A. Ob Bq"ir f a 1 1 '.; 4. ....... ' fe a d - 1 1 1 s 1 a f ................. 6 ( - T ? - -.' -M f j ff; t w 1 1 1 1 (7 00 .. 60 .... 3 M y 7 J The Moaxma Ptar v'.U be delivered la any pari -H- . tutsa. sr. rrssciumoir. 0 year, hi &vmrM-. t v ..tM ..; l oo to BlX IBODUim, in ninncn.,.. Three months, in advanrs. , Two persons klUed in q iccldcnt oa Cbicagoand- tjutuqur Railroad' ancl 'four probably fatally kart More accidents by lightning. -rr-8panish goyenunent appro-'' hensire of another rising -Belfast riotare- J newed. -O en. Slocum h is though twill be tWDimofcratiC candidate for OoveruoroiN. T.' -Haaria ia orcniin With thie tea, rbb bcrs and aaaassina." Cuban insurgents are massing tHeir fort Fo' woe? kitack, iOretwnnaca sunBtrofca a 8$. Jjouia in three days. . -TJaree; jncgroca arrested in Providence R. L for burglary, shoot ing one lady and beating another. r Gov- ernment likely to carry Spanish fectIonirv . i ne revoiuuomsu in op&iu nave niea UlaJVlV-A UbVUlUU VTA AvWIilCJT vrvuciM the postal card system wiU have to wait un til Congress appropriates s fund to defray' eiyense of .Jbsuin'j; ( crdft,;Yi-r'lThe Soujtli ; Carolina Teirj; $tate' Conventioa s ad journed its first days' ' session in "a row, and pistols were'drawnu 75 " .Judge " J- Li Orr and his boltert from- the Sooth1 Carolina Radical Ckmyentlon held ' a meeting, ' Orr piidv';-irwje ounQeat. faror the election of Jacob in West Virginia and . the defeat of the new Constitution : A later, Hartlnsburg telegram confirms this news. IN' j ' "i i. 1 t ty -t IIon Austin Blairhe nominee for Governor 5f the Democratio . Liberal coalition, pt Michigan; ;waa' .Governor of that Staiedunibff the war and was a member of the last Congress, lie is a gentleman of solid abilities rather, than ; brillianceV and ; is : exceedingly popular," He will probably cany the State for, himself, his ticket and for Greeley find Browni. u A fusion State ticket -was ' tiominated ' by 'the ujoint convention arid all 4 things worked harmoniously; VU' iy . None bat soreheads, you know, are i Liberal C i Ga .q making Jbandages. We wjll give th$ Grant pooffers plei-. ty to do between this and Koyember. The scenes at the Grand Kangaroo Kick-up at Columbia are said to have been considerably of the chimpanzee kangproocCdfjbination kiad.'.The jcJly thing, wound up- with - an- immense jawbation; drawing of pistols, and the usual et ceteras of a free fight 'and -a' free time. . Judge Orr and his friencUy a large portion 6f 'the sombriation which wonldVt combine, withdrew in fierce digi nnd prgapkod aVbolters meeting outside . Thus i the ;great Radical p&Aj- split n the jspoils rook in the Land of the' Palmetto.' - If the Democrats of New York will nominate Gehi Slocum for Governor they will greatly add to their strength Slocum is strong with the soldier eleV ment and is a popular man with' :' all classes. - Our despatches indicate' thai he will "receive the nomination. ? ";-,s:s! Belfast is at it again Were ever such people seen as theseluff Belfast boys, who bimg feyes and beat bodies to pieces just for the fun of - the uig?-.,.,.r Y ft 't Spirits 'Turpentine. No 2Ttwi. 1 ' : ':' $ t :i And now Ringwood has a Gree ley Club. . r '-y : - .v.:. ' .,, A Craven youtn killed twt ducks at one shoC M .'-f -.'V- .:;'- ' The .Wilson:Xcr offioe is of fered for salCirf" -- , a. ' . . ' Another heOTdihtimidated;laj elcctionRIchmbhd countyr K' ...' T"t The inwfrer "tell ns a fine iron front building Is "going up In; Tar boro. ' - . . . .' " ; " ' ' Tne'WftdonvJVwrs in high terms of the improvements going on tt WMUuuOT.i;.tS:v ; , .r f Hon J.f J. :IIickman,- addresses Je. CharlottianaV "on Temperance next Thursday.; ;:' Lenoir febuntyiaised -the';' first We of cotton sent to the New-Berne mar ket, we learn from the Courier. " . r, I' --The jfiwaior records, the death of Wo. A "Cherry, Esq., which occurred ureenvuje, on'the autrrinst.