. Jif 1 - w . w .! - VrEnSIIEB DAILY, BT ; f ;..,.. '. C t V ' " ' . Orrvcn, Dawson T-wsk BnllAinvFront St .. . Ono Sqnare one dar,.... ...; .....tt CO v4 two da r a,; t 6U i. 1 three caye. '1l TT"T ?v fA W' f ,''1 11 - I J iiZt ' ' t I ,, Hredare..-..., I M V r J " I - A- ,t v,. " wee....,.?.., ...... one yAr. In nJvM-i.:.S-T:jv' 1 1 . , MIX month, la a.lvnnce..,:,,1....,... Three bkwuis, In aiidvanoe.", -w.j v. , a so 5m month, lu &avanc. .v. .-. . . , The Mokiwo St Wilt be delivered 1b any pmxX of the City at Fiftes Coirs por week, 7 -U ".OUTLINES; -f ; V The street Ws,and livery, stables of Bochestor.X.hay oil suspended, owiiig to the terrible.: horse disease. Soma exiled Alsatians rwilj settle near Alexan dria, ' . Ya.i r--T-'serious accident bin the Eastern 'Ilailroad, between. Boston and Portsmouth ; several persona - killed. .- ' Omnibus stables and fifty horse burned in Chicago, with loasof $500,000. . JL Fann ers' and Mechanics Fair at GoldebOKyyes terd ay, proved a grand success: JL railroad ' accident 'at' Portsm6uth,T JtJ II. ,i killed three ' men and w oundodi several other. ,) : i .' ITIETEOROLOGIf At, HBCOHD. ' Time. .JtaSf6? moitt- Wind. Weather.' tKX. 1 99 A ' . 30:29 i 80:5 -:- NK Gentle Pan P. M. T4 ic Fre P. M. Noun Temp, oi Gy, tu uw. Not. AH toomctric .rollings are reduced to the tee lrrl end to 84 degrees Fahrenheit. " ' : : . Koax BrrsoTH, . ' i A enT 8taual (ten ice .U. H,A. WarDefaktmist, V -Offlceof Chief (Signal Officer. V. Waihinon, October 22-4 P. M. ' " Clear and cool weather AtUh northerly and westerly winds for tho Northwest, and ex tending over the upper lakes and to the Ohio valley ; for the middle MMssIddI Taller northerly to easterly winds; threatening ..i .1 : m . w catucr tuu iKvunwM- nun on we , lower lakes; clearing, weather,. "with light rain and northwesterly winds for the New England and Middle btates; cloudy weather and oc casional rain for the Golf and South Atlan tic; threatening indication, -with probabry iresn nonncny to easterly wuius ana tala Al C .1- k A 1 i . . 1 . m ua uic wuui Auanuc; on ine easiem UU1I, southerly -winds with ckAtdy weather atfd rain, and on the northern and western Gulf northerly to easterly winds with the same conditions, 'I no sootnwestern reports are deficient t , , - . . Warning slgnalsorderej for Mobile and EGITT. VNKWiApVEKTJSKMBWTSU . " Chas. 1J. Drrsoiv & Co Gems of Strauss. '8. It Bi7TTiNO--Auctlon Sale,. j .H.-;& B.-flsoanaEiP.Tp tlie Public. f H'Cbont--Auction Sales. ' , V v: WrtJJAMS&McBCHisoJi--provisions, &c. 'J GUKE5 & ftAKiiER Seltzer Aperient 1 S. Jraras New BJver Oysters. - ' : j Blvfokd, Crow & Co-rMulleta, Flour. : J cuas BD3tAns Take Notice. J VS. C. STEVESSOS-FlOXir. ; , Fire Dletrlete. ' ' I To refresh the minds of our city readers as to the location and boundary of the dif-' fcrent lire districts we. reproduce them -as follows :V r ''. . r r : ; , I 1st District AH of that Wit of the citv north df the Wilmington & Weklon Ball- road. "V I 2d District All of that part of Iho cltr east of Fourth street and between the Wit l mington Weldon Railroad and Market street ' ' ;ivj , - .1 3d District All of - that part of tho city between the Wilmington & Weldon ; Bail- road and Market street and the . river and Fourth street : 1 . " ; ,v : "v j ; - 4th District All of that part Tof 'the city south of Market street and between the river and Fourth street ' ' ' " - 5th District-All of that Dart of the city east of Fourth street and south -of -Market Street. "V ' s-' ' - - I Cth District-All of that nart of the citv on the west fclda ofCana Fear river. - I " - I Jotting Journalistic. ; - : The Louisburff Courier comes to tis en- larged to the dimensions of seven columns to a page, with other noticeable improve nicnts. . This number of the Courier: con- J tains the Valedictory of Mr. JL M. Forman, . the retiring Editor, and ' the Salutatory ' of . Mr. Tliomas T. Mitchell, who