c. BY TELEGRAPH. r. . Sunday' DlmpaUheC""" A statement was recently, P""4-1 British claims to ;he '1,n(1 one hundred and Mfrf aj?. Ml boon filed before the je cna Claims Commiss tl.e Vmee of the , Commission it .M-: eertaincd that the statement entirely u-; trne, and of tho &JZ?rt in tl'w twenty cases disused of the award uh len less than Ureein ent The followmg.corrcudcncc has Just taken place ; , . . ". '. 1. -v Washington, August 17. : Hon. J. J. Bryan, Mayor of Chattanooga,: I 1na., Sir fl have the nonono Transmit hwwith an autograph- communication "ia; Tcniy to an invitation which you entrusted with me to lay before the President of the United States and his Cabinet, to visit Chat tanooga and Lookout Mountain., v The President having . submitted- the hiime to hi Cabinet baa, you will perceive,' : .,.,; nMlfTMl -with much recrret to decline ..v. .-r-. - ---- - x . the invitation. ' J nouarn Jie nnus ltunprac- i tii-iihlfl to visit Chattanooca, nevertheleas.' ' kindly sends hja best wishes for ita future prosperity, ' Respectfully, r . - Sam. Bart, h Clialrman of Committee of Invitation.: , . ' ' ' ; r . . ' EXECCTIVK Manstoit, ) 1 ' f . ? WAflirmoTON August 10, 1872. " J ; : : ,', Hon. J.' J. Bryan; tftyor cf Gkattarutyn: SmAt the hands of Gov. Sam. Bard I r. eived the kind invitation'of the Mayor and . Hoard of Aldermen and the.Board of , Trade of the city of Chattanooga for myself and f alHnet to visit your city and Lookout Moun tain, some time during tne present summer. I hare delaved nnal answer to tuia invi-: I tation to consult with the Cabinet on the subject: I- am compcUed .most reluctantly, .aner,uiis consuiwiHuu, w uuoriu jrwu tuat n i Dy the Joraptr,oJicr of the Uurrency to com iu nrit nrart.ina.ble for us to-acccnt. 1 1 I M - - --. f . men to whom we are indebted for the invi tation, that I, on my part, highly appreciate lli; compliment; doubly because it ia inde jK-ndent of political '0t party; predilections, dt a time, too, when party f eehng runs high. I should enjoy a visit to Chattanooga under any ordinary circumstances, and particular-. Jj t as.thejguest.of the citizens, without n'HjM ct to. party. ;. My desire ia;to Bee har mony, concord and prosperity everywhere' in our common country. t. c. ? i ; With renewed assurance of my 'apprecia tion of the invitation to visit your city, and wiiii my' best, wishes ..for its future, proa- eniy, i BUDscnoe myself, - t ; , r Verv resbectfullv vf ' ! I 'SJn v . rr a . nDivt . . It tV "i v ' coyery of the above, or pro rata for partial A Long Branch dispatch furnishes the recovery; - The individual losses by deposi f ollowmg item j Mary Cully, white while ters having boxes In the vault cannot be" aa hathing, was carried away by an under-tow; ccrtamed, as many are out of. town. . The ami when brought toland by ra gentleman loss wiU probably amount- to several hun dred on the beach. Four servant girls; em- dred thousand dollara, as it i known that ployed at the West End Hotel, awhile bath; several boxes containing Bonds and other nig were "Washed out to sea. Three of them were rescued,- but the fourtlwwaa drowned f - A Salt Lake dispatch of Sunday; say a: Three companies lof U. S. troops, have left fr tlie field of Indian danger m the San Pete country. ;Generala Ord and Morrow win jeave unmeaiaieiy jor ine scene oi op- erations, 1 wiin -cavalry. , J. X). JtTige, tele- I grnpn operaior at juount neasanc, , waa at- 11 tacked last night by Indiana when leaving y Jus office, and was terribly wounded in the I head by a tomaliawk. - 1 he wound la sup; I i posed to be fatal. V ; ', I ! TlrtirtioiYi Vftunif an o 'nl.' I ofllcera are makW a tour through -the northern counties of the Territory. They nm hv Mnrmn... w5h r..! along, music, flags, banners and flowers. T). fiirtTiTinw itT . Vrvr.v'. . Dr. Maynard; apothecary of thevU. S. OMiiiniiuiiu yennouLDow ax ine urooKiyn navy Yard, poisoned himself last evening ' by taking tincture of aconite in mistake for I and a half thereafter. .' Bark Pelayo, from Havana, and Bri2 Btdcar, from Central rAmerica, arrived here lait ni ght with yellow fever on board. There r are now twenty-eight yello fever patienta ' at the quarantine. hoepitaL . (The Spardsh ram-Numancia is how at .' at SoulliweHt Spit. 21 mUca " from ' thia city. Several additional infected vessels are ex-: pected to arrive dauy,-and the health au thorities are taking all precautions. ' , ' " President Grant arrived t Long Branch yesterday. ' - . -v.