z . X. ', ; 1 BEAMS. ' latest London magazine is called- 'm- ;. - Good snowballing abounds at he Adirondacks.' , , , J ; III i-l V v. . i iji f UjJUS ill- V twl the public schools. - A Boston paper chronicles a "shower of mosquitoes.' One New York piano-maker pays taxes on $1,500,000. '., ' . The Treasury Department gives employment to 1,100 women. Emigrants from the Bahama islands arc arriving in Florida. A $1,000 hound fell a victim to the dog-poisoning mania at Stockton, Cal. , : ' A street car in St. Louis was set on tire by the explosion of a lamp re cently. . In Cliicago lately a man was tried and convicted of murder in 20 minutes. . rr-Some negro minstrels have fol lowed Olo Bull to Norway on a pro fessional tour. Great is the Press. The editor of the London Tdeyraph is to bo made a baronet. A new magazine is to be started in England, in which a Duke has a $25,000 interest. The Madison, Ind., jail has four murderers, three of whom are under twenty-one years. Nine divorced husbands arc in one business house in New York, two of whom are members of the firm. The citizens of Ohio, it is esti mated, have their lives insured to the aggregate amount of $130,000,000.- Bismarck is credited with the ownership of ,a paper mill, a distillery and a manufactory of beet-root sugar. The United States government has just issued a patent for an"im prdvemeht in vices." They need it. During the past few years 1 GO i-women have occupied rooms at' the Inebriate Asylum of Ward's Island, N. Y. , Pcrc Hyacinthe'is marriage is said to have wonderfully increased the foreign demand " for American widows. A waiter in an Algiers restau rant has a pair of mustaches that he can tic behind the back of his head in abownot. The "Woman's Tea Company of New York city has bought ya ship and fitted it out for trade, between New York and China. ,5 Admiral Winslow, who com miuided the Kearsage when she sunk tin; lnbama, will receive 624,000 as iiio oliare of prize money. The Queen of Spain has suffered so much from nervousness since the attempted assassination of herself and her husband that serious consequences are. apprehended. A Kansas paper tells about a man who attempted to steal a public road which ran through his farm. One of the plainest cases of hierhway rob- 1 hery we ever heard of. Mr. Richard Move, of Mitchell county,' Ga., slaughtered recently a mother rattlesnake, six feet long, and her interesting family of twenty-three, each eighteen inches in length. Engineer Conners, of Rutland, saved the life of a little child at the risk of his own. The father (a poor man, worth only $75,000) generously offered to treat liim to a glass of soda. Mumford Pearson, about 11 years old, was accidentally shot and instantly killed by an. older brother while the two were out hunting pigeons, near Dubuque, Saturday last. The police caught a man in Bal timore last Wednesday who . had engaged six clerks at fair salaries on condition of receiving from each one a deport of 150. The fellow had no business, i " ' . A species of monster eel is found on the west coast of Africa which sometimes attains the length of forty feet. This creature is probably the origin ot the stones of seen in those waters. sea serpents - Chicago is to have a million dollar Opera House. The business men met last week and decided to ex pend that 3um in the erection of an upera House which should be the finest ever built upon the western con tinent A new kind of rice, yith large gram "as large as a melon seed, and not unlike that in its creamy white toior is being used in Boston, says a journal of that city. 'It is imported ewport, II. I., in 1 1 1 1 , received a grant for seven vears. of f inula de- wed from the importation of slaves, ioi- the purpose of paving some of its principal streets. The fund was created by a duty of 815 on each slave "puriea. A StOrv ia. rt n TIlVPtlTinrt. who two years ago was given ten cents, which he invested in matches and sold at retail, and re-invested the 1'ioceecis in trade, and to-day is worth ,150, all made in legitimate trade norn that ten cents. ,'. ; Death in Court. Mr. J ames A. Turner, a high! j re spected citizen of Atlanta. 