united, and the strength and coar CAKDS. 3e lution is the u. of a loturning of the nmsterirr hosts tliat are heav sense of jr.sticrt,an 1 rejects the dawn' 1 Tho Rational Life Boat Institute of Enj uambetta tells-. 1 1 fciert";; -tag ; he r:.. south Carolina j. in g x upward and onward, vrill not xdhian. landinaintainsatacos OIEUS, iVItt.IIvMEllNAll,)Ilto; fleet of two hundred and thirty-three service nuaarea ana uuny-mree service-, ernmcnt for five veara vet3 The old nhilos- I f v . , . ' 1 v- ' c - V.;;.. f WJ.'"J uwAyuf4iAvu -fiio-hf. hundred and eifrhtv-two I i'-tiLi-, if.- . . v - - .J:Democra.t(ic nomination, f or Cpngress aria the sweet and gentle air of Heaven idea, of policy for tbeA government of Corner Front and Dock Sta.; ' ciceko w. h arris, ) - . able, boats. o-- --o - i Ji)ntr-r-reflKiens xtiua laeToun? statesman-,i . r - - m . .,. t , - .-. - , , . r- - " . i i . .. i w jiAiiixAj second. Leisure, will af pear next Spring at '"D,, n-ln "Rl n ?t fn- H-rppl f7 1 THURSDAY MORNING, SePT, J 9, 1872, N ft ilUHAlj IIDI UUIU nuau . . . L - V jirQi. PRESIDENT: ' - Horace tireleyl . OF NEVYOItK. ..v,,v i T0RVICEPBE8ipENT B; Gratz Brown, ; OF MISSOURI. ' XtECTOIlALi TICKET.. i . .' - ' - ' ; . v ' STA T E A T L A Jl .G E. - ' THOMAS J. JARVIS, ; " : Of TyrreU, ' . ' ; ' e. w, pou,,. . : " . J 7 ' - Of Johnston. , ,. " FOR TIII DISTRICTS: -: IsTOcTAVTUs (joKE, or Chowani. . 2d Swift Oallowat, of Greene. - . 3d T. 0. Fcixeb, of Cumberland, v 4th H. A Londoit, Jr., of Chatham. 6th David F. Caldwell, of Guilford. 6th W. L. Steele, of Richmond. v 7th F. B. McDowell, of Iredell 8th Thos. D. Johnston, of Buncombe. JIB. GREELEY " SWINGING ROUND TnECIRCLK. ' 1 The swinging exercise will help our national farmer and philosopher. Latterly his business has been too se dentary. "'"'1-This.' tour -will give him scope and air and all the free, fresh v and healthy concomitants thereof. Then, the candidate will be brought . - -'. -v- . iace to iace witn many ot ms iuture i constituents, whom it will be well to 0:fa TOT,rtrv. -ir?ii knowV ;,-. a .tiifj, j.iL;.' - s: The people the honest, hardwork ing, non-political, non-sensational, generous-hearted . people , of America love the alleged bltdfness .and direct ness of old Horace. ; Many, it is true, once bitterly opposed his views.-- Some perhaps hated the man on ac- t 1. , rpv, vi ' t v. uuuui vi wcui. , xuc vii uoa uua uccu I . - - - I n-nnA I severe refining process. Horace Gree ley to-day stands" before the people not as a Republican politician, hot as a Democratic neophyte. He speaks for reform, for " true democracy and true republicanism, for peace, recon ciliation, fraternity. s.-, , t ... Let the bluff, hale and honest old man 'f swing around the circle and see the people .whom he loves and lives for. ''", WHAT WILL UK DO WITH "IT 1 Shermaa is to.; bo closeted with Grant on his arrival -at Washington, and they are to concoct some sort of plan for managing the Red campaign. The great question now with Grant, uiier , --..umuun, juivision anu oi- lence," is how to undo.. Mr. . Broad brim's unwise policy which is butcher ing up thepeople on the frontier Will Mr. Grant give the redskins a few.more of .Phil. Sheridan's Piegan I yegQtable Indian pills? v The, problem is "What will he do with it?: V.. .The arrival in JNew.York Tuesday of six hundred Mormons,: single men and 6ingle women "demonstrates how . r - : Th fast error- unopposed grows. The crying hame v of our civilization is Mormonism. It is a disgrace to our Government that it has so long tol erated such monstrous violations of the moral and the municipal law.- It shoufd lie f extirpated by; a . strong hand.'';"' .'''""r''1 '.-' . ' -.- v ' - Frenchmen Are, prone to get into . scrapes. ' Edmund " About has gone and got himseif arrested ' by the Ger mans atlStrasburg for 4,writbg bitter diatribes 4 against them, as a people. He will have plenty , of time for re flection Jwithm thgnm Strasburprison. We reprobate the - ,wfx ,viu ?xl3j despotism which makes a . martyr of About. ire'.:-.- u '. The condition of the, cotton crop is better in North Carolina than in' any Southern- State We have had no inr localities .... i v , -1 One. of, the largest political de mVnHtrnuons witnessed in . TitusvUle, Pa, raoiil at lh? Opera House-last Friday 'j'Airo ufclc'gations. came in Jrom mwtifi. anci a snecini train froir. oil - iwr ,-5:.t : material la'fpBl' sts- thougla drousKtlias .chused"'8ome falling off i f '-rfecttog tbe. organization "Kcndm Chillingly; Hi Adventures . and inan'residihg 90 Lbard ,street;tame ; ,;4.Of , LydCarrison, Wendell , Phil- ''' ' 'fn feeches were made by the, Opinions.!.