'A- 1h -- r.T- 4-'rWMW H.. n v li! I; 'J 3 i :l 'if t 4 i S it Star. ALABAMA. BY TELEGRAPH. NOON Xll PORTS. NEW YORK. Gould and the Erie R&ilrqad The .Basts of Settlement e. V New .York, Dec. 20. The settlement by. Jay Gould "with the Erie Railroad Company was the main topic of conversation throughout the city last night It is everywhere regarded as a grand triumph for Erie. The proposal for . settle- Permanent Onranlxatlon of the "Lea :.'. - MoNTGOMERT. DeC 20. The House permanently organized to-day by the election of L. E. Parsons, Speaker; Robt Barber. Clerk; R. Whitaker. colored. Doorkeeper and Wt Y." Turner, Assistant Clerk all Republican, The disposition to retract their former action is no longer visible. All seems to be harmonious in the election for officers. More votes were cast than members present. Both candi dates were Republicans. The Senate did nothing. Comparative Cotton Statement - "'r: .V," ..." ''i '.New; York, Dec. 20. The net receipts at all ports during the week were 116.280 bales, aeainst 126.604 the ment was communicated in letter by Gould, I same time last year; total for the year 1,521,- addreased to President Watson, or JCrte VOO bales; last year l.zro.oii Dates. COMMERCIAL, WILMINGTON MARKET 5 STAR OFFICE, Dec. 20. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Sales of 430 casks at 65 cents, gallon for Southern packages. Market firm. ROSIN. Market verv auiet, but firm." Sales of only 25 bbls reported, at $3 75 for No. i. . . CRUDE TURPENTTNE Market steady, with sales of 8l4 bbls. at $4 75 for Virgin and Yellow Dip, and $3 for Hard. TAR Sales of 128 bbls at $2 75 $ bbl. COTTON. Market quiet. Sales of 36 bales as follows: 10 at 18, 5 at 18, 6 atl8f, 10 at 19 and 5 at 19 cents $ lb. WHOLESALE PRICES. T Our quotation U should be understood; rep resent the. wholesale price generally, fa -making up email orders higher price have to be enarged. f CITY TAX SALE. ' DELHI QVBNT LUTf Railroad, on December 17th. : He stated that since his resignation of the Presidency he had been prepared to make conveyance to the Company of property belonging to it, which he held in his name, but to which, he says, he never made any -claim during his . administration. He made various purchases of property for the Company with moneys of his own, the benefit of which accrued to the road. Upon" the construction placed by Mr. Watson on his account he was charged with all the moneys, and hence he believed the properties- In question belonged to him; and if they were now transferred he should be credited with their value. Owing to the state in which he was compelled to leave his accounts on withdrawal from the Com pany and loss of his account book,' some things remained unexplained. The various pieces of real estate in dispute, therefore, he proposed to convey to the Company, and in addition, the Grand Opera House and adjacent properties owned by himself and Fisk. "1 do this," he says "for the sake of peace." Mr. Watson thereupon replied that he considered this a fair offer and would at once lay the subject before a special com mittee. Gould yesterday made following state ment to a reporter: Since the Erie war my object has been to obtain a series of roads under practically one management from New York to San Francisco, and in this war obtain a fair share of all traffic on the Intervening route to that which accrues at the other terminus." Gould's object seems now to be to en hance the price of Erie stock, to the end that he may be measurably reimbursed. , WASHINGTON. Tbe Louisiana Committee and Su preme Court Justice An Inter view Washington, Dec. 20. - After the Supreme Court adjourned to-day, Ex-Judge Campbell and others of the sub committee of the Louisiana delegation had a conference with the Judges of the Court and gave reasons why they desired Asso ciate Justice Bradley to proceed to New Orleans to review the judicial "proceedings of Judge DurelL Judge Bradley, instead of going thither on his own volition, pre ferred that the request to do so should come from his colleagues, who took the matter tin der advisement The committee then had a private meeting, and are now visiting the House of Representatives upon Blaine's invitation. The exnorts during the week were 75.615 bales, against 70,785 last year; : total for the year 743,086-; last year 646,664. . The stock at all United States ports is 5,257,850 bales, against 428,546 last year. I The stock at interior towns is 87,878 bales, against 71,580 last year. The stock at Liverpool is 836,000, against 438,000 last year. t American cotton afloat for Great Britain 141,000 bales, against 190,000 last year. ELECTRIC SPARKS. 