- Hookincrham: according tor loe OtWeer, is erecting new buildings nd going .ahead in improvement . The Sentinel says a member of the English Parliament, Sir. Buchanan, " is topping la Raleigh at Jh Yarboro llouse. are in formed bv the Ashe- Ule Pitrrutr that two men in Madison coun ty named Amos Ray and Jack Gentry got into a dispute over a game of cards, when uo ne naving passed, oentry staDDea ay, but the wound Is not thought to be mortaL . -The- Sentinel" sin?: Great ex citement in Salisbury; Billy Uanderson stacked Ilelper, cf the' 2H&a," and got the worst of the flgTit and a finder broken. Unas ..of fight, lle!pcr assailed Billy's rtue. Billy standa assaults upon his truth nd honesty, but his virtne is not to be Assailed. ' ' . "'."". The tobacco 'factorr- of Biirtori Willia, Esq.; near Germanton was destroy' p.ny nre on Tuesday r.i' t, ttft-ium mst., opposed to be the work of inc I'arr. , 0,000 lbs of tobacco, man-fiCtvred and in leaf, bsl Jes t'.3 f: " :r', ' . - V.'e wersUnd, Lowevr K . r t : 3 " 7 covered W i--.- . . - i C 3 One J'. In glx aotul.i, Ht, -f. ' Three wn. , s i On month, la advance.. nETEOBOI.OCICAI BECOStD. Anguet 24, 187. ' : . , U V V Vr Weather. i mom-4 Wind. mst. ater. i7 A. M. P. M. t P. M: 70 N Light Fair Fair Av SBGatt ao-4 might Mean Temp, of day, 81 de. . ,.;; c . , . f Nora. All barometrle readlnr are reduced to ta ea krel and to 82 degreee Fahrenheit. - - Robkbt Smera. ' i i - : f S SerS't Signal Serrlve U. S. A. v"-;.t .if; 'ffl DIaTWBsn ' f j- Office of Chief Signal Officer, V ( ."Washington, -August 244:35 P. M. ) , Fresh to brisk southeasterly to south westerly winds and areas of cloud and rain for Sunday- from - Kentucky to - the lower. . lake fegioa and tha tippatJakes aoothpasb , eny ana soutneny winds, with increasing cloudiness; from New England to Virginia; southeasterly to southwesterly winds and areas of pkaid and rain for. thr South At lantic States; partly cloudy weather from Tennessee to the Gulf, with possibly areas of rain along the.coast; an area of , low ba rometer is apparently advancing eastward towards Iowa and Minnesota. .. krw mvEnTraKirmNTa tJ.1llYKiis .fc CorPure Liquors, ' Ac; N X . T . ajuitiuiKa r ivrnr, vuuee, Hart & Bailet-Fot Sale or Rent. .; Mtnsrswr. & CcCTery Warm .Yet i i J. F. RcECKEaT Academy of Music R. E. Mkade School Notice. Oliver Ditsok & Co. Church Music Read notice of Hostetter's Bitters, v DeRosset & .Ckk4NewN!.dFlou.i'' jVicx & MEBAKE-Salt and Hoop Iron. r' , Green & Tanner Turnip Seed.1; -Read notice of Family Excursion. . i ' Rdaratta at lVaaonbore. We learn v from a friend at Masonboro Sound that a regatta between the yachts Touyoii iAzzit? 'Minnte DeU jand . JJuJ took j place on Friday last Considerable interest was manifested in the race and' those pres ent had a very pleasant time. The Tovyou came out ahead, the Minnie DeU second and . the Lizzie third. . The Luae is a new boat, owned by Mr. George Peck. There will be another regatta spmetime thls: week,' In which six boats (all the sail boats on Mason boro) will be entered. Old Masonboro en joys the advantage of having a sufficient number of good yachts to get up a respect able ftgatta -ithout the assistance "of boats from elsewhere Ntw Cottea. w The first bale of new cotton from Anson came h$ on, the: WUmirigtoa, Chariotte and Rutherford Railroad yesterday. It was raised on the plantation of Benj. Ingram, Esq., Weighed 490 pounds, was classed uooa jmiaaimg, ana was con&igneu w Messrs. Worth & Worth. The first bale from Richmond also came down yesterday. It waa raised by Mr. J. Gibson, of Laurel Hill, arid 'was consigned to Messrs. O. G. Parsley A CftH" m yerslB. ... i- .. Beverly Scott, colored, one of the newly' elected policemen, whose arrest for alleged contempt of Court we mentioned in our last,"; called on us yesterday and stated .that he was arrested solely on account of his political opinions, he having been, accused of being a Greeley man, 4 and that at the time of his arrest he was not In the Court room, but in front of the HaU quietly con versing with a number of women. ' ' - . i . 1 ... Domeatle ltlarketa. The following were the retail prices for articles in the market yesterday j' ' Apples 4050 cents a ( peck; pears, 60 cents a peck; peaches, 75 cents . a peck; watermelons, 5 160, cents a piece; sweet potatoes 5060eenti a peck'; Irish potatoes to cents peck; green corn,' 2533, cents a dozen; tomatoes, JO; cents quart; scupper nong grapes 1015 cents a quart; bunch grapes 10 cents a quart; beats 10 cents a bunch; field peas 12$ cents a quart; snap beans 10 cents a quart; white beans 25 cento a quart; f onions 10 .cents a quart; . jokras 5 cents a dozen; country cabbages"510 cents a head; shrimps lo 'cents' a quart; fish 2550 cents a bunchyclams1 20 cents a peck; beef 8ai6 cento a pound; pork 16 cents a pound; mutton 1216 cents a poundrveal 12161 cents . a bound; tripe 20 cents abanch-r ' 'fry'? . leatrlel Notes, Ae. -77 The Old Reliable Dramatle Company played Heart HungryM during the " past week at Wllliamsport, VC f ' ' . f" ,v - The Lingard ' Comedy Company is billed for;PnjaadphW next Weelt f -p Irs.' Jaa. -A. Oates opens the season at Cleveland, '-0.