assumes charge of the editorial, department .. We wish it every sutress. ; The Raleigh Era l now Issued as a daily afternoon paper." '.':' -A The Mawnic Monitor tot October is i on our tabic, and presents its usual attractions. The Monitor la published at Goldsboroby J. A Bonltz. rJ, nf , and Hhould be found in every Masonic house-. hold We learn from PmtffWrf VZ that there will soon.' bb'a Lodge of UiU order in 1U1 Onerfttirtn at VnflfM TIia InHinl trfimst Imvc Blrc'aaVWn" hAcn 'and we lutve been aired that charter taater1a;s-kch, lo jruarantee that the new organization at the point named will 'rroxv rapidly in num- hers nd IMhtsm worth ' ..-'V" ' Ti. -t -n . -VIV predion f r.o.Wri ;t Wiln ' TiockvMont and Battler., h-n ihw formed .- .. , and successfully at work. North Carolina ' and viio "1 .. 1 1 11 iir iriii iit iniiirii lit iat tAiiii.uuuuD l-n of membership from tbl c ity." to the C7 " - ----- V " lupital of the Old Domlnioivl-,:. .- Superior Cotirtif? $,r?W; Very little business" was transacted before this tribunal yesterdayi": In the case of John A. Odam, charged with assault and battery, R verdict was rendered lit favor" of defend- ant Theremaihder of the day was "taken up with the case of J. Tr Soeiirht chartred with larcenyor wltb receiving stolen goodsT and nu uourt adjourned, Deiore the testimony. fas concluded, "nnt it 10 o'clock this mbrn-i w Fire Ainonar the-Dry Goods Boxes.:'.' Several.of tho old' dry goods boxes in the fear of Mr. IL L; IlLt-riV News Stand, were uitjcovereatooe on i;reyc .eraay anernoon. 1 .Wilmington to try them? Jlay nesentany The event created coni lJcrailo excUeraent. I where in 'thetfnited States atwe cent each. out the flames were f C CI & ' wfn f5 I VOK Lr-NO. 26. ; m cuwina omc citation . !r-linprtalit to Advertisers. : ? The: circulation of a newspaper is. a, mat ter of intcsest to the community ' in which. It is piiblishedand to every advertiser who wishes to use its columns.' " Frequently a business man wishes to advertise in but one paper; and in thW case it is important for him to know, which paper has the largest circulation In (he city, county or section whose population he' wishes to IreaclCT;'. ' It is equally a matter of interest to a pro prietor Whose paper has the largest circula tion to establish that fact to the satisfaction of the public: iT- -,J - There may be a half-dozen good papers in a city, and the proprietor of each may honcstl) believe . Uiat his paper; has the largest circulation; and he. may so inform the public.1 But how are the public to de termine this matter unless the-proprietors agree to settle it by some fair and legitimate test!,.-;;';-:-:'-.; v-'; . So far as Tnu MoBrKa t.vr Is concern ed, we bejiere we can make good the fol lowing claims : . . . . , : ; . , " 1. That our average, bona JUe Daily cir culation in Wilmington i tit least ranj peb cent, larger than that of wif other new papf-1 '... , "V- ... 2.. That our average, bona fide Daily cir iulation, city atid country combined, is at leant twenty-ftvk ' per cent. ' larger '' than that of any other daily newspaper published fa. WUmington. ' i. That our average, bona fide Daily cir culatioh, city and country combined, is larger than that of any. other daily news paper published in North Carolina. We are not only willing, but -anxious, to Submit these propositions to the usual test, If wo; are correct in our estimate of our superior circulation, let us have the benefit of it. If we are mistaken, let it be accorded to others. " opeSaiouse. Tbe imery-SnedaJr Trnpe. The operatic concerts given by the Pom-eroy-Snedalr Troupe at the Opera House last night, was the opening of the season in ; our city. The auditory was not large; in deed, we were surprised that the reputation of the troupe did not draw a larger crowd. But the weather, doubtless, prevented a considerable number, particularly the ladies, from attendine.. It was. however, an at- tentive and intelUgent audience one of which Wilmmgton ne?d not be ashamed. nt th MrCnrmur ri tta urn nn rritif nf muBlv " v1 vjhjoo vj bo uuij iu.gcuciw to- Tc instrumental music gave great satisfaction, ana wtoJe .Miss romeroy, evi- dently laboring under the disadvantages of fatigue and a slight hoarseness, did not in uU come up to expectation, she sang with om P" nd gr&ce the beautiful and diffl- cu cavatina from the "Itoberti toi que J ami," of Meyerbeer. Mr. Glover is a fine tenor "Soger."