lit- st';-'-' tee;; ::2.:z::g cjpx i- -- v - ri 'OneSauareoneday,."....; . 1 vi' 'Omcrf.'Pdwsnn cV.k. LuJldlnss, Front JSC . i "i. tVjirr-' ; foe days.. ......... JliyiZ i .V -one wwli..:t.?w.'.f.v.'v,i'wj a oo ' I : 5'..YTwosWecka.,v ' Vi W' Ssa ' - . i Three montha7w..i.Hi-V4'-i.v?i iS-. a - : ) - 1 : - . . ,.... v ..a .- 1 : ' ' ' ' .-. I I '... - II ill ; - 1 I - - . 1 . " J I a ml'. - Ml 1 I - rv - . I 'VV I - I I - 1 . X. X I s I I . I I ..- m I ; V i V v I I IX Horace Qreeley will boSii itait ci'i weeks we9tcr,turf -ruroQeL.T?iIl,iiot I accept the nomination of the Liberal Demo-1 cratic partj to laicnusetf or GoTernor. a perjurer; but "U protests against charging the crime against thexM(ftifrii8v generally. -Montgomery, rejoices over the comple tion of the. tjouth and North JUabama Rail road -1 Brussels fiWdT denies the1 report inai ivusaiu uciuimus uiu uurugauun vi toe Paris treaty; , 10. 0. F. ol thenlted' States tn session h Bal timore, tt London ' papers ' of yesterday rejoice over the conclusion of the Alabama claims 'cttorersyr;.: ;-i ' A CHANGE. ; ; .V : In consequence of mfenox work-1 mansnip on -tne pan px.tne electro- i typer, we nave oeen unaoie to " maice i , , . t .-.-t ;tv' v ' a good impression" with the head we lrnvp Wninsino-.tiimftevt1ftrrilartTA. ment of the Stab. 'Ve . -rf" sT,r - therefore A ivicnmona corresponaent 01 the I Norfolk Journal savs ".Mr. James A'.' -, . ! -J.i.. t. owarum,,-cuuor-in-uniei oi tue'jt- t.A w vaw . Ill a, anroo '.ta X vv"v" " " r - fe1 '-j i fnrm nrthn fira,,!. WWto finl. i...w., .v. uivv uum- phur Springa. -Hia phyaieianDrF;' A. Cunningham, of. jlichmond. was- We hope ourcsfecm6d friend will recover and bevenatJedjioO 'many yeart pf faithfuUwbrk, jnUhe profesv sion he' adorns hU many virtues . and talents.,;,';.., 1'.,; n. in. Tl'iitfNTish In nuw yohk. On the occasion of? the "great Xih ?ral demonstration ttf New York last Thursday nightIJT; Tlmi ter carno forth from his retirement of years and delivered,' brie of "his most scholarly and pliilosophical addresses, xxv nf,iewcu, yvuvy tx :unie par- i tt ; i .1. i:: ' t , i. - i sued at the Hiutlr by the, Administra- tion partv. mid showed, that Greelev'i policy of reconciliation was.the'6nry thincrB4VtWfiomitjt::aiiflTrialtflit. tolerable ,to live l The .danger of Imnondlism was faithfnllv nnrt:ravAl I , ; -xki ". . ,. t Vi.t.i. J.- r u V lrmniQn I '"fa"""..; . 4- . w. v : . I We quote portions of Mr. Hunter s able speech i - J With the candidates whose cause I. SUP- ilfc TJT. never exenaneeu woru or irae wna cimer of them i hi-my Vlifew-Ini -times - past ' Mr. Greeley and I have differed on nearly all the rreathublic Questions-which have divided'! oarties in their nolitical action. As I under- I .stand it, these derencea stilTexist.:r He is thfMB -RnMpetjnof .dlseusaiotir'Ahd'Vet 1 I sincerely aesW h&electi and bUnd here lo aid it as far as I -an. - His friends iave put him in, th.e lead, in. . thef great cause 01 national sharmonyt'aiin:'Tthe"-' important issue . oeiweent popular. oversmni,- auu the co'mlnff.' kirrrnii he as'iUd .standard uearer oi myu ,vuu uiumim uuo ,ijvjf uiju .i, supremacy.-Jb or tne sate oi tnese great support; in - their . sacred names 1 f will, loiiow mm so long-as ne leaas us iaiimuuy ana iiis uueuty iwsukw t haoa taanoa vf man hAa Axrpr nnnnipn n or i UyOV IOOUV0 VT s xvuww .- the present I will bury alf consideration of ,IUC UUCSUUUa ULIVU nuiyu -rc nw: ""vi. i f or the sake of his aid upon those which I. hold to be of transcendant importance. In-" deed I could make no issue upon these other, I AJttortaoiv papcr. f commeBlint on the Mountain Meadow tragedy says Bishop Smith's affidavit pro-res iiim a munierer'ot present this morning a head after an P ci?,ay;Xf?m ong tte 'Uu,u , a a ' r .if i "t north of the Ohio Valley generally clear old design something "neat but -not weather, and northerly tq westerly winds. questions if I desired it. Upon them his warran'ta, . &c., were before Justice opponent is aa much opposed tome asheisrrr' - rlA, 'Zr-zi t forbear toda the good, which; y do DecaU8el cannot effect all .Let us secure peaceot pre- but I will not I myself may .tended, but, real, between s aU the sections ;and DeoDle or iliwirreat country, ana arrest me rapio; progress w me ceuumuiuuuw 1 tn Phb tha'Avent of desDotism. and he I will look afterward ,Jttherr. and mmor causesof toioik iQuesUonsoffittanc