f - , - ... .4. ' T V7 k ... .. v Jt ....,..,. IW.- -4--w. ...- 3 u.. . i ....... .1. .ix .' II T -. . tf. ' .One year, I y 'v! St t mot'fc three na' -vita, i r '""'Doe month, In a " The i'ozr -aC: ' 5 ....M..? f . n . aa r ic?itr-t A(!-rt-r:tatstcien at pre .'- f a -2,- Eerous, -Ftxcrtl and r ' t: j will 1 3 lx -"rtetl at half ratss v ;a p-id for la advance i ctherwlaa full rates .;.;v;i':-'v.:.'.V' ., t . -77,-rrv.,re vrT7M-:l'! VUVv.-' -f A&rriTr.-t.s,, -1 1 v 1 I,"- irrx':; .. cu tter. - Weather c::r. 7 A. M. C0.C3 n Fresh! Cletr TI .Pi .M. it P.' M. Mtmu Temp, of day," C3 dez. f " -Not. All t ro" trlT rrti:r3 rra reduced n the fto4-lf el &nd to U derea i abrentelt. -j . i ' e3iaotr - V C-; SeH CijmaJ tierric U. ttA.- vk,i ' t7lJ DZFlBTUJtiT.'f ' Lcc of CLlcf BJnal Odccr. V O.Uce .. The low bro ratter !a tie lower Uiet Wl'l fOOTeeaslwarl r.yx t'lrrittrln we&lLcr and rlnre over tbo LllJild Cute, north of ' . Yirjctnivnd N; t r-lana Xtf ,FrUtr, wltb ; ' freb.' eoutliaflj tz Citerljwlni;' darlDx weather la the Czlltzl CduU AtlaoUe BUtea to-tUUW wlUi ic:t:frljr tad vre&terlj wlnda; cod tinned nortLeri s .4 wtiitrlj wlcii, year ' lag oo Friday to ncrtrly azi BCrtteuterly oq tbe npper lakes and In corthweat, tad tbeoce outhward throcb tho upper Ulaala -iJppl and lower Oblo Valleyi, wl;h clear wMlberaod moderate temperature; claarlor . tod cooler weattiar on the lower lakce on Fri day mprnlD",- rapidly .ezteods aoutheaat- W. H. now" and oU.era.-ree LoreLodxe. Dodlkt & Ellis. The . Electloa la Orer. iV There wea 6 aeulon 'or' the ilayor'a ' Court yeeterday ' ' Mcbaoe & J a met aoda water waa la treat demand yesterd :lf:::: ' Farme tip about Wadeaboro' are com plaining of the drougtlL -J v :'c-r i; - . t - ; i tUetTllle and tlclnlty wae tUIted by a floe rain on Wednesday al-ttWi'.r i' 'iXHi:; ' Some people complained of bela; awfal thirsty yesterday, bat It tsable4 thesa to keep ' COOl.' '" 1,4 '"; -..!-iV ;Wr.Vi j ' Yesterday was another warm, day, bat dellghtfui breeze serred to make it altogether' quite end arable.' -.v-.:-- .''w-- --j The colored CoDserratlTee of Wadeaboro had a eptendld barbecue on ' Wedaeadaj, asd eTerytninic passed, off pieaaaally.. - A' w hlte woman, charged with drankea- ness and. dUorderly conduct oa the atreet, - was arrested and lodged la the Guard lloaae "'yesterday. ; ., , .- . ; . w -,.v . V The troopa which were recently la Robe son returned to! 8mlthvlllTe oa Wedaeeday, f and could jot therefore hare beea deala - ed to Interfere la the election In that coaaty. ; - Wo leu ra tV " V three colored j mea from adjotnln'g counUti are known to hate toted ' - la thi city yesterday. : One. from .Loilabarg . was challenged in ope Ward and It waa proved that fca was not entitled to Tote. lie rtEea weut to aaother Vard wa awora aad voted. quietly. - In fact we cannot call to mlad la all gt experience oq election day's the existence 'of mors tboroagh good order than, was ex. hlhltod la the varioaa Warda ot this city yet terday. Our pe?rt both white 'and colored, deserve great credit for this state 6f affairs. Wilmlctoa hi areputstl&j tosuatalalathla respect and rlbt nobly did she anstala It. We toot the rounds of the diUerent Warda derinf the afternoon and found that only two or three tilfllng dlsturbaccta had occurred daring the day, acT,. ihece 'amounted to nothlnjr. Ae a a:Deral,tlo the utmost good feellof prs vailed. While this, of, course, wae owini la a great measure