is f i -,v Tuouurn 'Charles'' 1)ic4kn COMpiled-from ilis-Wtjrkjruml Al- phabtically.Arranffed, byF.G.dc i :V- a&JTew .f .r.-' " Tf v rr:: T ' ! , vSiV ma"v HSCful yorks this excellent house has brought out; none supplies a popular want more' fully wi.i.:...i le tv . t thandoesthw manualof DkeBest 'f noughts. Since . ; Shakspeare what - English writer has had such thoughts with which as a magician's wand to tuoch the heart of humanity and make it livelier, brighter, better? -Dickens is tne Shakspeare o"f novelists. The work of Mr. De Fontaine is a con venient hand vbook for-reference, ex ' hibiting the 'excellent -' judgment and cultivated taste ; of ' the" compiler. . It will be published in numbers, requir ing six to complete the series. Thq present number contains OGJ&gs and stops atthc word Christmas1 ' j The British.QuarterHes are always welcome a , The American reprints by . Leonard Scott .& Co., New. York, are . handy, neat and cheap,0 ' Every culti vated gentleman and every man seek ing information on thia current liter ary, social and scientific, topics of the' day, should read the four great iRe j views and Blackwood. They- - are furnished at the low price of $15 per annum, by-the Leonard Scott Publish ing Company. The last London a Quarterly has a rich bill of- if are into ' it.- r -I.- ' .V. . -; which we propose 10 uip . as son as we get time ,TIIB itlENVILLB DISASTER. J Statement of the Commander. llrrM;" Yorjcsept. c. I The steamer ' Moro Castle, from Ilavanai brings Capt. Maury, thirteen first class and seventeen steerage pas sengers, and eleven of the crew of the Bienville. , i?. . ... Capt. Maury makes the following report to the agent 6f tlie Pacific Mail Steamship Company: I I have to. report, the. total loss by fire of steamer Bienville, under my command (chartered from the Living- stone & ,FqX New Orleans line), on tho morning .of .Vugust 15th, at sea, in latitude 25 12 north", longitude 74 15 west, by account. At 3:45 M., August 15 th, the officer of the watch ' . xalleil me, mid reported' that the ship ;was on fire in the fore hold. I gave ihe order to call the rnen? to the fire uartrs quietly, and to have the ! pumps started and steam turned on the tiro extinguishers leading to the fore hold and forward, freight room, 1 at the same time keeping the. ship off before the wind,- ana hauling down ' the head sails, leaving the head of the - jib up and stopping the engine. ' - Captain Maury" says that he had ; the hose laid down to the for hatch, ! and endeavored to get below with the hose,, but j so great a volume of smoke came out that it was necessary I to close the hatch immediately. Then , he had tbe.hatohes battened over with wet awniug, and started the hose at the ventilator but the steam pumps were quickly disabled and the water cut otf. Meanwhile " the fire extin guiahers ttlid buckets were used to keep the'' fire-under, 'and the boats were m&dc ready andv manned. The : two large life-boatsJwere provisioned ! and watered, and a full supply of life ! preservers were served out to all the ! passengers.'' 0,1 ' ' '5: i At ' 5 :30i iAi 'i 1 0apt. 3Iaury I thought thfire was far smothered ; be.wou!4 be enabled to run for Wat crliugV Island,'about 65 miles dis- tant. Capt, ; Maury soon discovered ! that the. fire was : .working , its way through both sides of the ship, abreast of the ! boiler, and that it would be neeessarv to abandon the vesseL The passengers then disembarked, the' wo men and children being equally divi ded, as pearly as possible, in each boat. Two boats wef-ishfely loaded find sent -oft' A third:was also sent off, but waa "caught under the countet of thehip capsized and stove. The' ' perspns in heYeiV rescued and plated in anotherboa ' :',;v At'7. Xtl. 11 but two small boats, had been boarded" and sent off,: and there" were still more persons on board thaTtTfe boatscouTd hold. The' twd ' small boats wero then sent, , off with, passengers to be distributed Among the other boats,; which hacLther light esU OS ifrom, which tbey were to return to tne snip, pv jnav uuw wu ' names had 'gained such' "headway and - the ripawas- 6tr intense that all the the: heat' was - stf intense remaifting- pereonir hastened into the .boats as quickly.! as possible, and at 7;30 A. t Capt.. f I. left .the ship. ,'-;.' I The flames were bursting from the cabin. by this time. ;; The largest life boat filled and capsized.