v - ' . ..: , v ... : , ' ' . s . " 1 . " " ' ' , ' .11 ,11,- 1 1 1 . , , , . , . ,. , , , . , . 1 1 . , . . . . , 1 " ' ' : " ' '. - ' " ' - ''v ' x , " .v ' t" x" ' " at " .. t t L " " " - ,; .. ' . 1. " .17 . ' J"- t ' ' ; 1 " J.- ' : r AV'-;..- " p.ui;lI;1:::l duly, o-fficB. Daraoa Can!: i: all ii is, front St. .r Onoaqnaroone day,....r...... . ..i fl 0 i r . iu:e d-ays,.;..;......;.....,;, ' ' ii , t five days,....,.... ...i.i., 8 00 five days,... . r 8 00 mo week-. .w...ov. 8 to .,, nnvoar, in aavance $7 oo SS finonths, In advance .. 8 60 riVreo mouths, in advance...... a oo ,7 month. An advance ..,, 75 CkJivtrxct AdvertisoiDenta taken at pm - portlonately low: tatea. .". - vv ! Obituary notices will be inserted at ball rates rho MottsiKO Star will be delivered In any I Vol. -H-ITo. 97, ; v WIIJimaTOilyaH;C;S .1872. " : whoi6:nd) i;50i wnen paia ror in aarance otoerfrtus run rate rtH.rt OI VUO vx j - w - " , won.. on demand. fS. '' "1-.-"" V : Tim1Bitrerm ' Wtni"-' Weather ' ter. ? T,A. .M. '80.07-; -ti4"3W ent. Fajr J L , M. $0:W ; l ' 3 W BrUb Fair te , J i. lt 30:05, J.V83, dW Freeh Clear- . l,viu Tia p. i aj, x.ae. ' , -'otb.' (All barometrle' ;adinga are "reduced , ( ! nr'rt-trl and UrftJ'dejrreeB Fahrenheit. ' KoBXJtf tiBtBOTH, : Bt-rii't 3i!fuai Service U. 8. A. ' yVaClier lie port. 1 War Departmsjit, uiacoi piarnai uacer. Washington July , 134:35 ; p, ' RL-iDir barometer, northerly I winds.' elear weather ana pru.u . WlKy to the-U northerly A It. .I.airiint I L t J li.r the New England and Middles States ; the conditions continue .Javorablev for , partly cloudy weather and areas of rain for the South .. era states east of the Mississippi; . , . m COUNT Y COW VEX XI OK. . , Tcrsuuut to resolution adopted at Its flrst bthrion, 1 give notice that the Convention of the Democratic HJouservatlve party of New Hanover will assemble at the Court House in , WiliniuKtou, on Tuesday, July j 16th,1 at 11 o'clock, A. All ' . ; D." McMiixan, - v . .-.;.: f sJ US' W Ii' '.President.-'- " i i ' . . TO CITY SCBSCUIBEKS. ' Mr. William J."lwell sneceeds Mr. Millard Toft as City Agent of the Uosiriao SxAa for all that portion of the city South of the centre of - Market street. Hla duties "will commence July lat, but all monies due Mr. Tort prli,r to July 1st will be payable to Mr. JSiwell.'. :By the terms of iuf contract Mr. KlweU Is authorized : to collect subscriptions in advance for any pe "riod.Eot exceeding thiee months. lie will de liver jhe paper in person, and sufficiently early -to satisfy tne demands of all subscri bers. ' ' 4JBW AOVEUTISEritTN. ' , Sol. Beak Sc Bko. Bracelet Lost." - ''' J. B. Mattisoh Commission Merchant W. M. Stbvkksok. Our' American Cousin. JIcIx-ubnmt & Weight. Dissolution.' ' S. U Fkimont W.,'C and R. R. R. . Robbery. . . . .... The cabin of the steamer Tioga was entered a night or two since, while lying at her wharf between Market and Dock streets, and all the clothing of Mr. C., E. Ralncr,' Engineer, stolen. This is the second time a robbery of this character has occurred on the Tioga .te- cently, A gentleman was sleep in the cabin at the time; but was not t aroused by the thief. No'ciue to" tfie perpetrator of the theft. Mail FallureB,.'. ,. ?. i , . . We received a young avalanche of compli ments from subscribers on the Southern road yesterday in regard to a failure of Thb Stab of the 11th to reach IhemXt We have made in quiries aud finditbat no Southern mail-left bere at all on that, day, the messenger who carries the mails from the postoffice to the cars having failed' to reacht the pbstofflce In tinie. We hope Uncle Sam's "Jake' will be more prompt hereafter;1' .. - , ' .'