to tbe entire atseuce of stlaa lsnta, yet tactcit take Into cocilderttloa the fact that this elecllsa wai one' pf great Jn portance and calculated to excite' aad stir up tbe feelings of the people. r That each perfect order should hsve prevailed tender ell the elr cumsUncea is a source of consratalatioBv S . ' . " ', - - ' I "' ' . i i i. - ... i ;llsratt TwasWa,.vi,-ii:'i:-rt: j : We bare It from a genUeman. who was present at llomphrey'a, the polllag place la Harnett. town hip, thai? a colored tnilltary eompany,;with Cgdrdm,; c", marched ap to tbe polls during the. afternooa. Oof la- : formsnt wu about leaving for the city at the time and ri only cocjectr re' thtlr object la making 4i.wh. a deracitx.Uoo at the polls We think there is a Jaw,probltItlnjc military companies fon ;'prczcl;l5x:wUhla oae mile of a poUia place on election day except upon being called cy oa Ta a Czaa cf eaiergeaey. This eompkny, we lsiro, bsi receaily been formed :Jo that township. I'V;;..'; liyii" i '; ! v ; r ' ' " " 'z ".'i's . M .4V ! . Koaart fisenzcrbnad. - " ' . L --v v . Atthe-anntsl ccctlaj'-iof tie lloxirt 8a gerbood, held l-;t. Wedatsiiy tliit; the foU lowing 52cers were re-eletted br ibe ecjalay year : r :4, . i-j' ,vi a?h tl & ir i ' ' President P. rtelnsberrer ' I ' j.v j -AiA yice-Presi;:- -7;; W.Ortcaaa. 4 ; "o.:cretary--Jc3 lleyer. (A'1 ' rreasurerO. Il. AV, Range. - v - wv f Iostructor qrilnslc John Ua8hagen."ij; AllGermaps, friends of Bona aad Ifaaie, are loyited to connect tLc:.:Ve wjth.tisr Bocle' ty, and inay leave their ctmea with the Presi dent or Secretary, ". '-.ij i A little daughter cf lit. 8. Blumenthall met with qatte a severe acc! 'jnt'ycitprijy after ,00B; She was play is; on t-9 rivementlo frobtofthe.tore whe , t.lz 't'.fppcJ.'aad fia " wlUrher throat c-af t-j aLrn c'ji cf "ac-;ar bor, caning a s.7;ra c-l;h.'- A rljslcUa lap pened to be pa:: atd t .;cd up the" wound, A.whlchUaot btMeved to te ttrloua. ' T Mteeroie-!- :. T.be followlcj U ' i . :B-ot:eyboth"f-r f Mootbly rneia cf t room-ter, I 1 351, laches.' -IV ::' Ulauclrrcfc:- it , obaervel t'-?r-,--- '1 reesi I' .cw::. .iCifsr Cer- "1; r-"i cf , cf r-cT CIADIWLiuCCEGail 1 itx 33 .....i-t-s.:--;-!u. .- We hare received, taflclent retarna ta aaU lfj ua that the great aad jrraad atrazle of yesiercay fcaa reealted la a xlorloas victory for the ConserraUve party of North Carolina. The elecUoo'may be close ; bat the timely ac tloa of the UoeUnaU aad BalUmore Coavea tloaa has doae the work, aad the "Old North State1 la freed from the fettera whlrh fafmin loaa; aad weary years have boaad ber. 1 errlmoa la elected Governor of North Car. Una beyoad all tloabt. ThU 1 ladeed H31ory eoooKh for ooe day. Bat, eaothertfay come la November, aad tbea oar alogan wlll.be : Greeley and Reeonclllatloa.9 i ' v Tho BIcction h-. t i ; . : A- van C1TT. t1ll XoW DiWo. Gowmior Uerrtmoa. 1C2; Caldwell 623L The eatlre BUte ticket re eelvee the aame vote ae abovje. ;: : Qpr IA9Uio.For Governor it errlmoa, 1C4 ; Caldwell, 875. The halaace of the vote noteonated. : ' , .. '. ' . . . ... .. i . ... Fbr Gotwrnor. llerrlmoa 238, Caldwell, 227. Vor Lieutenant Goawmor. Ilughea, 293 ; IIowertoB, 223. All the BUta ticket received the same Tote as the caadldaU for Lieut. Gov- ;jFbr.. barsaWaddeIlv .281; lieKayttMt!'f' ' Ibr tit 8enaU-Vrc 284; MaUoa, 207. :f Far (h Houm. Maeamber, 283 ; Heatoa, 210, Beld,2G0; UcLaurin, 207; Bryan, 297; Lloyd, 209. .