- .- - a- v. irr , Congressmen DeLarge, of South Carplina,' -writes to the Herald that the statement that he has declared for Greelev is false. .- . -u ' Two .highway em ', .entered the office of . nicest Co.j on Johntteet, Brooklyn, at 5 I o'elock Saturday, while the employes were' I being paid off, seized a roll of bills .'to the ' amount of four, hundred dollars and pre- ami escaped to the dock.' V - ' ' . The news by the" Bising Star,-' from Cal loa,.. gives the - particulars , of the recent bloody revolution in Pertr, ;; headed by - Gutierrez,-Minister of War, who. supported by the army,' on July."22d, imprisoned Pres- klent Balta and exacted forced . Ioanai 1ut I -a few dftya afterwards , waa deserted by the iftKys. ,'. " . , . ' -' - ; ... j tAfterall6ahad been made a scene of 'uiuvmj taAva uw vv jiMjiAvmuijSjf. n uivvuvi va Gutierrez beinz killed, another brother, to. avenge his death,' 'shot 'and killed Presi-'; den Ualta in prison. Aiterwarda Parda, President -elect, waa placed In -power, and Uie populace huhg the three brothers ;Guti-. If-rrrz in the Plaza at Lima and burned their bodies..'.'- V' v.:..'A. ". v-i i-,'-:, ''' .NOQN UKPOllTS, Mi- Uetnm of Mr. Greeley toliew-,Yofk-r ' The North Carolina Klcctloh.' m vNew Yokk, August-19, 'v iKhind vcstertW rnorn,n,r V,: " r" IL..;raV tr,:..,i ;;rcr' 'V'... .rfa or sin ce yesterday. y T' Jl: J,t .1.. t.. Horace Greeley arnyed here thw morning ( ' TENN KSSKB iV,-: from Boston. ',r,V,. Viui. '..- j 11 -t-. rl--.:. ; ' --. .-lV'.Hifie. The olticiaV-returns T from , cigiity-f our PolltlealCrop Prospeetsj- JkV; '.The DoSee-Vaidod' on thLmM t 1 P? KclhEr and !'n-t yesterday, but did nothinir beyond an- V P' ana wne, ox tue lileR In.intln & mnilfi n ii - Brooke, arrived here last night. They re a fflSSSu 2Si!S Pore that no traces .can TAd-M-fcrW Tlie attendance was thin. -'. (i r. t . . -,-. - ' , ;; .'" - Utica,- August ia ; n. "V"i:"r.'rJ 'r"1 u .l- 3,000 race . yesterday' vaa won bv AmmcafvlTirl,. who beat Pahner. " :Time a31; 252 J? 2:19, - - . . i ; , . IUiik Itobbry-$ 100,000 ItllMlM : ' ' .iT4! " rVBALTIMOTO,- August 19. v liuu iiauuuu ajuiik on south street o nrn u Second and Lombard, was entered - -"o. v" - cinum;c - was . effected iro,,-!! the wall of." an adjoining buildine. I 11 was -occupied -by jnan frlrlntr the furdor and. Attempted aeld. r. Bcfliw August !. " -"ntiphnv vointArilav Axnt tdwife niuoing death in fifteen mm- ot bAmself;-laflicUng a aev ' 'f Stabler,: - who ' professed to he'a.l dull and. heavy. .-Wheat quiet and' un a 1 iston merchant -1 v . , I changed.": Corn dun and -:heavy;', Pork' s r i-J-T ' ',. I ateadymeaa tl2 KbftlA.vT A.oi) d a 2 i uc , s t perse un s for conirni- .htLnz continued auce of xlisordcrs, The f. lapi jaighV fstonea faHui ,JehwU:-:' r.ir r ' " ' - London, August 19.; Dispatches just received give later news frotrt'Ufolfast ' "llier. noting sua continues, and iour persons -were killed in the.Btreetp, tkia morning. There is mud complaint by peaceable .citizens tof , want , of ,vigpr,pn' the , part ' of- the Authorities --in 6up- pressing the riots. 1 The Tuffians, with piii- ,n fhcir hands stalk through .the city, d fe vcn iot era. .Tho populace is divided into hostile Cath(,ic Protestant - taoba. When- ey Como in contact there Infighting. Tp. JwUh toed bay0nete,jui Ue police; are endeavoring to1 stop disturbances" and have been obliged to fire mto jioteraon both' woes. OUR NIGHT REPORTS.; f GENEVAi New SatlsOtetorf ProbWy a ;Gro : r Sara for Direct !Dmmaees, ' . Wa sirDTOTOK, August 19 . ; i ,i ,. -. iuouea wwasnc uere iv-uuy. mc t.hATmhmptior Wftrhlnir flfl in thfl'Rhjlirtp' ,, There is infonuation from Geneva which warrants the, assert ion;thaf sine tbe jexclu sioh of 'clarm; fox; Indirect, dainaea thet busincsa before the; tribunal of arbitrators has