. "' .. .. ' - m't'9 ' ' ' ' " Vessel ox t be' nampaice. l ' T Yesterday morning the chr. Sardfi Bruen while coralug . from the opposite side, of the .river, became unmanageable. Her anchor was dropped, but as the wind was blowing briskly at the time she dragged it and finally run her bowsprit into Mr. ,F;. W.v Kerchner's ware house, breaking in the weatherboardlng and at the same time breakings off JLhe. flag staff of the steamer Cxmiberldnd, jug tX her wharf. Damage, immaterial. V W'v-'- Mayor's Court. ' The following cases were disposed of yester day morniog: - K V - . ' '. Samuel Merrick, arraigned on the charge of disorderly conduct, was fined $10 and costs.. Sophia Hall, charged with keeping a disor derly house, was .discharged on the payment of costs...;. '" v 'C v-'--"...',?'- ' ' . Matilda Hall, charged-with keeping a dlsor-, dcrlv house, was discharged, on. the payment Of COdIb. v"'- y i," ...'i''.l:t: ' '.. Matthew Kobinsoncharged. with sleeping ou the streets, Was discharged on the payment Of COSts. ..- ;'.,-." i ;--. : . , ' . -r " May Henryi charged with disorderly con duct, was discharged on the payment of costs. How Is This? Two voter residing In-the Fifth Ward, who rtgtsiered at the last,' election, Tjad , the curioiity to make an 'examination 'yesterday and werc'unable ' to . find" their names On the registration . booki.t They Informed another voter of the fact, whd resides in the Third Ward, and who .also registered . at the. last election, and. the same curiosity prompted aim to search for his name, the result being the same as la the case of his? friend. t ?iJ la name was not there. Io view of this fact we ' call upon . every ;'i Conservative In the 'city of ..WlltniDgton to call at their respective regis tering places and see that their names are cor- . rectly registered. ; Every Oouservatiye 'expects ovote at the next elecUons and to do, they 'n. ,;v . ' '.- VisgnKtca Aa-aln. - i j.'.:fi'y Daring the session of, the last Legislature, Mabffon and other colored members of the House of Representatives were "filllbosterlng" fKaiost some measurewith all the power 'of inetr ianKs. Neilf . WcKav. the Radical candi- date lor Congress, was walking. 'In the lobby" "uaur.CT. Murphy, Senator from Sampaon. n . - i ( ! r. Murphy called " McKay's attention to the actions and conduct of the men and brotlh wten;McKay; clinching his fists and Kritting his teeth, exclaimed, " it dis VvfUty to see the&e daanned nigger t hers carrying in this VBay.'FaydtevMe EagUyly y v V'; . wM-' Io a name? Doom Is running for .! TenuesseeY and Hobby for Confess; in Texas, 1 1 1 f -No tolice arrest , -. Senators . Tlptonjand ' Carl Schuri" .will speak at kalelgh on the 16tb. ' r Sato Phillips is to orate here on 'the 20th and Messrs. Wilson and Pool on the 18lh, " ; Abratn Mosely, the new ; City ; Scavenger, . - - - . i ' : - ha3illed his bond and Is now ready for bust , . -. . , ' - j- . - There were 33 jodgmente taken at the last termx)I the Superior Court for New Hanover county, . - ! y,-- ',' '" '' " '.V After a access ful engagement 5 at Tar-1 boro, Miss Jeanle Patterson left that place on Tuesday for Warrenton. , r t : --r - Hon. D M. Barrtneer. ' Chairman. re State Democratic-Conservative Committeeto meet In Ralegh July lpih..:,Sl 1 We reeret to learn that t Capt. F. Wj Wooten, of the .W.'