-. (. . - '.' IfaSriarty --Uaaning, 280 ; 8cbeack, 22L t ; FW,a?rmerHewlett'95:7;v;';' ibr 22isfeT8ampsda, 205 ; BHI, SOI ;Baa lag, 77; narrlaaVSS. Jfbr 2Yvatr0r--FeBBen( SOS ; Brlak, 213. f . .For rseyor-Colvia, 801 j Murphy, 209. p; J'br CbmmisstVMierf Martin, SOI ; Black, 803; Nixon, 375; Kellogg, 270; Davis, 283; 8hoo maker, 211; Lowry, 205; Morris, 211; XvaasY 198. ' v :' ' J J,goterner M errlmon, 241; Caldwell, 275. .For XtmUL Governor Bughes, 240; Brogdea, 278. The balance of the State ticket received the eame vote. ; " .' CVwrrae Wsdell,2, MeKay.m. I Fr U Anafe-Mabaen, 240; Price, 240, : ; ilprfJ7oaae-neatoa,244; Bryan, 254; lie Laaria, 243; Uacumher, 220; field, 212; Lloyd, 243. SeatUringa. " JfiAarJ-8eheack,281; Manning, 239. For Coroner-Hewlett, 497. For yisfar.o-fllll, -233; Sampeon, 187 ; Baatlng, 70; Ilarrlaa, C."" " . For TVeoaamrr. f enasll, 287; Brink, 245. , . Aarveyor. Ifarphey, 248;.Colvln, 255. . ,f 1 Cbiwniss0fiertllArtlatr COS;' ehoemaker, 247; Lowry, 247; Bordeaux, 237; Morris. 243 ; Clack, 237; Davis, 244 ; Nixon, 233. Scatter far. is. , m V.- .;'- The follwla are the returaa received by spetlsl toegraxas to the 8taa aad from other sources up to the hoar of golag to press t V; bidencountt.; . ! 4" AgBOTTsBuao Tirmnarr.--Majority ior Mer rlmoo. Vote not given; Conservatives gain over vote of 1870. - ; . ' J " ; i i!0 t? DIJPUN.I- U t.-i- J Faisoajs. Iteported Conservative gala of 2 votes. '3 1 - ; ; . ' . , Waasavr. For Gof eraor Merrimon, 184; Caldwell, 143. BUte ticket Democratic aame as Herri moo all ittta'inlciiai'M Caldwell all rthreogb For .Cana tore from Duplla and Wayne, Wn. A, Allen (Deta.) 173. Hnmphrey, 183. Pearson (Bad.) 141; Faaaell, .. - Later, ntsi74 Ironthlf fccia'ty Mt7? doubt cf the electloa tt Ailed and flumphre A dispatch from Magnolia says t The elec- UcalaMtU! tdwilpTwert bycrwhtlalagly ConaWvatlve." TheVote of ,1873 stood 175 for Bhipp and 1C3 far rPhlHIps ' To-day the vote for Waddell Is 211 V for McKay 121. Allen and Humphrey ran ahead of ths oppoaltloo by nearly a hundred. Tor .Governor the tote la 213 for Merrimon aad 121 for Celdwell. t - -.1 'xULIF.w;- ; . j Wxxdos. Dcaocratl gala at this township of W, showing a falllni off la the Radical vote: of 43. Twelve Conaervatlve . negroes Toted. No reports from the county; i Enfleld Township gives Merrimon 243 votes andCaliwUlMJ a DemocrathJglltf of73. A later dispatch from Weldoa ssys: The vols baa beaa counted ani shows a Conserva tive gala over Bblpps vote of 129.i-No coaaty eaUmale yet. - There is a Radical falling off of 77f rThtrf is a Coc8TrvatiTe; g!a tut CCSat 'Keyboard and Zit Htjnolia (Daplln)., LIxlN lax, I: t Ilcuat,- vtitaxera, Enfleld and EattU J give heavy Conservative v1?' Large Coaaervatlve xalas 'reported la this county. rTwesty eclorti xaea vcttd wltbfs at ontnreclaet. V : .!' Town Cretx g!' ' f lerrlaoa. 143 and CalJi wCl a Cos;. ...Its cla cf . I . t r. The , . . j I tl - '.tip U J . . w ,' 1 'I " . I " w- ., Hilly ic z:V., it yz',i a.. I . 4. - , - - .y i f j , for Merrindon C5 and 'Caldwell 63. Fof Con-jress;-Waddejl 05 OitimfUj ': 1f' The retu j-hs from tbe coiinty i"yj?ry mea gre and Incomplete, but enfOclent is known'to j ladlcate that the r ote wiU be very close. ; ' U;;'jc F?-i EDGECOMBE.