71 eA tmA denly in tho Superior Court room in that city, Thursday afternoon, during the preliminary examination of the murder of a negro. Mr. Turner was uvreiy a spectator, ana. Had only been in tho rnnm n. Rhnrfc tim:Ai-riri he Buddenly threw his Wad back and expired in a minute r6r two. v The physicians decided, that - he died - An employnl of : the wire mill at Passaic villaga "New -Jersey, whoso namewas hotifcertainea, met with, a' horribly death jVednesday afternoon. red-hot -pictr of iron- was drawn against him,- ajd completely cut and burned, off Uar to the bone, the fleshy partol fce back of his left leg, from the knfVto the heel. He was ..... jwmcyroa ioursurgw" " - i doing what t!jy could towards dress- my bu uimearjoi a WOiinu, wucu mo Unfortunate. Mn's indescribable ago- .l 'Trl -. .1 ' . ii y was euuei,! The 40,006Jtussians who propose to d settle in Nebraska are what are t jllled Memnonites, their religious faiti' being something be tween the Bap'ist and Quaker. They went from Prussia to Russia in the time of Queen (Catharine, and now, under tho prcient Czar, they are obliged to johe military service or leave the cou ry. len years time was civ en Mi to make ud their minds what U do, whether to bear i arms or to em fcrate. Some of the al- lotted time hfl pasSed, and they have determined tfci&igrate and try their fortunes in tl rv world, where the nir of lfuertyi They are to 1 according to i-tle breathed by all. vf by instalments, and JACOB I AXE, The j&st Made. QOOPERS' TOOLl, TOE BEST QUAUTY, AT JACOBI'S. BLACKSMITHSi nOOLS, Carpcnul i'.Tools, MACll :IST TOOLS. Purpeutiiio Tools, LOWEST PIHCE AT JACOBI'S H ard ware Depot. LPAINTS, OILS, GLS, VARNISHES, &c, AT JAOOBI'S. Tublo anil rocket Cutler-, ASSORTMENT L.VRGI4AN VERY COMPLETE. Cans, Pistol nd Ammunition, XT N. JACOBI'S, may 12-tf 9 Market Street. TO THE HUMANITY OF SQUTHERN PEOPLE. Lek Camp. No, Sounreal Choss3both erhood D, V Rich ond, Va., July, 1872 UR ORDER 13 CO-W'OSED OP CONFEDER- J ate Soldiers alone, o bad an nnbiemuned rec- ord dnrinir the war. Ito jbiects are toperpetnate the memory and heroUn it our fallen comrades, to am the families or oor f. mer brethren in arms who j and preserve the truth need assistance, and to aud purity of histry. vv e are now spccmiiy t rnlrtinir funds to assist LI BtrprViTi the aurrpfl dntvof lywood Memorial Assoc ia- tion in removing the renj tns or onr nooie aeaa irom ueiiysourg ana otner p ts where they are nerlect- eu ana mistreated, to U y wood Cemetery near this 8 itirine efforts of our ladies. an honorable resting pla k ts provided, and an endu- nng monument erectea Erotectcd and carod for, on or bestowed on onr rating their graves with Gettysburg tnu remains BODIES; they are fron when we say. In som inuvr memory ; ana wnere, iey can early receive the Memorial Day," in deco- iwejra. There are yet at near ONE THOUSAND KiarlV all the btates; and inefances. the heartless wretches of the vicinity Jierq they fell and lie are ploughing their bones al nt a l if they were dogs, it is enougn 10 raaKc me boil, and the pocket of ing fulse to principle- iooa..or decent humanity I!, whte are not false to feel- J so tc'a cause once dear r.iea '.from such indignity open to remove inese I and inhumanity. Tr. of these men ar'i f "OT yonr State; some of then-, i ay have been yo kin : ail of them lost th dear ffriends or your own UvesAn vour defence. 1 on professed to Jove tiem.iwhile living; you prc- fessed to love tha cause bor which they died. Shall their remains be dishonored when they lost their liv for von Will von uid ns to remove them to a safe and sacred pot. mlqn the warm, noble hearts and gentle care of VirgUia women can watch over themf Into whatever lands this appeal falls, we beg yon to aid n in this cause, in which onr whole soul is enlisted. Ask yenr friends to aid you. Do not hpaitjitA twHMknse vouttanBOt eive much; remem ber, as droDS mafke an orsian. so many small contrl- hnHnm will TnnUC COOdlV SUm. Cun't you spaite a day km to canvass specially for this purposep I ' It is necessary! to raisHeveral thousand dollars to accomplish our purpose rtat we not hesitate to un dertake it, as w cannot;'hink Southern people will r io their heartls and wlicts to so sacred an appeal. Remit all conaributiorVto W. C. Cabkikgton, care Piedmont and Xrlingtorr'flfe Insurance Company, Richmond, Va.,1 he belir'cnairman oi uommiuee. Please act pmimpiiy; oriiy o juu v.u. but eive something, ant" Bet ns bring our brothers away from host Me hand ind Northern sou. W. C. CAKK1NUTUJ, W. ELLIS JONES, R. E. ARMSTRONG, f LJ. H. PATTON, aug 20-tf Committee. State n North Carolina, BmniwIcyConnljr--SnperIor Conrt. TsATRICK MTRPH AS ADMINISTRATOR de L bonis non of ThomJs JrYHall, deceasea. lc ! t j. .TJU1U11I1, Sainn.4 Hall. William It. Half. James Owen and wife Elizabeth Owen, Aroaryua8 Asne, juiiaiiaii. iihrt p. Hall. Sophia Hall. John Jtlowara. jvian- anna Howard, l nomas w aucer ana wue,juua w out er, Samuel Hall, William L. Hall, Thomas G. Hall, Thomas O. BroitTi kuC lte, Mary E. Brown, 8arah i. iiail, vyuiitti" uiuwu anu wiiu, uuuuiik vv. Brown, Angelo A. BenU and wife, Elizabeth II. Benton, neirs at law oi m somas V. Hall, dec'O. I Defendants. Petition to sell land tot pay