(on the 0th of September.' ' The TemDleton Ttoum are. now in Kentucky,' brit whl open in Savannah the last of September. -, if : Q "" The followmg Is the official vote of Mont gamery county, as sent to us by the Register of Deedsi. Merrimon, 475; Caldwell, 653. For Congress Ashe, 437i Dockeryr 688. For Senators-Long, Rep- ail ; Wade, Ind, 521; For the 'HoriaeMcKinrion, Con,; Sir JordanVReaT 693. VW.; f ' " ' ' . m m m . . - ' " ' " S I Excursions. . i- t--H ,f i .:'. : .. .; ; .The regular Wednesday excursions on the steamer Waccamavt so popular last summer, will be resumed next week, as will be seen ty' a rioTice clJewhere. A good jstring band has been engajetj-and every arrangement tj ''gijarasioe f Ltliictiori.." 'Arran taents have also been maJs wiih the rail-' roads fy r.l.'.c!i ict!r;iczL:t3 can Ct rtti " Messrs. Green & Flariner's Drug Store will be open to-day 1 V 't JZl ' There was no session of the City Court ypsterday morairig. '.yTfi .; V ; Only one patient sent to the Hospital during the past week.? y-. J i. There were 21 police arrests fotf the week ending yesterday. T180?- f .The vegetable market was indifferent-j iy suppiisa yesterday. w 4 I There are only 12 prisoners confined in- the County, Jail in this cityat present The atmosphere yesterday was a little more genial than for several days previous.' J An excursion party goes down the iveron the steamer-Ttfowfltow this morn- Marriage licences were issued to two white and five colored' couples during the past week. ' ..:..- The Clerk of the Market reports the arrival of 317 market carts during the week just closed. Thanks to Mr. RL. Harris for copies I vi vlkj vi. m . jjtager, unvmney vomer ana Clipper tot the eurrent week. - : I TT3!0 "tonvictt f to the". Work IHouse last week, except the one that Superintendent VanAniringe returned to his quarters. Only three, , interments in - Oakdale Cemetery for the week ending yesterday all of which were inf ants and 1 still bornl ' j - - : Dr. R. TL Meade gives notice that he will open his English, Classical and Mathe matical School on Wednesday. Oct 2nd. '.:'.' . . ; j' 'v I- ' Rev.- 'Drr Hooper of -Wilson,1 will preach ia the First - Baptist church this morning, at the usual hour for service During; the week , past r the various butchers of .this, city .have slaughtered 54 beeves; S hogs, 50 sheep and 2 calves. -' We learn that ' the ' much needed im provements in the vicinity of the corner of Front and Queen streets have - been com menced. - ' : ' ; - - ' . :- On account of the crowded state of our columns we are compelled this morning to omit our Church Directory. It will here after appearM usual "V : (r v: Margaret Smith, the woman alluded to in our last as having been admitted to the City Hospital, was sent to Moore's Creek on the steamer CatvxU yesterday. Hooper, who waa struck over theheatt by a handspike in the hands of Aaron John son' a few days ago, ' arid whose wounds were thought to be serious, is gradually improving. ' . . '- . After a few' months of absence from the city, Prof. J. F. Rueckert will resume tuition in music at the Academy of Music, Masonic Hall, on the 17th of September. J New Baaioysr Taxxmales. The following is a summary of . the dif ferent articles in New Hanover county sub ject to State and County. Tax, with their value according to ' the latest assessment: Number of acres of land in the county sub ject to tax, 436,521; valuation, $926,489. Horses, 876; - value, $80,955. Mules, 4C2; . value, , $36,697. Jacks, .3;, value. $325. Jennetts, 5; value, - - $lia Goats, 98; value, $147. CatUe, 8,489; value $47,463. ; Hogs, ; 19,049; value $24,195. Sheep, 3,655; value, $3,983. ! Personal prop erty, subject to tax, $1,628,311 'Z Incomes, $106,701. ' Bequests, $199. Total State arid County tax, $64,287 69. The , tax on the hundred dollars is 80 cento. The poll tax. $2. 1..-. 'f --. .'