- i ;if;s; pi ;-At llaner Bill there la a Democratic gala of 73. Ib one township near Bocky Mount there. Is a Democratic gala of 49. There Is a Demo, cratlc galn: la Bcky Point township o Slj - A dlspatcb froinl Tarboro Baya . ;Pive town--ahlpa" heard r from In this county give a net DemoeraUe gala of 150 over .Bhlpp'e vote. ' .:tcma '.?.! GBANYITJariujf-, jii A dispatch from. KlttrelTs ' says r; The Vote here ataade aa follows : For Governor Merri mon, 151; Caldwell, 232." Tor Congress' Rogers, 143; 8mith, 23L 'A Conservative gain of about 15 over the electloa of 1870.' " " Iar Henderson the Vote ' stood i Merrimon, 224;' Caldwell, 854;,Rogers, 225; Smith;; S53. The Conservative vote the aame as Shipp's In 1870. :..t.-j.' !:. i:lf .J b.:, l-UfK COLUMBUS. . -jm Williams Township gives Ellis 140, Norment 21, Richardson 121, Williamson 2L ' Cerro Gorgo.Tdwnahlp gives Williamson 54 and'Nor ment 24 ahead, miUvUle. Township will' go abeatbOor 100 Conservative. Nothing defi. nlte ,frpmmitevUIe;:,;r '.-Zfj. : ' :' Bogue township gives McKay 100 majority. a Radical gala of 50ir .The BUte ticket la about tbe same, but Is taot counted' : r'-;;'NA8H. ' ;? ' Liberty Township gives a Democratic gain of -.. The Democrats carry the town of Wilson by 75 majority a gala. Wilson county will give a Democntjejnajority of 200. ; C) ; f . Uaofilciai retarna .indicate 150 majority in thlaeounty. Shlpp, Merrimon. and., Eltchen (DemocraU) 988; Bargrove, Caldwell) and Thomas (Badkal)829. Three precincts to hear from, 'which gave 40 Conservative majority In 1870. Pat down Wilson county for: 200 ma joruy. 4 iy:: wayne. r NahunU township gives the Republicans 23 majority .Holden township gives a Demo, cratid majority of 20,"a Republican gain., ; j AdUpatcb says:. Tho election passed off quietly at the different Voting preclncta in the county, j Goldsboro township gave Merrimon 405; Caldwell 525,' a Democratic gain. For the Senate, : Humphrey 417; Allen, 402; ' Pearson, (Radical) 523; Fussell (Radical) 510. i The re- Suit la the county will be dose. ";';''wAKE.r-vr :;'A , dlapatch .from' Raleigh says; Voting la progressing quietly. The ' Democratle vote will be Increaaedv.There has been no distur bancs. ' Returns from 11 towns and'preclnctB give a Conservalive gain of about 950 over the 8hipp vote of 1870." Raleigh to woBp gives a Conservative gain of 218. and Wake Forest 100. Nothing as yet decisive, though, the chances are la favor of Merrimon. , The day paaaed off quietly. The rote at Hillsboro aUnds as follows : Merrimen, 285; Caldwell,1 STS, Fdf Congresat Rogers, 288; 8mllh, 827. A email gain for the Republicans over the vote of 1870. At Douglass the vote stood Merrimon,' 73; Caldwell, SO, Rogers, 78; ' WarrSn. Good news from Warren. A gain in every precint. Merrimon 111 poll over a thousand votes. There la a supposed .Democratic gain of 200, aad a Radical loss of over 200. ! , - U 0?; ?MhVi': CABARRUS. 1- ,.1-Vfj'7 i u Eight of twelve townships have been beard from, in which Merrlmdn'a majority is, 237, agala of 203OB BhlppV votel For Congress, Ashe's msjority Is 244, a gain of 238 on Shipp's vote. r, For House of RepresenUtivesi Bhlnn's (Con.) majority la 237. For the Senate Barn hardt's (Coo.) majority . Is 7. The county ticket s Jill right ".The other- four -townships will probably Increase the Conservative majo rity. . . . f !. .;; V QEXEBAL JIKWS. ' j ,: f A dispatch from Raleigh aays The election; news so far Is rery meagre, but ? good. jThere Is a general gain on the vote of Shlpp In 1870., Will send yon all the news I have In the morn lag.