of currency, ui tuuuucivc, ww.fcuj v. nttntin hut In imnortMrfl thev sink far below those which concern the social life . i. m t ' . t .v:. I ' tL- .Ki- .Ma people is a misoTy wskj ana ine man wuu i leads and -succeed -la itf wU deserve the Presidency for this, if for nothing else. Of the: danger lo ou r : Republu Artnh iaml: institutions ;air. nunter says; . ..v That there is1 a aeiiuerate purpose am uy entertained by any great party in this cottn- trv to rhanre from a oonular to an imperial form of governmentf do noi charge. " But JthESl riSdic party must have this result, whether they esign it or not. - Ana iaruier, , that the nnmbpf of th$ho sctretly pre- ,.. . '-l -11 man any oi ng wouw rauu . vautuj my opinion' there is onffiaair "flanger oi such a changedUnless jhe people are warned n time and take proper steps .PV tantTrr nrni tn a;iv that if voh believe it to be as. ImmlriCntX'iJ M J" havo wSthjirawn all sUDDort fronr those whn nfi. e-fwern:- because.1 'among other reasons, they believe that the tendency of inPHn mpftAiireais too aesDUViu. x ucuuij concur with him and them in this opinion, The KalelrfriVtftwis'a Uttl'mifled be moVhieSTieJ 75 I said ome-tim agethat" there was one theory the course national domvnot nnA VilttAwnAoa VnttroTi fVa front thia cbun trv: and the oeonle wia not be lile .to irovem it with sufficient dispatch and uoon which I could see , wisdom m i ton. fcallsitthe "Metropoh'tanCity of North Of those vWhO. peek M .keep ..up UTna "we are' ecior eal- strife.ra Of course 1 meant tne wis- r--,Arr-- - ' , of ' virtue, but ' of -contrivahces I ous pi our; rans ana uue v- ttecropouwn, and that was, if their object W to changa I Bnd can't afford'lmjLnn4T this republic, into jvn empire. in its -form of:Fyetv':iis astonlshihc-ChesV;vfflage' government'- Once infuse' a f pint of tte I .. , . - rr -vs-aPi ' II I HI III I Ill III I Ml 1 1 1 Ill .III III II II II I I ill! I Mill II III II I 11 ' I wJuch .we ire no longer paWe of render 1( eaca Other, an4 to one .rule, for the SKhVffi wnetner tills be the object or not; they are acting as, if it .'were, and pursuing a course of policy yhich must; inevitably lead, to it. tJ SoptembCT 16,1878. 1 '.", Time. Barom- Ther- mom- Weather; eter. 7 A. M. P. M. -80:08 29:99 f 80:03' NUght N WLiffht Clear Pair Clear ' .78 71 P. M. aW Light Mean Temtxof Aav 70 rfw . Motx. AU barometric readinsr are nulupArl tn tha lea lerel tod to 33 degrees Pahrenhelt. Weather Report. ' - ' '; Wasliinaton. Seotember lftU-M p m viiuue tn .vtiuef , Dignai umcer, . . .v rrttmmie. - Mo-jiuaio oiaes nonneriy 10 wesv rlX wtods and. clear weather, and probably extend eastward over New En&md on Tuesday from the Interior of the Southern States east'of the Mississippi; generally clear weather and light to fresh winds, and WeekJr Star Rate or Snbacrtptlon. .wBUa,te advance.. i....,..,.. i oe 60 ' Special Nottee. Marriages, Deaths, Eellgloua. Funeral andObito- nouces wiu do uwertea at aalf rates when pal tor in aavance; oinerwise ioii rates wui be charged. , -5J'1 ouc.e? Aaverusemenw Kept un- (wraeuoi ' ew AuToruBements oo Der cenLad- uiiiuucu 10 regular raies. 'rvBVMl 'nun rtwmnrt ;- NEW ADVIJlTlSEItlENTS. . Fairbanks & Co. Standard Scales. ' ; ' JThos. D. MEARKS.-Pine Wood Wanted. Wit IL Bernard. For Kent, v - . W. M. Poisson. St. John's Lodge No. i. E. D. Hall. For Rent ., ...... Oldham & CiiMpjo. Notice. . - . bee advertisement of Female School. l.ocal Dot'; The 'Telegraph office at Lilesyille is' nearly Completed. ,1-..; The Board of County Commissioners have another meeting to-day. 1 We noticed Mr D. McNeilL formerly of the Wadesboro Argus, on our streets .rtow; : . j " The old Carolina Female College at Ansonville, ten miles North of Wadesboro i.-.'- . .... has oeen resuscitateo,; : .. ; : It is now stated that Geo. W. Price, Jr., has never been, removed from his posi- - ' Two 'fme horses belonging to CoL B. F. Little, of Richmond county, were killed i l A ? rm J .1 l DJ ugouung uu :ittunua.BWi.' l Track-laying, under the supervision of Capt Wm. Smith, of this' to com- mence at Lilesville to-morrow, ' fr 'R S. Warrock. of the Wadesboro .-.. -i . - r- - ryw, is very ill with typhoid pneumonia at the residence of his brother in this city, . ; .1 . ., ' 1 A special communication of St. John's Lotge'Ka-l, F. & A. M., is to be held at o'clock: ; becnsltfewdly- riinarkedthatad- ' . uauv"j' wtw . 