- ...j.-. ... . . 'i to her death 'yesterday afternoon by Upland Gerrii Sun th, the: Abolition . i tiic mccu ot 1 ., o tl0 , j, - , T . v , ' . . - . a sad and;Ish)gular. accident. : It ap- ' Trii-mi'rateMrffIwyer'!8ay6:VtsJ:-s-- I Ion. - O." ' u ami the , ;.Al, Islim3 fd" lulf pears that she: wa picking off some : They are strugglmi to uphold the ICalbfu-S thd 11; Wm? liardoy, and the JnpoMca, Isahouttopuhli-hlds -Optoioaa, Jlothe9 fr0mfl line- which was outspadT craveTyv .otFiatend Hon. f' rlnr'th- "V'': Life, Conversations and Eloquence of Dan- stretchedfromtheeorner of the house passion,". but it droops ? The dreary ' TTir7 r wstHnrcinia -: "l 0'Connm,t!i t b ' - u v' f to an Ueuhbo shado ws beneath wbic these:nalig- Gq -yacoh; 01 v . . ' , iion Marcus D. L. Lane.Tudge hrothcrcaught " hold' of. the' line to" nahts are grouped "grows less.:.,' --ritca toWGreeler ? . 1, nn.njr to of' e Buperior-Court of r Cumberland g o.n it, causing the - cubbbard to , ' Another symbol 'rising I and- nni ?i?Yltown, West Virg. 4 W " . county, M.V died in Portland oidayo M1-6 11 Vttle hreaTong folding, and f ar 4vA ;nearj the people Cllcstown. -und of faugae, hut agU tweXs&en " - - h and cau8inS 4eath instantly , Pr... hail and welcome ttfaad ir nockmg ak up tuat iny 'dccr.r.oa wUl . .I'V Lassiter was caUediin-asoon" as the . tCfcr-Ther ,.iaSn-:-Itrus ttbat 10 you - "history offthe accident occurred,: as soon: as ;ho wUhin its folds Vhite-wlngedinefc ,otl 0 con5tmca.on .cctafoi If ; esthinv to.: call ; cana xonQuhditliatJ lifefwisiexX senger, of jpeace. Warm hearts have PHwAntofejm;--.'"11" , . X. hU book on)ho history of UuisKai)oleo.ii'sf ' Mi vou arc contcnaiip- - , ... - - . . - , - -v , T. -'-.v - - v - - A fondon paper gives us some; pamcuiara rprfnc Naooleoii io' any othcr'eahdldate 1 nm ne the Ufe those brave lif e tovers. 1' v . . tho nntrnn!,Tne crew or a.lue Doav EXn- I wauy uusisia vi .muinu onr.tc yuvuiau, -uu. o v - . have a regular salary, the others receive a reward for each time of going out, tit , lis by night and 10s. by day, besides a. small sum for practices.? The men when want ed are called together - by two cannon shot , by night and a flag by day, and a reward is given to any one who may bring . . . ixi v- I HCW8 01 ft WTeCKlO Xlie Biation. XUO UUtu l is always kept ready for use on her carriage, . 'II and when needed is drawn down to the sea by a strong team of horses, turned " round, filled with her complement of men, backed into the water, and at the word of the cox swain, who watches for a favorable mo-. mentruns sharply, bow foremost, into-the surf, the men pulling even before the boat is fairly off the carriage. ,Thero is a recent decision of Acting Sec retary Richardson concerning shippers and importers, to which we direct attention as a Timely Topic, lie has decided in rela tion to the entry, of goods under the tariff act t of Juno 6th, 1872, which remained on shi; ipboard on the 1st day of August, when said act took effect, that goods in port on the incoming of the 1st of August, and not bonded or enteredpriortothattime, are not entitled to entry under- said act; but must charged with the rate of duty in force prior tosaiddate of August 1st - This decision is of importance to importers and shippers. The collectors of customs are directed to comfonn their action to it. Subscribers to the New York Tribune throughout the country complain that they cannot get their papers, and that copies of the New York Times. Grant's own organ, . . ... , . i 010 DVl" lu - t- . are broken open by postal agents on the route and copies of Granfa Blower slipped in. ' Tliis Is against the law and is likewise disgraceful. j This is verily an age of dash. A Mem- rihis naiier feeds its readers daily with X A tm " - " Morsels of Lightning," and the poor crea tures swallow their electric food with ne'er a demurrer or Appeal to higher culinary nnthoritv. Even an Aoalancie can-not i. . :. arouse utu a, iupi v.