rt 1 i, 'X- IX ; , . . - - -- re..: "BY: TELEO-RAPH.'' , . ' -.; w - " " . ': : " isoos reports. 4 ' . .?kc Vf NEPT-TORILVf '"Air. TiUT The Weather is bright, clear ana cold this morning, but the street Are in rood condi tion, the slush bavins frozen. . 1 All .Btores and; placet ot business '"are closed, everybody being intent upon enjoy ing the holiday in making calls. -.A, Newport special says that the schooner f Louisa Afrom Ilayti for Boston, put in there last night with the loss of her deck ' : Joad, and reports that on December 20th she sawanunknown.ahlp, of a thousand tons, on fire; but no crew or boats could be seen. t is believed she was petroleum laden, v By the falling of scaffolding at Liberty Copper Mines, Frederick county, Md.. yes terday, twenty-eix miners wete precipitated several hundred feet into a pit Eight were . seriously injured. i.:, ' ,. ;r. ,; f'Tbe TinMf New Orleans dispatch says it is r rumored that there will be an attempt to in augurate the McEnery State officials on the 9th last; and trouble is anticipated. - v ; T 'A: T, Stewart has presented $1,000 to the fund for disabled firemen. , ;' . 0 , ; ' . w;- , v ..The last accident of , the vear was the ex- blosioriof ft soda water, fountain at May factory, Bose street, last nigh V-One. man was injured, and the building Ibadjy dam- -Fibel's' furnishing Btore, Church street, ' was burned last night; loss, $17,000.n - rThe World says several of the sub-com-inlttee of the Iouiaiana delegation ate still , ' in this city, and are daily receiving assur ances that the people of the North are be ginning thoronAly to 'understand their cause and the situation of affairs in Louisi ana. They pronounce several telegrams from New Orleans by way of Washington, which assert . that the people of New- Or leans : and Louisiana have ' quietly acqui ' sced in the'Bituation,r'as untrue. s . ' r The Tribvntfj Washington dispatch says: Some Louisiana liberals are now in this ' ' city discussing the .shortest way cut of the political muddle in that State. , They say matters nave become so mucn mixea up that they cad see no methodical remedy ex cept in a sort of reconstruction, They pre pose that Congress shall . pass a resolution declaring ihat a republican form of govern ment no longer exists in Louisiana, and that it then proceed to order a new election. ., The -Sun to-day calls upon Congress to make a thorough investigation of the Lou isiana case 'when It" .reassembles. The Sun refutes the assertion that it is useless to ii vestigafte the causes of the quarrel in Lou isiana, and ' says this disposition to shrink from the discharge, of a great duty, like that . which has arisen in that State, is an alarming sign of the times." So that to say that a thor ough' discussion of this Louisiana business wul do ho good, is simply an excuse for ne glecting a duty whose performance requires skin and nerve. 4 . ; -.. ; , . llr. J. S. Adams, Emigrant Commissioner of Florida,1 who, disappeared on Saturday last, .has returned to Jiis hotel in Jersey City." ' t ; -- .,. OHIO. - Tie Basins Ohio Ileavy Losses. - ' , -c CnfCENNATi, Jan.; 1.-;.. V .The loss by, ice to-day is" estimated at $200,000. The chief loss is in coal barges torn from their moorings. , ' - ' Lattr. -At half past 10 o'clock, the ice in the river gorged and stopped running. A few minutes past Jl o'clock it commenced Y"1 u&ui luv uvui Buei. - ooax was tnro wn on tne ientucty snore op- posite the lower part of city, and about fifty barges have been crushed to pieces and scat tered along the shore on both sides of the river below the city. , s o : PBtMU' ; , Preentlons aealmat Catndlle JTor ' !;' ' jnmlm Excitement. Prcsocut2ons'haY0( been instituted against ' Roman Catholic lournals, in this city and in the provinces, which have published the re cent Papal allocution. The excitement on this subject is increasing, throughout the empire. :. ? : , r .2"AjCCrBM.ABKfcVt; ""' J' r'.-f-f ir fr,'" M- 4''' , Ttc crew of the Bchooner" Annie Laurie, lost near J'oint Aconje.'.wer saved,". , s At 53cftoBL fire destroyed ; the granite, s bt !-lr 5 - 2S1;- Washington street - Loss V AnalifaxlN, telegram says the brig ; ; -t .: AU aboard refeyed.-f I! " IV 1 ... AlOaiabiir imioiaTeight of: the finest . stores in Metropolitan brobk have been de . ' . stroyed loss $100,000;.