7 venising is me wi wiucu wine uicrcuauw put into their lamps and foolish ones neglect t . 10 U8C- - r-.tcy. iii-r. ..ukuuuuuu, ui. .wo lvim Georgia Annual Conference; 'preached, in s . (T f . " evening..- : - v r - i The cotton cron of-unner Richmond ' . . , .- .1 V ' - will, We understand, fall a third short of laTR aiClliaUUllS. VU BCVUUUkVi ,Uli U1U. BO- M 'tnma ' T,"r , , ' T . . . A number .of cas arrested unaer ,Cassdey yesterday, but were postponed for a future hearingVj:;; : !; ' ' 'X '9'Z - J A l( ouj irom uaiumore, , wnere ne purcuaseu irwu BDiendid horses ' lor tne vjape arear sieam e Mr. N. A. Stedman, Jr., formerly local pter of tln paper, and more recently of . , - the Marion (S. C.) War, is n Judse Pearson's Law pcflooJ. -if firilTU' t . -v.- .....r-. A tea made of ripe or dried whortle Demes, unu urans. m iuc piacc ui wawi, u mMTo be a sure and speedv cure for scrof- i hulous difaculty.showever bad. .-'.:' . l.&land wilh a cago of Railroad iron, ar- yesterday from, Newporti-Wales, - : n JI ' : 'Z consigned to Messrs. Heide Bros. - ; ; Th", exercises of Misses Burr aid James' school wUl be resumed on Wednes- day, Cfctober 2ct The mical department i wyi be under the direction ol Jirs. Jn. d, V 1 " . i-rJL - rr- mi. '.' t. 'J yug learn mat ym.Lx., iuiuuu, ui as Awiswni ABwm;r uiu and that -James Heaton has been appointed InUfH M I ; 1tatcher f the" Express office, has I been succeeded on the sick list by.our yen- I household, who comes out with astiffneck. l-wiin rtmfaurj)tt . -t 5 " j , t mm. 7 r;.t.CitM irrtroiAiitan. . . u -v.--i cause the localizer" of -the Battleboro I tanu, who has been on a visit to wummg- I " Wake Court Eouse' being ; no. exception to the rulel f , : ' ,-r.J oi I eaitors can someumes put ud. ur, urow vi nonament to the latevRererend JT, L. e' Jnd aXeiies tay tl15cfeid 'ithi..lnf1 efforts, jtp procure a ,6itabiemWentnrki last resting! place t?l tht devoted, servant pf Christ, Rer. jLlr:Pricbard,i who -lost his life'while. ministering to the pick and dying during; the ' great ; yeUow jierer fecourga in thiifcity in J1862. .IThe monument,-which has been placed in position is a very neat and 'substantial one;' The' inscription on thtf East side' reads si follows' "Revi" John Lamb Prichard, born In Pasquotank ;o. June 6th,' 1811. 1 Died 1To'v.''l3th7vi862.M" On the West side ithe foliowlngi'.'Pastor of thejJlst'Bajptist. Church &r .seven , years.' During that ' time the new ' Church edifice was projected and commenced, which' op ject enBsted;. hia Varmest'' sympathies . and indefatigable' exertions ."VThen, our, city was scourged by yellow fever lie remained at his post, and wiule ministering to the sick and dying his summons came, and this good man laid him down tp his everlasting rest." On the South: side, are the words. 'We Loved Him." . .On; the . North side is the following inscription' 'How .'beautiful are the feet of them that preach the' gospel of peace and bring "glad tidingsE of good thing Soman 15. j' ' S Mayor's Court, vu J .,y: The following ases were disposed i of yesterday morning: - -. v : - . Sylvester Artist; charged . with i imbibing too freely, was required to pay a "fine of $5 and the costs. : ;r - .; Victoria Collins, charged with disorderly conduct,' was discharged1 'on' the payment of costs, $2 25.'' . -;;' ''; ' Anna Morrison, charged with1 disorderly conduct' Case dismissed. " " Sidney Williams, charged with disorderly conduct, was sentenced to the Work House for 20 days.' V.;. , Laura McCallum, charged j with disr orderly conduct Case dismissed. .: Henry Stewart, charged ,with: drunken ness, was required to pay a fine of $15 and the costs. , , , . Hammond Pictgan, , charged - with dis orderly conduct, was discharged on the payment of costs, $2 25. . - , - : ' ' Thos Smith, charged with disorderly conduct, was fined $10 and the costs. Two cases were continued over until the 18th inst m m m ' ' ' ' The Late Shooting Affray la Robeson Gilchrist Not Dead. Intelligence reached us yesterday, through a trustworthy source, that . Tom. Gilchrist, one of the parties to. the terrible affray which occurred' in Robeson county1 last week, in which it was stated that he and his antagonist both perished, is not yet dead. Three balls were shot through the baek f his head - and one through his mouth, which lodged back of his ear. This, with one of the other balls, ' 'was extracted