-:.? .y the nominiG ciAii: Ome. Dawec Bank BuUdiaga, Fowl Si. x iT-Stha. la advanoa 8 TtSttB mimufm ....... m w 0n month, la advance.. ....'''' 7a The Moirr 8ta will be" delivered in any put o( the city at Purree CKirre per week. r OUTLINES. - , Carriage builder held a botional cotiYea tion yesterday in New York. Ariaona long over due was spoken on the 14th off Mexican coast. " Malt house burned at Williamsburg, N. Y. Win. P, Boas elected Chief of the Cherokeei.-" r- Sena tor Blair has paralysis. r-r- Mass meeting In Hyde Park, London, Sunday night to consider the' police situation." "-Grant's majority in California' , orer 1 1,000. 4 fairmon ad pointed P.M. at Philadelphia. . Grant's ; majority in. S, Q. IV 49,000. .Minister Nelson speaks in the highest terms of the new Mexican President. k --4' The regular Alabama Legislature has organ ized. The Governor r refused to '- reeog nize the bogus body. -The 'election of Duke Pasquier .D'Audriffet to, tlie chair manship of a committee appointed by the Assembly to answer Thiers' message is re garded as unfavorable to the Government -Fires In Jersey City and Boston Owing to having , to attend tie counting of the votes in the JlaJl of the House of .Ueprepentatives, the Semite hal only one hour for business Tuesday in the morning session. In that time, however, tney showed jtho spirit of work. Two important meas ures were introdneed. Mr. . Flem min:, of McDowell, brought in a bill to alter the Constitution of the State, which was referred. 31 r. Menimon, of Buncombe,, introduced a bill to commute, compound and adjust the debt of the btnte. The Kaleigh Xeies days ' of the body: . .- . The Senate is composed of quite a nnm bcr of new members. , Some nine of the mem'ters of the last House of Representa tive are now members of the Senate. The body presents a very intelligent appearance, and will compare most favorably with that of any session for a number of years past There are quite a number of young men upon the list of memlters, men of intelli gence nnd firmness of character, and we expect to see I hem takinga decided position in the proceedings of that bpdy. .' . !.. . WftJIAVS HIUIITS IN TIIK IIOI78K. The caucus of the Radical party J put forward in the House Tuesday as I their candidate for the Engrossing Clerkship a Miss McCandiess of Stokes county. This effort of . the Radicals to drag the woman's rights movement into North" Carolina poli tics failed, as the nominee of , the Conservatives, Mr. A. II. Boyden, was chosen to fill the position. Sev eral Conservatives voted for Miss McCandiess. COnPILtlKNTTO A WOUTOT HI A IV. We learn that Col. Bennett, the Repre sentative in the House from Anson, who so gallantly commanded the noble old Four-' teeoth North Carolina Regiment during "the late unpleasantness," received a very complimentary vote for Speaker in tbeCon fenutive caucus on Monday. This was in deed liijrh compliment , to CoL Bennett, as tin U the first time he was .ever mem ber of any legislative body. Col. Bennett was nominated for Congress in the Cape Fenr District by the Conserva tive party in 1870, but declined the nomi nation, which CoL Waddell afterwards ac cepted. 2Vhr. t vv'vv "r We can heartily endorse the above, because of our knowledge of and. J hish resnect for the man.1 'North I Caroli a ! a i;o son more true to her honor and iuteiesta ih n It. T. Hen- net, and ns i is happy in having him in Rale gh to represent her liter- hnjr peopl 'n th- State Lejrwlatnre. MET! OHOLOGIC A L RECORD. : Noreralwr SO, tUS. Ther-tnom-i eter. Time. limoroe tat. f S0:0 30:01 8f:17 Wind Weather., T.A. M. P. M. P. v 8 W Geatl dear N Lsht , jClesr N Freh IClesr 46 Mean Nurt All barometric reading are reduced to the ieei unu io decree Fahrenheit. - Sunrt SarsoTH,, Serg't 81pal Serrk U. &A. Weather-Rprt. v- WAli DEPARtMEKti 1 , Om. e of Chief Signal Officer, Washington, N(vcmbcr20 4:85 tY M. ); l I On. the lower lakes and thence over the aWdto and New iwiw ft a clearine. cold weather and southwesterly to north- J miTiy winds; in the Gull and ouw ax- "iiv. niaiiiH, uigu uaromeiera genernii, clear weather nnr wtnU vrinor to north- easterly; in the northwest, southerly to - 1 ' "'uuiwesterly winds, cloudy, weather ana lulling barometer extending to-morrow to tlie lower Ohio valley and to the upper lakes THE CITY. SKXV ADVEaTISBMBNT. Washisotok Howk. Special Notice. -iiomy& Mourns. -Aodlon Bale of Oxea V- W. KKRCHXfcit. Cheese, Peaches, &c. Opera Hoose. OTo BulL " ) v Casadt & GoUKUr.-ystera. 