MORNING STAB. - Tuesday, August 13, 1872. flfSTERIOIJS BANK ROBOEKT. The First National Bank or Council Bluff) Bobbed or $20,000 In Broad Daylight. One of the boldest, most daring and mysterious robberies that ever took place was perpetrated in this city on Monday. Rumor was rife upon our streets yesterday that the First National Bank of this city had been robbed of money to the amount ot $20,000, but it was at first not general ly believed. .However, in the afternoon a reporter; of. the Nonpareil called at the counting house in question and learned that the report was only too true that $20,000 in currency had been taken from tbe vault of the bank in open daylight, while the cashier was in the room. At what time of day or in what manner the money disappeared is known to the thief alone. r . In answer to our inquiries the officers of tho bank informed us that they knew, nothing of the robbery until about half past 5 o'clock Monday evening. The cashier of the institution, Air. Farnsworth, unlocked the vaults at 10 o'clock in the morning, at which time the money was all in its proper place, in the back part of the vault. At the time of unlocking the receptacle in which the money was left Mr. Farnsworth took out a tin box con taining loose bills to the amount of $1,000 and, after placing the bills ot the different denominations in their proper apartments, put this box on the outer edge of the safe, where it would be convenient of access during the day. Sometime in the forenoon the cashier sent his book-keeper, Mr. A. TV Rice, out to make collections, while he remained to attend upon the patrons of the institution. It was during that time that the cashier thinks the robbery was committed. His theory is, that while he was engaged making out drafts, paying checks' and re ceiving deposits, tho thief - entered the back door, passed around behind therail ing, stooped down and reached into, the vault and secured the money, making his escape through the same place through which he entered. The money stolen was tied Up in three packages, one of which contained $10,000, and tho other two $5,000 each. The loose bills in the tin box in the front part of the safe were not molested. The loss of the above amount oi money . is a heavy blow to the bank, but the man agers assure the public that none but themselves shall lose anything by the oc currence. The capital stock of the insti tution is, we believe, about $50,000, all told. The facts of the robbery, as far as known, were at once Dut into the hands of detectives, who are now busily engaged in endeavoring to solve the great mystery in which the whole affair is shrouded. Coun cil Blufls (Iowa) Nonpareil, July 31. A Singular and Fatal Accident. The Louisville Courier-Journal learns that last Wednesday two small boys, sons of a farmer named Saowden, who resides one mile from Bainbridge, Putnam coun ty, Indiana, aged respectively seven and nine years, started to the woods to drive up the cows. The eldest of the two boys carried a whip with a long and strong lash. A childish freak prompted him to take the whip lash and make tme end of it fast to the cow's.tail, and to tie the other end around his younger brother's . body. Aftej securing his brother in this manner he drove the cow forward. The (inimal, becoming frightened, started to run, throwing the little fellow to the ground. This increased her fright, and she dashed through the woods' at a fearful rate, the child's head- and body striking all intervening objects. 