debts and charges of administration. I . ORDER FOli PUBLICATION. To Samuel Hall. WiWam II. Hall. . Amasvths P. Ashe, James Owen and wife Elizabeth, Julia Hall. Sophia Hall, John Howard. Mary Ann Howard. Thos. w alker and Julia Walkifr his wife, non-residents of the State of North Carolna. and detendants to the a oove petition: . i on are ncreo :reoy somirfmed to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Suplrior Court for the county and State aforesaid on nesday, the 8th day of Octo eoiriDlaint in the above ac- ber. 1872. to answer the tion, or Judgment dll Pf . yuken according to the Clerk of Superior Court, at Mh. day of August, A. D., prayer oi we peuuwii. witness, w. u Lorn 1 JSJS0 to BmlthvH W 1872. . i' , W. O.' CURTIS. aug 30-oawiw Tu ;.' - j .CAS. ( Xl. V, HalU and Sides.' OUGAJCTJRED, iTAMf ; (?OE niaeai". i MISClllLvNEOUS. B jir THE LAGUAYRA AND RIO OI I Of punt aallty, ltipre; PI J .ionbeku: personally m- 1 '-. - PRINTING AND BINDING. THE "STAR" STEAM i. n a. tr J 0 D rTlH tlllg HOUSe, BOOK BINDERY AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY. WILLIAM II. BERNARD, PROPRIETOR. WIL.MIXOTON, N. C. TIIE ONL Y ESTABLISHMENT IN THE STATE HAVING ALL THESE FACILITIES COMBINED. THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF TYPE, PAPERS, Cards and Inks. SKILLED WORKMEN IN Every Department. NOT THE LOWEST PRICES, BUT AS LOW PRICES AS Any other Establishment FOR TIIE BEST QUALITY OF WORK. Printing, Ruling AND 33 I 2sT ID 1 1ST 3r , Of Every Description, Executed Promptly. AND SKILFULLY Improved Machinery OF SINCE ADDING STEAU POIVER, - We are enabled to fill orders with f ?INStTKANCE. HLMIMTOH JOETH CAROLINA Insurance Company! . v OFFICERS: ROBERT H. COWAN. . JOHN W. ATKINSON. F. H. CAMERON.' Dr. E. A. ANDERSON. .President . . .Vice President Secretary. .Medical Director. DIRECTORS: J. W. Atkinson. General Insurance Agent L B. Grainger, President of the Bank of New Han over. F. W. Kerchner," Grocer and Commission Mer chant C. M. Stedman, of Wright A Stedman. T. H. McKoy, of W. A. Whitehead & Co., Fay etteville. R. H. Cowan, President II. B. Eilcrs, Commission Merchant A. A. Willard, of Willard Brothers. W. A. Camming, of Northrop & dimming. O. W. Williams, of Williams & Murchison. Eli Murray, of E. Murray & Co. A. J. DcRo8set, of DeRosset A Co. Robert Henniner, of Dawson, Teel & Henning. Alex. Sprout, British Vice Consul, of Sprunt & urn eon. P. Murphy, Attorney at Law. J. D. WUliams, of J. D. Wi illiams & Co.. Favette- ville. Jas. C. McRae, Attorney at Law, FayettevTlle. I. B. Kelly, Merchant, Kenansville. J. T. Pope, Merchant, Lumberton. SPECIAL FEATURES TAGES. AND ADVAN- 1st. No restriction on Residence or Travel. 2. No extra charge on the lives of Females. 3. Policies incontestable after five years. 4. The Rates of Interest on the Funds of the Com pany higher than those on the Funds of Companies located in in other States, thus insuring larger Divi dends to Policy-Holders. 5. The Directors and Officers of the Company are prominent NORTH CAROLINIANS, who are KNOWN to be men of INTEGRITY and WORTH. 6. The Company is established on a solid and per manent basis, steps having been taken to increase THE CAPITAL STOCK TO $500,000. 7. ALL Tit FUNDS OF THE COMPANY ARE INVESTED IN TUTS STATE AND CIRCULATED AMONG OUR OWN PEOPLE. This fact should commend the Company, above all others, to North Carolinians. It is well known that hundreds of thousands of dollars in Life Premiums are annually sent isortn to enrich Northern capitalists, thus con tinually draining our people of immense amounts which shonld be kept at borne. On this ground the mends or this company confidently appeal to every son of the Old North State and ask their support for this HOME INSTITUTION, which, while it offers substantially all the advan tages of Northern Companies, helps to build up HOME INTERESTS. AGENTS WANTED in every county In the State. JAMES D. BROOKS, Gen'l Supervising Agent, Raleigh, N. C. THOMAS GRiEME, Agent at Wilmington. 1 8 7 12 ! LONDON & LIVERPOOL AND GLOBE Insurance Company! ASSETS HELD IN TIIE UNITED STATES BY American Directors NOW AMOUNT TO $3,640,449.62. THOMAS GRJEME, North side Princess street, between Water and Front streets, Wilmington, to whom all applications for Agencies should be addressed. ffeb 16-tf John Wilder Atkinson's INSURANCE ROOMS, WILMINGTON, N. C. FIRE INSURANCE . COMPANIES: Queen, of Liverpool and Lendon, Capital, $10,000,000 Asdes, of Cincinnati, Assets, 1,700,000 Amazon, of Cincinnati, 780,000 Triumph, of Cincinnati, " 790,000 Continental, of New York, " 2,500,000 National, of Hartford, " 517,000 Va, Home, of Richmond, " 450,000 MARINE INSURANCE: ", , Mercantile Mutual, of New York, Ellwood