0- 0. pAHSLrr & CoNotice. nEWSBKROEB. Bridal Presents. J : iloTTKSDOKF & IUsriAOSji. In 6tore. T& Wiiutlnzten Mito. Atameptimrnf ttw. tviimitfnii w'V t if Insurance Company, held- Tuesday nlghV Dr. A J. Ivnn-Pt .a PWnT f the Company in place of CoL Robt H. wb, deceased. ' Dr. DeRosset is one of oldest and moat respected , citizens," who, business cnaliflcatlons are too well kQovn to requixe anyVentloo herev' &ia i'pointment a President Of this CourUhmy the ounlry; and particularly none tnai were . ATusTees,wa ryccjicv mii.v(W...uuim v xn vraui. rfp.e!.r J cuipany will, we are assured, give'eatlre kept at aiain It yanished about the taiddle 7,Board adjoomed, to; theJM-Mday In 1 Tesen'thefuUatock of ,P$9papy . - .- - r - 1 u "11 n 4, -1'-7 - "'; " - " " J-" L- is; ; , - - - - - - --- M. .M. A .. . T " - - " ... . . 1 ' ' VOL. XI. MX 51. W., C. 11. B. K. We learn that the trestle over Jarvis Branch Similes beyond Lilesville, on the O. & R. R, is progressing finely and will be completed in the course of two or three weeks. The process of sradins-. he three different parties, is going on beyond - 3 ... C5? J this point. IlUrA.cIdrn " ' An accident on the Wilmington, Colum- bia and Augusta Railroad, just this side of Florence, on Monday night, resulted in the smashing of some seven or'etoht r.r. ti,. accident, which wn arming kv a m v.. t ' ' jj m wivnu uoif caused the detention of the train, which should have arrived here at 10:50 P. M. Tuesday night, until 3:10 yesterday morn ing. Nobody hurt. Kfeetlnc of Israelite. I By order of the Committee, Messrs. Sol. Bear, Chairman, and J. I. Macks, Secre tary, a general meeting of the Israelites will take place at the City Hall on this (Thurs day) evening, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of hearing the report, on the question of the erection of a. Synagogue, from the Com mittee appointed at the last meeting. . "- Rev. Dr. M. Just row, an eminent Jewish divine of Philadelphia, will be present and deliver an address. Mayr Court. The following cases were disposed of yesterday morning: Charles Hibbard, charged with disorderly .conduct, judgment for the cost, $2 25. Geo. Henry, charged with striking Katie Banks and throwing brickbats at her, was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $30 or go to the Work House for 30 days. Daniel Williams, charced with cursincr r O C7 and assaulting (Jalvin lilunt, was required to pay a fine of $5 and the costs. Dismantling n Vacant Building- The dwelling house on Market, between Second and Third streets, formerly occu pied by Mrs Quince, was broken into some time since the 1st of October, it having been vacant during the interval, and robbed of all the gas fixtures, lead pipe, gas pipe, etc. The works belonging to the gas metre were rIbo stolen. An entrance was effected in the rear of the building. Mr. James Darby, Superintendent of the gas works, discover ed a leak and made an examination, which resulted in bringing to light the robbery al- hided to. A stabbing A OVay. A difficulty occurred on a car at the old depot of the Wilmington and Weldon Rail road, yesterday evening, between Henry Jones and Moses , both colored, dur ing which the latter seized a knife and stab bed his antagonist, inflicting a Bevere flesh wound in the right thigh. The injured man lost a great deal of blood, but his wound, which was dressed at Messrs. Mebane & James drug store, is not considered at all dangerous. It is understood that both the parties were more or less Intoxicated at the time the difficulty occurred. Tk Kin of Violinists Ole Bull. The announcement elsewhere made that Ole Bull, the King of Violinists, will appear and give one or his grand concerts ai me Opera House, on Tuesday, the 2Cth instant, wUl be received with genuine joy by all who appreciate good music. Ole Bull's reputation is world-wide, and no words, re- marks an exchange, can describe his play- in?. ' It is simply wonderful, thrilling. It captivates, it charms, it carries the listener along with it through all its gradations, from the wailings of despair to the heights of supreme delight. His audience is always enthusiastic in applause, anu eiuum, can be prevented, allows to retire with- out recall. I The name of Ole Bull was familiar to the fathers of many of us, but very few have njoyed the opportunity which is now pre- ented of seeing and hearing this worm- renowned musician. He is past three score years, but we are assured that his hand has lost none ot us power, nor nia insiruuieuj any of its fascination..' , Reserved seats can be obtained t on and after the 21st inst, at Heinsberger's Book