'A gentleman who chanced to be near and witnessed part of the scene started to rescue, if possible, the little fellow, from his perilous position, Before reaching him the whip-lash broke, leaving the child dead near the foot of a tree. Upon examination it was found that he was bruised and mangled in a horrible manner from being dragged over one hundred and fifty yards. From the New York Star: "Yesterday a young man, bearing the exhilarating cognomen of Joseph D. ! Drunk, was arraigned at the Essex Market Police Court, before Justice Scott, for throwing rubbish in the street. Justice, to the prisoner: Joseph D. Drunk. Justice: Is that your right name? Prisoner : Yes, sir. Justice: You ought to be locked up for having such a name. Prisoner : Why so, your Honor? Justice: Because yoa shouldn't be drunk. Prisoner: I never was drunk in my life, sir, though Tve been Drunk as long as I ' can remember. I am not drunk now, though' I am Drunk. Justice : You're a living paradox. You may go this time, Mr. Drunk." Tbe Salcldal Kanla. . In New York, Thursday, John Ajbuns, a German saloon keeper, quarreled with his wife for failing to collect ten cents for two glasses of beer, and in the midst of his rage shot himself with a pistol, placing the muzzle in his mouth. On tbe same day Joseph M. Reyes, a young-Cuban,- in dis tressed circumstance8,shot himself through the head at his boarding house. . Also on the same day, Margaret Gatchell,a young woman from Newark; New Jersey, jumped into East River from a ferry-boat while Midently insane, but was rescued before life was extinct. Killing of Major Randolph. Major T. J. Randolph, Jr., a contractor on the Chesapeake and Ohio roilroad,was accidentally killed near Miller's ferry on Thursday afternoon. He was riding to wards a spot where some men were en gaged in blasting rock, when, being warned, he checked his horse, but too late to avert the sad fate which awaited him. He was struck on the head by a' piece of rock and killed. Rich. Dispatch. . A Desperado Snot by Lynchers. l ... ' Memphis, Tenn., Ang. 9. , - A negro named John Mitchell, confined jau ai uovingtOD, ienn.,iorauempung a outrage on a young lady, ana nearly killincr her in thA nttpmnt. was taken from it naa to Iran trnm jail last night by a party of citizens, who overpowered the jailor after a desperate fewatance, and shot. Mitchell was des perate character, having killed two men within the past year and succeeded j in eluding tho officers until the last' outrage. MISCELLANEOUS. BUY THE J A COB I AXE ! The Best Made. - w COOPERS'TOOL8, THE BEST QUALITY at , JACOBl'S. Blacksmiths9 Tools, Carpenters' Tools, C Machinist Tools, Turpentine Tools, LOWEST PRICES, At JacobiV Hardware Depot. 1MINTS, OIliS, GLASS, Varnishes, !c, at Jacobi's. Doors, Sashe3 and Blinds, AT JACOBI'S. Table and Pocket Cutlery, ASSORTMENT LARGE AND COMPLETE. GUNS, PISTOLS, . AMMUNITION, At N. JACOBI'S, may ll-tf 9 Market St. JUST ARRIVED: FRESH POT AT O ES, - Fresh Ground Flour, Bacon . Lides and Shouldersj Pork, 'Syrup, Sugar-Cured Hams, AND EVERY THING IN THE GROCERY LINE, Which we will seU Low to the Trade. BINFORD, CROW & CO., South Water Street aug ll-tf D&W The American Life INSURANCE COMPANY . - OF PI1ILADELPIIIA AS3ETS $3,633,885 an old, honorable and reliable institution; SECOND TO NONE IN THE .COUNTRY. Policies Non-Forfcitablo And insurance on all approved plans. After a successful career of nearly a quarter of a Century, it has $1.22.66 of realized, assets for every dollar ol liability. JOHN W, GORDON, Agent, Wilmington. Cox.. St. Cxaih Dbakihq, Gen'L. Agent. june80-tf 3. St H. SAMSON, WH0LK3AX3 AKD BET AH. BBALXBS IS Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, &c. 43 Jlariiet Street. July 16 tf : Bacon 1 Bacon! 100,000 LBS. SHOULDERS and SIDES, iWILLARD BROS. For sale by June 21-tf SUMMER DRESS GOODS! THE GREATEST BARGAINS Iff LADIES DRESS GOODS Ever Offered In the City. B. WEILL. Boys Wear. We make a specialty of Goods for Boys. B. WEILL. Parasols and Corsets. 