- Smith a majority in this town Is 568, but there are Conservative gains in the county. A later dispatch from Raleigh, says;1 ;Con airTatlTa gain st Weldon lOl;- Gain in David son on Shlpp, 40. ; Henderson, Granville conn- j ty, gives ay Democratic gain of r5. Mecklen burg glvee'x pemjocraUc. majority ofj 250, a gala ol 25. . Rowan gives 60 '.majority, a gain on Shlpp. Nash county gives considerable gala on Bhipp.In Wilson there la a reported loss of 40, ss faras heard from. Wilson and Nash elect the Democratic ticket. . Io Craven there Is a reported gala of 288 for the Repabll cans on Shipp's vote; Edgecombe giTes a rain of 250 for the DemocraU;as rfar as beard 1 from.'-'w A later dispatch aays ; Goldsboro's gives a Democrstlcgaln of 120. In X3reensboro' th Bepublicans gain 49. v. The county wUl go Con4 lemUvei f, WZV3ltiii -10 W-' There ls small DemoeraUe gala at Klttrell'sj aad Beaderso.ta GrahvlQe, ;The Democrats gain aboateo la WM aa far as beard fromi The ConservaUvea,gaU--59 at High Polati Newbera gives aConseryaUyegain.ilTheRad'; leala ioote at James CitK near Newbern, 200.' Rowan goes Conservative by about 450 majors Ity ? XnrMecklenburr there is a ; Democratic gain of 14, as far as heard ! from." The county will be about 23) Democratic Considerable Democratle gains as far as b?rd frm la North ampton Halifax Vad Edgecombe. In One township in Franklin Rogers gains 11 on his former vote. -The aame gives a Democratle gain of 11 on BhIpP ?te ..Company 8hops, AlamabeaVgiTes a Conservative' gain ; of S3. Liberty Township, Nash countylves a Demo crf "? gala of 83; also SI at Rocky Mounts, A laUr llJ;-'-h says: rWila0r coaaty will go DcsocraiiJ ;byhoas, SOI f , rtrrea glvc a Debocratla gala of 200. , ... ; I!i!f tt tic la the world rise octof civ--::;j, tsi'cze vrho Is afraid cf IjlzU :'-. . .f.v.';' .'"j. ''".' 'V - -r- ,"T IT-.- I ' - .. reatlwel. , j A We are requested, to 1 state that --Hopewell congregation (Presbyterian) In iUnion town- anipi newninowr, county, will nave a lesu vsl on Thursday,5 the 8th' ef August. ' The pro ceeds will be devoted to completing their house of worship, now in an unfinished condition Our CIilp Bavsket. . 'f w A young lady, aged 87, eloped" with a boy aged 50, recently, at Beaver Damr Wis. :,';; ( The terb to io ve,M pays' awickfd Freneh writer, Wan active yerband runs until It is exhausted into-the easy Chair of marriagel" A helping band to one In trouble Is often I like a switch on a railroad track but one Inch between 'a wreck and a' smbbth rolling pros. perityV.:-' ' -;tvv .Whafs that f' said, a teacher pointing to the letter 'X " to a' Httle?; rsgged urchin, "Dady'a name." . if o no, my boy.'' .. Yes It Is, Pre seen him write It a good many timer." , a, four-year, old .female, went Into a drug store the other day and aald to, the proprietor in a half, whisper: "If a little girl hain't got any money how much chewing gum do you giveherfbr nothing.?', Vj .s ...i.-. - An sflllcted patron of Intelligence offices thus gives vent to his : emotions : ;.' Earnestly solicited A ? person of culture and assthetlc taste to preside at the kitchen range where there are only two In family,' Salary what; ever such a superior morUl could design to A thief waa lately caught breaking Into a song.' He had already got through the first k two bars,( when a policeman came up and hit him with asUve, , ... :-r,u:l ' f t Communicated. j ;A j i ' ' . " CV VfiuaaQTOis, August I. -? .Ediior ;. Wilmington Star ; I am sorry t