- Signor Rebcchini's perform- nces on the violin were tneond several times., lie is a violinist oi tne nrst rans. The six genUemen who "did" the instru- mental music were every way equal to the occasion. They play remartaDiy weu, ana are Desi:le8 93 fine-looking, gentlemanly a et as can be found on the boards any- 'here. The Manager, Mr. Snedair, deserves credit forj having played through his full programme with such spirit, dignity, corn- V0 and entire effectiveness, under the disadvantage of a thin house. Rre Pleased to learn that this troupe wm visn our cuy again uurug uiu ... . ; J .V .a a montn, proposing to De wun ns on me even IDS " " c i -M .1. - 1Ql1. 4 fUl. 1V 1,nnll lUf) my thcn mect Itli-all the encouragement they richly deserve. Fire Alarm Telegraph. , Recent events have established the fact that the Fire Alarm Telegraph will soon be a necessity in Wilmington. Let the Board of Aldermen consider .this question care fully. The great difficulty in locating, fires Is obviated by the Alarm Telegraph. It enables the firemen to locate a fire before they leave the engine-houses. Tennunutes saved during the progress of a fire, may be twenty thousand dollars made. It will re- W but moderate expenditure to secure great improvement ' Greeley and Brown Tickets. -i fT?.! vas tVtsh DwAatilAtttf a1 aIaaIiaii OIItA- cient to supply every voting precinct in New Hanover county are now in the hands of I vuc vuwrumii i .vwu......v. Committee. ; It is hoped that some friend of Oreeley and Brown from each Township 1 win call at the TA omce anagei a supp.y. (D&Wtf.) v ": i : :- l Tho SehenekFIaee. The. valuable. property Known, as vu t r, . . . , - u . cnencK piace, was sun ui. mh. day, Col..E. It, iJnnk. being tne purchaser I m . . M Atm mr AA fill. A. . AntM-tfa m lor we sum or so, w. - j up a - fourteen acres.: The terms were one-thira cash, the balance in, one and two years, with Interest from date'. The following cases were disposed of yes terday morning- VfvftMZ tir'l Coder Ilerring, Charged with drunken- l 1 . . . r? - - ! - f I ; Jm- Wayland charged with1 drunken- u: lu"r. ,T, J" r r1"' 7 ' u . ,, L.L, - ; Postal Cards Call at the Stab bfSce and examine.specl- I mens of Postal Cards. A novel method of. ! advertising or writing" letters on a cheap j scale:-. Who whl be the first meranr bf rcci'.U extirlshed.' FuniL;hed:wn printed card, to? -blank for I 'WILMINGTONtNC., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER'23;,. ife'. ? THE CiOLJDSnOBQ FAIK. r The Flret Annaal Fatr if the Farm ad irieehanlce AMelation pr .North Carolina a Grand Sueeeee W. -U. .Saunders, the Colored. Greeley Orator, In Goldaboro. Special ,Tclegram. to ' Uie Morning Star. V.-. V - ' GougBojo;;Oct. 22;;-. The first day of the Fair of the Farmers' and Mechanics' ' "Association . passed off pleasantly. -.The entries number hear two thousand, there being over three hundred entries of stock alone. . Floral Hall presents a fine appearance.. Judges that have, visited, all the Fairs of the State since the war un hesitatingly pronounce it the finest The attendance to-day numbered from twelve to fifteen hundred. : : , ' . Hon. A." S." Merrimon, of Raleigh, de livers the address to-morrow.- A large crowd .is expected. Four special (rains arrive daily, "besides the many regular trains. .'