i:7 "1 ' v. ' V- f'rV" -i ..- . - V.v p.. Citi2BE3 Ucstly-Sjniiatliies ii iii; ADDlTIONAtt;PARTICUlJiIl8. The Feeling Lomc Insurance, Boston, Nov, 15. A meeting of citizens to confer upon present emergencies and future contingencies resulting from the fire was held in Treraont Temple to-day, Mayor Gaston presiding. A : large number of names of the most promi nent citizens were announced as Vice Presidents and officers of the meeting, incuding Hon. Henry 'Wilson. Mayor Gaston in his speech said that he had received offers of sympathy and aid from all parts of the country', and he would be false to the city, if he failed thus publicly to acknowledge their gratitude for such expressions. ''From our own citizens," too, had come mani festations of the same spirit, which made him rejoice that God had given to them large hearts and large means. Other addresses were made and resolutions adopted in favor of recon structing the lines of-the burnt dis-" i trict on a better plan and prohibiting Mansard roofs; also jri favor of erect ing a Merchant's 'Exchange in some central locality, favoring an extra session of the Legislature to authorize the issue of building bonds ' by ; the city, aiid an application to the general government for an extension of the new postoffice building upon the burned over lot adjoining,, and for an act of Congress allowing drawbacks on building material. CHICAGO 8 SYMPATHY. At a meeting of the Citizenss Aid Committee to-day, Wm. Gray, the Chairman, read with great .emotion a dispatch from Worth Dexter, Chair mau of the llelief Association of Chi cago, stating that that body had ap propriated $100,000 for the. relief of Boston, and tendering its deepest sympathy, in remembrance of favors rendered to Chicago in its calamity. Prolonged applause. Robt. Laird Collver of Chicago tel egraphed that the llelief Committee of that city were on their way to Bos ton. .'.''. The saddest spectacles connected with the conflagration were the men tal aberrations of . men and women. In one case an old gentleman was ob served to deliberately throw his hat into the tire that consumed his store, then his coat and .vest. Boots fol- lowed, and finally the old gentleman' pantaloons: where upon he went down on his knees and seemed to be making personal invocations to the fire-:God. It is said that a woman living in a tenement house was seen rushing down stain with a stove funnel in one hand and crim ing her baby hy the girdle wun tne oiner. iier nair was ais hevellcd, her eyes filled with a wild lisht, and she was rufhincr into the very heart of the burning district when lescueti by pome hremen. IXCIOKN'TS OF THIS GREAT ' FIRE, G!.EANKI FROM THE BOSTOX NEWS PAPERS. . A heavy cranite bonldor from the front of the building next to the cor ner of Franklin street was thrown up ijromneld street, a .-distance ot over one hnudred feet, by the fall of the wall. Among the sad. sights witnessed were those of . vounir. plainly clad girls, standing upon the streets adja cent to the burning acres, with pite ous exclamations and bitter tears at seeing the places where a few - hours before they were earning by hard work their daily bread razed to the ground. It is estimated that nearly iu,uooor these unfortunate girls are thus thrown out of employments v here they will go or what they will ao no one can now tell, but it is hoped that the hearts of those who are more fortunate will be moved to aid them. Miss Jennie Collins, who has charcre of Boffin's Bower. 815 Washington street, places it at the uisposni of all it will accommodate; ana announces that so far as she jan she will furnish the means for their support when neceasary. . it is leared that a number of men perished in the flames at Walker & vo. s carriage repository. The police toil i them that they were in a dan gerous place, but thev did not heed the warning. . ' - ; A New Haven fireman,, name un known, fell from the; upper floor of Jordan, Marsh & Co.'s building On Sunday night, and was almost! in wtantly killed. , ., ' A man who attempted to enter a , iimT pircei w;s put tne guard and seriously wounded. A man who attemnted to set fire to tho nras house, near Charlestown 'ridge, was hung to a lamppost. lite dry goods men of Boston are to raise a fund of 4(1,000,000 for the usines benefit of their bereavea hrethaen who were burned out. ; . Among tho stores burned was that of W. II. Allen & Co., dry goods and trimminsrs.. 213 Washington street. Two Koxbury girls employed in the store saved the proprietors $20,000 worm ot lace. , . I he opening 'lecture ofl the season uefore the Enrrlish Koval Geocrraph- ical bocietv was delivered bv bir Uenry. HawlinHpny president "of the society. Alluding to the finding of Livingstone by Stanley he declared that the journey of. the latter into the ivuur oi Ainca.was a iuui imiiori- ant event and that Stanley deserved a medal from; the society iofHh ac: . complislent othiaAgrpar a medal from; the society iof" the- ac: .4-: ; , Trr ,Stt$ 9f affairs in Utahinarem- acarum. ' -Y ' ' ."7 J1 firea mostly com from tnviatTomisc9.i; v O 'r:i: r Preparations are making for re building Boston, ..v;. ;; , f. r : Barnura took 125,000 profits out vt jnuiana ims year. . s; :'iT- The citizens of Philadelphia pro-" pose to erect , a monument to the memory of General Meade. '..