real union of honest men from the North and South and a consequent reform and purification of the Government. LETTERS FROM PROMINENT GENTLEMEN. A letter w as Veceived frOm Senator Fen- ton who, after reierring to the'results oi the war, and the need of reform in the administration of the Government, which called the Liberal movement into -being, says : f : the waj:. having been se- wirprl it. ia irtlft f r nprnptimtft tta rlitisinna and fi'ghtover ana over its battles. .Uts I -a. aii -hak;m. i tt mn, ?u,;auu we should not prolong the arbitrary exer- cise of power, abuses and corf notions which invariably follow a period or pro- I a a .S St . t - -. ... . . naoieu civu ime. . , - i. j ialso inability to armest terms praising the grand principles upon which they have been nominated, and saving-to I tne neiu oi tnese canaiaates anu to tuese i nrinninlca nra xall Innura nf '.hoir'' onrtnU-u I t n.1 1- r.rtia.f ' ,U; , : 'j - Out of the decaying elements' of past is sues and obsolete political: organizations, I now the future.looms up more grand than all the past, when Republicanism and De mocracv shall be dissolved in lervent pa ..tfiotismi an4 oYer .prostrate 4 Radicalism i auu ucuuai ivrauuv our uauuet. ewui u xnumpnanuy Dorne.i r r wat read! declaring theie is no hopei for responsible government, and sectionalism i I msv-ww wiumcu JiAiujj ui uaui, g ' luuw uu uuui u;u l brought to bay. A letter lrom-Senator -Trumbull' con - i.giaimawa iu;.xiiuwi - ror.iueiroeuver - I i"o wu" vat ij .iduiuicts, uuu iul. it lliU the prople au opportunity to lectl - . . : ; , ', .; - kuu owuieiaio um auiuiUS,iix. - - -- icicymu nuaiwu u.au. uiuu, uv.cUt.7., -..i- t Kin. 'noKirt -.. i expressing regret at being" uhable to be" preseut.' . v' .-v.?r , ? - 't. ' '''i v' '- I-". - - " L -. 77 Another Kerosene Accident. Miss Letitia iH-Mular, about 'fifteen years of extinguishing tne lamp to retire, it ex- I plodcd,' Betting tire to her clothing. - . . Xer onal. IL'j ci.itf;atc3 to the iatcrnauonal 'xy- nnrniMru union are a verv nannsmne and intelligent body of men, and rarely, it ever, has it been exceeded "An; practical aDUliy uy nil v asscuiuia-gu iuau una ever cratberea in tne. capuoi. ne average HK.AlTinM rtnnnnifir la Hot for f-lKSfi lhaf -F Drf o. i , are excellent. Uicnmond Mmq: ; . Marder of a Haval Ofiieir. "A dispatch' was' received - at the Kavy Department on the 4th inst.i from Mayor Goodscll, of Bridgeport, i Conn., stating Hint Vaui. jrcorKC iix. vyuivuv-uicssacs, i,My U, o.- H avv,' was robbed and;marderea in tuat city on Monday nignt; " xho panicu- . mmi rr vi winf . -. General William Terry, of Virginia, from 1 . T ' the Committee on Military. Affairs, y ester dav renorferl in the Houss the bill to al iow me ow oi. v irgiuia ucr ouom oi arms during the jcars of the; late war. This' is enual to an annronriation xfl S50.000. : Tne bill was tinanimouslV passed. ,:,-""-"w ""iv" w- Dtt Pedro, Emperor of Br.zil, ? en thusiastically received at Rio de Janeiro on uis reiura irom nis Jiuropean wur, auu m . t. ? . Tl - ll A. - J . . . . . uis iciuiu iiuui uniauiyutnu wu.,euu one of his sayings is reported as follows : There are only two countries in Europe lingland and liermany ; tne rest is ruo bisb. 