4; r c f !j w; of im' fo! ra on Ik- -t'u ;:l .. 'c". , ? .1 co 7 2 ;&raph: OHIO. ' ' progress A ;, Great t rcnla Ills Speeclu , CtxcrtmATi, Bept 20. v i , ' -t3 von the' rout between Cincinnati, the train stopped lies wcrev madet by. Air., . A f r c cit crow d met him at Xenia, 3 lie fpoke as follows: - v' ' - -L think I am somewhat known to most you, and you ican testify whether in "lcs past whether inl life-long com ame with pro-slavery ascendancy, my ce was not raised on the side of emahcl- VI 1 ion and liberty, a Applause. J -Those vs have passed and new; days come, rl ice that I was with most of you 'y In in" this a land of impartial freedom. If . had heard that all rnpn were to be free. . pt four xr" five -hundred, we should ; . ve felt that our triumph was incomplete, I stand this day '-demanding that there ' '1 be no proscribed class, no diaf ran-, i people, black or white, in this coun--y l applause, but that the genius of nni " a liberty Bhall enfold underwits mantle ; ' ? whole American people.- - This is my tform, and all of )t: that out victory as L'nionists, as lovers of impartial liberty, 1 cir? complete, there shall be no man de- r i ved of h is natural- rights. : When this . iru rgle shall be ended, we demand that the ( -; one te placed on the. temple of liberty. ! v the enfranchisement, of the last man ' o now suffers nder the ban of proscrip t i. Such is 1 my purpose such is. the id whereon I stand. As -such I com- 1 it to all those who, in old timesthe cr times times of depression strug-. I with mo on the side of liberty." Great . Ting. w " .-- - To -morrow Greelev has a reception at the ' rnett House at noon and leaves at 3 P.- '1. for Louisville where he remains jmtil ; londay," and thonce goes to inaianapoiis. .' .... . ' .' ., FUQM CALIFORNIA. ' v - . 1 1 : i ' ' Indians on the War Path They are - Attacked and Vanquished. ' . y anFraxcisco, Sept. 21. A dispatch from San Diego reports a fight Ik iweea the command ; of -Crook and the Iudians of the; Date Creek reservation.. It ;: pears laai a party ,91 .puut; y raves were c. ; covered on the war pam anu uen. v;rooK, with a iruard. attemnted"their arrest Four r five hundred Indians fired on the Gener- ; !. kil'Inir one soldier. The fire was returned 1 y a company of cavalry, killing thirty I milling when the remainder of the savaces iled to the mountains and were pursued by two companies of cavalry. v : , , ;ii;'APAiBS ABROAD ' The New Monarch of Sweden andNor- "y'J way Count Von' Arnlm. ; V: : " ; 1. SyocKHOiH, Sept. 21. "Prince Osear4 brother 'of the "deceased Kincr Charles 'XV.. has succeded" to the throne of Sweden and Norwav.' - All dieni- taries of State yesterday.-tooK the oath of ullcgiance to the new monarch. v ' : v". LosDOJf, Sept 21. It la reported that Count Von Arnim has tendered his resignation as Minister 01 uer- many i France, in consequence of unpleas antness he encounters .in Parisian society. It h stated, if Von Axnim's resignation is accepted, that the embassy to France will remain vacant and Germany will be repre sented at Paris only by a Consul. O'Conor The Presidency. '' .'' ';'" "'"':' JSTbw-Yokk, Sept 21. - The Timet says that Charles O'Conor has vTittcn a letter to a member 01 the straignt- out Democratic Committee, accepting the ' nomination of the Louisville Convention for Hie Presidency. 'OVH NIGHT REPORTS. . ',. . WASHINGTON. A New Question of Caste Hevenne Or der Southern Kn KJux Prisoners, x.... , - 4 ' "Washikotow, Sept 21. T3 e Bureau' of Justice is considering the -iVility of Jas. A. Iee, a colored alien nated in Mississippi as Presidential t cr. to a vote in, the sectoral , uoiiege. , .ic decision will probab.y be that he must ive been naturalized since, the ratification f the Fourteenth Amendment to make his otc valid. The question was first asked of vcr, but subsequently through direction of 0 President the' law was investigated. lie rmestion is regarded as important In 1 r.cal circles, as the rejection .of Lee's . te might defeat urant a elecuon. : . .V revenue order is about issuing for the icrr ptioa of stamps which the change in Taw has rendered useless. . ' : - r.riiish mail has been awarded the ; L'tar line; Continental, mail to the -a line. .'j " i ; .' . F tar says: "It is stated that the t rcf uses to pardon certain Ku Klux "ts in the 'Albany penitentiary,' who ' ' cn recommended lor executive ciem- . because of a protest coming from the : ict where the criminals were convicted 1 those who would be most endangered t heir release. The character of most of 3 convicted is very bad. Some.of them ; jnopant. lawless, desperate men wno, .1 i.4 believed, would not hesitate to wreak ht ir vengeance upon . all who testified OHIO. : 1 race Greeley at Clnclnnctl Ills Ile - ptlonby' the Chamber or. Com- erce Another Sensible Speech ' ; ccmATij-'Sept'jjL';- ' I r.; Greeley was received at the Chamber v Commerce at ttoon to-day and with great lause. When ouiet was restored he lie bh follows t 'Mr. President and gen men of the Chafhbcr of Commerce You ' 1 - m e the justice to believe that I would chosen to appear before you as an t; for so it will seem to you with w -a lo matters which you must under- 1 better perhaps than i. 1 am here be- a I am asked to be here, and being here. . propose" to make to you a few suggestions cii 1 trust will - have practical bearine. 