. - - - . v s -New, entries continue- to come in, over four hundred having been made since the close of the Fair this afternoon. W. U. Saunders, the colored Greeley ora tor from Maryland 'arrived this afternoon. He Is announced to address hie colored peo ple to-morrow evening. ; Y, ' W. loeal Dots. . JL .1. -.'. . We regret to learn .that QA. SL. Fremont is quite ill. We noticed sf-few watermelons oh our streets yesterday. . Tlie Board of Aldermen will meet again on Monday night next A colored man, who had been discov ered at the Union Depot in a sick and desti tute condition was sent to the City Hospital yesterday. , . '. " , A few light showers last night had the effect to lay the dust 1 Being the first rain we have had in some weeks it was decided ly welcome,... . . , r Messrs. H. & R Emanuel, 45 Market street, offer superior inducements to all in want of goods in their line! See advertise ment ; ... , , ..J,.-; , , Mr. George Honnet left last night for Baltimore and New York, and expects to return in ten days with a fine stock, of Jewelry for the Fair and Holidays. It There Is to be a grand Radical pow wow at this City Jlall this evening, .when speeches will ba delivered by Attorney General Williams and Gen. Hall, of Maine. A Grant and .Wilson pole of rather small dimensions was raised on Princess street nearly in front of - the Poet printing office, yesterday afternoon.' The speaking which was expected . on the., occasion was postponed until to-day. Messrs. Cronly Morris, willi sell 15 saddle and harness horses at auction this morning, at Exchange Corner, commencing at 10 o'clock. At 11 o'clock, in front of their office, they will sell a lot of bananas and oranges. . The attention of the authorities is respectfully- called to the condition of the street near the old Weldon depot We learn that it is almost impassable to ve hicles, one or two of which have recently broken down in trying to force a passage. The Rankin boys claim that they, in stead of the Mechanics' Hose Company, put the first stream on the fire Saturday night We should regret exceedingly to be guilty of any injustice to any of out firemen, and if we did so in the instance alluded to it was unintentional on our part Unmallahle Letter. The following unmailable letters were in the city postoffice yesterday: R. J. Taylor, Wilson, N. C; G. W. Conett, Herring's Bluff, N. C; Mrs. Mary Ann Carrol, Charleston, S. CL; Wfllie G. Hagan, Mor ganton, N. C. ; Orient Insurance Co., Hart ford, Conn.; 'vri r- u t L ioL Appointments by Bishop Atkinson. Beaufort November 8th. Newbern.... ........ " 10th.' Durhams Creek..... ' " 12th. Kinston.. " 14th. Holy Innocents, Len- - oir Co................ " 13th.' Goldsborough ...... : . 17th. ' ' PfJHLIC SPEAKING. -' '. Dr. James W. Blount and Isaac B. Kelly, Esq., Democratic sub-eleaprsfor th"eaunty; of Duplin, win address' the people at the following times and places: Sarecta. .Wednesday. Oct 23 Albertson's. Thursday. ; " 24 Branch's Store, ...... .Friday, : t ' 25 Winder's, Saturday " 26 Faison's, Monday, . 28 Warsaw. . . : . . ; . : . . . . .Tuesday, " " ' " 29 Maimolia. .... . . ... Wednesday. - " 30 Boney's Store,... .. .. .Thursday, V 81 ChinoueDin. ..........Friday. .Nov 1 Snatchett . . . . . ..... . .Saturday" V'c 2 Kenansville,. .. .... ...Monday, Cape Fear Agricultural Association. The Executive Committee, all Vice Pres- dents and Associates included, are requested to meet each Friday night at 7 o'clock at tlie office of the President, over the First National Bank, Until the Fair, for the trans action of such business as may come be fore it A'- i vx-i..-' SLI Fremont. Sept 28,ii872-tf.'"