'A deD delusion ZMZ ness can be restored by . depleting medicines water gruel, if not absolutely a dead de- 1U8lon 18 ln the l?t agonies, of . dissoiation. not be purged into a debUltated frame, though nfemay easily be purged out of it, and that it is about as wise to withhold a healthful stin- Z'o they will rally without one, as it would be to deprive a lamp of oil and expect it to burn the brighter for it. '.vfI,fe,v?t' ;Tho, immense and uniform success which has attended the, use of that wonderful com- niaatlcnof apure stimulant with the finest medicinal herbs, known as Hosietter's Stom- ac" Bitters, has largely assisted in dispelling the ab&urd chlmerai' Frantia attemnts i are n.il. A M.o H kni I. W.I. 1Vk. oll 1UAU0 iVlUTilU4l UUH1UTOU1. Tl UCU OlVfA f . Btiriirth la dnrtino-. md that nnless invlcroratcd thev mnst ntterlv break --a m v down, it is in vain to tender them leculent They may be imposed upon in this way onee. Tint. th imnnolMAn Miriaf V.a MnantAri': Ttir . . desire to be refreshed, comforted, braced up, ,ana recline to be griped a second time. uiiurr lhh iiiitf h. i, ii in in i.iih ft i l i e. rM. mi Under the operation of the Bitters, on the other hand, all the processes necessary to phy sical restoration go on simultaneously. The system is stimulated and toned, the bowels regulated, the appetite cultivated, the nerves composed and the condition cf the blood im- . proved at one and the same time by a single medicine. Common sense tells us that such a preparation must be invaluable. lune 2-eodiw Sun Wed Fri OSKOO. This celebrated Medicine has attained a high reputation, as a reliable remedy for Purifying the BJobd, Restoring biie iaver ana ivianeys to a neaitny acuon, and "Toning up" the Nervous System.: lta numerous and remarkable cures of the worst formg of 8crofula Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, u ver Complaint, Kidneyisease, Eruptions I Of ttltt Skill. MerVOOS PTOMtmUOII. ' AC bU " tobme a standard remedy, . It is Fotvwu- ,j : yujubuus, ; wiu .iwiu I menaea Dy our oest citizens. MlSUKUiANEOUS. AT A. D. BR0 WH'S, r-JIHE LARGEST ASS30RTMENT OF MIL- ilnery and Millinery .Goods in the city at ' " A. D. BROWN'S. rpHE largest assortment . of Ribbons and k lowers m the city at. ... f ... , . , A. D. BROWN'S. rflHE handsomest assortmont of PARASOLS in tne city at A. D. BROWN'S, rjlHE handsomest assortment of WHITE GOODS in the city at D. BROWN'S. rpHE largest assortment of CORSETS in the city at . A. D. BROWN'S. mHE largest stock of KID GLOVES in the city at . - - A. D. BROWN'S, rriHE larirest assortment-of LADIES' UN- .. :. , . . " - . ' DER-GARMENTS and HOOP SKIRTS in the city at ' I A - A; D. BROWN'S. .J i nnHK largest assortment of LADIES HAIR ' FIXIN G3 in the City at i.-f i ' A. HI BROWN'S. mHE best assortment of WHITE ' TRIM- MINGS, HOSIERY and NOTIONS in the 'city at , A. D. BROWN'S. ' ONE PRICE 1 TERMSTCABRl apr 7-tf - .Exchange Corner. uarantinevllotice. rN and after J une 1st. 1872. the following 1 be entoiceu: . - ... . -. Al Quarantine Regulations will be enloicect Ail vessels from ports south of Cape Fear. 1 will stop for mspecciou at the Qaaranvineata - ; . . - I ' --uT&ue : ; INK KAN( K Kiill ilS. . Ve8l8BOtiECludcda3abore, may proceed to Wilmington witnoat uetenucu. . . . I Pilots and Masters of vessels will. please take not ke v r -: -. " Qnarantlnel Physician., may 22aw UNOVTua r ' as nice - S"l :ilAL ? - . METIS, Liarnet street. ..A. 1 v -IT -111 Insurance; Company. . OFFICERS; Atkinson FrSf CAilEROW..;.. ........Secretary, r db. E. a, Anderson. ......Medical Dxrect'r c DIRECTORS; J. W. Atkinson General Insurance Aerent. I. B. tiraingei, President of the Bank of New Hanover. . F..W. Kerchner, Grocer and Commission C. M. Stedman, of Wright A Stedman. T.U McKoy, of W. A. Whitehead & Co., I U--. 