- POLITICAL. PARAGRAPHS. - Everv time the Tribune opens its mouth the Times cries, "Idle Slanders." -.So 1 . r Carl Schurz will address the Liberals at Pittsbur.:. Pa., on the 23rd hist. " . Tho Lancaster (Pa.) Volksfreund is another staunch German paper that re fuses to swallow Ilartranf t and his rings. Senator Davis, of West Vir ginia, in a letter, considers that State certain for Greeley by from 8,000 to 12,000 ma jority. Governor Walker, of Virginia, spoke for over an hour Monday night at the large Democratic mass meeting in Phila- delphik The election in Texas will run through four days the 5th. 6th, 7th and 8th November. ,( A chance, for "early and often" voting. Gen. Kemper made an eloquent appeal for Greeley, and. Brown at Lynch- burg Saturday night, to a large and enthu- siastic audience, - The Western papers which are claiming New York for Grant can get a bet that she will give Greeley plump 50,000 majority by calling at the office, oi the Troy Times. . .- - A Radical orator in Detroit com plimented a young mother upon her "fine Grant baby," when she replied that he pro bably came to that conclusion from seeing the child have a bottle. . ' There are some honest Grant papers." fiere is' what one of the honest sort the Galveston BuMetin-BayB of Grant's chances in Texas: "The Grant party might as well call the coroner to hold an inquest on its remains in this State." ,. ,.: PROMINENT PERSONALS. "Isles of the Amazon" is the title of Joaquin Miller's new poem. . Professor J ohn Tyndall's .latest work Is " Contributions to. Molecular Phys- Jules Favre' will 1 favor Franco and the world with lus "Souvenirs Person- nels." T ' . " ' " s;. ri,-vi r:u- i.a- ,i I KJiM. vuaiivp iUAO iim UUlCIlilOCU I 'Notes and Queries," and engaged the scr- vices of Don-naseditoc. ?4 IIoltte's Ilistory, of tfie.'Francp- rmssian war, is reviewed at length by the Berlin correspondent of the Jkrald.y The title of the Novel on which Sir E. ;ulcr7 Lytton is ' enrfarrcd Mr. Stanley has selected the account of ;his v favonngv,; Greeley s nation can do wili:i)rihV.down "the I wish, modest title, " now I Found Llvinfirstone." election-, liewas a prominent pon- primal eldest CUrse'uoon it. onrs "eve for his forthcominj: book. ' tician m. his neighborhood. v would -seem " to ' nrovoke - it. ; WJra- v- - ta'aiLlrX i,. ir wrmcraauu iuafc jriua-jriuu iswueuur tj.TTti Tj.ri"i .il- Jesuits and offers guaranties in caseof war. t irtv?rvr M min. ftfA tall, noble looking old man; a broad, high,; - it-. 1 ' I i-uuiiuaiuu , .uuauuciiuicj wnnlrl 1ir- VlnUn-f U. . cHll. ..v-.--.r. T?Uvv , . x.6v D6",v uwyms wn.mjrepose ouCTecj, ana BuaiSui BU arww waea u; wim x.a .tyuupiuus,. xesior... repuoucan while these theorists and abstraction- creants have stolen the Uvery of heav thisall the feierns and characteristics of a principles, and promote the peace iBfa ro in five lvnlc. f .nniotiAr, enoYirl o-nTiofnrK tnxuh bi Hhrt-- TiaIa and hftftrtv Acrfw-snch i'-C TVTonflfiiflrnp.nl I Dupanloup, Bishop of Orleans, member, of . J o I Imh nk C aisah mm 1-k n v I the National Assembly and the best of France's living orators." , Thus a Paris cor- respondent photographs the greatest of the Romanist Catholics of France. PALMETTO tEAVES. Gov p.- Scott is quite sick at his i in Columbia: " residence' . . Mr' Joshua Burie,-' a veteran tarleston printer, . died on, Monday morning. 1 : I . . -The Columbia Crtion says: An -Min1 A I vn AT1V1T K-ll-n--rt -- -i ma I ported from the counties along the one oi tne uariotter yoiumuia ana rxusio. JVttuiuu. ... , . ...... ... . . Mrs. A. ganger, of Charleston, -I . . . ' ... I tea tnrougn an opniug in tne secona ry neruuBuanus new. awn? ou- Mondaymornmg, a distance of twelve 'feet, and fractured her leg. Wound iiuu eyiiouB. - . I 111C VyOllimDia X-flCemX OI iXlOn- -1 If- T "U i. a! -.1- l1 1 uay.eays: ;iur. xvooen, yy muuuK, me young" man .Who accidentally shot himself a few days ago at Whitlock's saw mm, aiea y esteruay morning, 'IV a . 1 He is said to have been an energetic, intelligent and af- -ii .i -i i -i . uuvfui, u umwju i-o xa oaiu. .u ic foi,i trrmtTi n-d V?a Iathiba Mnnnt. I - - - - j - - - - i yn wo. icgieuBu uy an wu -.hoy hira. STAR BEAMS. An Alabama bridge is 15 miles lonjr. Dollar stores do a rushing busi ness in Chicago. Iowa woolen mills are bein 2 driven to their utmost. ' Highwaymen are as plenty as widows in California. ' r Champaign, 111., has found burn ing gas 65 feet deep. Jacksonville, Oregon, is affected with keno. Has it bad. A Leavenworth (Kansas) cat bit a finger off a burglar. " Cold enough for an umbrella " is now the St. Louis phrase The new pianist is . named Fin-; kenstead, and she is very pretty. Humboldt says in the 13 th cen tury every one ate human