.'C. and RJR. R., was taken quite sick on 8nnday last, and has since been detained at his home .In Columbus. He will be all right in a day or two.: In the meantime Mr. EL G. Fladger Is acting In his place. ' , A gentleman who has been to the trouble of counting them, says there are on Second, between Nun and Chesnnt streets, twenty-one projections of piazzas, porches, &c' which are all more or less - an obstruction to the side walks. ; Particularly Is this the case with the building on 8econd,'between Market and Prin cess streets. I';"". WllmlBffton, Cbarlotte and Butber ford Ilailroad Writ f Ivjauetlon. L. D. Childs, President of 5 the Caroli na Mutual Bank, of ' Columbia, : S. C., has sued . out , awrif, of injunction before Bis Honor, Judge G. W. Logan, return able at - Rutherford ton on yesterday, the 12th Inst., restraining the President, Board of Directors, and others from' any further steps In submitting to a judgment of foreclosure of the mortgage on the . Wilmington, Char lotto and Rutherford Railroad, and that they be required to call, according to the by-laws of said Company, a special meeetlng of the stockholders to the end that they may direct what answer shall be made to any action for such foreclosure. The injunstion provides for a re-organization of .the Companyand that , a Receiver be appointed by the .Court to take charge and control of all the affairs of the Company, with a view of paying off the inter est due and unpaid and make provision to pay the same hereafter, pursuant to such orders as may be made in this cause. It provides furth er that an order of injunction Issue to Judge Onderdook and the other bondholders and trustees,'who are defendants, restraining them from prosecuting their suit until further or ders. . . .. . ., .. Nelll IMeiiay, Esq.; ' Woke Up . ttoe Wrong Pafienser." In this county are two brothers by the name of Blocker both of whom were Captains in the Confederate service. The one, CapL Charlie Blocker, is a true Conservative and a most worthy gentleman. The other, Capt. O. H. Blocker, is a Radical and a revenue officer. Some time since Nelll McKay, the Radical candidate for Congress in this District, fell into conversation with Capt.' O. H. Blocker mistaking him for Capt. Charlie. Well, McKay," says O. H.,' how are you getting on at the Court House ?" (Court be ing in session). S Oh," says McKay, "I have left the Court House In disgust I" " Disgusted at what f" says O. H. Disgusted," says McKay, "at having to address damned negroes as gentlemen of the Jury." Let somebody ask McKay what reply Block er made, and.if McKay won't tell, then let some body ask Capt. O. 'B.FayettevUle EagU. Harrow Escape. In yesterday's issue we stated very briefly that a child of Rev. Mr. Bernheim had been severely injured by falling from a window. We are now pleased to. learn that its injuries were not so serious as at first apprehended. The little fellow is only about three years and six months old and its escape from instant death was almost miraculous. It seems he was standing in a chair containing two or three pillows at the time the accident occurred, and it is thought that In attempting to close the blinds he lost his balance and was precipitated out of the window (which was In the second story) into the yard beneath. The fall was at least twenty-two feet, taking the height of the chair into consideration. Fortunately he struck upon a plat of soft grass, which served to lessen the violence of the concussion, A number of gentlemen were present at the time in attendance upon an official . meeting of the church. They heard the fall and hastened to ascertain the came, when they found the child laylng'seneeless and apparently lifeless on the green sward. He was carried into the house and restoratives' applied, when he soon re vived, and though suffering considerably from the severity of the shock, he lis not now be lieved to have received any material injury. Strange to say, not a bruise could be found on his body, and it is not thWghtby the physician in attendance that he! received any internal lujury. It was a most remarkable escape and the parents of the little one have our heartfelt congratutations that it is as well w Tne Panorama. ,-. . 