.i-( . 4- ,-,r " ' r ADTESTISrSUl . ... . ay iiaj 1 1 mi i gp . m t 1 - - -. T 1 .. .i - - - . 1- 1 ' ' - , ii&EH-?ArxD, i;mjr and iropr. orrioi. Dawson Bank Buildings, Front Btv ,,;4 wif; la advance ........7 00 .ii months. In advance ..... s 60 Jhwe month, in advance.............;.,.... 4 oo Ainonth, madvanee.. 731 . r rh Uowrtwa Star will be delivered. In any par o uw " -r " "'L-'- (r: . Aogut -V t873vr-vS. 1 - ' 7 A.- M. 80:13 S3 N Oeotl Icioadj i P M. 'TO EGeoUeLraln y p M. 80:15: .77 NE Gent CI'k p; NoTcr-f" readings are rednted o the sea-- k-ievei ana w oegrues xaurcooeiu I . ROBXltT SaiBOTH. ; Sersc't Stomal Service U. 8. A. tveattir Report.' Utnce oi tjniei eignai umcer. Whlagton, August T. 4:85 P. , i. Falling barometer In the northwest and up- r sf laslaelDPl . and m upper lakes, with I Toutharn winds and cloud, weather, occasional V rin. eiteodina- northeastward oyer Michiesn w'liwr v:MTPand eastward oyer the Middla 8tatea. . but clear weather in New England; southerly I uu Bw.j - i a ...i.r vmni in i .in nnnui AiunLio. vnn i clooay wwBw . w a u., variable southerly 'and northerly winds an ' clear weather preTall on the Gulf till the after noon," : V ,:;, ," " ' PEOBABIiY DEFEATED TUK STATE IICKET. B UT Victorious Nevertheless A ilianalch from Raleirrb. received at a late hoar last night,- concedes Caldwell's .LMinn 1 flftA miinrltv wllh A a anil w.v... j .,rrr ..j. j . I Yancey to bear froovTh'ese counties gate aa 444 majority in 1870." It may appear that we are beaten in oar Bute ticket if so. we are beaten bv the , - a a J 4 a a. 1 almightiest frauds that ever were prao I Used on a people. These frauds must be looked into, i Many have been reDOrtea. 1 ttlra'iid rewrt e, err eU.ab6tanUted case of illcral voting and counting. We . I must not be cheated out of Hhis election. I - . . . . - . - v . - .1 aiut wnewier aiernmon is oeaten or not, fairly. or foully, we have achieved a great victory in electing fiye Congressmen in cluding our own Waddell, and a hand- eomer working majority in the Legislature. We, glory in .this and the great moral rebuke administered to the Presidential Intermeddler'and his ' satraps In' their fallortf to reach theirs high", figures for I Caldwell and in the blasting John Pool's Spn.tnriat ru-ti-nfftn :f -. ... : .. , v , 6 w and won't down at: the bidding of any- body. ;: iJe shall crow for what we still . ' caiai as'a notable 'victory " ot Right over. Wrong,;!- 4;' ' : ,(' V.- ": ' i .i ''.i..' . ! v' ' .I. . . rp-pq- Cn . fy TrT1",V7r awawaa awawawM aBwawaas mmuw mmm mtmm wmm m .wmMmm.m.mMm.MtM , Jos. B. RusstiL-Chamber of Commerce. w. y, dttjsmsow iresa lees. 7 Olphim & CciCKiKO For Sale. C. S. Ellis Mechanic's Bnfld. Association. COUNT T COMSJISSIOSEBS.. Extract from tle Preeeellngs.' At ao adjourned meeting Of the Board held Monday afternoon the following business was trtnsacted.:t;r;- V'- Ii was ordered that the Report ot the Com- nrniee, consisting of Messrs. r. wurpny, Jno. ' M.f? .. itiniMV-..!,... McRa, snd A. r Black, appalnted to exam. , -r - piicea on nie, ana.iue L'ommittee aiscnargeo. Bat th vnn. f Tm iry the two! ramalninf? outlaws Rti.M iArr and An-1 drewBtronsAa-. dlaatearad from their old asauts about Back Swamp and Moss Neck, Tbs Robesonlia says U & understood that they bare MUUlshed t new bate In a lettlement everal miles,1 above, and known as -Upper oenffleto wn where they are keeping very quiet, and seen to be concerned only to keep I oot of the wsj of Mr. Wisbirt