flesh, Dr. lirooks, . of Kentucky, has been appointed physician to the King of the Sandwich Islands. The Glasgow Herald announces of William Miller, better the death known in Scotland as the Nursery Poet. Air. jack urammond was in stantly killed by a stroke of lightning in Mobile, Alabama, on Monday the 9th mst. There are 3,300 employees in the 1 reasury Department at V ashmgton, ofnvhom one-third are females, A telegraphic message of twenty words can now be sent from London to Queensland, in Australia, for fifty dollars, gold The wool men f the southern part of California will shear but a small portion of the fall clip, owing to the low price of wooL . . In Montgomery, Ala., the other ott - fnnr ncnrrnon Vrnt nn a enroa nnn took out his little jack-knife, and now there ain t but three. The Swiss born residents of Mu rin and Sonoma counties; CaL, are preparing to celebrate the 564th. national- anniversary of the Swiss Re public. There are indications of the mil lennium near " Belle " Plain, Iowa. A farmer refused $1 25 for wheat be cause he had promised it to another purchaser for li; - ,. . The Norfolk Virginian . an- nAni'-Ao- o--5vr.Af'.'tha Iah-v pected hickory pole from Horace note the power, of men to do good, 9tu VP unT gf5 of wishing -Greeley's farm at Chappaqua which and their measureless Capacity for trsmft. safely ; out of the matter. was 'obtained by a committee" from that city some time since, -, 31r. -Richard Moye, of Mitchell . m J .. . county, Ga-killed twenty-four rattle- enaKCs unaerone log last weeK. i r xne father of the family measured six feet m lengh.. ... , ...--- '-IT Tfpnlle. , i;vini nar. Winoheater. m killed' the ; other dav. on Sad Accident-A Little colored Girl Killed by herNeek Being Broken. JManchc Estelle, :agel about three years, inu uuniriuoi uiviuucji viuikc, a well known and 'Respectable colored . . , - j j . MVm iiHiMi vi-ii. . ir nnvrninir a to national affair: - ' .uvwji" vUc iiyuuuawu -tanHnH ma it ;r,imA.4l,niT.i,vj Biaie.au my jeeungs ana.pnncii . mpatuy. wttu, wiat great WHJ-Vi T WU M TT yj TimiU 11TO I in me ooumera otatesr ana wnose I ia vl,. tll TI uu luiuw iuc icaucismp w mnwe vrreeiey, to purge. ine government oi and prospentv oi air classes ana sec- tions. The Kadical -part v. North and , 5 3 -t - , I 1 . A. , - . bouth,..see andknow .that their SUC- . k I . I 11. I 1 i bill I 1 1 .1. I I s. I I , VT Vliri II MIMI I - depends on keeping up the hatred of the North to the South, and the. natrea oi tne coiorea race to tne white race:: ' When i these hatreds and preiUdlCeS are crushed OUt, the 'Kadi- cal tartv Will lose their ascftnnpnr'.v in 1 . v rm , " . . i will no longer be the political slaves of selfish and designing office seekers o r , 1. . , rv." will nr Innorpr h t,nA'nAlit.ilj-Biaroa and holders, who are basely and most treacherously using . them f or their ?wn Promotion and. plunder. . The inrnrncra orl fivhro st -Ka nl.-M-k-1 tv aatv! a Tvai fl;Q-, t, . . . guardians, the carpet-baggers and scaiawag8i The moneys appropriated tn-fha arlnatin vt . hai K5lr, AVJ. VUV VUUVUUVU . Vi, UUtLil AjIIIAIAICII have been- stolen and-squandered! ihe tree schools . are, closed!, The nun areas oi tnousanos ot dollars ap-, propriated to purchase for them homes have gone the same way, to enrich scounareiff ana leave tnem nomeiess - - , . . . - I liwuocicao:. luwria-Bsuavtureuu inAiaar1 nnfU Tii ; lvii1 at i a'-ai.. I v V"w". ! 1 t VCB sive and intolerable!-'It is a well- known i act lnponticai economy that -r-- f riH- -k -rt 1 n nnvn - B-v v-i -rv- 1 --m. .-. I viaooc3 uiumawsiy ' jf-Ji .-v6. ... the first instance levied on property. rnu. . JJ. l - The merchant Cdds tho dutifis he. rtavs I . . . . - i"- " sumer restores tne tax. &o tne tax on lands and personal property causes The tWO best and sineerest fnPrul -luo two uebt anu bincerest menus I tlie COlOrea people ever nad are lor- ace Greeley and Charles Sumner. These gentlemen have urged the col ored people not to antagonize them calvAQ flQ fl 1Q0 t-k TT-V. i -aa.Iai 1 tional tartv. whose tJnrrjoae-is renon- u i:i; ii;.i!.i4"l:a -.ir- U'a-!i.,?vV :AiA.;:j If n JNortfc. Wat. cuiauon oeiween tne two sections ot l eatQered ia, v,, w iuv, n .t3 cpit, cnanty, out never approachmg the I JNo name has been mentioned in , con but vote independently and for hon- ciasses that need aid and svnipatnv nection with the Presidency that could est ana intelligent men. lheir polic- ical rights are