0E1- :iisoella:;i:ous. jkUSC TTHTi A NEQU8. t; 1IIS 0 K T J i A NQ US. . 1I1S CELL AliEO D S.-' .-- v V, Sunday, Auu.it IS, 1872. JTtALII 7irI1 ESEC1L BALKS. wiw England Will iva Large Gains i r Greeley--Tlie .YI:ory in Nortb . Aims-Xrinmp'a of tlio liberal '- ttieke Assured. i ; a reporter met General II. P. Banks- in jreW York on Monday evening. General , s i jjaoks 5 aod the- Hon, ; Horatio ,' Seymour '- "were engaged in a pleasant conversation. f kf ffuo pectaclo of thosa two ;yeterans,sb V " lately J antagonistic - on ;i; political issues, quietly comparing botes on the same side of the contest, was ; highly Bignificant 61 : what -the Grantites may expect -in. the oresent, campaign. rcv v -V, The reporter inquired as to the political X' .uuation iti Massachusetts.";- : " v r . r General Banks, ; I am n6t able to speak T from observation, as I have been' absent frcro'the State a great deal of late.' i rv ' Repoi ter.. Is Greeley likely - to gain in 1 the State? "v v -: n General Banks. Very largely but -to what extent I cannot state. : , . . Reporter.-" What is likely td be the re sult io the othef New England States? ., . General Banks. . I arn not able to state f anv degrce.of certainty. We will make gains everywhere, -and there is no telling how extensive they may be..;;- "Reoorter.: Alow about Maine ? General Banks. " We will make large gains in Maine on Congressmen and on the v rinvernor's vote. I do not say that we will 4 rarrv it, nor do I say that we will lose it. . . J J XT TT- i: J ' - la (Jonnecucut auu iicw xxampsuire every f thing looks as favorable as we could wisb.! . Reporter. I notice; "General, that your V - Jate political associates express a poor opin ' " ion oi you since your letter declaring for Mr. Greeley. -- - ; ;. ; " ' General Banks. I ain told so. ;1 have 'not looked at; thevpapers .myselts It might be expected, however. : .A ' ' ' -; Reporter. '. In what light do. you regard the election in North Carolina ? v General Baoks. I look upon it? as a com r plete : victory. , Had the -administration r carried it by ten or twenty thousand jna joritjthey might have had some hope; but as it is all is up with them. . They ( might as well give it up. . - s ; Reporter. Then you a-e sanguine of Mr Greeley's election ;' '; General Banks. . Undoubtedly I am. There is nothing to prevent and everything , - to make it certain. I do not entertain the . slightest doubt of Mr. Greeley's triumph- ant election;., ' ' :: ' -''5; ' r-slyi ,V '. ' General Banks goes to Maine in a short time to stump the State lor Greeley and Brown By invitation he will address the '' merchants in Wall street before he leaves the city, prqbablxtovmorrpw or Thursday " afternoon, v.i- ;.. '';;.!' - Deatn of SffsJor.T. J. Randelpb.' ; ; f A' letter to the IUchmond Enquirerfrom ' ' 'near Hawk's Nest, W. . Virginia, oa the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad, gives the tollowing particulars ot the death of Man ; jbr Randolph a brief notice of which has already been published : vi 1 t 5 ''Majorr Tbos., J.Bandolph; Jr., was killed on the 8th inst.j by a powder blast, some three, or r four miles above tbis point.1 ' It seems that the : foreman had ' charged some holes and fired the fuse and leltthe pit" in -'order; to' protect himself aad hands from the blast. Just then Maj. -' Randolph approached the pit from an op posite directionand seeing the pit empty jind the, smoke ascending from -the iuse, turned to run, but was too late; for just . .,J,hen the powder . exploded, - and a rock v struck him on the back, throwing him some fifty ,F feet forward, falling with his face.oa tragments of -rock."