Walker, President. may 22-tf Andes, Amazon AND THESE COMPANIES, UNDER THE ABLE MAN agement of J. B. Bennett, President, for capi tal, for justice and accuracy of rates, liberality and Promptness of Settlements, when losses occur, challenge comparison with any Insurance Companies in the world. JOHN WDLDER ATKINSON, . General Agent, Insurance Rooms, No. 4, N. Water at may 22-tf ENCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS . Security Against Fire. . North Carolina Home Insurance Coipany RALEIGH, N. C. THIS COMPANY ; CONTINUES TO WRITE Policies, at fair rates, on all classes ot insurable property. All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. The "HOME" is rapidly growing in public favor, and appeals, with confidence, to insurers of property in North Carolina. Agents in all parts of taoStote.-M -li.dk. ?'".": B, H. BATTLE ........... .President C. B. ROOT..: Vies President 8EATON GAUSS . 4 : i . ". ; fc Secretary PULASKI COWFEK. . Supervisor '- JNO. W. ATKINSON, Wilmington, Agent . iTobacco. 75 BOXES TOBACCO, v ' - wa N ADVERTISEMENTS. ApVERTISIWG AT LO W RATES. For 810 ner Inch tier montb. we will insert an advertisement ux 26 First-Class) Pa gers in N. C. List sent on application to GEO. P. OWELL & CO., Advertising Agents, 41 Pajk Kow, N.Y. . Campaign Goods for '72. AGENTS WANTED FOR OUR CAMPAIGN Goods.' Sell at Sight Pay 100 percent profit Now is the time. Send at once for Descriptive Circulars and Price Lists of our Fine Steel Engravings of aU the candidates, Campaign Biographies, Charts, Pho tographs, Badges, Pins. Flags and everything suited to the times. Ten Dollars per day easily made; Full samples sent for $3. Address MOORE & GOOD SPEED, 37 Park Row, New York. Epilepsy or . Fits, a SURE CURE for this distressinz complaint i A SURE CURE for this distressing complaint i now made known in a Treatise (of 48 octavo pages) on Foreign and Native Herbal Preparations, pub lished by Dr. O. Phelps Brown. The prescription was discovered by him in such a providential man ner that he cannot conscientiously refuse to make it known, as it has cured everybody who has used it for Fits, never having failed in a single case. The ingredients may be obtained from any druggist A copy sent free to all applicants by mail. Address Dr. O. PHELPS BROWN, 21 Grand St., Jersey City, N. J. Nothing: like It In Medicine. A luxury to the palate, a painless evacuant, a gentle stimulant to the circulation, a perspiratory preparation, an anti-biliouB medicine, a stomachic, a diuretic and an admirable general alterative. Such are tho acknowl edged and daily proven properties of Tarrant's Er- TKBVESCENT SELTZER ATEBIENT. f Sold by all Druggists. With Foster's Patent Kid Glove Preserver You can keep your kid gloves f row mildewing, spot ting or soiling at all seasons and in all climates. Con venient, light, and will last your lifetime. Free to any address for 25 cents. Address A. D. FOSTER, Sayville, Suffolk county, N. Y. Stammering. i DR. I WHITE, 102 "liast Suth street, New York. Best references from clergymen and others. No pay until cured. Send for circular. 81,000 EEWAED FOR ANY CASE OF BLIND, BLEEDING, ITCH ing or Ulcerated Piles that De Brno's Pile Remedy fails to cur-c. It is prepared expressly to cure the Piles, and nothing else. Sold by all Druggists. Price, Agents Wanted.- -AGENTS Make more money at work for us than at anything else. Business light and permanent. Particulars free. O. STINSON & CO., Fine Art Publishers, Portland, Me. sep 17-4w Time Tests tne Merits of all Tilings. FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS PERRY DAVIS' Pain Killer nas been tested in every variety of climate, and by almost every nation known to Americans, It is the almost constant companion and inestimable friend of the missionary and the traveller, on sea and land; and no one should travel on our Lakes and Rivers without it. I Paln-KIlIer was the First, and Isjthe only Permanent Pain Reliever. Since the Pain-KHler was first introduced and met with 6Uch unsurpassed sale, many liniments, reliefs, panaceas, and other remedies have been offered to the public, but not one of them has ever attained the truly enviable standing of the Pain-Killer. WHY IS THIS SO? It is because Davis1 Pain-Killer is what it claims to be, a reliever of pain. Its Merits are Unsurpassed! If you arc suffering from internal pain, from twenty to thirty drops ia a little water will almost instantly cure you. There is nothing to equal it In a few moments it cures COLIC, CRAMPS, SPASMS, HEART-BURN, DI ARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, FLUX, WIND IN THE BOWELS, SOUR STOMACH, DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEAD ACHE. In