1 A dispatch from Paris says it is probable some.of the bridges crossing the Seine in that city will be swept away by floods. . Altaic of unprecedented violence swept over Naples on Wednesday and much dam age was done to property in the city and to shipping in the bay. . A dispatch from Havana says a large to bacco crop is expected. The epizooty is decreasing. A dispatch from Columbia, S. C, says Judge Bond sentenced a number of so called ku-klux and the Court adjourned. MARINE. DOMESTIC MARKETS. Nbw York, Dec. 20 Noon. Financial. Stocksstrong. Gold heavy at 11 . Money light at ii and interest Sterling change long sight 1UU; snort lllt. Ex- Gov- SPAIN. Change of Ministry. 4re. - Madrid, Dec. 20. The Ministers of Finance, Public Works and the Colonies, have retired. Echegary has been appointed Minister of Finance; Bacerre, of Public Works, and Mosquera, of the Colonies. The sitting of the Cortes yesterday was suspended in consequence of the crisis. ELECTRIC SPARKS. Grant has gone to Covington, Ky., but re turns to Washington next Tuesday. The machine shops of the Evansyille and Terre Haute (Ind.) Railroad Company have been burned. Dispatches from New York, St Louis and Chicago report the prevalence atach point of a violent snow storm to-day (Friday). OUR NIGHT REPORTS. WASHINGTON. Congressional. Washington, Dec! 20. SENATE. A motion to remove the po" litical disabilities of certain Georgians, in eluding I verson and Underwood, was fill' bustered over without final action. The business in both branches of Con gress was generally unimportant and an ad journment to the 6th proximo was carried. lOflCIOLAirEOTJS. The Supreme Court had an informal con sultation after the visit of the Louisiana delegation. The conclusion was that Judge Bradley could exercise his discretion about going to New Orleans. . The Louisiana committee, at their meet ing this afternoon, agreed to issue an ad dress to the people of the United States set ting forth the law and the facts in the case now disturbing that State, and to petition Congress for relief when Its session shall be resumed immediately after the holidays. The committee adjourned to meet in New York on Monday next The members have . been invited by prominent men of all par ties to visit New York and lay the whole matter before the people. During the afternoon the committee went to the Capitol and paid their respects to Speaker Blaine In his reception room. T j ' UN GLAND. Heavy Floods A' Great Extent of Country. Overflowed Great Loss of , , Life by Marine Disasters, dee, . London, Dec. 20. Late heavy storms have swollen the streams throughout England to a great height and several of them have overflowed. Windsor and Eaton are flooded by the river Trent and its affluents. The Loar and Dor- went have overflowed their banks, sub merging a large portion of the country in Liecester and Nottingham. In some sec tions In these counties only the tops of the trees and hedges are visible. Heavy land- . slides have occurred near Dover and rail- :,way communication with that town is inter rupted. The town of Retorborrough, in Northampton county, is flooded and many residents-have been compelled to take refuge from the water in the upper stories of their dwellings. , : , A dispatch from Liverpool says four hun dred and forty-nine personsincluding pas- . ' sengers and sailors, have perished by marine disasters during the past ten days. Thirty Sroons were lost by the sinking of the ship atchless, of Northumberland county. -. :'f ' new York. :;.; Oil Dealers nnd Reflners-Jay Gould : ; v -New York, Dec 20.. : "' The Executive Committee of Oil 'dealers . and refineres have agreed upon new prices, which will be announced on Monday. ' The 'Beef Brewers have formed an . " organizatiottagalnst the. increase, of their tax. ,W. Wtt t? i: ' The real estate and securities transferred ; by Jay Gotdd to the ' . Erie 'Railroad Cora : pany -Were fotmally ; surrendered to-day ; in --thU8ttal.legall-ri:v-:v-' p .;v;. :i ' Aa. unknown .three masted c schooner is ashore near Great Egg Harbor. . . . eminent bonds dull but heavy. Southern bonds dull, but steady. Commercial. Cotton dull, with sales of 394 bales -Uplands 20 cents; Orleans 20 cents. Flour dull Wheat unchanged. Corn dull old Western mixed 66G0J cents. Pork dull and unchanged new $14; old $13 25. Lard weak Western steam 7 cts. Spirits Turpentine firm at 60 cents. Rosin steady at $3 73. Freights quiet New Yomc, Dec 20 Evening. Mnancial Money stringent at 1 commission. Ster ling Exchange has advanced, and leading banker's paper, 