and his gallant ----- vbuh vi Hl SUDI B. H tar Bak Bindery. The itteaUo&'cf the pnblle is called to the -perlor facUiUcs we nSw have tor executing -a. t . .. "1 " . . - uuiu WkUa. lkUiing; - vat Dc?incss m mis oe- . : ' . . ' . . iruneni his steadily Increased, an evidence t we have not laborci la .Tsda la our effort loesUMish a Book tladcry elual to thade- w. VBr Kruwic - citjr. ,vu w- mro o- tortolned to do fetill more and' as our bus! toess grows so wtltouf facllltlea be Increased 'lfe us atrlaL 1 ?,'-f-- t taw2w' Wall va9. jp a . - i , .-"a wr vk;;7.j: .-1 , J i- te&tlemaa from C-Iow fnfors ts tit tBV one white man la that county oted the Kepublicaa UcJtct ia tv a lltB election "ai ts - candidate for tn cr?3. I a P'eclncts, too, a r.uLr c f t. : : - --y cf the v.uv.vu fcM-. rte,JBep.,ti.Jror , tteguter-ri"cox, vKns., "rT r ----- coincidences wiuiout a parallel. WO cer- ue Hlowed;t5 per day for icrtices' rendered, v Loe&ndairrRepr.SSS.' ' ' , people of tlilasecUon, confident t we can tainly have never fwd anything equal to it.i Adjourned to meet I.'c-y, the I2th.lnst, . warren- off er Inducements that cannot fall to please. t , - - , ..?-,-r! 4t12M-.--w --r- : - ,.'.... warren. : ; " ..- v.- "" " The Robesonian says : W& .' :m'" .i.claltomesur.. colored d reuwa. -3- mentioned last week that Mosei' Jacob; a OMllawg. irr ? W' - The following is the official vote. In this The memberl of Free Love Lodge No. 1,469, Scuffletown muUtto' had applied itoSher- IL avaa iHvlrtifi mH a pv vrtatfhft iAmfMitraA I - M tvr 7 I mi vol. 2-r-Ho; 118. ' 7IUniTGT0II, -17. C THURSDAY. ATTGUST 8,f1872u 01001,523 Local Dot, , .' t . ... More rain yesterday. 8ee llat of letter 6a fonrth pa. e. 'Aliitwr.i;n-.t..' ... Hoaniui - r ' auais uaucuk w mj aeiiL ui inn 1 iiw .ukico IVf tm.O tun OLuCe OI I There was ' nn ttii a - f A'u.M.ia 1 curt yeaterd.. tK.r. -t-t . owiw uu i The street hands were kept busy yester- I day in repairing the damages caused by the flood of Tuesday afternoon and night - An. adjournecl meeting oflhe Mechanics Boildlng and Loan Association will take nlace tnis eyenlmr, at 7 o'clock. ; ine regular monthly meetinir of the Chamber nfr.nmm.. -m v. i-.u .1.. V-fa, ExThi; tV. ' , , J 9mmerel Exchange to-day at 13 o'clock. loriCunty Buryeyor, published in our lest. lt WM made to appear that J. II. Murphy was I .i.nt.i a.v i ha . . . i wvwui nucu. iu rvaxiiy nenry a. uoivin was elected by 15 r..tArit Later intelligence In regardl to the late nnfnrtnn.f. afr. t . o ttvm. . I - ..-u..,..,oullluluw, wuicu reauii w . hUD ukuirnTo xnsion, piace tne matter in a mucn more rayorable light as far aa Mr. Dinsmore is concerned. v " A difficulty occurred near the corner of 8th and Chestnut streets, yesterday afternoon, between two white women of. "easy virtue," during which one of them was so badly wounded by the blows she received that it was necessary to summon two physicians. The Election! BETTJ11NS . RECEIVED X BRUNSWICK. Owine to soma Trainable lnformalitl. in ths tote of Robinson's precinct, la this county, the County Commissioners met yesterday and decided not to count It. Ine vote now stands as follows : . For Governor Merrimon, 711; Caldwenv708. .For Congress Waddell, 729; McKay, 700. For Senator Council, 733; Hill, .r'fS' .Br00: 723. ,. For Treasurer Lehees, Cons., 668; ttr . . . a . W - N Mnr va - w . P-. r ttegjster-inarp, Cons., 702; Galloway, Rep., 700. For. Bur- yp.vnr Biirnfttt- f!fn Or!ait 'Ron fXK ' " ' " 'P"Zl' J or cnerui uaiioway. uons.. tvzi Taylor. Rep., 717. For Coroner Taylor, Ctfns., 713; Brown, Rep., 680. . CALDWELL. I sr awa a . m . . . lumciai to tne otar j on,- t . 