-' The Opera House 'I was saved py demolishing adjoining houses. ; . C: : -" OUIX NIGHT KinPOXtTS. " ' '-:;-;-vU-"-i8toOTok, Jan. 1. t . The reception, at the White , Ilofise to-day . fully equalled in the splendor of its details "; that of any former -occasion. ' The" cere- " monies commenced, with the reception of the diplomatic 'corps, '--which formality was , I executed I bj Secretary Fishv- The minjs ' ' tera, resplendent in fuu court costume1. "Sad . many ; of them accompanied by the ladies of thetr families.! were headed byBlacque Bey, the dean of the corps, followed by Sir - iuawara mormon, ana an were presented I. In the order of their.rank. , There were alsb ; ' present, of the foreign legations, Baron i j-ieaerer, Austrian jainister; vuoi, Heyre, ' . Peruvian Iffinisler. anoL lad v:v Count Corti. ' Italian .Minister; Sehor MariscaL Mexican - aiinmcr; counsellor Bergcr,' v. ; . Istcr, aM, lady '. Admiral Polo de Barnabo. , Spanish. Minister Baron Offenberg ,! Rus- : eiaa minister; tue JJlarquis.-de Noalles, ' French Minister; Kenor Martin Hn1 ; " Minister; Sencfr ; Datdon," Minister from , , . XHiutemaiaj Mr lelfosse, the 'Belgian Mln- '": j .. JstervGen, GorlolIt general agent pfRussiaj , . ! residing in New. York; Mr. stevenson, the : s . ' Swedisn.''" Minister f K Clievali er Lobo, the - " PortugucsS Minister Mr.' IPo jston, Haytien Minister: Mr- Westenbere.-"tfinister from Netherlands; Mr. Mori,- Charge d' Affaires of . Japan; jsenor uonzalcs xazuns, Charge d' Affaires of Denmark. ' . The! ministers rwere all accomDanied bv their secretaries; ieight attaches, and many oi mem qy jaaiea ' lue ia lion. Kussel Gurney, British Claims Commissioner, and iaay, were also received with the diplomatic " 'Thearmy and naty was' largely repre sented and pre;nte4 a brilliant appearance. The Judges of the Supreme Court and Court of Claims, Tnerhbers of Congress, vt- - eran solders and oldest inhabitants paid their respects as usual. . - , ' - At l .Vctock.tiie-publk; reception tcikr place' and the cotlp ccrcmanics terminated V' '.-'LOUISIANA.. Tle Electoral Vote. f tat.- - f. '.'''-' ' J" " ' W-ASUTNGTOlf, Jn Jy GencralB. B. Si mmcs, bearerbf the vote t J tk electoral col!eeof Louislanahas ar rived and delivered his packages. ' It Lg un. - . derstood .that, the vote, which he - bears for - "V.--1- 'I't i . ,.-rvvs , President isManXtoU'fOt A7ce Prcsfdelaf, Grata Brown. vr. ... r ,. --.-.!- r I -; .t ; V ., 'v-. in-i- r NOttTll CABOtlWAi - v--t -f.i-v? '. r 4 .- ft -'.' . Inav-rvritldtt f tne Governo' fcnd ' otber State OfaeeriTb CTfrr Gov. Todd R Caldwell and other Statd bfBters were v inaugurated to-day," ' Upon taking the oath,- Gov. Caldwell said in sub stance I." ' i ' ' '-! '-',"" -'i In assuming : jtHia high and responsible office, believe me,' I will make it a point of duty to take care of the interests of the people of North Carolina. 3 I do not mean to act the part of a partisan in this offlce. Of coa-se, where I have patronage to be stow, other things equal I shall give such patronage to my party friends, judiciously and in a manner consistent with the privi leges of my office. ' I shall endeavor to dis charge my duties to the best of my ability. When I cannot fill the office from my own ? i arty acceptably to myselfI then consider t my duty to select a good man from the opposite party,- and I know every good and true Republican In the State of North Car olina will approve my. determination in this respect. 'I hopei however, that I will be able to find in our own party intelligent, well-educated . and - honest men enough to fill these offices, i ' I . desire in conclusion to tender to you, and through you to the peo ple ; of North Carolina, v my most sincere thanks for the generous .manner in which you bestowed your' suffrages upon me for the highest office within the gift of the peo ple, and to give assurance that in the dis- cnarge' ot.finy auues i snau have an eye single to the interests of my beloved State and to all her citizens, without regard to party: and while I claim no immunity from lust criticism I bespeak in advance fair hearing and honest judgment from the pub lic. :" .ry-.'i-'- . . The anniversary of emancipation, to-day. was generalij jobscrved byth freedmen NEW TOItK. Destrtlon -or tfc Finn Avenne .";. ' i" New York, Jan 1. ' The Fifth Avenue.Theatre, on 4th street, adjoining, the. . Fifth Avenue , Hotel, . was bdrned to the eround soon after the matinee performance - this' P. M. '.;.' Tbe . audience. wnich haa assembleaio. witness tne play oi D alse Shame," had ' BcarceJy more tnan dispersed when the fire was discovered. . MISCELLANEOUS