60 days, is quoted at 109f. Gold lllfc&ll If. Government securities closed firm but steady. Commercial. Cotton quiet, with sales of 1,030 rbales Uplands 20i, Orleans 20f cents; net receipts 617 bales; gross 3,781 bales. Flour dull and unchanged. Whiskey is decidedly lower and closed at 97T cents. Wheat Winter scarce and firm; Winter Red Western $1 60. Corn steady and favors buyers Rice quiet Pork is a shade easier new $13 75$14. Lard weak at 7J8 3-16 cents. Naval Stores steady. Tallow quiet Freights are easier. The sales to-day of cotton for future de livery amounted to 7,400 bales as follows: December 194ai9 3-16 cents; January 19 19f cents; February 19 J cents; March 19K&19 13-15 cents; April 2020 1-16 cts; May 20 cents. Cincinnati, Dec. 20. Flour firm. Corn steady. Pork a shade lower $11 75. Lard steady. Shoulders in good demand; sides easier; clear rib 7 cents, clear 8 cents. Whiskey 8889 cents. COTTON MARKETS. Boston, quiet; Columbus, quiet; Mont gomery, steady; Baltimore, quiet; Mobile, quiet and easier at 18, 18K&19; Macon, steady; Nashville, quiet; New Orleans, easier at 18, 181, 18, 19fc19i; Galveston, steady; Memphis, quiet and: firm; Charles ton, quiet; Norfolk, steady; Augusta, moderate demand; Savannah, quiet but firm at 17, 17, 18, 1819. FOREIGN MARKETS. London, Dec 20 .Noon. Consols 9191 . United States bonds fives 89. Erie bonds 47. LATER. Erie bonds 47, with immense transaction. LATER Erie bonds 48. Baris, Dec. 20 Noon. Specie in the Bank of France has de creased half million francs. Liverpool, Dec. 20 Noon. Cotton opened steady Uplands 10 10d.; Orleans 10g10d. Sales 12,000 bales; forthe week 113,000; for export 9,000; lor speculation 31,000. Stock 836,000 bales, American 46,000 bales. Receipts 43,000 bales, American 19,000 bales. Actual ex port 4,000 bales. Afloat 221,000 bales, American 141,000. LATER Liverpool, Dec. 20 Noon. Cotton closed steady Sales 12,000 bales; lor speculation and export 0,000 Dales. BreadstufFs firm. Corn 28s. 8d.28s. 6d. Lard 88s. Pork new 69. , Liverpool, Dec 20--Evening. Cotton closed Unchanged. Yarns Fabrics at Manchester tend up. ARRIVED. Stmr Cumberland, Phillips, Fayetteville, F W Kerchner. Br Schr Carleton, Albury, Nassau, E Kidder & Sons, with fruit Schr Palma, Rankin, New York, A D Cazaux. . CLEARED, i Stmr Cumberland, Phillips, Fayetteville, FW Kerchner. Br Barquentine Vick & Mebane, Roberts, Liverpool, Vick & Mebane. Schr J S Lee, Vangilder; New York, Har ris's & HowelL Schr C A Hicains. McFarlane, Boston, Harriss & Howell. Brig Black Swan, Winsdale, Martinique, E Kidder & Sons. Schr Mercy C Trundy, Warren, Matan zas, E Kidder & Sons. RECEIPTS. PER RIVER STEAMERS, &c. Stmr Cumberland 21 bbls spts, 127 do turpt, 237 do rosin, 7 do tar. EXPORTS. COASTWISE. New York Schr John S Lee 2,211 bbls rosin. Boston Schr C A Higgins 659 bbls turpt, 341 do rosin. FOREIGN. Liverpool Br Barquentine Vick & Me bane 620 bbls spts, 750 do rosin, 291 bales cotton, 10,000 feet lumber. Matanzas Schr Mercy C Trundy 176, 000 feet lumber. Martinique Brig Black Swan 119,632 feet lumber, 81,230 shingles. 15 13 60 3 00 8 75 BAGKHNG Gnnny......... ..... 16 lou Die Alienor........ . 1 - . it Double Anchor "A" 133 BACON North Carolina, - . Hams. W m..... t .i , Shoulder. Ijl .... 10 Bides, V Western.-.- ; - , : Hams 20 Sides, lb Utf Shoulders, TliRRKI Kntrltji Tnrnentine. Socond Hand, each j S 40 & New New York, each ' New City, each.. .... I ; S0 & BIHSWAI B BRICKS Wilmington, I 8 00 10 00 Northern.... 02 & 14 00 BUTTER North Carolina, f Tb. , 80 & Northern. V B CANDLES Sperm, B.. ...... 1 CO & Tallow, B ., i 00 Adamantine, ft B IS CHEESE Northern Factory ft V 163rf(g Dairy. V -I ' State, t lb 1 15 & COFFEE Java, lb.....; 80 & Rio, lb 80 Laeuarra. lb... ..I 85 CORN MEAL bushel J 90 COTTON TIES lb 8X DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, t yd UX Yarn, w bunch I eo & VOL OfFICB TEfii-SUKlB AND CCIXECTOK, - - v. . " . CIT3T OF WIUBINGTOW, ?:JS' , V . . December 9, 1873. J TN ACCORDANCE WTTH BTTSTINQ W8,I X will Offer for sale at Public Auction in frontof CltyHall, at 13 o'clock, M., on . MONDAY, the SOth DAT OF DECEMBER (instant)Ltlie following des tcribeldproptosaAthe tlTZ TAX and . - Treasurer and Collector. 5 RAIL ROAD LINES. General Sup'ts Office WILBIIlf OTON, , COI.1TBEBIA. & AJj. i . OITST JL B. B. COMPANY, ! V;f wnaroraTON. W. c, OctTtn, MISCELLANEOUS. In Store : 200 BOXES FIRE CRACKERS, 175 Bbls Rye and Corn Whiskey, 200 Cases Schnapps, 175 Cases Brandy Peaches, 100 Boxes Raisins. 