4v- , .v.. - Jtaav avuwwauK o au vauviI 1 VbO at tjui I e t Merrlmon r. naMweii n TrrtP Congress-Vance, Cons.. 827; Candler, Rep., 2fi7- Vor h .Hnt Omrttr.V nnn . . si. Itoj, 2M. For U. Hou.e-JoB. Con,.. 747; ma., ovr, uraaiora, uep., aey. o. m. -i t. . . ji r t- j i - . . . voio oi ooo. ma Aepuoucans naa no ckuui- out for countj offlcerft i DAVIE. lOfficlalto the Star. The following is the official vote la this county: Merrimon, 826; Caldwell, 662. For Congress-Bobbins, Cons., 818; Forches, Rep., ftat VnPtKflT,.Prf w. ftitv p.m. I sey, Rep., 672. For the HouselAnderson, Cons., 8C8; Lilllngton, Rp.t 650. The whole county Conservative ticket elected YADKIN. lumciai w me Btar.J II V (ITS U VWIVHM VWtWWa A U Ik. Ill 0 1VIV "-ilows. Merrimon. 759: CaldwelL 866: Hashes, 741: Brosden. 858. For ConsRobbins " W 780: Furchea, 860. For the Senate Cowles, Cons., 837; Brower, Rep., 825. ; For the House Martin, Cons., 867; Glenn, Rep., 840. For Sheriff Long, Cons., 618; Vestal, Rep., 766. 0ur correspondent says : "You will see by the above flgurea that we haye saved our friend J. G. Martin to the House of Represen- -- Utlvesby 27 votes, and our Senator, A. C, uwin( uj m tk ia iru&iu cuuob;. ouirj not heard from officially, but enough is known to assure us of his election by a small majorl- ty. We have elected our Register of Deeds and one Commissioner. . The balance of the county officers are Radicals." ' MOORE.' rOfflclal to the Star.J The followingls the official vote in Moore eounJt Merrimon; 1055; Caldwen, 83L Lieut. aA,ArAh.HnffhM. 1 ttU- Broken. 876. For . r. , . congreaa-WaddelL 097; .McKay, 8954. . For meucntte wortn, uons., x,um; uiair, epM m , ror sheriff-Monger, Cons., 1,045; Cur- eonntr: Merrimon. 1.107;; Caldwell. 2.380; Hairhei. L107: Brosden. 2.8SU For Congress Kltchin. 1.93: Thomas. 2.380, For the Senate- flyman, colored. Rep., 2,574: Montgomery, V!.t '' - Departed Defeat et XXerrimon for Uev- in, . leial and ooaitive returns are pretty well in, the Western counties, ' with the. ex- I Mn(inn of Asha and Yancey, having been I iL -a.t-Z. folwoll la aloof A It thAtlt i ou itwu. w w. .-.w tt . 1 .nn ;t 4K. lUAfcAaaAit .aI. aril I iMAimt I iw majoruj. T w M or;i,ow. -iu that there have been great - " , xtadicais will juDuee to-morrow nigu. au excitement has anbalded and -the Democrats reeetva the news of their defeat quietly. jrV Th PBtnbnrrTid!M fa tin faiiawinp . . . .. . ... . . . j- .. -'"---'- -a '---"' " a- .j RimOH August In theubeniatorUl contest, th vote is very 1 close. c, .The Democrats; d aim that there will cot be SCO difference either way.' Tne Iterub- a - - - - a, 4- a Ucarltlila CalJweire." dectlon by -1,653 tsa Jorl'r. Tt9 tr-rs-nor:JU.3 cc: unties', which SSSv w a sstssss.'s .isstaS -vsi- i--- JISaa5; BeMofCuar; mgti wdDiwi::-Uc trayc.ta t a heard frca.A'for taany generationif -- jrood many claim that as offlclal conai will be 1 necessary to decide. ' .The majority think 'that Caidweira ' chances are mnch the best. I and that the majority claimed for him bv his 1 i - 1 friends is none, too Jaree. The Republican A mat huhtnil Kia ttolrat . Tf P.1li.)1 ( 1 nnKM n(mAMt,ii .iui.it I mw .v.m v. v. I miu u uuicioi two wm uto w made lo the reanlt. I liri8iature all BlKut-Good Bye, JfOOI. The following we clip from' the Raleigh News. This is "elory enoueh