1 fully comprehend that -you are' business .1 11 imu LuaL mis ia iv uu5iui;33 liuur, Jiuu. t:a whatever - is Baid.'by, me any rate j n i t be very brief. To plunge at once. then. the middle of the subject, I am pnC of o wuo do not leel .entirely satished with financial and commercial condition and poets of our country: - ' - . 1 realize -that w have 'just' secured very aidant harvests, and that- these are very portant - elements ; of . our commercial perlty, I reahzfl tint wo' have ft cur- y quite abundant in its volume and ac- iuble at par over the' lanre'cortion of r country.':' "We have many , elements of ,th, yet 'thee ore, it.Beems.Hhe ele-' i or portent 01 weakness which ought '1 be passed over in silence. v : You will ; ie ' witness that for the last two or years we have heard more, felt more" rod. more of commercial collapse, I t say. commercial difficulty, from orxr- of -wimt are peculiarly called frings 1 rT?f bc.fore in th history of thisand, , s in the history of any . country cor- .',' comers -in oats," corners -in " 1 :'r!.tcrr- H rol0, cor- -V 4 . parik ;...;.. . .... u.. 1 to fores up prices, or t: 1 . . oilo cii'jv.9 which tried to force the 1 j vn, was r ;Lt or wron in any instanr-1; I an net e'lkciently familiar to judge. Yhi I ay and think, you must believe with ciq, is that these- exhibitions,' these ebullitions, are symptoms of financial weakness, if not financial disease. They are. incidents, which are not likely J, to occur ia a perfectly sound and healthy condition of the commercial business and currency of the country. "Wellwe get on with them as well as we "can, or'rather we chase, one away and another coon presents itself, and 4 every now and tq$n in the great commercial centre where my work has been carried on mere comes a aina 01 a lilacs: xnaay, or something that threatens commercial dis aster general disaster and then - appears the Secretary of the Treasury with the horn of plenty, and he lets loose something or oth er he either buys stock or he sells gold, or he does both and he puts us at ease for a little time again. Now, I am not here to decide that that is not , the best he can do; I don't know about that. I do not insist that the business of the country ought not to bo in a condition to require this continual ap- lication of something artificial something et down from above that there should be a state of things wherein business men and business interests should take care of them selves, and not require the continual inter ruption of. some public authority in such uiciaujntu lurxu. oome men, aru swampea when the Secretary of the Treasury appears; other men are relieved, perhaps. The great est good to the greatest number is accom plished for aught I know; but I want to see a Btate 01 uungs wnere me government is not continually called upon to help us out It remind me of a state of things that ex isted in my earlier days when every once in. a wiiue ixicnoias luouie was cauea 10 vy au street in about the same capacity that the secretary or tbe Treasury is now to put his shoulder to 1 the wheel : and lift us . out of some catastrophe lift us off some mire, or ; ward oil . some catastrophe. ,' I I think we ought to be able, that you gen tlemen ought to be able, to devise the ways and means not only of getting us out of one ? articular corner, but preventing corners in uture, rendering them impossible, or at all events disastrous to their contrivers. xhow I am supposed to be a man of isms or, what is the word f a man of ' hobbies" on this subject Some men imagine that I am a very furious demander of the immediate re sumption of SDecie navments. Mv omnion was, years ago, and I have seen no reason to change it, that when we had one hun dred and twenty-five millions of money in the Treasury, mainly gold, and when .we had a revenue exceeding the' necessary out lays of the Treasury by more than one hun dred millions per annum, that we were then in a condition to resume specie payments; that if the Government had chosen to say: 7 vve win resume, take our ereenbacks and we will receive them as gold," , that there would have been no difficulty : In making that resumption. Under that state of things I have seen the Bank of England resume. Have known banks of our country to resume upon a very much