-.' ...1.,.;. SETTLE. " judge Settle, President of, the Re nomination Convention and repudia ted candidate for Congress in North Carolina, made .the following state ment in his recent address at Greens boro: ': 'i : , - " For the information of Greeley's paper arid other lesser lights, I can inform them that the . law prohibits the payment of more thanl one month's salary to a foreign minister before reaching his place of destination i 1 will further inform them that ,r lid go to Peru, and only drew my salary tor. the time I waa in service.'' It may not be much of a satisfaction to-the country to know that Mr." Set tle did. fulfill the functions of afor eignfminister; but we have caused an examination of his case to be made at he Fifth Auditor's office and i tbs re? suit so well illustrates Mr, Settle's chronic inability , to tell the truth that we purpose to publish it. In the first placed it is not true .that the law ' pro hibits the payment of more than one month's salary to a minister before ' reaching', , his destination in the second place it is not .true that Mr, Settle-only .drew his salary .for the tune he was in service. A minister b allowed one month .'i to obtain -in structions,, make , preparations, fcc Mr Settle; took-thaty, and another month (more or less) besides, to make the lourney;- lie was appointed JTeB. 18, 1871,' and drew - pay from that time tmMarcn 20, 1871, namely, $883 33. - He started for Lima April 10, and drew pay June 30 for two months and twenty days, namely, $2,252 75. He drew pay again Sept. 30 $2.50O. On the 1 9th of ;I)ecember Tie" ftaye himself sixty vdays leave- of -absence and came homey although he was riot entitled to a leave until he had served for a year at . his" pos'W When 'r the sixty days expired, he drew pay -, up . o thit data, Fcb. 19 1872, . fincont- ingto, $3,873 63," arid'resigrieV "f' . j Thus we see that' Mr: Settle' 'ye mained at Lima less than six: months and a half.' allowing thirty 'davs for the journey out, and that ne received ipr that service' $9,459 7I,'r or at the rate of about $ 1 8,000 a year,, the Ipay of ;the Lima mission cbeing.. fixed r- by. law at $10,000. :That . is -( what Mr. Settle calls drawing his salary for the time he was in service. -W. .?Yi 2Hb-. une. i-v , OFFICIAI. VOTE.. For Attor For flovcrxK ney General oc .... lHlU. i . - t. - - ?) "COUNTTBa." .3, WHV.i..Jli Alamance..','..... T88 1,043 - 47 158 986! 1,015 889 184 1,019 761 1,665 1,514 1,448 : , 70S 1,114 688 j 811 1 833 - 664 .789 ' 1,456 428 1,683 433 ,743 693 3,708 1,883 849 1.S1S ' .3 1,085 . 370 8,463 1,116 1,560 '' 683 , 613 8,655 944 1,831 8,640 603 430 716 "6l6 994 168 1,874 . 639 1,T0 706 130 ' 641 1,048 519 tJffil 633 653 881 1,284 8,614 1,990 493 1,831 1,068 . 910 819 1,775 843 1,869 1,809 1,683 1,801 1,118 1,018 1,484 836 i 830 838 33 906 .847 -631 8,843 3,880 917 858 1,949 1,294 1,294 . 866 -873 Alexander...., . ml . . 645 ' 839 877 an eon... 1,053 1,191 Ashe... 791 698 146 753 Boaof ort j . Bertie,.......,.,... Bladea.... Bniaswlck. ........ Buncombe 1JS1 1.351 . 944 1,308 133 719 . 7U 1,436 -ace S3S r eaa 981 693 851 . 351 1881 853 JSorke...... Cabarrat.. Caldwell.. 1.161 829 Camdea.. . . . Carteret...; .......... Caswell Catawba Chatham Cherokee. .. ........ . Chow an... ............ Cleveland Columbus.... ... 881 ..;821 1,063 688 1,043 351 1,415 149 1,134 Wl 1,T74 486 676 .353 . 623 " 608 SIS ?174 814 487 1.S1S; 1099 87l L.IH4 Craretj ' Cumberland. .. ... .-. . .. Currituck. pavidnon . b.t.wi. i . Davis.... ............. Duplin. j . V. Dare. Edgecombe. ForsTths.... Franklin.... ....... ... Gas ton.... .l..v... tm t,764 ,1.671 1,143 1,890 768 i 846 116 76S :- 837 14 KV5 '953 ass 3,878 1,014 - 696 . 826 1.750 1 ...SOO . 8331 f 776 1,474 1,033 1,475 997 l 754 ,iS54 1.879 -S88 Gate..,, w. Granville. . . Greene, w. , Guilford.... Halifax.... Harnett.. .. Haywood... Henderson. Hertford..., Hyde . 744 S.008 7941 1.793 . 8661 .... . t 3,368 1,008 1,717 8,330 663 1,876 r. 788 1,849 1,667 778 447 . 606! ' 816 1,738 v 664 tT 840 401 40Sl 4551 7 . 754 1,S63 687 1.709 ' 573 639 404 . 339 Iredell Jackson. ....... .... . . J Johnson 1 '1.481 Jones j,.. . 619( 559 ',6691 994 '90S 666 635! n.035. Lenoir Lincoln... ,i 911 823 1.334: 6101 Macon... Kadi son. 630 346 '489j - - 661 6101 Martin 1.116 McDowell.... .. ... . . 609i TOW Mecklenbarc. 1.161 1511 jniicneu 380 195 f-475 1,055 1,398 Montgomery . . 481 645 Moors, a.......... 1.113 791 xvash.. V.. ....-, New Hanover ...u Northampton.... . Onslow.... ........ -980' S.087I '788 3.814 959 .1.095 788 1,708 837 056 1,083 1.758 . . own Orange...'......... Pasoootank 991 .1930 .b Perquimans. 643 1,1101 1,783 r94 1,864 reraoa PUt : Polk...... Randolph. 