-:" ' c President $75,000 In Casla for 81. -r We call the attention of our readers' to the advertisement in another column of the Nebraska State Orphatt Alura Here is a chance to' win a fortune n;il;Juof'Legid Trawingi nd at ttkesame time help a noble and worthy tostttutton; v 7" -y ' Winter Ink. v,We hare now News Ink for ' 5. . - 4 i A-.fi-.., : ! i John TIrcrn jwrnornf Klo-hfh nd KetfCTOSS Streets. I - 1-v a:rl4:'r.lH '" . VV, tl ;1 the other aboat S3 year. .ell'. The hu-'X: nn hand ft fnH snnnlT' of to tne vatnouc unurcn. ana uieireo wuuuevw i "V.. .tir..". .rt'. .n li. .77.t. ! TTrrriTiTfrt rAvrs ivn, itriwmi'-MwW Wwonld refer to ro Into the turpen t t ..ess: ,: . winter use;:; Cashbr a CvIJ. rFd.andacqaaintance.ar.htr 1? CT .."V V SpiritsTuiehtine. . tr$ri Gaston county has a cotton stalk 8 feet high, 0;: r;;r How; many Conservatives will o absent without leave 'at. the roll-call on (he fifth of Novemberf vVy f-., fri " ; r-7 Several , families f roin CJana3it have arrived in Fayetteville and will locate as permanent citizens. - ; v - , ' .' Stirring appeals are made in dif ferent parts of the State in behalf of Mr. Turner and the Sentinel. :" - - - ''States ville has.' a strayed-out, so-called. Strayed-in, we suppose was in tended into.the Grant fold. . . s .. , , - Judge ' .Watts kept Granville Court waiting Monday to rive him ;appor tpnity to attend a circus. .Moore Judge. . -r The Court for the Western Dis trict of this State was opened at Statesville Monday morning. His Honor, R. P, Dick, Judge, presiding.; " ' " -4 Col. John E. Brown has the cel ebrated shell monument to Stonewall Jack son, wrought by Mrs. At wood, of St. Louis, and raffled at .the St Louie fare. . -iThe Kn Klux cases will be con tinued as there is a contest between the : TJ. S. Attorney General and Judge- Dick as to whether Carrow is Marshal or not ; . 1 '1 ? : V r A'fire "broke out on the premises of Mrs. P. A. Foot, on Maiden Lane, Thurs-' day last, but was extinguished before; any serious damatrc was done, savs tha Favette- villeJRife. ; " Mr: AW F. Green ' who was counted out in the election for member of the House, in Franklin, has served a notice on his competitor . Williamson that be will contest the seat. Mr. John L. Lea gives the Home the result of eight hours' picking on his farm in Providence! Township, Mecklenburg county. , The hands Were all negroes: Bob Dunn 820, Mack Dunn 414, Louis Dunn, 354, Elias 353, Bob cCaskey, 332, -Pink Rea Some Yankee soldiers brought down to Charlotte from Gaston, last Thurs day, Messrs. Freno Massey . and , Robert Falls, charged with. illicit distilling.. The former was discharged in Charlotte without bail, and the latter with bait t So says the Southern Home. j Says the djle: The friends of the ' Fayetteville and Florence Railroad south of here have gone earnestly to work. There will be a meeting held at Shoe Heel, N. G., on Tuesday, the 29th '.' Inst", and also one at Reedy Creek Church," S. C., on the day following, 30th inst ; in furtherance of this road.' - ; .. - The Rockingham Observer has been shown a stalk of corn with Six earsr and several in the field .with from . three to five ears to the stalk; and Mr. Coving ton tells us that he has gathered some from the same field with several fully developed ears to the Ktalk. The seed is of the Pea body Prolific. Mabel, infant daughter of Nich olas II. Chavasse, of Birmingham, England, died at the Yarborough House in this city on Sunday night, says the Raleigh Sem, and was buried in Oakwood Cemetery yes terday afternoon. Mr. Chavasse is on a visit to this State with a view to purchase a farm to settle on. . .. .... . .... : Near Pineville, on the farm of Mr. J. M. Kirkpatrick, on the 18th, the clothes of a little negro girl named Mary, daughter of Anthony Lee, caught fire In the house. She ran out screaming, and after running a hundred yards came hack to the house and died immediately. . So we learn from the Charlotte Home. The Rockingham Observer thus gives the amount of cotton picked on 26th of September, by employes of Mr. M. D. McNeill, of Old Hundred: Julia William son, 423 pounds; Celia A. Chavis, 350 pounds; Eli Williamson, 817 pounds; Jno. Chavis, 266 pounds. Eight others aggre gated 2,157 pounds in same time. Who can beat Old