1 WW t4 M - 1.1 1' 'I 1 lil'J V Iff 'i'-i'i !!',: ;! ' S 'Jit' ; !v If ft1!!' ! 1 t ? 1 S : 8 '! ft P. u i h if 1 '.it hit 1 M . S : ll V '11- 111 ' 1 '1 .1 i I I- .'I t 1G-ILAPH. . .- i i1. rus ncnQ -GTAiL .J'ilt 'US f t ... J . . . v V j .tij'.rrotu Mew Tor.- '. - 1W lltfolctt dispatch from Boston satS 'T "rnn KsiM that Banks, in answeriDg idq Republican CQtu 4 'mluee'e Invitation taaadreBs thpm, declared .;. t he Lid concluded to kupport Greeley s ',-. . - .. . rtoaMTSsVAugUSt 1,' ' j; '! A taan recently divorced iere.'flndlnst hi wife '.with her paraaour, thot him and then killed ' i , I t hi m a I r . ' j ... . ( jv' ' ; The Dean Academj, in Frankllo, Mwt.', was ' ; tot&lly destrujed , bV Are Ul nlbtj oolr a mall portion oi tn laroltare was nved. The loss will probably amount to flSO.COO;! la arsnce (30,000.- ; t4 . . ;.. A ; - t ' ! i Forelfirn .Hews. ' . - .'.Y.,'.'... Y. ; . - London, Aogast 1. , The Prince end Frlocces of Wales visited the American fleet yesterday. It was a grant af i , fair. '. Lieutenant JTred. -Grant was iavltftdlo participate bat was absent. Gen. Sherman in- - spvcted the fleet. I i . V Bbblin, August i. There are three cases of Asiatic cholera In : ,tMs ciij.; Y . '..v.V'.r - i -l ',' Y'i From Iowa. ; ' t DUBDQOB, AflUQSt t. ' ; "There were eiffht deaths from steamboat explosion near McGregor to day. The Coro- , ner's jury sua mat toe ooat naa a aeiecure flae and censures the Government Inspector. " - ; From Maryland; n " - j ; '-BlXTIMOM, August Drosf, Jordan & Co.; on Baltimore street, ' have been burned out. Loss heavy. : r , Of i SiUUT UtlPOHf : ., FKOII WASUIAQTOa. ' .Washotom,' August L ; Three per cent, certificates to the amount of $1,300,100 have been called in. Tho public debt statement shows a decrease for the mouth of $3,500,000. ' Coin balance in tue Treasury $09,333,333 58; . currency 16.000,000. General Banks declaration for Greely has been formally published over his signature. : : .-"Foralcii Haw. ' London, August 1. - lo tLe races to-dsy Rothschilds Favonious won the first Goodwood, Albert was victor In . the second and Yerdalse in the third . ; : i This afternoou while Mr.; Gladstone and Rlifbt Hon. Acton Ayrter, Chief Commissioner of Work and Bulldiuga, were witnessing some experiments with gun cotton in the gardens attached to the Treasury bntldings," a quantity : of that material 'peremptorily exploded with a tremendous report. At first grave fears were entertained thatthese gentlemen were lujored, but the care proved, to the contrary, and with the exception of the breaking of about a hun dred windows in tbe Treasury bulldlog no damage waa snsuined, ' ' l. r; ; ; . " ' 1 " -7. --T iV'i-:vi Madwd, August L 1 - When tbe Cortes re assembles in September the Government will submit a project for a loan of tOO.OuO.OOO, to be devoted to Uie lm- provemeot of tbe finances of Cabs. .Bonds to be offered under this project wilt carry interest also, representing a sinking fund - for the can cellatiou of tbe bonds at. the rate oi 8 per cent, per annum. This iutereet aud the sinking fund it proposes to draw Jroui in e Cuban war and from surplus Cuban xeveuue. - r . ' - - , ; r" ! ; ; , ;,Wwm Hew Terk. ' . . if! r'- ,;;v'; ,;i Nxw' YOKK, AugUStl. I , ' The specie shipments to daj amounted - to $500,000.' , -...- . . Gold coin has experienced great activity. , At the Custom House to-day, ,owlng lo the new tarltf law, thousands ojt cssea oi goods were withdrawn from the warehouse. ' The strike Of the longshoremen Is practical' . ly OTer.