8 nrmmr THE ,CAHPAQ?I.. T-C" Xcw Jeraey, Ohio and Mliineaota. The Situation Speech" of SeharzT From the New York Herald, Oc. la I I At present it appears almost certain that General Grant will be re-elected to the office he ha filleVf or tho last four years, and that the lease of life of the Republican party will benon inally extended for another Presiden tial terra, despite tho recent serious secession from its ranks. Tho prelim inary trials in the .States all point to this consummation; for, notwithstand ing the fact that the opposition has succeeded in carrying Indiana,, and lias .managed .to cut down the Ohio majority in a marked and significant manner, its failure in the latter State, and its overwhelming defeat in Penn sylvania, may be considered conclu sive evidence of its inability to over throw, in tho November elections, the jiarty now in power. There has, how ever, been a sufficiently powerful and dangerous rebellion agaiust the exist ing Administration to mark a serious disaffection in the public mind toward hc party in power.-"The, strength of the opposition 1 has"; bceft thus.; fanas- tonishing, even if it should not again rally in a t hreateniiig manner. Without any regular organization, with old parties scattered and shattered, with out money .or official patronage, it has, forced the administration to extraor dinary efforts in order to prevent it from becoming an overwhelming suc cess. In North Carolina," at the open ing of the campaign, it struck down the usually large Republican majori ties, and won a substantial victory for the Liberals. In Ohio it seriously impaired the administration strength; in Indiana it achieved a brilliant and decisive triumph; in Georgia it showed a strength that shook the accepted be- ! I .1 -. . .1 C . . iiei in me position oi uie ooutnern States. All this was aeoomtdished.it must be remembered, in the teeth of a patronage--that is becoming alarm ingly influential, and of a' moneyed power probably! unequalled since the initiation of "political contests in this country.; : V? hile ; the ' Republicans have had millions of offices to Araw irpon.; for ; contributions to Aefray, the expenses of : the . . elec tions,, and havo thus been in a position to meet all claims" made upon them with a liberal hand, the opposi- tion lias been driven to depend upon the incafirrc subscriptions ot indi viduals, and has been Nometimes desti tute of fnnds to cover even tho most ordinary expenses of-a campaign. Yet iii ppitc of these' drawbacks and disadvantages tne struggle - in every State, with one or : two iiopeless ex ceptions, hasj-been vigorously main tained, and the result has shown the unsettled and dissatisfied, condition of the public mind. Leaving out of silit the serious allegations of frauds against the winning party in Pennsyl vania, there is sufficient evidence to satisfv everv impartial and dispas- .-. . I A V hionatc mind that the State elections ly no means settle tho question a of .tho Presidency, although " the y xih uuestioiiabhr greatly strengthen :the chances of an Administration triumph in November. Above all, wc desire to impress upon the opposi tion the importance of maintaining the tight to the last hour, and of using nil lcntimato efforts to secure sue- .. If defeat awaits them, it is vet their Jnterest and their duty to make ineir sircngtn leit at tne pons ana in the l ongrcssional districts. JFrom the Xcw York Worid. A comparison of the political situa tion at the prcseut time with that of four years ajo,, after the October flections, must satisfy -any candid miiul that tho prospect of the suc cess ot the Democracy are much brighter now than then. The elec tions which have been held reveal the fact that several States which were for Grant in 1868, are now sure, for the other hide.' "Tho out look ia, then, far from beingr discourr i'tiig. vn tne contrary, ii is posi tivcly encouraffinjr and ' furnishes jrood grounds to hope for sue'eess. lherc in a fair prospect of a national triumph for our standard-bearers dc- Kpte all the boasts of the Administra tion party, lowm it every Demo crat muat come up noblv to the work. lie cause is worthy of our best effort. nat is wanted now more than any tiling dse i more thorough organ i.a tion. The tittuj bet wccit". this and lection day , Khoukl be-f devoted to 'oaf purpose -anditi'; makm;: ru l'urations to get '., every voter - to the polls.' The laWard fhonVl be brought 'p- Democrat's-put your houfders the wheel, push on the work and ' me oth of November show to the Administration. : party i that thoy caif iciuicr buy, bribe-nor 4bully a. free Nlrrlnit Iddres from the Ntate Corn ... mlttec. .. . To th if- Liittral IterHibliisaiuL nt JVeio i in the grand effort to redeem, our ountry from the evil power of the misci upulous Kenomiuation King, Jersey should bear a noble part.'" Nie has often proved, her Tpatriotism I viiwr. au ucit-usv oiinCj nation,. 