for one dsy" : I The next Senate, as at present estimated, f wUl stand 80 Conseryatlyes and 18 RepubH- cans, with two doubtful districts to hear from. The House of ReoresentatWes. as far as I beard from and estimated, stands . Demo- crataand54Republicsn..andone Itiseafeto eay that the two : doubtfuL houses will stand as, follows : Senate, SI Conservatives I - - Ab - .. ana iw xvepnoiicans : House, lo (jonaervatiyes 1 and 55 Republicans. Majority on jolhi ballot J ogtt one oneortwo of the counties to hear T rom mi hi nAA W.rnh1UAri mm. I -" " -' ---- : r """r the State will be thankful, notwithstanding other losses that msy have been sustained. ' I " An Arrest and Attempt at Beacne Almost a Blot nelf Yesterday a white man by the name of Jack son, a watchman at the Union Depot, arrested a colored man whom he had reason to know had 'been guilty of stealing a quantity of peaches. In conjunction with his duties as watchman, Mr. Jackson Is authorized in case of necessity to perform the duties of a police man, and wears a badge. Haying what he constderslconclnslve proof of the guilt of the colored man lladed 10 ho Procecded uke him to the Guard Eonse;; but on his way, and when passing near the corner of Second and sa.mie.9i Btrccuj, utawas sarruouueu uj i crowu of colored men, who demanded the release of the prisoner, claiming that he had no right to arrest him, as he was not an authorized officer. Mr. Jackson called on Constable Hill to protect him in the discharge of his c'uty, which he did, and Mr. Jackson proceeded with his prisoner. He was followed, however, by a crowd of colored men, and when In the vicinity of the City Hall another attemptat . . , . . . I.-. ,Bu,.,nu.v- " 7' " 1 mined resisUnce on the part of Constable Hill, who endeavored to explain to them that Mr. Jackson had authority to sustain him in what was doing. The two officers finally sue- cceded !a the prisoner Into the Guard "uuoc kUO tuu"uuv'a " TJZJZZ lions mat tne man naa no rigat warress mm. Such scenes as the above on the public atreejs should be pnt an end to. .as .they can be prd- uuitc wui ui u. kuv wv jvww consider that Injustice Is being done to one of . . - tneir race let mem appeal tome law ior re dress and not nut the law at deflanc b tak . : . . -nr. in c ina matter into tneir own ouah - no We want no riotous proceedings on our streets, u "ouv ul iiwsuw.Mui. wi. T" thltttcoore ;J Intelligent af our CUiUiCu people may iruwu uowu u iuui kic tempts as that of yesterday and endeavor to prevent such demonstrations In future. Fraudulent Yoftlaa, e. nr. i - .v.. f . .4 Da -tnv .mt. tf.M wm l mnro'vAiM raat in UZ, wwth. I aW aw w.wawwvaa m w w w w .h registration books, and that after the trick had been discovered an attempt was made by rep- resenUUvea of the "party of great moral ideas" to alter the books to correspond. in keeping with the trick at the First Ward polls in this city, where, we are reliably informed, nineteen colored men registered " - - . . en registered on UiW iUCU, uuiivu vw. wv. uivu .6w4 u wu election day who could give no justifiable ex- cubo lor tneir iauuro to uuw wwrc, iu uucw violation of one of the provisions of the elec tion law. PROFITABLE ADTEJBTIS1NG. ; ; We call me attention of the business men of Wilmington to the superior advantages offered by - -f ; ; ! , i b -........ as an advertising medium. . It has, without exception, the Largai QrculalUm of any pub- 7 ..