-'i t 1 1 5 ' .. , The Central, Erie and Pennsylvania railroads to-day reduced tbe freight rates to the West from SS10 cents. "It is reported ' that the change is for one month onlj In order to break down the old contracts, which are deb rlmental to tbe roads. ; . . j . - - ' from Tirctsalaw - ' i YY RiCHJaoMD. August L '-. The Southern Dental Association, which has been in session here for three days, has &d jourued lo meet next July in Baltimore. UOX4KMTICJ mJttXlTJOR. s - ' " 'Wiw. XOiU, Angust 1 If oon. ; -r . . " FttumciaL " -' Money easy at 8 y cent. prem. Sterling Exchange long lO'Ji; abort 11 Gold strong at 115. Governments very strong. aputhern bouos dull and steady, titocka dull t ' Y - ". Commercial ; ' j Cotton steady with sales of 0.CC3 bales- Middling Uplanos Orleans 21X ccau.- Flour shade firmer. . Wheat dull and nomU nally unchanged. . Corn veay firm. Pork quiet mess 13&0&U3 CO. Lard qnleir new steam 83 ceau. Spirits Turpentine quiet at S3 .x4H cenu. Koala stead j at GS S5 lor strain ed. Frelhu steady. ' . ' ; . risw loxx, Augwt L Sveaing. Money 45 . cent' Sterling lxcbanga 10ylO9." Gold 115XU5. (Governments; strong. BUtes quiet.', 1Y- ! , . GwvnetciaL . . Cotton sales ro( XJKX bales"; Uplands 12 1) cents; Orleans 21 ceau. JToer firmer and In demand. Whiskey a trifle lower at S3)94 cents.. Wheat ,a shade firmer Winter ' .tted Western C069 cents. Corn active and firmer Rice steady at QXV enta. Pork steady JNaval Stores steady, fallow firm. "Freights' heavy and lower. - - - '1. " j ' Sales of cotton to-day (or future delivery1 13,600 bales August 20 8-10(20f cents; Sep tember 19 l5-16(S205i cenis; October JiTl 16 J19iceuu; November ,18 9-16Q18 1L18 cents: . December 1818 .cents, . f . -- t: . .-i .? AcaoaTa, Aoastl:'! ' . . Cotton Middlings 19Vf nt. Wet :re cipU 17 tales; Sales 137 bales. V TLe tnarkft U.uouiioal..';; --a; . . . , Mi , , - ' Cotton Middlings 18K cents. 1 Jpts 4 baies- Exports coastwise 7-7 t . Uales . a50 bslea,,iy?ckjaaaaiMl 4,937 baU,.-ilarket ' bominal. ' ..,..:"'! fiiYLkVVLniu August 1. , Cotton Middlings '2l2iyi Vents. Market , cuiet. ; ........ : .'iv-w -v." BosoN,"Auguill: Cotton MlWlIc 'tr5ni.r,G&ssfS- celpU' L'3t' bales. oale 1U0 bales. Stock ,ou ' Jjand 9,0 bilea; IlaiUst Quiet. ' ' . . ' : NoK-rou&.AuguaL:t , ''CottoV dull-' MMdllnsrsi 20 .cents. ' Net receipts 1 ..j. Lxporu coastwUe CO bale$. Ctockoc! -ad V.l tilca.; ,HrkfitdalL . ' ' HSW pKLKANS, AUnSt L. v ' ""CottOT Low :ings 191SV cents. Net recelrta " ; 'gross .receipts S. - Stock ca Land c, J bales. Bales C3 bales. T3cn:l2aL .. 4;'"."i' v..'-,--ri ,."...' O ' JSiXTIilOW!,' AcUlt 1 . . C '.ton !!!j::injs cents. . Gross re- ': on band. bales. . ,.?Iarkct di.:, . r4 , ' ilsa-Tias, AcT'jst 1. Cpnacls for tabnej" Ci;.' U. i-. securlUaa of 1U3, ex-coupon, 81). i v ; , "v' Pxnis, Acusi J Noon. V. Eonrse Kentea 3f. Cic.v ; - f. .,: Liverpool,' August 1 Non,,' Cotton opened - dull Uplands - S9Kd; Orleans 10d. ; .,' " T f ; , LATER. ' : i i -. . 1 1 . Cotton cloaed heavy Uplands i Or leans 9Kd. Sales 8,000 bales; lor ' export and speculation 1,500 bales. v. ......) Lard mi . jBeei ca. . :' V -' HI0J, Augtist I Evening. . ' The bullion in the; Bank of England haa increased 9iu,uwv pounds. - Turpentine -KJe. , Liverpool, August 1 Evening. . Cotton closed unchanged. BreadstuHs quiet. Common rosin 6s. 8d.9. i Turpentine 89. , MISCKTil i A NEQUB. " GTAR" , , - . ... . ( . . . '--. r ' . V. , .' . j .'. . - ' ; - PRinTHiG house: Book DIndcry, i ; JOB .1- .... .... t AND : - ' .;. ; - L .7 .. ' , Blank Book Ilonnfactory, WILMINGTON, a The Only Estnbllshcient In tbe V1:-' 1 ; "n . .v,;'- . v " s ":: - ' - Stale bATlnc all these facill- ' - - 1 - ; " ' " . - : I . : Ilea combined. THE .BEST ASSORTMENT . OF TTPE,PAPER8, CARDS AND IS KB I 3 KILL ED VORltmEM. , . : - " EYERT DEPARTMENT I ? N O T T H X Li O WE ST PR 1 C ESi , " i ' i " ' - . . . . -. . - BUT A 8 LOW p if' a EB . Any Other BstabUshment TOR THE " - r.OPAIiITT OF V70IXII L 5- i, pcurnEO, nt7iiBQ , jlbx ' cxabioa , t. 0 EVER! UXSCRIPTXON, 1 ! ! ;xecat4t Praiatljr auad filtllAallj I IMPROVED 'MACHINERY ; 07 . i ttt iff ." i' - t .