1 icr fortunes were nobly cast with the patriots in the 'Revolutionary strug gle. She grandly, came to. tho reseue m the late lteblfion. Ouif country i again imperiled, not by an organized army, equipped witli tho destructive tngmery 0f wr, but byadesperate hand of offioe-holdersl whose safety yepends npori ari extension 'of ' tower.- wuerai upubliJans of ' WW Jersey! you, alone and unaided,, canijot pre- n iaw; bttt ypu can do your part, Should the result, of the late elections cause one oeseruon trom tnc-L40cral ? nk8D itTert,there;is I tnost watchful and active; If ve conscientiously bclieye in' the- ipsuca oi uur. cause, reverses suouiaieau tor renewed effort. Are tho'ym-incir)les for which we ntenjtkless desirable than they wcrejtn the contrary, they are douMy precioasyfor wehave had freshr-Svidence of the ebrruptipli and pojHr of the Presidential patron- ag' ""-K ' " -i .'-V,,.;": 14ere is much m the October elec tions that .is encouraging to t he Lib erals. .Every "day new facts , prove, the villainous tricks ncV, frauds by which Pennsylvania was carried. The result in Ohio shows lanro Liberal gains, and is particularly' an Admin istration defeat. '-" The contest in In diana, despite the gigantic efforts of the office holders, is a fmbstnnti.il. victory for the Liberals. How does our cause stand to-day ? We do not doubt of victory upon a full and fair vote. Arrayed against ns is. all the powers that a lavish and unscrupu lous use of monev. with official Datrou- age, can wield. For on r part 1 wo have only an earnest conviction that bur cause is just. If we win, it must be by unflagging and energetic ac tion. If the Liberal Republicans and Democrats do their whole duty, vic tory is certain. Liberal Republicans of New Jersey -close up the ranks. Unite earnestly with the Democrats and adopt all honorable means to bring out our full vote on the day of election. - Let us worthily perform our duty at this critical period of our nation's history. Then, whatever may be the result, we will have the comforting assurance that we deserv ed success. I. II. Gerry, Chairman of the Liberal Republican State Com mittee. . .wj C:tyt Oct. 18, 1872. Llberallam-tu Ohio. " Ohio Liberals have jisYer faltered in their long campaign. They aro to-day, alert, confident and full of courage. The late conference at Co- tho assembled Liberals, who separated for the final work of the canvass With new courage. It was admitted by the Democrats that at least 20,000 of their old part associates stayed at home in the October election; but thev will bo out in November, and will materially change the aspect of affairs. Gen. Brinkerhoff, Chairman of the Liberal Republican Executive Committee, has lately given his views on the situation to a reporter of the Columbus Sentinel. Gen. Brinkerhoff finds the prospect cheerinsr. on the whole, and after specif yinsr New Hampshire and Connecticut as reason ably certain for Greeley, , said: . lhe Georgia election settled all question as to the South. The same wave tnat rolled, over Areorc;ia will carry every Soathern State, with two or three exceptions. Our friends claim that North Carolina and Iis sissippi will both swing into line. at the November election; and I sec no reason to doubt the correctness of their conclusions. "You think, then: that the outlook for Greeley is encouraging?" -r ' i v i ii' i vuost cenainiy x ao. e nave gained in every election thus far, ex cept in Pennsylvania. That State seems to be hopelessly in the hands of thieves. Between railroad monopo lies, tariff rings, ballot-box staffers, iand highwaymen generally, Pennsyl vania seems to be helpless. Pennsylva nia, however, is no longer a necessity in a presidential election. ; With the census of 1870 the seat of empire has moved into the Mississippi Valley. In fact we need but one doubtful Mate toi elect Greeley. There never was a Presidential candidate who went into an election with so many certain elec toral votes for him.' "IIowi do you make that out?" "Well. I believe it is conceded upon all hands that Mr. Greeley is certain of 113 electoral votes from the bouth, without counting either North Caro lina, Mississippi or South Carolina. It sepma a j so equally terrain mat .cw York, New Jersey and Connecticut are for Greelev, and that makes his vote 103, which is only 21 less than a majority of the Electoral . College. Wc ; certainly ought , to be able to make up that front all th doubtful States', "" Speech by Senator Sehnrz. Senator Schurz 'made a speech at gt. Charles, Io., on Monday night, in which he said the Lilerals intend to Vigorously fight to the end of the campaign; that there was nothing in th&e yen t which have j ust taken place, and in the eircunistaiiees surrounding them, which would pxvauy way damp en tlic spirit of-the men- engaged in the liberal movement. Ile. said if Grant was, re-elected,,, tlieT COuntryJ would witness the most corrupt Ad ministration it had ever seen. ' lie de nied that there was freedom of elec tion ii the , Souths and prophesied a time when they, would have to "fight lire with fire, force with force," and the country would. witness the de plorable results.' Seen in Mexico and South America. - Ho