by the physician in attendance 1 upon the sufferer Saturday, and we learn that it is his opinion now that Gilchrist may possibly recover. He formerly resided at Bennetts- ville, S. C, but removed with his father to Robeson county some time since. . , . The Radical Demonstration at Ab bottsbars. Parties who came down on the W., C. & R. .R. R., yesterday, state that there was a large crowd present at the Radical jolification at Abbottsburg, which came off yesterday, and that when the train left that point a row had commenced which bade fair to lead to serious results. It was diffi cult to tell exactly how the row originated,' but as the cars moved off clubs were being used quite' freely 'and pistols ' were being drawn. There was every indication " that liquor had been circulating quite freely in the crowd. . " - The Trunk Case Again. . Essex Hill, charged with implication in the trunk robbery on the night of the late fire, was arraigned before Justice Cassidey's Court yesterday. - During the investigation evidence came out which was deemed suffl-- cient to convict another jparty whbbad been released for want of evidencfeon a previous trial, but who had been summoned as a wit- ness against ililL Both were therefore re- quirea io give security in me sum oi for their appearance at the next term of the Superior Court W answer to the. charge - 'of Township Trustees. i , . . The Board of Trustees for Wilmington Township met at, the , Court House yester day, f Simon '. Hayes the' v.hewiy-elected .Township Constable, presented his bond for $1,000, with Daniel 0'Conner,.. Owen Burney, S. H. .Manning and Wmi Kelley as sureties, which was. accepted and ordered on file. -Without the transaction : of any other business,; the Board then adjourned until Thursday afternoon next,' at 4 o'clock.' . m mt mm i -:: The Ralelgh. aad Augusta.. Alr-IOne. The surveying party of the Raleigh and Augusta " Air-Line,?, locating heir road .in Anson, will,? we, learn, mostj likely i make 'Wadesboro the; crossing' point Maj. San- fordy the gentleman in charge,: speaks coik fidently of being able to reach -that place, Other surveys to the Contrary not withstand ing. .-i'n-i.JaI. t. - The Last Tribute. t rav;v.i'. The remains of David Ross, late quarter- master'-of the j$ewafatWLoa&&axK wad "an nounced in our last, were.onpwed. jtOjtha National Cemetary, on- Sunday by the en- tire iorce of thCj jeuardr under,' jpommand of Capt Cajsan-Xkut , SparQe .acting b Chaplain. The flag at theational Cemet tery was at halfnast during the dayt f -T--: . V'., -, Cw, M aldermaabt aty U Maine,beihg invited td attend 'a Centennial' jubue' re plied i I cnt atteid this one; butpn ;go next time. f -;-r tyi-! ': Solicitor Cantwell: ' Who tea been !n ' at1 tendance on Bladen Superior Court daring the week past,' was in' the city ' onr Bunday on a briel visit He informs us that theret area largo number of criminal pasei on the docdet' ITrue bills were found against bntf Gabe Clifton, for the murder of a colored man some time since; and his father,' John Clifton, for being accessory before the fact The parties were arrested, but the younger Clifton made his escape and is now at large. Court is still in session; Judge Russell pre siding. ' -- Excursion Thursday. '1. '1 The proposed excursion to the -'blackfish grounds, which was to ! have come' off to day, has, been postponed .pntil .Thursday; next This is not the " family ..excursion''; which is expected to come of? shortly under the auspices of Dr.., T. B. Carr. Our Chip Rasket. , . . r ,A "nng" that ,is popular, with the ladies' ' dress" circle. . . r Se.f made men are most always apt to be a little too proud of the job. t : ': ., ; A Batchelor compares' a ' shirt button to life because it hangsJby a thread.' Clergymen ahd waiters are much alike they both ftar wlnte ties and take ordera. 