50 Dozen Axes, 800 Kegs Nails, 300 Bags Shot, 50,000 Gun and Musket Caps, 25 Bbls Brandy, 900 Bbls Pork, 150 Hds and Boxes D. S and Smoked Sides and Shoulders, 15 Tees Rice, 1,000 Bushels MeaL 5,000 Bushels Corn, 250 Bbls Glue, 40 Tons Hoop Iron, 2,000 Saeks Salt, 1,000 Bbls Flour, 2,500 Hhda and Bbls Cuba and S. H. Molasses, 800 Boxes Soap, 500 Bags Coffee Bio, Java, Lag. and Mocha, 30 Hhds Demarara and Ii. R. Sugar, 100 Bbls Refined Sugar, - 150 Rolls Bagging, 900 BdlsTies, 100 Bbls and Boxes Crackers, 50 Bbls Apples, For sale by F. W. KERCHNER, dec 19-tf 87, 28 and 39 North Water St. Diamond Spectacles. Mnlle ts. tt bbl N. C. Herring, V bbl Dry Cod, V ft FLOUR Fine, V bbl............ Super. Northern, $ bbl. Extra do. 44 Vbbl...... Family " V M City Mills Super., fj bbl. .. " Extra, V bbl Family, V bbl... Ex. Family, J bbl... FERTILIZERS Peruvian Guano, 9 8000 lbs Baugh's Phosphate,-' " Carolina Fertilizer, " " Ground Bone, 44 44 Bone Meal, . 44 Flour, 14 " Navassa Gnano, 44 " 44 Complete Manure, 44 44 Whann's Phosphate " 44 Wando Phosphate, 44 44 Bcrger A Bute's Phosph. 44 - GLUE lb GRAIN Corn, In store, V 56 Ss Corn, Cargo, 66 4s Corn, New, & DUsheL OaU, M bushel Peas, Cow, V bushel HIDES Green, ft lb....' Dry, lb ..... HAY Eastern, 100 ts North River, fj 100 lbs HOOP IRON V ton LARD Northern, V Tfc North Carolina, V lb LIME-W bbl LUMBER River (Last sales). Wide Boards, Mft Scantling, V Mft Flooring, V M f t : Crrr Stxui Sawbd Ship Stuff, resawed, W M ft. Rouirh Edsre Plank. M ft.. West India Cargoes, according to quality, V n- "... Dressed Flooring, seasoned. Scantling and lioaraa,. com mon, V Mft MOIASSES--Caba, hhds, V gal.. . Cuba, bbls, ft gal Sugar House, fihda, gal.,, a" . bbla, ygal.... NAuSJu4& to 80dV ' keg!! '. OILS Kerosene, V gal.... -V bus 15 50 10 00 18 00 6 00 0 00 8 4 00 6 CO i 7 50 10 00 8 50 9 50 10 00 12 50 80 00 00 00 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 16 90 7&2A 70 S 65 & 25 28 95 V 15 165 16 00 CA 11 00 13 60 & 9 00 0 00 & 700 8 60 q HBO 900 & 9 75 10 60 00 00 00 00 60 00 60 00 , 4000 45 00 t 57 00 65 00 67 00 70 00 7000 ' & 0000- 18 95 HO 0 75 Anderson, David ' 199 Baker, Charles 850 Barlow, Lewis N Agt 153 Berry, Julia A by Rog er Moore, Trustee 113 Berry, Julia A by Wm Toomer, Agent 83 Bishop, Henry M 196 Bird, Edward st Bishop, Mary E 220 Blossom, Mary E 297 Bradley, ChasW, v 115 Brooks, Wm Brown, Aaron , Bryan, Duke Bryant, Alex Bnitt, James E. . Bulcken, John G A4N5 M W 4 Ml A3 W X 3 W66 WX2 SE5 W6 W6 W8 W g M345 ptl28 W 12 El M 1 293-E4 265 M 1 Bunting, Virginia E bySUJ 00 00 00 00 00 00 23 00 81 00 18 00 20 00 tl 60 160 00 12 12 000 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 00 22 00 80 00 85 00 92 182 218 1 Bunting. Agt 296 Burch, Charlotte 127 Burnett, John 242 Burnett, Back ' 162 Carr, Nicholas 265 328 Cason, Isaac Est by E F Cason Agent 190 Craft, ThosC Est 185 Capps, Gideon Est by 61 Cronly & Morris Agt 396 44 897 Davis, Samuel Davis, James Douglas, Thomas J Dozier, Julius Drane, Virginia L Droze Sophia A Dudley, CH Est by Thos Mcllhenny Edwards, Jacob J Edwards, Dolly Ellis, JosJ Ellis, John W Ellis. Mis B Foster, F W, by Cron- 15 00 80 00 87 00 45 Lard, Linseed, g Kogin. w eai PEANUTS V bushel. POTATOES Sweet, bushel. Irish, Northern, V bbl... PORK Northern, City Mess. Thin, ft bbl Prime, 9 bbl Rump, V bbl RICE Carolina, j B East India, ft S Rough, $ bush..: ItAGS Country, B. ...... City, ft ROPE SALT Alum, V bushel. ...... Liverpool, ft sack... American, v sack....... SUGAR Cab, .......... Porta Rico, (111... A Coffee, lb.......... " V C " V Ex. C . V Crushed, lb SOAP Northern, 9 9 SHINGLES Contract, ft M. Common, I H STAVES W. O. BbL, V M.. . R, O. Hhd., P M TALLOW "B TIMBER Snipping, ft M j. Mill Prime, ft M..........;. MUlFair. M Inferior to Ordinary, ft lb... WHISKEY Northern, gal... North Carolina, ft gal. ..... WOOL Unwashed, ft lb Washed, ft lb 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9X 00 0 00 3 2tf 6 ' 75 1 60 1 60 11 13 . - 13 ' 12 13 14 6 4 00 t 60 80 00 00 00 18 00 10 11 00 9 00 7 60 5 00 1 00 1 75 84 45 145 110 40 18 100 250 00 00 00 00 14 50 10 lv & Morris Agt Finlayson, M L Fisher, Arthur Flowers, Emma Forrest, Jno J (4 (4 Foy, James Fox, Geo A Gardner, Thos M, 44 44 Gardner, Adam Gerken, Neil Gilbert, John F 248 210 95 210 103 64 148 185 Agt 194 173 Gordon, Wm 61 Grant, Richard H 166 Grant, Reuben, Trust, 117 Green, Perry 132 Hall, Ralph 79 Harper, Mary A 824 Hawkins, Joseph E 65 Hays, Sophia, Est of 64 Hazcll, Margaret A and children 269 Hewett. Catherine by 564 Jno W Hewett 665 E12 A2 Etf 4 M J56 M84 NWS M84S 8WM4 E123 Etf 2 W 345 W4 85 A6 W1284A56 A123456 A1N A1N2 A1N2 E8 Wl W8 E346 Wl E45 M345 E3 Ml 2 E5 E6 W2 A 1 pt 2 8 W 12 E4 Ml WXf NE1 E234 A4 M12345 Wl El ptl2 E4 5 M123 Al W6 M456 W6 M12 E 5 M45 6 89 20 4 28 141 00 101 00 81 00 25 00 4 50 11 76 4 40 174 60 19 50 8 10 6 18 15 00 16 00 65 20 90 80 8 00 3 50 4 10 9 70 52 00 30 50 11 00 146 00 14 50 5 70 16 00 66 00 87 00 17 08 16 00 36 96 2 50 25 00 10 54 27 00 71 00 31 00 3 50 11 30 29 16 4 00 15 00 68 00 900 33 50 24 00 7 00 230 80 9 00 5 80 3 59 6 16 4 00 - 16 00 Avant, Wesley. .,,10 Bryan, Frank '- 88 Bingham, Thomas , ' ' 82 Bronnell, Thos J - . 