- - - 7 ---"lii .CIAL . IiwxiOb. " (JiJ xaO j-'XC '1 . ... : i . lit I .In ' Hi .:: m 1. I ill .1:. I; r i ; I -J 1 l J n i 1 If 4 tr. If i I si UP O ' " iirV ZIIHZ ;!UnJruesday.-fox some fancied rwrowr. " jv : of UUioarl. 1 ' In order to Advance the cause of Politic cal Reformretlwill iltimlaK IheTpjople loranrperioa-not bey.ona December W,18roa the following cuA terms: . atlt Edition : Clubs of. 5 or jnore (each) lmpntb, 25 V y, U u - u .2 months. 35 50 v or periods jexceeding 1 moulh thdBe aw .About Salf "KjrTtrefeolar5 febbscrlption rates ; out we are wiaing 10 wore jor con i bfiurtiijindXonntry) t UCMI x-- v "i Tit . 7 r . K I 54 Those who wish to work for Nor . Carolina ; aatl -the: i Ubiotf shotildr Tret up . clubs for the Bxohlhbasis'prto t u i .JSditotand, Proprietor, .,; , 1 Is notyet Known but weithipkrPW f-ne counties heard from tbat we have carried J: -it'- tbeStatAbra badsdmdtnaiotitTL ! xxr i :,k ,; kjk i r. a 1 4V, n ."wise? and jure T0tea,4 ClaU of 5 or oax(each) 1 month. $0 CO "rjV-"l. 1 A ' ' " St; ; .u S months, l-'OO . . Xbo .Coltimbia Mxiion'VQ t ..iuu.oA.- .... ;75 It lire ported' that Tor d; the-murderpf A Trj-rWjtjtittEifn6A:f : !i1' j CreiwelVat Chester Sunday h!ght,'pa3sed Our only tolicitude is about a thin TQt'rihea$''tntloBr8A3h1 - ttt-Il- r In 2 With a fall vntf. we&reoAfe. f I ! i MVrt' , vi:' .-1 r ii i I-1 vvts can aiicuLiou lo mo. ciBciiou ickurus T .. , T published elsewhere in this issuers ifO03jit !. , , ,' 1 OVEU. - The gtet contest is- oyer.- The result is trot ihicerlaioed - ; but enouchii' known to make us hopeful; ' j . . ;r "v:.i, '':'S',.'"f' i It was a long, and bitter contest jit y was lougoion.oom iue3 wuu rcairigoti .iAh)pehinaxhy. Both parties had their . .t,t i ,Vr"t vl , , ., I Jto&t XtiXl lkX'faA tk aiILOW CAU V WDUa lU WUU A1AVA CrAUGaiU' paign waamore than usually warm. ; is i au pTeTj jiipBn.eiana stui, ine people wait.to hear the.result of the work uone ye8ruayi x ue suspense is prorouna. xiaotnengnt mampneaoris j. " Truth forever jon tfi scaffold t Wrungtorrcr4atb tnroQ?'? ' u W -ni AhnKitr Ka .1,1. ; :.tiUbem adtfrcea-oi trneasiness and discomtort r.- - ...-- iL Stati to ffiveome definite idea of how the electlbn has" gone, irwill, however, jbe several dava before the final -returns reach . ,rnt ,vij t4iiii. ' .i.Kwrai.-. ai?5-i afc WFSietlia contest has doubtless been- close. , tbat py Monday or Tuesday enougb would be .1 known to indicate hdw the State has gone, o Pw h4 v" . WV 1 "t 5 Now that the State. election is over. ur people . will turn tbcir attenUon more to national Dolitics than.thev have done. 7 Vh-Qreele: and Brown camoain aJ . AT .. af w - ' .1 . r Viime a very warm intercst'iri the" suddess .fP, fsysyrfy-i f Wlcu-WttS U1US the yery first to come out, for Greeley and Brown; having lioisted, their names the neif 'moroinff after their nominatior at clii 0911 hen:cjGU5lAVAte iU every energy to the great cause of thee ftatof Centralism in America, t.iiom ouiMioni. 1 mi -lr: ! ti . a 1 1 .ii.ii.LI 1 1 ne-iiasnun ; jsemocra , cans attention to the omission in the report of the corres- Wnierto the latter: . I As you are undqtibtedly aware, you if you are elected President -sucbrmeri 0vouldl3B Ukely to,bl5pr4ntsai to -pfia; enuaioiuceaatuaiinereiore, toe cause of reform has njothingta' hope from you.? ADCl liiaa.UlB UUOWIOK iron lireeiOT TO .V p fi. !:.