to trouble you a aecond ', time .about a matter of little moment. An associated press telegram of July 31st, stated that the Pope , intended, to exoommunicate the Society of Armenian Cath olics, (a small body of contumacious christians living in the.Turklsh DomlnionsA c ir i ' By a misprint the Wilmington papers print ed the word .American, instead of Arjnenian, l Yesterday.I sent a correction, of the above misUke to the morning papers,' but tbe prin ters again Inserted 'JLmerican for -Armenian, thus- unintentionally confirming the former errorv? ' ,z:-3r.r u--;- ' - , Respectfully, yours, &c., r ni; - J , i. . SPIRITS OF TUBPENTIfJB, "' A Greeley' kqd" BroWn Clalj has been organized in Salem. ' ! j :.;r- In some parts ot Gail ford the com is exceedingly good, in other parts backward for want of rain:'-- - r ., ; The Salisbury Watehn re cords the sudden t death of 'Mr. X H. Thompsonof Tyro, Davidson county..; i :rr There . is in ' the possession1 of Mr. ,Wm.vB.' Jjyncb, near Mebaneaville, in Alamance county, : an Austrian rifle over a hundred years old. civ ,M T-r, ''The' Salem I'Press says:;Kr; Andrew Gimble, Of " this county died pn the 19th insLY from injuries receiyed in at tempting to leaji pyer a'ditcb aged about 70 years. ' i'''-yjlt;.::f r t J ' --- The Tarboro -JShquirer says ; The sympathy of . this community is ex tended iter. Mr. Wheeler in ; the sad be reayement with which ? he ' has been af flicted, the. loss of bis -wife, : who leaTes, without a mother'a care, "six little child-; ren, two ot whom are scarcely two ? weeks; old.. A ?- A '--' j; '-p Says thef Raleigb'; fteti8i:We are pleased, to learn that th& Wilmington Life Insurance Company is in a prosper ous condition, arid that it la "destined to become one ot the most popular'' Compa nies in the country:. Its managers are men of high character andt firBt-class .business qualifications,' and we are glad .tor know they are meeting with fine success. : This Company . is a North Carolina 'enterprise,' and as such has peculiar claims JiDon our people. ! O. H. Perry, ; Esq. ho fa as been Company, recently connected himself -ivith the Wilmington LUe Insurance Company. jut. jferriis .weu juxown asraenueman of reliability and popularity,: and we coni gratulate jjie -Wilmington Life, on securing toeservices of euchan, !effici.eni agentsfrT ' If you desire rosy cheeks and a complexion fair and from Pimples,' Blotches and Krup- tlons, parlfy your uooa by taxing Dr. Fierce'f uoiaea leaic&i ttij 1 '-Tesi' and zrelsbsv-i-ti horses" eouid maire t ato Lnrrjanrr i the best remedy, extant tb all these external ailments, and by a moetcm. lhatto Neigh, r show: their displeasure at very attexdpt to tise any other - preparation In its : BceacU Kyer since Its lntrod notion at St. Louis, at the close of the Mexican War,. In, 1849, It Has proved a signal blessing to horse and man curing, with absolute certainty and wonderful despatch, such equine diseases aa spavin, ringbone, poll eril, scratches, hoofale, &c and reiievlog and tflnally removing -the painful affections which attack the muscles, sinews and external glands of human beings It i a fact beyond contradiction that for all lnj axles ox complaints of man or . quadrupeds to which an external- remedy Is applicable, the Mosrajra Liarsrsarr Is preferable to every other.