store. See advertisement The Hrse Distemper Its Antlqnltr. Fromaa article in a New York paper we find that the horse distemper, now prevail ing to such an extent here and elsewhere throughout the.country, is not, as was gen erally supposed, entirely new and unpre- cedented. It prevailed very extensively m England and Ireland in 1753, or just one hundred and twenty-two years ago. men, as now, it followed a remarkably hot sum mer; that Is to say, unusually hot for the locality where the distemper raged. Then, as now, it occurred after the hot weather was over though at a period a little later in Great Britain than here, corresponding with the difference in climate. Then, as now", according to standard authority, which is quoted in erJtciwt in the paper alluded to, it was " the .most epidemic and universally spreading disease among horses that any one living remembered." Then, as now, it was " nearly analogous to the influenza and catarrhal fever" among mankind. Then, as now, " it seized the animals 'like a violent cold, with heaviness, loss of appetite, cough and laborious breathing, and then a profuse runninr at the nose and mouth of a di- I treated or thick vellow ereenish matter. v The author continues: V In England, as well as here nrelandl it did not prove very morta, though tome died of it The death of our horses la the city was impated rather j to the use of medicwea and too hla diet! than to any rnalignity ibe dlseaae; for ft wsa observable thAtirer few died la WILMINGTON, N. Local Dts. Ledslatare and State news on 4th page. - Attention is called to the advertise ments of Cronly & Morris. George Henry, colored, was sent to Work House yesterday. The funeral of Prince Larrington will PlaCC at .Presbyterian Chapel this afteran aV 3 u "-Mr Jol)n N?lt St an Jd nd .well Wn cftize9 of wanaington. died sud- aenIV at lunnburg yesterday, aged 67 years. Attention is called to the advertise ment of Messrs. Hottendorf &.Hashagen, in this issue. They sell at wholesale only and charge no drayage. '. s , The members of the Liberal Republi can Club are requested by the President, E. H. McQuigg, Esq., to meet at the Club Rooms this evening, at 7T o'clock. " " ' Collins James, colored, arraigned be fore Justice, J. J.iCassidey, yesterday, on the charge of abandoning his wife, was found guilty and required to pay $25, upon which he was discharged. We beg our friends to remember that we charge for obituaries, tributes of res-' pect, &c. t half rates when paid for strictly in advance, or full, advertising rates when not so paid. -- 8t Prince Larrington, a well known col ored barber of this city, is dead. He has been lingering for some time past with con sumption and is, we believe, the last of several brothers who have died with the disease. A white couple, Mr. Chas. A. Lowe and Miss Harriet Hargraves, were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony in the office of the Register of Deeds, yesterday after noon, by Justice E. S. Woodford. We had a most entertaining visit last evening from Mr. James D. Brooks, of the Wilmington North Carolina Life Insurance Company. His anecdotes created a degree of merriment in our sanctum to which it has been a stranger since Mr. Brooks form er visit ' The attention of merchants and cap tains of vessels is called to the advertise ment of Mr. C. S. Servosa, who, to obviate the necessity of relying upon horses to un load vessels during the prevalence of the epidemic, has arranged steam power on a flat to perform the hoisting process. All orders left at the Custom House will receive prompt attention. Arrest of an Escaped Prisoner. A colored man by the name of James Richardson, was arrested a week or two since on the cha-g of stealing an ox, or re- ceiving the animal knowing him to have been stolen. He was lodged in the Guard nouse to await an examination, but on Sunday morning last he succeeded in mak ing his escape from his temporary prison. Nothing further was heard of him until Tuesday night, when he went to the resi. dence of an old colored man by the name of Tyler, living beyond the toll-house, bosewife is a relation of the prisoner. Tne old woman treated bim very kindly, baking a cake of corn bread for his espe- ciaj benefit. In the meantime, however, 8he stepped out and dispatched a messenger for a policeman and finally she and her nusband also joined in the search for an officer. The messenger soon surrerAprf n finding Officer Lewis Gordon, and on his way to the house he successively met the old man and old woman, the latter inform- ing Lim that the prisoner