-. MB .TinTTn-" - , iWI narrOTCrihei&llCaion tDt-byrUcal tww.i-. . . - " - , , m cimrsi a !-a ViOfAlw vam VJ nr 'iVtfi 'A n I Min i tatlotf-ab V'agbe cari'neyer be specificalli repelled.barity!isi:tirtuerarely eiemj piiueq ju-ponies.;, ctu tawBoeaT3 auu die.inUhe miukoUinr tohyictidtf' that their political opponents are the .greatest scoundrels CllhisngI( trust 'that myage tbe many sincerely desire the greatest ------ publp gpod,yeQ:whenv most mistaken in their choice pt means. I know, who, myi friends "are better than jmy . traducer -do; 'and iear aoscnitinYA8 to thaintf?rr!tbr' tp..tj-iatii oi Any t wnom igire xnycon , iu nwi uieiiuiu iuu uabu ut.lCblilJuq nBAjfAirii ri A T rrtm Ihn nafh .AtlifnlAl ' , they woujd cease to.be regarded tr - s . i4j.it, ' V'-fad-. writing iromoewanee,' Tentf.,M . r or dop.e cjy thinr 3 3 eea charged, to infloeacS the 'actios of thd Baltimore Con - jrentlon Iti &n f tu? - r ; end U.was id jus- ticeto him'-tTid' it'; LU hearty consent and approval,' that I . ntjou a dispatch' to-day con trad r! 3 reports alluded : to. lie nas not iL.: r uoei ueoiiuau .to act, in cy mac: , in public political Hairs. . . - , j . . "7 m, ..... - A rrc-n Tc - ton, poetically,4eJ Ct.. i ... i ! " V: ' "I t1-!'1: my Ma:,..- f iy . : ,w... .-llor-.c3v c.!ey; opponents in ine press cuarge mat you are i ering a social dinnei in contact-wltby and under the infltfence I ates.1 &would5have oupoiiwciaos ox uouduqi cnaracter.inax j xi . lr& Vm$ oaar.peen bets lor greetings alUej;ue$ts.f;S.oCiita.'brn-! t.-j u.'V3 in attendance at the commence-! rheftev'of the pale, clear-comnlexioned tyoe.' . . . - ..... r. - 1 f meat txercioCjf Jle "feels a deep.iAtercstj has brighrtfaTfc eyes,' tall redllps1, features In xlU . u-jimsUy:.'ne"hasnd'.beeii in, veryilike-her father's, and an abundance Baltimore tof Di" 7 ninths, bar has he said of black hair Bhe is?cuite n'etite, ' looks Jcxl-'rv-'- - " LcdT;t.:3.there!ncfth:L.-.-.f-iL-:dtndc!"--': ; ;j'v Mn pQrtciva protni n ' popular me -oer t i the .III dead. " ' v--t - f . . Col. ITicholalGargcr, ly of Ch.srlc;ton.Udi.ecliia.:AlbbJ , lew aaysjBincev. UxKSiBsiia tftotal'of deaths in Charleston for the week ending July p7r,offwhi?hift were jhites ao26 col-1 hottest da? of the season. at Aiken the therm'omete? Ik'thS Aiken Hdfei; at 3 P. M indicating 102 degrees. f!?n n-ZI SnnnTn-h "SSSK" i . . : . jtw nincr struck a colored man. bat did not .o . . . . . ' . - ' ' tbrpuffU this cityiand;.t66k the Wilraibg- I jbn train .North; "A If so, the;.abthorities 1 -ihonld bead 'him off bv lelesraDhIlA re- t ward olSWTs offered for hioi. ' V'". u U.t .,aLLj rf.Un , J ' v . - f ; t- Cbfcn Aonm wood.ction. pi or M tr Crelr jr Frew rel, Ae. irTh& last wbdd-chbppTng nialfneTtook p)ace aturdiy 4:jtlf ' 4reeley?s7 farm at j,fl"u?.uWj -i 'BJ. Kffl rKZK? final: reception: to his; friends;.1, Al the con elusion of the lunch Mr. Greeley said nLaales'and Oentlemen.HIt'wAs'onco re marked by one Irish orator of Another, that be never opened his moutn but be put bis loot Into it. One of tbeideas in regard to a presidential candidate ia that be also can- not open ois moHtu-rWunouc accompusu'- iocr aomeft8nchfeat;7They5 are always I warucu'UT- ineir Hicuui.uut iu .aiik. m- ,Mthi': TAnirtnhrir ."rfr.i-hW is probably tae last meeting W9 nUnoiU i msstmir tea' ihulliiaTil Xri hi tfrn Afir i . o - 7 I delisht.: tnends and neighbors, was ; to I ueiiut.; inenas ana neignoors, was to i -"-,- . . , . . I snehd.ooeldav in the week amonsr vou. "j For twentji years it iits- been 'my delight 1 to peod;the. Baturdavs amon yoa,work- igArdundhiiarnrdrthhtfJ be- aase I seeded- phy&icial exercised lb I enjoyed myself in your society, and I b ave have i nan rn rpr.rfin.Linn wnir.n m v nriTsirsi iim I . 