-,. , . . - .j. .... .... VV,. snrcs adding ' - -. . : ! ;S T E;A M, ;P,0 .7,ELIi;: -I roWro enabled' to fill ' orderB nth1 r v ... -'r'l Of ' . ..THE UTMOST DiaPXTCH. 1 T J" . - V id W .Uli - d , -:. ft .r r'rv JtAERSAlTTS: JO'BJtlSO ;THE 8UH2IXZ3 HONTiis, the etreeCararm only run frcra 6A.lLntIACfrom ix tf. tmtU 1L, sj)d from 4 P. 1L until 8 p. lf.?,. ,n V " The Cariwlli taset the Trains njaaL' V - v , c. j ' DANIEL KLEK7, - jnlygVtf 4 , - Proprietor. G lOJLw. 1 2.... - AUua Aliii WIIiUlNGI., .lAllICCT. t t ' ; I i GTAH OFFICE, August L- The interest felt In the, election to-day baa been so absorbing that the transactions in the Naval Store market hare been light and are confined to the following sales: J - ' v KOSIN-'Salea of UC3 bbla at 12 90 for No. 2, f3 60 for No. 1, $4 ,25 for Low Fale. and U 75 CRUDE TURPENTINE. Sales of 161 Ibbia atf3 6a for Hard, $3 75 for Yellow Dipand f 4 S ror Virgin. . : 7-.TAR8niaU sales at 3 90 bbla. i Nothing reported In Spirits Turpentine or Cotton. . . - . . - - - L MAA:JM.lSf-ti. . s , ARRIVED. :f - r - 8tmr Little Sam, Dickaey, ' Rannerman'a Landing, A U VanBokkelen. . . T v - ii - Steamer Wave, . Skinner, Fayetteville, vuuamaB Murcnison. r , ..'..'-n 'CLEARED.: J ! Steamship JLucille, fimoote, Baltimore, A D uaziux. . i -i-StmrWave, fiklnner, PayettevUle, Wll llama & Mnrchlson. V Stmr Little tSamDlckaey, Sannermana Lanoing, a a vanBOKkeien. ' Schr Luola Murchison, Jonea'New Tork, v uiiams jds Aiurchiaon, - v ;5 per:river steamer; tJ&c Rtmr hhU nli-tt'a ha ut. 18 bbla turpentine, to WUUams & Murchlaon. T7 I a. 11.11 - ... ,.,.:' Stmr Little Sam 68 bbla turpentine. 23 do k-i, w iviiu, iuau ru xosseiieu 7 Of If swat Stores svxtd Cotton A tiff, 1. , FEB WILMINGTON & WELDON R, R. Spirit Turpentine, caaka, v IS Kosin, bbls :75 vruue . uruvuuuc, , outs. ... , ............ J Tar, bbla......: J UVbWH , WMBB . k. .... ............ E1POETS COA8TWISE. Baltivo&s Steam&hlp Lucille, cleared 31st juiy cms rosin, it ao spirits, U4 do Ur, 153 do pitch, 21 do cotton, 1 bale bides, 1 dkcs mase. ,uuu iset lumeer. - - i f Per Wllmtoeton A W Railroad: Au- L DeRosset & Co: R W Co-ODeratlve Store. S silausten & Co, J S Topham & Co, Dndley :fe n.1118, Aaron S Jtheinstein, L Brown, U K French S5 8on, Bas, Scott & Co, D Figot, Johnson dc Blrdsey, Worth & Worth, Williams oi juurcnison. -- t - r UI8T OF JSSSSUi' 1st Port T WllasiimffteA, Awr. 1872. . u; . STEAMSHIPS. Tonawanda, Wiltbank, dis. Worth & Worth. Lucille, Price, dis, A u Cazaux. ,C ' - v 'BCHOONEBSC ' tf 8chr John, Williams, dis, Williams & Mar cblson. ': -V.v U'i . '-v.- :; . ; 8cbr Luola Murchlaon, Jones, dis, Williams & Murchison. Schr Porto Fiata, Forter, dis. Master. Schr J P Cormegys, llubbard, dis, Mofflt & Co. . t t - -: .. j , i.. Schr J M Morales, Eldrldge, dis, Master. ' 8chr Lucy Wright, Elzey, dis, WiUlams & Murchison. ; - . - - ; barques " " ; ' Ger Barque Wega, BrandhoiT, 'dis, Vick & Mebane. 'v "...Jj- Bark Geo 8 Hunt, Gray, dis, J H Neff. j Swedish Btrqne 1 Ulrica, Badenburg, dla, Master. BRIGS. Brig Nellie Mitchell, Cody, dis, G G Barker & 8oo;"-M ". - '.- - - , Brig Isola, Simmons, dis, G O Barker & Co. Br Bio,-McDonald, dla, Harriea & UoweiL Nor Meteor, Hoist, dlo, Uelde Bros. - Brig Ambros Light, Hifns, dis, E Kidder A8on. " . - Ger Brig Condor,' Broadflo, "dla, WUlard Brot,' - s,-.f:-ii:. ' ir.