been favorable to this government; and that several awards for" direct damages have1 already been agreed pcthe.' indications; being that in tho conclusion of tlie adjudl-', cation a gross sum wiU .be awarded the ynited Suites, thereby avoiding a reference, of the subject to a board, of commissioners It should not be expected- that ' piuliculara' can now be officially given, as thetproceed ing3 Of the .tribunal -are conducted In secret and asj the information .furnished to our: mivommont ia nftiiA onmA phnwctpf , TheMerchants' and Planters ''- National Rank 0f Montgomery, "Ala.; is , authorized! uivuvaj ,Mla!iiJ,;i (Ml i-.x -i T.'Tl DALTIMORE BANK RODBERT. ' Barsiars Break : Into; the -f hlra Na. ' tlon4l Bank Heavy Bobberies .1 i r,i- vyi. BaLtocobe, Aug.-20u The officers " of the National ' Uantf state their loss lay. burglary as ..follows: $57,000 in Greenbacks and National Bank notes, of which 8 notes were for one hundred dollars each and ' twenty-four' notes fifty , dollars each, of tho third National Bank, and .the' following Bonds as . collateral a Northern ' Central l?aihrad, .Seo; North Carolina State Bonds '111,500, Marietta and Cincin- AWiroao,- firu a. o,zw fi.ouu, naU Railroad, $ 1000,.rU. S. 5,200 $1,500, -oanK oners a rewara pi siauwior tne re- firet floor of . the - Gittines Bank bu3dinr ;Rank Vault waa rented June 1st by a man : giving his name asE. Washburne, who paid !hia qtiartert rent; $623,' hi advance. J . r . . . ' BELFAST AND - TUB BELICIOCS i - riot, ' : " i. .... . ; : v ' : y . v 'Four. Persons Killed Police Unable i to Quell the Riot-Rumors that Bel . fast Is to be Pd it Under Martial Law. ; ' '.- " ' . . , - LONDON, ' AUffUSt 194 P. 3L "' Advices from Belmont up - to this hour inat sa?la contmue to pe exchanged In the streets, though it is not known that the rioters have concentrated in large numbers at any point. Telegrams from Lunran. Ulster county, on theIielfast and .Ulster J '., J , , progress there.:: The authontieaof the town ve calied uP,n tue mditary forces.to aid in Testonnir onler. ' " Belfast tsys report lare. current there that the city ia about to be placed under martial law. The same telegram states that the military are now charging Jhcvtioteis in Iho centre oi tne town. i ;. ri.-: -: i-r- :- i'C.l !iu 1 -X: . . SARATOGA... . .. , , Tlie Races Tammany Impeached at . Albany But-Victorious: at Saratoarau v- ' ' J J ' w SARATOdA7 August 19. The first race ia the rteepleu chaai' Was ?von by Tammany; Bund Tom 2d; Vesuvt ua S. Time 6.10. ' , ... t The second race, -.dash one and a half miles, was -won by Frank: Hampton, beat- .The third race was wonbv.Majv,Lonifle. beating Echo two lengths,' King 'Henry six lengths , behind; 1 with Sanford,...Wineaa88, Cadence and .Astronomer trailing in. the or der named. - . nABsttB. Oarllst Rumors 43ambettas. j Pay tl ' "' sans to Rise . -.- T .,-t : 'fjlrl Makrov August 19) y Reports are current that the ministers and other high officials have recived - warn-: tfig of a fresh - outbreak . to be attempted shortly by the partisans of ex-Queen, Isa bella and that' the occasion will be seized upon l)t the Cariists to renew attacka. It- i3 certain that fears of a iiew 'niovement ojf Home Jtimi are i-uiL-fWJiuu tuiu ucie prep arations to meet it are in progress. t ;,,-r , ,;t . BARIC ARB tllPEACHED, '; Corruption Rebnked. ,', . . ' -zj j New York, Aug.' 20.'' j The.neat ia, xceaaive; thft;j tuermometer to-day ranging to l( in tnr giiatie. ',4-" i .Tudse Banmrrt h.ia 'bceri fduhd' fetulf removed aiM disqualified from holding oipec-! Lord and Joifdaoftv-.onIy - voted m the negative." P"eror 01 me Avuaw, announces nimseii an mdeiiendent candidate' for Conaress in If is reported tliaf the boll worm is' doing great damaaro in northern Misstesvptri. " chndreu: a woman and man who were': on' cniiaren.a womanana man the steamer at the time Bhe Neither hai. DOwnlng'l ar was boarded. arty'oeea heard from... .. iJDOMESTSG JTIARKETS; " I'j-Mi'T6?; August JtS.Noon,.;: -r 1 stocks rsteady. - . Gold weak" at 1141. Money easy-Bt 3 f cent premium. tSterf iingf.Excnangc-rJong tiut; 6jaort-7UDi.Tr Governmente-teady.