- The sea was increasing; ; but by the, aids of the utoven . life-boat, which, was, floating rroHnd,-they were-iighted-aaUiailed. Seven or ten. others, however, were i 'An account is then given ; of their 1 voyage to land and the landing of the ' passengers at Nassau. .. One boat cap- . Hizca, in Hie Buii, , . - , were drowned. ' Kone of the names 6f ! the lost are known, except Mrs. Bran j nen and her three children All the, bodies were recovered and buried '.by. ! the authorities of. Eleauthera Island. There1 is stm one bot missing-.; She ; was only moderately .loaded, was one of our st boats, and was .weir pro " 'xh jth r f-1. The f- broke ont-TaVpiijdcckjs,-immediately over the boiler, and not in the fore hold,a.s!it;-u-r.s fir?t r'osed. am unable to give the origin of "the fire. TOJS LOST AND THE SAYEIM The total number of,, persons savecl fijbnf Jh' BienYille; 5. 'Number known to bo -drownccl,. 0; "number massing from boat No. 5, probably 23 total. 12V i : . -i ' By the steamer Moro Castlewh! arrivediii New York yesterday from Havana, CaptMaury and 41 of the survivors of the Bienville were brought back -BafelJ ...The total number, of passengers thus far saved is 38, . in-- Jludin thoge at New York and Balti- more ; the total number of officers and mea Qf " th,& pienviRe atr both ports is 47. A FIRE ENGINE BUNS OFF. Thrilling Accident In Albany A Driv- er'e Peril. An Albany paper has this: Yester day morning, between three and four o'clock, while steamer No. 6 was go ing to a fire the team became unman ageable and caused considerable ex citement. It appears that on the alarm being sounded the team, which vas . ponsidered . the Jwjst fire-engine teanl in the city," was speedily hitched up, and the engine left 'its station at the corner of Swan and Jefferson streets at a-rapid rate.' - The streets being clear at that time in the morning, Hudson avenue was selected as the best thoroughfare to be taken in order to get to Broadway, and accordingly the team came down the street at a rate that gave McGraw, the "driver, as much as he could do to manage it. 'But ' aUwent well until the; corner, of ! Phillip street1 was reached, when one of the horses sud denly took the bit in his teeth and started on a gallop. - z The driver did his utmost to check his team, "and finding "that he had no control over" one horse, called to Engineer IIiggins,.who was riding be hind, to jump down and run .to the "front of the horses and: stop them. This was far easier said ; than' done. Higgins did his ibest to ; catch the horses, but was unsuccessful, and the team, by this time having become thoroughly frightened, .dashed down the street at a fearful speed. McGraw tried to turn them up Pearl street, bn his efforts were . un availing, and persons who saw - the engine passing across - Pearl street said it went like a locomotive. : The driver was firmly convinced it would not do to turn at Green street, even if he could get sufficient command of his team to do so, as the short turn wmilrl havo iirtRAt the - machino atul t 1 - - ?X 1 1 A? jjruasucu ic, oesuies, pernaps, costing h Me, and the same objection applied to Broadway. But when thev neared the corner of Quay street he made a desperate effort to save both team and engine by turning them to tho north. The effort was futile, arid an instant after the 1 team plunged into the basin, taking the engine and driver with them. . "VV'V ' The water where they plunged in was' about twelve feet deep; and it is scarcely necessary to add that the en gine sank and carried the horses with it.'. The moment the engine struck the water McGraw jumped off, and after a few minutes wasixescued by Engineer Higgins and several police officers, who by that time had reached the dock. Tho horses were drowned. MISCELLANEOUS, BUT THE J A C OBI A X E, : , ...The Best ,. Made. C- OOPERS' T6oLS,- TIIE ::KESt 'rALITT, .; , v. .;. at j Acoirr s. BLACKSMITHS': TOOLS, . Canrnleis Tooli,! TMAcmraiTLs, . :,. ,-. Xurpenuiie Tools, LO WEST, PRICES ATJACOBI'S .HMyifArelpbt.i PAINTS. OILS1 GLASS, VARNISHES, Ac., &rr crcoBrs. Table aind Pocket Cntlerj, .es; ASSOSTMBNT LAtitiE AKTf VERT COMPLETE. ; ; Gnu,- Pistils sind Ammtthltlon, AT ' ' -N, JACOBI'S, 9 market 8ret, l-v may 12-tf ijU'Di6keV'Tl(rar. q Afi BBLS, ot Ttd cKtEBRATED uUU ' DICK- EY ".FLOUR,' jnat received, . 50 Kits No. 1 Mackerel, ... For sale . EDWARDS & BALL. sep 6-tf H. Bninliild & Bro;, WH01.ES A 1.15 ' I.IQ,TJOtt DEALERS 'irintaletrer CLjars, AND ' T.OB AfrjOO: DEALERS tYElV TnELARaESTlSTOitK OF PURE VY Kentucky Rye Whiskies and Imported .Wines and Brandies of any house in the Bute,' and are ready , . To ComietB irttl any Hortlern Hartet, Purchasers will do well to examine our stock be- :,vr i. .vm : - '.. ". Vnwlnir a! saw bare: - - . ' ' " ""V. .P ...... . r iiwimuii Tw , mn " SH2 SV-B: T t . A4W- !' 