said that four years front now thev rmirht be compeue to eieci vtranixjor ine tmru time, and they would " not" beable to lielp themselves, for in time bo would be able to efect hfmself. lie stated that ric had always been a Republican,- always . advocated ;the principles of that party, always endorsed its course, -and that the prineipleswhich .be ad vocated and thkcourse.wmcai be pur sued, as a liepublican, are his princi ples 1 and his eourso till,; He : had never deviated. -f roni tKeaii-and no w rejoiced in the virtuar accomplishment of evervthincr he had ever contended for. lie acknowledged the reverses,.! anu inaime issues oij tne campaign are dpubtf ub but; the 1 iMnldndtl to drew . was, .that-. there. . .being danger, iney must. prepare tor ttj c ; it tney naa auacuuies ik?v conquer;.utey -mujpiji, forth every efforfc , jeyM terrible" odd against ihnm TWt inV, there is a Jight- so long them a hop fcfvietorvr -AUSCEIXAN KLS. 1 a f 4t . BUY THE :!!' .ii'i'.'. .v- J A C OBI ""A A Ed The Best Made. QOOPERS' TOOLS, THE BEST QUALITY, AT JACOBI'S. BLACKSMITHS TOOLS, Carpenters Tools, MACHINIST TOOLS. Turpentine Tools LOWEST PltlCES AT JACOBI'S Hardware Depot. - - 4 SPAINTS, OILS, GLASS, VARNISHES, &c, .A.T JACOBI'S. Table and Pocket Cutlery, ASSORTMENT LARGE AND VERY COMPLETE. Gum, Piqtoli and Amtuanltton, at- t N. JACOBI'S, 9 CTarket Street. may 12-tf GRAND DISTRIBUTION Under the Anapieesi of tbe N. C. Beneficial Association. G-RAND DRAWING TO TAKE PLACE October 30th. N iTlK AfTJ-PS nw VT.TTART.T! WKT.T. 1M- proved Real Estate in the city of Wilmington, near amiurs CTeeK, containing 40 Building lots, Noted for its rapid increase in value as city propert y In the year 186ft it was sold for $20 an acre, in 1869 it was sold for $100 an acre; in 1871 it was sold for $2-25 an acre, and during the last year the city valu ation has increased $400 on it. . The property sur rounding It is owned by large land speculators, and cannot be bought at any reasonable price. The Wilmington Building Association has a claim on a small portion of the land, subject now to the amount of about $800. S The rent of that portion of the property under mortgage over pays tne dues to the Association. Also THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS EST GOLD TO BE DISTRIBU TED AS PRIZES. Land Prize. .$2,250 . 100 50 40 50 40 20 $2,550 Gold ii II ii 4 20 each 10 each 5 each $2 50 each-. U Tickets $2 50 Each. Tickets can be bought at Mr. Hetasberger's book store, at Green & Flanner's drug store and at W. W. Lane's drug store. Persons wishing to purchase tickets will do well to get them as soon as possible, as there are a great many already engaged. . . The above drawing is not gotten up for the pur pose of making a haul upon the pockets of the pub lic, but solely for the purpose of , Comertliig .Prtnert? into Hoiey in the quickest way and on the loweat possible terms for which it caa be done.- v - oct -tf - ' ESTABLISHED "1845. ' Old I irm. , "iu- uoous.r ' - a . . ZOte (ireemcald fc Co. Wholesale Dealer in Wines, Brandies, Gins, WMeys & Seprs No. Id, South Water Street, RESPECTFULLY INFORMS HIS NUMEROUS Customers that he has opened the largest and best stock Pure Liquors in the State, at prices to compete with any Northern House. I shall keep constantly on hand Old Kentucky Eye knd Nl C. CbrnWniskle" imported Brandies, Wines and Segars. Purchasers will do well to examine my stock before purchasing, elsewhere" . j ': ' . SEGARS A SPECIALTY.' oct 6-lni - . ' ' FRESH LIT.1E! 2,000 wwwvf Fresh Lime, ! 4 . Now landing froia prig C. .S.. Packard, at our wharf. oct ll-w! ; " ' ' WORTH &, WORTH. i. , . ... .. f -v.'AWl u.i.t- j jtmiJiOTtcd-.Bnd-Dqmcattc;-- C I .G Are fS m A- (.-.'. . ' rpHE rCT BRANDS, SELECTEn FOB OUB-; X retail, trade. . ra oct 26-tf , - T North Front street. TlfEW AlViOTiiMBNTS Agent' "Wanted TOr, Cobbing m Commentator1 ON THB BIBLR, foribe HORIEClB. terprise Of the year tor agents. . .Every, family-will uav U. - dlWIiltW HM M yWWW4W - IWCUC lam naarcHH u. . . Ooodspkko A CoC; 37 Park Itowy New York. GIIKAX CUKIOSITt.-A (3 Hagaztne of the hifihect order for 1. Agent wanted in ev ery town, on a vmxtval income. Bend 10 cents for .specimen to " Strut 'A' Dollar Magazine," 51 liberty trett New York. ' $500,000 IN BANK: Grand Gift Concert ! POSTPONED TO DECEUBEB. 7, 1872. THK SECOND GRAND GIFT CON- JL (ERT In aid of the PUBLIC LIBRARY OP KENTUCKY, announced for September 28, haa been postponed to December 7f 1872 becanne the accumulation of -orders the few dsya before the drawing made it physically Impossible to All them -without a few days' delay, and aa a short postpone ment was inevitable, it was- determined to defer it to a time that would make a full drawing sure by the ,alrt of all the tickets. , ' The money necessary to pay in fall all the offered gifts is now upon deposit in the Farmers' and Dro vers' Bank, as will be seen by the following certifi cate of the Cashier: Fajutkrs axd Dbovkbs' BJlKK, - Louisville, Ky., Sept. 28, 1878. f This is to certify that there now on deposit in this bank over half a million of dollars to the credit' of the Gift Concert fund, $500,000 of which is held by this bank as Treasurer- of the Public Library of Kentucky to. pay oil all gifts to be awarded at the drawing. R. S. VEACH, Cashier. 