smaller proportion of available assctts to liabilities than the Treas ury of tho United States had at that time, so that it seemed to me to' be. a perfectly feasible thing. '- But we' did ; not resume mainly because the people, I mean the busi ness people, did not want to resume, and mat, in my judgment, is the reason that will operate just as well next year, two years, five years hence as it operated then. It is my judgment that we are first likely to re sume, x don t Know wnen, but in any near period ef time; then I say if we want to re sume we need all the revenues we had then. anu we ougm tonavenusDanued them care fully; but if we- were not to resume for a long time to come, then it seems to me a ousiness policy was required 01 tne Gov ernment; that is, to pay out all fits gold, all its treasure, beyond a fair working balance, reduce its debt by so much, stop the inter est and leave the gold and currency in the hands of the business men, instead or noarcunsr it up in the Treasury to make one of these periodical conclusion or this sentence was drowned by applause). But I am not a dogmatist; I do not pretend 10 present tms as a matured and settled conclusion. What I do here ask, what I ask this Chamber to originate, is an enquiry and investigation by men of business and capital as to where the proper remedy for these disorders of which I speak is to be found. Let us be calm about it; let us take time; let us investigate slowly, carefully,1 and let the business men of the country come to a conclusion as to the proper remedy, not for a particular disorder to-day, but .something which shall be protection against the periodical recurrence of these disorders. This is what I would have the business men of this country do: look at the matter as a disease, not as one particu lar system, and determine just what and where is the remedy. 1 venture to say tf the men who compose Chambers like this will agree upon what that remedy is, they can have behind them the Press of the country with scarcely an excention. and the nnblic sentiment of the country, and whatever shall seem to them alter mature delibera tion, after careful discussion, the true cure for our financial disorders and dangers will be accepted by the general judgment This is all, gentlemen, and with these few. re marks I thank you for your patient atten tion, f Great applause. 1 'After the con clusion of Mr. Greeley's speech he was escorted to the vestiouie 01 the hall where he took a large number by the hand as they passed out lie soon thereafter proceeded to the Hotel, whence at half past one o'clock be was escorted by the officials, Mayor Baker, 01 , Jovinglon, .. and old era . with a Dand 01 music to ikmneton and .Newport where he was publicly received prior to his departure for .Louisville. The streets were thronged with people, and he was received with cheers in many places along the line of march: f During his stay he received many friends and citizens at the Bennett House. LONDON AND BOISE. Frost The Case of About Annlversa- .(-" . . i- ry of Occupation of Rome. ', ' , ; Loiokjn, Sept 21. The first frost of the season fell last night In some portions of England. . The examination of Jdmond About at Strasburg developed no case against him and he was discharged from arrest to-day. , .' Rome, Sept 2L The anniversary., of the occupation of Rome by the Italian troops was celebrated yesterday with much enthusiasm. The city was profusely decorated, 1 he Pope re ceived visits "of condolence from his adher ents and addressed his visitors, lamenting the misfortune of the Catholic Church and injustice done to it by the Italian Govern ment' -..V-.- ,.-!.-,.., " -..:.;-.) '. ,- JV' ILLINOIS. - . ' '''.. The ' Strayed-Outs Nominate a Full " State and Electoral Ticket. ' , ..- , ..: . f . ' i Springfield, III., Sept 21. - .. '. The 'Straight-Out Central Committee have nominated a full State and Electoral ticket . Ex-Senator Yates is very sick.- . A Vigilance Committee has been formed ifl Dacota and two. horse thieves have, al ready been hung to telegraph- poles.- ; ' ; ." '" NEW TOBK ;rv. . .' . ,;.:. .'Bak Statement. Vf-;r-V--. ,; The Bank statements show a loss of near ly two millions reserve. ; ' V..; ." ' : - r '- : -';. in Any LAND. Adjournment of. the Grand Lode -I "After the installation of f the new cheers, the Grand Lodge adjourned tine dk. - j . . v, Ycr.a, 1 . 1 1. 21 Noon..; ;.. Itoney firm at 7 Ttf cent. Tremiuu Gold ! heavy at 1122. Sterling Exchanj long sight 107i? short 108. Governments dull but steady. Southern securities., are quiet Stocks steady. . : ;V;V. - . v (irun:--j,- '.J .V :,.'rY 'Cotton easier, "with sales of 1,070 balesy Uplands 18 J cents; Orleans. 