many sections of the csuntry where FEVER AND AGUE Prevails, there is no remedy held in greater esteem. Persons traveling shonld keep it by them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or bowel trou bles from change of water. From foreign countries the calls for Pain-Killer are great. It is found to Cure Cholera When all other Remedies Fail. When used externally, as a liniment, nothing gives quicker ease in Burns, Cuts, Bruises, Sprains, Stings from Insects and Scalds. It removes the fire, and the wound heals like or dinary sores. ThoBe sufferine with rheumatism. gout, or neuralgia, if not a positive cure, they find the "PAIN - KILLER" gives them relief when no other remedy wilL IT GIVES INSTANT RELIEF FROM ACHING TEETH. From 1840 to this day, 1872, (over Thirty Years), Perry Davis' Pain-Killer has had no rival. Every housekeeper should keep it at hand, to ap ply it on the first attack of any pain. It will give satisfactory relief, and save hours of suffering. Do not trifle with yourselees by testing untried remedies. Be sure you call for, and get the genuine Pain-Killer, as many worthless nostrums are at tempted to be sold on the ' great reputation of this valuable medicine. Directions accompany each bottW. Price 25 cents, 50 cents and $1 per bottle. GREEN Sc PLANNER, Wholesale Agents, .WILMINGTON, N. C. Sold at retail by all Druggists and dealers in Fam ily Medicines. ' . sep 4-d&w2m r.. - ' The Monitor, ; PUBLISHED AT MAGNOLIA N STARKEY F. GARDNER, Enrrsn; W. T. HAN- vr .rr n-, .rrv? Terms-tl Per Aannm In Adnnet. The Monitor has now IT larrer sircslafim than thatefasy paper published is the cs unties of Da-1 plin, Onslsw, Sampson and Jones, and will be feuid an excellent median for advertising, being situated, as it Is, in a flourishing tows, and as tne an aericml- nrai secnen as in juwisrm hdiu vareiua. vpecs. LOTTERIES. MONUMENT To tie Conrederate Deaft of Georgia And to those Soldiers from other Con- federate States who were Killed or Died in this State. THE MONUMENT TO COST $50,000. THE CORNER STONE, IT IS PROPOSED, shall be laid as soon as the receipts will permit 2,000 Frizes, valued at ($500,000) Five Hun dred Thousand Dollars. That amount, only, in Tickets, to be sold. For every Five Dollars, subscribed there will be given a certificate of Life Membership to the Monu mental Association. This certificate will entitle the owner thereof to an equal interest in the following property, to be distributed as soon as the requisite number of shares are sold, to-wit : First Nine Hundred and One Acres of Land m Lincoln county, Georrio, on which are the well known Magruder Gold and Copper Mines, valued at..:.-!..." $150,000 And to Seventeen Hundred and Forty-Four Shares in One Hundred Thousand Dollars of United States Currency, to-wit : 1 Share of sio,ooo ; iu,uuu 1 5,000. 5,000 5,000 ; 2 10 10 20 100 200 400 1000 2,500.... 2,000 1,000.... 500.... 100.... 50.... 25.... 10.... 20,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 100,000 From the first-class Real Estate offered by well known patriotic citizens, to the Confederate Monu mental Association, the following Prizes have been selected and added to the foregoing Shares: 1st. BERZELIA. This well-known Resort, with the Large Residence, Store, etc., and Four Hundred Acres of Land, immediately on the Georgia Rail road, twenty miles from Augusta. Pajing an an nual yield of Fifteen Thousand Dollars. 2nd. The well-known CITY HOTEL, fronting on Broad street. The building is of brick, three stories high, 134x70 feet. Valued at $26,000. 3rd. THE SOLITUDE PLANTATION, in Russell county, Alabama, on the Chattahoochee River, with elegant and commodious improvements. The aver age rental, since 1864, has been over Seven ($7,000) Thousand Dollars. 4th. That Large Brick Residence and Store on the Northwest corner of Broad and Centre streets, known as th$ Phinizy or Baudry House. Rent Two Thousand Dollars. 5th. The Rogers' House, on Greene street, a new and elegant Brick Residence, in a most desirable portion of that beantif ul street. Valued at $16,000. 6th. Flat Bush, with 120 acres of Land, half a mile from the city limits, the elegant Suburban Residence of Antoinc Pollain, Esq., in good order. Valued at 7th. The Dealing House, a large and commodious Residence, with Thirty City Lots 69x210 feet, front ins on McKinne and Comes Jstteets. Valued at $16,000. -..' 8th. Stanton Residence and Orchard, on the Georgia Railroad. Valued at $5,000. Also 1 Share of One Hundred Bales Cotton. 