1 with him as ' A rather small, . but appreciative audience was present at the Opera 'House last night to was present at vuo upera - uvus ioi uiui v witnes-s the exhibition of painting, represent- loz Fort Sumter and other places' of . note, and I waste and barren places oi the scalp, it fruc lu - ' . V ifl tmA enricbes them with anew and ample all agree that it was wen worts we price pi admission.-Some of, the paintings were truly excellent, while the lecture, which was amus- I ' log, entertaining and Instructive,: added no little to the success of the entertainment. . We are requested to stats that there will be a Matinee this after noon,raf 3 o'clock, for famllles and children. ' This, owing to engage" ments ahead, will be the last exhibition in ' our city, and we hope they will have a- good house The price of admtsslen to all parts of the Hall will be only 25 cents. ' - Shipping articles lor sale at the office of Phe Moninao'STW - : . " ..tr v-; THE GRAND MASS MEETTNa: ,. , v''l'"-'''i '''' '- . : ? ' IT pnOVES A GLORIOUS srec ESS. FITE TnOUSiXD PEOPbB.PBESEHT' A B L "E, ' E A R ii E S TT,; ! A il D EFFECTtVE 8PEECDE3.' ? r The Barbeeae. Special Telegram to the Morning Star.l' ii "tc, fS x -i Weldon; July 12th, 18721 V The Mass Meeting here to-day was in all re spects a grand and glorious success Fully five thousand persons were present and the greatest enthusiasm prevailed. Able, earnest and effec tive', speeches were made' by. Senator Tipton (Liberal Republican) of -Nebraska, 8enator Stockton (Democrat 1 of New Jereev. Got. '.WalkeC.of ' Yirglnlai : CoL J. ;W. Hlntoa, of Norfolk, Gen. Clingman.and Gov. Vance. All xr.tlt. n iiti. ;j -rr . . I the speakere strongly advocated the election of Greeley and Brown as the only thing that can new save the country 5 from a despotism that would in all probability ..end . in a monarchy. The people of North Carolina were earnestly urged to do their full duty in August. The whole country was anxiously looking to it and hoped for the most happy result, as an incen tive to like glorious achievements in other States. ' -1 . v.- ; . . : -u ,,-.. I . - The Barbecue is an abundant and gratifying success, the provisions prepared for the occa sion being ample for the large multitude pre sent. ' ; i" ' ' Messrs. Tipton, 8 tockton, '.Walker, Hinton, Ransom, CHngman, and probably Schnrz, will be In Raleigh on Tuesday next, the 16th Inst, in attendance upon the grand mass meeting to com e off in that city. , Oar Cblp Basket. The new leap year style of popping the question Is, "Don't you want me to wash dishes for you." ? "I'm not myself at all to-day," said a bore to a wit. " No matter for that," was the reply; " Whoever else you maybe, you are the gainer by the change.' ' An elderly maiden lady, hearing for the first time that matches are made in heaven, declared that she didn't care a straw how soon she left this sinful world for abetter land. Ah old maid ' suggests " that when men break their hearts it is all the same ae when a lobster breaks one of his :' claws another sprouts immediately and grows in its place. , No man is so poor that he has not friends whose happiness is linked with his fate, and whose heart will be wrung with anguish at his punishment or bis sufferings. . It is not the best thing that is, the things which we call best that makes men ; it Is not the pleasant thing ; it is not the calm experi ence of life; It is life's rugged experiences, its tempestand its trials. A Scotch peasant girl, on arriving for the first time at the tnrnpike , gate nearest Glas gow, knockea and Inquired, "Is this Glas gow ?" and being answered in the affirmative, asked, "Is