1,000 Assorted 'Corsets, Parasols and Ladies Umbrellas Every style. JB. WEILL. White Goods. The best 8tock of White Goods in the city eluding 100 pairs White Pi0'uev5jjap Hosiery. Examine on Hose. Stock of Ladles' and Gents B.WEILL. Kenmore University HIGH SCHOOL, NEAR AMHERST COURT HOUSE, VA. V-vTriPWRS nnmbined advantages inoomnar J able with those -of any other School in Virginia. Special arrangements may be made by which the usual expenses may be reduced nearly one-half. ' v.. ' , . For pamphlet, giving full particulars, ad dress U. A. BXiiUJJ Jli, ang 9-lm DAW Principal, Secure a Home. BUILDING LOTS FOB SALE, FAVOIt ABLY located on Castle, Church, Ann. Dock jNun, Oiange, Princess, Chestnut, Muloerry, umnn. kanHn. ntiarlotte. ii&V. Wood. Front, Sixth, Seventh, Wilson, Eighth, Ninth, ffs Tenth, Eleventh, Twelith and ThirteenthliJ. streets, uatisiaciory hxma giveu , r No excuse for paying rent. Three bMALL unnsRAfnrrAnt Armlv to aug Mw 'JAMES WILSON. Flour! Flour !,! XQOO BARRELS. ALL . GRADES, For sale low by aug 6-tf - -WILLIAMS & MURCniSON. , 300 Ihs. Herwin's CHOICE HA LIS, fTNCANVASSED; 800. lbs. Can vwsea liams. j WbVi.C. Ham8, Falton Market Bee I No.1 Mackerel, weighing "OVaoN nuK avu - . w. - Binding-. riniiis MOUNING STAB book bind JL ERY, is complete in all Its appointments and is in charge of one of the most skillful workmen in the State. All kinds of Binding executed neatly, cheaply and expeditiously snay23-SCStf .- -.NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, "rl t0 LIEG I ATE andCOJIMENCIALIN. VJ STITUTE, New Haven, Conn. Pre paratory to College, Business, Scientific schools, U. s. Military ana Naval Academies. rail session, 8th year, begins 8ept. 13. For ! catalogue, address Gen. WM. D. RUSSELL, VIRGINIA FEMALE SEH1HART, STAUNTON, TA. v.- Buildings " contain oyer 80 rooms. Grounds nine acres. Pupils from 17 States. Tie Course Is comprised in eight Schools, under twenty Professors and. Officers. Location boautiful and salubrious. Terms moderate. Apply for Circulars to R. H. PHILLIPS. Principal, or W. H. TAMS, Sec'y, Staunton, Va. , - CAMPAIGN GOODS FOR 1872. Agents wanted for our Campaisra Goods. Sell at Sight. Pay 100 per cent, profit. Now is the time. Send at once for Descriptive Circulars and Price Lists of our Fine Steel Engravings ot all the Candidates, Campaign Biographies, Charts, Photographs, Badges. Pins. Flasra and everything suited to the times. Ten Dollars per day easily made. Full samples sent for $3. Address Mookb & Goodspbbd. 37 Park Row, New York. - : , i .... t A, Wellington Hart & Co., ADJUSTERS OF CLAIMS i For IosolTents and Bankrupts, 110 LEONARD ST., NEW YORK. 3- References of highest character. Send lor Circular. Buffalo, N. Y., or Chicago, HI. HONEY FOR ALL. Best business ever offered agents. Address J. CBOWELL, Louisville, Ey. AGENTS Wanted. Agents make more money at work for us than at anything else. Business light and permanent. Partic ulars free. G. 8TINSON & CO., Fine Art Publishers, Portland. Me. U. S. PIANO CO., No Agents. N. Y. PRICE, Circulars free. When the Blood rashes with rocket like violence to the head, causing hot flashes, vertigo and dimness oi sight, it is a certain slen that a mild, salubrious, cooling and equalizing laxative is required, .and Tar- should be at once resorted to. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. $1,000 REWARD For any ease of Blind, Bleeding, Itching or Ulcerated Piles that Db Biks's Ptlb Rkmkdt fails to cure. It is prepared expressly to cure the Piles, and nothing else. Sold by all Drug. gists. Price, 1100. Julyl94w MISCELLANEOUS. , J ., , ,. " i.i i. -.i - I. w i - - w ' - ' Kentucky TJniveri3ity. The Home of Henry Clay, AND - ' TRANSYIiVANI A, j THE SITES OF THE VARIOUS COLLEGES. "CW"K Colleges in operation, with 80 Profes JD eors and Instructors and 600 Students. I Entire Fees need not exceed $20 per annum, except in the Law and Commercial colleges. Boarding from $2 to 5 per week. Students ot the Agricultural and Mechanical College can defray a portion of their expenses by labor on the farm or. in the shops, sessions begin 2nd Monday in September. For Catalogues or other information, address . j J. B. BOWMAN. Regent, aug S-lm DAW Lexington, Ey. Notice. npHE CO-PAETNEESHIF heretolore exist 1 ing under the name and style