-. In the - Arkansas State election both political parties-continue to claim the State, but according to the official returns, "Baxter ia elected. Outside polls were held in a number oi couuiies, ana by counting these iciuwmi, ia eieciea. liree ley's majority is estimated at 10,000. The Philadelphia Press states that eight hundred men, employed in the navy-yard in that city, were in formed on -Tuesday that their ser vices were no longer required. It is also stated in the Norfolk papers that numbers have been discharged from the navy-yard at Portsmouth, Va. ten- which will come before the Penn-1" are the reformation of the tax laws and the abolition of . special: legisla tion. Politically the Convention is constituted as follows: Administration Republicans, 69; Democrats, 63; Lib eral Republicans, 1. The ablest men of the State are among the members, und much is expected from their la bors. The New York Swi reports the District Attorney of that city as hav ing decided to take all the indict ments for murder from the pigeon holes and try them at once. There are about one hundred pigeon holed indictments for homicide and various grades of manslaughter. The bonds men are mainly politicians. In addi tion there are about twenty prisoners awaiting trial for homicide and man slaughter. - ; A petition has . been presented to the Congress of the Republic of Chili to the effect that the obstacles no longer existed which, had hitherto prevented the laying of a submarine telegraph, line "to connect South America with the United States and Kurope. Within eighteen months. at the very latest, the . company now engaged in laying telegraph" lines in various parts of the world will devote its whole attention to the submersion le through the ' Pacific and Atlantic. ' FOBEI6N FACTS. The North SchlesVig question is yet occupying 'the attention of the German, Austrian and Danish govern ments. There is a law in Austria by which the Government may take possession of any railroad which is not kept in gooa conamon ior travel ana tramc, and inauacre it at the expense of its provision the Lernberg-Czernovitz railway has re cently been seized. The National Assembly re-elected Grevy president by a vote of 462 to 43. General Chanzy has resigned the chairmanship of the Left Centre on account of military duties. Anew political combination in the Assembly is rumored. The Left. Centre is re ported to be meditating a rupture with the extreme .Lett, and a lusion with the Kijjht Centre. The foreign governments which were requested by Great Britain to co-operaten the movement now be inff made in London for ther suppres- of the East Africa slave trade have sent replies expressing -their sympathy with the cause, but declin ing to unite in- the active measures contemplated by England. The elections for the Grand Coun cil of Geneva took place on Sunday last. The action of the government -r n . J r v.: , in removing mermeuou iroiu uis bishopric and forbidding him to exer cise his episcopal functionawithin the diocese, was made a test question and the government was sustained by a vote ot ,you against i.ouu. The ; Imperial Foreign Office of Russia is about to 1 conclude ' treaties of eonimerce with thtlrree-principal States of Central Asia, viz. : Khokan, Bokhara, and Kosbgar. The official gazette says that the present relations between itussia ana Jniva cannot ue maintained, and declares that the safety of the Russian border 'depends noon the relations with Khiva. The Prussian throne address deliv ered by af Cabinet - minister on the 12th was sicmificant. It declared that the country reform bill will again be submitted, sligntly amenaea. xne necessity and expediency of the mea sure are demonstrated, and the speech concludes with a declaration that the eovernmeut is firmly resolved to carry out us luienuou ui iwpujug wc v cal administration of the Kingdom, and will avail itself of all constitu tional means at its disposal to effect the object. .The upper house elected Baron StolberEf, a lriena to tne gov ernment as president, only six votes being cast against him. A Card. T HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED WITH ME X in i the Firo. Insurance Business,, CAPT. W." B. KENAN. CfcpL Kenan w too weii ana favorably known to the citizens of Wilmington, and the surrounding country, to require any endorse ment or Introduction irora " wjiuf"" ,cf resented by the Agency are of such undoubted sol vency and good atanding that, with the assistance of Capt Kenan, I confldenUy appeal to ine pnouc ior a large ana increasing uwuw m ----fc. . no 10-1W : r ... 