-State Bonds quiet I ' . T 'r:-?' fll - , J iCk)tton quiet,witMWeS"trf 1,004 bales- Uplands 2U Cta. : Orleans 22i cehts. Flour steam, &Ka9i Eceata. -.Soirits. T.TfiT, 1 1 . ita6teadv:r:':' - : , rif1.t-S-' Nkw Yoii Angustia ,t L rt. - A,s2?tnaialifi;j l f 'K' .a:, ; U.-i; T,'rf 11C-: hew 113. : 8ou.u.i.i liGaddull cr. I vrv $teadv .-Tennessee C 7Sf.new r'-Vircinia G'a 45. new -50;-Louisiana' C's 50, new 45, . lo ve 6's CO, da 8's 70; Alabama 8'a 8, 5's CS Georgia 6's 73, Ti 85; Worth Carolina C'a 33, new 2Q, speciair.taxlJr'Soutlv CaroBn 6'8 51 new 21ix- April ind Octpber.23. . yi .;. -. Commercial. v-' - v v'V'. Cotton quiet, with sales of 1,254 balea-i f j 19 55 $12 60. : Whiskey S3 cents. Wheat I dull, heavy and full 5 centa low'er Winter Red.WeKteru ,,$1 53J 1 1 C8ts tCoru -clowed Pork firm. Beef is more active Plain Mesa I 5$7; Extra-Mess 8$t0: , Lard duU at 8j9f centa. ' Spirits Turpentine steady at 51 centa. Rosin dull at f3$3 75. Freights are a shade firmer. '. The sales to-dav of cotton, for future de livery footed up 4,600 bales, as follows: Beptemoer, Wk, cents;- uctooer moi centa ; . November 4J8118l centai Decem ber 18i cents; January 18f centa,, under old form of contract. Mexfhis, Ausust 19. I CSipia vu oaies. xiiuw. ctsiwise . ma 1 a A n I bales. Stock on hand 2,765 bales. Market closed quiet - .-.Mi-r'iMoBTLaj'August 19. Cotton Middlings nominal. Net receipts 9 balea. Exports coastwise 20 bales. Stock Market nominal. lTs 5TT?r DniXANS, August 19. on hand ,743 bales, Cotton LbwMiddlinga 19ll9i cents. Net receipts 149 bales; gross 149. Sales 61 balea Stock on hawp6,w-bales. - Market dull and nominal. 7 Boston, August 19 Cotton Middlinea 221 cents. Gross re- ceipw tj noiea oaies iuu uaies.- owdck. im band 7,500 bales. Market dulL pHrLADELPmA, August 19. Cotton "Middlings ' 211 cents. 'Market closed quiet ...jCharleston, August 19. Cotton Middlings nominal. Net receipts 27 bales. Exporta coastwise 570 balea. Salea 25 balea Stock on hand 3,100 balea Mar ket dull. "Augusta, August 19. Cotton Middlinga 19 centa. Net receipts 21 balea Market dull and nominal. 'PdRlfcARETs:115 1 London, Aug. 19. Noon Consola for money opened at 921. Ac- unitrtt r. IWla-ino'a OOl ! " r ' T . A TT?T Consols for money 92 J. Account 93. , Frankfout, Aug. 19. Nooi UnScJi gtkfea fivaweW .aeciuitie;of 1802, 96. FABI8, Aug. 19. JSoon. . T -- . . iiourse iventes ooi. ooc. Livksfoow Ausr. 19. Noon. rwtrt tt, riiiii TTrlonla a VI . Or. iminu aio timataA .t in nnn "U,1U4,'U '"i balea tkLZ LAIER U iUviLJL -H Cotton closed dull Uplanda 9f91d.: Orleans 104. Sales 10,000 bales; for export and speculation 2,000 balea. Breadstuffs quiet. MISCELLANEOUS. BUY' THE The Best Made. iQOOPERS' TOOLS,. THE BEST r .! ' t 1 4k AT JACORI'S. QUALITY, BLACKSMITHS1 TOOLS,. MACHINIST TOOLS, Turpentine Tools LOWEST PRICES i AT JTACOBI'S Hardware Depot. AT, JJk.COBI'S. ASSORTMENT LARGE AND VERY COMPLETE. Gobi, Pistols and Ammunition, . i . - -.-,AT- N. JACOBI'S, i may 13-tf 0 Market Street. O rdersi Soli cite d FOR V Under the 20 Cent Tax, D. PIGOTT, July C-tf On Marriage.: TTAPFY RELIEF FOR YOUNG KEN FROM .XI the effects of Ertorrf and Abused in eariv lile. Janbood AestMd.ib-iuipdimeatsk-ta Marriage ro- movea. New metnoa oi treatment. New and re markable remedies. Books and Circulars scut free, ia sealed envelope. 'Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 3 South xuntn street, rtutaaeipoia, fa. aug ll-3m - LOT HI N.C. 9nlts I CnfImcre Suits ! ! ... r-r r? f At the Lowest Prices. j SUPERIOR WHITE SHIRTS, LEATHER BAGS, Ac, , --...MUNSON AC ? i i.-r.4 ' Ob thbig and Furaishpg Store; - (I Bug 80-tf 88 Market street : i AGEUT8 JtTAIITED TN EVERY COUNTY IN THE UNITED STATES jl to taorouguiy introduce : ..,4 . THE CHEAPEST, STRONGEST, MOST. DURA- it . BEFORE - THE PTJBXIC. - NO tbxil0-rmcltl; yttadJaBtasle ta sir itir j parts. . ureat lnd 11 cements offered to Agents, Bend i Iw m mt i hum i v r "S. II I I :,CWm,t it!,--' . I A-CX r. .;";; STAIJ OFFICE; August ID, ;caska at"45 cents! and llO-caska (selected) i. . f 1 1 j- . 4. ' i 'at 43i centa per for" IJoathern. pack- i ages- -ROSIX:- h CRUDE Jhihls at 'P a.nH I iTAR.Salea of 2a.bbJa at 4 liU COTTOiS. transactions.