1 " Fifty " " 1 " Twenty-Five " " 244 Shares of One Bale each. The bales to average 400 pounds, and class Liver pool Middling. The value of the separate interest to which the holder of each Certificate will be entitled, will be de termined bythc Commissioners, who will announce to the public the manner, tho time and place of the distribution. The following gentlemen have consented to act as Commissioners, and will, either by a Committee from their own body or by Special Trustees appoint ed by themselves, receive and take proper charge of the money for the Monument, as well as the Real Estate and the U. S. Currency offered as Inducements for subscription, and will determine upon the plan for the Monument, the inscription thereon, the site therefor, select an orator for the occasion, and reg ulate the ceremonies to be observed when the corner stone is laid, viz : Generals L. McLaws, A. R. Wright, M. A. Stovall, W. M. Gardner and Goode Bryan, Col. C. Snead, Col. Wm. P. Crawford, Maj. Jos. B. Cumming, George T. Jackson, Maj. Joseph Ganahl, Maj. I. P. Girar dey, Hon. R. H. May, Adam Johnston, Jonathan M. Miller, W. II. Goodrich, J. D. Butt, Henry Mo or Dr. W. E. Dearing. Agents arc allowed twenty per cent They are; required to pay their own expenses, tickets and cir culars alone being furnished to them. They will re-i mit weekly the amounts from sales received, less' tneir commissions, (iso commissions wall be de ducted from simple contributions.) On account of the very great labor required of the General Agents, the offered services of one or more prominent gentlemen, well and favorably known throughout the South, will be accepted to act with us. Parties desiring to contribute to the Monument, and who do not wish to participate in the award, will receive a special receipt. The money will be turned over to the Treasurer, and will be appropri ated to the Monument without any deduction what ever. L. & A. n. McLAWS, General Agents, No. 3 Old P. O. Range, Mcintosh Street, Augusta, Ga. Mrs. Carlton Belt, Coleman House, N. Y. ; Miss Mary Ann Buie, Columbia, S. C. : Hon. James M. Smythc, Augusta, Ga.; Major John Dunwoody, Washington, Ga.; E. B. Martin, Esq., Tuscaloosa, Ala., Traveling Agents, march 9-tf Havana Eoyal Lottery. OXE ORDINARY DRAWING ABOUT EVERY SEVENTEEN DAYS; ONE EXTRAORDINARY ON THE 20th OF December, 1872; and one Grand Extraordinary ON THE 22nd OF APRIL, 1873. For Plans, Lists of Winning other information, address Numbers, and any BORNIO & BROTHER, Commission Merchants, Established 1848, 77 Gravier St, New Orleans, La., Who are my only authorized correspondents in the United States to receive orders and to cash all prizes. MANUEL BORNIO, First Sub-Collector for Exportation in Havana, july 4-3m Office 63 Cuba street SAWYTER'S IMPROVED COTTON G1IMS! MR. P. C. SAWYER PRESENTS HIS IM proved Cotton Gin to the public this summer under a firm persuasion that he nas at last attained THE NE PLUS ULTRA, and that this Gin accomplishes everything practica ble to a saw gin, with the greatest possible ease, economy and rapidity. His improved ribs and roll box maintain a perfect circle for the roll, so that it is impossible to break it, crowd the boxes as you will in an attempt to do so. The roll box, adjusta ble oath at top and bottom, enables the operator to Ibring the ribs to any angle with, or position in reja- I 'tion t.n the raw A rleMirp.H. fio aa fn inr.rnaRn or dimin ish at pleasure the depth of the operating surface of the savs in the roll, aud thus make the machine gin faster or slower, with cleaner or fouler seed, and with more or less regard to the length of staple. We saw a new gin in operation which had not even been painted, and an expert present showed by comparing the staple pulled from the seed by the fingers with that produced oy the gin, that the natural length oi the fibre had not been diminished at all in the pro cess oi ginning. This is, or course, the Dest per formance of which any gin is capable. The cotton in this case was very dry, and it is doubtful whether so perfect a result could be attained with green Cot ton, But Sawyer staked his reputation upon pro ducing the same result with green cotton. The gin has also some other improvements in the running gear, which we have not space to mention. Macon Telegraph and Messenger, May 12, 1872. For sale by MURRAY & CO., Agents, july 25-2m Wilmington. The Distribution Of Confederate Monumental Scheme TTTILL POSITIVELY TAKE PLACE ON THE W first Wednesday in December next (1872). at Augusta, Ga. Should all the tickets not be sold, the amount re ceived will be distributed In the proportions named in the Circulars between THE MONUMENT, The Prizes and the necessary expenses. The por tion to be distributed will be appropriated first to the Money Prizes ; then to the Real Estate, and last ly to the Shares in Cotton. ANALYSIS OF THE SCHEME. $100,00020 per cent allowed Agents. 