4- J. A- BYRNE. UEW LIFE IUSTIEAHCE CO " rft ZWSSsv MISCELLANEOUS, v. v V' : v ' : v V 'W:T JBr A "fc? A - -1 f I . w SJ 1 The Best Made. Roofers' TOOLS, THE BEST QUALITY, AT JACOBI'S. BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS Carpenters Tools, MACHINIST TOOLS, Turpentine Tools, LOWEST PRICES AT JACOBI'S am Ware DepOt. SPAINTS, OILS, CLASS, VARNISHES, &c., -A.T JACOBI'S. Table and Pocket Cutlery, ASSORTMENT LARGE AND VERY COMPLETE. Cans, Pistols and Ammunition, AT N. JACOBI'S, 9 market Street. may ia-tf Diamond Spectacles. THESE SPECTACLES ARE MANUFACTURED from " minute crystal pebbles " melted toge ther, and are called DIAMOND on account of their hardness and brilliancy. It is well known that spectacles cut from Brazilian or Scotch pebbles are very injurious to the eye, be cause of their polarizing light. Having been tested with the polariscope, the dia mond lenses have been found to admit fifteen per cent, less heated rays than any other pebble. They are ground with Treat scientific accuracy, are free from chromatic aberrations, and produce a brightness and distinctness of vision not before at tained in spectacles. JC AN UT ACT UBED BT The Spencer Optical :Maunf i Company, NEW YORK. For sale by responsible agents In every citv in the Union. Agents for Wilmington, T. W,. BROWN & SONS. Jewelers and Opticians are Sole Agents for them, from whom they can only be obtained. No peddlers employed. The great demand for these Spectacles has In duced unscrupulous dealers to palm off an inferior and aporioos article for the " Diamond." Great care should be taken to see that the trade-mark (which is protected by American Letters Patent) is stamped on every pair. - feb 23-eodly-Sn Wed Frl PROCLAMATION. Mayor's Office, ) November 5th, 1872. ) WHEREAS HIS EXCELLENCY, THE PRESI dent of the United States, and his Excellency the Governor of the State of North Carolina, have each designated the 28th day of November instant, to be observed as a day of Thanksgiving and praise to God for his many blessings vouchsafed during the past y ear Now, therefore, in conformity with these procla mations and custom. L, .Jajies Wllson, Mayor of the citv of Wilmington, do call upon the citizens thereof on that day to suspend all business as far as practicable, and to take such measures as may seem meet and proper to render up their thanks to God for His creat kindness and bounty. JAMES WILSON, novMawtd Mayor. A. Greenwald & Co., ONLY SUCCESSORS TO GREENWALD & CO.. NO. 7 II1BKET STREET, WHOLES AXJt DEALERS tPf WHISKIES, BRANDIES, Bums, Segars, Tobacco, GINS, &c. T. O. Bunting, ONLY SALESMAN FOR THE IIOUSE. oct 2a-tf ALL SEEKING S9 Which contains a list of all the desirable advertising mediums in the country, with Circulation, Rates, Ac, invaluable to all who desire to ppend their mon ey to Beat Possible Advantage. Sent poet free for 25 cents in paper, 50 cents in cloth. Address T. O. EVANS, , General Newspaper Advertising Agent, 100 Washington street, Boston. nov l-12w ent CAUTION. The Emjire Mills Family Flour. COPY-1UGIIT SECURED. Wo caution all Counferfeiters of the Penalty. rpHE IMMENSE DEMAND FOR THE JUSTLY JL celebrated Empire Flour, t Proves the superiority of its quality. Sold only by " GEORGE MYERS. NEW BUCKWHEAT, NEW, EAISLNS, .s . :J ...Kew Craiabcrries. , - ) ;; ' KEW- ENGLISH CHEESE, Factory, Pine Apple and Edom Cheese; Extra Goshen Butter? New Pnmea, lix eta. per Jb. s At ' X- ' r" GEO MYKRH, octS3-tf ; Uaiyl 13 Front Street. 500 Pounds CHOICE BUQ1B "CURED HAMSy BA003T - StSSrS XJood. and '"frflS f 181 SHOJaiSSAtqrORA NEW;AJDVlimSEMiTm Agents TVantt for CobMn's CHHdrs Commentator 0!t TII13 niBLC. fnrthellOSIfiCIXU CLE. Ij200pages, Si0 Eugravtars. Tt tt terprlM of the year for agents. Ererr family will have it. Xothinjl Hie it now puNiahed. For circu lars addreea II. ST GooDsrtED & Co., 87 Park Bow, New York. BOOK AGENTS now at work, or looking for some new book, should write at once for circa lara of the bet selling books pablinbed. Txtraordl- nrj lorinermcnu offered. - 8aperl premium awav. Partlcntew'free.- Address QUKKST PUBLISHING CO., CinclnnattL Ohio, iflered. - Superb Brcmtama Hven CITY SEND FOR NEW DESCRIPTIVE Catalogue of Cheap Pictures, published by CUR RIEB IVKS, 11 & 185 Nassan st. New- York. 1QOQ jubilee i ono lOaOl OF THE 10 Ol New York Observer, The Best Religions and Secular Family Newspaper. S3 a Year with the Jubilee Year Book. Sidney E. Morse & Co., . 