Diamond Spectacles rpHESE SPECTACLES ARE MANUFACTURED A iron ther.and from H Btinute crystal pebbles " melted toge ther, and arc called DIAMOND on account of their hardness and brilliancy. It is well known that spectacles cut from Brazilian or Scotch pebbles are very injurious to the eye, bo cause of their polarizing light! Haying been tested with the polariscope. the dia mondilenseshayebeecrfound to admit fifteen per cent, less heated rays than any other pebble. . They are ground with great scientific accuracy-, are free from chromatic aberrations, and produce a brightness and distinctness of vision not before at tained in spectacles. , BT Tie fencer -Optical ffanifg Coipy, '.' "new tork. " ."'' For sals by responsible agents in every city in the union. Agents Tor wiimin: n. 1 . m tinAnr & SONS. Jewelers and Opticians are 8oleA from whom they can only be obtalne entsfor them, . Nopeddlbm empioyea. he great demand for these Spectacles has Uto,eS towunr off M inferior -r MJ nmrin irtiri. tm th r liamrmrl drat rink ahoold be taken to see that the trade-mark (which is protected by American Letters Patent) is stamped on every pair. feb 23-eodly-Su Wed Fri ; Jl.i UH ONL Yt Auctioneer. BT CRONLT ft AtORRIS. Notice of Sale of Heal Estate UNDER POWER CONTAINED IN MORTGAGE TY VIRTUE AND IN EXECUTION OP THE power of sale contained in a- certain morteaee made by the late Robert H., Cowan and his wife to The .Wilmington Building Association," bearing date the day of May, 181, and registered in the omce oi ue rteginier oi me county oi new ttanover, in book & B. B. at page 67g leaven (default hav ing been made in the payment of the sums of money secured to be paid by said mortgage), d morti ;e), the said mort- gagee, wThe Wilmington Building Association,' will, at 13 o'clock M., on Thursday, the 9th day of January, 11878. sell for cash, at the court house in Wilmington, by public auction, the land and prem- lses conveyed bv said morteaee. es conv Thefol r Tne rouowing is a description or said mortgaged nremises. remises, viz: A certain lot or parcel of land situate in the eitr or Wihnln; In the county of New Hanover and State of orth Carolina, on the north side of Chestnut street, between Front and Second streets, beeinning in tbe northern line of Chesnut northern line of Chesnut street at the southeastern corner of Dickinson's Alley and running thence eastwardly with said line of said Chestnut street, about sixty-seven feet to the line of a lot now or lately belonging to John C Bow den, thence with the line of said lot and parallel with Second street northwardly 148 feet, thence westwardly and parallel with Chestnut' street about 67 feet te the eastern line of said Dickinson's Alley, and thence southwardly with said line of said Alley 148 feet to the beginning, -:. . Wiunington.Dee. 10, 1873: - CHAS. M. STEDMAN, Attorney. dee 10-oaw4w-wed . . . ... . . jr. CH ONL yrr Auctioneer. By C& ONZ T & MORRIS; BY VIRTUE OP A JUDGMENT OP FORECLO sare and sale made at the October Tern, 1871, o the Superior Court for the County of New Han over, the subscriber, a Commissioner for that pur pose, amy appointed, win sen at j&xcnange uorner, b the city of Wilmington, on ,A i . vi-t . Wednesday, h M Day of Jan'y, 1873, at 12 IT.,'1 the Real- Estate and1 inoraged premises directed by said judgment to be sold, and described as follows: , . Beginning at 8. E. intersection of Sixth and Cas tle Ktreet.nmniiiz thence eastwardly along the H. line of Castle st. 65 feet, thence S. parallel v with Sixth. street, thence W. parallel with Castle street 65 feet to bixth street,' theace N- along the E. line of Sixth street 165 feet to the beginning, being parts of Lots 1, and 8, Block 78." V . There ls on the premises h Store, leontsinnig two rooms, immediately upon the corner of StxlS. and Castle streets, and Is considered a No. 1 stand for the grocerV business. , . - i 0TEllM ,OF SALE, CASH. 'I U V'l ' MARSDEN BELLAMY, - dec 8-lawts-sa and Jan 15 . I Cemmissioner. ' DIAEIES it ' v'-a-;- t For the Tear 1 873. THIRD STjtTLY OF THE INDISPKN8IBLES. s No one in or out of bostoess should be without one. , ' The most valuable and truthful of companions . -.for. the pocket Diaries are worth J ' v' ;- th'dr 'weight ' In' gold. : "' ';" ' Purchase a DiArylfoir 1873 Ibef ore itls too late, att , tlsiNBEROER'S .Live Book and" Music store. I. &i?r&&tncis MEAT,''-' fiV E AISINS?"CURJUNT CITSNNUTS?waND lettl-tr-i.;.5 HiAsTb STEVENMN'fL ''Tin-' COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON -MA R KE T. '"4" ' -' '- ' - ..'