7 . t ' I (nra rponirArl in wnrk5nrr.n mv 'frm 1 ; 7 : j i , f hlsspriDgahew series ft circu'nistancea aTrangea inemseires aoouc quite nnezpeci- edlyv,.. I thefound that thtriendsjvisity in? me here orieri nail v two. four, six - mg me here originally two, four, six I . . . M. - . - i wfrp rrmwinrr to iortv. nrtv. Ana ftfiFrifttimpq j found, in consequence ot this, that it was; I necessary x snouiu aispenae wiia my exer I c)- , . , - ' ' v affree.ble ta me : bat the critical- atate of my wife's health, and the ill-natured and, 1 must aay,? Impertinent remarks and; triti- J corns ot certain iournals, have rendered I to, those, whb united with us. -I, never l-;t:Ki'Wi , 0'. t do,. to become candidates for public bffice are fair' subjects 61 criticism ; but I cannot I seewhy ladies should have their names I terfucldJd-vitt -newaiMpenu and drifted I across the continent br- electricity. I do not turn sucu commentanes, tucn imper- tmeni reveiauona, are consistent witnrep- I andgood feeling which seems to ine to be :nnlh-r,. Tt u th..ror rWtW TnpHipfc 1 by our friends to ; ask all who could to come here to day, and to say tbat after I . v - ... AaTb' this pur fneetlngs Will t wurmitted. i trust tney nave peen to most oi us.pieas" evctlneXSathre mayhave,4hepast i8 faith f nl. .Friendships ,of ; the .'.warmest t kind ltd.A hA.n wnaAa in tYman rfftthflrtnrva ...n1 if .we conld,have been secured against L these insolent intrusions, which were de- "berately intended to be unkind and de fo' t?., f k---i againstgossips.And tAl6-bearer8,wwill I discontinue ,tbem. here Ci And .meejieuje- . . "r,iVT .. JVi i .1,. Alter awhile it .will be.nobody'a panic- blar interest and profit to misrepresent r....i. i I . . 1 rwnal is done n ere. . rue obiection made to the speeches pi candidates for . the Prei- anau say-as lm- Dvh&t 'tllRV T nhJl.il sav that is liable to misreDresentation. I was 'Itnfge'd the cither evening into agathf r orcoiieee 'cradu- -.been easy -to make -iirps against going there. i-was-tt- l trfeiteolArjt-.aneAy-and-ididab. 'for1 minutes on the subject ; of educatigp rilt I was at once reported around the country that I proposed to" givehe Government I tha Anflra Mn m n( tha AdnooHnn r UW VUVUX,V-M Wl Wl UW VMUWUW.WU V II LUH d.Lii.CI XfllJJL . UCUUIC. ' JL LID liUUICfiBUJ wm sent abroad that I favored the nnttin i l.-t..lL J . A it Tn.J 1 -I Linent All matters of-this kind. "Tou-will therefore ceasbV6urisits for the next few i months ;r then m xtovemDer.Mne elections I WilikbeoVer:kaiicl we trust that we - shall alter thatbayflJ6ccadoI-r td taeet in tbii I grove ancLrenew ourasnirationsoffriendJ uiai tut . j peritV. I After the speeches the ctorrpany separas ted. animost-otribe visitors Jwent, dQwn r fo'theliepbCA GreeW and Brown cluh I w ftrfiiWrik AmrlAfnt vieifnrs - ( I o Chappaqua.j T "Yf U I T A r w f t r . 1 I if i . . 