1,000 Prize, amoantlns to $5 00,00 0 IN CASH, will be awarded, the highest prizes being $100,000, $50,000, $35,000. and down iu regular gradation to $100, which is the lowest The drawing will positively and unequivocally take place December f. Agents are peremptorily re quired to close sales and make returns November 25, in order to give ample time for the final arrange ment. Orders for tickets or Application for circu lars should be addressed to Gov. THOS. E. BBAMLETTE, Agent Public Library of Kentucky, Lonisville, Ky. Are You Going to Paint ? THE AVERILL. CHEMICAL PAIXT haa proved itself to be the Handsomest and most Durable Exte rior Paint Known Sample card of beautiful colors and recommenda tions from owners of the finest residences in : the' country furnished free by all dealers and by AVERILL CHEMICAL PATNT CO-i 32 Burling Slip, New York, or Cleveland, Ohio. Nothing like It In Medicine. A luxury to the palate, a painless evacuant, a gentle stimulant to the circulation, a perspiratory preparation, aa anti-bilious medicine, a stomachic, a diuretic aau an admirable general alterative. Such are the acknowl edged and daily proven properties of Tabraxt'sEt- FEKVESCKXT &KLTZKR APERIKHT. Sold by all Prngglats. ASHIVIA. The subscribers are Manufacturer's Asrenta for K. W. Read's celebrated ASTHMA BELIEP. the best remedy for Asthma vet discovered. - Instant relief guaranteed or purchase money refunded. 'The med icine is put P In three sizes, which retail for Sir,,. 50c and $1. Persons remitting price will have tha medicine sent free by mail, or express. Also sam ples sent free to afty who desire. ETH RIDGE, 11 L.L.KR vu. Kome, TS. 1. 5000 AGENTS WANTEDSamples sent free by- mail, with terms to t:lear from 5 totlOper day. Two entirely new articles, salable as flour. Agents Wanted. .oen Auaress i. 11. n mi, wewarK, a. j. Make more money at work for ns than at anything- j else. business iignt ana permanent. Particular free. G. KTINSON Portland, Me. is CO., Fine Art Publishers, . loci ll-4w MISCELLANEOUS. FIRST GRAND ANNUAL FAIR OF THE Farmers' ani Mechanics' Association OF KOETH CAROLINA, AT GOLD8BORO $10,000 IX FBEKIIIJinS-EXTBAOB. DIN ART ATTRACTIONS. THE FIRST GRAND ANNUAL FAIR OF THE Farmers' and Mechanics' Association will open to the public on Tuesday, October 83d, and continue four days. . - Exhibitors from every section of the country are cordially invited. Splendid Premiums for Racing. Grand Tournament on the Grounds Octobcr25th, at 12 o'clock M. Hon. Horace Greeley, of Naw York, has been in vited and la expected, to be present one day during theFahv w .-1 : ' His Excellency Gilbert C. Walker, ot Tlrglnia, will deliver the address On. Thursday, S4th of Octo ber, at 11:30 A. M. David Dickson, Esq., the great Cotton Planter of Georgia, will deliver an address on. Agricultural subjects, on Wednesday, October 33d, at ll:oo a. m. Hon. C. W. McClammy, of New Hanover tsounty, will deliver the charge to 4he Knights ..entered for the Tournament, October 25th, at 1 o'clock, P. M. For copy or premium list, ruies, reguiaixms, xc, address i-l x . FULGHUM. Secretary. Wi if. &OKNKUAX, neaident. , GoLDSBORO, N. C, Sept. lS-tf Besf 'Holiday Gift! LO,eOO' tVofds and Bleanlngn not in m't .' : uiner uiniouaries. .::! 3,000 Engravings,. 1,840 Page? Quarto. ... PRTCJE, flZ.OO. Warmly recOlfnntendcd by 9rcrof t, Pr?eottr Motley, Geo. P. MarKti, Halieck, Whittier, "Willis, Sate, Elihu BurrittyBaoiel Webster, Ruf us- -Choate, and the best American and European scholars. A necessity for every intelligent family, student, teacher and professional man. What Library is complete wit hone the best Kngnsh Dictionary: t rv TPublished by G. & C. MERRlAM. 8pringncld, Mass. " oia Dy au uooKseuers. . ; - oct 19-D&W 2w F2t GrandTotirnameiit! fTMJERE WILL BE A GRAND 'I'O'CRlJAMEN'f JL upon the Grounds of the Cape Fear Agricultural Association on . v -1 ! 3 icr 1 4 Ki.1. Hjf.l and a Coronation Ball at the City HahatBighti O f A limited number or Knignts only will oe receiveG.- "i' ! rer Spurs. For rules and particulars apply to- .'.- -r 4.-. "i - Db. W. G. THOMAS, Chairman, ; ; octt-tf Y can be had of. a CQA'aVlTfXRSW MU4t-:i Y AT& .5 -- . ; WlLMIJIGTaNi KOETH ..CABOUHi Insurance Company ! OFFICERS: ROBERT H. COWAN. . JOHN W. ATKINSON. F. H. CAMERON Dr. E. A. ANDERSON. ..........President. . . . . .Vice President. Secretary. . . .Medical Director. DIRECTORS: J. W. Atkinson, General Insurance Agent L B. Grainger, President of the Bank of New Han over. F. W. Kerchner,. Grocer and Commission Mer chant C. M. Stedman, of Wright & Stedmon. T. II. McKoy, of W. A. Whitehead & Co., Fay ctteville. It II. Cowan, President. H. B. Eilers, Commission Merchant . A. A. Willard, of Willard Brothers. W. A. Camming, of Northrop it dimming. G. W. Williams, of Williams & Morchieou. Ell Murray, of E. Murray & Co. A. J. DeRosset, of DeRosset & Co. Robert Henning, of Dawson, Teel & Ueuning. Alex. Sprunt, British Vice Consul, of bprunA Binson. P. Murphy, Attorney at Law. J. D. Williams, of J. D. Williams ft Co., Fayctte vllle, . Tas. C. McRae, Attorney at Law, Fayetteviuc. Li.?8; iSafiSSSSE a. Jveuy, Merc nan t, jienansvuio. SPECIAL FEATURES AMD ADVAN TAGES. 