-vJX-lri.Kti'l Br Bark Amazon, McDonald, dla, MaaUr. . Br Brig Ivanboe, PlnckueyYdia,' J Anderson A Co. : . r ) . Ger Brig Fortuna, Lodman, disr DeJttoaset Nor Brig Veargo, Neergerd, dis. Master. . Br Brig Mary Ida, Croaky, dis, Master. ' . Br Brig Frontier, dis. Uarriss ds HowelL : Br Brig Fair and Eaay, Taylor, dis, J Ander son dtCa '...... ; 1 Br Brig Lone Star. Kenealr. dis. Williams A uutCQiaon. mm- m - r lVUf ef Teasels Clears for tbls Pert. COASTWISE. '. 1 ' i r . v NEW; HAVEN; ; r; ? ;:. ; 'J t j Schr Coha&set, Hall, v. .. eld June IS Schr Jails Blakely, Etheredge, eld June 29 , V, ' 'YY. KE.W.TORK. - ..:.r.., Bark Ella Moore, 8haw,f " - - eld July 1 Schr John Kommell, Jr., BlUrd. eld July 23. Schr Ben, Davis, eld July 27 i. n n r r v. FOREIGN. ' " - - - , ' r V nTTTHAVTCV 'I.I Schr Hagdalena, Bumsgard, - eld March 21 : .GUERKSETXFprelga). Homely, Le Dain, t . eldAprUs iv.'J'-'.'Vc'r'.'NEWCASTLE. .-.-.w U Schr Diant, -i , - V5 - ' : '' 5 j eld June 14 "TL Per Steamer! Per Sailing VeaaeL To Nw Toxx. Crnde Tttrpt per bbl I9 60 O 10 00 0 00 oo o $ Splritis TurpK ROBiK i i S i t 0 60 1 60 CO 3 00 0 00 oo ia 00 0 00 o oa 00 f -.o 0 00 00 i 60 "S5 75 oo a V 63 SO oo roec Q 0 00 TOO ;15 765 150 Cotton .. . . v. . . p bale Cotton Goodj V bale 7S Flaxseed. vt bush oo- 15 10 mm TO PHILAXtSXTHIAtf Crude Turpi per bbl B0 -ooo 00 40 40 SpirlUTurptlM 60 1H eo;e?s "ootfoo 00 0 75 00 114 .2 :v 1 75 v 75 10 Cotton..... ..ft bale Cotton (iood? f) bale res ix uis. ...,..,., Lumber. ............ . 00 00 CI 7 0C Q 7 oo TO BA1T1XOXX. Crude Tnrpt..; V bbl e oo o 00 0 00 0 00 5S ri'ots Ot5Qf7?05 4L00 4i.O 45 . 00 O 75 OO ,.. . 45 0041 lien 4i:.4L4l : 9oj V- l Cotton ...... ..Wbalej 1 6 Pes Wuts.....? bus. 001)0 Lumrjer ...fin. 00 O 8 00 6 50 4J. 7 00 n it Crnde Turpi., y bbl 0 00 O 00 0 00 CO . CO C3 00 O 4ooo -j.ar............. Bplrlta Turpt. " &oln.....M. it o eoi o 001 1 o ooo Ooo r "oc O .00 Cotton.. ..iw.fibila Pes Nnta....- Vbna. CO 00 it junmoer...... ja. 00 00 U 10 00 rZZLZlilXJll A2TD VAIOLLA," rv" ?l n.rp i -: rzNCH A11D ENGLISH. ' ' . WiL YIlliGTON. YlIAi: - NoT3 To-day be'r election day 'kaa ' '.ly stipended.-' .v: : CO, "i staple has rctrsalned la its nsc:.: 4 a and.hothk.. orthyofnota has t: .1 Coring the period under review. Tt? rc:.!;t3 tra extremely amall snd? h8 stocli 1"3 t:;a reduced to about 400 bales which axe held here subject to. New -York, . or ders. ( The sales for the iweek. amounts to aboa t S3 bales aa follows : 16 at 19, 1 at 19), 8 at 20 and 3 at 21 cents $ E. The following is the New York cotton state ment for the past week : ' , ' - ')L ; J feThe receipts at all porta for the week were 3.966 bales, against 10.65S bale for the same time last year, The total receipts for the year were 2.696.594 bale against 3.70l2.212 last year. The exporta from all porta lor the week were 4. 7iHJ bales ;a?alnst! 8,921 for tbe same week last' year. ' The total exoorta ' for the year are 1,31,7 against 3,026,843 bales; for tne same time last year. ; r i ? The stook at all U. 8. ports la 115,865 bales against 18069 bales last year, The stocks at tbe interior towns are 9.349 bales arainst 15. 832; bales last year. The stock of cotton In Liv erpool ia V5o,uw bales against 699,000 bales iastyear. -i . v r. --.-u The amount of American cotton afloat 1 for Great BriUln is 34.000 bales ? Against 69,000 bales last year. SPIRITb TURPENTINE This article opened at 49 cents on Friday, an advance o; li cents on Thursday's quotation, ; Saturday the market did not evince aa firm, s feeling as it did the day before and oo Monday a decline of 3 centa waa effected, and on Tuesday it again declined i cent, and remained firm until Wednesday 'evening. ToKday, Tbura day, ia election. day and business" la generally suspended. Therrwefpia'oi' ibSaTiirttcIe are quite liberal, though' the stock is being gradn ally decreased aa the,, demand . for exportation la very good. - The sales for the week foots up about 1,828 caaka as follows : Friday... ...293 casks at ' 48 ' centa $ gat. 49 " 46 48. 