119 Bear, Sol Bro : 181 Bunting and Coming 854 Burk. Mary 266 Banting, SB ft others 810, Bryan, Richard . 837 Battle, Joseph 849 Bland, James . 554 Cowan, Robert H 46 Cape Fear Building A 104 do. do 849 CampbeH, Anthony 119 rhnnluir Martin - '. QfA. 1 .iiiriniii ... ... - " Cabarris Be Hopkins 808 Craig, H J. heirs of 810 do do 827 Collins, Alex 329 Droze, Sophia : ' 119 Dudley, Mrs B B 114 Dickinson, Mrs TO 158 Dry, SalUe ' 174 Dawson, David 486 Eagles, Nancy 186 Fields, John. 82 Fisher, Wm " 95 Fenner, Grace 132 Forbes, James 253 Fenner. Alex 827 Grainger, Moses . 81 Gause, Thomas 82 Cause, Edward S27 Green, Washington 486 Gause, Nancy 537 Hooper, Mike 83 Herring, Elizabeth 83 Hughs, John 48 Hall, Daniel erson, Andersen 273 . 8 '6 00 800 , 00 00 00 00 0000 11 12 00 10 25 850 6 00 600 , 2 50 40 50 MISCELLANEOUS. Notice of Sale of Eeal Estate T JUST THE THING FOR A- Christmas Present ! A VERY HANDSOME: Parlor Bagatelle Board, THESE SPECTACLES ARE MANUFACTURED from 44 minute crystal pebbles " melted toge ther, and are called DIAMOND on account of their hardness and brilliancy. It is well known that spectacles cat from Brazilian or Scotch pebbles are very injurious to the eye, be cause of their polarizing light. Having been tested with the polariscope, the dia mond lenses have been found to admit Hi tees per cent, less heated rays than any other pebble. They are ground with great scientific accuracy, are free from chromatic aberrations, and produce a brightness and distinctness of vision not before at tained in spectacles. MJJJITTCTURXD BT The Spencer Optical Hannf i Coipany, NEW YORK. For sale by responsible agents in every city in the Union. Agents for Wilmington, T. W. BROWN A SON. Jewelers and Opticians are 8ole Agents for them, from whom they can only be obtained. No peddlers empioyea. Tbe great demand for these Spectacles has In duced unscrupulous dealers to palm off an inferior and spurious article for the 44 Diamond." Great care should be taken to see that the trade-mark (which is protected by American Letters Patent) is stamped on every pair. f eb 83-eodly-Sa Wed Fri WE AEE CONFIDENT THAT WE HAVE IN STORE THE FINEST stock of Old Wines and Brandies, Choice Old Rye and Bourbon Whiskies, Superior Old Port, Sherry and Madcria Wines, Real Old Santa Cruz and Jamaica Rum, Holland Gin, Scotch Whiskey, " Peach and Apple Brandy, - Sauterne, Claret and Rhine Wines, C II A M P ACNE S, (Quarto, Pints and Half Pints), ENGLISH AND SCOTCH ALES AND PORTER, Angostora, Boker's and other Bitters, -Ever Offered In Wilmington. AT declS-tf CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., 7 North Front street. dec. 80-lw. GEO. MYERS'. Teas! Teas! Teas! PEESH SUPPLY. OF.i1v. ,; ... , -, , 3, : TEAS IN 1ST AND 2ND CHESTS. Put ap Expressly far Family Vu, WEST A co. ; t ' Shields' Eye Wash,, '' "s MANUFACTURED BY ' Mrs. Sue VT. Caeriwell, Wixkihotoit N C TAKE OF THE MOST EFFECTTTEREIEDIES yJtot Inflamed, Sore and Weak Eyes, ever offered to the public. , For sale by all Druggists In the city. Price 60 cento per bottlebottles double the original size.- . ;-, : . GREEN A FLANNEB, r'f ' 1. " ' Wholesale Agentsl ; " deelnaclawTh - 4TMarket street nov!6, "li-tt 4i '.I'.'V't i". : j ' , S 4l-! ? 6,000 BUSLS rajMS WlHTBCpBS,.- ISBeautifll "' ; . " Z T ato'. lift 4 , rtNEbF THB' BEST PLlNOStSr THIS j 7i octave, in rosewooo. Appi deelStf " For sale bv . ! ( --"' - T f WILLIAMS A JCURCHISON. !; Chemnt street, between Sixth to Mrs. Scbic aeventh.'i Terms one quarter cash, balance In four, eight and twelve months. ' " " . - r , f ' dec 19-4 , - THXSESX HCHB3ERar , TJNDEE POWEB. C0UTAIKED IN MORTGAGE. BY VIRTUE AND IN EXECUTION OF THE power of sale contained in a certain mortgage made by the late Robert II. Cowan and his wife to "The Wilmington Building Association," bearing office of tbe Register of the county of New Hanover, in book B. B. B. at page 673 et sequent (default hav ing been made in the payment of the sums of money sec urea to De paia oy saia mortgage), the saia mort gagee, "Tbe Wilmingtoir Building Association," will, at 12 o'clock M., on Thursday, the 9th day of