was at her bouse, and urging bim to make haste. The officer told her she .ought not to have left him alone, as he would probably escape, upon whiclr-she remarked that the corn bread would be likely to put him to sleep. Arriving at, the house the officer procured a jjght and, not finding him in the lower gtory, proceeded up stairs, where he discov ered the object of his search on a bed, ap- oarently in a doze of sleep, whereupon he was re-arrested and returned to his quarters in the Guard House, from whence he was subsequently transferred to the county jail. County Commissioners. The Board met in adjourned session last night. !" ' -' The Chairman was authorized to request or recommend to the General Assembly an extension of the time for settlement of taxes, because of unavoidable delay in delivery of tax books. ' '"" -' " ' . : Application of S. VanAmringe, to be al lowed to cut wood on certain county. lands. was referred to the Chairman with power to act. Geo. E. Burden was granted license to retail spirituous liquors. Commissioner Rice was appointed Chair-' man of the Auditing Committee and member of the Committee on Work House and Lands and Roads, to fill7 vacancies caused by the resignation of Sheriff Black. Rev. IL B. Blake was appointed County Examiner for the unexpired term. It was ordered that a Committee, to con slst of the Chairman and Commissioners Shoemaker and Rice, be appointed to ascer tain the amount due the county by any of ficial or officials of the county, prior to the fourth Monday hr September, 1872; and when the amount is ascertained they are empowered to counsel with and request the County Attorney to bring suit against any delinquent county official and his sureties for the recovery o any rocn amount, aue, and allihe peiwoef .awacnea oy iaw.x j Report at Jesw J. Cassidcy, Esq.', Audi- 1 tor of-WUmmgton., Township B o: f'O;? THUBSD WiNOVEMBER' 21, 1872. THE BA1LBOAD USASB.",. -rsr Xeaae efthe Wilmington nnd Weldon ' Rallroaa to tne Wilmington, Co lnmbla. and Anajnsta Ballroad Com pany. . ; : ' A special meeting of the stockholders of the "Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Com-" pany was held yesterday morningNovemJ ber 20th. :- j " On motion of Hon. R. R. Bridgers,' the meeting was organized by calling Silas N. Martin, Esq.. to the chair, and appointing J. W. Thompson, Esq.', as Secretary ' On motion of Dr." A. J. DeRosset, the Secretary and Geo. R. French, . Esq. r were appointed a committee lo verify proxies and ascertain the number of shares of stock represented.. .. . The committee reported 4hat there were 2,889 shares represented' in person, and 7,899 by proxy, making a total yf 10,788 shares, the total amount of stock inthe road being 14,523 shares, at a par value of $100 each, whereupon the meeting was declared to be duly organized. i i? ,? 7 i On motion of B. P. Newcomer,-' Esq. ; the Secretary read the following resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of tlie Company at a meeting held this day:1' " " ; The : instrument of lease demising the property, effects and franchises of this Com pany to the Wilmington, Columbia and Au gusta Railroad Company .''drafted in pursu ance of a resolution of , the Board adopted on the 24th day of May last, having been read and considered by the .Board,, it was' thereupon ' ' p- " Resolved, That said instrument of lease be approved and submitted to ,the stock holders of this Company at their meeting to be held this day, with the recommendation that the same be assented to on the part of 'this Company. . . . ' :-i r U-. " The resolution was adopted. . On motion of Dr. 4 A. J. . DeRosset the meeting then proceeded to consider the lease and the instrument was read by .Wm. A. WrightvEsq..-, :t --: v- The following preamble and resolution offered by Mr. I Newcomer, was adopted by a stock vote, 10,655 for and 125 against: Wherkab, At a meeting of the Board of Directors of this Company, held on the 24th day or May, 1872, tne preamDie and resolu tions following were adopted, that is to say: . "Whereas, It was deemed that the inter ests of the stockholders of this Company would be greatly promoted by effecting a lease of the road and its equipment and property to the Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroad Company; therefore be it Betolved, That a Committee be appointed by the President to confer with - the Presi dent and Directors of the Wilmington, Co- umbia and Angusta Railroad company, or a Committee of the same, to agree upon a lease of all the property of tms Company to said Wilmington, Columbia and . Angusta Railroad Company for a term of ninety-nine years, renewable forever-upon-such terms as will provide for the payment of the regu lar interest on all the bonded debt or this Company and the assumption of all its assets, including stock and .