45 ' 45K 45 Saturday No sales. Monday .....100 Tuesday '. 60 ' Do.. .....100 Do... ....678 " Wednesday . .575 - " Thursday No eales. . 4elected. ' . -1 sa 1 ' it ' (4 ROSIN Strained has been fluctuating dur ing the entire week, though' It has been firm and active. On Friday it opened at $3 80 which waa an advance of 80 cents over the quotatlona on Thursday, on Saturday it declin ed 5 cents, but on Monday It again advanced 5 cents; Tuesday it declined 10 eta., on Wednes day It advanced 5 centa and closed firm at $3 75."-' . ' ' : YY. Nos. 1 and 2 have evinced a better feeling and haa advanced. Pale grades have also advanced though the market has '"Y been unsettled as regards price. : The receipts are liberal and the stock is being gradually Increased. The sales for the week foots up about 16,817 bbU aa follows: Friday-Sales 4,620 bbla at $3 75$3 80 for Strained and Good Strained, $2 90 for No. 2, $3 00 for Extra No. 2, 13 25 for No. 1, 3 87K for Extra No. 1, f4 00 for Low Pale, H 50 15.00 for Pale and 16 00 for Window Glass. V Saturday Salea Of 1,780 bbla at $2 75$3 8d for Strained, $2 90 for No:" 2, $3 00 for Extra No. 2, 3 25 for No. 1, $3 50 for Extra No. 1, 4 00 for Low Pale and $5 50 for Extra Pale. Monday Salea of 2,215 bbla at $3 80 for Strained, $2 90 for Low No. 2, $3 00 for No. 2, $3 25 for Low No. 1, $3 50 for No. L; f3 75 for Extra No. 1, fi 00$4 25 for Low Pale. $5 00 $5 25 for Pale, f 6 00 for Extra Pale and $6 50 for Window Glass. - Tuesday Sales 1,184 bbla at 12 90 for Low No. 2, 13 00 for Extra No. 2, $3 50 for No. 1, $3 75 for Extra No.' 1, $1 003$4 25 for Low Pale, $5 00$5 25 forPale," C5 50$5 75 for Extra Fale and 16 00 for Window Glass. Wednesday Salea 7,863 bbla at $3 70$3 75 for Strained, $3$3 23 for Low No. 1, $3 87X 13 50for No. 1,14 00 for Xow Fale, $5 00 for Pale and 15 5Q for Extra Pale.! CRUDE TURPENTINE Opened at an ad vance o 15 centsJfoir fellow (Dip onlriday and on Saturday it again advanced 10 cents for Tallow Pip and 25 cents for rginl sTbe re- ceipta are twuallj small and the atoefk has been eonaiderable diminished. "The demand la quits large, both for home conaumptlon and expor laUocul The aalea for the week loots up about f 1,875 bbla as follows - . v x .l Bbls. Haidl' Yellow Dlrx Virgin. Friday 41:.: f2 0 t 8 65 4 00 Saturday..,.. 866 - 2 50 :i 3 75 3 , v:4 25 t 4 25 4"25 ('4 25 Monday,.. ,4.134 2.50 , , . 3 75, Tuesday,;..;.632- 2 50 f . . 3 75 Wednesday. ..403 2 60 J ? 3 75 Thuday.r;.No sales, -r - " r TAR-Opened steady at the closing quotar tlona (12 75) of last week's review. On Mon day a better feeling Was evinced and Tuesday It advanced 25 eenta, but, Wendeeday it decline ed 10 cents and remains flrmat 3 90. v. The re ceipu are very smau ana . w avocx u very much decreased and ame little Inconvenience ia experienced for the want of atock. The aalea for the week foote ep-about 473 bbla aafol- lows t Friday. . :. . : . :. : ... so bbia '4 70 S bbl,' 275 " f 375-:J. 8 90 2 85 2 90 ! 8 00 M J W -Do....... 75j Tuesday 20 uo..,;.;,: ;.u.m -i. " Do...,;. 125 , Wednesda v.... I........ 89 2 on . Thursday. ;;.VNo Sales. : . ...I In order. .. . . v - : GRAIN CoaH In t the absence of arrlvala of vessels laden with this article and the very smau receipts- bjrnai there nas ceen .nothlDg doings only la a, retail way from atbre. esd some few country t orders were received and filled. For quotation see our tabular state ment. 