- - i uwuuuw muuwi j any one wiv u- . v communicaUoa with the people of the rural aistncxs now waning uuuuBwu. , , We solicit a call from those wno wisa to Iaaa f n.i. hnnnnw' TirnTTiTTifliiLiv Daim-B T.nH Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, of this city, celebrated their first anniversary jester- day. They paraded - thronghl our principal streeU during the afternoon, arrajed In the the City Hall and was well attended. ' ' 't'a4.ai.inmaWhii dnne thmmrT. thkTii Advertising Agency more economl- callv than by nUaUng "direct, wlthl pub I iuhera.1: The labor of writing and copying advertisements, expenseofpostage,sUonery, I a:, may ill be saved by contracting with this I t - i AiW' I --it-. Call at the . BIU.mnung.wia, uuuoiung i , -OTriieiT, t, , , . tf rut "T y - - ' - ' .U. A lady on being asked whit she thought i was me meaning w w tui-wwwiv 1" 7.... ... . -'- . . . that walketh b darkness," atiswered that, In - . - .' - ... ... ... . X ll.k I I her opinion, it w bed-bugs, t 9 1 IV" The kias she gsye me i at the gate, an- nouncei- as -new rruilcvia been YramLar a , 1 -. - .. 1 . " . J auscs the mere fcrUoita class Of yonssters f The indestructible Tag is a great convenience I in wf. isiDotenoe and axony. - X very victim of I " ' " . , - - - Democrau 'Claim It .en't1e nervous aebility, ox, of that deprett lan- TrZU 1 Tr-lll '.TT t frauds and it IS I - - "' . w . ' . v , , i Piwwiucnuoiw ww Mumpuumuiwi J vt :ii is n.lltt 1J1L111 1 lOWlTl'T 1 ".I.. I?; J" tose of a .direction label and trasinesa card, apaubluraesa, eatatotts Trir, .J." -T11; rrJf .YAtlc.S Our CWp Baakcc.,. .t - u - ' steel oor Je&rt considerate father to his. son, "for yon are' now jtoing mng some lascinatlng jrirls. I had much ramer iieai ineirs.'v aaid the nnpromisioff . -'-.- 11X1. T.-W. l J . .vul. vl. .i.. t. 1. 1 . a.z :J. t ; , ... iuab ue can jamp oyer a Eingie post on nis way to church. genUeman who had been arguing with eaM hm MAn,t wU1 h- nnU h. -1. v x. . . ' ' - - - - n wjq wt fcU "iUR WiiU '"s x wan u uu .B. K ui since ne oegan to- pisy dsso nan, me Tery thoalxt of 8inK Vout on, a II makes aim 8nauaer- A country girl, coming from a morning walk, was told she looked as fresh as a daisy it.i mi . . . L . - - juosea dy us aew. .10 wmcn sne lnnocenur replied, Tou'ye got my name right Daisy ; but his isn't Dew, Printing and Book Paper, We can furnish printing paper In small We haye on hand the following sizes of new, via: 22x31, 21x36 and 24x38. Also, fine Book Paper 24x33 and 25x39 j and a good assortment oi other papers and cards. . :. tf SPIEITS OF TUKPENTINE. A movement is on foot to light Lumberton with gas. J. M. Blair, the great hotel man, is hoteliog it at Statesyille now. The Rads lollificated Monday night in Raleigh oyer the returns favora ble to CaldwelL The new Board, of Countv Commissioners of Robeson is composed of i iuur ouBervaiives ana one ivaaicai. fl. L. Pike, formerly editor of the Raleigh Standard, is to edit a Greeley paper in Augusta, Me. Still they come. The young ladies of Weldon having secured sufficient funds with with which to commence operations, the new Episcopal church in that place, says it. "fc-r mi t i i the News, will be started at once. .1 n tt. j- . I - xuoAmfcuwiwukuu v luuiuatur Informs us that a small colored boy of that placCj named was shot anS killed by the careless handling ot a loaded pistol in the hands of another bov. . . .. . I - 9 nni "RnnHno. Ton P?n ot the Ragi'gh -Typographical Union, has received the cud won by him """f!