secured by constitution- ai amenaments, ana tney nave notn- mg to fear except the bad men thev put m office, and who falsely tell them that thprp is n.mofpr in vnrit.or fnr nr that there is danger m voting for or confiding in their former masters and friends, How any one, who loves his State and values civil liberty, can -prefer General Urant to lioraco (ireeley, is trange, passing strange. In time of profound peace General Grant issued his proclamation, ordering the people to disperse and return to their homes in certain counties. They were at nome at tnat very time, ana no dis turbance had taken place for months previous. The civil authorities were ot resisted, and were capable of mating any and all arrests required, Hut notwithstanding all this, the Pres- I 1 11 nn f iTnmnninTfllir rt4-r- Ino y---- I a -rv n ident, immediately after his proclama tion, sent his military into seven or eight counties, and made arrests without warrant, and the persons ar rested, innocent and guilty, were hur ried off to jail,, and the sacred writ of habeas corpus denied them. NEW YORK. The citizens of Hudson turned out in large numbers last Friday evening to listen to an address by the Hon. James S. Thayer. After an extended discussion of the questions at issue. the speaker thus spoke of the higher moral questions which enter into the present canvass, his words producing the most 'marked expressions of ap proval: . ,lhero is one aspect in the present political canvass that is not presented in the ordinary contests between par- ties, great That aspect appears only when changes occur in the, history of JC Change, that reach in and n Annnt.rv. affppf all thfl condition of snoiptv . auect ail tue cuuuibiuus ox society--- moral, uncial and political.- Whpn. . .- . -- sr. - ?i . - character aTe" revealed id sad and dis- heartening contrasts. It is during these epochs, which by their example and admhriitjon become- histnri. ;w doing evil, for at such a time they in- vokeis a sanction tor their misdeeds the sarred' names1 of Libert v and.rp. ligidri. Rarely in the history of our race ; me inese f -contrasts . oeen ; so strikingly developed as: at the present momenL V Seldom, has, so , much that is wise and-good and beneficent ;been exhibited, and not often have wicked ness and depravity so rank; and offen- practical .:. and. i patriotic men; with established "' political 'telatidnS. arid holding high positions lh their respeC- tive ."parties, comprehend arid 'acqui- csl-b in mis new ninmiw ior tue com- 1 mon good. - .; r, : , during a reyolutionary I period, : these ?uu AAU"suli ail!" ?pany, accora depths are sounded, the bright and g to ne : 8m owes the the dark nhases of human nature and State about half a million, a lArge I J l j: i..-.i' ' tr-- .i - - - I trS'ir- "r?-r-?.rfTr": r-vw-,. uvw-l'onlidatea' "tt t&e tOTJ Of their TfiTlt" 1 . ... . . -1 ; thHK nhl itirtOTtH ol-II A.r ArattdH' - - tho m-c-,t vi;t .v fo- vw which' worked out the gults'that have been 'aompUshecL : iavw-J5 wvui vu. (iuo wiuga ui a I -Bacrea' ammosuy- sainiiy ana vain- i o-lorions. arid rim-infr the Inno- Rtrtio-. "sacred animosity" saintly and vain- j II jj : - . - A Ti T a 1 1 ' I gle never condescending to touch the earth to-deal a weU-aimedblow in the o o " & & fanA ftf ), c-flmw-iti,- n-?-oL wayg f uU, their bbws always twang- hnt their aitaim T.armlt.c x j i v : rm ' j u.- i tu uanteu me air. . xney. aimea too I inign.. iney may revue JUDerat lie- I .Xt?r' . .t : : publicans, taunt them for their union with thA nPTnhnratin their choice language, " was born of the devil," and now onjy fit for the bottomless pit, "use their very words, and they are tarniliar: phrases com- J mg trom this source, tor these I are ine very men wno aenounce -L " Ll 1 1 I ine vonsuiuuon-oi vour iatners as a " leaffue with death .nd a covenant, nnxr tk r,,0o aa.Z a. .. Their chareea are so mtterlv baselesss, their declarations so extrav- agant, they cannot .impose upon the credulity of the .most ignorant, Tn wn nnr e n i -a." tv uau vuiC:Vr. y VI iUU V UL lttiaC" hnnH shn wa .laaa ttioti nrl,rt ttfl- i ' . such senseless, jargon and put forth SUch preposterous assertionsas these: "Vote for Greeley and Brown and . you vote to pay the Kebel debt," " to pension tne ieDei soiaiers." sma "riA- pnve the negroes of their civil and t iuuwu usuia. a uu lausatii .uis worm ana tne one Deiow can you nroiioi to oti-;f-rr r nariillpl thA at.rniMf.ir rrf""fri a conf?