- MARINE? aihhyed: - " .; i uKumwiij! jjuuiuCj x rice,. rMuiuuoc, w Stmr Wave,' Garrison, Fayetteville, Wil- lliams' 8c Murchison. , . j. - t . - J . - 14M . , ctm 0n- W'J), Rm?fh'wWniA Worth fcJVojth.; ukMi nT.-pATJ-PTI w '" '? .Vrf s r4eiV.-!J,jr i fr ; iX. c; . V i i wStmr G-T Vorth Smith,: Tayettovill Worth & Worth. . A :t. . ; Stmr North State, Green, TayettoviUcr L ' RECEIPTS. ; PFR R1TEB STEAMEE5, Jic.i Stmr Wave 941)bls snta 90' do'rosfri:' 8 An triTTit : Williama Ar. "fvmUlain I T TTnn ( 1 '- " J - - ...v m fcfc -.V" i Stmr Gov Worth 56 bbla eota. 66 - do do turpt, 52G do rosin, 5 do tar. . J -": Stmr North State-206 bbls spts, 310 do rosin. - , . - - - : ';;; V 1 ,K .exports. " ""-i .- - COAST WISE. ' -' Bath Schjt Seguinrr'i43,529f ect lumber. is? Per Steamship Regulator from New York. 7 due vesterdar. Adrian & Vollers. Anron & itneiustcm, JirunnUd:& iiro, Barry Eroa I Jlinf ord. Crow fe fYl Tlnaa RnntA Ar. Ct RrU Binford, Crow & Co. Rosa. Scott & Co. 8c4 uart, uawson, Teel & Henning, Uapt Free - man, Green & Planner 4 - Government," C Heyer, Heide Bros, J.-M. Hard wick, J B Mggtns, Jderson & Co, N Jacobi, F W c muiinv uc a a Jut:Tni ii v jvi hj'km i rf i iv, I Co. J K Mcllhennv. W H McRarv. Parker I . r ' . . . I cb l avior. r JftUTDny. J 11 JNeff. O A Pccfc E Peschant D Phrott. a n W Rnnm ft H iiav; J t5c H amD95n. D A Smith & (Th J 1 C Steyenaon... Smith & firmm. J ArJ.n I v:v Z -vr T4 T n "":.V, 1 I Vick& Mebane; West & Hamsay-'Willard ooay, Moore, Wortn & Worth,-J" .V1? vyootens express, Awards & I xiaii, y urxis, lvinaiai oc uo, Joi l, Murray, E J Hale & Son, Pope & McLeod, J W .Tifflnms Rrvnr SUrli;rK r ' " .... ' ' : r ' va-,.. w vv u .McMillan, A A Solomons. W D Smith & Co. John S Wilkins. A E Briston. J Ryttcnburjr Wilson & Black, 6 & Thomp son, W W Cole, T C Oakman, L C Mills, A & D Stewart, Nale &Dulin, Harris &Elaclr:- welL Vt W 11 Cobb, 11 C RockwelL - - - . EISX OF VESSELS.; Port. r ATllmlncon, August 19, 1872. In tue N. ., STEA3XSIIIPS. Tonawanda, Wiltbanks, Ids. ! Philadei- phia, Worth fc Worth. . . leucine, ITice, lag, lialt, A D Uazaux. ' "BARQUES. (Brl Amazon, McDonald. Ids Eurone. J R Blossom 6c Evans. . . - ; (Br) Topeka. Harrington. Idz Eurooe. Willard Bros., ,. - . (Br) Ella Moore, Shaw, Id? Europe. Har- tiss s lloweii. . (Br) Eureka, Ilolloway. Ids Eurone. WU- lam .Bros. v ' w I (SwedV Ulrica. Badenbure. dis.. Heide Broa. ' ' barqueotene; 14T - (Br) Geo Booth, Duncan, lder LiYerodol. Vick & Mebane. '. t - : , BRIGS. ; - - ' - ' (Br) Joseph Howe. Cottcn. dis. Harriss & lloweii. . ; - -: ;,; - . (Ba) Fair & Easy, Taylor, dis. J Anderson & Co...- ; -re :: : r:t.;n ..--.r (Nor) .Vearee. Neererard . Id Eurone. Heide Bros. , ; , -t ? .. , ;, - . SCIIOONEItS. ' - , JM Horalea, Eldridge, dis, O G Parsley , Duv, vus, xvuuw; w Son.: MISCELLANEOTTS. The Distribution Of ' Confeflerate : Honniental Scheme WILL POSITIVELY TAKE PLACE ON THE first Wednesday in December next (1872). at Augusta, Ga. . . : Should all tho tickets not be Bold, the amount re ceived will be distributed in the proportions named' is tne mrcuiars Detwcen .... i THE MONUMENT. . I The Prir.es and the necessary expenses. The por tion to be distributed will be appropriated first to the Monev Prizes : then to the Real Estate, and last ly to the Hharealn Cotton ' ' ANALYSIS OF TUE SCHEME. ?100,000 20 per cent, allowed Agents. . : !; ,ow,iioo m v 'z.; . j. Biate Agenta. 60,00010 44 ' 44 for contingent pen so. , . s ... . . 130,000 Owners' price of 9 Real Estate Prixc. 100,0(X-Tho 1,744 Prues in Currency. 30,000 The fH4 Prize la Cotton. ex- $100,000 J '-" .tJ1---.:- ; -SuO.000 profits to be devoted to the Mon ument. - - - ' : " The price In currency will be substituted for anv Re al Estate PrLei, withdrawn on account ef injury? to the property, or for other cauf e. j Agents w ent of the Mississippi stop their sales oa" the 15th of November ; Eat-t of .tltat river on the 20th of November. ... . t .. tstate Agents are required to be " present cither in person or by legally appointed Attorneys at the JDi-i tribotion. , U A. H. McIAWS, .; ! General Agents, kuay 8-7m -. Augusta, Ga Cotton 300 ROLL.S EXTRA HEAVY. 