19 cents. Flour steady. Wheat dull and nominally unchanged. Corn is a shade better. Pork dull mess $14 10 $14 20. Lard quiet steam 89i cents. ' Spirits Turpentine quiet at 61G2 cents.. Rosin steady, at $4 35 $4 40 for strained.;; - Freights quiet-: . , ' .Vifaw York, Sept SiEveninjgl v?;' t JJnand:1:;:'';''- -il v -' . Bank statement- Loans decrease, nearly $4,000,000; specie decrease, 975,000; legal tenders decrease, $3,625,000; deposits de crease, $8,875,000. Money freely offered at 2 cent prcm. Sterling Exchange J07i109. Gold 1132113jt: Govern ments closed .rather heavy. Southerns dull but steady. -. , ; ; .-.jt; l--.. QnnmerciaZ. ". v Cotton easier, -with sales of 2,017 bales Uplands 17, Orleans 19 cents. , . Flour less active but unchanged. .Wheat less active low grades a shade lower. Corn heavy and declining. Pork heavy at $14 05 $14 10. Lard dull kettle 9 cents. Gro ceries quiet but firm. Naval Stores steady. Tallow dull Freights firm.' ; Cotton receipts gross 1,900 bales. Sales for future delivery 18,000 bales September 18f 18 7-16 cents; October 1818 3-16 cts; November 18i18i cents; December 18 18 8-16 cents; January 18 ll-1618f cents; February 19J19i cents; March 19t cents; April 20 b cents, y H 'Bjxtimork Sept 21. ' Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat dull Choice white $3.05;'- Good to prime red $1.80$1.5. Corn dull White 7071. : Yellow 6465 Oats dull Southern 4042. Provisions , very strong Mess $15. Bacon firmer and higher Shoulders 8 cents; Rib Sides 11 cents. Clear Ribs 11 cents. Susrar Cured Hams hisrber at 19i(&20. Bulk Meats Strong and scarce-ales forty thousand pounds, fjiear Kib sales at ivt cents. Whkkey93i94. COTTON MARKETS. Mobile. Quiet and weak. Good Ordi nary 16f cents; Lowv Middlings 17i17f cents; Middlings 1818i cents. , . Norfolk. DulL'" Low Middlings 17? 17i cents; Middling 18 cents. Sales 30 bales. Baltimore. Dull, Middlings 18i cents. Sales 75 bales. ; ' . -Savannah. Dull and tendinar down. Middlings 17f cents; Low Middling 17 cents: Good Ordinary 161 cents.'. Sales 1,400 bales: : ! Charleston. Quiet Ordinary 1515i cents; Good Ordinary lC16i cents; Low Middlings 16i16l cents; Middlings 16 17 cents. . bales ouu bales. ji New Orleans Lower with fair demand. Good ordinary 177 cents. Low middlings 17J cents, Middhngs 18J cents. PmLATJELFHiA. Dull Middlings 19J cents." Boston. Dull Middlings 19 cents. Sales 200 bales. Gross receipts 598 bales. ; Augusta. Nominal Middlings ' 16J cents. Sales 941 bales. ! s COMMERCIAll v WILMINGTON MARKET STAR OFFICE, September 21: SPmiTS TURPENTINE Sales of 160 casks at 58 cents p gallon for Southern packages. i ROSIN. Sales of 1,500 bbls at $3 70 for Strained, $3 90 for ' Low No. 14 $4 for No. 1, $4 25$4 50 for Extra No. 1, $5 for Low Pale, 5 50 for Pale and $6 for Extra Pale. CRUDE TURPENTINE Sales f 162 bbls at $3 10 for Hard, $5 00 for Yellow Dip and Virgin. TAR Sales of 49 bbls at $3 10 bbL COTTON. Sales of 1 bale at 15, 76 at 161, 28 at 16, 13 at 17 and 21 at 17 cents $ lb. We quote: Good Ordinary 16 cents lb Low Middling .161 " " Strict Low Middling. . . ; 17 Middling...'.-....'. 17i " " MARINE. ARRIVED. Steamship Pioneer, Wakeley, Philadel phia. Worth & Worth. Stmr Caswell, Paddison, Point Caswell, A 11 YanUokkelen. Stmr R E Lee, Samuel Skinner, Fayette- ville. T D Love & Uo. Stmr Wave, Skinner, Fayetteville, Wil liams s Murcni8on. CLEARED. Stmr Caswell, Paddison, .Point Caswell, A 11 YanUokkelen. - Stmr R E Lee. Samuel Skinner, Fayette ville, T V Love 5 Uo. , Stmr Wave, Skinner, Fayetteville, Wil liams as Murchison. Schr Sarah Bruen, Hatrich, Providence, llarnss & tlowelL . RECEIPTS. ' PER RIVEr"sTEAMERS, Ac. Stmr R E Lee 36 bbls spts, 803 do rosin, 2 do turpt, 14 do tar. . Stmr Wave 34 bbls .rosin, 217 do spts, 13 do turpt, 32 bales cotton. 1 Stmr Caswell 176 bbls turpt and tar, A H VanBokkelen. , . .. t .EXPORTS.' COASTWISE. Providence Schr Sarah Bruen 200,198 feet lumber. . v . : MISCELLANEOUS. -x ; THE FINEST GRADE 6 lF F E E S : OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA, CHOICE OLD Lagnyra,,- v.,- x .... . Extra Selected Rio, CEYLON, MARACABO AND MOCHA. FRESH1 GROUP vPORE1. COFFEES , ; BY EVER Y$TJ2AME12. ; i ; . - CHAS.' D. MYEES &'cOi . ; -Sundries. -t IftAA' 8PTKIT CASKS.-1;- 1 9 U U U 1,000 Barrels Lime, ., V ... - 200 BALES HAT, ; V. -r. ft.- .-X - f 900 Bbls. Cement and Plaster, 1 A H HOLLS BAGGING, - ' ' t LfJ 600 Bundles Cotton Ties. 5 boxes Bacon. ' sep SO-lm - WORTH A WORTH. TT . , ' 1,000 i yl '". '' ' 4-VTo-ii i- "of tjJs-by -.mifv-T.. .;. t j 13 tr ' - TTILL1A1I3 d llUllClSCX - t- Oar quotations, It sboolJ be ooderatood, rep resent the wholesale prices generally. Lawmaking small fcrdera higher prices ftave to be charged. ' ' V ABTICLJC8. FBICKS. BAGGING QnnnT..vi..rt, 4."iv 18 18 U BACON North Carolina, . Aiams, v Shonlders. lb 19 9 IS Hog Round, V 2 western- . - r-v. - . Hams . , . . . i . ... . . . ". . . , . Sides, tp B........i., Shoulders.. ..