1st. No restriction on Residence or Travel. S. No extra charge on the lives of Females. 3. Policies incontestable after five years. ' 1 The Rates of Interest on the Funds ot the Com pany higher than those on the Funds of Companies located in in other States, thus Insuring larger Divi dends ts Polioy-Holders. The Directors and Officers of the Cempany are prominent NORTH CAROLINIANS, who are KNOWN to be men of INTEGRITY and WORTH. G. The Company is established on a solid and per manent basis, steps having been taken. .to increase THE OAPITAIi VTOCKTO $ SOO, OOO. 7. ALL THE FUNDS OF THE COMPANY ARE INVESTED IN THIS STATE AND CIRCULATED AMONG OUR OWN PEOPLE. This fact should commend the Company, above all others, to North Carolinians. : It is wefL known that hundreds of thousands of dollar in Life Premiums are annually sent North to enrich Northern capitalists, thus con tinually draining our people of Immense amounts which should be kept at home. On this ground the friends W this Company confidently appeal to every ton of the OldNorth State and ask their support for tnlS ' . ;. r,, , ' .. : ,.: HOITIE INSTITUTION, which, while it offers, substantially all the advan tages or in on oera tympanies, neipa to duiiu up AGENTS WANTED hi very county In the State. JAMES d: brooks:" Oenl Unpervisins Agent,-RaleighrN.O.- TH0MAS GRJSME, Agent at Wilmington.' 18 7 C2 I T nVrtfllT 0 TTTmnriftnT mnriTniVn LUW1JUW H Lll fjlirUUlj AlllJ ULUDIl Insurance Company! ASSET S HELD IN THE UNITED STATES BY American Directors B-VOir AX017XT TO $3,640,449.62. TITOMLVS GRJJI, North side Princess street, between Water and Front streets, Wilmington, to whom all applications for Agencies should be addressed. feb 16-tf John Wilder Atkinson's INSURANCE ROOMS, .. WIIVRHNGTON, N. C. FI11E INSURANCE COMPANIES: Queen, of Liverpool andLsndoif' Capital, 10,000,000 Aaaes, ox uncinnan, Asseu, . m . . . i nv AAA 1,700,000 780,008 t. 790,009 S.500,000 617,000 450,000 t -r r AmjLzon, or uncianati. Triumph, of Cincinnati, f" " Continental, of New York, J " National, of Hartford, Va. Home, of Richmond, - " MARINE INSURANCE-: MercanUle Mutual,' of "New York, Ellwood Walker, President. may 2S-tf Arise s , Amazon - AND rpHESE COMPANIES, UNDER THE ABLE MAN- JL agement or d. is. itennett, Presislent.- for capi tal, for justice and accuracy of rates, liberality and Promptness of Settlement, when losses occur, challenge comparison with any .Insurance Companies jn the world. .L'ul'lV rrv r JN-WILDE ATKCitMlNr-yr- - iZ2 L VJ i.-L -u Oi Vj... General Agent, Insurance Rooms, No. 4, N. Water Bt may. 23-tf ENCOURAGE HOJTIE INSTITUTIONS Security Against Fire. .Oft til .irii: XsO -rrAtmuvYV mi MW Carolina Epe InsracrCoipy, RALEIGH, -cw fpHlS COMPAOTNTINIIES TO- WRITE XX. Policies, at fair rates, on all classes of insurable nronertv. All lae m iromDtlT, adiusted. and Jaid. The " HOME Is rapidly growing in pubUc i'avr, and amieals, with- oonfideace, to usurers of property in North Carolina. . Agents in ail pans oi tne state. .....- 32. IL BATTLE.L.iC. jrt . Jjf. jcat i.w. Preside C. B. ROOT.W. .J.li-.Iii.t.WcePttsident BEATON GALES . . . : . ......... . .Secretary PULASKLOOWPER;;;, .Aj.. .4p.v.kaBwiaot t "JNpAl'JUATJON r.U'i --s ft Boies , tobacco, - V r if h, K?L I , .-sr)M4W.tt, Ji.-EWAIPS HALL.. iioinniiEiiT To me Confederate ..Dead or tegia And to tliaM Soldiers Ctom aiixt Con-. ... . .. l . . . . t . federate StatWwho weW Killed " or Died.' In tnl Staitc'.",". '''.'1" THE MOSVJfENT TO COST 50,OO0. riHB CORNER 8TONE. IT IS PROPOSED. JL shall belaid as soon as the receipts will permit. 2,000 PrtXM, -valued at r$20u,000) Five Ilua- ' dred Thousand Dollars.? 1 Hat amount, only, B. in Tickets, to be sold. . t. Vnr cverv vira Dollars snbscribed there will be given a certificate of Life Membership to the Monu mental Association. : This certificate will entitle the owner thereof to aa equal interest in tho. following property, to be distributed as soon as the requisite namner or snares are soio, iw . First.. Nine Hundred, awl una Acres oi Lnq m Tin-Jn ronntv. Oeorsio. on which ate the well known Magruder Gold and Copper aunes, vaiuea at. .. .v ....... .: - $150,000 And to Seventeen Hundred and Forty-Four Shares tn One Hundred Thousand Dollars of United States Tirrency, lu-wiv . ...ma I 1 (Share or w,uw " s.ono a.ouo i 2 10 10 a) 100 aoo 400 8,500..... 5.000 2,000.. 90,000 1.0U0 10.000 500 ... 10,000 100. 10,000 00 . 10,000 25..... 10,009 10. 10,000 1000 $100,000 Vmm thCpt-clius Ileal Estate ' offered by well- known patriotic citizens, to the Confederate Monu mental Association, the following Prizes have been selected and added to the foregoing Shares: 1st. BERZELIA. This well-known Keeort, wun the Large Residence, Store, etc, and Four Hunc'rd Acres of Land, immediately on the Georgia. Rail road, twenty miles from Augusta. Faying an an nual yield of Fifteen Thousand Dollars. 