137 PARK BOW, NEW YORK. SEND FOR A SAMPLE COPY. Are You Going to Paint? THE AYERILL. CHEMICAL PA I XT has proved Itself to be the Handsomest and JTIost Durable Exte rior Paint Known Sample card of beautiful colors and recommenda tions from owners of the -finest residences in the country furnished free by all dealers and by AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT CO 32 Burling Slip, New York, or Cleveland, Ohio. If you wish to be cured of the habit, address T. . E. CT.A BKE, M. P., Mt. Vernon. Ohio. 4a 60ApwiyI Agente Wantedl Ocl lU 06l All classes of working people of either sex, young or old, make more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address Q. STINSON & CO., Portland, Maine. ENGINES, SAW MILLS And Machinery Generally. CIRCULAR SAWS, BELTING and GENERAL SUPPLIES. Send for Circular. RAHM & CO., Richmond, Va. MISCELLANEOUS. OMAHA LOTTERY ! v A NOBLE CIUBITT! To erect the STATE OBPI1 AN ASYLUM, To be Drawn In Public December 30, 1872. $230,505.00! Tickets $1 Each, or Six for $5. Tickets sent by Express C. O. D., if desired. Grand Cash Prize .$75,000 Grand Cash Prize 25,000 Grand Cash Prize :, 15,000 Grand Cash Prize 10,000 Cash Prize 5,000 Cash Pize 4.000 Cash Prizes, $3,000 each. 6,000 Cash Prizes. $3,000 each 8.000 M Caen frizes, gl.UOOeacn 2,000 50 Cash Prizes, each $100 6,000 100 Cash Prizes, each 60 6,000 200 Cash Prizes, each 25 6,000 5000 Cash Prizes, each 10 50,000 8101 Cash Prizes, each 5 1505 8405 cash prizes amounting to $230,506 This legal enterprize is endorsed by the highest authority of the State and beet business men. Over one-half the tickets taken before October 1st. The limited number on hand will be furnished those who apply first. Money can be sent by mail, in registered letter, poetonice money orders, er by express. All prizes Pi aia in fulL Agents wanted. For full particulars address J. M. PATTEK, Gcn'l Manager, Omaha, Neb. oct 12-dAw 2m AGENTS FOR NORTH CAROLINA. GUARAIO'EED PERFECTLY-PURE AND OF THE HIGHEST GRADE. may 19-tf TO THE HUMANITY OF SOUTHERN PEOPLE. j " Lira Coop, No. 1, " ""' Southern Caoes Bbotkkbhood, RichmoneVVa., July, 1872. ) ""TTR ORDER IS COMPOSED OF CONFEDEB- J ate Soldiers alone, who had an unblemished rec nrd rinrin? the war. Its obiects are to perpetuate the memory and heroism of our fallen comrades,' to aid the families of our former bretnren in arms wno need assistance, and to try and preserve the truth and pnrity of history.... . We are now specially encaged in the sacred duty of raising funds to assist Hollywood Memorial Associa tion in removing the remains of our noble dead from Gettysburg and other points where they are neglect ed and mistreated, to Hollywood Cemetery near this city, where, through the untiring efforts of oar ladies, an honorable resting place is provided, and an endn-; ring monument erected "to theur memory; and where,' protected and cared for, they can early receive the honor bestowed on our " Memorial Day," in deco rating their graves with flowers. There are yet at ortvshnnr the remains of near ONE THOUSAND BODLSS; they are from nearly all the Slates; and when -we-ay,inoma; Instances, v the -heartless wretches of the vicinity where they fell and lie are ploughing their bones about as if they were dogs, it fannn7hto make the blood of decent humanity boil, and the pocket of all who are not false to feel ing raise to principle laise vo a cause uuce uu open to remove mese nerves iruui buvu m mi,jr an1 inhumanltv. Some of these men are from your State; some of them mav have been vonr dear friends or your own kin : all of them lost their lives in your defence. Yeu-pref esse t4eve them whtfeii via ;-yu pro fessed to love the canse for which they died, phall their remains be dishonored when they lost their lives for yoaf Will yea aid us to remove them to a safe and sacred spot, where the warm, noble hearts and gentle care of Virginia women can watch over themf Into whatever hands this appeal falls, we beg you to aid us in this cause, in which our whole oruii in enlisted. Ask vonr friends to aid yon. Do not hesitate because yon cannot give much; remem ber, as drops make an ocean, so many small contri buttons will make a goodly sum. ! , ; Can't yon spare a day or so to canvass specially tnr this DUTDOSef ' ' ' 1 , It is necessary to raise several thousand dollars to' accomplish our purpose, bat we not hesitate to un dertake it, as we cannot uuna 'ouumern wiu damp, their hearts and Duckets to Bo sacred an appeal. Remit all contributions to W. C CaMine-rOM, care Piedmont and Arlington ure insurance vompanv, Richmond. Va he being Chairman of Committee, - Please act promptly; give as liberally as yon can- bat give something, and let as -brmg per ti-iw fHan tinaHin hnnrt And Northern soil. - ' -'v " - ,,--UT 1TT.T.TS JfTVTT.A. T INSURANCE. V Insurance .Company ! OFFICERS: ROBERT H. COWAN. . . . JOHN W. ATKINSON.-. . President- Vice President- Secretary- . . .Medical Director- F. U. CAMERON Db. E. A. ANDERSON. . . DIRECTORS: 3. W. Atkinson. General Insurance Agent. L B. Grainger, President of title Bank of New Har t- over. F. W. Korchner. Grocer and Commission Me r- cnant. C. M. Stedman. of Wrieht & Stedman. r. a. Jic&.oy. or w. Ai Whitehead & Co Fay- etteville. R. H. Cowan, President. H. B. fillers, Commission Merchant. A. A. Willard, of Willard Brothers. W. A. Camming, of Northrop & Cummin g. G. W. Williams, of Williams A Morchlson. Ell Murray, of E. Murray A Co. A. J. DeRosset, of DeRosset & Co. Robert Henning, of Dawson, Teel St Henning. Alex. Spnmt. British Vice Consul, of Snrunf Binson. P. Murphy, Attorney at Law. J. IX Williams, of J. D. Williams & Co.. Favett- Ville. Jan. C. McRae, Attorney at Law. Fayette villc L B. Kelly, Merchant, Kenansvllle. J. T. Pope, Merchant, Lnmberton. - SPECIAL FEATURES AND ADVAN TAGES. 