Peggy In?" Printing Ink. We keep a full stock of Robinson's News Ink constantly on hand. Summer Ink now ready for shipment. , PROFITABLE ADVERTISING. We call the attention of the business men of Wilmington to the superior advantages offered bv " . , , THE WEEKLY STAR' as an advertising medium. It has, without exception, the Largest Circulation of any pub licatlon in Wilmington; and we can satisfy communicatlon with the people of the rural districts now trading with Wilmington. We solicit a can from , those who wish to place their business prominently before the people of this section, confident that we can offer inducements that cannot fan to please. CONSERVATIVE CANVASS. . Third District. . ' . Hon. A. M. Waddell will address the peo ple at the following times and places : Clinton, Saturday July 13 Dismal, (Sampson Co.,) Monday..... ' 15 Fajetteville, Tuesday.... " 16 EllzabethtownJSV'ednesday........... 17 Abbottsburg, Thursday........;.... 18 Whltevlllej Friday ' 19 RmithTille. Saturday................ '20 Shallotte. Monday Wilmington, Wednesday Sandy Run, (N, Hanover co.) Th'sday 24 25 The appointments at Fayetteville, Abbotts burg, WhlteTille and Smithville have already been made by Mr. McKay. the Republican can didate, and he is, respectfully Invited to Join Col. Waddell at the others named by him. An Essential off Loveliness. To be en tirely beautiful the hair should be abundant and lustrous. This Is absolutely essential to complete loveliness. The most regular fea tures, the most brilliant complexion ana pearlies s seem iau ux uwu uuo ouwu u un t,oih. thin, drvor harsh. On the contrary the plainest face, if, it be but surmounted by luxuriant and silken tresses, is apt to impress the beholder with a sense of actual, beauty. That crowning ornament Of her sex is, hap being as discriminating as she is lovely, she Ion? ago discovered that Lvov's Kathaisox vuthA sure means of securing it. Ho vie- paxauon xor in uou cujujru uus ui fePKELS aration ror tae uair ever enjoyeu umo ox rrrv, It ja not, of course, pretended that Ffr win An thin if the capacity for reproduction 4j Sff!2&55titant w'iil'assuTOdiv nroDaJate i uww.v r -- - .'.,-;; the germ of tne ouruwan ana acuviiy. send his book on Chroxio Dissasss free to any address. Ijuiy v-xu in Bath,- . i I ; '' ' Foreign advertising may be done throngh the Stab Adyertislng Agency more ''econom! cally "than by ''negotiating direct wlthJ'pb2 Ushers. The labor of writing " and; copying advertisements, expense of postage stationery; be saved by contracting with this i Agency.1" T vsi-'ei 'iU.--v spirits i of turpentine; : A merchanV 6t Raleigh has ordered a box of Greeley fans ' ' ' balisbury -boasts, a tomatb which weighs over twenty five ounce? Gov. AlexaDder McCIureJ ot Pennsylvania,' will speak; in Salem on Fri day, the 26th Inst, i "": Raleigh has : 11 churches, 27 hotels and boarding . houses; 36 lawyers and 31 manufactories. . f E. Tyler Branch, Esq., of ; Jdjnueid, was nominated tor the Senate in Halifax county bn Saturday. - , I he I ar DOro' Southerner Says : It is said that more cotton blooms are now visible than at the same time for I msny Years. s I Z I . rue Vegetables 4 produced 1 fire the finest ever grown in , that section, says the Argua. ' i HPU TIT- li O u 17 -1 - iuo vv jusluu oennneo learns that a man and woman 1 were killed by lightning last week in the northern part of Stokes county. - The sum of 812.500 has been subscribed towardsthe establishment of a first-class Female College in Tarboro. So says the Southerner. - The Wilson Plaindealer says : A colored man who was employed upon the farm of Gen. Barnes, about three miles from here, was run over and killed by the train on Thursday night of last week. The "Wake County Democratic Conservative Convention made the follow ing nominations on Thursday: Senate, Gen. W. R. Cox; House, R. H. Battle, Jr., Green H, Alford, A. G. Jones, W. H. Pace. . , Between Boon Hill and Selma as we came up the other day on the North Carolina Central, says the Hillsboro' Recorder the lightning had struck eleven Telegraph posts, one after the other, 70 yards apart, and split the bark off each post. :; :m '...