4W 4L"t4S, f V ytY!fj i -; . Direct 'from tte Isliiaaa? ' fiend la TOUT orders st Quae to ' : ,: :v. ... ,i - - WM WM. M. 8IEVENS0N, ' - PRINTING M$Dy B JNDIN( V if .Vi Job Printing Kotise, BOOK BINDE AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY,, WILLIAM II. BERNARD, PROPRIETOR, WILMINGTON, N. C. TIIE ONL T ESTABLISHMENT IN THE STATE HAVING-ALL THESE FACILITIES; COMBINED, ! TUB BEST ASSORTMENT OF TYPE, P APERS, Cards and Inks. SKILLED j "WOEKMEN IN Every Department.! NOT THE LOWEST PRICES, BUT AS LOW PRICES AS Any other establishment FOB ' THE BEST eUALITT OF WORK; , ... . , .t r--' : ' Piintingj Ruling - J.-it-AND Or Every Description, f-t A. . Promptly. AND ISEI LFULL Y . :i .. Improved Maohinery OF '. - I a JA . -ri' rrX'iliilCE ADDING r -': -r- - 1 if. U , . 46 V W U s We sura eaab MBiea se mi e)rmera wna y:wrsf.utr.'ielJiWJ f; ol TnnWnosT'rTif ens ILUIKGlo:f-V,;Gr.TH -;CAR0LIM .i it: Insurance ' Company ! OFFICERS: . ROBERT H. COWAN. . JOHN W. ATKINSON. F.H. CAMERON.; Dn. E. A. ANDERSON. . . . . Si President. ..... .Vice President . .Secretary. . . . : Medical Director. DIRECTORS: . J. W.Atkinson. General Insurance Agent I. B. Grainger, President of the Bank of N NewHan-, over. f. w: chant. Kerchner, Grocer and ' Commission Mer- C. M. Stedman, of Wri ' T. H. McKoy, of - W. J tit A Stedman. ' , Whitehead & Co., Fay- eueviue. R. H. Cowan, President. ' . . . H. B. Filers, Commission Merchant 4 . , A. A. Willard. of Willard Brothers. -1 ' W. A. Cummin g. of Northrop & Camming. ' G. W: Williams, of Williams & Murchlson. Ell Murrav. of E. Murrav -Co. A. J. DeRosset, of DeRosBct Co. ' Robert Henning, of Dawson, Teel A Henning. Alex. Sprout, British Vice Consul, of SpruntA Hinson. ( P. Murphy, Attorney at Law. J. D. Williams,, of J, D. WUliams & Co., Fayette vllle. ... Jas. C. McRae, Attorney at Law, Fayetteville. I. B. Kelly, Merchant, Kenansville. J. T. Pope, Merchant, Lnmbcrton. SPECIAL FEATURES ANl ADVAN TAGES. . . - ,' let No restriction on Residence or Travel. 2. No extra charge on the lives of Females. r 3. Policies incontestable after five years.: , 4. The Rates of Interest on the Funds of the Com- Itany higher than those on the Funds of Companies ocated In in other States, thns: insuring larger Divi dends to Policyholders. . . ; 5. The Directors and Officers of the Company are prominent NORTH CAROLINIANS, who are. KNOWN to be men of INTEGRITY and WORTH." 6. The Company Is established .on a solid and per-! manent basis, steps having been taken to increase TIIE CAPITAL STOCK TO 00,000. 7. ALL Tit r. FUNDS OFTHE COMPANY ARE INVESTED IN THIS STATE AND CIRCULATED AMONG OUR OWN PEOPLE. . . This fact should commend the Company, above all others, to North Carolinians. It is well known that hundreds of thousands of dollars in life Premiums are annually sent North to enrich Northern capitalists, thus con tinually draining our people of immense amounts which should be kept at home, On this ground the friends of this Company confidently appeal to every eon of the Old North State and ask their support for thiS ; HOME INSTITUTION, which, while it offers .substantially all the advan tages of Northern Companies, helps to build up HOME INTERESTS. AGENTS WANTED in every county in the State. - JAMES P. BROOKS, " Gcn'l Supervising Agent, Raleigh, N. C. THOMAS GRJEME, Agent it Wilmingtonl 1 8 72!! LONDON & LIVERPOOL AND 'GLOBE1 Insurance Company ! ASSETS HELD IN THE UNITED STATES BT American Directors NOW AMOUNT TO ,640,449.62. TIIO-UAS 6RJEHIE, North, side Princess street between Water ahd Front streets, Wilmington, to whom, all applications. f qr Agencies should he addressed. ' j 7V , feb 16-tf J ohnWUderAtkinison's INSURANCE ROOMS, WIIiMIlTTON,-Nr C. ' FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES:, Ml. Queen, of Liverpool and Lendon, Capital, $10,000,000" Aadea, of Cincinnati, Assets, Amazon, of Cincinnati, " Triumph-of Cincinnati, " Continental, bf New York, " " , ; 1.700.00O. .,-11j;TB0,00tJ ptauonai, oi juanioro, Va, HomcJ of Richmond, MARINE INSURANCE: 1, ..,. i .i. -.u'l .t Mercantile Mntual. of New. York. Ell wood, Walk er President -:iJ . , . A ; 'may ti-tf , , ' Andes, Amazon f AND . TRITT.MPH ! rpHESE COMPANIES, UNDER THE ABLE HAN- jl agement or J. it. Jiennett, tal, for Justiee and accuracy of President, forcapi- rates, liberality and Promptness of Settlements, when loBseB Oocnr, challenge comparison with any Insurance Companies in the World. , t " . .' . . : JOHN WILDER ATKINSOiT, ' " - General Agent, - . ' Insurance Rooms, NoV 4, N. Water st, may -tf ENCOURAGE SOME INSTITUTIONS Sec-aril - Against Fire. a. nora-caromia h A ' AiNU BA LEIGH, N. C.T 5 :!" ' ' i, .. 1. 1 , . I THIS COMPANY CONTINUES. TO WRITE Policies, at fair rates, on all classes of insurable Tnjart.i-m tawesJBTieroBiptiys adjusted and paid, une "hujus " israpiaiy growing mpuDae- fAforv and appeals, wioi eonOdence,. to Insurers of psoperty iaXorth Carolina. Agents in all parts of the Bute. TL H. BATTLE. .'