-y '- '..5- 'v. ';; ' . WAR.; OFFlCWan.. p: . o ousmess was iranacu wHiajr vh uw river front; in" consequence ;of the" holiday season New Year. -v- ". 1 " , MAKINE..; -5 -ARRIVED. i ir'Br Ijrlg CC'VanHorn,' Hooper. Boston, 1 Moffltt & .CO. f vi' .fc-.-f 'V:t5. .!-J'fi-, x. '- '--..w-' CLEARED. ' . . Steamship Benefactor; Jones, Ne-wYork,' uarry uroa. - trnOLBSALB PB1CE9. : Oar quotations. It thonii b understood, rep! resent taa wholesale prices generally. la maklog gp small carders Mgber prices have to be ?harged. ARTICLES, , PRICM. PAGGINQ Qanny. .-. w, .19 & 13 & a UUUIV 1LUVU11 , , . . . . ... Doable Anchor A".i... .... BACON Korta UaroUaa, . ' Hams, 9 B. ......... 18 19 . V & , - 10 hnooiaers, y .,... f - Hlaes. w B r - Western 17' , J liaiuo Shoulders,;......,, ......... BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, Second Hand, each. ..... 40 ' & ' 3l 80., 8 00 ' S75 iicw WOW tuil. ccu v. rMw ...k . . . . l 60 & . HOW Vi.J. VM.Uj BEESWAX .:.. 81 & 9 00 & 10 00 03 & 1400 : 20 , 80 ; . SO .83, k l so & " 00 & J0: ; is 18 1 16 : n ?2 U RICKS Wilmington, y M.. Northern .. BOTTER North Carolina, . CANDLES Sperm, W AlUiUIV, W.. ....... A. Adamantine, 9 lb. CHEESE Northern Factor V t lairy, w ......... - State, . . . ; .T. . ........ 80 : lus. a v.. .. .............. i. 90 :S5 ' 85 " Laenarrs, ft CXRNMEAL-Hp bushel.. COTTON TIES 80 -95, DOMESTICS Sheeting, 44, ? yd ; n" is l 1 60 165. 15 60 T 16 00 10 00 11 00 13 00 18 50 " 6 00 900 0 00 0 00 .. X& X 00 & . 60 TOO 7 60 8 60 10 00 (a 11 60 8 60 9 00 9 60 . & 75 1 am, w uuncn....... FISH Mackerel, No. 1, 9 V bbL Maciterei, no, a, v uoi.... Mackerel, No. &, y fcbl MuUets-'W bbJ.... N. U. Uerrmtr, V DDI... x - Dry O FLOUR Fine, V bbl Super; Northern, fj) bbl Extra do. 44 V bbl Family H r.Wbbl.... City Mills Super., bbl. . Extra, bbl.... tram 1 IV. mt DBI. 10 00 10 60 Ex. Family. bbl. ,4 ca oooo, FERTILIZERS Perayian Guano, V SO00 Jts " Baugh's Phosphate, " " 4 ' Carolina Fertilizer, " V Oronnd Bone, " 44 . Bone Meal, " ... r " Froer,- .-". v Nav assa Guano, ' Complete Manure, " " , Whann's Phosphate " . Wando Phosphate, " ' Berger tb BuU's Phosph. " glue 9 a. .......... j. GRAIN Corn, In store, V M ft. 80 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 4800 63 00 00 00 4000 09 00 45 00 00 00 & 67 00 65 00 65 00 0000 6700 SO 00 7000 DO 00 & 70 00 jpOOO 00 00 I ' 1 18 ? - m (is W 0 Pw re-. 75 . 70 & 075 65 & 70 1 20 1S5 ixrn, jargo, w oo vs........ Corn, New, Oata, bi Peas. Cow. , w nasnei... ...... "Peas, Cow, V bushel ........ smm. v uiinuui, . . . . . .v . . .. HIDES Green, Q t s 7 a 8 Dry. j. IS 13 HAY Eastern, ft 100 !s. ....... North River, p 100 s. ..... HOOP IRON ton . LARD Northern, ft t J. North Carolina, 9 .... LIME bbl.... i. LUMBER River (Last sales), ' . Wide Boards, M ft. .'. Scantling, Mft . Flooring, ft M ft Cttt Stkix Sawkd l Ship Stuff, resawed, JB If ft.. i mi . n 1 85 ft 160 150 00 160 00 10 & . 13. - 10 & 18 1 66 0 00 00 0000 00 00 00s 00 00 . 00 00 00 00' 8300 8500' 8100 83 00 is oo a so oo 80 00 85 00 , 15 00 80 00 00 45 18 so; 88 84 45 100 660 & 715 89 83 1 10 ' 1 45 Kongh jdge rianK, y n it 8eanting and Boards, com-' mon, wvatit MOLASSES Cnba, hhds, ft gal.. Cuba, bbls, f! gal BnHouhgal.,. Synrp.bbls, ft gal... NAILS-Cut, 4d to SOd, f keg., . ODL3 Kerosene, fl gal Lmseeal fial .'. IV. " V. ' '. " V. Rosin. V gal.. ...... . PEANUTS ft bushel POTATOES Sweet, bushel.. . Irish, Northern, ff bbl.. PORK Northern, CUy Mess..., . Thin, bbl 100 110 , 80 i 40 75 1 8 0 00 100 - 880 16 00 16 SO 00 OC 0000 . 00 00 oooo : 00 00 14 B0 x io , 00 & 00 .0 00 135 rame, w ddi. Rump, bbl. RICE Carolina, fl S)..... East India, ft i .. Kougn, v Dosn..., RAGS Country, fl 8 ? X City, ft lb.... ROPE SALT Alum, fl bushels Liverpool, tpsack. ........... -American, fl sack. SUGAR Cuba, lb............. Porta Rico, lb. ..... ...... A Coffee, ft 8.j.. ........... ; B " ft ...... C ft .,. y &.C- ' (Crushed, fH SOAP Northern, ft SHINGLES Contract, ftM.... " Common, W M.... .......... STAVES W. O. BbL, ft M...... R.O. Hhd., M .....i Oypress, ftM.....:.......... T ALLOW ............ ...4. TIMBER Shipping, fl M. ...... . - Mill Prime, ft M. ' Mill Pair, ft M .v .... . . Inferior to Ordinary, ft t.;.; WHISKEY Northern, ff gal.;., North Carolina ft gal. WOOL Unwashed ft ...!..., w a 6 83 75 00 1 60 165 1 50 & 155 . 