'Why is a'mah's life 'safest in the last stages of dyspepsia t Because he cant di gest then: r " '""-' - - ' ' 4- There are many people who"5 jibt' only selieve that this world revblves o'n itsr axis, but they believe that they are the axis. ; A husband can readily foot the. bills of a Wife who is not afraid' of 'being seen footing the stockings of her husband. A wife wrote to her husband,, absent California, that . the longer he stayed away the . better she liked mm. - liatner equivocal that s . j . : y, , A club of Boston ladies are hard " at work endeavoring to obtain the - passage of a city ordinance providing that all tobacco chewers shal-be muzzled vrhen on the street ' : - ' "- ' A thrifty young man procured a- mar riage license a few-days ago with" the con dition that if he f auecLto' get the girl he was to be refunded half the'fe'ebn'returningthe document' ' . ': -' "" ' -'' The father of Dorabella recently found that little girVs chubby, little hands, full pf the blossoms of a beautiful rose tree on which be bestowed great care. "My dear," said bei ' didn't. I tell you not. to . pick one of those flowers without leave?" ."Tea, papa," said Dorabella, "but all these had leaves." , , ...... .. . . ..... . . a -.. Spirits Turpentine. f t ' - . ' . The Observer reports business brisk in Charlotte. ' The Observer 1 says rains have made things look more lively about Rock- lngnam,- . ;;;i.-vi i :: The Fayetteville JSagle willt) puDiisnea nereaner as a serm-weesay, in stead of daily.. The Netbs reports the xsotton. re ceipts in the Raleigh market at 138 bales for last week. r . ... . .. . The condition "of 1E." R. ' Stanly, President of the A. & N. O. R TL, is 'said to be better by the Newbem '2w Mr. 'Jacob Harriss an ' Old citi zen of Macon died yesterdayrFnday morn ning. Mr. Harriss was about 80 years old. So states the Wairenton Oagette, Capt. W. K. Davis, of Franklin, has been appointed Chief Marshal - f6r the next Stato Fair, vice Gen..A M. Scales, who resigned in consequence of in health. -m. The ioint canvass in the Second District between .the opposing candidates for Elector, will begin on the .1st day of October at PoUoksvule, Jones county, says the Mqasenger. -; f r.:- .-uiVJ-l , : r Says the Goldsboro Messenger of yesterday;; The.triai. of Stephen Barfield (col) on the charge of .murder is to take place to-morrow. Hon". W. T. Dortch ap-pears-f or the prisoner.' ' ' S ; Zj. The 'manv friends of : Mlt. Jbhii W. Marcom, the foreman of the SenUi&l office, will regret to learn tne-deatn oi ms little daughter, JEthel,EarL. which, occurred Hessrs. Edwards &Brbughton. i. i.-.-Ti-: 111. 'li if ft have purchased the J2dnner,f-Temperanoe. Mr. Ramsay,' its ;late editorj will soon fcan vass the State in the interest of - the Good Templars, says the Sentind.',i . , iOn the 13th inst., Messrs. Os borne, Jenes -& Co.-, sold at the "Granville Warehouse,'?; ,Oxford,i eold-enred tobacco ranging from 31. to. $110 , per hundred pounds, so. we' learn from the oentiiieL , . . , . ' -r: The gazette says Warrentonhaa negro damsels who steal wood rand when Caught retort 'that it is Jesus' wood, . that they are-' children of " Jesus- and that they will take wood where be tens them, : i Tfae;; Raleigh ' Neer- has been shown a boll of cotton raised by Mr. B. B. Nicholson of Halifax : county, .which con tained fifteen cells or sections, every one of which had the usual quantity and staple of cotton. y t ;v ; , ,sy j The '$erUind &ixx9e.W6odson the ffiu man of being ."some" as an eatist ; "Men may cOmeand'tnen'may-go,.' :; But I will eat forever, ' H ; n fteatpAforeyer,'u r v,).." tsbissongoV J f . , -,,; -,.'j SayT the - Messenger;,, Ayoung son of : ex-Sheriff W. H. . Cullpm, . of John ston; county, recently shot a black .fish in Neuse river that weighed 10i pounds. " The fish"Cdntained ' an eelf two ' and a : half feet. long.tivYoung Walter-is good at the gun rfrhe WildSiNeuts' says! MrV Joseph tt' Moss, formerly i hotel proprie tor atBoykins depoTa but f or the past twelve "months a resident of Enfield, N, CL, ; died in Aianneys xt ecaiast wees, - irom a , fit of tnaTiia a vottt; while on a visit to . Tis iriendB.'He leam frhostof 'friends to moum bis. sad.loss. vi i-"-" r" - i -v'tiu xn-' A:piAialdipt& ich mona"it(Zlrom Greensbbrb.dsted 14th. Saysri''At rotlock this morning a- colored l man named Andy Cuirmings "was 'run over and killed by the eastern-bound ih ortn uaro lina mail train one mile and a naif from here. , Both legs and one hand were cutoff and he was otherwise mangled. . He was asleep on the track: J- 1 -? 5 ' irr jSays; the Stateville Intelligeticer; Thennualjneeting of, the:StockhQlders of the Western N. C. Railroad, having failed to transact any business on the 29th ult, for want. of ;a majority; of the. stock, Cob- S. McD. Tate has ordered a call meeting to take place at Morganton, on next Monday (yesterday ..'..- i'.w " : -i:j-;r.