-1 ' " 1 Tlio Jfortli Carolina Election. A letter, from Washington in the Balti more Sun says:' ,'t ; - Mr. Goodloe, of ITorth Carolina, a mem ber of t6e rXiberal . National ' Committee, arriyed hero to-day., .He isaya that there is no doubt but that the 1 Legislature will award the itubernatorial chair.to Mr.'Mer - rimon at its meeting on tho third Monday .in. November, as evidence of fraud and illegal voting sufficient has been collected to destroy Caldwell's alleged majority; He Btatcs that numbers of colored men from other States1 were registered and voted like cattle," and that they came 11 in the State via the Dismal Swamp canal. It is openly charged here that the Board of Public Works, of this District sent 900 colored "repeaters" to vote iri the recent , Tiorth Carolina election. - Bratal Murder of a Woman . J .' . sonrl. - In axis- On Saturday night Andrew King, John Johnson and lloward Johnson went to the saloon of Ira. Martha J. Blackwood, in Scottsville, Sullivan cpunty, Mo., and de manded oysters. She refused; whereupon they threatened to kill heir, 'and stated that they had como' there "for that purpose. They then opened the door, and as she Btepped in the doorway was struck in the temple with a rock and knocked insen sible. She died in two hours. . King was arrested. "but . the 'others '.have' not been captorcd. Mrs. Blackwood was connected with some families, in .Virginia "and with prominent people, in Sullivan county. , . "k " ' " ; . ..:.':;: ;Tlie KatlonaU'eaco IXennion.V; : " A national peace reunion is to: oe neiaj ot September, and promises .tol'be a large and enthusiastic gathering;; iThe meetlpg will be hhder the auspices 0f a committee of citizens, who have extended a cordial invitation tp tha Liberal Republicans and Democrats ot the' whole -country, ot the Korth, the South, the East land the West, to be., preccat upca the occasion Keri tuckj, always striving to.allay the" passions of disunion, now invites her 'Bister, States, without' regard ? to ' sectional feelings, to lltl U. A ' V. n .i.A?A.AlS I. MM1 . 4- A AAlAKrofA within 'i, Ka thA tnwn AfahnVhterl Jy. 'She feels how wicked a thins: lt'XlV; m: T?"vi V 7. p E t'r party purposes.vto " attempt to keep i ; 'r . ., at war n rpnnl Innorlnff for neace." . w u f a, b, m ' - v' .. . - 1 A-rfnnwVkftl 1 - ri' tV aw" liftrise" in Worcester, Mas3.; rings continuously, and uuuuuy puiis it. ine wire .nas ueeuuu, , tod. it .makes no difference. ;';The t people "Who take hold of the wire receive electn ; cal shocks.' : ' .- 'x -'J- " I' j ' It you' will loo!: ' into'.. tHo Grant -organs you will Cad that all -"our colored fellov-citizcrrl ere for Grantt and all tho "ni--ua" for Greeley; -' : ;,; ; " .-' ..;-r'DonM"3 Gr-rcM received only $30 for lm 'iJlac!;-l: .1 T " V' tllD nost 'Popular nautical drar 7;: rrciuccd apoathgEc-li-V ... -y , -i-J Th Best Mail. i COOPERS'. TOdlJB, THE BEST QUALITY at. -..:w.:. v-;L-;w. 'JACOBia.-.t Blacke!hiths, Tools, , . - v.": -;.,.m' -''-'' vMachiniislroolsx tin . 1 ; Turpentine Tools. I " ; rv.; I V: i LOWEST V JfKIOES, i At; JacQbi's; -; Hardware JDejjot;. PAINTS, -OlliS; GLASS, ;V -w J v Varnisliea,; Ac.,;v at Jacobin Doors, Sashes and Blinds. - . i ; : ; , i ;,AmvT I padti4: Table and Pocket Cutlery. assortment la&qe and1 complete ousts, pistols. '- ; ' ;'' . . ASiaicjJITION, , .i ' .; ' '--.-I-At . N. ' j'ACOBA's-:' :'-. '. V' , may 12-tf J ' . 9 Market St. . SUMMER DRESS GOODS! THE GREATEST BABGAJNS IN LADIES DRESS GOODS Ever Offered In tlie City. . -": -':, ' WEILL. wear. We make a specialty of Goods for Boys. V ; ' WEILL. Parasols and Corsets. 1,000 Assorted Corsets, Parasols and Ladies Umbrellas Every style. . B. WEILL. White Goods. The best Stock of White Goods in the city eluding 100 pairs White Plqne-wycheap Hpsierys .... j, - . ?r -:. " v Examine on Hose.- apri!23-tf v Stock of Ladles and Gents: B. WEILL. ' : JUST ABRIVED : .; iiiEsn POT A TO E B , ; -v , : ; Fresh Ground Flour, Bacon Sides and Shoulders, Pork, Sjrup, Sogar-Uared ilams, , AND EVERY THING IN THE GROCEEY LINE; Which we will sell Low to the Trade. ' , . B1NFORD, CROW A CO., - Soutii Water Street aug 11-tf DAW The American Life INSURANCE COfilPANY r"VF PHILADELPHIA ASSETS 13,838,865 t f an old. honorable and reliable instltutien: . : " ' -.SECOND TO NONE IN THE COUNTRY. , " y- Policies Non-ForleItabIe - J . . - . " . ' , . ji '.,' And insurance on all approved plans. After a successful career of nearly , a quarter of a 1 Century, it has $1.22.66 oi realized assets for AMrv dollar ot liability. . . . J.OHN W. GORDON, j - Agent. Wilmington, . : Cot. St. Cuib DBisisa, Gen'I Agent. ; ,4 one iO-XS 0 - ' - STREET RAILWAY! . Hereafter, during the sumjier MONTHS, the Street Cars will only run from 6 AM..untH9J4 A. M., from 12 M. until 5 P. M., and from 4 P.M. until & P; M. .. i,.ifM(M nonoi . . ' 1DB VIUO VT All lllO