of McU henny & Wright is this day dissolved by mutual consent. - J. ii. MClljtLlSiMM I, A. E. WEIGHT, M. D. The UNDEESIGNED, having purchased the entire Interest of Dr. A. E. Wright In the Drug Business, will continue the same at the old stand, Lippitt's Corner. i J. K. MoILHENNY, Druggist and Chemist, ; Jy 13-lm N. E. Cor. Market and Front 8ts. J. B. MATTISON, C0811IISSIOK MERCIIAIIT and DEALER IN nemlocft Sole leather, Baenos Ayres Sole Leather, California sole leather, Orinoco Sole teatner. OAs Sols Lvathxs, Oak Eotjgh Lbatexb, . STRAIT'S BANK and TANNNERS' OIL, 34 Spruce Streets New York. Liberal Advances made on Consignments. JulylWmos ' " - -' . : Sale of the ' Jfc C, Presbyterian. mHSl Bale nf the NOETH CABOL1HA X PEE3BYTEEIAN-" Newspaper, inciua- ing the PBESS,TTPE. FIXTURES, GOOD WILL, Ac, heretofore postponed, will ..vinitM t.t.hA nnnrt HotLaa door In - Fav- ettevlue, on the 23d August, at 12 o'clock M. The property will be sold on A credit of six Mnntr.a ruirahaaer - will be rea ulred to give notes, with approved security, bearing inter est from uate oi saie. wu JOSEPH A. WORTH, Adm'r f Rev. J. M. Sherwood. Fayetteville. July 27-t23Aug iDirect Importations. Our order is now In Liverpool with Messrs. Blood, Wolfe A Co. for , 4 , ONE HUNDRED CASES ; jB.9 Tf. & CO'JS PALE ALE . m aai riirAnt ta thia Fort. The cten- ral and deserved popularity of this branl of AtT th. innroMiiur demand and the great rtiffloulty in procuring it from the Agents has induced us to import w airecu-we nope w S Enabled to offer it at lower figures than : ..... CHAS. D. MTER3 & CO., ,v v 7 North Front Street. BRASS BOUND PAILS, WASH TUBS, - . T . CLOTHES LINES, scrubbing Tysana ja, Boiling P.8affvECKS& CO., - L7 North Front Street aug ii - . . ... . Postoopy. $300 S500 APernwt eU. Address ERIE HEWING MACHINE CO.. -MISOETiTiANEOUa Orders Solicited' for TOBACCOS, Under the 20 cent tax, BY D. PIGOTT, Wilmington, N. O. July 6-tf The Distribution OF "' Confederate . Momenta! Seiieie : XT71LL positively take place on the first VY Wednesday in December next (1872), at Augusta, Ga, Should an the tickets not be sold, the amount received will be distributed in the proportions named in the Circulars between THE THE MONUMENT, PRIZES And the necessary expenses. The portion to be distributed win be appropriated first to the Money Prizes; then, to the Real Estate, and lastly, to the Shares in Cotton. ANALYSIS OF THE SCHEME. $100,000 20 per cent, allowed Agents. 60.00&-10 " State Agents. 60,00010 " for contingent ex penses. ' 130,000 owners1 price of 9 seal Estate Prizes. 100,000 The 1,744 Prizes in Currency. . 2U,0U0 TUe Z44 razes in uotton. (150,000 - $50,000 profits to be devoted to the Monument. " The price in currency will be substituted for any Real Estate Prize, withdrawn on ac count of injury to the property, or for other cause. Agents'west ot the Mississippi stop their sales on the 15th of November. East of that river on the 20th of November. State Agents are required to be present ei ther in person or by legally appointed Attor neys at the Distribution. L. & A. H. MoLAWS, General Agents. Augusta, Ga. may 8-7mos 43- A DOZEN REASONS WHY THB ' PAIN-KILLEE" MANUFACTURED BY Perry Davis & Son 18 TEE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE OF THIS A GE. A ND WHY IT SHOULD BE KEPT AL- ways near at hand : 1st. PAIN-KILLER is the most certain Chol era cure that medical science has produced. tod. PAIN-KILLER, as a Diarrhoea and Bys entery remedy, is unequaled.' It seldom if ever fails. , 3rd. PAIN-KILLER will cure cramps or Pains in any part of the system. A single dose usually eueets a cure. 4th. PAIN-KILLER will cure Dyspepsia and Indigestion, if used according to directions. K-h. pain-KILLER is an almost never fail ing cure for Sudden Colds, Coughs, Ac. RVi PATw.TrnviVRR'hfta -nroved itself a Sov ereign Remedy for Fever and Ague, and Chill Fever ; it has cured the most obstinate cases. 