-. : ; ' '" ' The Salisbury Watchman says: Daring the past week this section has been visited by copious showers. Up to this time the prospect for the incoming crops was never finer. The crops already har- vested are much better than they were at first thought to be. . , , Under the head of "Koll of Honor," the Sentinel says Granville, Edge combe, Wake, "Warren, Nash, Orange and Person counties have sent in contributions to the Democratic Conservative Central Committee for. the purpose of publishing documents and disseminating the truth. It is reported and believed by many hereabouts, says the Wilson Plain" dealer that the Pennsylvania Central is preparing to build a railroad from the water station, one mile south of Joyner's in this county, to some point near the coast." . The Fayetteville ift&says: Ore Hill, in Chatham county, has been purchased by a party oi Canadians who, no doubt, .will put it in operation for the working of iron.1 Such resources as these should be made to yield a handsome in come to our State. - The Hillsboro' Hecorder says : "Delanv Whittfid- ' colored woman, that once belonged to Henry Wbitted, of this rnnnttr. ic hurts lant flatnrdav. aired one I hundred and eleven years. Aunt Delany is a head yet of the " oldest inhabitant" in this county.. V The Newbern Times Bajs : On last Friday,! July 5th, a rather' curious birth ot triplets occurred at Cape Hat teras, in , this State. : A woman by the name of ; Austin gave birth to a girl on ng Sunday two other girls were "'born. The first of this second pair was dead, but the two others, the first and last, are alive and well. At a meeting of the Stock- holders of the N. C. Central railroad, held in Raleigh on Thursday, a series of resolu tions offered by Maj. W. T. Sutherlin pro viding tor the ratification of the lease of the road to the Richmond and Danville Kailroad Company, were adopted Dy a large majority. J. L. Morehead,' J. L Shaver, T. M. Holt and Dr. R. B. Hay wood, were elected Directors for the en suing year. yj ' ' ' HOTEL ABHIVALS. National Hotel, JL Jones. Proprietor. July L D. Rider. Richmond. Ytus Jas. A. Marsn. Bladen county; W. F. Steele, Little Sock, Arte: Jim. Dookerv. A. Dockery and family. Mlsa ic. M. Steele. Miss F. Dockery. Hernanda. Miss.; Miss Cnapini Mrs. Chapin, Mobile, Ala.; xJ. ALCMair, Jrine ciaix, atjl; ttih. jxciviaue, Banochbnrn, S. C; 8. A. Torlay, S. C; &. B. Gorman, Tallahassee, Fla ; Mrs. C M. Uibben, nurse and 2 children, Winchester, Va.; George Southail, Charleston, S. C; Geo. N. Harriss, S. H. Flshblate, N. Greenewald, City;- H. G. maitrer. I.ileaville: J. A. Turoin. Weldon: A. ii. siocomD, jrayenevuiei u. jl. jaxDee,toiiB-. Doro. j , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 10 ST! rpWO Certificates of Deposit issued by First i JSfP0?" i88'a6ii hy rirst of Wilmington, N.C.,pay-1M , or order, Tlx I - A Kauonai uamc able toU.P. Felton, Number 267, dated July 6th, 1872, for $828 0 : - All persons are hereby warned against trad ig far same, payment having . been stopped. July 13-lt: ;i C P. FELTON. ; ' J. B. MATTISON, GOI11II8SION KEBCHAHT and nemloelc Sole leatheir, Boenos Ay rea "" Sol latherr CallTornla Solo V, Aatner, Orinoco Solo t- ' : ( -.'v " 1 - - - r -. -. u ' ,yi y : '-- lVeaitfter.1 'r ; V r . Oak Sou Lxathxs, Oak Reuax Lxathxb, STBAIT'S IX ATT K and TAJ NNEkiS OIL, 4 ' 84 Sprttee Street, New York. . jjvai juJylinoa? f - ' . : : - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.: Wilmington, Char. -J & Buther- ford Railroad Co. Office Chut Escrxxxx xart Gsit'l Sup 't, Wilmington, ,S. July 12, 187i. Return Tickets to Wil- mington. ON AND AFTER TUESDAY, July 16th, all Station Agents will sell Rktujut Xaokbts to vyilmlnjrton (good for three days) at the 25?JJEK,S!?iEL ??13tLeo:5?