January, 1873. sell for cash, at the court house In Wilmington, bv public auction, the land and prem ises conveyed by said mortgage. ' The following is a description of said mortgaged premises, viz: A certain lot or parcel of land situate In the city or Wilmtogton, in the county of New Hanover and State of North Carolina, on the north side of Chestnut street, between Front and Second etreets, beginning in the northernjlne of Chesnut street at the southeastern corner of Dickinson's Alley and running thence eastwardly with said line of said Chestnut street, about sixty-seven feet to the line of a lot now or lately belonging to John C. Bow den, thence with the line of said lot and parallel with Second street northwardly 148 feet, thence westwardly and parallel with Chestnut street about 67 feet to the eastern line of said Dickinson's Alley, and thence southwardly with said line of said Alley Wilmington, Dec 10, 1872. CHAS. M. STEDMAN, Attorney, dec 10-oaw4w-wed Notice of Sales of Eeal Estate UNDER POWERS CONTAINED IN MORTGAGES. BY VIRTUE AND IN EXECUTION OF THE powers of sale contained in three certain mort gages made by the late Robert H. Cowan and his wife to "The Wilmington Building Association,'' the first bearing date the 11th day of August, 1871, and registered in the office of the Register of the County of New Hanover, in book D. D. D. at page 78 and following; the second dated the 26th of Oc tober, 1871, and registered in the office aforesaid in book C. C. C. at page 622 and following, and the third dated' the 4th of January, 1872, and regis tered as aforesaid in book D. D. D. at page 868 and following (default having been made in the payment of the several sums of money secured to be paid by said three mortgages respectively), the said mort gagee, "The Wilmington Building Association." will, at 12 o'clock M., on Thursday, the 9th day of January, 1873, sell for cash, by public auction, at the court house, in Wilmington, the land and prem ises conveyed by each of said three mortgages. The following is a description of said mortgaged Premises, viz: A certain lot or parcel of land situate i the city of Wilmington, in the county of New Hanover and State of North Carolina, on the west ern side of Front street, beginning at the northeast ern corner of lot numbered 12 (twelve) under letter A, according to the old plan of the town of Wil mington, running thence along the line of Front street, northwardly 132 feet to Tot numbered 15 (fif teen) thence westwardly along the line of said lot numbered 15 (fifteen) to a stonewall (including said wall) 144 feet to the same, more or less, thence southwardly along the line of said stonewall 132 feet to the One of said lot numbered 12 and thence eastwardly with the northern line of said lot nam- oerea l to the Deginnmg on Front street being the eastern part of lota respectively numbered 13 and 14 under letter A on the old or original plan of the town of Wilmington, and the eastern part of lots number ed 8 and 4 on block 190 as shown on the present plan of the city of Wilmington. Wilmington, Dec 10, 1872. CHAS. M. STEDMAN, Attorney. : dec ll-law4w-wed ; ? v Comer 4th "AND f MARKET STREETS THE 1 And other PIANOS of noted make "WEBKB. I for sale at New York prices. , - .. - . . ,- .; - 1 Staph! is Opium purified of its sickening and poisoning qualities. It is a perfect anodyne not producing headache or constipation of bowels, as la the case with other preparation of .opiuau- John rr, Chemist, New York. ' , Hewett, John W Hewlett, Edward D Heyer, Fred W Hill, Edward Hussell, Caroline Jenkens, Lucy A Jones, Ruthy Jones, Anna Eliza Kellogg, Penny and Eliza Reld Kelly, Geo C , , 44 44 Larrington, Prince Latta, John C Est 44 44 Lee, Daniel Lewis, James Lilley, Isaac Love, John D Lloyd, Alfred Lumsden, Elsie A McClood, Fred McFarlane, Simon McGwyer, Joseph Mcllhenny, Thos C Mcllhenny. Continued, 4 M all McKov. Robt McLaurln, Joseph 162 McLaurin, Wm 118 McRae, J C, children 165 by C J Iredell, True. McWilliams, Moses 350 Macumber, Norman 199 .4 m Mabson. Eliza 265 Martin, Edwin F 135 Martin, Ann 80 Martin, Mary Ann 239 Mayer, Frederick 152 MeiTickWm, Est . 279 MeltonElizabeth ' 91 Monroe, Sarah A 207 Marks, Susan 153 Moses, Christopher C 127 44 44 . 101 Moore, Wm H 208 Moore, Polly . 