1st. No restriction on Residence or Travel. 2. No extra charge on the Uvea of Females. 8. Policies Incontestable after five years. 4. The Rates of Interest on the Funds of the Com pany higher than those on the Funds of Ooi npanies located in In other States, thus insuring lareBr Divi dends to Policy-Holders. - o. Tne Directors ana umcers or tne com oanv are prominent NORTH CAROLINIANS, 'who are KNOWN to be men of INTEGRITY - and 'WORTH. 6. The Companv is established on a solid, and ner- manent bag's, steps having been taken, to 'increase THE CAPITAL STOCK. TO $500,000. 7. ALL THE FUNDS OF THE: COMPANY ARE INVESTED IN THIS STATE AND CIRCULATED AMONG OUR OWN PEOPLE. This fact should commend the Company, above all others, to North (jarouniaas. it is well Known i oat .nanareas or thousands of dollars in Life Premiums en annually sent North to enrich. Northern capitalists, thus con tinually draining oar people of immense amounts which should be kept at home.- - On this ground the friends of this Company confidently appeal to every son of the Old North State and ask their support for this HOBIE INSTITUTION, which, while it offers substantially all the advan tages of Northern Companies, helps to build up HOME INTERESTS. AGENTS WANTED in every county In the State. JAMES D. BROOKS, Genu Supervising Agent, Raleigh, N. C , THOMAS GRAEME, Agent at Wilmington. MISCELLANEOUS. The " Christian Graces." ANEW $5 PICTURE OF SURPASSING GRACE and beauty given away to each subscriber to ARTHUR'S HOME MAGAZINE for 1873. A magazine for cultured homes; a magazine al ways np to the advancing thought, social progress and spirit of the times; a magazine in which the lighter literature of the period Is made the vehicle of pure and noble sentiment. THE FAITH, HOPE, CHARITY CHRISTIAN GRACES." "And now abideth Faith. Hone and Charitv: these thiee, but the greatest of these is Charity." $7.50 IN VALUE FOB $ 2.50. It is a lone time since anvthinz has atDeared in Christian art so lovely and so exquisite in design and execution as this large and elegant line and stipple steel engraving. "The Christian Graces," size 1 by 87 inches. The grouping of the figures is graceful beyond conception, and the J aces of such rare and heavenly beauty, that it see A as if the art ist must nave seen them in a vision, ifvery suoscn ber to " Abthub's Illustrated HoxxMaoazixx" for 1873 will receive a copy of this splendid $5 picture tbxb. race or uome Magazine a year. Speeimen copy of Magazine 15 cents. -LOCAL AGENTS WANTED everywhere to get eet suDscriDers ior our oeautirui magazine, so weu known for the last twenty vears. and so creat a fa vorite wun tne people, intelligent men and women can make large commissions. - Bend for agents' con fidential circular. Yon can hardly, show "The Christian Graces " to any person of taste and fine religious feelings without getting a subscriber. No usaDDOintment aoout Dromnt aeuverv or Dictures. as we have made ample arrangements for their rap id, production, i . a. ak m uk. bus and oil unesnm street, irniiaaeipnia. oct8-tf THE MORNING STAR BOOK BIND JL KKi is complete in all all its appointments, and is in charge of one of the most skllLfal workmen in the State. All kinds of Binding executed neatly. cneapry ana expeditiously. i&ag n-ti Sumter News, SUMTER, SOUTH CAROLINA, Published Weekly, Darr A Oeten, Proprietors. W. H. BERNARD, Agent, ' Wnmmgton, N. C. ang 14-tf i Dickey Flour. 300 BBLS OF 'rBS celebratet DICK EY " FLOUR, Just received. fZ( Kits No. 1 Mackerel, For sale by EDWARDS & HALL. sep B-tf Bacon. Lard, Butter, UHEESE, bC. TBY SALTED AND -SMOKED ; WESTERN XJ Shoulders and Sides in Hogsheads and Boxes. . . Sugar-Cured Hams and Breakfast Strips. NC. HOG-ROUND, ; CITY MISS PORK, SUMP PORK, PURE LARD IN TIERCES AND TUBS, CHOICE j TABLE BUTTER, BEST PACTOEY CHEESE, ' IN JLOTS TO SUIT. For sale by , ADRIAN Si VOLLERS. may l-tf - yj; Tobacco. rJC BOXES TOBACCO, v ... :r' AIX3KADESV; 'Tor sale hr .EDWARDS A HALL. Great Western. Ere Insuranw Comp'y, OF NEW ORLEAKS. . ' a id- of tKmry r-Mi ean m oaa u kArre 'fWOBWplW ----- v 1 ' aUUII4bVAilB HBa W ' m V I"."'-.' And te t1iee Soldiers from hs Cn- federate Stale nrbo were Killed ; r Dledtn title State. l. THE MONUMENT,TO COSX$50,OO0. rpHE CORNER STONED irPIS-i'PBOPOSED, X shall be laid as soon as the receipts will permit. 