7th. PAIN-KILLER as a liniment is unequal ed. For Frost Bites, Chilblains, Burns, tints, Bruises, Sprains. &c, no Physician can do more than it. , . 8th. PAIN-KILLER has cured cases of Rheu matism and Neuralgia after years standing. 9th. PAIN-KILLER will destroy Boils, Fel ons, Whitlows, Old Sores and Swelled Joints, giving relief from Pain after the first applica tion. . - ifH.Tii t a tnvktt.X.TC R cures Headache. Tooth ache, and Neuralgic Pains in any part of the body.- 11th. PAIN-KILLER will save you days of sickness and many a Dollar in time and Doc tor's Bills. lath, pain.killer Is a purely vegetable preparation, safe to keep and to use In every family. The simplicity attending its use, to gether with the great variety of diseases that may be entirely eradicated by it, and the great amount of pain and suffering that can be alle viated through its use, make it imperative upon every person to supply themselves with this valuable remedy, and to keep it always near at nana. . . THE PAIN-KILLER Is now known and ap predated in every quarter of the Globe. Phy sicians recommend it in their practice, while all classes of society have found in it relief and comfort. Give it a Trial. Don't be deceived or induced to buy the many worthless Nostrums offered by unprin cipiea men traveling wjltuukm uuo wuiijr . Be sure and buy the genuine. 1 Every Drug gist, and nearly every Country Store Keeper and Grocer throughout the land, keep it for sale. FOR SALE BY GREEN Jfc FLANNER, WILMINGTON, N. C. july5-D4W2m GET THEM OF - M i F.iRneciert. PIANOS sales Room: MASONIC,' II ALL, . WILMINGTON, N. C. Pianos and Organs, of all styles and prices. Tu ningand repairing done. AND 0BQANS. Only complete musical establishment in N. C. . je 5-tf ; " Uolasses and Svrup. 650 HHDS. niocovado Holasses AND S. H. SYETJP For sale very low by foneZMf 1 ,- WILLARD BROS. Eice ! Eice l 12050 0 0 LBS. FRESH BEAT RICE, ! ' FROM HILTON RICE .HILLS, For sale by deo-tf WILLARD BROS. miscellaneous: ; Baltimore Lock Hospital. iii. jonwsojr. Phvfiieian of this celebrated Institution, dis covered, when in the Great Hospitals of Eu rope, viz: inngiana, jrrance anu eigewnere the certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual ' remedy in the world for all excesses or abuses or ine system. - . , Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affection of the Kidneys or Bladder. Involun tary Discharges, Impotency, General Debility, Nervousness, -Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Trembling, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of utie Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of -the Liver, Lungs, stomach or Bowels those terrible Disorders arising Irom Solitary Habits of Youth bsorbt and solitary practices more fatal to their vic tims than the song of the Syrens to the Ma riners of Ulysses, blighting their most bril liant hopes or anticipations, rendering mar riage, Ac, impossible, destroying both body and mind. ' , : YOUNG MEN Esneci&llv. who have become the victims of Solitary vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands ot young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ecstacy the living . lyre, may call with foil confidence MARRIAGE. Married persons, or Young Men contemplat ing marriase. aware of Physical Weakness, Loss of Procreative Power (Impotency), Ner vous Excitability, Palpitation, Organic Weak ness. Nervous Debility, or any other Disquali fication, speedily relieved. He who olaces himself under the Care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately Cured and full Vigor Restored. This distressing Affection which - renders life miserable and marriage Impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of improper in dulgences. Young persons are too apt to com mit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that understands this subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those tailing into improper