4--r4 II A xmoiuo. k.h. cowan, l'resiaenu .--- . H. B. Eilers, Commission Merchant. ,. W. A. Cnmming, of M orthrop Gumming. G. W. Williams, of wmiama A Murchisoa, ,.' Ell Murray, of E. Murray & Co. - A. o. ueiioaset, 01 uetios8i;.4B to.- . Robert iienning, of Dawson, Teel & nen- AJex-Bprunt, uriusa vice-uonsui, 01 oprum. & ilinson. P. Murphy. Attorney at Lawi ' J. D. Williams, of J. D. Williams & Co., Fayetteville. " - " Jas. O. McRae, Att'y at Lav, irayetteviue. ; I. B Kellv. Merchant, Kenanavllle. . J. T. Pope, Merchant, Lumberton.- SPECIAL FE1TUUES ; And A d v u n t 11 c: e . 1st. Ifo restriction on Residence or Travel. 2. No ettra charge on the lives ot Females. 3. Policies Incontestable after Five Years. . : 4. The Batea of Interest on the Funds of the Company higher than those on the Funds ot companies ocatea in otner states, xnus in suring larger Dividends to Policy Holders ? ; 6. The Directors and officers of the Com pany are prominent NOtiTH. CAROLINIANS. wh are KNOWN to be men of INTEGRITY and WORTH. 6. The Company is established on a folld I and permanent basis, steps having been taken I to increase the CAPITAIi STOCK TO 9500,000. I t iT.TJTn FiTvne ns pnn' fniifPiwv - f ia if m a. a.a aui ay v a v a; aaiu vviua a. jl ARE , INVESTED, IN T HIS jAT E AND I above all others, to North Carolinians. It Is 1 well known- that hundreds Of thousands Of I dollars in Lifft Premiums are annnallv sent North to enrich Northern Capitalists, thus continually drainins our people of Immense amounts wmcn snouia De Kept at no me. un this ground the friends of this Company con- ndentiy appeal to every sen or tne uia jxortn state, and ask their support ior mis IIOSIE INSTITUTION, I Which, while it offers . substantially all. the I lt nXTA.V.n n gfljftj raoME l INTICKWTS. - AG EN I S WANTE i in every county in the State. J AMKS 1. JSKUUlvS, General Supervising A;ent, . - Raleigh. N. C. THOMAS GRaSMK, Agent at Wilmington. ap s-uswu 18 7 2 LIYEEPOOL MD LONDON AND GLOBE Insurance Company ! ASSETS Held in tbc United States by AllieriC3il Dil6Ct0r3 Now Amount to 83,640,4:49.62! "vi. . J -' I ll"u oiut5 AMiiiuets sb., uet weeu tYater ana Front streets, . Wilmington,' to whom all ap- plications for Agencies should be addressed, v feblS-tf ' - . ,i . -. " . v. HorUi Carolina HomBlmiice Coipany: or nAtEiGii, w. c. B. H. BATTLE.; ............President BEATON GALES... ........ Secretary JNO. W. ATKINSON, WUmington, 'Agent. - Ti .HIS reliable State Company pays its losses fairly and promptly. It is managed by well known business men. Its capital and earn ings are invested In the State, and tend toward Irallding np and fostering the financial pros perity of North Carolina. - ' r. aug 1-tl .i j 0J1U WlluOr tillllSOll S , , , - - . r; - i .... .. WIL'MINGTON, N. ',6 Fire Insurauce Companies. Queen, .of Xiiverpcel' and London, Capital Andes, oi Cincinnati, Assets, - $1,739,00 Triumph,' of cinciunatii - . ; : Continental, of New 1 ork,' k ' Natiotial, Ot Hartfor.1, " 79J.0J0 2,50J,C0J C17.i' 1 va.ja.ome; oi liicnmond, - c J Y MAKINE . INSURANCE. . - Mercantile Mutual of New Tcrlc. Ellwood --Walter, President. .. .. -, ;may2i-tf x m.m m ii ir('d"ry t - o:ny, rau.iui.- i. comparison witU t the country. v'vuearespecu0; , "??0r.d' rft.t .l1 rr-scnt, is elorl ??? Prii??.? Company in aSrte Persons desiring Insurance, will please ca' on ' W. M. STEVENSON, Affent. -- IMarkerst f uly 8-tf AIJDES, - AHAZ01J TRIUMPH; " PROaPTNESS OF . SETTLEHEST3 when lof sesoccnr, challenpe comparlaon win, any Insurance Companies in the world - 11 - , JOHN W1LUER ATKlNsov - r . - General Ardent a Insurance Rooms No. 4. n. wwt may 22 tf -w . . ; . . : a JOHir. 