!;. iV. .'.f:;..President ..Ylce President v. jj. Kutrr BATON Gj (ALES'.. PULA e a :'.Heeretary ..Supervisor igton, Agent. . , - i j T7OR FAMILY TJSBf-iXrRA-WGAR-CURED '4' AJ'aniJ Caava.3JlkakfaBtrtB Bacon, arrmatd ffocguet and ref.,-j v w-ii w 1. s -U-Jf '1:0 !A"ti? ' . 7 Nona. 1 rest rtroetS . . ) ;Lav School. ? V, l .if- Of , ...V i" , Pmlrman .of Facalty. Campaign Gtfods for '72. AGENTS WANTED FOR" OUIT CAMPAIGN Good. Sell at Sight. Pay lOOper cent proflt. Now is the time. Send at once for Descriptive Circulars and Price Lists of oar Pine Steel' Engravings-'of all the candidates. Campaign Biographies, Charts, Pho tographs, Badges, Pins, Flags and everything salted to the times. Ten Dollars per day easily made. Full samples sent for i3. Address MOORS & GOOD SPEED, 87 Park Row, New York. ': ' j - CAMPAIGN BADGES !,; THIRTY NEW AND beautiful designs. Get Price List of X. C. Richard ic Co., M'fri, 41 Mur- -ray St., N. Y PER MONTR. 1 Agents Wanted. Ad- dress ERIE SE rQ MACHINE' CO.,- Buffalo, N. : Y., or Chicago, HL Agents Wanted. AGENTS Make more money else. Business lie at i ork for ns than at anything Business light and permanent. Particulars free. G. STINSON Portland, Me. . & CO., Fine Art Publishers, The Ckeniistrv of Dlvln Providence has never produced a mineral water which combines In such perfection the qualities of anti-bilious tonic and cathartic medicine, as that of the Seltzer Spa ; and Tarrant's Etfikvescext Seltzer Aperient is the artificial equivalent of that great natural rem edy. Sold by all Druggists. 51,000 EE WAED FOR ANY CASE OF BLIND, BLEEDING, ITCH ihg or Ulcerated Piles that Ds Bora's Prut Kjbxedt fails to cure.. It is prepared expressly, to . cure the. Piles, and nothing else; Sold by all Druggists. Price, : "' Iaugl9w Time . Tests the Merits ; of all ' TMnis. FOB OVER THIRTY TEARS PERRY DAVIS 5. . Pain Killer is "HM16eii teBt1d evry vkrlet bfflimate, Hfld by almost every nation Known to Americans, It Is tne almost constant comimntan and inestimable friend of the missionary ana the traveller, on sea and land; ?snd utrone'Blioin'l imtulon-otBcJiakeB' and Rivers -withoat it' J U f . PlnKIller wa tbe Plrst, and Is tne' only Permanent Pain Reliever... . : Siace tho Pain-Killer was first introduced and met with such unsurpassed sale, many liniments, reliefs, panacea, and other remedies have been offered to the public, but not one of them has ever attained tne troiy enviable standing or tne rain-Killer. 1 - ., . . . r WHY IS THIS SO? It Is becanso Davis' Pain-Killer is what it claims to be, a reliever of pain. It merits are Unsurpassed ! If yoo- aro suffering from internal pain, from twenty to thirty drops in a little water will almost instantly cure you. There is nothing to equal it. In a few moments it cures COLIC, CRAMPS, SPASMS, HEART-BURN, DI ., AKRHCEA, DYSENTERY, FLUX, WIND IN THE BOWELS, SOUR STOMACH, DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEAD ACHE. In many sections of the crantry where ; FEVER AND AGUE Prevails, there is no remedy held in greater esteem. Persons traveling should keep it by them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or bowel trou bles from change of water. ' From foreign countries the calls for Pain-Killcr are great. It is found to Cure Cholera When all other Remedies Fail. len used externally, aa a liniment, nothing frlves quicker ease in Barns, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, L:8tloe Ceom. Insects tt Scalds. It removes the fire, and the wound heals like ordinary- sores. Those suffering with rheumatism, goat, ot neumlgia, if not a positive cure, they find the UPAIN-EILLER'V -tt . ... gives them relief when no other remedy will. " XT .TdtfES INSTAKT RELIEF FR03 a,- 'mf k&;Km G T E E T H . From 1840 to this day, 1872, (over Thirty Years), Perry Davis Pain-Killer has had no rival. Every housekeeper should keep it at .band, to ap ply it on tho llrpt attack of any pain. It will give satisfactory reuer. ana save nours or suffering. 'fTOeMrttriffcywtfb yoarselee8 by testing untried rretttales. : Ke aure you call for, and get the genuine Pain-Killer, as many worthless nostrums are at tempted J;o be Bold on the great reputation' of this valuable medicine. Directions j, accompany each bottle. ; mxt 3 it Price 25 cents, SO cents and $1 per bottle. . - GREEN & PLANNER, Wholesale A e.e nti, i ... WTLMINGTON, N. c. Sold at retail by all Druggists and dealers in Fam ily Medicines. scp4-daw3m Twenty'bollars for One. A $25 SEWINGICKACIIINE, FREE ! SUBSCCIBE FOR 0'B-W:EVBK.Is T AFTBST-CLASS, TWENTY-COLUMN, LITER. ary Family Paper, published every Saturday at t v -jCharloUe. C, at the low price of - ,.j OXE DOLLAR A YEAR. Each number contains an interesting Story, worth at least the snbscriDtion micer enoush FUN to keep ltonghwedSjdji graeral Collection of ; Every subscriber gets a chance at a valuable pre-, mi run, and one out of every five will be sure to get a preminra, worth from 25 cents to $25 CKX. . Our CASH PREMIUM! are fn- sutne- o $1, $2, (5, $10 and fSO, with from two to ten premiums ox each aominauon. . Our other premiums consist of useful articles, such as Sewtog. Machines, Bleached Domestic,- Ac Ac, ranging in1 value from twenty five cents to $25 OOi" . . . . . 