1 ' " Tot tale by " ; "' '. ugo-tf. . WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. Fresh Arrivals. : 0 F Choice Pig Hams, that celebrated brand so favorably known: , in . j. f . . V . - , J . . . - 1 CHOICE GOSITE BUTTER, , 5 - - - ........ j second to none In the city ; . Groceries pf .the first quality at lowest prices, at ' 1 aug 14-tf fr .Vv';;'-;- r " 57 Market Stseet, NEW. SPIRIT iCASKii rp TURPENTINESaiea of 170 ?IUSZv?W t Moa .wrteil c! rU .l--i- " V... 5anard,ifo, $mforyirguv?A 7f3 - fcANbip:-:!: so : re- r.i htcrhcr priooj hav : to bo clur0-ej...' 13 28 - K;'?mi P'-It'A i nn nil ki irk ;; Uogitound, $;.,.. .A . J x anow, id ..... , f . t Adamantine. C lb..:.... 00 (ft . 20 15 (Td 18 fcllEESfi-Northgrn. Factory ti Jfc I ovarc, fp ju 17 & 18 25 8 80 " 19 23 25 Sg 1 10 1 IS (COFFEE Java, I Rio, lb... -row' j Lagnayra, lb. . .r..ii 1 i0 CORN WKAXi bushel COTTON TIES p0ffiaTlC8-8hectjng. 4-, yd ' Yarn,. bwich...,. r$SH-r3ackprelvaJo. I, Jtf bbL 15 6O-.ev l6 00.4i s Mackerel, mo. , V bbl. 10 00 11 WJ . 13 00 & 13 60 Mackerel, No. 8,. W. lib bbl:ii, Mouete. DDI 5 00 00 o oo ev ooo t N.C. Herring, $ bbl.:.' 1 T . X7 T a-VVA. . WbtTB-Flne, bbl. 6 00 a so -en .yoot Extra do. " bbl. Familr ?"v.Tbb!. 7 00 fift 750 1 ! Family ? " -.t WI..ir. 100 A-12C0 io- ooor Extra. 33 bbl.. Family. 39 bbl. Ex. Family, J bW.. 60 aoooo fertilizeiw -TV.-; v f Peratfaao. (p 8000 Au i Paciflc cuianoj 80 00 00 00 65 00 i 7S00-i I'hospliate, ) W CO WA 69 OO. ft -TOOO f B5 CO - 75 00 i Snperphos'e " CO 00 Gt 65 00 I Carolina Fertilizer. '.. ! 45 00 , f?4 60 00 ., (koond Booe,-i ihm.'V .iMt i Bone Meal, 44 " " Flour, r vA ... Complete Manure, v.4 .. Whann's Phogphate i u, i Wando Phosphate, 44 44 Berger & Butz's Phosph. GLUE .. 00 00440 00. 00 00 (A 45 00 t' 00 CO. - 87 00 00 CO .! TO 60' 00 00 & 70 00 60 00 . 00 00 16 tb 18 GlSAlN-GunvlirHtor, f;66 ;iSi 6't corn, cargo, w so Ka. . ... . HO & Hi 0 00 000 m -. an t Corn, New, bugheL. . . . .'. t Oate, . bushel , x raw, vuw, y pueucf. . :Vf ." , u ou , 4 w s A nn Mr lilies ween: ?p.. 1 An 8. 13. RATtera7frlbb-fc: hoop raoHoB.'-r. ';. : LARD Northern, V B)..,. i 'North CaroHnA. lb...... . 165 00 -no 00 ' ,. ,10- 12.,.. fJME T)bl ! ri ... LUlBEH-Biver(LJtpt sales), WWe Board?, M ttX..2. t Scairamg-,'.9Mtt:.T:'.r:.-.?. ? Flooring, 2t it. . . Orrr SnsAif MweoJ ' 00 00; ffliiW 00 1. oo oo "cS oooo ' -oa-opoj-j - SbiD Stufl. re sawed. W M ft. S3 00 85 00 - Houg?i Edge Piank, M Xt.; ou .y oo.. if- i -to onarltT: W M ft: 8 00 fiwOO r lrreeaea r jooruyn, . seasonea 1 80 oo ;?3op"; 1 f , -. wwib. ouurus, MoijSsrisba, hba's, ? gai'J h -Cuba, bblMg al.-v....,,: - .'ffv i man nr ai rt viiri aw roff OILS-Keroaene, u gal..'L: T an traf - - - r ' I iT! ' 5 Er-; I , TLru" -:,v"4-'- I PkANuts- baslreh. .;..;V:.. POTATOES-Sweet, W bushel,. I ; 'Irish, Northern, V bbl..: poRK-ortheriuCi&MeBs 16 50 16 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 SS" 00 00 &. 14 60.-- jucE-Caroilna, w 10 00 & " 00 -'0 0OM& 135 east moia, rov J L.5?llf.!l' u,S-4; " i BAGS Country, ,. . . city, w id I kope 6 23. 75 & 00 SAXT-Alum, bushel LiTerpool. sack 1 25 C6. 135 - I n American, lJack,, .l tJGAii-Cnba, $Mb 7,U y. . . . j Porta Rico, 0 : A Coffee, i lb; B 44 J lb C 44 lb. 1 30 -ilM U 11 64 13 13 MX 00 frA 13 11M 11X j: w cruenoa 'u.. . r. . . .v. SOAP Northern, B SUINGLES Contract, t M Common, V M STAVES W. O. Bbl., $H R. O. Hhd., M. ........... . i Cyprees, W M TAIXOW lb TIMBER Shipping. M., i Mill Prime, U M.,..., Mill Fair, HmTZ.. .A.. Inferior to Ordinary, lb . .' . . WHISKEY Northern, Wgal.... 1 North Carolina, gal WOOL Unwashed, i ft ; W.aaUed, Jb.. ............ 4 00 600 2 50 & 800 80 00 00 00 00 00 & 00 00 18 00 00 00 10 OH 11 11 00 12 00 9 00 & 10 25 ' 7 50 850 '5 00- 600 125 (J 4(10 2 50 & 800 34 40 ,. 45 & W i WILMINGTON MONEY MARKET. iLTf 1 1 IT'il .flli!r v butino. exixnra. Gold 112 114 SUrer. 107 110 Exchange eight on Northern cities. .. .. .Par. Exchange 30 days on 44 44 .....lcdis. N. a Bonds Old Ex-Coupon 30 Do. Funding 1806....'. 82 Do. 44 1868 20 W. &. W. R. R Bonds 7 (Gold Int) . 