-l. ........ BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, secona uana, eacn....... .. New New York, each..... New City. each..........!.. S 40 S65 3 00 2 75 8 80 83 8 00 03 rso . 25 60 00 , 15 15 SO 15 30 20 BEESWAX lb.. ..;...,.. BRICKS Wilmington, $ M...V - Northern 4.';.". BUTTER North Carolina, f lb C4 10 00 14 00 80 43 65 20. 18 16 23 - XMonnern, ft CANDLES Sperm, B. . . ... , xauow, b Adamantine. B B .-.:..... . CHEESE Northern Factory lb f uairv. w m state, w m. ....... COFFEE Jara, $ fi, iao, v B).. Laeuavra. 99 lb............ 25 28 105 25 95 CORN MEAL bushel... COTTON TIES lb........ 8 0 00 a DOM ESTICS Sheeting, 44, V yd 15 xarn, puncn FISH Mackerel. No. 1, W V bbL 165 15 60 16 00 10 00 11 00 13 00 13 50 jaacicerei, no. ,V Mackerel, No. 3, $ b Mullets, bbl N. CL Herring, bbl Dry Cod, fc....... 3UR Flue. bbl... bbl... 1...... 550' 600 0 00 000 8 X 6 UU Super. Northern, V bbl...... -6 60 700 ; 8 50 ,, IS 00 000 0 00 0000 00 00 jsxtraao. liDDi...,. Family " j'-bbl.., CUy Mills Super., bbl... " - Extra. W bbl. .,. 7 50 10 60 8 00 - 0 60 10 60 12 60 i- : FamUy, $ bbl... Jtx. x amiir. w DDI FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, V 2000 lbs Baugh's Phosphate, " , " , Carolina Fertiiiaer, : Ground Bone, .. " ; ' ? 'Bone Meal, ", . " Flour, " Navassa Guano, . " " Complete Manure, " " Whann's Phosphate " Wando Phosphate, " " Berger & Butz's Phosph. " .' GLUE lb : . , GRAIN Corn, in store, J 66 lbs Corn, Cargo, 56 4)8....... Corn, New, bushel,..! ... Oats, bushel Peas, Cow, 99 bushel ... . ... ifcDES-Green, $ ft..'........ ! Dry, $ lb HAY Eastern, $ 100 lbs....... North River, $ 100 . ... HOOP IRON ton.1...... .. 80 00 00 00 45 00 00 00 ; O0O0 00O0 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CO 00 16 - 85 00 00 60 00 60 00 40 00 45 00 67 00 t65 00 67 00 70 00 70 00 00 00 18 95 82 000 80 0 00 5 0 00 7 13 1 60 1 80 7o 125 8 13 . 1 35 155 00 , 13 12 000 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 00 22 00 20 00 35 00 145 00 LARD Northern, $ lb. North Carolina. 8 B 10 10 1 66 00 00 00 00 00 00 23 00 21 00 18 00 20 00 ,.y. LIME $ bbl ... LUMBER River (Last sales). Wide Boards, M ft ... . Scantling, tt M ft....".... Flooring. S Mft Citt STKiJC Sawed Ship Stuff, resawed, M ft.. Rough Edze Plank. M ft... Went India Cargoes, according to quality, y irt... . Dressed Flooring, seasoned. Scantling and Boards, com- mon, u Mft. ....... i. MOLAS8KS Cuba, hhds, gat . Juba,bbls, gal - 'Sugar House, hhds, fa gal... . bblsgal.... 8yrup, bbls, S gal.. NAILS Cut, 4d to SOd, V keg.. . OILS Kerosene, V gal.......... Lard, gal Linseed, 1 gal..... Rosin. V gal...... PEANUTS V bushel:. POTATOES Sweet, bushel. . . Irish, Northern, bbl PORK Northern, City Mess..... Thin, V bbl Prime, bbl Rump, $ bbl RICE Carolina, fi East India, $ lb Rough, $ bush BJLGSCountry, W lb City, lb. ROPE SALT Alum, bushel Liverpool, sack American, ) sack........... SUGAR Cuba, lb. Porta Rico, J lb A Coffee, W lb B " lb C " lb Ex. C lb Crushed, lb SOAP Northern, lb SHINGLES Contract, $ M. . . . . Common, W M STAVES W. O. Bbl., M .15 00 20 d0 00 00 18 22 45 S 25 29 1 10 X 00 80 75 0 00 & & & & & & & & 40 45 20 24 100 700 33 145 110 40 185 100 250 16 60 16 75 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 50 9 10 00 00 3 2 fi 75 65 45 9X 00 135 3 3 23 00 150 10 13 11 13 00 13 13 11 12 14 00 .14 6 4 00 2 50 30 00 00 00 18 00 10 11 00 9 00 7 50 5 00 1 00 1 75 34 45 & 8 6 00 300 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 13 00 10 25 850 xc u. tma., w jn... Cypresa, fji M TALLOW-W lb. TIMBER Shippin Mill rane, w so. Mill Fair, $ M Inferior to Ordinary, $ 9 . . WHISKEY Northern, gal.. North Carolina, y gal WOOL Unwashed, W lb Washed, V lb 600 600 2 60 40 60 & RATES OF FREIGHT. Per Steamer. Pf. To Nw Yobk. Crude Turpentine $ bbl 0 50 0 55 0 00 0 65 Tar 9 bbl 0 50 0 55 0 45O65 SpU Turpentine P bbl 1 50 0 00 0 60 1 60 Rosin ft bbl 0 50 0 65 0 85 0 65 Cotton bale 2 00 0 00 0 75 150 Cotton Goods ft bale.. 0 00 1 00 0 00 0 75 Flaxseed $ bushcL.... 0 00 0 15 0 00 0 15 Peanuts $ bushel 0 10 0 Oo 0 00 0 10 To Philadelphia. Crude Turpentine $) bbl 0 00 0 60 0 00 0 40 Tar W bbl... 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 40 Spts Turpentine $ bbl 0 00 1 00 0 00 0 75 Rosin $ bbl 0 00 0 40 0 00 0 40 Cotton bale.. 0 00 1-75 0 00 2 00 Cotton Goods tt bale.. 0 00 9 75 0 00 0 75 Peanuts $ bushel 0 00 0 10 0 00 0 13 Lumber IM 0 00 7 00 0 00 7 00 To Baltuiobk. Crude Turpentine ? bbl 0 00 0 45 0 00 0 45 Tar )) bbl 0 00 0 45 0 00 0 46 SpU Turpentine ft bbl 0 00 0 90 9 CO 0 75 Rosin Ji bbl 0 00 0 46 0 00 0 45 Cottony bale......;.. 0 00 8 86 000 200 Peanuts $ bushel 0 00 0 11 0 00 0 00 Lumber WM 0 00 8 00 50 7 00 To Borrow Crude Turpentine ft bbl 0 00 00 0 00 0 75 Tar. V bbl. 