1 k Delays are dangerous. Subscribe immediately and get a cbsnce at the isrgepremiuma, k to AGH-V 4li-r-Ve be offering more liberal in ducements for Clubs than any other Publisher. Yon can make money by eanvasaug for OCR WEEKLY For upecAmea -ecpyx-paper, premium list, sad terms to .agents, sena s cent stamp to V' --r ohTnutall. r s -Publifiiicr ci uur 2 20-tf tfU...aCa ' HOimHENT ,. ' mA;rrtWfU!driftrt4 rr TfliiiiTun'ft r ill 1 r- . 1 . 1 r r 1 ir r- iti i i i i An4iotIuse Soldier fyom other Cn- t r . ieaerat states who were tviuea THE MONUMENT TO COST $60,00. rraE "corner; 'stone: rr is "'Proposed, - JL' shall be laid affeoon as the receipts will permit. 2,000- Prizes; raided at kada.OOO) :F1t; Hnn- -dred Thousand Dollar. That amount, only,-; ' '' l TMeeju. t !. oM. - ' . ' For yery Five Dollars subscribed there will be riven a certificate of Life Membership to the Mons- mental Associatioa. This certificate will entitle the owner thereof to an equal interest in the following property, to be distributed as soon as the" requisite number of shares are sold, to-wit : ; j i ; : First. Nine Hundred and One Acres of Land m Lincoln county, Georgio, on which are the well known Magruder Gold and Copper Mines, valued at. ...Sw..; " $150,000 . And to Seventeen Hundred and Forty-Four Shares fn One Hundred Thousand Dollars of United states vurrencr, w-wit ; !'t 1 rt tnn " $10,000 - 5,000 6,000 ,20,000 . 10,000 - 10,000 i 10,000 -: 10,000 10,000 -10,000 1 8,000.,.. 2 " 10 - , . . 10 20 400 " 1000 " 2,500. . 2,000.... 1,000.,... 500.... j 100..-.. - 60.... , 25.... 10.... . - .. .... .. . $100,000 From the nrnt-clasa Real Estate, offered by well known patriotic citizens, to the Confederate Monu mental Association; the following Prises bava been selected and added to the foregoing Shares: . i 1st BERZELIA, This well-known Resort, with the Large Residence, Store, etc, and Four Hundred Acres of Land, immediately on the Georgia Rail road, twenty miles from Augusta. Paying an an nual yield of Fifteen Thousand Dollars.' ' 2nd. The well-known CITY -nOTEL, fronting on Broad street. The building is of brick, three stories high, 134x70 feet. . Valued at $26,000. ' 3rd. THE SOLITUDE PLANTATION, in Russell county, Alabama, on the Chattahoochee River, with elegant and commodious improvements. Tho aver-, age rental, since 1864, has been over Seven ($T,000) Thousand Dollars. , ' 4thl That Large Brick Residence and Store on the Northwest corner of Broad and Contra streets; known as the Phinizv or Baudrr Housefiant Two Thousand Dollars. 6th. The Rogers' House, on Greene street, a new and elegant Brick Residence, in a most desirable portion of that beautiful street Valued at $16,000. 6th. Flat Bush, with 130 acres of Land, half a mile from the city limits, the elegant Suburban Residence of Antoine Pollain.Esq., in good order. Valued at $16,000. . . . , . . 7th. The Dearlng House,' a large and commodious Residence, with Thirty City Lots 69x210 feet - front ing on McKinne and Carnes streets. Valued at $16,000. 8th. Stanton Residence and- - Orchard, on the Georgia Railroad. Valued at $5,000. Also 1 Share of One Hundred Bales Cotton. , . 1 t. ; Fifty 1 " Twentv-Flve " " , 244 Shares of One Bale each. The bales to average 400 pounds, and class Liver pool Middling. . The value of the separate interest to which the holder of each Certificate will be entitled, will be de termined by the Commissioners, who will announce to the public the manner, the time and place of the distribution. - The following gentlemen have consented to act as Commissioners, and will, either by. a Committee from their own body or by Special Trustees appoint ed by themselves, receive and take proper charge of the money for the Monument, aa well as the Real Estate and theU. S. Currency offered as inducements for subscription, and will determine upon the plan for the Monument, the inscription thereon, the site , wereipr, select an oraior ior in occasion, and reg ulate the ceremonies to be observed when the corner stone is laid, vis : r - " o . Generals L. McLaws, A. R. Wright, M. A. Stovall, W. M. Gardner and Goode Bryan, CoL C. Snead, CoL Wm. P. Crawford. Mai. Jos. B. Cumminr Gorce Tnfaekeoni Ma:noeeph GanahL Maj. I r. Girar- dey, Hon. K. ii. May, Adam Johnston, Jonathan M. muier, w. ii. uoodricn, i. v. uutt, Henry Mo or Dr. Wl E. Dearing. - ' ' I'- - Agents are. allowed twenty per cent.