- interest in the Wilmington Railway Bridge Company and the payment of all its liabilities other than its funded debt, and the payment to this Company of five per cent, on its capital stock for the current year, and the further f payment of six per cent on its capital stock or the next year, and seven per cent, for each succeeding year during the continuance of the lease; said payments to be free or exclusive of all taxes which are now, or may at any tune hereafter be imposed by the Government of the United States upon any dividends or income derived by stoctt holders from capital stock in this company. Arrangements are also to be made by the lessee to provide for and keep up the sink ing fund according to the requirements of the mortgage now existing on the road; said sinking fund and all incrumenU thereof to belong to the lessee, who is to provide for the payment and retirement of the existing mortgage debts of this company. And lessor to obligate itself to make a consoli dated mortgage bond secured by a proper mortgage on all the property and franchises of the Company to the extent of such sum as may be sufficient tor - tne retirement of the funded debt in Buch sums and payable at such times after date as the lessee may elect, the same to be delivered to tne lessor, who is to asree In consideration of the delivery of said bond to provide for and take care of all the funded obligations of this Company r' now amounting to l,o2U,uuu, as tne same shull mature. Said -Jease iegreed . upon on the part of the President and Directors of both Companies to be -subject to the ap proval and ratification of the -stockholders, or a majority of the stock in each Company. .Provision is also made tQ Keep up and con tinue the organization, and Charter of the Company. Ample provision for a better ment clause is also tne, be maae." .. ; - And whereas. In accordance with said resolution, after ' due"", conference .between duly constituted- Committees' severally ap pointed by the respective Board of Directors or the Wilmington, uoiumma ana Augusta Railroad company and oilnis uompany, an instrument of a lease of the property and franchises of this ComDanv!as contemplated and proposed by the. said resolutions has UvCU vcai vi man u uuu anvi aisWi the diligent scrutiny of the Board of Di rectors of this Company is recommended for acceptance by., the.', stockholders of this Company, and , said instru ment of lease having " been .. read and considered- by this meetine. in which a large majority in the interests of the stock holders or this company is represented; it is therefore - . . , ' Resolved, That the action of the board of. Directors of the Company in the premises is hereby approved and ratified, and that the stockholders of this Company assent . to the lease of the - Railroad and the other property,'; effects and franchises of this Company to The Wilmington, Columbia and Ammsta Railroad" ComDanv on . the terms and conditions set forth in the instrument of lease this day read to the Stockholders. And the Board of Directors of this Com pany is hereby instructed to cause said lease to be duly executed and delivered in behalf of thu Company.. t-ni '. The meeting then adjourned. Wilmington, Colombia and Angusta ' Ball road. The stockholders of this road met at the office of the President yesterday, pursuant tocalL". is. i- . ' -v"r I J. E. Gregg, Esq., was called to the chair and J. CWV -Thompson -Esa,:, ? Secretary. ; ; f..;i.;l? : The8ewetaryand'lT);Chih Itppcintedt Coin3ttee Jcv yerify : PT?tea and ascertain tno amoucv v "wk-itotb OOnTl . - - 7 4 .. i si.:.:.?.-. ' On motion of .B. F. Newcomer, Esq., it was - ' Resolved, That the lease of the .'Wilming ton and Weldon Railroad Company to this Company of its Railroad and other property, effects and franchises on the terms and con ditions set forth in the instrument of - lease this day read to the stockholders, and which has this day been ratified and confirmed by the stockholders of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Company, be and the same is hereby assented to and accepted by the stockholders of this Company, and the President of this Company is hereby in structed lo loin . Jn the execution of the Bame in behalf of this Company. The meeting then adjourned. Cored of Insanity. " - A