-" . "P"" r Thft nl J.ftf VAfA- .ti.ft. Rfftfo gay8 the RofcnTan, 7s Thomas . Shawl colored, of Lumberbridge township, who i ls now lua years oi age ; and though now I nearly blind, he rode five miles to the ore - .' i . .... iciuci last inursaay ana votea tne- entire I conservative ticket. Tom " has distinct I nU.xiioftM.4KA t . r.. i wiiwwuevi,uo -nu ui iu . ucu I speajes ei seeing tne red coats.'1 wuuuav uiufc uio rubiueuco OI Mr; ILK Morehead,. of Charlotte, says i u vuo. naa ieiuiuwusij ,, cutcicu uj I giouuu uuwwiuuow anu a watcn, cnain and some other trinkets, 7 with' a lot of ' :' i . weannz anparei. were -. Bioien irom nis bedroom. The articles were afterwards I fftnn h fvn norrfAoa .nil TAotAnJ 1 Tk "W r VWAT a 1 W w v W E 1 II 1 1 1 IILTL I CT 1 1 am III . 1 HRfl HPPIa dent by which a house was burned in a mysterious manner - at midnight in the village oi Seaboard; on the. Norfolk and Weldon railroad, on the 4tb, and two persons burned, to death. The heroic ef " W ?y - of I t HA MAr W W A -mm law - fl'k a. a a& a, .ai IU. u fcUD " ""V . . . - . . - T),.J m dMr MorTson a toto man ' bVth es- timahle rtfiranna. -l umauie peraouH. 1 The Baltimorean uublishes ed' itorially the following Bingular.: coinci- aences : ltoDert Kicks, residing at Rocky I Mount, North Carolina, was the father of two daughters, Bettie and Cornelia. There was eighteen months difference in their ages. rney ; were never . separated at BChool ; they . , were graduated - together ; Vere courted and engaged the same day. ; marnea on ine same.aav : nv tne aamn ' J .mj, ms . minister ( out not to tne same . man :V pro- fesscd reieioa oa the same Sabbath, and were subsequently . baDtised on the same Sunday." Here is pirobably, a chapter.. dfl I . -1 . - j. , ... I iff McMillan for ComDensation for bis ser. vice in burying the outlaw Tom Lowrev. We learn that he again, presented himself before the Lonimissioners on Monday last, grave, the compensation' for which he was willing to leave to tthe, discretion of ; )the j I Commissioners. It is needless to eav the "f , w : - "Tv.norr - 1 . ,i . .. .. S I r Twatls ana Poetry. ; to n wsaxia bibiih, : Ne ver was a tru er sentence written than this supposed to be wrung from the Axch-flend i motive tKer of ie avatem ia ttartlalla rajvaed t the mind Is haunted by anxiety - I and fear t aaa tne ensererxsaa meapaoie or I and feart.aad the euffercr U aa ineapabie of I imslneea as if he were under the benumbing i - -141 m.4.ju. 1 uiu tiuvwwu wuiuuiui uccu uuia iuiwsTDi. us m - - - . . - . . . . - . endured for fortyight hours by any human) beln. . Fnurr atiow Brmxs la an absolute rsp.ifle for all the torments which a deranged atomach, a disordered .lirer, aad shattered Tbe worst Courts yield, as If trr nsaie. toj the' wonderful curative powers of ,Dr, fierce' uoiaen recusal JUiccoycry, - r ; aug Th eat . t r ma uiu uuut. mca uor inniiTB. i - - - m y w 41- HOTEL ARBITALS. National Hotel, K. Jones, Proprietor. Ang. 7. samnet w. fixon, tr. u. uowan, ii. U leaves, Kent K. Xing, Fred Cant well, Chaa.X. Myers, o,jjl. f lanaiaie, vity ; rno. a. xoiar, tr. l.. reaooca, uoiumDus county. John H. llau- eer, 8a Ex. Co. ; J. J. Barden, ; IdlesylUe, N. v. ; aa. v. Aixon, i-j. i. waiiaa, jod twarman, G.TL. Walton, A. J. Scott, Onslow county; D. xj. joaroer, - onesnoro; x. a, JtioDinson, ; uwy I Cant. A. Garrison, steamer D. Miirehlaom W. v. jsaroer, jonesnoro; t. a. KODinson, ; Uity M. Prentiss, Bicbmond, - Va 1 ? J, vr SbepanJi OnilnwAnnntV! R. Mnrnhlann