-mfn that calls upon the negroes, in the event of the election of Greeley, "to -o i lcx rtrAnarA. tn d At And thAmAlvAc n Tha prepare to defend themselves. The trnth i tWA roUrc om-c aUrA truth is, these revilcrs areas conceited as they are intolerant and bigoted, pretentious in words, abounding in all thft fipt. nhrasps nf Vipnpvnloni o-nrl . . . . . sufficiently near to do them any good. They have always believed that they were especially chosen to bear the n.v morals, and that they had only to I t. r : .... 3 J . ixiaruu a lew tunes aruunu an iniquity. sound" their trumpets, and, like the walls of Jericho, it would all fall flat to the ground. But they have re ceivea no sucn uivme commission. But they may as well face about and seek some other arena, for thev are nothing unless combative. The men of this generation have done with them, now and forever. We want peace, no agitation : good will, not discord; kindness, not asperity; a complete and final settlement of all the difficulties between the sections, and a srPG(iv rptnrn tn t.hn Annst.tn- tional methods of administering the Government. The time is propitious: I 1 i 11 m -. we brook no delay. The grand com bination of Democrats and Liberal Republicans is complete,. enduring, and solid as adamant. . " Whosoever shall fall upon that stone, shall be broken, but on whomsover it shall fall it will grind him to powder." PENNSYLVANIA. The Philadelphia Fress charges that under Hartranf t's administration as Auditor General, one corporation, the JJelaware, Lackawanna and Wes tern Railroad Company, has paid some three hundred and sixty-four thousand dollars less than the laws re quire; that the same corporation is deficient' to a considerable amount in the taxes due from it on dividends or capital stock, and that during the ho of ' Hartranf t's term it has paid the btate absolutely nothing of the iaxes aue n ITf loani r runaea aept ; at the Northern Central Railroad I 4-.rA. J..-. It. 1... X J . .3 3.1... Company is in the; same condition, I only iar WOrse, the amount Withheld I . J . . bemg greatly larger.1 The Delaware i a it .1- rii . i part of ;it having no reference to the tonnage taxat alL . XhePre doesn't ""J wn "tiou, uit eas iaxgeiy AUUie sua : ne nas r5" cuvi.su-riug wuu I the State Treasurer and a. broker.the profits arising from dishonest specu lations with the people s money, and, worse yet, profits resulting from the purchase, through an intermediary, of State loans, and,- their, sale . at au advance ,to the Sinking Fund, of which himself and the Treasurer are ex officio commissioners. . We do not theref ore,fcto.be obliged -to fee- him guilty -of intentionally aid- to rob the .treasury of several millions .outright. . For the honor of the. State, let us have at least some plausible explanation. , t. IION. Itl. F. -OCN0It AT WORC8- "..x'- TISR. . '.. ; . - , , We copy portions of the able speech of Mr. O'Conor, of .Charleston, deliv ered at the Democratic Liberal State Convention aWWorcester, Mass., last week: . - -7--1' s: i The dark: ehasta whicn; was opened by' the second revolution. through the side and cehtre -o7the .repubifhas be.stfjntteJutVoi From" its deep- and dark - abyss there ..-n i - - . l- D.i.x rxae tuu v auursougnan pas- sion,tai-d oveiiitstiafoasti-l hovers the - demon , of spiteC land hateI His quivor is yet loaded 'with the 'arrows'of wrongs. This third and1 moral re vo- rn.ayjraiL ax jjff eiey; anp. pum I, cipaiiontmai ojuu? y. .Vtl.j., .juuciiix. 1 uer auu; urvwiiauu ocuuraanu irura-'i cuiureu iauu ' ivuuicai"iu an ius weir- 1 1 WJ . - ,,XrxrTo " l.hnli. and All thA mpn tphrt ctYvrvi rin 1 iipnripn tntnfit.Pii(i'wiR(inTTi Ann srtlinfl I AX r-- - -., i Ji'T'i'-rr I ""X"? ftOmrriStied. Its mission Wltn-thC Cman-; . . - .. - . ... . have been more becoming. no jx iuw xx-stt , ; uiopuoouvii ure ox me mcenuiary upon meir iuu- dtim' ahl'thP ! t.htrstftf thfirobbp in fire of the incendiary: upon their ton- AT 1 XL . -. 10 , - " : their of thi hearts. They passed the door t.Tip. frApflman'ij Vnt.ntilv trt 1rnr UnWqMr rtAnnwmi nf- vaw- vino and passion.; They taught the poor natrrtttn "twaum' KnW "tft -?Tin.t.tlif 1.: v:.. . ; - wiiil uiuu, iiia,j.ui-uer nutBLci, auu. i upon tne ignorance oi mis stm ue- lf-i.-.i .1 i t i?'i..ai mghted class they have foisted possession and absolute control of State goven ments, and in some of those States, i govern- m their excesses, have hurried society to a pass where every "passion breaks loose an.