white man,' residing some 23 or 23 miles from this city, who was brought here about twelvemonths ago, laboring under a fit of insanity, and sent to the City Hospital for treatment was discharged from that in stitution a few days ago. Although he was so violent "at the time he was brought here that he had'to be placed in irons, it is now fbelieved that he is permanently cured. i iawannnafr-. Man: tbe Englnet. The steam fire engine horses being ail sick, an 6. the, city mules classed in the same epi zootical category, citizens are requested, in case of an alarm of fire, to repair to the nearest engine house and' assist in hauling the machine to the scene of the conflagra tion. The importance of attention to this matter is too obvious to require further com: ment""-' Stores Left Open. Two stores on : Front street and one on Market street were found open last night after the proprietors and clerks had gone home. In one instance the key was left in the door and in the other two the doors were not fastened at alL 'The contents of each were of the most valuable description and easily carried off. Officers J. K. Cut lar and Chas. Taylor made the discovery and messengers were dispatched to the pro prietors, who missed nothing from their stores. You must be more careful, gentle men, or you may have reason to regret your remissness in this particular. $75,000 In Cash for SI. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement in another column of the Nebraska State Orphan Asylum. Here is a chance to win a fortune in a Public Legal Drawing, and at the same time help a noble and worthy institution. dw2m . No PILL IS thk world ever had anvthinu lika tha circulation of Ate it's Pills. Throughout these States, Mexico and the Central American republics, dow the elopes of the Andee, and across the pam paaof&ontn America, in negro villages, amid the fervid wild of Africa, throughout the jungles of In dia, and tbe steppes of interior Asia, over the conti nent or AUfir&ii, ana toe islands or tbe factac, these Pills are known and everywhere used as fam ily remedies for diceaees. With distant nations their wonderful cures attract more attention than they do at home: for the fentiraent of wonder takes a far deep r hold on their minds than the resnlu of a ntgn scientific sain witn us. The amount con sumed requires eventy-flve thousand doses a day to supply it. An inspection of the manufactory showed ns how thi enormous demand i made and sus tained. Added to the consummate skiU of their composition is an extreme care io their manufac ture, which at once secures the most perfect materi al and their most accurate combination. The conse quence Is a power and certainty in controlling dis ease which other remedies never attained. Bait. Courier. nov2leodlw-th $1,000 Pxwaso is offered by the proprietor of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical iJlscovery, for a medicine that will equal it in tbe cure of Bronchitis, severe Coughs and the early stages of Consumption. Twenty Years Younger. To say that hnndredB of maids, wives and widows look twenty years younger than thev are in conseauence of the eomplexional freshne-s derived from the use of Ha san's Magnolia Balk is simply to state an abso lute iaci. wmcn mi nt ne promptly vennea by di rect testimony if ladies were as willing to tell their age as to ne the best means of making themselves lovely. Nature sometimes, but very rarely, crowns ine cnarmB or ' perfect features with a complection of exquiMie clearness, put even men time soon oegina to make inroads upon the velvet cheek, the fair white brow, the ivory bust,- the rounded arm. To preserve tbe "glory of woman" unblemixhed, even after the meridian of life has been pas red, it is only necessary to use daily this cooling, healthful vegetable prepar ation. ' nov 19-lw Tu Th Sat DIED. NCT' A Laurinbure. N. C. Knd i)t on Wed. ne-da' If .. iOth, John Kutt, Sr.. atea 67 years. Th" re ..ivesand friend of the family are re- rra ha invited-to at'end the funeral from fit- Church this (Thursday af teruoon at 4 o'clock. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. MR. T. E. TTJENBULL RESPECT FT LLY AN nounces the appearance of the : , World Benowned Great Violinist, O Ij IB BULL GSAUD C0UCEET, Tuesday, November 26, 1872 Assisted by MISS GRAZIELLA RIDGWAY, S1GNOR FARRANTI AND SIR. J. M. PATTISON. Admission $1 ; reserved teats 50 cents extra, to be obtained oh and after the Slst, at P. neinBberger'a bookstore. Concert will commence at 8 o'clock. The grand piano used at these concerts la from the celebrated manufactory of Messrs. Wm. Enabe A Co., of Baltimore. kov SI St .'