10 11 13 13 V13X 18 13 00 14 & 14 4 00 800 8 60 8 00 SO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 00 0b 00 10 11 ii uo u oo 00 10 85 ; 7 60 850 5 00 600 Si 00 600 175 8 60 84 740 ; 45 , .59 wasneo, y a. BATES OF FREIGHT. Per Steamer. Per Basing To Nit. Yobk. Crude Turpentine ft bbl Tar ft bbL... Spts Turpentine .fl bbl 0 60 0 651 .0 00 1 1 66 045 0 65 0 601 50 0 60 0 65 1 60 0 00 xiuem y ooi Cotton S baje.. Cotton Goods ft bale. Flaxseed ft bushel... Peanuts ft bushel. ... . To Phtt.atoct.phia. 0 60 0 80 0 85 0 65 8 50 0 00 a oo l 75 6 00 0 75 0 00 0 15 .0 00 0 10 0 00 1 00 O 00 0 15 0 10 0 001 Crude Turpentine ft bbl Tar bbf....... o oo e 0 00 i 0 00 .040 , 0 40 0 00 0 BO Spts Turpentine fbbll 0 00100l 4-00 075 nana y odi..,. ...... Cotton ft bale...... . 0 00 0 50 0 00 8 00 0 00 0 75 0 00 0 40 oooioo Cotton Goods ft bale eanuts ft basal.v. umber W M........ 0 00 ft 75 0 00 0 10 0 00 9 18 OOQGIOOOJ 0 00 9 00 : 0 00 0 45 0 00 0 45 0 00 0 75 0 00 045 O 00 800 0 00 0 00 6 60 1 00 6 00 0 70 0 00 0 10 0 00 8 75 0 00 0 60 0 00 0 00 0 00 1 00 ,0 00 1 SO Crude Turpentine ft bbl Tar ft bbl.... 8pts Turpentine ft bbl 0 00 6 45 0 00 0 45 00090 0 00 0 45 0 00 8 00 iiosin w DDI.. Cotton V bale Peannts ft bushel ..... Lumber M. . ...... l TO BOSTOH ' w 00 OA V 11 0 00 8 00 o'oo 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 oooeoo 0 00 0 00 Crude Turpentine ft bbl Tar ft bbl. Spu Turpentine ft bbl Cotton W bale........ PeanuU ft bushel.... Lnmae Mtte. ..i o oo a o ooi ,.f000000 WILMINGTON MONEY SEABKET. i OOBKXCTXS DAH.T BT THE BAKK OT KIT HXNOTKR, i I. B. GRAINGER, PRESIDENT. , .109 m Silver....-. j. r.:.105 v ; 108 Exchange sight on Northern cities Par; Exchange 80 days on . i " i-....llVcdls. ..-rj;. -.YaU. Selling, First National Bank, .1.,. 100' -105 Wilmington Building Stock,..'..'...,..- 48 -r 68 Jiecnanics- . , 40 ? 65 5, 100 --.no N. C, ndB-OldExJouponj.ifc.;. i - ? 1 . Do. .1 Funding 186.iji4...s...S5 t :N - -'18i8,K;-..-.4 rw W n n.iiM.j . . , . . u ... WllmlngtoiiCit ' Bonde, f fle..; .T4 .fv..r.x'. ' ' - :--i-4 :new 6 c....M(QoldIjrU mow xinuuYer vuiui nnsi UV years),- .-4.-" r - ;!' ftC(U01d lnt.).....J...;70 W jtew iianover ijouniy sonos (0 years) ft vt t . fc (Gold 1st.); .tv.i. ...i., .-A8iU'-i-Vv A oad Stock . (Par 100) 68 - ' ' i R. ( lOO). - JV' ad v 60L w4 -. v a w v r 4wa w North Carolina WlL.G8ALkhtCQ. Ti rimer::? rTuiLr.t:ij - c'ntNtw "LiiY is convicts ia si aJ r rv liiU and is in char.-s cf rue of t - r- 1 1 id worunea M tieEre. Alll ada of t--uigxflcuted Beatl.'-J West India uargpes, according to quality, flM ft Dressed Flooring, seasoned.' PRINTING P'BPfPING. Til THE V. i. -' '-ft . .rfO.ijH.'i' Job Prmtin se, EOOK'BINDERY , -l r1 -'- AND' :- BLANK BOOK MAIIJFACTOBT, ' n . r . . it ;-.v,.' WILLIAM H. BERNARD, PROPBIETOIt, -WILMINGTON. -N. XV THE ONL Y ESTABLISHMENT IN THE STATE HA VINO ALL THESE FACILITIES COMBINED. TBE BEST ASSORTMENT OF TYPE, PAPERS, " ' i : ' ' -t- -v. ,.' . - , -, j' . Cards and Inks. S W0EKHE1T IN Every Department. d. N O T T LOWEST PRICES, BUT AS LOVV PRICES 1 ' ANT OTHE ESTABLISHMENT.: FOSTHX ' ; i. BEST QOALITT OF WOBK. Printing, Ruling AND OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, - Promptly, i Impf 6ved -laclimeiTr -.Tfe aura enabled fill orders! witla '- - - I rSlTR BOOKS ARB CLOSED FROMIHIS DAStE, Oar accpants arejftU aiadeont, and we. rhetcfore re quest all oar customer to oome forward and settle. ;-r j:" ": Preparatory to taking stock we will sell oar entire stock of PALL JyrDSjGlS f AT COST FOR CASH. ilT V 43 llarket street ,; Jan 1-tf WE ABE QONFIDENT - rpHAT WE HAVE IN STORE THE FINEST j . . . stock of . Old Wlnei a(id Brandies, Choice tld Sye and Boorbon .Whiskies, Superior : 01dPort,-.Sherry and X deria Wines, Real ' ' -r'! - I t Old Banta Crua and Jamaica Rum,- . '''' . - Holland Gin, Scotch Whiskey', ' - ' ? - - ' ' ; ', Peach and" Apple Brandy, Santerno, Claret and Rhine Wines, C H A M P A O BT E S, : (oarts, Pints and Half Pints), . , ., , ENGLISH AND SCOTCH ALES AND PORTER, .V; ".; .-. f . .. t ''.''-I' .-'if Angostora, Boker's and other Bitters, Ever Offered . In Wllmla fiTton. CHAS. D.lMYEris" & Co!, v T North Front street' dec lS4f A GREAT OFFER. - jm. ONLY $3 FOR $11 'IN VALUE I OR, FOR $4, $18 IN VALUE. OR, FOR $5, $2o tN VALTJE I rpHE BEAUTIFUL AND ARTISTIC CHROMO, "Isn't She Pretty.'