Richmond. . .A. leadingjiadical in I'itt coun- ty, cauea upon ine umtea mates jaiarsnai ior uiiy oianK warrants, 10 arresx citizens in 1 that county. A few days afterwards over j rested and taken to Goldsboro. After a hearinsr hefore a United States fVnrimission- er they were all honorably discharged, no evidence being adduced . against them to I substantiate the thartre. A vote for Grant I is a vote to sanction this desnotism. I Mr. Baxter H. Moore andW. R. Burwell, of Mecklenburg county, sent two bales of cotton for exhibition to the Fan at St Louis, Missouri, held on the 8th inst. We have been shown. a letter from a gentle man in St Louis to Messrs. Moore and Bur- well, stating that their cotton took the second and third premiums, S20O and fiuo. The same letter also states that Mr. James Means, of Concord; K. took the! first remiumoi 500 on cotton. - Jfretty good or old JnecRlenburg and Uabarrus. . . . A Monday's Greensboro f dis- patch to tne jura says: r The property cauea Edgeworth, formerly, used as a, female seminary, but lately as a residence by Julius A Gray, and belonging to.Tum, took. I fire this morning from the burning out 01 a chimney. The entire building win oe con- fflL - 1 1 . , T j . . - . T. sumeu. ine Duuamg is uurmug now. - is likelv that a dwelline in the. rear, for merly occupied by one or the rToiessors 01 the seminary, will be saved, and the, kitchen also. Mr. Gray Was- insured tor ten thous- jsnd dollars. '- - - The Era says; f Martin .pay nard, who was convicted with Columbus and Govan Adair , at Hendersonville one year ago of the murder of Silas' Weston and three of his children, was hanged at Hen dersonville on Friday , last He was twice respited, and made a confession "before the Adairs were executed, in which he stated that Henderson Adair, Columbus, ovan, Craton, and Avery, all sons of Henderson, and himself .murdered Weston - and niS familv. .The old , man. and Craton and WW aoaw asv su u ..v.v.. State proposed to make a witness or uay- na'rd, but Gov.; Caldwell refused to further respite, and he paid the penalty . of his crime on Friday last..'; ; ;;.;; ; , r.'. 7'-' 7--:-"' DIED. ' KING. Is this city, Octobertand, Mary Bselah, onnsest child of James W. and Martha 8. E3ng, aged 11 months, .y .r-r -V 7 7 i The fnneral wfll taks -nlaise-tVe'clock this fWadnesditTt afternoon, from, the residence of the parents, on Princess, between Fourth and Fifth streets, thence to Oakdale Cemetery..' Friends and acquaintances are invuea 10 aixena. 7 ; ,? , O'DONELL. In this city yeeterday evening, at. T -O'olock, P, J. OT)onneM,agedl3yearsand9 montha, on oiiwick ana jaary uironneu. i' --. '' '' -7 The funeral will take place from tne residence or ta and Bed cross streets. NEW ADYERTISEMENTSL Auctioit Sale? tliis:Dayi Wednesday, Oct. 23, lSTi. ; j J Me CronljMctioiieer. By CROXtY & MOEEIS. AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 5L, EXCHANGE CORNER ,15 Saddle and Harness Uersea, Selected expressly for this market; and at 11 o'clock A. M., in front of our office, - Oranges and Bananas, : , EX. CARLETOX. - oct S3-lt . ;- . .---n' ' ;i " " S. R. Bunting. Auct'r. 7 By Banting & Mculggr. AT EXCHANGE CORNER," ON WEDNESDAY, October 33d, 1873, at 11 o'clock A. M., wewQl ell one elegant Leather Top Rockaway, almost new, and one good Mole in excellent condition.' oct 83-lt . . . ... ,v . .. TO THE PUBLIC, H. & B1: Emanuel, MARKET STREET, ' ptALL; ATTENTION TO THETR COMPLETE J and well selected stock of ,v , : : Dress: Goods 0 P E V BE YD ESC EIPT 1 0 IT, Which they offer at a , Small Mnm on New York Cost. SATINS, TAIiOUlts; V Velveteens and Dress Triinmings, IN AJLIi THE IiATEST If OTBIiTIES ScarCt, Cloaks, Cloaking;, Ac, ; i V E R Y. Z O W. ; . UWDERV7EAR JIOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, And a full line of . ; ' LADIES' FUEinSHnrCt GOODS. Ladies' and Misses Philadelphia made Shoes; a splendid line of Gents, Youths