- They are required to pay their own expenses, tickets and cir culars aloileeteg furnished to them. "-They -will re mit weekly the amounts from sales received, less their commissions. (No commissions will bo de ducted from simple contributions.) - 1 On account of the very great labor required of the General Aeents. the offered services of one nr mnra prominent gentlemen, well and favorably-known utruuguuui, mo duuio, wm o ns.- - 1 be accepted to act with I .- i. .. . Jvi I Parties desiring to contribute to the Monument, and who do not wish to participate in the award. will receive a. special receipt The money will be turned over to the Treasurer, and will be at be appropri- ated to the Monument without any deduction wnat- ever. e USA, n. mcuawss. General Agents, , 4. -So, 8 Old P. a Range. Mcintosh Street. Mrs. Carlton Belt, Coleman House, Miss Mary Ann Buie, Columbia, 8. C. : Hon. James M. Sm4he, Augusta, Ga.; Major John Dunwoody, ;- Washington, Ga.; E. B. Martin, Esq., Tuscaloosa. Ala., Traveling Agents. march 9-6moa - Havana Royal Lottery. 0E ORDINARY DRAWING ABOUT EVERY SEVENTEEN DAYS; fXfTE EXTRAORDINARY ON THE 20th OF W December, 1872; and one - . f t-TP Tl n hItTTVC rvrn in C TTr w. "- w . . wiva j 4nVnnn .n.., nnw For Plans, Lists of Winning Numbers, and any other information, address . - BORNIO & BROTHER, Commission Merchants, 1 ' Established 1B48. 77 Gravler St, New Orleans, La., Who are my only authorized correspondents in the United States to receive orders and to cash all prizes. MANUEL BORNIO. First Sub-Collector for Exportation in Havana, . , ;july4-8m;. , .;. ; . Office 68 Cuba street : SATOElt'S ! IMPROVED COTTON CIWS! MR... P. C. SAWYER PRESENTS HIS IM proved Cotton Gin to the public this summer under a firm persuasion that he n&a at last attained THE HE. PLUS ULTRA,; and that this Gin accomplishes, everything practica ble, to a saw gin. with the greatest possible ease, 1 economy and rapidity. His Improved ribs and roll i box maintain a perfect circle for the roll, so that it -is impossible to break it, crowd the boxes as yon wui iu bii ncuimpi iu oo bo. ' j ue run dox, wrjaBi. hie oath at top and bottom, enables the operator to bring the ribs to any angle with, or position in rela tion to the saws desires, so as to increase or dimin ish at pleasure the depth of the operating surface of tne sa in tne roll, and thus make tne machine gin faster or slower., with cleaner or fouler seed, and wUhmere or lese regard to the length of staple. We saw a new gin m operation wnicn naa not even oeen painted, ana ad an expert present showed by comparing" i staple puuea jroqx 1 ajrom.ii he seed bv too flnFOrs : iwith that produced by the gin, that the naturallength of ths fibre had not been diminished at all in the pro cess of ginning. -This is, of course, the best per- formance of which any gin is capable. The cotton in this case was verv drv. and it is doubtful whether so perfect a result coul ton. ButSawver stak ant (sawyer staked nis reputation upon pro-. daclng the same result with green cotton. tnsr the same result with Green cotton. 7T1 'he gin has also some other improvements in the running gear, wbxn we nave not space to mention. Macon .xeiegrapa ana jnessenger, jnay ix ion. For sale by . - t MURRAY' A CO. . ' Agents, . ! r ' July 2S-3m Wilmington.: .The Distribution or- Confederate - Honumeittal ' Scleie , .. . - -, .. , . TfTTLL POSITIVELY TAKE PLACE ON THE W first Wednesday in December next (1873), at Augusta. Ga. ' ' Should all the tickets not be sold, the amount 're ' ceived will be distributed in the proportions named in the Circulars between . . THE MONUMENT, The Prizes and tie necessary expenses. The por tion to oe mstriDutea win oe appropriatea nrsv to the Money Prizes ; then to the Real Estate, and last ly to um snares in cotton- :; A&ALYSIS OF TIDTBCHEME. $100,00090 per cent' allowed Agent. - a Ut 10 ' -44 . M 1 fllmta A tm'l I 60.00010 State Aeents.' 80,000-40'' i-H-.-i-. ; ior contingent ' ex- penses. M0,00t-Owners' prtoe of 9 Real Estate Prizes, 100,000 The 1,744 Prizes in currency. 20)00 The 244 Ilricei in, Cotton. ; aou,uw pronis 10 oe oeroiea 10 tne Jum. The price ta currency will be substituted for any Real Estate Pzizo, withdrawn on account of injury to the propertyi, or for other cause, j . . 5 - a ' .. Agents west of the Mississippi stop their sales on the 15 th efJtovember r East of that river on the ciava itAuaieaieteenweaio ee -prescM eiiner m pernon or pr legally appointed Attorneys at the Die- , ... - .. 