'ifiss Ida .tJreeley. underxA gypsyhat MiiuuKU-wiiu-uatQ-y iiui.uu.auu iuw& !r6scifkrrived7inS whifi -piQua jl-own1 addsa, a f handsomely embroidereidrnunic or Dlaclc cashmere, extended pleasant I very young,'hasralt the simplicity ot man : nera that charaaerix-llorace--Greeley, combined with a certain elegance and dignity thit are asxharming. as indeicrib- abUUwJbetrayxcellentsAteir toijet, discarding all suchmort'troslties as i uuiaps ,uu uuuwM"."ur.ca-Tings.u one j was educated at the convent cf the Sa I cred liearc, is saia -to c j a . jouc, and io -company with a French naidiid" I EuYopaery'asaDi . (gcia - 'predicted thit' the 'would be -.tlx- most I popular lady ia t"-?.'.? Hou:3 since r Sumner thinks ha sharPt lecH tv VA3 fall.' .-'rV- Long Branch' belles roll nine- pins Hkd. dabsters. s&li';&$fai y. Savannahj v GarJ is prcparingl cata still gleam J jntberioridaglades.--. At Talladega, Ala; a75 bound hrtle is'on exhibition. ;lM': "i! - . -r.-A.dearta of yonnscgonts-is re-. tiorted'at alt the' watering 'places. fi ' , ,t- Qen:- Sherman ia r;exnectea in wlungton aboufc the 5th of,; Beptembertf Mr.- Dalfyjnple "oCSt., Paul; Minn.K expecta f7000p. "from h is grain crdp. " ' ' v.7l ! ' : lu no"- lumbermenhave been drowned In the Wisconsin riv.er this year.' :ijnj ui, f"-;i me boasts f:V4 "'CoiD.X.VanaerbilLit.. ia ; aaid. I nas ueterminea to join . tue jietuoaist Cburcb. . -t '- - t r-usj Jackson? Term, lias ''opened; a tikatibg rinkll'rAhci' ico 'fifteen ceRts;a 'pound in that State.' V - 4 : 0r vytuuiuuiiii iius , iiubpuai wjiicu buries its smalFpbi patients in r the ash piie to bsvo tronDie. - ,v . rer. iyild bfick:w4ll -killed 9n the' streets-- of u 110810,"' Chickasaw' cdunty,' Columbia; Glf brags1 tn her icrop of babies. -; The present seasan is t be best evernown in tbatcity.'""' ' " ; ; ;OTmflli6nth;jar.;6 vas: turned t)Ut 'at 'the Nashville cotton mills last - week; 'xr a ' fraction over' 563 milea. Ten thousand yards per day are nQWrt'inanufactured.'rl ifv': ;r't a.-- U - ' Closecut bair caused the death of a coachman in Belleville; N. J.' u While bathing be was seized- with 'cramps and ui : 3 . i- i uis comraue iaiieu u rescue mm uccause he could not obtain a hold.' u' . lho latest mosquito . .story comes irom ." way aown jiiast.;; A ner vous traveler found some'oi " them "sittina: on his'bureau lp his room," quietly .smok ing J his 5 'cigars, and " tone ' made' : bold enough to usd his toot h-brusb.,: "!, J ' ' ,1 Foar Persons Fall SoVenty Pet on a JDtolstlnr Apparatu-OBO Killed, Ihe Otllers Injared. 1 -' Yesterday Julius TJrbab,?Chris.!Schoffer; Albert Rusch, and Ifr.'Ioss, took their din ner in the fourth; story of the safe manu factory of McNeale & Urban. After 'din ner they stepped upon' the hoisting appa ratus tojdcscend tptheirwork. They started 8Towly!nthe"ordinarj after descending a few feet the treacherous iron broke, and the four were precipitated into the cellar, a distance ot about seventy feet. 1 Urban, a lad of sixteen years of age, and a brother of the junior member of tbe firm, was instantly killed; The form of the unfortunate boy was not mangled. It seemed that the shoctc bad injured him ii a j i .2 i - f luicfuauY nau uepnvcu liim, oijue in Charles Schoffer ;had his lower law broken by striking 'tbe "frame of "one of two floors as be descended; - Albert Rusch bad his left arm .broken above the elbow. loss was injured in the. back, but it is bo- ueyea not Eeriousiy. ine. accident was cau8ed7by the breaKing'-of, 4pneof tbe worms of a cog-wheel, which' appeared