b.bUU Aliuua.m ....... j . -1 w wwnv Wir WTlt . xAAicixi n.xxxx, .July 20-tf Proprietors . .. rflATT" 'i - nlllMlt ) J. & H.i iSAlISOlI, , wholbsaus aw aaxAii. nutaaw 'B2-li2i:JJt Ttrtni VajVA 1 vJ.v . v- ; ' 'Motions. Boots: Shoes. Hats, &C.j , , : . f.,f f,-, .:ri UC 43; MarUef Street, jnlylo-tX -' : - . ttWa ITTwiTrowov H I G S C H 0 0 L , near aMheks! coubt house ta. V-v inrTCTm enmhinftd advantasreS incompar vJ able with those Of any other School in, I Virginia. . Special arrangements niay 1 by which the usual expenses may be reduced nearly one-half ' ' ? . - r j . For' pamphlet, gtVlng'.Tnu:parv dress . . : H. A.Trrauiii, j .it nw " V - principalis jP7xOJ;l':E R X-A H : a i DOUBLE JiliAttllO ; ' I rrrTTjw AilATtAd Peris are lncreasingvery - I S K UAAawU w-wa.- . a J I . JL rapiuij m "a oTi: Knllah Sit. .i .rAfumoni for their elasticity, du- andevennessof .Forsaleevery. rorthe ebnveniance of those who may oh 4a . nTn wa will send a Sample Card. containing allofthe 15 numbers, by mail, on receipt of 23 cents. v K ' -,r -!;. 1 ' IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR 4V CO A 12s and 143 Grand Street, N. Y. - augr6-2t ent c-.- .-.v. j - - , .-. EaconrBaconfl -. ..-.-11. . ' .- w w -.'V"v and smzs."' ! f ; iTETv: ABVi:::TiaEiiENTs., OL.r.iTT; 7nd c JHiiencia TE STXIJUTi:. rctr XlnYen, Conn.: Pre paratory to College, Business, Scientific Schools. U. B. Military and Naval -Academies. Kail sefic' .n. f h tpt. hpffln Rent. 13. For Catalogue, address Gen. WM. D. KUS3ELL ; TIRGIHIi FEIIALE .SEII11I1RY, -f nine acres. Pnpilg trom. 1? States. Tbe Course I ' and salnbriona."--TeiTO9 moderate. AodIv for I circulars to B. H.-" PHLLLIP, PjrlncipaL or W, H. TAM3, Bec'y, fctaunton, Vft.,. . "! - . -sH CAUPAIffHGO 0 D S FOHs 1872. Agents wanted for ontCampalirn GoOdsi Sell time. 8enct at-ojaeor Descriptive Circulars and Price Lists of our Fine Steel Engravings ui wax we lyanuiua. 3, campaign, asiograpjiies unana, jrnoiograpus, uaace. pins, jriasrs anc eve erythinir utea so i is. -Ten DoUartH r day easily made. Full . samples snt for iow, New York. . - r - Ad dress -AIookb .-A-tiooDSPKaD, 87 Park p. -t a Trrn:.u.: :tt4. HI 4? -: : WegtOnJtot . & C0fi f-APjpSTjmS.b For lnsolvenls and Bankrupts, 110 LEONARD sT.j Etr; TonnL : Eeferences of highest character.7 Send J lor Circular. $300 70 S5Q0 & ed. Address EEIE 8 E WING JIACti Month." nU want H1NECO. Buffalo, N. Y., or Chicago, UL. , HOME! 'FOB 'iLI Best business ever ' offered agents. Address j. csuwisixi, jxraisvuue, ny. AGENTS Wanted. A gents, make more1 money at woric tor us tnan 1 at an else; Business light and permanent. Partic ulars free. G. 8TINSOK & CO., Tine 'Art .ruDiisners, roruana. me.. . -.. 1 it 1 o PiAro co., jr. -J" Ho Agents. tCircnlars free.u Wben the Blood rushes with- rockei- like violence to the head, causing hot flushes, verthro and dimness 01 sight, it is a certain slgnvthat a mild, salubriou, eooliDg and- eqmuizmg laxative is required, ana lak- rant's ErrsBVBSoxrr Sbltzkb apxbiskt should be at once resorted to. r S SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. : V : $1,000 REWARD4 for any case of Blind, Bleeding, Itching or Ulcerated Piles thati Da Bnra's P11.H . Bxscxdt fails to cure. It Is prepared expressly to cure the Piles, and nothing else. old by all Drug gists, Price, $1 00. i -Ifi July 19-4 w MlSQETiL A "NEOUS. S 8AWER'S IMPROVED C 0' T T O N G I N S, TlTB. 1?. G. SAWTEB presents his Im- j iU. proved cotton Gin to tne puonc this summer under a firm persuasion that he has at last attained the -. ... ; and that this Gin accomplishes every thing practicable to a Saw Gin, with the greatest possible ease, economy and rapidity. His im proved riDS ana rou oax . maintain a peneci circle for the roll, so that it is impossible to break it, crowa the oxes as .you wiu. in an attemDt to do so. Tne roll box, adjustable both at top and bottom, enables the operator. to bring the riDs to any angle witn, or position in relation to the saws he desires, so as to in crease or diminish at pleasure the depth of the operating surface or the saws in tne roil, and thus make t be machine gin faster or slower, with cleaner or fouler seed, and with more or less regard, to the length of . staple.' We saw a new Gin lnoperaUon, which