90 W., C. A R. R. Bonds, 8 Wc 43 Wilmlngtoa City. Bpada, t.. 74 : 44 " 7c ...78 " " old6c 68 : ." -s v ; new ye...-.5 (QtiAIaty ' " 8 78 ( 44 44 ) iji ew iaaiMr?er vouniy joobos. HLyears;, r - - n mc (uoia int.) to I New Hanover County Bonds (5 Hanover County Bond (5 Team) A u , a . .J . w; Kauroaa Stocfc(Par 100)"., ' f North Carolina rmiAi-;vJ r.:iot4)A;..38, ff r -soy. n,.v,'viuitnmi". 1 WiLGaaLightCa "." SO)... .70 5 if Capeeai r . A . . k .801 Washitigtoir. . North Carolina 6 State of Nortii Carolina 5 Graham.. Lexington ..... . Farmers'. .'. . j.' BIMiners4' A Planters' .Merchants Charlotte.. 5 Wadesboro.. .40 uommcrc Commerce Wilmington..! SOlreensboro Mutual. commercial. Fuyettevilie. Bwxboro,..'..' Clarendon. Yancey ville.. r Thomasyille..;.::.,, 0 -RATES OF FREIGHT. Per SteamejJ Per Bailing . 1 "., ? vessel. ' To New York. Crude Turpentine Wbbl Tar $ bbf Spts Turpontiue S bbl Itosm QJbbl...:'...1.... Cotton w bale Cotton Goods 39 bale. . o'WtaD oo 0 00 0 65 0 46 0 65 0 50 1 50 0 85 a 0 65 0 75 & 1 50 0 00 0 75 0 00 (ft 0 15 0 50 0 00 1 50 0 001 0 50 0 CO 2 00 & 0 00 0 00 1 OO 0 00 (fa 0 16 10 t 00 OtW 0 50 -DTJ0 0 10 To Philadelphia. Crude Turpentine 3J? bbT Ts'.UJbbt 0 00 0 40 o oa SR-B H Spti Turpss tine-8 bbiV 0 DO 61 1!00 Itorfn - tYbY: . ..r... .TTT u 00 0 40fT) Norton a Dale. Cotton Gtxids 3? bale. Peanuts bushel.. Lsmbef M... 0 00 & 1 75 0 00 G?l 0 73 000SOO 0 00 0 75 0 00 0. 19 0 00 7 00 0 00 0 101 0 09 7 00' Crude Turpentioe 0 00 "451 0 60 0 45 Tar bbl . .1 0 00 0 45 0 00 ft 0 45 pts TurpwotUn Rosin bbl.... ltiue p bW 00W'0 00075 O 00 f7 0 45 0 00 2 25 O 00 0 49 0 00 S 00 0 00 0 00 6 60 7 00 0 00 0 75 . 0 00 0 70 0 00 1 10 .Cotton bale Peanuts ? bushel.. 7.1. Lumber AM i To. BosToa -! Crude Turpentine bbl Tar W bM,.V..i'.. Spts Turpentine p bbl 0 w Ua O 11 0 00 4ft 8 00 0 00 o oo! 0 00 0 00) 0 00 0 00 komib DDI. o oo o om 0 00 0 75 Cotton jl bale rJ 0 0ft. 0 I 00 0 00 60 Peanuts 9 bushet. 00 TJTJ0 6 00 0 00 Lumber V)M.,. ft 00 0 00 0 UU 10 uu vrr,t.MtSCANQX&.v?r.'2 -" j i 1 1 l - l I ,11 i' i'l . k . i Hi' ' HILITAET AC ABEHY rii. lim'-T v. nrw btcw a tut ivnoiTv.! ,! Prof. Fr Hi ALFRIENB,' A. M.', Assistant 'i " - ' Vi'ri:t"y..-5'i V!.-'. . ii ..i . Tlburi Flour!! 1! A fl A BARRELS,- ALL:GRADESr . als Iow W i .r4w..r'.if 15 oo a 20 oo . Joo S', ;4i'..; ".,18 ; 20 23 ' ., 24 , " 45 100. 6 00 675 - 28 f 33 1 10 & 1 45 T..l 00 .1 10 X 30 & V 40 , . . -75 25 0 00 100, ' ' 2 50 is ; ti'i.u- in : ii ' . iszammeoartocEoz aaieavana ueiits uom. JTJST . AEBIVED'si Fresll Ground Flour,' f ai ll Sides and Shoulders, Pork,SyruPr -Saesp-M J .4 : 1 -.. 0;it G eE RXlLi?: W XUCa WI WiU B6U - LiQW Qle TTsKlO.V - r r-,r- KOTOWS CROW CNlh anaii-ttiJdtW i, , ttontlL Water atreet. t ir:-:. T.t k (:.( GUABANTEEDrr PERFECTLY-'. PURE AND OF TUX; HIGHEST GRADE. i nayjd-tf ;); s- h;bubkiihee;' 1 .,''4raolAI 'akd I . i,- , 1..... .!,, .,, ;Tol)acc6s;? IJUUIIS.,; SEGAES. IadUtt Cfcief,''' sisn or ine lauao vmier,' i- angl8-tt Another ment T7XTBA PAOTILT TTttOrnt-i GILTEDGE,L ( ; ,,. !? Baco til. -JA,X EXPRESS TRAIN, (Dally) ; F mttMAm--- r "wtogtQa:f w;.v,.8:s5 a. m. ! AGENTS FOR IfOHTH CAROljUA; . EMPIRE, i " ' - - ' X s ' ' '( 'ail c ' i NEW YORK CENTRAL, : r -: ' v ASHLAND, ' ' ':; - - li-fi .'-nf ui r.n,.i h i.v5r.;;i.:i. The Tery beet grade of Family Flour' in thia State, : VWJ!H'i WiN !J li.-.-: ' GEORGE MYERS', 11 an4 M So. Front. Street, , i At ill. t- . li In Store:, IOC BARRELS FLOUR; -843: BBLS., PORK;: -jlxjkj t3 uaaa. anDis, ssngar: 1 ft Bbla Orackera: assorted: ;I :'::: lisp! A if IV If 47 Boxes Tobaqee ; 60 Baiga Coffee ; ."II ""A roll . JUno of Case Goocls. ' -U HW a.1. Irafe' M rUl 1! may3-D&W tf EDWARDS A HALL-. CoiTeeCbiTeeCoiTee. hEA SACKS RlO COFFEE, . . ; J K A MATS JAVA COFFEE,, , s , ; " . , ft VV ' ,' , 10 BAGS MOCHA COFFEE, ' t a l For sale by l 5 J-' W. KEBCHNER,' -! ?7, 88 and North Water 8tT 15 5 0 0 0 lY&riis aitM' SMeg. EfV BALES COTTON'YArnS,5. u. 1 't :.".-iw.j-.;ii-.t h '.a--f Boles Standard Sheetings,.' ii i-Jtl S "Ftjreale at Fary' Prtcbs by- ynixuMs 'joijrchison, augft-tf, tSttrf 6 ftftf. . BUSHELS WHITB. nl, MIXED l.