sal Boy's Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods; . Boy's uMCnfltaii's Clotting . IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Look before you Purchase Elsewhere. H. & B. EMANUEL, oct33-tf .. .. i . , ; 4o Market Street. Binfbrd, Crow & Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A .LARGE '. LOT OP those SPLENDID MULLETS. TBI THEN. ALSO TRY THEIR CELEBRATED G-olden Age Flour, Unsurpassed by any other brand for the price. BUTTER, CHEESE, Lard, Bacon, &c, A T L O W PRICES. octSS-tf DAW -. ' ' New River Oysters. TT7E WANT IT UNIVERSALLY KNOWN f throughout this city, that S.JENKINS is now pp1 WHOLESALE OR RETAIL , As fine a lot of U I o 1 L K b ri " J,, . . . : . stock before purchasing elsewherc.aa he naa them fresh every day, except Monday. He may be found opposite the Carolina Umel,neaiJ ORDERS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. oct33-lt Bagging and Ties. 2 TONS TIES, lt: ; -r-lForsalsbjr' i .'i- 'r it' I oct 83-tf; ' - WILLIAMS A MUBCHISON. i Provisions. boxlonqciaVsidbs, 7 - . - - . - 7 I , - - 4 e XUU 150 Hlld8 'nd 50X68 Bacon' and Shoulders, Ortfi Barrels Mees Pork, ' For sale by " '' ' ' v ' WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. oetS3-tf Tarrant's Seltzer APERIENT, TXTHITE WAX. DOMESTIC AYES, GERMAN VV Cologne, Radway's Pills, Faints, Oils, Glass and Putty, r .. ' ' . OCt .1A ttKKKa.iK Xli&JSJXlUi B. FLOUR. fAIDEN BRAND, THE BEST. HAVING 1 .hlo me Floor direct. I offer to the trade, with eon- I fidence, a brand pf Flour equal, if not superior, jto I LO 111 VUBt.UUlt-1 Bf . . . i. - -t . r : jas. c. btevenson.i oct3S-tf- I . m 1 wr . ; , Take Notice, X ! t 7- fTHE GERMAN BASE ERNST WILL BE READY . A to receire cargo Thursday, October 24th, 1873. ; -. ' oct iTAster of. German Bark Knurt SaltSalt. i. ',".f J ra OOfl SACKS TO ABIVE---I) AILY EX- -4,7 For sale by V.'i' J , oct mf i; V, WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. l i if , - i j i, i , ' - - 1 - Six months. . ..j. ' .WHOLE O..i,586. , NEW ABVTKEMENTS. COHTIHUED rBRILLIAHT SUCCESS large muaie pages, ,) Vv.:J. :l O 7 Aquarellca,. 1001 Nighta, Manhat- .; Oermaa Hearts, ten, Morgenblattcr, Artist Life, Love and Pleasure, Burgorsinn, Blue Danube, . , ; , Marriage Bells, - Bonbons, 1 Wine, Women and , V.J - . a. And many other popular Waltzc. PIZZICATO. NEW ANNTEN. Trltsch Tratech. ) othar Poltaa. m-ith a iroodlv number of flret-l S 60; cloth, $3. C0,t Sent, ptpaW, for retail pric . THE GREAT NEW CHURCH MUSIC BOOK, ' THE STANDARD , StUL" waves" and is on the point of being iatro- auoea ut s muiiimao or singing ewaoais now to commence. The authors are li O. Emerson of Bos ton. and H. R. Palmer of Chicago, neither of whom wfll be satisfied wttb lesa than s .Twice the Ordinary. Circxda , . . ... . of Church Music Books. Do not fail to send $1 95, for which, for the present, specimen copies wm oe eat is ; .!? ; 4 .:-. ,,; ...... r .i peice, $1 50. llrer Dltson V Co. 1 C. II. Dltson Sc Co. : Boston. ' .- .7 ' Hew lorr. oct 33-ttaw Wed Sat&Weowiv ent -"Cotton Yarns. K f DALES LITTLE RIVER YARNS, 7 For sale by . WILLIAM8 & MUBCHISON. oct S3tf Saddlery. A LL KINDS OF SADDLES, HARNESS, TRAV. ( -.1.1 . ..J fcr.-Ml.-iC v '7 ' . " v, ELINO BAGS, and everything la the line of . SADDLERV GOODS, Cheap for Casla at JT . S. Toplaam Co.'s ' no. o oouin jrroat c.,' 4 fehi-tfnac' -; Witaington, N, C MISCELLANEOUS. ; THE "STAR" STEAM t7 1 Job Printing House, BOOK BINDERY - AND Si BLANK BOOK H1MACT0RT, WILLIAM II. BERNARD, PROPRIETOR, WILMINGTON, fi. C. THE ONLY ESTABLISHMENT IN TEE STATE HAVING ALL THESE FACILITIES COMBINED. THE BEST. ASSORTinTENTOP TYPE, PAPERS, Cards and Inks. 1- SKILLED W0RKIIEH IN Every, Department. v lilypr's Office; " l; - ': : ' . ,. . 7, ; OCTOBER 10TH. 187S. - ,s. yvi TJROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THIS putting the City Hall in thorough repair, or for any portion c4 the work, sueh as mason work, pUetering or painting. By owt of the Building Committee. . :octa9-lw7w V 4SSNASD SD3ILST, Ch'miiiit WOOD IWOQIJ! ?K ASH AND PINE WOOD 0l).'I'i- -V,.