had "X JL"Z k o.an7 n: se uvw T u y rm.m -' - f ' " i oHoorai immn,Tiiiiiiia Mania nniiai from showed by comparing tne staple pnnea rroin the seed by the fingers with that produced by the Gin, that the natural length of the fibre had not been diminished at ail iu the process of arinniue. This Is. of course, the best per formance of which any . Gin Is capable. The cotton in this case was very dry. and it is doubtful whether so perfect a result could be attained with green cotton. But sawyer staked his reputation - upon producing the fta.ma result with srreen cotton. The Gin has also some other Improvements in the run- ning gear, which we have not space to menr tlen.-Macoa Telegraph and Messenger,.May KoreV- ' 4 MURRAY & CO,I mn Rnn ni nHBunror. r m ftv J uly 'za-zm .Agents, Wilmington Kentucky TJniyergity. ASHLAND, v - ; ; - The Hoine of Henry Clay. ', r ... XRAWSTTtVANIA. . . . . ii. t SITE3 or the VARIOUS COLLEGES.' xn UVE Colleges in operation, with 80 Profes a -.a wit-h a -PTfkB- II sors and instructors ana suv Diuaents. sors ana instructors ana ' wwiptauenai. r. nmil imf ATmAd -20 tier imnnmii - I jvuimv jkvwh w-w. i ; " , ' S Boardtagfromto$5per week. Students 0t theAgricturaland ei defray a-portion of their expenses by labor on the farm or in the shops, sessions begin 2nd Monday in September. Tor Catalogues or nthflr information. address i. sntemoer. jror catalogues or other informal aug Win p&Wji4i Lexington, Ky. J. 15. iiun Jiarti Aecub, -) J. JB. MATTISOIV ' v ' M w , . T A n rr a w -r ;Ti 5rTt."T rrTr--j- i IXexnlocli Sole XVsatber, JQucnps, Ay re Sole Jjeatner, vauivrnM oo . . ;Xatner, Orinoco Sole - leather. 0 W- - Oak Sols Lsathbs, Oak Rough Lbathzb, j snpn.rrSTlAmt and TANNXEDS' OH -a 34 SDrnc" itret, New Ydrls. Liberal Advances made on Consignment julylS-6mos ' '".v''.;, - ; : 1 Sale of the i r A ' M IT flTl TWl IT ' fl urii.iM 1 1 JW WHHY'rKK.IAfl ftPWHIHUfU. AAAlyAIAUT T. I I . . . r PJUESStXXlia. JtlAA U AAAJa. 'Q neretofore postponed,Srin I take place at the Court House door in Fay- ottbviiih. iiia iiiin a.uo. ixoim nw w vv ' The property will be Boia on a crean 01 six months; purchaser will be required to give notes, with approved security, bearing Inter- OSEPAWORTH J v ' ; J Admr of Rev. 3, M. Sherwood, r hrTftyttayfflo.- July r7-tZ3Aug , . rBiittortJxetpIiorpi tt"j.-. . . -- .. 1 C TUC3 BUTTI 0 Boxes Candy, TUXS BUTTER, .103 Bbls , crackersv ,1C0 5.4'. 1 V ' TOT CHS DT i - augll-U 'V-, ' "-r- : s 4 -!- -' Orders; Solicited v 1 fev-vjji' if11 .s v Uoder the 20 cent tax rf BY " D.JPIOOXT, . 7S ..: -. : i . ' T -' j . r- IWilmingtoijN.fCL rJnlyMf 1 1 - . ' ' r5' - H V i ! ' -TJnecially.Sf ho iave become the' victims of i lnlducoln County, Georgia, on which are ths . I ; IVmTD(10TKlTO' finTlnmPnTQI iir VPpT7iQi''l Kr.!TtwVtf...hji.fe dreadful and destructive I well known MairruderUold and Conner lllnM.' . v uuiiiuiujiauj iAunauiuiiuu . uLiiiiiuu- t -rr :iA -.v, nniTraiv i ttt. . "j77a . .- v . -TT T. Tknaltlmlir taVn nine on tiA first lJ Tt WlUrS-lxaltea 1 ttrv MoVAfa-nnt Wsold th : Ln?oSdrelv5d wSlS dLtated7n . IU I HI 1. . . . ' . - ' . . . ' - . . T , proportions named, 1-the Circulars .between T-H JE? PJt J Z b S And the necessary expenses. " The portion to be distributed will be appropriated nrsc to the Money Prizes; then to the Keal Estate, aod lastly, to the Shares In Cotton. - 1 , , iHaxNALYSIS OTHTfi SCHEME, jr ''"T $100,00020 per cent, allowed Agents.- 60.00010 . State Agents. 60,00010 Vif-".-. ' for contingent ex pen sea. ns 130,1 ,0000- wnerspriceof 9 Heal Estate Prizes. 100)00 The r,7 Priies in Currency. 20,000 The 244 Prizes in Cotton. . ' r-lJ4so,ooo profits to be devoted to the 'Monument.' ' ..;.. ' : '' The price in currency: will be substituted 'for any Beal Estate Prize, withdrawn on ao causa. - Agents' west of the Mtsaissippi top- tneir Bales on tneistu oi wovemDer. , jtiast 01 mat State Aeents are required to be present ei-1 therin person or by legally pointed Attor- neys at the Distribution. - - , General Agents. ; Augusta, Ga. :maVfdosS. A DOZEN REASONS "Ea . 