.Special Notice. X HERE WILL EE A SPECIAL COMMUNICA- tion of Free Love Lodge No. 1,489, G. U. O. of O. F, tolay at 1 P. M., to pay the last aad tribute of re spect to our deceased brother, Prince . Larrington, P. V. G. All visiting brethren of good standing are fraternally Invited to unite with us. 'I " i wotflerof theK.G -r. nor S14t 4 W ASHEJGTON HOWE Sec'y. efsIiOyoters A GILLIKIN haa reduced the price of Kew Biter ujvtmr f i xa per gallon, we reoommena au wm an-'auil ef tha ixiad. ma bivalves to (rive then! caUT as taey-always keep the fineat qu&4iy onhaadat ths oWaabjtoAIw- r.S , Freeh Ponltry, ? - WHQLILNOi;59l: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Harness Oxen at Auction; i 's - J , CJR ONZ Auctioneer, ! By CRONLY & MORRIS. rrEftS (TrTTJESD AY) MOKNINO, AT It OICLOCB X wa will sell, at Exchange Corner, vi broke to atngls WnesB,"'' ." v" ' . In Store and to Arrive : 1QQ Barren Molaases; CfkBoxesD. 8. iere; Kega Butter; Qft BblaFnlton HarketBeef; x And eTeral btber articles. ' '" No charge for Drayage. At wholesale only.. . nov21t HOTTESPOBgA HASHAOA c Bridal Presents. - TTN8TJRPASED FOR THEIB BEAUTY AND U elegance. cWi PIANOS unsurpassed for their quality of tone. ORGANS Tha ikmer,' wealth" aai iwaetness of which challenge the admiration of those who heat them. CHROMOS Beauttf ul and impressive as vivid pte tores of art. -. LITEk At u ttis Comprising the most entertaining and absorbing works ever jmbiUhod, by the best au thors In the world, at , - - . . , -BEINSBEBGEK'S - nor f 1-tf Live Book and Music 8 tore. , BagM; Hoop Iron ani Spirit Casts. gQ BOLLS HEAVY SAGGING, " 800 8P11UT CASKS; 1 o n n n Hoop For sale bj F. W. KEKCHT7XR, XT, 98 and SO North Water at. nor-tf , Corn, Oats and Kerosene Oil. 3000 BUSHIL? C0RII 2000 BU8ELS OAT8' Cft BBL8 KEROSENE OIL, For salary ' F. W. KEKC1INEK, rt, S8 and S9 North Water 8t. nov SI tf Notice. JpROM THIS. DATE NO ORDER FOR COAL OR WOOD will be filled until paid for, . We. are compelled to adopt this rale, and it will be strictly adhered to without a anfeut xxosFTioit. , We trust that our customers will all remember to send the money with their orders, nov 81-tf O. G. PAR8LEY CO. Cheese, Peaches, Schnapps and Caniy. BOXES CHEESE, g Q Cases Fresh Peaches, JKfg Casea Brandy Peaches, 22t) Ca8es Wolf, and Anchor Scnappit, 175 Boxes Candy, For sale by F W. KERCHMER, S7, S8 and S9 North Water street nov Sl-tf DeUverv of Goods. All goods delivered-, . promptly, at the railroads and; eteamersj, notwithetanding the horse disease, by -C;' jr. w, rutKUHMBK, . . nov 81-tf i ST, S8 and S9 North Water street - B. GBAUraiKi . . :..PrMident C. M. Stiomah.,., ..........Vice President 8. u. waiJao;A.ivw;r,......;...CBshief IaxAC Bates Assistant Cashier. Bank- ofrlTeHanover CAPITAL & SITEPLUS $225t(XX) AuTHOELZED CAPITAL tl,( OTJLDOa y,t h!o ii-f DIRECTORS: 3 ys D. R. Mnrchison, of WU. C M, 8tedmaa, of Wright Si S ted man. Jas. A. Leak, of Wades. I lams & Mnrchison Geo. R. Freach, of Geo, H. Toilers, ofiAdrian & 1 M. WoddelL of Tarboro. it Frencn son. poro. J. W. Hinson, of Spnmt J E. B. Bordeh. of Oolds- tunson. ; , t t Dora, i . , ' L B. Grainger, Preeideut.. . R-RR?!'.ilnl(lpKftTfitMTf.ri R.F.Hwm President UUXUDUMiU JJlOUUili- K Cashier. , ' DIRECTORS; j . E. B. Borden, W. T. Falrclo'h, W. f. Eorneeav, A. J. Galloway, Herman WeilL Mm BrancL,,Dca' " " DIRECTORS: James M. Redmond. Fred Phlllioe. W. G. Lewia. Mathew WeddelL Issues Certificates of Deposit bearing interest at 8 percent, per annum. ; - la anthorird by Charter to receive on deposit moneys held tn trust by Executors, Administrators, Gnardiana. Ac. Ac, Ac. SeUs Checks at par on New York, Baltimore, PhQ- Alnhla VWnll. Vvinnkla r,l.. Sl.kmil MMJIUUI) ,1VUUI.i WIIUM'MB, VWH KVWllf imWJIVIH Petcrsbarg and all the citks and towns tn North varouna. Buys and sells" Cheeks tn aams to suit on Great Britain. Ireland. Germany. France. Ac dn ivs Buys and sella Gold, Silver, Bank Blue, Bonds, Stocks, c, Ac t Strict attention riven to the orders and reoaeeta oi our couniry ineoo d; man or eukenriae. nov le-nae tf-dw ' Horse; Blankets, LAP ROBES, WOOL MATS, TRUNKS, HAR nesa, Baddies, Bridlea, OoUars, Hamea, Chains, Saddlery, Hardware, TravelliDg Bags, Feather Doa- tiae si .. . ". ii vT K, , . . s . ; . StoelL Itree Pris) Ie)W J.IK a opiiaaa sj.. . . ;. . .,4i 1 Soeth Fraat kL.''-l octte-tf nae. : . ,.. .-. . , WUsainguM. N. & OOifTILS-J-O s 1 lot 1 jlr tv 11 i 0?TTL3 I to the rv x. 1 ts a I 1 1 Price Ski ci por in . . i t i HATES OP ADVBI1T1SINO. ;-; Onegquareoiieday,.