785 1,754 860 1,342 1.163 189 1,280 836 ruenmona. ........ . Robeson Rockingham. Rowan w. ........ . Rutherford... Sampson Stanley.......;..'... Stokes Surry Swain.... Transylvania. ... .. . Ti iiai. . , u.. . 1,101 1.631 1,69S 1,628 1.0W 1,653! - 978 1,134 946 727 1,697 t 646 '.906 .989 833 .463 560 989 1,007 603 867 429 ' 788 149 . 828 684 8,504 3.206 879 891 nion.............. 1.022 Wake 8,113 8731 8,269 Warren 1,109 - 403 Washington Watauga.. Wayne.. ..iw ..V. Wilkes.. Wilson 661 798 368 1,786 600 1,764 913! 4351 1,747 1,034 1,034 911 1.191 948 611 Yadkin. Yancey. --' 879 596 759 . 603, 346! Total.. 189,039; 84,873 Shipps's majority. ..4,996 ; . - .-' -" LIST OF LETTEB8t ; t,'., , Remaining in the City Office, August 23rd, 1873:J" r o-. " A Charles w Avant, Fred Andesron, Q W A8hfordWm Allen. , i. ; - , B Winfield 8 Brophy, Wm B McKoy care Dr Wm A Berry, Miss Sallie Borch, H Lt Baile; Miss iranny urown,- Miss Emma V Bryan, Jack Brown, Mrs Cilia Bryant, Charier N Brewer, Caton Burney, I D Barber, Charlie Brewer care Alfred Brewer. C Tom Cullen; John K Campbell, Miss Elizabeth Cummings, B 8 Carter. i - LWtofaltawers, OJN Uove. ,y, , . . . , P Virgil Freeman. . -.' G Miss Susan F Green, Louisa Green care Mr McRee, Miss Lizzie Green, George Gore, Mrs Margaret Ueoroes care JNixon Grey.' - ... -.,.. .... II Wm Haeens. Miss Adeline HarvelL David r Hunt., "Mrs Grace 'Hall, Herman Hintze, Harriet Melrin, Henry Hasling, Jas Hart, Patrick Hyamith, Carlotte Denkina care Peter Howe, Richard Hill, Solomon Howard. ' 1 , . . J J 8 H Jones, Mrs Lucie H Jenkins. , K W F Ketchum, V D Kammer. . , 3 L Mrs Elizabeth Cason care Marth Lane, Sarah Langda. ' ' , V,r ' ' ' ; M Miss ilasreie McEachin ' care Enoch McQueen, EdMcSnelL Jno S Melvin, Jesse Maggette, J C Myatt, S C Moore, WmMcr t iiammy, ' " ' ; - P-L D Kenneday care W M Patterson, Mrs CK Price, RR Supervisor G 8 Pollard, G H 8 Pearsall, Mrs H W Price, Isaac Patrick.8am Peters, Wm Philpot. Q 31is3 Harriet Quince." - ' -, BJuly , Boyals, , John , Reeres,. J,; G Rouse & Co, Thos Russell, Miss , Lucinda Ready care Sol Ready, Wm Robisbn. , , ; 8 Alfred Simmons, Mrs Mary Salter care Charley Saulier,.. George. Summerell, Miss Emma , A Johnson care John Smith, J N Jane Walker care N C Stewart, Miss Sally Hyer care N C Stewart, Ransom Sellars, Win H Dave care Capt 8 W Smith. Wm Sampson, Wm or Lee Sampson, W M Stev ens, i. :: . . T Joshua Tucker, Miss Louisa Tucker, Wm Turner. ; -t r l i. . : V-P 8 8 Verden; " . . .. - W Unity Ward, Mrs Sarah Wombwell, Mrs Sarah E Wffletts. Miss Rachael Wmis, Mrs Mary E WallacejLovett Williams, Jno Wallace, Jenkins ; Walker, , Rev - Joseph Wingate, Jas Wlnslow, Bryant Watson, Capt Joshua T Forman care Capt E Ward. i -SJ sv . BHD? LETTERS, -v v r i J F Shulem. Mate on board Elsa. - - G Worrell, Barque George 8, Hunt, jcare vapt wiy. - . , " M 'Aleodale Franks X2), SchrNelry Star. , Capt A J Huggina, Schr Mary A Holt. ; Capt John Crody, Brig Neffie.Mitchell, ; Thos Dutton (3), Ship Ambrose Light Jofleoh E Brown. Scht Marr-A Hver1 Oapt Jaa G Rumley, Sehr. Emma Baker. Persons calling for the -above .letters will please say , Advertised.? If aot called for within ten ays tiey , will? beVsent lb iho Dead Letter OSce.--4 National Hotel, B. Jones, Proprietor. August u. jncnaii, r ay MiUaa, Cumberland c r ayetxevinc, n. u.; uamuton Me- MUlaa, Cumberland couivjt; R. 1L Fox, Richmoad, va.; wonn u. imuea. toiumoia, o. u,z A. Mctcae, J. Jr. HilL Jr., Samuel W. Dixon, aty, Mia. T. .J. Johnson, New, Ynric , , . . - , - v ' '' ' I I ' I I ' I ' m--ti ':V. ' ' 5. I 'fUr. WART OK TVITAlZITir.T lIf a deficiency of vital energy Ib not. a disease in itself it la a eondUkm which Isy the system open to the attacks of all conceivable, maladies. Night and' day we are surrounded by more or less deleterious influences. Nofafimosphere Leentirely pare, no watsr utterly free fromininrioos particles; while, in many localities both are positively unwholesome. What 4 defence has the weak, languid system, In which ha , vital principle la deficient or dormant, against any Of the morbid influences which produce epidemic and other diseases t None whatever. . There is bo safety In artincUl reinforcement. H Hostetter's Stom ach Bitters have, bey osd aU question, , a vitalizing effect If the nervous forces of the body have been recklessly expended ia exhausting physical or men tal labor, or dissipated in the indulgences of a " fast life, this powerful "vegetable tonic sad corrective win restore them. If the defective vitality Is aessK stitatisaal evil ttxaa be remedied to a great extent by this wonderful invigorant, At a season of the year when the air is more or less impregnated with the seeds of periodic fevers, ft Is especially desirable that the digestion should be perfect, the habit of body regular, the Over active, the blood pars aad the! serves arm. These conditions are the best protec tion again stall dJ0ordera,-aad .they are conditions which the Bitter are better adapted than aajr other.; medicinal ogent to promote and secure, .See ( to it, however, th&t no imiution or counterfeit is substi-. tuted for the genuine article, and let "aU "who value leaKh and have an antipathy to poison beware of the local bitters made'' from condemned drnga aad vilely adulterated alcohol, , which , have ; sprang up like unwholesome fungi aU over the country. , augiTuThSat -r " ' fflARBIBD, ' HAYES WOMBWELL. Thursday, August by the Rev. A. A Watsoa, at the residence of 23d. Mr.J. U. rurn, Mr; W. Hayes, of Oxford, Eni Mrs 8. F. Wombwell, late ot KinstonT sn terof Bev.;B. A.,Best.M- j. Hxl to daugh- Kiastoa and Newborn papers please copy, 'NEW-ADVERTISEMENTS H. BUaXHIHEE, 4 KIT AIL, DXATO IS t3.W- Tobaccos, SniiiFs AJTD SEGAES, Slcnoftbsindlaai Cutler, . . .' If 6 market St. , Charles D. lilyers & Co. ARB AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF 1 " GOLD DUST, ,r Rye and JBonrbon Whiskies, r STRICTLY PURE GRAIN DISTILLATION. r,,:. . . ' ., ... . . . ... , FINEST OLD BRANDIES, WTNES, LIQTORS AND CORDIALS In the State. For sale by . : ' CHAS. .D.MYERS A CO., aug25-tf 7 North Front street ; Salt and Hoop Iron. rn A SACKS SALT, . ... . . '. S.. .-T- ' . , TONS HOOP IRON, 1 Now lauding e M. E. Seed from Livsrpoot '- ' '.'' '''. i-'VH .1. Vi. ''' t . , ang 3S-8t "V ICE & MEBANK. , notice. , . ; c ONSIGNEES OF FREIGHT PER M. E. SEED, from Liverpool, will please hand in their permits n Monday morning. , . r , aug 85-lt . VICK ti MEBANK. Another Supply mV '111 UN IP- SEED.- K. RUTA BAG A. FLAT D . . . LABQE GLOBE, stc. ' '" Paints. Oils, Drugs : t . .. And Medicines, at angz5-tf Green a planner's. Family, ExcursioiiT ' w tX f Ttae Steamer Waccamaw TTAVTNG BEEN .THOROUGHLY : REPAIRED. XX the Family Excursions, so popular last sum mer, will be resumed next Wednesday. Arrange ments have been mads with the railroads ny wnicB excursioniste can ret return tickets for one fare. intoxicated or otnerwise ODjecuonaoie persona will be excluded. '''--,, 1 Fare for round trio.' 100: ChQdreri half-price. A String Band has beem, engaged.' i.Boat leaves at ft O'ClocK A. jt. aug so-h Starch. - 50 ablefc BARRELS CINCINNATI STARCH, SUIT. for Oottoa Factories. " X - ; f ' 'f1; For aale. very low, i -ag 35-tf ' -i'.i : - DxBOSSET CO.'1 Whiskey, Brandy and ' 4 ' . . Schnapps. IWR BBLS. - COMMON' CORN AND SYS XiO Whiskies; SO Bbla. Brandy, J50 Cases SahnaDD - For sals by irf Mil U :.. : .', - T. W, aug 35-tf, II, and 39 North Water I Mif-'totar Starcb aii Braiiy , BOXES CANDY, 8S0 Boxes 8oap, 100 XOU Boxes Starch, 300' Boxes Brandy Peaches, J9 Cases Bananev X WT NIB DJ .. W;r KERCHNER " 37, 38 and 39 North Water MreeC HHDSJ AND BBLS. 8. IT. vltOLAS-SZ3. L00O Smirli Caaka, 1C9 Ebla. and Boxes lisaA vracaers. , .For-nusbTi-A'-f f . "- ---?-...' ' -F. W. KERCITX2I X?Xlkl'J ' aogSS-tt - .'sr JVtf - . S7, 3 and W KorJi V, ater ft or. Kfirv- 4 NEW ADVERTISI3iENTS.' i TTTTOTl A T. , Ti-nATtT TI ARE INVITED TO EXAMINE OUR NEW COL lection of Church Music,' entitled - . ' ' . '' ' '-. ) "" ' .' v. rThe ffStandard ! .. v. . . , - ... ' -,. - The followtntf ffeBilemen. well-known ita 1 Musical circles, ooctribuUf Tunes, Sentences or Anthems to its pages. ...'... v.... ...v H. K. Oliver, Li IL Sothardv Imai'i U-vfi,-v t- 'i w,rwnecier, u. p. Morrison, ; n : J Nathan. Barker, M. Slasoo, T." H. Tanner, Kf v eui A. vottereen, u. m. Jttonroe, ...tw. . J. H. Tenney, F. C. Cushman," ' J ' ' . -.'. I W. Ballard, a F. Merrill, r, w . r. Lmie, mo vooo, ut m. t. Jtunger, y- " p. wesiey Martin. j The Editors are L. O. EMERSON,' of Boston, " j v., v.:::. -.ml R. PALMER, of Chicago, m. . t Of whose former nublicationa UJOO.000 conies asvs been sold, ' . t - - .." While detfgned to'WppiyHhiVsnts W Choirs, Slnginj Schools aad. Conventions lta large supply of new Sentences, Motets and Anthems ren der it aa excellent -r-i .. ..;:..'