to Li - -. t . em' A.. ' - ' IT J . m -r . . . oaoi peneciiy Bouna meiai..f incre .was no flaw whatever, in' tbdj iron. V All tbe party were young; Urban," who was'killed, being the youngest. , ... " , - ' I .7 Since writing the above the coroner has held an .inquest upon the body of young1 Urban.' iThe jury found that the accident Lwas caused u by: the breaking of; "A" epurf wueei, ..wnicn was i clue to -a flaw in the key at tbe seat. It recommends that to prevent like accidentsin' tbe future', the bubs of "such spur-wheels " should ' be banded with .wrought iron. The machine ery waa liriahnfactureU, last Anril hv the i ALucriwau iu.acumu.. ojj&s in ima city. Cincinnati Qa&u;V J..; ';ft, 4 a t'-. FtlKntfal; Death. A -: 3 Mrs. Margaret R. Hulibga'ged 80;years, and the 'oldest - person- in1 nVilliacnsport; Pennsylvaniawaskilled'bn the railroad: at that place on TuesdayHevenin; lasti The vfijp&wnMt'-says t H Mrs. Hilling' and iier sister.' Mrs. -MaioY Charles Ld we, left the house of the? latter for4' the ! purpose :of caning on some ot tneir menus; ana as tney Approached the track -they J deserted-' the passenger train f roni - Harrisburg -.coining slowly towards -them;:4 Mrs.Lowe: refused to cross before the train 'arrived and ad vised her sister Dot to attempt it,' btit -Mrs. H. thoflghflheirwadanger.and.tripr ped and feiron the; tracks natrainl yas too cld8e;tcLbft jtbppediieiore.iit'j reached the unfortunate lady; and she was crushed beneath the. engbievandt Almo&to instantly killedi Her Jxdt as mangled in a most fright! hVmahher.f,,, ohq cx.tnem Deing entirety aeverou.- except aJnall $iece jbf skifi;!he toheeli crossed oyer; the. hipsfand; Id werl partlhetl9bayi crushing the Itis; .ben'etf .a litrdUy ;te"aM6g'utt:heJpow stopped After the engine,, tender- and i one , jtinct whea'she was reached. vl.MrAj''IIuiing wellkhon' asjjiio'u Dort.' andwho at one time owned rrearlv all ,theahpd& .saiuiwainiij.-, The name of Uhei gentleman who fell; ead-attbeiWestPhiiadelphia epottraj Thursday morninwaf HarteyJParrinflM tptijf Aged- fifty-threewha had beenitraveH ing in rlfiuropeJ forbis" neaitb.. Me-had arrived in New'York;oh mdnesday;;au3, oaconsequence oi-a teiegrapnie-oispatcn, bis sonwent tAthePenMyivania.filfoad depot at'5'otclo"ckl ysterday morning to . i - ' ,mt::x' It "L . :: t : meec.mm. i ue iaiperecogaisi ma sou on theaUalmtrushsd to greet him, when JieiexDiredr in hi armsA Eis ra- 'raaihs1 wire cbn'veyedk to the residence of Jhia son, Dr;-E.A.-Farrinr , NollO Blount ; Terndn ft8treetV,"Thv .if:ot the deceassdy who bad beed -absent- on a-Visit to Bcctoa,- and. was telnaphedYor'pa.the . t ' x :'r ' 'it i ccunceaent oi nis .ia arrival, iu xxew Ycrl:, hurried hotae in joyful fnticipation c h :T 1 Ji He ctic, and as net made avriira ct tL3 t;-l calamity till after herar rar- t -T--t,r loriqa 4iias..proancea water- ions weighing 72 ppunds. .and.iustly Of lti ia-ii;,.i't-'J - t- ' XteToIn.i . -: v , rTevc i;.epljliOacp'' a,l tL .I itt 11. r cau. , stead ive heat, . " laoor cr a: ' of sbouldt id, ir. rigor belc.3 sulw j tLw' actio j depleting CTaund every tdayi-.ThQ'la:? drugs, is -L trdductiou of HcTtetter'sttDinachyrjtterL twenty yea: 3 ago cat 3 a. rPY .rfii -rjiAC J hjpamgnensgjiam yn ft I, f.xtraflr4 dlnary efflcaQy cfthe Qreateetablfette - railve Decamknpvni multitudes of dbfliti-14 tea invalids turneo. wita