'i w :: ; .v ititi i;- ;-? Oxrs. We have no chansre of Drlce tobote. The receipts and stock , are. Jlght and demand limited.' Salea from store at 75(280 cents. bags lnelnd4.i $& tyVL t.&tt.tLtm QQl ' Pxaa. The light receiou and limited stock has advanced all qualities about 10 cents. We quote Cow at $1 20U 25Clay,att 125$XS0 and White at $1 40f 1 50 $ bushel. PEAN Um The market cootinoes dull and depressed, with , po improved feeing;f .We quote : i- " - fl-,y: Ordinary,. ... . . 4 lfitk SSfVW Prime!. . . . .. . .... . .. . ....... .$1 25$1 85 Extra Prlme,.'. . l.r 50U 60 4rncy,.,.......i...... i.:.,. . Jione. ' PROVI8INS.Ia-the cdodltion or" the market for North Carolina wo, report an im proved feeling iThe demand is only moderate and we quote as selling at 7 cents for Should ers. 89 cents for &ide8. 10 cents for Hoar JJetind, 12X14t eents for Uams. ...M.ii 7 wxstehn jjacon is firm ana naa advanced W cent E? We onote smoked Shoulders 8 cents, Sides I010 cents. Hams 1115 ts, ary saitea clear Kib sides. fcV.Jiu centa, juo siaeaytf cents ia.;,- . , ' Pons-Has evinced s -very firm feellnsr and 1 ( ; .. .................. .E0H2 i.l 1. ". ,. Crollaa.'... ..'.' .7.. ..nos? 1 c L:: CATTLE Have been brc ; ! t nr.llft freely dnrlnt? th raat wp . 3 ........... mediate wanta. Sell on the hoof at 810 cti. . ,, WOOD-r-The . cntket ' Is only moderately stocked, Uiough to inconvenience has been experlecced for the want of stock, f We quota a quiet but firm market at the following quo- Pine. ... . .. ... . ....3 (3 J3f 50, Ash ........... .. 3 60 i . ' Black Jack,.p;V;-;.r."i;J8-.75 4 00 Oak . ............... ,4 00 ,.. ''f' . y 1 TTM RJT.R Martfit nnt TVi txelrfk artk very light and the atock la gradually decrees 1 TIT 1. - . U4 ...v.. l - .. leg. jatM. ACBancu tur unrkueru uirK.eis S22$24; St.cDomingo, 18f20v: Deals C22 2S Wrftnoh .nr1 T.nrl1h Talinria rSW! ' ' FREIGHTS. To coastwise porta by sailing vessels the market' rules high, owing to the at.srcity of shin, room ! hr itAirnxM rm nn. AS. .1 i. Til S m,... A k- 1 a .. A . finrnnnfotlnn oi if. mY.nnr Ka Vi n nmifAA lHBtrTaaAini-. t ha WhnleaalA nwfhAd smnavollw cnaugeu. 4; yr . quuwuons f ep j vaouiar ; aiate "S' VWW W WUW T UV1VOW.W yiAWV SjVUVISUlJa ' JL1S making up of small orders higher prices nave XKTIOLBS, CKIOSS. St OG ZZV Gunny,, i ...fl yd 18 0'-4 oAWiY-oaw VASouirs., 1 Hams....... ft - 1 Shoulders.. ...i. a : Hog Round,..; V & " Hams,.. ft oiutw... ............. ......w lb a- 10 . oiiuiuucn.,,, ....... .....v Second Hand,.. ...... ...each New New Yrk,....M..each New City,...., ......... .each S.40 O S - '8 3 60 .8 8-1 Q 8 00 f 19 jbjcjsh wax ........ ........u ft BRICKa-V1 llmington,.. . . V M. 1 Northern.. BUTTER-North Carolina, ft ' , ! Northern,. .......... ft GA2Jpernv'- & . Tallow,. ....(9 ft ' Adamantine....... .......u ft Ci7ggKortfiern, Fsey. Vk ft . Ialxyl..,........7.........ft 02 14 f 20 Ct 25 ft . : 50 Q , .15 O. 14 CI f 30 Ct ' 17 O ; 25 CI ' r 19 CI t , 09 f ; "13C1, 1 .1 10 '1 ' OS 1 15 60 C 16 10 00 Q 11 13 00 Ct 18 0 00 (J OOO (t -0 8HO. 000 6 50 CI 7 7 00 d 7 18 68 Q 12 8 00 Ct 0 9 500 0 10 50 O 00 12 60 Q 00 state, .......... .......,..t ft COFFJEE J&vx,. .......... .M ft . Rio,....,.......,, ... ft JLgnayxa,.. .,...,. ft St. Domingo,... ........ ft COTTON 7TZE8U......;...r.....M ZJCiHr.oy--sn6etine,4-4 fryd Yarn,..............,. bunch WISH Mackerel ,Ne L.MUbbl , Mackerel, No. ,....Ubbl Mackerel, No. 8,.. vbbl - Mullets....... ...... ....tt bbl , N.C. Herring,. ........ it bbl .rSk00" FLOUR -w .