2nd. The well-known CITY HOTEL, fronting on Broad street The building is of brick, three stories high, 134x70 feet. Valued at $.26010. Srd. THE SOLITUDE PLANTATION, in Russell county, Alabama, on the Chattahoochee River, with elegant and commodious improvements. The aver age rental, since 1864, has been over Seven (.1,000) Thousand Dollars. 4th. That Large Brick Residence and Store on the Northwest corner of Broad and Centre streets, known as the Phinlzy or JSauury House, -went i wo Thousand Dollars. 6th. The Rogers' House, on Greene street, a new and elegant Brick Residence, In a most desirable portion of that beautiful street Valued at $16,000. 6th. Fiat Bnsh. with ISO acres of Land, half a mile from the city limits, tho elegant Suburban Residence or Antoine Follaia, JKsq., in gooa oraer. ; v araca at $16,000. IkU. waiiiis auo, ww w Residence, with Thirty City Lots 69x210 feet, front ing on .Mchanne ana uarnes etreets. v aiuea at $16,000. 8th. Stanton Residence and Orchard, on the Georgta Railroad. Valued at $$,000. Also 1 Share of One Hundred Bales Cotton. 1 " Fifty . " 1 " Twenty-Five 44 944 Shares of One Bale each. The bales to average 400 pounds, and class Liver pool Middling. The value of the separate interest to which the holder of each Certificate will be entitled, will be de termined by the Commissioners, who will announce to the public the manner, the time and place of the distribution. : -- The following gentlemen have consented to act as Commissioners, and will, either by a Committee from their own body or by Special Trustees appoint ed by themselves, receive and take proper charge of the money for the Monument, as well as the Real Estate and theU. 8. Currency offered as inducements for subscription, and will determine upon the plan for the Monument, the inscription thereotr, the site therefor, select an orator for the occasion, and reg ulate the ceremonies to be observed when the corner stone is laid, viz ' ' ' ; Generals L. McLawa,.A.R. Wright, H. A. Stovall, TV. M. Gardner and Goode Bryan, Cot C. Snead, Col. Win. P. Crawford, Mai. Jos. . B. Cumming, George T. Jackson. MaJ. Joseph Ganahi; Maj. L P. Girar. dey, Hon. R. H. May, Adam Johnston, Jonathan M Mfller, W. H. Goodrich, J. P. Butt, Henry Mo or Dr. W. E. Dearing. - . ... Agents are allowed twenty per cent They are required to pay their own expenses, tickets and cifv eulars alone being Turmsnea to tnem. xney wui re mit weekly the amounts from sales received, less their commissions. . (No commissions will be de ducted from simple contributions.) On account of the very great labor required of the General Agents, the offered services of one or more prominent gentlemen, well and favorably known throughout the South, will be accepted to act with us. ' Parties desiring to contribute to the Monument, and who do not wish to participate in the award, will receive a special receipt The money will be turned over to the Treasurer, and will be appropri ated to the Monument without any deduction what ever. L. & A. H. TifCLAWS, General Agents, No. 8 Old P. O. Range, Mcintosh Street, Augusta, Ga. Mrs. Carlton Belt, . Coleman House, N,Y. ; Miss Mary Ann Buie, Columbia, 8. C. : Hon; James M. Smythe, Augusta, Ga.; Major John Dunwoody, Washington, Ga.; E. B. Mania, Esq., Tuscaloosa, Ala., Traveling Agents. march 4Kf. . . ... ... . . .- The Distribution Of Confederate Monumental Setae ILL POSITTVELY TAKE PLACE ON THE first Wednesday in December next (1872), at Aususta. Ga. Should all the tickets not bo told, the amount re ceived will be distributed in the proportions named in the Circulars between THE MONUMENT, The Prizes and the necessary expenses. " The por tion to be distributed will be appropriated first to the Money Prizes ; then to the Real Estate, and last ly to the Shares in Cotton. ANALYSIS OF THE SCHEME. $100,00020 per cent, allowed Agents. 50,00010 , ik State Agents. 50,000 V.i-'v' . .:" for contingent penses. 130,000 Owners' price of 9 Real Estate Prizes. 100,000 The 1,744 Prizes to Currency. . -80,000 The 244 Prizes in Cotton. ex- $150,000 -$30,000 profits to be dcroted to the Mon- anient. The mice in currency will be substituted for any Real Estate Prize, withdrawn on account of injury to the property T or "for other cause. . .. -v Agents west of the Mississippi stop their sales on the 15th of November ; East of that river on the 20th of November. State Agents are required to be present either in person or by legally appointed Attorneys at the Dis tribution. t- - . - . :- t . L. fc A. HMsLAWSU General Agents, may 8-7m Augusta, Ga. Molasses and Syrup ! .li;r. 2,150 HUD s . TIERCES AND BARRELS OF s. it: sYRUpr -AND West India Molasses, For sale very low by octS-tf WILLARD BROS. arBiliild&Bro., WHOLESALE . LIQUOR DEALERS Mannfacturera of Clsara, AND TOBA GCO DEALERS. i, 4Vlft,Cj. ; TT7E HAVE THE LARGE8T STOCK OF PURE hTv Kentnckv Jye Whiskies and Imported Wines aua Branocs M anywnoue ja, jne otate : anj are ready To ftomirteMSw - r rurcnasers wiu ao weu to examine our stock . no-. tore buying eWwheren ' ' "- . - aug XHt H. BRUNHILD A BRO. rr WOOD, -TABERMPRSE, ti MANUFACTURERS OF : " i-STEAM EUaiHX ?il8tt!onaiT and AfTleoltnral., Hundreds ta use la Prtnting nuoms, coopa, jaws, jumea sua on x anna ana riania tJons Jor Grain TUreshlnc Food Cooking 'for Stock. 