60,00010 " " State Agents. . 50,00010 , : M. for contingent X- ' - penses. 130,000 Owners' price of Real Estate Prizes, 100,000 The 1,744 Prizes In Currency. . "i au,uuu Tne n prizes in cotton. ' -i. $150,000 . : " ;V V"' .$50,000 profits to be devoted to the Mon ument' ; - . - - The pries in currency wfH be substituted for any Seal Estate Price, withdrawn en account ef . injury to the property, or for other cause. . . Agents west of the Mississippi stop their sales on the 15th ef Nevember ; East of that river on the SOthef November. , r .y-.. ...v. ! v Stats Agents are required te be present either in person or by legally appointed Attorneys at the Dis tribution. O" . v . '3 W'- .''.:" V.-ti A A. tT. VoT.AW ' . MEDICAL. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL! dr. jr oh Nson, PHYSICIAN OF THIS CELEBRATED INSTITU TION, discovered, when in the great hospitals of Europe, viz: England, France ana elsewhere, the certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy In the . world for all excesses or abuses of the system.. . ; Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affec tion of the Kidneys or Bladder, Involuntary charges, lmpotency, uenerai licmiity, nervousness, DvsDCDsia. Lanenor. Low Spirits. Confusion ol Ideas. Palpitation of the Heart. Timidity. Trem bling, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the llead, Throat, jNOse or oKin, Aaecuons or tneuver. Lungs, Stomach or Bowels those terrible disorders arising from solitary habits of youth secret and solitory practices more fatal to their victims than -the song of the syrens to the mariners of Ulysses, . blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriages, &c, impossible, destroying both body and mind. . ; YOUNG MEN Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which an nually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced list' eaing Senates with the the thunders of eloquenc, or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married persons, or young men contemplating marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, Loss of Pro creative Power (impotency). Nervous Excitability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, or any other disqualification, speedily relieved. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J., may religiously confide in bis honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon bis skill as s physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS : immediately cured and full vigor restored. This distressing affection which renders life mis erable and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not bo-. ing aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue, jnow, wno mat unaerstanas wis suoject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudential? Besides being deprived of the pleas- ure of healthy offspring, the most serious and a des- tractive 3 symptoms of both body sni body and mind arise: The s: ivstem becomes aerangea, tne physical ana stem becomes deranged, mental functions weakened, Loss or Procreative Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation or tho Heart, indigestion, constitutional Debility and Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. A CURE SPEED DLY WARRANTED. Persons ruined In health by unlearned pretenders who keep them trifling month after month.'taking poisonous and Injurious compounds, should apply immediately. . DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, graduate of oaa of ,the most eminent colleges in the United States, and the best part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia aud elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known; many troubled with ringing in the head and earel itfcen asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed aftoice. ' sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing . ed sometimes with ; derangement- mh,""' cured immediately. '. , S rries. TAKE PARTICrLB."114 Grounds Dr.' J. addresses alHhose wh bWance one and two which ruin both body and mlnd superior either business, study, society or marriage. . duced by thefly habits of youth, viz: WeaHi'u-" T of the Back M Limbs, Pains in the head, DimilS8" X of Sight, Loss" of Muscular Power, Palpitation of tfie J Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement i ,fV M toms of Consumption, &c. t , ; Mentally. The fearful effects on the mind trd" -X: -t?