!. Price, tt 80; per dosen, $1J 6U For M S5. speci men copies will be mailed, for the present, post-paid, to say address. 'd ; v . v : .-:J.r. We also commend onr Snarklmff fannies. MS etslV for Sabbath Schools, Pilgrim's Harp, 60 cents), for Vestries, and Hour of Singing,, (i 00) . for High Schoolaj v.2 , . ' 1. ,t.-,t. X V -r -. , ' ." ' . .-. , OIlTerDHssB 4c Co, C, H. IMten . JMwtoa. i ,l . vv New York. , s- aug MUw,Wed8stWebwly ent " J .' ENGLISH CLASSICAL BI a t ta e ma 1 1 1 a 1 School. ni'fir.-f i'..,,.- s ..i. U'.-fti il THE IND ANNUAL SESSION COMMENCES ON Wednesday, October 3d, 1873. augSS-deowUQct ; R. E. MEADE, Friadpat ,i '.i'i fete Elezaat n.-l '. ( Mi , . ..AND.,.. . . foot' & Cos Cuamin Organs. Also Pianos and Orgaaa of other noted make kept on hand for sale. at Masonic J Hall, above Nos. 67 aad 58 Market street, Wflmhi ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SraciAL Nones to Pu- mj nr Motic. Lessons la Slnetng, on the Piano rgan, Ac. will be-resumed on Monday. September 17th, at this place. Pupils and those who have ap plied for taitkm during my absence, will please call and eater their names at once. Terms very reason able. ' ' ..- . F.RUBCKERT. ' aog 35-tf Prof essor e Music. VEEY WAEH YET4. GET A WHITE OH BBOWN 'f; ,;, .": Linen Duck Suit, A N D K E B P G O O Z '. - -.i'f- "r;i .-'A- ' 1-' ' ,V ' r STBIPE COATS. ,. LIGHT SBADE ALPACA COATS! -: lisle and Gauze Underwear. LEATHER; BAGS.- 11 Clothing at Low Prices," ' ". ''. 88 Market street. aug 35-tf ril 1 For Sale or : Eent, JROM 1st OF OCTOBER, A DWELLING, TWO Stories, with basement, "containing eleven rooms, -. -' - .'.-.' , - . ' . ..... with out-houses a most desirable; location on Sec- i ' 1. -,: '-4 ' -" rv ond street, between Market and Dock. Apply to . : augSS-tf. ,V. V'-V HART BAILEY. Corn; Flour and Coffee. 10,000 1 nn a bi BUSHELS CORN,. BMs. Floor' )vwv vr r-n .:T-s..f. v,- QR A Sacks Bio, Java, Mocha andSLaguayra Cof- UUVIM. For sale W. augS5ft ' Tt, 38 and 39 North Water St Itew North ' Carolina1 Flour; A SMALL LOT, IN BAGS, OF PRIMS QUAL- ity, landed yesterday! and for sale by .. , -.. aug 35-tf :. . . ; , , , DsBOSSET CX Saddle A LL KINDS OF. SADDLES, HARNESS, TRAY ELINU BAUa, aad everything in the line of - SADDLERY GOODS, -1 Cheap for Cash at S, S. Tphans 4c . " . No. 8 South Front St, feb 6-tf nac ' ' " Wilmington, N. XX' miscelLlANEOUs.; Twenty Dollars for One. fit. f:. "r- - -' ' ,:!.::-,: : A, 2 8TE WWf O M ACmif E, FREE I l" SraSCCTBS FOR?' " H't-' OUR-WEEEL T, ' FTRST-CLAS8. TWETTt-COLTJMN.' LITER- x V. ary- Family Paper, pablished every Saturday at j . . vnanoHe, a. v., a u. raw pnos 01 . ; ;, ONE XOXXAIl A -. .niAll. ,, .. ' Each number con tains aa Interesting Story, worth at least the snbscription price; enough FUN to keep yoa laagnmr a weea; ana a genera couecuo 01 LATEST NEWS. ,.,' the Everr snbscriber ireta a chance at s valuable pre- mlam, aad one oat of every five will be' sure ta get a Our CASH PREMIUM8 are ta sums of tt' tX $5, $10 aad S30, with from two to tea premium of each deawminatioB.' Our other premiums consist of useful article, such ss Sewing Machines, Bleached Domestic, Ac. Ac, ranging ia value, from, twenty- Ave ceata to S39 OOl . .i- ''. W'-'.y DeUys are dangeroaa" - ButiecrUM Immediately and get a chance at the large premiums m get a cnance at ue urge prenuuma - TO AGENTS. We are oSerinr mora liberal fa ducements for Clubs than any other Publisher. You can makemonev bv eanvastmc for OUR WEEXXY. For specimen copy of paper, premium list aatd terms to Agents, seaa s cent stamp - r r-BDUsner or uur weekly,- v Veekly, .sngSKTj H V -nr N-!Charlottet flU.C. 3 BI3SroiaST(3t:i rpnE raOBWTNO ST Alt ROOK DIBTZa , X EKY Is cosapisSe -to aU all its appointments. ana u ta cusrge pi one or tne most suuuui woramen tm tne msts. au sanas or laaoingexecntea neatly, enrtiy anq erro 'tomit, .. -: - - . , ll-rr T7 E03I THE 1ST OF OCTOBER, THE STCISa at pressent occupied by Messrs. Wciard Brother, . 7 ' lt-tf- 1 . 1 -'4M : u One mor.u. .............. in boi.. .....vy.''i; . yThre njutls,, .;......,...-; ; ' '"W fiix jnontbs. , .i . . ' - j ; ' -(S? t.Dae y eat..-,. (. .... ...i .. -J l 1 4 cr-Contfet AdTertleemenU taVea -Bt prorcr tloutely iow tste. z- -? '.