-' -U tiflfl BALES SELECTED. HAY, '. s ... ,tl k$g 6-tT' i i,-JT 1.".i:i,.t. V ,-!.., " 1 1 WILLIAMS A' MtTRCHtSON.' ' Stxar Cixr ed OPig Hamsi OMOKED BEEF, : .. ''t-j ,. - f ; '-.',. , BREAKFAST BACON, - '- 'i : i - - EXTRA USS JLAya KUttl, la barrels, half -barrels, qaarter barrels and kits, atig4-tf ' I 1 flIWf KOLL8 BABUHdi.' .r'."'..- " . "3 'tLD(lpokk ktei St - -rr . 200 Lbs. Choicest -.'ii.. n; CAfiOlOTA JELAIIS rriEEF TONGUES, DRIED BEEF. '-,.- Hams Canvassed and, aked. . "I : pmci drotir EkiBtKna iirti Gun'i, Supvt' v ' 1;"' x ..."Wilwhws; N,;C, Jane 94, 18T2. ' f v ASSENGER; EXPRESS FREIGHT . JfaviWllmhigton Sally at I LiXk and arrive t i IaveLUcsviUe daily at H:15 A. M. and arrive at Two poda Frotgbt Txitna torrTON tUM- V4- .no-muii will jeave on- snnaavF. f i . Gnfaf Sutfts'-d'fflce: 'N J.tWQT0N, ,K aiJune th, 187. -1 it . fpnE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL GO INTO " ! -eifject 8 :85 A. M,, Sunday, 9th Jnat : jiTaatoorama.;ir..f,v."S.T.i-. ia6 P. M. lTe Cblnmbia.H,vvr'''wlA'U. W:15 P. If. Arrive at Florence, ... ." 4il0 i A. M. ' AjrivatWumlHtt?.!'...V-.M:4M A. MpilhV.lln Daily (Sun. ' Leave Wilmlngton.,;;-........;..; . 8:45 P. M. - Arrive at Florence , i., ), Jl:38 P. M. : ATriyeatCoMmblA..,'..LM'.."';-M.. 8:45 A. M. lColnmbU.-1ivV,!:.l.r;.v...,.;,:.. 10:35 P.M. Aniv aFloireaoei..-..;:;i'.'.-'.s.v.;V; 8:09 A. M. Ai.ve at Wilmington. , . ., 8:00 A. M. WINDER. Qenl Sup't .,..-,,.,,, t.i, i . j. onf& Weldon ma -t-"-i4Hvt f.i?-f''?. W v- j, ,?1 'ifOFriOB b Gitit'L 6trtiRnrrKirDiWT, ) ' -fi Lsy , i "i)min-oa, N, CS.fRne 8th, 1871 f ..,.1 AND AFTER JUNEf 1&th JNSTANT. PAS- ervainson tn - Wilmington ana weidon . jriH ran. as follows i ? .f, -: -V'- MAIL TRAIN. Leave Union Deppt"dafl j Sundayt ex-. - . cepted)...J...i..,,v.f .-'.,r :At; 8115 A M. 7).HI 1.. . ., . Amye ai uoiasooroj. ..,...,,.,,... r. m. 8:11 P. M. 8,50 P. M, iAaaT iuouu i v k LeaTWeldanidailT Sundars . exceDt-K I ' ed)-.'..V..-.......,...;,.,;v.. At , 6:15 A M. Arrive at Rocky Mount ..v. 11:07 A M. i Oxrfdawm).-j.:;i;i.'..'..::.' '1:16 P. M. Uiuonlepo.i.i,.J..-.i, :J r. M. J ... -..f EXPRESS TRAIN.' ; T -i Leave Union Deoot daHT,.i....At 10:40 P. M. ,;.. Arrive at Ooldsboro.t A:if ,,.,.',v, . 8:00 A M. I ' j Work Mount V.' : - 4-.EA A. M. :VTnWeldooi.;.v.Wr.!'.'.,:u'i..V..r-.!. 6:50 A M. Leave Weidon, daUy,. .;,.; .Vv ; i 'i''10 p- M. Arrive at Rocky Mount................ . 8:58 P. M. -- - iimaBumu ui.....ut. iu.uo in. Union Depot..'.'.. . 8:10 A. M. The mall train makes close connection at Weidon for ail points North via Bay Line and Acquis Creek routes. ' ' ' ' Express Train connects only , with Acqnia Creek route.1' Pallmani Palace Sleeplus Cars on this Trains ' , . - . ' ;' , f FREIGHT TRAINS; will leave Wilmincrton tri weekly, at 6 A. L, aMartve at 1:40 P. M. t EXPRESS ' FREIGHT I TRAiNS will leave W0 aiingtoit, daUy (Sundays .excepted) at 5 P. M., and Arrive at 11 A. M. . - ! . .' toJf i ' JOHN Ft DIVINE, juae S-tf , General Superintendent si . STEAMSHIP LINES. K.l. PHIL1DELPUIA '-'AN OUTHERN .i .,s.-1--R.Jf"fi-4f '.ti .HI t-s.'" rOMPOSED. OJ'r TUB x FIRST-CLASS STEAM- 1 i ciima PIONEER, 8 5 TONS, V - tapi. jonn waaueri , j -;i! ; -i -j -ttonaw awda; 80 TONS, WiU heroafter soil from PhDadelphlA and Wilming ton j ,.. r'."i iHKi ,-Kino ,u. ".- -J " v lTVERYtDNESlliYWORNINC. For ireightBgagenitoU, apply to, 1- ' -- , W.; L AMESGeneral Agentl ii). South Third straeC' Phlltolrta uheSO-tf" AND WIliOTINCTOll 4 , j-.. 'f" Steamsnip tine i COMPOSED OF THE FIRST CLASS 8TEA-8HIPS-- - f ' - - ' REBECCA CLYDE, Capt.D. C. Chllds, ; iiy'Ani ct. wm. invans,- WUI bfereafter'iafi. from Baltimore and WUmlngtoa 1 :N' EYEBY FITE DlI. v : '.I. W-t I. "i-i .THE 8TEAMSHIF BOLIVAR .... ..... . 5,.-,lU-V .!.!" WiH sallTrOmlier wharf, foot of Chesnut street, ai niday morning. May 4th. ; . . f i For freight engagements apply t . , . v " ' it' 'VviAD.J CAZAUX nay t-tf V BacoiJi Xardi -Butter, 1 T I .- -nr,T A1? ' 4- .VuRB LARD m TIERCES AND W?8" L ii i ! 'ol' 'it inwY CHEESE,' , ; F I A" v-seni atlroBd 1 ATX ,h . -A . " ' 1 B ALTIHIORE - ... 1 ' ! . ... .. ..-'t-,;-f f.;w EX AndS9N0iiSWatergt : ..... k - aag lf-tf JAS. a STEVENSON. , . - .. . ; . t