1 WBT TBI -i' ii ,v--j - M A.N U r a c t:u red b y Perry Davis & Son; .JGE BEST paiflC y,Jf OF THIS AGE. ND WHY IT SHOULD BE KEPT AJ ways near at.h&na: , v, :.' - , -4st. PAIN-KILLER is the most certain Chol era cure that medical science has produced- 1 pATW.KiTXEE.as a DiarrhcBa and Bys entery remedy, is unequal ed. It seldom if ever fails. ... vv , .. ,; . srd. PAliT-KlL.IilR will , cure cramps or Pains in any part of the system. A single dose 1th. PAIN-KILLER Will CUre Dyspepsia ana I Indigestion, Uusedaooerdlng to directions, I . - ? . ai tv; "2 J.r I 8 M; PAIN-KILLER IX.analmOst never tail? I ingure for Sudden Udds, coughs, ac. ; . i 1 I eth.PAntKlIJLER.liaa proved Itself a Sov-1 f, etn. xi i o -rr - "ri rw ; i I JkMlffn KATIIflllv IilT V F. 1 UIU AKUDi CUft VUU4 I rever . it has cured the most obstinate cases. 1 xeJt ft T8" rr" r - - . tVc- i I I i PAIN-KILLER as a liniment is unequal- 1 d.,Tr01. front Bites. Chilblains, Burns, A;uts, Bruises, Sprains. Ac. Zlno Physician candamore . " T , i j , v a . 4 ; tnan it. 8th. PAIN-KILLER has cured cases of Rheu matism and Neuralgia after years standing. 9th. PATN-KJXEEB will destroy Boils, Fet I nnaTwiiitlows. Old 8ores and Swelled Joints, I Hvlngreliel from Pain after the first appuc 1 t. , 1 I ' iQi. JA A TUT T7"TT T TT vnrfla TTQOrlaVA "rTrWtri. . r1! t!" i 4 - 2ivXr? yf th body- :-trr;: '. 1 . ' I 11th PAINKILLER will save you astys or sickness and many a Dollar iu time and Doc- tor Bil ' ?4V v'VT.i-, rPrfzZb: if ' nut, -o a tv trTT.T.irT ia . tmrfilv 'veeretable -preparation, safe to keep and to use in every famiiy. The simplicity attending its use, to-" getherwtth the great ranety ox eeasesjtnaj may De enureryvraaicaeuDy iu,aiu. J . rvz. r j ha olio- , a. ak-bMiw tnamaa vao-wiT.n f lnjWaluaDle remedy . and to keepr it; always near at hand." 4 rii t ' - m 4 $ 1 to tt, . waw ti . 'SSSSSSSSSSfSSSS iSC ?BStlTeUti SS r , ) 'a ' " Ifir: Avr- ww: PWSli, 3L J 'X X v v - . nfi-i-i5 ; ' . - tslVO-1 A" , . -v,?inf;i. h'rn:f:!PJL. . i- - i .twtrcMHBiTd.ir iidueed-ta-buy the many worthless Nostrums offered by unprin cipled men traveling wxuugxi uio wuuuj .. . i Be sure aid buy the giume.very t)rug, ... . ; gist, and nearly every J? JT arocerioiruBm,Hw -7. !;V7. FOR SALE BY WILMINGTON, N. C July 5-YVZna vj V, ' n :--.r i i .1 PIA1I0S Awn ' ; . 8Ai.Es Room: MASONIC' If AliTty WILMINGTON . Pianos nd Organs,'' all styles and prices.' 0EGAITS. nine ana renairinK uon omy complete musical ""r1 establishment m xt. je 5-tf Holaflflea and 650 HEEDS. ; Iluccovadd Ilolasses AND .1 ; S.H.,SYltuP if lvt...l . S-- for sale very low by. r: , v ;; Ts 1" I i WTLLAXD BBOS. Bieol amount of pain and suilermg that cm - tttoouffh its use. make it imperative tremities, progteSftliig wltefrigktrapiditWii 1 DM 0 0 LSa lnE"RICxi'j A. v v v v . TTaLLaSD BROS. PhTRiMRnAf thia rubral! Institntioiu dis- rv rope, via s isoigiana, Tanca eis r the certain, soeedv.- Bleasant and effec i t i a remedy in tixojworid for all excesses or at uses I Weakness of tae" Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affection of the Kidneys or Bladder, lnvolnn tary Discharges, lmpotency, General Debility," KervousnesSf Dyspepsia, ' languor, sLow Snrrltfl. coniasifia or laeas. iaipitauon oi uxe Heart, Timidity Trembling, Dimness. of Sight or ttiidainess. xiiaease . oi in iieaa, ' ixvoat, iJose or Skinf Affections of the tiver .ungs, Stomach or Bowels those terriblfe Disorders ari&ingixom Solitary UablU of Youth bbcjuct ; unrf Rniitarv nracticea more ratal to their vic tims than the song of the Syrens to th lla riners of Ulysses, o lighting, their most bril-i Uant hopes or antlcipa?ions,T renaerxng marr grave tnousanus OI yuuiiK men ui iuo uub talents and7riljWt: lntUect, who Senates-with the thunders 01 eloquence, or i waked to esW the living lyre, may call L c . . - . . . I j th full coimaonce. MElAQE, Married persons, or Young Men contemplat-1 'ing marriage,' aware of Physical Weakness, j ixia of Procxeative Power (Lm potency ), Kef 1 vous Excitability, PalpitatiCn,.Organic V eak ness. Nervous Debility, or any othex.Djsq.uall- Acatlon, speedily relieved. - - . - : -: ha who risx.fca himself under the care of Dr. J. may reugiou8ly confide in his' honor as a 1 gentleman, and confidently rely upon his afciU J as a physician, - j x - ; .1 n ru attic WKAffN ESS ' l Immediately Cured and lull Vigor Restored, This distrcssmg Affection which renders life miserable ana marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victims 01 improper in-, dulgences. Young persona arc too apt to com- mit excesses from not belog aware of the dreadful conseouences that may ensued Now. who thatunderstands this subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation Is lost j sooner by those tailing into improper nabits I than hv the nrudantt , Besides being aeprivea Zl V no lthTT rvtturri ti or r.rtM wiABt Dody and miiici arisen ino systeui uwwaucw PhTsicai and Mental functions ""i r(a .pwvmtiTn power. Nar- ;Vf can.vuvvt vwv v yyuyj jSf3W -VtSfflSSs Frme. CouSHI Con- W'l-SKRfloTT Decay and Death, w , .! r v;- ACUlilii SPJSIUJIIjX vy a. tt a x jcy.-i Travn TntTiea In healthV bV Unlearned Pre- I a. t.ftndrs wnOen them trifliug month, alter month, takingpoisonous and injurious com- pounds, should apply immediately. U - t -: . -.fi. : A . DR. JOIINSTON, , Member of the' Royal COUege of Surgeons, London, Graduate of one ot the most eminent Colleges in the United States, and the pest nan f whose life has been spent in the hos pitals of .London, Paris, Philadelphia and else whare, has effected some .of the- most ; aston ishing cures that were ever known; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarm Mi at mri dun sounds, bashf ulness. with fre? )quent blushing, attended sometimes with de rangement 01 ininu, were viuu uiuuooukuji. ' . -j TAK PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr.' J. addresses all those who have injured themselves by improper indulgence and soli tary habits, which ruin both body and i mind, nnnttiner them for either business, study, so ciety or marriage; . 'Xnese are soma ui uw melancholy f- I fecta produced by the earthly habits of youthr viz : weakness'of the Back and, Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness oi Sight, Loss of Mus eulan Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dys- pepsia, Nervous UrltaDiuty, uerangemeni ox the Digestive functions, General Debility, syntptoHis 01 voii8uiupixoiju . . jnN TaLxjY. i-The fearful effects . on - the mind are much to be dreaded. Los of Mem- are fcnma of the evils produced. ' Thousands of persons of all ages can now Jude what' Is the use of their declining hcnur.h. losinsr their viKOr. becomiug weak, Eale, nervous and emaciated, having a singu x appearance about the eyes, cough and svm-otoms of Consumption, -rU " . -. . . .- YOUNG MEN - Who have inlured themselves by a certain rtroAt.iftA. indulged In when aione, a xvaDit ire- auently learned from: evil companions or at nfti .hftfrecta of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not nred renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind rriage impossible, ana aestroys coin xnuau i and body, should .apply immeaiaiiery.- 1 nraiTitr. th Tiride ef his DlxeatS. ShOUldi itnalhedltmaUproepectsandenjoyment of uto by the consequence of deviating Urom l hathof nature, and indulging in acertain f secret habit.- Such persons must, belore. con- tempiating . i " Jienect tnat a sowiy. uivxu. -r, most necessary requisites to promote connu. . - i - . m. nfloif. tiiAtft souna miaa ana oouy.ar. WW bial -toppiness. OMimawatrvM journey through life beoomea weary Pilgrim- age, the prospect hourly darkens to the 1 vJ the mtod becomes shadowed with despair, ailed wlth the melancholy reflection that ,ana the Vianriineasof another is whim tne mlssmlded i a ii.oim fin da he nas this painful disease, it too oiten nappens vnat 1 this painful disease, it too often happens that ianiU - Umea B9nseoi snaine ur uj.cu,u 01 u. r AMAiMf!! rTATArq nim. iFuiu auuiviuie aaiv luubd 1 . covery deters hinvirom applying to, those who, from education and respectability, can I mnTnt and desiarning pretenders, who, K1IIUH I ' " jSpapie ot curing, rUch ilia pecuniaiy su 1.. stanct keep t' or as long as tne Bi?"ir S3c , rTtv? and in despair leave him with ruined health to sigh over his galling disappointment; orf bytihe use of that deadly poison, Mercury, nama tna constitutional-symptoms of this I horrid disease, to make their appearance,sneh 'a r w nitrated sore tnroat, mma .rn'. 