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 70 SpU Turpentine fl bbl 0 00 0 00 0 00 1 W Rosin bbl 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 75 Cotton 9 bale 0 00 0 00 0 00 3 60 PeanuU bushel...... 000000 0 00000 Lumber y M 0 00 & 0 00 0 0010 00 TO THE LADIES. Now Openi ng, A LARGE AND .HANDSOME ASSORTMENT X. of -.- Millinery, Millinery; Goods, r FANCY GOODS, , - : V, Jkc., . dec. tH, HAVING JUST ' RETURNED FROST LONDON 'AND PAEIS, . - ... . . ' 1 can offer extraordinary ' Inducements as to Styles t and : Qualities. CALL AND SEE The Very Tatest Novelties. , SOMETHING NEW AND VERY STYLISH, "THEf SATCHEL BELT." 1 )y EXdlAXGC cbllXEllC. .. . :4.... i .... i .... .,. .......... . ..1 'j l ' '.";; -. '....iJ; .. -. .r:Tr'ry..vx',':v' ;: Tt r : : ji 1- . v JJiacjiiiBn - urounas. THE Steamer Waccamawhas beeai chartered and will certainly leave her wharf for the Blacfcllsh urounas on mesaay, hu use, at 7 o clock-A. jt. TCciselr. -: . .-'.-.-.... u. Strict order wGl bo presetrcd b the boat i 1. Mas onio ' Hall, i -'i'V TUITION IN VOCAL AND LNSTRUMENTAL Music will be resumed on Monday, September 17th, and regularly continued during the entire Fall, Winter and Spring sessions. The style and method, ef instruction given has won the approval of fbe music-loving community 'generally, together with tne steaay increase 01 pupus, jusunes we director in pronouncing the above a permanently eeUblished SCHOOL OF MUSIC, where scholars get private, as well, as class, lessons, oh tkbt kkasohabls Names should be entered promptly : nevertheless pupils are entered at any time , during the seasons. xne nrsi soiree win uuce piace in uciooer. J. F. RUECKERT. Director and Instructor of Music. and Miller & Co.' 8 Pianos; also, Woods & Co., and Jstey's superior Organs, will ne Kept on nana for sale at the above place. ; .'-.,. sep ju-u t , ,. ' " German-American IlsrSTITTJTEI. THE EXERCISES OF THE THIRD ANNUAL session of this Institution of learning will be re sumed - .-. a .-, On Thursday, Oct. rd, IS 72, In the new and more central location, N. E. corner of Fourth and Market streets. Pupils of both sexes received and Instructed in separate departments. ' MRS. JE. L. RUECKERT, sep 5-lm . PrincipaL ENGLISH, ! CLASSICAL AND mathematical School. THE 2ND ANNUAL SESSION COMMENCES ON Wednesday, October 2d, 1872. t rKUf. jJumoK is instructor m uerman. : aug 25-deowtlOct R. K. MEADE, PrincipaL School for Young Ladies, WILMINGTON, N. C. blisses Kennedy & Hart, Principals. THE DUTIES OF THIS SCHOOL WILL BE resumed on Wednesday, the- 2nd of October. For further information, see circulars or apply to rancipaia, corner market ana Ttura streets. sep 15-ataw tr spe Female School. MISS ICS BURR Sc JAMES, Principals. rpnE EXERCISES OF THIS SCHOOL WILL BE MUSICAL DEPARTMENT Under the direction of Mrs. M.' S. CUSHING. sep 17-lweod WILMIirGTOir HIGH SCHOOL TT7TLL REOPEN TUESDAY. OCTOBER 1st. IT Permanent location Fifth street, between Ann ana xsun. Circulars at the Book Stores. jCFj . J, N. HINTON, fep 20-2aw3w Fri&Tu PrincipaL MISCELLANEOUS. Street Railway. TT ERE AFTER THE OLD SCHEDULE WILL BE 11 run, cars starting at 6 A. M., and one car run ning as late as 11 P. M. Three cars are now on the line, ana every enort will be made to accommodate the public. The Cars runs to and from the Railroad trains aa usuaL - DANIEL KLEIN, sep 20-tf Proprietor. THE "STAR" STEAM Job Printing House. THREE STEAM PRESSES, ; ' COMPETENT WORKMEN, The Best Material, REASONABLE PRICES . FOR SUPERIOR WORK. Give us a Trial. For Freight or Charter, THE FINE SCHOONER x- u Lucy "Wright," - WM. IT. EZZEYj Master. Apply to U H WILLIAMS.. MURCHISON. septl&tf '-'-""" H. Brunhild & Bro., WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS Manufactarera of Cigars, " -, AND TOBACCO DEAL-ER8. WE HAVE THE LAKJEST STOCK OT PURE Kentucky Rye WnKkieB and Imported Wines and Brandies of any house in the State, and are rcaay To Compete itl any Norton Mariet. Purchasers will do well to examine our stock bo re buying elsewhere. aug 20-tf, , ; 'H. BRUNHILD . BRO, Green & Flanner, WJ HOLES ALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS) MEDICINES, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Brushes and . Fancy Toilet Articlea s- t . - " - One Thousand Cords PINE WOOD WANTED. v th6s. d.; mEares, "Agent Steamer Waoraoaw. -: Apply at oat to fTHE MORNING STAR BOOK; BINIV JL ERY is complete in all all its anointments. i and is in charge of ens sf the most skillful workmen in ins state, .jui kuuu si JDiaouig executed aeatiy. cheaply and expeditiously. lug u-sr.. C" YT 1 f " f ' -i , fir 4 OF 7ALUIIC CIII REAL ESTi'i . f ' M. CRONL YAuctioneer. . ,;; Bjr Cyonly & Morri. r PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF THE BUPEi rior Court of this county, the undersigned Com. missioners, appointed by said Court, will proceed to sell by public auction,- at Exchange Corner, in the city of Wilmington, N.ftf on Thursday, September 96th, 1873, at 13 o'clock M. , all those . n VALUABLE LOT: -i w. ' frontino , . ; S6 Feet upon Third Street, r xivx Mfeet nponijnaiDerry 9ireesr 224 Feel upon Fourth Street, BRICK DWELLING, f KITCHEN AND STABLES f Thereon, being the present site of the Cape Fear Military Academy, to be sold as a jrhole, or separ ated if advantageous inducements aro offered. And immediately thereafter i . V - A ' " ' 20 ACRES OF VALUABLE LAND,, Upon the south aide of Newborn road,, bounded on the east by lands of Mr. Monk and upon the west by Green's Mill Pond, all belonging to the estate of Dr. F.J.Hill, deceased.. - - v. . .