--' "'.nSqatpeecRtimat J t;aartci--co,-aHi,iii tea aqnares M a )iAl(-oloma. . ,; v. - .v '? ' Xarriame. XWthe. Bellfione, Funeral and Obltn 1,.' ', . Ulf rate when p' i for In adyance; otherwise tuU r&tee IJ be charged. rW"8p-ia Notice and Aavenu-omv p hed of-"N-w de timeuts" 60 per t-' dittaoattd regular rate.' . ; ; I . . j Tiut-natio on uciuoiiu. r ., 3 . ? , , w-riB Ann VKin 'ffeOM, OCTOBER. JST; 1ST?, AK that largo' Jf ii." j;-- .O- S S''.i;-' s nrtck Pwelllns.on Hie XortU Side i".Vv- or"Klarkct Street,';; V, v. : r Over'tbe store of Meiwrs. VL & B. KmahhcT, fonfnJ; , Ug 18 Roomsrwlth Kltcnen, pepmee " , try and China: with Urge Cistern in the yard.- Tins house, oeatrallv located, wU Bul W0H P0" asguoaaii, Ajeotaa,-.r - . h. 4- f ' "', Tfcree-Story, Brtek' Dwelling; n the; Nortm Side f Deck Street, V i ; Between Front and. .Second, cohtaining SEVEN; ROOMS, ,:,,.... -'i-V' V?'iv- lA Latrce Ellteliei', Ow-M sy Alry Cl- ' lar, Pmmp ef Gssd wwer la. FOB TERMS 'AND PART1CUDARS Apply to, IV.. ; r CRONLY A MORRIS, - AUCuoneen ana neau wnw vw sag 184t 1AA36A lSep. THE 99 t". ; Si JobPrinting House. - ' r..-' -.Ji'-' v 'i'- i - : M,rt' TIIIIEE STEAtt PRESSES; 1 v -.- -ct- ' - COMPETENT WORKMEN The . B est cMater iai, K'?-i' .J'Vi'i" UEASONAHIX miCES v-:rjr"'-"' Iff r Give 5: HT1TTOVAT: ;r.i ...'.-. j TT?.'; ,5.4, - " IN VIEW 01. MY; REMOVAL: TO PRINCESS . STREET,! V,;-v i-'Ss,V'-.-"'j't'.J-V 'i ! ' :, 1 Tins mooti ify iix DISKPSE . rW MY, RTOf?K 'fir? v ;y CROCKERY'.- AND ' GLASS ';.'AEE v '4 ijf , .t'Oost: . i v . t. FRENCH CHINA TEA SETS,, $0 60, 44 PIECES. uiass ware same reanction. - " ' r - r: -. . ' ... WM..M..8TEVENSON. aug 14-tf .; 8 Front itreet A' . , '.. "' - v'l .FOR 4. '..," TOBlcdds ' .4. .1 ; Under the 20 Cent fTax;; D'.'.'P't G';0 T T ,:; : : July t-tf.-'i, v-w. '-;'-';;'; '."'"-f-' I L V t 1. ' 1 .: .ft it- ' uoxiiiniQoionor or uaio i OF TALUABLE.CITT REAL' ESTATE,; Jtf: (72? OJTLX, Auctioneer., 'j&i-.f "'v ' . assBsiBss,; j 'i- " -,! i 4-' f4.' 'BrCronly tt Morris. ; -A V PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THE 'SCTE- - rior Court of this county, ths undersigned Com . ' Issionere, appointed by said Court, will proceed to 11 bv public suction, at Kxcbancs Corner, in the . city of Wilmington, N. C, on Thursday, September VALUABLE FRONTING ' i . .." Vt pn. Tklrd Street, f ' !" 1 Otf Foe" n r a FJCnlberrr Streets v 'i?'""'' S24"Feet tr on Fourth Street. BBIOKDWELLINa, . f." MTOIEM' AND'STAXXlXd - ',- V--v..f' iv J: ';- :r o .''v- 1 Thereon, being the present site of ths Cape Fear, Military Academy, to be sold as a whole, or sepsr- - ' stedlf sdvsntaasous inducements are offered.' And ' ' fauaediately thereafter. ; t t. -' -., , v r JO ACHES OF TALUAE r' Upon the south, side of Newbera road, bounded cu the east by tends of Mr. Monk sod upon the west by . Greeny Mill Poad, all belonging to the estate of Dr. -' F. . Hill, deceased..-'-: "77 x One-third purchase money ta cash, the residue la six and twelve saonths, with in twot front 6 y f aula. . . - DvB&UTZ CUTCAJL . - ''"3 ti;-yyyftOi M...8TEDMANr.'f i -, . " Commissioners..' f a, , it, s!i';; Stateof nbiGEwliil , BrvBSWlelcCBtr--Saperler Court. Patrick; iftnRpnYASADiixisTnATca dV. of Thomas P. Hall, deceased, - , . J- - -,;'v'V...-"-.-.:;rv'': V:'' fy llalntia, y;- H. ' V-iVl T.AaaHtST; Sw;- ..;A'-i' ';' , Ssmsel HaU, .WQliam IT. Call, am Owen arl wife, Elizabeth Owen. Aj yus P, Aotie, Jnlia HaJ, '. Robert P. BaU, Sophia 1 ..I, iohn. Howard,. Vnry v Ann Howard, Tbomns Wa.ef and wie, Julia a, ; er, Ssmael Hall, WiUlstn L. l'-'.l, Thomas Q. Hs... ;t'v Thomas O. brown and wie, i.ry E. Lrown, Sana . HaU, William U. Brown and witei Oodina W. ' Brown Angels A Eentou and wife, Elisabeth, H. Benton, heirs at law ot Thomas P. LU!), dee'd, - ' Xt.f:-. -.-iw " ' 'A;-t -'-r Defendants. Petition to sell land to pay debts aad chargos of admiaistratlon. ' . ; ' ,; :' -. ! . ' ORDTH FOR1 PUBLICATION. - : To Samnel Hail, WLIiam H. HaU,' Aniay. " IV Albs' James Owen sad vife-Ellxabeth, Jul Till.v -Sophia HalL Johnllowwa.MarvAnnHowarJ.l . . .Walker aad Julia Walk or tls wife, noo-resh' it ' the State of North Carolina, and attendants to Cs above petition: r- - ; ,4. .. :'.." You sre hereby summoned to appear it ths c.""e of the Clerk of tne finiwrlnr On H tve r- r and 6; is aforeiMMd on-Tut. lar, t..e Sa day 1 ; v b. is .3, to answer tb tnrr r.tin t i'..v Ua, or ladment tU ie Ukea ccjru-.g to prfTr of the petition. . . -.Vvknest, W. O; Cnnls, Cler'i of Ecyprfcaf d ieeiaSmithville, tv ! t i d-y et As Io.a '; '. ' -. - '- :, yr, c. r' -i . . '!f1' 1 I

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