-f . Tine .... bbl Super. Northern,......!) bbl Extra Do. " ......Wbbl Family bbl City Mills Super,..... bbl Extra!..... bbl V family.. .. bbl ...V.bbl Pernyian ftnajin 19 noo Aa 80 00 O OO 65 00 CI 75 65 00 CI 75 U 60 65 00 70 65 00 CI 75 00 00 CI 88 45 00 Q 50 00 00 CI 40 00 00 Q 45 00 00 CJ 57 00 00 CI 67 00 00 C! 70 00 00 CJ 70 60 00 a 00 18 U "': 858 -!. - 80 CJ fi 00 O 0 75 CI Ct '1 7 13 CI . " . a s 00 a 0 Pacific Guano, 2000 fts i-auipsco uuano,. . . aooo s ! J Baugh's Phosphate, v &hOdfl)8tAn.Viinn It It Na-vasaa Guano,... ft 2000 fts Lister 8uperphoeth&te. t Carolina Jrertiuzer Ground Bone ............ Bone Meal................ ' Flour. ,... Complete Manure....... f Whann'a Phoanhata .... w anuo ..4 it Berarer Butz's Pb.oa. nh&te " GLUE ..................... .Vi ft GRAIN . .v- , ; - . - Corn. In Store,..., 68 fts corn, CarKO-......... 56 fts Corn,New.......M...v bush . Oats,. ................ .tt bush - Peas, Cow,. bush JSTlDJSfireen,.M....,......f) ft Dry,.....................M ft JLTAJ-Eastern,.... ;.... 100 lbs North River,.., .-,.11 100 fts -HOOP IRON ........... .W ton JUARD Northenv-........W ft 165 00 Q 1 70 ,10 a, 10 a 1 60 Q 0 Nrvrt.h flumM Tin -'., LIMK M ,. bbl LUMBER BxrvsL Last sales, Wide Boards..... 11 M ft Boantiuig......... ...... M ft Flooring........ WMft 1 00 00 a 00 WWQ WW 00 60 O 00 00 28 00 O 25 00 21 60 CJ 22.00 13 00 O 80 00 UITX DTIU DAWXO Ship Stult, res awed,. . M ft Rnnvh Edam T1.V t Wost India Cargoes, sooord-1 DrnHflfMl Vlnorinir. aAniinn.il 20 00 a 85 00 Scantling and Boards, com- IfOlLajSSiSubalds tt gal - - IFIIIJI. : WW mm TT 15 00 O 20 00 00 CI . fS9 - - 'CJ 41 . 38 CJ 20 22 CJ 21 45 CJ 1 08 00 O 6 75 29 CJ S3 1 10 O 1 45 1 00 CJ 1 19 . SO CJ 40 75 CJ 2 25 - 00 0 ct 1 00 ' UUUO, UWSh. ......II gsu Sugar House, nbds.,...l gal T fc , bblau.... sral - Syrup, bbls-.... ....... .f! gal ifAZZ-Cut, 4d to Ud...... .9 ft uhjO u.eroaene,... gai J-Ara, v sral Linseed,... ....... ....... gal uuin : aa vol POrAZVj-49weet......a bush Irian, Northern,. bbl J:6C3 XIAttS. aVOTMCI Hit-tV - . City Mesa...... bbl 18 50 018 7$ no t w www ww ww www w av if'.-i Primew...... .w. . u bbl Rnnn .4ttW CO 00 t 00 00 RIVSC&roUjai ft VW V r 1 u, kn . -Rrtnirh Mhnati 0 00 ft 1 89 O OS CI 0 8 JBAGOountry..k.......V . r viiyM..M......4...M. BOPB ... . i.i..tj:ii..i 9 XftW- V 9 1 . Ct ' 23 75 CI 00 : 125 CI 188 ar r.7UAInm rmartl Liverpool,...... .....ll saokj - Axuaj.4vtuit.w...w.M sacs: eTOAB-Cubav .......a ft '1 30 CI 1 S3 tjfcl . .10 . 11 Ct 13 v AvCoftee,.u....;.......g ft C. mM.Mt.ttt i W S Kt. f! . 99 IS (I s" 00 it IS l 18U 00 it IX - 11WS IS 00 1 Cruobe4,......i;w,,...i,w ft cTO:AP--Northern....... V S :act i4 oil a 4 CO 6 CO 8 tOO SCO roco(caco U CO CO 00 13 CO (I CO CO CO 10 ooouf U 00 1 1 12 00 co r 19 25 TI S tO CO 4 I 6 CO 1IJD1C0 2 CO 4 1 8 CO OtJO' l 4o: 043 O' O 63' common,,. fiTA FiU-W. O. BbL,.M....(t M tt. a i. i-t nn ..... . ti ri Cypress... ...........,Vl M TJT.j.nw . :. t v riiTS JS-B 81ilpping,.M . . . M ; ; 1X111 rair,.. Ii j Inferior tfl OriUnirr. . II if unwasnea.......p U w aanea ,.. ....... .... . ... . rtLsasQToa osicT nAnrurr.' qoxasoTssr Aitx. bt bavk or nv RAvovxaj w . , v. nv!-"' v; j lirrrva. mrwrr mm . eld,....Ma.',iijl2 -jj.J .. ,:. 114 Exchange sight on Northern ' ' - . - ; V1UOB, . - JT. -4 gxenange so oays on North - - 4 . mjx a MUMniirtitMi ,...;;..t Podia. N. C. Bonds Old Ex Coupon...... 30 1- V J iaju sunaing xatM... ...... xj Ow. - 1888. 20 Do. new. Do. Special Tax M... 18 W.M W. B B. Bonds 7 c(Gold Int.) 90 - w v. a u. u. n. isonas trsio....... Wllmlhgtoa City Bondi 8 ro.. V as VI s AIm XL. Xb. mnus DuR. .i 40 t Y l -t" !!- new Ve-. j ea Gold in t New Hanover County roads -ilft ,wv. ; . ye)eo(G:dlnt.)......;...7(r V - rers)6r(Go!iint.) r n W. 2s f.Kail Ec xd tdci.(Par ICC) , . . ; VT.. CAE. Stall TlGfkt r . ( . J Vfii. Gaa Light CoTT, f , 70; v t mA.w inia. Cap Fear.:.":.?,....) North Carolina........ 