T.ittlA kolr R NEW. "AD Y ERT1SEMENTS. Fresh Teas JUST RECEIVED AND TOR SALE AT REDUCED PRICES. I wish It understood, also, that! do Just wnat laaveruse to ao. uauana price t Leas from 7cc tos2 25 per pound. aug8-tf , J AS. O. STEVENSON'S. ;; NO. l lMJOBSE ENGINE AND 30ILEB in good running order. , Can be seen any day. We wish to put In large machinery; VU' aug8.lt OLDHAM A CUMMING. . HechanicsV: BuUding & : Loan Association. AN ADJOURNED MEETING, FOR THE AAmir1rr maa W mill V.l J .1 Commercial Rxrnno-n this Atrminv of 91 o'clock. ; ,n a. iou aiwnaance is reanesiea. t. .... - - . O. . aug8-lt Secretary and Treasurer. Chamber of Commerce. REGULAR Monthly Meeting of Chamber Commerce will be held at the Commer coalExcnange to-day (Aug. 8th) at 12 o'clock, JOS. B. RUSSELL. aug 8-lt Secretary. - COSDITIOW OP Bank of New Hanover ON AUGUST 1st, 1873. - FIRST SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts.............. $374,088 28 I UI1I,'V"-'v--"v .5,668 75 l uor canKsanajsanjcers, ,32,552 65 Gold on nana Vnr";VV ViinV; ' " snfenaSA01111107 VUe:::: UncarreBt Money on hand, cur- 41,020 62 2,071 03 2o9 20 I V&iUH ..... Office .Furniture...... ......... XO $156,420 10 LIABILITIES. 000 00. 616 33 "ffSy-eHt.-. Banks and xmri5fSR!Zr3, ; ' '.'' Bankers,... : 17,873 85-264,833 77 ,670 00 1156,420 10 j - - 1 Sta11 Nobth Cakoliva, 1 I Countv of New Hanover. C 1, 8. If. Wallace, Cashier of the Bank of New 1 "anover, ao solemnly swear mat the above I statement ls true to thi statement is true to the beslof my knowledge S.D.WALLACE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th uay oi August, ibiz. r j angs-lwnao . . ... Lz. Notary Public I Saddlery; j:-vBAvujua,Bt- uARjsay iaurtco Xtt&YJElilAU iilU9 I : i i . i." .i vr - ; t..i tr601 8leryGood I ' J. S. TOPHAM ft CO.S, . No. 8 South Front St, Wilmington, N. C. tebS-tfnao Shields' Eye Wash, I - . arrv nimmr!rT I JUAB UUJM IV a a J M nil II PiUll. 1 I III I II IX 1 1 ITI . FW B ' , . -7-..-- . ' : - l. . UlTliyTj 1 For sale by all rcists in the city. Priee ZTSS?- w- m e orig OB-BEN ft flanner, Wholesale Agents,' MOEIXANEOUS. L: the .... I r,."-J-f.'i' Election Excitement JTJAVING PASSED OVER, 1 BEG LEAVE, ll ftl. .tf AllttAn Af til. nV1U t. tV. Drawing of the Cliarity Itos- pital Scheme, on the 13tli .5 -t ,. of thlsi Jionlh. --: i Citizens ; are earnestly requested t lend Tlease supply yourselves wlth. tickets at AGENTS IN TLTE COU Will make full returns by the morning of the - ' i" : "-, :' i . . "j .;. 1r!fth frmlant. . ang 4f ,ir-MOf' ft.iCr.VJIt? D.; &ALL.' Baii,-' ; 11 'Tf.l-" -ri v I o Tu&l i f? " a 'XJS" i" ir i: -a . ,. . 7.- Ta J i -- r I ' p.TJ TTTT SHTJIGr rfG0 ODG! i : r.v ,. BALANC3PF, - MtJi::o c con. ang i tf , " - Ci:y CcthisnC , v. , j. ju.cuuunm. enoe ueeit at - ccaies, r i ' n ". F, M. Wooten. W.,a &B.B.B.: J. W.- Plum- v . v - :-s-,r- t-.i!fri' 1. ce dars,.....,..i.. ....... .fS Oi 1 ar daySfo:.,.....,....;....' S nve days,. .......v 8 00 fine treet- S 59' t 5 4GT" Cootraci Ad-rertiMmenta taJtea Rt tn:C porUoaately low rates.-; v. -u !iv Marriasres. Deaths. Ileli ion 1. Vn'nsrii.t ard Obituary notices will be fcriatrted .t baJlrawe S wnen paid ror in aayance otnr ui f all rate? nil oe cuargea. - -.!-v ... -TmtB c&aH on demand. 