- : u - From the Intelligencer we learn that)On.Friday morning a personal difficulty occurred in front ol the oimonton llouse, iii StatesviUe,- between Mi-.- F.; Brevard Mc Dowell and R B. Drake: . Editor of the Aiptrican, in which the latter was .decently pommeled, Mr: McDowell using both a cane ana ms nst Tipon hinL; v ,;1 - - The Warrenton Gazette ' tells a singular story, .of , a ; Mr. Shel wbd" while travelling;" in a' spring wagon, crossed the road "where a boy was felling a tree and was almost totally divested of clothings by the falling limbs. He hid in a thicket and sent a boy to town to 'purchase a suit of clothes, before he could venture to gd on, not wish ing to set up a Black" Crook in moral old Warren. Mr. Shell was severely bruised. His horse was knocked down. From the Banbury Reporter: The Revj Mf; Wm.' Berry, of the Methodist Church, got his marriage license on yester day to marry a Miss Hutcherson, of this cOuntyl' ' He is over 80 years old was born blind and educated at the Deaf; Dumb and Blind Asylum at Raleigh, He can read his Biblefluently, and can preach, a good ser--mbn and 'is regerded as a "conscientious man.c'? His wife will have something 'to boast of that few married ladies can claim her ausbandcaanevetecafault in her. Wfi thespleasure of meeting yesterday, EvelynX Denisbn, late of Cos ham Park, Hampshire,' and of London, England, - who has been- in this State for some time on a prospecting tour. Mr.. Denison has just returned here from Ashe ville,.Bunconbe county, haying contracted for the purchase ot 75,000 acres of land, in Madison and 'Jackson counties for stock raising and general farming husbandry, as is practised in England and Scotland- We wish him all success in his undertaking, and that many others may be induced to follow his good example. Maleigh News. ' ' j(U, HOTEL ARRIVALS. t National Hotel. R. Jones. ProDrletor. SeDtem- bet 1&,t. T. Cooper. J. C, Gay,; Kocklngham! W. MPrentis, Richmond, Va; Geo. A. Davis, Rich mond county ; Joseph M. Lewis, Ga. ; G. A. BonthaU, D. Rider, Va,; Philo Allcot, W., C. & A. R. JL; A. J. Hill. Jr., C. Boacowitz, Bam. A. Feldman, George a. -ecK. li. u. Mcuirt. uity: x. l. Jiverett. Laorm- bdrg; T. J. Smith, Daniel McLean. W., C. fe R. R. R.; 8. E. Ward, Lnmberton; J. C. Rees, Greensboro, jm, u.j joob xl raodison, romt carweu; A. is. Caldwell, Sampson county; D. McNeill, Shoe Heel; D. M. Currie, Marlboro, &. C; S. Shenee, Philadel- pnia, ra. j max. nern, new uaven, uonn., r. t. Anoereon, Koanoae tMttom, . u.; Tni lomas Polk- ams, Kew York. if i , Bottles Full of Beauty. Ladies, if you would have beauty by the bottle fall, all yon have to do is to purchase Haoax'b Mao hqlia Balm. That peerless beautifier of the com- Slerion not only heightens natural charms, but ren ers even the plainest countenance exceedingly .at tractive. It recalls to the pallid cheek the rosy tinge of health, removes pimples, blotches, roughness, saV lowness and other blemishes, and imparts to the skin a most delicate fairness and softness. . It smooths the furrows caused by time and care, and giyes facet neck and arms the plump and engaging appearance of youthful beauty. All this is accom plished by the most natural. means, viz: by and naturally stimulating the circulation in pillary blood vessels: - Besides being the moet effec tual aid to beauty known to modern science. . . Pimples, Eruptions, Rough Skin. - The system being put under the influence of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for a few weeks, the skin becomes smooth, clear, soft and velvety, and being illuminated with the glow of perfect health from within, true beauty stands forth in all its glory; , Nothing ever presented to the public as a beautifier of the complexion ever gave such satisfac tion for this purpose as this Discovery. ; . The effects of all medicines which operate upon the system thoueh the medium of the blood ara necesaarilv ' somewhat Slow, no matter how good the remedy empioyeo, vvnue one to tnreeDotuee clear tne sain of pimples, blotches, eruptions, yellow spots, come dones or " grabs," a dozen may possibly be required to cure some cases where the system is rotten with scrofulous or violent poisons. The core of all these diseases, however, from the common pimple to the worst scrofula, is with the use of this most potent agent, only a matter of time. Bold by all druggists, sepld-TuThSat MARRIED. KING SPRINGER. At the First Presbyterian Church, in this city, on the 1 6th inst, by Rev. G. B., uernneim, jnr. r . m. .ning to miss uiara A. spring er, both of Wilmington. . . . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. One 1 Thousand Cords ! '. ;;"i ' "pf.; , P&E WOOD WANTED. Apply at once to sep;it-lw- , THOS. D. MEARES, Agent Steamer Waccamaw. For Eent, DWELLING ON SECOND. BETWEEN Church and Castle streets, now occupied i Mil Dy. jar. sweeney.. 'House contain s six roomsand Kitchen with two rooms. Good-water en the premises. Apply t epl7-tf, . i WM. H. BERNARD., St. John's LodgeNo.1; A SrECSAI OCOCMUNTCATlOSr WILL BE jtX. held at St John's Hall THIS (Tuesday) even ing, atso ciocK. . , i i .t ; Byorderpf the W.M. i - " WM. M. POISSON, ! , -k.i:' . . .-. ... ; a secretary. , St. Jobb's Qaxx, Sept 17-lt i . , - FOE BENT, THAT LARGE HOUSE ON NORTH side of . Market.' between Second and Third streets, occupied last year by Mrs. quince as a ravate isoaroing uouae. it nas io rooms ana is most aaauraDjy loca- FLrat-Class BoardlnelHouse. ., , .. Also, that Office, on, .Front street, occupied last year Dy Major J. A. uyrne as an insurance umee. tt is the best adapted to a professional or business man in the: city.- Fine-' neiiborbood. Two rood rooms and in, good condition. ; Price, 25per mouths . ' " .' i E. D. H ATiIi, . sep Xt-ln.tii ' -;.:") -. :'.' 'j - Executor. Notice. WILL SELL OUR MILL COMPLETE (Ca- pacity lijfl Bushels per day as we expect to pat in S targetinOton th ret of October, -1 foot of Dock stretfT J f wi!!'-'' - sep 17-lt , ' . iOJJ)HAM ft CUMMTNG. Female ScliooL i 5 lmsSKS BURR Jc j ABIES, Prlnelpals. t i i ' i , l . 4 : ST ' i1 ! li ... 1 f " ' -ft 'n I rTMTX EXERCISES OF THIS SCHOOL WILL BE : JL. resumed on Wednesday CetoberSd.- - ". . rUnder the direction of Mrs. 'M.' 8.' CTJBHlNa: Saddlery. 'AXL KOn3 0F saddles; harness, tray- r: ELfNGBAGS, and everything in tae Bne of Cheap ror Cash at JT. S.Tophanm 4cCo.'a - - . . Ofc o bouta rront t, ."fb s-tf ftae : tt ' - Wihatogton, K.O. si s sssi I lilt t lt 1 ted for a f ; SPECIAL HOTICES; No rers; ' w , iQmca o Tax-Coi.lxctor " Haw Haotb Coctttt. ECTOR 1 JCHTT, I N. C. f No. 13 Market .tree, -Wilmington, The Tax Books, for SUte and County, for ths year 1872, having beesjlaced in my poeeesslon,, M- payers are requested to make, prompt , payment I may be found at my office every day (Sundays ex cepted daring tne present monlh.' ' ; ' ' ' ;.; t v. -DAVID PIGOTT, ' v" .Tax-Collector New Hanovee Connty.ii . sep 13-tf- . , ... . '...:' MISCELmNEOUS; ; To:tKe Lovers ;: QF..GOOD BOOK,S AITO:, w5 x-., - ir. , - yi .." standard Literature. Te attention of connoisseurs and all lovers of goadlBooks and Standard Literature is directed to tne ' 'Bare ail ValnaMe - Worts- In Stars, which, are justly considered the finest col lection if works ever offered for sale in the- city. Among them will be found magnificent editions of the best aatbors, and copies, . in fine condition, of many rare ana spienaia liinstratea worn, at 3VJ (lV'VA i vid. a HEINSBERGER'S . sep 14-tf Live Book and Music Store. JUST EECEI VED, A LARGE LOT OF; Common 11-inch Plug, Bright and dark doable thick Navy, Black and Sweet; Cavendish : X. and other grades of fine ' Chewing; Totiaccb; Also a' fine lot of im ported and. domestic . SEGABS, Prices Reduced to new SO cent tax. H. BURKHIMER, Sign of the Indian Chief, i : . '-, . No. 6 .Market St-: ep 15-tf TRY THE CA1TFIEII) ' n-- Condensed Milk, TWO DOLLARS PER CAN, LOWER THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS AND ' better goods. ' GINGER ALE, FRESH PIG HAMS, ; REEF TONG UEy Fresh parched Jara and Laguayra Coffee, Fresh : Family f Supplies Received , .i . -,. .... By Every Steamer ' sep lotf At GEO. MYERS', Foreign and Domestic CASSIMERES. , Suits ; made to' Order . HI -THE NEWEST STYLES. FRESH ARRIVAL Of READY-MADE CLOTHING! FINE TTIIITE sniRTS, &c. MUNSON & CO., ' ,, ' City Clothing Store, : ''! 88 Market street ' sep 15-tf if JTJST ARRIVED : SEPTEMBER MULLETS, OWIO NS, 'POT AT0E S; q b: e' s b , ! 1 . ' " - : s. . FBESH BUTIEB, IABD, k " FOR SALE LOW BY sep 14-tf dIw "'" BLNFOED, CROW & CO. THE FINEST GBADE COFFEES: (U GOYERNltENT JAYA, CHOICR . OLTJ. "tit??, :?.;CJ A.t , JBxtr eiecic4iio, ;,(Vt u CEYLON, MARACABO AND MOCHA. j FRESH : GROUND PDREOFFEES ' BY EVERT STEAMER: J CHAS.;D. MYER3 A CO. ; , .sep 15-tf JolinD.v Woody; f- connission - flercM; North Water St.; Wilmington, N? PERSONAL ATTE2m6N PAlD TO THE SAlS of Cotton, Naval Stores and - Country Produce. n t A. . - . i . . . . . . suucb prnxm vuuuucu wo auwpt rcvuru uupnf PUEE -r.