8, LBB,.: E. B. WILLI AK3. &. r. w. toril j.om;-s;-lee 00. - DEALERS IN NAVAL - STORES, ' No. 47 Nortli Water (St., Philadelphia. Liberal Advances made on Consignment of (..i. ; Naval Stores and Southern Products. -v Reler . to Messrs Harriss A HowelL - wh mington, N. C. rnovi2.?"' ' -'ADRIAN I; & VOLLER8 .Cor. Front mul Hoch StW, X 'yrHoiESAI.E KOCEIts; W JLLI. its branches' '.t! - r- ? -J . ' ' 1 -COUNTRY MERCHANTS -will do w'eU b . calling on us and examining our Stock. - --j- - nov!9-48-tf . . . 1 : " MOFFITT CO., --T' GENERAL COSISIISNION merchaiiu ' NORTH .WATER STREET, ' 1 ' " - - . ' v Wilmlnfflon, . c.) Will give prompt personal attention to tl e sale or shipment of Cotton. Naval Storet anu iurwaixixni; truous. J j -. ... jft Orders solicited and promptly filled 8ept23-l-tl . S. NOBTHBor..,' f W; H. Nobthbop 1 "-'"- " f ' !' Wk,; A; CuionKai -, . Northrop & Cumming, C05I3IISSIO EIEIiCIIANTS . And Proprietors of the Wilmington . Steam Saw Kills, WiLmington.N.C. ARG0ES of YeUow Pine Lumber for any' market furnished, v : a Special attention given to the purcliaee or sale of Corn and Peanuts. , v . -. oct4-ly ' ', ' " j -" - i ' ' -- j ' ' " LJtX. JOHM80H, JB -.,- 8. B, BISDflKY JOHNSON & BIRDSEr, Commission JSIerciiants, f, '-.-. , '-, Will give prompt and personal attention to " the sale or shipment of Cotton arid Navai Stores." i .'-V' ; '-:';..". - - Wilmiitqtow, N. C , 8ept. 7th, 1871-tf -. B; P. MITCHELL . &: SON, . C01I5IISSION nEKCUAXTS," " AND DBaXTSBS IK " , , GRAIN, FJLOUR, HAT,-' and als; ' Fresh' Ground Meal, " Fearl Uomlnj and Grits; os. 9 aud 10 No. Water v Stret, Wilmington, N. C,. Proprietors of the Merchant s's FlouringTttJlls. nov25-tf- ,1 ,- S . MISOELLiANKOIJS; : .. Hotice.-; THE County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover will: meet "at the Court House In Wilmington lor three days, namely, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the 10th, 11th and 12th days of Jun, for the purpose of revising the tax lists o the county, and will tnen near. ana . determine any. compiauis made in valuation. All interested are request ed to attend to the matter. -June l-6t SILAS N. MARTIN, Ch'mn. ' Bacon, Lard. 7: Butter, CHEESE,-? ' fc V.-, ' '7 -. BRY Salted and Smoked Western Should ers and Sides in Uhds. and Boxes. . ., ssugar-cured Hams and Breakfast (strips. : HAa r HOG-KbuND . - City Mess Pork, Rump.Pork, , Pure Lard in Tierces and Tabs, v v ' Choice Table Butter,. ; :'-'Jr ' i - "l-BeBt Factory; Cheese, - ; In lots to suit. '- For sale by -? " " , " ' ' , ' inay 19-tf ' .' . " AfiRIAN A VOLLESa. GET THEM OF" Frcf. J..F.RKEClir MASONIC UALI-, WILMINGTON, Jj eianos and Oigana, all styles and prices, in ning and repairing .dona Only complew establishment in 0RGAIIS je 5 tf - - Eico ! Bico! 120)0,00 LBS. F2ESH BEAT C- . 1- mOM HILTON SICE MILLS, '' For sale by ', a 'rfec9-M - WILLABT) BEOS. SUmmEH Dr.SSS GOODS! THE GREATEST BARGAINS BT, ' LAD I E SDK E S S G 0 0? S - Ever OfTerea in the CIty- ;Eoyo' ; YTear : . jsfe make a epecialty of Goods 'J'JUJ. Paraso'laond Corcpt 1,000 Assorted Corsets, Trasols and t3 Umbrellaa r.very style. ; " ' TJIiito Gcccls. The bestFtock of White Goods hi Wcn eluding 1CJ pairs -White 1 i(lQ0 wILl- J d'G(;' . Ci Ladies' a U. WEU-1- IIJSO. apr;!': CA . styic,at . I .... 1 ft. '-a