.' highly and varnished. Size 18x17 (after retail prioe, $8, win be sent by n ;y'.' Size 18x17 (after Lillie H. Spencer,) rill be sent by mail, securely done t free, as a premium to every $3 yearly sub to DEFORESTS MONTHLY, acknowledged the meet beantifal and nsefal Parlor Magazine in America. "Isn't She Pretty !" Is a beantifal chromo and splendid narlor nictare. and a valuable work ef art, worth more than doable the cost of subscription and together with Demorest's nonthly affords an opportunity for the investment of $3 such as may never occur again; or in place of "Isn't She Pretty," for ai additional. Hiawatha1 1 Woolnr (after Je rome Thompson,) size, 15x25, price $15, will be sent Dost-free: or both Chromo and. Demorest's Month. Iy for one year, for-$5. "Hiawatha's Wooing" is an equally splendid Work of art, a large and besotl f nl Chromo. and worth four times the price charged Husbands, fathers, brothers and Lovers, do not fail to subscribe for DEMOREST'S MAGAZINE and present it, with a beantifal Chromo. It will make eyes sparkle with delight and satisfaction, and prove a monthly reminder of your good taste and kind reeling. Address. W. Jennines Demorest, 838 Broad way, New York. Copies of the latest numbers of the magazine, xi cents each, post-iree. -novM-tf '' SUNDRIES! C. RICE IN TIERCES AND BARRELS; QOFFEES-RIO, LAOUAYRA AND JAVA; gUGARS ALL GRADES ; pLOUR-SUPER.: TO EXTRA FAMILY; Italsins, Candles, Fir Cracker, IN LOTS TO surr. ADRIAN '& VOLLERS'. For sale at deel-tf i EeceivedbyTo-day'sSteamer 2g BBLS RED APPLES, 10 BBLS ONIONS ; 2g BOXES BELL SCHNAPPS, 25 Bbls Crackers, 4 Kegs Batter, 25 Cases Brandy Peaches Quarts AJ and Pints, ' .--. . JO Cases Lobsters, 5 Gross Assorted Decanters," 25 Dozen Brooms, all sizes of Paper Bags, etc.; f f v Which offer Jow to the trade. : .'. decmf HOTTENDORF & HA8HAGEN. Ol.Cl&iidlonBar. X HIS OLD AND WXTX KNOWN PLACE. NEAR the foot of Market street, south side, has been refit ted and recently opened by the undersigned, and he. invites ms oia menas to cau on mm, At all times were can ne obtained tne best of 4 Liqu either by the s, wuies, 6cc or In larger qoanfities. His Res tan rant ia always supplied with the best OYSTERS the market affords, which will be served In any style desired. ,. . . . ,c . -L MEALS furnished at all hoora. - t .r I Est" Don't tajl to call en . ' i-: '' , BOB SCARBOROUGH, , At the Old Clarendon Bar. novl3-tf vf .:4U 'Ah BAPTIST FEMALE SEMINARY "lJ, . Hoboootv A,!;.M.'," Principal ; 'Bevl ' "Al TF m aedd, A. M., Associate Prineipal; P. A Bohl xank, Professor of Music. t : . . . - . t - The eprtngjesston will open on the iTth of Febrn ry,iifni.-.Tnetniidlng, having 1 gpacious, commodious and handsoi been enlarged, is me. - rThe Literary Department Is provided with a select Library, a targe collection of Geological Specimens and fine Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, . The Music Department Is previded. with, a iarge number of good Pianos, two Organa and a Harp. , ' -The lady teachers employed are all first class. Boarding pupils are required to wear uniform dress. Board and English tuition $100. per session of five montns. 1 a j., deeSl-DlwW7t T , - - Corner c'MARKET; iCStRKKTS! TL ' 1 And other PIANOS ef tioud make: nunAn. j w hic KXHew xora prases. Ir- r uo ci-eoQiy v . " ' ' ' , 4. M -"at jT" ' Camden OburiialJ PUBLISHED EVERY- THURSDAY' AT; $S to fw annam. &aven?sing rates uoenu.. Of Ormk. h V It-: JOHN B3RSHAW Prop TTTEDIJING CARDS "AND " VISITING XARH3 "i..i'xltedta.tbiBiOste'sts'Tie:t w j . - , --- . V1 ' -- Wl H. L2PvNAFJDS j.'A miemwwzxm 'i fllUIHGIOEMlOIIEiABOLIHA o i; --fprrr:' r -t; rrr; i-ji iuix Insiixaiice Company! ? ' -f OFFICERS : f A. J. USKUSBlii ,......... j-resiucui. JOHN W. ATKINSON. ; i . . . . .. , . ;,.Ylce President. F. H. CAMERON.'. ...... secretary. Da. B. A. ANDEKJWW..;. ..Medical jwrector. , DIRECTORS: ; .. . ' i. X W. Atkinson, General Insurance Agent Tj. L B. Grainger, president 01 ue nans. 01 new nan-. over. , ; - '' ' .i'j- F W..Eerchner, iiroeer and unnmission. mop.- cnant. - - 4 O. M. Stodman, of Wright Stedmaa. . v-j . T. H. McKoy, of W. A. Whitehead A Co., Fay- ettevilla- .. - - -i v ; ' i"R. H. Cowan. Preaident.. - . . ' cv ' .,. ' " H. B. Eilers, Vommlsaion Merchant , ' ; -! A A. Wlllard, ol Wlllard BroUiers. : . c ? 5, n t W. A, Camming, of wortnrop s uammmg. . v. W. wuiiaxos, or w imams st, saarcniaoiu i EM Murray 01 E. Murray & Cor . j- Robert Hanninff. of Dawson. Teel A Hennme. v Alex. Sprunt, British Vice Consul,, of Sprout A I. MnmliT; Attnrner at L. t - :v O rJ' J. D. Wams, of. J, D. WOllama A Ca, rayete- Tille. Jan. C. McRae. Attorney at Law; Faretteyule. L B. Kelly, Merchant, Kenansvllle. , ' . J. T. Pope, Merchant, Lamherton. , . $PECI AlT FEATURES AND ADVAN ; r-X ,;: 1': TAGES. . i ' $. No extra charge on the lives of Females. ' - jl Policies ineonteatable after live years.