-$ much to be dreaded. Loss of Memory, Confusion of, iaeas, repression oi o pints, jvu forebodings, i Aversion to Society, Self -Distrust, Love of Solitude, , M imiaity, etc., are some oi tne evus produced. Thousands of persons of all ages can now Jndgv what is the cause of their declining health, losing their visor, becoming weak. Dale, nervous and cnu. dated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, couph and symptoms of Consumption. YOUNG MEN Who have injured themselves by a certain practice, indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the pride of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyment of life by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit Such per sons must, before contemplating MARRIAGE Reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happi ness. Indeed, without these the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hour ly darkens to the view, the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflec tion that the happiness of another is blighted with our own. A CERTAIN DISEASE, When the misguided and imprudent votary-of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this pain ful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education and re spectability, can alone befriend him. He falls into the bands of ignorant and designing pretenders, who, incapable of curing, filch bis pecuniary sub- "r stance, keep him trifling month after month, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in ue , spair leave him with ruined health to sigh over his galling disappointment; or, by the use of that dead ly poison. Mercury, cause the constitutional eymp-. toms of this horrid disease to make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, noctur nal nains in the head and limbs, dimnmu at ulirht deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the head and face, and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and the vie- -tim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of , commisseration till death puts a period to his dread ful suffering, by sending him to that undiscovered country " from whose bourne no traveler returns," To such, therefore, Dr. Johnson offers the most certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy in the world. -,.. OFFICE, 7 SOUTH FREDERICK ST., BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, jr '. Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fad not to observe name and number. 3r No letters received unless postpaid and con taining a stamp to be used- on the reply. . Persons writing should state age, and send a portion of ad vertisement describing symptoms. The Doctor's DIPLOMA bangs in his office. ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The many thousands cured at this establishment within the last twenty years, and the numerous im portant 8urgieal operations performed by Dr. John' son, witnessed by the representatives of the Press and many others, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his stand ing as a man of honor and responsibility, is a suffi cient guarantee to the amicted. Skin Diseases Speedily Cared. march 12-ly ent w - . A New Premium TO THE SUBSCRIBERS OF THE v, FIRESIDE J0UENAL. rpo ANY MAN, CHILD OR WOMAN WHO WILL ' JL forward us -x . . ONE DOLLAR For one year's subscription to the mTRnr Dollar Weekly,'' "THE FIRESIDE JOURNAL," we will forwards BEAUTIFUL CHROHO, Size 13x18 (in 13 oil colors), incased In a teaattful rosewood and gilt frame, with glass and back com plete. This chromo was made expressly for ns, eo- utiea : " iu areie uien," a mag nificent landscape scene., Vs cannot describe ttls elegant picture in words it is a copy ef the original painting by DORK Now is the time to subscribe and get a $5 chromo beautifully framed, for sab scribing for the " FIRESIDE JOURNAL?' Agents wanted to canvass for this paper; will al low agents 85 cents on each subscription $ will five a $65 Sewing Machine fer 150 subscribers. Kow to your time I Speak quick 1 ' - . Send us $1 60 for an Agent's outfit, and commence canvassing for the JOURNAL at once : .we will re turn the $1 0 after yon have taken 15 subscribers. Start at once I Don't delay! Time isJnoneyl Our premium cannot be beat by any publisher ia the world. .. Every mother's son and daughter, send ens dollar and receive our beautiful premium, and toe nappy.' eena stamp ior sample copy. Address, ' f i t ' CttAS. THOMPSON, f. . V. ' f- ' Publisher Fireside Journal, . vv'::i; ',.-'!' .v - -.,,, Bridgewater, Ceaa. ' - t t . . . . . ; . : ... " P. 8: Agents wanted te sell Campaign Badges, Ac Send stamp for price list .' , y j -. y - sug4-am ' :. r, -vVir't- - v'N"af isV I,-fC7-tf'i HJ' i WCllJ&D BllOfc 'yV. :;-A''V-' m jt - ..nH 4' .1 - 'Jx.- Mi X apoplexy. I men topis.iw.aiTaeail M ' K' - ' 'V, . .:' General ;, a8.-tfy.iry i -X -! maj8-7m ;f..- c An fKd1i ' ' - ' - V" .-' XT - :t VvS. C STEVENSON. rai Agents, Augusta, Ga.- ? TIIE UTMOST DISPATCn. sep 8-D&W EDWARDS A BAtlfcV 7 i i - '