luauiia ix,oxui iuo nahsedas'iad:8treAgde potions wlthSFhlch lia'then ttie YashlOn drench the sick, to this :reriwVatlBg,fappelizinfir,! Vital izing prepaiatloaJl derived from' the finest xoots hex ha aad harks placed bjtbbtatnical re sareh at tne: MEPt4iPti 4acII sclejite. on rflinrnrrinn narnvo v rt mat orin ercriaa withttlseass baiTbeSfi hidre and more widely safferingliftiildoi tlicfasandToliiuseliolas ana itotJiiir ,ux;iei;ia.LHLi uy-uiti sick - aaa me Hostetter'a<lara arlOwkeduponas the one thtftg aie.edf ul Imcasea.tof -lOy'speiisiAgeiieral debJUty, t constipation; tcBrvexiAJvraliness, cbUlsj.and feverhillpnsfirctloiis andAllcon- lona toth3Jr.and..pai?i ttatTbtok" a iack pXyltal energy heejuVpssllver ranges nigh,anolftnq Bona, nesn is resoiTing Itself Into A cleni tmUer the J.evlcl tempeiAtnre. tnta'e'cre'eabrw ibnl'o is the test nossibieTsafw- feard aatf$f kir tndlscrVfeeneftttedW a sultry and unwholesome atmosphere, prevents and'ielleVesLlAssitnde and langaoV rU&d; eoAbjes the sjp tern, taettdur itlVh lmpc lty am jpjxy$ aaajnoun ojexftstjqn. ;Ut Ud myigoratlpg anoegniapng mpdicne.stjt ltjAj the p'qrest'and most wholesome. , rt . , I 1 ' l U .ILlI nil I I. J I U its la OSKOO. This celebrat Lhci Ami Toalne tne "NrVous s vsfemt I Its' numerous ana rraartrahle'curcs ot Ahft.worsA. forms of Scrofula, "Dyspepsia, rheumatism. juiver uoinpiamt. juaaey uisease. Hiruntions of tne Skin, rJServoua-lrostrtiwnfcc., has eaused it to become a standard remedy, lt is now presennea ny pnysicuns, ana recom mended by our bestcitlaena. dec 7-DA WAFlv ent' 1. mil 1! C O T T O N- G-I-IT) St ,TVrR S1TTTEB -presents .hia-; Im-(IM.- Troi6d Cotton Gin to' the bnbllo thi huuamee under a firm-. persoaalon 'that hd has at lust uttaineti t.h ., , JJH . - . .17101 J HTWTir m rrr n - 1 . I U1U lilMb blllS practicable to possible ease, economy and rapidity.'-,; UX lm proved ribs and roll . box maintain a perfect circle iox tne roil, so that it Is - impossible; to brcfak it, crowd. ,the boxes as you will in ad attempt to -do bo; ' Tne roll bb", Adjustable both; aw top and bottom, enables tbe operator to bring the xlbs to any angle with, opposition In relation to the saws he desires, soas to in crease or diminish; At pleasure 1 tne depth, of tne operating sunace oi tne saws m tne roil, and thus make tne machine v gin faster or Blower, with, cleaner ox, fouier eeed, and. witbT more or less regard tQ tbe length of staple. We saw a new i in-in operation, which bad not even been painted, and an expert present showed by comparing the staple pulled from Eotra t f ,111 aowHipujiuBs every unng-pThl fact 'BhOOlJ commend the Company, A' (Saw Gin. -with' tha irre&teat I'.hnuAii Miuo .usa v: PnWi i-o-. t i wie aee uy ue .angers witn inai pzeauced Ml .fttateu " rrtTT the Win; that tie aatural .length of the, nbrel' t411 jiaa not oeen aiminisneaax au in the process of ginning. Ibis Is, of ooure, the. beat per loruxauwe ux wnicn any vm is capable, - me cotton In thl! case Vdi-rv' .n?t 'Av m doubtfulwhether so t exfeat eresolt coqldbe aiwineu wiuu reen ooLton. . isuc sawyer staked Ms repntatiom -upon producing- the same result with ereen cotton. , The Gin baa also some other Improvements In the run- ninsr gear, which we nave not space to t men tion. Macon Telegraph and Messenger, May 12,1872. v -r f'i j ' i For sale by ' MURRAY & CO.. 1 . J uly Kh2m n.'t a ' t jAgents,; Wilmington. r n-tj vi iwl l'A -vni-lr aiv .U tyro FOE ! CASH"OiniY; ! -1 3h-!Ti,V7 rrv.l nit fcrfji) . J.i;C 15 ro l' itvi iuitjJI 5ft lo I WILL SELLTflE BALANCE WX- JJLL A. JUV li,VJ Jii , wtiXXX?, SBSwsl6d i hoqst a ti nsili !TiPlPQj?jrsa it eil7 ' .uto-sl ti&4 I tC41t caoi i . . ..... i . . p 911k'01G42tiwr.