- v.i-i'.ii mmtmt --.. . -. - ii -. inly SO-Tu Th 8at . L r - - ' ' ; , -r. 1.: -) CTAKKIF.D. t ' ' ' "J" . "fc ---A. . DKTAKEI FA1SON, At the , residence of the bride's father, in' Duplla county, on the morning of the Sist Of July, byJ theEev. DJ Hnffham. D. J. Devane, of this city; to Miss Cornelia V, faison, daughter, ox CoL A. Jd. Talaon ' " i-,-. - - NEW AD VERTIBE2IEN TS:: ? Wtt.;6.;wfp;''F5if iyiLL f heir first Annual-restlval at v V V " the c Wednesday ereniPf, An. smst 7th, at J o'clock, for the - benefit cf 1 . ; r LodjfO. Also, an address will be dell 7? rca Christian Chapel, at S o'clock: on;tt e : 3 day, when the oncers vriJ. t9 Installed. ' ' TT. IT. ITOTTr. " RlCHAi.D J. .'OTTr". rj6-, JA3.-I:. . ....... ?.,.:;. : " ''N'-'-" 'v.-..'-'.-.-.--..---:."-...- . " -' r-rf' " W'i-A-' -t ..' V-.-Cv . 'i;rr; ':- .vi tnemseivee unaerwtooa is. numan language) they would signify, by a . universal . Xea,' their assent to the - statement that the 1 'Mrs :n: W iADYKRTISELLENTS. :Tli0; Section IOOI. OlT KOW I2f A PAIS OF OUE TINE ljowuuarterea; ; v . -; - - - ; , calt on-nonocco once. : ri Ton will feel better.f '?t.- iiiS&i, ;rt ; jaul-lt i r .-i. ' - .i'l"" - i- . -i v ' . --v . jb ssw , t i.v f. All kinds ; oi . Saddles, . Habness, ,v TRrNKS, TEAVKLINO BAGS,. , 'i r r And ererytbing in, the line of Saddlery Goods cheap for cash at, . . t , t ; : yv - J. S. TOPHAM A CO.S, . '"y" i KO.8 South rroat 8t.. t eb 5-jinao . ; ,- , JV. - wumlnyton, H. CU MISOKT il i A NEoira I HATE TZIIS DAT BOLD , OUT ; MY IK tlre stock, contained in store No. U Market street, to Macks Bros. A Co., and respecttairy ask for them a oontlnnanoe ot the patronasra so liberally bestowed upon me, and. for which I return my sincere thanks. ' , ": '. i All persons indebted to me will please make prompt payment, and I hereby authorise the ; t ISAAC MACKS. Wilmlnrton. N. C- Ananst 1st. 1872. 4 a miLE UNDERSIGNED SATX THIS DAT JL.- entered into a copartnership . under the name and style of Macks Bros. A Co., continu ing the business of the late firm at the present location, No; U Market street. ? r ! - - - t j . .r,?'i?!j.?"iVf-'f- -'e a A.Aa,ts7 FEED. FltANK. i. SLACKS. AVs ; Wilmington, N.O August 1st, 1871-St 1 . Office Treasurer,& Collector ? ! CITT OF WIlVniSGTO If. C.,1 ? lZ2'i'pil tt-hxtW, .-JTC :y! tv.i ho-- $ ;'; Tfii ClTT TAX B60KSFOE18720N REAL AND FSBSONAXi FSOFEItTT ' AND POLL TAX are now in the hands of the undersigTied ros oousonov. ' 1 J M Parties will please call and Ipay their City .Taxes immediately c-:-1 - fl1'' . t . s ' u arxwaca i aug l-lw-nao ' 'Treasurer and Collector. r -ti '-.-- - via Ate BirrKits.' and the largest stock of Pure Drugs," Patent Medicines and Chemicals in the State, for FLANNJE&'$L . J ; 7 ; aug I-tf K'5 ;; Wilmington, X.G. i. .:s.' S iutf ! t TnK advertisements in the city daily pa-' . pers, and yon -win learn- where to go for your lamuy groceries.- The beat place for The" Freshest Goods,"-1' Sf'. --Vj fcWVf mlSm-mm 1 A. n.. 1 .1. . -: ' . . , or tne largest stocs: i.: tj f H f? ; j Ana Lowest Prices , lmt " IS at " r" ,vi- ; . -fl i 1.1. tH .'.J '4 .' , t - CHAS. D.MTES3 A COi 'augl-DATftf , r North Front Street; e. Dundee narrnadb;: ! T3&ESXRYED GIXGKR, ' IMPOETED 1 AND AT American Freservea, i, JeiUes andliellshes. 