-.'is. . - TERMS OF SALE ; V ' Qno-thlrd Durcbase moner in cash, the residue. In six and twelve months, with interest from day of sale.' rV v " C. M. STHDMAN, r- '"t V '' ' ' '. . y Commissioners, aug 15-15, 22, 29-ept 5, 12, 19, 86 4 - ; Dwelling House and Lot si T JL U U 1 1 (J iV. -.5 Foreclosure of Mortage.., BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER CONFERRED upon me by a mortgage deed - executed the "4th day of May, 1873, by Solomon W. Nash' and wife, and which is registered in the records of New Han over county in book E. R. E., page 426 etseq.j, I will offer for sale at public auction, at Kxcnanpe corner. on theactn day 01 September, iotz, ir.e rouowin described lot of land, which is conveyed by the sail -mortgage, situated In the city of. W llmington, bounded ana described as rouows t , .v - v Berinniner in the Eastern line of Sixth street at a noint one hundred and thirty-two . feet from the Southern line of Campbell street, the said point be in? the Southwestern corner of the lot designated on the plan of said city by the number 8 in block 237; thence running Northwardly with the said line of Sixth street thirty-three feet, thence Sastwardly in a line narallel with said Camnbell street one hun dred and sixty-five feet, thence Southwardly, thirty' tnree ieet, ana mence wesiwaraiy one nunarea ana sixty-five feet to the beginning, y -. , . . . Upon the premises there is new 1 : The neighborhood is good and the locality healthy. 4 TERMS AT SALE. JS ".' 1 'V;S:,,:'-.;;;r-.:., -.y, LAWSON E.'RICE, '.. -.'- -.a.. .ri;.; 'i"-V . "-Mortgagee, Alsx. T Lojtdox, Attorney. , ' - . ; i 'sep54ds - -. -.. FOR- RENT,; THAT LARGE HOUSE ON NORTH side of Market, ' between Second and Third streets, occupied last rear bv Mrs. ilii III Quince aa a Private Boarding House. It has 16 rooms and is most admirably loca ted for a. - , - . f.i '.. Flrat-Clasa Boardlns IIonae.t .: Also, that Office on "Front street, occupied last rear bv Maior J. A. Bvrne as an Insurance .Office. It is the best adaDted to a brofessional or business man in-the city. Fine neighborhood. Two good rooms and In good condition. .price, rzo per montn. sep 17-lw JSxecutor. For Eent rpHE STORE NO. 10 SOUTH WATER STREET, now occupied by C W. Oldham. Terms reasonable. Possession given October 1st, -v ,s ' Apply to sep 30-lw L. VOLLERS. For Eent, v , THE DWELLING ATTACHED TO my store on corner of Market , and Fifth, streets, contains two rooms down stairs. and three above. Good kitchen in yard. id good well or water on premises. Apply to sep 11-tf HENRY LITGEN, On the premises..: For Rent, T7R0M THE 1ST OF OCTOBER, THE STORES at pressent occupied by Messrs. Willard Brother. . r. Applrto.-i - - aug H-tf ' EDUARD PESCHAU. Horses for. Saie. T7M5R SALE BY THE CITY OF .WILMINGTON a pair of large, fine HORSES, suitable for light or heavy draught They will be sold together or sept arately. Apply at the . - sep 19-1 w MAYOR'S OFFICE. Notice. FOR RENT. AT AUCTION. ON WED- nesday next, 25th insl, by,- Cronly Si jaoma, Aacnonecra, u not pnvaaeiy os- ior , . ., .. . The Store occupied. 1y Belde Bros., ,i WITH THE SECOND STORY.V THE WEST ADD GORE STORES 1 ... " -- l: .... 1 Two or three Offices over J.' C Heyer's : Dwelling on Princess street, between North Water and Front, ana xne jrnie or jicnay uouse on oecona sireci. sep 21-4t P. MURPHY, MILCELLANEOUS. Orders Solicited -.- - .: . - for , ; Under the 20 Cent Tax, " ' . ' . :-' by' ;:v - ; D ; tM G O TT;? iWILM i,.-, ., .. .... . v.; -J'V-:v--,- ' ' aep8-tf .,- . -;. -.;V.:'-' ' C(Pa,rtnerdliip Ilotice. -rpHE ' UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAY JL formed a Co-Partnership under the name and style sf EVANS A VowGLAHN, for the purpose of ; . arrying on a general Wholesale, and Retail BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS, and will en ths 1st of October next open with a larg and entirely new stock, in one of the new, stores la Evans' Block, on Princess street - v ' - , .... . . , , ... HENRY C. EVANS - : HENRY VokGLAHN: j; WiutrxoTOK, N. C, Sept 17, 1873-tlO nae i . Established In 1 820. .The Camden Jormial PUBLISHED EVERY - THURSDAYS AT , $ 2 &0 per annunv Advertising rates liberal. . . ., ; , JOHN KERSHAW; Prop'r. W. IL'Bxkkabd, Agent" :-rjan 14-lf a - Bacon' PBacdn ! -,. ... -" For sakBT- n i Lb MX arlotte ..c ::;.b. n;;- , . - C, June 86,1873. - Clianjyd :6f Schedule, TTNTEUFLRTUilR NOTICE, THE REQTJI a Tains wili run over this Road as follows : UKUULAa FREIGHT TRAIN rLeave Wilmiiife&n daUy at 6 JL, M. and arrive .t .