-. wildrt aisorder. sjN a law oueyeu, no rigu. respcciea anu. uu I J : l- L J 1 l uecoruni ooserveu. . j-ue .a nesi oi - I Barbarv rirates. thev have set them- tinir AnMiVWonM r. 1lTi,y individuals :'of Hheir private estates, and when the voice of an incensed and outraged people went up from their, . desolated ; hearths amid : tho a- Aiw-n o nW I a o vx duui t iut; vaaaavaa a.:aiAAAOv I thPRP trrosa AnnrmitiAS th nnthnra I v . 01 these outrages sought retuge from the wrath to come on the bosom of the Federal Administration, . - , . which was deaf to all this clamor of outrasrea innocence ana lustice. ne then proceeded to" eulogise Horace c.i. . t-:j i v.in,r.. kixi uu no iiuun. wiunot De surrounaea Dy sycopnants, I to rlav nnn t via nrn ,;. imnmno-r wcoVo who will be supported by his second " o j I on the ticket the nerce and'impetu- I a 7 ffl,i-nnofftf n.t anA -." vjuo.u I honpst. o-ovpmmpnf. hn whn tmp.t I honest government I the manacles from the limbs of Mis tho monlna frnm tho lim'h. ?. I souri," and led her forth redeemed by a generous and manly policy from the I most hnhnlv and TnaUrrnant. riassinna. I r . . I combine so many elements of success, and as far as the South is concerned, she can look for speedier relief of any other man who has been named I r i. t . i I i"r tne unices xt remains ior tue American people to decide in the coming contest whether the anticipa tions of the past shall be realized, whether we are to be governed,, bv executive cabals organized for spoil and plunder or have a government ad ministered by laws and held together by a people trained to obey and reli- giously devoted to their institutions. In conclusion, ho said the spirit which has seized upon the people is above and higher than party. It is the cause of country. Every mountain I sirlp. vallpv and Rtrpam shnnld -r5nr with the echoes of "Union! union and reconciliation!". Parties under various names and banners should all fall into line, and, on the 5 th of November next, under the blessings of Provi dence, the first notes of the bugle blasts which summon our invincible columns to the 6harge will not cease their echo till drowned in the shout of victory raised by a redeemed and regenerated people. - SPECIAL NOTICE. .. . BACHELOR'S II AIR DTE. THIS superb Hair Dye is the best in the world perfectly harmless, reliable and instantaneous. No disappointment. No riduculone tints or unpleas ant odor. The genuine W. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye produces IMMEDIATELY a splendid Black or. Nat ural Brown. Does not stain the Skin, but leaves the hair clean, soft and beautiful. The only safe and perfect Dye. Sold by all Druggists. Factory 15 Bona street, Mew York. . . .. v .. feb T-eodly-ent Ta Th Sat - V Kt2ned alffrepliaasSfe ret,edr for Purifying the Blood, Restoring the Liver ana I PTiHnova tn hullth. urin. mnA 4lrrl 11. .w Nervous System. Its numerous and remarkable cures of the worst forms of Scrofula, Dyspepsia. SgSSSh I caused it to become a standard remedy. It is now I prescribed by physicians and recommended by our 6estdtin.p, 8 xecoaea ow dec 7-D&W&Ply ent MISCELLANEOUS. .m.r FIRST GRAND 1 . ANNUAL FAIR OP THE" A1 Farmers . ana : MecWcs' ; Association OF ISrOET-t CAE0LINA, V AT . GOLDSBOR O , " 510,000 IN PREMIUMS EXTKAOR- . . .--" ,V : BINARY ATTRACTIONS. ; jf - . - I - - .. v THE FIRST GRAND ANNUAL FAIR OF THE Farmers' and Mechanics Association will open to the public on Tuesday, October 23d, and continue four days. .- - . . , ; - Exhibitors trom every section of the country are cordially Invited. . 4 j - . Splendid Premiums for Racing.'- ; ' - Grand Tournament on the Grounds Octobcr25th, at 18 o'clock M. " ' - - .s s .. Hon. Horace Greeley, of New York, has been -invited and is oxpected to be present one day. durins the Fair.- - S . - His Excellency Gilbert ,0. Walker, of Virginia. will deliver the address on Thursday, 84th of - Octo ber, at 11:80 A. M. . v -' - - David Dickson, Esq., the great Cotton " Planter of Georgia, will deliver an address on Agricttltaral subjects, on Wednesday, October 93d, t 11 -3d A. XL . HonuC. W. McClammy, ef New Hanover county, will deliver the charge to the Knights entered for the Tournament, October 2$tn, at I o'clock, P. M. . For copy of premium list, rules, regulations, &Ci 7 Wsf Pr KORNgQAxi fresldent. r 3qumaHW.iX TT7EDDING CARDS AND VISITING ; CARD3 . Tkrfnf H irk thit mAai 1 rran m f-vl .i j Printing and Publishing liouse. : mized; and I naa dittered irom tne aommant i;wiu ;al party, and. prevaiJangVidea, ; and , av practical re- more modesty-on their part would j; pr" OTdera aoiieitod and prompuy mied. - -v i in allits braitcugs -T.;v; Z..T"- fis.on ns - ""rr -"". -:-.. - uotu-U :' . . . . . . 