277 Moore. Josiah 161 Nash, James W 239 Neal, Annette 29S Niemeyer, Jno 76 Nixon, Susan 294 Oakley, Mrs JB 67 Oldham, Carney W 101 Oldham, Alex, Agt 203 Orrell, Ann Eliza 586 Owens, Thomas .118 rayne, Mary 3 K A Agt 326 osn pt5 2 00 E 2 S 4 S 6 8 W 2A 23456 S W 8 A 4 6 6 W456 E128466 W 1 2 3 4 6 6 E123456 W12S456 800 E456 S W 5 A ft SW5A6 E123456 M 123446 All El 23 00 El 10 12 W8 34 40 W4 4 00 W12 W5 Etf 4 Ml 234 138 50 M23ME45 43 00 M5 3 00 M345 3700 222 E 4 15 00 210. W34 209 E 1 " 17 20 223 W X 2 16 10 209 3 295 2 27 50 490 W 1 10 16 309 Nl 2 50 91 8 E 4 5 16 95 WW123456 61 10 226 E 5 4 00 250 W845 261 E and W 2 177 E 2 142 80 148 E 8 4 4 04 183 M 1 10 24 826 M 2 8 4 52 537 E456 538 S2A845& 639 S3A466 540 S4A56 541 8 45 A 6 542 S W 56 643 S W 6 554 E 2 3 4 5 61 555 656 557 55S 559 560 561 562 563 81 A23456 564 Ptl23445& 672 El 28 45 6 573 574 575 576 57T 578 579 580 681 582W1234 56 3200 149 W 1 2 50 152 M 2 3 4 5 47 0Q 118 Ml 10 20 W2 91 00 XX an A, Hartman Estate 619 do do 522 do do 523 do do 524 do do 525 do do 526 do do 627 do do 530 Hogg, John 82 Hostler, Mary 326 Hall, John H 350 Johnson, Wm M 33 Jones, Mary 186 do do 37 Jones, James 119 Kelley, Andrew 93 Macomber, Eliza 83 Mintz, Edward S3 Martin, Richard 46 Monroe, E T 59 McLean, Henry 60 Murphy, Hugh 148 Martin, Fred. eu Moore, Roger 308 McRee, Joseph H 336 Macumber, Margaret 348 Middleton, J M Est 217 Oldham, Alex, Agt 202 PurnelL Thos 554 Price, John 82 Pratt, David 324 Robinson, Geo 82 Ramsey, Alex S3 Rothwell, Mrs A B 179 Reed, Richard 429 Reed, Murphy 373 Smith, Peter, Est by W L Smith, agt 84 Swain Elizabeth 45 Schulken, Martin 41 Swan, B F & others 51 8immons, Alonzo 163 Smith, J B Est 191 Stanford, Jas 225 Smith, Geo 379 do 42 Scull, Daniel 42S Simmons. Thos M 489 Sparrow, Nathaniel 531 Sellers; Joseph - 94 Stacker, Jno S2( Toomer, Jas C Si Thomas, Elizabeth 37! do do 42S Vansickle, Estate 254 White, Ellis 821 Walker, John 3M Weston, John 10 Warren, William 8S Wilils, Ferris 6 Wright A Stedman 48! "dec 10-4t 10, 14, tl, 29D E6 BMlpt2 W6 N W 2 MS El K&M23 M45 - . E E84 5 NM2 W 2 M6 W 5 Ml MI ES E128 B45 E23 E&W8 W 6 M845 M45 M128 N8 NWS W4 E66 Nl E8 M12 M6 Ml Mlt 8 M12 Wl M12 8E6 E6 W 12 W123456 A123466 W1S8466 W4A66 WS6 A1284S6 A123456 A 1 NE 3 M 6 M84 S E84 NM 1 N W 2 NWX5 8 W6 MIS NM 1 SM12 W56 NE5 SM6 E12 E 1 Ml M4 W45 E45 NE1 M23 8 W 4 M5 M6 M6 E3 M5 M12 P1234 Ml W4S6 W 6 M123 Ml NW4 M12 i E284M5 M45 I M3 M12 : WS i Ml : M6 I M12 I E5 , E4 ' M23 i E4 I M6 I NW4 8M6 i W12S45 8 80 6 00 12 00 81 00 6 00 5 00 7 00 6 00 '' 40 15 00 00 9 00 4 40 11 00 500 10 00 6 00 10 00 91 00 19 00 11 00 15 00 9 00 6 00 . 4 00 5 00 7 00 6 00 7 00 6 00 8 00 23 00 7 00 8 00 4 00 4 00 8 00 8 00 Change of Schedule A EXPRESS TRAIN, (Daily.) Leave Wilmington . Arrive at Florence .. 2:S f Arrive at Columbia . 2:5 & Arrive at Augusta... P Leave Augusta... as Arrive at Columbia li-li V 5- Arrive at Florence ;.. 4 & Arrive at Wilmington....... jo-m p v' .nisui express a rain Dally (Sun days Excepted.) Leave Wilmington.... h-ak-b Arrive at FlorSno M. ..oj r. n. - 8:40 A. M. ; 8:20 A.M. 6:50 P.M. ' 10:20 P.M. 2:12 A M. 8:00 AM. JAMES ANDERSON, Oen'l -Snp't Arrive at Columbia. . Arrive at Augusta. Leave Augusta ,, Arrive at Columbia. . Arrive at-Florence. . . . Arrive at Wilmington. oct9-tf Wilmington, Charlotte AND BTJTHEBFOBD R. H, Omci Chikp EHenrRB ahd Gkh'l Bvr'r 1 . Whjqhstoh, N. C, June 26, 1872. 16 00 4 00 8 00 200 2 00 4 60 9 00 10 00 2 00 1 80 7 00 5 00 4 00 4 00 10 00 4 00 2 00 9 00 -141 00 15 00 11 00 4 00 7 00 4 00 4 00 101 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 8 00 7 00 4 00 9 00 81 00 6 00 4 40 3 00 11 00 6 00 5 00 S 00 4 00 3 60 5 00 7 00 11 00 6 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 Change of Schedule. TTNTDL FURTHER NOTICE, THE REGULA U Trains will run over this Road as follows : REGULAR FREIGHT Leave Wilmington daily at 6 A S:80 P. M. M. TRAIN. and arrive at PASSENGER & EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS. M.' and arrive at M. and arrive t Leave Wilmington daily at 7 A 8i30P M Leave Lileeville daily at 6:15 A :io r. m. Bl Two Special Freight Trains for tow Trmr U A I UX1 leave on Sundays. . A h FREMONT, Chief Engineer and Sup't june 28-tf Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD CO. MISCELLANEOUS. H. & B. Emanuel, MARKET STREET. lAKCY AND STAPLE DS, PHILADELPHIA-MADE SHOES. LADIES' UNDERWEAR, Change of Schedule. Omen or Gek'l Supkrintindknt, 1 Wilmington, N. C, 8une 8th, 1872. ( ON AND AFTER JUNE 10th INSTANT, PAS senger trains on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad will run as follows : KAIIt TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily (Sundays ex cepted) At 8:15 A M. Arrive at Goldsboro 12:11 P. M. Rocky Mount 2:11 P. M. Weldon 3,50 P.M. Leave Weldon daily (Sundays except ed) At 9:15 A M. Arrive at Rocky Mount 11:07 A M. Goldsboro 1:16 P. M. Union Depot 5:30 P. M. EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily. At 10:40 P. M. Arrive at Goldsboro ..... 