-.,.. .-fvt-i' tJ W t vtwo days,'; ,t.'.:-i a U.. J o9 .-- three days.. .... .......,' ;W - four days ..... W : n m - Svesy.:....y.;7t;.V;.V.....?S oe- one week...-i."i;i;;'..i4.y.f 5? j.1 .Pwo o "weeks. ..i..... o vu u Three weekaji..U.i..l.M.Xt W On month..... .. Two montbji 00 l nreai months.. . . i .. . 00 .Oneyear......,......;,i;...'...;.M0ii. P0mOctttimct Ad vcrtiaemU taken 14 proBQi ttonatelv kn rates. ' . ; Five Squares etrmted lasn ttarterbmrnn, and . . tea squares as a half-column, :-. . j . ; i. tnx momnn..... ................ j v a AUCTION ' SALES.': INT r'TXITITT'V nt... r , By CRONXY 6c ltOEEI3;" DctoUfi-niiininroYer.Eeal,: AT. S ON THURSDAY, S1ST INST, AT 11 O'CLOCKl? A. M., we will sell at Exchanste Corner, the fol . lowing pieces or lot of Real Estate, situated. npon Seventh and Castle streets, as designated below; SOUTH. " . . IS ' ' -'tis- ' .'.''! ' ; . 132 ' . in.,' , s ' ."' .-;- v ' ...s - .' .. r e.-' . f,-;; v ': i ' ' .. its ' m -: ' .hy -'v i!?i. ; BO . 83 a One fourth cash, balance in tt, 1 and 1& monthat vhb gper oenb lnierest, nov 10, 17 and SI & Valuable Eeal Estiate ' AT AUCTION. ; .:: : M. Cronly, Auctioneer." By CJronly ' & BlomaC' ' ; r ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER . IffS, AT 11 o'clock, A. M.rwe ill sell, at Excbange Corner, pursuant to a decree of the Superior Coui of this county... v:-!- K.h Eleven and a Half ACRES OF LAND, Within tbe limits of tbe cit parte, of blocka ; ' Also, ft ' (US, 831, 833. 134, 444, 446, 449." Valuable Lot,, Bounded by Princess and Chestrat and Ntnth and, Tenth streets, all belonging to the estate of Jere 3. Kto&dec'd, r ' - - a By order of the Executor, Executrix and Commis sioners. .. . Plat to be seen at the office of Cronly A Morris. TERMS AT SALR - nor. 8-3, 10, HASlNor ' 1 : ! M. Cronly, Auctioneer. .. ... 1 5- By Cronly &, Monitw Ht'; Peremptory Sale of ValMe JitJ:iott : AT AUCTION. ,t ON THURSDAY NEXT, SIst INSTANT. AT 11 o'clock A. M., we will sell at Exchange Comer the following valuable Real Estate, being . - Parte of Lots 5 M g and , Block 4701 Each Lot and 6, , " 4T1 l,S,S,4and6, " . 474 1,8.3, 4 and 6, ".47ft l,S,Sand4, . . 47S LndS, ; v 44 479, ha ring a front of W feet The same being located between Princess street on -thesonth and Rankin street on the north. Four teenth street on the west and Fifteenth street on tne east Plan to be seen at oar office. Terms cash. norn-U M. CR ONL K Auctioneer, v v CR ONL X di MQRRISJ ON TO-MORROW HITRSP AY) MORNING, AT. i . 11 o'clock, we will sell.- at Exchange Corner. ' that deeirabte r- inn,, situated on tbe north side of FanWs Alley:- be ' -tween Fourth and Fifth s-reets. The hoes haa a s r.. iront m no xeer on me auey, running oacK leeu .. . being parte of lota Sand 43 Week t&- T.t The boose has 6 room kitchen and all neoasMir.r' outhouses, together with, fruit trees grape; yinea,: . arms easy ana meas Known esy or saie. ' ' . . 1 ll I III ! Tffk MCRQNLTt Auctionrlwvn ;, Ry CRONLY Kn?tZ8&Sp ON TO-MORROW (THURSDAY) MORNING, AT"" . 11 o'clock, we will rent, at Exchanm Curner. " ' UBtU October 1, UtSS, hat large and comnwoiaw' y' -" 'v ) D WMCLING :, iii- containing 18 rooms, situated on the north tide of Market between Second and Third streets, lately . I . . . s I - " .7 ' ilea ov an vhukth i umux. won. , rromits locarion, is coneiaerea oneof w.),. Iim( atands In this citv for that bnainsaa. Kote wun gooa security reqauva.-' : . porxK M. ; CrpiLlyA.ii By Cronly !kv Uorrl. ' DESIRABLE AD VALUABLE TTnimprove d.Lpt FOR SALE AT AUCTIONS rN THURSDAY. Si.t instant, at 11 .o'clock A. J air, we will sea at fixenan n Corner, one of the most elegant Unimproved Lots in this etty; eitoated upon the East fide of 8th, between Queeo and Wooe-" .a .1 I. ul fcwi.il Mtf Nil A In Rl. uk tUt .K. ..mm ' hatlnr a ttoot of M feet on 8th atntet rotrninw t esOfeetto.Mhatreet v ..vflttS - , CT" TEEMS AT SAUt-fiJ-r i. i-. ft'. 5 j BMrflOtlOL-lT.SlN i t ::r4j&- : .SaltOalt.' 5000 8JlCKSllroir bp? to oder, , n For f BOv-19-tf WILLIAMS A MTSCrnSON. S 'Lost and Found, LOST. On Market between Front and Second.' or on Front between Market and- Moiberry sta., .; ,v . ' -ft Ladiee Etruscan Oold EarBln?. with a red eeral Htnthecortre. The ewWwta.be folly cornice -T v sated by kavg Hat this o-ce. , T.t-t vovlMm - ' ... -, . . -! VI, '-' . II i .-., il V , v.- ... If K'FOAESS MTCUANICS AT3, V ' ; J. , v ,;'i ' 'ft r I t. .-I -t - if 1 ' 7 PjpvJejfflAlkr. tt.- i.'v ;., . : mm kwmri i.. . - C. " v'-'-. '. - . - & : ' - . ' .'"..' .. ... ,-. -