4; CO., ; Street, ' . give prbmpr perianal attention to the m1 & Nobtkbo-.-I W. II. NfMrnran-', I Ww a rv , y . " V-XIN0 NORTHROP-& CUMMING c OMMISSrON MKItCIIANTS :And .Proprietors of the WIKiMIMGTON STEAM SAW MlLt WUmlnston, n.'c. fuSmo,8p or sale of Com ot Peanut , t ' " alex. Jons son, Je. . g p p- i joiii!OIV BIRDSET I. ' . . ..., QOMMISSIOIJ MEECIIANTS, wUmlnston, N. c., ; Will give prompt and personal attention to the sale or ahlpment of Cotton and Naval Storea. sept 7-tf ; :. v.. . .- . B. P. MITCIIEIX A; SON i r-QMltlSSION' MEKCHANTa- i v -- And Dealers la . ,0'?UBdaiHminy an. Nos. 9 and 10 N. Water it, Wilmtagton'-N. C. Proprietors of the Merchant'a Flourine Mills. noyS5-tf : J. & H. SAMSON, ' TTnOIA-JEAia) RETAIL DEALEIRS IN stapib and fancy dry goods, - - Notions. Boots, shoes. Hats Are ; Jolj 16-tf 43 MARKET STREET. P. MURPHY-. JOHN C. HEYER, B. P. GRADY. jo. dickson pearsatt I TiT---l-- tt: - n. - I ALL UL UJLLV. XLcvrjr Ijfi. . v . v . , 'f GENERAL. I nmrirnicoinri TVn-nnVinnA I vfux-aiij.oK.iu-x. xtL9,tuautD. AmcK NO. 19 NORTH WATER -strkkt, I V f wumlnEon. n: c. T.iri i-.nB. ' 5S"5" ,Kon' Xiaval Btqres, reanuU and other produce.' Orders for Merchandize promptly mica. . J. B. Mattison, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND .-( y '.. f,: ciAxxn hi HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER, v " BUENOS AYRES SOLE LEATHER, CALIFORNIA SOLE LEATHER, ORIN0CA SOLE LEATHER, ' OAK SOLS LEATHER, ;,. ' . : OAK ROUGH LEATHER, Strait's BaiUc and Tanner's Oil, V S4 SPRUCE STREET, NEW YORK. H?" Liberal adranceB made on consignments. Jnly 13-6m :':'.-.'.' r vv P UBCELL HOUSE, J. R. DAVIS. - PROPRIETOR. "FROM this pate, the rates for tran- sient Boarders are $4 00, $3 00 or $2 60 per day, ac cording to location and rooms, per week.' , :.rt " -1 . .; ..." Day Boarders, $8 00 Morrill's Restaurant, No. 1 G S. Water St., Wilmington, N. C. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. THE BEST WINES, Liquors and Ctears always on hand. t3T The public are invited to call je 19-ly - John D. Woody v General Cokiiuion:: Jlerc Nortb Water St., Wilmington, N. C. PERSONAL' ATTENTION PAID TO THE"SALE of Cotton. Naval Stores and Conntrv Produce. Highest prices obtained and prompt returns made. MISCELLANEOUS. : The Transcript, LIBER Aii: ORGAN, PUBLISHED AT WASHINGTON,' D. C-F0R' ;., THE CUJPAaN m 'cENTS."" Let all who desire the success of the liberal Re form Ticket subscribe for and get np clubs for the Campaign TRANSCJIttPT. " .Jf V ' . : ,-..v - v..;. . . . - It has the choicest campaign matter, original and selected, and contains contributions from some el the best American Writers. T. Greeley and Brown are sure to win, and all who desire to he on the winning side should subscribe for Tun Wxshinotoh Tbxn- soBTPT. j Clubs furnished at half rates and In quan tities to suit. 'Let all send their orders to . ''s.y".?: V:V:"4! f 'MqbS tiunscript, July 4-3m i- Washington, D. C. "t" Street; Eailway. lURxNG THE SUMMER months, the Street Cars will only ran from 6 JL H. nntil 9X A. M., and from IS ILiontil S P; M.,'sn'd from 4 iLuntasp.-M. .:-'.v''.;".'-.-': . The Cars meet the trains' s usual. . ' DANIEL KLELN, July 80-ti; . Proprietor. t -1 10ni Marriage. ttappt relief for toung Tj&w XL the effects of Errors and Abuses to eany Hie. Manhood restored. .Impediments- to. Mrrige re moved. New method of treatment. New re markable remedies. ; Books and Circulars sent ire, 4n sealed envelopes'' y 'i"-' antii -Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 9 Squth Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa... - . aug lWm "V-TV-. .'- ' ,- " 1- r V The ilarion; Star V Published in one of the best AGRICUIj , tural sections of the State, .and hvinga and increasing Circulation among the oner. Its columns to. the Factors, Merchants fntt oiu sinesTmenot Wilmington, as i the bert medium through which they can communicate with the mer chants and planters of the Pee Dee SSf "taaarUA v Business Cards and other advertisemenU inserwu on Ube.l terms. Address, jgfaj .- ft.tf - - jaiiriuu, .... Mis- ; . r-:, :;.-v--;--- - , . : .. ; -''"J : . : - y 'V ' - -., TIEREAFTERl