habits than by the prudentl Besides being deprived of the pleasure of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms of both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, i&e Physical and Mental Functions wea&enea, jjoss oi riwioauyo j. unwi ci vous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, indigestion, uonsuiuuuwu -mobility and Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Con sumption, Decay and Death. A CURE SPEEDILY WARRANTED. Persons ruined In healthy by unlearned pre tenders who keep them trifling month alter month, taking poisonous and injurious com pounds, should apply immediately. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Tiniinn. Graduate of one of the most eminent nniiAoru) in the United States, and the best part of whose life has been spent in the hos pitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else whare, has effected some of the most aston ishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears whan nfliKAn. crre&.t nervousness, beins alarm ed at sudden sounds, paammnoaa, wilu xxct. quent blushing, attended sometimes with de rangement OI minu, were uuxou xuirucvuaiicujr. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured themselves by improper indulgence and soli tar TinTtitfl. which ruin both bodv and mind, unfitting them for either business, study, so ciety or marriage. . , ThABfl are some of the sad melancholy ef fects produced by the earthly habits of youth, viz : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness ol Sight, Loss of Mus cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys pepsia, Nervous irritability! Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, BmnTitinia of Consum'Dtion. &C. MENTALLY. The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded. Lops of Mem ory, Uonmsion oi laeas, iepjroBBiuii uuiuo, Riirii nmtodlners. Aversion to Society, DULL- Distrust, Love of solitude. Timidity, ac, are some or tne evus pruuuueu. Thousands of persons of all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated,-having a singu lar appearance about the eyes, cough aud symptoms of Consumption. YOUNG MEN -Who have inlured themselves by a certain practice, indulged in when alone, a habit fre quently learned from evil companions or at Bchool, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not eured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind vuxr. ahrtnid .tti1v immediatelv. What a pity that a yotmg man, the hope of his country, the pride of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enj oyment of lite by the consequence of deviating irom the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons must, before con templating Reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necossary requisites to promote connu bial happiness. Indeed, without these the Journey through life becomes a weary pilgrim age, the prospect hourly darkens to the view, tiie mind becomes shadowed with despair, ana filled with the melancholy reflection that the hanniness of another is blighted with our own. - A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of dis covery deters him from applying to those who. from education and respectability, can alone befriend him. He falls into the hands nf iminmnt and designing pretenders, who, Incapable ot curing, nlch nis pecuniary sub stance, keep him trifling month after month, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair leave him with ruined health to sigh over his galling disappointment or, by the use of that deadly poison, Mercury, nunM tho constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease to make their appearance, such ai ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, noc turnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blothes on the head, face and ex tremities, progressing wite frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and vhe victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration till death puts a period to his dreadful suffering, by sending him to that undiscovered country 'from whose bourne no traveler returns." To such, therefore, Dr. Johnston offers the most certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy in the werld. OFFICE, 7 SOUTH FREDERICK ST., BALTIMORE, BLARTLAND, Tn, hand side coins: from Baltimore street, a i aw doors from the corner. Fail not to ob-i aanrn nam ft and number. . Mjf no letters received unless postpaid and nrkntAininEr a stamu to be used on the reply. Persons writing should state age, and send a portion or advertisement describing symp toms. ' The Doctor's DIPLOMA hangs In his office. ThA manv thousand cured at this estabUsh- mmt within the last twenty years, and the numerous important surgical operations per formed by Dr. J ohnson, witnessed by the Rep-1 resentatives oi ine xress anu uuuiy uujbw. notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing ! as a man ot honor and responsibility, Is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted." SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED, mar 12-Iy ent - - ' Carraway & Cleapor. mHE UNRIVALLED ARTDJTS ARE STILL I A-ffATinfir the best inducements to our citl 1 zona, and the public generally, for their pat ronage at the Purcell House. Everything per taining to the proiession is xeptconsranuy on hand, in. order to give complete aaUsfaction to the most fastidious. ' octss-tf - . . . . istbllIiea in I820.J THE CATOEN JgURNAIi, Published every Thursday at $2 60 per an num. Advertising rates liberal. . , ' JOHN-KERSHAW, Proprietor. ; W. H. Bbbhabp, Agent. 1 : ja 14-tf ' Tho Carolina Banner, EVERY SATURDAY, AT SHELBY, N. C W. C. DURHAM. . , H. J. MoDUTFIE ". . , SUBSCBTJPTIOH RATXS: One Year.V. .......t 00 81x Monthe... 1 0 decl9-tf Eds, and Proprietors; MISCELLANEOUS. T&lie (MttiM cf Georgia And to those Soldiers from other Con federate States who were Bill ed or Died In this State. TUB MONUMENT TO COST 830,000. THE CORNER STONE, It Is proposed, shall be laid as soon as the receipts will permit. 2,000 Prises, valued at ($500,000) Five Hun- dred Thousand Dollars." That amount, - only, in Tickets, to be sold. -For every Five Dollars subscribed there will be given a certificate .of Lite Membership to the Monumental Association. This certifi cate will entitle the owner thereof to an equal interest in the following property, to be dis tributed as soon as the requisite number of Shares are sold, to wit : First. Nine Hundred and One Acres of Land in Lincoln County, Georgia, on which are the well known Magruder Gold and Copper Mines, valued at tlfrVHH) And to Seventeen Hundred and Forty-Four Shares in One Hundred Thousand Dollars of United States Currency, to-wit : . l snare oi f iu,uuo....... ...... ..4........iu,WJ 1 5,000. 6,000 2 id 10 20 100 200 400 lfcO 2,5UU. 2,000........ 6,000 20,000 10,000 10,000 10.1)00 10,000 10,010 10,000 1,0 iO. 600 inn veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee AW. ....................... 5. 25..., 10.. ; tioo,ooo From the First-class Real Estate offered by well-known patriotic citizens, to the Confed erate Monumental Association, the following Plizes have been Delected, and added to the foregoing Shares : 1st. BERZELIA. This well-known Resort, with the JLarge Residence, Store, etc, Jand Four Hundred Acres of Land, immediately on the Ueorga Railroad, twenty miles irom Au- fusta. ikying an annual yield of Fifteen housand dollars. - . . 2. Tho well known CITY HOTEL, fronting on Broad street. The building is or Brick, three stories high, 134x70 feet. Valued at $26,000. , ; 3d. THE ' SOLITUDE PLANTATION, In . Russell county, Alabama, on the Chattahoo chee River, with elegant and commodious im provements. The average rental, since 18ft4, has been over Seven ($7,Ouo) Thousand Dollars. : 4th. That Large Brick Residence and 8 tore on Northwest corner of Broad and Centre streets, known as the Phlnizy or Baudry House. Kent Two Thousand Dollars. 