-WAY Xo.r tfr8t tickets. These tickets are intended to -oro- mote uuaiaesa aHu travel w vvunungton, ana to prevent a fraudulent vse of them they are traruerabU; and, If presented by any per- on the ticket, thev will be forfeited. Double the prloe of the third class ticket will be the rate for. the First Class Return Tickets, and the price of the flrst class ticket win be the rate for the Second Class Return Ticket.- i t . , . S. L. FREMONT. V inly 13-3t y Chief Engineer and Sup'L LOST: OOMEWHERE ON FRONT ST.," between Market and Mulberry, a GOLD BRACELET. The finder win be liberally rewarded by leav ing the same at i ,' t r SOL. BEAR & RROSV , 1y 13-tf Retail Store,' No. 20 Market St. Notice. mHE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretoiore exist- X lug under the name and style of Mcll- nenny wngnt is tnis aay dissolved Dy mutual consent. - .. J. K. MoILHENNY, . j A. E. VVR1GUT, M. D. The UNDERSIGNED, having purchased the entire interest of Dr. A. E. Wright in the Drug Business, will continue the same at the oldstand, Lippitt's Corner. r . : - - J. K. MoILHENNY, , Druggist and Chemist, jy 13-lm, N. E. Cor. Market and Front Sts. Our American Cousin QR ANY . OJ OUR FNDS abroad, can FINE CONFECTIONERIES, v 5 ' FRUITS AND FRUIT. JARS, at : vWM. M. STEVENSON'S, 8 Front St., Opposite C. D. Myers A Co. JulylS-tf : --; Saddlery.; LL KINDS OF SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, A And everything inthe line of Saddlery Goods cheap for cash at J. S. TOPHAM & CCS, " 1 " No. 8 SoutbiFront St., leb S-tfnae . - ; yv r Wilmington, N. C. MISOBITiAJJEOUa '" nU, JTTT T?TFTTT19TrTtTrtT I It tv H Iw II Hi A rt I Til M Ultl. I . . . I OF National , and ; Historic PAINTINGS, AT THE OnfiTa' TTiYllSfi Tn-TTlfrht. AT . . . .. O - ' OOXSZSTXKO OF ' : ' fi Views of the Harbor and City of Charleston,' S. C, Washington, D. C.j Baltimore ' t ..... New York and Other Cities. - The whole cemprising one of the most In teresting and instructive Collection of Paint ings ever exhibited to the public, covering OVER 30,000 FEET OF CANVAS. . ADMISSION, 50. cents., Doors .open lat 7H o'clock j Commence at 8J. s ' ,. ,5 j : ., -y 49- Music by the Italian String Band.a ' Julyl2-2t ,;; "; '';' ' i ir ' . 1- i i mi - r -i i ii i i- - - v m i Nails, Glue and Crackers. 450 Kegs Nails, - 850 Bbls. Glue, - 180 Bbls. Crackers, !y ' i .; ;. '. - : : ; For sale by . F. W. KSBCHNES, . July 11-tf ' 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. Bacon, Pork and Molasses. 60 Boxes Smoked Sides and. Shoulders, 50 Boxes Dry Salt Sides and Shoulders, 150 Bbls. Pork," " 675 Hhds. and Bbls. Molasses, . i: For sale by F. W, KERCHNER, 27, 28 and 29 North Water St. JulyU-tf y, A Fresh Supply , " fT that celebrated brand, Merwln's Pig tr 13 ams," so favorably known, lust received : - Unnemi ' -JAaTt METTS'. at ' IV lil s key, Corn and Brand yy 160 Bbls. Bye and Corn Whiskey, 10,000 Bushels Corn, i . 25 Bbls. Cherry, Blackberry A Ginger Brandy - 1 . r n . :--t ' I ' ror sale by " - . - . . ; v. r..w.uuuiisxs.' z JulyU-tf? y, 27, 28 and 29. North Water SU i uiorriii u ncuiuurunt, THE. GEM, "VTO. 16 Sontli "Water Straet. Uj; - iV - rjyttaiczL WJLMWOTON N,,C- Sleals at all Honrs. ! The beat TTlnet , uqnon ana visara aiwaya on - II mi.