'Cotton Giunlnz. 8awin& ete.-' Cheularsseoi dattnf plication. One o( these Engines can be seen at thi offlM. - -,'' i - foctl-DAWtf " ' U :::! loetl-DAWtf , : . I '"4-. nt i.Srir.. fTTTf fT A T'''UUm90. T9WPia.-.ia.-i ' - - iUlitUlVAlii' - - 'v-r:-- ' t'. : ; iimmmt hospiial ip-.. : U it . JftHJf SOI . .'. - PhYSIClAN QFTHlaWLEBRATKD INlATITC. V r TION.isoovered, jdieiTln the creaj hospital ' of Earbpo, vis: England, France ud elsewhere, the .' 1 4 . ceruun, speoay, pleasant ana onectuai remeuy in ine. world for all excesses or abuses of the system. ' Weakness of Um Back or LimbaStrictujes, Aft ec-, ,s - v tion of the Kidneys Or Bladder; Involuntary Dis charges, Impotency, General Debility, Nervousness, v i Dyspepsia, Languor.. Low Spirits, Confusion of -, lrfeas. PalnlUtlun' of the.Heart-jrimlditv..Trsmi -: - - anHing rrora souiary -oaou ax yonm secret MxaiC'U.,1: solltory practices more fatal to their ) victims than .. '-..' the song of the syrens to the mariners of TJiySsv. "! blighting their most brilliant hopes orantidpatlott,"V'3 ' rendering marriages, Ac, impossible, dnstrovinir ; . both body and minLi'v ' hnf.' '. "f"J v ' ! J - ' YOVSG JIES Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which an nually sweeps to an uhtimely gra'o thousands of ?'onng men of the most exalted talents and krUllant ntellect, who might otherwise harva eBtnineed-Usv eaing senates with the the thunders of. cloauence. or waked to erstac h Tlvlitir lmi mt-ir Xri ZZXaZZT-' . :. r: T r- can with ' .mw. ...-.--, i MARRLVGE. Married persons, or ybun meu-contemplating marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, Loss of Pro- ? : creative Power (impotency). Nervous Excitability,.. Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Nervous Debility, or any other disqualification, -speedily relieved. He who places bimserf-under the care of Dr. J. may rcliglonslv confide in his honor as a gentleman. an confidently rely upon pis Jlrpi as a physician, ORGANIC WEAKNESS ; immodiatclv cured and full .vliror restored." This distressing affection which renders life mis. crable and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. . Yonng persons are too apt to commit excesses from not be-, lug aware of the dreadful consequences that mfl? ensue. Now, who that understands this subject wiir pretend to deny that the power of procreation la lost ' sooner oj inoee iaiungiuio im; nirlnto lmnroi )per nauts man oy . the prudential t, Besides being deprived of the urivea or tne wcas? ; , ureof healthy offspring, thamoBt serious and dfs:, ; tractive symptoms of. both tody. ana. :mlM:Jla.'v!, ius pyemia PTCoaira acrangca,, ine- pnysiGai snu. ; Power, TTervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation " of the Heart, Indigestiou, Xustitutional Debility .iiiV.':? and Wasting of tho Frame, Cough, Consumption,- r . - wecay anaucain... .-. ,, ....... , .. ,-t . , i A CURE SPEEDILY WARRANTED. . '.'.it . , ,'. ' Persons ruined in health by unteamed pretenders who keep them trifling month after month, taking ' . poisonous and Injurious compounds, should apply, - Immediately. ' , c , " 1 DR. JOHNSTON, , . , I Member of tho Royal College of 8urgeons,"Londoh, .' graduate of one of the most eminent colleges in thw ' V"? united States, and the best partof whose life has,, been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Phila- ' delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when . asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden - . sounds, Daehfulness, with frequent blushing, attend-', -ed sometimes with derangement of mind, were . . cured immediately . , ,. ... ' TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE, . J.. '; -; Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured tfcbavc f. aaarenses an tuose wno nave uuttrea udok.' : by improper indulgence and solitary habitSj, train both body ana mind, unfitting hem fox r business, study.-socicty or marriage, t ' n . t selves by imp wnicn i mi . V. . -n J 1 . i. . . . . . dncedby the early nabits of youth, vlgs j Weakness ,1 , , or tne uacic ana Limns, rains in the bead. Dimness ' oi ignt, ixBg ot Muscular rower, rupitation oi too. . r.KMK, Mri. M,UDH.H A TT V. I , WyilWlll W ' ... .... Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement; V of the Digestive Functions, -General Debillry, 8ymp - AlKMiAiiT.' ins leanui eseeu on ' the hM art much to be dreaded. Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression Of Brrtnts, Evil Forebodipgc, Aversion to society, eir-jjistrust. Love or Boutude, Timidity, &c, are some of the evils produced. - - Thousands of persons of all ages can now lodge what is the cause .of. their deoliaing -health, losing, . their vigor, becoming weak;- pale, vervout and ema- .' dated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, - ; couph and symptoms of Consumption. . .. YOUNG MEN Who have injured, thetiiflolres by a cortain practice, .:i . j " indulged ia when alone,, a habit frequently learned. , from evil companion or at school, tbd effects of . . . which are nightly felt, even when asleep and i bos1 . cured renders marriage Impossible,, aad destroys ' . ' both mind and body, should apply immediately."' " V -What a pity that a young man. the hope of W-?:-"-,,-.? country, the pride of his parents; should be snatched- ' from all prospects and enjoyment of life by thenf,-, consequence of deviating from the path of nature. . . r ; . and indulging in a certain secret habjt 1 Such- perl -sons must, before contemplating. Jn imu.n'.f.n "j' C . MARRIAGE ",hK,, : Af, ; , Reflect that a sound mind and body are the mort necessary requisites to .promote connubial hsppi ncss. Indeed, without these the Journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hour- " . ly darkens to the View, tne mind feeeonies shadewed with despair, and filled wuh the melaBcholy reflec tion that the happiness of another is blighted with our own. - , " A CERTAIN DISEASE, ' ; ' When, the misguided and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this pain'- - ' Jul disease It too often happen that an lU-tlmcd sense of shame or dread or discovery deters him ) tnose wno, irons eancauen ana rc- i alone befriend him. ' lie falls Into ' ignorant and designing pretenders. L who, incapable of curing, filch bis pecuniary sub-,.,v; -stance, keep him trifling month ttfter month, or as ' long as the smallest ree can DeoDtamea, ana ua e . spalr leave him with ruined health to,, sigh over his gauing uiBappoinnneni; or, or me use or tuat oci ly poison, Mi ercury, causa tho constltnurmal symw-.. toms of thli s horrid disease to make their appearance. ; . such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, noctur nal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, . . deafness, nodes on the ehlu bobesand ansa, blotches on the head and faca, and extremities,, progressing with frightful rapidHy, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall iu, and the vic tim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commisse ration till death puts a period to hia dread.;, ful suffering, by sending him -to that rindlscoverei , . country from whoso bourne no traveler returnsv.'' ' To such, therefore Dr. Johnson. offers tho most' certain, speedy, pjcaeant and effccttu'l remedy ia4h t world. ' ' . OFFICE, 7 SOUTH FREDERICK 8T., nAIiTIMOllB,' MARYLAND,'-'''.' . , ? Left hand side goln froW Baltimore 'street,1 a few doors from the comer( - Fail aot'to- observe name- nrl Tinmtvpr K ' . . ? . -.(. , I ,.:- K3f, No letters received unless postpaid and eon- taming a stamp to be .used on tho reply. Persons writing should state age, and send a portion of ad vertisement describing symptoms. ;! The Doctor's DIPLOMA hangs In his ofucc. C. ENDORSEMENT OP THE PRESS. '' The' many thousands cured at this establishment within the last twenty years, and the numerous Im portant surgical operations performed by Dr. John son, witnessed by the representatireB rf Abe Press and many others, notices of . which bavo appeared, again and again before the public, besides his stand ing as a man of honor and responsibility, is a suftt' cient guarantee to tho afflicted. , . ' Skin l)laaaa Speedilr 3r4 march 19-ly.ent . '4 if'i Twenty BcaiatSfcrOnei: A $25 SEWING . MACHINE VQnBl '- k O W E E K? L Y V A irrRjBT7LAS.' yi NT Y-mLTtMJ ' LrTEBJ ' -1 . J ary Family faper,' published every Saturday at f: ; Charlotte, N. C., at the low price of , v ' v. ' - '. . fiMl 'Vi Ji-Oll H .s'.Tf.i !. j!?I:. -4r Each, number contains aa toteresttng ftftry, worth ,, at least the subscription price; enough FUN to keep a" Son htnghingr a week; and A general collection orr , le LATEST. NEWfliC (-ji.tis- Every subscriber gets a chance at a , valuable pre-,-,,( mium. and one out of every five will be sure to get a '' il l j..v m mm ...... iA 6nt m yrenuuiu,-wuni imn x.j u wj w. noeful articles, such as Sewins Machines. Blcaehed f v- DomesOo, $c,, 4c, ranging ii value, from twenty-. , . . tve cent to $25 00, '' - : v;., y. 44 Delays ndaneVotA SuWscrlba. bhinodiatoly v,i and get a chance at tho large premiuma, ; ' , , . TO AGENTS. We are offering more liberal !n- r , , J -dncementa far Crabs than any other Pnhnsher. Ton ; " can make money by caftvasslng for OUR, WEEKLY ,s ,y s.' For specimen eonr of ' iMmcr.' oremium, list and terms to Ageora, sondS cent sUtnp to -. t. O. if. NTTA1 Publisher of Our Wee; r Our Weeklr, .. ; ) Charlotte, N.C ' V , . Bice ! Bice ! 120,CC)0.5 LBS FRESH BEAT JHQKii FROM HELTON RICEMILLfK iect-tt T7TVE HUNDRED CASES 1 FINEST FRUITS, -J2 Vegetables, Fish, Lobster, Oysters, Sardines, .;.v ..-I -.-a,; : r- ft- , .or V X '4 . H .... - . . -; ., . . i' v - ' .4. 5" V.