5 1! b .uu.vv4wMM.tM O Hra.hs.rn - 1 State of No. Ca...... 5 ....... ... . . Lextas-ton.... i rarmera' fi Merchants'........... fi ade.Lr ......... Charlotte. .......... M43 Wilmington ......... ? " Jorzraerca w 8 re -rro'iiwtwJ.. 0 xrer: o uuuwiuviWmtMiiii "vette villa . L.xDoro'.. - tesaasst V vlMAseaasttss 0 - vug L.r - cr il: -k C.; June 8'-, 1 ' - ' tonand WeUoaliaUroaO iM1 -i fY?.- - MAILTIUlv:?1 ? exepUtK!?6daUS v.- Arrtyeat GoldsboroV.7.At" .Ui'v Arrlva at ror- jrount.. To si. j;w - xiount...... V, ii-. irr Snkxlr.:::r.r - f ftfr Leave Union Depct daily - a Arrive at Gold3boro...!nt::;;At . t Leave TrCW.:ZZ: ' SfiS' Arrive at Pocky liount,::: ' 2:i P. 5 , -1 Goidsboro.....:::; p. ( aepot........ , j.10r.j, Itall Train ir ate close eoRnti- : don for all points Xorth vtaSt0 at ei. ' quia Creek routes. Y. y y and a,. Express Trafn connects Wly w!fh ' 1 Crek ronton l'ULLMAN'S pr Tr ' INU CAU3 ON TH13 TRAIN - 8Li 1 .....j A, , Tw 15 15 63 00 75 00 00 . ,80 142 65. r ; JOIIZI p. DITIKJ8," ;18 '17 ;2s 18. 80 23 -25 23 12 65 00 00 50 00 00 t 09 50 00 00 00 00 00 June fl-tf " General Bopenntenflent. ; GElilAL SUFTS QFFIUK 7ilnstoi Columbia au .-, Eiata :tt. Company. Cnjoof Ocliedule. hn XnK roLix) wing schedule wax, lnto.efiect at 3:25 A. IL, Sunday, Whinst;. 1 TJAT EXPRESS TSAIN, (Dally!) Leave Wilmington.;.......; iSftS22S?.' M : Arrive at Columbia ...;...... ijssp S Arrive at Florenco...Vi..;.,,. 4-w p w 1 Arrive at Wiliaingln.i..'.i..;.7.;.ao:a f J NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILTtSUHDATt v vfii'-ff'MCEPED.) , - lN . j ?aJWitot""M.". 5:45 K k Arrive at Florence.......,,. .....n-igp n Arrive at Columbia.;...... ! 8:45 a! S 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 , 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 95 , 82 00 8O 25 8 15 . 00 Arrive at Florsnce...,iMM.......M s9 A. M iys nuaunuia.M.M..., liJ)ffi( JNO. C. WINDER, Je8-tf Gen'l Stip'L v WILMINGTON, 0HAKL0TTE And Kullicrford Railroad. ' Omox Chcct EsronrirsB Aim GBfLSnrpt-1 WruraraTOK,,N. C June 26, 1872 J iti'itMia 12 12 00 3 00 . Cliaiifjo of Gchedule.; T T HT1L. FTJETIIEri NOTICE, the regular U trains will run over this Koadaa follows: - . : . BEGULAIi rHEIQUT TRAIN. Leave Wilmington' d&Uy at 8 A. M. and 4u ' riveatSOP.Al. J Y PASSENGEB ?AJTD EXPItES3 ' ; rilKIGHT ' - j : -. ' T TIIAI1TS.' '-; Y ... . Leave Wilmington dally at 7 A. M. and ar rlvsvatsrso P.M. r . Leave Lileaville daily at 6:15 . A. M. and ar rive at 4:15 r. IL TnTwo,epeclal rrelKht Trains for T02t - 3; Ho Train will leare oa Pundays. t Chi3f I- - Laeer and 8np't . BTEA1IGIIIP. LINES. : BALiCOHE T:D :WMl OU 10' O T-G AT.1 C I I P L I H Ef ex,. fit tv -i - 1....--. Composed of the First Class steamtui? rfCSSCCA CI.TO..;.Cs;t.l. C Chills ImUCXJJLS.....: Cap. D, X. Friea ECIXTAC;.,U.....Ci:?l. T7n. Ttsss T7111 t?rcaft-T tail from Baltlaore and Wll ' "" .' iningtoni Y- v, EVEHY FIYB PATS.? ':YY TUB .cteaksiiipbqu ' TTiasaafrcni wharf factcf.Chesout street Saturday isornlr j, lUy Cth.""''.- j L Tci rrelsit tazzt : rts apply w j A. D. CAZaU ,nd; SoutIi:n mmM w. nil. - 4 - ... . - t jnoirrosr) c.1 rinsi-cLASS ft i PIUUEEF : 825 , TONS, - ;j y oil- .;7ANDi;:856;. tons, :. CASr. C. C.-. 7E LTZSAff Will hrrcafLcr eaII frora phuaaeipu- - EIPUE33 FREIQHT Tit lln a w, . TTilmington daUy Sandaysxce?ti?, leaT IL, and arrive at ll a. m. pte? F. 1 il M ; YY" .t r ; ...... "YJ :-r ' I I iistTarced 1 Vs." 79 atock 13 Ez2citly ."aVAHSAn, Ar,r;?t cixA3.-!p. & cc, ur3 to r:y t8 c -3. eT:cT" icu:.t 1T3 Cotton Uiir. . T7!-10 "r7tf 7. rest Etrcct, , -,--i r)-cent. Net receipu rc.t'c .j,' 4 . ' t r- T m T f f V .1 V tzutzi t:.3 r;r::!z-l r ' . 1- ... t ! - A . -t- 'ft

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