4-u . T. Mt M TW Tf-T.4VTFn Gerreral A rents, - "HEDIOAL: FAffiliOEE' LOCSHOSPITAL! TIl, JmjSPR.i FIHT6TCIAN OF THIS CELEBRATED INSTTT . TJOiCdiMOTered, wbea iathryat bpryxt of EnropeTVU: England, France andelsewhar. t certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy iu t world for all eicesaes or abuses of tiie iystenu Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, At mofi.thtf.Kliaae3wdiw,mrty' charges, Impotency, Qeneral Debmty.Nenwusne Dyspepsia, - Languor. Low Spirits, Confusion Irfea PaJpitatiow the Hearty Timidity Tre; blinff, Pirrraess of Sight orOiddinesa, Dlsewe of t Head Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of the Li v. Luniis.. Stomach or Bowsls those terrible dlsord arisfti' from .eolitarr habits of wUi-eecret a solltoiV practices atdrsr fatal to ttete ttetlnia th tbesonrpf thwyrns to the marineraof Ulysst blighting their most brilliant hopes or antlcipaOor rendering marriages, Ac., impossible; Ceetroyii both body and mind. -- 'U4im-4. ; Eroeclally', who ae become the rlcUms of Sollta? - - - - V ice, that areaaiiu ana qcbitucuto. www nnallv immii to an untimely trrate thousands Sonne men of the' most exalted talents and brilliai itellect, who might otnwwlso have entranced 11 ening Seaati JviU tie Ahe' thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call will full confidence. ,v:y T VAUTtTAGE. . Marriad .penoBflt- or. yoanst mea, oontomplanr marriage, aware or rnysicai w wuwm, creative Power (ImpotencyV Nervoua Excttabilit Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debllit or any other disqualification, speedily relieved. Ho who places himself nndor the care of Dr. may religiously, confide in hia.aonor an a gentlemai and confidently rely upon his skill as a phyBlclan, ORGAUIO WEAKNESS ' .. .' i-r J . vi:,; v--. ;;,;-;-i;.;.":.'"..l .-'i ! immediately cured and full vigor restored. - This distressing affection which renders Hfe mi erable and marriago im possible is the penalty pal by the victims of improper indalgencee. Toun persons are -too apt to commit exoeasos from not b ing aware of tho dreadful conecquencos that me ensne.- Now, who that trnderetamfs this subject wl pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lo sooner by those falling into improper habits than t the prudential t Besides being deprived of the pleat ure of healthy "offspring;' the most serious and the most serious and dot tractive symptoms of both body and mind arisr The system oecbmes. deranged, ; the physical an ..mental functions weakened, Los of. procreativ Power, Nervons Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palmtatio of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debllit and Wasting of the. Frame, Oough, Opnsumpfoi Decay and Death. ; yi v ; .u, I A CTjBJS SPEEDILY WARRANTED, i - Persons ruined in heelth by -unlearned' pretender who keep them trifling month after month, takin poisonous and, injurious compounds, should app). immediately. -: !-. y . r r ; : " . - DR. JOHNSTON, r v ; Member of the Royal College of Burgeons, London graduate of one of the most eminent colleges in th i cTnitcd SUtos, and taei best1 part of -whos Ufe bar been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris. Phil a delphia and elsewhere,' has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known) man" troubled with ringing in the head endears wtae asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at suddei sounds, Dashfulness, with frequent blashing, attend ed sometimes with derangement of mind, wer cured immediately. . ' r. ,'" J :. ' ( TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE , ' Dr. J. addresses alf those who hliye injured them selves by improper indulgence and solitary hablU which ruin both body and mind,: unfitting them fo. either business, study, society or marriage. These are some of the sad melancholy effects pro aucea Dytne eariy naDita or yontn, Tlx: weajmeef of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the bead. Dlmnes of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power. Palpitation of th Heart Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Fractions, General Debility, Symp toms of Consumption, Jfcc is, ti Mint aixt. Tne fearful effects on the mind aro much to be dreaded. Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits,- Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Self -Distrust, Love of Solitude , Timidity, &C, ere some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons of' all ages can now judge I- what is the cause ofAtheir declining health, losing r their vigor, oecoming weak, pale, nervous and ema ciated, caving a singular aDDearance about the eves.' coup a ana symptoms ei consumption. ' YOUNG MEN .. Indulged in when elone - a habit frequently learneri from evil companions or at. school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage , imnossible'. . and destroys both-mlnd and body; ebotdd apply immediately. 