5th. The Rogers' House, on Greene street, a new and elegant Brick Residence, in most desirable portion of that beautiful street. Valued at 16,0U0. . ; 6th. Flat Bash, with 120 Acres of Land, hall a mile from city limits, the elegant Suburban Residence of Antoine Pollain, Esq., In good order Valued at $16,000. - . 7th. The Dearing House, a large and com modious Residence, with 'Thirty City Lots 69x210 feet, fronting on McKinne and Carnes streets. Valued at $16,(XK). i r 8th. Stanton Residence and Orchard, on the Georgia Railroad. Valued at $5,000. ALSO 1 Share of One Hundred Bales Cotton. 1 " Fifty " " 1 . " Twenty-Five " 244 Shares of One Bale each. " The bales to average 400 pounds, and class Liverpool Middling. The value of the separate Interest to which the holder of each Certificate will be entitled, will be be determined by the Commissioners, who will announce to the public the manner, the time, and place of the distribution The following gentlemen have consented to act as Commissioners, and will, either by a committee from their own body or by Special Trustees appointed by themselves, receive and take proper charge of the money for the Monument, as well as the Real Estate and the U. S. Currency offered as inducements for subscription, and will determine upon the plan for the Monument, the inscription there on, the site therefor, select an orator for the occasion, and regulate the ceremonies to be observed when the corner-stone is laid, viz.: Generals L. McLaws, A. R. Wright, M. A. Stovall, W. M. Gardner and GoodeBrgan,Col. C-Snead, CoL Wm. P. Crawford. MaJ. Jos. B. Cumming, George T.-Jackson, Major Joseph Ganahl, Mai. I. P. Girardey, Hon. R. H. May, Adam Johnston, Jonathan M. Miller, W. H. Goodrich, J. D. Butt, Henry Moore, Dr, W. E. Dearing. Agents are allowed twenty per oent. They are required to pay their own expenses ; Tickets and Circulars alone being furnished to them. They will remit weekly the amounts from sales received, less their Commissions. (No Commissions will be. deducted from simple contributions.) On account of the very great labor required of the General Agents, the offered services ot one or more prominent gentlemen, well and favorably known throughout the South, will be accepted to act with us. Parties desiring to contribute to the Monu ment, and who do not wish to participate in the award, will receive a special receipt. The money will be turned over to the Treasurer, and will be appropriated to the Monument without any deduction whatever. L. & A. H. MoLAWS,Gen. Agts, No. 8 Old P. O. Range, Mcintosh SU Augusta, Ga. Mrs. Carlton Belt, Coleman House, N. Y.,Mlss Mary Ann Buie, Columbia, S. C.j Hon. Jas. M. Smvthe. Ausmsta. Ga.t MaJor John Don woody, Washington, Ga.; E. B. Martin, Esq. Tuscaloosa, Ala., Traveling Agents, mar 9-6mos AGEIITS FOR IIOBTH CAUDLIIIA. GUARANTEED PERFECTLY PURE AND OF THE HIGHESTIGRADE. deo7-tf Barber Shop. JOE TURNER-would respectfully Inform his friends and 13ie public generally that he has thoroughly refitted his establishment in the rear of Mr. Runge's Saloon, and is now prepared, with the best of workmen, to ac commodate his customers in all the various, branches of his business, such as shaving, hair-cutting, shampooing, Ac, in the neatest manner and on as reasonable terms as any shop in the cltv. ' oct7:t.f THE TRAIISCRIPT, PUBLISHED AT WASHINGTON, D. C For the Campaign, -. SO Cento, . Tt all vhA A Afltrn the snoeeafl of t a T.fhAtl Reform ticket subscribe for and get up clubs t . . . , . It has the choicest campaign matter, origi nal and selected,' and contains Contributions from some of the best American writers. Greeley and Brown are sttro $0 win, and all hrt AnolrA a Yw iin- t1& winning should subscribe for, Tff WlsarxoTOw Txav scam. Clubs furnished at half rates and In quantities to suit. Let all send their orders to JnIy4-&r- ,W4.6slxaTC3f, Df d 7