2,000 Prize, valued at f $500,000) Five Hun dred Thousand Dollars. That amount, only, - . . in Tickets, to be sold. . ' . . : Vrtr evprr Five Douara sabeeribed there will bo eiven a certificate of Life Membership to the Monu- mental Association. . i uis ccnurewa wiu num u owner thereof to an equal Interest in the following property, to be distributed as soon as the requisite number of shares are sold, to-wit : First Nine Hundred and One Acres of Land in Lincoln county, Georgio, on which are the well known Magrudcr Gold and Copper Mines, valued at $190,000 And to Seventeen Hundred and Forty-Four Bhares in One Hundred Thousand Dollars of United States t uhr of m.noo ilo,ooo l . 5,000 J. 0. " a .inn 5,000 10 " 8,000 f..0"? 10 " 80 " 100 , 200 400 " 1000 1,000 500. 100 fjO... - , io;::::::::. ' "i 10,000 10,000 10.000 10,000 10,000 10,000 $100,000 From the first-eUss Real Estate offered br well- known patriotic citizens, to the Confederate .Monu mental Association, the following Prizes have been selected and added to the foregoing Shares: 1st. BERZELIA- This sfcrell-known Resort, with the Large Residence, Store, etc., and Four Hundred Acres of Land, immediately on tne ueorgia nai road, twenty miles from Augusta. Paying an an nual yield of Fifteen Thousand Dollars. 2nd. The well-known CITY HOTEL, fronting on Broad street. The building is of brick, three stories nigh, UttxTO I eel. v aiuea at $,uuu o-J rlrD" CAT TTTmB" tT k VP A TTAV In T?huoa11 county, Alabama, on the Chattahoochee River, with elegant and commodious improvements. The aver age rental, since 1864, has been over Seven t$7,0OO) Thousand Dollars. 4th. That Large Brick Residence and Store on the Northwest corner of Broad and Centre streets, known as the Phinlzv or Baudry House. Bent Two Thousand Dollars. KM, Tim Piwm' TTrmsn. on Greene Street. S Dew and ele&ant Brick Residence, in a most desirable portion of that beautiful street. Valued at $10100. iCOx. Flat Bush, with 120 acres of Land, half a mile from the city limitsthe elegant Suburban. Residence of Antoine Poilain. Esq., in good order. Valued at $ie,ue. 7th. The Dearing House, a large and commodious RAHidwce- with Thirtv Citv Lots 69x310 feet, front ing on McKinne ana Carhes streets. ' Valued at $16,000. 8th. 8 ten ton Residence and Orchard, on the G sorgia Railroad. Valued at $3,000. Also 1 Share of One Hundred Bales Cotton. 1 " Fifty 1 " Twenty-Five ' , 244 Shares of One Bale each. The bales to average 400 pounds, and class Liver pool Middling. The value of the separate Interest to which the bolder of each Certificate will be entitled, will be de termined hv the Commissioners, who will announce Co the public the mum-iar, the time and place of the aUstribution. The following gentlemen nave consented to act as nommissionera. and will, either bv a Committee from their own body or oy special Trustees appoint d by themselves, receive and taae proper cnarge -of the monev for the Monument, as well as the Real Estate and the U. S. Currency offered as inducements for subscription, and will determine upon the plan for the Monument, the inscription thereon, the site therefor, select an orator for the occasion; and reg- inlate the ceremonies to be observed when the corner astone is laid-'viz : Generals U ucLaws, a. k. wngni, u. a. etovau. W. M. Gardner and Goode Bryan, col c. Bneao. col Wm. P. Crawford. Mai. Joe. B. Cnmrnlng, George TT. Jackson. Mai. Joseph uanatu. Ma, l. r.-uirar- atterv. Hon. R. H. Mav. Adam Johnston. Jonathan H. jailer, w. u. uoodricn. J. v. xsmi, uenry jno or Jc W. E. Dearing. ... ents are allowed twenty per cent. They are veqaired to pay their own expenses, tickets and cir ulats alone being furnished to them - They will re mit' weekly the amounts from sales received, less their .commissions. (No commissions will be de- ductet from simnle contributions.) On account of the very great labor reauired of the General Agents, the offered services of one or more proaunem gentlemen, wen ana xavoraoiy Known throughout the South, will be accepted to act w us. Partisa desiring to contribute to the Monument. And who do not wish to oarticinate in the award. will receive a special receipt. The money will be turned over to tne Treasurer, and will oe appropr 4i ted to the Monument without any deduction whai ever. L ll. H. McLAWS, General Agents, . No. 3 Old P. O. Range, Mcintosh Street, Augusta. G&- Mrs. Carlton Belt, Coleman House, N. Y. ; Miss iSmythe, Augusta, Ga.; Major John Dun woody, Washington, Ga. ; E. B, Martin, Esq.,. Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Traveling Agents, march 9-tf The Distribution Of Confederate Monumental Scheme TTTTLL POSITIVELY TAKE PLACE ON THE YV first Wednesday in December nes December next (1872), at Angusxa. ua. Should all the tickets not be sold, the amount re ceived will be distributed in the proportions named in the Circulars between THE MONUMENT, The Prizes and the necessary expenses. The por tion to oe uistnouted wiu do appropriated first to iev eal Estate, and last- ly to the Shares in Cotton. . , . . ANALYSIS OF. THE SCHEME. $100,00020 per cent allowed Agents. 60,00010 " State Agents. 60,00010 " for ? contingent penses. 