1 01 wgufc, ucnuirao, I v,i hmthM An th head, face and er- - 1 1 aar. t bones of the nfiM fall in. and xhe victim of this awmi oi iispas becomes a horrid object of commiseration till death puts a period to his dreadful suffering, by sending .him to that S?ritSntKilm WlTr. nT?Suct laSSfe Dr. Johnston oiTers the mSsVctain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy iu tne woriu. - - . . , ; i univ., "Ti:.. rr. - xtALTIMOKE, MABYLAHD, Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a tow MiisirH iruLU Lixxa iaii lew doors irora tne comer. - au nub w uu- l serve and mber. name and riumbers. r- t tv!7 1 Ho lettersrooeived unless postpaid and Xin, psoWwriting should state age. and sendla na writrna snouia state age, anu senu portion QC advertenwcni describing vmp - tomsJ 'f "ITi: V."l ' , The IX)Ctor'S xh.itXaJ.bxa nangs iu am wuco. - ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. i xnjB many uiuwhumx ii viuo Mwuuur ment witnin uuu iub mouiy, jrwusi &uu uk lmnertant surtrlcal oneratlona per formed by Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the Rep-. resentauves or tne ness ana many otners. notices of. which v.hav appeared -again and before the pabllfc besides his jstandh aarr'OMiono'r and Responsibility, is nding a arautee to the amicteo. SKIN DISEASES SPEEDAx.X tU&AU. marl2-lyent -- ! ' "' '' DuzniBuwiuiBuruwu. wooav. wasntnerton. ua: 2. is. Mai tin. Kan. :. ana impruaeni votary 1 .marSmos - -' . ' ' ' 5fcCaxrav7cy- fiiClleaponi '5!?; 1 n-inH mnUV AXLED AETieTS JLEB STIli. 1 .- a . . 1 . . j n a mi. a4i ' y, ' iens, and the public generally, for their pat , I ronage at the PurcellHouse. Everything per- f I Mn f the nrof fission Is keut constantly on er to give complete satisfaction tp tidiOUS. p llt J. -r'-' i the most fastidious. ,"oct28-tf i r- " LAistabllslied In 1820.J uUm. juinuusiwe jvmai wy . 1 ifinw inCBSTTA W. Pmnrlfltm'. WX it. 'bbuIiis Agent, f :M "f-JaalUfl The Caroliim Banner, ltVRY "sATUItDAT.1 AT SHELT N. .. . . i t C , -.. i . 1 iif lie- K to" 4 '. - v K W, C. DURHAM.. H. J XlcDUWB M -- vVSimsoiirrTio BArasxr :y.- I -takA T lTTT T . . ... IflTT i " wv DURHAM b IlcDUJf Ji ID,- - -J V dec 18-if - Lis. and Proprietors. 1 1 5- 1, J 1 -If THE CAMIEXJpTJRjN'AXi Reform tiedcet suscrirfor. and get np clubs Published Aver janrauay-at. $2 60. per an- f0 campaign TRATSJSCSIPT. ; 'f;''1 C 1.1 i " I I Ir: I I II It 1,1 '4 w iu vvuwu w uwwifcia Afid to tH0o Bcldii t from ithr I - . ; rederate StAtc t;l.o toro ItUl ed or Died in tMs State.; : V. .-.-- - - - . , :. TI13S UMESXi 3TO COST t30C0. THK COBNEli STONE, it la proposed, shall be laid as soon as the receipts will permit. 2,000 Priies, vaiucd at (t5DO,o6C) Five nnn- v dred Thousand Dollar a, That amount, , ' . only, la Tickets, to be sold. - -v " For evorv Five Dollars subscribod there will ;- be given aoertificiite- of lito ttembership to the Monumental Association.'. This certia. Cate will entitle the owner thereof to ah eaual interesrtn the following proper'ty, to be dis- Anorto Seventeen Hundred and Fortv-Fonr Shares in Une Hundred Thousand Dollars .of;'. umieu c taxes currency, vO-W-lS I - -' . - i4nareoi nw.o-.... .v....$io,ooo , 1 ooa.... 6,000 a , : 2.600. 6.000 10 ,J( 2,O00.........-..........4 28,000 10; V ;J,0.;...i;;.....,U..;.;.v 10,000 20 . : ; - - 600...-. 10,000 : 100 t'-i ioo..M-.....i.... 10.000 . 200 :h. uuiw'?i.h.i4,u 10.00a (kV.tt J.H ....... ... w,ww ' 10.. 10,000 v , - . . .- .i Vfcii ,,. . . .... v well - known patriotic ciaiens, to the Confed- erate Monnmental ASsoeratlOD', the toll Piizes have been oelected. and added tx tho foregoing Shares, . 1 , ; .u - 4 ' ' 1st. B&KZEL.IA. . This wefl-known Resort, ' with, the large Residence, Stored ettx, and Four Hundred Acres of Land immediately on- the Uoorj; Kailroad, twenty miles from Au- s: gusta. ivy ing ti annual yield ; of Tllteen- Thousand Dollars. ' ' -.'t ;? rr - JLThe well khowClTlraOTEEK fronting a on Broad stet. The building isr or Brick, three stories ihlgh, 184x70 leet Valued at - t,000. . , . .. . m: .-.'