1 .:Wliata Ditvthat ivomirnin. tha bona. of Mr country, the pri s of ma parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyment of life by the consequence err oeviaong rrom tne patn oi nature, ceof and Indulging tn a' certain secret habit Such per-. buub juubi, ueioreijvniernpiaiing ii,! j xV Reflect that a sound mind and bodv are . tho most necessary,' requisites to promote connubial happi ness. . Indeed, without , these the journey, through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hour ly darkens to the view, tbe miad becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflec tion that Uifl happiness ot another ia blighted with our Own. ' : ' ', ' A CERT AIN DISEASE,' j When tho misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this pain ful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education and re spectability, can alone befriend him. - He. falls into the hands of ignorant and designing pretenders. who, incapable of cttring,- filch his pecuniary sub-i stance, keep him trtflinir montff after month: or as I long aat he raaJJ est fee can be obtained, and in de- I BP?.I.r leTe himwith ruined health to sigh over his i gainng aisappomtment; or, Dy the use of that dead I y poison, jaercory, c son, .Mercury , cause the constitutional avm-, A - .. M .1 1 ,1 41 a . .. . i wjuio ui tius noma aiseasetomaKe tneir appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, noctur nal pains in the bead and, limbs, flitmyuM of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotchet on the head and face, and . extremities, progressinr with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and the vic tim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commisseration till death puts a period to his dread ful suffering, by sending him to that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler, returns," To such, therefore. Dr. Johnson offers -the most certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy in the OFFICE, T SOUTH FREDERICK ST., : B ALTtHIORE; ' ITii'ttiL A D, Left hand side going from Baltimore street, S fev doors from the corner. Fad not to observe nam and number. ' t3? No letters received unless postpaid and' coo tabling a stamp to be used on the reply. Person writing should state age, and send a portion ot ad vertisement describing symptoms.' : .. ,.,:t::u ."tr.,.. ' The Doctor's DIPLOMA hangs la bis office. ENDORSEMENT ' OF THE PREfcS.' The many thousands cured at this Mtahl!ahmi "within the last twenty rears, and the nnmerous lm portant surgical operationa performed by Dr. John son, witnessed by the representatives Df the Pres and many others, notices of which have appear again and again before the public, besides his stand tog as a man of honor and responsibility, is a sum cient guarantee to the afflicted. " . v iu tu:u.i ij,ur,lu siiu'.l '; .-,'. Sfclm'jDIsaesv Speedilr Cored. ! : ;': march te-if ent- r '':' A W e w 1 1 P rem i u m '.I TO. THE 8UBSCSD3ERSI OF TUB FIBESLBE jOUElfAL HpO ANTMAN, CHILD OR WOMAN WHO WILT A.-forward as - - . ': !! Mr-fit'" ;-' O N e: D O L L AH Forone jeare rabscrlptkm to the "New Dollr Weekly. THE FlREaiDE JOURNAL," we wl. forward a . BEAUTIFUL ClTROiriO, - Size Uxl8 (In IS oil colors). Incased la- a kesntlf o rosewood and gilt frame, with glass and back com Slate. This chromo was made expressly for us, ei tied : The Darsrle Glen? Am. nlficent landscape scene. - We eannot describe tL. elegant picture in word it is a copy of the origin uung uT iruan. r now is me um me to subscrii and i eet a ms chrome. txantifni! framed, for su scribing fo the FIEXSIDB JOURNAL. j4seiuM wsiiwa to canvass 1 or wis paper: win 1 low ta so cents on each subscription ; will ei. a65 ig Machine for 190 subscribers. Now i your unui opeas sjaiCKI. "!.'... (., , Send ns $1 60 for an Arent's outfit, and eonuner canvassine for the JOURNAL at once 1 we will r turn the $1 60 after you have taken 19 subscriber. Start at onco I Don't fldlayl Time ia money I o premium cannot be bet by any publisher in t.. world. Every mother"slon snd daughter,' send on dollar and receive oar beautiful nreminm. and happy, . Send stamp for sample cony. Address. ' j CHA3. THOMPSON,- - : mouaner nresiae journal, ,V:- , - v V;V Bridgewater, Conn. '-P. S.-i-A gents wanted to setf1 Champaign Badges W Send stamp for price list. " . - ; ' :::Balt!l0alt!;0alt! 11 hnrt.ISA5,D AMERICAN AND I m)Mmm FOf die ' dee 7 ft Ii i i it

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