130,000 Owners1 price of 9 Real Estate Prizes. 100,000 The 1,744 Prizes in Currency. . 80,000 The 44 Prizes in Cotton. ex- $150,000 $50,000 profits to be devoted to the Mon ument. The price in currency will be substituted for any Real Estate Prize, withdrawn on account of injury to the property, or for other cause. - ' Agents west of the Mississippi stop their sales on the 15th of November ; East of that river on the SOth. of November. - State Agents are required to be present either i person or by legally appointed Attorneys at the Dis tribution. L, A A. IL McLAWS, , General Agents, -may8-7m Augusta, Ga Molasses and Syrup 2,150 II II I 8 TIERCES AND BARRELS OF S. H. SYRUP!; ND West India Molasses, For sale very low by oct S-tf WILLARD BROS. H. Bninliild & Bro., WHOLESALE- LIQUOR DEALERS Manufacturers of Clears, AND TOR A CCO DEALERS. WE HAVE THE LARGEST 8TOCK OFPURE Kentucky Rye Whiskies and Imported Wipes and Brandies of any house In the State, and are ready ' - -. j-" - To CoiBelfi witl'riy Korlliern Hartet. Purchasers will do well to examine oar stock be- tore buying elsewhere. - ' - . - ang aHf a BRUNHILD A BRO. . WOOD, TABES & MOBSE, . Eaton,7 ITIadlson Co.y Jf.' T, - " MANUFACTURERS OF , - 1 STEAII-EUGPTEa,- 1 aip,tu -Laid Aerlenltsral. Hoodrer, to use fn "ptlnttar Rr t -r-a, 12', ! Unea,", -Jl. I, -J- i t c 1 Cwiitia E.1i''i era.'' f 1 1 II In imam--- MEDICAL. Tlilolnloe hospital n 'v A . TlON, cuacoverea, wncn in tne 6" oi urope, via: jtngiana, r ranco uu iu certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedy iu the : world for alLexeema or abases of the system. ' WeaknaM of the Back or Umba. Stricture, Anec tkm of the Kidneys or Bladder, Involuntary Dls-. bling, iHmnese of Bight or Qlddiness, Disease of the Hmi3 Throat. Nose or 8kin. Affections of the Liver. - Tjiubh. Stomach ot Bowels those terrible disorder sing fwm solitary habits of youth secret and so 11 Cory practices more muu vo weir vtcuros uwu r the song of the syrens to the mariners of Ulysses, - blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, tendering marriages. Ac, ' Impossible, destroying "both body and mind. ;- , . ' " . - YOUNO MEN l. ' Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which an anaUy sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of . young raea of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced list-" eaing Senates with tho the thunders of eloqnence. or waked to ecatacy the living lyre, may call with run conaaence. . . f . MARRIAGE. Married persons, or young men contemplating .aware or myaical weakness, Loss or ITo- creative Power (lrnpotencv). Nervous Excitability. Palpitation. Omnic .Weakness. Nervous Debility. or any other dlsqnarlficatinn, speedily relieved. tie wno piaces annaeir nnaer tne care or Dr. j. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman. and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. "ORGANIC WEAKNESS Immediately enred and full vigor restored. This distressing affection which renders life mis. erable and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of Improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not be ing aware of the dreadful consegnences that mav ensue. Now, wno that understands this subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling Into Improper habits than by the prudential f Besides being deprived of the pleas ure of healthy offspring, the most aerlous and des tructive symptoms of both body and mind arise. The system oecomes deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened. Loss of - Procreatlve Power. Nervous Irritability. Dyspepsia. Palpitation of the Heart,. Indigestion, Constitutional Debility and Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, uecay ana Deatn. ' A CURE SPEEDILY WARRANTED. . : Persons ruined m health by unlearned pretenders who keep them, trifling month after month, taking poisooons and Injurious com pounds, should apply Immediately. ... DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, graduate of one or the most eminent colleges in the United States, and the best part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known; many troubled with ringing ia the head and ears when , asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, oashfulness, with frequent blushing, attend'' , ed sometimee with, derangement of mind, were cured immediately. , , 7 TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. . Or. J, addresses all those who have Injured them selves by Improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them f or , either business, study: society or marriage. - 'These are some of the sad melancholy effects pro duced by the early habits of youth, vis: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the head, DimncBS of Bight, Lose of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervona Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symp toms of Cos sumption, Ac r . - Mkktaixt. The fearful effects on