8:00 A. M. Rocky Mount 4:56 A M. Weldon 6:50 AM. Leave Weldon, daily, 7,10 P. M. Arrive at Rocky Mount 8:58 P. M Goldsboro 10:58 P. M. Union Depot 3:10 A M. The mall train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line and Acquia Creek routes. Express Train connects only with Acquia Creek route. Pullman's Palace Sleeping Cars on thla Train. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmington tri weekly at 6:00 A. M., and arrive at 1:40 P. M. EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAINS wfll leave Wil mington dally (Sundays excepted) at 5 P. M., and arrive at 11 A. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, une9-tf General Superintendent STEAMSHIP LINES. PHILADELPHIA AND SOUTHERN Etc., Etc., Etc. OLOTHiira-. OUR ENTIRE STOCK, TO WHICH RECENT ADDITIONS OF Fashionable Goods Mail Steamship Line COMPOSED OF SHIPS THE FIRST-CLASS STEAM- Pavne. Josl Peeram. Nathankt PoweH.O Buck, Jr Redd, Christopher C Rhodes, C C, Est by RH Grant, agt Ryan, Allen .. it Simpson, Henry D Sanders, Hawkins . Scott, Jacob SeUars, Daniel W -Shields, GO Simpson, Dr F J Smith, Jerry Southerland, JnoB Souther land, Chas Spencer, Mary Stills, Edward Stokely, Jas, Est 4. 44 - Sutton, Martha J Taylor, no D, Trust Thorburn, Robt YanBokkelin, A H Van Amringe, Stacy 118 108 353 810 WS 4 S23 W84S W234 W12 W6 W31 M12 E4 in 5 6 t:.: E5 Wi W456 Pt2 W 4 Ml M123 W4 Pt8 W84 W28 Ptl284 AS 6 WE4 E123456 W6 M12 Pt56 N Wl K12345 M45 3 02 I HAVE BEEN MADE, IB NOW BEING OFFERED Walker, Mary V-' Wattcrs, Richard . 44 44 ... . "-. Whiting, Kate D ' Williams, Wm A ' Wniiame, Alfred; r iuuunB, u curry 174 Wl 2 84 490 W 1 2 119 SW2 837 ESS 253 S 1 77 W 6 196 M 6 180 AS . , . 83 El 222 El 81 Wl 2- 76 EW5- 241 swji-a: 102 A 6 101 E X S 7 ' " ' 157 M12& 143 E4 - 279 E3 ; 68 A126, . . 72 W 6 V 71 Aft 85 Eft -86 A & 68 A&6 .. 127 Wl 470 E5.6, - 71 W55 474B.l3U5w 475. W 128.4- 47a E12845 41 W11S4 22T-TBS-84 -t;,,-' 281.EandW8 828. 8 WS--- y 178 E 84 , ' rf W1B4S; '-J' 149 ; Pt 1 45 00 13 00 4 00 11 00 13 00 213 40 11 00 40 00 10 00 110 10 110 00 16 00 8 00 4 00 5 50 2 00 SB 00 1 00 302 50 81 60 485 00 2 50 8 00 1 50 5 50 10 20 3 56 23 20 9 00 8 20 5 60 , 330 8 00 17 00 21 20 - 61 00 8 00 66 00 7 60 11 00 4 00 " 88 50 46 00 121 00 64 60 At Greatly Reduced Prices. Bayers, before pnrcliasln where, would do well to ex- else- amlne our Stock, novl4-tf H. & B. EMANUEL, 45 Market Street 182 00 41 00 Come One : Gome All, .TO J. Ht H. Samsons', 43 MARKET STREET, AND EXAMINE THE CHOICEST STOCK ever brought to this market, consisting of a full line of : j ; . - LADIES' DRESS GOODS, BOULEVARD SKIRTS, SHAWLS , ANp SCARFS: ALSO. FULL LINES IN t W - -- . v Men'i and Bojri 4Wear, -House Furnishing and "White Goods, And all other Goods generally kept In flrst-clase Dry Goods and Notion Houses. - J GREAT. INDUCEMENTS I OFFERED , " TO WHOLESALE BUYERS. oct 22-tf 'r PIONEER, 825 TONS, Capt. John Walteley, TON A WANDA, 8 5 0 TONS, Cpt. C. C. Weltbanks, Will hereafter sail from Philadelphia and Wilming ton EVERT WEDNESDAY MORNING. For freight engagements, apply to WORTH A WORTH, Aemrrs. Wilmington, N. C. W. I JAMES, General Agent, 130 South Third Btxeet, Philadelphia. Jnne30-tf BALTDIOBE AND WILITIINGTON Steamship Line, COMPOSED OF THE FIRST CLASS STEAM SHIPS REBECCA CLYDE, Cpt. I. C. CbUdf, I.17CII.I.E, Capt. D. J. Price, D. J. FOLEY, Wffl hereafter sail from Baltimore imd.WUinlngton EVERY FIVE DAYS. THE STEAMSHIP LUCILLE Will Mil from her wharf, foot of Chesnut street, Sat nrday morning, Nov. 23. For freight engagements apply to am w a Wise. JameM"Taor k 1 n? wuaer, jKUzni .40 20 -84 00 15 82 . 61 20 164 50 - 8 60 15 74 A. Greenwald & Co;, ONLY SUCCESSORS TO OIiEENAi''rdi:CQloi'2S. NO. 7 MARKET STREET, nov20-if A. D. CAZAU 127 R4 - "S IS' Pt S ' & yooininJnHFjftt 7?A145.,"i! -14100 WMttodTsusan -Jll.B. , .; T M WrighIohn H 2i9t Ejtf 3 S ill I " 00 YoppT&eow r m,VV44:V"wnw Auwnui, j ws..w 1 ; ' v 80 SO v r y EAOT)IL3, GUI'S, f ONLY SALESMAN' FQIT THB HOtJSJL Old Clarendon Bar. TinibLD AND WlKWOWNPLACB, the foot of Market street, south "We, "Tand be ted and recently opened hy the wdf" time Invitee his old friends to call on hlm. At " there can be obtained the best of liquors-Wines, &c, either by the drink, or to Jargw aa His ResUurantis always OPP" i" served OYSTERS the market; affords, which wiu " Iln any style aesirea. . . . vMKALS furnished at all hours. ; ty; pan;t fau to ca - SCARBOBOUGB . 1 At the Old Clarendon iw- aorU-tf . ct ss-tr 1

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