4 f fc ? x MIBCEIiiANEOU& OETOIT IPmiTilTION AND LANDS' ADJACENT' THERETO, r-'' ''V, ' I wf ,rv AfiA' i s--r -n i I" ' Cl ff' A MPT?G I -J 2 V ; A- vxdxuu r r .: : V : : . , -if... Auctioneer, By CBONJLY fc iOBBIS. TJTjRSU ANT to an order : of the Superior flcatmiMiSD JL . Court of this county, -tne nnderslgi Eroceed to sell by public auction, at the Court Louse in Smith ville, N. C, on. Thursday. Aur ust 22d, 1872, at 12 o'clock M.,-all that Valuable Timber Lands ; Adjacent thereto, lying In the county of ; Brunswick, well and favorably known Tteall In this locality as , . k v "O R T 6 N," Containing, by actual surrey, 9,025 Acres. TMs plantation Is situated upon the west side of Cape Fear River, 15 miles below this city, (wlthfa 6 miles of the Ocean) and has a front of over two (2) miles upon Cape Fear- Elver, covering 300 Acres of CIIDLTDinD DIPL7 . I AFin I OUI l-l II UI I IIIU1. a.HllM I . . . , . . ." i .. ... I Of which 225 Acres have produced 16.300 bush I els, (these lands are unsurpassed for SiTAAL , x ..... u. uuu-y n" , t .. -:,-.-f vj- 8,000 Acres of Pine AND A LARGE AMOUNT OF LIVE OAK TIMBER. AN IMMENSE WATER POW- ER, from a Pond 7 miles la length, 12 : feet head of Water tUNF AILING), with many desirable Bites for Saw Slills, Cotton and Other Manufactories, Tnrpen tine Jjistillerics, S:c. ; The lands abound in Deer and other irame. the pond Is well stocked with Fish of the finest ' varieties, and it is opposite and accessible .to the New Inlet Fisheries. - - y .- . The Improvements consist of a : TWO STORY DWELLING HM. Containing flO Rooms, Brick Basement, with all necessary Oat-Uonses, ExtcnsiTe Barns, 8TABLES. Ac- with houses detached ' for Two Hundred Hands. This extensive planta tion, the late palatial residence of Dr, F. J. I Uill rlAiAAQOi1 va !nni nrmv t-n o f- siooVooo, Must be thoroughly viewed and examined in person to realize Its value to the Agriculturist or Capitalist, as it will be sold at a ereat sacri fice (not one-third, probably, of Its original cost) to- satisfy the demands of creditors. ' TEB2IS OF SALE.-' '' " ' ;- ' One-third purchase money in cash, the . 1 - due in six and twelve months, with Interest i rom day oi saie. , . ... - For further particulars address the- under, signed or Cron y & Morris, Auctioneers, i . r : ., : DuBRUTZ CUTLAB, 1 CM. 8TEDMAN, . , . . . Commissioners. WiLxiiraTOir. N. C June 22d. 1872-Je 22-Jv 5 21-Ang 1, 15A21 : . HEW DRUG; : STORE, THE underalgned has opened a large and varied assortment of - , FEESHDEDGSAHD CHE11IGALS. MU. t At his new store under the Corie.e ofPhy,!- elans and Surgeons, on Third street, opposite City Hall, - u- j - - -. - PATENT- MEDICINES, f PEBFVnG' RIES, In great variety , INDIA BUBBEXt GOODS, TOILET ABTICLES, ETC.';" ,""' RfAra ivnan 4 all dnnM.v a n ; n V f . "'trnr:r J""1"' ulu, ftu" "w: COWAN GREEN,1 Licensed Dls Chemtut. i July 2C2aw WedASun t Proprietor. Fresh; Goods,,. T3RESERTED GINGER, Preserves assorted, X7 Jellies, Sauces. Ballad Dresslns. CatsuDs assorted. Anchovies, English, American and a rencnirioiies, epanisn unves, , capers, Bar dines) Extracts, Ao;, Ac, cheap at. ' - - . , JAUBS 1, MlfiTXS', . ang 7-tf; p.: O ;i-;f.?-i87- Market Street; Cotton Basrcrinffi ,VfJ.'3 r . taj ta faV 300 EIiS, Tbrti.! mi -4 V1Z .'H' aug 6-tf . ; WUXlAMfl ft MURCHI80N. . . 4.Jt r sii : w V -L t , i-1 . f ' 4 3 A - TEE VJSTAR??t; T- l.i.vV.i Steam Job Printing House THREE STEAM-PRESSES ). . i . 1 .'V. I5 : ' s r COM P K TElt WO II it M K N . Tll B3T MATERIAL ; ' '...'itl.f . If? u.cfir::..-tiO"!' . . REASONABLE .PRICES. a Ui a. 1 . V . -j ,1' -v.. scr-ior.'-..ji:s; iQlvo Oo a TrTcfT.' I M -. - . ' :..,: i 1.-4 -.I O .'Jlr-.. i . 't f i - ' - - v-.- . ..'it-