the mind are much to bo dreaded. Loss of Memory, Confusion of luaaa, uepreesiou er Bpints, Itvu roreDOdll gS, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust. Love of Solitude, Forebodli Timidity, Ac, are some of the evils produced. Thonaaads of Deraons of all asea can now Indira what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak,-pale, nervous and ema ciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, couph and symptoms of Consumption. . YOUNG MEN ' ' Who have Injured themselves by a certain practice. Indulged In when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not -cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. ' What a -pity that a young man. the hope of bis " country, the pride of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyment of life by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such per-v sons must, before contemplating ,. , MARRIAGE ( Reflect that a sound mind and body are the most accessary requisites to promote connubial happi ness, indeed, without these the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hour ly darkens to the view, the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with the melancholy reflec tion that the happiness of another Is blighted with our own. , j A CERTAIN DISEASE, When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this pain ful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education and re spectability, can alone befriend him. He falls into tne hands of ignorant and designing pretenders, who, incapable of curing, filch his pecuniary sub stance, keep him trifling month after month, -or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in de spair leave him with rained health to sigh ovei his galling disappointment; or, by the use of that dead ly poison. Mercury, cause the constitutional symp- - wiu vi twa uurriu (unease w piaae iqeirappearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, noctur nal pains in the tread and limbs,- dimness of sight, deaioeBs, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches n" the head and face, and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of thy -month or the bones of the nose fall In, and the vic tim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commlsseration till death puts a period to his dread ful suffering, by sending him to that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns,'1 .to suca, therefore, ot. Johnson offers the most certain, speedy, pleasant, and effector 1 remedy lv the world. .. .-. ' . ' OFFICE, 1 SOUTH FREDERICK ST., : BALTXaiOREjlJIARTLAND, ; f Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few .doors from the corner.. . Fad not to observe name and number. : - i 1ST No letters received unless postpaid and con taining a stamp to be used on the , reply. Persons writing should state age, and send a portion of ad vertisement describing symptoms. ,v . 4 : I:. The Doctor's DIPLOMA hangs to Ms office. . ENDORSEMENT OF THJtPRESS. -.. .: i.: . .. .. .. . . . The many thousands cored at this establishment within -the last twenty rears, and the numerous Im portant surgical operations performed by Dr. John-' son, witnessed by- the representatives of the Press and many others, notices ef which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his stand ing as a man of honor and responsibility, is a sutO cient guarantee to the afflicted. Skin' Dteeaaea Speedily Cared , . -. r . march U-ly cnt ' '. TwenlyJ)pUajsfor One. A $25 SETTING MACHINE, FREE t . . SUBSCRIBE 70S OURWEEKL Y, A FIRST-CLASS, TWENTY-COLUMN, LITER ary Family Papei- published every Saturday at i-; Chariotte, N, C, at the low price of toOtlJLn A TEAK. Each number contains an interesting Story, worth at least the subscription price; enough FUN to keep S a laughing a week) and a general collection of e Latest news. . Every subscriber gets a chance at a valuable pre mium, tad one oat of every five will be sure to get a premium, worth from 25 cents to $25 00. . , Oor CASH PREMIUMS e in aums of $1, $J, $5, $10asd tao, with from two to ten premiums of each denomination. Our other pretnlnma consist of nsefnl articles, each as Sewing Machines, Bleached Domestic, Ac. Ac,rangfa la. value from twenty five cents to $5 03. - ... , " Delays are dangwrooa.'. . Subscribe immediately and get a chsnce at the large premiums. '. TO AGENTS. We are offering mors liberal in dosementf far Clubs than any other Publisher. Yon can make money by canvaasfag for OUR WEEKLY ?. For specimen copy of paper,- premium list and terms to Ageata, send 8 eent stamp to 4. U. U. HUTALLk PtvUisher of Our Weekly, Charlotte, N. a ogSO-tf On Ilarriae. HAPPY RELIEF FOB YOUNG :KSX FROM tbeeffectaof Errors ad Abates in early Ufa. lianbood -testwed. Lnpedimenta Iq Marrlaga re intm1. "J??wirbOT ctreenirent. New and n arUas reaw. a, . aod Orcolan teat free, - ' mpv '"."-."' - S - '- - ''- v adras,-A''.r y inoi.'itw(u, 9 evo Si : t5. V. -V. t: .-iL. .