5 CUAS. D. MT&SS A CO., t , u a 7North Front Street' 1 11 f J3l POCii.ET-BOQJj: containing between fid and anfl'a L been lost on Nun, between Thlrdand Fourth Btreets. the imder win Wirlr'wardsal by returning the same to this offlce. angl-S ' I'm nal a hv . (isro iangltv S7iSB and t North WaterSt. Spjrit. Casks, Hoop Iron and vGlne. - - - - l.ha ftmV-t aoi-a- A- tmmmmmmmm . - Y J .1 4- JL if-fiJWD TOTJBDSltSTO S BHIFORD, receive them from the West.! .4. ' r3.1? ; WHTheyalsoTisrei ) 1"A-- A T X OWE 1 G U 8i Sontli I7atcr Street f.Julyl-tf DW;,i ; fy SUr.ir.1ER DRESS GOODS LADIES D RESS-GO OBS f j v?r?a an. ana i;iry.i j ta V; . We make a f pe&iaity cXjQoodi for TiorsCv a 14ciAserte.l iCcrsets, Parisois and Ladles umorei: ;-.l"4Terysijie. - ; B.WL1LL. 3 t-st Etc:': c TTMte f oodA la the dty C.Cmz ld paii-3 -. into liue rery c!rap :--o;j r-4-J. -'v.,. v. B.WZLUU . "' " 5 t t'? v .cWV"-" E.lLiLL, . f-v '". t- oiuiiy Bagginrr .800 Boils Heavy Bagging i-pi Mqi . j iJtSTons AxrBuoaie ie jE.44.--lfv3i 3I P J.i .lJTTji . CE0YT6C0 r iiisoelivai:eous. TH3 riNB KTf 8CH00NE3 : j i ' l ' 11. tf!aJ'i :;;wi..a jones,; MASTaa, WILL HATE QUICK DISPATCH AS ABOTJB. i ; .. -. i ; v - . -s . 4 ror freight engagements, apply to . ' luiyxMf VT11XIAMS A aCTJBCIIISON. - Tho A rri c r lea h If o insunnncE: coupahy OF PniLADELPHIA ASSETS tS,CS8,865 an old, honorable and reliable Instltutlen r: SECOND TO JTONS IN TOE :C6tJNTltT. N1;? Iolilraron -'FnrfAii M a And insurande on all approved plans. After a successful career of nearly a quarter of a Century, it has i..6 of .realised assets for very dollar ot liability. - - v- Col. St. Ciai pAuuaraGen'L Aeat. i ...(... .in . I . Ii II,,. .J" H.;BTJIl-KHinEE;. 'ii. tvi ;'' I 8EOAI10.- ti Bisrn sx ana xnaiasi vax? , dnly-JS-tf ;'" tm ,,.' Ho. 6 tlsurfitct CU - . 4 . FrcslriliTiv OF'choice PiVflims,3that celebrated brs : ciioicE fjosiiEjr Burrien. second to none in the city j Groceries of the first qoaJityat lowest priees, -, . , JAMES L MBTTB', fi7 Marketstree. J; & H; SAnS0IT; .U'V Staple and Fancy iTr Goods, " Notions Bdbts!;Snoc8, Hats. &c. y 43;: Market Street. jnly Xtp i- . - ; - : - Comflap'oad-vQats,- 6,000 Bushel White and Mixed Corn, ' - 0fl 'Bales Prime Hay. ,r- - - - i,oop Buihels Oats,1 . . F4 W, EJCBCHNEB, . xaUg tt i f:, . X7, S3 and North Water bt. IJittliey S50 Ken'' Kafl'a,'1'''-- iVi' ' , S0O Bblfr Flour,'. iv. wTjr tr ',tl V t ' - ISO Bbts Kye and! Corn Whiskey, r-Fbrsalebyi"'IiV' Vr'sa' uK i-ui ua Aonn water bl tJSlcction I Elcctioii I ! o FFICxsEkk K Ms i ' - -v v.. -:. ? . . orriCE-noii)EE3 f J'jJ'Sj r''j)'.-:iii i i'HCi-. i-V-t iv.V. .'ii--.'.'-''-.:'!i:.vV.'ii l - pecuro Totes py arraying yourselves la- njiily tl tf u l ii:To;i : dty CictiJorii ' Capo; rcar Ilalb r and1 finale T l i k i i m i r . i i r i. r ?niyv i'i f.-nriifi !o KATSTII. TT Tr Inn.. Mnmrir- 4. .TTLLSESSIOTriLL OFZNBrPnclfBEB w-, . , .,-j.ar jaoey ranen eonnty; . c t ill' i ,uu ,i..jt , u4 f rri'MiijGStio lifsiiiloj 5l4i. ,-Hfar 'eh i-siMt pif.d'tiii&i?.Mh.i Mrtaiitvt ci ''('i4AyraBsTcbiniiisi'. J 'aaJUfciiat' J.WM.IL"ET2EXSONilil : yri.tf1 ... - . .. . ... T . J "C:iTrrja BATE,' the rates foxraia cut x.- - - ? WJCft,'t$ C3 or ..perWy, 'aoV cci-4irg location "an''xcna.Vjay r 1 r'U eia,t3 caper wastevy-qtjhw.. f 17 -rare-1'-; - - -- -, fceiduts Pow7rs,i C2trmt9 of If; z.: ixvt ' .V FLAVOSIjrO .EXTftACTS, ; 'ttvExtract Ciinrer.l.criu M txter, tlix. v'- VV. -; - , CalnaTft. LTtl. Iron en.l ".lJ 1 V . -.r . T . ' ' n. iron ana .Lfcryc- . i rict L.recU. , , , niac, cc:a crct JulytJ-tf rr -;?i! t .... ;,: For sale by 'ia!y 2Uf WIT ll'" i 'r - -1 1 ' . .4. fS. , -4. 4 - - d-7 t: : 'ic-iailfT'ici.. ar." -vti4 - v ,v.

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