- DELIVERED PROMPTLY IN ANY PART of TTCS - jCITT ' PATT1KS BUlUltf lW-UANTITX 7 . WILL BE SUPPLIED AT VERY SLIGHT 7' - - Z O. O. PAESLEY!V f?0 oct la-eoasm ea wea m ; , t j- n-l M. . r. 1 (iEMS ()F; STRAUSS ! inSnm0M THIS FCHK C neef con ta tyCon tract AdTertJeefwnU XtXtvr, at pn pi anmtely low rate. . ' --j - . . . S Five Sanares estlaiatpd mm e.-Barteeeolumii. v : I.. fi:;tjfo,Mis ' October SitkSUl Wjli Ll-k " " -. . . r ; m o 1 ' " - . ; ; Z "' MACARTHY, LORGRENIA :AN O RE AR DON : MULTUM IN TARVO TROUPE t w$ perfoming c triln As , MRSw LOTTIE ESTELLE MACARTUT. :V -- V ?i -7 ... ;;. ... : -:lf:L , li Votsllst 'sd DasUtVx-.-,-' ' I HABBYi llLkCARTuT.' 'IzX L ilht'Ttry-'WC- rate sr ' ' IjOIUZK T U M B LE RO N I C 6 N"r The- tnoet artistic . combination in . tlMj,7,orld. t . ' SCALE- OF JPUICESI .j'i'i". I Drees 'Circte' 'ft DO; ' ParquettOv "f I OtTf Paoette-r-V'"'; Circle, IS cents;. FamUy Circle. 60 cents; Gallery,-iH -S5 cents; Private Boxes, fa and Iv.Reserved ew V-'t'"i. now on m! ai UeinaberMr's Live rook ' x ' n toi'v v t ueuMnereer'a uve Took s " " i v - : Store, without extra charge, v. -..7, Oct S0t ,r... ." -yr X. . Business Agent , i r , C jA TI IT? L O.-HiVi'-j? " v Tie JMjlretHfiisTFaiu c ECUREI) We caution ail. Connterfeiters . of t the. Penalty, THE DIME? celebrated OPY-RIGHT IE jru8.TLYv. , j Proves the superiority of its quality. aSold' only by-iilx fu ; GEORGE UXt&?Z$irJ:- NEW'BUCKKHEATPtR?. WWW TJ ATRTWaj r-i.vtfra? 'rs'1vtti-s',"a ' 7 - f j; actory, rue APPio ana xaom uieese: Extra Goshen Butter; KeW Prunes, It tter; NeW Prunes, V cts. per nj.,7-: i Tj " GEO.-MYERS; V7; Come ;0ne;;iCimSJ j MAltKET; STBEEIa? AND EXAMINE THE CHOICEST STOCK ' . ; ever bromght to this market, consisting of a full -: . line of : .7, ... . 7 v.- ? .,y:u.f7,1-:.,7,....'if77.l- LADIES' DRESS GOOXlS, i-7"f BOULEVARD SKIRTS, SHAWLS Men's and lloys.Weari 1 Hou Fujiishlng aM And all other Goods generally kept iu first-class Drj- v ! .v- "7 Goods and Notion Houhes. :u3u-- 'i-,ti-- -" GREAT INDUCEMENTS - OFFERED TO Vi " VmOLESALEBUTERSSv-SV,d octss-tt.., 7 47, ,.;rSv ';'';'7,.:;.: HIP0ETED CLOTHS ! r IMPORTED DOESKINS! TO MAKE. TO MEASIT.EE.7- , THE YOUNG KEN'S BlT,-'.i'.'S: - (JUST. OPENED,!. A Superior and; Stylish Hat. HANDSOME :t VESTINGS i - Glengary Caps for Boys, &a, at : 7 - : : 7 MUNSON CO.'S, octao-tf ' - : ! Citr dothiflra Bacon. Pork and Fldiir. .... ... .... .. (r HhdA andBoxesginokedSideaiwdShotUam, r ' ' Utl - '..ii...""-.-.:'': 7; ri-7- en iinos. ana oozes u. o, oiaes ana pnoniaerai,' ' ? '. . a. .' 7" '. t 7-- ' ' - 7 ! 100 1 nnn bwc now, oct S0-tf Bagging.Hoop In,&c RAft BOLLS HEAVY BAGGING, , 7 f . - O QAA Bundles Hoop Iron. 7 V . ' 1.060 8?tcAi For sale by . - 7 ; fe, - v F. w. kerchnek, ' i x yy, i octJO-tf T. S8 and S0 North Water St : diecseBMiy Peato J Eii'Mer; 5? OK A' BOXES CHEESE?'-' C''" RA Case. Brandy Pcacaoi;; 'i M-r.-. 77.. tf Tubs Batter, - t . vt oetlO-tf k 1 "t" . 98 and SO North Water street, 7 -7:f v nillinery ;and:ISFaiicy 'A LL THE LATEST AND BEST STYLES COX stanttr on band. Corner Market,-on Wmd street, ' " at tr?' MBSj eV 3aV.TOCK'.is;--ir; oct 0-tf r . ; , . . ,.:7 - ;T' .C' isial a ! iiJoasai' i i " i - sw. s-.yirft . rAPisuppiof; ' TELLIES, PRESERVES, SAUCES, -jv t TJ. 7- '" A 'i," v 7,"' .7 j , ICirjJETIXOTt,BrjTTXB S- , 'ir;-' - ."7 . kj'-n - n . - . , - .-7 - . , ' " ' v .. . of the best qnaltty sad rocomrneriflA'by f1-Tose ,-.iV-'-3i , ' the goods Bold by ,i f ; f JAMES L M..TT3, J 7 1 ' : .cct 4f .n -4., . tVin- Market treeti:i:'w,CV-' . j'n'fiiira -"-iTWteiw'a'AirTktfrtTTrtfiriffnFr'i-.V'' i '-.7 .1 V. - 7v- 7.;"' : Y7 How theveotonf.:'A !iftrivt2rv...;-' ' writing it. ---V'Vi-tf v;:. I orders wl fcave,' - . r - - -j -. .' . , 1-i'.V -i r-. .f ..' .1 - -j. ' -