- - a The Sates at Interest on the Funds of (he Com-" Ttanv hicber than those on the Funds of Companle located In in other States thwe msuring larger Dirt- dends te rouey-u9iaers. - j, - v j . 5. The Directors and Officers of the Company are Trorafnent HVKLH uakollnuu, wno are KNOWN to be men of INTEGRITY and WORTH. i &. The Company is established on a solid and per-. manent oasis, .steps navmg oeen uKesxto inovaae. TOE CAPITAL, STOCK. TO $500,000.. V i1. ALL TBS FUNDS OF THE COMPANY ARE INVESTED IN THIS STATE AND CIRCULATED AMONG OUR OWN PEOPLE. This fact should itAM .A the a"mnefcw ahAVA alii smkaV f "KTrth Carolinians. It ia well known that, hundreds of Jjiionsands of dollars in Life Premiums are annually; sent Morta to enncn Piortnern capuaosns, mas oont tmaaUy draining oar people oi immense . amounts which should be kept at home. On this ground the friends ox tnis company connaenuy appeal to every son of tbe Old North State and asa weir support ror this JHOSIE INSTlTIJTlOrf, .J. J which, while it offers substantially all the advan tages or nortnern uompaniea, neips to ooiia up HOME TNTRRKSTS. ..v!.m. : - t V i AGENTS WANTED In every county In the States , . v " r . JAMES D. BROOKS, Gen'l Supervising Agent, Raleigh, N. C. ' - . " - . THOMAS GRiEME, Agent at Wihnmgton. ' ., ; , Inaiice Rooms: $3T,O0O,O00 FIBE INSURANCE AJP-i TTAIV nEPBESENTED AFTEB-t i. MAYING BOSTON BOSSES, Oneen Insurance Ca. of Liverpool and- "' London, Capital. . . . .... .... . . .. $10,000,000 North British and Mercantile Insurance ' .' Company, Capital lO.OOOXX) Hartford In surance Ckmrpanr; Capital . . . 8,500,000 national Fire insoranee .. Jompany, or Hartford. Capital. ..... . . 800,000 Continental Insurance Company, ef New - ' " York, Capital ........ SOO,000 Phoenix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn. ' Capital.... .......... ....... ?. 1JW0JO0O Viremia Home Insurance Company, of Richmond, Capital. ;. . , .. . ............. 600,000 ' MARINE The old Mercantile' Mutaal of New York. ,- , n-. . . t LIFE The Connecticat Mutual of Hartford. t . " i ; i , ATKINSON A MANNING, ' . nov 82-tf ''" . General AgentaW . ENCOURAGE V., ! UOITXE INSTTT17TIONS. ;V- ;f: Security aaiiirt'Rre. i ' THE NOKTH CAROLINA HOME IXSUUAVCE COMPANY, ;V,; .RALEIGH, rN..C.:- . This Company continues to write Policies.' at fair rates, on all classes of Insurable property. - l . All losses are promptly adjusted and paid.. The? appeals, with confidence, to insurers of property in North Carolina. - - - . . 4 - ty Agents tn all parts of the State.Xsl ! ' R. H. BATTLE, Jr., President-; ..:J(. a. , ; C.B. ROOT, Vice President BEATON GALES. Secretaryri-1 "' - ATKINSON A MANNING, Aewrrs, an Uf- a . v - Wilmlngtoa, N.C j A. Greenwald &. Co., i n:; ' rs 'TXLt aVCCCESSORS TO 'f Av : ; ' r vGREKNWAZn :i !!.!.,. t-? "ft er"-; . i ; ' N O . ; i'i MA 11 K ET STREET, ; wHOxnixa smaxocas zT a ! ' WnisXTP BHATTDIES, QlirS, - fitunv Sears, TotaecrA' &d. .-ii T. O BunUn-, ONLY SALESMAN POR THE HOUSE. GaideiiiSeedl Gard Seed 1 'TUST RECEIVED PER STEAMER- A' LARGE tl and well selected stock of r-i : . t ssr j LAAjDIIETII'S AND BtJIST'S -; : garden, jteld Alsb flower sbzdsV onioi . . . Jt :?RTTS, PEAS, BEANS, Aa Ac, ,. , . Sold wholesale and retafl by , '., j. RV McTLHENNY, . Druggist and Chemist '. ?B. Country merchants sold at small advance oneost ' 4 deolo-tf , WOOD, .TABER & MORSE, MANUFACTURERS OF , ISTEA1I ENQINXS, i FrtaslstaClBisiry V auad ArrlenltrL Hundreds la nse ta ".prmt3n Rooms, ShpPN MillssMines, and on Farms and Planta tions for Gram Threshing. Food Cooking, for Stock, Cotton Ginning, Sawing, etc. ' Circulars sent on -. yuusuuu. , vpew ueseioigmes can ee aesa at taia office. oct 1-DAWtf Fisheries ' v- HHIB.UTrEMNTE3xi AEilsXinm.r' -A supplvflret Qliaiitv Seines, Gill Nets, at abort notice. Also; Corks, Leads, Seine and 3Set Ropes; snade properly. - Hare sold for a quartet of century the leading? FlstierJea ef Albemarle - Bound nri tuo h reference to-same, as to the crnality of our fabrics.' i ; . :t s - AMERICAN Ni.r A TWINE CO., i " aecDlmW2m . , .Boston, lta8,.i A JTLPTB AMI BUXJVT ASSORTMENT OF 'Nev? Ralsfae, fTps,t NufPrt neseTileaflftporta and Domestic Ckars. IOqc Meat, t . . . . -i. (Jencral-BiipHb ? OiBce: Maa.iuaiuur,f ,i;uiLZiIXIA fc At; 1 lttsTAiu i coArrTj;-' ' v.