..i SdTHE' SOllTUDB. PLANllATIOir, 1. - Russell county, Alabama, on the Chattahoo- - chee Kiver, with elegant and commodious im ; a proyement i The average rental, since 18B4, has been over Seven ($7,Ouo) Thousand Dollar; ' 4th. That Large Brick JEteafdenoe and Store . on Northwest, comer of Broad andr Centre r" streeta, known as - the jPhinisv or Baudry jtiouse. uent x wo xhousana jjouars. rmv anrl nlptmnt. Itrio.lr .UAfltAnAA. -t-n mntt deairable nortlon of that beautiful atrwnt. : Valued atf 16,000.' t"n .. . - ,.v;. r ethFlatBnsh. wlth'120 Acres of Land, ball - a mile from city limits, the elegant Suburban ' 'r Residence of Antoineollaln, Esg..la good . order. valued at tw,000. v,-. ; : ; 7th; The Dearlug Jlouse, a large.and com modious Residence. tn Thirty City - Lots ' 69x210 feet, rrontmgon wcKlnne and Carnes streets. Valued at fi6,00a. ' r. . 8th. Stanton Residence and Orciard,onthe . G eorgia Railroad. - Valued at $5,000. -' : ' ALSO 1 Share of One Hundred Bales Cotton. x weniv-r lve v V: U,A. 244 Shares Of One Bale each. The bales to average 400 pounds, and class Liverpool Middling. ' . - The value of the separate interest to whlok the holder of each' Certificate will be entitled, : will be be determined by the Commissioners, who will announce to the publio the manner, the time, and Tilace of the distribution" . The followintr gentlemen have consented to : act as Commissioners, and will, either by a; committee from their Own body or bypeelsj Trustees appointed by themselves, receive and take proper.charge of the money for the 1 Monument, as weii as tne ueai estate and the I.U. - S.-vCurrenCy offered as inducements lor subscription, and will determine : upon the pian zor iae juonumenc, tne inscription tnei re- on, the site therefor, select an -orator for. the occasion, and regulate the ceremonies to be observed when the-corner-stone is laid, viz.J - Generals L. McLaws, A. R. Wright, if. A " -Stovall, W. ILi Gardner and Goods Brgan, CoL C. Snead, Col. Wm. P. Crawford, Maj. Jos. B. - cnmming, ueorge x. oacKson, Major Joseph ( -Ganahl, Mai. L P. Girardey, Hon. It. H.AIay, , Adam Johnston, Jonathan M. Miller, W, H. -Goodrich, J, D. Butt, Henry Jloore,f Dr; W. K, t Dearing. v. ;. - ,; ; . . Agents are allowed twenty per cent. '. They "'' axe reauired to Pay their owh ' expenses 1' Tickets and Circulars alone being furnished to :" them. .They will remit weekly the amounts . from sales received, less: their Commissions. fNo Commissions will, be . deducted from slmt)le OGtributiohs.r . - on aeooapt of the very treat labor xduiriKl of the ttenerai Agenxs, the offered services ot favorably lrnnwn hmr.hrmr.thAfiUittt:ti-.wlll '. pe accepted, toactwithua. v (.u . . . parties desiring to contribute to the Monn- V" ment. and who do n6t wish to rarticltato in ' the award, will receive a Special; teceipt. The moiMT win oa icrnBa orer Tx,-rn i-rttAjmrr- money will be turned over to 1 and will be appropriated' to the Monument without any deduction whatever. , , ' L. A. H. MoLAWS, Gen.' Agts,' No. 3 Old r.t); Range; Mcintosh St Xi':iArjZ ,v-,joX , v Augusta, Ga. Mrs. Carlton Bel t Coleman House. N. Y,Miss jnary auu xuie, voiumoia, p.i u. xion, . uas. maw AC0ilSEDR1!O!?T!IKnOUnA. me 1, m. Smythe, Augusta. Ga.t Major John Dan" v DISEASE. . J I' . 'Tuscaloosa. Ala., Traveling AgentU , .i; Imbibed the seeds oil,.;-. ,-it. : - -.. v ? :Lv - ' .-.,' .rrv r't i : . ;.. GUARANTEED PERJCTXY PUBJE AND OF ; -A': 1 ;: Axxa.jxxaxxjMOA.aAtbakxM. ., , , 1. i;i ' ? a 1 4 )" ' " J " '"UJV. '' "V1" ... . .. - mWoVKAI MnOTI .: . ' V. I 110-1 DGr. Uli.UP YOK TURNER Would respectfully Inform : r nre-nared. with the beet of workmen, to. ac-v . commodate his customers in all the various branches a his ousiness, sucn as snaving.' hair-cutting, shampooing, ao, in tne neatest ; manner ana; on as reasonable "terms as any shop in the city. - t ' " ' f V oct Irt f . TH12;SltAITnCItIPT," WMBEUAX nGA17. ; .;' .:; - ' 1 xxmcD at WAsniKGTOjr, p. d For tlio Catapaln, : CO Ctzitn Let all who desire the success of iLa LHcral . It has the choicest campaignTnatlerorlgl-" nal and "selected, and. contains contributions from some, of the best' American writers. ' Greeley and Brown, are ram,, to yin, and aU who desire, to be. .on., the M winning tida ' ' . .' . -'. '...', ... -.. .. , should subscribe for Tans WASffxaaioar TkA- scattTi -Clubs ftxfnll: l at half tLiti aad la a.uantl Ucs to suit. Let til . and their crd :;ito 1 93 nis menos ana tne puoiic generally tnai I hBhasthoronraiy rent ted his esubiishment I in the rear of Mr. Range's Saloon, and is now .s ",f ' '' 1 '1 " f -I VJ.-. ::) "'MS -. V ' . . " ... . : " V .