-.80 P.M. -; ;r y.t ,,.,': -.. ,vi,. ?tvl PASSENGER EXPP. ESS FBEICUT Leave Wilmington dally at1 A. M. ant 8:30 Pi M. ,'-- 9rT.",V.T'w Leave Lilesville daily at 6:15 A. M.' and arrW .4 4:15 P. M. - ' .. ' : ... " tsTTwo Special Freight Trains for TON Lrrv BER run Jrrespectively. . - . ... UM' - 3ST No Train, will leave on 8uhdays. -' Is - ' , 8. L. FREMONT i t. Chief Engineer and Snp'x ;jun8-tf Gneral'Sup'ts Office, WILMINGTON COLtTITIBIA &' AC- y . Oi7STAR.U.'COMPANT, V rmLMINGTON, NT C.," June 9th, 1872. epf; Schedule. rrrfm FOLLOWING SCHEDULE WILL GO INTO .' effect .at S:25 M RnnH., Ofh . i uu . jr- ; " J t . ... DAT EXPRESS TRAIN, (Dally) Leave Wilmington. ...ii.... ...... 8:25 A. M. 'Arrive at riorence.... 9'13 A. M Arrive at Columbia. . ': LLeayo Columbia. lais P V veat Florence..;........... .-..J. 4:10 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington, .... ...... .,.,,,.10:86 P. M. Klffbt Express. Train Daily: (Sun- days'Exceptedv ...; . V V V UllAUlgtiUtf. V. . . , , Arrive at Florence. Arrive at Columbia,, .,i Leave Columbia , . ., . Arrive at Florence. : . . ' ; 5:45 P.M. . . . . 8:45 A. M. 10:35 P.M. 2:09 A. M. 8:00 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington?. ........ v.... JOHNC. WINDER. Je8-tf -.. - Gen'l Sup't "Wilmington & Weldon ' II AILIIO AD. - CO . t r 1-- ..M Change of Schedule. '" 'J- Omoi o GiH't SmtKnmiNDENT, , . I4Wilminjetfln,N.C., Sune 8th, 1872.- f ON AND AFTER JUNE 10ra INSTANT, PAS senger trains on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad will run as follows ;; , . , . , MAIL TRAIN, Leave Union Depot dally (Sundays ex-.-. 1 cepted)...;;...v,t......; At 8:15 A if. Arnve at uoiasooro. ; ........ ji ... . j. . - . -, Rocky Mount.... ...!... t,. . .' , v. Weidon ................ ..1. Leave Weldon dally (Sundays except ed)..:, ...........V. At Arrive at Rocky Mount. 12:11 P. M. 2:11 P. M. 3,50 P. M, 9:15 A. M. 11:07 A. M. 1:16 P. M. 5:30 P. M. -J ', uoiaaooro...,, . - Union Depot.. VV'.". ' v ' EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily.... ....... At Arrive si Goldsboro "J: Rocky Mount..v....;3. " Weldon.. 10:40 P. M. 8:00 A. M. 4:56 A. M. 6:50 A. M. 7,10 P. M. 8:58 P. M 10:68 P. M. 8:10 A. M. Leave Weldon, daily, .v. . . Arrive at Rocky Mount. . . , ' " uomsooro. ' ' ! -. .Union Depots, f The mail train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. ,.'"-, ' ... . , j 'Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. ; Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars on this Train. . -. 4v FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington tri weekly at 6:00 A. M and arrive at 1:40P.M. - "... .... . - ' EXPRESS. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wil- - mington daily (Sundays excepted) at 5 P. M., and .arnve. ai li-a. jo.-, v, . .. ..... . V . JOHN F. DIVINE, June 9-tf General Superintendent TEA3ISHIP LINES. PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN fi- Hail Steamship Line, COMPOSED"pF. THE FIRST-CLASS STEAM SIUP3 , ,. . , i... ... . -.- -, , ' - ' PIONEER, 825 TONS, , . Osipt. jrebn WakSley, , . TONA WANDA, 8 SO TONS, '''$CgU C. C' Weltbanka, ,.i.j:.'-..V. Wi? hereafter safl from Tbiladelphla and Wfiming- V ETEBT WEDNESDAY MORNING. For freight engagements; apply to. .. f -i;- h;, WORTH & WORTH,:Aearrs, ; J ''iTA''j'$X: ':-. -.WnminjjtontN. C. W. L. JAMES, General Agent, 130 South Tbkd street, Philadelphia. Jons 30-tf BALTIXtORE i-r . . ,v - , -V--.:. '' ' AND" WILMINGTON t: Steaniship Line, COMPOSED OF THE FIRST' CLASS STEAM-SHIP8i.'''.i-ssi. .'.u-,.' 'REBECCA CLYDE, Capt. D. C. Chllds, ; LVCILLE, Capt. D. J. Price, f BOLI VAIl, Capt. Wm. Erans, Will hereafter sail from Baltimore and Wilmington ..-... f. v BTERT FIVE DATS. , THE STEAMSHIP BOLIVAR, s Will sail from her wharf, foot of Chesnuttreet, 8at urday morning, May AOlA-'' '" V. For freight engagements apply to i "m'1';"'', ; ' A.D. CAZAUX. BaconLard Butted :. r "... 1 .-.r: U ,.,v. -,t-- . .r.'r: DRY c SALTED AND SMOKED' WESTERN Shoulders and Sides in Hogsheads and Boxes. 4 Sugar-Cured Hams and Breakfast Strips. T 7 d IIOG-KOtJNi), . CITT 2KS3 PORE Ji DMP PORK, PURE LARD IN. TIERCES AND TUBS, CHOICE U TABLE BUTTEIt, BEST, FACTORY pHEESE,. . , 14.U iw-lots to sunv:-u r-i ..; ",l vj"':;.r" V ! aTitiN A V0LLERS. : -7 ? V mi. 1 fT . " A ... . t . - V -v . .'i' . 4 Jtrae, &l-tf 'jj . ... 'i : r -H .1 '. .: -J ' ' 1

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