-: 1 nitiAinvfofi QfatAn m 1 00 90X29 K PEARL STARCH; In store, which we offer at low figures. -., v :.sepl5-S - ' DbROSSET h CO. v Stuffed'OUves; CPANISH OLIVES, ANCHOVIESv ENGLISH rieities: r-eeic, rrean & uc's iULgUsU Crackers, Albert MMdlemaaa Rimt.-i k-t. ..-.... .. . j : - . CHAS. D. MYERS A 00., T, Bacon ! Bacon ! WHJASDBS98. rplTR MORNTNIs'stAR BOOri XttNB -A -KRx is eomnlete in all all its anointment. and Is in charge ef one ef tke most sMUful werkmea 2 JB "" f WsAtof exeentH srsr, wl7 will iw.uKr. f : . T-t luK,.VIjt i- gix months rar-Contrsct idTeriinteifcjrtitwPw- onately low rates.. ; - - LJJ-L-1 'i Five Squares estimated "as a eartef-colsinB, aaO -i n squares as alt-colPttjaA Vy, jU V ; v.' -jri H IMILCEjLjEq IIS flM AAK0N'& f BBEINSTEIK JC Sfc COWA, opositethe Hotels pnorabont THEIR IGfeLT' IKCREASELV Have rendered this ehans;e necessary. ; Are leinj receiTejt'W'EOTiS .i'ruiV r,a--'AHOti-.'-i"5 ;fsl-r; : wnoiesaie buyers would do well to. examine their stock before pur sep : Stateof Ilorth Carolina,; xsrunswicK count yaupenor- uourt. ' - Patrick: murphy AsfADMnnBTRATOR" 4t- bonis non of Thomas P. Hall, deceased. - v-' -;.-.. -:.u..-.-Vf)Pjaiatiir,.';i Samuel Han: William H HalL James Owen and . t wife, Elizabeth Owen. AaryllasP, AsheV Julia HaU, . . 1 Robert P. HaU. Sopbla-Hall, John Howard, Mart- f v? anna uowaro, 'l nomas weixer ana wve, f uua w aicv ; er. Samuel HalL William L. Hall. Thomas G. HalL .: t Thomas O. Brown and wite, JIarj B. Iowm. Sarah r i i j. naii, wiuiam u. urown ana wite. uoaina w, Brown, Angelo A, Benton, heirs at la- -wtw-- mums.-, wrmm.smnmtnmrvipa, : mmt ' m ot Thomas P. Han, dee'd. , 'i 4" " vf Defendants. i l Petition to sell land to car Sebts and charges of - administration.,-, y,'i.hyiv!.iiiiUl; ORDER FOR PUBLICATION. r To Samuel Halla William H; Hall.t- Amasttas I Ashe. James Owen and wife Elisabeth, .Julia- Hall, ,v . oopnjauau, .loan nowaru. Mary Ann uowamy i nea.' -Walker and Julia Walker his wife, non-residents of the State of North Carolina, and detendants to the . above petition: . . . . ,- . t ! - Ycarohereby summfinsdtoaTrpearrt'tb'wace Of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the county and Ptats aforesaid on Taeaday, the 8th day ot Octo--' ber, 1872, to answer, the complaint In the above ae-- tiou, or Judgment will be. taken according to. tha, , prayer of the petition. ' , ', . , . r , w Harass w. u, varus, .caem or Bupenor uourt, at -office in Smlthville, this 6ta day of August, A. D., ; '' - .-S- G. CURTIS,' 'V aug90-oaww.Tu.i'-v.''-.f.i,j . sfcMtf f ft-8.'l.'. BUT THE OENITlIfB' V'" V?.-- ivv.'2it?-3J- STAirDARD SCALEO;; More than 8 SO Different Modifications Agents also for the best alarm Vdncy Drawer..' T , FAIRBANKS A CO., 811 BROADWAY, NEW , 1 YORK, 184 Baltimore Street, . BalUmorei U - ' Camp St, New Orleans; , " , FAIRBANKS &BWINGf, 715 Chesnat street, WL- - V adelphia. . . -w . - ,r - -,v V FAIRBANKS. BSOWW "ft" CO1TirVTTlt atrAot , , ; FohyleAdmi'Bwari ? 8cpl7-ttawtoTn&Sat,t, .tf; ;., ;4 A u n Vf ; i i i ii - i i m li i. i kitau i i -SS-s ssrSSH-vM- Cod Liver Oil J COD" LITER; OIL ANlJ ihakCSi p6wf ! .TOOTHER USHE8MU' Segars and Tobacco, Pain i PatatfcOIGlaeS- and Pfyt At GREN tt FLANNER S,', , , -'' . .i r i .i ii ii i- ?, J. sep la-w Fresh, Go3hen;A Butter. ' A : SMALL LOT JUST BECSTtZD PtE STEAM-'i smn-Tonawandai'andwl 5. 'st "rt'V,-? 'Iii-js' r. sep l&4t t'Wii'llsBaWsA.- -1 1 1-".: 1200i8MiS - j ..ForsaIeby..'. y--j- Vseplfi-tfl., Bag-andTica; Coffee Corn i and Eyo. C A 8ACKS RIO,, LAGUAYRA rXKT , JAVA . Wy Coffee, 10,009 3nsbe)s Corn, too baahels V..- For sale hy -.X'ht, MH,Eaan4Poi& '1QfiVttS. AW3Ba1 S31QKE)llSIDE3r, ? C Hhda. andBoxef a g. giionldera, -'f ; 2 syk Had and Boes Smoked Bboulders, : riHttiM f -rts re1e 's.:V; " r P 1 1 300 ti1 HZAVS BAClGINO, 1200 Bandies1 ! r1 -r : -T- .- . 'i 1 - . . . ,-;; ' Oil -MUiAAb'.XeiAXUUIs: fftWrW- 200 J4 XaSTRI A'ifcE; York :X&?k&. ,-. -: - ., ? . 'Tf Salsv Jew.'- ';5 .V'W yt VseplMt r:'- ', DkHOSSI?! A CO. "TROM l-TOP- 0CT0F"3 KEXT.o -JC DWELLING on N. W. corner oi ltd and Red Crone streets.-) it ha six rootr. goed out-bouses, and well ot' exceliai.. - r I ; For terms apply on the premises. waver miMi cameo. . -. - . . 7? p : U I