-:-ttS 14itqllT9Jl A. - College of Physicians andifiur- Jf.fetJl!X la nirj oU'iiaot&a !!at ;U swdT' uinb-go; df Wilmingt6ri.u t-8 UQtl ... ii es siV ui wJltfo-j nlj L J s io'I did I ? r. r,- f.vf r.ni 9 ao'J . tiT TwTacf U-i- Ij.. xi A,.,:.i jg nwaii ; fa? Uiov a..T. - .Uxi jiivs. -a till mR kl 10 Of a ; oP&stptfrrefri 6 nt.ma tIl 'priieorn.ebo to' In ey?JlW& lw-tzes et.ioos bA A miU. V too-oo s A J. 00 10l.prizes ofrr laoaV ..Vl,G"bO .l? prizes ot - 5 uo. ...w- Tf 3 PriAes,M,i... 8,53Q CO BlxthbnsanaticS i . . . y m in ava c . at VAim&lv arj T :aJlfiifill !et iraniio-smito oavJ -4 . . . . V ... . Us ... t r . ... . , I LOXiiriA' 4 . : - . j rjrrnr,1 O 0.0 V, 4M jt p " -a - . 1 " Um'o CJSRS i 1 eoue" -rr or) out. -A AT resident. tary. wdicalCi D irect'r on, Of. .oral Ins, ce Agei IvU-ttrainget, Pr-ident of h BajOc of & ew F. ' ' in or, .g rpvoiLSud &i4Btedjnanror WirJghfA Stcdman. t. u. Mch.oy, or w. a. wniteneaa & If itJU)hlennlttgeIIawaohrtaeel . .. . . . ' . . . - aw. u ayetxevuie. WKettanlvn ue.-"P1.T I . w m aa .... - ' ,C W i. I li Vt.l A n tir- A a V fTii 1st. KHiindii:itii RsLJ Ace or Travel. 2. No extra charge on the lives ot Females Companies locatedln other Stales, thusdb Btirtng larger-pjvlp'eaft'To Pollcy-Holdersr - fi. The Directors andOfflcers of the Com pany are protelftehtf NORTH CAROLINIAN Sri whAxeNOR to;bameufillf'jBfiRliY 1 ahdVOKTH.., ,. ",VV-nrl a Th Ccmpkny " JflTestaOTfa Wd ljbn aJoilid. and permanent basis. stepsJiaingbeetttaeTl en mcrease ma - . nfUPTTlIl HTfiriTSrOA-SAlDOAAI iiu 7. ALL THE FTJND3 OF TftE. COMPA ARE INVESTED - W9HIS STATE AND .wen mown thathnadreda. of .xbonsandqof dollars ia1 life- ITemlutna ate annually sent NortbJtaenrica Siortbexns Capitalists, thus continually draining onr people of immense' amounts -which should be kept at-hume4 On. this groumd tne lrienos ot-thla cotspany con. fldeht5y appeal tb e veryAen of the OldJforth StaandaSfctheirlrttppeTtifortnls . . rt.-. ',.r A.ifl i.WM.'l ' ' Which, while it offers substantially .all the affrnjatgBSrf Jfortaern r to build np HOME INTERESTS. -,w ! . AGENTS WANTED in- eveiy onnfy in the General Bppervising -agent,-1 l no m.a .UKscMJiip Agent at Wilmington. .RftSf. i ;li fa'i - - - - f A ,aw7.il ;Ci2 ,twea ilI2 ,isim 1, c !ljyEEP00L'All01Dto,AND.(3L0BE ;ittxi'2 ,-t- ,j2aull-!tT'S' - -mx I a. a. S 9tor oi st!I lnourance' Company I 4 twU ;. A?Af???. Anwa ,iohi jt- ,Mji-uTt,wMiWS..iA.;,' I Fie .inwl jtCS 4Xfft9L-voa ; ?? .trwoJ Ttt j h"8 f ,1S. "!"a :fSl tUlti noil ha XT3 ill ftJ sarsiUl :ri cr i(ais V TBod edi el a9YBo 3li TVtlhtJ4 '.IliifcitWoA fetJJiTTon;A diss svi:aTUi3sO '"Uv!a"io olo f . wfict S3,64:vtip4:49.62 WiurCS pliatlo fle&eiea hbkl"beaiesied! ldAbt6lt (,ba) dorjAil .m ndiuoll baf iiT fivat.vitfb0!saM mml w;b A.-?' t-dnciHKarcsMioonc? to! I bcs CicX lo a? fi.3Yu awO La safiA .tsi tsJrrra-r.r r:ir.v tori Lj ffatoMO tdl U tia fit X11 Queen,oferL1It4,ron a&P5i.ai anipbjpfjjifieinnatUit aaiw4 Swlooo, JNAaeealfrorlfinttford.rV , fB6i7,ooo Va. HompJiRhjaonaA trfbqH X..