--.r.iV,-f.-v; aofScltcdie;; rnnE FOTXowmawmTittTin'wrTT A effect at 835 A, M., Monday, f 7thmst: - HAY EJLPttESS XBAXIC, D41x0 , Leave wnmugton.....v.;.W;;;,i LsAS A. M . . I . m A. M Amvi at Columbia. 5.1 . . . C'h: :0 P. . Arriv AMva .At a. A HMiata . J"..i ..ii ; 7:4S P. V Leave Augusta. Leave AagMta. v.Tr ..., 6:85 A. M. Arrive at Columbia...;,...'. ..'.....V. T ll:85 A M Arrive at Florence . . . . . .. . - 4:1s p' v'- Axrive at Wilmtogtw.j..:..n.v:..x 10:25 p. j Mffht Exprc Train Dally (Sun idays Excepted.) t iIsWWDnifiigtOBuV.ttvw'.;, 6:i5 P. v Arrive at Florence.. Hasp v Arrive at Colmnhla....'. .,. . liao-A. v" Arrive at Augusta..; f:ao A. M Leave AngusU....ri,..v.-....;,, . 6:50 P. m' Arrive at Columbia., .i... ........ io:80 P M Arrive at Florenee.:1 t.wJ. ..I t:l V'fi! Arrive at Wilmington'.;.. . ...... . 8rtW A M . I -. JAMES ANDERSON. - Genl Bnp't and nuTiicnFonD n. ni Pfncn Chit Biorani jan Grx!. Sut't.. i i WnjaxoToai, N. C,' June 86, 187S. ( s f Change of Schedule. TTNTTL FURTHER NOTTCR, THE REGULAR VJ Trains will run over this Road u follows : UEG1JX AIT FuEIGHT TH AIN. i Leavs Wilmington dally at 0 A, M. and arrive at , 5:80P..M. ;.;. -XZ:l ' ' ' A ' TASSEIf GEBv A EXPRESS PREIGnT TKAtlVS. LMveWOmmgton dafly at TA. M. and arrive ot $0 P. M.- '.', 1 ' Leave LDesvUle daily at 6:13 A. M. and arrive at ' 4:15-P. M. -". t-.y. -,r far Two Special Freight Trains for TON LUM BER ran irrespectively -1 . .-a . tar No Train will leave on Sundsys. ''i,.;;. 8. L. FREMONT, jane 28-tf j. i -j, . 't. Chief Engineer and Sup't. . Wilmington-: & Weldon - :,:.TLviLKii3)iv,co; iChange blvchediile. 1 j- , n i' Omti Girrti Bctpubtmbs-nt, l . ; 'L.J' " WUmlngtqn, N. C, Bone 8th, 1872. f ; KJ venver trains on the Wilmington and Weldon 1 nu 1UJ4 mm iwvwi . Leave Union Depot daHy CBundaysjx.V. V .. .. 1 w .;, ,1 a( .-silo A. II. Arrive at Goldsboro. 12:11 r. ii. 8:11 P. M. J 'vV; occt jaounwvii .......... . " . ' Weldon ..",... Leave Weldon daily (Sundays except-' Weldon ...... ' 80 P. M. "al. ..... 'w.vu. .. At-f 9:15 A M. AnWet Rockr Mount... ...t,,...,, -11:07 A. M. U- -.1 Geldst)Oio;...i.'... i.K.?..., 1:1 P. M. Union Depot. f 60 P. M. ; v .., EXPRESS TR.ATN. . Leave Union Depot daRy.t::;.: jll 10:40 P. M. Arrive at Goldsboro.. ...'..i.v..i..;.r K A M. ' Rocky Mount,... " 4:56 A M. Weldon.. ,-,jfr,..U J?! A M. Leave Weldon,. dally,. -.,.M. ... ,,, Ttt P. M. Arrive at Rocky Mount. iT. . . : : 8-68 P. M f .r Goldabofo...-...wU,;i.,;10:58P. K. ' i' , Union Depot,., 8:10 A M. Theinafl train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line aud.Acqula Creek WBetSi-;tf. i-ji;4;.O.i. .,rt --'J'f "5,v'': Express Train connects only "with Acquis Creek route. Pnllmsut Palmee Sleeping Cars n this TrsUn.r . --- ... - ' .- ; .., .... .. . ;: ; .,., s, y, f. . FREIGHT TRAINS will leave WDmlnirton tri weekly at X) A M., and arrive at 1:40 P. M. EXPRESS -FREIGHT . TRAINS will leave Wil mington daily (Sundays exceptedl at 5 P. M- and arrive at 1,A. M?' - - - JOHN P. DIVINE.- General Superintendent f STKrVMSHIF LINES, i PBUXAJIBLPIIIA. AND JBO CTHEBN 1 " " IlailS Btetimoliip GOMPOSED.XEr FTRSTSASS STEAM FfOlCBER, 8U TONS,' t '' V. ' -: . ;' TON AWAND A; 150 TONS, .Wm hereafter sail from nadelphla and Wihnlng- - . - :-' .-j ;-'' , y f - J . ' EVERT riTDNlESDAY BfORNING. '. iv.-f wkj w -; -z- '' Tot freight BfMDieiitaV apply to y r , - H-wi L'jAlfM'eral A Soata Third. street. Phfladelphia. June Uf BAI.TUIORR ANRj.WIaMtlNGTON ifiteaiiisMp COMPOSED OF .THE JTE3X CLASS , STEAM SHIPS...,,., , , ,:v- - ..... .... . . .- '-ci-W f -- ' IV jr. FOLEY, Capt.P. JA Price, V ; rimmVVlMtfJB, CapU.I. 8,-Rennett, REBECCA CLTREv Cmpti Bv Oi ChUds, ''-'-' ' JWni HtRKAFTEB sA;' TEBT.TUESIAYtV FRIDAY, :('r:"-fr'iArb' TO''WiillGT6i', ;Ev-,Wediayi,W Saturday, f jcONNECTING At -WILMtNGTdN t . Vlth'the WUmingtsn.. Columbia and Augusts, nmt. .- . Xxr.iAn : nA tlw .Wfrtnlneton, Charlotu and Ratherf ord Railroads; also the several Te ail points In North and ionth Carolina, G1. and Alabama: connecting at Baltimore with the iBaJ- . tlmore and Ohio and theNortbern Central Railrostw, for all points to the West and Northwest d vltn steamers and Railroads for Boston, New York ana Philadelphia. . : :' . t- For .freight engagements, spply to,;. . .,, JVj A.lCAAinC,- r f- -? Mf!? "t l Agent? Wilmington, N. C . AiMfMwa A "C3oS Ag&W, BaWnwre.' -: v . jm . : :l-tli ?. 4.r ka.A aJ. " ' saaW! IsWlAyKUR ti 4 dee-tf . - ',-;'V-'WE3r,cC 1 j v4 t;