- . . K mm . ... invited to Call. JuneM-ly? . j PTJRCELL HOUSE, i J. B. DATIS, Proprietor. T7I i" .ii .; if ifJ..H.ii'-A v,"t,i ;"Jv; it JC ROM THIS DATE, the rates for Trans est Boarders are 4 00, $3 09 or 12 60 per day, ae - cording to location ana rooms. ., Aay jtoaro-1 ers,'S 00 per week. Jan 21-tf J - MISCELLANEOUS. t New Crop Turnip Seed 1873, : consistiDs of the following articles : r: t..t -A :.- ;- . ;. - - Yellow Rnta Baga, Red or Purplo Top, Early tn -rw-.W t A;niiiU. 4.11.1. il . ' 5' tw White Globed Large White Ruta Baga, u At ;GREEN' FLANKER'S. inly 9-tf f liltlolasses and Syrup. ?scoyadaH S;H. SYRUP For sale very lcrw by tune 21 -tl. , WH.LARD BROS Orders Solicited -. ,1 u .i - J.'- .... FOR - TOBACCOS, Under the 20 cent tax. BY . D. PIGOTT, ' b Wilmington, N. 0. July 6-tf NOTICE. HOLDERS of Street Railway Tickets are notified that in cutting their tickets they must leave a part of the stamp on each piece. Hereafter no fraction of a ticket, with out a part of the stamp on its back, win be rec ognized by the Conductors. r- . . ..-.-.' D. KLEIN, June lS-tf ' ' . . Freprietor. . Bacon! Bacon ! - 100,000 LBS. SHOULDERS 1 1 - - For sale by i 1 V 1 - June 21-tf t WILLARD BROS. H. BTJRKHIHER. Wholssaui and Rbtatl Dbalbb la svj y , -, Tobaco, Snuff AND SEGAR'S. Siam off tbe Iitdian Cblef, Ho. 6 Market St. JulyTrtf mms IS TO CERTIFY, to- all whom It may concern, that E-.MoBBIDE, alter 30 odd year's experience in harse-shoeing. is now nrenHTflfl m fin T.n prepared to do the best and neatest job of snoeing mat's aone-in ue city, ureac im provement has been made on interfering shoes if a horse interferes with his natural hoof or stumbles, this shoe will prevent that. You win find the shop on the East side of Nut street, opposite ColvUle & Taylor's mill. Call gentlemen and try him; , Uuly7-lm JESSE Js CASSIDEY, JUSTICE OF TKE PEACE "C10R the Township' of WRniingtonOfflce X? at the Court House. Office hours from 8 A.M. to IP. M.. and from Stosp. M. .... i , June 20.1m ? ' - ': . ' " ' Bacon ! Bacon ! J QQQ CHOICE N. C. HAMS, 500 SIDES. 'WEST & HARRISS. e-tf RAIiEIGH FELIALE SELIIITAEY. . .J n rnHE Fifth Session will open on Monday, JL July 29,1872, - Seven expezienced teachers engaged. Sessions so arranged that students from unhealthy sections of the State are here during the entire sickly season. To repress extravasanca in dress, all the boarders are required to wear a neat bnt cheap uniform; - " - Board and Tuition fn English. HOo" ter sea. sion of 5 months. Apply for catalogue. i;, . Mi ;f, P. HOBUOOD, A.M., jmw2ew..,t ,,'..,, f principal. The Amerfcah Life INSURANCE COfilPANY X'. -VF PHILADELPHIA-A88ET3 13.638,865 an old, honorable and reliable institution ; second to None in the (country. J Policies Non-Forfeltablo And Insurance on all: approved "plans. After a successful career . of nearly a quarter of a lerv do'llM cTlbUitv . eYeVmy0HN W. GORDON. , , . !'.. jjir uuj Agent, Wilmington. Col. St. Claib DxAxise, Gen'l. Agent. June80-tf -u. .4 '. -c.,-.!. ... y SaltlrSaltlvSaltl 11 Afifi fiACKS;AMSRICAN and AAVVV If LIVERPOOL SALT, : tr'tyi ror sale by i , oec 7-u WlT.l.iltn TtRfiS. i;'!5. ". i.';VilUv -JLHI3 IS TO NOTIFY OUR' PATRONS to A. - . r. whom Bins have been sent (and if one hag been neglected, let us know and we win apoi ogixe), and who are doubtless anxiously await- - 'tiV 'ltr. ing the second appearance of our " CHIEF OF STAFF," that that gent has gone on a Bache lor Tour. We respectfully request that, they I wfll send their respective, amounts to the m V- 1 Captain's Office without delay. itrnjON & co July9tf r City CloUJcrs. - w ; - A i i ',5 :1 ; ( i 1 "i Hi n 5 : fi hs; I 'ir A S .r 3; il-' .4 v . '!