-'JBiWr lo L vt,jui li.UU:U el juut Ji ufao lEncouiarTeSrvceIintitntroni i mm n JTIHIS CCilxASTT CONTKroTJ TO K'tl'rSl JL Jf olicies, at fair rates, on e ' 1 r' - -'e f in surable property, All losses are pioapUy ad justed and paid. JlLa . . iiE" ia rap id lTOwing ln.puoiio iav, -r-'-al-. '-ith woatfdenee to iasureio r v t , -ihcrth Carol' ia. Artals cil l-... R. H. B ATTT. , -J" C. Jl..! "" 1 V J. W. Atkina . . nr. ii .1 . ur 1 1 1 1 1 1 4. i. . : 1 IUIVrU.,V,fl.JLi.iUlM iOITJAilTTtHBAV 1 .... s. roucies incontestable arterFlve jteara. f AfThW4gte50et4.ta JrSgCitais of the Company mjzner than those on the Funds ot a w. s: ts HMUuvai w a.wx w vm vi i unu or w .mav itr 4 r in .f &fan2ii noia tUi evil II iev - -a - ...... ' yJzM' rtTir.inn.ii- . .... , . .. . when lc"; he.-'--. ( xVn 1 -anyilnsurance c, anles !n thSS iu, aiJj jji-v w .T:., tt.. "- rio tvW yvttfi, , IK r . : v ' itsbranbea. caning on nrana- examining nr Stock., - ' f ' " 4 'a. w 1,inn.n i mi H ,Gen f ral Vrc mce, etc?, etc, Jdsoto88 Uw' f ' J. : ' i r , . .'-n-r-. A1 fcfofcii;-. iirlAiirW.," r -flieanxSR 'Hie, TFmIaSteB.N r - ' 1 . - uut. lJJcialtentIongiven;o the nuth. 1 Wr sale trf Corn and Peanuts. f1" - Oct 4-ly --r-''- -if v ' " " ' it!-'" k(yr - ? Commtoiton SXerenants. ' W1U give prompt and personal Attend the sale or shipmentdf 'CotWand Navi WrMnwqT0y.1C.(Sept TthVisTUf Li cfEl4FF:PPIV AT,' an else j; resu wronna jaeAl, Fearl Ilemlny and Oris, Bos. & and 10 Jfe. irter f PrCTittrfiorrB of tfie' lieTChants's Flotning Mills.' sac Bacotf.Unilard.' Buttfir. nit ;il ne' A 3 H h ro xlj -.-i-ore. Iv i -c ; rftr;Salte6' and Smoked WestoSlionid X era and Sides In Hhds. and Boxes.- v .;. , sngar-enred Hams and Breakfast Strips, .-j: fall nl il?!"s' Otf i-vv. i :-:f DM 4 ttur 0L01513 5.iJ.v . - TJjfv AiAsnTnrlr Knmn Pnrlr . , . ,rwV irn .Kjruts er-w - io,. sva ,oiV9itA.aoiiwert v ; vol In loiatesnftlror msv 19-tf T adrian & vnt,T hex.: Hayanaoyal ilotteiyi as.J O'liffcto e . s!-v ? wVNRiBXTRaLORDrNAlEYiDIf THE 20TH JA c.f :iS7?.and ,oa ec :; . 1. Jr Plaps, Lists of , Winnin t . Nnmbers, and 4u 9iib-fct aWaRMIOA .ISROTITES,-.-; , J'-. . ;.Cpmmi?'ion I'eichantSr, A cA, ? .aidloa olT . ublished-lsTs;: r imy ocuer miurmaiion, aaaresa - iti,4t 177 uravier fit . . ii e w. Orleans. Lju Who are mv only authorized corresnondenta la theJhlted Btates te receive' orders-and to Iiitt-Btlbnect6rlbr- Importation In Ha t. ninxt f. '.l","-i js'ttel 4a ''W'TTinffirp s - MBldi.'ad BbDlAi8iw'te.! Htl11 fanlsA5SAcSieR, assoxtfr T 4TT5dies Tobacco 1 6ft Bags Coffee . j, tit TA;tiia"Atti tut ss9i.jks"v iv:v"r; 1 iFexAl3 low by . xJ &S"'&Ki .dsn oo a! t . .... .. . v j-..' i T ' 5 A IiAKGE SUPPLY OF DRUGS ana J ufX lCINE3rEngtUir,Trench- and.Geinmfl . Chemicals. - , .imiui"" v A, . Hoi 9D9pr MfaiFAirc.-: ooovm ; ics-pAwf rates 'nd 1 uffs; n&lr;Tooin.A and Nail Brushes, Combs, and a great variety of Soaps, Perf ornery, &c. .Sold, Wholesale an1 Retail at . ....i.2T n---.5 .-y i.-'": - :-4.--f -r.'-' ?-r ple-of Pharmacyi , '-r. ;- ..5vfl!;i(UptlU's01dewa.) - tc ,1 dee 7-tf v " T7TLI.ARB BEOfll t LT1 find' Retail DrnpfJstBa" f . .... and DomesUctrngft,,., .11 .. j A .1 nuu . .,3, " i I. A -rf Ii" ml - . n , &c.:c.,q: 4 7, J'-rket trect,, WUiM82;; 1, , ,,,'"' M i i ,ii i ;i j ).!. ! 1 -.. ,.t, v. ' ; ': .-11 c fenced teacbfi ;"-:'- 'a.J i icft..j tata are W,,,.-. -' ';.'SVper,Ve9j.:- i fi w- t i A . .M V I ........ d 4 t".; t r . ,.1 V 4 A.. k, r--a -1 ;